#i was gonna go with canon birthday of october 12th but she's not giving me libra vibes
totentnz · 11 months
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this is delicious
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harriedwritings · 7 years
NAME : harri   NICKNAME :  ...........harri? FACECLAIM :   penguins PRONOUNS :  they/them HEIGHT :  5′3″ BIRTHDAY :  12th october AESTHETIC :  i didn’t know so i asked nee and she said ‘the office’ so i guess ‘the office’ is my aesthetic LAST  SONG  YOU  LISTENED  TO : through the valley, tlou2 trailer edition FAVORITE  MUSE (S)  YOU’VE  WRITTEN :  damnit ok i thought long and hard and i gotta say sam alexander, hands down, he handed out cupcakes only it was like cupcake roulette u see, some of the cupcakes were chilli chocolate. also max rockatansky bc he picked up his dog like a baby and dadded everyone. also clint barton bc same.
WHAT  INSPIRED  YOU  TO  TAKE  ON  THIS  MUSE :  (just...gonna do the highkey ones here) axton bc he calls ppl bro, tim drake bc someone had red robin for lunch, joel bc he smashed someone’s face in, enjolras bc the world’s a fuckin mess, eliot bc we have similar philosophical outlooks, clint bc i frequently take up characters out of spite, harry bc i frequently take up characters out of spite, steve bc buzzfeed, and wash bc of his speech to prison-guy before he goes after the epsilon unit yo i got chills
WHAT  ARE  YOUR  FAVORITE  ASPECTS  OF  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE : axton - CANON BI, tim - he invented an uncle when he was a fuckin infant, joel - once upon a time he wanted to be a country singer, enjolras - french/scottish enjolras whose accent Intensifies the more incensed he gets (so every 10 seconds), eliot - draping hedonism, clint - dog, harry - how much he loves his humans, steve - y’all can’t tell me he doesn’t exploit the shit out of the weirdly wholesome view ppl have of him, wash - how desperately he clings to his family
WHAT’S YOUR BIGGEST INSPIRATION WHEN IT COMES TO WRITING : everyday shit tbh, like, i was talking to my nana and she brought up her brother’s old yacht and it reminded me that harry probably has a yacht and that he’d 10/10 bring his friends to shitty boat parties? also i listen to songs on repeat & talk to ppl
FAVORITE  TYPES  OF  THREADS :   everyday shit again, like, seriously, give me 10000000 threads of steve rogers in a fuckin grocery store, joel patching up old clothes, clint lamenting that lucky’s peeing on someone’s bike, y’know, that shit, love it, also like, the more organic the better? by all means let’s fuckin hash it out but if the kids wanna go one way im so fuckin here for it
BIGGEST  STRUGGLE  IN  REGARDS  TO  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE :   so many incomplete thoughts so little time i guess?
TAGGED  BY :  @ofstardustandsteel
TAGGING :  ..............fuck. uh. you. yes, you, you reading this now. i don’t fucking know, do it if you want?
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Repost, not reblog! Tag 6 muns you would like to get to know better when done!
Name: Ryan Nickname: None Age: 20 Faceclaim: I haven’t actually used a faceclaim on here for myself, but if I had to pick one, I’d say Alphys, or maybe Jane Crocker.
Pronouns: They/them, she/her Height: 5′10″ Birthday: August 12th Aesthetic: Retro first-person shooters, and I guess whatever else catches my eye Last song you listened to: Lift - Poets of the Fall
Favourite muse(s) you’ve written: Burgerpants, so far, has been the only muse I’ve really ever written--but I’m constantly improving upon him and revising him. He’s almost a totally different muse than he was almost a couple years ago. That said, I’ve tested the waters with Rose Lalonde and she would probably be a close second.
What inspired you to take on your current muse (that you are posting this on): This is gonna sound really dumb, but I saw this one site called “Shamchat,” and I saw that it was basically full of horndogs and the like, and my mind jumped to, “What would be the funniest character to just react to all of these people?” This was about in October of 2015, when I had first played Undertale, so...Burgerpants came to mind. Soon enough, I realized I had accidentally developed him into a muse and just decided to give him a go on the Tumbl. Since I saw @ask-doggo-things​‘s posts while browsing the Undertale tag on Tumblr once in a while, they essentially were the one who taught me Tumblr RP was even a thing people did seriously, and now here I am.
What are your favorite aspects of your current muse: He definitely gives voice to my very real fear of being hurt by someone I trust. I’ve been through that song and dance a couple times, so he’s Very Relatable.
What’s your biggest inspiration when it comes to writing: Canon Undertale. I know that seems like a “well duh” kind of statement, but every time I find something cool that maybe a lot of people glance over in Undertale, or something that people take for granted that I think has room to be played with...it fills me with INSPIRATION.
Favorite types of threads: I love them all, but I have a soft spot for crack. A surprising amount of actual development can come from crack--it’s kinda like what I heard a lot in my engineering classes in high school. They taught how important it was to throw even the silliest ideas out there when you’re brainstorming, because it could be the foundation for something actually workable.
Biggest struggle in regards to your current muse: Sometimes I’m afraid that I’m not doing canon justice. That one day I’m going to find some piece of canon that I overlooked myself, or a new piece of canon comes up (however unlikely that may be) that totally dismantles all the development I’ve put in for ol’ Jonny boy.
Tagged by: @undxrgrcund​ Tagging: Steal it from me if you want, don’t if you don’t want to. I don’t like putting people on the spot.
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