#i was bullied for it but. god. masks. it was so nice to just latch off of the former identity and wear it to play a character sort of?
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In regards to the high school Au, Gil meeting a shy yet pretty girl that he likes. What would he do to win her heart?
Hello, anon! I'm glad you enjoyed the high school AU. This will be an interesting continuation...TIME TO GO IN GUNS BLAZING!!
btw i made the reader insert character gender neutral so then it feels more like a dating sims game. :3
note: this is going to be a bit ooc (crackfic maybe)
Student Gilgamesh Developing a Crush (High School Au)
- Bored, Gilgamesh sips his wine on the school roof as usual; gorging himself in a specially-reserved bento box. He liked it up above, where he could just rest, instead of dominating the school so fiercely.
- When he hears the sound of pattering footsteps traipsing across his sacred grounds, anger thunders down on his face. "To think that such a foolish mongrel would have the nerve to entrench themselves upon my resting area...How dare you-" The words freeze in his throat, as he catches sight of you.
- From your posture, to the expression on your face...Gilgamesh was ensnared within the thorns of captivation!
- "E-err...sorry about that." You bow politely, as wind billows through your beautiful strands of hair, eyes blossoming like the finest of flowers. "You see, I just like to sit here too sometimes." Albeit being rather nervous, you bravely spoke up for yourself, which he liked. "I mean, I can leave if you'd like but I like this place too-" His brusque red eyes catch you off guard, as you duck your head in agony; twiddling your fingers.
- He was so scary!! As you fluctuated between wanting to leave and wanting to stay (because its not as if Gilgamesh owns the school roof or anything), his hands suddenly grip yours- as he pulls you towards him with all the force of a bull.
- "How adorable...how utterly enthralling you are! I never expected to witness such a fine beauty upon these school grounds." Gilgamesh has already latched into his hardcore flirting mode, leaning in awkwardly close to your face. "Mongrel. Tell me your name. NOW."
- Eyes wide with shock, you reluctantly tell him your name, only for him to proclaim that you shall have his interest from now on. "Although you are a beauty, you are naught but a mongrel. If you catch my eye from now on as well, so be it!" He tries to play it cool, but is actually much more interested than he wants to let on. "Take this land for yourself. I have no need for it anymore."
-As he leaves- face beaming with joy- an ominous pit of worry pools in your stomach. You knew the rumors all to well- of how Gilgamesh was pretty tough work, relentless once interested; and the tales of all the people who he had left broken and rejected. 'I'd better pick a god and pray...'
- However, you are greatly surprised by how tame his approach is at first (let's just say that he can be quite a nuisance at times). Besides from randomly slotting the occasional gift atop your desk, and winking whenever you passed him by; Gilgamesh was pacing himself for once.
- Once you nervously asked your friends about this, they reassured you that he wasn't always quite so hardcore as he seemed. "He only pops off once he's fully invested! All the best," Your stomach churned slightly at the idea of that. The amount of expert knowledge they had on his movements were insane. Everybody treated him like a local celebrity!!
- However, all things drastically change once he crosses paths with you during Sports Ed. Bunking off yet another class deemed too banal to entertain him, he strolls through school grounds- only to catch sight of your legs trembling as you parry the horrible sports ed teacher's serves; tears dropping from your eyes- as other students watch blankly on, hoping to avoid eye contact with the situation altogether.
- Once the teacher picks his next unfortunate target, Gilgamesh is surprised to see you rush to the back; only to be taken aback by the next sight lying before him.
- Helping take care of students injured by your demonic excuse for a Sports Ed teacher, you mouth words of encouragement to them, despite clearly shaking with fear yourself. Despite being extremely shy and scared, it seemed as if you were trying desperately to support others, as well.
- "Hoh..." Now he was certainly interested. Slinking back to his private zone, Gilgamesh vows to conduct a little more research on a certain asshole Sports Ed teacher...
- Luck seems to strike the pan, for another huge encounter occurs once he bumps into you at the shoe lockers. The sun slowly sinks across the horizon; dappling the world around you in a bright orange light.
- "You've been evading me so skillfully lately, mongrel. Have my divine offerings been to your liking?" Leaning against your locker, he grins mischievously at you; red irises dancing with amusement.
- "T-the chocolates were nice...but I'm fine without any gifts. So you don't have to bring them anymore." Hugging your plastered hands to your chest, you lower your head. Now just wasn't the time, you were already drained for the day. "I have to go, sorry..."
- Now that was a surprise. Usually people would be dying for his attention, not evading him like this! However, this was exactly to Gilgamesh's liking oh my god. Leaning forwards, he's just about to attempt to set your heart aflutter with some cheesy adages until...
- The Sports Ed teacher bursts in, eyes brimming with rage. "Y/N!!! WHY ARE YOU LATE? All that talk about 'i want to protect my friends', and then you can't even come to club on time, huh? You freaking coward!" By this time, the teacher is gripping you by the arms, as scared tears drop from your eyes, expression frightened.
- Eyes narrowing with disgust, Gilgamesh stares at the events unfurling before him. His research had uncovered a great deal of trash on this teacher, who was infamous for training students way past their limits; bullying them severely for not fitting his ridiculous standards.
- Grabbing the teacher by the scruff of his neck, Gilgamesh forcefully pulls him away from your quivering figure. "How pathetic a troglodyte you are, to be treating your fellow mongrels with such disdain. " Gilgamesh all but hisses into the teacher's ears. "You leave me no choice but to punish you."
- "Punish me? Who the hell do you think you are, you bastard?! I'll suspend you for touching me!" The teacher slaps Gilgamesh's palm away, as you watch them with terror. Things were getting ugly, and fast.
- "I'm Gilgamesh. Remember the name, mongrel- especially once I've casted your meagre buttocks out of this estate." Unveiling his golden-plated phone, a horrifying gleam lights in his eyes as he reveals a huge list of the teacher's misdemeanors. "I know what pathetic things you've been up to...and about your abuse of power. Not that I'd usually care, mind you." However, the teacher had the gall to threaten you. Which basically meant that he was now dead meat?! he was gonna destroy him XD
- Worried, you step in before Gilgamesh can unleash one of his terrifying bribes upon the teacher. "W-wait, Gilgamesh!" As he turns to you-shocked that you'd address him by name, you smile. "I-I think we should have him legally fired instead...but that's just me..." That way, he'd never be able to become a teacher again.
- "Hoh, how kind-hearted of you. Well, I shall honor your rather pitiable request once." Gilgamesh shoos off the bewildered teacher, who looks confusedly between you both. "Fate has bestowed you with generous luck today; you pathetic excuse for a teacher. Depart the premises at once!"
- However, the teacher is extremely prideful; and lunges to attack Gilgamesh- flying so wildly off the mark that he legitimately crashes into the teacher's office nearby. Which alerts all of the teachers of the ensuing scuffle. Which then results in you having to bravely explain the situation...which ends up with the teacher being MIRACULOUSLY FIRED ON THE SPOT?!!!!
- It was as if this chain of events was perfectly orchestrated. As you look towards him with both a mixture of awe and fear, he heartily laughs. "Fuhahaha! Let's just say that Lady Luck favors me quite greatly." That was a lie. Gilgamesh knew much more than he was letting on.
- "Thank you." For the first time, you truly smiled at him; sunlight beaming down on your face. "For a scary tyrant, you can be really helpful sometimes." Those were not the words he was expecting to hear at all! Coughing awkwardly, Gilgamesh puts on a mask of nonchalance to avoid his burgeoning feelings. You weren't meant to say that!!!
- "Fuhn, I wasn't doing it to help you, nor the other pathetic mongrels that troglodyte was bullying. Don't get cocky, lowlife." And with that he was gone, as you waved goodbye.
romancing bit (?!!)
- Seeing as Gilgamesh is now very interested in you, he will most likely make sure to cross paths with you as often as possible; saying all sorts of cheesy and flirty things. He sits with you during break, loudly sipping wine by your side as other students look on with amazement. He also leaves letters and gifts by your desk everyday. The letters are eerily direct, proclaiming ominous things such as 'we shall wed...'
- Overall, he is overzealous and extremely headstrong in his approach, not giving you enough time to breathe. However if you tell him that you feel overwhelmed by his actions, he reconsiders them briefly...only to go over-the-top in different ways instead; hoping that you'll be pleased by his advances. I think Gilgamesh needs to learn more about self-restraint here.
- He'll probably want to take you to many places as well, and try and bowl you over with limited edition experiences; things that are beyond your wildest dreams. He's probably also going to get very serious as well by increasing the time he spends by your side considerably. Expect to see him everyday from now on, too!
- Is he the type to do a shoujo-manga style entrance to sweep you off your feet? Yes. He does helicopter landings every now and then, thrusting a bouquet at you. He also hires people to serenade you at times, much like something out of a romantic novel; and loves seeing your surprised reactions.
- He will get quite pushy at times, so it's recommended to alert him if you're not enjoying it. In his eyes, the two of you are as good as close contemporaries now.
- Exasperated, he finally decides to ask "Mongrel. What is it that you desire? Anything you shall wish for will be in your hands." He's absolutely convinced that he can do anything to win you over. However when you reply with a simple, "...I'd like some help with my studies!" as your adorable cheeks flush with determination, he sighs. There was no winning over you with conventional means. Yet, he is also spurred on by the challenge.
- "Although your response is a terribly common one, I'll oblige you." He certainly will. "With my expertise, you'll be acing all of your classes from now on!" When a color-coded, detailed guide on all of your subjects lands on your desk the next day, as Gilgamesh smiles smugly at you.
- As you flick through the pages, you see detailed notes on all the things you don't understand, and are quite shocked by the quality level of this. "T-this is amazing!" You gasp. "How did you do this?!"
- "I have my sources." He really did. "Mongrel. From now on, I shall stand by your side. Do not hesitate to call upon my assistance if need be." And with that, his word is final.
- I have a feeling that once he likes someone, he'll hold onto them quite tightly, and will do as much as he can to impress them; going out of his way to win their heart.
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patchwork-panda · 4 years ago
Thirsty... (Kunikidazai smut)
Kunikida awoke to a hand slipping under his shirt. He stirred softly as that hand slowly glided up his abdomen, flitted over the contours of his ribs and stopped only when it reached his chest. He sighed as the hand began feeling up his muscles.
“Good morning, Dazai…”
The voice that responded was bright and clear, unlike Kunikida’s, which was nothing more than a low rumble, still thick from sleep.
Clearly Dazai had been awake for some time already.
“Good morning, Kunikiiiida-kun,” Dazai chirped, still feeling up his boyfriend’s chest like it was a favorite toy he liked to play with (which it kind of was).
“I’m sorry, did I wake you up?”
He didn’t sound sorry in the least, Kunikida thought to himself with a frown.
Blearily, he reached over to grab his phone and his frown deepened into a scowl when he saw the time.
“There’s a little less than an hour before the alarm goes off,” Kunikida growled. “Go back to sleep, Dazai.”
“But I’m thirsty,” Dazai whined.
“There’s a full glass of water on your nightstand. Go drink it and go back to sleep.”
“Not that kind…”
And as Dazai’s voice dropped to a low, sultry whisper, two fingers found Kunikida’s nipple and pinched it just lightly enough to get his attention.
Kunikida stiffened.
“Dazai… we have work soon.”
“Two hours isn’t soon.” “The alarm’s going off in an hour,” Kunikida sighed, “Once it goes off, we need to shower, brush our teeth, get dressed, eat breakfast, make lunch--There’s simply not enough time--”
“Then why don’t we shower together,” Dazai pointed out, not pausing in his molestation of Kunikida’s chest, “ask Atsushi-kun to make a convenience store run for us, get lunch at Uzumaki later--”
“I will not have you bullying our junior like that,” Kunikida snapped, swatting Dazai’s hand away at last.
He rearranged his shirt and tried to shift himself in a way that Dazai couldn’t reach his chest. But with Dazai spooning him from behind like this and the man’s limbs being extraordinarily long and flexible, his efforts were proving futile.
He turned his face away as Dazai’s hand slipped back inside his shirt and began slowly slipping downwards towards his navel. His face warmed. He could feel his resolve crumbling as his body began responding to the man’s touch.
“In any case, the budget doesn’t allow for extra meal expense this month--”
“So we put it on next month’s tab…”
Dazai’s hand was traveling further south with each word.
“You’re going to get sleepy in the middle of the day,” Kunikida insisted, hating the way his breath hitched as Dazai’s hand finally found the waistband of his boxer-briefs.
A single long, thin finger dipped underneath the band and Kunikida nearly swore.
“Y-you’re going to fall asleep at your desk--or try to hog the couch in the client booth so you can take a nap--”
Kunikida swallowed, his protests sounding weaker and weaker even to his own ears.
“We simply don’t have the time --”
His sentence ended on a gasp. Dazai had found his boyfriend’s half-hard cock and was now squeezing it very, very tightly.
He shuddered as Dazai’s voice sounded low in his ear. The man’s own rock-hard erection was pressed into the small of his back like a steel pipe.
“I never said I was planning to take my time with you.”
He punctuated the statement with a bite and Kunikida hissed as Dazai’s teeth sank into his earlobe.
It wasn’t often that Dazai got like this. Just the other night, he was playing the part of a petulant child, draped all over Kunikida’s broad shoulders when the blonde was trying to read and whining about being neglected. He kept at it until Kunikida finally had enough and threw him onto the couch to give the man the kind of “attention” he wanted.
Dazai so rarely took what he wanted from Kunikida, generally preferring to be serviced or taken himself. But this morning…
Kunikida groaned as his boyfriend’s hand tightened further, almost painfully so, around his cock and began pumping.
While he didn’t get to see it very often, this side of Dazai was nice every once in a while. Kept him on his toes. Or more like his knees…
He shuddered as Dazai continued to mouth at his ear, nibbling and sucking at that sensitive bit of flesh like he was determined to leave it so red and raw that Kunikida might be forced to leave his hair down for once.
Yes, this was a reminder that while Dazai so often preferred to wear the mask of a clown in public and keep his cards close to his chest, just beneath the surface of that smiling, foolish facade was a mind so brilliant, it often seemed vicious in its cunning. And damn it if Kunikida didn’t find that hot as hell …
Another sharp nip at his badly smarting earlobe and Dazai moved on to Kunikida’s neck. The taller man shivered as Dazai swiftly brushed the long blonde hairs aside and yanked down the collar of his partner’s nightshirt to expose one sturdy well-muscled shoulder. He heard Dazai’s sharp intake of breath just before the brunette latched onto his neck.
Kunikida winced.
Indeed, Dazai could be downright sadistic when he wanted to be… How many times had he seen the man break an informant with words alone? How many times had he lobbed irritating comments in Kunikida’s direction just to see him squirm? And how many times had he tried to push Kunikida away before finally he accepted the blonde’s feelings as well as his own…?
He moaned--loudly--as Dazai found that one spot between the junction of his Kunikida’s neck and shoulder and immediately flushed as he heard--or rather, felt --the inevitable chuckle that followed immediately after.
“Mm… Kunikida-kun is getting so hard for me,” Dazai breathed, the subtle vibrations of his voice sending shivers down the taller man’s spine.
“ So hard .”
And as he spoke, Kunikida felt his body respond, his cock rising and swelling to fit the Dazai’s hand as if it knew exactly where it belonged. He bit back another moan as the hand relentlessly squeezing and pulling him grew steadily slicker from his own fluids.
“I thought you said you weren’t going to take your time with me?” Kunikida wondered aloud, gasping as Dazai’s teeth found that spot on his neck again.
“Oh, is that a request?”
Another bite.
“Am I going too slow for you, Kunikiiiiida-kunnn~?”
He gasped sharply as Dazai started pumping faster, doubling over as waves of pleasure coursed through him. Dazai’s chuckles echoed in his ear.
“There.” Dazai’s voice was low, husky, sweet.
“Is that better?”
Dazai’s fingers were squeezing him so tightly, their rhythm so steady and controlled. A stark contrast to the bites and nips that seemed to come out of nowhere and were steadily covering Kunikida’s upper body in angry red marks.
All the while, Dazai just kept pumping...
Kunikida let out another low moan.
His nightshirt had practically been torn off. He could see a couple of buttons lying on the sheets in front of him as Dazai’s free hand continued to caress his chest and abs. Pressure was building in his lower body and Kunikida’s breathing was starting to come in sharp, labored gasps.
But just when Kunikida thought he wasn’t going to last much longer, Dazai abruptly stopped. He pressed his thumb against the tip of Kunikida’s cock, squeezing just a tiny bit more liquid out of the slit, then slowly moved to rub that thumb over the head of Kunikida’s steadily dripping manhood.
His face felt hot. Why in God’s name did he sound so much like he was begging?
Dazai’s lips were soft as he pressed a kiss to Kunikida’s bite-riddled shoulder. The first kiss of the morning. His shoulders ached.
“Call me Osamu, my love.”
Another kiss. Another flick of his thumb. Kunikida moaned.
“You know you want to.”
“O-Osamu…” Kunikida gasped, burying his face completely into his pillow when he heard just how desperate he sounded.
“Mm. That’s a good man.”
And with that, Dazai took his free hand, yanked down the waistband of Kunikida’s underwear, followed shortly by his own, and carefully positioned himself against the entrance. Kunikida shot one look over his own bruised shoulder and nearly regretted it. In the weak light of early morning, the eyes of the man behind him looked pitch-black...
Dazai licked his lips.
“And you are such a good man.”
He started pushing himself in.
“ Doppo. ”
It hurt. Not a lot but it was just uncomfortable enough that Kunikida remembered Dazai hadn’t done a thing to prepare him this morning. Still, at least Dazai was giving him a chance to adjust before pushing further in and it wasn’t long until he was buried all the way inside.
Kunikida shuddered as Dazai began moving his hand--the hand that had never actually left Kunikida’s cock--again.
And then Dazai began moving as well.
A curse ripped its way out of his throat.
“ Fuck .”
Sweat beaded on his brow as Dazai’s movements slowly synchronized. The brunette’s free hand was once again ghosting up Kunikida’s chest, palming at his abdomen, feeling the way Kunikida’s muscles strained and flexed whenever he so much as took in a breath. His clothes and the thin blankets once covering them were long since gone. Strands of long blonde hair were falling into his open mouth. The light in the room was slowly growing brighter but without his glasses, Kunikida couldn’t properly see--he could only feel. And what he felt was full .
“ Fuck …!”
Dazai was hitting something deep inside him that so rarely got the attention it needed and he cursed again as Dazai bucked his hips in yet another sharp, powerful thrust.
Dazai’s voice was breathy, he was laughing or gasping or both.
He was loving this.
Kunikida had no idea where Dazai’s shirt had gone. Maybe he’d gone to sleep without it or maybe he’d taken it off while he was playing with Kunikida just minutes--or was it hours ago? He couldn’t remember. All he knew was that Dazai’s bare chest was sticking to his exposed back and he could hear skin slapping against skin in a hot, wet, lewd way that had no right sounding as loud as it did in the early hours before the sun came up.
And speaking of loud…
He had no idea he could make the kind of sounds that were echoing off the walls. The neighbors were sure to come knocking any minute-- how was Dazai forcing these kinds of noises out of his mouth?!
“You sound like you’re enjoying yourself,” Dazai panted, dark eyes glinting.
Shouldn’t I be saying that to you? Kunikida longed to say but all that came out of his mouth was another breathless moan.
Dazai laughed again. Breathier this time, less controlled. They were getting close, Kunikida could feel it. Pressure was steadily building in his cock again--enough to make him burst--and Dazai’s pace was growing oddly frenzied. Without warning, Dazai suddenly let out a shout. Heat exploded deep inside his body and with one last, final tug, Kunikida came shortly after, spilling all over Dazai’s hand and onto the bedsheets with a low, heady groan.
His energy spent, Kunikida strained to look at the man clinging tightly to his back. Brown, tousled, sweaty bangs fell against Kunikida’s reddened shoulder, the bite marks more evident than ever in the light of the steadily rising sun. He could hear Dazai still straining to catch his breath and his lips twitched upwards in a half-smile at the thought of his boyfriend spending all of what little physical stamina he had just to satisfy this one impulsive need.
He felt Dazai peel himself away and shuddered as the man slowly took out his steadily deflating rod, leaving a trail of sticky, pungent, white all over Kunikida’s backside and the short stretch of sweaty sheets between them. Mumbling something unintelligible under his breath, Dazai reached over and tugged the taller man onto his back. Kunikida grimaced; the sheets were cold and wet and were sticking unpleasantly to his backside.
He let out a long, drawn-out sigh.
“Satisfied?” he asked, turning to the brunette now happily resting a hot, flushed cheek against his broad, bare chest.
Yawning, Dazai wrapped his arms around Kunikida’s shoulders and nodded.
And as Dazai’s breathing slowly settled into a slow, steady rhythm, a small, secretive smile crossed Kunikida’s face. He pressed a kiss to Dazai’s forehead, settled his head back onto the pillows and closed his eyes.
But just as Kunikida was drifting off to sleep at last, the alarm went off.
He groaned.
Laughing, Dazai drew Kunikida a little bit closer and nestled his head a little more comfortably in the crook of his boyfriend’s neck.
“Looks like we had enough time after all.”
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openingup2u · 4 years ago
To my futur self, I want to say congrats.
Growing up as an overweight girl who's biggest bully was her mother and herself, validation, in any way, shape or form, was a must. You did not get any, ever, until HE came around. You were thirteen going on fourteen, that summer, you met HIM. HE was nice, charming, funny and gave you that validation that you were craving. HE complimented your curves, as if they were a blessing, a gift from god. While you were busy enjoying that male validation, he was using your body for his own pleasure. HE told you he loved your ass and your boobs, then proceeded to use them for his own pleasure. He told you HE loved your lips, then forced them around HIS manhood. HE asked you to give him a bj, you said you "never even had your first kiss yet". HE forcedly grabbed your neck, gave you a sloppy kiss, pushed you back on the ground and said "I gave you your first kiss, now suck me". You felt pressured and scared at the thought of losing his validation, and so you obliged. For the rest of that summer you gave him pleasure in exchange for validation. You were blinded by love and HE was getting off on manipulating you. At the end of summer, you parted ways. It took you two years to admit that you did not consent to any of it. Moving on from HIM felt like trying to swim up with rocks attached at you ankles. After two years, you called that "the worst summer" of your life. You had it wrong. That other summer came around, you were 15 going on 16. You went on a family vacation and spent a good first month making nice memories. Then THAT NIGHT came around. Your sister and mom slept next to each other, and you next to your brother. THAT NIGHT, you wore a pyjama dress and no bra, not thinking anything of it. Your brother was 17, at the time. Two AM struck and you felt a hand up your dress trying to cop a feel at your rear end. In denial, you did not move. His hand went further up and latched onto one of your boobs. Squeezed it, again and again, like it was a stress ball. No longer paralyzed, you budged so he would understand that he was waking you up. His hand jerked back, fast. You thought that was it and tried going back to sleep. Half an hour later, you felt his hand go up your skirt again, but this time directed at you private area. You could not ignore it anymore and got up. At the corner of the room, there was a couch. One that you would never be able to sit on again, not after THAT NIGHT. You stayed seatted on that couch for six hours until they would wake up. THAT NIGHT, no sound was made, no facial expression was shown, just straight tears streaming out of your  eyes uncontrollably. You can’t recall a single thought that came to you THAT NIGHT, just a blank stare directed at him for hours. You had decided to ignore it and never talk about it to anyone. Somehow, all you could think about was the repercussions your brother would have if you told anyone. You adore the relationship you and him had and were very grateful to consider him your best friend. You were set on taking that secret with you to the grave. The next day, your sister, your rock, sensed something wrong and you could keep it in. You cried in her arms for an hour trying to convinced her to not tell mom. You were crying for the wrong reasons, trying to protect the one that hurt you. She didn’t listen and went straight to mom. At the time you were mad at her, now you know that she did her job as your older sister. Your mom did not believe it at first but still took your brother to talk privately. When you saw them getting in a room together, your heart sank lower than the floor. She called you in 12 minutes later, the longest minutes of your life. The first thing you saw when you came in was you brother in tears on his knees. He came right in front of you and begged for your forgiveness. He said "As your older brother, my role is to protect you from that, and yet I'm the one who did it to you". The sight of him crying on his knees shattered your heart and in that moment, for some reason, you felt more love for him than ever. Later that day, your mom told you that, as a teenage boy, he was having a sexual dream and that he wasn’t aware of what he was doing to you. Your mom, sister and aunt all believed him, but you knew that it wasnt just a dream. You did not want to push any buttons and tried to move on. To this day, you and your brother have never brought up that subject, I doubt you ever will. The next year, you transferred schools, hoping to have a new fresh start. Sadly, your brother was popular so his name would follow you everywhere and you would just be "----- little sister". You started getting really bad anxiety problems and suicidal tendencies, all whilst keeping your joyful and social personality that everyone loved. For two years, not one of your smiles were genuine, but they didn’t need to know that. Three years later, THAT NIGHT stills follows you and let's not forget about HIM. You have trouble falling asleep at night because of your recurring nightmares. You now need to sleep with eye masks and ear plugs because the slightest movement, sound or light wakes you up and you can't fall back asleep. you still can't form real romantic relationships with anyone, and if you do, you tell them your asexual so they never feel the need to touch you where they did. At this rate, your intimate parts might stay untouched forever because even you can't touch them. They say that your body shedds into a new skin every six years, so you wait, only three years until you feel fully clean again. This year, you graduated to a new school were everyone would know you by your name and not your brother's. You have finally had the courage to open to your best friend, and you don’t feel as alone anymore. She knows but can't relate, or at least you hope she can't. You almost made it. You only have a little way to go and you will have that fresh start you always dreamed of. If you ever stumble upon this again, I hope that at that moment in time, you made it. If you did, congrats!
To my future self, I want to say congrats.
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thecreativeangel · 6 years ago
aut neca aut necare: V
Peter Parker x Fem!Reader
*Please don’t plagiarize my work, thank you :3*
Summary: Peter outright refuses to talk to you at the moment. His girlfriend, on the other hand, won’t leave you alone. 
Warnings: Abuse? Idk man everything’s going to shit
Words: 1.7k
Previous Chapter                                                          Next Chapter
“No Michelle, I can’t have her drive me to the conference!” you argued, mashing the phone into your ear. “‘Cause she’s busy, alright? I’ll have to miss this one.”
“Absolutely not,” MJ clipped back. “You already missed the last two and morale is low. Liz specifically told us morale was important before she left, I know she’s right and so do you. It’s my responsibility to-”
“To keep the team busy and happy,” you repeated for the millionth time, getting up to dump a small mountain of candy wrappers into the trash. “Yeah, yeah I know. Can you keep your voice down please? Please?”
She clicked her tongue. “Finally got yourself in detention?”
“Of course not!” you snapped, plopping back down. “Like I’d ever let myself get detention. I’ve gotta stay after to do some extra credit work for English, since my last essay was ‘bad’. ”
You could almost hear her squint through the phone. “What do you mean by...bad?”
“I don’t know,” you said miserably, staring at the folders of homework that were beginning to pile up on your desk. You rubbed the bridge of your nose before speaking. “I’m usually good at this shit, now I’m not. Fuckin’ go figure, I guess.”
“So that’s a definite no for decathlon?” MJ asked.
You hummed in response, ducking when an iPhone was thrown across the room like a football. A group of guys in the corner guffawed, but one of them had the decency to mouth “sorry”. You rolled your eyes. “I wish I could but...”
“But your mom’s too busy to drive you,” she finished dejectedly, then sighed. “Why’s she been so damn stubborn lately? Is she giving you a hard time again? My parents could talk to her if that would help.”
“No,” you said quickly. “No, no it’s fine. I can go to the next one, she promised.”
MJ was skeptical, you could tell. “Mhmm, why don’t you ride the bus with the team? It only costs a few bucks.”
“I’m busy MJ,” you deflected. Which wasn’t a total lie. The stack of due-tomorrow papers and “small” projects was growing higher with each class. And then there was the ever looming threat posed by some group of arms dealers talking to an alien (a fucking alien! Like Thor!) So yeah, you were busy. “If I get all this done by the end of the month I promise I’ll go to the next meeting.”
Michelle was quiet for a bit. “Okay. But if you leave me like Parker did last year-”
“By all means, you can kill me yourself,” two sets of footsteps entered Ms. Baker’s crowded room. You glanced up out of boredom in time to see a brunette boy whirl around, march back out of the classroom and slam the door behind him. Your heartbeat spiked sharply, blocking out what MJ was saying over the phone. Oh no…
“MJ I’ve got to be very quiet now,” you whispered urgently.
"What? Why? (YN) - "
You hung up.
Kimberly shrugged at Peter’s antics and strode the the empty teacher’s desk as if she hadn’t seen you. You kept your eyes glued to the desk as she rummaged through Ms. Baker’s files. Reaching with shaky hands for a pencil, you slid a random paper in front of you and read it all the way through, not retaining a word. Then you read it again. And again, until the soft clink of her flats on the floor started again. She was leaving.
You hadn’t realized how strong your grip was on the pencil…
Until it snapped in half.
“Wuh-” you said stupidly. “Heeey. Hello.”
Kimberly cocked her head at the desk next to you. “Can I sit down?”
“Uh…” you dropped the snapped mechanical pencil into your backpack, fully aware of the giant voice crack you just experienced. Like, a “Ned talking to cute girl” level voice crack. And dammit, you cursed at yourself. That pencil was expensive. “S-sure.”
“I was going to study here with Peter, but he pretty much refused to come inside,” your gaze darted away from her, only making her eyebrows rise farther up her forehead. “Seemed kind of mad. You guys have a fight?”
You made the mistake of looking her in the face. “No.”
“Really?” she flicked a decorative cactus pin on her bag. “So why’s he so mad at you?”
You opened your mouth and closed it, repeated this at least three times. Her eyes shone with the same repressed anger as they had when she identified you while on patrol with Spidey. That time she shot at you? Remember that fun night? Anyway, she managed to give you a deadpan stare all while adjusting the straps on her bag. “Reasons,” you answered simply.
“Okay, don’t lie,” she leaned in with a knowing look. “Something happened, and he’s been hanging out with me a ton more than you lately. Did you hurt him?”
You couldn’t look at her without imagining a loaded gun pointed at your skull so how was she talking so casually? “I...don’t have to tell you. I’m not required to tell you. Does that answer the question?”
“Nope,” she said calmly. “It makes you look like an asshole, though.”
“No offense, really, but it’s none of your business-and I don’t know what he’s told you and-”
“A lot,” Kim said. Your eye twitched.
“Well t-then you know what I d-did,” you’d begun to stutter. Badly. “So how m-much was he snitched about?”
She shrugged her shoulders and gave her (Korean? You couldn’t see from your angle) flag pin one final flick. “Well, not that much. You’re sarcastic, or so I’m told. Nice enough, but you got very violent when that one guy bullied Michelle,” she looked up from her bag. “Oh! You’re nosy.”
Your leg bounced up and down as if it were spasming. So your best friend was talking ‘bout you behind your back. Well, part of your brain blamed him, and the other part still replayed the “dead parent” exchange every night before bed. And yes, you didn’t get much sleep these days. “Peter said I’m nosy?”
“No, but you can’t seem to get off my family’s ass,” Kim scoffed. “So I just assumed. What- am I wrong?”
“Y-yes,” you cleared your throat. “Yes. Very wrong. Sorry, but I’m not the one who’s smuggling weapons.”
She glanced around her to make sure no one heard and looked back at you with stony brown eyes. The group of idiots in the corner were still loud enough to mask the conversation, a herd of girls gathered around their friend were giggling. Ms. Baker still wasn’t back.
“I don’t think you understand my circumstances, hon,” she hissed, a tense smile stretching over her features. You saw a single boy in the corner, peering at the two of you from behind a small book but he’d looked away when Kim smiled. “You think Midtown is cheap? Think my dad wants to endanger our family for the freaks who buy his shit?”
You shook you head frantically. Her story sounded all to familiar. “I wouldn’t have known if it weren’t dangerous. The guy you’re selling them to-”
“Pays well,” she clipped. “Doesn’t matter who he is or where he’s from- he pays us generously. In the long run it’s more than we could ever give back.”
“You have no idea what he’ll do with them,” you whispered fiercely. “He disappears after you talk to him and that’s just okay to you? That man-”
She laughed bitterly. “He’s not a man and you know that.”
“He- he’s…” your breathing was becoming laboured, an oncoming panic attack. “And you don’t see anything, I don’t know- wrong with that? What th-”
Kim latched onto your wrist, making the wind leave your lungs. “Did you think it was wrong to leave my mother in that building?” she asked quietly, scraping her nails down your skin. Hot tears brimmed your lower lashes and you clenched your teeth to stop the screech that bubbled in your throat. Thum-thump...thum-thump...
Still you nodded; yes.
“So you’re admitting it was a mistake on your part?” she smiled kindly. Her thumb delicately traced the protruding veins on your wrist (thum-thump!) Once again, you nodded hastily. What else were you to do, scream? And for who? The jackasses who threw someone’s phone? The bitches who were currently showing off their hickeys? The single, lonely, creepy guy and his copy of Animal Farm?
“But you still left her there,” she said sadly. The nail of her thumb pressed dangerously on your central vein, the heartbeat growing weaker and somehow louder in your head. A nauseating, throbbing pulse echoed in your ears. Thum-thump!
She dug her nail into the vein. Thum-thump! Thum-thump! Thum-thump!
“I wish it was different,” Kim murmured. You were startled by her suddenly glassy orbs. “If you’d saved her, maybe dad would’ve stopped selling those things. He used to only sell guns, y’know? But that was never enough money...”
Thum-thump! Thum-thu--
She threw your aching arm away. “Whoops- forgot about that.”
You cradled the wrist close to your chest, watching her with feral eyes and ragged breathing. Kim had the gall to pat your other arm sympathetically, ignoring the way your body flinched. “You won’t tell anyone about this, will you?” she asked, blinking innocently.
“What if I d-do?”
You’d rather drown in the Hudson than hear her answer that.
Thankfully, she never does. Kimberly’s full lips curled up in a half smile, half snarl. You don’t get an reply, though you don’t really need one. Truth was, if this “buyer” was as powerful as he seemed, there was no limit to what he could do. Kim knew this all too well. She stood up, steadied her bag on one shoulder and practically bounced away.
Her flats clicked merrily with each step.
AN: Holy fucking shit it’s been 5 months god damn shit fuck fuck sorry?
Tags: @4-a-m, @miss-glitch, @runs-with-sciss0rs, @lubrielx, @kaitlynthehuman, @b-lyn-k, @hotsocke, @therealwatermelon, @shipping-the-unsinkable-ship, @vivideley, @rosieredcheeks, @everythingthatisrandom, @mcheung0314, @spiderdudeparker, @lou-la-lou
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victimofthemusic · 8 years ago
Five Times Tony Stark Was a Good Dad (And One Time He Wasn’t)
So, I’m obsessed with the whole idea that Peter is Tony’s unofficial son and it’s only supported by Tony’s appearance in Spider-Man Homecoming, so I came up with this series, which is in the works and also posted on my AO3 account. If you like it or have any suggestions as to where I should take this, please don’t hesitate to let me know! Also, forgive any spelling errors or mistakes, I finished this at three in the morning one night and I was too lazy to go back and fix them. Enjoy!
Read Part 2 here
Tony swore when he was twelve years old that he would never be a father. He remembered that moment clearly, like it had just happened a day ago, not well over thirty years ago. He was in his room, his father still screaming in a drunken rage at his mother over something Tony did, his anger and disappointment following Tony down the hallway of their New York penthouse apartment. He remembered sitting on the cold tile floor of his room, head rest against the heavy wooden door that was doing nothing to muffle his father’s harsh words.
His father was angry, Tony had gotten kicked out of his third private school on the East Coast, the letter expulsion still clutched in his father’s harsh grasp. He wasn't sure if he had ever seen his father this furious before and Tony knew that the only thing that saved him from taking a glass full of scotch to the face was his mother’s presence in the room. Maria Stark might’ve been docile about a lot of things, but Howard taking his rage out on Tony physically, that would never fly in this house hold.
Tears of anger and embarrassment welled in Tony’s eyes and he wiped them away furiously, refusing to waste anymore energy on that man that he was forced to acknowledge as his father. No matter what Tony did, it was never enough to please Howard Stark. He made his first prototype of an arch reactor at the age of six, Howard wanted it by age five. Tony skipped three grades, Howard wanted him to skip four. Tony, despite his age, was offered a spot at MIT and if Howard had it his way? He would've been there a year ago. No matter how much Tony achieved, how many goals he surpassed, he always came up short in Howard’s eyes. Being the constant source of Howard’s disappointment and ire made Tony wonder if he would ever succeed in his father’s eyes, if his dad would ever clap him on the back and say “I’m proud of you, son.”
He wondered, some nights, when he’d lie awake in his too big bed in his too big room in his too big house, if his father had ever wanted children, had wanted Tony.
The thought crossed his mid countless of times, until it latched onto his cerebral cortex and sat there, like the worst form of cancer that had no possible cure.
And while Tony sat there, head resting tiredly against the warm wood, Howard’s voice still echoing down the long hallway, that cancer spread until it proved fatal.
He never wanted his children to feel like this.
A complete and utter failure.
Tony was self-aware enough to know that the apple didn’t fall far from the tree, that human nature was a pattern and patterns were destined to repeat themselves, without fail. Anger and rage and disappointment were the only form of affection Tony was used to getting to his father. His father was a cold man, always keeping Tony at a distance that no matter how hard he tried, Tony could never quite breach.
And Tony knew, no matter how hard he tried, he would always end up like his father.
Peter Parker came into his life unexpectedly and despite popular opinion, unplanned. He’d been keep tabs on the Spider-Kid since the kid popped up on his radar a few months ago, clad in that god awful homemade leotard/hoodie contraption and flying around Queens on his webs with all the grace of a child learning to walk for the first time. Tony never planned to actually meet the kid behind the mask or reaching out to the flying kid in his homemade costume, but when the Avengers disbanded and the only family Tony had ever known was decreasing in numbers, he needed back up.
Looking back, his intentions were purely selfish and it shamed him to admit, when he dropped the kid back off in his sketchy neighborhood in Queens with the new suit he’d made him, he never had any intention of keeping in contact with the kid.
To absolve himself from the guilt, he appointed Happy as his chaperone and threw himself into creating new legs for Rhodey, another way to attempting to soothe ache of guilt that had settled along with the shrapnel, in his battered heart.
He underestimated Peter, who was pushy and persistent and finally, after three months, Happy threw his phone at Tony and told him to call the kid. That night, Tony, with a glass of scotch in hand, filtered through the hundreds of voicemails Peter had left Happy—anecdotes of his daily patrols, everything from helping old ladies cross the street, stopping bike thieves to getting cats out of trees. Each story was told with excruciating detail, in that excited ramble the kid got whenever he was particularly enthused about something and warmth settled around Tony’s heart, fond amusement making his lips curl into his first genuine smile in months.
It took Tony another week to reach out to the kid, but he did and that’s how he found himself, in one of his more flashier cars, sitting outside of Peter’s school. He ignored the gawking, the stunned stares and the whispers of the students filtering out of the school, his eyes scanning the crowd before they landed on a familiar head of messy hair.
Peter was talking excitedly to the chubby, dark haired Asian kid by his side, who was nodding along to everything Peter said with a look of pure wonder on his face and Tony wondered briefly if his little friend knew that his BFF moonlighted as a super-hero in spandex at night.
Another kid appeared by Peter’s side and Tony watched as Peter visibly tensed and tried to skirt around the kid, but the kid threw a hand out and stopped Peter in his tracks.
The cocky grin that appeared on the kid’s face was all too familiar to Tony and before he could even second guess himself, he was out of his car and walking towards the three boys, ignoring the murmurs coming from the crowd.
“—when are you gonna stop lying about your internship with Tony Stark, Penis Parker? There’s no way someone like Tony Stark would ever take on a charity case like you—“
Peter looked up when he heard the murmuring crowd fall to a hush and his gaze landed on Tony. The amount of surprise in the kid’s features made Tony’s gut clench that in no way had to do with the greasy cheeseburger he ate on the way over here.
“M-Mr. Stark, what, uh, what are you doing here?” Peter stammered, flicking his gaze back to would be bully in front of him.
“Yeah, Parker, like I’m gonna fall for that—“
“Is there a problem here, gentlemen?” Tony interrupted, smirking in satisfaction when the kid that was giving Peter a hard time, froze, turning his disbelieving eyes on to Tony.
“Y-You-You’re Tony Stark.” He said faintly, his voice shaking.
Tony smirked, “Astute observation and you are?”
The kid gulped, his adams apple bobbing harshly, “F-Flash Thompson.”
“Makes sense,” Tony said with a nod of his head, looking the kid up and down, “I’d bully someone too, if my parents named me after the lamest superhero to ever grace the pages of a comic book, overcompensation and all that,” Tony said thoughtfully, “especially with your perceived fixation on the male genitalia. Tell me, did it take you a while to come up with something that juvenile or did you have someone equally as childish think it up for you? Because I would think someone with—and I’m assuming here, so correct me if my deductive reasoning skills are off—a high level of intelligence would come up with something a little bit more creative than ‘Penis Parker’.”
By the time Tony was done, the crowd around him was snickering and the kid in front of him looked like he wanted nothing more than the ground to open up and swallow him whole, if such things were possible.
Tony smiled, but there was nothing nice about, “Now, if I ever catch wind of you so much as looking in Peter’s direction again and trust me, kid, I’ve got my ways, I have no issue siccing my AI on all your school records and wreaking havoc on your future plans for any Ivy League schools, you reading me kid?”
Flash nodded so vigorously he resembled a bobble head, “Y-Yes, Sir.”
Tony smiled, this one much more kind than the last, “Good, I’m glad we could reach an understanding, now running along so I can talk to my intern here without your sorry excuse for cologne clouding my senses, seriously kid less is more.”
Flash tucked his proverbial tail between his legs and pushed through the crowd of people that were now openly laughing, losing interest in Tony in favor of chasing after Flash to mock him.
Tony shouldn't feel as proud as he did, but he knew what it was like to be bullied and he’d be damned if his kid—ahem, someone like Peter had to deal with someone as childish as Flash Thompson every day and it was within his power to do something about it. Like kid didn’t already have enough to deal with as it was.
He turned back to see a dumbfounded Peter and his equally as flabbergasted friend.
“That was—” Peter began, but seemed to be at a loss for words, shaking his head in disbelief.
His friend, however, didn’t seem to have that particular problem.
“—AWESOME!” His friend said excitedly, “oh man did you see Flash’s face? Dude, this is greatest thing to ever happen to me. Tony Stark just verbally assaulted Flash, Jesus dude, how is this your life? If you ever want to trade, even if it’s just for a day, I’m totally down—“
“Ned.” Peter muttered, elbowing him roughly, giving a rough jerk of his head in Tony’s direction. He flicked his apologetic gaze over to Tony, who simply rolled his eyes, but he couldn't deny the amused smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
Ned followed his gaze and flushed, “Right, sorry.”
Peter closed his eyes for a moment and Tony could see the kid physically trying to fight off his embarrassment and couldn't help but chuckle.
Peter’s eyes snapped open at the sound and the surprise and confusion from earlier was back, “Mr. Stark, what are you doing here? At my school? Is everything okay? Is there a—“ Peter glanced around in a sad attempt at nonchalance and lowered his voice to an equally as sad attempt at a whisper, “—mission?” he asked, wiggling his eyebrows in a manner that was making Tony wonder if the kid had a weird twitch he’d never noticed before.
Tony glanced over at Ned quickly, going back to his original curiosity of how much the kid actually knew about his arachnid friend here, but Ned seemed to catch on to Tony’s unasked question.
“Don’t worry Mr. Stark, sir, I’m Peter’s Guy In The Chair.” Ned answered helpfully, giving him a bright smile.
Tony glanced back over at Peter with a raised eyebrow, who simply muttered “dude” in an exasperated tone, shaking his head before returning his attention to Tony, “Ned knows.”
“Oh, well, in that case, no, there is no…mission,” Tony said in a mock whisper, making Peter flush, “I’m working on a new Iron Man suit and I need to pick your brain for some ideas on upgrades, figured I’d swing by and pick you up from school today.”
Peter’s eyes widened and Ned seemed torn between fainting or peeing himself from excitement.
“You get to touch the Iron Man suit?!” He squeaked, turning his wide-eyed gaze over to Peter, who only gave Ned a look, who bit his lip sheepishly, but looked like he was ready to explode from the level of his enthusiasm.
Peter ignored him, “I was supposed to help Ned finish the lego Death Star today, we were supposed to do it yesterday, but I uh, kinda got caught up on patrol.” Peter gave Tony a guilty shrug of his shoulders.
“So let me get this straight,” Tony said slowly, “you’re turning down quality time in my personal lab to build a lego Death Star with Ned over here?”
Peter’s eyes had lit up at the mentions of Tony’s lab, but with quick glance at a wide eyed Ned, who seemed to be stuck on the fact that Tony Stark said his name, his excitement dimmed. But Peter was loyal, almost to a fault, and nodded resolutely.
Tony, seemingly at a loss for words, just stood there, shellshocked at being told no, by a fifteen year old kid at that. A small part of Tony, the one that was actually looking forward to hanging out with the kid, was slightly hurt at the rejection.
Ned, who’d been watching the entire scene with wide eyes, was more observant than he looked and seemed to sense Peter’s indecision and Tony’s disappointment, because he gave his friend a bright smile, “Dude, we can finish the Death Star anytime and besides, my mom wanted me home tonight to help her with something, so I’m booked, raincheck?” He offered.
Peter glanced at Ned then at Tony and then back to Ned, “Um, sure Ned, no problem.”
Ned gave him a smile and then turning his attention back to Tony, his friendly smiled turned a bit more to the manic grin that most people wore in Tony’s presence, “It was really nice to meet you Mr. Stark.”
He offered Peter a fist bump, who returned it, before he started walking down the side walk, towards, what Tony assumed, was home.
Turning his attention back to the kid, he gave him a smile, “Good good, now we should probably be on our way if we want to avoid traffic. Now, as far as suit upgrades go, I was thinking of up-ing the suit’s repulsers a bit—hey, kid, you coming?” Tony asked from his position on the driver’s side, raising an eyebrow at Peter, who was still standing on the side walk. Tony followed his gaze and saw Ned still making his way down the sidewalk and chancing a glance back at Peter, who was still watching him with big, guilty eyes, he sighed.
The things I do for you, kid, Tony thought to himself.
“Hey, Ned,” Tony shouted, making the kid pause and turn around, looking to Peter, who was watching Tony with the beginnings of a smile, then back to Tony curiously, “would you like to join us? There’s plenty of room in the lab for three people.”
Even from a few yards away, Tony could see the kid’s eyes widen in surprise before he hustled his way back to an equally excited Peter, who shot him a grateful look.
“Thank you, Mr. Stark.” He said quietly, giving him a bright smile.
And Tony couldn’t help but smile back, “You’re welcome, kiddo,” eyeing a panting Ned warily, “make sure he doesn't do anything…weird, okay? I don’t mind opening my lab to him but there was something in his eyes when I was talking about the Iron Man suit that made me decidedly uncomfortable.”
Peter gave a breathy laugh, “Don’t worry, Mr. Stark, Ned’s cool.”
Ned, who had come to a slightly sweaty stop in from them, looked up at Tony with wide eyes, “Can I try on the Iron Man helmet?”
Tony spent the majority of their time in lab just watching Peter and Ned run around like kids in a candy store—picking things up, playing with the robots—DUM-E taking a special liking to Peter, who, Tony was pleased to see, treated him like a human, thanking him when he brought them water from the stocked fridge and smiling when DUM-E beeped happily in return—and played with all the gadgets laying around.
Tony, albeit wearily, let them try on one of the Iron Man helmets from one of his earlier models and explained to them how the suit worked, both of them hanging on to his every word. He showed them the blue prints for his newest model, listening to their suggestions and even writing a few them down to look into later.
Ned, Tony found out, was rather intelligent with computers. He gave him one of his old security systems and watched with genuine interest as the kid hacked into the the files with ease and recoded the entire system in a matter of minutes.
When Tony looked it over, he let out a grunt of an approval, “Nice work, kid.”
Ned all but fainted at Tony’s praise.
The hours slipped by and F.R.I.D.A.Y. being the helpful AI that she is, had ordered pizzas without Tony even having to ask and had them sent to the kitchen, alerting them when they had arrived. Tony led them up to the kitchen, watching with thinly veiled amusement as they both took in every new surrounding with the same amount of interest they had shown in the lab.
Tony continued to observe them as they tore into the pizza like they hadn't eaten in days and taking a quick glance at the clock, he realized with a flash of guilt, that they had been down in the lab for over four hours and the last time they had probably eaten something would've been well over seven or eight hours ago.
It was nice, Tony deiced, listening to their mindless chatter and what was especially nice, was seeing how at ease Peter was with his friend, looking like a true fifteen year old with his friend over to his house on a school night, like he didn’t have super powers, like he didn’t dress up in tight spandex and web his way through Queens and fight crime at night while trying to balance a normal life.
The thought nagged at Tony for the rest of dinner and as he rode silently with them in the backseat while Happy drove them all to Ned’s apartment first, who still looked like he couldn't believe today was real, thanking Tony breathlessly for the best day of his life and telling Peter he’d see him tomorrow at school.
Peter watched his friend with a small, amused smile and when they got to Peter’s apartment building, Tony glanced over at the kid, the smile still had yet to leave his face.
“Alright kid, this is your stop,” Tony said, making a move to undo his seatbelt, but the kid’s hesitant voice made him pause.
“Mr. Stark?” Peter said softly, clearing his throat, “I uh, just wanted to thank you, you know for well, everything,” the kid breathed, smiling up at him so sincerely that it made Tony’s chest ache in the best sort of way, “today was amazing and I really appreciate you inviting Ned along with us, he really looks up to you, you know? And I haven't really been able to spend much time with him since, y’know, the whole Spider-Man thing.”
The kid paused before continuing on in a softer voice, “And about Flash, I really, really don’t know how to thank you for that,” he rubbed the back of his neck, clearly embarrassed, “it’s kind of funny, in a way, I’m a sort of super-hero and I can’t even stand up to a bully—“
Tony’s heart squeezed painfully in his chest at the kid’s self-deprecation, “Look, kid, I’m no stranger to bullies,” he began, sighing heavily, “I had my fair share of them when I was in school and even in college. I learned that while you may no be able to physically fight someone, you can always fight them with words and sometimes, words can hurt more than your fists. All I did was give that Flash kid a taste of his own medicine and hopefully, got him off your case.”
Peter was silent for a moment, considering Tony’s words before giving him another appreciative smile, “I don’t think Flash will be messing with me anytime soon, but still, thank you,” Peter’s smile turned shy, “you’re the first adult, other than May, to stand up for me and I really appreciate it, so thank you, Mr. Stark.”
“Call me Tony,” Tony offered after a beat of silence, unsure of how to respond to such a statement.
Whatever he was trying to say, the kid got, because he smiled brightly and Tony, suddenly feeling awkward at the unusual sentimental moment, busied himself with unbuckling his seatbelt, ignoring the warmth in his chest.
He reached around the kid to open the door for him and Peter, rather than getting out, just like last time, he reached up and wrapped his arms around Tony, thinking he was hugging him
“This um, wasn't a hug,” Tony began awkwardly, “I’m just getting the door for you.”
However, before the kid could pull away, Tony wrapped his arms around him and gave him a quick, but firm squeeze.
Peter gave him another smile before wishing Tony and Happy a goodnight,  getting out of the car and making his way up towards his apartment. Tony debated on his next move, mulling it over quickly and before the kid could get too far, he found himself making a snap decision and rolling down he window.
“Hey, Underoos,” Tony started, slightly unsure when the kid turned around and looked at Tony with hopeful eyes.
“Same time, same place tomorrow?” He said after a moment of silence, the kid’s answering grin melting away any self doubt before it could begin.
“Sure Mr.Stark—Tony,” Peter stuttered excitedly, “sounds great!”
Tony watched the kid go with a satisfied smiled, so caught up in his happy little pseudo-family moment that he almost didn’t hear his phone ring.
Not even bothering to glance at the caller I.D., he answered it with a smooth, “Stark.”
“Tony?! What the hell we’re you thinking going to a school and threatening a minor, A MINOR—“
Should I continue? Please let me know :)
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ecotone99 · 5 years ago
[SP] Survive Chapter 1, Left without.
"Hey Sam! You're here," Amy yelled out with excitement across the surprisingly not so crowded airport as she saw me wander in. I feel miserable, it's too early to be awake.
"What made you change your mind about coming?" she asked me with an enormous smile on her face, her emerald coloured eyes light up with joy.
I don't really want to go to Fiji, it looks appealing and I'm sure it will be. I've decided to go because the only people I enjoy the company of are going and high school has just ended so if I didn't join my friends here I would be at home loafing around, rotting like a carcass.
"I couldn't just stay at home, you wouldn't stop worrying about me. I thought why not Fiji can be fun," I say, replying to her smile with one of my own.
"You're right! It will be!" she is overly excited about this trip.
"What about Derek?" her mood seemed to change because she knew this isn't something I like to talk about.
Derek is my younger brother and he is extremely unwell, we live with my grandparents who practically made me go on this trip rather than spend my holidays at home all the time lonely. About a year ago our parents were in an accident and passed away. Ever since we have resided with our grandparents.
"Derek is fine, Nan and Pop have everything they need, and they wanted me to come," I say to her, still smiling.
"But I could leave if you want? I'm sure my tax--" I was joking when she punched me decisively.
"Shut up! Derek is like a brother to me, I love him as if he was my family too. I am allowed to worry!" exclaims Amy as she takes my hand and walks away, forcing me away with her.
"Anyway hurry up we need to board soon!"
"Are Matt and Annie here yet?" I ask. Amy just looks at me and loses her beaming grin. I know that means yes. They are here.
"Great! They hate me. I hate them. I don't know why you are friends with them." I say tensely. Matt from a young age has always bullied me and stolen my belongings. Annie grew up with Amy and recently they have been growing apart, Amy hates Matt. Ever since Annie began dating Matt she has become a cruel and difficult person to be around, especially if you don't agree with her.
We meet up with everyone at the waiting lounge. My best friend Kyle is here with his girlfriend Tracy, I say my hellos and that includes a hello to Matt and Annie.
"Hey, where's your girlfriend?" I turn to him and scratch my nose effortlessly. "Oh there she is! Hiding behind your back! Nice to see you again." He grabs my cold hand and shakes it firmly. I turn my head and just walk away; he laughs half-heartedly to himself. Annie exchanged a hello, but didn't look too overly joyed to see me; she just tightly latched onto Matt's bulky arm.
We all boarded the plane together, Matt shoving briskly through everyone to be with Amy.
"Hey, excited?" I heard faintly as he finally reached Amy. Matt's always had a thing for Amy, that's why he is with Annie. She wants nothing to do with him. Annie is just the closest he can get to Amy. Completely oblivious Annie continues strolling forward lifelessly like a zombie on her expensive brand new phone.
We sat down eagerly in our worn out seats, Amy next to me, Kyle and Tracy in front, Matt and Annie a few rows behind us.
"I barely got any sleep last night, I'm going to sleep now," I alert Amy.
"Neither did I, I'll have a rest too, Sweet dreams," Amy yawns tirelessly and softly puts her head on my shoulder and begins to fall asleep. I close my eyes and fall asleep instantly for about an hour or so then I awake to some turbulence.
"Shit, what was that?" I ask in a less than manly way.
"Calm down you wuss, it's just some turbulence. Go back to sleep," Amy's attempt at comforting me was not working at all.
"Thanks for inviting me, I really needed to get out of the house," I say trying to brew up some conversation.
"No worries, I didn't want to be stuck here with Matt, I know he has Annie but he is way too obvious with his intentions towards me. He doesn't get it... I'm not interested," Amy says firmly.
"Now, Sam...," Amy yawns again. "I am tired. Be quiet or I'll make you." I chuckle at Amy's threat. She goes back to sleep and so do I.
"Oh my God what was that?" asked Amy who just awoke to the deafening bang we heard from the front of the plane. A man starts speaking over the telecom.
"This is your new captain speaking, your old captain has given my shoes a new red coating...," another man interrupts him.
"Dude, he's dead. Just say that! Or say nothing," the man scowls at his friend.
"Shut up and go get the passengers!"
"Whatever..." There is silence followed by another gunshot. A man covered in blood comes running into our aisle. He was lanky, wearing a suit and wielding a handgun. His face concealed by a monkey mask.
"Does anyone know how to fly a plane?" he is very agitated.
"Shit. Shit! Everyone stay in your seats! If you run I will shoot!" a brawny woman a few rows ahead of me gets up and runs away up the aisle.
Her body drops right in front of Amy.
"What did I just say?! You move, you die. I wasn't lying!" he looks out the window. "Okay, this is close enough." the masked man runs swiftly up the aisle.
"Amy, are you okay?" She is frozen with shock but manages to speak.
"I've never seen a real dead body before," She turns to me and buries her faces in my shoulder.
The plane begins nose diving and everyone starts to freak out. The hijacker runs straight past our seat, he throws his gun to the ground then reaches the emergency exit. He throws on a parachute and jumps.
"Sam! What do we do? I'm scared!" Amy sounds horrified and so am I! I peer out my window and see the ocean surface quickly approaching.
"Amy! Buckle in! We're about to hit the water!" Just before we hit the back half of the plane flies off. I don't have enough time to buckle myself in.
Everything was blurry once we hit the water; I turn to my left and see Kyle's face, a fork impaled halfway through his eye. Where's Amy? I get out of my seat and see Amy stuck between Kyle's seat and hers. She's panicking and can't break free. I'm trying to help her but she can't break free from between the two seats. Amy grabs a hold of my hand holding, the fear in her eyes is clear. She knows she can't survive much longer.
She starts pointing frantically to the nearby pistol that the hijacker threw down. I grab it and handed it to her. She passed me a life jacket. Amy grabs silver her necklace off and rips if off, places it in my hand, she mouthed to me goodbye. Amy pulls the string to my lifejacket. Looking down, all I see is the plane sink.
Suddenly greeted with cool fresh air, I swim desperately to a nearby island. Just swimming not thinking about what just happened with my best friends. Reaching shore and collapsing. Laying there and stare up aimlessly into the cloudless sky everything becomes reality. Amy is gone... Kyle is gone... Who do I have left? Turning to my left I see more people arriving on shore. I see Matt... and Annie. Looking up again. I can't handle it. Tears form in my eyes. It feels like an anchor has been lowered onto my chest, I couldn't get up if I tried.
submitted by /u/KaneCarnage [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2T0R2VL
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