#i was gonna link to some of my ficlets about them but i'm sure you've already found them lol...
chierafied · 11 months
20 Questions
Tagged by the super lovely @practicecourts, thanks so much!! 😘
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 words count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
SessKag (Inuyasha), Jily (HP) and rarely IchiRuki (Bleach)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Since all my top 5 fics would be SessKag, I'm gonna not do the top 5 overall but top 2 SessKag, top 2 Jily and top 1 IchiRuki.
Life After Loss (SessKag) Post Canon. Slow burn. Hurt/Comfort. Chapter fic. Rated M. Stranger Than Fiction (SessKag) Canon divergence. Modern era reunion. One Shot. Rated T.
#Jily (Jily) Modern AU, celebrity AU, Fake dating. One shot. Rated G. Much Tweeting About Crushing (Jily) Modern AU. Neighbours. Social Media AU. One shot. Rated T.
Miscalculation (IchiRuki) Modern AU Fake dating one shot. Rated T.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to, most of the time. As long as I feel there's something to reply to. It's the least that I can do, though sometimes when comments pile up in the inbox it can also feel a bit overwhelming. And sometimes I let them sit there for too long at which point I feel weird answering at all.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'm very much a happily ever after type of a writer but I do have two SessKag one shots that have unhappy endings. Foil (M) and Vagary (M).
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Super hard to say, since I'm all for happy endings. I'm restricting my choices to Jily fics since I was tagged for this question thing by my jily fam so... I guess Fall Fluff! It's a 500 word ficlet but the ending is especially sweet. 😉
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Hardly ever. There's annoying comments here and there, sure. I've got anon hate once from someone anti that particular ship. And I did have a popular chapter fic with a plot twist that became somewhat controversial. Hate is a strong word, but I got enough upset comments on it that though it's been a decade, I sometimes still cringe a little if I see a comment notification on that fic.
9. Do you write smut. If so what kind?
No. I have only one fic that's rated E on AO3. Some of my M rated fics might have sex scenes, particularly the chapter fics. But I don't write smut, I don't even like the word smut and its connotation. Because I like to write sex scenes that are tasteful, that are a balancing act of giving just enough detail and description. I like to focus on the feelings and the relationship development and I don't like naming body parts.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I've only ever written one proper crossover, where characters from different series interact (though even that took place in AU setting so it wasn't a crossover in the purest form) but it's never been published. I have done multiple fusion type crossovers, though, in which I take characters from one franchise (Jily) and insert them into the world of another established franchise (The Office). I'd say my Jily The Office AU fusion (In the Dumps, Rated T) and my SessKag Star Wars AU fusion (A Leap of Faith, Rated G) are the craziest, in that I've never watched The Office nor been a Star Wars fan lol
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Once, that I know of. My popular SessKag fic Chain of Love (M) was posted without my knowledge on Wattpad. After a reader alerted me, I tried contacting the thief. When they never responded, I contacted Wattpad and it was promptly taken down.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have. Some of them are pre-AO3, though, so they're not linked with the translated work function. But the one that does show properly on AO3, is a Chinese translation for my SessKag one shot Cold (G).
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I've made a few efforts with an IRL friend of mine, but they've both fizzled out sooner or later. I'm not sure I'm the co-writer type, honestly. 😅 I used to brainstorm a lot with my friends when I first started writing fic so that was co-writing of sorts, I guess.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Since I've been writing them for half my life now, I guess I have to say SessKag lol
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Their Halcyon Days (M), my Jily chapter fic. There's plenty other Jily fics I like the ideas of, but will never likely finish. Shoot Me Straight to the Top (T) and the Bodyguard AU (M), for example.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Brevity lol. I like my one shots and I've been told I'm good at creating a whole story or scene in very few words. I'd say I'm also good at writing dialogue and conveying emotion. I also like semi-open endings, so I have a knack at ending my one shots at a point where it would be easy to imagine a continuation for them.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Inconsistency. When I don't have a writing routine established, such as now, I will only bother writing anything when I feel like it. And generally I feel like it once every other month, at most. If I don't have a writing routine going, I can happily go for months without writing a single word. I really should work on getting a routine going one of these years. Also I can't stand editing. I don't do first drafts. Or any drafts, really. I want to just write it once and then post it. Which is what I tend to do. I do proofread and do line editing, but I don't tend to do any deeper edits and have little patience to go make bigger adjustments to the story afterwards because in my mind it's finished and I've already moved on from it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I don't hate it, I guess, but I don't see the point of it? Having terminology of another language in a fic is fine, imo. Cultural concepts like kimono or samurai don't really have good enough translations. Also I think using Japanese honorifics in dialogue serves a purpose. You could replace some with Mr and Miss, sure, but when you get to the nitty gritty, there are hierarchy levels and whatnot that English equivalents do not convey. But having entire lines of dialogue be in another language seems a bit unnecessary to me, 90% of the time.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I've since deleted the fic since I was never going to continue it, but the first fic I ever published was a next gen fic for my favourite book series growing up: David Eddings' The Belgariad and the Malloreon.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I can't pick just one out of 300+ fics, so I won't. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Tagging @gryffindormischief, @siriuslychessi, @kaoruhana08 & @jafndaegur
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I didn’t know Rose Tyler/Malcolm Tucker was a thing until I just recently looked at your blog and all I have to say is WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME KFKDJEKRKRKRJFJ
okay, see, the thing is... it's not my fault, because i only fell into this ship because of @lotsofthinkythoughts who told me about the fic stuck with you which quickly became one of my all-time faves because it's just so damn soft... and then i started writing all my own little ficlets because i was just so overwhelmed with feelings about them... so it's technically not my fault...
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erectionsandtea · 2 years
An untitled, unedited and unbeta'd, and not-yet-complete Elmax Instagram ficlet I wrote ages ago, because I just feel like it. Also I was positively craving it.
"El! Thank goodness, there you are!"
El Hopper has no idea who this girl is, but before she can react, the girl has placed herself right next to El, and linked their arms together.
"Come on, we're gonna be late!"
"Late? W-Wha-?"
"Oh my god, don't tell me you forgot. About the thing?" The girl raises her eyebrows at El. El can only stare silently back.
"You know, the thing? The thing we're not supposed to talk about in public?"
El shakes her head.
"Oh my god, El." The girl leans in, cupping her hand around El's ear.
"Play along." She whispers. "I'm trying to save you from being bombarded by all these fans."
(Max instantly hates herself for that. What was she thinking? 'Save'?? Who is she, a damn Disney prince?)
El is still registering what was just whispered in her ear. She thinks she understands what's going on.
"The thing..." She looks at the girl, who nods her head, encouraging her. "Is today?"
"Yes! God, I can't believe you forgot, we gotta go, come on!" The girl is tugging her away and El lets her. "Don't worry, you guys can catch her later!" The girl calls to the small group of people shrinking behind them.
The girl leads her away from everyone and around a corner, into an abandoned hallway. Once they are far in and sure they're alone, she lets go of El's arm and turns to face her.
"You okay?"
"Uh..." El stutters for a moment. "Yeah. Thanks. Um...why did you save me?"
The girl blushes. "You just looked really...tired. Like you would rather have been anywhere else. And you deserve a break, you know?"
They go silent for a moment.
"Why did you do it that way?"
"Saving me. Why did you tell me there was a thing? There isn't a thing."
"Oh! Well, I got the idea from Aladdin."
El only stares.
"Don't tell me you've never seen Aladdin. The Disney movie?"
"I've seen some Disney movies."
"Well, you have to watch Aladdin, it's a masterpiece."
They go silent again as El thinks of something to say.
"What's your name?"
"Max." The girl responds. "It's short for Maxine, but I just go by Max."
"That's a cool name." She really means it, and when Max grins, she grins too.
They go silent again before the girl breaks the silence.
"So, um...listen...do you think...could we take a picture together? For Instagram?"
(Max had to add that last bit, she doesn't want to sound like a total creep)
"Sure." El likes this girl. She seems nice. Nothing like the people who had been crowding her before.
Max takes out her phone, and the girls move closer as Max takes a selfie.
"Awesome." She says. "Thank you so much."
El nods. "Will you tag me?"
...will you see it, though? I mean, you probably get so many notifications..."
"Oh yeah..." She thinks for a moment. "What's your name?"
"On Instagram." She clarifies, a bit embarrassed.
"Oh!" She laughs softly. "It's MadMax, but with two x's...want me to find it for you?"
She nods.
"Can I see your phone?" El hands it to her. Max opens the Instagram app, and searches up her profile. Looking over the top of the device, El watches her. Then Max hands her the phone back.
El takes it and looks down at the screen.
'MadMaxx_2005'. El sees a bunch of pictures of the girl in question. She's pretty, and she looks like a lot of fun.
"Thanks. I'll keep an eye out for the picture."
Max nods. "Awesome. So, um...do you want me to walk back out with you, keep the crazy fans away...?"
"Okay." She actually would like some normal company. "I need to find my brother."
They wander the mall until they find him.
"So, what d'you think of her? What's she like?" Will's boyfriend asks her later. He hadn't been at the mall with them.
"She seemed pretty cool." Her brother chimes in. "Aaand, kind of into El."
The boys turn to her. She's confused.
"Nevermind, we'll explain later. What did you think of her?"
"I like her."
The boys exchange a glance. What does that mean?
Mike looks at her. "Like her, like..." He trails off, like he's waiting for her to finish the sentence for him.
"Like what?"
"Like, do you like her or do you like-like her?"
"What do you mean when you say you like her?" Will puts in before Mike can continue being confusing.
"I mean...she was nice. She saved me." She explains. "She was cool, she was friendly...she was pretty..." El didn't know Max all that well, they had only met a couple of hours ago.
"Go on." Mike says.
"She made me feel...normal. And good inside. It was kind of like..." She stops. She doesn't want to continue.
"What??" Will can't hide his curiosity.
"It was like...how I used to feel about...you." She darts her eyes up in a quick glance at Mike, before looking down at her hands. She really doesn't like bringing up the crush she used to have on her step-brother's boyfriend, but the boys never seem to care.
"Okay, so you like-like her." Will says. "Like you like-liked Mike."
"Okay..." So what does this mean?
"So, are you going to see her again??" Will asks excitedly.
"Wait, does she even live around here?" Mike cuts in. If Max lives too far away from them, Mike will be opposed to El seeing her again. He's a bit protective of her, he's basically another bother.
"If she didn't live around here, she wouldn't have been shopping at that mall." Will rolls his eyes.
"You don't know that! What if she's visiting someone, or is on vacation-?"
"Here!" El interjects. She hands her phone over to the couple, Instagram is open and Max's profile is pulled up. The boys scan the screen together.
"Dude, she's like, less than ten miles from here." Will grins in an I-told-you-so expression at Mike. "Told you so."
"Well excuse me for trying to keep her safe." Mike retorts.
They look back at the phone.
"Yeah, she's cute, I guess." Mike says, handing the phone back. "So, do you want to see her again-wait." He pulls the phone back toward himself before El can grab it. "Look at this." He shows the phone to Will. They share a smile and a look she doesn't understand.
"Do you want to see her again?" Mike asks with a grin, not giving the phone back.
"Yes!" She really does.
"She wants to, too." She finally gets custody of the device again, and brings it up so she can see what the boys were looking at.
Max had uploaded a new picture, the selfie she and El took together at the mall.
Boring day at the mall just became the best day ever! @elhopper16 #beautiful
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