#i was gna do more but.. it's a lot lol so 5 will hv to do!!
seokjinshearts · 7 years
Spread Friendship And Love 🌸 Give a shout out to at least 5 of your irl friends/mutuals and say why you love them! Send this to 10 other people once you're done 🌼
ohhh thank u for this anon!! k here we go (putting this under the cut bc i wrote mini essays oops laskjfakl)
@seoraksan ​: Divine!!! I could really write an entire essay about how amazing you are and it still wouldn’t be enough for me to express how much u mean to me 💓 i feel like i send u at least 2 asks a week declaring my lov for u im so sry pls tell me to stop if im annoying u dlasjfdlsakdjf you have a way with words that touches everyone’s hearts soso deeply. i can feel the genuine love and kindness you emanate whenever we interact and it makes my heart so warm and full 💕 you truly have an ethereal presence and im so glad to have you in my life 💗 if i were to describe you using colors it would be a swirl of the most beautiful colors of the galaxy 🌌 thank u so much for being a wonderful friend and i truly wish you the best in life, you deserve nothing but happiness and love always❣️ 
@flowerboyjjk ​: Faith, our conversations have slowly but surely made me associate you with some of the most beautiful things in life. if i were to describe the first thing that comes to mind when i think of you, it would be a painting of the most beautiful sunset, with the soft glow of the setting sun casting the last of its rays over a field of sunflowers 🌻 you have such a warm and kind presence that is honestly so comforting to be around, and i feel like you’re always so supportive and caring to anyone you talk to. i truly wish that you get to experience at least half of the love you so freely give everyday, so that you will get to see how much happiness you bring to others 💝
@merryjooniemas: !!! hello!!! c!!! you’re a top tier cutie n ray of sunshine ☀️ i’m convinced that actual sparkles emerge everytime u talk alsdkjfs your positive energy is so infectious and i love how excited you get about things u care about 💕 you were one of my first mutuals here and I’m soso happy I came to talk to you bc you’re truly such a blessing ✨ I’m not sure what god did when he was making u but @ god keep up the good work bc we really need more angels like c in this world 💛 thank you for just.. being you bc you’re such a beautiful and bright soul, I love u!! 🧡🌼💗🍑🍯💓🌷 (+extra emojis for u bc ur the emoji queen 👑💞) 
@c-cygnus: Meariie starlight!! 💫 omg i remember being so shocked when i sent u that ask on anon and you said you remembered me?? i was truly not expecting that and it made me so happy alkdsjfla reading your responses to my messages really made me happy and it always felt so calming to talk to u about my day; im so very grateful that u would be there everytime with the sweetest and most encouraging words so i want to thank u sm for that 💗 you’re always supporting and caring for everyone with 101% of ur being and i hope that you’re giving yourself as much love and support as you give to others 💝 i love u to the moon and back and i hope that life’s treating you well!! ✨ 
@heartmanjin: Cheryl here’s a lil message for u since things have been tough this past week.. you’re a sweetheart and you’ve made me laugh a bunch bc we end up talking about kinda random and strange topics?? also your tags are always so fun to read and the love u have for jin is so soft and pure it makes my heart melt 💓 we haven’t been talking for that long but you seem wonderful and i really hope that you will do well and find something you’re passionate about in whatever education you’re pursuing next 💖 i wish you all the best and im sending u a bunch of love and hugs (which should arrive v shortly bc we’re now in the same country aldfjladsk) 
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muaqiminchee · 7 years
late night tater tots
hope the cap dice rolls in my favour this sem so everyone will get off my dique, ofc incl myself. nt that i asking fr divine intervention cos limpeh found out in pri sch that that doesnt work alr ya lmao i tried nt studying fr a test at all n just praying to 觀音媽 HAGAGA 1 of my boldest experiments in life thus far. nt gna worry that i’m nt studying enough cos i found out last sem that quantity doesnt equate to shit in uni. 
1 mth post break up n i think mat was right, i learnt a lot abt myself in my first r/s. it was short n uneventful la but nonetheless, i nv considered myself for the position of a gf for real bef u kno, always just fluffy daydreams when i find guys attractive lmao. more than anth else i realise i rly cannot settle fr someone just cos it’s cfm ‘safe’/ they r a stable person. maybe i will chg my mind when i reach like my 30s n get despo fr marriage n kids? bt fr nw it’s just damn gek sim to imagine it. disillusioned abt a) liking someone based on the affection they show u at first, b) how guys who look and act innocent rly are like, n how willing they r to admit it lol.
maybe it’s just the 青春熱血 or 叛逆 in me talking, bt i’m starting to prefer the other end of the spectrum when it comes to impressions n reputation cos at least ppl there hv nth to hide or be insecure abt. i think whether u hide, suppress, freely express them; we all hv taboo n selfish thoughts n desires. everyone has a bad side. u shd b loved by ur select few as a whole. incl this aspect, n nt just as the gd citizen/ friend/ partner/ family member u r obliged to play 9-5. n fr that to happen u need to acknowledge that ur bad side is a part of that u cannot force ppl to accept. u can only wait to meet those who do naturally, n if u love them back u can go on fr ever w/o effort one. i guess i still believe this part is up to fate.
i hv alr met so many soul mates in the form of my friends. it makes me able to get over guys frigging fast LMAO oso cos i rly do think it is toxic to rely on someone else fr ur happiness. nt in the like extreme feminist anti-men sense but like just as a person w/o any attached labels, it’s impt to complete urself first. u can’t count on using ur r/s to grow up, cos that will hurt both of u damn badly. ideally a r/s shd b 2 independent ppl making each other extra happy, u kno wad i mean. like bonus double exp add on happy, not the kind of happy u wld kill urself over when u get taken off of.
that’s y tbh if i find a new guy i like nw i wld b fine w 0 romance. if all we do is sleep tgt (ofc i wldnt get preggo la HAHA) n talk abt anth when we feel like it i wld b v happy. i like to bug ppl fr fun when i’m bored but it’s not cos i’m needy. it wld b enough just to hv 1 more special person to feel close to. nt that all that i hv nw r nt enough la ofc. bt i can’t sleep w my friends ma HAHA. it’s a diff kind of buzz lor. k hair is finally drying n i waking at 9 to mug whole day w maine so peace out nuggets 🍑 everyone take care n hv a gd day.
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