#i wanted to give dorothea a brigid outfit since she ends up there in their final support
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Loved their ending
#Petra#dorothea#petra x dorothea#fe3h#femslash friday#i wanted to give dorothea a brigid outfit since she ends up there in their final support#petra and her songbirds
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Moments for Us Alone, Byleth/Dimitri/Claude AU, Chapter 1: Reunion
Summary: Claude could not be more happy to have Dimitri and Byleth in Almyra. He would have two blissful months to spend with his lovers, stealing private moments that belonged only to them.
Notes: Here is the fluff I was talking about this morning. This is really just a series of fluff one shot, one word prompts. I'm using it as an opportunity to try and work through some characterization for these three, while also indulging in some shameless fluff.
I was trying to get the next chapter of History on Repeat done today as well, but I'm not happy with it so that isn't going to happen. I do start my new job tomorrow, so updates will be less frequent.
Read on AO3.
Claude felt like a small child on his birthday. He wanted to smile like an idiot, and bounce on his toes as he tried to get a better look at the newly arrived royal party. He wanted to sprint down the stairs and pull his spouses into his arms.
But he was king, and doing any of those things were considered undignified. He was already causing a bit of a stir by insisting on greeting the Fódlan party in the castle’s courtyard instead of the audience room. He had never much cared for rules, and in this instance he was more than happy to push his boundaries. Plus, he really wanted to be one of the first people to see Byleth and Dimitri. It had been almost six months since they were all in the same place, and it would be all too soon that they had to return to Fódlan. His eyes wanted to drink in the sight of them every moment he could until then.
Although the Kingdom and Church parties had met on their way, they were still to be received separately. Dimitri was the first into the courtyard, riding at the head of his entourage. He was the very image of what a king should look like on his white stallion. Due to the Almyrian heat, Dimitri had forgone his signature cloak, wearing lighter cottons layers than what were called for in the cold of Faerghus. They hugged his muscles, allowing Claude to see that no, his husband had most definitely not skipped on any of his training. Dimitri had also pulled his blond hair back, and that was a new look Claude could get behind.
Dimitri leapt from his horse, taking the stairs two at a time to reach Claude’s side. A strong arm found its way around Claude’s waist as Dimitri pulled the fellow king a step closer to him. Their lips met in a kiss that lasted a moment too long to be chaste, as one of Claude’s courtiers was so kind to inform them by coughing into his hand loudly behind them. Dimitri pulled back, but stayed close enough that their arms brushed against one another.
“A bit eager there, Your Majesty?” Claude teased.
Dimitri kept his smile, and oh Claude was so glad that was a habit that seemed to be sticking around, but there was a light dusting of a blush on his cheeks. “You know you wanted me to do that.”
True, Claude did. Claude would also like his husband to do many other things to him.
But the Church party was now coming up behind the members of Faerghus, and Claude’s mind turned to the thought of seeing his wife.
“Hilda insisted they come in second, something about a ‘dramatic impact,’” Dimitri leaned down to whisper in Claude’s ear. “She wouldn’t let me see Byleth this morning, so I think our dear wife got pulled into your former lieutenant’s scheme.”
Hilda’s pink hair was easy enough to pick out in the crowd. As soon as she caught Claude looking at her, Hilda shot him a wide grin and a wink. Yep, she definitely had something planned.
Leonie, Byleth’s ever constant bodyguard, reached a hand into the palanquin covered with intricately woven cloths. That was Hilda’s doing. Byleth would have been content to simply ride in like Dimitri had. The woman Leonie helped out of the litter was so stunning she took Claude’s breath away. He registered a soft gasp from the man next to him, and was glad he wasn’t the only one Byleth had an effect on.
Hilda had dressed Byleth in multiple layers of white diaphanous cloth, draped in such a way that she was not indecent by any means, but would be cool in the desert heat. The top cut in two at Byleth’s waist, folding back on itself to drape behind her, ending at the back of her knees. Light cotton pants dyed cream hugged her legs, a pink creped ribbon that was notably Alymrian in origin circling her hips. Claude smirked as he imagined Hilda giving up on her idea to put Byleth in a dress, and compromising on those simple, yet stylish, pants. Byleth wouldn’t even put on the archbishop robes Rhea used to wear; she always complained that she could not move in the things.
Someone had even taken it upon themselves to do Byleth’s hair. She never liked having it all up, but she had allowed someone to braid small sections together. It looked both simple and complicated depending on what angle someone looked at her from. Had he not known that both Petra and Dorothea were in Brigid, Claude would have expected to see them among those who had come with Byleth. A circlet of spun silver and gold, representing both Faerghus and Almyra rested atop it all.
And he knew Byleth did not care one ounce how she looked. In fact, her calm demeanor elevated the outfit in a way Claude had only seen Hilda pull off. When he managed to turn his eyes from Byleth and back to Hilda, she mouthed ‘worth it’ to him. He was going to have to find some way to thank that woman at some point.
“You look lovely,” Dimitri told her as Byleth joined them at the top of the stairs, taking her hand and kissing it like the gentleman he was.
“Do I?” Byleth looked down at the clothes, her expression somewhat puzzled. “Hilda insisted that my usual outfit would not be appropriate for my first appearance in Almyra.”
Claude took Byleth’s other hand, enjoying the nearness of her that he had missed over the last few months. It was just them. They were surrounded by courtiers and retainers, but for a brief moment it was just them.
“Welcome to Almyra,” he whispered to Byleth, leaning over to brush his lips against her cheek.
Byleth blessed him with one of her rare smiles, reaching up with the hand still gripped in his own to caress his cheek. “I missed you too, Claude.”
Claude chuckled. He had long ago accepted that Byleth could see straight through him.
“Shall we?” Byleth asked, reminding her husbands that there were duties to attend. “I’d like to get the politics out of the way as soon as possible.”
“I’d like that as well,” Claude agreed. “After all, the sooner we finish the sooner I get to see that stunning outfit on my floor.”
They both laughed as Dimitri’s blush reached his ears.
“All right, almost there.”
Claude found himself leading both of his very sleepy partners to his bedchamber, but it was somewhat slow going. Byleth was trudging along, but she was leaning so heavily against Claude he wondered if it was possible for someone to fall asleep while walking. He used his other hand to steer Dimitri. The other man insisted he was fine, but he had tripped multiple times, and Claude did not want to spend the rest of the night cleaning up a broken nose.
“The trip here really took a lot out of you guys, huh?” Claude teased as they finally reached their destination. Dimitri’s head fell onto his shoulder for the brief moment it took Claude to open the door.
“That welcome celebration certainly didn’t help,” Dimitri answered, his tone light. “You weren’t kidding when you said your people know how to throw a party.”
Once the door was open, Byleth let go of Claude’s arm and wandered over to the large bed in the center of the room, ignoring all the other finery. “Soft,” she sighed happily as she flopped onto the mattress.
Dimitri moved to follow her, but Claude stopped him. “Okay, let’s not mess up these nice clothes. Hilda would never let me hear the end of it.” Claude’s quick fingers made short work of Dimitri’s shirt. His pants were a bit harder as they required Dimitri’s own dexterity to be present, but working together Dimitri was eventually left in just his small clothes.
Claude deposited the taller man on the bed, grumbling right back as Dimitri muttered at his manhandling. “You want to get under the covers?” Claude asked.
“Does it required me to move?” was the barely intelligible response.
Claude sighed and shook his head. “Never mind.” He leaned down and brushed Dimitri’s hair out of his face, placing a soft kiss to his husband’s temple. “I’m just glad you’re getting some sleep.”
“Easier to do with you two.”
And oh how that made his heart ache in such a satisfying way.
Byleth was easier, receptive to Claude’s gentle touches that turned her this way and that. It was not long before Claude had her in the same state of undress as Dimitri. She opened her eyes briefly, reaching out her hands to Claude. He saw the look in her eye and shook his head.
“I know what I said when you arrived, but not tonight. You’re both too tired.” He leaned down to kiss the top of her head. “There will be plenty of time for us to make love later.”
He stepped back and started to remove his own clothes, only for strong arms to wrap around him and pull him down onto the bed. Claude took a moment to regain his bearings, and by that point he was already sandwiched between his spouses. Byleth had settled comfortably into the circle of his arms, while Dimitri’s arms were still wrapped around his waist, Claude’s back flush against the other king’s chest.
“Sleep now,” Dimitri demanded, nuzzling into the back of Claude’s neck.
“Well, if you insist.”
“Mmm.” Byleth hummed contentedly in agreement, mimicking Dimitri’s cuddling against Claude’s chin.
Claude allowed himself to bask in the state of utter contentment that had settled over him. He was happy and whole, and there would be two whole months of this. Even if they had not made love tonight, this warmth and joy of just being close to one another again was also more than acceptable.
Of course, when he was woken hours later by his lovers’ hands wandering over his body, that was just the icing on the cake right there.
#fire emblem#fire emblem three houses#fire emblem fanfiction#claude x byleth#dimileth#dimitri x claude#my writing#my fic#moments for us alone
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FE3H Character Impressions
Just my thoughts as I’m playing through. I’m including 4 sections for each - first impressions, impression at end of WC, first PTS impression, ending impression. (BE route will have more than 4). Characters for the PTS are ONLY for their ending routes, since that’s where they main. Will updates as I progress. Spoilers ahead, obviously.
**These are listed in the order of paths I played them in with exception to CF (which was my 4th) which is added in under BE. I actually wrote this all down in a notebook and am slowly typing it in here when I have time, so INC for now**
Black Eagles (due to this being a branching path, this is going to have 5 sections)
FI: I like this sassy lady. Obviously the best choice. C1E: Okay, Edel...just wow. You became so much cooler! PTS: Um the hair is...no. But hey, you didn’t kill Byleth! END-SS: No, my Edels.....WHY IS THERE NO SPARE OPTION?! END-CF: My Edels :) I like her in CF - it’s power child Edel! This is the only route where your “leader” is actually a leader.
Hubert FI: Creepy, one half of a hidden face. Betting on this guy being EVIL! C1E: Well I did call it. I still like him tho. PTS: So, they decided to go with the whole “vampire” aesthetic I see. I can’t decide whether I love it or I hate it... END-SS: Uh, well he showed up what, twice? Not much to judge here... END-CF: Loyal Hubert. I grew to like him a bit....
Ferdinand FI: He’s kind of annoying. But hey, at least they picked a good color orange for his hair. C1E: Um...well...did he actually change? No, no. PTS: I’m not sure I like the long hair. His voice though...it seems to suit him better now. END-SS: I liked using him in combat but not as an actual character. END-CF: Doesn’t seem much different than in SS....
Lindhardt FI: Okay, so you’re the unmotivated lazy character, Got it. C1E: Well, there’s actually something interesting about him! Yay. PTS: No, the outfit. Just no. The hair, yes - the clothes, no! END-SS: You kinda removed his laziness and sleepiness...WHY?! END-CF: No real change from SS.
Caspar FI: Loud, short, obnoxious battle nerd. C1E: Alright, I can kinda get him. I can sorta understand why he’s like this. PTS: Armor...no. And why didn’t you change his hair at all...feels lazy. END-SS: And he’s basically the same but older and a bit more mature. Okay. END-CF: No real change from SS.
Bernadetta FI: Aw, she’s a scaredy-cat. I’m intrigued. C1E: I get it. I wanna HURT whoever hurt her. PTS: Bernie’s gotten a glam up! The pouch is a good added detail. END-SS: I like that she grew a little and got some confidence. Good for you Bernie! END-CF: No real change from SS.
Dorothea FI: Okay, so she’s the pretty one? Got it. C1E: Okay, so she’s the pretty one who’s concerned about her future....okay, I can understand. PTS: The BEST PTS outfit from the BE crew (and possibly from all of FE3H). I want this... END-SS: She’s the only one who seems to have ANY regrets about turning on Edel....and for that, she’s got respect. END-CF: Aw, best friends with Edie forever!
Petra FI: The foreigner who can’t talk well. Okay, she’s adorable and tough. C1E: I really like Petra! My she-beast Amazon! PTS: Okay, she went totally exotic - is this Brigid style? I like! END-SS: So, she’s leaving. uwu END-CF: No real change from SS.
Jeritza (yeah, he’s going here...) FI: Quiet and mysterious guy who wears a mask. Yeah he’s not suspicious at all! Also adding to that is the fact he’s the only other character besides Jeralt who you cannot have support conversations with so...hmmmm..... C1E: Okay, serial killer vibes... PTS: They just removed his mask...in combat his outfit is great...but yeah... END-CF: Okay, I can kinda get it but...he’s so flat. I get that it’s his thing but....just no.
Church of Seiros I (Basic grouping for all the faculty + knights. Endings will be for the ones they’re most impactful in)
Rhea FI: Okay, so we’re supposed to be suspicious of her, right? I kinda like her even though I know she’s not being honest with us... C1E: Okay, wow...yeah....cool! END-SS: Well, that went from 0 to 100 real fast. Anyone wanna explain WHY?! *END-CF:
Jeralt FI: Dad maybe? Is it odd I’m questioning this? C1E: Okay...so, yeah that happened. Wow. ...I didn’t know where to stick him, so...here ya go!
Catherine FI: Strong female knight character? We’re getting to play with a girl knight before a boy?! WTG FE! C1E: I really like her dedication. PTS: So, no change huh? *sighs* END-SS: Aw, I like how she got all emotional!
Shamir FI: Okay...cool girl. That one strand of hair tho... C1E: Alright, so she’s cold for a reason. I’m curious. PTS: And another no change huh. *sighs* END-SS: So, she’s a bit more friendly, eh....
Cyril FI: Is this kid really necessary for this game? Just no... C1E: Well his stats are okay but I don’t think so.... PTS: Okay, he grew up. He’s still annoying. END-SS: Yeah, just no.
Seteth FI: Sexy green-haired mysterious distrustful priest dude? AKA the only PERSON WITH LOGIC for the first few chapters. I like this :) C1E: What do you MEAN I can’t take you with me?! NO! PTS: No change...but I really loved your original design, so yay! END-SS: My dragon daddy! :) Best character EVER! And he feels so right as the one planning and leading everything.
Flayn FI: She’s small and green and kind of adorable! I sense an interesting dynamic at play! C1E: So...this explains her odd relationship with Seteth. But still, I must protect the bean! PTS: Well if Seteth didn’t change, I wouldn’t expect Flayn to either. END-SS: Aw, cute! I really don’t get why people hate Flayn - she just wants everyone to get along!
Gilbert FI: Brooding...and bland C1E: alright, so regrets over abandonment and self flagellation... PTS: you couldn’t even add a few more gray strands? really? END-AS: Boring much?
Alois FI: Oh boy...hes going to be loud, huh? C1E: do I have to recruit him? how many more dumb jokes do you have?! PTS: yeah, same outfit....why do the older characters just get NO changes... END-AS: Well he’s still Alois..
Hannerman FI: a scholarly type huh? let's see if he's interesting. C1E: a word comes to mind: obsessed. yup, obsessed. PTS: a suit during war? really? really! END-?: So more crests basically....*sigh*
Manuela FI: I really hope her only quality isn't "i'm sexy" C1E: okay, so she's an ex diva struggling to find love who turns to alcohol...might be the most realistic character.... PTS: would she really be wearing this same outfit during a war? END-?: Is it wrong that I laughed here?
Blue Lions
Dimitri FI: Pretty boy prince character. I don’t really like you. And the haircut with the long bangs over your eyes drives me INSANE! C1E: Okay, so he’s a psychopath. no wonder I didn’t like him. PTS: uh...just no. also are you going to remain in this brooding i’m-angsty-but-a-murderer mood for the rest of the game? END-AS: I cannot bring myself to like Dimitri...I cannot. Jeez, it honestly feels like someone tried to ft a whole bunch of tropes into one cohesive character and failed massively.
Dedue FI: Okay, so you’re a foreigner and people hate your people and you’re used to it. The obsession over Dimitri is weirdly off-putting. C1E: eh....you really don’t have much of a personality do you? PTS: ...so you added scars and gave him armor...wow...also, you tried to fool us with the whole ‘he’s dead’ thing and yet HE HAS AN A RANK SUPPORT with Byleth that you cannot unlock pre-skip and Dedue is non recruit-able...so yeah, no. END-AS: Let’s face it, Dedue’s going to be doing Dimitri’s work every time Dimitri goes all angsty....I feel sorry for him
Ashe FI: Ah, he’s cute and shy and innocent and helpful. Why do I feel like they’re going to exploit this? C1E: ...poor kid, really. PTS: okay, so he looks better. kinda nice actually. END-AS: Eh....I feel like he has little personality now...
Sylvain FI: I...actually like him! I was expecting to not like him but hey, this might be my favorite BL dude! C1E: Okay, calling it now - favorite BL character unless something major changes, PTS: Well they could have done more, but it’s not terrible. END-AS: Okay, so he’s cool. I was right - this is my favorite BL dude!
Felix FI: Grumbly weapon boy. He’s got to have so major character development...please? C1E: Okay, so he’s an ignored child who’s got a dead brother. I can get it. PTS: Did they make his hair wilder? END-AS: Oh Felix. He’s alone now and I honestly think that might be for the best with him...
Mercedes FI: Her voice doesn’t seem to fit her character as well as some of the others. I do not understand her shirt. C1E: Um...she’s not really a standout. PTS: Okay, I liked the outfit: the hat, the veil, the dress. I’m ehhh....on the short hair... END-AS: Mercedes with confidence?! Okay, yes!
Annette FI: I kinda hate her and love her. Squeaky high pitched mage who’s also a walking disaster - she’s toeing the line. C1E: please no more singing....please. That maybe from before is leaning drastically towards the ‘hate’ PTS: wtf is this outfit? what’s with that blue tab thing on her butt?! END-AS: Please no more. Please no more....just take her away
Ingrid FI: A much better written female knight character! She reminds me a bit of Ferdinand...but better! C1E: she’s cool really. please don’t ruin her... PTS: Okay, outfit is a +. way to give her a nice looking knight outfit but feminine! END-AS: I like Ingrid, I like Ingrid a lot. Best BL girl.
Golden Deer
Claude FI: Okay, so he’s the “schemer/rogue” character eh? Let’s see if they do this well.. C1E: Okay, so he’s got some depth. Good for you. PTS: Oh no - why is the outfit slightly metallic looking? That bothers me sooo much. END-VW: Alright so he’s got big dreams...also why is he in the ending picturegram if Byleth is going to be king/queen?
Lorenz FI: What is with the hair....oh no.... C1E: I actually kind of like you...huh... PTS: OKAY, HOTNESS. BEST GD PTS MAKEOVER! Yes, yes, yes - please give me! END-VW: I like Lorenz’s character development arc!
Raphael FI: Big burly guy with muscles....okay. Bet they make him kinda dumb too... Will there be any character at all? C1E: It’s as I suspected... PTS: Okay well...it’s a change...but not too much. The outfit is weird. END-VW: And Raphael is still basically the same...
Ignatz FI: Uh....okay, so this is the house of the weird haircuts. What’s with his eye color? Nerd? C1E: Alright so he’s indecisive and troubled about choosing his path vs the path his parents want for him...okay PTS: Oh TFG the hair is fixed! At least his outfit has personality! END-VW: Yo do you, boy!
Lysithia FI: Okay she’s kinda cute. She’s spunky too! Why do I have the feeling there’s something awful hiding here? C1E: I’m intriqued. I want to know more. PTS: Okay, nice outfit! Good design there. END-VW: POOR BABY!!! Someone save the girl!
Hilda FI: So, her thing is that she’s a spoiled brat? And lazy. Gotcha. C1E: I don’t know whether I hate her or I like her.... PTS: Um....what’s with the sleeves? All I can see is weird clown outfit... END-VW: So is Hilda this route’s advisor? Why did they use her and not Judith?!
Marianne FI: Aw...she’s so cute and shy and her hair is messy. Please don’t ruin her.. C1E: Okay so there is a reason she’s like this...give me more! PTS: Yes, a good design! She looks so much better! END-VW: I’m glad to see she slowly evolved. Good character.
Leonie FI: Is every conversation going to involve Jeralt? It is, isn’t it? *sigh* I might have found my least favorite character.... C1E: Can I not take her back PTS? Can we just forget she exists? PTS: Okay...so she’s dressing like Jeralt...nope. END-VW: And I don’t care. You’re the winner of my worst FE3H character Leonie!
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Fire Emblem Three Houses: School Clubs
(sorry this is so long)
Black Eagles
Edelgard: Debate Team Captain, but she has to remember to keep up her cover; some of those debates hit home and she gets a little too passionate. She’s also a Volunteer Animal Caretaker, showing her soft side for cats.
Hubert: Considers joining Edelgard on the Debate Team, but he doesn't want to seem suspicious so he joins the Paranormal Investigation Club and ends up being unanimously voted Vice President. To everyone’s shock, he’s also a Volunteer Animal Caretaker, having a love for the pegasus.
Caspar: No doubt, he joins the recreational Brawling Team. He and Raphael hit it off and become great pals and rivals, often eating together with...concerning voraciousness.
Lindhart: Philosophy Society, but he tends to just rant and immediately pass out whenever it's someone else's turn to speak. He considers joining the Mindfulness and Meditation group but gets sleepy just thinking of it...and is actually pretty terrible at yoga.
Dorothea: Of COURSE she's in the Theater Department! It's canon! She tries to take a junior director role so other students can have a chance at big roles. She also assists the Choir and Dancer Society
Petra: She's one of the few non-Golden Deer students on the recreational Archery Team. She's excited when the other students ask for her to demonstrate Brigid archery techniques. And when Claude establishes the International Culture Society, she joins to give first hand information.
Bernadetta: She wants to stay in her room clubless, but when she hears about the Crafts Club, she gets a little excited and decides to check it out. Mercedes' comforting aura is perfect for making Bernie comfortable enough to participate, and she even convinces Bernie to check out the Gardening Club despite her fear of Dedue, and even joins the Writing & Literature Club...anonymously, by submitting her work when nobody is around to see her. She wanted to be a Volunteer Animal Caretaker, but was too intimidated by the sheer number of other members.
Ferdinand: Debate Team Vice-Captain...and mad about it. Starts so many "example debates" with Edelgard for the other members that it tends to get out of hand. Also joins the Dancer Society, much to Dorothea’s displeasure.
Blue Lions
Dimitri: At first he considers some of the more intense clubs, like Debate or the Young Knight’s Union, but after encouraging Dedue to be in the club he really wanted, Dimitri joins the academy's Mindfulness and Meditation group. He's kind of nervous at first, but Claude helps him relax. It does wonders for his mental health.
Dedue: With Dimitri's encouragement, he becomes President of the Gardening and Cooking clubs. Just being a regular member of more than one club is usually a handful, but these are both super chill, so his job is easy.
Annette: Another multi-club student, she participates in Choir as well as the Young Mages Society. She also stops in to check on Mercedes in the Cooking Club, but was...discouraged from joining by the dining hall staff.
Mercedes: She’s balancing quite a few clubs! She’s the founding member and President of the Paranormal Investigation Club and Crafts Club, as well as the baking expert of the Cooking Club and a member of the Young Mages Society. And on top of all that, she’s a Volunteer Animal Caretaker.
Sylvain: He jokingly suggests a Singles Club and is immediately turned down by Seteth. So instead he ends up joining the Writing & Literature Club, much to the surprise of everyone. Ends up being Bernadetta’s biggest fan.
Ingrid: Of course she joins the Young Knight’s Union! She loves being surrounded by others who value chivalry and honor codes as much as she does. On that note she also joins the Writing & Literature Club, gushing about her favorite knight tales.
Felix: At first he declares he wants nothing to do with recreational activities, claiming it distracts from training. But then the academy’s recreational Fencing/Dueling (swords) Team tells him that if he joins, he can participate in competitions with other academies from across Fodlan. He becomes their star member in no time.
Ashe: Absolutely the President of the Writing & Literature Club, as well as Vice President of the Cooking Club. He wanted to make an Animal Appreciation Club to help care for all the cats, dogs, horses, and owls on campus, but the number of applicants to join got so out of hand that Rhea decided that it was just gonna be a proper volunteering position instead, called Volunteer Animal Caretakers.
Golden Deer
Claude: As ever, Claude is a busybody, a jack of all trades. He tends to be a regular “drop in” at certain clubs like the Mindfulness and Meditation group and even the Paranormal Investigation Team, but not a proper member, However, he’s a true member of the Writing & Literature Club, Debate Team. Archery Team, Philosophy Society, and even the creator of the International Culture Society. Nobody knows how he manages to balance it all, plus everything else.
Hilda: “Joining a club sounds like too much work”, she said, until she hears about the Crafts Club and immediately joins. It’s refreshing to have some other appreciators of handmade accessories to hang out with! Claude convinces her to join the Mindfulness and Meditation group too, since it’s the perfect place to chill out.
Lorenz: He wanted to make a Young Nobles Society, but was told no clubs were allows to purposely not allow commoner students. So instead be joins the Debate Team, Young Mages Society (even though his magic is pretty average compared to the rest of the group), and the Dancers Society (to Dorothea’s even greater displeasure). He also submits his poetry to the Writing & Literature Club...anonymously, just like Bernie.
Marianne: She would consider being clubless, but the moment she hears about the Volunteer Animal Caretakers she signs up right away. It would be her only club, but it would open her up a little more.
Ignatz: He would definitely join the Crafts Club, which is technically for any soft of craft or art, painting included. It would give him a space where his passion was accepted, which he desperately needed. He’d consider joining the Young Knight’s Union to save face with his family, but feels bad at the thought of not putting genuine effort into it.
Raphael: As mentioned before, he’s on the recreational Brawling Team! He and Caspar are both the stars of the team, but Raph is the one everyone can come to for a bear hug.
Leonie: Definitely part of the Archery Team. She’d be pretty competitive even with her teammates, which Shamir scolds her for straight away. Since she tends to have a narrow focus on only one or two goals, I doubt she’d join anything else.
Lysithea: She joins the Young Mages Society right away, and impresses everyone...as well as becomes the unofficial “mascot” of the group, which she hates but accepts after being bribed with sweets. Stays far away from the Paranormal Investigation Team.
Church of Seiros & Faculty:
Flayn: Once she’s officially a student of the Academy, she’s enthusiastic to join a club. She definitely signs up to be a Volunteer Animal Caretaker, and joins the Writing & Literature Club (which makes Seteth very happy). She considers joining the Dancer Society but takes one peek in on their practice, sees Ferdinand and Lorenz in the dancer outfits, and leaves.
Seteth: He’s the faculty adviser of the Writing & Literature Club, since he himself enjoys writing children’s stories. He also acts as the moderator for the Debate Team, and is part of the Faculty Fishing Group.
Byleth: Along with being a member of the Faculty Fishing Group, they would be the faculty adviser for the Volunteer Animal Caretakers, as well as the Mindfulness and Meditation group. Someone’s gotta give these kids therapy, might as well be the half-feral, weirdo mercenary
Jeralt: All Knights of Seiros are required to help out with the Young Knight’s Union, but since he’s more merc than knight anymore, he spends more time with the Faculty Fishing Group. Though he does pop in on the Paranormal Investigation Team from time to time. His kid’s basically a cryptid after all.
Rhea: While being the Archbishop would take up 99% of her time, Rhea is resolute on wanting to contribute to at least one of the Academy’s student clubs. And she chooses to be the faculty adviser for the Gardening Club. Staff and students alike are shocked, since Dedue is the leader of the group, but Rhea likes flowers and wants to encourage the small collection of students who have chosen to work in the Greenhouse.
Manuela: Of course she’s the director of the Theater and Choir! She’s also the instructor for the Dancer Society. Her former experience in the Opera make these three clubs near and dear to her heart, so she and Dorothea put their all into them.
Hanneman: The faculty adviser of the Young Mages Society and Paranormal Investigation Team, as well as the Philosophy Society. He wants to challenge the students to think critically.
Catherine: As a Knight of Seiros, she helps out with the Young Knight’s Union, and is popular with the students there. After Jeritza...leaves, she takes over for him as the coach for the Fencing/Dueling Team as well.
Jeritza: Coach for the Fencing/Dueling Team, he’s a great teacher but awkward when the students try to talk to him outside of practice.
Shamir: Coach for the Archery Team, and while she’s technically a mercenary she still has to help a little with the Young Knight’s Union. She also decided to be the faculty adviser for the International Culture Society, occasionally telling the students about life in Dagda.
Alois: He LOVES helping the Young Knight’s Union, since he used to be a member himself. He also coaches the Brawling Team and is an avid member of the Faculty Fishing Group...even if he never catches anything.
Cyril: He’s not a student, so he can’t technically be part of any clubs, but Rhea often has him come with her to the Gardening Club, and Shamir has him practice with the Archery Team...and try to reconnect with his Almyran heritage in the International Culture Society.
Gilbert: While he tries to keep a low profile (Seteth pls force this man to pay his overdue child support), he does help the Young Knight’s Union, and is a regular at the Faculty Fishing Group. He also acts as the faculty adviser for the Cooking and Crafts Clubs, since he enjoys cooking and woodcarving himself. Although there are some repeated issues of him not being too keen on working with Dedue.
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