#i was gonna do more with four but i didn’t have the energy i’ll do minish cap splash art redraws another time
stusbunker · 2 days
Spotless: Animato
Chapter Thirty Four
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Featuring: Dean Winchester/Reader
Other characters: Gibson Child OMC, Bobby, Annie, Victor, Charlie, both bands and roadies, nameless DJs
Word Count: 3160
Warnings, etc: Mutual pining, still unbeta'd, the last of Uncle Dean for a while, drinking and mild drug use, smoking cigarettes (do not come at me for this), Kevin calling Dean out publicly but subtly.
Series Masterlist
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The rapid beat of a double-stroke roll woke Dean from the haze of sleep. He cracked one eye open and found the source of the wake up call. Gibson, sitting on the floor in Dean’s suite, was wailing on the coffee table while watching a random infomercial on the hotel’s tv’s world class Sunday morning programming. At least the little dude hadn’t gotten into Dean’s guitars without asking. 
“Gibby! What gives, man?”
“Oh, sorry,” the little boy didn’t even look back, instead he lightened his efforts into a tapping from the original knocking.
Dean huffed and fell back onto his pillow, muttering to himself and the ceiling, “I guess we’re up for the day.”
They had spent the night watching old monster movies and eating pizza. Dean had even taken Gibson to the hotel’s pool for a dip before the adult only hours kicked in. He had no idea how Pam and Lee kept up with the kid on a normal day, Dean was fucking beat. And that was after he slept more than double his usual night’s rest. 
How was it after nine already?! No wonder the kid was bored.
“You hungry? Probably should see if the buffet’s still going,” Dean asked suddenly.
“Okay!” Gibson dropped his sticks on the coffee table and hopped up with the unbridled energy of youth.
“Yeah, uh, I gotta throw some real pants on, dude.” Dean dragged himself to the edge of the bed and rolled his back. “Give Uncle Dean a minute and we can head down.”
Gibson nodded, but then ran to the counter in the kitchenette. “I made you coffee! They’ve got the little cups. But that was a while ago.”
Dean raised his eyebrow and surveyed the damage from his perch on the bed. “You make one for yourself?”
“Yep! It was gross. And the pink sugar didn’t help.”
“Yeah, well, that’s because it is gross. White or brown are best— no matter what Uncle Sam says.”
Gibson giggled, walking carefully over to Dean with the paper cup sloshing slightly. Dean wanted to help him, but he looked so proud of himself that Dean just sat back and clenched his hands as he awaited the delivery.
“Thanks, buddy,” Dean diligently took a sip. It was god awful. Cold, sure, but also really bitter and thin. Thankfully the kid didn’t think to add anything for him. He sighed and took another gulp while trying not to breathe and taste it more. “Uh—-yeah. Can’t start the day without some fuel.”
“You like it?”
“Yeah, man, of course. Now, I am gonna get dressed, find your shoes so we can get some grub.”
Turned out, the continental breakfast was already being cleaned up when they got back downstairs. Gibson’s spirits dropped instantly, but Dean assured him it was alright, and took the little man over to the attached restaurant that was hopping with the brunch crowd. 
“Look who the cat dragged in!” Bobby’s voice caught Dean’s attention as they rounded the corner with the hostess. “Make room. Miss— these idjits are with us, sorry they don’t have any manners about showing up on time.”
“Alright, I’ll— uh, I’ll let your server know.”
Dean had the wherewithal to murmur and hand over his thanks and apologies right in time to get a surprised smile. Kevin and Annie were on Bobby’s right while Sam and a very hungover looking Victor filled out the left side of the six person table.
“Rough night?” Dean teased.
“It aint over yet,” Victor lamented.
“Ooof! Been there, man. More bacon’ll help.”
Just then their server returned with two extra chairs and a busser slid in two extra place settings for them. “Thank you— thank you both. Seriously.”
“Of course, let me get you some menus.” Then the server disappeared in a flurry, weaving through the crowd of people in various states of dress and sobriety.
Kevin nudged Gibson with his elbow. “How was the sleepover at Dean’s? I bet he snores.”
Everyone around the table laughed.
“Bite me, Kev. Gibby, steal me one of his fries would ya?”
Gibson looked back and forth between the two men. “What?! No.”
Dean just shrugged. “He deserved it.”
“Two wrongs don’t make it alright,” Gibson told him knowingly.
“Yeah, UNCLE DEAN,” Sam butted in.
“From the mouths of babes,” Annie said, shaking her head in amusement. 
Kevin just laughed and took an obnoxious Dean-sized bite of fries.
“So— last day on tour until school’s out, what do you want to do today?” Bobby asked the star of the table.
“Is Mom and Dad awake? I want to see them ‘fore Grammy comes and gets me.”
“And you will, dude. I’m guessing they’re just up in their rooms getting dressed or something. It’s still early yet.”
“What timezone are you in?!” Bobby gave Dean the stink eye.
Dean ignored his manager and just ruffled Gibson’s hair. The menus appeared and they all settled in for another hour of each other’s company. 
        Dean knew it had to be hard for Gibson when they were on tour, he’d lived his own childhood with his dad barely there. But to have both parents out of reach for months at a time seemed worse. That’s why they made sure to give Pam and Lee breaks on the road, fly them home for three days at a time when they could. And they let Gibson come along when he didn’t have school.
It still felt like a worse case scenario though. He didn’t even have a little brother to make the days go by faster. Lee’s mom and their nanny were all he had outside of school friends. And the dogs. At least the kid got pets too.
Dean never did.
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“Full House, bitches!” Charlie declared and threw her cards into the center of the table. “Jacks over twos.”
“You’ve got to be shitting me,” Madison exclaimed, leaning in to inspect Charlie’s hand herself. She’d tagged along with Lee’s mom down to San Diego so she could join in on the Vegas leg of the trip. 
“She always pulls it out, I swear to god. I don’t know how, but she does,” Sam muttered and tossed his hand to Dean to shuffle for the next round.
They were an hour into the trip to Vegas and the mood on the bus was contagious. No more little ears and eyes to worry about, meant that the bottles and the bongs came out and the chips were stacked high across the tiny table. 
“Alright, alright, fair hand. Get your cards in, and maybe you can win some of them stacks back. If you’re lucky,” Dean taunted, collecting the rest of cards and sliding them back into a deck to be shuffled. “Trouble? Ante up.”
You tossed your share into the pot and took another sip of your drink. Dean felt your eyes on him as he dealt, bottom lip between his teeth in concentration. Technically, he knew everyone was watching him as he doled the next hand, but your attention felt heavier the last few days. Maybe you knew something he wasn’t ready for you to know.
Maybe you were waiting for him to fuck up again.
Or maybe it was all just wishful thinking and you weren’t really watching him at all. Either way, he was preoccupied with it all when he picked up his cards to find absolute trash.
“Oh Christ. I’m going to need more to drink. KEVIN! Another round of shots, if you don’t mind?”
You chuckled. “Dealer can’t deal to himself, huh?”
“Apparently not,” Dean muttered, not even bothering to pick up his cards again.
“More chances for the rest of us at least,” Madison pointed out and placed her call bet.
The afternoon turned into night while Bobby drove on. Games and ridiculousness ensued. Just when they stopped for dinner, Dean found himself in the playful overlap of drunk and stoned. 
He hummed a few bars of some pop number that was playing over the truckstop speakers and Kevin joined in in harmony as they trudged across the parking lot to the twenty four hour diner. Lee came in for the chorus and they started getting louder and sillier with it, doing the monkey walk with Dean in the middle of the two shorter guys.
Dean couldn’t hear the radio station any longer, but they carried it along, finishing the number strong while guessing at some of the lyrics. When everyone had reached the double doors of the restaurant, he caught you and Charlie with your phones up recording the shenanigans. Meanwhile, Sam and Madison were giggly, leaning a little heavier on one another than most people would be at just after seven at night.
“Alright, cool it you damn buffoons. Let’s see if they’ve got room for everyone,” Bobby grunted before disappearing inside.
“Looks like you guys are the fun bus!” Donna greeted, as SPS and company caught up with them.
“Just gettin’ started darlin’,” Dean drawled, nodding and smirking. “Though I doubt it’s all charades and crochet on Big Bertha over there either.”
Jody took a swig off of her flask. “Oh, fuck no. Nancy knits, but that’s about it. But that’s only when the Adderall kicks in.”
She dangled the metal bottle out towards the circle of waiting musicians in offering. Kevin and Pam both took a pull and passed it back. Then the equipment rig pulled in and the headcount shot up even more. Benny sauntered over with a knowing glint in his eye as he stepped right in between Dean and Donna. 
“We think we gettin’ in or gotta spread out to the fast food joints?”
“Hard to say, looks pretty dead in there, but that might mean there’s a small staff too,” you answered as everyone’s head craned to look inside.
“Alright, well I’m heading over to the cancer section until we hear one way or the other,” Jody nodded towards Annie and Patience smoking down the sidewalk. 
Dean perked up and followed her like an earnest puppy. He wasn’t a habitual smoker anymore, but he definitely still imbibed, especially on the road. Sam’s influence could only go so far. But oddly, you were trailing along behind him, followed by Jesse and a newer, yet awkward roadie that he’d only heard called Chief.
You actually pulled a pack out of your purse and held one out to Dean expectingly. “What?” you asked like an accusation.
“Are you just smoking because you’d knew I would be or—?”
You exhaled your first pull and offered him your lighter. “It’s been a fucking week, okay? Let me have this until we hit the states with actual vegetation and I have to deal with allergies too.”
Dean lit his cigarette nodding and blew out a smoke ring. “You don’t have to justify it to me, I was just checking I’m not the bad influence.”
You rolled your eyes. “You’re always a bad influence, doesn’t mean I still didn’t choose it.”
That got him a little hot, if he was being honest. And he felt his smile all the way to the tips of his ears. “Damn, Trouble. Always knocking me back on my heels, you know that?”
You took another drag and shrugged, looking around to see everyone else somehow in their own conversations. “Part of the job.”
“Nah, that parts all you.” Dean said without even meaning to.
You looked up at him and gave him a little squint. “You need to eat something or you’re gonna be miserable in a couple hours.”
“I’m trying!” He huffed, gesturing with his cigarette towards the front doors, right as Bobby made his glorious return.
“Listen up!” Bobby glanced around at the bands and accumulated crew. “They’ve only got room for thirty folks, so line up and whoever is stuck at the back’s gotta find something else. We’re pulling out of here no later than ten o’clock, so be on time or be left behind.”
You chuckled over the hard-learned line.
Dean sucked a deep pull off his cigarette, trying to speed through it and getting lightheaded in the process. 
“Uh,” he exhaled and looked over at you then over you towards the rest of businesses in the travel center. “We trying to get in or we taking a walk?”
“I’m finishing my square.” You pointed to yourself and held up your cigarette.
Dean couldn’t get over your sass tonight. “Alright, then. A walk it is.”
It ended up with Jody and Patience sticking around while you and Dean finished smoking and then all four of you headed to the Arby’s across the parking lot. 
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“Alright, folks, we got a quick segment at the end to wrap things up. Phantom Traveler, are you ready to ‘Hit It or Quit It’?” the gruffer DJ asked them from his chair across the room.
They barely all fit in the little sound booth, but managed to squeeze together to make it work. Lee, Pam and Kevin were on the three stools they provided, while Dean and Sam hovered over them to get at the shared mic. It was six o’clock in the morning and Dean didn’t know if any of them had even slept. But there they were anyway.
“It is five questions we ask in rapid succession and you just say the first thing that comes to mind. And since all five of you are here, we’ll just go down the line— or clockwise I guess,” the younger DJ explained.
“I’m game!” Dean exclaimed, futsing with the ball cap on his head.
Pamela, who was holding the mic, winked. “Let’s hear ‘em, boys.”
The DJs laughed. “Alright, Pamela’s ready. First question: Who’s got the craziest ex’s of the band?”
Everyone ‘Oh’d!’.
Lee leaned in and said deeply into the mic. “I’m sitting right here!” 
“Couldn’t have planned that one any better!” Dean teased.
“Wait! I want to hear the answer though!” Kevin butted in, steering them back on track.
“NEW KID doesn’t know these things yet!” The first DJ said excitedly.
“Oh, this is too easy, though,” Pam rumbled.
“Yeah, sorry, bro, everyone knows this one,” Dean tacked on.
“Eat me,” Sam snapped back.
“But yeah, it’s Sammy for sure,” Lee agreed.
Sam rolled his eyes but the DJs just ate it up.
“Okay! Second question is—- for—- Lee! Favorite venue you’ve ever played?”
“Seriously? He gets a real question and I got a Cosmo question?” Pamela said, annoyed, but not quite into the mic.
“Seriously— I’m just reading off the list,” the younger DJ promised, holding up a clip board.
“That one’s easy— Harvelle’s back home.”
“Hands down,” Sam agreed.
“Best burgers in Nebraska, too,” Dean tacked on.
“Ellen’s gonna kill you,” Pam warned.
“Totally worth it,” Dean shot her down.
“Yeah. Nothing like playing for your hometown,” Lee finished.
“What a bunch of saps!” The older guy teased. “Okay, okay, I’ll let you have it. Sam— third question: Who would you still like to collaborate with? You’ve got Annie Hawkins on the latest album, you’ve played with some of the greats at some special events— I know you all were close with the late, great Rufus Turner and now you’re touring with his granddaughter’s band Sheriffs, Psychics and Secretaries. Who else?”
“Uh, honestly? I’d kill to play with Sarah and Provenance, even though our sounds are totally different. Maybe Mick Davies? Especially now that he’s left Men of Letters, I am looking forward to what he works on next.”
“Wow— those are not names I expected to come up today. But, yeah, okay— always the wildcard Sam Winchester!” The younger DJ seemed genuinely surprised and maybe even impressed.
Dean could tell it annoyed Sam, but he was always way smarter than anybody gave his bodybuilder-shaped self credit for.
“DEAN! Question numero four: If you weren’t a rockstar— okay, musician– what would you be doing?”
“Right now I’d be sleeping, that’s for damn sure.”
Everyone laughed and nodded. “I don’t blame you there, but for a job?”
Dean scratched his three day stubble. “I always say I’d have made a killer mechanic or car restorer, but, uh, honestly at this point in my life I’m going to go with firefighter.”
“Nice, very heroic.” The first DJ approved.
“Dude!” Sam gave him a look that asked if he was alright.
Dean shrugged. “Well, hopefully we won’t have to find out. Just a reminder we’ve got two shows at Cesar’s Palace tomorrow night and Wednesday!” he plugged like they needed help selling tickets.
“Which are completely sold out! We’ve got tickets for our listeners tomorrow morning at seven, eight and nine if you listen for the code to play.” The younger DJ picked up where Dean left off. “One more question and you guys can get on with your days. And it’s for Kevin Tran— the newest member of the band, stepping up for the now reclusive Cas Novak. Fifth and final question!---”
Dean flinched at Cas’ name coming up, but all things considered, it could have been a much more brutal comment. Out of the corner of his eye, Dean saw Bobby whisper something to you through the glass in the adjoining room.
“In one word describe your bandmates.”
“One word total or—?”
“One word a piece,” Sam clarified.
“Yeah one word total. Band. That’d be the worst question answered ever,” the first DJ joked.
“Okay, okay, I got it. For Pam I’ll say ‘badass’. Lee’s word will be ‘groovy’. Sam gets ‘salad’ and Dean can have ‘Trouble’.”
“Oh, fuck,” Lee actually had to cover his mouth. While everyone else just about choked on their own spit. 
Dean glared at the kid, but didn’t say anything, counting down from twenty in his head.
“It is going to be a very long tour, folks,” Sam tried to ease some of the tension, clearly the DJs did not get the significance of what was just said.
“Alright that is a wrap with Phantom Traveler, in town for just a few days on the start of their latest tour. Thank you guys, it was a blast. Their fifth album drops next month. You guys have been digging the new single, so we’re gonna close with that as we get these guys on their way.”
The intro to ‘Baby’ played in the background as everyone handed over their headphones and shook the DJs' hands. Their marketing people came in for some quick publicity shots. Dean spotted you getting matching angles, where you stood behind their photographer, for the band’s socials.
God, he wasn’t ready. He had no idea if you caught what Kevin had said or if you knew he was really talking about you. The little punk had to go and say that shit on air of all places. 
One thing was for sure, Dean’s time was running out. Sooner or later somebody was going to let it slip and it wasn’t fair to you to hear it from anyone but him. Now, he just had to figure out how.
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froggtogs · 21 days
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lu cooldowns
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lovebugism · 1 year
shy! reader & eddie -  “are you okay? is the heat getting to you?” 
hi angel! thanks so much for your request!! — the one where you have a hard time telling eddie when you feel bad and he nurses you back to health (hurt/comfort, shy!reader, 1.5k)
bug's summer fic fest ♡
You felt a little like the sun was microwaving you.
The golden rays beat down on you most mercilessly, sucking all the energy from your body while simultaneously burning you alive. Once you sprawled out on the quilt Eddie brought for your little trip to Forest Hills Lake, you just laid there — too tired and too sick to do anything else.
The boy stood over you after noticing how uncharacteristically disinterested you were in feeding the ducks. His shadow shielded you from the sun as he poked your thigh with his foot. “Are you dead?” he joked with a lopsided grin you couldn’t see. Your eyes fluttered shut minutes ago, and you didn’t have the strength to open them again.
He knew something was off when you didn’t smile back. He knew something was really wrong when you muttered something vaguely in return that only came out in slurred mumbles. 
Eddie manages to get you up with little help from the you in question. 
Your suddenly exhausted frame leans heavily into his side as he leads you back to the trailer. Though the lake was quite literally in his backyard, the walk home took several minutes longer than usual. Your feet were made of brick and your swimming head had turned the world on its side. It took a world of strength to ascend the three steps of his rickety wooden porch. 
“Here, c’mon,” Eddie hums as he follows you through the squeaking screen door. He walks you the short distance to the couch, putting both hands on your waist to steady you when you start to sway. “Sit down before you give me a heart attack, alright?”
You listen to him, though you don’t exactly hear him. Through your pounding headache and the rushing ocean in your ears, he might as well be talking to you underwater.
“I don’t feel good…” you slur quietly, eyes squeezed shut as you descend slowly onto the couch cushion. Eddie holds onto your elbows as you sit, watching you with attentively wide button eyes.
“I know, doll,” he coos empathetically in return. “I’m gonna go get you some water, okay?”
Your clammy hands grasp his wrist when he lets you go, your grip weak with a barely-there touch. You peer up at him with glassy eyes that swim with unshed tears and leftover sunlight. 
“Don’t go,” you plead in a whisper. Your voice isn’t strong enough to be much louder.
You feel eerily close to passing out. Your head fills with static and you feel dreadfully far away from the world around you. Feeling this sick is scary in itself, but having Eddie so close makes you feel much safer in comparison.
“I’ll be right back. I promise,” he tells you with a soft, pink grin. He slides his palm out of your trembling grip to hold your hand. Your fingers are sweaty and uncharacteristically warm, almost burningly so. “You need some water in your system, babe. That’s probably why you feel so shitty right now.”
You’re too weak to protest any further.
The boy rushes into the kitchen. You vaguely hear his receding footsteps, glasses clattering together, and the hiss of the faucet — but it all sounds so far away. You’re just a countertop over from him, but it feels like lightyears.
Eddie stays gone for exactly four slow blinks. 
Time has become a big ball of nothingness in your nauseous state. It feels like he’s gone for a lifetime and zero seconds flat at the same time. Either way, you’re equally grateful when he returns to you.
“Here you go,” the boy lilts quietly when he’s back in the living room. He ushers the cup of water into your weak hands but keeps a hold of it for a moment or more, just to make sure you’ve got it. “Drink up, doll.”
Your face scrunches in disdain at the thought. You know you’re thirsty, but you feel so queasy that your mouth has started to water. 
“I’m scared I’m gonna puke,” you confess in a nearly inaudible slur. 
“You won’t. I promise,” Eddie assures with a quiet smile. His fingers smooth over your forehead to push away the sweaty tendrils sticking there. You’re hot to the touch — and not even in the way figurative way he always jokes about, like genuinely burning. He singsongs to quell heavy tension, “And even if you do, I’ll clean it up for you, okay?”
The thought of him washing up after you is as heartwarming as it is stomach-churning. 
You sip at the glass just to appease him. The water sloshes gently in the cup along with your trembling hand. It’s not cold, but it’s not warm either — it’s the perfect temperature for someone so fragile suffering from an acute bout of heatstroke. The liquid is soft in your mouth, piercing you somewhere in your soul and making you feel almost instantly better when you swallow it down.
“How’s that?” Eddie coos, still standing over you with a loving sort of concern.
You make an unintelligible noise into your water.
“Do you feel any better? Still feel faint?”
“I don’t know,” you mumble with a feeble shrug. Because you don’t. You still feel weak and burning, but less distant than you had just moments before. You’re not sure what that means, though. “Maybe a little…”
Eddie puts a hand to your forehead, at a loss of what else to do. You’re still hot to the touch, but certainly not as warm as you had been earlier. The whirring A.C. and tap water must be doing the trick, he figures. 
He spreads his palm along your clammy cheek. “You still feel a little sticky…” he tells you.
The words make you feel queasy. You blink up at him with a heavy, glassy gaze. “I feel gross…”
“You’re just sick, babe. It’s okay,” he assures you, laughing softly as he swipes his thumb over the apple of your cheek. His chocolate eyes sparkle when he looks down at you. “I’d hug you if I thought that wasn’t the worst idea in the world.”
The bridge of your nose scrunches at the thought. 
You need Eddie around, but the thought of him touching you any more than this makes you want to be sick. You’ll kiss him absolutely stupid the second you’ve cooled down, though. He won’t be able to peel you off of him, then.
You shake your head in response to his implication, slow and sloppy like a child.
Eddie chuckles. “Exactly. Keep drinking for me, ‘kay?”
He sits down next to you, careful not to jostle you too much. He leaves several inches of agonizing distance between you and finds keeping his hands to himself is a most incorrigible feat. He watches you take ginger sips from the cup and wants so desperately to hold you to his chest until you feel better again. 
He hopes that moment isn’t too far away now.
You feel considerably cooler once the water’s all gone. The leftover sunshine has nearly exited all your pores, allowing the air conditioner to formally pierce your skin. The tap water refreshes you from the inside out.
“Better?” Eddie ponders with raised brows.
You nod lazily.
He exhales in relief through his nose. “Good. You were starting to scare me for a second there.”
You flash him a sheepish glance. “Sorry…”
“It’s not your fault, doll. Don’t apologize,” the boy chuckles. Only you would apologize for feeling so sick — as though it wasn’t something as forced upon you as it was upon him. “I should’ve known better than to take you out today. It was way too hot outside.”
That’s not what he really wants to say. 
If he’d said exactly what he meant, it would’ve gone something like, “I should’ve known better than to take you out today because it was way too hot, and you never tell me when you’re feeling bad.” 
But that isn’t really your fault either. 
Eddie knows how you are. He should’ve checked in on your more. If he hadn’t gotten so distracted, he probably could’ve gotten you inside before the sun almost killed you.
“It’s not your fault, either, Eds,” you tell him rather pointedly, as though you could hear his thoughts.
“No,” Eddie concedes with a shake of his head. “It’s the stupid sun’s fault for making my girl feel so sick.”
And even though he wasn’t exactly trying to make a joke, you laugh at him anyway. It’s just a weak exhale through your nose, but Eddie beams when he sees you finally smiling. 
When his hands start to ache, he finally wonders, “Feel like being touched now?”
You don’t. Not really. Not in the way you’d like him to touch you, anyway. You’d love to be wrapped up in his arms and melt with him in totality, but your swimming head and warm skin disagree with you. 
You reach for the wrist in his lap and put his hand on your thigh — for the sake of feeling him, but not overwhelmingly so.  
It makes Eddie laugh. His palm smoothes over your knee before squeezing you there. “The water did the trick, huh?”
You nod. 
He beams. 
“I love being right,” he lilts, only halfway serious.
“I know you do,” you grumble in response. 
You love him and his smug grin far too much to be genuinely annoyed with him, though. The understanding of this unsaid fact makes his smile widen.
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brattyfork · 9 months
summary: chris tells you not to cum, you do anyway.
warnings: daddy!chris, spanking, punishment, edging/orgasm denial kinda, super short i’m sorry :(
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“please daddy i n-need to cum”
“don’t do it baby, you need to wait” i can’t, i was hoping i could tell him psychically, seeing as i was unable to form sentences.
i just cried then squealed letting him know i simply couldn’t.
“don’t fucking do it y/n, you’ll regret it” but i couldn’t care. i clenched around him, letting out a scream as fucked into me, harder, deeper. i had been denied of my orgasm for an hour, which may not sound like a long time but chris usually gives in, not tonight tho.
“you’re lucky i’m so fucking close, so fucking lucky” he slapped my ass but it all felt so good, i didn’t care. i just enjoyed being fucked into by my boyfriend, rougher than before just worried about his own high. i felt him shoot inside me, slamming in and out of me as he did. he thrusts were sharper, stabbing my g spot again, and again.
i felt him pull out, feeling satisfied with our scene and ready to be babied and go to sleep. but he had a different plan. he sat down on the bed leaving me laying on my chest, trying to catch my breath and come
back from the bliss. as i was in the middle of a deep breath he grabbed me, pulling me to him and bending me over his knee.
he spanked me. no warning, no explanation, nothing. i felt him grab my hair, pulling my head up closer so he could talk in my ear.
“you came before daddy said you could”
“couldn’t help it daddy, you felt so good” i wiggled my hips against him before feeling him smack me and tighten his grip on my hair.
“don’t talk back, bad girls don’t get to talk”
i stayed silent.
“good. now you were a slut, finishing without permission, and you have to be punished, do you understand?”
i stayed quiet. was this a trick?
“speak baby” the pet like command making me push legs together.
“i understand daddy”
“good. you’re gonna get 12, 6 on each. you think that’s fair baby?”
“yes daddy”
“because you were bad”
“yes daddy i was bad i need to be punished” i did feel a little bad, i didn’t like disobeying him but i simply couldn’t help it.
“such a smart girl for me” he smacked my ass, making me gasp.
“one” i choked out.
“six” i could feel my self tighten up.
“seven” oh shit.
“eight” i’m cumming.
i tried not to make it obvious but he noticed my squirming. he reached his hand in between my legs. i’ll admit i was a little scared.
“aw my poor baby, so dumb you just can’t control yourself” he talked down to me, i whined. he knew i didn’t do it on purpose.
“can you be a good dumb slut and take four more?”
“yes daddy, i can take it, i wanna be good for you”
“i know angel” he spanked me again. i giggled.
“you like that?” i whined.
“i’ll make you a deal, you cum for me one more time, from me spanking you, we’ll be even” he lifted my head so i could see his face.
“‘kay baby?” his eyes were softer now. i loved how different he could be in bed, always matching my energy.
“please daddy” he spanked me again, making me giggle. it tickled now, for some reason and it felt so good, he just kept going. my laughs turned to moans as the knot in my stomach got tighter.
“i know baby let go for me” he hit me again, pushing me over the edge. i yelled out, shaking, laid across his lap as he pet my head, whispering praises and coos at me as i came down.
chris turned me over and held me as i caught my breath, kissing and rubbing me.
“so good for me baby, took it so well”
“wanna be your good girl” i didn’t mean to always act like a brat. it was fun to disobey occasionally but i liked being good for him, it made him happy.
“you are my good girl baby, all mine. so lucky to have you”
a/n- this is so short i’m very sorry, next one will be longer i promise
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sanjoongie · 7 months
𝔻𝕒𝕪 𝕋𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪-𝕋𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖: 𝔹𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕂𝕚𝕟𝕜
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🥀Pairing: Wooyoung x Reader (f)
🥀Genre: Smut
🥀Rating: 18+, Minors Do not Interact 
🥀Au: hybrid au, continuation of this from last year's FFF
🥀Trope: s2l
🥀Summary: when you took Wooyoung in as a stray hybrid, you didn't think about triggering his rut
🥀Kinks: breeding kink, creampie, using cum as a lubricant, cum play, rut, collar, pussy slaps, brat! wooyoung, nipple play
🥀Word Count: 931
🥀Betas: @mejuii
🥀Day Twenty-Two: Double Penetration 🥀Mini Masterlist 🥀Day Twenty Four: Pegging/ Feminization
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“So good,” Wooyoung purred into your ear. 
You had lost count of the amount of times Wooyoung had come inside of you. He was going through his first rut with you and it had been an experience, to say the least. He was simply insatiable but you couldn't find the energy to complain, honestly. 
“Woo-Wooyoung,” You stuttered, barely able to string words together as he fucked your already-messy cunt.
“One more time, just one more time,” Wooyoung encouraged you. He had said the same thing hours ago… or was it minutes?
The tiny bell in Wooyoung’s collar jingled as he thrusted above you. His arms strained on either side of you as he kept himself aloft. He smiled lazily, his kitty fangs peeking past his lips. It was so nice to see a content Wooyoung and you had only yourself to thank. 
You whined as Wooyoung rotated his hips to grind into you further. “Oh god, Wooyoung, please, I’m so sensitive.”
“You gonna come for me again, pretty?” Wooyoung teased, “I like it when your thighs shake.”
You swallowed loudly and moaned. You hooked a finger through his collar and pulled him closer. “You’re making a mess of my cunt, you bad kitty.”
Wooyoung’s body shuddered and he came inside of you, only for it to leak out. There was no more room in your cunt for him anymore. He frowned when he pulled out and saw all his cum push out of you. “That’s not right.”
The hybrid was still sporting a rock hard cock and you groaned. When was he going to be satiated? Wooyoung began to scoop some of the cum and push it back into your throbbing cunt and you cried out. “Why?”
“Gotta keep you full of my cum,” Wooyoung said in a high and sweet voice. “Otherwise, how else will the kitties come?”
“Kitties?” You demanded in surprise. “What kitties?”
Wooyoung continued to lackadaisically fuck your cunt, watching as his cum got pushed back in and spilled right back out. “Cute ones, I bet. I was made from a litter of six. I hope you’re ready for that.”
You struggled to sit up and peer down at Wooyoung. “What?!”
Wooyoung laughed again, loud and abrasive. He really was having the time of his life. His tail made a happy squiggle line behind him. He hummed, “Mmm, don’t you want to have my kitties, pretty?”
When you didn’t answer him, too preoccupied with the way his fingers moved in and out of you, Wooyoung clucked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. “Guess I’ll have to make sure I fill you up again, huh?”
All you could do was groan as Wooyoung manhandled you into another position so he could fuck you. He pulled your lower body upwards, until your chin was tucked into your chest. He angled his cock with his hand, pushing it into you and you both groaned. His cum spilled out while he split you open for the umpteenth time. 
“You didn’t come last time, did you?” Wooyoung mentioned casually. “I’m such a bad kitty.”
The noises that were coming from your cunt, lewd and wet, were driving you insane. How much was it because of your slick and how much because of Wooyoung cum? “ s’okay, Woo,” You slurred, “Use me for your rut. It’s okay, pretty kitty.”
Wooyoung whined this time. He ran his finger through his cum and began to furiously rub at your clit. “Wanna hear your cute noises though,” He pouted.
“Fuck, Wooyoung!” Your body strained at the sudden aggressive pleasure shooting through your nerves. 
“Gonna cum for me pretty? Wanna feel your pussy squeeze me again and again and again. I love this cunt.” Wooyoung swatted at your clit and you jolted, squealing at the different feeling. Wooyoung tilted his head, ears moving back and forth curiously. “Did you like that?”
“You are a bad--” Your body tensed again as Wooyoung slapped your cunt a second time. “Kitty!” punched out of your lungs aggressively. 
“That doesn’t answer my question,” Wooyoung teased you.
“Yes, it feels good!” You shouted.
Wooyoung, the bad kitty that he truly was, fucked you vigorously while slapping your clit and made you both come together. He filled you up once again, purring in satisfaction that he got you to come too and had fun while doing it. 
Carefully, he laid you back down onto your back but stuck two fingers in your cunt to keep you plugged up. Then he snuggled into your bosom, kitty fangs absent-mindedly scratching at the side of your breast.
“When you get full of my kitties, do you think I could try sucking your breasts full of milk?” Wooyoung wondered.
“Woo--young!” You dragged out his name. “First, that play was not approved.” You reached down and grabbed the base of his tail. “Stop mouthing at my--oh my god!” Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as Wooyoung latched onto your nipple and used his rough kitty tongue to play with the sensitive flesh.
You summoned all your reserves of energy and pinned Wooyoung under you, using your legs, a knee on each side of his neck. “I’m going to get the leash. You’re going to eat up all the cum that’s inside of me and your pretty cock is going to weep that it’s not getting any release.”
Wooyoung’s eyes were blown at your burst of anger. He was absolutely a masochist. His ears were back on his head, a true sign that he was content. And yet, he still grinned and said, “Okay, Mommy.”
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🥀Day Twenty-Two: Double Penetration 🥀Mini Masterlist 🥀Day Twenty Four: Pegging/ Feminization
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steddieas-shegoes · 8 months
bubbles on the nose
for @steddielovemonth prompt “love is doing the dishes’
rated t | 662 words | cw: suggestive language | tags: domestic fluff, banter, established relationship, future fic, steddie dads
Eddie assumed his position at the sink, sleeves rolled up, game face on.
“It’s not the final seconds of a championship game, Eds. It’s just the dishes.” Even with his back turned to him, Eddie could hear the smile in Steve’s tone. “They can’t win.”
“Ah, but that’s where you’re wrong. They’ve won before.” Eddie gestured to a small scar on his palm from grabbing a butcher’s knife from the depths of the sink full of soapy water over a year ago. “I simply can’t let them know my weakness.”
Steve snorted, and the sound of the chair at the kitchen table scooting across the floor made Eddie smirk. Apparently, Steve was gonna watch.
He didn’t mind putting on a show.
“I don’t mind doing them if you’d rather sweep the floor,” Steve suggested.
“I’ve seen what under that table looks like. I’ll stick with this,” Eddie reached his hand into the bubbles and pulled out the first of five plates. “Next time we agree to babysit Dustin’s army of children, can we make a rule that they have to eat outside?”
“Sure, if you wanna listen to Grant complain about the bugs and Sam complain about the grass making him itchy,” Steve started. “I think I’d rather clean up the mess.”
Eddie hummed in agreement.
Arms were suddenly around his waist, tugging him upright and slightly away from the sink. He let his wet hands rest on the edge of the counter and closed his eyes.
“Lizzie is a perfect angel. Don’t think she dropped a single crumb,” Eddie muttered.
“She dropped half her dinner while you were clearing the plates, baby. She just knows how to clean up after herself,” Steve kissed his shoulder.
They stayed like that for a moment, soaking in the rare silence. Lizzie was a hyper kid, talkative and fun, and they absolutely loved having her energy in the house. But they so rarely had moments like this that weren’t about rushing to bed, or rushing to shower together. They wanted to soak it in.
“We should have another one,” Eddie whispered, less confident than he meant to.
Steve tensed behind him.
They’d talked about it a lot early on, when they moved to Chicago and found an adoption agency that was willing to work with them. After they officially adopted Lizzie when she was two, they decided to wait. It was a lot taking care of a toddler, especially one as active as Lizzie, and they didn’t want her to feel like she wasn’t enough for them.
But the discussion for more kept getting pushed further and further away from them, and Eddie needed Steve to know he didn’t forget what they wanted.
“Yeah?” Steve asked breathlessly, like he’d been holding his breath for the last four years and waiting for Eddie to be the one to bring it up. “You want another one?”
“I promised you six nuggets didn’t I?” Eddie finally turned around, putting his still-damp hands on Steve’s hips. “Why do you think we got this big house? Lizzie should have siblings, right?”
Steve bit his lip, nodded. “You aren’t saying that just for me?”
Eddie reached up to cup Steve’s face, both of them laughing at the bubbles popping against their skin.
“I’m saying it for us. We both want this. And we have plenty of love to give.”
“Doing the dishes and talking about more kids? You’re lucky I haven’t stripped naked and dropped to my knees,” Steve teased with a wink.
But his eyes were shining with unshed tears, and Eddie felt the same buildup in his own eyes.
“Go strip and wait for me by the bed. I’ll finish these dishes and be there in five minutes,” Eddie kissed the corner of his mouth, lingered for an extra second to make a silent promise of more.
Steve ran out of the kitchen and up the stairs, leaving Eddie to finish the dishes.
They could sweep in the morning.
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sluttywonwoo · 1 year
kaili....... it's time to talk about fire!wonwoo.
hear me out: wonwoo folding you in half fucking you so good you've lost count of how many times you've cum; yet he relentlessly wants more... so he pinches his nipples as you're clenching around him, his head spinning from the overstimulation as he fucks his cum deeper into your dripping cunt—
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you distinctly remember telling your boyfriend that you’re not flexible… yet here you were bent in half, knees to your chest like you were in some sort of forward-facing fetal position.
“wonwoo, i can’t stretch like this,” you protested.
he brushed you off. “sure you can, you already are.”
“but it hurts,” you mumbled.
“it won’t for long.”
you hate to admit that he was right. but four… or maybe five (?) orgasms in and you’re much less stiff. in fact, you’d compare your current state to that of jello… or a boneless sea creature. somehow, you’ve still got your hands locked under your knees, holding yourself open for wonwoo as he relentlessly fucks you in the same position he’d had you in since you started.
you don’t know how he isn’t tired… he’s been doing most of the work, he’s cum once or twice too, and he’s still going.
“what is wrong with you?” you gasp out pitifully.
he laughs. “what do you mean?”
“how do you have the energy… didn’t you have dance practice today?”
he shrugs, annoyingly. “i’ve got that dancer’s stamina, baby.”
“aren’t you anemic?”
he stops but only for a fraction of a second before shaking his head at your comment and clicking his tongue.
“since when does getting fucked right turn you into a brat? shouldn’t it be the other way around?”
“‘m not-” you’re cut off by a gasp from yourself as wonwoo gently slaps your clit. “not being a brat! i’m being serious! i don’t know how you do it…”
“you’re hot. that’s the only motivation i need.”
“do you need to tap out?” he asks, slowing down for real this time.
“no, it feels good,” you sigh, taking the opportunity to catch your breath. “but i don’t know how much i’ve got left in me.”
“i’ll wrap it up then,” wonwoo assures you and rubs your thigh soothingly. “poor baby, gonna be so sore tomorrow, huh?”
“and who-whose fault is that?”
“i dunno, but whoever he is, he must be a real jerk,” your boyfriend jokes as he picks up the pace again.
he expects you to play along but you shake your head in disagreement, letting go of one of your legs to cup his cheek. “nah, he’s alright.”
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chaoticharrington · 3 months
Chapter Five: The Club and Terrible Timing
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Pairing: Professor! Steve Harrington x Best Friends Dad! Eddie Munson x Fem! Reader
Warnings: SOOO much angst in this chapter IM SORRY! smut! oral f receiving, dry humping, kissing, alcohol consumption, slight inspection kink,dirty talk, also lots of fluff!!! Eddie and Steve are in their early to mid 40s and reader is in her mid 20s
Summary: Violet tries to get over her break-up by taking you to clubs all across Indiana which you happily oblige. Your latest adventure not turning out how either of you had planned.
Author's Note: Hi my loves! I hope you're all doing well! i'm sorry for not uploading in a month, i've not had the motivation or the energy... and i've re written this chapter a bunch! but i hope you all like it! plenty more chapters to come! 9k
**Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four**
(banners and headers by @cafekitsune)
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“Okay I gotta go Eds, I’m gonna be late” you say, pulling yourself off the older man’s lips. Eddie’s grip being too strong, pulling you back into his arms.
“Nuh uh, this is a crime of the highest order, a King needs his Queen!” He announces dramatically. You giggle into Eddie’s skin, breathing in his scent. You thought of abandoning school all together today, and spending the day with him while Violet was at work. The two of you barely got any time together in the basement anymore now that Violet wasn’t over at Quinns anymore, or away at her mom’s. You snuck in sleepovers when she would be  working overnights. Otherwise you and Eddie squeezed into your tiny apartment, spending every second together that you could. As if the universe knew exactly how to punish you, your phone rings. 
“Hi babe” you answer kindly.
“Hi, so we’re going out tonight.” Violet announces bluntly on the other end of the phone.
“Where are you taking me now?” you ask, a slight amusement in your tone. Violet had been doing her best to get over Quinn by taking you out to various bars and clubs across the state of Indiana. You weren’t really the type to go to a new bar every weekend. But you love Violet, if this was helping her stop hurting, then you’d do it forever for her.
“A bar in the city, I’ll come pick you up at 7!” she says excitedly before hanging up. You sigh, putting your phone back down on the bed, smiling at Violets infectious energy. You felt guilty at the tug in your stomach, disappointed that you didn’t have another night to yourself with Eddie.
“Alright mister I gotta go, I can stop by after class” you say reluctantly, going back to moisturizing your face.
“No stay” he protests scooping you up in his arms, and showering you with kisses all over your face.
The two of you had just spent a very domestic morning together, eating breakfast in the basement while Eddie worked on a new campaign, the two of you getting ready in the bathroom. You had just put on your bra and panties while Eddie was shedding his clothes to get into the shower.
You watch him pout from the mirror, your back turned to him. You didn’t really want to leave him, but you wanted to go to the library before class and now that Violet was taking you out tonight, you needed to get it done now. You blew a kiss to him as he reluctantly got into the shower, tail tucked between his legs like a dog.
You sneak peaks of your beautiful boyfriend in the shower while you brush your teeth. You never could get over just how good looking he is, body covered in tattoos, his greying curls, his slightly toned arms from playing guitar all his life, and his long fingers currently running through his hair. You tried to fight it, but you were now a full blown Eddie Munson addict. Addicted to his touch, his smile, his laugh, the crinkling around his eyes from years of smiling, his kisses, and most importantly the way he made you feel. You could feel your body heat up with desire, a storm at your center.
Your eyes meet Eddies, a smirk plastered across his face, eyebrow raised playfully. You roll your eyes lightly in response, shaking your thoughts of Eddie out of your head. You try to hide a smile that’s threatening to seep onto your lips.
Half naked you start to head back into Eddies room to get dressed for the day. When a pair of wet hands grab your waist pulling you for a hug. You scream out in surprise, wrapping your arms around Eddies very wet ones. You can hear his giggling in your ears, your resolve diminishing, giving into your boyfriend antics and laughing alongside him.
He slips the few items of clothing you were wearing off quickly, pulling you into the steaming hot shower. Eddie’s more beautiful up close under the water, his long eyelashes glittering with water droplets, and his lips red and plump from the steam.
Not being able to resist him anymore you go onto your tippy toes to kiss him, his arms scooping you up bringing you closer to him. The kiss was one of softness and affection. Not like times in the dungeon where his kisses were rough and bruising. These ones were like he was trying to show you how much he cared about you. Soft but firm, passionate but not dominating. You smile against his lips, feeling his smiling right back at you, savoring this moment.
“You’re so beautiful” he says breathlessly as he pulls back, pushing some of your now wet hair out of your face.
You cringe at his words; you’ve been working on trying to believe him but it’s hard. You shove your head into his chest, allowing him to encase you. Tears threatened to spill from your eyes, you felt safe, you couldn’t remember the last time you felt this safe and at home. Not even when you were a kid or when you got a hug from either of your parents, it was something entirely different. If only you could stop this moment, and live in it forever, or go back when you were feeling sad. You realize now what people mean when they say, “When you know you know”, it just feels different, it feels easy.
Guilt always followed this feeling, how could you feel so deeply for someone and not be able to tell your best friend. It was starting to eat away at your heart and soul. You and Eddie had decided that you were going to tell her tomorrow, and you were both excited and terrified at the same time. You just hoped that over time she would be able to see just how happy the two of you made each other.
Eddies hand forces your face up to his, letting the water wash away your guilt and be present with him. He smiles at you warmly, you smile back, the entire world in his eyes. Reminding you that everything was going to be okay. He holds your head in one of his hands caressing your cheek, bringing his lips to your forehead and leaving a kiss there. How did he know you so well that he knew what you were thinking without you even having to tell him? You swoon at his action, redness spilling onto your cheeks.
He turns you around, dips your head back so the running water drenches your hair. He massages slow circles into your scalp, forcing a moan from your lips. You let him lather your hair in shampoo and massage it into your scalp. He takes his time, being meticulous not to miss a single strand of hair. Leaving little kisses on your neck in between lathers. Even simple acts like this, no sexual touching or tension, just the two of you together. It was enough to quiet your brain for the rest of the day, he knew how to calm you down when your brain was working too hard or when your mind needed a break.
Once your hair was squeaky clean and conditioned, Eddie took a washcloth and started washing the rest of your body, scrubbing soap into every area of your skin, being just as meticulous as he was with your hair. Touching you gently and affectionately, you could feel all the unsaid feelings and words by each touch of his hands or body on your skin.
You turn your attention to him, asking him to bend down so you can get the curls at the top of his head, he grandiosely kneels down for you to properly reach the top of his head. The two of you giggling at the action. Your fingers get to work trying to mimic the massage he had given you, making him moan into your chest, leaving open mouth kisses on your tummy. Your body tensing slightly, all your negative body image issues threatening to pour out of your ears. But Eddie’s strong hands grab your waist softly, quieting those thoughts once more. You marvel at his touch, forcing yourself to concentrate on washing all the shampoo from his hair. His curls feel silky and soft in your fingers, the grey marbled into his curls like a galaxy.
You finish conditioning his hair and washing his body, the two of you stand under the water together, completely clean but not ready to get out of the shower. You have your arms wrapped around his waist, and his around your shoulders, resting his head on top of yours.
Eddie eventually turns the water off and gets out of the shower, offering you a hand. Taking his hands in yours letting him help you out of the shower and wrap a fluffy towel around you.
“Thank you for stayin’ with me” Eddie says softly, leaving a kiss on your forehead.
“Thank you for making me stay” you mutter into his chest, as much as you wanted to go to the library, you could never pass up time like this. You hear Eddie hum around you, his chest vibrating against your face, warming your insides.
You let Eddie dry you off and dress you, leaving kisses on your bare skin before putting each article of clothing on. Then you do the same for him. Each kiss to open skin, every piece of clothing, a sign of devotion to the other. So many words not said but shown instead, you didn’t know for certain if Eddie felt the same way you did, but your heart hoped that he did.
The adoration for him seeping through your pores, it filling you up threatening to burst, three words stuck in your throat. THE three words almost slipping off your tongue, but you couldn’t let yourself say them. Not before Violet knew, not until you weren’t a secret anymore.
 Plus, the two of you had only been together for a few months and you didn’t want to jump the gun and make a fool of yourself. Eddie just made you feel important and cared for, which just made it harder to hide it.
“Earth to Y/N,” you hear Eddies voice, pulling you from your thoughts. His rich brown eyes looking at you like you put the sun in the sky, paired with his goofy as ever smile, Forcing a smile onto your face.
“So, listen as much I’d love to see your cute little butt after class. I promised a friend of mine I’d help them out with something. But text me at any time if you need a ride or if you need anything tonight, okay?” he says, his voice kind but slightly serious. You know that he really would drop anything if you really needed him. A pout forms across your lips, you were hoping to stop by and thank him for the sweet morning the two of you were having together, thoughts of his cock on your tongue swirling in your brain.
You reluctantly give Eddie one more kiss before heading out the door for the day. The day was dragging on, classes were almost over for the semester and for the most part a majority of your professors had given up actually teaching or just droned on about upcoming projects that you were due. Sociology was never the same after Steve left, you noticed some students had even dropped the class, you didn’t blame them. It made you sad, thinking about Steve, you know what he was likely doing right now, probably drinking himself to the bottom of another bottle.
 And it was all your fault, if you hadn’t had stupid crush on your teacher, Steve would still be doing what he loved. At least the semester was almost over so you wouldn’t have the burden of being reminded multiple times a week in class. The second your new professor dismissed you all, you hurried out of the room quickly not wanting to be tortured any longer by the images of Steve at home, slumped over his desk with tears in his eyes.
You had re played that moment so many times since it had happened, trying to make sense of it, trying to figure out why you felt so deeply about him. When Eddie made you the happiest you had ever been. You felt so guilty feeling so strongly about someone else, especially after the morning you and Eddie shared. Your heart just couldn’t help but ache for the man you left in that big house, all alone, drinking his sorrows away.
I’m a fucking monster
You pinch your eyebrows with your fingers, willing all the scattered pieces of yourself back together. You blow out all the air in your lungs and push your key into the ignition, driving away from school, leaving all thoughts of Steve behind.
Violet had decided to come to your place early to get ready, it reminded you of when the two of you used to get ready for school dances together when you were younger. She insisted on the both of you wearing the least amount of clothing as possible, much to your dismay.
“Since when did you become a prude? We are both hot, young, single women. We deserve to have men and women alike ogle at us from time to time. It builds self-confidence!” she declares assuredly.
Not single Not single Not single
Violet decided on a black lacey strappy dress that hugged all of her curves just right, her eyes sultry lined with two smokey black wings, and her purple hair curled to perfection sitting right above her butt. She looked like every nerdy guys gothic dream. You decide on something a little less scandalous, but still approved by Violet. Wearing a black bralette with a black mesh long sleeve over it, extenuating your breasts, pairing it with a short black mini skirt with a slit going half way up the side; and your black combat boots.
 She had convinced you to take a few shots before going to the bar, your head already delightfully buzzed. You were just putting one more coat of lip gloss, when you hear Violet call out from the other room.
“Ubers here!”
The two of you squeeze into the back of an uber and head to the bar. Violet told you on the way that evidently it was a new bar in town that everyone has been talking about and posting all about over social media. Violets extensive knowledge of the bar scene completely going over your head.
The Uber let the two of you off in front of a building covered in red neon lights, you could already hear the loud music coming from inside of the building. Violet grabs your hand and the two of you head inside. The bar was more crowded than you expected, all of you smooshed into the building like sardines. The floor vibrated with how loud it is, the music combined with people chattering away made your head hurt. You make your way past other patrons and head towards the bar, Violet sits down confidently, flipping her hair behind her back.
“I’m gonna see if I can get someone to buy us some drinks, follow my lead.” She ushers the two of you closer to a group of guys who looked like they have had one too many beers already.
“Hey boys,” Violet says slyly, she was always good with getting her way. She never acted spoiled or threw a fit if she didn’t, but you always admired how confident she was and how good she is with people. She never went home with or even danced with any of the men she flirted with, her heart still stuck on Quinn, just using them to keep her mind off of her broken heart. You look around at the rest of the bar, uninterested in any of the men that were stood before you.
The bar was dimly lit, with a few candles placed on various tables around the room. The actual bar took up a majority of the back wall, filled with any kind of liquor you could possibly want. The people occupying the bar varied in age, some younger, some older, all seemingly having a good time. Couples held up in the corners of the room, talking quietly, kissing or other various salacious activities. On the right side of the room was a small dance floor, where patrons were dancing, some more lewdly than others.
When you finally returned your attention back to Violet, she handed you a drink and fluttered her eyelashes at the group of men before whisking you away to the corner of the room.
“Why are men so gross? I swear I could barely get one of them to look me in the eye, like I know my tits are great but they aren’t THAT great,” she slurs slightly, the shots catching up to her already.
The two of you sit in a corner of the room, finishing off your very strong drinks. You sat back in amusement at every guy that would pick up the courage to stop by at your table, trying to pick up one or the both of you, some more pathetic than others. You looked over at Violet every once in a while, making sure that this wasn’t all for nothing and that she was having a good time.
Violet put up a good front, it was pretty easy with her eyes disguised in black eyeliner, but you could see through to the sadness underneath it all. Beneath all of her confidence and extroverted tendencies, was agony. The type of sadness that sits in your stomach and rots, eating you from the inside out. You tried not to push her too much, asking if she was okay and told her that you were here whenever she needed to talk. But she brushed you off every single time. But you knew, she didn’t even need to tell you how she felt.. you could feel it ripping her apart on the inside. You see her smile fading slightly after turning down yet another guy. You see and in and you take it.
“Vi.. are you okay? Like really? And please no more bullshit, if I have to hear one more “I’m okay” or “I’m fine” I’m gonna scream,” you plead with your best friend.
Her shoulders drop, all hints of happiness leaving her face, behind her eyeliner she looked tired. Not just physically tired, the tired you get from pretending to be okay when you’re not, not sleeping at night because your mind won’t shut off. She turns towards you, wetness forming in the corners of her eyes, her mask finally off.
“No, I’m not, and I don’t know when I will be, I keep waiting and waiting that one day it won’t hurt so much.. I just thought that if I pretend, that eventually one day it won’t hurt so bad... but it hasn’t. For fucks sake I thought we were going to get married!... Well I wanted to get married,” she sniffles.
You grab her hand and squeeze it tightly inside yours, just grateful that she was letting you in. She looks at you gratefully and pulls you into a tight hug. You didn’t have any words to make it better, to numb her pain.. you just squeezed her tightly back and hoped it was enough.
“I dunno what I’d do without you bubs, you’re literally the only reason I’m holding it together right now,” she admits.
Guilt floods your system like a tsunami, even more unsure now how she was going to take the new about you and Eddie. Not only would you be rubbing your very happy relationship in her face, but it’s with her fucking dad, her fucking dad. No, she deserved to know. No matter what happens now, Eddie is just as important to you as she is, and you weren’t going to let him go. Violet would just have to understand.
“Alright no more sad talk, we’re here to have fun!”
She grabs your arm and takes you back over to the bar, ordering another round of shots for the two of you. Tequilla burning your throat as the two of you stumble onto the dance floor.
 It’s a blur of sweat, glitter, and bodies. The two of you sway your hips back and forth to the beat of the music, giggling at one another, the alcohol officially taking effect. More and more people gather onto the dance floor, filling the room with sweat and haze.
You and Violet smile at each other, holding hands and singing obnoxiously loud to the songs playing. You can see the worry and the sadness evaporate off Violet’s face, you smile to yourself, wishing all the happiness in the world for your best friend.
After a few more songs, Violet excuses herself to go to the bathroom. You linger at the edge of the dance floor, not wanting to dance by yourself. You take the time to people watch, looking at the various patrons at the bar, guys trying to score, girls laughing with their friends, older men sitting at the bar nursing their drinks, the bartenders running around behind the bar like chickens with their heads cut off, and Eddie.
Wait.. EDDIE?!
You do a double take and then a triple take to make sure your alcohol goggles weren’t skewing your vision, and you weren’t imagining your very sexy boyfriend at a random bar with some guy. You smile and start to walk over to the table where Eddie was at to say hello. But you stop in your tracks, the closer you get, the back of the other man’s head becomes increasingly more familiar. Steve fucking Harrington.
Your body freezes, your brain working a million miles a minute.
Steve knows Eddie?
Eddie knows Steve?
Your body stiffens even further when you see Steve’s large hand envelop the upper part of Eddies thigh, traveling farther and farther up his leg. Your breath caught in your throat, a lump making its home there.
How could he?
What the hell?
What the fuck is going on?
Eddie looks at Steve, kind of sad but also startled, his eyes wander behind Steve’s head and locks eyes with you. His mouth hung open agape. That’s the last thing you see before the tears cloud your vision. You push past the crowd of people in the bar, making your way to the front door. Pushing the door open, the cold air forcing goosebumps across your skin.
Unable to hold the tears anymore, you let them flow freely down your face. You look around you and you don’t know what to do or where to go. You can’t leave, but you don’t want to stay either. You wrap your arms around yourself, trying to self soothe and protect yourself from the cold.
That’s when you hear the loud music from inside the bar followed by the front door closing, you hear a familiar voice call out to you.
“Y/N, it’s not what you think-, “ Eddie says desperately.
“What was his hand doing on your leg? I thought you were helping out a friend tonight?” You cut him off, trying to keep your voice level and hold back anymore tears.
You knew it, you knew Eddie was too good to be true. He’s too nice, and warm, you felt too safe around him. Every happy moment with him comes crashing down in an instant, you never really mattered to him. You were always just his daughter’s best friend, a little kid, someone to mess around with. How could you be so blind, your own stupidity kicking you in the face and knocking the air out of your lungs. You didn’t even know who you were madder at, Eddie, or at yourself.
“Fuck I was! I mean I am!” Eddie says, panic setting in his voice.
“So, him feeling you up, that’s you helping out a friend? How charitable, Eds” you spit back. You could allow yourself to be angry, but you wouldn’t break, not right now. Not if you had to go back inside and face Violet.
“Yes! No, I- we are JUST friends, baby I promise” Eddie pleads.
“I’d say we’ve been more than friends Ed” you hear another familiar voice, as Steve steps out into the midnight air.
Your heart could crumble into a million pieces by Steve’s confession, you’d fall to the ground if your brain wasn’t working so hard, buzzing like a million bees working overtime.
“You need to tell me what’s going on right now or I’m grabbing Violet and I’m never speaking to either of you ever again.” The hurt in your voice noticeable, you bite your lip to stop your lip from quivering. Eddies rubs his hands across his face, trying to find the words to explain.
“Wait, you two know each other?” Steve says, hands on his hips, all three of you looking at each other with so many unsaid questions.
“Yeah, we know each other very fucking well Steve,” you seethe, trying to hide your hurt. Steve flinches slightly, looking guilty.
“Eddie, what the fuck is going on… If-if I was just going to be a little fling for you, a heads up would have been nice! I-I let you in, I let you see every part of me and then you do THIS? I’ve been hurt in the past, but I never, ever, thought I’d be hurt by you” you choke back a sob, as angry tears start streaming down your face. You know by now that your mascara and make up were completely ruined, you felt more vulnerable than you had ever felt in your entire life.
Your heart might as well have been ripped from your chest and stomped on right in front of you on the cold hard pavement. You look at the two faces staring back at you, Steve still utterly confused and bewildered, and Eddie, well Eddie’s face mirrored yours. His eyes misty, you can see his Adams apple bobbing in his throat. Steve runs his hands nervously through his hair before speaking.
“Look this is all my fault, okay? I, shit, I’ve been so hung up on everything that happened between us that I just wanted to feel good. Eddie and I, we used to have something in the past, but it’s not happened in a long time. I don’t really know what I was thinking, I was just being stupid.” Steve admits, looking down at his shoes, his cheeks red in embarrassment.
“Between the two of you? What the fuck happened between the two of you?” a fire lit up behind Eddies eyes.
You sigh, not having it in your heart to be angry with Steve, he must have just not known that the two of you were together, or maybe Eddie hadn’t mentioned it yet.
“Remember that guy.. that kissed me... and I came over to your house crying?” you say defeated; you point over at Steve. He raises his hand with a sympathetic look on his face.
“Guilty is charged,” Steve says lightheartedly, trying to lighten the mood.
“YOU kissed her? Jesus Christ this is so fucked up” Eddie says, pacing between the two of you, trying to clear his head. Steve nods his head, his eyes moving back and forth trying to put his thoughts together.
“Did I kiss you when you guys were together? Did you come over and check on me while you were with him?” Steve’s finger pointed at Eddie, his eyes sadder than they were a minute ago.
Eddies eyes now huge wildfires and looks at you, crossing his arms.
“What the fuck is he talking about Y/N, when did you go and see him?” he spits.
Now it was your turn for your mouth to open and close, your brain no longer able to form any words.
“No Steve, we weren’t together when we kissed. Eds listen it wasn’t like that, I just felt bad and was worried about him because he stopped coming to class. When I got to his place he was drunk and I just helped him clean up his house that’s all.” You reassure Eddie, but his expression was blank and his eyes cold.
“I asked when Y/N, when did you go over to his house?” he mutters quietly.
“3 Days ago,” you admit apologetically, looking anywhere besides Eddies disapproving eyes.
“You mean the day after we had sex? The day after “I” let YOU in?” Eddie fumes.
You bite your lip and look at him, searching for your Eddie, searching for the warmth in his eyes. But you saw nothing, he didn’t even look like himself, his face contorted in anger.
Eddie takes a few steps towards you, a frown on his face and hurt in his eyes. You flinch at his expression, you have never seen Eddie look so mad and upset, it’s so jarring. You rarely even heard the man yell.
“So, let me get this straight, you kiss Steve, and then you came running over to my house, and you let ME kiss you? And then when after we have sex, pretty fucking good sex I might add, you go over to HIS house? Un-fucking-believable Y/N,” he snarls, his voice breaking at the end.
You slump your shoulders, you needed to make him understand, to know how much he means to you.
“Eddie, I- “
“You’re fucking my dad?” You hear a voice call out from the entrance of the bar.
All the blood in your body turns to ice, this is not how you wanted her to find out, you and Eddie had a whole plan. That plan likely now in the trash, you didn’t even know if Eddie was going to forgive you.
“Violet, please not now” you hear Eddie say tiredly.
“No wait let ME get this straight” she says, stepping closer to the three of you, tears swimming in her eyes.
“Not only are you fucking my dad, YOU my best friend since middle school, AND you kissed my uncle Steve?!” she says, her lips upturned in a fake smile that was like a slap to the face.
“We were going to tell you tomorrow Vi, I promise I wasn’t trying to hide it from you. I just-“ you knew any words that you said to her right now weren’t going to matter, you could tell by the look on her face that she’s already made up her mind. You stifle a sob, looking at Eddie for help.
Eddie turns towards you, but the Eddie you had come to know wasn’t there. Almost no emotion in his eyes, he looks at you mournfully, almost like he pitied you.
“We were waiting until we knew it was serious Vi, it’s not all her fault either, take it easy,” he warns.
“No stop talking, I’ll deal with you later” she snaps, dismissing her father.
“So, what are you some kind of slut? You kiss someone else while you’re with my dad? What kind of fucking monster are you? I don’t even know who you are anymore!” she wails tears like waterfalls down her pretty face.
You didn’t know the answer to her questions, but you knew she was right. You are a monster, you’re like a hurricane that bulldozes everything it touches.
“Violet please, I’m sorry I promise I didn’t mean to hurt you, I didn’t mean to hurt anyone. You’re all the family I have, just please let’s go home so we can talk this all out.” your legs wobble, threatening to give out below you, sobs wracking in your chest. Your entire world was crashing down around you, and there was nothing you could do to stop it.
“No, we’re done, I can’t even look at you right now. Stay the fuck away from me and MY family,” she warns.
Violet turns and walks away from the three of you and the bar, you go to follow her, but a large hand envelops your shoulder.
“You probably shouldn’t,” Eddie says flatly.
“But I need to, I need to make things right, I can’t just leave it like this!” you plead with him, fresh tears blurring your vision.
Eddie nods his head knowing you well enough by now to know why you feel this way. “I think its best if there’s some space from the two of you… and us for now.”
“Wait what? Are you breaking up with me?” you squeak, the words pushing the rest of the air from your lungs. By this point your legs are numb from the cold air, anxiety filled your body making you shake like a leaf and your teeth chatter. You couldn’t even feel the cold anymore, your body feels like it's on fire, threatening to explode from the inside out.
“Eddie please, please don’t do this, don’t do this to me” you plead, begging with everything you have in you, every breath every feeling, every kiss re playing in your brain.
I can’t lose you I can’t lose you I can’t lose you please please please please don’t go
Eddie rubs his hand behind his neck, he looks tired, his eyes rimmed with tears of his own, he blinks them away and looks at you.
“I just need some space, maybe someday we can revisit this, but I can’t do this right now, I need to make things right with my daughter. She comes first, I’m sorry” he explains.
You nod your head in understanding and defeat, of course Violet comes first. Your head was so clouded in panic you forgot about how this would affect his relationship with her.
Eddie looks at Steve and then looks at you, he gives you one final nod before he walks away into the night looking for Violet.
You sink onto the cold hard sidewalk, you put your head on your knees, your back shaking harshly while all the held in tears and sobs come out in droves. You cried for what felt like hours, occasionally hearing drunk people coming out of the bar. Before you knew it the muted music playing in the bar stopped and the lights on the inside went out. You lift your head up to rest on your knees, your eyes surely swollen from all the crying, your whole body hurt. Partially from sitting so long, but also because you don’t think you’ve ever cried so hard in your life. Your eyes hurt, your chest ached, and your throat felt like it was on fire.
You see movement to your left and look to see Steve sitting next to you patiently on the pavement. His arms on his knees, he turns his head to look at you, his eyes full of worry.
“Sorry if I startled you or something, I just- I didn’t like the idea of you being downtown all by yourself in your state. I hope that’s okay” he says kindly.
His warmness making your chest hurt, you didn’t deserve his kindness, or anyone’s kindness after everything that happened.
“You don’t have to stay with me, I’ll just call an uber or something...” you say softly, wiping the rest of the tears from your face.
Steve doesn’t say anything, he just stands up and at first you think he’s going to take you at your word and leave. Then you feel his hand on your back, ushering you up, you start to protest. But he just ushers you silently towards his car. He gets in the driver’s side and turns on the car, then he gets out and helps you into the passenger side, holding you gently.
“I turned the seat warmers on, feel free to turn the heat up, you must be freezing.” He says softly. He shuts your car door for you and then ruffles around in the back seat before opening your car door again and wrapping you up in a warm blanket.
“I have this stashed for emergencies, seems like the right time to use it.” He states, fussing over you making sure you’re completely covered by the blanket.
New tears well in your eyes, your heart spilling out of you, it’s all too much. The whiplash of the argument with Eddie and Violet and now Steve being the sweetest man in the world to you. As if you aren’t the worst person to ever exist. You didn’t deserve this, you should be locked away for your crimes . Not wrapped up in a blanket and handled with care, it wasn’t fair to Eddie or Violet.
“We really were going to tell her, ya know? And- and I didn’t mean for things to happen with Eddie after we kissed, it just happened. It’s all so messy and it’s all my fault, I fucked it all up!” You sob.
Steve looks back at you mournfully.
“I know, honey, I know,” he says softly.
 The two of you sit in some more silence while you cry, then you feel his warm hand start rubbing little circles into your back, which only makes you sob harder, but even so, you find yourself leaning into his touch. Leaning into any type of comfort, your heart hurt too much, you couldn’t take it, you need it to go away.
Eventually, you stop crying and Steve gets in the driver side to drive you home, you just look out the window, allowing your body to thaw under the blanket. You eventually give Steve directions to your apartment, and go back to looking out the window, your eyes getting heavier and heavier the longer you were sitting wrapped in your blanket cocoon.
When you wake, you hear the car door opening and feel Steve’s strong arms scoop you against his chest. You smell his intoxicating cologne; you hadn’t smelled it in so long, but it awoken something in you. You blinked slowly, taking in your surroundings. He had not taken you home, to your lonely apartment filled with the memories of you and Eddie. Instead, you were being carried through the front door of his house and entering a very familiar foyer. Steve sets you down on a comfy couch in a room you assume is the living room.
You stare at him in confusion, your brain fogged over from tonight’s events. He looks a little nervous, his knee bouncing up and down.
“Uh sorry, you fell asleep, and I didn’t like the idea of you going home and being by yourself. I can still take you home if you’d like, I just I dunno...I was worried about you,” he confesses, his honey brown eyes staring up at you expectantly.
You wipe away the sleep and the dried tears from your eyes, you sit up sorely, your body punishing you for sitting on the hard pavement for so long. You feel more vulnerable than you’d like to admit, in Steves house with barely any clothes on. You rub your arms trying to soothe yourself, wrapping yourself up tighter in Steves blanket.
“Thank you” you squeak, your voice hoarse from crying so much. He smiles slightly and nods, scratching the back of his neck before he speaks next.
“You’re welcome to stay...if you’d like, I have plenty of guest rooms for you to sleep in. No pressure though,” he says hurriedly.
You mull over his offer, the idea of staying over made your stomach feel sick with guilt but also burn with curiosity. Then you thought again about getting back in his car, and going back home to your apartment, alone with your thoughts, replaying tonight’s events over and over again.
“If it’s alright with you... I think I’d like to stay,” you say meekly, fidgeting with your hands.
The anxiety on Steve’s face diminishes, nodding at you eagerly. “Please, mi casa es su casa,” he gestures to his house and chuckles lightly to clear the air.
You look at him gratefully, the two of you make some light small talk before he gives you the grand tour of the house. He explains it used to be his parents’ house before they moved to Florida after his dad retired. He went on to tell you that he wasn’t very close with his parents, they always resented him for never marrying or having any kids of his own. You felt even more guilty now, not only had Steve left his job because of you, but that meant more time stuck in this house, thinking about what a disappointment he is to his parents. The self-pity spiral is starting to grow bigger and bigger inside your head once again, the spell only broken when Steve puts his hand on your back, and your mind goes silent.
Focusing on the warmth and pressure his hand is leaving on your back. In contrast to all the shitty things that happened this evening, you’re allowing yourself this one nice thing. It reminded you of simpler times, when you just had a little crush on your sociology professor, before the kiss, before everything with Eddie. You remember the first time he put his hand on your back, it was the first day you went into his office when he helped you take care of that parking ticket. You remember how your insides twisted and turned with excitement. Then, when you became his TA, it was something you looked forward to when the two of you were alone together.
“And this is one of the many guest bedrooms, feel free to pick anyone you like there’s plenty to choose” he states cheerfully.
Steve shows you the rest of the house, your mind boggled by how big the house really is, castle might be a better word for it.
Steve escorts you towards one of the many bathrooms on the second floor leaving you alone to shower and freshen up, the bathroom stocked with the fluffiest towels you’ve ever felt in your entire life. The guest bathroom alone seemed bigger than your whole apartment. You let the hot water envelop you, hugging every part of your body.
You sit on the cold tiles of the shower, trying to figure out what to do. You think about Violet first, the person who ha been your best friend for as long as you can remember, the only one who has always been in your corner, now gone. You feel tears at the edges of your very sore eyes. Then you think of Eddie, the sweetest guy to ever exist, and the only one to ever make you feel worthy of love.
How did you fuck this up so badly?
You let a few more tears fall, meeting the warm water down the drain. You rub your eyes, the skin around your eyes raw from all the crying, you can’t remember the last time you cried this much. It made you feel so small and fragile, like if someone breathed at you the wrong way, you’d crumble into a million pieces. You let a few more tears fall before you take a deep breath and finish your shower. You shake away your thoughts, thinking about how differently this day had started versus how it was ending, everything taken away from you so quickly.
You were grateful for Steves kindness, it felt nice to not be in your apartment. To be away from the mess you had made, you could almost allow yourself to forget.. almost.
When you walk into the guest bedroom you see a pair of plaid boxers and a big grey t-shirt left on the bed for you, you pick up the t-shirt laid out before you and bring it up to your nose. Your shoulders relax as the scent fills your nostrils. The scent of Steve, not even his cologne, just him. It made your brain dizzy. Once you finish getting dressed you hear a knock on the door.
“Come in!” you call out. Steve emerges from the other side of the door, holding a glass of water and a bottle of Tylenol. He shakes the bottle in his hand and comes to sit next to you on the bed.
“Oh gosh Thank you so much” you say gratefully taking the glass of water and taking two Tylenol.
Steve waves you off, you will be forever in awe of the way Steve is able to make anything seem like a piece of cake. He never made you feel like a burden, something you are always concerned about. It made you feel a little more at ease.
“You really didn’t have to do all this for me, it’s my own mess that I gotta figure out how to clean up, I feel bad that you went through all this trouble for me” you confess, guilt already filling your chest again. These were the consequences of your own actions, and you needed to deal with it. You think about how unfair you’ve been, not only to Eddie or Violet, but to Steve as well. None of them deserved to be caught up in your hurricane, but yet they all paid the price somehow.
“You’d do it for me...you have done it for me” he says quietly, looking at his hands.
You turn your head, studying his face, he seemed slightly embarrassed but mostly sad.
“You didn’t have to come over and check on me, especially not when I drunk texted you like an idiot. You were so kind, and I was so pathetic.” He runs his fingers through his hair, shaking his head slightly.
“Anyone would have done that Steve, really it’s okay, I didn’t mind helping. Everyone needs some help every now and again,” you say dismissing him.
“Exactly, so why don’t you take your own advice and let me help you?” he counters, sticking up one of his eyebrows in retort.
You try and find a reason, but you couldn’t think of a good one. Your brain is exhausted, you need comfort.. a hug, something.
“C’mere” Steve mumbles, opening his arms to you, like he could read your mind, but knowing you, your face doesn’t hide much. Your pain was probably written all over your face. You didn’t have anything left in you to deny yourself any longer, that left when Eddie did. You crawl into Steves arms and let out a deep breath for one of the first times tonight. He wraps his strong arms around you, the two of you sit like that for a bit. Steve never pulling away, just letting you cuddle up against him for as long as you need.
You sigh in his arms, allowing yourself to fully relax, you wrap your fingers around Steves shirt. Bringing him impossibly closer to you, taking in his intoxicating scent once again. His heartbeat against your ear warming you more than the shower did, making your body relax completely against his. After today’s events, this little bit of affection was like a drug, a drug that was filling your body with need. Desire brewing inside you, begging you to forget, pleading with you to give into your deepest needs.
You pull back from Steve's embrace, just enough to be a couple inches from his face, you could feel his breath on your cheeks. You look into his eyes, but he's not looking at you. He’s looking at your lips, you can see his brain fighting the urge to kiss you. And that diminishes the rest of your resolve, you lean in closer to his lips. Steve eagerly meets you halfway, his lips a hungry attack on your own. Not like the way he kissed you back in his office so many weeks ago, that kiss was swift and innocent. This kiss was one filled with passion and need, he grabs the back of your neck, almost like a promise to himself that he wouldn’t let you go this time. You entwine your fingers into his silky locks at the nap of his neck, pulling him closer to you. That elicits a groan from Steve, only making your need for him grow stronger. His moan makes your brain short circuit, the most primal part of you coming out of its cave, ready to play. You couldn’t even count how many nights during the start of the school year you would imagine what he sounded like, with your hand between your legs.
Steve grabs your waist and pulls you onto his lap, you mindlessly grind against his lap selfishly trying to find any type of friction against your core. You moan into each other’s mouths, a song of your combined desperation for each other. The two of you are a tangled mess of hands, lips, and tongues.
Steve grabs at the edges of your (his) shirt, pulling it up and over your head. It takes Steve no time to start his assault on your chest. Leaving open mouthed kisses on your skin, nipping and sucking on your nipples, making you grind down harder on his lap.
“Damn... you’re so fucking beautiful,” he moans into your chest, his voice making you throw your head back in pleasure, answering him with a moan of your own. His eyes wild in lust, slightly bloodshot from the previous events, but still trained on you, like you’re the only thing that mattered in the world right now. Steve's grip on you was firm but not bruising, another way he showed you how much he cared for you, even now. You hold onto his shoulders for support, grinding down faster into his lap. The head of his cock rubbing deliciously against your clit, you could feel your arousal soaking the cloth of Steve’s boxers, you’d be embarrassed if you weren’t so incredible turned on.
Wanting to see more of him you tug his shirt off too, running your hands through his dark brown chest hair.
He guides you to lay down on the bed, his weight on top of you only adding to the feeling of his cock in between your folds. You moan loudly, pushing your hips against his, the pleasure building deep inside you.
“You sound so pretty baby, so so pretty” Steve praises you, leaving little kisses along your pulse point. He makes his way down your body, leaving kisses on every open patch of skin he could find. Reaching the hem of his boxers hanging lowly on your waist, looking up at you, his eyes asking permission to move forward with his thought. You nod your head quickly, in your hazy state you’d probably let him do about anything to you right now. He leaves a kiss right below your belly button as a thank you as he slides of your (his) boxers, pushing your legs open to fully expose yourself to him.
Steve lets out a pained moan, spreading your lips, inspecting every inch of your center like it was painted my da Vinci himself.
“Jesus christ baby, look at you.. soo wet” He admires, barely audible to you, almost like he was talking to himself. Steve leaves chaste kisses on your thighs, making them slightly in anticipation.  Finally Steve licks a long stripe from your center to your clit, flicking your clit with the point of his tongue.
“Fuck Steve oh-oh my god,” you whimper, you were already so needy and you barely started.
Steve goes to town like a man starved, if it didn’t feel so damn good, you’d be worried that he wasn’t coming up for air. His tongue darting expertly in and out of your core, his handsomely pointed nose rubbing up against your clit making you see stars.
Your legs threaten to close, unable to hold them open any longer, smushing Steve's face. His hands guide your thighs open wider than before, getting impossibly closer to your heat. Your body hurtling embarrassingly fast towards your release already, you grab a fist full of his hair to steady yourself.
Free of consequences, and pain, it’s ecstasy.
Steve moans deliciously into your core, the vibration sending another wave of pleasure down your spine, rolling your hips into his face.
“H-holy shitt, look at you baby, makin’ such a mess for me, such a good girl,” he coos at you, making you clench around nothing. The whole bottom half of his face glistening with your arousal, not that it seemed to bother Steve. He looked like a kid in a fucking candy store, greedily sucking, nipping, and licking every drop you gave him. He’s a man possessed.
With every lick of Steve’s tongue, you were getting closer and closer to pure bliss. The headboard behind you rocking back and forth against the wall obnoxiously, you look down below you to see Steve's hips rocking against the mattress as he was buried deep in between your legs. What a fucking sight.
He's so pretty
That image alone brings you right at the edge, your hips grinding fervently against his face, your combined moans filling the room
 “Yeah, right there, fuck right fucking there!” you wail.
His hands tighten around your thighs, doubling down between your folds.
“Fuck Fuck Fuck I’m gonnna... I’m gonna cum!” you scream as your vision whites out and euphoria floods your system. Your ears ringing, the only thing you can hear is the mixed moans of you and Steve. Your on cloud nine, your brain thanking you, your mind clear of Eddie and Violet, only Steve. Steve's hands, mouth, lips, tongue, everything Steve.
Once you come down from your high, you look at Steve hungrily, sitting up to capture his lips with yours. Your release tangy on his tongue. He wraps his arms around you, smooshing you back onto the bed.
“Your turn” you say with a smirk, flipping him over onto his back.  
“Uh.. no need” Steve says sheepishly, looking down at the wet spot that formed in his grey sweatpants. Your mouth hung open in an “O” shape. Steve just came from eating you out
… holy shit...
“Holy shit” you say, your eyes unable to move from the mess he made in his pants.
“Yeah, holy shit” he chimes in, clearly a little embarrassed by his actions.  You didn’t want him to be embarrassed, he had no need to be. He is just one of the sexiest men alive that’s all, no big deal. You look up at him with lust still in his eyes, and lean over his mess. You leave open mouth kisses on the fabric, licking lightly with your tongue. You taste bits of Steve's release, making you moan wishing for more.
“Jesus- Fuck!” Steve hisses, his hips buckle at the sensation, still sensitive from his climax. You look back up at him innocently, giving him a light kiss on the cheek.   
“What am I gonna do with you, you naughty girl” he smirks, shaking his head back and forth. The question hanging uncomfortable in the air...
What the fuck were the two of you going to do? What the fuck was that?
Eventually the two make your way to the bathroom, Steve leaves momentarily to change into different pants and leaves you to clean yourself. Upon his return he brought you a new pair of boxers and you thank him gratefully. The other pair completely pathetically soiled.
Looking at Steve post orgasm should be its own art exhibit, his grey-brown hair messy from being pulled and tugged, his eyes still slightly blown in lust, his lips pink, and his chest delightfully bare. How could he get even more beautiful? You wished your mind to take a picture to remember this.
Steve walks you back to your room and sits next to you on the bed, so many unsaid words hung in the air. Firstly, you didn’t want Steve to think this was some kind of a rebound, of course it felt good, but you had been wanting Steve since the first day he set foot in the classroom. Then there was Eddie, your wound still fresh from your breakup. You really do care for Eddie, he was the best boyfriend you’ve ever had, but that didn’t diminish your feelings for Steve. You knew that if Eddie found out about what the two of you had done, you’d just hurt him even more than you already have. You stomach started twisting in knots, the mess you made growing bigger by the hour bringing in more casualties. Your brain is even more confused than it was a few hours ago, if that’s even possible.
“This doesn’t have to be a thing, you know? We don’t have to talk about it ever again. Scouts honor,” He confesses, smiling warmly at you.
“I’m so sorry Steve, I didn’t mean for this to happen, I- I don’t know what happened, I just...”
“You’re sorry? I should be the one who’s apologizing, I feel like a fucking monster. You were a little drunk, and so was I, and I didn’t stop it even though I should have. You don’t have to explain yourself to me at all Y/N, okay?” he interrupts.
You feel some tension leaving your shoulders, although you didn’t think it was Steve’s fault at all. But all the energy you had to argue with him, had been squashed by the orgasm Steve so wonderfully gifted to you, your body now beyond exhausted, begging you for sleep. You bring your knees up to your chest and yawn.
“Okay Stevie,” you say, your eyes fluttering, fighting to stay open.
Steve smiles warmly at the nickname, “Alright, well I’ll let you get some rest, I’m just down the hall if you need anything”
You watch Steve get up and walk towards the door, anxiety filling your head watching him leave. You didn’t want him to go. You remember how nice his arms felt around you not an hour ago, and how calm your brain is when he’s around.
“Steve?” you say barely audible.
“Yeah?” he says his eyes showing a hint of concern and anticipation.
“Stay with me?” you beg pathetically. You know its not right, you know you shouldn’t want him, or crave him. What about Eddie, what about fucking Eddie. But your heart ached with the thought of sleeping so close but so far from him, the need for him ached deep inside your bones.
Silence fills the room, the two of you looking at each other, knowing the answer to your question could change everything. You open your mouth saying you’ve changed your mind, feeling stupid again for the hundredth time tonight.
But as you’re about to say something, Steve closes the door and sits next to you on the bed. Steve's eyes are tired, you look at the clock next to you and it’s nearly 5 am, Steve had the patience of a god. You let out the breath you were holding, the bubble of anxiety dissipating from your chest.
“Go on, get comfy, I know you’re exhausted” Steve orders, motioning towards the covers. You wrap yourself up under the very expensive looking blankets, Steve tugging the blankets up higher making sure you were comfy before settling in behind you. He envelops you with his arms, pulling you closer, your back now flush with his chest and your head resting comfortable under his. Steve is so warm, like the sun, filling your body with its heat, your eyes eyes getting heavy. He rubs soothing circles into your bare skin that’s open to him.
“’s this okay?” he breathes quietly into your ear.
“Yeah.. perfect,” you whisper, alright on the verge of sleep.
Dreamland finds you not long after, the dull ache in your chest soothed by the warmth of Steve’s body next to you in bed.
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Tag List!: If you wanna be added to the tag list just lemme know! Must be 18+!
@sweetblinginrose @tlclick73 @paleidiot @frogtape @too-efn-old-to-be-here @peaches-roses-sins @micheledawn1975 @untitled74745 @hellv1ra @alastorssimp @star-of-velaris @yeaiamme2 @itdobe-liza @mmaaddyy @cozyquinn @bunny7232 @eddiesguitarskills
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giggly-squiggily · 2 months
AHHH REQUESTS I cant wait to read everything you come up with!!😭💖Since I can’t get these two out of my mind I’m going to try my luck with satosugu if any of this inspires you, feel free to switch it up in any way you like❤️
Gojo is being beyond arrogant and claims he wouldn’t even need Infinity to win a fight. Geto disagrees with “I bet I can make you activate Infinity in less than 5 minutes”
Hehehehhehhehe Yes! I love satosugu so much y'all don't even KNOW- it's been a hot minute since I've written for the boys! I've gotcha covered, friend!
CW: swearing
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps):
@thatbigbisexual29 @duckymcdoorknob @gladdygirl18 @baby-tickles2022 @cupcake-spice13 @rachi-roo @chibisstuff @imjusthere07 @sevenincubistolemyheart @riisada @sp1racle @happy-trenchcoated-impala
“You’re full of shit.”
“And you’re full of piss.” Gojo replied back automatically, grinning around his soda. “Seriously though- I could absolutely win in a fight against you- even without my limitless ability.”
“Sure- that’s why it’s still on now?” Geto cocked a brow, watching Gojo choke on his drink. “You can’t even release it when you’re around me.”
“That’s cause I don’t want to catch your ugly.” The white haired teen grinned, laughing when Geto punched him in the shoulder. “I’m practicing holding it up for hours on end. Mr. Masamichi told me to do it- said it’d be helpful down the road.”
“That makes sense. Cursed energy is like muscles- the more you work them the stronger they get.” Still- Geto didn’t like how smug Gojo sounded a few moments ago. “I highly doubt you’d beat me without it.”
“Bet?” Gojo grinned. Got em.
“Bet.” Geto stood, getting into a fighting stance. Gojo tossed his can into the nearest recycle bin before doing the same, rolling out his shoulders. “Any last words before I kick your ass?”
“Yeah. I bet I can make you activate infinity in less than five seconds.”
Gojo grinned, a feral expression. “You’re on.”
The time was ticking- Geto and Gojo sized each other up as they crouched like alley cats; ready to fight. Gojo let his invisible aura fade.
Then- Geto struck.
“Whoa- gotcha!” Gojo laughed as he was tackled around the middle, Geto holding on tight. Was he gonna suplex him? Please- he had this in the bag. “Take this!” He raised his arms for a two handed slam when-
“GAH!” Gojo yelped when he was pulled to his feet- suddenly weakened. “No fair! No fahhahahir!”
“Yes fair, you shit!” Geto growled in his face, smirking while his hands prodded up and down Gojo’s sides. “I told you I can make you turn it back on in under five seconds!”
“Ihiiht’s nohohot on yehhehet! Aheahhahaha- yohohoohu cahahhan’t juhuhust gohhoho and tihiihihckle sohoohmeone like thahahaht! Aheahahha Suuhuhuhuguuhuuhru!” The pale haired teen swatted and shoved at Geto’s shoulders, trying his best to knock him away. Somehow in the time he was practicing Infinity, Geto was buffing up. “Whhiihihy ahahahhre yoohohu sohoohoho heheahhahavy?”
“Heavy? Oh hell nah- you did not just call me that!” Geto growled more, mock offended by the comment as he drilled into Gojo’s ribs, earning an arch and a squeal. “I’ll show you what happens when you go around calling people heavy! Take this!”
“Aheahhahahahaha! Gehahahahha nohoohoho! Nohohoht theehehhe rihiihibs! Yohoohhou’re kihihihihling mehehehehe!” Gojo thrashed and writhed like a snake, his arms pressed against his sides as his hands pinched at Geto’s collarbone in hopes of revenge tickles. “Thahahahke thahahaht!”
“Eh-ehehehehe! Iihhit’s gonna tahahke a lot more thahahn a few tihihihickles thehehre to get mehehehhe!” Geto scrunched some at the feeling, doubling his efforts to get Gojo to use his curse technique. He moved to the deadly spot near his lower ribs, pinching rapidly with four fingers.
“AH!” Gojo all but exploded into mirth, arching against him and throwing his head back in mirth. “SUHUHUHUGUHUUURUUHUHU!”
“Yes, Satoru? You know what you have to do.” Geto felt pride swell within. He was gonna get him to use it!
Gojo made a last ditch effort- reaching for Geto’s hips just as the other began drilling two fingers into that terrible spot on his waist. It was a close call, but seconds before he could make contact, Infinity kicked in- properly stopping Geto’s fingers where they were.
“Yes! AHH!” Geto’s whoop of victory was quickly cut short as Gojo squeezed his hips, making him shoot back frantically. The other teen was gasping for air, a hand on his belly and the other over his eyes as he slowly composed himself. “Goohohtcha! I told you I could mahahke you do it!”
“Nohoho..I won.” Gojo sat up, recovering fast. “You said you could make me activate it in five seconds or less. That was way longer.”
Geto didn’t have a response to that, leaving Gojo to whoop in his place. “Take that! Whoo! Why…why are you smiling at me like that.”
“A win is a win.” Geto shrugged, earning an even more confused glare. “Sure- you may have won the bet- but I got to tickle you for way longer than I planned. So thanks for that.”
Gojo blushed- another small win for Geto. “Why you son of a- COME HERE!” Flustered, the white haired teen threw himself at him, tackling him to the ground and going straight for the hips- making Geto shriek and cackle near instantly.
He didn’t regret it one bit.
Thanks for reading!
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gintrinsic-writing · 6 months
A Flicker in a Distant Timeline
CW: references to violence, loss of a limb, blood.
Like this, the King of Evil didn’t look like much—sweating through his robes, hair in disarray, panting through pain and exhaustion alike. He was too weakened to transform, and his baser form—his simple Gerudo body, absent of Demise’s visibly corroding influence—lacked the same petrifying, untouchable presence. Link figured he should tell him so. 
“You reek.”
Ganondorf’s glare was half-ruined by the tears rolling down his face; courtesy of some well-aimed dirt, Link thought smugly. “And you,” Ganondorf managed between breaths, “sound like a dying frog.”
Link barely had enough energy to muster up the indignation that deserved, but he managed. “A frog? That’s the worst you could come up with?” He scoffed, ignoring how much it stung to do so. “Were you even trying?”
“Croak, croak, croak,” Ganondorf griped, waving a hand back and forth. The Triforce of Power shimmered like a kaleidoscope against the back of his hand. “Annoying little wheezes.”
“Oh, forgive me. Some asshole punched me in the throat.”
“Only after another asshole pulled my hair!”
“So what?” Link croaked—ah, dammit, Ganondorf was right. What a miserable day.
“So, hair’s off-limits.”
“Off…” Link paused to stare. He blinked several times for good measure. Only a little blood managed to dribble into his eyes. “It was a fight! To the death!”
“Fated by the deities themselves,” Ganondorf agreed darkly. 
“And you think hair is off-limits?”
“Well, yes.” Ganondorf sneered at Link as if the hero was particularly dense. “We’re not animals.”
“You literally are, you dumb pig,” Link groaned. 
Ganondorf made some weird growling sound, then coughed. “Just you wait,” he grumbled. “As soon as I catch my breath, I’ll—”
“You’ll what?” Link mocked. “You’ll kill me? With what weapon? You couldn’t summon a speck of dust right now.”
Ganondorf curled his lip disdainfully. “As if you’re one to talk. You can’t even get up, can you?”
Link chose that moment to finally admit to himself that he’d been managing his half of the conversation while lying prone on the ground. He was sure the Master Sword was within grasp if he needed it. Probably. “I can move,” he answered loftily, only croaking a little, “whenever I want to.” 
“Sure,” Ganondorf agreed.
“I can.”
“Like I said, sure.”
Link groaned again. Dirt stuck to his lips in a very unheroic way. 
Seconds passed, then Ganondorf heaved another breath. It sounded more significant than the previous ones in some strange and foreboding way. He pushed off his knees with both hands and stood up straight. His spine popped immediately. “Damn the goddesses,” Ganondorf spat, bracing a clawed hand against the small of his back as he resumed his slouch. Link couldn’t help but nod in tired agreement. “And damn Demise!”
That sounded particularly vicious. Link nodded again for solidarity. “Is Demise the reason you’re so fucked up?”
“Yes,” Ganondorf hissed.
“Ah.” What was he supposed to say to that? Something meaningful, probably. “Sucks.”
Something wet fell on Link’s face. Then it happened again. Rain, he thought bitterly. Maybe he’d be lucky enough to drown. “I don’t suppose you’re dying? Spare me the trouble of having to finish this?”
“Unfortunately, no,” Ganondorf grumbled. “You?”
“Also unfortunately no.”
Ganondorf eyed him skeptically. “I thought you’d bleed more when I cut off your hand.”
Ah yeah, that. His right wrist really hurt. “To be honest, me too.” A wave of dizziness washed over Link, which he promptly ignored like he had the last four times. “How did you survive that light magic bomb?”
Ganondorf shook his head. “No fucking idea. Luck, perhaps. I felt my heart stop for a moment.”
“Really? Cool.”
Ganondorf shrugged. 
“So… now what?” Link asked quietly, licking at the raindrops gathering on his upper lip. They tasted like dirt. “You gonna kill me?” Because in all honesty, he couldn’t get up. Trying left his pulse racing and his limbs trembling. He was pretty much useless. 
“I should,” Ganondorf answered just as quietly. 
When nothing else was said, Link grunted. “But…?”
“I’m tired.” Simple, honest, absolute. 
“Yeah,” Link muttered. “Me too.”
With a pained little oof, Ganondorf sat down beside Link, crossing his legs at the ankles and keeping his weight off of his left hip. He fiddled with his many bracelets. Link struggled to read his expression. “Perhaps I’ll feel up to it in a minute,” the King of Evil finally said. 
There was something awkward about that. Something sad. Link decided to do what he did best and make a nuisance of himself. “Did you have to sit so close? I wasn’t lying earlier. You stink. Does deodorant not apply to demon kings?”
“Shut up, worm.” Ganondorf flicked a pebble at him. Somehow, it landed right between Link’s eyes. 
“Ow! Fuck you.”
“In your dreams.”
Link gagged, loudly. The effect was ruined when it started to rain in earnest. Before he could think of the best way to complain, Ganondorf threw out a hand, and tendrils of dark magic formed a barrier above them. 
“Oh,” Link said lamely. “Guess you’re not out of juice after all.”
Ganondorf frowned up at the barrier. “It’ll last a minute if we’re lucky.”
“Then what?”
“Then we’ll get wet. Maybe you’ll be able to walk by then, assuming you don’t bleed out in the meantime.”
A pretty bold assumption, all things considered, but Link wasn’t going to say so. He’d take what he could get. “And then?” he pressed. 
Ganondorf clearly held back the first answer that came to mind. He pursed his lips before saying, “Your choice. I got us this far.”
Link couldn’t help it—he laughed. It sounded pretty terrible. “Yeah,” he wheezed after several seconds. “Yeah, I guess so. Okay.”
Ganondorf shook his head in apparent resignation. The barrier began to flicker. 
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adoreeenina · 11 months
I wanna be yours - Ch. 3
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Relationships: Recom! Miles Quaritch x Sully! Reader x Recom! Lyle Wainfleet
WC: 2.7k
Series Summary: ~~~ 𝗜𝗻 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝗰𝗵 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕓𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕤 𝕗𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕤 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕖𝕝𝕕𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕕𝕒𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕠𝕗 𝕁𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝕊𝕦𝕝𝕝𝕪.
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“Let me out of here!” Spider screams, he knows Quaritch is on the other side, watching him. He looks up at the camera, cussing at him in Na’vi.
“tsengpe Y/n? Oe new peyä nì'eyng! zun ayngenga tìsraw seyki peyä, tspang aynga” (Where’s Y/n? I want her back! If you lay a hand on her, I’ll kill you!)
Behind the mirror, Quaritch and Lyle watch as Spider slams a chair again the mirror.
“He’s completely feral. Thinks he’s on of them” the man behind the computers say as the three of them watch.
“How’s the girl?” Quaritch ask, not taking his off the boy. Quaritch gave the order to Lyle to take Y/n to medic before coming to look for him.
“Still knocked out. She has four fingers. Like the kids back at the shack” Lyle informs. Quaritch looks away from Spider to look at Lyle, lightly brushing his fingers shading his as he reach for the black coffee mug behind him.
“She’s a Sully” Quaritch wonders.
“Could be. She looks like she been mauled multiple times, though. Even has two different eye color” Lyle responds.
“None of the others seemed to care much for the kid when he fell other than the girl. Could be useful for us” Quaritch nods to himself as he takes a sip of his cup coffee.
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“Where is Jake Sully?” Ardmore ask. The machine they had place him in, whirs.
“I don’t know!” Spider groans loudly. Electric zaps through his body and pulsate hard inside his head. Wrists and ankles stirred and jumped to escape the confines that strapped Spider onto the table you currently occupied, or more like it occupied him.
Ignoring Spider protest, she kept pressing on.
“We know that you know” Ardmore holds back from rolling her eyes.
“I don’t know!”
Miles from afar, behind a clear observation glass, watches his predecessor son being tortured. A feeling he doesn’t recognize. It took everything for the Colonel not to feel something wrenching in his gut instinctively with every passing moment.
“Just form a picture of your mind”
“Is it one of the floating mountains?”
“Let me out of here!” Spider screams, his head throbs, almost feeling like it’s going to explode.
Back with Quaritch, he watches the hologram of Spider brain as Lyle leans down with his hands on his knee to have a closer look.
“He’s fighting us. Give us a minute” one of the doctors says.
He felt uncomfortable at the prospect of his son being psychologically harmed at the convenience for Jake Sully. His other half reasoned that this was not HIS son, but it didn’t make the interrogation any less hard to watch.
“I don’t know!”
“Just form a thought, and we will see it.”
“I don’t know!” Spider repeats. He doesn’t know how long he’ll have before passing out or maybe not waking up at all. It takes all of his energy to fight it. He still has Y/n being held captive.
“Look, I don’t like this any more than you do” the longer the torture device goes, the more pain Spider endured.
“Which clans would be harboring him?”
“I don’t know! You’re gonna have to kill me!” Spider bluffs before screaming once again.
“It’s not gonna stop until you give us something. Where is he?” Ardmore demands.
“I don’t know, you buttholes!” Spider voice noticeably cracks. “Okay?”
“If you don’t tell us, we’ll put your friend here instead, would you want that?” Ardmore taunts. Spider eyes widen as his fist balls up.
Quaritch, having enough, pounded from around the corner and slams his hand on the red button, Lyle following close behind him.
The machine whirls to a stop, making Spider let out a sigh of relief, feeling the pain subside, but not by a lot.
Armoire turns to glare fiercely at whoever stopped the machine seeing the Colonel wall towards her.
“General, let me try the personal angle”
“He’s not your son.”Her cold stare lingered on his eyes, in warning.
She turns to leave before glancing at Lyle, who just nods at her before looking at Quaritch, who looks like he’s debating with himself.
Quaritch turned to his predecessor’s son decidedly.
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That’s what you smell as your nose twitch in distaste. Your ears were ringing at the loud sound, but at the same time the sound felt so far away.
Bright lights burned your eyes as you came to, your body numb and unfeeling. Pain pounded your head, the silence unnerving whilst you tried to comprehend where you were. A mask covering the lower half of your face and bright lights shining down on you.
You hear the beeping of machines around you and for a wild moment, you think you’ve been dragged all the way back to the labs in High Camp. You turn your head, hoping to catch a glimpse of Spider, Norm or Max but is immediately hit by a pain worse than anything you’d ever felt before, and that’s says something.
When you do finally manage to look to the side, just a small glimpse of what’s surrounding you, you realize that you’re not at High Camp lab at all. There’s no sign of your siblings or parents, of Norm or Max, or even Spider.
Your ears perk up at the sound of movement somewhere she cannot see, and dread sends a shiver down her spine. Feeling a hand on your arm, your eyes snap open with both alarm and fear. Panicked, you hoist yourself up and look around as you pant, seeing many humans in lab coats.
Where’s Spider?
“Ma’am, please lay back down” you ignore her as you pull on the IV from your arm, hissing in the throbbing pain in your vains.
“Get the Colonel” you hear a someone scream out. Seeing someone in military uniform coming at you, you hiss as you take grab him by his neck and you lift him up before quickly, with all your might, slinging him around, smashing him into the two scientists behind you.
“Get down” you hear a demanding voice, your turn seeing the two dreamwalkers from the shack, one with familiar yellow cuffs, the other with his arms up.(Ja and Mansk)
You hiss as the one with with sunglasses gets near you, he reach for your wrist, you dodge it by grabbing his wrist, you lean back slightly and bring your knee up , using your foot, you kick him in the side, knocking him back.
“Oh shit” you hear the other dreamwalker mumble.
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Spider tucked himself away under the bench in the holding cell, the cold white tiles of the room foreboding and uncomfortable. He wanted to find you, but he had to find a way to find you first. The last he remembers was you were bleeding and knocked out before you were taken.
His attention focused on the door as it let out a hiss. Quaritch stepped through as he sucked a greedy breath through the mask in his hand, and bent down to look under the table. Spider caught the face of Quaritch searching expectantly, it immediately soured his own. The Colonel took notice and sighed. He grunted with the effort of bending so low, and stood to walk around the table.
Spider darted out from underneath, aiming for the closed cleared door. Quaritch reacted fast and snag Spider with his long, strong arms and relented against his son's struggling body.
“Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Easy, tiger. Easy”
Spider was easily picked up like he weighed nothing and forcefully sat down and held to the table by the Colonel’s large hand. He wriggled, growled, and hissed as he struggled against the massive hand of Quaritch but to no avail. He realized his position in the matter and soon he reluctantly eased his retaliation.
Quaritch push Spider down slightly before taking a step back. He holds his hands up as sign of no harm, as he stands up to his full height.
“We good?”
Spider scowls at the failed escape attempt. He didn’t feel comfortable at the thought of having to interact with this revenant of his father.
Quaritch took note of his son's submission, and regained his calm demeanor. He kneeled in front of his scowling son, intending to soothe and relay his plan in such a way the kid would have to agree.
“Kid, you got heart”
Spider glance up at Quaritch and practically rolls his eyes at the admission, not caring what the strange recombinant had to say.
“Those science pukes leaned on you pretty hard but you gave them nothin” His intent stare at Spidee continue as he nod at him, almost respectfully, “I respect that”
Spider didn’t really know how or want to answer to this, Spider shifted slightly away from Quaritch in discomfort.
Hearing clanking of metal is what made Spider glance up slightly at Quaritch as he pulls out the dog tag that Lyle had scrounged from his corpse. He gently holds his hand out towards Spider, to show him the dog tags.
“I thought you might want this”
Spider doesn’t bother to look at him as he continues to ignore him. Quaritch jaw clench slightly before forcefully grabbing Spider’s hand and shoving the dog tag into his hand, closing it into a fist, before he points at it.
“That’s Colonel Miles Quaritch. Deceased. Killed in action”
Yeah, no shit. Spider rejects the offer of his dead father, he wants nothing from this man. After a moment, Spider tosses dog tags across the room, to show him he wants nothing to do with his father.
“I’m not that man” Quaritch replies as he stands back up, “but I do have his memories…” he walks over to the throws dog tags, kneeling down to pick them back up, “enough to know that, uh, well, he want always the best father” Quaritch turns to sit next to Spider on the table.
“But that’s not an apology. I’m not your father. Technically, you and I” He motions between Spider and himself “we’re nothing to each other, but… I can help you. I can get you and your pretty little friend outta here”
Spider glance at Quaritch at the mention of you, before casting his eyes downward.
“Ah, I’m not gonna ask you to betray Jake Sully. I know you’d never do that. You’re loyal, and I admire loyalty”
Spider seems to acknowledge the praise. He knows he’s loyal, you tell him that all time.
“Just ride along” Quaritch smiles softly before it falls, “otherwise, I gotta give you back to the lab coats”
Spider finally turns to look at Quaritch, “I want something in return if I help you ”
“Oh really? And what would that be?” Quaritch squints his eyes as eyes Spider.
“I want Y/n back. There’s only a limit of what I can show you, if you want to learn the Na’vi way, she can teach you” Spider offers, hoping Quaritch would agree. You protect him all the time, now it’s his turn to protect you.
Quaritch tilts his head back in thought as he sticks his tongue in the inside of his cheek.
“She a Sully?” He couldn’t help but ask, from what he seen of you, you have similarities of both your father and mother.
When he first seen you, there was obviously something odd about you, he didn’t realize what it was until they brought you back to Bridgehead, he notice your figure. Your body was soft not hard like the other Na’vi, your figure was also fuller, curvier, he was surprised that top you were wearing managed to hold up your breast. He even caught many of his men eyeing your figure on the flight here. He remembers how Lyle told him how you even have two different eye color.
Heterochromia, that’s what it’s called, but it’s a human thing, how does a Na’vi manage to get it? Probably inherited from Jake Sully’s genes, perhaps?
Spider hesitates to answer but answers anyways, Quaritch will find out whether Spider admits it or not.
“Yes” Spider answers. Quaritch hums. The hiss of the glass door opening, catches Quaritch attention, turning his head, he sees Lyle kneeling down to look at Quaritch.
“Colonel” Lyle urgently calls for him. “The native is going rogue”
That catches Spider’s attention. Quaritch hoist himself up to follow Lyle.
“Let me come” Spider stands on his two feet, wanting to desperately see you and hopefully to calm you down, you’re most likely just scared.
Not saying anything, Quaritch pushes Spider in front of him, following Lyle to medic wing, instantly hearing Ja and Mansk and many machines being broken.
Getting closer they see you jump over the lab table, throwing your legs around Mansk and take him down to the floor with the scissor takedown.
“That’s some Black Widow shit right there” Lyle whistles impressively.
“Lyle, focus” Quaritch walks closer to the cleared glass door, pressing the code as the glass door opens with a hiss.
Hearing the door open, you push yourself away from the one in glass to see a man with a green shirt. You hiss at him as you back away to creat distance.
“Calm down, darlin’. I’m not going to hurt you” Quaritch holds his arms out, showing he means no harm. That doesn’t make you feel any better when you see a bald Na’vi coming from behind you from the reflection on the glass, the same Na’vi that shot at you.
You turn to snarl at him, you kick the table at him, being distracted another took that to his advantage and grabs you from behind by wrap his arm around you waist, you wince feeling the pressure of your wound. You wrap you arms his neck as he pick you up, you pull your knees in, and using your body weight, you kick your legs out, using the momentum to pull his body over yours, throwing him across the room.
“Y/n!” Your head snap to see Spider next to the unmoving demon.
“Spider” you sigh in relief, you take a step towards him but felt someone grab you by your kuru, they kick your legs out from under you, making you fall on your knees.
“Lonu, vrrtep” (Unhand me, demon) you hiss. your hands shot up to grab at whoever was holding wrist, easing the pull of gravity.
“Hey! Let her go, asshole!” Spider tries to run towards you but was held back by Quaritch.
“Now darlin’, we need you to calm down, can you do that?” You almost feel like he’s taunting you and you don’t like it. You snarl at him, showing your sharp fangs.
“Y/n” Spider calls softly as he pushes away from Quaritch, he takes small and slow footsteps towards you. You turn to look at Spider, your gaze soften seeing him. You let the fight leave your body as you let your body slump on the floor, showing your submissive.
Seeing you finally calm, Quaritch signals Lyle to let you go, as he takes a step closer with arms raised. While Quaritch is busy with you, Lyle goes to help Mansk, to check for any damage.
“I ain’t going to hurt you, sweetheart. I got a proposal for you.
I can get you outta here if you help me” you listen but you don’t respond, not taking your eyes off Spider, not even for a second. Spider nods as if encouraging you.
“What do you need help from me?” You scowl. You speak in perfect English, but your Na’vi accent is strong, making Quaritch grin wildly.
“Teach us the Na’vi way,” He rumbles low, his voice raspy in a way that makes your tail twitch. “What do you say?”
“I can not teach when you do not want to learn,” You shoot back harshly, making Quaritch huff with a small smile.
“I really want to learn, sweetheart.” He continues, “We really want to learn”
“The Na’vi has tried to teach the sky people before, it’s hard to fill a cup that’s already full” you warn.
“Well, my cup is empty, darlin’”
You don’t believe him. How can you? You know who this man is, you recognize his voice from videos you have seen from Norm and the other scientists back at High Camp. You know all about the pain and suffering he has done. If it means keeping you and Spider safe, then you’ll take it.
You scowl as you look at Quaritch.
“I will… teach you our ways” you reluctantly reply.
“Outstanding” Quaritch grins.
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tygoii · 1 year
Sub Scaramouche x Goddess Afab Reader Smut
Warning: Dacraphilia, Dom Afab Reader, Brat Scaramouche, Boobsession, Edging, Collar, Cockwarming, Humiliation
“Oh please i’m gonna fuck you up you’ll be begging me to stop” said an indigo haired short boy “..You wanna challenge me?” said a woman who opened her eyes showing her eyes pupil shaped four pointed star shaped “Yea because you keep ignoring me every time thinking your better only because your a god!” said Scaramouche his face red due to anger the woman sighed “and if i win what do i get?” said the woman she stopped floating and her heels touched the ground she was taller then the boy “Ha really im in the status to being a god myself!” said Scaramouche smirking the woman sighed “Brat.” said Y/n “What did you say.” said Scaramouche “I said your a brat seeking for attention.” said Y/n looking at the short boy the indigo hair boy mumbled something making the woman smirk “I’m sorry i couldn’t hear you from how short you are” said Y/n “Are you changing the subject so you don’t have to fight me how pathetic.” said Scaramouche “Oh you were being serious?” said Y/n she summoned a sword and pointed it at Scaramouche “Gine if that is what you desire.” said Y/n Scaramouche smirked summoning a catalyst “Don’t worry if you want me to stop just beg.” said Scaramouche he raised his fist and electricity surrounded Y/n bolts shot out Y/n raised her hand suddenly the bolts were gone she threw her sword at Scaramouche nearly hitting his face but only made a small cut on his cheek Scaramouche groaned he summoned more electricity at Y/n she hits the boy with a energy bolt Scaramouche fell on his knees he looked up seeing the woman standing unfazed “I won little boy.” said Y/n smiling the boy blushed for some reason he felt some kind of excitement built up “I won i get to choose anything~” said Y/n she
bent down to scara and she had a leash in her hands Scara whimpered feeling Y/n’s hot breath on his neck “I wonder what the harbingers would think about you on your knees so needy for attention isn’t that the reason why you wanted to fight~” said Y/n Scara’s cheeks were red and he was trying to protest but the only thing that came out was a whimper “I-i don’t wanna go out in public like this!..” whined Scara “Well that’s what you get for challanging a goddess” said Y/n the boy’s head fell onto Y/n’s chest and muffled cries could be heard “No no no!” said Scara he looked at Y/n hoping she would have mercy “Don’t look at me with those eyes now let’s get going if your a good boy i’ll give you a good treat~” said Y/n the boy stopped complaining but had a frown on his face he teased Y/n’s nipple making her whimper she looked at the boy before pinning him to the floor “Ok that’s it wait til we get home.” said Y/n.
“P-please hiccup ahh! m-mommy!” Scara was babbling he wanted to cum so bad but every time Y/n felt he was close she would stop teasing him “I told you to behave but you didn’t listen” said Y/n rubbing his red tip “y-you f-fuckin— hng!” Scara couldn’t even form a sentence he was to busy feeling Y/n’s tight walls hug his dick “P-pweees! Y-y/n” Scara kept begging for release but Y/n wasn’t having it Scara tried thrusting into her but he was tied by some kind of barrier Y/n pulled on his leash making him stop “I-i swear when i gwet my h— hah!” Scara felt Y/n’s pussy tighten around him “Well it’s been a hour i guess you do deserve to cum~” said Y/n she started riding Scaramouche’s dick making him whimper and roll his eyes his chest marks glowed purple before coming inside her Y/n snapped her fingers Scaramouche was soon released and he hugged her laying his head on her soft tiddies and giving kitten licks “Now don’t challenge me again i will have you babbling nonsense.” said Y/n Scaramouche nodded his eyes closing and cuddling closer to Y/n still inside her.
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cultofdixon · 1 year
It Takes Two
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • Part 2 to “It Takes a Village” • Rick Grimes’ Sister!Reader • You have always been a curious kid. Now so is your kid…and with a certain resident in Alexandria. Who everyone didn’t expect to have a soft side for the young Grimes • ANGST/SFW/NSFW • TW: Anxiety Attacks / Nightmares / Injuries / Mentions of Canon Violence / Mentions of Pregnancy / Depression / Past Abuse • Re-Writing Canon
Requested by: Anon
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Winter has started, and Alexandria was fuller than ever. They may not know exactly when the holidays were but it was enough to have their families in the Kingdom and Hilltop come to Alexandria. Meaning a lot of kids. But it was perfect…especially the snow.
A small groan escapes the waking child as he lifts his head from his pillow to look out the window and notice the falling snow. That alone ignited the energy he needed to get out of bed and wake up his mom.
His mom who would much rather stay in bed during a cold morning, but her excited four year old alerted not only the Mal living in the house…but the five year old that belonged to the Hilltop residents taking up her guest room.
“Mama!” Shepherd practically yells but Dog jumped on the bed when he got the door open.
“Shep…it’s early”
“It’s snowing!” He smiles running to her side of the bed gripping her blankets and tugging at them until the tired Y/N sat up. Her playful scowl appearing when Dog started to lick her face to help her wake up. “Dog wants to go too!”
“Let me guess…you woke up Hershel too?”
“He’s getting his mommy and daddy right now!” His face lights up with even more excitement as he knows the second he gets his snow gear on he was going to get his cousins next door.
“Get dressed baby and I’ll meet you downstairs” Y/N smiles watching her happy boy run out and Dog following him. “Don’t forget the gloves and beanie!” She adds hearing an ok yelled back before rolling over to the other side of the bed to address the archer that rolled off once he heard Dog’s collar jingling. “I’m gonna get dressed…and head out with Shep. That’ll give you your window”
Daryl groans upon sitting up from the floor feeling Y/N’s lips meet his temple when she leaned over. “He’s startin’ to get up before me”
“He’s going to find out before we even tell him…”
“I promise yea. We’ll get our day” The archer leaned into her kissing her before letting Y/N get dressed and ready.
The two have always had a bond with one another. But it wasn’t until Shep turned 3 that they took the risk. Daryl always loved her and would’ve waited til the end of his life for her. For her to be ready on her terms, but all she needed was for her small family of two to be secure. Safe. And Y/N knew she was safe with the archer and so was her son. Daryl loves her son as if he was his own even if Shepherd doesn’t know their relationship.
For now they kept it between them, and the priority was always going to be Shepherd.
Glenn was the fastest in getting ready next to the kids as he chases Hershel Jr and Shepherd through the snow for a bit while the rest of the Grimes got dressed for the snow day. Maggie stayed on the porch waiting for Y/N while she got Dog in a sweater before letting him join in the chaos.
“Where’s Daryl?” Maggie asks once Y/N stepped out while getting her gloves on.
“I just told him what we were doing so he should be joining us soon. But he’ll be getting Carol and her family, then Aaron and his daughter”
“Can you believe it?” Maggie smiles looking out to the small crowd for now. “We survived and thrived after all that happened”
“It’s surreal for sure” Y/N smiles watching her son gather a snow ball and pelt Dog making the Mal get excited to play ball.
As Shep made his way more down the street running away from the snowballs that were coming from the Rhees then his cousins, he stopped to hear someone curse because of how cold it was. He made his way to the little vent that looked into the room finding their resident prisoner shivering his ass off.
Y/N immediately turns to her son seeing his frustrated expression which started to worry her.
“What’s wrong baby?” She walks away from the crowd of adults on Rick’s porch to kneel before her son as he struggled to get his words out.
“Th—uh. Uhm. I’m cold”
“Uncle Rick has the fireplace going, the adults were gonna go inside while Carl watches you little ones out here…you wanna come warm up a bit?”
“No! It’s…uhm. Mama…” Shep’s frustration came out in a whine making Y/N sigh a bit before standing up and extending her hand to the small child.
“Lead the way to what you need”
Shep immediately took her hand and pulled her back to their house. Then upstairs to the hall closet that Y/N kept spare blankets in.
“You can’t bring a blanket out in the snow, baby”
“No! It’s for…” Then the little one held a guilty expression which only confused his mother more.
Daryl steps out of the Grimes’ residence when he didn’t find Y/N in there. Then he spotted her carrying blankets while following her son toward the cell. He quickly picked up his crossbow off the porch and ran over to the two.
“Hey, what’s wrong what are y’all doing?” Daryl stops Y/N while Shepherd proceeded.
“Shep heard Negan complaining that he was cold”
“So what?”
“Daryl. I’m not doing anything outside of the council’s guidelines regarding Negan. I’m simply doing what my son wants” Y/N states, and that want being kind toward their prisoner and giving him extra blankets during the winter. “He’s not going to hurt Shep…or me”
“I’m comin’ then”
“If it makes you less helicopter-y” She jokes making her way downstairs and helping Shepherd with the door.
Their presence sort of startled Negan given the door leading outside was never the quietest and the looming archer on the steps made him feel uneasy. But his attention locked onto the Grimes sister handing the blankets to this small child he’s never met before, and for good reason. Negan wanted to stand up and approach the bars but the way Daryl was glaring at him. He stayed put, until the small child approached the bars holding up the blankets.
“You don’t have to”
Shepherd frowns looking up at his mom while hugging the blankets tightly. “But mama I want to…” he said in a hush whisper as Y/N gently pets his head.
“You tell him, baby. Not me”
The little one went back to the bars of the cell looking up at Negan who approached the bars when he looked at his mother.
“But I want to” Now how can anybody ever be mad at that adorable face of his? Negan extended his hands taking the blankets through the bars watching the little one light up.
“Thanks kid…appreciate it”
The young grimes smiles happily before heading back out and instantly running into Daryl. The archer knew what was bound to happen with the child and that was Shep wanting to be picked up by him.
“Can’t say no to him” Y/N smiles receiving a look from the archer indicating that he’d never say no to him wanting to be picked up. Even if the man groaned picking up Shepherd. “Go on ahead. I’ll be a minute”
“Just go. Please”
Daryl can’t say no to the puppy dog eyes, especially when Shepherd gets it from his mother. He nods before carrying Shep out of there leaving Y/N with Negan for a moment.
“You’ve got a nice kid…”
“I really do huh?” Y/N smiles approaching the bars to Negan’s cell as he suddenly started to feel anxious when her smile remained hit her eyes said it all. “So let me make it clear to you, Negan. If you hurt my boy. With your words or even physically, I’ll be doing everyone a favor and ending your life” She hissed glaring at the man watching him nod before leaving the cell.
All the kids were inside warming up and all the little ones were watching Henry show them how to play cards. Go Fish to be exact. While the adults had a drink and catch up.
“Your turn Shepherd” Henry’s voice snapped the kid out of his thoughts as Shep looks at his cards before setting all his cards down to show that he’s been hogging pairs but more specifically to leave the small table to go to his mom.
“He’s a card shark” Judith states not knowing exactly what that means.
“That’s…used in a different game? But I guess that works here” Henry laughs collecting the cards and shuffling the deck.
“Mama…” Shep whispers to get Y/N’s attention while Rick was telling Maggie about how he and Michonne were thinking of taking a trip. Y/N sets her glass down turning to her son and his upset expression. “I wanna go home…”
“Are you okay?” She whispers back not wanting to cause alarm or interrupt the on going conversation.
“No…” He whines in his whisper hugging Y/N’s leg. He relaxed a little when his mother rubbed circles on his back. “Can we go?”
“Yes, go get your shoes and coat on” Y/N got up from her seat once Shep ran over to where all the shoes were. “I’m turning in guys”
“Really?” Rick frowns, it wasn’t that late. Even for the kids.
“Yeah, Shep’s gettin’ tired and the alcohol isn’t sitting right with me.” Y/N left after saying such to get her coat on and pick up her son who instantly latched onto her.
“We’ll be quiet when we turn in” Maggie makes one last comment watching Y/N smile before stepping out with Dog also joining the two.
While the three made their way home, Shep tugged at Y/N’s coat when her attention was already on him.
“Forget somethi—-“
“Why is he down there, mama?” Shep frowns watching her face soften but also worry for she doesn’t know how to approach that conversation without going too far.
“He did something bad, Shepherd…that’s why he’s down there”
“But I do bad things too…like leave my shoes out for Dog to chew and you get mad…”
“It’s…uh” Y/N frowns setting Shepherd down on their porch to sit as she sat beside him. “You’re too young to understand the kind of bad things he did before you were born…”
“…can you try?”
How do you go telling a four year old about the abuse his mother endured done by that terrible man? Or the abuse Daryl, someone he looks up to, has gone through…the horrors of the Saviors threatening to kill members of their family…
You just. Don’t.
“He hurt people, Shep. In a way I can’t tell you…”
Shepherd frowns bringing himself closer to his mom leaning against her.
“Did he hurt you, mama…?”
Y/N didn’t say another word as she was fighting back tears when thinking about it. All she did was bring her son into his embrace holding onto him like her light depended on it. And part of him knew. Even if he didn’t understand.
Once it was late enough, Daryl came upstairs to check on Y/N thinking Shepherd would be in his room but entering the room he noticed the little one curled up in his mother’s embrace. He still brought himself to sit on the edge of the bed resting his hand on her shoulder watching her turn slowly to him revealing tears in her eyes.
“What happened?” He whispers watching her turn back to her son as Shepherd unconsciously scooted closer in her embrace.
“…I’m triggered D. It’s hard to sleep” She whispers back feeling Shep shift once more, enough to pull away from her and star fish on the rest of her bed. Giving her enough space to turn onto her back looking up at Daryl as he carefully wipes away her tears. “I know they don’t stay little and overwhelmingly kind forever…but I don’t want him taking that away from my baby”
“He won’t. I promise yea” Daryl frowns giving her enough space to sit up and hug him. He held her for as long as she needed.
“Remember, listen to Uncle Rick and stay out of trouble” Y/N tells Shep who didn’t want his mom to go on the hunting trip with Daryl and Carol. “I’ll be back before you know it”
“Why can’t I go with you?”
“You will buddy, when you’re a bit older” Daryl ruffle his hair a bit before Shep latched onto his leg. “Aw come on, bud”
“Please don’t go…”
It was spring, which meant more hunting trips. Shepherd didn’t mind when it was one of the two leaving, but they both were going on this one and he didn’t like it one bit.
“We’ll be back before you know it, Shep. I promise” Y/N knelt down for her son to hug her tightly once more.
Before watching the three go from Rick’s porch.
The agenda for the first day was boring. Or to Shepherd a bit boring. He loves helping when given the chance to but he doesn’t like working on the farm unless it was with his mom. Because they would play “I Spy” while collecting the crops and help him with his counting when putting in new seeds. Rick knew about this and was trying to do it with Shep, but that’s another thing. He only likes doing it with his mom. Otherwise he just helps tug the basket along while Rick cleans up the dead plants and getting the soil ready for new seeds.
“You okay Shep?”
“Can I go get water?”
Rick sighs nodding with a smile. “Be back quick. And get me a glass too”
Shepherd smiles setting the basket down by his uncle before leaving the farm and heading back toward the houses. Except after he got his uncle a canteen instead of a glass, because Michonne stopped him in the middle of her conversation with Siddiq and Gabriel to switch the glass with a canteen since the kid can be clumsy, Shepherd was given a second one for himself but instead of using it for himself.
Negan froze to the sound of said canteen falling onto the concrete floor. It’s sturdy so it didn’t crack or anything. He looks up through the vents to see Shepherd looking back at him before running back to his uncle.
Once the chores Rick had were done and the help of tidying up done by both him and Shepherd, the two made their way back to Rick’s place for dinner and then turning in. Shepherd was set up in the spare in their place which had a grown ups bed and not his low toddler one.
Shep couldn’t sleep, and can’t ever when his mom wasn’t home in any way. She could be standing somewhere else in Alexandria and he’d be able to sleep. He pushed his blankets off of him and maneuvered his body on the edge of the bed so his feet were first to hit the floor but it was still a bit too high that he fell anyway. The little one didn’t want to alert anyone given he went to bed around the same time as his cousins, but the adults could still be awake.
The little one has been spending a lot of time with Daryl.
Because Shepherd managed to get out of the house through the doggy door in the kitchen while the adults (Rick and Michonne) were in the living room. Thank god he was small enough or that would be a very uncomfortable conversation telling Y/N her son got stuck in the doggy door.
The resident prisoner heard footsteps draw closer, followed by a whine that Negan can only connect to Dog. So it must’ve been Daryl but when Shepherd came into view by the vent sitting beside it and Dog laying next to him, Negan only grew more confused.
“Shouldn’t you be in bed?”
“How do you know when bedtime is?” Shepherd looks at him confused leaving the man stumped.
“Forget it. Your mom will kill me if she finds you here. Hell even your uncle or whatever Daryl is to yea”
“He uh…uhm. Just Daryl?” The confusion in his tone made Negan a bit curious about the two’s relationship since he thinks Shep probably doesn’t know that his mom and Daryl are seeing each other. He wasn’t about to put them in any way.
“Are you close with Daryl? Like how you are with your uncle Rick?”
“I don’t know”
“What do you mean?” Negan brought himself to sit on the floor against the wall where the vent was as Shepherd sat on the small grass patch by the vent with Dog surrounding him.
“I used to call him Uncle Daryl…but something happened” Shep tugged at the grass while he spoke. “He was there for me when I’m sad. Helped me with my shoelaces. Get my sippy cups from the high shelves. Patch my boo boos. Let me sit with him while he works on his bike. Other things that Uncle Rick doesn’t do with me”
“You see him as a dad?” Negan’s question was met with silence. “What would your old man think?”
“I don’t have a dad”
If he starts crying, better start digging your grave Negan thought as he was prepared for tears but was met with a sigh instead.
“Mama says I never had one. But I always saw Daryl as one” Shepherd frowns as he stops tugging at the grass seeing the damage he has done. “Is that bad?”
“What? Seeing Daryl as your dad?”
“Well. He helps with your boo boos. I think that’s pretty much dad material…when I taught PE which was just watching a bunch of kids in a yard to get rid of the energy in’em, some kids would stumble. Cry. Get banged up by either concrete or a plastic bat. I wouldn’t know what to do and pull a teacher move with the whole “go to the nurse” when most nurses in schools back in my day didn’t do a very good job”
“That’s bad”
“Real bad. But I just pawned the problem off to somebody else. Daryl? He takes care of yea. Would do about anythin’ for yea. I don’t see a problem in calling him dad.” Negan shrugs. “But that’s a conversation for your mom. And then Daryl”
Shepherd was about to ask another question when he heard his name being called. Negan heard it as well and rose to his feet going toward the vent to look at Shep.
“You better go back before he gets worried”
“ok, goodnight”
“Night kid” Negan states hearing the tussle of his footsteps and the dog getting up with him before it faded away.
The next morning came and Negan woke to the sound of the outside door opening. Maybe it was confessional day but to his surprise he saw Shepherd coming down the steps with Michonne. Michonne came down for other business while Shepherd carried drawing supplies to distract him from their conversation. But some part of him knew that Negan enjoyed the company.
“Well good mornin’ to y’all”
“Good morning” Shepherd instantly replies back before sitting on the ground and dropping all of his supplies while Michonne took the chair bringing it to the bars of his cell.
“The council is holding a meeting about you soon”
“Oh wonderful” Negan frowns sitting back on his bed leaning against the wall. “What about?”
“Well. One, Y/N thought you should have warmer items in here for the future winters.” Michonne pointed with her eyes to Shepherd as it was really his idea being told through his mom. “Second, we were thinking you could actually do stuff around Alexandria. It won’t mean you’re instantly free. More so—-“
“Community service and I come back here once I’m done for the day? You’re really trustin’ me with that?”
“Why not?” Shepherd chimes in seeing confused looks as Michonne gave Negan a warning one mainly for his words.
“Nobody trusts me, Shep. Which in this case makes sense…but imagine being untrustworthy and being given chores around the other residents” Negan states while approaching the cell bars and sitting on his side across from Shepherd.
“Mama doesn’t trust me around Daryl’s crossbow. Is it like that?”
“Sort of. But your mama must’ve said I’m a bad dude”
“That’s why I’m questioning if Michonne here trusts me enough to do chores around the place without causing trouble”
“Can’t he just be watched when he’s not locked up, auntie?” Shep looks up at his aunt with a small smile as Michonne took note of that because it’s not a bad idea.
“You’re not manipulating him to say these things right?” Michonne questions Negan as she watches Shepherd bring himself close with a piece of paper and a few crayons handing one to Negan to play tic tac toe with him. Negan kept a distance but did play with the kid through the bars.
“From the time Y/N lived at the Sanctuary, yeah she was defensive to me but to everybody else who weren’t part of my troop. More like the other residents…she was overwhelmingly kind. Stood up for those who needed it, even if there were consequences…but just. She was too damn kind to everybody in that shitshow—-“
“Language” Both Shepherd and Michonne state hearing Negan apologize before letting Shep win the game.
“This boy has her kind side. It’s all him”
The council decided to let Negan work around Alexandria with a handful of chores each day and at least one day where he’s remaining in his cell. The one watching him changes every day, like it used to be. Unlike when he would be checked in on every other hour when he remained in his cell.
His help was much needed during the summer. And not just for chores.
Judith was playing with Gracie in the gardens while their dads were working on the nearby walls to do the yearly maintenance on the structures. While Shepherd’s mom helped in the actual gardens with Negan, meaning Y/N was on Negan duty and Shep was also around helping. But once he told his mom he was going to ask his cousin if he could play with them, her line of sight was no longer on him for a short time.
“You’re cutting too close to the main stem”
“My bad, hey where’s that rugrat? He said he’d help separate the tomatoes with the good and bad ones”
“He wanted to play with his cousin. I’ll separate them when I wash them once we’re done” Y/N states picking up the full basket and setting it on the table Daryl placed for them.
“Judith his cousin right?” Negan asks hearing a ‘yes’ from the boy’s mom as he turns around to where he knew the girls were playing when they first started harvesting. “Then where is he?”
“What?” Her tone changed instantly as she turns around to look at the two girls. “Where could he have gone…” she tried to remain calm hopefully when she got closer to the two girls that Shepherd would appear in her line of sight but he hasn’t.
“Aunt Y/N?” Judith questions her presence and a sense of regret rose in her. “Uhm. Where’s Shepherd?”
“I should be asking you that Judith.” The sternness made those working around them come to a slow stop. “Shepherd wanted to play with you, but he’s not here. So what did you say to my son?”
“Y/N. Woah, tone it back”
“I’m sorry Rick but I’m not.” Y/N bites. “It’s only been ten minutes and my son hasn’t turned up to my voice. He could’ve gotten out and be lost out there. Or got stuck somewhere here. While you’re handling dangerous stuff.”
“He’ll turn up, sis. He couldn’t have gotten far”
“He wouldn’t have wandered off if your daughter wasn’t mean and told my son he couldn’t play with her!”
“Don’t blame this on Jude. You’re too busy keeping an eye and being nice with the prisoner that it’s your own damn fault for losing sight of your son” Rick snaps back and the regret didn’t set in until Y/N retracted herself away with that same anxious sad look on her face when she was taken by the Saviors. “Shit…”
“Dad…” Judith frowns looking up at her dad. “I told him he couldn’t play with us. I-I didn’t think he would run away”
“He didn’t run away, hun. He’ll turn up” Rick frowns about to ask Aaron to watch the girls when he watched him take his gloves off.
“I’m gonna grab Daryl and help Y/N find Shepherd, Gracie…” Aaron kneels to his daughter. “Stay with these Grimes. Okay?” He smiles when she nods before getting up and heading off.
“Aaron I—-“
“I think you need to sit with what you said to your sister. You’ve done plenty” Aaron gave him a pity smile before going to help his sister.
While the commotion was happening, Negan knew he had to go back to his cell if his watcher wasn’t going to watch him. But to his surprise, he found the currently sobbing child in his open cell knowing it would be the last place his mom would look for him.
“Hey kiddo…” Negan frowns moving to sit on the cot of his bed as Shepherd hid under a blanket right beside it. His little grass stained shoes peeking out gave him away. “Want to tell me what happened up there?”
“Mm. You’re gonna have to tell your ma regardless. Just thought you’d want a friend” He states watching the blanket move to show his crying face as he looks over to him.
“Jude told me I couldn’t play with her cause I’m a baby” Shep frowns sniffling. “I’m not a baby, I’m four”
“Practically an adult” Negan states leaning against the wall. “She wasn’t thinkin’”
“She never thinks…Uncle Rick doesn’t either”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Of course there was more to it…
“He talks about mama behind her back…when she’s on her trips that aren’t safe for me” Shepherd frowns curling up as much as he could. “How she was stupid…to have me grow up without a dad…that she shouldn’t do anything without me cause she signed up for that…” the tears kept coming as his lip wobbles. “Am I a mistake…? Did mama make a mistake in having me? Not letting me have a dad?”
“Woah” Negan brought himself up and off the cot bringing himself to sit beside the kid. “I’m gonna be honest with you. If your mama didn’t want you, you wouldn’t be here. And your uncle was only thinking of himself when he said that. Cuz if you were my nephew, I would be stoked to hang out with yea. And this whole dad crap? Is bullshit”
“Whatever. Because you have a village. A huge family. You don’t need a dad. But you have one and we had this discussion before. Besides. Your mom? Loves you so much, hell enough for two parents, even beyond that. When she’d be walking the streets on a late return home, you’re the only thing she’s talking about to whoever she went on the trip with. And hell! You’re one of the greatest things to happen to her that it would have to take knocking her out to have her shut up about how much she loves yea.”
The little one continued to cry but he was smiling and felt a bit better to his words.
“Plus. The whole dad thing? Those guys hover a lot when they’re worried about their kid.”
“Yeah and I KNOW. FOR A FACT” Negan yells emphasizing who’s eavesdropping. “THAT HES NOT LETTING HIMSELF BE KNOWN RIGHT NOW.”
The sigh didn’t go unnoticed when Daryl made his way down the steps with a worried look on his face. But he also wasn’t accompanied by Y/N, so he heard everything Shepherd said including the part about Rick.
“See? A dad. Don’t matter if he’s blood or not. And between you and me” Negan started to whisper to Shepherd as he leaned in. “You scored on the dad front, already scored with the mom. So double points” his words got a giggle out of the child that rose to his feet ditching the blanket and making his way to Daryl who knelt to be his level. But Shepherd stopped a second turning to Negan.
“Thanks Negan…”
“Anytime kid. Now go find your mom, before she flips Alexandria over just to find yea”
“He’s right on that. She will” Daryl smiles warmly and the warmth grew in his chest when Shepherd wrapped his arms around him making the archer instinctively pick him up. “…thanks” he tells Negan receiving a thumbs up from the guy before heading out with his son.
As the two made their way toward the running worried filled mother that came their way. Y/N started sobbing on sight instantly taking Shepherd into her embrace giving Daryl a thankful look.
“I’m sorry mama”
“No baby it’s okay…you just scared me a little” Y/N cries holding him close as Shep pushes back a bit so that he could wipe away her tears. “You care too much about me, baby”
“I wanna, mama” Shepherd gave a small smile when she kissed his cheek. “Can we go home?”
“Yes, yes we can…we can go home and hang out. Just you and me”
“And dad” Shepherd pointed to Daryl as that was the first time he referred to the archer as such that he tried to compose himself even if Y/N didn’t he bother trying to compose herself.
“Yeah” Y/N smiles through the tears extending her free hand, holding Shep up with her other arm, feeling Daryl instantly take it into his.
And dad.
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dearsnow · 9 months
hi!! can i just request any two-bit fluff...like jus domestic warm fuzzy fluff ..maybe slight silliness...feel free to write whatever
- you happen upon your very noisy “roommate” cooking away in the middle of the night (two-bit mathews x gn!reader, domestic fluff, lowkey so cute)
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word count: 687
a/n - asther fulfilling a request??? within a reasonable time????? the world is turning upside down, y’all 🫡 i hope you enjoy 😭
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“Keith, seriously?” Your voice is hoarse, a desperate whisper that borders on a shout. It is 2:42 AM, and your recently-moved-in, much-loved but forever annoying boyfriend is making a four course meal in your kitchen.
Surprisingly, this is the first time you have ever seen him cook more than microwaveable meals and the occasional pack of instant ramen. He looks up at you, clad in pajamas, fuzzy socks, and a shit-eating grin. “What, I was hungry!”
“You’re gonna be hungry when I kick you out.” You mutter. “Couldn’t you at least be quiet about it? I heard pots and pans and humming through our very thin bedroom walls.”
“You can’t kick me out, I’m too fun.” He smiles. He puts a lid on his pan of frying bacon and turns off the heat. “You love me. Admit it.”
You scoff, but when he takes your hands in his, your heart skips a beat.
“You looooooove meeeeee,” he sings, “c’mon, just say it.”
“I would love you so much more if you didn’t wake me up so early on a work day.” You say, trying desperately to hide the fact that the corners of your mouth are turning up. Like always, though, somehow he notices. It’s like every almost-smile from you is a win, one more thing to keep him going before he runs out of energy and crashes into bed, legs entwined with yours and mouth slightly open.
He spins you around, still humming a song you don’t think you’ve ever heard before. It wouldn’t surprise you if he had just made it up. “I love you, and you love me. That’s why you’re dancing instead of yelling.” You laugh. You’re supposed to be angry with him, but the tension between your eyebrows dissipates when you look at his smiling face. If Two-Bit had just one talent, it would be switching your mood to happy. No matter what, no matter how annoying he is sometimes, you’re happiest when you’re with him.
“Yeah, I love you,” you gasp as he dips you so close to the floor you can feel the cold tile sucking in your heat, “and I love that you can make me laugh,” he pulls you back up, “but really, what are you doing making all this food at such an ungodly hour?”
He wraps his arms around your waist, resting his head against your neck. He leads you in a few steps, his warmth smoothing the goosebumps on your arms. “I wanted to do something nice for once. You’re always making me breakfast, and you leave earlier than me, so I thought I’d make a bit of food that you can just heat up when ‘m dead asleep.”
“Really?” You move back to stare at him, eyes soft in the dim kitchen lighting. “That’s… that’s really sweet, Two. Thank you.” If you were being honest, you thought he barely noticed you taking care of him in that way. You figured that it’s just something that comes with dating someone who seems like they could burn water.
“Nah, it’s nothin’.” He turns his head, a blush creeping up his neck towards the apples of his cheeks. “I just want you to know I appreciate what you do. This whole ‘me movin’ in’ thing put a whole lotta stress on your shoulders, so some domestic effort from me couldn’t hurt. I’ll at least try be quieter next time, though.” He raises his eyebrows and presses a quick kiss to the back of your hand. You can feel your own cheeks heating up. “I don’t want you ruining the surprise again, hm?”
“Yeah, it sounded like an elephant was training to be a chef in here.” You tease. He laughs, the sound ringing in your ears like a sweet bell. It’s a sound you don’t think you could ever get tired of.
He slings an arm around your shoulder, pulling you close. He would drop anything to have you pressed against him at all hours of the day.
“And yet you still love me.”
You grin at him. “And yet, my love, I won’t ever stop.”
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kiralisa · 7 months
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probably two parts, sukuna being sukuna. You gotta an attitude, masochist if you squint, not proofread bc I’m silly like that. MDNI
Abt: you’re a special grade sorcerer, second to Gojo. Ofc you had an ego and a bit of an attitude but who would’ve guessed it would be you watching the king of curses…and who would’ve guess it would be him fixing ur attitude.
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You wouldn’t say you’re a brat. You’re more like a sarcastic smartass that’s all…you’re a special grade sorcerer, second to the Gojo satoru. So of course your ego would be a bit high for someone who’s had all the odd against them. After yuji itadori was able to abstract sukuna and his soul apart from eachother, sukuna was placed in confinement and his new cage was being isolated with wraps and wraps of talisman. Of course someone would have to “babysit” him to make sure he didn’t cause any mess people wouldn’t be able to clean up and of course…that would be you.
“B…babysit?!!” You yelled clearly shocked and annoyed, you turned to Satoru while grabbing his clothes (your curse technique allows you to disable any curse technique or any attack that has curse energy, enabled in it.) “Look we need someone to keep him on a leash…if you do it I’ll let you use my black card to buy whatever you want.” Ur eyes soon shine with excitement. “Perfect!!! Show me where the ancient grandpa is!!!” You said clearly excited that you’ll be maxing Satoru’s card (which is impossible.)
Skipping your way to the locked door with what looks like a thousand talisman but you didn’t have a care in the world. You simply opened the door easily before pushing the two doors making a loud shoosh almost confusing you because of how easy they were to open from the outside. you soon saw the four armed monster who blankly stared at you making it almost impossible to read his expression. “Great another brat.” He stated before deeply sighing. “Oh calm ur tits babes, I’m only here to ‘babysit’ you~” you said in a sarcastic tone. He turned to look at you clearly pissed off, if Satoru was gonna make you watch him you’ll do it your own way…
“So….why are you uh….that.” You said trying to make small talk. “What do you mean woman.” He said in a deep voice, you couldn’t tell if he was deepening it on personal. “Well I mean you have 2 arms…4 eyes…hey do you have 2 di-“ You were quickly cut off when Sukuna slammed into the cage full of talisman. “Oh..?” You said a little shocked clearly off guard. “You speak to much.” He said while grabbing the cage to were his knuckles turned white. “Aww what are you gonna do about it~” you said clearly laughing because he isn’t able to do anything to you because he’s stuck in the cage.
“If I got out of this…hellhole of a cage you would regret every word you said to me.” Sukuna stated with a scowl on his face. “Awww is Suki flirting with sweet lil me~~~” you said tapping his nose…big mistake. He quickly grabbed ur arm and dragged it in his cage making your body hit the cage with a loud bang. “O..ow asshole..” you yelped trying to get up before he stepped on your arm making you stream in pain.
Sukuna smiles before grabbing ur arm and dragging you even closer into the cage. You quickly tried to get away from Sukuna. “Hah…you can’t even get me in that cage….weak bastard..” you said weakly getting up trying to wipe your bloody nose. “You know…you act all tough but I know the only thing you’re good for is babysitting.” He said in a deep chuckle, of course your ego couldn’t let him say that. “Oh really bitch?! Try me asshole.” You said while angrily walking towards him. He watches you weakly stand while looking at him through the cage.
“Heh…and the only good thing for us being in a cage like the dog you are.” You said before walking away from him. You knew he was getting under your skin on purpose, you were doing the same but it’s only ok when you do it. You turn around and smirk sarcastically at him while he was still deadpanning you due to your comment. It make you chuckle. “So sukuna. Still being pissy?” You questioned with a laugh. “Keep laughing until I actually break your arm.” He stared deep into your eyes.
“What’s the matter old fossil, are you done being a big baby?” You couldn’t help but chuckle, after all the king of curses. Sukuna was helpless against you. You enjoyed his attitude although he almost broke his arm and made you bleed you still couldn’t help but be intrigued by the curse. “Hm..woman I need to tell you something.” He said before getting up walking towards the cage again. “Ugh what could it be king of curses.” You scoffed, 8 more minutes and you could finally leave, you soon heard a jingle of a lock. “Did anyone ever tell you…” you quickly turned to look behind you before u felt a large hand roughly grab you. “There’s a reason why the doors were locked. Because after all…you didn’t think a tiny cage would be able to keep me in?”
Should I make a part 2…?😍😈
Please do not copy, plagiarize, or steal my work!!
But please be inspired by this fanfic and make ur own!
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onegianthotmess · 2 months
I’m imagining Leona meeting Morel’s mother after they become a couple-
Imagine them getting ready. Morel is freaking out because she doesn’t have enough mental strength to actually fight with her mother, so she’s trying to make sure everything is perfect and Leona is trying to calm her down at lease a little bit while also being clueless about what to do. She’s the one getting him in a decent enough suit and is doing his hair for him, simply pulling it back into a simple yet presentable ponytail because she had not the time or energy to do anything else with it-
Morel is prepping him like no fucking tomorrow, too.
And it goes like this:
Morel: *angrily adjusting Leona’s tie* I don’t wanna fucking do this, but if we’re gonna do it, it is going to be done right!
Leona: I thought you said nothing is good enough for your mother?
Morel: It is, but I’d rather be presentable since dinner is going to be in public at a nice restaurant. And if we show up dressed up, she won’t complain or remark about you as much.
Leona: I think I can handle that.
Morel: Well, you’re gonna need to follow some rules so that bitch of a whore hag won’t start screaming like a goddamn banshee in the middle of a restaurant, okay?
Leona: Okay, hit me.
Morel: One, no slouching, posture and poise have to be maintained at all times, especially when you first meet her otherwise it’s snide remarks all night. Two, proper etiquette and language must be used, think of how you’d speak in front of a judge or something. Three, always cut your food into as evenly sized pieces as you can, or you’ll be accused of stuffing your face. Four, your appetizer MUST be a salad or she’ll start ranting and raving and get us kicked out right on the spot because anything other than a small salad for an appetizer is like eating cardboard to her. And, most importantly, five, never, I mean NEVER EVER, disagree with her or you’ll still hear her arguing with you in your grave until you agree to her point of view.
Leona: …Is she really that bad?
Morel: She smashed a vase over Rayne’s face when she was seven just because she didn’t follow a tiny, minuscule rule, Leona.
Leona: Fuck, and I thought my mother was unhinged when she was mad…
Morel: Yeah, well, my mother is a fucking PSYCHO! And that’s on a day to day basis!
Leona: Would it calm you down if I did your hair for you?
Morel: *cute pout* Yes, please…
So, after they’re done getting ready, Morel and Leona make their way to the restaurant Morel’s mother wanted them to meet at. They get there a little early just as Mrs. Rosehearts gets there, much to Morel’s distain because now she has no more time to mentally prepare. Morel introduced Leona, pleasantries are exchanged, and they all enter and sit down at their reserved table.
Dinner goes off without any incident. Leona does as Morel told him, his posture and poise were perfectly straight, his language was formal, he begrudgingly ordered a small salad for his appetizer, he made sure to cut his food into evenly sized pieces as best he could, and he agreed with Mrs. Rosehearts anytime she stated her opinion. It was during this dinner that Leona was even more grateful for his kingdom’s teachings on respecting women and always being on the best behavior in front of them.
And, as food is cleared away and idle chitchat ensues, the question Morel had been waiting for left her mother’s mouth.
Mrs. Rosehearts: So, Leona, what do you do for work? I’m guessing it’s at least a small step above my daughter’s poor career choice.
Leona: I’m the second prince of Sunset Savana. I’ll likely become a high ranking member of the court when I finish my schooling at Night Raven College.
Mrs. Rosehearts: Oh, you’re still in school?
Leona: Yes, I got held back a year due to a lack of attending classes.
Mrs. Rosehearts: Not attending classes? That’s absurd!
Morel: Mother, just because Leona didn’t attend classes doesn’t mean he’s not intelligent.
Mrs. Rosehearts: Well, now I see what’s going on! You’ve been influenced by a slacker!
Morel: Mother, we’re in public. It would be better if you didn’t insult my significant other so loudly.
Mrs. Rosehearts: Well, excuse me for being concerned about who you’re trying to romance! You’ve already chosen a dreadful career that is sure to do you no good, so how did you think I’d react to you being influenced by a slacker?!
Leona: Mrs. Rosehearts, if I may, it was actually the other way around. Your daughter was the one who influenced me to do better.
Mrs. Rosehearts: I’m not going to buy such a poor excuse from a man who couldn’t even show up to classes at school.
Morel: Mother. Please.
Mrs. Rosehearts: Oh, cease your whining, Morel! You know just as well as I do that this so-called “relationship” you have is a waste of time if you’re going to be with a slacker!
Morel: Actually, you might be right about something being a waste of time.
Mrs. Rosehearts: See? You really should end this pitiful little relationship before-
Morel: No, it’s not my relationship that’s a waste of time—it’s this dinner that is a waste of time.
Leona: Morel, you don’t have to-
Mrs. Rosehearts: Excuse me?
Morel: Answering your message requesting you meet my boyfriend was a waste of time, getting ready for this dinner was a waste of time, coming to the restaurant and eating with you was a waste of time and money, and this conversation is a waste of my time as well.
Morel: So, while you sit here alone and contemplate why you’ll never meet your future grandchildren, I’m going to leave our half of the bill on this table, walk out of here with Leona, go home, and have sex for the second time today. Good evening to you, Mother.
And then Morel stood up, slapped half of the bill’s cost down on the table, and dragged Leona out of the restaurant, ignoring her mother’s many questions. Leona drove because Morel probably would’ve totaled the car if she drove with how angry she was, but the car ride was mostly silent aside from the noise outside of the vehicle.
When they got home (Morel’s small house), obviously Leona talked to Morel and made sure she was alright after the disastrous ending to the night. And once all was well and good, Morel made good on her words as she told her mother what she was going to do and she and Leona did the naked sideways tango under the sheets because Morel does not tell lies.
I’m just imagining that scenario in my head and it’s hilarious-
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