#i was also (again) hounded by the team member who thinks she is my bestie
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theragamuffininitiative ¡ 2 months ago
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chid-sen-gan-blog ¡ 6 years ago
My Thoughts on GoT 8.01 (“Winterfell”)
So, this is late, but I watched S8, E1 (”Winterfell”) with my Dad and Brother and had some thoughts (these thoughts are from my first time viewing it, but I was too insecure to post them until a magnificent mutual of mine suggested it).
Spoilers, but the warning might be irrelevant by now. Featuring running commentary from my family because they’re amazing.
So, maybe I’m alone, but I’m not that fond of the new opening. Sorry, it just looks cheaper to me than the old one somehow, even though I read somewhere that more money was spent on it
That child climbing a tree gave my entire family and I some serious Bran/Arya nostalgia, as did that Baratheon theme
Arya’s little smile when she saw Jon half filled me with joy, and also half broke my heart. So much has happened since they last saw eachother. So fricking much
Arya looking at the Hound in a parallel to S1, E1 has been found
Non-verbal Gendrya is life
Oh, yay, an obligatory manhood joke to start off the season. Ugh. You know, I’m really tired of them at this point.
So......... can somebody remind me why Tyrion is even here anymore? And how he became the least interesting remaining Lannister by far?
Missandei and Grey Worm’s little “wow, they hate us” look is honestly the best thing. To quote my Brother: “Finally, two people that can take a hint”
Dany is upset at people not kissing her boots - shocker. Look, sweetie, it’s been a rough couple of years for the Northerners. Not to mention the last time they had a Targ in power he burned their liege lord and had his heir strangled. And that Targ was your father. So no duh they’re skeptical 
Yeeeeeeaaaaah... I don’t think giving a good portion of the people you’ve supposedly come to “save” heart attacks with your WMD children is the best way to establish you’re a “great” ruler
(And the camera lingered on said smirk, hmmm, wonder why...)
Just a little over ten minutes into the episode and I’ve already reached new levels of Dany hatred
Entrance to the Winterfell courtyard parallel to S1, E1 spotted 
Jon riding in and seeing Bran is making me cry. Like, the last time he was riding towards a family member was with Rickon, the only “sibling” (aside from Sansa) he thought he had left - only for Rickon to die moments before he reached him. And here’s Bran, his “brother” who he thought was dead up until recently, sitting there alive and (mostly) well, and I just... *sobs uncontrollably*
Compare and contrast how happy Jon is to see Bran vs. how “who cares?” he was when finding out he was alive in S7 and tell me that political!Jon isn’t real. Tell me
... I thought we were supposed to get non-robo-Bran this season, but, so far, I don’t see it
My Dad is honestly cheering because Bran’s looking at Dany all creepily. He’s just thrilled someone’s giving her some variation of the stink-eye
That Jon and Sansa hug is not the same one that was released, and I’m a little disappointed. Let Jon give bear hugs to his entire family 2k19
Sansa/Ned parallels from S1, E1 and I’m loving it
Dany is literally the embodiment of all her stans who thought she and Sansa would be besties and braid eachother’s hair. Sansa is the rest of us who knew better
Bran cutting straight to the point adds years to my life
Sansa running things is my aesthetic
Dany seriously didn’t sit down till Ned Umber called her “my queen” and I’m rolling my eyes. So what if I’m too critical? I’m bitter
I love Jon getting called out if political!Jon isn’t real, but I’m honestly tired of Lyanna Mormont at this point. Sorry, unpopular opinion
......................... is it just me, or has Tyrion become a lot less smart in recent seasons? 
Wait until they find out who burnt the loot train * snicker snicker*
Sansa asks practical questions. Dany replies with an answer that basically gives the green light for eating innocent civilians. But, sure, Sansa’s a jerk
My Dad doesn’t even like Sansa and he’s scoffing that Dany couldn’t hold a candle to her when it comes to ruling
Yep, Tyrion’s become a lot less smart. I was right
Bran being creepy is actually great when it’s directed towards Dany and her team 
Awwwwwww... Jon and Arya. Don’t screw this up for me, please...
Parellel to Ned/Catelyn in the Godswood in S1, E1, I believe
Seriously, Jon is ecstatic to see his little “sister”. Don’t tell me he would’ve reacted with nonchalance to the news of her being alive if political!Jon isn’t true. Don’t even dare
Am I the only one who’s a little heartbroken that Jon is actually surprised that Arya still had Needle?
So....... I think that “Sansa thinks she’s smarter then everyone” comment was supposed to be an awkward joke. So therefore, I’m not going to get angry
Yeah, Jon, don’t forget. I believe in you
I imagine everyone’s probably going to be really angry with Jon, but I kind of feel badly for him. He seems so insecure about everything in this episode. If the parentage reveal happens here, too, I’m a little worried how he’ll take it
My Brother pointed out that Jon’s homecoming in this episode kind of mirrors Jaime’s in S4 and I’m honestly living for it
I missed Cersei. I really did
I missed Yara, I really did
I didn’t miss Euron, not a bit
Wow, the Red Keep feels so lonely and I think that’s the vibe the showrunners were going for. Kudos if it was
Cersei seriously has some of the best lines and Lena Headey is brilliant in her delivery
Euron... yeah. Dude needs help
Oh, so that’s what happened to Ed Sheeran and co. Time to get started on my “I See Fire” tribute
Little parallel to Tyrion in the brothel with Bronn from S1, E1
“Which girl?” Poor Bronn in a world without modern medicine
Um, excuse me, but if you even think of using that crossbow I’ll make sure that Ser Bronn of the Blackwater becomes black and blue
Someone get Cersei her elephants
Okay, so what’s up with the pregnancy? Was it a hoax, or something else...?
THEON!!! Finally stepping up! Finally!
So... anyone else thinking that Yara believes Dany sent Theon to rescue her and that’s why she’s still loyal to this dragon brat?
Tyrion is on and I’m ignoring him.
Davos nooooooooooooo. No marriages!!!
I see you, Varys. I see you showrunners. Nothing lasts, indeed... *laughs evilly*
Aw, what happened to Dany and Sansa braiding eachother’s hair again?
I’m angry at Jon for not defending Sansa. Really. But how much could he actually have done without spelling potential doom for the North? Littlefinger didn’t have dragons. Dany does.
........... the dragons are barely eating? Barely? And just how many Northerners could those 29 goats and sheep have fed?
“Um, Dany, giving Jon a dragon might be the dumbest thing you’ve done yet” - My Wonderful Dad
“And that’s saying something” - My Wonderful Brother
Wow, Dany doesn’t give two cents about Jon’s consent. Shocking
Wow, Dany doesn’t give two cents about Rhaegal’s consent. Actually shocking 
So... if no one knows how to ride a dragon until they do and you’ve already ridden one so therefore know, give the guy some pointers
Haha you might die. Isn’t that adorable?! *sarcasm sarcasm*
That boy kept his eyes open, honey. That’s not a good thing.
Drogon and Bran should have a staring contest. My money’s on Bran
(scratch that, my money’s on Jaime and Brienne whenever they see eachother)
Ugh. How many manhood jokes are we going to have before this season’s over?!?!
So... the Hound and Arya’s reunion was kind of underwhelming, imo
Gendrya awwwwww.
Ooh, new weapon. Wonder what it does.
“You don’t know any other rich girls” - Arya // “And with you around he never will.” - My Wonderful Dad 
Interesting point my Brother made about Lord Glover always being that guy never wanting to join the fight
Oh, Jon. If political!Jon is true, then stop handling this all on your own. Heck, even if it’s not. Your family is strong as steel. Trust them
Not sure if it’s intentional, but this scene kind of brings to mind shades of Ned and Catelyn in S1, E1 when discussing Ned becoming Hand of the King
Sansa is not helping those vibes. Oh, boy
“Why does everyone who claims Dany will be a good queen sound less like they believe it and more like they’re trying to convince themselves it’s true?” - My Wonderful Brother
Oh, shoot. Is this the Tarly reveal? I don’t think an “it was necessary” is going to work this time...
WOW. She didn’t even try to explain her actions. This somehow makes it far worse for me...
Jorah looking guiltier is actually unsettling
You made Sam cry, Dany. The gloves are off. You’re officially irredeemable in my books
Um, has no one wheeled Bran in yet? Like, he’s just been sitting there?
“Waiting for an old friend”? Is it Jaime? It’s got to be Jaime. Wonder if they’ll save the reunion for the end because more parallels
Jon looks so tired all the time in this episode, even with his family. Even if political!Jon isn’t real, Dany certainly isn’t doing him any wonders. And if you say she is, you’re not really watching the show
Awwww, Jon and Sam together again! And Jon is just as happy to see him as his “siblings”! My heart...
“So, are we ever going to find out if Little Sam’s alright, or...?” - My Wonderful Dad
Jon’s reaction to the burning of Sam’s dad and brother is kind of weak, but I”m hoping we get some more of his wrath directed at the source of this fiasco (Dany)
No, Jon. You and Dany aren’t alike in any way. Case and point - how you’ve been talking about how titles don’t matter every two seconds of this episode, while she was about to threaten your “sister” for not “respecting” her. See the difference, sweetie?   
Um... it probably would’ve been better to lead with Ned’s wasn’t your father than Lyanna’s your mom, but other than that, you’re doing great, Sam
A man from the south tells his northern best friend with a man-bun some game-changing news in a crypt. Sam-Jon, Robert-Ned parallel from S1, E1 achieved
I’m going to take  a moment to appreciate how Kit subtly incorporated and conveyed each of the five stages of grief in this scene
“It’s treason”/”It’s the truth”. I mean, maybe it’s just me, but Jon seems almost terrified to hear this news. Which tells me he’s well-aware of how Dany could react to it. Which tells me he’s not as daft as he’s letting on. 
“You gave up your crown to save your people. Would she do the same?” Sam knows what’s up and I love him all the more for it
“No, no she wouldn’t” - My Wonderful Dad, Brother, and Less-Wonderful I all at the same time in response to Sam’s query
The score in the back, “Winter is Here”, when “Truth” might’ve been a more ironic, dramatic option - like with the last reveal. Hmmm. I see you, Ramin Djawadi. I see you
Edd! Beric! Tormund! Still stand by the idea that at least one of you should’ve died for emotional weight, but I’m glad to see you.
Okay. The blue eyes joke got a chuckle out of me, I admit
Child nailed at their torso thanks to white walkers parallel to S1, E1 achieved
Ned Umber opening his eyes seriously made me jump and I was expecting it
Child who is actually is a white walker nailed at their torso by white walkers parallel to S1, E1 achieved
And now I’m deaf. Thanks, Ned Umber
“Hey, don’t you think that creepy art piece kind of resembles the Targ sigil?” - My Wonderful Brother before the piece was set on fire
“Hey, now it really does.” - My Wonderful Brother after the piece was set one fire 
A rider riding into town and I think I know who it is...
JAIME!!!!!!! *has meltdown because he’s my second favorite character, okay?*
My Wonderful Dad and Brother are just as hyped as I am. Bless them.
Jaime taking off headwear and looking around Winterfell parallel to S1, E1 spotted
Is it just me, or does he actually look happy to be there? I mean, you’d think he’d be more uncertain...
Oh, there’s the uncertainty
Jaime and Bran ending off the episode on a cliffhanger parallel to S1, E1 unlocked
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hekate1308 ¡ 8 years ago
Lost & Found
It's one thing, stumbling across Crowley as a homeless man. It's another to realize he has no idea who Dean is. 12x23 fix-it
I don’t think I’ll ever be done with these. Enjoy!
His first thought isn’t even Oh God or How? but Of course Crowley has to be fancy even as a homeless guy, because that is what his life ultimately boils down to. If he freaked out over every weird stuff he’s confronted with, he’d probably have a heart attack within an hour.
So the former king of hell sitting on a park bench and reading Robert Burns’ poems while his belongings are neatly packed away in two Armani backpacks next to him is no big deal.
“I’ll give you that, it’s a good cover” he says, stepping up to him.
No disgruntled demon would look for Crowley out on the streets of all places.
A small part of him feels annoyed that he hasn’t even thought it necessary to let them know he was alive, let alone that he’s back. Sure, they didn’t exactly part as the best of friends, but in his own small way, he even grieved for the guy. And continued to, after they dealt with Satan Jr. and Cas was resurrected once more, grieved through the whole year it took him to find Crowley here on a nondescript park bench in a nondescript park of a nondescript town.
The reaction he gets astounds him. Faster than he can blink, Crowley has put his book away, grabbed his two backpacks and stood up, saying tiredly, “Don’t worry, officer, I’m on my way”.
He waits. Waits to be hailed as “Squirrel” and thoroughly laughed at because of the face he’s certainly making right now, for the self-assure demon he knows to come through, but it doesn’t happen.
Instead, Crowley starts walking away.
He rushed after him and grabs his biceps.
He flinches.
He turns around.
There’s absolutely no recognition in his eyes, and Dean almost can’t hide his shock when he realizes.
Crowley has no idea who he is.
“I told you, I’m on my way. I have no wish to get into trouble – “
“You’re not in trouble. Crowley, it’s me – Dean Winchester – “
“Crowley? Is that my name?” he asks so innocently Dean has to take a moment to breathe.
“Yes. It is.”
There’s something like hope in his eyes, now.
“You know me?”
“Better than anyone, I’d imagine”.
At least anyone alive right now. He doesn’t mention that detail.
“So we’re... friends?”
“Besties, actually” that same voice says loud and clearly in Dean’s head, so very confident and at ease, the complete opposite of the – man? standing in front of him.
“Yes. Yes we are. You disappeared a while back. We –“ he stops, realizing Crowley has no idea who “we” are.  
“Me and my brother and our best friend” he finally continues, “we were all worried about you”.
Well, less worried and more... kind of sorry no red-eyed dick was going to drop in anymore to annoy them. They even went so far to tell his story on hunter get-togethers, so that he wouldn’t be entirely forgotten.
How ironic. The only one who has forgotten all about him is Crowley himself.
“Look, I know you have no reason to trust me – “
“That’s quite alright. I haven’t got anything to lose either”.
Well if that’s not freaking depressing.
“So you’ll come with me?” he asks, somewhat astonished at how eager he is to have them all together again. “We’re working a case in this town, so it’s only a motel room for now, but you’re welcome to stay with us if you’d like”.
He hasn’t cleared it with Sam or Cas yet, but I can’t imagine them turning their... somewhat-ally away in his condition.
“Better than on the street” Crowley decides and Dean breathes a sigh of relief.
He sends a quick text to Sam, who’s been visiting the morgue with Cas – Found Crowley. Ask no questions; he has no idea who he is. Amnesia or something. Just get a bottle of holy water ready.
“You said case... did we work together?” Crowley asks (so freaking innocently).
“Now and then, yeah” Dean says truthfully.
They did after all hunt Lucifer’s hell hound together... that must count for something, right?
Oh God, he suddenly realizes, Juliet. Damn dog has been hanging around the bunker since a few weeks after Crowley’s death, when she just showed up out of the blue; each of them had an angel blade in hand in turn and couldn’t bring himself to do her in.
She’s going to flip out and Crowley will be thrown down on the floor by an invisible mutt slobbering all over him.
First things first: get him to a motel.
“Can’t be the feds” Crowley said suddenly. “Someone would have come looking for me then”.
He sounds so resigned Dean can’t take it.
“We thought you were dead. That’s why we didn’t search for you. Something... went wrong on a case”.
Crowley actually looks pleased.
Dean doesn’t stop to think whether he would have looked for him, because...
Well, because the answer would probably be an all too enthusiastic “Of course”.
Sam and Cas have readied themselves for the sight that awaits them and don’t even jump when Crowley walks into the motel room in front of Dean.
“Crowley” they say almost at the same time.
“This is my brother Sam, and this is our friend Cas”.
Crowley nods before drawling, “Sorry, boys, no idea who you are”.
That... almost sounds like the old him.
“I’m thirsty. You want some water too?” Dean asks casually.
He nods and he goes to the fridge.
Sam has left two bottles of holy water to cool, and while it’s thrown away on Dean, that’s a prize he’s ready to pay.
“Here” he passes him a bottle, and, as he expected, Crowley waits for him to take a drink before he does the same.
No reaction.
He came back as human as Cas, then.
That settles that.
“Look” he says once they’ve all sat down at the small table, “I know this will sound insane...”
“You have no idea” Crowley mumbles.
“Trust me, I do. Okay, there’s no way to sugarcoat this. I told you we were on a case... a supernatural one. Because almost everything you can think of – ghosts, monsters, et cetera – they’re real. And we hunt them”.
He thought he was prepared for every answer Crowley could think of, but he’s still shocked when he reacts with, “Do some of them have black eyes?”
“Yeah” Sam says, “how do you –“
“I see them from time to time. I try to get away; they attack me when they realize I’m there”.
His expression tells Dean there was more than one close call involved.
“Yeah. Those are demons”.
Again, not a single sign of recognition, not even the smallest suspicion he could ever have been one of them.
“Did they say anything?” Cas asks. “Before they attacked you?”
Crowley shrugs. “They mostly sprouted a lot of nonsense... about taking revenge or stuff like that. Of course this explains it.”
He waves a hand towards all of them.
Right. He thinks they were colleagues.
They could tell him the truth... but frankly, what would be the point? He’s already had it hard enough during the last year, and he did sacrifice himself for them.
Alright, also to get rid of Lucifer, but still.
Neither Sam nor Cas make any attempt to tell him.
Okay then.
And two days later, after they’ve solved the case (Crowley doing a pretty good job of manning the phones in the meantime) they’re on the way back to the bunker, and Dean is surprised just how complete the team feels with the former demon in the backseat.
They’ve warned him about Juliet (he seems to think she’s just their team’s pet) so he reacts pretty well when she jumps at him, barking excitedly.
“Guess she missed you” Dean says calmly.
And then they have Crowley living with them, and the goddamn guy seems so freaking comfortable.
It’s annoying Dean to no end because, if anything, he finally wants his make-shift family to be honest with one another, but how can they be when the truth would probably freak him so badly he might not recover?
What’s frustrating him the most is how obvious it must all seem to Crowley. They recognized him and took him in immediately, so they must be his pals, right? And because he’s been around since the First Apocalypse that never was, all their stories make it seem like he hung out with them all the time, and because they were on cases then, cases they can’t help but mention, and he’s got pretty good fighting skills, he must be a hunter in his mind.
See? Freaking obvious.
Naturally the thought of being anything else but human never occurred to him. Why would it?
There are a few things they have to tell him, though; he takes the news of his mother’s and son’s death pretty well, probably because why he understands what it means, there is no single remembrance he can connect with either of them.
Instead, it can be said that he grows more and more attached to them all, in exactly the way it happens when you become friends with someone.
And goddamn it – they like him to, alright?
The last thing Dean would have imagined, from his brief problem with human blood, would have been that Crowley could end up not only a decent man, but a pretty good one.
He’s just – he’s nice and kind and friendly all the time, exactly what you’d expect from a homeless guy who suddenly finds himself surrounded by friends with a room of his own.
Even Jody has to admit that, and he almost killed her some years ago.
As soon as she hears Crowley’s back, she comes rushing, only to stand absolutely still and stare at the ex-king of hell who’s leaving it up to her whether she wants tea or coffee, and oh, would she like something to eat with that? He’s sure he can scrounge up something for her –
“Oh God” she mumbles after he disappears into the kitchen, “how do you deal with those puppy dog eyes?”
“I’m in training, think of Sam”.
“Is he like that all the time?”
“Yep. Best roommate I ever had. And I’m living with an actual used-to-be-an-angel these days”.
“And he has no idea?”
“None. And to be honest, none of us can bring themselves to tell him. He’s so freaking happy here, Jody”.
“I can see that”.
She sighs.
“Alright then, looks like your “Team Free Will” got another member”.
It does indeed. Crowley is a pretty good fighter, and some of that demon knowledge he had must still be flying around in his head, because he finds lore incredibly quickly.
So, yeah, things are... good.
For a while.
Until... Dean can’t really explain it, but he knows Crowley isn’t happy anymore. He’s always slinking around in the shadows, suddenly, and Dean could swear he hears him walking around at night when before he had no trouble sleeping through.
One night, Dean has enough and catches him just as he’s about to go to the library.
And if those are not the eyes of a haunted man, Dean has never looked into a mirror.
“You remember”.
It’s not a question.
Crowley nods.
“A few weeks now”.
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“You want to know the truth, Squirrel?” he asks tiredly.
“Because the past you allowed me to believe in was far more pleasant”.
“It was, wasn’t it.”
Juliet comes up to them, invisible to every inhabitant of the bunker now.
“You wouldn’t have your doggie then, though”.
Crowley actually chuckles.
“I guess”.
After a pause, he asks, “Do you want me to leave?”
He can say that with conviction. None of them would feel comfortable, just sending their – friend out into the world.
Crowley nods.
“You’ll still bake pies, right?” Dean asks hopefully. It’s one of the talents he definitely didn’t expect Crowley to have.
He groans.
“Fine, Squirrel, but only if you make burgers.”
“I can do that. Now, come on; we both need a night cap”.
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