#i was also helping out my ma with a thing so like. yah
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maze-of-my-design ¡ 8 months ago
For the Character Ask Game: 3 + 4 w/ Sumi :)
(the ask game in question)
3- The way they made her so palatable and fanservicy to the male audience. Yes this ties back to my last answer about her possibly benefiting from being released and sent feral against the dumbass fucker who ruined half of her year and sense of self, but Also, at least in the english dub, the overusage of Senpai from her. My friend helped me ask a japanese-learner if it's the norm to say it as much as she does (to the extent of using it for the other girl the same age as her and a CAT) and yeah it's pretty much fan-service. It rubs me in such a wrong way and i'm not aware if it's like this in the japanese dub but. yknow :/
3.5 bc im not done - Atlus should've let her keep her hair down after her rank 10. Make her honor her sister by just wearing the ribbon with her hair half-tied up but don't just return her to the Kasumi sprites after ALL THAT >:( also that ending cinematic? Even if you romance her, she just keeps it brief and honestly? they should've given her more of an emotional reaction. Not like, second love confession levels but idk something other than "Hey ren :) Keep your head up, you taught me that" and just leaving.
4- To stop being a hater for a sec, i'll expand on what i said last ask and say Kingdom Hearts. She'd experience insurmountable amounts of joy meeting the whimsical worlds and characters i feel. I wish i could elaborate but i don't know much about the series other than donald duck being simultaneously an idiot and fucking Ripped so :')
(sorry i took a bit compared to the last one btw i was doing my research)
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asrisgratitudejournal ¡ 3 years ago
Waaaa sudah Jumat lagi dan minggu ini ngapain coba hayo? As usual, ZERO progress lagi. Harusnya targetnya adalah udah nyelesaiin draft biar next Monday bisa di-circulate ke team karena next Friday meeting HUF. Udah berhasil ngeplot si S sih tapi at least ya…. walaupun terus kenapa-nya abis itu gimana-nya nggak tahu. Well, anyway, as usual, mari kita count our blessings especially on these last 2 days:
Kemarin berhasil jalan kaki ke dept! Eh iya belum ngecek google fit ya. Intinya senang walaupun agak kesiangan (suka bingung deh kenapa belakangan ini selalu baru kebangun jam 9 ya… apakah karena kecapean hari sebelumnya… tapi nggak juga sih sebetulnya). Terus suka heran I literally didn’t see anyone (well, nyapa ada 2 nenek2 gitu sih papasan, tapi beneran 40menit jalan kaki mungkin ketemu manusia less than 10?). Sementara kalau di rumah ya keluar rumah aja tengok kanan kiri udah ngelihat 10 manusia. Ya tapi nggak apple to apple juga sih, rumahku di kampung padat penduduk di ibukota negara dan ini sekarang ku di Oxford yang literally adalah small town berpopulasi 150k.
Kemarin juga sudah menyelesaikan Research Integrity course! Ini adalah salah satu condition untuk the upcoming transfer. Jadi ya merasa produktif aja udah nyelesaiin itu terlepas dari ketidakberprogresan penulisan draft lol.
Tadi siang makan siang sama Leon di Gloucester Green! Beli souvlaki ÂŁ6, cukup kenyang abis makan, tapi sekarang jam 1700 dan sudah lapar lagi. Untungnya sudah pesan nasi terong balado ke Bu Yani jadi malam ini akan makan itu! + Pesen siomay dan bakwan juga mungkin buat dimakan besok karena di kulkas masih ada bihun sisa masak semalam.
Rabu malam dimasakin Lamb sama Kalina dan Arthur! Dan main boardgame sama teman-temannya Kalina pada datang ke rumah yaitu Jake, Sarah, dan Fabian. Kita main villainous, agak nggak ngerti sih sesungguhnya dan mayan complicated but anyways it always feels good to interact with new people jadi yaudah senang-senang aja.
Tadi juga udah ketemu sama Bu Yani dan Nadia pas ngambil makan, terus as usual ngobrol basa basi aje kan ye. Doi katanya mau ke tempat Anne dan Larissa buat ngambil angklung punyanya PPI Oxford terus bahas “Noni nggak mau nyalon jadi ketua? Kan lebih bagus kalau yang jadi ketua yang udah lama di sini daripada anak2 baru” yhaaaa w ketawa aja kan. Ini aja kemaren setahunan udah mau nangis CUMA jadi sekretaris departemen + kepala divisi PPI UK terus yakali jadi Ketua PPI, ngapain amat. Kujawab dengan diplomatis saja “hehe nggak deh bu, saya mah bantu-bantu aja, mensupport dari belakang”
Beberapa hari belakang ini lagi rajin masak, sempat masak nasigoreng, mi ala2, terus semalem bihun. Sebetulnya fun sih. Dan lebih sehat juga! Karena jadi banyak makan sayur kan. Cuma emang PR aja nyucinya tuh. Dan sekarang juga harus ngabisin sayur!!! Abisan kan gabisa ya beli tomat barang 1 biji doang gt. Well, bisa sih, tapi harganya sama aja kayak kalo beli seplastik isi 6 misalnya, kan jadi sayang. Cuma ya berarti harus diabisin sesegera mungkin karena si sayur ini shelf lifenya nda lama ☚
Sudah submit draft jurnal ke JGT HAHA. Chaos banget ini transisi dari CPUI ke PUI betul-betul ga keurus elah kenapa sih Non. Mana kemaren ada miskom juga, si Mas Iskandar tiba-tiba nge-reply ngasih comment ke draft terus udah kucomment balik e ternyata bukan Mas Iskandar harusnya reviewernya tapi Mba Winda alias si Mas Iskandar salah baca info. Jadi-lah segala revisianku ke komennya Mas Iskandar nda kepake alias terbuang saja. Well, gapapa sih nanti masih bisa kabarin ke Mba Winda yang draft ini sekarang kayanya jadi lebih bagus.
Terus sekarang juga lagi ambil free class Yale Uni di Coursera namanya The Science of Well-Being, lupa awalnya kenapa dan dari mana, kayanya baca twitnya Bileh deh. Terus yaudah lagi week 2 aja: materinya Savoring and Gratitude alias ini tuh SOLAT gaksi HAHA. Intinya we are instructed to take our time off of what we usually do and see and list our gratitude. Semakin rutin dan sering kita lakukan ini in a day, makin bagus. Yaudah intinya solat ajade. Di week 1 kita disuruh scoring lagi di mana our happiness/mental state is, tujuannya ya buat tracking aja if there is any change before and after we took this class. And you know what berapa score saya?
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Overall well-beingnya adalah 4,75. Eeeeh ok not bad, actually… mendekati 5 lah. Ini ku melihatnya sebagai nilai tengah lah ya, nggak lagi buruk-buruk amat tapi ya nggak lagi bagus-bagus amat juga. Di yang authentic happiness itu different set of tests nilainya adalah 2,21 out of 5. Masih mendekati nilai tengah juga. Yang no 3 itu subjektif, so I put 3 there. Lebih karena I feel like I still can do my daily commute and activities I guess?
Terus di kelas ini ku juga disuruh ambil tes to see what my signature strengths are and this is the result:
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Tentu saja no 1 adalah Kindness HAHA as if there’s not 10+ people said the same thing to myself: “Lo tu terlalu baik Non” lolz. No 2 fairness, wow such a Libra trait. No 3 appreciation of beauty & excellence: probably explains a lot why I’m such a museum nerd. No 4 agak ga yakin if that fits me? Because I sure hate working with other people, but I guess ku gapunya strength lain makanya teamwork yang comes up. Well, anyway, yaudah jadi ku sekarang sedang beristiqomah mengikuti kelas ini. Nanti ku-review gimana kelasnya kalau udah beres ya manteman, so far tapi seru sih, kalau pengen liat-liat dulu coba enroll dulu ajaa.
Sempat call sama Abi juga! Bahas masalah hidup saya, bahas masalah hidup dia. Tapi menarik banget deh, aku berada di fase di mana hampir jarang banget kan ada orang yang nanya “lo pakabar non? gimana sekarang? what’s up?” dalam artian bukan basa-basi, jadi pas kemarin cerita a-z ke Abi tu rasanya pengen nangis banget. Ku di awal balesnya yang sok cool gitu “well, nothing much, gini-gini aja” eh terus tapi pas dilanjutin ternyata di dalam diriku ini banyak banget yang piled up dan jadi cerita BUANYAK banget sama Abi. Dia pun juga gitu. Sedih tapi emang kami nggak bisa relate at all, ku ga paham kehidupan PPDS di Salemba sana seperti apa, dan begitu pula Abi ya susah paham kehidupan per-DPhil-an ku di Oxford ini gimana. But at least we’re still there for each other, tho. Dengan didengerin aja ternyata sudah helpful sekali yah ternyata.
Hmm what else ya. Asa banyak deh yang mau diceritain tapi ternyata sekarang sudah habis gatau lagi mau ngetik apa. AH! I’m back again on Duolingo! Sudah masuk 16 day streak! Woohoo! Sekarang lagi berusaha merebut posisi no 1 ku di Diamond League jadi habis ini kayanya akan duolingo-an.
Terus barusan ngecek my last post, di situ ku menulis akan ngedraft tulisan ke Kak Davit and you know what? Di hari itu tanggal 13 itu akhirnya ku menyelesaikan tulisanku ke Kak Davit! Ditunggu yaa nanti kalau sudah dipos di webnya doi. Tulisan ecek-ecek sih tapi ya mayan lah buat kalau lagi yang gaada bacaan.
Barusan banget juga abis ngeformat LPJ departemen PPI UK ke format slide PPT di drive. Mayan seru ya ternyata dalam setahun yang di-achieve betul-betul banyak sekali….
Bunga buat Tharina sudah sampai! Mungkin bermanfaat untuk teman-teman yang lagi butuh cheer their friends up, just send your friends bouquet of flowers!!! Huge thanks to Lambang yang sudah menginisiasi ini semua dan juga anggota geng sampah yang sudah turut berkontribusi ke misi ini. I also sometimes buy myself flowers just because. It’s good to celebrate yourself once in a while.
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Dah deh sepertinya itu dulu untuk grateful journal hari ini. Besok agendanya akan main badminton nyoba tempat baru di Iffley sport centre jam 10-12 terus jam 13nya akan ada talkshow ini!:
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Btw this will be my first time ngasih webinar via whatsapp group(?) aku juga unfamiliar dengan formatnya tapi we’ll see. Aku gatau masih pada bisa register apa nggak sekarang, but if any of you guys want to join, feel free to do so! Kayanya Oktober kalau nggak salah juga akan ada talk lagi tapi yang ngadain geosains UI gitu? Lupa tapi topiknya apa haha. Yah beginilah hidup saya weekend. Kalau nggak ngajar kelas olim (alias sudah selesai karena KSN-Pnya sudah terlaksana this week!) ya ngisi webinar-webinar gini aja. Bingung, kapan mainnya ya… Pengin nonton Hometown Cha3x dan Hosplay dari season 1 aja ga kesampe-sampean dah huft. @30.18 1750pm 17/09/2021
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sxngshine ¡ 5 years ago
If Tomorrow Comes
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• Chan x reader x Minho
• Word Count: 1.56k
• Love triangle au, college au, Enemies to lovers(kind of) au
• Summary: you were a temperamental girl who lived a hard life ever since your dad died. Your grandma and mom always fought and it always brought troubles to your already broken family. But after meeting a man who came all the way from another country, you knew your life wasn't going to be the same. But don't judge a book by its cover, otherwise you'll never know the full story.
Chapters: I , II
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♡Y/n's POV♡
"Ma! Why'd you have to invite him!?" You whined.
"Yah! What was the reason for inviting him huh?" Your grandma backed you up.
"I didn't want to! He invited himself! How could I just say no?" Your mom exclaimed.
You let out a huff. "Fine, I'm also inviting Nari and Minho then." You pulled out your phone.
"Minho?" Your grandma asked. "He's my friend," you replied while dialing his number. "From Busan"
"Aish Busan..." your grandma scoffed. "Those boys from Busan love causing trouble all the time."
You rolled your eyes and heard a voice say hello.
"Hey Minho, you wanna come over for dinner tonight?" You asked.
"Sorry I cant Y/N, I'm kinda busy, remember Mina? She invited me over," he said. You let out a huff.
Mina was this new student the business class which you and Minho were in. They instantly hit it off after meeting.
"You'd choose her over your best friend?" You asked, pouting.
"I'm sorry Y/N, maybe next time. Tell me about it tomorrow though! I have to go now, cya!" And with that he hung up. Now your only hope was Nari.
You dialed her number and almost threw it away when you heard a loud squeal. "Y/N OH MY GOD I'M SO EXCITED." she yelled.
"For what?" You asked, rubbing your ringing ear.
"I'M GOING ON A BLIND DATE," she squealed and you groaned.
"Can you skip this one for me please? I need you to come to my house for dinner," you said, hoping she'd agree.
"No can do sorry, this date is important to me. Chae unnie even helped me get ready! Super rare occasion" She said. "Oops! He's here now, gotta run Y/N byeeee" and with that she hung up on you.
You groaned and tossed your phone onto the couch before plopping onto it yourself.
"Y/N! Can you please run to the grocery store?! We need some things!" Your mom called out from the kitchen.
You groaned for the nth time today and yelled back an okay, going upstairs to fix your rat looking self up before leaving.
You lugged two large paper bags filled with groceries into your house.
"I'm home mom!" You yelled.
"Finally! Took you long enough," a voice yelled from the kitchen.
"I'm sorry but you asked for so many things-" you paused, wait a second. Who's voice is that? Cause your mom definitely didn't sound like a man.
You walked into the kitchen only to see Chan standing in front of the stove with an apron on. "What're you doing?" You asked with furrowed brows.
"I'm cooking what else." He said and took the groceries from you. You turned to your mom and she just shrugged. "He just came in and asked if he could cook. I let him cause it looked like he really wanted to " she said before continuing to work on a different dish.
You just rolled your eyes and walked upstairs to your room, greeting your little sister along the way and Chan's mom who was in the living room.
Eventually Chan hollered from the dining room, saying that dinner was ready. You and your sister walked downstairs and were hit by an array of different smells.
There were lots of different foods sitting in the table, you saw tteokbokki, bulgogi, kimbap, stir fried noodles and kimchee, rice and so many other foods. 'Did Chan cook all of this???' You thought to yourself as you sat down beside your grandma.
Chan sat in front of you and your little sister sat beside him. Throughout all of dinner everyone had been chatting about everything and anything. You were actually having quite a good time. But then your grandma started nagging about how you weren't eating enough food and about every other little thing which started to annoy you.
Chan and Yuna were messing around when she looked at the two of you. Chan noticed she was less playful and then looked at you guys as well. He didn't miss the look of hurt that flashed across little Yuna's face.
"What's wrong princess," Chan asked the little girl.
"I want grandma to love me like that as well," Yuna sulked.
"Hey its okay princess, she may not show it directly, but she does love you. I bet she loves you a lot!" Chan said in attempts to cheer her up, which he did successfully.
Later on everyone was in the living room chatting away once again over tea while you were working on a project for your business class. Yuna was playing with her dolls and the 3 women were talking so Chan had nothing to do other than annoy you.
"Whatcha doing?" He asked, sitting down beside you and curiously looking at your laptop.
"Project" you merely said without even sparing him a glance, already annoyed by his presence.
"Oh Y/N, could you please throw out the trash?" Your mom asked you. You simply nodded and moved your things aside to go grab the trash.
You walked outside to the big garbage cans you had and threw the bags inside, taking a moment to get some fresh air before going back into your house.
What you didn't expect though, was for everything to turn pitch black all of the sudden and then turn back on. Your eyes widened and you ran into your house to your laptop which was now showing a black screen.
"No no no no no no- please still be there please still be there" you muttered you yourself as you tried to open the file with your project. When you did, nothing you worked on was saved.
"NO! STUPID POWER OUT" You screamed in frustration. "What happened?" Chan asked you. You just glared at him and rushed outside to your porch and sat on the bench, not wanting to deal with him.
But of course Chan followed you outside. "What's your problem? I just asked what happened," Chan asked, irritated that you just walked out on him when he simply asked you a question.
"What's my problem? What's YOUR problem? Cant you just leave me the fuck alone?? Like why're you so nosy? First you come out of nowhere and spill my drink all over me, then you barge into my house lie you fucking own the place and then you-" you rant but were cut off by Chan placing a finger against your lips.
"You know what your problem is? You're always looking in the down side to everything. You're always grumpy and have an attitude towards everything. I haven't done anything bad to you, I simply asked you what happened out of concern and you start yelling about how annoying I am. Come on glasses, like I dont think I've even seen you smile even once yet. Not even once!" Chan exclaims.
"You really should work on yourself glasses, live life to the fullest and stop moping around as if everything's been put onto your shoulders. Have fun while you still can... you never know if tomorrow's gonna come." He added with a bitter smile
You let out a huff and open your mouth to say something but Chan beats you to it.
"You know what, I'm gonna help you change that attitude into something more positive!" He said, snapping his fingers like it was the greatest idea he's had yet. "First, you need to learn to smile. Watch me," he then proceeded to point at the corners of his mouth and smiled.
"Now you try" he says. You go to say something once again but he stops you right away. "Here let me help you," he places his fingers against the sides of your mouth and pushes them up, making you look odd with your furrowed brows and awkward clown smile.
You push his hands off and scoff. "I've smile plenty of times!"
"Name one time you genuinely smiled," Chan deadpanned.
You thought for a moment, opened your mouth and then closed it again, and then opened it again but ended up closing it.
Chan took your lack of answer as your answer. "Exactly," he said with a smug smile, crossing his arms.
"Whatever..." you muttered and looked anywhere but at him.
"Work on that and then we can start the next step of changing that attitude Glasses." He said while standing up. "Oh and by the way, I'll help you out with your project so you can finish faster. Come over to my place at 3pm- actually make it 4pm, I have something to do before that."
You looked up at him with surprised eyes and he gave you a cute smile that showed his dimples. You don't know what came over you but you couldn't help but blush slightly. You were definitely gonna punch yourself for this later.
You looked down and nodded, feeling shy all of the sudden. Chan just laughed before sending you a small salute and bidding you goodbye before walking off to his house.
You watched him leave, his back growing smaller until he was inside his house and out of sight.
"Why the hell was I blushing!?!??!" You whisper yelled to yourself while slapping your cheeks.
You took a deep breath and stood up after a moment, walking back into your house. Chan was doing something to you. But you were determined to not let him get to you.
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writerbee-ffs ¡ 6 years ago
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Here it was ... your birthday. Although most would probably be receiving birthday calls and gift or even figuring out what club they were about to hit up, you were most definitely getting ready for work. Out of all the places you could be you just had to take this last minute client for a photo shoot that your manager insisted on.
“So you weren’t playing about going to work today?” Your boyfriend, Michael, asked watching you scramble around the room for your clothes.
“Bakari, I made it clear that I had to work. What should I do quit my job just because it’s my birthday?” Your voice was laced with an attitude as you buttoned the Fashion Nova high waist jeans up. Partly because you knew Michael had been ready to argue about this since your manager, Latavia, called you and told you about the exclusive shoot that would help build your rapport. The other part was because YOU were the one working on YOUR birthday. You were 26 years old and was very capable of making your own fucking decisions.
“I mean you could, Y/N.” “I told you I got u-“
“And I definitely told you I didn’t need you taking care of me with your money, Michael.” You asserted yourself. This was an argument you both had always had. Him wanting you to not work or at least not as hard. Then you letting him know that you wouldn’t just live off of him just because he was a famous actor and your boyfriend of 4 years.
“It’s not about the fucking money but you know what happy birthday.” Rising from the bed he tossed a black jewelry box on the bed and made his exit.
“Really? Jellybean head ass niggah.” You mumbled not even bothering with the box because you knew it would only piss you off further because of how he just tossed it. “Yeah... happy fucking birthday, bitch.” You sighed taking a swig of Red Berry Ciroc before walking out of the door.
‘A$AP fuckin’ Rocky.’ You thought as you walked into the shoot. Your manager had definitely made your birthday with this Calvin Klein ad.
“This is your gift.” Latavia smiled watching you set up your camera. “I know you’re in love with him.” She chuckled. “I mean aside from Michael Bae Jordan.”
“Well Bae is definitely mad and being childish but this definitely makes up for it.” You smiled sinisterly as you watched Rocky pull the CK jeans over the slim fit boxers. “Definitely.” Catching a glimpse of his print.
“Well I’ll leave you to it, Y/N.” She called back typing on her phone.
“What’s good?” He smiled at you before sitting on the gold ol’ skool bike.
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“Hey. I’m Y/N. Ready to get started?” You smiled showing casing your pearly whites as you placed you curly hair into a high pineapple.
Nodding quickly, Rocky did slight poses as your camera clicked and flashed. Star struck wasn’t the word you were more like beauty struck. This man was chocolate, beautiful, in shape , nice smile and once more beautiful as hell. You definitely remembered the crush you had on him pre-Michael Bae Jordan.
“Like what you see or sum?” He smirked as you realized you had been staring more than you had been shooting. “‘Cuz I definitely see sum’ I like.” He was flirting and you couldn’t help but to do the same.
“Uh just making sure you’re in the right light.“ “Can’t have all that chocolate looking washed out.” You smirked allowing him to see some of the shots. He had pulled you into his embrace as he looked over your shoulder at the pictures.
“Oh you’re real deal?” He chuckled licking over his lips. “I told my manager to find me a pretty lil ass women to snap my shit. Figured they just had you here to satisfy me.” His devilish grin set in as he whispered in your ear. “But now that I know you good at your job I’m definitely pleased.”
“Well I aim to plea-“ Hearing your phone sound off, you immediately snapped out of your flirtation and apologized for the phone interruption. “What?” You snapped quietly.
“Are you done?” He questioned. His voice was relaxed meaning he wasn’t mad anymore which ultimately made you feel guilty and pissed you off.
“Jus-Just a few more shoots.” You mumbled letting the guilt set in.
“I’ll see you at home.”
Hearing the beeps in your ear, you’d realized that he had hung up on you. Yeah you had definitely fucked up. ‘Happy fucking birthday.’ You thought.
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Although you had stayed 3 extra hours after talking to Mike, you had cut you shoot short due to your guilt. Yeah all you did was do a tad bit of flirting but you had a man at home. A famous fine ass sweet ass loving ass man at home.
“Baby?” You yelled as you open the door of your shared home. “Mi-“ Seeing the black balloons in the air, the dim lit room and the soft r&b play in the background, you broke down. You had seen the wine set out in melted ice, cupcakes from you favorite bakery and that’s when you knew you had really fucked up.
“5 hours Y/N?” His voice had scared you straight. Your tears had been slowly drying up. “5 hours to take some damn pictures?”
“Baby, I’m sorry. This is beautiful. I love you! I missed you!” You fired off as he moved towards you. His eyes were trained on you and you dared not to move as he circled around you. Something was off about Mike and you couldn’t tell what. Maybe you had real pissed him off this time especially since you could smell a hint of liquor on his breath.
“Put this on and go wait for me.” Michael had handed you a long black garment box with a red ribbon before you made your walk of shame to the bedroom.
Pulling your work clothes off you figured a shower wouldn’t hurt considering he was already upset and it was your fucking birthday. “Get your shit together, Y/N.” You coached as you looked at yourself in the lacy black lingerie. Between your breast almost popping out of the deep low v cut, your ass hanging out of the back and the thin fabric leaving nothing to the imagination, you were completely surprised by Michael’s choice. You styled your kinky coils a bit before walking out of the bathroom.
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Michael was already in the bedroom waiting for you. “Took you long enough.” He smirked shocking you. “You had me waiting so on your knees.” You didn’t know what had came over him but you actually liked it. ‘Maybe you should piss him off more.’ You thought. Scrambling to your knees, you felt Mike behind you with a piece of fabric. “Close yah eyes.” He coached shielding your eyes then tying your hands.
Hearing a clicking noise, your became nervous. Yeah you trusted Mike but this wasn’t the Mike you were use to. “Y/N, Y/N, Y/N.” He touched your cheek before stroking your bottom lip with the pad of his thumb. “You been playing with me.” He spoke cupping your neck. “Testing me. You like testing me?” He asked applying pressure and slipping two of his thick fingers inside of your one piece rubbing you clit slightly.
You hadn’t spoke. Partly because you were becoming turned on and also because he was starting to apply too much pressure.
“Answer Daddy.”’
“Ye-ye-yes.”’ You let out softly.
“Yes what?” He was so close to your eat that you could feel the breath and smell the Ciroc.
“Yes Daddy.” You mumbled feeling his tongue drag from your ear to your neck. Sucking on your tender spot you began to moan. Feeling his hand travel down to your breast, you couldn’t help but to halt your breathing as he pinched you right nipple through the thin lace. The fingers on his other hand slight pinched and rubbed your clit even more.
“Stand.” He commanded still caressing your nipple. You felt his fingers off of your nipple and your clit but instead peeling the lingerie off of your body. “Wet already?” You could sense the smirk on his face which only made things more interesting and irritated the hell out of you because you couldn’t see a thing.
Once again you could hear clicks in front of you as you stood there naked and tied up. “Daddy, what’s that?” You mumbled.
“Back on your knees.” He commanded disregarding your question. “Open your mouth.”
Licking your lips you felt the tip of his dick near the corner. You’d always loved giving your man head but honestly you would get off yourself if you could watch the satisfaction on his face. “Daddy can I watch?” You ask completely ready to get your man and yourself to cum.
“Nah.” He chuckled. “Punishment baby girl.”
“But-“ His dick had completely caught you off guard entering your mouth mid sentence. You wrapped your lips around your man’s girthy member allowing your tongue to do most of the work since you were still tied up. Swirling it around from the base to the tip, you had started to become wet all over again.
“Fuck.” He mumbled as your head bobbed up and down taking him all in relaxing your throat. You were forming a trail of spit on the corners of your mouth and you could care less. The sloppier the better. “Keep that up, baby girl.” He moaned slightly which only fueled you to go harder. He’d palmed the back of your head fucking your throat. You were gagging and could barely breath but if you died ... so be it! Popping your lips from his dick you started to give attention to his balls. Licking them before placing them in your mouth and sucking slightly swirling your tongue around them. His breath had halted at the sensation.
“Nut Daddy.” You encouraged as you went back to giving all you attention to his rock hard dick. Your tied wrist that hung in front of you found their way to your dripping center. “Please.” You begged wanting to taste your man’s kids hit the back of your throat as you began playing with yourself. Finally feeling him twitch and the warm liquid mix with your spit, you gladly took all your man’s warm seeds down your throat sending yourself into an orgasmic frenzy. “I love you.” You called out feeling him guide you towards the plush California king bed.
“Love you too, ma.” You could feel him pushing your face into the bed while your bare ass sat up in the air allowing the cool air to hit the wetness between your legs. “Arch that back, Y/N.” He spoke sending a small smack to your pussy.
“Fuck!” You hissed out in slight pain. Two of his thick fingers had found there way to your center slipping into it to call down the stinging sensation.
“When I tell you some shit you gon listen?” He questioned pumping in and out of you faster and using his thumb to vibrate on your clit. You couldn’t speak due to the upcoming orgasm. You went to move your hips attempting to throw your as back on his fingers. “Answer me!” He snapped pulling them out and giving you right cheek a harder slap. “When I tell you not to go to fucking work, are you going?” He’d smacked your left cheek.
“No!” You cried out wanting to feel him anywhere on you. You were literally crying real tears from the pain and pleasure. “I’ll stay home, baby!” You moaned as you heard the clicking noise again.
“Good girl.” His plump lips had began to kiss you center before his tongue attacked your wetness. You spread your legs further allowing his tongue to slip inside of you before you began to throw it back against your man’s tongue.
“Yes Daddy! Fuck me baby. PLEASE!” You begged as your covered eyes rolled to the back of your head and the tears formed again. He had added two fingers along with his tongue. “Damnit!” You grunted as your legs shook violently before cumming. “Ssss-stop, Daddy.” You begged as he continued to devour you through your orgasm. “I’m cummin’.
“Shit.” He groaned taking the blindfold from your eyes. Your eyes were still closed as he kissed you viciously allowing you to taste your own sweetness.
Your eyes adjusted to the light as he pulled away from you. He was staring at you like you were the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen but you were most definitely sure that your eye makeup was ruined especially your mascara from the tears of pleasure. Looking over at Michael his mustache and lips were glistening from your juices. “Smile.” He smirked holding up the Polaroid camera as the familiar clicks sounded off.
“You’ve been taking my picture? You questioned as he untied your wrist looking at all the pictures of you on the bed.
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“That’s all you cared about earlier. Getting them fucking pictures done.” He scoffed tapping on your thigh. “So why not see what was so interesting in doing that shit.” He smirked taking another photo of his fingers slipping again into your wetness.
“Shit.” You mumbled as the cameras clicks went off. “Lemme see.” Your eyes twinkled taking the camera from him. You had started to snap a few of your man before placing the camera on the edge of the bed setting it to the multiple shot self timer. “Fuck me.” You spoke flipping again on your stomach arching your back so your ass was in the air.
Aligning himself with your entrance, Michael slipped into your wetness fully with ease. “Wet as fuck.” He commented as he began to stroke inside of you. Between your man’s dick and the clicks of the camera you wanted to put on the ultimate show so you could remember this night although you knew your legs would for the next couple of days.
“Faster baby!” You yelled throwing your ass back again attempting to follow Michael’s rhythm as he began to fuck you senseless.
Feeling the smacks your ass cheeks then your hair being gripped the tears were coming down again. “Shit!” You cried tightening your walls against his dick. “I love you, Michael! I love you.” You had attempted to take control but ultimately failed as you collapsed on the bed letting your juices leak from your sore throbbing center. “Cum inside of me...” You moaned. “Please.”
Hearing the curse words under his breath, Michael grabbed your neck giving it light squeeze thrusting harder inside of you. You could tell he was on edge and you wanted nothing more than your man emptying the contents of his dick inside of you. Did you want kids right now... no but you would deal with the consequences later. Today was your birthday and right now you were 26 and invincible. “Open your mouth.” He groaned attempt to slip out of your pussy because he knew it was just the sex talking all that ‘come inside of me’ bullshit.
“No!” You demanded tightening around him biting your lips. “Inside of me, Daddy.” “I want your kids ... I want you.” You reasoned crying out as he groaned honoring your request.
“Love me enough to marry me?” He asked sleepily biting then kissing your shoulder as he cuddled against your body to weak to pull out.
Tensing up, you slipped from under him before looking at him in the eyes. “What?” “What did you say?”
“Marry me, Y/N.” Pulling the black box from this morning out of his nightstand, he looked at you seriously.
You were stunned. Leave it to Michael to not only give you great birthday dick but to ask you to marry him afterwards. “I-ye-wait. What?!“ You were crying and tripping over your words. You’d jumped off the bed realizing your legs were jelly.
“Y/N, tell me something baby.” He pulled you back into the bed with him.
Taking a deep breath, you shook your head frantically. “YES! Yes I’ll marry you.” You cried kissing him. “I’ll be your wife.”
“I love you. Happy birthday, baby girl.”
“I love you too.”
‘Happy fucking birthday indeed.’ You thought cuddling up to your fiancé.
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duktduktdaze ¡ 6 years ago
A couple points on the serving rant threads I’ve been reading.
1. Yeah, rant all you need too. That’s what this is for. Go you, man. This shit ain’t actually crazy easy to do well at.
2. I understand that I’m in a privileged position being in a state where my employer is required to pay the state minimum wage on top of my tips.
2a. But, even with that, I make a gaudy amount of money for what I do. 
3. I’m more than just an order taker. Yeah, I’m there to bring you food and drink, and that’s my primary goal, but I want you to have an experience that makes you want to tip better, come back, and maybe even remember my name to request my section again. Part of that is being an MC for each of my tables.
4. On this pre-apology thing that a lot of people seem to hate...Like...why? They’re letting you know that they have a need (which happens to be your job to fulfill) that requires more attention than average. You’re not going to be surprised, and now you can fucking prepare to accompany it while also streamlining it to make your life a little easier. 
5. We are like, actually getting paid in tips (something people don’t have to do, mind you) to fulfill the needs and wants of the people sitting at your damn table. People are all different with different needs/wants. Part of our job is accompanying those difference needs/wants to ensure that our customers have a good, relaxing time dining at your restaurant. 
6. I get that people take the above point too far, it happens. Y’know what else happens that nobody seems to touch on? The ones who are a bit needier, notify you of it and are genuinely appreciative when you remember and accompany them. I get a lot more of those than I do needy, ungrateful types. 
7. It’s literally all about your attitude. Want to make more money? Want people to not be assholes? Want to have fun and enjoy your job? Go into it with the right attitude. Have fun while you’re working, it’ll go by faster and you’ll have a lot more of a positive outlook if you, oh I dunno, have fun with your tables. Be more than an order taker with a pulse. This ain’t McD’s, shape up, kiddo.
8. On running coworkers’ food/drinks. And this is a big one for me Y’know that line after dropping shit off where you’re like, ‘Is there anything else I can grab for yah right away?’ Well, that’s you opening yourself up for them to ask you for things. They want mas bevy? Take it down and say you’ll go find their server, odds are that server will swing through their section and check on em’ before you even find them and you won’t have to deal with it anyways. They’re out of ketchup? Grab them another fucking ketchup. If you’re so weeded you can’t spare the minute, you shouldn’t be running food, you should be catching up on your own shit. Oh, they need empty plates and glassware removed from the table? Yeah, that’s called pre-bussing, also an aspect of your job. I’m sure you haven’t been the greatest at it at times in your own section, either. This point is getting long so I’ll move on.
9. 90% of my tables appreciate and find it funny when I throw a little bit of sass back their way. If I get my greet interrupted with a drink order or whatever (which is honestly my biggest peeve in this industry) I respond in kind. Typically something along the lines of, “Oh cool, I like getting new nicknames, maybe Diet Coke could use some more work though. Anyways, how are we doing tonight?” and I usually get at least a chuckle while also reminding them that I am in fact a human being and I run this shit. 
10. Remember, they’re guests in your restaurant, in your section, at your table. You’re fuckin’ in charge of this shit, homie. You’re the MC and they’re your crowd. You have complete control of 99.9% of the interactions you have with guests. Take the lead, don’t let them talk down to you, don’t let them control your mood, let alone how you serve them. You have that job for a fucking reason, and it’s because you’re good at it. Take back the control if it starts to slip.
11. I wanted to stop at ten, but this is probably the most important. 
You’re a fucking badass who can find a way to manage the needs of 50+ fucking people at once while only scribbling down the necessities in handwriting you can’t even read, it just helps to write while memorizing. You do all of that, 5-10 times a night, every single night you work. I’d like to see Dipstick McFuckbag who’s never done anything harder than remembering he needs keys to start his car even try to do what we do. This job is what you make it, and you’re in control of how much you get out of it. 
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briteboy ¡ 7 years ago
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yelling @ santi, i’m evil again (what else is new), SOME REALLY REALLY OLD ASKS, one GoT spoiler at the very bottom (beware)
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Lou and Fiona deserve happiness pls let it happen ty
they do ;-; it will happen, don’t worry, no one suffers forever <3 i’ve actually been planning out lou’s story and i’m excited to actualize it hehe
I just read all of Santis story. Dear god, it is amazing. I cannot begin to describe how much I love it. I have been really sick lately and have such a hard time concentrating on anything for more than one second but I have not been able to look away from this story, not even when I re-read it for the third time. You are an amazing writer and I have fallen in love with every charachter you have introduced. I teared up so many times and my heart began beating fast, it was really an experience.
OH MY GOD ;___________; YOU READ IT THREE TIMES WHAATDOSOIGODFSKL holy shit thank you so much, i don’t even know what to say right now lmao ;-; i’m just kinda in awe that i was able to grab your attention like that and that you enjoyed it so much and just askjdjfsd THANK YOU i can’t say anything else but just thank you, people like you make this all worth it <3 
A case of the novembers is the kinda story you read and you just know its going to stick with you for awhile. Like ones day, you'll be long gone in the future, doing something totally different, older wiser, all that bullshit, and you'll just randomly remember what a bittersweet story it was.
OMFG ;___; holy heck asjdjnfkdkjs this really got me right in the heart lmao. that’s the kind of story it’s always been for me and seeing other people interpret it that way as well is just mind boggling, thank you <3 
You are evil. My poor heart hurts. ;______________;
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you've ruined my life
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Life hack: listen to the entire Hamilton soundtrack whilst working out at the gym. By the end of it, you'll have lost half your body weight due to sweating and crying at the same time (pls help this was such a bad decision)
OMG that’s me with grimes’ art angels lmao i go hord to kill v maim and venus fly
hamilton fans also go hord i respect it. learn more about history get swole killing two birds with one stone
Okay this is so fucking random but a while ago you did a post where you talked about perfect bby gianni saying that he spent a lot of time in introspection and like Thank you 'cause now I have a word to put on this thing I do when I try to figure why I feel certain things or what my relationship with people/random shit is and why and yeah I kind of understand myself a little better now so thx a lot!!! 😘😘😘 Also, you're great.
i think i was actually talking about santi (’cause that’s where we’re at right now, in that period of introspection for him heheh) but YES omg that makes me so happy ;-; it’s a good word lmao and i do the same thing, in fact i’m always trying to figure out my relationships with everything in order to understand myself more. that’s kinda why i’m so into astrology haha. i’m glad you finally got to pin down that feeling for yourself, it’s the best when that happens <3 YOU’RE GREAT TOO 💫
let’s start protesting santi in the streets
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Hi!! Umm I'm guessing you do but just in case, did you know there was a tear accessory? I think it's an eyeliner (cause you mentioned having to draw them yourself)
yeah i do! i mentioned the ones by s-club, i’ve used those a couple times. but i like drawing them myself because i feel like it’s weird to have the same single teardrop every time one of my characters cries (and we all know they’ve been crying a lot lately lmfao) if they didn’t cry often i probably wouldn’t feel compelled to draw the tears. but i don’t mind drawing them honestly, it’s kinda fun lmao. thanks for your consideration <3 
so im sitting here thinkin....... what if santi goes on this trip and coms back and lou is in a relationship!?!?!
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i want to die
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wait santi tried to kys :'(
WHERE U BEEN he did  :{
what font do u use in your histories?
hi u have a really pretty blog and I hope you have a good day
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@teishajenaie on instagram looks like Rooney to me, idk if you'd agree but ??
i see it!! definitely in the eyes and nose. also sorry i answered this literally like 3 months later lmao
gooey by glass animals gives me santi vibes :) ive been listening to it on repeat (bc im tht bitch) and it was making me think of you and his story! c: i hope you dont mind me over here lmao anyway, im excited to see where it goes and real excited for a back story for lou!! <3 lots of love
omg haha that’s actually funny because i used it in that one scene of him tripping, although it’s like completely a gianni song to me (at least personality-wise, it’s even on his playlist on my character page) and noooo i don’t mind, i love that song and i love when people recommend me songs!! i have a whole bunch of recommendations in my inbox that i need to acknowledge omg. anyway I’M EXCITED THAT YOU’RE EXCITED, especially for lou’s story, it’s coming up reeeeeal soon <333
i feel so late to the party but i Just started reading your story like five minutes ago and im absolutely entranced by it already and i cant wait to catch up and finally understand what to heck is going on
this was sent literally forever ago when santi and molly were out there being wild in the desert lmao so i hope you caught up and everything. “entranced” omg that’s such a wonderful word i’m honored
i didnt think i could love you more but the fact that you watch arrested development makes me so happy. i cry. my boyfriend has a mr manager, bluths frozen bananas shirt thats literally my favorite thing ever.
OMGGG YES i watched it once forever ago and i need to re-watch it asap lmao. I’M PRETTY SURE I BOUGHT THAT SAME EXACT SHIRT FOR MY BROTHER FOR CHRISTMAS ONE YEAR
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Just a biiig prank. Huge
this one is from so long ago i don’t remember the context but i laughed at loud when i read it. huge
i was playing with uncharted for the first time today and they said Navarro in it and i was like THATS MY BOI SANTIII
santi infiltrating everyone’s lives my bf played uncharted tho!! it looked cool. like indiana jones. i liked the marketplace part. a monkey stole his apple
Hi sunny! I really am in love with your story (even if it's tearing me apart at the moment) and just wanted to say you're cool Stay strong ma dude
HI THANK YOU <333 you’re also cool my dude and i’m sorry for tearing you apart (if it makes you feel any better this story tears me apart on a daily basis)
what packs and expansions do u have for ur game?
ummmmmm all of them except vintage glamour and fitness stuff. i wish i didn’t buy some of the stuff packs lmao but what can ya do i actually didn’t even get vampires or bowling or parenthood until like a month ago lmao i’m late to the party
Oh shit she's been dead hasn't she. Like this is all a drug or alcohol infused bender of mollys memory, she's probably never left. They're probably still at the hospital. I hope I fucking wrong but shit I also hope not. Poor santi
we’re so far past this but i just wanted to publish this anyway lmao it was a good theory! and this person was so sure of it it kinda made me wish it was true lol. sorry if that disappointed you but i’ll always remember this one in my sad sad heart 💔
how long did it take for you to make friends here? I started a simblr because I really like storytelling with my sims & I thought it'd be fun to meet people who enjoy that, too, especially since I don't have many friends irl...but I've been here for quite a few months now and it seems like no one even cares that I'm here....everyone I try to interact with pretty much ignores me after a message or two....I'm just feeling really discouraged about my presence here :/
I’M REALLY SORRY I DIDN’T ANSWER THIS SOONER ASKJDKJFSDKA (i’m sure it didn’t help the fact that you feel ignored, i really really hope you see this) but okay uhhhhhhh i only had acquaintances from 2015 up until like this year? then i started really becoming close with people. so it took a while lol, but i think everyone starts off slow because it’s mostly about the actual game we’re playing at first and then making friends just happens through that. don’t get discouraged, like i said it took a while for me. you really just need to reach out to the people you’d like to become friends with, reply to their posts, give your genuine thoughts, say something that’ll make their day...people notice that no matter what they have going on, i promise. i hope you’re still here and hanging in there. don’t get caught up in who’s talking to you or not talking to you, just do your thing, enjoy what you do, and people will notice you. <3
3. Hi so I just wanted to say that I love your story, I'm here for every update. I'm an s3 player I play s4 every once in awhile but s3 has my soul. I love Santi and I know he will be happy in the end, whether it's with Lou or not(hopefully it is tho) I only want him to be happy. I go through so many emotions in one post, like this is a tv drama and I can’t wait for the next episode. This is the end of my cut and paste. Have a nice day.❤️
HI HELLO <3 this is so sweet and i can’t believe you actually care about my story lmao thank you i’m glad you have faith in his happy ending, i don’t want anyone to think i genuinely like making my characters suffer lmao. i only do it to make the happy ending more satisfying. asjdfjksd comparing my stuff to film or tv always makes me so giddy so THANK YOU ily <333
"Suicide before you see this tear fall down my eyes" (Beyonce) reminds me of Molly's situation soooo muchhhh aaaahhhhh
OMG YES what a good connection. good song good connection yaeeahhh better call molly with the good hair
Ummmm... hello! I just read through your whole story with Santi and I'm like... holy fuck. Not only is your story wonderful, your editing is so good. I'm surprised I didn't shove my eyes up against my computer screen. Please continue making wonderful things and being great. Signing off 12:31 in the morning, I hope you have as much fun as you want to
“as much fun as you want to” omfgasdkngjd why did that make me laugh so much. don’t have too much fun, have the responsible amount of fun anyway HELLO thank you soooooO much ;-; pls don’t shove ur eyes up against the screen i’m almost positive that’s not good for them. but i appreciate this so much thank YOU for being great <3 signing off at 2:18 in the morning after ignoring this message for months now (i’m sorryyyyyyy) but um ily
HELLO??? I JUST READ A SERIOUS CASE OF NOVEMBER FOR THE FIRST TIME AND I'M LIKE CRYING???? y u do dis to me I hate you and love you at the same time
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(I need to rant I'm sorry) My uncle is really positive towards the army and war and stuff like that and all day he's been going on about how it should be mandatory to serve in the military, especially for "little brat girls" like me? And it's stressing me out so much I want to cry :( The army and war is something that genuinely scares me and I don't want anything to do with it, but he's just going on and on! What should I do?
this is literally sooooooooo late and i feel so bad i’m sorry, i hope this still helps you out and i hope you see it tho okay. i’m pretty sure this was even before the trans military ban like whew idek what your uncle must think about that. tbh just ignore him, like i know it’s hurtful but like...what is his point in telling you this? i would’ve literally been like (sarcastically) “ok then sign me up” but i’m also a lil shit so that’s probably not the best thing to say. but really like the only thing he’s trying to do is feel powerful by means of expressing his militaristic (no pun intended) opinions to someone far younger than him. it’s so that he feels bigger and better than you (especially by calling you a brat). he’s a sad man and anyone who relies on the military, of all things, to shape a person probably doesn’t have a strong sense of self anyway. i love you okay, just ignore him, don’t let him stress you out <3
I'm a little high and it's late but I have a lot of courage now so I've been following you for a while and I just want to tell you how much I love your story! I have come across other places on tumblr who do this but none have captured me as this one did! You are amazing and I am in love with this story! Thanks fo being you! :)
ONMG YOU HAD TO BE HIGH TO SEND THIS LMAO that was me this weekend anyway thank you so much, it floors me every time anyone says these kinds of things to me and it never gets old ;-; you are so amazing ok <333
you can't possibly be offended by a homophobic joke in game of thrones, it's set in medieval times. they had several lgbt characters in it, it's not the show that's homophobic, it's the characters, which is accurate for that time period.
o i can and i will lmao i mean i get where you’re coming from but with that logic you could say it’s only accurate to put homophobic jokes in today’s media just because people are still homophobic in the time live in. i know it’s the characters, but you do understand that someone writes those characters, right? it’s bad writing. it’s lazy and pandering and because of that it’s offensive. idk if you know the exact dialogue i was referring to but it was so completely unnecessary lmfao. they could’ve made a million other jokes. regardless of how it offended me it was just BAD lmao
@ I wanna watch GoT anon: don't. It's just so fucking bad. The definition of overhyped tbh (and btw, sunny, PLS HELP HE SCREWED HIS FUCKING AUNT WTH)
LMAO SOMEONE ACTUALLY AGREES WITH ME? wow bless u. it is definitely overhyped, like it was good at first but it’s been riding that hype through these past couple of seasons to disguise the bad writing. i understand being entertained by it, but i’m always surprised when people think it’s actually well written at this point...it’s so cringey and now thanks to the season finale this fanbase will be justifying incest. great!
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sakurachoi2096 ¡ 8 years ago
What is love? [ Chapter 2 ]
Title: What is love?  Chapt 1 | Chapt 2 |  Chapt 3 | Chapt 4
Genre: Fluff | Angst | Smut 
Characters: Im Jaebum | Got7 | Reader
Warning/s: None
Summary: Jaebum was your childhood friend. Both of you had a beautiful, strong bond. Like sister and brother after all your families practically saw each other every day. However, he entered in JYP to be a trainee and you was preparing for medical school. Since then both were only able to talk trough kakao talk, after a few years once he was stable as an Idol and you as Doctor, you guys decided that it was finally time to meet again. Having no idea what was about to come next. 
Author: Sakura Choi (me)
Words count: 2.3k
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After shower, you stood in front of the closet wondering what to wear. Truth must be said, your personality and way to dress was quite similar to Jaebum’s. However, you were much more introverted and conservative in certain aspects than he was. After all, he was an Idol. Still in front of the closed, looking for something you though you could wear a more casual outfit. You took a tight black jeans, a dark green long sleeve shirt with a v-neck, a leather black jacket and your So Kate Christian Louboutin in black too. It was not formal, just casual but with a touch of elegancy. Checking yourself in the mirror ‘Yeah I look descent, let’s go’ saying to yourself, trying to calm down. Since you were getting a little nervous than usual.
You went to the kitchen, had a big cup of coffee, took your phone and sent a message to Jaebum ‘I am on my way, see you in thirty minutes sharp’ receiving an immediately reply from him ‘Hurry up’ looking at his message you froze. You had a tachycardia; your stomach started growling, your knees shaking. What was that? You never felt like this before, this extreme excitement was just because you are going to see him, Maybe it was because it has been years since you saw each other or maybe because of the coffee, you just had. It was confusing for you, yet you didn’t want to give it too much thought.
You went to the parking lot of the campus; you had your own car a Red wine Toyota FJ Cruiser. Opened the car and put the food inside. Looking towards the university you thought to yourself ‘God I want to move from here as soon as possible’. It was fun to be honest, you already had your own job, own money, already finished you specialty the only thing left was the Doctorate and everything at the age of 24. However, since it was much easier and comfortable you somewhat just stayed in the campus. Just you, own room in there. Entered in the car, turn on the aux with some good music to hype you more and went directly to his dorm.
‘Kids, you better go change she will be here in 30 minutes’ Jaebum said to the members with a smile in his face ‘You really seem happy Hyung’ said Jinyoung teasingly, Jaebum only stared at him with his typical face of ‘’you better shut up’’. It was obvious how anxious and nervous he was. He haven’t seen her in years. This cold sweat running through his back, make him come back to his senses. ‘Hyung is she pretty?’ asked Bambam looking to him and after to Yugyeom ‘I don’t know, I think so. Yah don’t start thinking weird thoughts she is like family’ Jaebum said growling raising his voice a little bit, he wanted to crontol the member otherwise it was going to be a total mess once you got there. Jinyoung only laughed looking at Mark, this boy knew what was going to happen. Nevertheless, he better kept his mouth shut. Everyone changed, looking good with the best clothes they had in a casual way. Jaebum was going to the balcony from time to time, looking if you arrived until finally. You got there. He knew it was your car, since when you got it you sent a picture to him. He screamed ‘Yah Yah Yah she is here, get everything done’.
You hoped off the car, taking the food with you. Looking around the neighbor, it was a great one. No noises, good houses, had some supermarkets near. It was perfect. Entering the building, you went directly to the 9th floor where he lived. Knocking the door, you heard a lot of gibberish inside of the apartment after a few seconds the door opened quickly it was Jaebum. Your eyes sparkled; he had grown up so much. Even more handsome than he was in TV. ‘[Y/A]-AH YOU ARE HERE’ he said with his loud and excited voice. For him, you looked amazing even more stunning and beautiful than he actually remembered. ‘What’s up Jae, help me here please I am not that strong you know’ you chuckled as he came back to his senses, laughing with you, taking care of you brought letting you in in the dorm.
As you entered in the living room, you saw those faces smiling towards you. ‘Guys say hello, she is [Y/A]’ he said taking the food to the kitchen quickly. All the members had their jaws in the floor; they did not expect you to be that gorgeous. However, they had to keep it cool. Quickly Jinyoung came to you handing his hand, introducing himself ‘Hello I am Park Jinyoung, it’s a pleasure’ you slightly blushed. Jinyoung was a handsome man, after came Mark winking to you ‘Hey I am Mark’ you replied shyly ‘Hello…’ Well Hello beautiful, I am Jackson’ you looked surprised to him but you laughed ‘Oh she laughed’ he said, as Jaebum came towards you. He felt quite jealous seeing you laugh with Jackson; he knew that Jackson and well all the members had their specific way of flirt, which was one of them.
‘Jae, don’t forget to tell your manager to get some of the food’ you said looking to him with a smile in your face, he agreed with you ‘[Y/A]-ah let’s sit for a bit, there is some tea I will get you some’ he replied. ‘Wow’ said Youngjae laughing, you looked to him flickering your eyebrow ‘Nonna you are the only one that ever call him like that, ah also I am Choi Youngjae nice to meet you’ you giggled ‘Thanks I guess’ you replied. As you walked to the kitchen, this little withe dog came to you ‘Oh my god, this is the cutest dog I’ve ever seen. What her name?’ the dog literally jumped into your arms excited and so happy, all you could to was pet and play with her. ‘It’s Coco, she is Youngjae Hyung dog’ said Yugyeom ‘I am Yugyeom Nonna’ ‘Oh I see, and you pretty boy with red hair what’s your name?’ you laughed looking towards BamBam, he laughed even harder when he heard these words coming out of your mouth “I am BamBam Nonna, can we be friends?’ “Of course I am not that uptight like that ugly ass of your leader’. The boys went crazy, all of them started laughing and screaming hard ‘She is amazing’ said Jackson.
‘YAH! Don’t talk like that about me, aish’ said Jaebum to you pouting, that only made you laugh even more. He served you some tea, sitting in the table ‘So, how is everything?’ you asked curiously, sipping your tea ‘Well I guess, we just finished promoting the new album the one I sent to you through mom’  he replied ‘Oh yeah, Turbulence right? I really like the song Hey’ you said enthusiastic ‘Really Nonna? I wrote it’ said Youngjae to you with the biggest smile in his face ‘Oh yeah, I like the rhythm and everything, I don’t understand that much of music but it’s really good, actually all the song are good’ you smiled back to him.
‘Nonna, what do you do? You are a teacher?’ asked Yugyeom to you ‘I am sorry if it sounded rude, we just want to know more about you since Jaebum Hyung don’t talk about you that much’ he cached you off guard, you smiled and looked at Jaebum with this face of ‘’really?’’ and he only smirked back to you. ‘Am, actually I am a Doctor. I work for the Seoul University Hospital …’ all the members looked shocked. ‘What? Seriously? And still you are friends with this guy?’ said Mark surprised ‘Yah Mark, what do you mean this guy? She is the lucky one to have me as a friend’ you laughed looking to them ‘It’s no big deal actually, but anyways’ ‘Whatever and what about you, what is new with you?’ asked Jaebum changing the subject ‘I am looking for a house or an apartment, I have until next month to move’ ‘Well the house in front of the apartment is for sell why don’t you buy it?’ said Jaebum. Startling members.
‘We can look the house later and if you have any problem I can help you pay it’ he said serious to you ‘Im Jaebum, you know that I don’t need your help to pay it’ you rolled your eyes ‘Strong’ said Jackson in a low tone. ‘Anyways, what do you think of the house do you like it?’ you asked to him ‘Yeah the house is perfect, it’s my style’ ‘Well then I not even going to look it, I am going to do business with the owner today’ you said taking your phone from your pocket to call your lawyer. “Really, you are not going to look? What if you don’t like the house?’ asked Jinyoung, you smirked ‘I trust his taste, it’s basically like mine’ you said while you stood up ‘Jae give me the number of the owner’ he gave to you and you went to the balcony to set up everything.
‘Oh my god, it’s like I am seeing two Jaebum’s’ said Bambam ‘but she is more cooler than you Hyung’ Jaebum glanced over him, raising his hand almost hitting him ‘He is right, she is very beautiful too’ said Jackson looking to the balcony where you were. Jaebum sighed and looked to the boys in a threated way ‘Don’t ever think about it’. When you finished talking, you came inside running towards Jaebum and hugged him ‘JAE, I got the house. I am moving next week’. He felt his heart drop; a cold sweat ran on his back, he felt nervous, he forced a smile and replied ‘That’s great [Y/A]-ah’. At his reply, you suddenly came back to your senses, separating yourself from him clearing your throat.
‘I can help you move in, I am free next week but the boys have a schedule’ said Mark approaching you gently; you glanced over to his tall presence ‘Really? That would be great; I don’t have a lot of stuff though just a bunch of books, they are really heavy’ Mark nodded in agregment. Jaebum growled to his response, not pleased at all. It was not like him at all being this way, maybe he felt this way because the member were being nice to you or maybe because it’s been so long since you two saw each other. ‘You don’t want wait a little till I am free?’ he said to you ‘Oh no, Mark already said he is going to help me. Don’t worry’. Mark gave you a warm smile and went to the kitchen.
Honestly, you didn’t want disturb Jaebum, you knew he was not pleased with the idea of Mark helping you, but you wanted to move fast from the campus. In addition, it was the best just for him rest the next few days to have energy for his schedule. It was weird; you were feeling quite nervous around him. However, it was not in a bad way but in a good way just weird. Jaebum clapped his hands in front of your face ‘[Y/A]-ah are you listening to me?’ he said ‘Oh sorry, what was it?’ you said coming back to your senses one more time ‘What you want to eat? You want to go out or have something here?’ ‘I don’t know, you decide. You are the idol here not me’ ‘Jaebum Hyung lets go eat outside since we are all dressed up’ said Youngjae. He froze for a moment but agreed to the idea ‘Let’s go then’.
‘We can go in my car’ said Mark ‘Hyung lets split then, Nonna has a car too’ said Yugyeom, you agreed to the idea with no problem ‘Jae do you know how to drive right?’ you asked and he nodded ‘So you drive, I am tired’ you smiled to him ‘Yeah sure, I don’t have a problem’ he said looking away, his heart was beating fast to your smile ‘But I want Yugyeom and Bambam to come with us, since they are cute. Right pretty boy?’ you said teasingly to Bambam, he started laughing and blushing ‘Yes Nonna’ he replied.
Everyone left separately in the same direction; you had a nice drive to the place. You listened to music with the boys and laughed a lot with them, especially with Jaebum. It was funny how you felt at easy with him, probably because since he grown up so much and turned to be such a reliable man. ‘Jae are you free next weekend?’ you asked looking to him while he drives ‘Yeah why?’ ‘Let’s go visit mom together on Saturday and on Sunday we can come back, she was worried since you didn’t come for a while’ ‘Sure, but your mom moved from the neighborhood where are you going to stay?’ ‘With you of course, there is enough space in your room Jae besides mom will not let me stay outside’ ‘Yeah, you are right’. Yugyeom and Bambam looked at each other shocked at your conversation with Jaebum, they didn’t know that you two were this close. In fact, they didn’t even know that you two knew each other since babies.
You, Jaebum and the two Maknaes arrived at the restaurant the other member were already there waiting. It was such a nice place, what a great time with everyone. Jackson called you over to sit between him and Jinyoung, with Jaebum in front of you. Feeling a little uncomfortable, you didn’t mind too much you just wanted to have a good meal with everyone and talk with Jaebum.
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softshouyous-archive ¡ 6 years ago
1- Ok first off, ur just soo *smushes cheeks* adorbs!! 2ndly yea same, it just gives off that nostalgic feeling for some reason.. 3rdly yah ma boi shirou don't mess around lol. He just kept on moving their relationship forward each time they interact! It kept on progressing and the kiss shook my core! I think kiku's in his early 20s at most? But yeah his expressions make me sad, and there's def something more going on in regards to him overworking himself. I hope they find home in each other
2 - That’s most def a callout lmao im sorry!! But no worries tho i’m not judging. If anything i think u have commendable taste in fictional dudes; kurama’s a snacc. Anyways all three titles u mentioned are in my to watch later list! Once i do watch em i’ll let u knoe! And about natsume yuujinchou.. I like it bc it just exudes tranquility to me. Also, the first time i watched it i was just finishing high school and felt uncertain about a lot of things in life and it felt important to me then3 - the titular character natsume himself, and the way the supporting characters interact with one another (and their viewpoint about life) actually helped shape me into what i am today. Like, yknow how tohru from furuba makes us want to be kinder and more emphatic? Natsume inspires the same values in me as well. So yeah. Lol omg sorry for the corny and long take about natsume yuujinchou. I just have a lot of feelings 😂
hgkjdflhskgdfgkhj you’re so sweet omg thank you i’m warm ;____; and omg yes !!!! that’s the word i was looking for LOL i love it when authors can make you feel feelings like that!! i think it’s so interesting omgomg yeah?? i really like shirou’s personality! i’m not great at describing and interpreting charas ghkfd but i think he’s v funny and maybe bold?? i don’t know how to describe it but i like it gjdfgdkfg omg honestly the points where they almost kissed + the actual kiss SHOCKED ME????? 1. i was LIKE ?!?!? i know that the other person was sleeping at both points but like,,, what if they woke up????? hewwo???? that was not good for my heart ghfdgf and 2.  i totally did not expect any of that hgkjdflhsgjdfhgdfj they are pretty cute though, but i am worried that kiku might be in his 20s because shirou is probably around 15 or 16, and that is Quite an age gap 0: 
aaaa yeah ))): i was thinking and i think one of the possible factors may be that he feels really helpless and frustrated with not knowing anything about himself, so he feels like that’s a burden on shirou? since that’s the reason why he’s staying there. so maybe he feels like he has to help him as much as he can in order to compensate, so that may contribute to why he’s pushing himself?? 0: and maybe it might have to do with something from his actual self hm hm we’ll see ! omg no ghdfkjshgfdshgdfsgh don’t worry i was just joking!!!! you can totally say stuff like that, i found it funny LOL god he really is, he’s soooo beautiful omg,,, togashi didn’t have to go all out like that but here we are!!! oh and i meant to ask before, but have you watched yyh??? (no pressure though LOL)
oooo yay!!! they’re sooo good, i don’t think you’ll be disappointed!!!! mp100 is sooo amazing, i’m really glad i picked it up!!! it’s so heartwarming and hopeful, while also capable of making you feel a rollercoaster of emotions gfdgfj and tpn omg,,,, it’s So Much, but in a good way??? it’s so interesting and really keeps you hooked!!!! (also not to be that person, but one of the charas is voiced by the same va that voices killua gjkdfhgf) and kaze tsuyo omg i know it’s not as popular SADLY, but it’s. soooo good, i love the gradual ? progression and pacing of events and chara dev,,,, it’s so nice and inspirational like it actually made me want to run LOL o ywes i definitely get tranquil and gentle vibes from natsume! and don’t worry, it doesn’t sound corny at all, i’m really glad that it it had that effect on you and that it was able to help you through that time, as well as shaping you into who you are today! that def makes me want to watch it even more!! i’ll let you know when i start it, i just have a really bad habit of procrastinating anime for some reason hgfglfjkh
but omg?? you’ve watched fruits basket!?!?! please tell me your thoughts!!!!!!!
0 notes
camelliasion ¡ 8 years ago
all of them u bish
1: is there a boy/girl in your life?- yes there is2: think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them?- sadly... yes3: what do you think of when you hear the word “meow?”- pancake 4: what’s something you really want right now?- to be stress free and stuff5: are you afraid of falling in love?- yes6: do you like the beach?- yes7: have you ever slept on a couch with someone else?- if a couch folds out as a bed... does that count?8: what’s the background on your cell?- pics of me and my friends9: name the last four beds you were sat on?- mine, my sister's, the hotel room from after prom, and I think my mom's 10: do you like your phone?- fuck no it's the crustiest shit 11: honestly, are things going the way you planned?- NOT EVEN NEAR CLOSE12: who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts?- I think my friend Jordan it was for sending homework 13: would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler?- poodle!14: which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?- idk scoliosis and tendonitis is a pain in the ass and they don't go away but imma say emotional15: would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?- art museum16: are you tired?- tired of being livid 17: how long have you known your 1st phone contact?- since I was born.18: are they a relative?- it's my twin. 19: would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes?- what ex? But I have an ex fwb and I've considered going back but w the help of friends I've been doing a gr8 job avoiding him......???????? I think?20: when did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with?- he talked to me last night. apologized to me.21: if you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today?- nah22: would you kiss the last person you kissed again?- absolutely23: how many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now?- I'm in bed bruh I take my bracelets off the f. Normally 5. 24: is there a certain quote you live by?- "Yo-Yo Ma died from scoliosis" - my dumb ass twin25: what’s on your mind?- why does my ex fwb constantly lead me on after telling me that I'm not good for his unstable emotions he has around females? why was he so jealous the night after prom? why did he lie about wanting to see me, and does this consistently? 26: do you have any tattoos?- I wish 27: what is your favorite color?- pastel purple 28: next time you will kiss someone on the lips?- hopefully soon? 29: who are you texting?- Lucas Gabrielle 30: think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch?- again, if the couch folds out as a bed... then yes?31: have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right?- when do you not?32: do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?- Cullen, Myles, and Luke my main hawmies and the only people I can trust33: do you think anyone has feelings for you?- oh I KNOW..34: has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?- yes which was a strange time 35: say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you?- it would be so much easier to get over him then... 36: were you single on valentines day?- forever will be!!!1!37: are you friends with the last person you kissed?- yes38: what do your friends call you?- my fwb calls me Q, Cullen calls me queef, Myles calls me koo, Nathan calls me "kuuuuu", and Luke calls me k-hue39: has anyone upset you in the last week?- YES MY SNAKE FRIENDS AND MY EX FWB40: have you ever cried over a text?- yes it was so stupid 41: where’s your last bruise located?- my knee42: what is it from?- dance 43: last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad?- prom night 44: who was the last person you were on the phone with?- raw bean bundt cake45: do you have a favourite pair of shoes?- my. nude. stilettos.46: do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day?- depends on the outfit 47: would you ever go bald if it was the style?- noooo, but I should since my hair is dryer than California before elnino 48: do you make supper for your family?- nop49: does your bedroom have a door?- yes50: top 3 web-pages?- Twitter YouTube and Spotify even tho the fuckING ADS51: do you know anyone who hates shopping?- not that I'm aware of ..52: does anything on your body hurt?- my tendonitis, my scoliosis, my dance soreness from stretching, and my heart53: are goodbyes hard for you?- very54: what was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?- it took me some time to think... literally beer55: how is your hair?- AWFUL. IT'S BLACK ROOTS AND PROGRESSES TO ORANGE AND THEN YELLOW AND THEN STREAKS OF PLATINUM BLONDE WHITE AND GRAY THEN PURPLE ON MY BANGS... SOMEHOW PLUS IT'S SO DRY AND FRIED IT'S WORSE THAN BURNT BACON56: what do you usually do first in the morning?- cri57: do you think two people can last forever?- yes58: think back to january 2007, were you single?- yes I've never had a bf tf59: green or purple grapes?- is there a difference?60: when’s the next time you will give someone a big hug?- I don't give hugs. I receive them. 61: do you wish you were somewhere else right now?- oh yeah I hate home 62: when will be the next time you text someone?- when they text me63: where will you be 5 hours from now?- who even knows 64: what were you doing at 8 this morning.- sitting in my music theory class suffering65: this time last year, can you remember who you liked?- I've liked the same person for over a year 66: is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?- yes! Lucas Gabrielle!!! And ngl ex fwb too....67: did you kiss or hug anyone today?- YES ACTUALLY I HUGGED CULLEN BC BESS FRAN68: what was your last thought before you went to bed last night?- ofc... ex fwb... :D69: have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?- you mean all the auditions I've failed?  you mean every single audition I've ever done?70: how many windows are open on your computer?- normally 371: how many fingers do you have?- the72: what is your ringtone?- Pokemon trainer defeat theme but played by marimba 73: how old will you be in 5 months?- 1874: where is your mum right now?- in her room sleeping 75: why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love?- because he doesn't love me and he's a "commitmentphobe"76: have you held hands with somebody in the past three days?- yes but it was a joke 77: are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago?- two years ago was my sophomore year??? so no. :)78: do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7?- as in 7th grade?????? uhhhh this kid name Michael who does crack now.79: is there anyone you know with the name mike?- Michael?80: have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms?- no :(81: how many people have you liked in the past three months?- that's since January, so 2-4 I'm guessing????82: has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days?- nop83: will you talk to the person you like tonight?- I'm not allowed.84: you’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with?- probably Cullen 85: if your bf/gf was into drugs would you care?- yes 86: what was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie?- Luke was there watching Suicide Squad for the 6th time87: who was your last received call from?- my twin88: if someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you?- depends on my mood I guess 89: what is something you wish you had more of?- money and time90: have you ever trusted someone too much?- @ mitch91: do you sleep with your window open?- nop92: do you get along with girls?- HAHAHAHAHAH NO93: are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth?- I'm keeping shit tons of secrets even my best friends don't know 94: does sex mean love?- NO BUT IT LEADS TO IT95: you’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?- yes and no. yah see he's one horny mother fucker and I get him, but he's also an awful person...96: have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring?- no97: did you sleep alone this week?- I always sleep alone 98: everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you?- Lucas Gabrielle!!!!99: do you believe in love at first sight?- nop100: who was the last person that you pinky promise?- Cullen or Myles one of them
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chokemeseokjin ¡ 8 years ago
for that ask thing... do em all... all 170... do it 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
1: How tall or short do you wish you were? I wish I was like 5′6″ tbh i’m too tall2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not) fucking dragon mate3: Do you have a favorite clothing style? I like kinda cute pastel shit but not really girly? does that even make sense?4: What was your favorite video game growing up? Nintendogs?5: What three things/people do you think of most each day: My gf, bees and flowers6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say? Approach with caution, cries easily and afraid of loud noises7: What is your opinion on Mo being unfaithful to Jimin? Unsurprising and relatable (ily)8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic] IDK9: Are you ticklish? incredibly pls don’t touch me10: Are you allergic to anything? I’m lactose intolerant so… yeah11: What’s your sexuality? bi bi bi12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa? tea i am a brit after all13: Are you a cat or dog person? B O T H14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson? vampire fam that’d be so cool15: Do you have a favorite Youtuber? either Dan and Phil or Tomska, Dan and Phil are one in my head ok shut up16: How tall are you? 5′10″ :)))17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? Evie bc that was what i was going to be called and I would prefer it,,,,18: How much do you weigh? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!] idk fam19: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? kinda?20: Do you like space or the ocean more? S P A C E FAM THE STARS ARE JUST !!!!21: Are you religious? nah22: Pet peeves? When ppl walk really slowly in the middle of the fucking pavement23: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]? nocturnal24: Favorite constellation? gemini obviously where my hoes at25: Favorite star? Kim Seokjin26: Do you like ball-jointed dolls? the fuck are they?27: Any phobias or fears? the dark n clowns28: Do you think global warming is real? yes???29: Do you believe in reincarnation? yeah i guess I do30: Favorite movie? Super 8! Pls watch it! support my kids!31: Do you get scared easily? yes like seriously easy32: How many pets have you own in your lifetime? 233: Blog rate? [You’ll rate the blog of the one who’s asking.] BEST BLOG EVER 10/10 WOULD LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE AMEN34: What is a color that calms you? Pastel blue35: Where would you like to travel and/or live? Japan and Hawaii! 36: Where were you born? hospital in my home town37: What is your eye color? very blue38: Introvert or extrovert? introvert39: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs? I think they’re interesting but the ones in magazines n shit are bullcrap40: Hugs or kisses? hugs pls41: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now? my gf :(42: Who is someone you love deeply? ur mum43: Any piercings you want? more on my ears and maybe my nose44: Do you like tattoos and piercings? yes!!!!45: Do you smoke or have you eiver done so? i have yh46: Talk about your crush, if you have one! how to describe min yoongi,,,,47: What is a sound you really hate? metal being like dragged along something u know what i mean48: A sound you really love? kim seokjin when he gets lines :))))49: Can you do a backflip? no i’m not jungkook50: Can you do the splits? nearly lol51: Favorite actor and/or actress? I lov Andrew Garfield with all my heart 52: Favorite movie? u asked this already but I’ll chose another one soooooooo um Breakfast Club bc i am a white girl53: How are you feeling right now? sleepy54: What color would you like your hair to be right now? same colour it is now tbh55: When did you feel happiest? sleeping56: Something that calms you down? watching youtube videos specifically gaming ones idk why but it’s rlly calming57: Have any mental disorders? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!] probably lmao58: What does your URL mean? i want. kim seokjin. to choke me. ok? are we clear? 59: What three words describe you the most? a fucking loser60: Do you believe in evolution? yeah61: What makes you unfollow a blog? posting rude/mean stuff or just if I don’t enjoy their content anymore, i don’t mean any harm or anything lol62: What makes you follow a blog? if it’s pretty/memes63: Favorite kind of person: nice people who’re funny and caring and actually give a shit about me and other ppl, not just themselves64: Favorite animal(s): meerkats, giraffes n bees65: Name three of your favorite blogs. @oh-no-its-mo​ @jinsasleep​ @taechy​66: Favorite emoticon: i’m on my laptop!!!! the sparkly heart!67: Favorite meme: um idk? the in tarnation one is p funny atm tho68: What is your MBTI personality type? fuck i can’t remember the rarest one i know that for sure69: What is your star sign? Gemini, come fight me70: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog? no jfc she wont even sit when i ask the hoe71: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most? denim mini skirt thing, tights n some cute top 72: Post a selfie or two? no73: Do you have platform shoes? i am tall enough74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself? I hate potatoes 75: Can you do a front flip? no jfc76: Do you like birds? yah77: Do you like to swim? I’m baically Rin tbh78: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you? Swimming i have no balance 79: Something you wish didn’t exist: donald trump80: Some thing you wish did exist: free traveling 81: Piercings you have? 5 in ma ears82: Something you really enjoy doing: writing and dying83: Favorite person to talk to: my gf84: What was your first impression of Tumblr? yo it was awful i was superwholock bullshit asshat i still hate myself for it i’ve been here too long85: How many followers do you have? 983!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY86: Can you run a mile within ten minutes? FUCKING HELL NO87: Do your socks always match? no88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely? yes89: What are your birthstones? emerald 90: If you were an animal, which one would you be? dragon91: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be? oh fam a fuckin scabious they’re the shit92: A store you hate? superdrug93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day? i had 6 one day it was a mistake94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds? flyyyyyyy95: Do you like to wear camo? yes sir96: Winter or summer? summer97: How long can you hold your breath for? i can swim a length of the pool underwater98: Least favorite person? donald trump99: Someone you look up to: is it cheesy to say namjoon?100: A store you love? the fat ass topshop on oxford street101: Favorite type of shoes? cute ballet flats102: Where do you live? LDN 103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why? bacon104: What is your favorite mineral or gem? i just thought of that fucking goat meme bye105: Do you drink milk? no i would die106: Do you like bugs? some107: Do you like spiders? small ones108: Something you get paranoid about? e v e r y t h i n g109: Can you draw: a little tho i’m sure others would disagree110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked? idk fam i haven’t rlly been asked one111: A question you hate being asked? is ur hair naturally that colour112: Ever been bitten by a spider? no113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach? yah114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days? sunny!115: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now: my gf jfc how many times have i answered with that 116: Favorite cloud type: penis shapes ones117: What color do you wish the sky was? pink118: Do you have freckles? yah 119: Favorite thing about a person: their laugh120: Fruits or vegetables? fruit121: Something you want to do right now: sleep tbh122: Is the ocean or sky prettier? sky123: Sweet or sour foods? sour? i dont rlly like sweet stuff much124: Bright or dim lights? in between aaaaaye125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature? unicorns i read a book when i was little that convinced me126: Something you hate about Tumblr: drama and ppl caring too much about shit that dont matter127: Something you love about Tumblr: making friends and seeing ppls amazing art!128: What do you think about the least? what a weird question um idk slugs?129: What would you want written on your tombstone? fucking finally130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now? Saitama? to see how much it would hurt131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself? my entire being132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures? i dont smile at all if i can help it133: Computer or TV? computer134: Do you like roller coasters? sort of135: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness? motion yess not sure about sea136: Are your ears lobed or attached? attached137: Do you believe in karma? yes138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are? a strong -4139: What nicknames do you have/have had? El, Ellz, Petra, Sharpay, bitch, hoe, shut up ellen140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends? yeah141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink? nope142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others? Good most of the time143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help? giving!!!!!!144: What makes you angry? rude people145: How many languages do you speak fluently? two146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries? anyone who’ll have me tbh147: Are you androgynous? no148: Favorite physical thing about yourself: my eyes?149: Favorite thing about your personality: i guess i’m kind idk150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person. my gf (again), Jess and Ellie151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose? dinosaurs, i would make them my children152: Do you like BuzzFeed? their snapchat thing always makes me laugh153: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? [If you have one.] through this god damn website thanks to pepekwan,  romance at it’s finest kids154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons? yes155: Do you like to play with others’ hair? yes156: What embarrasses you? literally everything157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious: again, literally everything158: Biggest lie you have ever told: i’m straight 159: How many people are you following? too many160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)? 46,715 JFC161: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)? none162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)? 1,758163: Last time you cried and why: i can’t actually remember 164: Do you have long or short hair? medium!!!!!!165: Longest your hair has ever been: nearly to my waist166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religon? never really affected me tbh, people can believe what they want to beleive as long as they’re not hurting anyone/ pressuring anyone to believe in it too167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created? not really no168: Do you like to wear makeup? yeah u dont wanna see me without it169: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds? no?????170: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully? yes I have ur welcome Mo ily
i didnt check this so sorry if there are mistakes lol 
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chippedfolks ¡ 7 years ago
Thinking more
So today i called up ma bestie sabrina and talked to her for a while. We sorta caught up and she told me a bit about what’s happening and i told her about the convo i had with Jimmy yesterday on Skype. It’s weird since i broke up with my ex, i’ve been talking to sabrina a lot more..which has been great because she always makes the time too talk too me even thought i now she’s busy in her own life. It’s nice knowing that there’s someone who always has my back..through the good and bad <3 i love her.So i told her about everything, how i was feeling what we talked about (that i could remember..i was a bit distract coz he didn’t have a shirt and his voice is just so sexy) but i mainly talked just about how a little crushed i felt. I’m just thinking about my future a lot more. So i always always pictured Jimmy in my future, i still do now even though we are not together. I told sabrina that so much has changed in the past 2 months and how we are both changing as human beings and maybe i might not like the new Jimmy or he might not like me. You know, it’s weird because people definitely have an influence on a person so he’s meeting new people (which is dope :D) but he might change and i might not like who he is becoming (and vice versa). I also talked about how much i do not want too do law, or work that 9-5 on a desk and how i’m trying to do something on my own time and that i love maybe art or writing idk haha its a long shot and people usually don’t make any money off of it so i will prolly just do it as hobbies. I also talked about how planning my future around Jimmy and I being together was so much more easier than it is now. Now i’m stuck and clueless and confused. I don’t know where i want to live or what i want too do and i have to figure all of it out very soon because i’m graduating in a years time.Side note: i had a dream last night after talking too Jimmy on skype. So in my dream and i was graduating uni and her came too my graduation and surprised me and met my mother and told her that he is proud of me and loves me and that he wants me back haha and all that good stuff. He was so confident and manly (in my dream i stared at him like i used to stare at him when he was explaining things too strangers and talking to strangers like that walking tour we went on and he met the Brazilians...lol you guys have no idea what i’m talking about, but fuck me everytime he did that i just fell in love with him even more) But it was an amazing dream, guess that’s what my deepest darkest thoughts are still thinking about.  
Where was I..ahh yes my life haha. Right i also told sabrina i wouldn’t mind moving too Portugal after i graduated and finding a job..i know that sounds crazy and desperate but someone would have to make a sacrifice right. I honestly would sacrifice a lot for him...but it wouldn’t feel like a sacrifice too me honestly. I love portugal with or without Jimmy, but a portugal with Jimmy would be ideal :) I think i’ve only recently started dealing with this break up better..but i’m also trying to thinking about getting him back i’m aloud to do that. What the heck right, my family already knows i love him they don’t even know him as a human being and they’d love him if they looked past his skin color and other stuff maybe on religion..but i’m not even into it anymore so what the heck. There are only two possible outcomes he like ayee yes i’m never letting you go..or people i left your bullshit behind i’m trying too move on far far away from you. I suck at maths but yo that a 50% chance, that’s pretty good. I just wish we’d try together you know...i dunno this is all dreaming i’m talking about coz if it actually happens you can tell yourself i told yah so. But in reality i seriously seriously gotta leave him alone, and trust me i’m trying so hard to hold in all the emotions i’m feeling. I force myself to stop sending him videos on fb or instagram and always have too stop myself from sending him snaps as well but i always still end up doing it. i made different accounts so anything that anything i watch that i know would make him laugh i send too those accounts instead. Also he never ever sends me any so i’m not trying to look needy and like an annoying ex gf..hell nah bitch not this black ass not today (V from shameless haha)  Gosh and what’s even more difficult is that i have my uni friends like ayse always being sad about being single...before i seriously used to say when the right person comes into ur life you’ll feel it and be so happy coz it happened too me... but then i remember damn i’m single and miserable as well. So i’m sad too. I’m ok with being single, i have no problem with that or i never did. Obviously i wanted affection, but losing someone you love that’s another fucking level. Things are only going to start getting harder...as time goes by people are going to come into both of our lives..and that scares me because that pushes us further and further away. Today we had 20 quran teachers (sheikah’s) read quran on us a bless the house (i never wanted too go and stopped going too quran class all together but i was like fuck it..i’ve just been questioning a lot of things like religion since my break up) and the entire time they were blessing us and the house i was extending those beautiful blessings to Jimmy and his family because they are always on my mind. I sat in a chair for two hours silently, but in my head i just kept on praying i want him back for good and i don’t ever want too lose him again and i want us to lvie happy life and to accomplish great things. I guess you could say it was a holy moment as 20 men read quran out loud and all ur doing is trying to pray for the one thing you want deep down inside. Trust me i’ve tried too ignore him and tried to hate him and tried too say too myself that I can find a way better man but that doesn’t fucking work.  So i don’t know where my future is going, but if god’s not going to help me get him back as many times as i ask...i will. I’m just scared he won’t love me anymore. You’re still the only guy i think about and dream about and care about. You’re drifting away and things are changing and its scary but i’m trying it’s just been so hard. I just wish a lot of things could happen for me that would make me happy but i gotta work for what i want.. I’m all alone, but i’m trying and im strong as fuck and proud of myself with everything i have been through. Summer 2017 definitely was the lowest point in my whole life too date but each day is getting ok i guess..
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