#i was also lowkey lightheaded bc i forgot to eat lunch
i-wanna-linger · 1 month
bro tell me why i’ve been miserable all summer and yet i was still ugly crying for a solid hour and fifteen minutes straight as i was cleaning up the kitchen because i didn't want to leave camp (it's my last summer)
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bubltae · 6 years
can we see a kids day? (prodigy au) like where onkey are super busy with work so jonghyun, taemin, and minho go to a park or the city or just a movie night
i’d really like to apologize for being inactive for so long. i’ve not been in a good place to write but i’m hoping i can keep being more active now. please request more things for me the write, whether it be about this au or something else.
so when jonghyun and taemin are both in uni (jong is 20 and taemin is 16) and minho is 7 in grade school, onkey starts going on more out of country business trips. y’know bc jong and taem can drive and they take care of minho since taemin doesn’t live at uni still.
and when jinki is in europe for a two week business trip and kibum is at an all day meeting from 5am to 9pm, jong2min are left alone all day. all three are on holiday for the time being and absolutely bored out of their minds.
“dads are gone all day so what are we gonna do?” taemin asks, finally bored of the thousandth episode of god knows what on netflix.
minho shrugs but jonghyun sits up straighter. “how about a boys day?”
“that sounds really gay hyung.”
“shut up taemin hyung. we already know you’re gay,” minho says.
taemin shakes his head. “elaborate then.”
jonghyun smiles widely and taemin feels a bit guilty almost. his hyung hasn’t smiled like that in too long. minho’s too young so he doesn’t get it.
“a brother’s day. we never hang out since taem and i are so busy with school and you’ve got soccer min. but we’re all free today so why don’t we take this opportunity and spend the whole day together.” jonghyun checks his watch. “it’s almost 9. let’s get breakfast and then figure out what to do.”
2min agrees and minho is obviously more excited bc no offense to his hyungs but he’s felt so left out since they’re closer in age and  they go to school together without him.
so in about half and hour they’re at the diner down the street and they’re sharing this great big american breakfast together.
halfway through, minho pipes up. “so what are we doing first today?”
jonghyun ponders the thought. “let’s go to an arcade. i haven’t been there since taem and i were your age min. then ice skating.”
“can we get stuffed crust pizza for lunch?” taemin chimes in.
“but we’re already eating breakfast taem,” jonghyun says.
taemin shrugs. “i like stuffed crust.” he quietly argues with jonghyun about this for ten more minute before the older gives in and they decide on stuffed crust pizza for lunch.
“what else?” minho says, trying not to bounce in his seat like the 4 year old personality he has.
“that theme park in downtown seoul!” jonghyun says a bit too loudly, receiving some stranged looks from nearby customers. he sinks lower in his seat and minho giggles sweetly.
and so they head off to the arcade first, waiting to digest the huge breakfast they’ve had. it’s relatively empty and so all three take their times in playing the racing games, the hunting games and trying to win the grand jackpot of tickets.
“i have enough tickets to buy a thousand of those mini pencil erasers!” jonghyun exclaims. “if we pool all of our tickets together we can get like, a million of those tiny erasers.”
taemin backs up. “oh hell no hyung. i’m not wasting my tickets on some dumb erasers. i’m buying one of those tiny soft dinosaur plushes.” minho excitedly agrees to do the same but with a puppy plush.
after some time spent screaming at the games, they head to ice skating. it’s also pretty empty there so they rent some skates (jong’s treat because he actually has money lmao).
but they spend practically the whole hour falling over like idiots except minho who is actually an ice skating god. while minho is gliding skillfully across the ice, jongtae are hanging to the wall and slipping.
“fucking fuck,” taemin mutters, tightly gripping the nearby wall. jonghyun is not far behind him. “hyung, why did you ever suggest doing this?”
jonghyun stumbles and hits the ice again. “because i thought it would be fun. didn’t think. it would be so. fucking hard,” he says, stopping every couple of words because he’s hurting and focusing on not spending the rest of the time on the damned ground
they spend some time there, minho laughing at their failure and then decide to get the stuffed crust pizza before going to the amusement park. jong packages the rest and then they drive to the amusement park. it’s mid-afternoon now but they opt to go anyway bc who cares tbh? onkey hasn’t asked or sent texts so jonghyun assumes it’s fine. his phone is running low on battery so he shuts it off.
taemin is a bit reluctant to go on the infamous ride of the park: screamin’ in seoul. it’s windy and loopy and huge and the idea of riding it is making taem a bit lightheaded. jonghyun and minho are practically dragging him to the line and when they reach the front, taemin is considering backing out.
“c’mon hyung! we’re sitting in the front!” minho squeals, pulling taemin to sit in the middle of the three seated row. taemin is lowkey stressing.
once they’re seated, it takes about ten minutes before the cart starts moving. it pauses, a countdown commences and the ride takes off at unimaginable speeds. taemin starts to scream in pure terror along with jonghyun. minho is shouting in excitement.
taemin stumbles off when the ride ends, clutching onto jonghyun. minho is cackling in  joy. “jesus f. christ,” taem heaves. “i’m done. i’m done i need a churro.”
so they get a churro and lots of snacks, ride a couple more rides and play games before the night ends. jonghyun drives everyone back. taemin and minho pass out in the backseat together. the oldest smiles contently.
when they get home, kibum is pacing the living room frantically with the phone pressed up against his ear.
“jinki. i’m freaking the fuck out. they’re all gone. the door was unlocked when i got home and jonghyun isn’t answering his phone. what the hell do i do?”
jonghyun mentally slaps himself. he forgot to lock the door when they left and his phone died. perfect timing. he steps through the door, both hands occupied by holding the hands of 2min, who are barely awake.
“dad?” he asks carefully.
kibum turns towards the sound and immediately runs over to hug all three of his sons. he releases and an expression of anger overcomes him. “where the hell have you been? you’ve had me worried sick!”
jonghyun squirms. “we’ve been hanging out all day. i forgot to lock the door. and my phone died.”
kibum shakes his head but a smile appears on his face. “you were hanging out together? all three of you?”
jonghyun knows where this is going. kibum is going to get all sappy about how all three of the brobros are getting along yada yada. he’s praying kibum is too tired from his meeting to say anymore.
“yes dad. we were,” jonghyun says, grinning stupidly. “it’s been a long day so i’m heading to bed. besides, minho’s sagging and my arm hurts.”
kibum stops him. “whoa whoa. that was irresponsible you know, leaving the door unlocked and not telling anyone where you went. you’re grounded. we’ll discuss how long when your dad gets back.”
jonghyun sighs. of course. 20 years old and he’s still getting punished like he did when he was in grade school. he shakes his head, smiling tiredly. carefully, he tucks his little brothers into bed and then heads over to wash up and sleep.
he’s grounded but he’s full and happy as he drifts off.
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