#i was an 11 year old writer too I'm just trying to help bc you guys have great ideas
fluegelhorn · 4 days
Just a few fanfic commandments for things that literally drove me up the actual wall lately.
* Please, please, PLEASE, do not say would of or should of, it's would've, should've, could've, etc. Use common sense people.
* Don't spend half a chapter explaining in painful detail a scene exactly how it occurred in the source material unless you have a change, or a twist or literally anything to add whatsoever. You can refer to the event, just please expect your reader to have already watched the damn show.
*Saying the blue haired mage, or the bluenette, or pinkette, or just primarily replacing she or him with a description of their hair color makes me want to break my phone when I see it in every other paragraph. Classic pronouns literally never hurt anybody ever unless you refuse to use their names.
*Make sure that your adverbs are actual real words before using them 🙏🏻 I beg of you.
* Saying "a certain someone" Instead of their name really isn't as clever as you think it is.
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20 questions for fic writers
tagged by my beloved @zukkaoru & @lesmiserablol <333
tagging (with no pressure): @beachytablecloth, @fabro-de-omres, & @milf-harrington (so sorry if you've already been tagged!)
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
69 which... is honestly more than i was expecting? i think it helps that my goal is to post a fic once a month mostly bc that's my motivation to keep writing even when i'm busy/stressed!
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
396,183 - omg i am SO CLOSE to 400k ahhhhhhhhh
3. what fandoms do you write for?
uhhhhhhh many??? right now, it's a lot of bsd/bnha, but it's always a plethora of things, haha! my first was prolly ninjago tbh
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
hey, little songbird, give me a song
you never quite say (but i hear)
lost in love and lost in feelings
Deeper Than Words
for a new world to begin, the old one must fall
okay the #1 for that is honestly so real that is one of my absolute favorite things i've written EVER lol, same with #2! the rest are... idk #4 is AWFUL - like one of my first atla fics and also my first time writing a ts fic (i have gotten SO MUCH BETTER AT IT NOW)
*note: i started this in like nov or early dec, and #5 changed! it was the zukka goose fic but now it's actually one of my favorites iugytfyhujiko
5. do you respond to comments
i used to be good at it. then i got stressed bc of school. and then i was suddenly like "uhhhh idk How to respond???" i think the thing that got me was i didn't know how to reply to the distressed comments on my sokka falling fic so i just. accidentally stopped.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
oh here in the garden (let's play a game) 100% rip to sokka sorry babes ilysm hate to do it to ya, love the angst tho <333 rip to everyone who missed the major character death tag lol. well... that or a spring and summer song, too brief rip to geto in the +1 oops... oh shoot... it could also be take me where my soul can run... hm...
7. what is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
this was hard, but imma go with i was a child and she was a child bc it's based on one of my favorite childhood memories! rip to zuko and his ice cream tho :/ but azula is VIBING the whole time oiuygfcgyhuij
8. do you get hate on fics?
not really? i did once have someone try to correct me and say that i wrote sokka with ocd instead of tourette's but it was in the bookmarks and it made me laugh lol. i also got this comment on my kubokai kaidou with ts fic: ".. the self projection is heavy in this one ... -_-" so idk if that counts lol
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
nope :)
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
uhhhh not really? i wrote ninjago equestria girls crossover oneshot in middle school but i never finished it and it SUCKED lol
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of?
12. what's the longest you've spent working on a fic? and the shortest?
uhhh i wrote a 7,600 word fic in three hours while i had covid? that's prolly the shortest? i count that as shorter than anything i may have finished faster bc i had covid lol but longest? ummmm over a year? multiple years? idkkkkkk the jay with ts fic i posted was something i wrote in 2019 and i edited it (a lot) and posted it in 2022 so??? that maybe?
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
uhhh i did with friends in middle/high school, but those never left the docs! also grace and i have. very many much so aus lol
14. what's your all-time favorite ship? from all fandoms?
RARIJACK!!! it was one of my first hardcore ships, and also was my introduction to queer ships!!! renga is a close second, but rarijack just is really important and special to me for sentimental reasons that put it above renga and others! i am also on a seroroki kick right now. it's not my all-time favorite, but the brain rot seems never ending right now lol
15. what's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
GOD SO MANY i have a folder in gdocs just for ninjago fics and there are folders within the folder for different types of wips i'll never finish - i have That many: "no substance", "baby girls", "drafts"... etc...
16. what are your writing strengths?
uhhhhhhhhhh ngl i'm in a place right now where i feel like the answer is Nothing (writer's block has been Bad recently), but i think something i'm good at in a very specific way is making readers feel the discomfort of characters? like idk i've been told that the way i write ts and tics (specifically tic attacks) makes the readers feel uncomfortable in like a "wow i didn't know it felt this way" kind of way??? i like to think i'm good at characterization??? idkkkk
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
ummm setting and scenery & connecting parts of a story, especially if they're parts that i'm stuck on/transitions are prolly my biggest ones???
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i mean go for it as long as it's respectful and like... you tried making sure it's accurate?
19. first fandom you wrote for?
uhh rainbow fairy/a-z mysteries... but that was like very briefly on paper. first time like... for Realsies was ninjago
20. favorite fic you've written?
oh 100% hey, little songbird, give me a song. it's just really special to me and writing it helped me cope with a new tic i had. but one that i wrote more recently is fantasies i'm not sure that i'm worthy of which is a ritsu-centric fic and is prolly tied as my favorite fic i wrote in 2023. the other one would be sun comes streaming through the window (& i can't sleep anymore) which is my 21k word kenji-centric fic lol but that one is like... i'm more proud of it than anything, which is what puts it up there.
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aeivyen · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by: @noodyl-blasstal thanks so much for thinking of me! Tagging: @the-barista-district
1. How many works do you have on A03?
I have only the one on AO3, I just started my account there not too long ago
2. What's your total A03 word count?
My wordcount is 78,284! It's one of the longest fics I've written in a long while
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Nowadays it's pretty much TAZ all the way down, but there's some old stuff I have on this blog that's WTNV adjacent and a couple things for The Arcana mobile game (playing in the setting with OCs, as is a preference of mine in general). I haven't locked up the deep archives of Marvel and Ranger's Apprentice and fuckin' Leverage, but I'm not gonna help you find them either
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The only one I have on AO3 is Virtue and Vice, but the most popular fic I can find on here is Firelight and Beach Nights 1 & 2
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I love to respond to comments when I get them! I find them very encouraging and I will talk your ear off (or type your eyes off? is that a good perversion of that phrase? lol) about my Thoughts if you let me
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't know that I really have any with angsty endings? Most of my angsty ones are the ones I wrote alongside my rp with @the-barista-district as tie on/lead ins to that storyline
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Virtue and Vice has an ending that I'm really proud of, I feel like I managed to go full-circle on their story and end with a lot of potential and hope for the future. It's a story that became about growing up and choosing your family and who you want to be, and I lived in it for a year.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have not and would cry (then delete the comment, bc fuck'em) if I did
9. Do you write smut?
I have written smut, yes. The stuff that's publicly posted is not my best (many years old now) and I won't link it, but it's all appropriately tagged #fanfic and #nsfw if you want to go searching (why?)
10. Do you write crossovers?
It has never occurred to me to do so. I'm generally more comfortable doing OC insert fic (with the exception of some TAZ stuff. Rping has helped me to figure out Kravitz so I'll write him sometimes) and I wouldn't know how to go about a crossover in that sort of niche
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I'm aware
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
*shakes magic 8 ball* Signs point to no
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I haven't, but I've rped a bunch and I feel like that's similar in some aspects I guess. Just, yanno, not really a finished fic out of it
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Taakitz is the one I gravitate towards, though I can also be persuaded by a Taagnus and a Blupjeans
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I've got a Taakitz fic on the back burner where Krav is a ghost but there's a time-recursion aspect and he thinks he's the one being haunted for a bit. I'd like to finish that but my brain has decided I'm doing something else (it's a fun something else)(still debating if I'll post)
16. What are your writing strengths?
I enjoy the characters and relationships that I build. Some are stronger than others, but I feel like I can generally get to a point where they're believable, and different dynamics can shine through. I love to get bogged down in the "where's the difference between what they're willing to say/do, and what they're actually trying to communicate", "how do they feel and how do they think they feel"
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I have to agree with Noodyl here and say that tense is hard, POV is difficult (staying as close as I want the narration to feel is the part that gets me more than head-hopping). Getting into established characters is especially difficult (hense, OCs)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I think it can be cool and have considered many times adding Spanish to things, pero no hablo ni escribo mucho en español (heh)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
One of my earliest is from the Ranger's Apprentice by John Flanagan, hidden deep in the archives of redacted where I shall not link the general public
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
There's been a lot of stories I love and a lot I've lived in over the years, even from the before tumblr times. Especially from those times. I'm just going to say Virtue and Vice again bc it's recent and I love it and I'm not linking to anything from my teenage years bc yeeesh
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skittidyne · 2 years
12 and 18 for the writer ask meme?
12. Is there a trope you haven’t written yet but really want to?
i suppose there's a couple, but overall i've hit most of my targets! i do want to write sloppy drunk sex, if that counts as a trope? and i'd love to try my hand at a royalty type type that has ladies in it (shoves blood will have blood under the bed) so i can have fun with the devotion of ladies in waiting...
18. What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene.
(uh. pedestal spoilers ahead. a fic that is 11 years old...)
throughout the ENTIRE fic, there was the warning of the dark-haired monster, and later on, we had nick's famous black hoodie. (separate things, but related in what i pulled off - bear with me!) pedestal was sparse on physical description, but what we did know: that nick wore a black hoodie, that nick had black hair, that the narrator looked like his little brother, and that lola dressed like a goth and had black hair.
this was set up in the 10s-20s of a 160 chapter fic.
fast forward to after nick goes evil - we catch a handful of incriminating glimpses of a figure in a black hoodie. the narrator is repeatedly warned about the dark-haired monster, too. the narrator, and the readers, assume these to be the same person*.
cue the finale.
lola is the figure in the black hoodie; she's one of the big bads. seriously, that reveal - the foreshadowing of a GOTH TRAINER but everyone was sooooo focused on nick, readers and narrator a like - still fills me with golden light. i can't 100% say with certainty that it was planned from the beginning, since pedestal was written so long ago and had zero outline for most of the fic, but i am good at accidental foreshadowing like that. or maybe my subconscious hoards details like that to pop up in my conscious mind later. i don't know how it works, but i love it!
it didn't get as much reader attention, but at the very end, des (pedestal), the narrator's starter, watching the approaching moral event horizon - i'll just put an excerpt here.
"You are going to stop the dark-haired monster?" Des questioned, voice low and even more frightening.
I looked back down at Lola. Pitch black hair, always had that dark of hair. She had been behind this all. She had twisted Nick, put him up on the white thing's pedestal just to help him fall again. He had died because of her. "I am."
"No." Des shook his head and took a step towards me. He reopened his eyes and they were hard. Resigned. "I am."
"...What?" No. I wasn't going to let him do that—but in my surprise, he had taken a couple more steps towards us, until he was so close I could have reached out to touch him.
I started forward, intent on wrestling him back if I had to, but he told me simply, "My color eyesight is not very good."
I paused, set back by his bizarre and random statement.
Des turned on me and physically pushed me out of the way, placing himself between Lola and I. "To me, your hair looks as dark as hers. I will not permit you to do this, Trainer. Not to her, not to anyone. Can't you see what she is trying to do?"
as i said, it didn't get as much reader attention, but given the comparison with nick's brother (and a very lively art community, so there were canon character designs), the narrator could've been the dark-haired monster, too. not black hair, but dark brown - and what does it matter to a starter pokemon?
i'm still very proud of pedestal, and those plot twists are still high up on my heart pedestal of Written Things To Be Proud Of
[ask me more things here!]
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bennifits · 2 years
Welcome to another round of "Benn watched a show they haven't watched in a while and now she can't stop inserting herself for comfort" game.
Anyone can use these btw!!! Just let me know and once you're done, tag me! i wanna read your shit!!! LET ME LIVE THROUGH YOU
As with Daryl Dixon's one, i'll add as i go.
note: okay so with the doctor i mainly think of them as my dad, big bro or big sister bc that's how i grew up with them so none of this is romance to me unless specified that's just me
also, spoilers, obviously
also mainly just been watching 12 (since i grew up with 11 and seen his shit like 5 times so catching up on 12's stuff making sure i know everything) like i said these are mainly just prompts so spice things up if you want!
Let's get into it
* - romance (usually this just indicates if it can just be interpreted as friends but,,, all this is platonic so)
/ - Done! (check masterlist)
12th Doctor ideas n stuff
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- You convince him to go to a concert that you missed a couple of years back. First he tries to act serious but by the end of the night he's somehow with you in a mosh pit
- You work at a petrol station (idk i work at one and it can get dull asf) and it's a super slow and quiet night as you're cleaning the place and all of a sudden the doctor shows up in your storage room
- On one of your travels with the doctor you get seperated. Meeting a really nice archaeologist lady who helps you on your journey back to find him (i'm just a slut for river you have no fucking idea how much i love this woman she's my mum)
- you kinda have long hair, long enough to always tie it up on your adventures with the doctor because it tends to get in the way when it’s loose and it’s more practical that way. There was a moment today where the bad guys grabbed you by the hair to get you, to get to the doctor. It was the closest you had ever been to dying under his ‘watch’, but it wasn’t dying that scared you, it was his face when you were so close to doing so. So afterwards, you tentatively ask him to cut your hair, so that he wouldn’t get that scared again.
- Missy wants to go out. She says that she needs to see someone, of course, the gang tags along. Who knew that she had her own ‘companion’ she cared for? Definitely not the Doctor. Turns out, the both of you have had quite the time together (more Missy centric bc I think her surprising everyone with her own form of ‘companion’ would be funny. The universe hasn’t been kind to you both so you both bonded over that)
- you and the doctor swap memories by accident. It’s a bit… overwhelming for you to say the least.
- you lose all your memories by accident. Waking up in a clean blank slate not knowing who you are or where the hell you are oooo lights! The old man seems upset about it though…
- the doctor helps people, somehow an alien has taken your ability to write stuff giving you the ultimate writer's block so you start travelling with him because it's kind of his fault.
- guitar jam sesh, mainly trying to one up each other with different riffs
- the doctor has always remained calm and cool, too cool. to the point where he's listening to one your songs in the TARDIS, you walk in and catch him and shenanigans ensue
Face the raven + following episode/s (I have a lot of feelings):
- You beg Clara to give you the count down, she doesn't.
- After Clara's death and the Doctor disappearing, you and rigsy try to return to normal life, him his family and you... no one. Those two were the only people you had left in this world. You know they would have wanted you to carry on, so you do until a few years later. (two outcomes to this my brain is wild i know)
1. You discover that he's lecturing at a university years later (or whatever time has passed). You're devastated, i mean, you're glad he's okay and alive, you know he knows what's best and probably thinks of you as someone who will die like clara if he came back. But you cannot help but feel the strong abandonment that comes with it. It's only accidental that you two stumble into each other during a time of crisis.
2. You discover that he's lecturing at a university years later (or whatever time has passed). You're angry, pissed. Not even a postcard? or a heads up that he's okay? what happened? So you do the most rational thing, get in your car, go to the university and kick down the door to his office demanding an explanation. (If Bill is there it'd be really fuckin funny if you think about it like "Yo wtf is going on???")
3. Ashielda or 'Me' is kind enough to use that device on you. She recognises your pain of being lonely and helps you. You become her official right hand and stay with her until the entire of the universe as her loyal friend and companion, it's there you face the Doctor one last time.
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what i got from the nationality roulette is that you're not american, but i would've never guessed that from your writing. do you have any tips on how to broaden your english vocabulary if you're not in school anymore?
I will go ahed and say thank you for believing I was native in English, but I want to move on quickly to the most important part of your ask, nonnie. (Just bc this got so long I'm gonna continue beneath the cut)
My tips will be centered about things that have worked for me and that I experience are general things that may help you more than school. For example, amongst all subjects in school, in Sweden there are three, as we call them "primary subjects", you need to pass (at least when you're above grade 5 aka 11 years old) to be moved up a grade and in the end also get your High School diploma to be able to apply to UNI/Collage. These subjects are math, Swedish and English. I started like learning learning English in school when I was 5 and passed each of these English levels with good grades. However, I wouldn't say my biggest development happened thanks to school, but everything I did outside. I was interested and that's where I want come with this.
A good way to start is purely to have interest, in not only broaden your vocabulary within English, but to get better at the language as a whole.
In my sense, to broaden your vocabulary you can't purely focus on, for example, to write or read all the time. Of course, this helps to a certain extent because you expose yourself to more literature where you have the opportunity to learn new things/words. But my tip would still be to be open about discovering and learning from all aspects of the language.
If you watch movies, do it without the subtitles and if you still want/need them, put them on English. If you're like me and watch Youtube and all that stuff, find people you like that's native in English and follow them. When you read, don't only do that on Tumblr or other "creative and leisure" platforms. The language, no matter which, will have a different tone compared to those of books, news-articles etc. I know this is so basic and essentially boring, but I've noticed how big of difference it makes.
Despite English is wide-spread in Sweden and used on multiple occasions, news-outlets doesn't present in English, nor are articles written in English all that often. You can hear people speak in English to their friends or family despite Swedish is their mother-tongue, but all of this is usually done in a fun way, like phrases or citations of someone. What I'm trying to say, nonnie, is that you need to actively expose yourself to media that's in English and the simplest way of doing that is through your media consumption. Bc, you won't forget your native language, it surrounds you in your every-day life.
And to throw in a last tip that is a much more direct way of broadening your vocabulary, a dictionary/Thesaurus, I can't stress how much this can help.
I don't know if you're a writer or not nonnie, but I'm not afraid to admit that I ALWAYS have a dictionary and/or Thesaurus tab open on my computer. Hence, the biggest difference between a native English speaker and myself (despite viewing myself as fluent), is that when they get tired or runs out of inspiration, their writing will still be more fleshed out than mine. They don't revert to the same kind of sentence structure, word choices or phrasing and all that jazz as I may. To have that dictionary to be able to just see different words when you think you've used a certain one a few too many times indirectly makes you learn/remember more words.
Think about how many times you may have needed to search for a word you know how it should sound in English but then isn't the correct translation from your native language and what you want to portray/reflect. Every word you inspect and turn down in search of the correct one is a word more you've seen and have the potential of remembering.
Sorry this turned into a bible nonnie, my thoughts just kinda ran away whilst writing😅
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h2ojustaddmako · 5 years
My Thoughts After Re-Watching Season 2
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Hiya everybody. Sorry for the long times between posts. Working two jobs and keeping a social life, while also trying to sleep, eat healthy and get hydrated is taking a toll on this account. Bright side is, that because of the whole Corona situation, I might spend a lot of time home soon. So head-up, another headcanon/theory is coming this week, but just to break the hiatus, I decided to write today.
Every now and then, I decide to re-watch one of the three seasons of the show, just so I could have something to fill my time. So, recently I decided to watch season 2 again, and, as I like, pick up on some details, ideas or thoughts I didn’t get during previous binges. I’ve watched this season, like the others, around four or five times now since release, maybe more - and yet I’m still genuinely surprised at the things I notice or realize every time. So I figured I might turn it into a list of the good, the bad, and the plain interesting.
This list is in no particular order, I just write my thoughts as they go.
1. I am still BLOWN AWAY by how good the writing is on this show. It may not be an Oscar-winning script, but for a teen show of the early 2000′s it’s amazingly deep and well thought of, from every angle. That what makes my theories so fun to make, because they planted so much information throughout the shows that I genuinely enjoy picking out details and information from it.
2. To go into more depth, I really enjoyed all the different storylines they brought in throughout the 26 episodes. Look, twenty-six episodes is a lot for a TV series. Most shows release around 10, since long storylines are hard to follow and are easy to get messy. But while they added so many side stories (Max and the original mermaids, Ash and Emma, Cleo and Lewis’ breakup and Charlotte getting in between),. each of these stories merged with the main plot so well, and actually added depth to the story, making it more complicated for the characters, and more interactive for the viewer.
3. While the main focus for the season was the Cleo-Lewis-Charlotte  relationship, both Emma and Rikki had their romantic paths taken as well. But unlike season 1, where the couples fought for screen time, this time those relationships were put to the side in favour of the main plot, which made them more slow-paced and interesting to watch. I enjoyed the fact that Emma and Ash stayed in the dark throughout the entire season, and that Zane only appeared when he was needed. Both are good characters, but not needed every time.
4. On the other hand, Cleo and Lewis’ relationship was handled very maturely all through the season. From when they dated, through the post-breakup, and all the way to managing being friends, the relationship was very well looked into and explored.
5. Might be a side thing, but I loved that Ash was actually figuring out something was off about Emma. One of my favourite lines by him was, “You realize none of this is natural. But you already knew that.” (Ep. 26) Mostly in shows like these, the character either never questions the weird occurrences around them, or the curiosity fuel the storyline (like Zane in season 1). The writer really wrote out of pure logic and not out of plot requirements, and I dig that little detail.
6. This one is felt throughout the entire show, but was most dominant during this one. The show is not about mermaids at all. This is written as a show about three girls and their coming of age process, and the things they have to deal with, one of them being turned into mermaids. But it’s far from being the only problem these girls have, and it’s showing when some episodes really struggle to squeeze in scenes of the girls in their tails for pure rating, even when the plot is not in need of any mermaid action. The girls have a very full and normal lifestyle aside from being mermaids. They go out, go shopping, have other friends, work, study and fail, deal with personal issues at home or with partners. The tails are just another part of their lives and I love it.
7. Episode 23 is a turning point for Charlotte’s character arch. I’ve spoken greatly before about how I feel like Charlotte is seen in our minds as the “bad guy” while she was a nice character most of her time on the show. And she was! Up until episode 23 when was never trying to hurt the girls. She may have acted out of jealousy before towards Cleo, but she was insecure and worried about her boyfriend. What should she think when her boyfriend spends a whole lot of time with his ex and fails to explain to her exactly why? The show did a great job showing the point of both sides in the argument between the girls and Charlotte, and showed the entire process of how their relationship turned into what it was.  A lot of ego, assumptions, and false worries, and a lot of unfortunate events. Episode 23 was really a turning point because that’s where both sides of the fight were really right in different ways, things that led Charlotte to want to go on her own, and the girls to stay away from her. Charlotte acted the way she did because she felt like the girls were treating her badly (which she was wrong about sometimes, but they too hold the blame, mostly Rikki). From episode 24 and on, she started acting as the “bad guy” the show built her to be, and even then I can see her side. But enough on that.
8. Lewis is hot. Idk what’s up with Charlotte’s eyebrows.
9. One thing that feels off every time is how quickly Lewis started dating Charlotte. I don’t blame a guy for moving on quickly, I do find it weird that during the post-breakup from Cleo, he not only protected Cleo’s respect and jealousy by not flirting with any other girl, but also didn’t really seem like he was into Charlotte at all. She was a good friend at the beginning, then Cleo got in the middle, and for some reason, Charlotte did her best to rub it in Cleo’s face that she wants Lewis. But he never, for once, showed interest back until Cleo gave him permission to move on, and all of a sudden they’re dating. What I'm saying is that Lewis never seemed to like Charlotte romantically, like she liked him. So that was weird, they just never felt right together.
10. The reason Charlotte mastered her powers so quickly, at least in my eyes, is because that a) she had the girls to explain her at least the basics, and b) she didn’t put herself into a box of ‘this is what I was given’, bc she wanted to be better than Cleo at every cost. Her will power helped her master her powers. While the girls dealt with learning their boundaries and abilities and adjusting into the new life they got, Charlotte learned about mermaids before her transformation and knew what she was getting into.
11. The show never shied away from real-life issues, that may be considered inappropriate or harsh to the audiences the show is targeted at. Handling with divorce (and the outcomes of it!) and parents starting dating again (true story, Cleo’s way to handle with Sam’s introduction into her father’s life helped me cope when my mother started dating men a couple of years ago), while also showing signs of LGBT references (Nate mentioned people think Lewis is gay, in other words) or even sexual harassment and consent (both when Rikki was mad at Zane for kissing her against her will, and when Ash’s apology to Emma when he believed Lewis thought he was trying to have sex with her/spy on her showering, which to remind y’all, she was 16 while he was 18). It’s so brief I never noticed it before, but once I did, it was hard to miss.
12. And lastly, I just love how this show treats science. So much real life and true scientific information is included in the lines of the story, mainly by Lewis, but also by other characters like Will, Cleo, Lowrey, Max and Dr. Denman. When they wrote the entire base to what mermaids are and how they exist, they didn’t care it was a show for goddamn 9-year-olds, and that what makes it so interesting. If you’re not into science, let me tell you that every scientific blurb or word you hear on the show is 100%% real and makes sense within its context. From talking about marine biology, to referring to mermaids groups ‘pods’ (which is a group of marine mammals in scientific terms), to the science of “magic” and mermaids as a whole, the show knows what it’s doing is within the realms of possibility from a scientific point of view, meaning none of it is real, but it could be, in another life.
Anyways, if you have anything else to add, feel free! This is your list as it is mine. I just really love this show and I wish people appreciated it the same way we do. When I tell people I like this show they remember it as just another kids TV show, and it’s so much more than that.
Hope you’re having a great day, be safe, and wash your hands (just not in front fo people, keep the secret safe!)
Until next time, maybe not as far as you think. xx
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kimlineroom · 5 years
Him And I (21+) c. 1
Before yoy read:
WARNINGS: → incest, matter of life and death, multiple smuts, supportive bts, and many more
Summary: Taehyung comes back to Geongchang for a 3 weeks break and to mend the broken relationship with his dear sister. Suddenly this sick, twisted, unknown feeling pops up in his life and he realize... That he's in love with her.
But there's more to it.
Disclaimer: if you don't like this theme of incest, please do not read it. I will not be responsible if you're triggered although in this chapter there's nothing happening between taehyung and the oc. Although, it'd be best if you read the first chapter to understand the story more, just a heads up. All grammar mistakes is mine to blame bc english is not my first language and i am new in tumblr! This is a new experience to me lol. This fic is also cross posted in ao3 btw. Enjoy!
It was on Saturday.
  Miu wants to practice her vocals for her performance for the audition but she just feels so lazy and all she wants is to just roll over and sleep. That's exactly what she wants. But it doesn't go as planned.
  She ends up eating breakfast at 7 am with her parents and enjoying the morning air. The window is open, and everyone knows how she loves sitting by the window, so no one dares to take that spot from her. She closes her eyes as the breeze hit her face, humming in agreement. Her parents look at her and stifle a laugh. She seems to notice though.
  “What?” she asks, raising an eyebrow at their faces who try to stop laughing at her for whatever reason.
  She just stays still and looks out the window. How can people laugh at her? It's very confusing. What's so funny about a girl who's sitting on a chair staring out the window? She waits for an answer as she sips her coffee that morning with a hum of approval. Coffee has always been her favourite out of other hot drinks. In a way, it calms her a lot in the morning. An energy booster, too.
  Her mother let out a laugh, “Nothing it's just that you stare out the window and your expression when the wind blows on your face is priceless, honey.”
  Mrs. Kim said, patting her shoulder and her father's laugh also echoes as he seems to enjoy his wife's statement. What's so funny about that? She asks in her head, puzzled. She continues to stare out and let them laugh at her all they want. She notices the birds flying together in the distant, making her smile. Nature had always influenced her. It's something she can't describe.
  There's something about them that calms her, like this coffee. They made her feel all warm inside while she sips her coffee and connects herself with nature. It felt so peaceful and all her troubles would go away for a reason. She remembers when she was a child, she used to run out on an adventure into the woods at the back of their house. They sometimes went camping there (funny, yeah) so she got used to the forest. She knows the trails and all, and she loved listening to nature. The wildflowers, the tall trees. They're all very heart-warming to her.
   Her eyes would light up at the mention of camping because she knows her parents would drag her into the forest because that's their camping spot. She would jump in joy if ever they would go out and camp or visit the waterfall or something. She loves them very much and she'd ditch her phone anytime for nature. Maybe that's also one of the reasons why she has little friends in school; that she doesn't socialize much. But it didn't bother her unlike it bothered her parents or her brother. Brother…
   Her hands that were on her thighs under the table slowly inch towards her abdomen and wrap around it instantly at the mention of her brother. Why she did it? She doesn't have an answer. It lingers on her stomach for a while, until she snatches them away and put her hands on the table, snapping herself and letting herself resurface into reality. Her parents talked about their jobs. Mrs. Kim is a writer, a not so famous one but good enough in Daegu meanwhile Mr. Kim is an ordinary office worker. They also own a farm at the back of their house, and when things get busy, she's the one handling them. She and her brother but since he's away for work now, so it's only her, not that she's complaining.
   Her brother is Kim Taehyung. The Kim Taehyung of BTS. he is 23 years old, and right now, he is on tour in Japan. She looks down into the black coffee, the colour made her uneasy for some reason as she thought about him. 3 weeks he spent his day off with them and 3 days since he returned to his idol job, away from his break at this house. Taehyung. When one would think of him, everyone would say how easy going, thoughtful, and handsome he is. Yes, it's true, but there's more than that. Taehyung is more than that to her.
   She could see her mother taking the newspaper on the table. It's today. Mr.Kim had retrieved them earlier when her mother cooked breakfast.
   Her mother turns to her. “Look, it's your brother. The tour is a success as usual.” She says, sipping her coffee and letting Miu grab the newspaper, reading it. Or rather, looking at the headline that has pictures of her brother and his bandmates.
    She stares at the now blue-haired man on the stage, a little too long that she doesn't realize how bizarre it would look to other people if they see her, staring at her own brother's picture like this. Creepy. She didn't mean to linger her eyes too long on his recent picture, but she can't help it; she misses him very much. The headline is about the Love Yourself tour that's starting again. The excerpt of it is saying about how BTS had become international and over millions of tickets being sold and clean. They're performing in Nagoya tonight. Nagoya...she always dreams to travel to Nagoya.
   “You ok there, buddy?” Her father asks, looking at her with warm, kind eyes.
   His face reminded her of her brother. Well, Taehyung is his son after all. Why wouldn't she think of him when she looks at her father? She smiles at him and set aside the newspaper and lean on the table.
   “Nothing. It's just that...I miss him.” She said, meant every word.
   Everyone knows how close they are. How the two Kim siblings were inseparable until Taehyung chased his dream as an idol that his parents approved of. Taehyung is lucky, he has parents who support him no matter what decision he makes and a sister who loves him no matter what he does. It was hard for her when Taehyung walked out because he's the only friend she ever had; no one, except for her best friend Nayeon could make her feel accepted.
   Taehyung is her everything. Her brother, her friend, her companion, her…
“No need to be sad, kiddo. He'll come back soon. Besides, three weeks off is kinda long for an idol and I'm sure your time with him before he left for the tour is well spent, right?”
   Yeah. It was well spent indeed. She smiled bitterly and nod her head. She looks out the window again, and her eyes scan the small hut that she, Taehyung, and their father built when she was only 7 years old and Taehyung was 11. Her eyes linger on it, remember the day Taehyung gently take care of her, making sure she doesn't get hurt when she's helping while their mother makes them hot chocolate and watch as her family works together in harmony and peace.
   It was a peaceful day and it stays attached in her head. How can she forget? It was one of the most precious moments to her. The memory of her and Taehyung. She remembers Taehyung's sweating face as he lifts the woods and helped their father. She remembers how it felt so right to be laughing, to be helping, to be side by side with her brother. True, that she's very close with her brother and she will always be, according to him. Taehyung, even when he lives in Seoul, would always call them every day without fail.
   She remembers how Taehyung and herself would hang out at that old hut that they built, lying on the wooden floor and looking at the trees, the breeze pampering their faces. When Taehyung had his weeks off before he left for the tour, he stayed with her there and hang out with her, listening to each other's crackhead culture talks. The way her brother hugged her, the way his head rested on her shoulder lovingly, the I love yous that they delivered to each other…
   “Hey, since it's a day off, how about we go somewhere?” Her father says, snapping her out of her daydream.
   He's now standing beside her mother, a steaming cup of coffee in his hands as he looks at his wife and his daughter. Her mother seems to be in sync with her husband, so they are waiting for her answer. To be honest, she doesn't mind. Even though she supposed to start her practice for the audition, that usual lazinesslingers in her body. Ever since Taehyung left, her body had been in a lazy state. Why? She gulps, remembering such an event and quickly cast it aside to answer her parents.
   “Sure. Where?” She asks lazily, stirring her coffee then sipping them slowly. It's still hot.
   Her father thinks for a while, leaning on the counter and think of where their destination would be today. Suddenly, he claps his hands together which resulted in her mother to flinch. Mrs. Kim has always been a scary cat, just like her. They laughed at the woman.
   “You scare me!” she screamed, hitting her husband in a playful manner. Perhaps, it has been too hard of a hit because he jumped and let out an “ow.” They all laugh again, and Miu wonders about what would today be like if Taehyung is by their side. By her side. It would've been even more fun. What could he be doing, right now? Miu wonders, her laughter still lingers with them, but it dies as she stares at the black, steaming hot coffee. It's like staring at a hole. A hole in her heart that is.
   “As I was saying,” Mr. Kim pause, eyeing his wife in a flirty manner and look at his only daughter with a smile as he continues. “I think it'd be fun to drive off to that favourite waterfall that you love so much. It's only 30 minutes’ drive there.”
   He says with a smile as he realizes how much his daughter loves that place and as her eyes lit up with excitement at the mention of the waterfall. Good choice indeed. All her troubles are forgotten at the mention of the waterfall that she loves so much. She stands up, fixing her dress immediately and walk out of the house to their car.
   “I'll be waiting in the car. Hurry up!” She ushers them, sprinting to get outside leaving her parents in the kitchen with a smile on their faces.
   “Well, let's go.” Mr. Kim said, beaming at Mrs. Kim.
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