#i was gonna go see people for the holidays and im looking at my lodging price (cheapest) and now im thinking maybe not lol
lokiiied · 10 months
wish it didn’t cost so much money to go see my friends. travel should be free. for my mental health.
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Learning About Veteran’s Day [BATIM AU]
Modern was walking around the lodge he was bored today he had nothing to do “ughhhhh it’s so boring! boris and alice are out doing whoever knows what and i can’t find susan anywhere” he groaned loudly and went inside the lodge. when he got inside he noticed joey and sammy giving henry something and waving to him and walking away he went over to joey “hey joey? why are you giving stuff to the old man?” joey looked at the little cartoon “well it’s veteran’s day bendy it’s the time where people honor who served in our country” joey said as he walked away modern tugged sammy’s coat “hey sammy what did you give henry?” sammy looked down at him “an photo book why?” modern looked even more confused “why did you give him that? he already has pictures of all of us in his room” sammy faceplammed “it’s veteran’s day bendy we’re supposed to give stuff to the people who served and defended this nation from the enemy solider in world war 1 and 2″ modern tilted his head more confused as ever “WUT BOI?” sammy groaned and walked off modern turned to see jess giving henry an present “here you go dad” she said smiling and henry smiled tirely at her “thanks pumpkin it’s great” he said as he hugged his daughter and she walked off modern quickly ran up to her “ummm excuse me miss jess?” jess turned to face bendy “oh hi bendy why are you not outside?” modern pointed to henry “why is everyone giving him stuff? wahat did he do on this veteran’s day that was so honorable?” jess raised an eyebrow “wait you don’t know what veteran’s day is?” he shook his head “oh dear um bendy i think my dad would have an better time explaining it to you than i would” modern nodded and walked over to henry “heya old man” henry smiled “hey there punk what’s ya doing here?” modern tilted his head “why is everyone giving you stuff? i mean sure you saved all of us from that studio but why is everyone saying it’s veteran’s day?” henry’s eyes widen and he faceplammed “shoot sorry bud i guess i forgot to tell ya about that day um sit down pal this is gonna take an while to explain” modern sat next to him “okayy soo what this veteran’s day all about?” henry puttd on his glasses “well bendy veteran’s day is a day that is different in other countries but here in this nation we celeberate it to honor those who died serving in the war and those who are still alive and did served the war like me” modern kept listening now interested “people take an moment of silent the first minute is to honor those who died serving the army, navy, air force, marines, and so on the second minute is to honor the familes who might of had their grown up children fought during the war, it’s a very saddening holiday but people honor those who did served in the war like me if i did’int go and took my cousin’s place than they would of either bombed the whole state i could’nt let the enemy do that i imaged that if they bombed nearly everything the studio would be lost and you guys would be dead... but my father did served in the army too so... i used to go visit him and my mom all the time each veteran’s day and other days but lately... heh age got ya slowing down” modern tried to cheer henry up “h-hey! m-maybe we can go visit ya pa and ma im sure they’ll be happy to see ya!” modern said smiling as happy as he could henry smiled softly back “... you know what maybe it’s time i go see them it’s been way to long, wanna come with me bendy?” he nodded “alright let’s go” he said and got up “hey guys me and bendy are just going out for a drive we’ll be back soon!” he yelled out “alright have fun dad!” jess said somewhere in the lodge. 30 minutes have passed and they finally arrived at the cemetery they were walking pass tombstones bendy was confused “wait where are your father and mother?” henry pointed as they reached to an big statue of two people one male and the other female “there they are this is my fatehr and mother she was only person to fight alongside my dear old dad in the war” modern’s jaw dropped “wait your dad and mom turned into stone?!” henry chuckled “no no bendy they made the statue to show that my dad and mom were heroes in the war which they were.. and here is their graves...” modenr looked to see two names engraved on two tombstones they walked over to it modern noticed that henry was being silent he did the same like he told him “hey there mom... dad.. long time no seen” he said as he started talking to the two in the tombstone telling about all that happened modern was sielnt throughout the whole conversation he was shock to finally realize why henry did’int want to talk about his family he felt sorry for the old man “hey bud? would you like to say something?” modern looked at henry and then at the tombstone he sighed and nodded and went over to it he did’int know why but suddenly he felt an emotion of guilt and saddness went over in his head as he sighed “u-um h-hey there h-henry’s mom and dad... i-im his friend” modern did’int know how long he was talking or trying to talk but he kept feeling the same emotions run through his head he felt an touch on his shoulder “hey come on i think it’s time we go” he said and placed down an couple of roses he’d got and placed them on both his father and mother’s graves “why did you do that?” he asked him “well it’s to make sure that even in death we need to show respect to our loved ones even if you did’int have an good relationship with them it is still nice to show them that you cared that what i already believed with my family” he said as he walked away with modern “besides if i did’int than i would be haunted by my dad and mom’s ghosts for the rest of my life” he said sinckering and modern chuckled tirely as they got into the car as they drove off modern could of sworn he saw someone standing over the graves but he shrugged it off “it must be my head playing tricks on me...” he said and he looked out towards the woods throughout the drive back to the lodge. ------ i was supposed to upload this last night... but i dozed off on the couch.... ehehehe ^^;.... and i also forgot to shut off the computer too.... (also sorry if this was short)
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