#i was confused for a minute because i also have an oc named bentley
the-local-fisherman · 25 days
*It's a peaceful evening... Fish are plentiful... The water's steady... Bella and Bentley are sailing towards him on a makeshift raft-...*
*...wait what-*
"Paddle faster!!"
"I'm trying!!"
[ Felix notices the sight and is immediately confused. He tries calling out to the duo ]
"OI! You two alright?! What're you doing?!" - 🦋🎣
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hiddendreamer67 · 5 years
96 “Can’t you stay a little longer?”
A little farther into their friendship Garth and Cam have been summoned to the castle for ~diplomacy~, but in the meantime Garth wants Cam to look a little less ethereal so he recruits his mother for help. So, basically, this is Marabelle giving a fae a makeover and accidentally getting attached to what could be her adoptive daughter.
Word count: 2,652
Feel free to send me more prompts/questions about my OCs! :D-———————————————————————————————————-
Marabelle Winthrow lived a relatively normal life; she had never looked above her station, content to stay in the lot the lord had chosen for her. Marabelle fell in love with Perth Thornton when she was of age, the two being wed in the spring and going on to have three wonderful boys: Quill, Bentley, and Garth. Several years later Marabelle was surprised with another child, her very own darling daughter Posie. Having secretly always wished for a daughter, Marabelle found this to be nothing short of a miracle, at the time suspecting this would be the largest surprise of her life.
Of course, that was before her youngest boy went and got himself a royal summons for running off to befriend a fae of the forest.
Now this was all politics far above Marabelle’s head, but so far as she could tell her Garth wasn’t in trouble just yet; at least, not at the throne’s hands. Marabelle still had half a mind to turn him over to his father though as Garth sat upon his knees before her.
“Please, mama.” Garth begged. “She won’t be any trouble, we just need to look presentable when the coach arrives in a few days time. I don’t want her making any more of a fuss than necessary, and if she were to blend in-”
“Garth Thornton, you stop your squabbling right now.” Marabelle put a hand to her forehead, trying to process what was going on. “You’re telling me, that you want to bring your little fae friend here, into our home, so I can- what, dress her up all fancy-like?”
Her baby boy winced. “Yes?”
Marabelle gave a long sigh, considering this. Of course she wanted to help her son, and not to mention she wanted to make a good impression for the prince, but… Marabelle glanced at her closet. “Oh, I don’t know, sweetie. What would she even wear?”
“Is that a yes?” Garth pressed. “Will you try?”
Marabelle sighed. “Oh, yes, alright, send her in.”
The poor woman distracted herself by sorting through her old fabrics, sorting for any that were less in disarray. She had never been a particularly vain woman, and ever since leaving her youth behind Marabelle had been putting less and less energy into maintaining appearances. The best she could find was a bright red gown, left over from attending the neighbor’s wedding a few years ago. Marabelle got to work dusting it off, smoothing out wrinkles and becoming so focused on repairing a seam she missed the sound of footsteps outside her door; or perhaps they hadn’t been there at all, and the stranger had merely floated in. Either way, Marabelle was startled out of her work by the sound of a cough.
Marabelle turned around, gasping at the sight before her. The young lady appeared to be made out of sunlight, her face beaming and sending off a radiant glow. Adorning her perfect curls was a flower crown made of big pink, white and red blossoms that were similar to a rose. Rather than traditional clothes, this girl seemed to be wrapped in a sort of tunic made of leafy coverings, adorned with the same blossoms as her crown around the shoulders, waist, and the bottom hem. Looking down further, Marabelle noted that she was barefoot, but her feet seemed so pure and untouched as if she had never walked a day in her life. 
“You’re Germ’s matron, yes?” The girl tilted her head, that hypnotic voice drawing Marabelle’s attention back to her face. Marabelle shivered, for a moment feeling light-headed at the sheer magic of it all. The girl tilted her head. “You may call me Cam.”
“O-oh, yes, I’ve heard.” Marabelle took a winded breath, catching herself. “I apologize, I- well Garth didn’t warn me enough about your beauty.” 
“Mom!” Garth leaned into the room, only now being noticed even though he had been standing behind Cam this entire time. “No real names, remember?”
“Oh!” Marabelle gasped, her hand flying to her mouth in horror. Cam laughed, and it sounded like tinkling bells.
“It’s fine, it wasn’t given.” Cam assured them, teasing Garth by putting a finger under his chin. “I think I prefer you as Germ, anyhow.”
Garth’s face turned an embarrassed shade of pink, yanking his head away in a hurry. “Mom, can we get this over with?”
“Well now, I hardly think this is appropriate attire.” Marabelle bit her lip, holding up the gown she had chosen. “It’s rather plain, all things considered…”
“It’ll do mom, I’m sure.” Garth cut her off. “Cam, hurry up and get changed.”
“Garth!” Marabelle scolded, making her son flinch. “Now I know you didn’t just ask a lady to change in your presence. I thought we taught you to be more gentlemanly than that.”
Now Garth turned a dark beet red, grimacing as if to hope the earth would swallow him whole. “Alright, alright! I’ll leave!”
But before he could depart, Cam grabbed his arm. She looked a bit puzzled, having been staring at the dress ever since it was lifted. The fae pointed to it.
“I don’t want to wear that.” Cam said bluntly. 
“Don’t be rude.” Garth hissed, glaring at her slightly as he pulled his arm back.
“No, you’re right honey, it’s much too plain.” Marabelle agreed with a sigh, trying desperately to think of a better solution.
“It has nothing to do with the design.” Cam assured her, turning to face Marabelle directly. “I’m certain you’d look quite beautiful in it, as might I, but unfortunately, that’s made of fabric.”
“…most clothes are, Cam.” Garth informed her.
Cam huffed, clearly annoyed with them both for not understanding some underlying issue. “Fabric is woven from cotton.” Cam sent Garth a look. “Cotton’s my sister.”
“Your sister?” Marabelle looked down at the dress, horrified at the idea of a fae soul being trapped inside.
“No, mom that’s not- no.” Garth shook his head, putting a hand to his forehead. “Cam. Why. Why can’t you wear the dress? Why didn’t you mention something? You knew coming here you’d be asked to wear clothes.” 
“It’s… difficult to explain.” Cam shifted on her feet, almost looking like a true nervous human teenager. “When elements of my sisters are present, sometimes I can sense them, sort of like a connection. It can be an… unpleasant sensation, especially for long periods. I don’t enjoy it. I came because you asked, but speaking my truth I don’t want to don that garment.” 
Marabelle and Garth shared a look. It would not be befitting to send Cam in her current attire to a castle, for as pretty as it may be it showed far too much skin, but perhaps an arrangement could be found.
“Garth, sweetie?” Marabelle instructed. “Could you give us a minute alone?” 
Garth nodded, heading out of the room. Cam watched him retreat, turning back to Marabelle with a slight frown.
“Have I angered you?” Cam asked quietly.
“No, oh sweetie, no you didn’t.” Marabelle set down the dress, coming over to comfort Cam instead. She paused, hands hovering uncertainly. “Am I- that is, is it alright if I touch you, honey?”
Cam gave a nod, and Marabelle guided Cam over to the bed. The two of them sat down on the edge, Marabelle unable to resist the urge to run her fingers through those soft curls.
“I understand.” Marabelle murmured. “I may not understand magic sisters, but I do know that dresses can be a darnright unpleasant hazard. The first time I got all laced up I cried so hard my mother took off my corset not an hour after it was put on.”
Cam turned to her, alarmed. “The clothing made you cry?”
“Beauty can be a pain.” Marabelle explained gently. “Sometimes it’s just a seam digging unpleasantly into your arm, and sometimes your lungs are so tight you feel as if they might just pop right out.”
“That sounds terrible.” Cam shook her head. “Beauty should not be painful, it’s natural.” 
“For someone as gifted as you, certainly.” Marabelle chuckled, admiring once again the perfect features of the young lady’s face. “Why I’m certain that you don’t need any of my old rags to charm a prince. You put the rest of us to shame.”
“I don’t think Garth intends for me to charm anyone.” Cam explained, she looked ahead, for a moment thoughtful and mature. “He wishes to hide me away, so the humans don’t fear me. To blend my features so I’m not endangered before we reach this inexplicably important person. It’s still unclear to me if he means to protect me, or them.”
Cam snapped out of her reverie as quickly as it came, turning to Marabelle with a dazzling grin. “If you’ll permit me, I do think I have a solution to this endeavor. There is one article of clothing I think I’d find acceptable. May I show it to you?”
“Oh! Um, certainly?” Marabelle blinked, watching as the fae tore out of the room. She was as flighty as a hummingbird, that one. After a few moments of scuffling, she heard Garth again in the hall- “You can’t wear that!”- before Cam returned with a huge bundle in her arms, a grin gracing her features.
“Ta-da!” Cam declared, dumping her husband’s winter cloak on the ground. Marabelle stared at the beautiful fur garment, puzzled why of all things Cam would choose this in the middle of summer.
“…what…?” Marabelle murmured, stooping to pick up the garment. “Why this?”
“This is not cloth.” Cam explained. “It will be more acceptable to my skin.”
“Yes, indeed it is not, I suppose.” Marabelle folded it in her arms. “And with the whole connection thing, there isn’t an issue with the, um, well the animal spirits or anything?” After all, it was woven out of pelts.
Cam let out a snort, looking a bit amused and confused. “I am not an animal spirit? I am a flower fae. I’m not connected to this garment, that would be absurd.”
Marabelle decided not to voice the fact that Cam had said almost the exact opposite moments ago. “Well, honey, I’m honored you found a solution, but- well, I’m not quite sure if this is feasible. For one thing, a cloak isn’t considered a full piece of clothing, and for another my husband will be needing this back.”
“Oh, surely he won’t need it until winter, I could return it by then!” Cam’s eyes were gleaming, holding a hand out. “Might I borrow it?”
There were frantic footsteps in the hall, and a panting Garth appeared in the doorway, clearly overhearing the dangerous wording. “No. No deals.”
“I was going to return it!” Cam protested, stomping her foot and pouting like a child.
“Uh-huh, sure, with some caveat like in a hundred years.” Garth snatched the cloak up himself, glaring in her direction. “You can’t have father’s cloak.” 
“Well, certainly not right now.” Marabelle stepped in, wanting to come to the Cam’s defense after she had tried to find her own solution. “Perth deserves a say in this discussion, too.”
“Perth?” Cam’s slightly pointed ears twitched, interested. Garth groaned.
“Oh, my husband.” Marabelle explained, a tad worried about her second slip-up. “He should be home by sundown, you could stay around until then.” 
“I will.” Cam assured her. “I will stay right here, in fact.” Cam frowned slightly. “Your house is very full of iron.”
Marabelle tut-tutted to herself, ashamed at being such a poor hostess even if she had no reason to know a fae would be visiting her home this morning. Not to mention, fae repulsion was the main reason for the iron in the first place; at least now Marabelle knew that legend was true. “I’m so sorry about that, I promise it’s nothing personal.”
“What? What did I say?” Marabelle asked, alarmed. Her son’s expression was positively livid, and even Cam looked a bit shocked.
“You can’t just make promises with a fae!” Garth seemed ready to tug his own hair out. 
“Garth, I thought you trusted this one.” Marabelle argued, feeling a bit uncomfortable having a conversation like this right in front of Cam. It was downright rude. “Cam is a charming young girl, she’s not going to do anything to hurt us. Right, Cam?”
Cam cleared her throat, looking a bit touched. It seemed Marabelle’s promise really did have an effect on the fae. “I appreciate your kind words, mother of Germ. And-” Cam paused, her attention divided as her head turned to the doorway. Her ear twitched. “The bud is awake.”
“The bud?” Marabelle got her explanation soon enough as across the way she heard the cry of her youngest child. She sighed. “Oh, the babe’s awake.”
“I’ll get her.” Garth offered, heading towards the door.
“No no, I’ll get her.” Marabelle waved him off. “I should, perhaps she’s hungry anyways.” They both knew this was probably false, but one could hope.
“Might I come?” Cam asked, following at her heels like a darling shadow. Marabelle considered this for a moment, deeming it safe.
“I don’t see why not.” Marabelle sent her a smile, ignoring the dismayed look on Garth’s features as she led the fae into the nursery. Sure enough, Posie was crying up a storm, quite distressed.
“Oh, the poor bud.” Cam leaned over, pouting out her lip in sympathy. “It’s had a restless sleep.” 
“We think she’s been getting nightmares, she wakes up often screaming.” Marabelle sighed, scooping up Posie in her arms. She rocked up and down, trying to lessen the cries. “Shh, my darling, it’s alright, shh, mama is here.”
Cam watched thoughtfully, tilting her head to the side. “May I have her?” She asked, reaching out her arms.
For once, Marabelle was cautious. She liked Cam well enough, but she was also wise to be careful when it came to the lives of her children. “You may hold her.” Marabelle corrected, gently handing over the child. She bit her lip, hoping this wasn’t a mistake.
Cam seemed enthralled with the child in her arms. She cooed at Posie, swaying back and forth and crinkling up her nose in a darling manner. She began to swing in gentle circles, dancing a bit with the child until the screams turned to those of joy. Posie laughed, delighted as she reached forward, trying to grab onto one of Cam’s many blossoms.
“I think she likes you.” Marabelle whispered, a fond smile on her features. “How did you do that?”
“It’s a gift.” Cam explained, sticking out her tongue in Posie’s direction. Posie giggled. “I love your little bud, I wish I could take her back with me.”
“You can’t.” Marabelle explained, gently but firmly.
“I know.” Cam shrugged, seeming unbothered. “But I still want to.” She continued to sway, slowly Posie’s eyelids drifting even as the babe continued to smile. It seemed that now that her thoughts were settled, Posie was still exhausted enough to nap again.
“Why, you’re a regular bona fide nursemaid.” Marabelle joked with a chuckle. “I always wanted a daughter to help around the house with the boys. Can’t you stay a little longer?”
“I am staying longer.” Cam assured her, the joke flying over her head as she stayed enraptured with Posie. “You invited me to stay and meet your husband at sunset, remember?”
“Yes, I remember.” Marabelle nodded with a small smile. “I almost wish Garth had brought you home sooner, I thought a fae would be more dangerous and less…” Marabelle paused, trying to put her finger on the right word. “Well, I’m not sure what, but a nice surprise, that’s what you are.”
Cam gave a small giggle. “I think I like being a nice surprise.”
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