#i was fully content with getting it lightened like i did with my arm hair. but noooo it's unladylike to have leg hair at ELEVEN
officialpenisenvy · 25 days
my mother should be tried at the hague not for the child abuse or whatever but because she made me get my full legs and groin and pit hair lasered off since i was like 11
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Left at the Altar - Hangman (Part 2)
Pairing: Hangman / (Ex-Girlfriend) Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.0k
Warnings: Suggestive Content and Dialogue; Implied Nudity and Sex; References to Past Pregnancy Scares and UTIs (But None in the Present); Emotional Angst and Feels in line with Exes to Lovers; Second Person POV ("You"), No Y/N, No Physical Description of Reader (minus being a woman)
This work, all of my other works, and my entire blog are 18+ Only.
Summary: You and Jake enjoy a night in the honeymoon suite.
A.N. Thank you so much to everyone who interacted with the original part! Hope you enjoy Part 2 as much as you enjoyed Part 1!
And here's Part 1 if you missed it. And here's Part 3 and Epilogue.
Edit: If you want to be tagged, YOU MUST REFERENCE YOUR AGE SOMEWHERE ON YOUR BLOG. This work and my blog are both 18+ Only. You will NOT be tagged if you do not show that you are an adult. Again, Minors DNI. Thanks!
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You laid on your side on the bed, trying to regulate your beating heart.
Your mind was still a little muddled by the afterglow, so you couldn’t help the bashful smile on your face as you snuggled into your pillow. After the two of you cuddled for a few minutes, Jake left your side for the bathroom so that he could clean the both of you up.
Cracking your eyes open, you surveyed the honeymoon suite closer. You didn’t really get a chance to take it in before you were focused on other things. Jake’s dress uniform was laid over one of the extra chairs in the room in mostly pristine condition, save for a few wrinkles. Your wedding dress, on the other hand, was missing a few button clasps and a zipper now.
Not that you minded. You did tell Jake that you didn’t care about what happened to it.
At the sound of footsteps, you opened your eyes fully and smiled softly when Jake walked over with a damp towel. His hair, unlike his uniform, was no longer perfectly styled, though you were sure that your hair was far worse. But his smile never seemed to change from the first moment that he spotted you lying on the bed.
“You know, there’s a nice big bath tub in there,” Jake drawled as he slowly climbed up to join you again. His eyes raked over your form playfully, earning an eye roll from you. “And you look like you need some cleaning up.”
You lightly smacked Jake’s arm for that comment, earning a small chuckle from him. He smirked up at you and settled between your legs. You shook your head at him, but that damned smirk of his just made it too hard to stay mad at him.
“And whose fault is that again?” you asked, spreading your legs so he could clean you up.
“I seem to recall you begging—”
“—I wasn’t begging,” you interjected with a huff.
“Alright, you weren’t begging,” Jake replied, like he didn’t believe his own words. “It was just a series of some very enthusiastic requests.”
“I’d hardly call it a request,” you mused, leaning back against your pillow. “It’s not like you’ve ever said ‘no’ to any of my ‘requests’ before.”
“Not in bed,” Jake agreed quietly with an unspoken added meaning behind his words.
Sobering at the reminder of some of your less than fairytale days together, you sat up on your elbows. Jake continued to focus on cleaning you, either too embarrassed by his own comment to discuss it further or just simply concentrating on the task in front of him. You quietly studied his expression as you tilted your hips up to assist him.
“You should go to the bathroom,” Jake stated after he finished up. “Don’t want you getting a UTI.”
“Again?” you joked, hoping to lighten the mood a bit.
“You were the one who couldn’t keep your hands off of me that night,” Jake reminded you coyly.
“You certainly weren’t complaining,” you replied, swinging your legs around.
Still a little stumbly, you made your way into the bathroom. You finished cleaning yourself up and took a moment to fix your hair. When you were presentable again, you walked over to the bath tub that Jake mentioned. The tub looked like it was meant for a couple, which was fitting for a honeymoon suite, and when you spotted the bubble bath materials, your mind was made up.
You started running the bath and when the temperature was perfect, you plugged the tub to let it fill up. Returning to the bedroom, you spotted Jake laying on his back, looking like some kind of Greek god with the way he was lounging about. You tried to not stare too long at him as you walked over to the small fridge to grab the champagne that you dropped off yesterday.
“Eyes up, Lieutenant,” you stated as you bent over to open the fridge.
“In my defense, no one bends over like that unless they want someone to stare at their ass,” Jake replied, propping his head up on his arm. He smirked to himself as you straightened up with the champagne bottle in your hand. “And I could really get used to you calling me ‘Lieutenant’ when you’re dressed like that.”
You shot Jake a playful glare since all that you were wearing was a smile. Shaking your head at him, you headed back into the bathroom with your champagne bottle and glasses.
“Well, then come take a bath with me . . . Lieutenant,” you added on sultrily with a wink.
Jake slipped into the bathroom behind you about three seconds later. You handed off the bottle to him and turned to the bath to put in the bubbles. Jake popped the champagne and poured a glass for the both of you. Taking your glass with a smile and a quick peck to thank him, you motioned towards the bathtub with an encouraging look.
“You’re bigger.”
“I’d be happy to tell your ex that,” Jake quipped, causing you to shoot him a playful glare.
“Get in the tub, Jake. I’m getting cold.”
Jake slipped into the tub first and held out a hand to help you in as well. Slowly sinking into the heated water, you let out a pleased groan as you felt your tense and sore muscles start to relax. You leaned back against the tub and giggled when Jake reached out to grab your ankle.
“Relax,” he told you, slowly massaging your calf muscle. “Just relax.”
And so, you did. You rested your back against the curved wall of the tub and sipped your champagne while Jake gently massaged your tense muscles. Taking in the moment and the sheer domesticity of it all, you couldn’t help but let your mind drift.
Maybe it was natural to simply fall back into old habits and old thoughts. Especially when one was taking a nice heated bath. It was hard to not go down the thousands of ‘what if’ possibilities when Jake was sitting right there across from you. And the fact that the two of you always seemed to reconnect and fall back together right where you left off the last time didn’t help either.
So, your mind wandered.
What if Jake stayed in Texas and went to college with you, like everyone thought that he would? What if you sucked it up, left Texas, and followed him all around the country? What if one of those pregnancy scares over the years wasn’t just a scare? What if you accepted his proposal?
There were too many ‘what if’ scenarios to count, quite honestly.
“Do you ever wonder what life would have been like if . . .?”
You trailed off, unsure of if you wanted to finish your question or not. It seemed like a good idea at first but when Jake turned to meet your gaze, you couldn’t help but pause. But Jake, because he knew you so well and knew exactly where your mind went, could finish your question on his own.
“A lot,” he replied honestly, trailing his fingers around your knee. “Usually when I’m stuck on a carrier or on a long shift and I just . . . it just happens.”
“I know what you mean,” you agreed softly. You swallowed your emotions for a moment and stared down at the bubbles. “It’s hard not to go there. To go down all those different paths.”
“Which one do you go down most often?”
“Which ‘what if’ gets you the most?” Jake asked quietly, rubbing the back of your calf.
You opened your mouth to respond because you knew exactly which ‘what if’ scenario was forever stuck in your mind, but you closed your mouth just as quickly as you opened it. After all, you and Jake had talked about that scenario over and over again.
“The one where I stayed in Texas?” Jake guessed after a moment of silence.
“Yeah,” you practically whispered, nodding slowly. “That one.” Taking a sip of your champagne, you set it aside before leaning in a little closer to Jake. “But now I know that path . . . we would have been worse off than we are now.”
“You’re sure?” Jake questioned, sounding a little surprised.
“Yeah, I am,” you replied confidently, reaching out to trail your fingers down his cheek. Smiling softly to keep your emotions controlled, you rubbed your thumb across his soft skin. “You would have been miserable if you stayed here, Jake. You would have hated it. And I didn’t understand that back then. And I put so much on you because of that, Jake, and I’m sorry.”
“I didn’t even tell you that I wanted to go into the Navy,” Jake returned, nuzzling into your hand. “I was so afraid of my parents somehow finding out and trying to stop me that I didn’t tell you. And then I just dumped it on you after selling you a fantasy of us going to college together and . . . I was ass for doing that to you. For putting you in that position in the first place. And I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have anything to apologize for,” you assured him, sending him a small smile. “We were both only eighteen. We were kids.” Your eyes trailed along his features as a wider smile tugged at your lips. “And you know that I could never stay mad at you for very long anyways.”
“That is a very rare skill,” Jake replied, causing you to chuckle.
With a lovesick expression that looked like it belonged on the poster for a sappy 90s rom com, Jake gently pulled you across the tub. You laughed, but didn’t fight Jake as he pulled you in between his legs. Perching you up on his thigh, Jake quickly wrapped his arms around your waist to keep you nice and close to him.
His lips were on yours in a second and you happily returned the favor. Turning slightly, you straddled him as well as you could in the tub and wrapped your arms around his shoulders to keep the two of you close. Jake’s hands slid down to your ass and gently cupped your cheeks, guiding your hips together. After a moment, you let out a breathy sigh and placed a hand on Jake’s chest to stop him.
“I’m going to need a few more minutes before we get back to that, Lieutenant,” you told Jake honestly, causing him to smirk and nod. He opened his mouth but you quickly pressed your finger to his lips to stop him. “Don’t ruin the moment with a dirty joke. Please.”
“As you wish,” he replied coyly, pressing a kiss to your finger and then your chin.
Settling in his lap once again, you leaned back against his chest. Jake threaded your fingers together and sunk your joined hands back beneath the bubbles to keep the two of you warm. He pressed another kiss to the top of your head, which made you smile.
“What ‘what if’ scenario do you think about most?” you asked Jake quietly, glancing back at him.
“You don’t have a guess?”
“Well, I have a guess,” you corrected yourself, squeezing his hand just a little tighter.
“What’s your guess?”
“Me saying ‘yes’ to your proposal. Back in Pensacola after your flight school graduation,” you replied honestly, keeping your voice low. Jake nodded and pressed another kiss to your hair before resting his chin on top of your head. Staring down at the bubbles in front of you, you let out a breath to keep your emotions steady. “I wanted to say ‘yes’ but . . .”
“If you married me back then, we probably would be divorced or separated or we would absolutely hate each other by this point,” Jake stated bluntly and without a smidge of doubt. “You weren’t ready to leave Texas and I would have pushed you too far moving around as often as I did.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right,” you agreed quietly.
“I didn’t mean that as a bad thing,” Jake quickly added, causing you to look up and meet his gaze again. “It means that you’re steady. Hell, you kept me grounded so many times over the years that I probably couldn’t even begin to count.”
“Well, you’ve always been a dreamer and never one to let anyone stop you,” you returned softly, trailing your free fingers down his chest. Smiling softly to yourself, you leaned back against Jake. “I can’t tell you how many adventures that I would have been too scared to go on without you encouraging me or holding my hand through it.”  
“Even after the Ferris wheel incident?”
“Even after the Ferris wheel incident,” you echoed with a light chuckle.
“You know, I can’t tell you how much trouble I would have gotten into without you to pull me back down,” Jake replied honestly. “Especially in high school. I didn’t make the best decisions and you were always right there to tell me when I was being an idiot.”
“Don’t forget about that mouth of yours,” you reminded him, earning a deep chuckle in return. “Still saying every thought that comes into your brain?”
“So, that’s a ‘yes’,” you drawled playfully.
The two of you shared a laugh and the last bit of heat in your bubble bath. But eventually, the water grew a bit cold and not even Jake’s space heater qualities could keep you warm. So, you drained the tub and quickly showered off the bubble bath residue. But toweling each other off afterwards quickly got your hands wandering all over again.
The last rays of the sun had completely disappeared, bathing the bedroom in darkness. Jake gently backed you up against the bed as your lips met in another rather desperate embrace. With a gentle nudge, you fell back against the soft sheets and smiled up at Jake as he crawled on top.
You cupped his cheeks with your hands, focusing on the kiss and the feel of his body draped over your own and not the impending deadline. About the fact that Jake had to leave. He had a life back in Miramar to get back to and you still had to deal with the fallout of your wedding day.
Your little bubble wasn’t going to last for much longer, so you were going to soak it up while you could.
“I don’t want you to go,” you whispered quietly, resting your forehead against Jake’s own.
“I don’t want to go,” he returned just as softly. Stealing another kiss from your lips, Jake pressed a series of kisses around your face. “I don’t want to leave you.”
Fighting a wave of tears that you were not prepared to deal with, you simply nodded and pulled Jake’s lips back to your own. You nudged him to roll over and he did so without complaint. Stradling him, you took a moment to memorize his heartbeat beneath your fingers and the way that his green eyes caught the dim lighting. You let out a quiet amused noise to avoid bursting out into tears.
“Is it crazy to tell you that I love you after the day that I just had?” you asked him as your lips wobbled between a smile and a shaky line.
“No,” Jake replied quietly, gently grabbing your hips, “because I know that I’ve never stopped.”
Nodding slowly as another wave of emotions hit you, you leaned down to press a kiss to Jake’s lips. You needed a distraction and something to focus on. And Jake was intent upon giving you that.
After all was said and done, you rested your head against his chest and wrapped your arm around his waist. Even though you tried to fight it, sleep was definitely calling your name. You had been up since the ass crack of dawn preparing for your wedding and then the events of the day definitely took their own toll on you.
“You can go to sleep,” Jake assured you, pressing a kiss to your head.
“You won’t be here when I wake up,” you argued back.
“I know,” Jake replied, rubbing circles into your hip. “But that way, we don’t have to say ‘goodbye’.”
“I hate both of those options,” you sniffled, looking up at Jake through your eyelashes.
“I hate them too,” he agreed quietly.
Biting your bottom lip to try and keep a rein on your teetering emotions, you simply snuggled up into Jake’s side more. You let out a shaky breath to calm yourself down and took a moment to collect yourself. But all of that seemed to be useless when you opened your mouth.
“When is it going to be our time, Jake?” you whimpered out.
“I wish that I knew,” he stated with his voice breaking at the end. “It would make this a lot easier.”
And because neither of you could emotionally handle having that conversation right then and there, you simply held each other while you still could. Between the beat of Jake’s heart and the warmth of him and the blanket and your own emotional exhaustion, it didn’t take much else to pull you to sleep. The last thing that you recognized was Jake’s lips against your forehead and then you fell asleep.
You woke up to a thin ray of sunlight shining into your eyes. Blinking awake, you rolled over in your bed sleepily. You rubbed your eyes and let out a yawn but sobered when you noticed a change in the room. Sitting up in bed, you noted Jake’s missing uniform and bag.
They were gone. He was gone. Back to Miramar and away from you.
Holding your head in your hands, you let out a quiet sob.
Part 1 Part 3 Epilogue
A.N. If you want to be tagged in Part 3, reply or reblog this work with a comment about being tagged and I'll note it. Edit: If you want to be tagged, YOU MUST REFERENCE YOUR AGE SOMEWHERE ON YOUR BLOG. This work and my blog are both 18+ Only. You will NOT be tagged if you do not show that you are an adult. Again, Minors DNI. Thanks!
Tags: @djs8891 @avengers-fixation @dreamsofouterspace
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kairiscorner · 11 months
Could you write a Miguel x reader where they’re both babysitting mayday and Miguel puts on a cartoon for mayday so she can stop bothering him and after a few minutes Miguel gets stuck watching the cartoon with mayday and the reader thinks it’s the cutest thing ever 😭
HELLOOOOOO that is so cute WHAT, i hope you like this :DDD
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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miguel catching you and mayday watching cartoons
miguel was getting a little ticked off with how mayday has been running around him and swinging here and there–he can't remember anymore why he agreed to babysit the redhead for peter b while he and mj went out on a date. actually, he can't even remember if he did agree to babysit, he's been cooped up in his office all day, just dismissing everybody with 'hmm's and 'mhm's. peter b must've thought he agreed, hence he left the infant in his office; no wonder he was confused and concerned as to why mayday was left here, with his patience running out as the minutes ticked by.
you came in after miguel called for you, seeing mayday crawl over him as he remained stoic, with his eyes glued on the screens in front of him as lyla took videos of this moment. you rushed to take mayday away from miguel, with you cooing to the infant as miguel sighed, pulling up a cartoon for the child to watch. "isn't this what kids like nowadays?" he asked you as you shrugged, not really keeping in touch with what children are into these days. "i'll just keep her out of your hair." you said as you sat mayday down and watched her smile and giggle as the cartoon characters on screen moved about, spoke, sang and danced–entertaining her for a while.
you watched along with her when you noticed she'd grasp your hand and pull you close to her, wanting you to sit down and watch with her. you placed the girl on your lap as you both watched, giggling and singing along with the characters, answering them as they asked the questions, even though you knew the interactions were one-sided. it made mayday happy, so in a way, it made you happy watching with her.
miguel couldn't fully focus, not with you two giggling and talking to the characters in the cartoon, but he was in no way angry about it. he did look over his shoulder once or twice to look at what you two were laughing at, finding his gaze on the two of you lingering for more than just a few seconds. he kept prying his gaze away from the sight, but you two were just so... wholesome, so adorable to look at. he asked lyla to snap a few photos of this moment, with her obliging and taking such precise, beautiful shots of you and mayday smiling as you watched the animated characters do such ridiculous things.
he looked back at the photos and felt a kind of... brightness part the gloomy skies he was so used to having fill his days. he felt his heart lighten up a bit and a bit of a smile crack on his face. it took him a little while, but he left the monitors for a bit and walked over to you two, watching you both talk to the characters on screen after they asked questions to the viewers. "what's going on over here?" he asked you as you explained to him you were going a treasure hunt with the characters.
miguel found himself watching with you two as he sat down next to you two on the couch and sneaking glances at you both with a slight grin on his face. "can i join?" he asked in a soft voice as mayday babbled and reached out for him, with you smiling and lifting her up, about to hand her to miguel. "mayday seems like she wants you to, of course you can." you said as miguel's smile broadened, with him taking the infant from your arms and cooing to her.
this was the perfect way to take a break from work, and–by just a little bit–miguel had finally had a clear, bright sky; just for today, and it was... it was more beautiful than he imagined.
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @binibinileonara @fiannee @ophanimgold @arachnoia @melovetitties @meeom @hisachuu @wreakingmarveloushavok @fictarian @yuridopted0
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ncroissant · 5 months
aquamarine hoshino x jealous! bimbo! reader
summary: after aqua's passionate kiss with akane on the final episode of 'love for real', aqua comes to home to your jealousy.
content warnings: spoilers to oshi no ko, suggestive, mentions of cock/crotch, toxic relationship, controlling behaviour, dacryphilia, manipulation, use of petnames: angel, sweetheart, good girl like once, no use of yn
wc: 1.2k
author's note: aqua is 16 in the anime and manga, mentally 40, but i'd like to age him up to 18!! this is not proofread, so there are probably a lot of mistakes, lmk if i need any more warnings!! minors please DNI !!
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you spent most of your days encased in aqua's basement. he made the entire place feel like home; decorating it in pretty pink wallpaper and making sure you had anything in reach. whenever you asked for something, he would provide. he was fully set on servicing you as long as you obliged to his one and only rule:
'stay in this room, don't leave without my permission'
he would drill it into your brain like clockwork, never letting you forget, especially since you were likely to forget within a few seconds. you'd look up at him doe-eyed, hanging off his every word. you loved when he would tell you what to do and you could just blindly follow along. he was your best friend after all.
he spent a lot of his time with you: he'd check on you before and after school, he'd listen to you talk about the animes you watched and the mangas you read, or do his work assigned by the director while you sat in his lap, questioning every little detail.
but as of late, he came around to visit less and less, to the point where you would hear him come into the basement late at night, slipping under the covers to cuddle with you.
he convinced himself that you were the one insistent on being touchy-feely, but he was self-indulgent in the way you'd bury yourself in his arms, snuggling deep into his chest.
"aqua?" you'd mumble, feeling him wrap his arms around your waist.
"sorry angel, did i wake you?" he slid an arm on your back, rubbing it soothingly to lull you to sleep.
"no, s' okay, i missed you aqua," you flipped over, wrapping your arms around his neck, inserting yourself into his neck.
he reeked of women's perfume. you wanted to convince yourself he was going around stores finding you your perfect scent. but a pit in your stomach grew and you didn't understand why.
aqua would never tell you he was on a dating show. for one, he only needed to go on it to find clues on ai, but he also didn't want you to worry your pretty head over it. as much as he loved to see the frustration on your face when you were thinking, he knew he'd have to lighten the load for you.
it was tv day, aka saturday, because he was very insistent that TV was very, very bad for you and could only be watched for an hour a week. and miraculously, that hour was filled with content from the last episode of 'love for real'.
you sat there anticipatingly, already shocked from aqua's appearance in the intro, but the final moments had caught you off guard. although the two other guys had gotten rejected, aqua had marched over to the blue-haired girl, akane as you remembered, and placed a long, passionate kiss on her lips.
your eyes widened. he might have done a lot of things for you, but he's never kissed you before. he's never looked at you like that (at least not when you were looking). the tv automatically closed (as aqua had programmed it) and left you with a reflection of your teary-eyed expression.
your knees were pressed against your chest, your arms tightly holding them in place. you wanted to throw a tantrum, a fit, anything that would get rid of this stupid anger inside of you.
as if on queue, the lock on the door unlocked and in walked aqua. "hi angel, how was you day?" he slipped off his shoes, placing his bag down before looking over at you.
"aqua, why didn't you tell me you were on a dating show?" you pushed yourself onto all fours, kneeling in front of him with your stupidly big, round eyes, clinging to his tapered pants.
his eyes widened. he didn't know if it was a treat or a curse to see you in such a state. but, hearing that you saw the show snapped him out of his trance.
"how did you...?" shit. they changed the airing for this episode for saturday instead on sunday, he mentally cursed himself, remembering the fuss the crew made about it earlier.
his thoughts were cut by your sudden display of waterworks, burying your face into his thigh, hugging it like a babbling baby. "are you getting tired with me already?" you sobbed, pulling and pushing at the fabric of his pants.
he felt bad, he really did. but the way you were looking up at him so sweetly and clinging onto him like a little girl made his cock strain in his pants. he was biting back a smile before kneeling down to you level.
"so you saw it, huh?" he frowned slightly, holding the hand that gripped his thigh in his own.
"mhm," you nodded, crying incessantly, trying to wipe away your tears with a free hand.
"aw, c'mere sweetheart. let's get your tears out," he pulled you into his lap, allowing you to bury yourself into his shoulder as he patted your back soothingly.
you cried, rambling about how he didn't tell you and how he's never kissed you before. before you knew it, your hands had boldly gripped his shirt collar.
"why can't you kiss me like you kissed her, aqua? do you like her better?" you puffed your bottom lip out, tears still filling your waterline, leaning too close for aqua's comfort. you so badly wanted to be kissed by him too.
"angel, you know i can't kiss you, it's..." he trailed off, pursing his lips in thought.
it's not that he didn't want to kiss you. he felt like he was too tainted to even think about pressing his lips against yours. you were too pure and innocent. not a single thought inside your pretty little brain.
little did he know, all you could think about was him.
"aqua, please i wanna kiss." you pushed your lips out like a fish, clearly unfamiliar with kissing. he sighed in relief, but also somehow felt nervous to lean in.
he had countless fantasies about kissing you. more dreams beyond just kissing, but dreams of being intimate with you. if you hadn't shifted yourself right on top of his cock, he wouldn't have hastily pushed you down with his lips pressed against yours.
you squealed in surprise from the sudden movement, but he protected your head when you two had tumbled to the floor. he pulled away to look at you, both of you out of breath from the intensity of the kiss.
you looked so pretty just waiting for him to continue and let him do whatever he wanted to. he knew you'd agree with whatever he told you to do. but he wanted to relish in the fact that you were lying there so perfectly, patiently waiting his next command like such a good girl.
"you still want another one?" he teased, inspecting the redness on your face that trailed down the entirety of your body.
"mhm, wanna get her taste off your lips." his cock pulsed at your sudden possessiveness. you didn't even know how to kiss 10 seconds ago, but he wanted to see how much he could teach you in one night.
"yeah, you'll help me like a good, little girl, right?" he dragged you closer by the thigh before pressing his lips on yours once more.
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zombiekillerbiceps · 1 year
The First, Good Birthday
Note: this was so sweet and romantic to write. /I am ignoring resi6 and it's existence it's supposed to be fluff just work with me here/
Content: 2.3k, 18+, SFW, slight angst, fluff, mentions of drugs (a joint) and alcohol, between re2 and 4, Leon x Reader, gn reader, no y/n.
Reader gives Leon his best birthday yet.
"That is... The saddest fucking story anyone's ever told me," you say, genuinely shocked.
"No, no, it was great cause the socks were really well made," Leon insisted, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
"Yeah, Jesus, I wouldn't celebrate my birthday either."
Leon snorted his amusement, raising his eyebrows as if to say I told you so.
What he told you was that he never really got to celebrate his birthday in his foster home. It was usually half-forgotten and rushed, gifted things likely found around the house or picked up at the gas station with the price tag still on it. The best birthday he ever had as a child was his 13th birthday. His foster parents had just gotten a huge donation, which meant he got fun necessities like... An electric tooth brush and good, wool socks.
"What about your best birthday as an adult?" You ask, hoping the story will lighten the mood. You expect some drunken, coming-of-age quest that you can make fun of him for later.
"My 18th birthday," he says. "I aged out of foster care. It was my first day in my own apartment and I went out and got a steak dinner."
"With friends?" You ask.
He doesn't answer.
"Babe, with friends, right?"
Still no answer.
"You understand we have to throw you the best birthday anyone's ever been thrown, right?"
When his birthday rolled around, you really did go all out, right from the minute you woke up. You made pancakes using the dinosaur-cookie cutters you were gifted as a gag one year. They were metal, and you definitely burned yourself a few times trying to flip the flap jacks. But, the result was vaguely dinosaur shaped pancakes that were too thick to cook through fully. So, that was... good.
When Leon finally padded out to the kitchen, he found you running your hand under cold water, butter burning in the pan, and a Jurassic Park-level dinosaur pancake massacre as the pancakes lost their shape and broke apart under their own weight.
He rushed over to turn off the stovetop. He pulled the spitting, smoking butter pan off the element and moved towards the sink where you were leaning, quickly avoided disaster, and put the pan on a different element. He was then at your side assessing the burn.
"I'm fine, really, I get worse burns at work," you tell him.
"What were you even trying to do?"
"I don't know, make you a cute breakfast."
His eyes drift over to the graveyard of dismembered dinosaurs.
"Nothing says cute like uh. Shapes."
"They were triceratops," you inform him as matter-of-factly as possible. "And a T-Rex."
He laughs, a surprised bark of laughter that makes the burned hands and messy counters worth it. His eyes squint up and he throws his head back as he laughs. His hair falls out of his face and catches the early afternoon light, illuminating him like a halo, and for a moment you just appreciate how beautiful he is.
"Why don't we just go out for breakfast?" He offers.
"Yeah, that's a good idea," you agree.
The two of you wind up at your favourite local coffee shop. It was a bit expensive, but their lattes truly were something special. Plus, their breakfast sandwiches were better than the under-cooked flour waiting for you at home. You take the morning slowly, sipping coffee on a warm patio, watching the world go by.
"Alright, what time is it?" You ask, stretching your arms above your head. Leon checks his phone.
"Noon," he tells you. "Have something else planned?"
"Not until later," you say. "I thought we could hit that independent book store down the street."
"When you said this was going to be my best birthday ever, I really expected more fanfare," he teased you.
"Can it, or I'm getting the socks."
He laughed with you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder as you walked. It was a beautiful day out. Bright sun, clear skies, and a cool enough breeze to fend off the heat. Leon smiled easily, his body relaxed for once. Even if it wasn't a big, flashy birthday, you thought that giving him an afternoon where he could just relax with you was good enough.
The bookstore was inside an old house. Doors were taken off hinges so former kitchens and bedrooms could be turned into the Paranormal Mystery and Erotic Thriller sections. Bookcases overflowed with worn paperbacks, books cluttered half-open across tables, and novels spiraled up the staircase until there was hardly enough room to go up and down. A kindly old woman manned the check out counter with her bespeckled face buried in an Agatha Christie mystery. Her wife, a sturdier old woman rearranged a stack of scientific non-fiction. A big golden lab with a white muzzle laid on the porch and happily thumped his tail in greeting, licking Leon's hand as he passed. A fluffy, one-eyed cat stretched out across an open copy of Moby Dick like she was reading it.
You and Leon took your time picking through books, occasionally picking one up and dramatically reading the back or a choice passage to one another. You got to learn a lot about him. He liked poetry books, but pretended he didn't. He hated thrillers. He was interested in architecture, hovering around their section for longer than you anticipated, but you didn't mind. Least surprising was his love of classics.
In the end, you two left the store with only a few books. One by Trevor and Chamberlain titled Eastern European Castles and their Effect on the New American Rich, as well as a copy of Don Quixote, and an annotated pocket poetry book from the 1800's that you pretended not to see. You wouldn't judge him for it, but if he wanted to keep his love of poetry secret, you'd let him.
"This was a really nice birthday," Leon said, kissing your temple as the two of you left the bookstore feeling undeniably a little dusty.
"Was? It's not over yet!"
You insisted on getting some food that you could eat while walking on your way home. Dinner wouldn't be until late. You settled on vegetable kebabs and fresh squeezed lemonade.
"Go shower," you told him almost as soon as you got home.
"Are you planning on joining me?" He asked, hands playfully pulling at your hips. You blushed, giggling while you swatted him away.
"I've got a few more things to do. Hurry up, we don't want to be late."
You cleaned up the kitchen and sent off a few, final texts verifying everyone would be there. You prepped up a few things for dinner, and then since there was still time, you hopped in the shower with Leon for just a few minutes. Not long enough to do anything fun, but you cherished the quiet intimacy of washing his back and shoulders for him. Kissing the freshly clean skin when you were done.
The next hour or so happened in a blur of responding to texts and getting ready and playfully teasing Leon about the upcoming night he knew nothing about. Finally, wearing accidentally matching black button ups, you and Leon left the house. He insisted on taking the motor cycle. And he insisted on taking the scenic route, meaning he showed up late to his own birthday party.
The venue was a semi-upscale whisky bar. It struck a balance between modernism and industrialism, giving it a cool (but kind of snotty) vibe. You led him in by the hand. When the door swung open, you were greeted by a live jazz band and, almost immediately, a cheering chorus of voices.
Most of Leon's coworkers leaned over at the bar, raising their glasses in greeting of him. Leon left you to greet them, grinning and laughing with them immediately. One of them raised a glass to you, and you gave a lazy two finger salute back.
"Hey! Kennedy!" Emerging from the bathroom was an absolute behemoth of a man, Chris Redfield.
"What the hell are you doing here?!" Leon cried. The two hugged tightly, patting each other on the back the way men did. Not too many men could make Leon look small, but Chris sure did.
A feminine hand gently touched Leon's back, and you watched him light up for the third time that night as he recognized Claire. Leon wrapped her up in a hug that lifted her off the ground. You smiled to yourself, watching as the three of them immediately get swept up in reminiscing. Leon's coworkers surrounded them, loudly talking and joking amongst themselves.
It was about an hour before another woman joined Leon at the bar, earning a surprised cry from Leon and his coworkers.
"Hunnigan!? Who got you to leave the house?!" One of them asked. Hunnigan shrugged, then tilted her head over to where you sat, half watching the party and half listening to the band. Leon beamed at you from across the room and you instantly got butterflies.
You got a text about twenty minutes later.
Meet us outside.
You approached the crowd to take Leon by the hand. He immediately turned and kissed you so passionately it took your breath away. You stepped away from him to a wave of oooooohs. In front of all his friends? Embarassing. And flattering.
"One more present," you tell him. He looks at you like he doesn't believe you.
"What more could you possibly give me?"
"Well, Hunnigan is the one that pulled this one together. You owe her big time. C'mon." You led him outside by the hand.
The cool night air was a welcome reprieve. You didn't realize how warm the bar was until you stepped into the night. Waiting outside was a nameless suit in front of a rich black car. He held a letter.
You gestured for Leon to take it. He did, cautiously, his eyes quickly serious and observant. You didn't miss how his hand hovered over his empty hip. You wondered if he was even aware of doing it. When he took the letter, the suit got back into the car and they drove off.
Leon read the letter. Then again. Then again. Tears started to well in his eyes and your heart dropped into your stomach.
"Babe, I'm so sorry, I thought it would be a nice-" he cut you off with a crushing hug. He buried his face into your shoulder and held you until your hands went numb.
"I don't know how you pulled this off," he said. "But, thank you."
You kissed him on the cheek and separated yourself from him.
"Why don't I go get Claire?" You offered. He smiled at you, and you took that as good enough.
You went back inside to get Claire. Leon showed her the letter, and her eyes widened, looking between it and Leon in disbelief.
"A letter from Sherry?" She asked. Leon nodded, and you headed back inside to let the two have a private moment.
You took the opportunity to get to know Leon's friends. Hunnigan complained about his attitude, his friends told embarrassing stories about him, and Chris alternated between praising Leon and solidifying some sibling-like rivalry between them.
Leon and Claire eventually came back in smelling like good weed. You assumed Claire brought a joint with her, as she was known to do at parties. All of you drank and chatted and joked. Laughter came often and in great, thunderous roars. At one point Leon dragged you onto the dancefloor, and when he got tired, Claire happily took his place.
Chris received a text from Jill and had to excuse himself to "tend to the missus." His leaving signaled the beginning of the end, and slowly the party thinned out until it was just you and Leon again. You two decided to walk home, too intoxicated to drive.
You two chatted the whole way home, gossiping about this person and that event. Leon was practically bursting with energy. His stomach growled and you had to soothe him with promises of one last present.
"Hey," he stopped in front of the door of your shared home. He took your face in his hands, gratitude plain on his face. "Thank you for tonight. Especially Sherry's letter, I have no idea how you-"
"Again, Hunnigan. I think I owe her a life debt now."
"You." Leon insisted. "You had the idea. You made it happen. You made everything happen tonight, and I don't know how to thank you."
"It's a birthday party, you don't have to thank me."
He kissed you, slow and gentle. He held you close in his arms while he did. You felt how much he loved you then, maybe more than any other kiss he'd ever given you. Eventually he pulled away, the affection in the softness of his gaze making him look like a younger, more hopeful man.
"One more present," you insisted.
You lead him inside the house and set him up in front of the TV while you cooked dinner. It went off without any of the prior disasters, luckily. Then you set up the table with the fanciest tableware you had. When you called Leon in, he could only chuckle in disbelief.
"One fancy steak dinner for one Monsieur Kennedy," you announced with quiet bravado, pouring a glass of Malbec.
He sat down at one end. You sat at the other. The two of you were starving and the meal went down pretty quickly, but not unsavoured. When you were done, Leon took your hand in his.
"A nice steak dinner shared with the love of your life," you said, gesturing with your free hand. The dying candle light warmed Leon's complexion, capturing his blonde hair in an orange glow. The flame danced in his blue eyes. He looked at you with nothing but love and appreciation. He looked beautiful. "Happy 25th birthday, my love."
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cringemesstickles · 8 months
Tickling > Massage
(TickleTober Day 28: Massage)
Summary: Dean offers to give Sam a massage (honestly, Dean just being an awesome big brother)
Pairing: NONE!!
Word Count: 1,157
A/N: oops my hand slipped. Y’all this is so soft I actually wanted to cry-
In a dingy motel room, the Winchester brothers find themselves with a rare moment of downtime. Sam sits on the edge of his bed, hunched over his laptop, furrowing his brows as he scans through lines of ancient text. Dean, cleaning his guns at the other end of the room, glances over at his younger brother and sighs.
“Sammy, you’re gonna turn into a pretzel if you keep sitting like that,” Dean comments.
Sam lets out a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Yeah, well, someone’s gotta be brushed up on lore.”
Dean sets his gun aside and stands up, stretching his arms above his head.
“Well, how ’bout taking a break? You look like you could use a massage.”
Sam looks up, skeptical. “A massage? Since when are you offering massages?”
“Since I noticed you’re about as tense as a death row inmate.”
Sam hesitated, but couldn’t deny that a massage did sound nice.
“Fine, but make it quick.”
“You won’t be saying that once I get started.” Dean replies, motioning for Sam to lie down on his stomach.
Sam reluctantly obeys, lowering himself onto the bed and resting his head on his crossed arms.
Dean perches himself on Sam’s hips, his hands hovering above his brother’s back momentarily before making contact. He began to gently massage his fingers into the younger’s shoulders, taken aback by how tight the muscles were, having to increase the pressure quite a bit just to get the knots out.
Sam tensed at first, but gradually felt himself melt into the touch, letting out a sigh of contentment.
“That alright?” Asked Dean, an amused smile forming on his face.
“Uh-huh,” Sam hummed, allowing his eyelids to flutter shut in bliss.
The elder then begins to work his fingers into the backs of Sam’s ribs, and that’s when he hears it: a giggle.
Dean smiled knowingly, lightening his touch a little.
“What’s so funny?”
Sam flushed a rosy shade of pink and he tried not move too much, not wanting Dean to catch on.
“N-Nothing, nothing… you can keep going.” He shoved his face in his arms to stifle any noise he might make, trying to ignore the tingling sensations coursing through his body.
Oh yeah… Dean was going to have fun with this.
“If you say so.” Shrugging his shoulders, he went back to work, kneading his fingers into the sensitive rib bones, carefully massaging the tender spot.
With his composure crumbled like a cookie, Sam burst into a storm of giggles, squirming lightly under the ticklish touch.
The elder could feel his heart melting into a puddle, fully endeared by his little brother’s joy filled expression and he couldn’t help but let out a soft chuckle of his own.
Sam had his face turned to the side, leaving his dimples on full display, as well as his flushed cheeks. His eyes were squeezed shut in mirth as he continued to titter and wiggle, a sight that Dean couldn’t help but melt over.
Sam always liked to act as if he wasn’t ticklish, so naturally, swallowing his pride and admitting that it tickled would be too much and he’d rather just endure the tickling.
Taking pity, the older man retracted his hands.
“Okay, okay, I’ll stop if you really-”
“Y-You don’t have to!”
Dean blinked, taking a moment to process the timid interruption before an amused grin spread across his face.
“You mean you want me to tickle you?” He teased, giving a quick tickle to his brother’s back, earning a jolt.
“I-I mean… I didn’t say that. It just- uh… feels nice, y’know?..” Sam sputtered, his face glowing a bright cherry red as he averted his eyes and twiddled the fabric of the sheets between his fingers.
Dean laughed and ruffled the younger’s hair, overcome by a sense of endearment.
“I got it, Sammy. You want more tickles? You got it!” With that, he spidered his fingers sporadically over Sam’s shoulder blades, eliciting a squeal from his younger brother.
Sam buried his face into the mattress, letting out bright happy laughter and even kicking his legs out behind him.
“What’s wrong, Sammy? Too ticklish? Aww, isn’t that just precious. Tickle tickle tickle!” Dean cooed, laughing at the squeak that escaped the younger’s lips, the teasing evidently working.
“Nooo, don’t tehehease!! Eek!”
The taller man stretched his arms out in front of him, hands opening and closing to cope with the pleasant sparks of electricity shocking his nervous system.
“Aw, why not? Does it tickle more when I tease you? That only makes me wanna do it more!”
The elder let his hands find Sam’s shoulders, his thumbs resting on the base of the neck while the rest of his fingers splayed across the collarbones. With his hands in position, he gave the pressure point a gentle squeeze, causing Sam to yelp and snort, kicking his legs frantically and banging his fists against the mattress, euphoric guffaws filling the small room.
“EEP- NAHAHA, DEHEHEAN! T-TIHIHICKLES!” He shrieked, his face the color of a tomato at this point.
Dean laughed along with his baby brother, relishing in the carefree spirit that had taken over the typically uptight hunter.
“It tickles, huh? How about this?”
He lowered his face to the nape of Sam’s neck and blew a wet slobbery raspberry against the delicate skin, delighting in the shrill squeal that escaped his brother’s mouth.
Sam started to nuzzle his cheek against the sheets, wide smile nearly splitting his face as he let the blissful sensations engulf him.
After some time, the wild sensations seemed to be too much for Sam and he finally squealed out,
Seeing that Sam had reached his limit, Dean pulled away with a chuckle, affectionately patting the younger on the back and started to run away the ghost tickles.
“Have fun, giggle monster?” He teased, smiling fondly at the way Sam’s cheeks went rosy again at the affectionate nickname.
“Yeheheah, I guess I did…”
Dean continued to glide his hand up and down Sam’s back, using just enough pressure to make sure he didn’t accidentally tickle him again.
Sam let his eyes flutter shut again, indulging in the state of relaxation and bliss that had taken over his previously tense body.
Dean watched his little brother release the last of his giggles and begin to doze off, his face a picture of warmth and contentment.
Soon enough, the sound of soft snores filled the little motel room, the youngest Winchester swept away into dream land.
The older Winchester felt his chest tighten with love and affection for his baby brother and he got up and reached for a blanket, spreading it over the sleeping figure.
After spreading the blanket evenly over his big moose of a brother, he walked over to where Sam’s lay, leaning down to press a tender kiss to the soft brown locks.
“Sweet dreams, Sammy.”
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moneyloverspender · 7 months
Finding Ways Chapter 6: Pictures
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Note: I made a short one cause I was itching to write what was inside my head for weeks already! So enjoy! I might change it if yall guys want just comment wheheee!!! 🤩🤩🤩
Sitting down on the dark green couch, the dim lighting in the room cast shadows, creating a solemn atmosphere. The subtle hum of an antique lamp added a touch of eeriness to the air as Y/n and Satoru exchanged glances, their concern palpable.
"What's with the two of you? Someone died or somethin'?" the white-haired man asked playfully as he draped his lanky arm on the couch, attempting to lighten the heavy mood. His wife nudged him with her elbow in response, a brief smile playing on her lips but not reaching her eyes.
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Gakuganji and Yaga shared a glance before Yaga pulled out an envelope and placed it on the antique table in front of them. Y/n looked at them, a mixture of confusion and apprehension in her eyes, as she slowly took the envelope into her hands. She glanced at her husband beside her, searching for reassurance.
Opening the envelope, she slid the contents out, her eyes widening at the disturbing images revealed. Captured pictures of her and her husband together were meticulously glued to a wall, capturing moments from their wedding to more recent times. Three additional photos slid out, depicting recent moments, each one intensifying the sense of intrusion.
"What the hell is this?" Her eyebrows furrowed as she looked up at the two older men seated across from them.
The snow-haired man took the pictures from his wife's hand, his eyes widening at the revelation. "Well, that's creepy," he mumbled, a shiver running down his spine.
"One of the Grade 1 sorcerers encountered an unknown attack yesterday during a mission in Ginza. He chased the attacker to an apartment hideout, but the assailant was nowhere to be found," Yaga explained, crossing his arms. The room seemed to grow colder as he continued, "He called for inspectors and backup... They found hundreds of pictures of both of you glued to a wall. The school's inspectors concluded that the perpetrator has been collecting pictures of both of you since your wedding till yesterday."
Y/n's mind raced as she tried to comprehend the invasion of her privacy, her husband's past coming back to haunt them in the form of a disturbing collection. The air in the room grew tense as the weight of the situation settled in.
"Did they find out why the creep has been collecting pictures of us?" Satoru asked, his tone serious, the playful demeanor now replaced by a focused intensity.
"With 'x' marks written on the pictures of both of you, they concluded that the perpetrator wants to kill both of you, and that was the only evidence, so we don't know why... yet," Gakuganji stated, the gravity of the situation reflected in his stern expression.
Satoru scoffed mockingly, a nervous chuckle escaping his lips. His wife glanced at him in confusion, uncertainty clouding her features.
"Like that creep can even lay a finger on ME..." he laughed mockingly, a facade of confidence failing to fully conceal the concern in his eyes.
The two old men exchanged incredulous glances, their unspoken worry mirrored in the eyes of the woman seated across from them.
"I'll look into this tomorrow," Y/n declared seriously, standing up as she walked out of the room, her footsteps echoing in the corridor. The three men followed her until she disappeared from sight.
"I still don't get why Y/n chose to marry someone like you, Gojo Satoru," Gakuganji stated bluntly, a hint of concern underlying his words.
"Tch... Watch your mouth, old man," he retorted, narrowing his glare at the older man, standing up as he left the room. The heavy silence lingered, foreshadowing the challenges that awaited them in the unraveling mystery.
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lale-txt · 1 year
where Renge gets to celebrate her birthday for the first time on the Oro Jackson
a/n: today's the day! @rogerpirateswk is here! i've been shaking in my boots to set all of this up and one goal of mine was to use this as an opportunity to write more OC content for myself. i'm so weak for soft found family interactions and this fic is just about this. and since Renge and I share a birthday today, it's only natural that the prompt 'song' gotta be birthday song (´⌣`ʃƪ)
word count: 1.5k
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Even before she opened her eyes, Renge could smell that they had arrived at a winter island. There was something about the scent of snow in the air that made her skin crawl, her zoan nature rattling the bar of its cage to be let out and roam around freely. Renge grinned, exposing a pair of sharp teeth and kicked back the heavy covers.
Pressing her face against the small window of her cabin, her yellow eyes lightened up, pupils narrowed into two narrow slits from excitement over the sight of snow-covered mountains and a vast white landscape. She almost purred, her fluffy tail whipping from side to side. All was forgotten — even the fact that today was her first birthday on the Oro Jackson.
The only thing that drew her away from the window were the voices outside her door, whispering and giggling, someone trying to shush them (she knew exactly who that was) and then a loud knock. Renge’s heart jumped for a second. All her life, for as long as she could remember, she never had someone to celebrate her birthday with. But now… she has found a family.
“Door’s open!”
She sat down on the bed cross-legged, still wearing her pajamas—but so did her surprise visitors. Shanks and Buggy stumbled in first, holding up a silver tray with a birthday cake, topped with 21 lit candles. The tray wobbled dangerously from side to side and Rayleigh followed them on their heels, hands hovering over them to prevent them from causing a disaster if needed. He looked like he wasn’t fully awake yet, his hair still a mess and his glasses slightly askew, and Renge had a slight feeling the kids woke him up because they couldn’t be kept on the edge of their seats about the birthday surprise any longer.
Following behind them through the door was the captain himself, Roger, smiling as bright as he always did, also wearing flannel pajamas, his laughter bouncing from every wall. He was the first to strike up a birthday song, singing loud and flat but with so much love that Renge couldn’t help but smile. The kids joined in the song and even Rayleigh hummed a little, giving Renge an apologetic smile over the morning intrusion… but she didn’t mind at all.
She held her arms wide open and both Shanks and Buggy flinged themselves into them after Rayleigh was quick to grab the tray and set it down on the table.
“Happy birthday, mama!” ”We love you! I made the cake all by myself for you!” ”Liar! Shanks almost mixed salt with sugar!” ”And Buggy didn’t know how to crack eggs even though you taught us how!”
Renge chuckled and wrapped her arms tighter around both boys, pressing a kiss on top of their little heads. She still wasn’t used to them calling her ‘mama’, but also she didn’t mind at all. Within days those two had conquered her heart when she joined the crew a few months ago, and by now she had grown so fond of them, they might as well be her own kids.
While Shanks and Buggy kept up their bickering, Roger was the next in line and wrapped his big arms around all three of them, lifting them up with ease under Renge’s protests and laughter. He always did that and when he laughed, his whole body vibrated. It was almost as if he was purring as well.
“Happy birthday, little one. To many, many more.”
Roger let them down again and ruffled Renge’s hair, her fluffy ears twitching under his rough but loving touch. Usually she would bite him by now, but since today was a special day… she would hold back for a bit, still her tail twitched with temptation.
The last to give his wishes was Rayleigh, who simply gazed down at her on the bed, cupping her face with one hand, his thumb tracing slow circles on her cheek. Unconsciously Renge leaned in closer into his touch, closing her eyes in bliss. He leaned down and blew a kiss on her cheek before he whispered in her ear.
“Happy birthday, kitten.”
Renge blushed slightly and grinned from ear to ear, her skin burning up from where Rayleigh’s lips brushed her skin while hers formed a silent ‘Thank you’. At this point it must have been obvious for everyone that both Rayleigh and her crushed hard on each other, but neither dared to make the first move yet. It would still take a few more months and a little accident for them to confess their feelings… and until then, this was more than nice, too.
Craving her undivided attention, Buggy and Shanks teamed up and flung their small arms around her neck, making her bend down to them while their cheeks rubbed against hers. Renge snickered and picked both boys up, walking over to the table with them in her arms. Roger had taken a seat, his eyes twinkling a bit, unsure if it was from the excitement of having birthday cake for breakfast or seeing his little found family making the softest memories just now.
“You have to make a wish when you blow out the candles", Shanks explained calmly, looking up to Renge with big eyes. ”But you mustn't tell what you wished for until it comes true!”, Buggy chirped in as well, both taking their roles very seriously. Renge assumed that Rayleigh probably sat them down prior and told them that this was the first birthday ever she got to celebrate and might not be familiar with the traditions. She smiled and kissed the chubby cheeks of the kids, making them giggle.
“Both of you know so much! Just what would I do without you?”
Shanks and Buggy grinned from ear to ear, visibly pleased over the praise from their mama. Rayleigh leaned against the wall and watched the scene with a small smile on his lips.
A wish, huh?
It’s like all her wishes came true already when she joined the crew. They put an end to her unbearable loneliness. With them, Renge was able to learn what it meant to be loved and to love in return, may it be through longing gazes or a warm bowl of soup on the table. She finally had a place to call home, somewhere she could rest her tired bones and fall into warm arms, holding her until she dozed off into a deep slumber. They showed her how to dream, something she had long forgotten during those dark years.
It’s as if they put the stars back on the vast night sky for her again.
But if she was really allowed to have one more wish… Renge knew what to wish for. Her eyes wandered across the room, her soul soaking up the presence of those she loved the most. With them, her heart was safe, always. She blinked back the tears as the realization hit her and put on a brave smile, not wanting to start her first birthday with tears, even if they were happy ones. She took a deep breath and leaned down to the birthday cake.
When our journey comes to an end, I want to meet them again in the next life and sail under the same sun with them, waking up and falling asleep to their laughter, knowing they are alive and well and loved. It’s my only wish.
Renge blew out all the candles and for a second every inch of her body tingled with a strange sensation; as if the universe shook up all its stardust to let her know that her wish had been heard.
She leaned back, still holding the boys close so she could whisper something in their ears. The mischievous twinkle in her eyes didn’t go unnoticed by Rayleigh and Roger. The captain already got up from his seat, rolling up the sleeves of his pajamas as if he knew in a heartbeat just what those three were plotting.
“I must warn you, I’m the king of snowball fights. No one challenges me and won’t regret it afterwards.”
Rayleigh pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. It was still too early for him to manhandle an overly excited Roger who was about to break noses with the sheer power of his snowballs, a snow leopard zoan who would hunt everyone for sport as soon as her paws hit the snow and two boys who were about to enter an hour-long sugar rush from the way they devoured the cake in front of them. Still, he smiled, seeing all of their cheerful faces. After all, it was his idea to set course to a winter island to surprise Renge, knowing she always was the happiest when she could feel snow underneath her feet, her laughter still echoing in his ears at night.
“Let’s have breakfast first and then you can go out in the snow and play. And you gotta put on some coats and mittens or otherwise you’ll catch a cold again…”
No one fully listened to him, the other four already digging into the cake, all the sugar only hyping them up more while they nag each other over who is gonna build the biggest snow castle and how many men it will take to drag Renge back on board again, knowing she could play forever in the snow while everyone’s lips already turn blue, her zoan heart leaping in her chest with joy.
Renge looked up to Rayleigh, holding out her fork with a piece of cake for him to try. She gave him a warm smile, her eyes saying more than words ever could. His warm hand gently wraps around hers as he takes a bite, his gaze never leaving hers.
“Tastes like home, don’t you think?”
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A Moment's Surprise--Chapter 11
Whether it’s called an accident or the fates of the universe, you and Calum find yourselves taking on the next level of your relationship: parenthood.
Reader (Gender Neutral) X Calum. Multi-chapter Series.
Series Note: Across this series, pregnancy is discussed thoroughly. While I have made this series specifically a reader insert and have done my best to avoid coding for cis women, I am taking this moment to acknowledge that this content may not be suitable for every reader. I want to acknowledge even if I’ve been careful some things (like uteri) are still mentioned and if that causes you discomfort please DO NOT read this. You may keep scrolling (as there is a read more) / skip this as necessary.
Series Masterlist
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7| Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Epilogue
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Calum’s hands shake. The last question sits blinking up at him. His answer highlighted in the not even dark enough to be considered black, but possible gray circle to fill in the outline. It’s not this question that he’s worried about. But the next submit highlights in blue. Next means he’ll review. If he reviews too much, he’s sure to second guess himself. But he did flag a few questions. Maybe he ought to review those. Maybe he ought to just hit submit and save himself the worry of this nature. 
Calum brings the arrow down to hover over the blue next button. Someone in the room, sounding somewhere to the left of him, coughs. He glances up but only sees the gray dividers surrounding each of the computers designated to a testing station. No time like the present, he thinks to himself as he glances back to the screen. It only takes a tiny press of his index finger and the screen fills with several dots in a circle. The cycle light to dark as the data loads. And in a blimp the screen shows him his question list. 
A prompt comes up alerting Calum that while he has answered every question, there are eight that are flagged for review. He can proceed and submit fully or he can review them item by item. Every single time he’s taken a practice test, the majority of the questions he second guessed on too much and changed answers, he got wrong. Occasionally, he’d get one of the ones he switched right. But now, Calum stares at the choices. Review or Submit With No Review. 
He moves the cursor on screen over just a hair to the right. He clicks on the now highlighted blue box. 
Saving and Submitting Answers…the screen reads, more gray dots darkening and lightening. Successful Submission. Your results will be viewable in your GED online account in 3 to 4 hours. If you do not see your results after 24 hours, please contact our Help Desk. A number is provided at the end and Calum’s quick to find one of the scratch pieces of paper to write down the number. 
Once he has the number written down, he looks back to the screen. Three to four hours somehow feels incredibly long and incredibly short. He exits the screen, and then gets back to the home page. He’s able to log out and then he stands. Others are still testing so he’s quiet as he walks out and then passes the two proctors. They take back all the scratch paper and two pencils. Calum thanks them and then heads back to the lobby. 
It’s cold--the building--and it only really dawns on Calum that it is cold when his arms catch a chill. He had to leave his hat, sunglasses, jacket, wallet, phone, and keys in a locker in the lobby. He finds his ID from his back pocket after grabbing his wallet from the locker and slips it back in the slot it always resides. 
You insisted on driving Calum to give him the chance to fret and study, but now Calum would have to call and see how close or far you were from him. Still, he appreciated the offer and did use the hour in traffic to sort through some of the nerves. The attendant at the front smiles as Calum leaves and Calum returns it, pulling the hat down onto his head. Calum squints as he steps fully back out into the day. The afternoon sun beams brightly above him against the dim and barely window filled building he just exited from. 
Calum presses the power button on his phone and his chest feels like it’s barely containing his heart. What if he turned it on and an email alert was already ready for him? What if he failed the test? Worse than the actual test itself was the waiting for the results. Just as the screen fills with Duke, you, and Joy on his lockscreen, Calum hears his name. 
A few couple feet from him, you sit, waving one out of the car window. You’re grinning as you peek your head out. “I got your favorite,” you call out. 
Calum laughs just a little at your pure excitement and starts towards the truck. He stops right outside the driver side window. The tint of the sunglasses makes you slighter darker than he knows you to be, but you’re still grinning so wide and so bright as you push your sunglasses up and on your head which makes Calum temporarily forget about the fear. 
“You got me the cutest partner around who’s baking my baby boy? Is that what you got me?” he laughs. 
“Yep. That too.”
Calum leans in gingerly through the window and you stretch out to meet you in the brief kiss. Against your lips, Calum speaks, “What did you get then in addition to that?”
“Your favorite McDonalds and a Dr. Pepper. And,” you stress, pulling away just a little from him, “an apple pie.”
“You’re spoiling me,” Calum whispers. 
You shrug. “It’s getting late in the day and you couldn’t eat much for breakfast. Could you take the peppermints in with you?”
“Peppermints did come in handy,” Calum returns. He brings one hand in through the window. His finger graze over your cheek. “‘C’mere,” he commands softly. 
You duck in closer to Calum and he greets you with another kiss. He breaks the seal first and pinches your cheek softly before walking around to the passenger side. He’s careful while handling the brown paper bag. From the cup holder, Calum spies an empty apple pie holder. “I see you got yourself a treat too.”
You shrug. “Sure did.”
It’s a quick exhale of his laughter before Calum peers down into the bag. He’s hungry, he knows intellectually, even his stomach grumbles in desperation. But he worries the second he goes to eat anything, it won’t stay down. 
Your hand is soft on his knee. “It’s all going to be okay. And I know you might hate me for saying that. But you’ve done really well on all the practice tests.” 
To you, it’s not even like Calum needs to pass it now. It’s barely two weeks into August and with a due date in November, Calum still had plenty of time to take the test whenever he felt certain about it. And not to mention, he still had time after the baby. But when he wanted to test during the break and before the baby shower, you let him make the call. You took a step back and let him do whatever he felt was best. 
Calum nods at your statement and tries a few fries to see if his stomach will allow him  that much. As the truck rolls back out of the space, Calum watches the building. He’s sure it’s going to disappear from view. He’s sure that when the building falls behind them and you carry the two of them over the winding roads and highways the whole building is going to dissipate like a bad dream and there will be no results in his email. There will be no test that he’s actually taken. 
Calum’s silence from your right does worry you, but you are cautious. “Do you want to sit at the beach for a little bit?” You took the day from work and while there’s always something to do--you two still had your birth plan to finalize and there was the baby shower--you still want to give him the opportunity to relax. To take however long he desires to let the stress of one thing roll down his back. 
“Sure,” Calum returns around the last bite of another handful of fries. “The results are supposed to come today--within a few hours. I’m scared I might piss myself.”
“We’ll twin,” you joke. 
“You’re not going to shit yourself,” he counters. 
“And you’re not going to piss yourself.”
“Touché,” Calum returns and finally goes in for the filet-o-fish. The first bite though he’s worried it won’t stay down makes Calum realize just how hungry he is. Before you can even take the exit for the beach the sandwich is gone. You don’t say anything though as you watch Calum go digging back into the bag and pull out the apple pie. 
The beach comes into view. There’s no shock that there’s people already on it, or maybe they’ve been here for a while. Neither one of you knows for sure. But you pull into a spot closer to the benches off to the side, near the boardwalk. Calum’s out first, to throw out his trash and when he comes back to the truck, you’ve gotten down and out. Calum offers an arm for you to take. It’s not the first time you’ve been out in public. Most of the time when you two were out in public and Calum did get spotted, you managed to be elsewhere and came back after he’d already been approached.
Now there’s not much hiding you can do as your walk has turned a bit more into a waddle. Up the short set of stairs, Calum leads the two of you over to a picnic table underneath a tiny bit of shade. He makes sure you get seated first and then he slips onto the bench behind you. The two of you sit, straddling the bench. Calum slips his arms around your waist. There’s a gentle breeze that caresses your skin and you slip your glasses back down over your eyes to watch out over the water. 
“How set are you about having two kids?” Calum asks after a minute of silence. 
“I’d say pretty set. What about you?”
“I was going to say less set. Because maybe three doesn’t sound so bad,” he laughs.
“We don’t even know what one kid is like yet.”
He hums at the response. “You’re right. But we’d be more equipped after Pumpkin.”
“Let’s see how we feel in a year. But I do think you’re right. Things are all new this time around and they wouldn’t be as new with later children.”
“Did you ever hear how the conference went?” Two months ago, you were tasked with getting materials together, even though you wouldn’t be able to attend due to flight restrictions by your doctor. 
“It went well, yeah. It was basically just a networking event. So I think negotiations and things are in the works. But that’s mostly in legal’s and in the public relations’ corner for now. If anything were to change, I wouldn’t be notified until well after agreements were made and signed.” 
Calum notices you readjust your position once again and slots in a little closer to you to give you more support from behind. “I hope nothing changes too much if anything does come as a result of this. Policies just changed at the start of this year--I’d hate for not even a year later more changes keep coming down the line. 
“If they really want to change something, they will,” you laugh. 
“Ain’t that true.” 
For the next stretch of time--which neither one of you can really keep track of or cares to keep track of--there’s just the sound of the crashing waves and the distant chirp of voices. Calum smiles to himself when you rest a bit more against him. Like it doesn’t matter if you two get spotted, like it doesn’t matter that you don’t say anything for a while. Because the only thing that really matters is taking in the company of each other. 
As you shift again, Calum slips his hands from around your front to your back. His fingers are firm as they knead into the muscle. You hum gently at the feeling. “Can I run an interesting game for the baby shower?” 
Calum’s not sure what sort of game you’d be proposing for a vote. But he’s intrigued. “Which would be?”
“So it’s a couples game,” you start. “I saw this on Instagram so like, blame them if it’s terrible. But each couple has a balloon that they have to pop. But the goal is to pop the balloon is a progressively spicer or sexual position.”
Calum raises his brows as the idea mulls over. He drops his gaze just a little to make sure you’re still okay as he gently massages your back. “Well, I know if you weren’t already pregnant we would win the game.”
You snort. “Calum.”
His name is meant to be a warning, but Calum hears the laughter behind it too. “Oh, tell me I’m wrong,” he whispers against your ear. 
“You’re not,” you sigh. “But what do you say?”
“I think it would make for a hell of a game, but I’m telling you right now if we have any more kids, we’re going to have new ways to top this.”
You turn just a little and pucker your lips for a kiss. Calum is happy to indulge in your silent demand. “We will,” you whisper against his lips. “I’m sure we can steal more ideas from social media when kiddo number 2 comes along.”
“Call me biased, but kid number 2 needs to be a girl. Wouldn’t that just be the complete cycle of life?” 
“Given your luck, I think the universe might listen.”
The beach holds your company for another half an hour before you two climb back into the truck. Calum takes over the driving. It’ll keep his mind off the test scores and he won’t be able to check his phone at all during the traffic. You don’t fight him and as the two of you start out on the way back to the house, Calum offers a pit stop to do some baby shopping. 
“Don’t tell me you’re looking for a jersey already?” you tease. 
“Have you been spying on my online purchases?” Calum laughs. “I just want to grab one more thing of diapers. And see what else catches our eye. What do you think?” Calum does keep glancing down to the radio and there’s still half an hour before the 3 hour mark. He fears not doing something will make him go insane at home. 
“Can’t hurt,” you agree. 
Calum pulls up into the Target parking lot. “Plus, I’ll let you drag me to the Ulta next door so you can finally get me the deep conditioner.”
“Finally,” you exhale, having been trying to convince Calum to try the new brand. The old one wasn’t bad, but with his constant hair changes you know that he needs one that’s just a bit more color and bleach friendly. 
Calum grabs a basket and you take over pushing it. It’s quick for Calum to grab the box he wants and put it under the basket of the cart. But he can see your gaze drifting over all the clothes and he gently directs you in that direction. He admits, as much as he wanted to listen to his Mum, and wait just a little bit longer on getting the clothes, it was hard to resist. You hold up a pair of green onesies and he sighs as he nods. 
“You’re killing me. I can’t say no,” he huffs. “Michael’s buying socks out of the ass, just to let you know.”
“Michael does seem like a sock guy. Do you think we should have a few more extra long sleeves and stuff for winter?  Since we are expecting a winter baby and all.”
Calum looks over the selection and notices a lot of it is summer stuff. “If we can find it, a little extra doesn’t hurt.”
The two of you flip through the racks for a moment or two in silence before Calum remembers that focusing too much on one size would do more harm than good. “What do you have in your hands?” Calum asks. 
“Like what style or what size?”
“I’ve got some 3-6 months and then a couple 6-9 months.”
Calum looks at his pile. “Hm, majority 3-6 for you?”
“Uh, yeah, I’d say so,” you return. 
Calum puts back the 3-6 pile he has and swaps a couple out for a larger size. “Thanks, babe.”
“Yeah of course.”
A few more moments, or maybe minutes, pass. Calum bypasses the crab longsleeve that he sees and continues down the line of racks. There’s tie-dye and he’s sure you’d coo at it, but it doesn’t cause him to pause. That is until you call out his name. “Calum, look!” 
He glances up to see you hold a two piece in front of your chest. The top reads, Rad like Dad with gray short bottoms. “Oh,” Calum sighs. Would he be a rad dad? Would he do a good job? Surely he’d learn from his parents parenting style with him and he’d learn just from having to be a dad, being the one to change diapers and tend to wounded knees and watch his child learn some lessons the hard way. 
“I’d be honored to be considered rad,” Calum finally gets out. 
“I think you’re rad,” you return. “Which means this is automatically accurate.” You then add the outfit to the cart without further discussion.
“Seems final,” Calum teases. 
“I’m coming up on a bust other than what I already found. What about you?”
Calum nods, feeling partially the same. “Lot of nothing if I’m honest.”
“Did you need more of those under shirts, by chance?” you ask, throwing your thumb over to the left. “Only remember now because there’s a display right in my face.”
“Uh, I think I’m okay. But I should probably get more underwear,” Calum answers a little quietly. “Either our washing machine hates me or my sweat is literally acidic.”
Your laughter escapes you even behind the rolled together lips. You confirm his size and start over in the direction of the men’s section. Calum trusts you--as you’ll either find something utterly ridiculous or a basic pack of solid colors and neither can really go wrong. He’ll wear whatever because at the end of the day it’s either you or him taking them off. So it doesn't really matter. 
Putting away the last of the clothes that don’t make his final cut, Calum dares finally to pull out his phone. His home screen is littered with a few notifications but he swipes through them--none are for the GED results. Right as Calum thinks he’ll be the cursed one to have to wait 24 hours, his phone shakes in his hand. A Gmail notification, too. He looks at the subject, GED Test Results are Ready. 
“Fuck me,” he exhales. 
A glance in your direction lends Calum a few seconds of distraction. Something red is already in your hands and he’s momentarily more focused on assessing if the underwear is a ridiculous pair or a neutral pair. But then he looks back down to his phone. The results wait; they are only a passcode and a few swipes away. Calum inhales deeply as he enters his passcode and opens the mail app. It takes only a moment for the email to populate at the top. 
Oh, he can’t do this. Not with you an aisle away. So Calum pushes forward and navigates over to you. “The scores are in.”
You snap your head in his direction. “Like in in?” you ask. 
He nods. “I don’t want to look.” Calum starts to hold the phone out to you, but then brings it back to his chest. “Or should I be the one to do it?”
“Whatever you want,” you return, dropping the four pairs of boxer briefs in your hands into the basket. “I’ll do it if you want.”
Calum spins in a circle and a frustrated groan escapes him. He drops his head and then re-enters his passcode. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he chants. “Okay, okay.” It’s just a test score. It’s one test. He can take it again. There would still be time. 
He taps on the email--at the top is an introduction that helps break down what he needs in each section to have a passing score. “I swear to Christ,” he hisses. “Okay, 145 or higher. That’s all. I don’t need a college equivalent or anything.” He’s talking to himself but his gaze stays on you.
“145-easy,” you return. But your fingers are wrapping around the plastic of the cart so tightly that you’re sure that you’re going to draw blood. 
“Yeah, easy,” Calum returns trying to match your confidence. He looks back to his phone and scrolls to see the individual scores. “Mathematical Reasoning 165. Science 163.”
“Okay, okay! Two of four,” you grin. You still know that social studies could be his undoing so you’re praying to high heavens that it’s a passing score. 
“Social Studies. 149.” How close he was to not passing makes his chest squeeze, but it was a passing score. He passed. He actually fucking passed the Social Studies. “I might faint,” he teases, looking up at you. 
“Three of the four,” you beam at the end of the cart. 
“Reasoning Through Language Arts. 166.”
“You passed!” To be as far long as you are, you are still quick to make it around the basket and wrap Calum up in a hug. “You did it,” you exclaim again. The laughter falls in waves as you celebrate. 
Time feels thick around Calum. Like he can’t quite move through it to comprehend fully that he passed. No matter how tight it seemed for him, he passed. He wants to celebrate alongside you but he gets choked. When did he have time for tears? Why does it feel like crying is the only emotion? Maybe it’s overwhelming. Calum’s not sure. 
“Calum Thomas Hood, you fucking passed,” you whisper. Your hands ground Calum--he can feel your thumbs wiping at his cheeks and he knows he’s actually crying. You swim in his vision too. 
“I passed?” His voice sounds so soft, so in disbelief to his own ears. 
“Yeah, you did. You passed. You did it.”
“I-what?” Something soft lands on the end of Calum’s nose. Then he feels it on his lips. Then again on his cheeks. “Holy shit,” he exhales. 
“You should be proud.”
Calum finds the flesh of you with his hands. And you’re real. The rattle of a cart passing is real. He blinks and you’re still there. You’re still smiling and still gently cradling his face. “We’re still in Target right? I didn’t die.”
“Nope, you didn’t die. We are still at Target.”
Calum wraps his arms around your neck in a hug. “Thank you. For believing in me.”
“Of course, love. Always.”
Calum’s careful about not spending too much time on social media searching for tweets about him or the band. But when he opens Twitter later that night, he’s shocked to see his own name trending. Usually he can anticipate when it might come up. He can figure out what might be causing the trend. But nothing’s happened recently. Though for a brief moment, he wonders if it’s tour photos or a tour diary that’s causing the trend. Something in his gut contradicts the guess and tells him to check. When the tag opens on Twitter there is shaky video of you and him from Target. From the angle the video is shot, it’s clear it’s him. But then you bolt around the basket and hug him and in those moments, he knows just as much as he had kept this little secret close to the chest, it would soon be unraveling. 
Nearly 6 months, Calum had this pregnancy to himself. His child was only for him and that’s the way it would stay until he wanted otherwise. Though the video is no doubt making rounds on platforms outside of Twitter, Calum knows that the thing that matters more than anything is that his private life does actually stay private. People are of course going to argue that they wanted to know sooner. Others will not care. But it matters--it matters to Calum that his growing family stay in his private sphere.
Over the years, I’ve learned to share what’s impactful and learned to keep what’s too much of me to myself so that my loved ones always get the best of me. My family and loved ones are growing and that is something that I’d like to keep close to me for their sake. 
Calum stares at the tweet. There’s more to say. That he doesn’t want pictures of you posted. That he doesn’t want people asking if you two are married, or going to marry, or why he didn’t say anything sooner. Calum could say he’d rather not share this at all, but he knows part of him will share what he feels like he can afford to share. But it’s never a lot. He could say that he wished it didn’t have to go down like this. But the bottom line remains--this is not for the world and it will never be for them. 
Send. Calum watches the bar load as the tweet loads. Once it’s sent, Calum swipes out of the app and sees who he can reach at the nearing ungodly hours. 
Tagging: @busstop @wonderlandiswhereitsatyo @fandomfoodiedancer @carma-fanficaddict @icelily13 @markaylafruitcup @one-sweet-gubler @sunflowercalum @wiiildflowerrr @rosie-posie08
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drifting-wreckers · 10 months
Kaisarion, Chapter 10: In the Silence of Your Room
Papa Emeritus IV x OFC: romance, religious fanaticism, drama, NSFW, MDNI, fate/destiny
Copia had stepped to the bathroom to dispose of the condom and clean up some before rejoining Rosalyn back on the bed. Given the smudged and smeared mess his paint had turned into, he opted to just remove it completely. She was delightfully surprised by the sight of him without his paints, more easily able to see the cleft of his chin and strong nose. His features were less severe, face more open and relaxed. The two curled against one another and managed to find a position where he could comfortably and gently run his fingers through her hair, something he quickly realized she enjoyed immensely as she seemed to melt into him as he did it. After several contented, noiseless moments, they fell into quiet conversation about various things: his rats (Rigatoni and Penny, as she had found out), the ministry library, how the current and former Papas divided responsibilities…and then he couldn’t help himself.
“Ah, cara mia…I do have one question that you never really answered…” he started, gaze shifting down to her face as her chin tilted up to look into his. She hummed inquisitively in response, but quickly noticed the mischievous tease in his expression so clearly without his paints. “Do you…have you had a bad experience? Or you just do not like it?”
She blinked at the question and tilted her head slightly, confused. “What?” His eyebrows wriggled and when her brow only quirked further, his expression turned wicked. He lifted his first two fingers in a v-shape, but before he could even get them close to his mouth she grabbed his hand, blushing furiously. “OH! That…um…well…” she cleared her throat. “I mean…it’s just, you know, something a little more intimate and…I guess my previous experience wasn’t all that memorable anyway so…”
He studied her face for a moment, and despite her embarrassment, she knew there wasn’t an ounce of judgement anywhere in his countenance and it calmed her some. “Well…the offer stands: I would be honored if you feel comfortable enough to let me try to change your mind on that sometime…” He winked and her cheeks burned hotly.
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
Her stomach growled loudly and they couldn’t help but share a laugh; quite the way to lighten the mood. He pressed a light kiss to her lips. “I can go get us something from the kitchen. You stay put, feel free to use anything you find in the bathroom. If you don’t want to put your dress back on, you’re welcome to raid the dresser for a shirt or something.”
She smiled lightly at him, though forced her expression into a playful pout. “We have to put clothes back on?”
He smirked and kissed her once again, this time slower and deeper. “I will not complain if you decide to be naked when I come back, tesoro.” She grinned and laughed as he reached around to smack her ass playfully before scrambling out of her reach and any retribution she might have inflicted. She flopped back onto the bed and watched unashamedly as he rummaged into his dresser and came out with a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. She shuffled slightly further up the bed to fully prop herself up on the pillows and tucked an arm behind her head as she observed him pulling his briefs and sweatpants up over his thighs and ass. He turned back to catch her lounged on his bed and felt a pull in his chest at the sight of her so comfortable on his bed and very clearly checking him out. He could definitely get used to that sight.
Once he was dressed, Copia leaned on his hands on the duvet to kiss her once more, tongue languidly brushing against hers. “Make yourself comfortable, cara mia…I will be back.”
“If you insist.”
He chuckled and finally extricated himself from the room, careful to lock the door behind him lest Secondo or Terzo get any stupid ideas. He hummed contently as he trotted down the stairs to the refectory, bypassing the main entrance in favor of the ghouls’ entrance to the kitchen. The first ghoul he spotted, to his relief, was Cumulus.
“Ah, Cumulus! Perfetto!” The addressed ghoulette turned and smiled brightly at him.
“Hey, Papa C! What brings you down to the kitchens?” Her grin broadened a bit as his smile turned a bit sheepish.
“I was, eh, looking for something to eat, si? For…for two.”
Cumulus clapped her hands together excitedly. “Papa! I’m so excited she stuck around! Told you I could distract Secondo and Terzo!” she affirmed proudly. “Let me get you a goodie bag.”
Swiss traipsed casually into the kitchen shortly thereafter, hopping up on the counter after swiping a handful of almonds off a small bowl nearby. His legs lightly kicked the air in front of the cabinets as he popped a few in his mouth with a dramatic huff. “I’m sorry, you distracted Secondo and Terzo? I’m the one who had to throw dignity to the wind and pull out the fucking shimmies so they would stop trying to push past us!”
Cumulus’ eyes rolled. “Oh yeah, sure. All the shit you do and it’s the shimmies that destroyed your dignity.”
“I’d say things are going pretty fucking well, if you know what I mean.”
Copia jumped and turned to find Dewdrop sniffing the air around him. Beside the small ghoul was Copia’s most recent summon, Phantom, who – to Copia’s dismay – had seemed to take quite the shine to the chaotic fire ghoul. He’d so been hoping the young quintessence ghoul would have related more to Aether but…no such luck. Phantom sniffed curiously around him.
“What is that smell? It’s like…something that smells kinda sweet and pretty mixed with…” Another curious whiff. “I dunno, it’s like…salty?”
The chaotic amusement radiated off of Dewdrop in waves. “That’s totally what fucking smells like, Phantom. Give it a little time, you’ll know soon enough. The Brothers and Sisters have already been whispering about you a lot.” His attention shifted to the Papa who sighed heavily before he even opened his mouth. “Good for you, Pops. When do we get to meet the lucky lady? She into ghouls?”
Copia swatted at the top of the fire ghoul’s head, and he pouted indignantly in response. “She does not even know about ghouls yet, first of all, and secondly, no. You, of all ghouls, need to stay away from her until we clarify…everything.”
“Hey! That’s not fair! Aether gets to- ow, hey, what the fuck?!”
Cumulus had strolled by in her trek around the other ghouls to also swat at the side of his head. “Shut up, Dew, you know damn-well why. Let Papa have his time with her, eh? You know they won’t know any peace once the other Papas actually meet her.”
Copia sighed heavily at that and ran a hand through his disheveled hair as Dew cackled. “Alright, fine. I want prime seats for that show, though.”
“Eh, fuck off…” Copia muttered with a wave of his hand. Cumulus giggled lightly and patted him reassuringly on the shoulder.
“Don’t worry, Papa, from what Aether has said, she’ll be able to hold her own, no problem. Sounds like she likes you good enough to do it, too,” she winked playfully before sliding a bag of several boxes of food across the counter. “You want to take a bottle of wine with you?”
“Si, Cumulus, grazie.”
She flit to one of the wine cabinets and picked a decent white that wouldn’t be missed and slid it to him. “You’re always welcome, Papa.”
He turned with bag and bottle in hand, only to flinch when he encountered both Dew and Phantom standing uncomfortably close. He cursed and dropped his arms to his sides with a resigned sigh. “Ora cosa?”
Phantom’s head tilted. “Is this what the others talk about as love?”
Copia’s jaw dropped a moment, color flushing his cheeks, caught off-guard by the otherwise innocent question. “W-what…? I, uh…it is…it’s too early for that, Phantom. We are still, eh…getting to know one-another.”
Dew quirked one brow and then the other joined it high on his forehead, but he remained otherwise silent and just stared the Papa down until he cleared his throat awkwardly and said his goodbyes to the ghouls and left the room. Once he had exited, Dew smacked Phantom’s chest and gestured after the departed Papa.
“Just watch him in the coming months. He’s totally gonna be head over heels for her and then you’ll see.” Swiss hummed his agreement around another mouthful of almonds.
Cumulus giggled and shook her head. “He’s totally already wrapped around her finger and probably most of the way there, anyway. It’s pretty sweet, I really hope he lets us meet her soon.”
A few minutes after Copia had left, Rosalyn had stretched out and caved to the need to move. Though she very much considered finding a t-shirt of his to wear, she opted to save that for later and simply found her undergarments and pulled those and her dress back on. She flipped her hair forward a moment, running her fingers carefully through to work through some of the knots before flipping it back. After using the utilities, she assessed her appearance in the mirror of his bathroom, laughing at the amount of black, white and mixed grey paint smudged around her neck and face. She found a hand towel and wet it to scrub the spots clean. Pleased that she was somewhat more presentable (and looked just slightly less thoroughly fucked), she returned to his room to murmur sweet things to the squeaking rats and then wandered back to the main quarters to continue to peruse his books. As she was flipping through an intriguing book on ancient occult rituals – something about summoning ghouls? - she heard the key in the door lock followed shortly by Copia opening it with a bag in one hand and bottle of wine in the other.
“Ta-dah!” he announced as he kicked the door shut behind him. She turned to face him as she closed the book, a laugh passing her lips. He set his spoils on the coffee table and for a moment just watched her put the book back. Something about seeing her there - barefoot in a dress with lips still plump and several dark kiss marks marring the delicate skin of her decolletage - made him immediately want to see more of her in his space.
She joined him in setting out the various boxes of food as he went to his stash of plates, utensils and glasses. She settled into the loveseat and thanked him as he passed her a plate, knife, fork and a glass with wine already poured. He took a seat in one of the neighboring chairs, and they settled into a comfortable silence as they started to eat, eyes meeting with sincere smiles. She stabbed at an olive in the salad and narrowed her eyes playfully.
“So Rigatoni and Penny…” she started. He nodded and waited for her to continue. “…shouldn’t it be Penne? You didn’t want to stick with the pasta theme?”
He chuckled and rubbed at the back of his neck. “Actually, it almost was…but Dew had just been sum-eh, joined at the time, and when I started to tell him the name Penne, he heard ‘Penny’…and wouldn’t stop saying it repeatedly and so…it just kind of stuck.” She hummed and smiled at the explanation as she finished chewing a bite of food. “And, eh, you said your cat’s name was…Mally?”
She nodded. “When I found the little trash-critter and took her in, my mom was kind of on a Saturday Night Live rerun kick…loved the whole Sally O’Malley character and kept calling her Sally which I was greatly opposed to, but for some reason Mally just…made sense, for some reason.” It was his turn to chuckle at the story, and she realized there was one important question she had yet to ask him. “Do you like cats?”
He nodded thoughtfully. “Ah, si, actually, I do. I have not ever had one as a pet, though…every now and again we have a few strays around the gardens that Primo and I tend to feed.”
She bit the inside of her lip and felt a bit silly at the relief that coursed through her. “That means you do have pet cats…they pick you, you know.” They shared a little laugh and finished dinner comfortably. She helped him get things tidied up and he topped off their wine glasses before settling onto the loveseat beside her as their conversation continued.
Suddenly, it seemed, the sunlight that filtered in between the partially-draped window by his desk had disappeared, and he had reached over to click the light of a lamp beside the loveseat on. She sighed and rested her head on his shoulder. “I should probably get home…Mally is going to be pissed her dinner is late.”
He chuckled and kissed the top of her head. “We cannot have that, eh?” He patted her arm and stood from their seat with a hand extended that she promptly took so he could pull her to stand. She smiled and used the momentum to roll to the balls of her feet to kiss him innocently in thanks before wandering back to his room to find her flats. She slipped them on, whispered her sweet goodbyes to Rigatoni and Penny and then met Copia back in the living space. He held her bag and passed it to her. “I shall walk you to the car and Aether,” he stated simply and she nodded and murmured her thanks back.
She tucked her hand into his arm and they strolled back down the halls with quiet conversation, oblivious to a certain Emeritus that caught them walking out the front door of the ministry. Aether smiled and winked at them both as he opened the door as per usual. Rosalyn turned to face Copia with a sweet smile.
“Well…thank you for inviting me and showing me around. And, y’know…” Her cheeks warmed as her smile turned impish. “…everything else.”
He chuckled and brought the backs of her hands to his lips. “Thank you for being open to seeing all of this…” he murmured. “Let me know when you get home, si?”
She nodded and smiled brightly. “Will do.” One of her hands lifted to cup his neck and brought his lips down to hers. “I will talk to you in a bit.”
“Buon viaggio, cara mia. See you.”
They finally separated, and she stepped into the car. Aether closed the door, turned to Copia with a shit-eating grin and patted his shoulder fondly as he rounded the front of the car to the driver’s seat. He glanced in the rearview mirror once he was in the car, smirk on his face.
“You had a nice time then, Miss Rosalyn?”
She gazed out of the window as the car started back up the driveway, dreamy smile on her lips. “I did, Aether…you were right.”
Copia watched the car pull away until the taillights disappeared down the long driveway. His grin broadened as he stood in the cool evening air and he chuckled to himself. He really did quite like her. After a moment, he finally moved back into the ministry and jumped when a familiar voice cleared his throat quite loudly. His head whirled to find Secondo and Terzo at the foot of one of the staircases, smirks on their faces and a…miter in Secondo’s hand? The two Papas had already dressed down for the evening, paints also removed.
“Fratellino…where have you been all afternoon, hm? We were trying to meet your tesoro and you both just…disappeared,” Terzo started suspiciously, smirk on his lips as he started to pace closer to Copia.
Copia chuckled nervously. “Eh…oh? You were? Well, you know…she wanted to…check out Primo’s gardens and we just sat for a while…”
Secondo remained in place, though raised the familiar miter. “Oh? That is interesting, fratellino, because I seem to have found your miter,” he paused theatrically. “…in the library.” Copia’s eyes widened and he started to sputter the start of an excuse but Terzo cut him off.
“And I couldn’t help but notice that she just left looking quite disheveled. And with a number of, eh…love bites on her neck.”
Copia’s nervous laugh continued. “I think you are mistaken, fratello…”
Terzo stopped in front of him, eyes dark and roguish. “Fratellino, please…I can spot hickies from three miles away. I’m pretty sure I taught you how to give those hickies.” Copia started to flush and cleared his throat.
“Terzo, for fuck’s sake-…”
“Sharing is caring, fratellino! You got left alone with la bibliotecaria cattiva, I deserve to know what she’s like!”
Secondo started to laugh. “I’m mostly just here to watch him make you squirm.”
Copia rolled his eyes and fought off the worsening flush. “Fottiti entrambi, this is why I did not want her to meet you bastardi, I’m going back to my room.” He turned to storm off, muttering under his breath a rant about how they would “never fucking grow up” even as Terzo followed after him and Secondo cackled and chucked the miter at his head.
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
𝐷𝑖𝑙𝑓!𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧: 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑇𝑟𝑦 𝑇𝑜 𝑆𝑒𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑒 𝐴𝑛𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝐷𝑖𝑙𝑓!𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧 𝑀𝑒𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 (𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑)
Warnings: NSFW content including but not limited to exhibitionism, voyeurism, semi-public sex (don't try it irl), lactating kink, tittyfucking, etc. Aged up/Older Ateez but age differences are still within legal boundaries. Allusions to infidelity (which I do not condone or encourage)
❥𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓗𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓳𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰
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Hongjoong couldn't keep the proud look off his face as he showed off a video of your son playing around on the piano while seated on his lap.
"I'm telling you, he's going to be a musical genius." He boasted to his closest friend, Seonghwa who watched in amazement.
"Mine so far just know how to make messes and keep their mommy and me awake at all hours of the night." Seonghwa chuckled as he gave a lighthearted pat on the bum to the woman right next to him.
"They? You already have two?" You couldn't believe it.
"What can I say? Maybe I'm just really...gifted." Seonghwa winked which had his significant other blushing intensely when he looked her way, the poor thing fanning her face before going to the kitchen to grab more water.
Seonghwa's words left you feeling curious about him and it was a night out for both of you to have fun. So why not have a little fun?
"You must really be packing a lot in there to be able to knock up a girl with 2 kids." You observed as you shamelessly looked at his crotch.
"Well if you ever get too curious I'd be happy to let you experience it firsthand." He looked at you smugly as his thumb cupped your chin.
It was rather dangerous to flirt like this with Hongjoong's best friend right in front of him, but part of you wanted to know what he'd do seeing you act like this, like how'd you'd flirt back in university. You always loved making Hongjoong jealous after all. Taking Seonghwa's hand, you brought his fingers to your lips.
"I'm curious. Very curious actually." You maintained eye contact as you took his fingers in your mouth and mimicked the tongue movements you'd often do on Hongjoong's cock.
Speaking of him, you were surprised as to why he hadn't said or done anything. Looking behind you, you realized he wasn't even there which confused you. Finally you spotted him on the couch and you dropped Seonghwa's fingers out of your mouth when you saw none other than his s/o on Hongjoong's lap.
"Hongjoong!" You angrily exclaimed yet he still had a grin on his face.
"What? I was merely trying to get closer to my friend's soon to be wife." He replied as the hands on her hips went to her ass.
Walking over to them, Seonghwa lifted his partner off the couch and promptly excused himself as he pulled her out of your apartment, no doubt to remind her of a few things. Meanwhile you stood there glaring at Hongjoong who looked unbothered.
"What? It's only ok for you to try and seduce other men?"
You huffed and were about to walk to your room but Hongjoong sat up and hugged you from behind.
"Calm down my little slut, I was only giving you a taste of your own medicine. And besides, you don't need another cock besides mine." He chuckled as he started to play with your pant's zipper.
❥𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓢𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝔀𝓪
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Coming back from the kitchen, you widened your eyes as you saw that Hongjoong's a significant other was still flaunting herself to him and he was going along with it.
"This little bitch." You muttered to yourself thinking that no one heard you but someone did.
"It's frustrating isn't it?" You heard Hongjoong say right next to your ear, lips ghosting over the lobe.
"I take it a cat fight is out of the question?" You asked him.
"Actually.... I have a better idea, if you're comfort enough to help me."
Seeing his smirk and wiggling eyebrows, you knew what he was referring to and you decided fuck it. You allowed him to walk you over to the couch but it was you who pushed him onto it before straddling his lap, the dress you were wearing rising up and nearly exposing your lace panties.
"Well you're certainly not a shy one are you?" Hongjoong mused, eyes unable to look away at your chest that was right in front of his face.
"Hey, sometimes a girl's gotta get dirty to get what she wants." You bit your lip as you took his hands and guided them to your hips. Leaning down, you pressed your forehead against his and swiped your tongue across his upper lip.
"Like stealing another woman's husband." You chuckled slyly.
Hongjoong wasn't planning on feeling this hot by your behavior, but he'd be lying if he said he didn't find you attractive. Obviously you were extremely attractive if you managed to steal Seonghwa away from his wife and Hongjoong could now see why.
"Hongjoong!" You both heard his girl shout.
"Took her long enough." You whispered in his ear, trying to contain your laughter after he not only said he was trying to get close to you but also when he squeezed your ass.
The next thing you felt was a pair of arms getting you off Hongjoong before a voice said:
"I'm sorry but we must be going now."
Seonghwa was fuming as he dragged you over into the car, his hand slamming the door loudly.
"Maybe now you'll think twice before letting someone else try to seduce you." You snorted.
"I wasn't actually gonna let her do anything." He told you, a hand rubbing his temples as he tried to calm down both his anger and embarrassment.
"Oh I know you weren't going to let anything happen baby."
Seonghwa's breath hitched when he saw your face stoop down and start to take him out of his pants. He groaned when you spat on his cock so you could begin pumping him.
"Whatever she had you fantasizing about while your fingers were in her mouth, I can fulfill it and even more."
❥𝓙𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓾𝓷𝓱𝓸
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When Yunho said he wanted you to meet a few of his close friends, you began worrying that an event like what happened with his family would took place. But to your surprise it was nothing like that. And in fact you two weren't the only couple who had a large age difference between them, as his recently remarried friend Yeosang had a wife that was closer to your age so that comforted you.
No doubt Yunho intended for you to become friends with the lovely lady, but surprisingly you were bonding a lot more with Yeosang than anyone, and after a while it escalated to a little flirting.
"So is it true that Yunho bought your virginty?"
You nearly spat your drink out when he asked that, but you composed yourself and smiled as if nothing happened.
"Yeah and I honestly don't regret it." You responded.
"I don't think he regrets it either." He gestured over to Yunho who was happily chatting with some of the other guests.
"Did you also buy your now wife's virginity?" You figured it wouldn't be bad to ask him an embarrassing question now.
"No actually I didn't. I didn't have to. From the first moment, she wanted me like I wanted her and in the end, well...... she ended letting me corrupt her after a long game of cat and mouse." He had a fond look on his face as he began to recall all those memories.
"Well with that face I'd let you corrupt me for free." You wanted to slap your hand over your mouth when you accidentally said aloud what you thought in your head.
Yeosang quirked an eyebrow an amusement at your words.
"Oh really? You little innocent thing would let me corrupt you? Tell me, what if it had been me instead of Yunho that paid to have his way with you?" Yeosang was bold enough to tuck some of your hair behind your ear, his large veiny hands making you get wet as you imagined them undressing you.
"I'd let you fuck my pussy for free." You admitted as you began to lean into him.
Unbeknownst to you, Yunho had listened to the entire conversation and now he stepped in to pull you away from Yeosang. He looked beyond mad and you thought you fucked up for real. He dragged you into some lonely part of the park you were all gathered in and pressed you up against one of the trees. Before you could speak, his large frame trapped you as he started to pull your dress up.
"A long time ago, I paid for this little pussy of yours, isn't that right?" He harshly asked.
You nodded immediately before gasping when Yunho practically tore your panties off you, leaving your bottom half exposed for anyone walking by to see. You tried to pull your dress down, but were stopped by him.
"Don't even try it. Like I said, I paid for your pussy which means it's mine to show whenever I want....." You shuddered when he plunged two fingers in you.
"And fuck whenever I want. Just me, no one else. "
❥𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓮𝓸𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓰
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You weren't going to lie that you felt uneasy about Yunho's wife talking a little too friendly with Yeosang. Even though you tried to listen to what Yunho was saying, your eyes kept trailing back over to them, and you couldn't stop squinting your eyes at her.
"You can stop being on edge about my wife, she's not going to steal Yeosang away from you." Yunho assured you.
You looked back at him with a face that let him know he was stupid.
"Oh honey, you have no idea what a woman can be like. Don't be fooled by our innocent appearances." You warned him before looking back at Yeosang.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Judging by his tone, you knew Yunho felt offended that you meant anything remotely offensive towards his wife.
Wanting to lighten up the mood while simultaneously letting him understand your point of view, you fully turned your attention to him and smirked as you 'innocently' began adjusting his tie.
"Wha-what are you doing?" Yunho couldn't help the stammer in his voice when you came close to him.
"I'm just fixing this up for you." You answered, your voice sounding as smooth as honey.
"That's not necessary-" Yunho gulped when he tried to pull away only for you to suddenly pull him back in, your body now pressed to his, your breasts peeping out of your cleavage daring him not to stare.
"A woman may help a man tie his tie, fix his belt or..... adjust their collars simply to be nice."
Yunho stiffened and blushed red when you leaned in and whispered with a honey like voice in his ear:
"Or it's because we're trying to get you guys to fuck us."
You knew your plan worked when Yunho's eyes shot wide open and he excused himself to go stomp over to where his wife and Yeosang were. You patted yourself on the back especially when you made emphasis on the adjusting collars part, knowing that Yunho saw just as you did how his wife had adjusted Yeosang's collar before and he was not subtle about checking out her cleavage.
Your proud smile did not leave your face even when you saw Yeosang slowly approaching you. You knew he definitely saw how you were with Yunho and you were curious to see what'd he say. Humming softly, he went behind you so he could wrap his arms around your waist while his face buried itself on your neck.
"Mind telling me why you were so close with Yunho?"
Reaching a hand up to pat his hair, you answered:
"Simply teaching him a few lessons on how women seduce men."
Yeosang couldn't help but let out a soft laugh at your words. You giggled when you felt his lips press open mouth kisses along your neck.
"Yeah you're an expert in that category, aren't you?"
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓢𝓪𝓷
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"Umm...uh Y/N?" Mingi, San's friend spoke up.
"Yeah?" You wondered what was bothering him.
He seemed unsure whether to tell you or not, whatever it was that he was trying to say. Clearing his throat, he finally decided to spit it out.
"I think you spilled something on your shirt when you went to the kitchen and didn't notice."
You were confused as you didn't remember spilling anything on yourself. Looking down at your shirt, you laughed as you realized what it actually was.
"Oh! I didn't spill anything, that's just my boobs." You blurted out.
Mingi flushed pink as it clicked on his head what you meant.
"Oh...right. San had mentioned before that you lactated a lot but I didn't think-" He stopped himself before he went further.
"Didn't think?" You pressed him to continue.
"Didn't think it'd be that much." He confessed, eyes curiously eyeing the wet stains on your shirt.
Getting turned on by another man staring at your breasts, you reached for the bottom of your shirt and pulled it off of you. Slowly, you began to pull your bra up as well, your breasts popping out with a bounce that had Mingi biting his lip. San came in to find you topless and with his friend admiring your tits and although he'd usually be very jealous, something about it made him get aroused.
"My wife's tits are so pretty aren't they Mingi?" He startled you both when he made his presence known.
"God yes." Mingi couldn't lie.
"Maybe you should taste them." San suggested as he reached for one of them and squeezed it so a bit of milk would come out of it.
Mingi hesitated but after San reassured him it was fine, the giant male latched his mouth onto one of your breasts, sucking on it fervently. If you thought it couldn't get any better, soon San joined in, taking a hold of your other breast and taking it into his mouth. You threw your head back and moaned loudly as both men sucked on your breasts, your hands cupping the back of their heads to push them further into your chest.
"Just watch Mingi, she can literally cum untouched by just having us breastfeed from her." San chuckled in between his suckling.
❥𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓲
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"I should cut off your balls." You threatened Mingi as he confessed to you what had transpired the day before at San's house.
"Honey please don't do that. At least you heard it from me, doesn't that count for something?" He pouted at you as he tried to hug you.
"Yeah it counts for getting it sliced off in one whole strike instead of piece by piece." You grunted as you evaded his embrace.
"Ok, what's it going to take for you to forgive me? Ask for anything. If you even wanna withhold kinky times from me, I won't even blame you."
You actually thought long and hard about how to get back at Mingi. Just what could possibly make you get even with him after he confessed to sucking on his friend's wife's tits? The light bulb went off in your head at once.
"Can you ask your friend San to come over?"
Although he was confused by your request, he nonetheless did as you asked and called him over. San was just as confused, but he figured he was probably there to help his friend out and apologize for what happened and take responsibility. But what he was not expecting was for you to throw yourself on him and start seducing him right in front of Mingi, who was equally shocked.
"You got to have your fun with his wife yesterday right? I think it's only fair he gets to have fun with your wife, don't you think Mingi?" You smirked over at him.
San was hissing and grunting as he layed on your bed, watching intently as his cock was buried deep in between your boobs. Every time his head popped out, you made sure to stick your tongue out to further stimulate him.
"You seem to have a thing for breasts Sannie." You teased as you began to fuck him between your boobs even faster.
"Oh fuck!" San cried out as he tried to keep himself from cumming.
"Mingi also likes a good tittyfuck every now and then, but he's more of an ass man above all."
You looked over at Mingi, who sat quietly on a chair in front of you both, watching it all go down with a tent in his pants.
"Mingi come fuck my ass." You suddenly told him.
"Are you serious?" Mingi widened his eyes.
"I just got done saying how you're an ass man and I'm feeling empty. Now are you going to stay sitting down or are you going to join in?"
In minutes, Mingi had gotten up and had stripped himself off his clothes, and now he was positioning himself right behind you, cock twitching at fucking your ass while your breasts fucked his friend.
"You really are a kinky little lady."
❥𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓦𝓸𝓸𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓰
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"Wait, you met Y/N where?"
Wooyoung wasn't surprised to hear the disbelief in Jongho's voice as they shared stories about how they met their current significant others.
"In the strip club I frequented. She was one of the dancers there." He repeated himself.
"What? Did she drop her panties onstage and you immediately bought a ring?" Jongho teased him.
"One, we're not married...yet. And two, I actually had to get her alone to be able to see her with no clothes on. And fuck when I did, I decided to snatch her away before anyone else got a chance to." He admitted.
"Was she that enticing to you?" Jongho questioned him.
"Trust me, she's the type of woman who can dance her way into a man's heart. Or pants." Wooyoung boldly stated.
"I doubt she could dance into mine." Jongho firmly said.
"Oh really? You think so? Wanna bet on it?"
Wooyoung didn't hesitate to pick up his phone and call you right away. Hearing his mischievous tone, you knew he was up to something. When he asked you to come over to his office in one of your old costumes from your exotic dancer days, you got a hint as to what it could be and it excited you to think about it.
You came into his office, thinking he wanted a private show but you stopped dead in your tracks when you saw that he wasn't alone. You looked at Wooyoung, asking for an explanation.
"Baby I hope you don't mind but.... I wanted you to put on a little show for my dear old friend here." Wooyoung shifted in his seat.
You were about to scold Wooyoung for even thinking of such an idea, but Jongho spoke up first.
"She can try all she wants, but I doubt she'll be effective in seducing me."
You scoffed at the man's words and at that moment you wanted nothing than to wipe that smug look off his face. Setting your phone on the desk and pressing play, you walked right in front of Jongho and let the long trench coat fall of your body, revealing the glittery lingerie you were hiding. Although Jongho tried to remain stoic, you could see that the corners of his lip twitched slightly when you began to dance.
You felt proud of yourself when it seemed you were finally getting him to break as you rolled your body on top of him, your hips mere inches from actually grinding down on his crotch.
"Can I touch her?" Jongho finally blurted out, nails clawing the couch underneath him.
Wooyoung and you both exchanged a triumphant look when he asked that.
"Only if you admit I won the bet, then I'll even let you fuck her."
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓙𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝓸
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"Are we really doing this right here?" You giggled as Jongho continued to mark kisses across your neck as he pushed you onto the desk behind you.
"Can't help it. I just really wanted you now." He winked when he came back up to cup your face and hungrily kiss your lips.
You found it odd that Jongho was suddenly getting frisky with you while at work. He'd never ever approve of you two risking getting caught doing something inappropriate during work hours. But you figured it was because back then you two were a secret and now almost everyone knew you two were married. So you just didn't think too much of it and instead enjoyed as his strong hands gripped your thighs and spread them apart so he could fit himself in between your legs.
Just as you two were getting lost in each other, the door opened and someone came in.
"Oh I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?" A man whom you had never met before asked as he seemed embarrassed about walking in on you two.
"Oh, not at all Wooyoung. In fact I was expecting you right at this time, after all, I did call you here."
Jongho looked so unfazed about having his friend walk in, in fact, he looked almost too happy about getting caught like that, it was so unlike him. Just as you slid off the desk and began adjusting yourself, Jongho stopped you.
"Wooyoung? Remember the other night? When you let your little exotic dancer give me a lap dance?"
You widened your eyes when he said that, hearing that for the first time.
"Among other things." Wooyoung nodded.
Taking your hand, Jongho slowly walked you over to where Wooyoung was seated.
"Well.... I think it's time you let me return the favor."
Before you could even guess what was happening, Jongho sat you on Wooyoung's lap, your back pressed against his chest.
"I left her wet and bothered so I think she'd really appreciate it if you helped her out." Jongho winked at you before stepping back to his desk to get a better view.
You whimpered when you felt Wooyoung's hands slide up your shirt to cup your breasts.
"Are you ok with this babygirl?" He asked you.
Having Jongho watching you intently and being left needy by him, you didn't hesitate to let his friend know that you were more than ok with him touching you, which delighted him and Jongho as well.
"Don't hold back on her, she likes it rough."
Gifs not mine. Credit goes to their respective owners
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heyiwrotesomethings · 3 years
Bedtime Stories
Penny (Stardew) x They/Them Reader
A/N: Woo! With this, I have completed a fic for all the Stardew Bachelorettes! Hope ya’ll are ready for Penny time! Word Count: 5,618
(Y/n) stretched their arms way above their head, reveling in the pulling of their back muscles and the dull crack of their spine. They had been out foraging all day and their pack was full of blackberries, mushrooms and nuts. A very good haul.
They shivered a bit as another breeze blew through. The skies had only gone dark about an hour ago, but (Y/n) was ready to call it a night and turn in to their warm and cozy farmhouse.
They walked up the dirt path past Marnie’s ranch to their farm, smiling when they saw the light of their house in the distance. The children must have been giving Penny a hard time tonight. Usually they’d be asleep before (Y/n) got home, but they could get restless on occasion.
As soon as (Y/n)’s boots thudded against the wooden stairs, they could hear excited cries from within, and soon a small head poked out from behind the front door before swinging it fully outward.
(Y/n) flung their arms out to catch the small body that flew into their legs, soon joined by a smaller, more clumsy one.
“You two are up rather late, you aren’t giving your mom a hard time, are you?” (Y/n) asked their children.
“Mommy said we could wait for you if we ate all our veggies at dinner so we did. We did good so we’ll grow up to be strong farmers like you!” The older of the two exclaimed.
“Oh yeah?” (Y/n) grinned.
“Yeah!” The younger child shrilled.
“Well, now that I’m here, it’s time for bed isn’t it?”
A duet of displeased noises met (Y/n)’s ears but they quickly devolved into giggles when the farmer attacked them with tickles. Once the children were disarmed, (Y/n) slung them over their shoulders and bounced them into the house, meeting the loving eyes their spouse gave them from the couch.
Penny sat in a pile of rumpled blankets no doubt put there by their rambunctious children. In her lap was a book of fairy tales that usually served her well when bedtime came around but tonight it seemed it was not enough.
“Hi, love. Welcome home.” Penny smiled sweetly, getting up to meet (Y/n) halfway. She hugged them around the middle before lightening their load by taking the smaller child off their hands.
“Hi sweetheart, how was your day?” The farmer asked, setting down their eldest child so they could remove their bag and boots.
“It went well. The children were so diligent with their studies. I was very impressed.” Penny said, making sure the kids were aware of how proud she was of their work.
“That’s great! I’m really proud of you two.” (Y/n) praised their children while they glowed with pride.
“So we can stay up late and watch tv?” The eldest asked hopefully, the parents merely laughed at the suggestion, making the children pout.
“Afraid not, sleep is very important and I think now would be a good time to hit the hay.” (Y/n) said, already trying to corral the kids into their bedroom.
“Not yet! We want a story at least!” The younger proclaimed, agreement was quickly voiced by their older sibling. Rarely it seemed they could come to a consensus so quickly.
“Oh? Well, I suppose one story wouldn’t hurt.” (Y/n) agreed. “Go brush your teeth first, please.”
The children toppled over each other, trying to get to the sink first so they could rush back to the living room.
“They have so much energy.” Penny remarked with a content sigh, leaning into (Y/n)’s side.
“No kidding,” (Y/n) chuckled, rubbing Penny’s arm, “I could have really used the extra help in my first year of living here. Now I’ve got auto-feeders and sprinklers. A little late for fall, but I suppose they could help with the spring planting, maybe that would slow them down a bit.”
“Shhh, it’ll be a long winter and I don’t need to hear, ‘is it spring yet?’, everyday before then.” Penny playfully warned.
“Your wish is my command.” (Y/n) nodded, pulling Penny down onto the couch to cuddle with her, making the teacher hum with delight and shyly steal a quick kiss.
A few minutes later, two bouncy young children crawled over their parents and wiggled into their sides and under the blankets with happy giggles.
“Alright kiddos, which one?” (Y/n) asked once they were all settled, patting the heavy book on their lap.
“We don’t want one of those stories tonight.” The eldest said.
“You don’t?” Penny blinked, confused by declaration.
“We want to know how you met each other and got married.” The eldest explained, the younger nodded along.
“It’s a long story kids.” (Y/n) said. They may have been trying to dissuade the children, but there really was a lot to cover. Seasons and seasons worth.
“What’s so long about it?” The younger child asked. “Didn’t you just know you liked each other so you got married?”
“People don’t get married right after they meet each other, honey.” Penny gently corrected.
(Y/n) definitely had a, ‘well, not usually anyway’, kind of look on their face but the warning look Penny gave them convinced (Y/n) to keep their mouth shut.
“Oh, I still wanna know though.”
“Me too!”
“(Y/n)...” Penny called upon her spouse.
“Okay, an abridged history, how ‘bout?” (Y/n) shrugged.
The children seemed content with that, once Penny explained to them what abridged meant, and looked to (Y/n) expectantly with shining eyes.
“Okay, it all started—“
“Once upon a time!” The youngest screeched, making everyone wince.
“Inside voices, dear.” Penny reminded.
“Sorry, but the story has to start with once upon a time.”
“It’s not a fairytale, you know.” The older said.
“It’s alright,” (Y/n) interjected with a grin, “it feels enough like one being married to such a sweet person.”
Penny turned away and blushed, a small bashful smile working the corners of her lips upward.
“Once upon a time...” (Y/n) began again, much to their youngest child’s delight.
“Oh my Yoba, this place is a mess.” (Y/n) groaned.
They had kept a brave face for Robin and Mayor Lewis, but now that they were gone, they voiced how overwhelmed they felt freely. They looked over the overgrown lot that was supposed to be the farm their grandfather had left for them.
“What if this was a mistake? Am I doing the right thing? I don’t want to crawl back to Joja but...” (Y/n) growled, thwacking the dirt hard with their hoe, “No! I just got here, I can’t quit yet.” They said, strengthening their resolve.
After a few hours of alternating between being proud with their progress and wanting to cry because there was so much left to do, (Y/n) decided they wanted to check out town. They just really needed to freshen up first.
To their dismay, but not surprisingly, the old farmhouse didn’t have indoor plumbing, but they didn’t worry because they knew there was a bathhouse in the mountains they could use.
“When I get paid, the first thing I’m gonna do is contract Robin to build a bathroom. I hope she’s as savvy with plumbing as she is with carpentry.” They mumbled to themself as they walked up the mountain path.
Entering the bathhouse, the space seemed void of life, the only sounds being the steady drip of water over the tiled floor. (Y/n) claimed a vacant locker and took a shower. After the day they had, it was the best shower they had ever had.
Once clean, (Y/n) decided they’d spoil themself and swim around in the heated pool for a bit before heading back to the farm. They put on their swimsuit and headed on in. Expecting to be alone, they hummed and sang as they made their way to the main room, enjoying the way their voice reverberated off of the walls and echoed back into their ears.
“Um, hello.”
(Y/n) nearly slipped on the wet floor from the shock. A woman with vibrant, orange hair was sitting in one of the near corners of the pool. She seemed to shrink into herself under (Y/n)’s wide gaze.
“Oh wow,” (Y/n) laughed awkwardly, embarrassment flooding their tone, “I, uh, didn’t realize anyone else was here, sorry you had to hear that.”
“It’s alright,” the woman smiled albeit, a bit tightly it seemed. “I was thinking about getting out anyway.”
“You don’t have to leave!” (Y/n) fumbled with the towel in their hands, “I promise to be quiet and give you your space. It’ll be like I’m not even here.”
They skittered across the tiled floor and slid into the opposite side of the bath, giving the woman her space.
A few painfully awkward minutes passed. (Y/n) leaned over the pool edge and counted the nearby tiles, the bricks on the wall... anything to occupy them until the other occupant left or a non-suspicious amount of time passed and they could leave themself.
“Who... who are you?” The woman asked, finally breaking the silence.
(Y/n) craned their head to face her, eager to introduce themself and hopefully make a better impression.
“I’m (Y/n). I just moved in. I live at the old farmhouse just west of town so you’ll probably see me around from time to time.”
“Oh, I see,” the stiffness of the strangers shoulders seemed to lessen, “Well, I’m Penny. It’s nice to meet you.”
(Y/n) grinned brightly as they swam closer to Penny, all previous worries forgotten. “It’s nice to meet you too, Penny! I hope we will be great friends.” (Y/n) suddenly splashed the water beneath their hand as another thought popped into their mind. “Hey, do you have any favorite vegetables or fruits?”
“Um,” Penny shrunk back, a bit intimidated by the farmer’s sudden approach, “Oh, I don’t know...”
“Surely there’s something, don’t be shy.” (Y/n) encouraged.
“I, I like melon?” Penny more asked than told. Her back digging into the edge of the pool a bit uncomfortably.
“Melon,” (Y/n) nodded sagely, backing up a bit from Penny’s personal space. “Yeah, I could do that! You’ll have to wait for summer though, is that okay?”
“Yeah, I can start planting melon in the summer. I’d do it sooner, but the seeds won’t take. I’ll be sure to give you the first one I harvest though!”
“You really don’t have to do that,” Penny waved her hands in front of her.
“I insist.” (Y/n) heaved themself out of the warm water, “Man, Penny, I have to thank you. You’ve inspired me to get back to work! I got to see if there’s anything else I can clean up around the farm before nightfall. I’ll see you around!”
“Okay, bye...” Penny watched them jog into the changing room, gasping when the farmer slipped on the tiles but continued on their merry way. She wasn’t sure what to make of the new addition to Pelican Town, but they seemed kind enough.
The next time Penny had seen (Y/n) was during one of her lessons with Vincent and Jas. She had been reading about the history of the valley when Vincent had waved excitedly at someone behind her back. Thinking it was just Sam or Jodi, Penny attempted to continue on with her lesson but she soon came to a stop when Vincent took to excitedly calling after the passerby.
“Hey, farmer! Good morning!” Vincent yelled.
“Really now Vincent,” Penny lightly scolded as she held her finger over the paragraph she had been reading, “you need to focus on the lesson.”
“Sorry Miss. Penny.” Vincent apologized. “But I see Farmer (Y/n). They’re so cool.”
“They’re probably busy—“
“Hi, Vincent! And a hello to you Jas and Penny.” A friendly voice cut in.
Penny looked up from her spot in the grass and watched (Y/n) approach, their arms full of daffodils.
“What’s going on here?” They asked once they were standing next to the group.
“School.” Vincent answered matter-of-factly. “Miss Penny is reading about history.”
“Oh, I didn’t know you were a teacher Penny. That’s really neat. I’m sorry for interrupting your lesson.” (Y/n) said, turning their attention to Penny.
“It’s alright, you didn’t know. I apologize if Vincent has distracted you from your own work.” Penny politely stated in kind.
“No worries, I’ve just been foraging around the valley. Leah posted a request for some dandelions but I couldn’t seem to find any today. I got a whole bunch of daffodils though. Would you three like to take some off my hands?”
“Wow, thanks!” Vincent quickly grabbed one before Penny could even think about declining.
Jas shyly took one for herself, still a little intimidated by the fresh face. She’d been growing a little more used to them though, thanks to Marnie’s encouragement.
“A flower, milady?” (Y/n) asked Penny again, sporting a warm smile that made the teacher feel like the heat of the day was starting to get to her.
“Thank you, this looks special.” She said, gently cupping the flower in her hands.
“You’re welcome. It’s no melon, but rest assured that summer will be upon us before you know it,” the farmer declared before spotting Willy in the distance. “Oh! Hey guys, I gotta go catch Willy to tell him about all the chubs I caught yesterday. It was good talking to you, see you all later!” They said before jogging off.
“Bye (Y/n)!” Vincent waved.
“Bye...” Penny and Jas said together, much more subdued than the young boy.
Penny watched (Y/n) until they disappeared into the saloon before turning back to her book. Her face tinged pink as she twirled her daffodil in one hand and picked up where she left off.
Summer rain pelted the metal of the trailer, thumping loudly with each drop, but Penny blocked it out easily as she read all cozy in her bed. Occasionally she would snap up a bit of freshly cut melon from the Tupperware resting on her nightstand and smile to herself.
(Y/n) had made good on their promise and had been pushing their fresh melons onto Penny since midsummer. Another sweet bite and Penny sighed pleasantly whilst marking her page with the daffodil (Y/n) had given her in the spring, now a dried and fragile makeshift bookmark.
The farmer was so warm, gentle. Better than anything her books could come up with and yet they somehow existed in her reality despite being too good to be true.
Since their somewhat uncomfortable origin, Penny could not have been more happy to have encountered them in the bathhouse that day. Even after getting to know each other better, even after (Y/n) had seen the messy state her mother kept the trailer in, they never treated her any differently.
“Penny,” the teacher jolted at the sudden knock and the rasp of her mother’s voice through the door, “I’m heading to the saloon. You want anything?”
“No thanks, mom.” Penny sighed. “I was thinking of making dinner myself tonight.”
“Alright honey. I’ll be back late.” Pam informed, her footsteps rocked the trailer slightly and the rickety front door closed loudly, signaling the older woman’s departure. At least now that the bus had been fixed (by who else but the resident hero farmer) her mother had less time to spend drinking.
Penny scooted out of bed and headed to the kitchenette and turned on the stove, putting a large pot on the flame. She had been trying to make something to give (Y/n) in thanks. Something for all the good they’ve been doing for the town and for treating her so kindly.
She began her experimental stew, pouring whatever she had on hand into the pot that she thought would taste good. She was so absorbed in her creation that she almost missed the knocking on the trailer door.
Penny turned off the heat and went to answer the door thinking it was probably just Vincent with another excuse why he couldn’t return his homework in time. She was surprised to see (Y/n) waiting outside.
“(Y/n), hello,” Penny greeted, beckoning the farmer out of the rain, “please come in, it’s pouring buckets out there. You must be soaked.”
“I’m okay, it’ll take more than a little rain to take me out.” (Y/n) smiled as they stepped into the trailer. “Hi Penny, hope I’m not interrupting anything.”
“Not at all. I was just cooking.” Penny bashfully admitted. So much for the surprise.
“Oh that’s cool. What’re you making?”
“Oh just some stew, I was actually hoping to give it to you,” Penny blushed, “for all the good you’ve done for the town.”
“Aw, that’s very sweet of you Penny. You didn’t have to do that.” (Y/n) said. They could feel their heart beat pick up in tempo at the gesture.
“I wanted to. Here, have a taste.” Penny presented a ladle full of soup to (Y/n), her blush grew warmer as the farmer leaned in close to take a taste before pulling themself to stand straight once more.
(Y/n)’s smile tightened the more they chewed, sweat dotted their forehead.
“Are you alright?” Penny asked, watching the farmer continue to chew.
“Mhmm.” (Y/n) squeaked, giving Penny a shaky thumbs up. Then they swallowed none too easily. “Wow,” they breathed, well, more like gasped, “that sure was something Penny. Thank you for sharing.”
“Is it really that bad?” Penny frowned, disappointed.
Immediately (Y/n) jumped into action, waving their arms, “It wasn’t bad at all! I was chewing so long because it tasted so good, I didn’t want it to end!”
Penny gave the farmer a doubtful look before looking down at the leftover stew in her ladle and raising it to her own lips.
“Wait, Penny—“
“Oh dear, that is vile...” Penny gagged. She hardly had so much as a sip before tossing the rest back into the pot. “I’m sorry, (Y/n). I should have tested it first...”
“Hey, it’s okay! You’re learning. It took me a lot of practice to learn how to cook too.” They assured. “If you want to come over sometime I could teach you a thing or two.”
“I wouldn’t want to interrupt. You’re always so busy...” Penny said, already contemplating how she was going to get rid of her hot, liquid garbage.
“You wouldn’t be interrupting anything. All I really need to do is water the crops and feed the chickens. I can take it easy every once in awhile. Besides, I’m always looking to spend time with you anyway so... yeah,” They rubbed the back of their neck.
“Yeah, so if you ever want to plan something... I’d really like that.”
“Okay.” Penny nodded, nervously fiddling with her hands. “I’d like that too. Very much.”
“Cool! Nice, yes.” (Y/n) practically sparkled at the affirmation. “When do you want to meet up?”
“Is Tuesday fine?”
“Tuesday is great! This is so exciting!” Just as the farmer pumped their fists over their head, a loud burst of thunder shook the trailer. “Wow, it’s a monster out there.”
“Yes, you should stay for awhile. At least until it calms down a bit... movie?” Penny suggested, gesturing to the little DVD player in the corner.
“That sounds like a great idea,” (Y/n) followed, their hand reaching into their bag, “I almost forgot I came to give you more melon!”
“You spoil me, really. How much melon do you think one girl can eat. I’m still working on the last one you gave me.” Penny giggled quietly.
“Fall will be here before long. Best to enjoy them while you still can.” They half-joked, sliding into the seat of the booth.
Penny slid into the seat beside them and popped open the DVD player. Maybe the melon season was coming to an end, but at least the farmer who planted them was here to stay.
By mid fall, Penny and (Y/n) were nearly inseparable. Any free time they had they usually spent together cooking in (Y/n)’s farmhouse, relaxing in the bathhouse or curling up with some books or other media.
The day was unusually warm for fall and Penny decided to treat Jas and Vincent to a picnic in the Cindersap Forest for all their hard work. While they ate and went through their lesson, Penny saw the farmer and waved them over without a second thought. She was simply thrilled to see them and thought their presence in the woods must have been fate.
“(Y/n), wonderful timing seeing you here. I was just teaching the children about natural resources. Could I trouble you to talk about how natural resources are involved in farming?” Penny asked once the farmer came up to them.
“Sure, I’d love to!” (Y/n) nodded.
Penny stared off dreamily at (Y/n)’s side as they explained what they knew about the valley’s resources while wondering how she could be so lucky as to know them. Once (Y/n) had explained a large amount of their process, Vincent raised his hand.
“Question, Vincent?” Penny asked, impressed that the boy seemed so invested in the lesson.
“Yeah, are you dating anyone Farmer (Y/n)?” Vincent asked.
“Uh, no. No I am not.” (Y/n) laughed, rubbing the back of their neck.
“Vincent!” Penny said, aghast.
“What?” The young boy questioned.
“You can’t just ask people stuff like that, Vincent.” Jas spoke up. “My auntie Marnie told me that when I asked her if Mayor Lewis was her boyfriend.”
(Y/n) and Penny gave each other an awkward side glance. After the incident with the bush, (Y/n) had to tell someone about it, and Penny had been the unfortunate mock therapist in that scenario.
“Ah, well, no harm done.” (Y/n) laughed. “Any questions related to the topic of natural resources?”
Penny observed how well (Y/n) got along with Jas and Vincent and thought they would make a wonderful parent. When the lesson had concluded and the children were playing by the river, Penny couldn’t help but ask (Y/n) if they had ever thought about having a family before.
“Every once in awhile I do. I think it would be nice. It would make the farm more lively at least.”
And with that admission, Penny couldn’t help but hope that one day, (Y/n) might see her as a suitable partner to share their life with.
Winter was, well, cold.
But Penny was glad for it because there were no crops (Y/n) needed to attend to and they were therefore, more available. They spent much more time together in winter than the previous seasons.
Today, Penny was heading to the farm for another cooking lesson from (Y/n). She was getting much better with the skill. She could even get her mother to spend more nights away from the saloon with the promise of a hot meal.
Penny stepped up onto the snowy porch and knocked her gloved hand against the wooden door. She could hear clattering from within the farmhouse and waited patiently for (Y/n) to usher her in.
“Penny, hi, glad you could make it!” (Y/n) grinned as they opened the door, guiding Penny in by the waist,
“Thank you for having me.” Penny flustered at the contact, despite her thick coat blocking the farmer’s touch. “What are we making today?”
“I thought some warm snickerdoodle cookies would be great on a cold day like this.” (Y/n) said.
“That does sound good.” Penny nodded as she hung up her coat and stepped out of her shoes. Then she followed (Y/n) to the kitchen and they got to baking.
Before long, the smell of cinnamon and sugary goodness permeated the space and the chill of the winter air outside was long forgotten. They were just getting ready to settle in with a movie when (Y/n) excused themself for a minute to go grab something from another room. It reminded Penny how small the farmhouse used to be before (Y/n) had commissioned Robin for a few projects.
Penny nervously eyed the bag she had left at the door. Was now a good time to bring out the bouquet? Penny had been silently agonizing over it all day. She had bought it from Pierre almost on impulse, she knew who she wanted to give it too, but what if (Y/n) saw her only as a friend and wasn’t looking for anything different? It was sure to make things weird between them.
“Sorry to keep you waiting.”
Penny jolted in her seat as (Y/n) reappeared, something held behind their back. She quickly assured (Y/n) that it was alright and motioned them over to the couch so they could start their movie.
“Wait, Penny, can I ask you something first?” The farmer asked, still standing in the stairway.
“Of course.” Penny nodded, concern seeping into her tone. “What is it? Is something wrong?”
“No! No, at least, I don’t think so. I just wanted to ask if you would want to... and you can always say no, you won’t hurt my feelings... okay, it might sting a little but I’ll get over it—“
“(Y/n), what is it?” Penny asked, standing up and walking over to the fumbling farmer. She had never seen them look so shaken.
The farmer seemed at a loss. Opening and closing their mouth until finally they just brought their hand out from behind their back and presented Penny with a bouquet of their own. The teacher gasped, her hands flying up to her mouth in elation and surprise.
Without saying anything Penny bounded over to the front door and opened her bag, producing her own bouquet and delighting (Y/n) to no end as she wrapped the farmer in a tight hug.
After hours of cuddling on the couch and half paying attention to their movie, Penny decided she had to get home, despite (Y/n)‘s offers to have her stay over. She needed to make sure her mom didn’t overdo it at the saloon.
A quick glance around the bar and she noted that Pam wasn’t there. She gave Gus a polite wave before heading home. Upon arriving, she found her mother already settling into the pullout for the night and their eyes met. Pam’s eyes drifted down to the bouquet secured in Penny’s arms and grunted.
“It’s about time.” Pam grumbled before turning over on the noisy mattress.
Penny could only smile at her mother’s gruffness before retiring to her room to quietly continue celebrating in her own space.
By the fall of the third year since (Y/n) had moved into town, the pair became a well established couple and it was just common knowledge to suspect if one was out and about, the other couldn’t be too far off since they were practically joined at the hip.
Some of the townies had expressed worry that the farmer was shrinking off too much of their duties but in reality, the farm was a well oiled machine now and required little maintenance. The farmer had worked themself to the point of passing out on their farmhouse floor on occasion to get to this point. Money was hardly an issue anymore for the farmer who, quite literally, built their legacy on five hundred gold and a handful of parsnip seeds.
“There you are,” Penny kissed (Y/n)’s cheek chastely as they plopped down next to her under her favorite tree, “where have you been?”
“Just needed to take care of something quick.” They said, leaning their head against Penny’s shoulder.
“And what would that be?”
“I was talking to Robin. She had a request up.”
“And what did she want?”
“You are full of questions today, sweetheart.” The farmer laughed.
“And you aren’t being as forthcoming with information as usual. Usually, I wouldn’t even have to ask before you tell me all about your adventures, big or small.” Penny pointed out, “I do believe you might be hiding something.”
“No way!” The farmer scoffed before slouching a bit more because of the look Penny gave them, “Okay, maybe I am hiding something, but it’s a surprise. Give it a few days.”
“Just what might you be up to, hm?” Penny smiled, cupping (Y/n)’s cheek.
“You’re a teacher,” (Y/n) laughed again, “you should know what surprise means.”
Penny sighed before laughing along with her partner. Then the couple went in about their day and before long, the thought of (Y/n)’s surprise left her mind and she had forgotten all about it by the time Jas and Vincent’s lessons were over for the day.
A couple days later, (Y/n) had invited Penny and Pam over for lunch. It wasn’t an unusual occurrence. One of the things Penny appreciated most about (Y/n) was their willingness to reach out to Pam and build a good relationship with her as well. However, what made this trip particularly extraordinary was what waited for them where their old, rundown trailer used to be.
“Oh, Yoba...” Pam breathed, a hand placed heavily over her heart as she stared up at the grand looking house.
“Robin, what is this?” Penny asked, nearly as breathless as her mother and just as overwhelmed.
“I got commissioned for a community upgrade,” the carpenter smiled, “I hope you guys like it!”
“This is too much... how can we— who commissioned this?” Penny asked, running her fingers through her bangs.
“Anonymous donor,” Robin winked before making her way back up to the mountains, “enjoy the new house ladies.”
Penny hugged her mother while she cried and together they entered their new home, unsure how they could ever thank the donor enough. It didn’t take long for the mother daughter duo to figure out the identity of the commissioner. After all, there were only so many people who could pull off such a project and have the funds necessary to complete it.
“I’m going back to (Y/n)’s!” Penny called out. It felt weird having to actually throw her voice enough for her mother to hear her across their new house.
Pam managed a wave, still a bit overwhelmed by the vast space surrounding her.
Penny practically ran to the farm, the seashell pendant her father had gifted to her mother so long ago grasped tightly in her hand. Breathing heavily, she knocked on the door and waited for the farmer to appear.
“Hey Penny, did you forget a book or something? It must be good for you to run all the way over here for it.” They laughed, “come in, do you need some water—“
“I love you,” Penny declared, leaping into (Y/n)’s arms, “I can’t believe you did that for us.”
“Did what?” (Y/n) asked, looking a bit coy.
“You built my mom a house you wonderful busy body.” Penny said, smacking their shoulder.
“What? Did Robin tell? I asked her to keep it a secret.” (Y/n) pouted.
“(Y/n), it wouldn’t take a genius to figure out that you were behind that project,” Penny sighed, “I don’t know how to thank you.”
“You don’t need to thank me for anything. I was happy to help get the ball rolling. I love you guys and you do so much for Jas and Vincent, you deserve it. Now,” (Y/n) shifted a bit uncomfortably, “what exactly is digging into my back right now?”
“Oh!” Penny pulled back a bit, but kept the pendant out of (Y/n)’s sight. “I’ve only dreamed of doing this until I met you, it’s never felt more real, tangible. Oh my, this is nerve wracking.” Penny blushed.
“Take your time dear, breathe.” (Y/n) regarded Penny with soft eyes, rubbing her back comfortingly.
“(Y/n),” Penny spoke after a moment of collecting herself, “will you marry me?”
Penny presented the pendant, her eyes struggling to look at the farmer directly, but when the farmer pulled her back into another tight embrace she melted into their arms like warm butter.
“Yes, I love you! Yes.” The farmer cheered, their voice muffled by Penny’s shoulder. The vibrations, and words that created them, made Penny giggle with delight.
They stumbled into the farmhouse to celebrate their engagement, basking in each other’s company.
“I almost feel bad.” Penny suddenly stated, curled up in (Y/n)’s arms.
“Hm? What for, sweetheart?” (Y/n) asked as they ran their fingers through Penny’s hair.
“Mom will be in that big house all by herself. I’ll still see her everyday though, it’s not like I’m moving to Zuzu City... the idea of not living with her after all this time just feels odd.”
“I can understand that. It’ll take some getting used to. Just think of how nice it’ll be though, when somewhere down the line, we send our kids to grandma’s house for visits.”
“That does sound really nice. I’m really looking forward to starting a family with you.”
“Me too.” (Y/n) said. Then they leaned in to kiss Penny’s nose with great care and affection.
“Then a couple days later, we were married in front of the whole town.” (Y/n) finished softly, looking fondly over at Penny.
“That’s a nice story,” the eldest child yawned, “I wanna stay at grandma’s house again soon.”
“Of course, sweetie. We’ll work something out soon.” Penny promised whilst adjusting the fast asleep younger sibling in her lap, “now, it’s time to go to bed.”
“Alright,” The older child sighed before yawning again. “Carry me.”
(Y/n) released an amused exhale before standing and hoisting their child into their arms. Penny followed suit with the other, tucking them into their beds and kissing them goodnight.
Together, (Y/n) and Penny retired to their own room, falling into bed with tired groans.
“Those kids can be handful sometimes.” (Y/n) said, smiling all the while.
“Yes, and I wouldn’t want it any other way,” Penny rolled over to peck the farmer on the lips, “love you, sleep well.”
“I love you too, sweet dreams. I can’t wait to do this all again tomorrow.”
“Neither can I.”
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bowieandqueen11 · 4 years
Mistletoe / Howl Pendragon Imagine
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Request: "Alright, mister. I know you're the one who keeps hanging up mistletoe everywhere." with howl please? ❤️ 
If you like, please comment and reblog!
Beyond the snow, past the diamond glistening pine trees that sparkle in the swirl storm, if you hop over the cobblestones that line the babbling river that divides the velvety fields, you’ll come across a castle.
Once you clear the surrounding woodlands, and manage to open the creaking hinges of the magic door, you’ll manage to spot a young boy named Markl holding a slightly wobbling ladder still in the middle of a large room, filled to the brim with flashing lights. Covering the walls, strung to and fro from the ceiling, every space in that room is blinking and twinkling with sparks of colour. Bright eyes reflect their flashes as another young person widens theirs even further, feeling the ladder bounce back fully onto the floor.
‘Markl! If I fall off we’ll never get this tree finished before Howl comes down!’
‘I can’t help if my arms are small!’
‘And your voice is loud!’
The Christmas tree is almost ridiculous in its size, as the top few pines scrape across the ceiling and drag Markle’s sleeve with it. Despite the frenzy, and the shaking baubles that seem to bounce around with the two of you, both of you are grinning from ear to ear, waiting eagerly for the look on Howl’s face when he comes down from the bathroom and see the state of his living room. Packets of tinsel still lie unopened on the floor, purples and pinks and anything vibrant you could grab your hands on, and you almost trip over their tussles as you jump down to the floor.
Taking a step back, you place one hand on your hip, a massive smile lightening up your face. Wrapping your other arm around the apprentice’s shoulders, you squeeze him into your side as you both gaze up in awe at the awe striking tree in front of you. However, your lips twitch into a little frown as you spot a flash of something from the corner of your eye, twisting your head slightly until you look at the empty staircase. Raising your eyebrows, you see a little specks of green swinging from one of the banisters.
‘Hey Markl, you didn’t tell me you had bought mistletoe.’
Markl glances up at you with a confused expression, before following your gaze to land on the stairs too.
‘I don’t think I did.’
Getting closer to Christmas Day, Howl (after getting over the very realistic shock of the decorated room), had finally been convinced into visiting one of the local village’s Christmas markets. The whole castle was full of cheer and bustle as Howl wrapped his cape around your shoulders and linked your arm within his. Smiling down at you, his long legs began to stride the two of you towards the front door, before his shoes quickly skid to a stop on the floorboards. Leaving you by the steps, he pressed a kiss against your forehead before running back into the room.
‘Stay here a moment, my starlight, I forgot the basket you gave me up in our bedroom.’
Before you could even tell him you had made a few spare to leave by the entryway, his hair had flipped and his frame had disappeared into a blur. 
Humming to yourself, you try to stifle the excitement you feel bubbling in the pit of your stomach at the prospect of a day wandering the cobblestone streets under the falling snowflakes, warm in your Howl’s arms, treating yourself to chocolate, taking warm sips of hot chocolate by the market stalls and just feeling so bubbly and content.
Wandering over to Markl, you look over his shoulder to see his tongue sticking out in concentration. Reaching over his head, you hold the nail in place as he places the finishing touches onto his very homemade, raggedy, but well loved stocking he hangs over Calcifer’s pit. 
‘Where’s he gone off to?’
Markl places his final sticker on the fluff collar of his stocking before taking a step back to admire his handiwork.
‘If you don’t go get him, we both know that we may not see him for the rest of the day.’
‘Hmm, perhaps you’re right.’
Skipping up the stairs, your step falters as you pass the upstairs hallway. Glancing up, you see another bough of mistletoe you were sure you hadn’t seen this morning hastily pinned up onto the light.
‘What is that wizard up to?’
Beaming, you place the last stream of charcoal icing into the splattered piping bag before squirting it onto the snowman’s nose. Straightening up the cookie, Markl reaches past your arm to grab onto the golden sprinkles, littering half across the table as the quiet chatter of Calcifer fades into the background. 
‘Now, are you two making a mess again?’
Taking another blank cookie, you blush as Howl comes wandering in the front door, shaking the snow out of his hair. He drops the groceries onto the last square of the table that hadn’t been caked in icing, unclipping his cape and pressing a kiss against your cheek. 
‘No more than usual, my love.’
He laughs, a deep whole hearted sound as he pulls out the stool next to you and grabs the cookie from your hand.
‘Well, they do look delicious, so I suppose I’ll let you away with it this time.’
He takes a bite as you raise your eyebrows in anticipation.
‘And they taste delicious too!’
You giggled at the crumb covered smile he gives you, reaching up with your thumb to wipe a few away from his lips. He, in turn, grabs the lapel of your apron and pulls you towards him, pressing a crumbly kiss against the tip of your nose and tickling your forehead with his hair.
‘Nice try, mister, but all your flattery won’t make me forget what you’re up to!’
‘What would I be up to, starlight?’
He presses a few quick kisses against your forehead, before you push him off and brandish your piping bag at his face.
‘Alright, mister. I know you're the one who keeps hanging up mistletoe everywhere!’
He blushes at that, a smirk twitching on his face as he gazes down at you. Clearing his throat slightly, he suddenly becomes quite bashful as he looks away from you, before slowly pointing his finger up towards the ceiling. Following his direction, you glance upwards at the mistletoe haphazardly stuck above your head.
‘Has my plan worked? It’s been so difficult trying to distract you so I could place them up.’
Instead of replying, you leapt forward, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and pressing your lips fervently against his. His eyes widen in surprise and awe as you kiss him, the force of you tumbling into him knocking the two of you onto the floor. Landing on top of him, he places his hands onto your arms to steady you as the two of you break apart. Staring at each other in surprise for a moment, the two of you suddenly burst into giggles as you shuffle your legs to comfortably rest against his hips, reaching down to gently tuck a piece of his hair behind his ear.
‘I think it worked very well.’
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Reciprocal ❂ (M) || 2 of 2
A Manager!verse story Rating: Mature Genre(s): Fluff, Smut Pairing: Jongin x Reader Word Count: 3.8k Warning for sexual content. 
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Jongin had let go of your hand when the two of you reached the house, but he made up for it by spending the next few hours in easy conversation with you. You talked about everything and anything, from speculation on the relationships between the other managers to childhood aspirations. Jongin had long entertained dreams of dancing. No surprise there. But it had come as quite a shock to him to learn you had competitively speed skated and almost entered Taereung.
“Why'd you stop,” he asked. The two of you were sitting on the back patio nursing glasses of water.
“I sprained my ankle earlier in the year and spent a lot of the time hanging out with friends when I normally would've had practice. I didn't really miss it.
“Plus, I had a boyfriend,” you said with a little smile and reclined back in your chair.
“Ahhh,” Jongin responded. “So that's why.” He shot a you look. “You've never talked about dating before,” he said.
“It never felt like... It just didn't come up.” You'd had a few relationships over the last 5 years, but had never divulged that to him. You had done your best to maintain a certain professional distance. They'd never amounted to much anyways, either due to inattention, jealousy, or lack of passion. But it was hypocritical, wasn't it, when  you were aware of every relationship Jongin had had? He was the person you spent the most time with, unintentionally or not.
“There's nothing to even bring up now anyways,” you added softly.
Jongin hummed and was quiet for a long time. You bit your lip. Why'd you even bring that last bit up? You kept glancing at him, but you couldn't get a read on his expression.
But Jongin turned suddenly, a smile on his lips, and changed the topics. “So, are the managers planning anything for Chanyeol's enlistment?”
You relaxed tentatively into the question. Soon, the tension dispersed, forgotten, and by the end of the conversations your mood had lightened considerably. For the first time, you really felt as if this was a vacation to enjoy rather than a detox to suffer through.
Dinner that night was a spirited affair. While Jongin showered before the meal, you busied yourself with setting places. You had pushed the coffee table closer to the fire and arranged pillows around it. A bottle of cab was open on the table to breathe.
Just as you set the glasses down, Jongin emerged from his room. His hair was still damp, you noticed, and his skin had the flush of the freshly bathed. He was in his pajamas, a towel bunched around his neck, sleep shirt unbuttoned and pants hanging low on his hips.
Your heart must have convulsed. Briskly, you turned away and gathered the plates of bœuf bourguignon with a white-knuckled grip. “Dinner's ready,” you called over your shoulder.
“This is cozy,” he remarked. You heard the rustle of fabric as he settled into the pillows.
Heaven help you, you prayed.
Over the course of dinner, the two of you finished the bottle. Jongin sat next to you now, having migrated from the opposite side of the table at some point in the meal. The two of you were laughing because your arms kept getting in each other's ways as you ate—he was a righty to your lefty. Eventually, Jongin got so exasperated, he grabbed your spoon and slid it out of reach. He refused to give it back, so he fed you from his spoon the rest of the meal. The fire cackled merrily at your antics.
You were pleasantly tipsy, your tongue looser with wine. Jongin was stretched out, leaning back on the couch. He had taken his shirt off entirely, claiming he was hot. You leaned against his shoulder, felt the sticky press of his skin against your cheek. You were warm and full. It had been such a strange day, full of quiet intimacies you'd never shared. Maybe that's why you said what you said, why you did what you did.
“You're intimidating, Mr. Kim Jongin.”
Jongin glanced at you, surprise written across his face.
“You're a beautiful person.” You closed your eyes and extended an arm. “Your body, your dance, your personality. You know what they say?”
You lifted yourself onto your knees, moving your face close to his.
“You're a god,” you whispered next to his ear.
You felt him shudder.
“What are you saying? I'm not--”
“Shut up,” you breathed. “Let me say this.”
“You're a god, Kim Jongin.” You rested one sacrilegious palm against his cheek “So tell me, how could a mere human like me adore you?”
Jongin was the one who closed the distance, who captured your lips in a searing kiss. His eyes were burning when he pulled away, his hands hot against your waist.
“Didn't I tell you that it's you who I need?” he whispered against your lips. “Let me show you how much I worship you.”
A trail of clothes puddled on the floor in the wake of your passing. Jongin stalked behind as you led him into the palatial bathroom. He didn't touch you. He watched as the clothing slid off you, lazily following your movements. He kept watching as you stepped into the shower, fully naked in front of now, and let the water sluice across your body.
He slid out of his pajama pants. He hadn't bothered with boxers. You saw the length of him, untouched yet already half-hard.
His eyes roamed over you. The attention made your insides twist pleasantly. Your previous partners had been good enough to satisfy, but Jongin made you feel wanted. You ran your hands down your body just to see if his gaze followed.
It did.
He waited until you stepped out of the shower, dripping water all over the dark stone tiles as you crossed to the crown of the bathroom.
Inset in the floor was an onsen-style bath as big as a pool. The bath itself was made of cedar, deep enough for water to reach your hips when standing, with a bench that ran around the inner rim for soaking. Panoramic windows surrounded the bath, but darkness kept secret the view.
Jongin stepped into the bath ahead of you. You met him in the middle, steam curling around you. You lifted your hand above his collarbone, trailing water all over his chest.
Something would change, more than it had already, if you touched him. Some illusion, some safety net you'd built. The nearness of his body was scalding, hotter than the water, and you knew it would burn.
Jongin curled his hands into yours, fitting his fingers into the spaces between.
“Still here?” he asked, kind and sweet as he always was.
You squeezed his hands and nodded. You'd promised. He wouldn't get rid of you that easily.
He led you to the ledge and sat, pulling you closer. You perched over his lap until his hands drew you down. You felt his hardness between your legs and quivered. It had been such a long time since you had done this.
“Are you okay with this?” Your voice wavered along with the steam. Even with you naked on his lap, Jongin kept his hands confined to innocent places. He was focused on kissing your neck and jaw.
He pulled away, a look like drowsiness in his eyes.
“I'm okay with anything. Whatever you want to do.”
You slowly nodded and rested your forehead against his. You let your hands slide down his shoulders, thumbs dipping into the indent of his collarbones. He lifted his head and you obliged him with long, luxurious kisses.
“Can I touch you more?” he asked, voice gravelly.
He thanked you with another kiss, caressing the line of your spine. His hands disappeared from your body then reappeared on your thighs. He squeezed. You felt his shudder and heard the tiniest groan fall out of him. And, oh, you needed him to make that noise again. Your hands grazed the skin of his stomach and traveled lower. You felt the flex of his muscles. Jongin caught your eyes, the way you waited for a moment until you found the permission you'd been seeking.
You wrapped your hands around his erection. The water obscured your view, but he was hard in your hand as you slowly stroked him with a velvet grip. His jaw fell open and he rolled his hips into your hand.
An ache built in you. Jongin set his jaw mulishly, a challenging glint entering his eyes. You gasped at the first brush of his fingers against you. They slid silkily against you, leaving soft whorls of water in their absence. You ground down against him, pinning his hand against his thigh, patience abandoned. Jongin bent, kissing the tops of your breasts, using his thumb to sweep over your nipples. You slid a hand into the hair at the base of his neck and tugged.
His gaze meeting yours was a thunderclap.
He knew without having to say anything more. He readjusted himself and you leaned on him as you sank down and let him enter you.
You rode him slow. You felt your eyes hood, and your head sank back. Water dripped from the ends of your hair, and you opened your mouth and moaned. Pleasure sizzled along every nerve, radiating outward from your navel to the tip of your toes and the roots of your hair. Jongin pressed his thumb into your bottom lip. It glided slickly between your lips. You opened your mouth, taking it between your teeth. You dragged your hands down his chest, feeling the flex of his muscles.
“Beautiful,” he whispered, his thumb swiping across your bottom lip. Your eyelashes fluttered closed. “The sight of you, and oh, the way you feel around me. How couldn't you have known what you to do to me?” You moaned and he echoed you, his hips twitching up. His hands slid up your back before dipping back below the surface. He cupped them there, then brought them up to pour water down your neck and chest. His tongued followed their path.
“I want to make you forget everything except me,” he said hoarsely.
“I like the sound of that,” you said breathlessly. “Okay, rookie. Show me what you can do.”
He grinned, pulling you into a kiss. “Better hang on,” he murmured against you. He stroked lightly down your sides. You twitched away; you'd never realized you were so sensitive there, and his devilish smile proved he knew it. He planted himself and started rocking into you, rhythm tortuously slow. He'd hold himself still at points, long enough for you to despair that you'd ever find release. After four times, you begged for mercy.
Heavy, humid panting soon filled the room. The water lapped against the sides of the bath and over.  You buried your face against his shoulder at one point, too overcome with the fact that this was Jongin that you were doing this with, that his cock was inside you. You'd never had such a patient, attentive lover, never had such appreciation lavished upon you. It was just on the edge of enough and yet so far from it. He kissed the inside of your elbow, gave it a kittenish lick.
He got his arms under your thighs and stood. You felt him slide deeper into you and whimpered, wrapping your legs around him. Never had you appreciated the work he put into his body so much as now, feeling his muscles gather and relax as he drove himself into you. You heard his little grunts as he bounced you on his cock, and felt the overwhelming sensation of him all around you.
“I—I'm gonna...” Your teeth were chattering. You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to stave off orgasm.
He pressed a kiss to your temple. “I've got you.”
You cried out, arching as you came, Jongin's hands against your back the only thing preventing you from slipping backwards into the water.
He held you there until your muscles trembled and you began to slide down. His dick slipped out of you, sandwiched between your bellies until he sat you on the edge of the pool. You were winded, a pile of mush. He was flushed with exertion. You brushed his fringe away—the humidity and his sweat had left it in cute little curlicues.  
Like a compass orienting northwards, your eyes sought his. Temptation lingered in the spaces between your bodies. You read the hunger in him, in the way his stare dropped to your lips and flicked back, desire simmering darkly there. It sucked the air from your lungs, drew lips to lips to devour all of you. Teeth bit, tongues curled. You wrapped your hands around his bicep, anything to ground you.
Kissing Jongin was like kissing a storm; in him was a wildness held 6,000 feet at bay. His bites ended in kisses, tongue laving away the hurt. Tomorrow, you knew you would wake to tender bruises blooming on your skin and you relished it. When finally he pulled away, your back was flush against the floor, his arms bracketing either side of your head as you stared up at him. Your heart learned the rhythms of war—what dread god had you summoned?
His lips, red and wet from your mouth, trailed down your neck. Goosebumps had risen all over your body as water evaporated from your skin, but Jongin's mouth seared you. He skimmed down your breastbone and planted fervent kisses to your stomach, your hips, lower and lower.
He drove you wild, made you writhe. His touch was so cold it burned, so hot it froze. Your body was locked between fight and flight and your pleading noises seemed only to incense him. His fingers delved into you and discovered places that made your toes curl, his tongue hot against your folds. His free arm locked over your hips to prevent you from bucking. The squelch of wetness echoed in the room, and you covered your eyes, burning at your own wantonness.
“I love this,” Jongin growled. “Making you come apart.”
Your thighs slammed shut, locking his hand in place as you plunged into climax. Your hearing went out, and in its aftershock a high-pitched note rang in your ears. Distantly, you heard a muttered curse, heard the rhythmic grunts of Jongin as he came before you were lost to the wave of secondhand arousal. I wish I could've seen it, you thought faintly.
When you came to, Jongin was massaging your legs. His hands skated dangerously high up your inner thighs, stoking the embers of your pleasure. “Stop that,” you complained, kicking him weakly in the shoulder.
He grinned, bending over you to place a tender kiss between your eyebrows. “Whatever you say, my little human.”
You ignored the pet name. Your chest still heaved for air. “What... what about you?”
He gestured at himself, at his flagging erection. “You did me in,” he said with a wry grin. “The sight of you...” His eyes shuttered as if he was recalling the scene. The interested twitch his dick gave was more than enough to finish that sentence.
The two of you shared a shower, motions brisk and economical. Well, his at least. Jongin wound up wrapping you in a heated towel, arms and all, because your hands wouldn't stop wandering.
“I told you, didn't I?” he had reproached you. “Let me take care of you.”
He dried your hair and offered you the top of his pajama set to wear, blush burning on his cheeks. Maybe a less flummoxed you would have commented on the stark dichotomy between now and a few minutes ago, but the words never materialized. The two of you brushed your teeth side by side, sharing the shy smiles of a newly intimate couple. You kept giggling at each other for no reason at all.
Between the events of the day and the man beside you, you didn't expect to get much sleep that night. But you fell into a gentle, easy dreams, cradled in Jongin's arms with not an inch between you.
Morning gilded him in gold. Sleep crusted his eyes, his hair was disastrous, and if that wasn't the most perfect sight you'd seen, you didn't know what could be.
He smiled sleepily, eyes closed.
“Good morning, beautiful,” he whispered.
You rolled your eyes and sat up.
“Admit it, you can't even see what I look like right now.”
He squinted at you. “Amazing in every single way?” he offered, with a hopeful smile.
You grabbed a pillow and bonked him with it. He rolled away, laughing his dorky little laugh. You were glad he couldn't see your smile.
Jongin was a hoverer, you learned. He had a habit of floating about your vicinity like a lost puppy. It was particularly noticeable when you were cooking. You seemed to find him in your path at every turn, or you would feel a gentle tug as you moved away and twist to see him holding the hem of your shirt with a pout.
The best way to deal with it, you soon discovered, was to pay him attention. Telling him to cut this or stir that worked, but he especially liked being fed. You would feed him extra little bits of ingredients and press them to his open mouth. He'd close his lips around your finger and you'd feel the soft, inner parts of it as you slid your finger back out.
“How was it?” you would ask softly each time.
“Mmmh. Delicious,” he'd answer with a wicked grin.
No good deed could go unpaid. You reciprocated the next day on your knees, Jongin laid out on a sun-lounger beneath you on the terrace. You took him into your mouth, took him as far down as your throat would allow. He trembled below you, eyes wide and watching. His adam's apple bobbed as you swallowed around him, lips parting.
You'd been at it for the past twenty minutes, swapping out your mouth for your hands when your jaw got too tired.
“Do you know how many people would kill to have you under them like this?” you said with wonder. You waited until Jongin opened his eyes, still glazed with pleasure. You placed your hand loosely against his neck, felt his hummingbird pulse in your fingertips. “But only I get to do this.” You tightened your grip and gave quick, short strokes around the crown of his cock. He choked out a gasp, jerking, every muscle of his clenching.
Jongin was such a vocal lover. You felt a powerful and infinite kind of tenderness for him.
“You're doing so well.” His breath fell heavily, a tell-tale quickness to it. His thrusts became erratic.
“Please,” he gasped. “Please.”
You kissed the words from his lips. “Yes, yes,” you whispered. “Anything for you. So good. So proud of you.”
“Uuuuuuh,” he groaned as his orgasm ripped through him. Long ribbons of come landed on his chest, where they glistened in the warm spring sun. His thighs quivered, hips lifting off the lounger as you continued to milk him. Come glazed your hand and dribbled from the slit of his cock.
Greed whet your appetite and desire pooled in your belly. Jongin cried as you took him back in your mouth, hands reaching for you, until your tongue, your lips, your hands coaxed a second orgasm from him. His come pooled, salty and intense, in your mouth. He watched with dilated eyes, little debauched noises trembling off each exhale, as you made a show of swallowing.
The last days of your vacation ran themselves down. On the final evening, the two lay entangled on the couch in front of the fireplace, talking.
“Am I easy to manage?”
“You?” you laughed. “No way.”
“What? Yes I am! I'm super easy to manage!” He actually looked a little upset. “Aren't I?”
You couldn't help laughing. “I don't think you get to say that. But it's not your personality,” you reassured him. “It's your perfectionism. I admire it, but honestly? Sometimes it's a pain in my ass.”
He crossed his arms. “Yeah, well, you can be a pain in my neck sometimes, too, you know.”
You felt your eyebrows creeping up. “Yeah? How.”
“When you wake me up, when you make me drink chicken smoothies, when you take bad photos of me for Instagram...” He ticked them off his fingers one by one.
“Bad?!” You pinched his side, eliciting a little squeal. “You told me they were cute!”
“Because they're so bad!” He laughed his ridiculous laugh, fending your hands off.
The two of you rolled off the couch and onto the floor from your tussling. Jongin turned onto his side, small hiccuping laughs still spilling from him. Unwilling to be bested, you pulled your phone off the coffee table. “I'll show you bad. I studied photography, you know.”
You waved your hand dismissively. “Doesn't matter. I let my work speak for itself.”
Jongin snorted.
You knelt above him, angling your phone down at him. He was so effortlessly photogenic, he could lie there with four days worth of stubble, chapped lips, shirt ridden half way up, and still look right off the cover of Vogue. The shutter clicked, and Jongin instinctively moved, expression changing minutely.
“These look good, you'll see,” you murmured, drawn into the familiar world of work, of seeing the unreachable him from behind a screen.
But instead of waiting, he pulled you down. You fell into him with an oomph, and he rolled you over until you were snug against his body, his left arm under you with his hand curled around your shoulder. He hummed while he scrolled through your gallery. This, as in all things, Jongin was methodical with. “Not bad,” he acquiesced, “but here. My turn.”
He opened the camera app and flipped to the front-facing camera. You watched on the screen as his head tilted towards yours and felt the brush of his hair against yours. Your heart raced.
“No need to be nervous.” You were watching him on the screen as he whispered it, saw the curve of his lips as they ghosted over the shell of your ear, felt the words land as breath against you. He knew you were watching him. A thrill went up your spine.
“I like it better when you're with me.”
Back in Seoul, a picture hangs on your refrigerator.
A polaroid of Jongin folded around you, kissing the crown of your head with a smile. The moment catches you with your eyes closed, clutching onto him and laughing.
An offering for the memory collector and the date is scrawled along the bottom, for the dream of many more.
A/N: I kept my promise. :) 
Thank you for reading!
[ ❂ Read more Manager!verse here ]
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Platonic x gn!reader
Characters: Tanjiro, Nezuko, Zenitsu, Inosuke
Autumn Celebration: So. 03.10.21 Harvest, Demon Slayer
My Navigation is here.
Warnings: the characters are aged up
Note: Link to the Autumn Festival Masterlist
Note 2: I wrote “EEEH?!” at some point. I don´t know if that´s the English way of expressing this (in German it´s “häh?!”), but that´s what the sub always says so I´m going with it.
Wordcount: 902
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The air was filled with the warm smell of crops, golden from the light of the sun. Tanjiro, with the wooden box carrying his sister strapped on his back, was walking a path between the fields. Zenitsu was trailing behind him, already dreading the next mission, though it had yet to be announced. Inosuke was walking beside you, though walking was not the right word. He was jumping around, head turning around excitedly as he took in the fields surrounding your path, nearly hurling himself at the closest farmers in some instances. You had to use all of the strength in your body to prevent him from doing so.
As late afternoon came, there were no villagers nearby anymore, nor any townsfolk. The world seemed empty and vacant. At least for a moment, then squirrels appeared, and foxes scattered, running between bushes and trees. You all trotted along, Zenitsu having long quieted down, exhaustion finding him. Even Inosuke had stopped to attempt to catch unsuspecting animals. You dreaded the evening, as you saw the surprisingly warm autumn sun nearing the edge of the world, and thus nightly darkness. You would have definitely preferred to stay at a house, but it seemed unlikely with the never-ending forest and the absolute silence that only places without any human-lives in them create.
Red specks flew up in the breeze, taken away from the campfire. You sat in a circle around it, sticks with forest food on it to cook over the flames.
“You know, around this time of the year we would all be sitting close to each other, watching our mother cook,” Tanjiro said, absentmindedly combing through Nezuko´s hair, as she rested her head on his lap. “Later she would join us and tell us story after story.”
Inosuke started snoring, making you and Zenitsu start with laughter. For a moment Tanjiro only stared dumbfounded, but then he started laughing as well. Inosuke turned and muttered in his sleep.
“Jī-chan would always make us work on the fields,” Zenitsu said after you had all calmed down. “It was really rough,” he whined, glancing at Nezuko for maybe the smallest of reactions. She only nuzzled deeper into her brothers´ lap. Zenitsu sighed. “I always hoped for a Princess to pass the fields, for her to fall in love with me, and bring me to her far off castle.”
“That didn't work,” you chimed in, and Tanjiro spluttered.
“Ha, ha,” Zenitsu said sarcasticly. “It´s not like you have any royal folks at your feet, (Y/N).”
“I never said I did,” you answered, “however, I definitely get more suitors than you do.”
“That's true,” Tanjiro said, backing you up, and Nezuko mumbled nonsense in accordance.
“You too, Nezuko-chan? Oh, how hurtful! That even my beloved Nezuko-chan-“
With one hit Inosuke had rendered Zenitsu unconscious even in his sleep. First, you and Tanjiro admired such immaculate handiwork. Then the comfort of at long last quiet washed over you. The three of you sighed in content.
When you finished eating, Nezuko stood up and pattered over to where you sat, nudging your shoulder.
“What is it?” you asked her.
“Mmmhmmh,” she mumbled, putting acorns on her head and nudging you again.
“Maybe she remembers the harvest celebration from the village close to our home,” Tanjiro thought out loud. You laughed:
“Do you want to celebrate with us?”
Nezuko let her arms fall and nodded, before jumping to wake Inosuke and Zenitsu.
“Eeeeh?! Mushrooms?” Inosuke barked. Tanjiro nodded excitedly, Nezuko hanging from his sleeve.
“If Nezuko-chan wants to, I will find the most! Come on, Nezuko-chan~”
You dragged Zenitsu back by his Haori, however, he didn´t seem to realise, still making grabby hands towards the young girl.
“Maybe Zenitsu can stay here and us four leave to find mushrooms, and maybe some chestnuts?”
Tanjiro nodded, fully ignoring the now appalled Zenitsu.
“That sounds good.”
In the end, Nezuko dragged you with her from tree to tree, running back to make the two others carry your harvest (although she started to avoid Inosuke after she had realised that he was already eating the food). You returned when the night was completely dark and all but the demon girl were fighting to keep their eyes open. Inosuke was already snoring as he led the way, stumbling. When you returned to your camp no one even complained about Zenitsu already being fast asleep, instead of keeping a watchful eye out. The moment you hit the ground sleep washed over you as well.
In the morning you awoke to the smell of roasted food. Dawn had not come yet, although the night had already lightened up a bit. You sat up, rubbing your eyes, to come to the sight of Nezuko diligently working on your breakfast made with your harvest. Confused, you also noticed corn amongst the ingredients. After looking at an equally surprised Tanjiro, who simply shrugged, you decided not to question it.
The crow came soon after breakfast, and you went off to your next mission. Nezuko was save in her box, but instead of sleeping, she started to sing a tune. Only when the forest was already behind your group did she fall asleep. Tanjiro smiled:
“She used to sing that to our siblings.”
You hummed. After a moment he added, more to himself than to anyone else:
“We will find Kibutsuji Muzan."
You and the other two nodded in agreement.
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Looking for a Place to Happen 3
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape (series), age gap, general stupidity, some violence and threats, toy play, forced masturbation, some content not warned.
This is dark!biker!Sam Wilson x reader and explicit. 18+ only.  Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Series Synopsis: There’s lots happening in Birch and you find it all too amusing.
Sister series to Smalltown Bringdown, When the Weight Comes Down, Little Bones, and Fully Completely
Note: Again, I’m always grateful to anyone who reads. Take care.
Thanks to everyone for their patience and feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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Chapter 3: Wayward ho, away we go
You bent and picked up your phone. The screen protector was cracked and peeling. You lifted it off and checked for any real damage. The stream had ended but it was still operational. You tucked it away as you looked between the bikers and grabbed your jacket.
“Well, thanks for the show,” you headed for the door but found yourself shadowed.
You swung the door out into the cold and that man, Sam, followed you onto the beaten down snow across the sidewalk. He stopped you before you could evade him and cross the street. You turned back and squinted at him.
“You know, I didn’t even get to pay my tab,” you pulled away from him roughly.
“So, do I get a name yet?” he asked.
“You guys are weird,” you grimaced, “no.”
“Come on, I just saved your ass,” he crossed his arms as his breath fogged before him, “I mean, you kinda owe me.”
“Maybe your friends need to learn to control their tempers,” you scoffed and hopped over the snow to cross the street. As you expected, he kept on and as you came to the other side, you turned on him. “Look, dude, you know that whole hard-to-get thing is a myth. I’m not interested.”
He chuckled under his breath and shoved his hands into his coat, “sure,” he smirked, “I can’t let you walk home alone. Not after you go and insult the whole club. Do you really not know the shit that is aimed in your direction right now?”
“Are you talking about yourself or…” you said wryly and spun back to your path, “it’s a small town, I’ll make it home.”
“Oh yeah, it is a small town,” he caught up to you and kept step with you, “you think I don’t already know where you live?”
You ignored him and zipped up your jacket as the cold began to seep in. As he said your name, you stopped short. A chill went through you that wasn’t the winter.
“You’re a creep,” you said.
He laughed again and slung his arm over your shoulder. You tried to wiggle him off but he kept you firmly in place against him. He began to walk, pushing you forward across cracked edges of ice left from diligent shovels.
“Honey, let me tell you something, what I did back there, you’re not just walking away scot-free, you get that? You want me gone? Well, then you can find out what happens without me watching your back,” he said as he squeezed you, “I can go back right now and tell those boys it’s free hunting. You won’t make it past the corner.”
You stiffened and shifted. You were never the brightest, you made dumb decisions, but you knew then this was worse than any before. Your fun time was really a big fucking mistake. How many warnings did you need before you realised how stupid you really were? It wasn’t just a meme, it was like the godfather sent a horse head straight to your door.
“Hmm, don’t think I’ve ever seen you so quiet,” he mused as his arm slipped and his hand went to the small of your back. He turned you down your street and you glanced around at the familiar houses, “listen, you’re probably scared shitless right now? Or should be if you were smart enough to notice the gun on my buddy’s hip? Or the one on mine?”
“Is this how you always get girls?” you croaked through your dry mouth as you closed in on your nan’s house.
“I’m sure other guys like the whole snarky manic pixie dream girl thing you got going on, but I’m not other guys,” he returned as he stopped you just at the end of your grandmother’s walk, “and you didn’t just fuck around with a couple of bikers tonight, you insulted the whole club. In fact, I’m a little pressed about it myself.”
He reached out and slid two fingers into your jacket pocket. He took your phone out and turned it in his hand.
“No more of this,” he put it in his back jean pocket, “not tonight. I’ll be back tomorrow and we’ll go over the rest of it but… if I see one TikTok or one meme, I’m going to be knocking on that window just above your bed.”
You blanched and peeked over your shoulder. The curtains moved as you caught your nan’s grey hair disappear behind it. You put on that stubborn pout you always got when things didn’t go your way and narrowed your eyes.
“You know this isn’t normal, right?” you whined.
He snickered and puffed out his chest, “this is Birch. This is how things go.” He reached out and ran his thumb over your chin, “you’re young, you’ll learn.” He winked and looked over at your nan’s house and waved with two fingers. “Tell the old lady I say hi,” he grinned, “but I can always tell her tomorrow.”
You scrunched your lips as felt like folding inward. He turned and strode off back down the street, his shadow fading into those cast by the streetlights. You sighed and headed up the walk and pounded your soles up the stairs. You let yourself in but faced another obstacle in your night.
Your nan sucked on a cigarette as she watched you unzip your coat.
“I thought you quit,” you said as you hung your coat on the rack.
“I thought I told you to stay away from the club,” she sniffed.
“Well… I tried,” you lied poorly.
“Oh, yeah, I’m sure you did,” she flicked the ash into the carpet without concern, “I’m an old lady now, I can’t help you.”
“He’ll go away. He’s just… you know how guys are,” you knelt to undo your boots.
“I do, do you?” she challenged, “I don’t remember many boyfriends gracing my stoop.”
“He’s not--”
“That man will make himself whatever he wants to be,” she gristled, “that’s how they work.”
“Look,” you stood and rubbed your forehead, “I know I fucked up. Can you just--”
“Oh, I won’t just,” she snapped, “let me tell you something, don’t be afraid to grab a man by the balls and twist. It saved me a lot of trouble.”
“I’m not saying you should, just giving you options,” she puffed out smoke, “but you gotta be smart and make the shot count.”
“I don’t… get it,” you blinked.
“You will know,” she tilted her head, “women got a sixth sense. You’ll find out soon enough.”
Your nan’s words stuck in your head. Your day off was no longer as exciting. You woke with a knot in your stomach and a dull stone behind your eye. You descended to join your grandmother for coffee, restless as you didn’t have your phone to keep you busy. You fidgeted and drank the bitter brew without a hit of sugar or milk.
There was a lingering shade of dread as the wise widow’s words swirled in your head with the strange man’s promise. He said he’d be back, he didn’t say what time, he didn’t say for what, but he said he would. As much as you rolled your eyes at the club, those men proved they had conviction and Sam had shown himself to be persistent.
You ate porridge with cinnamon and fake sugar. Your grandmother’s daily fare. You left her to her crosswords and her ramblings about the daily news. You told her to change the channel and lighten up before you went. She quipped back at you to “smarten up” and for once, you had no rebuttal; she was right, it was only that it was likely too late.
You sat in bed and watched Netflix. You had your laptop but you didn’t dare look at your TikTok as it just reminded you of the night before. It all began to sink in as you felt the thick arm around your neck and heard the rough gristle of the boss’ voice. You only realised then how close you’d been to biting it and it made your skin crawl.
Hours passed and you began to pace and fuss around with random pens and books. Maybe he forgot, maybe he wasn’t coming. Maybe it had all been threats to make you stop. Well, it worked and you would delete your TikTok once you got the nerve to open it.
Then you heard the heavy boots on the stairs and the pounding at your door extinguished the hope disguised as doubt. You cringed and stood in one place as you couldn’t bring yourself to move. You crossed your arms and chewed your lip. 
You were very bad at thinking things through. You didn’t consider that you hardly knew this man, though the fact was plain in your mind. You didn’t consider that you’d rarely been alone with a man. You didn’t consider that you knew exactly what his vulgar looks and suave words meant and that your denial could not erase them and all of these things were obvious and unavoidable.
A tapping came at the window beside the door and he waved to you as the blur in your vision cleared. You bit down on the inside of your lip and made yourself cross to the door. He turned the handle as you did and pushed his way past your reticence. He stepped in as you stumbled back.
You were good at acting cool, at being the quirky friend, the goofball, but when it came down to it, you were just clueless. It was better to seem apathetic and not let on how much of a loner you really were. You always wanted to be one of the cool kids but never really were.
“Sorry to keep you waiting,” he kicked the snow off his boots and it powdered over the mat, “this is a cute little place you have.”
“Alright, alright, I get it, I’m scared, okay? I’ll delete everything and won’t do it again,” you raised your hands defenselessly, “you made your point--”
“Have I?” he sniffed as he let his leather jacket fall down his arms, “because I’ve been thinking all day. How to punish you. You see, these things, you have to be punished. That’s the rules.”
“I…” you backed away from him slowly as he sat in the wicker chair behind the door and unlaced his boots.
“Not my rules, the club’s,” he said flatly, “now, don’t be lookin’ at me like that because if I’d left you with those other boys, you’d be in the rubble of that garage.”
You gulped and hugged yourself as your eyes rounded. His eyes clung to you and he grinned as he stood.
“Well, I know you’re telling the truth at least,” he said, “you’re scared.”
He neared and walked past you. He circled you and slapped your ass. You flinched and he chuckled. You were startled at how quickly he’d disassembled you. You tried to ready yourself mentally all day for his arrival and yet you could never be prepared for that instance.
He strode along the other side of the bed and pulled out the top drawer of your night stand. He shuffled through your things and slammed it. He turned back and went to your dresser and slid out the slender drawer of necklaces and random receipts. He felt around blindly and you heard the familiar roll against the wooden bottom.
“Ah, jackpot,” he pulled out the silicone vibe and spun it between his fingers as you watched him over your shoulder, “I knew a girl once, kept it hidden under her mattress, another had this vase on her desk… but mostly, no one puts much thought into hiding when no one’s looking.”
“What are--”
“Shhhh,” he hushed you as he put his finger against his lips, “it’s a very simple punishment and if I’m being honest, and let’s be clear I’m being very generous here, it’s not much punishment at all.” He took your hand and pushed the vibe against your palm, “you just gotta use that.”
You furrowed your brows as his warm hand closed yours around the silicone and he squeezed. You trembled and he let you go as he winked.
“Chop, chop,” he clapped his hands, “I can always come up with something else.”
You searched his face as he backed up and leaned on your dresser, arms crossed over his thick chest as his biceps bulged through his long sleeves. You peered down at the toy in your hands and traced the subtle curve with your thumb.
“Get comfortable, honey,” he coaxed, “when you finish, we’re done… for tonight.”
You were breathless as you turned away from him. Your head spun and you recounted all your mistakes as they rushed over you. You were so stupid. You couldn’t blame anyone but yourself but that didn’t make it any easier. 
And you couldn’t do it. Even alone, you were always filled with the sense that everyone knew what you were doing with the vibe. That some lurker would hear you and expose your secret. A guilt atoned only in your pleasure.
“Tick, tock,” he chirped as you heard the wood groan against his weight, “you need help?”
“N-no,” you stuttered and dropped the toy on the bed.
You fumbled with your fly for what felt like forever. Your hands were shaking so bad and stopped as you asked yourself what you were doing. What you had to. You had no doubt in his promises. You were learning the hard way like you always did.
You shimmied your jeans down and slid them to your ankles. You got up on the bed and he tutted. 
“Panties,” he snapped his fingers, “don’t be shy.”
You didn’t look at him as you lifted your ass and tugged down your panties. You kept your legs together as you unhooked them from your ankles and shoved them aside. You cleared your throat and reached for the toy as his figure loomed along the top of your vision. You clicked the button and stared at the buzzing vibrator.
“Almost there, honey,” he purred, “I’m starting to think you’re liking this already.”
You sucked in your breath and pushed your legs apart as you closed your eyes. You put your hand on the bed behind you and leaned back as you shoved the toy against your cunt and hissed as it rolled over your clit. You cupped it with your palm and moved it over your bud as the ripples flowed from your core.
You clamped your lips in your usual habit. You held in the moans that threatened and tried to ignore the soft breath of the man in the room. Your whole body was alight with shame and lust fed by the vibrations. You dropped your head forward and winced as you sensed him come closer.
“Oh, honey, look at you just diving right in,” he taunted, “that’s it… you don’t gotta be quiet with me.”
“St-st-stop,” you rasped out, “I can’t--”
“You are,” he slithered, “now keep going. I see you getting close already.”
You squeezed your eyes tight and gripped the toy between two fingers and swirled the tip around your clit. You wanted it to be over and despite yourself, his voice fed your need for release. You hummed between your teeth and arched your back as you rocked your hips against the vibe hungrily.
“Mm mm mm, honey, I don’t think you could handle a man,” he teased.
You gasped and panted as you felt the pressure pulse and you sped up. Your other arm shook and collapsed as you fell onto your back and writhed as you closed your legs around your hand and the toy. You came with a whimper as your body shook and you turned onto your side as the orgasm echoed through you.
“Very good,” he cooed and you felt a dip in the bed. You opened your eyes as he leaned his knee on the edge, “smile for the camera, honey.” You gaped at the lens of your phone and snickered as he lowered it, “now that… I think that might go viral.”
“Wha-- No,” you sat up and reached out as he stepped back and you nearly toppled over the side of the bed.
“Hmm, I might keep it to myself,” he tapped his fingertip against the back of the phone, “I don’t really like to share…” he faced you again and tucked the phone away, “I usually keep my girls to myself.” You blinked and bent your legs as you tried to cover your bottom half. He pushed his chest out and exhaled, “you are mine, right, honey?”
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