#i want to lay my head down when i sleep!!!
cashmoneyyysstuff · 18 hours
half return.
katsuki’s decides to go home for the weekend, he invites you to come with him.
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I'M BACK ! yall it’s been a while since ive written a full lil fic and this has been itw for a lil bit so i hope yall enjoy ! requests are still otw ! but i figured I’d write a little something to celebrate mha ending :(( tysm mha you will forever be my most beloved animanga in the whole world..BUT ANYWAY SAD STUFF ASIDE yall know i had to bring back my childhood friends to lovers on em,,cmon NOWW ITS JUST MY FAV TROPE YALL 🤧🤧🤧🤧 Anyways, i hope yall enjoy, much luv xxx
SUPER childhood friends to lovers (MY BIG ONE), MHA MANGA SPOILERS (post war and katsuki in rehab !), kissing and being in lubbb bleurghh, soft suki, sleeping in the same bed, mitsuki and katsuki lol, masaru being a sweetie, cooking, lemme know if i missed sum else <33 !!
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“i’m goin’ back home for the weekend.”
these are the first words spoken in a couple of minutes. you were content with sitting in katsuki’s dorm room back at the height alliance, simply sitting in the same space doing your own thing. things slowly taking back their normal course despite you all still having a lot of work to do.
you look up from your phone to look at katsuki who’s eyes have not drifted from his. “oh yeah ? that sounds nice.” you smile, you’re sure his parents must want nothing more than to spend time with their son who saved the world. and you think secretly, he wants to go home too.
he grunts in response, continuing to scroll through his feed. and after a pause he adds “hag asked if you wanted to come with.”
you blink at him, it has been a while since you’ve properly spent time with katsuki’s parents. the last times you did it was when they came to visit you in the hospital to wish you well and offer you some sweets, not exactly the most joyous of occasions, but you loved seeing them either way.
you blink up at him, “are you sure that’d be okay ? i mean, it’s a family thing, no ?”
katsuki shrugs in response “‘s not up to me, she wants to see you so bad.” he glances at you “you gonna say no to her ?” you snicker at his teasing. mitsuki was a sweetheart, but she still intimidated you a little bit since she was a rather..intense woman.
“well i’d hate to disappoint her.” you jest, katsuki snorts, soft smirk pulling at his face as he rolls his eyes. he finally turns to look at you “you don’t have to, i could just tell her you’re busy.” your heart shakes at his subtle reassurance, but you shake your head.
“that’s fine, it’s been a while since i’ve been to your house anyway.” you scooch closer to your boyfriend, laying your head against his chest as he wraps his arm around you immediately. you want to get as close to his heart as possible, wanting to hear even the faintest of sound. to make sure he’s really there with you at times.
katsuki’s hand is warm as he softly rubs up and down your arm, “yeah it has, hasn’t it..” he sighs, and you think he was talking for both of you.
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katsuki's house feels no different from when you were a kid.
the house still smells the same, mitsuki always told you that she liked the soft fresh scent she sprayed through the house. she always liked to leave at least one window open because she said it felt too stuffy, a habit that you recognised in your boyfriend, but that was also probably because he ran hotter than most people.
it calmed her, she said, and with how rowdy katsuki was lord knew she needed it. katsuki always complained when his mother would try out new air fresheners, and you remember his distain for a particular strong lavender one. (although you didn't like it much, either.)
the couches are still the same, all the pictures hanging around the house are unchanged as well. pictures of mitsuki and masaru at their wedding, of katsuki getting a big all might figure for christmas, and of you both at your elementary school entrance ceremony. you giggle every time you see it because katsuki's face hasn't changed much aside from it's pudginess. his expression fierce and you could even see how tight he was gripping your hand in the picture. (katsuki doesn't find it as funny as you do.)
katsuki's mom has always been very youthful, her face hasn't changed much from the years you've known her aside from some wrinkles appearing with age, she still looked as gorgeous as ever. you've always thought she was stunning. she greets you just as excitedly as she did when you were six and came over to play. although she can't scoop you up in her arms anymore she still embraces you so tightly, she stills comments on how big you've gotten and how you manage to look prettier every time she sees you, you feel just as warm.
as usual, katsuki is quick to try and drag you to his room as soon as he gets the chance, not before getting an earful from his mother for not responding to her texts and not telling him how he was doing. they quickly get to arguing, like usual. and masaru quickly comes to your aid so you don't have to sit in the middle of the two loud blondes.
his voice is as gentle as you've always known it to be as he asks you if you're okay, if you're starting up school well. his soft tone and the care he has for you makes you feel warm too.
katsuki manages to swiftly get you two out of the living room, stomping up the stairs and mumbling to himself about his damn old hag. you giggle and he turns to glare at you, squeezing your hand hard and scoffing.
you see katsuki visibly slow down the closer you get to his room, his expression visibly more calm than a few moments ago. serene, like he's taking it all in. you squeeze his hand tighter and he squeezes back, you don't think he realises it.
it takes you back too, the sound of your footsteps in your ears reminds you of your socked feet running around the hallway chasing each other, padding softly against the floor when you would try to sneak a cookie late at night 'cus katsuki told you you were too chicken to go. you can almost hear your loud laughter and soft giggles in your ears. you're griping katsuki's hand.
katsuki sighs before opening the door to his room, the window is already open, his mom most definitely did this to greet him back in her own way, he stays quiet about it. you see how he scans around his room like he hadn't been there in years, a lot of stuff he had in here before was sitting in his dorm room now, but it's still his room. black sheets replace his previous one's, the one's that were used to replace his even older all might themed one's. you'd really seen it all, it makes you even more nostalgic.
"hasn't changed much." you hear him mumble, he looks around at the posters on his wall. the look in his eyes is a foreign one, it's a sort of peace you don't see often in him.
"did you expect it to ?" you tease, taking slow steps like you're exploring a museum. his room is no different, it shouldn't be. but you think maybe it's because you're both a bit more different than the last time you've been in here, maybe you've both grown up a bit more. katsuki plops down onto the floor, leaning against his bed, you follow suit.
"guess not," he scoffs, running a hand through his hair. you both sit in silence, your eyes fixed on a poster on his door. it's crinkly and it's a bit torn up around the edges. you lean your head onto katsuki shoulders and inhale, breathing the room in and close your eyes. you feel him wrap his arm around you after a moment. after the experiences you've both had, being able to relax like this with him is more than you could ever ask for. he squeezes your shoulder and you snuggle against him more when he presses his nose to your hairline, pressing a kiss to it shortly after. you feel warm all over again.
you've sat on this floor more times than you could count. laying on you're back as you laughed with your best friend, on your stomach as you read comics together. you'd eat snacks too, but katsuki never liked eating on his bed because he'd get bothered by crumbs, so you were on the floor most often. laying on it too much made your stomach hurt, and you knew your butt would be sore. but you'd go through any pain to be with katsuki, and with everything you'd been through a sore butt was absolutely nothing.
you sit there for longer than you should in a room that hasn't changed, that wasn't left untouched for long. you have memories with every thing inside this room, katsuki still the all might bobble head you'd gotten him as a joke in your room. you see the fake golden first place medal he'd gotten when your elementary school had track races. so much that you've shared with him, so much more you want to share.
right now in his room frozen in time, you feel like you have all the time in the world. it's foolish, but it's nostalgic, and it fills you with hope that everything will be like usual again.
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"you're peeling those all wrong."
the sound of slicing stills as you look over at your boyfriend. you tilt your head "i'm not."
"you are, unless you actually want to cut your fingers off." he fights, rolling his eyes. you turn your nose up at him, frowning down at the potato in your hands. it looked good, you knew you were doing good.
"asshole." you grunt, you hear katsuki grunt next to you, the clattering of his own knife cutting carrots (you’re surprised he’s still that good at it despite only having one arm) catches your attention before you feel him press behind you. you stiffen, you try not to let him see the effect he has on you because you know he gets annoying about it.
when you were kids, katsuki always thought it was funny to say you needed him, joking that he was your knight in shining armor because you kept clinging to him, his words not yours. despite it seeming like he was clingier than you.
he places his hand over yours, it’s warm as it cover yours and guides you. you feel your heart pick up when he speaks closer to your ear. "you shouldn't cut towards yourself. and you slice too damn fast," he leans into your shoulder "ease up a bit."
you swallow, your heart beats in your ears "okay. thanks, mr. know it all." you mutter bitterly. katsuki continues to move your hand for you, you don't stop him.
"you should be glad i am, otherwise i would’a let you keep hacking at shit like a maniac." he chuckles.
your throw your head back and groan "ugh, you're so annoying."
you've known it for years. katsuki has been your best friend since you were in diapers and despite how much you love him, you will be the first one to complain about how fucking annoying he is.
even when you were babies. your mom told you that katsuki would take your pacifier and shove it in his own mouth while you wailed helplessly. he'd tug at your hair and poke you in class. you're sure you've called him every name in the book ; a meanie, a big bully, annoying, a jerk, an asshole, a dick head, every mean word you'd learned over the years. it makes you a bit nostalgic, but he's just so irritating.
he huffs, shoving his head into your shoulder. his hand still over yours, and he slowly lowers it into the counter. you drop the knife to turn to blink at him with wide eyes. he keeps his eyes on yours and returns to his earlier position so you don't see this embarrassment covering his cheeks. he wraps his arm around your waist tightly, pressing against you harder making up for the one that can’t. you snort at his antics.
you're sure katsuki will be an irritating know it all for the rest of his life, he's been for as long as you've known him after all. but one thing he always hated was making you upset. he always claimed it irritated him when he went too far and you'd ignore him, but in the few times he made you cry, you always saw how apologetic he looked. how his eyes were just a bit a glossy when he'd tuck his head into your shoulder in shame. he never said sorry often unless his mom forced him too when she caught you two arguing, but you always knew he was with the way he insisted on sharing his snacks with you, how he let you play with the better controller, how if he was feeling really sweet he'd kiss your cheek and look away with a bright red face.
as irritating as he is, you do hope he never changes.
you wish you could stay here for longer, just a bit longer, but you worry one of his parents (most likely his mom) would walk in and see you both. you pat at his arms, squeezing them softly "i think i got the hang of it, katsu." you utter softly. he grunts, staying against you for a moment longer before moving away, squeezing your side, to which you squeal in surprise, you see him smirk and he goes back to his own cutting board.
so irritating, you think. yet you bite your lip to hide the smile growing on your face.
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“hey, bathroom’s free if you want it.”
katsuki’s still drying his hair with his towel when he pads into the room, his room.
you tear your eyes away from one of his many all might figures, running your fingers across it’s details “oh okay, thanks.” you stretch, arms and all might rising along with you. you hear katsuki scoff and he stomps over, ripping the figure out of your hand.
“be careful with that.” he growls, you giggle apologetically “sorry, sorry..” he rolls his eyes, placing it back neatly on his shelf, posing the arms exactly as he likes them.
what a nerd, you think. you giggle to yourself.
katsuki’s bathroom reminds you of sleepovers. of being sent up to brush your teeth before bed and racing to see which one of you could do it the fastest and get their teeth the cleanest, you both could never agree on it. it reminds you of how much katsuki hated the flavor of the toothpaste and would make such an ugly face when he’d taste it you’d fall over laughing. it reminds you of gargling mouthwash and competing on who could do it the loudest.
katsuki was always the one who started those ridiculous contests and was always the sorest of losers, but you never backed down from his challenges. it made things more fun, he made things more fun.
you’d known this bathroom for your entire life, if the picture book filled with pictures of you and katsuki in the bath together didn’t prove that fact. (though katsuki likes to pretend they don’t exist.)
the kid’s scented shampoo is gone now, the one you’re using doesn’t make as many bubbles as the other one did, and it doesn’t smell as fruity sweet. things change, just like you.
you feel cozy in your pyjama’s. katsuki had insisted you sleep in his room, looking at you like you grew another head when you told him you’d sleep in the guest bedroom. “don’t piss me off, you’re sleeping here.” is all he’d offered you.
and sure, you always have. katsuki hated being separated from you and you from him, so you sleeping in his room was mandatory. but besides on a few occasions, you still haven’t slept with him alone since you were a kid. it’s stupid, but it makes you a bit nervous. it’s stupid, but you hope you don’t look weird while you sleep and you hope to every god you don’t drool.
katsuki looks up at you when you walk through the bedroom door. you smile at him and he jerks his neck to signal you to come in, scooting over to make more space for you. you close the door softly behind you, not wanting to disturb katsuki’s parents you’d already wished goodnight to, you softly pad over to him and he snorts.
“why’re you creepin’ like that ?” he smirks, clearly amused.
“i don’t want to disturb others by stomping around like a behemoth, unlike you.” you sass. katsuki scoffs, glaring at you.
“fuck off,” he snarls “you look stupid. lookin’ like you’re about to steal christmas.”
you gasp, walking over to his bed, and smacking his arm, he barks out a loud laugh and you shove him, he shoves you back with his good arm and you continue to scuffle and poke at the other’s stomach and sides until you push his arms away and scoot back. he huffs proudly, always the arrogant bastard. the sorest of losers.
you make your way to lay down next to him, there’s a bit of a distance though. because you feel petty, but also because it’s strange thinking you’ll fall asleep with him like this willingly. it won’t be accidentally like it happened a few times in his dorm room and you’d begrudgingly go back to your own room. you nervously rub at your legs.
“the fuck’re are you doin’ ?”
“what ?” you huff, trying to mask your embarrassment with annoyance. katsuki only raises a brow.
“yer actin’ fucking weird.” he scowls, you scowl back.
“am not !”
“are too.”
“i’m not doing this with you.” you sigh petulantly, crossing your arms. “i’m just fine.” you hear katsuki scoff next to you.
“sure, weirdo.” your side eye makes him laugh, he leans his shoulder against his headboard “come over here.”
you roll your eyes, but you’re shuffling to his side embarrassingly fast. katsuki leans his head into your neck, pressing a peck there and two to your cheek. which he proceeds to bite once, then leans even more in your space to bite your nose to make you laugh. he grunts at something blocking him from pulling you closer, which ends up being his own arm.
“move that for me, yeah ?” he grumbles, looking down towards his arm. you blink at him before slowly reaching for it. you can tell it wants to flinch with the way the muscles between his thumb and pointer finger tighten and how his breath hitches. he doesn’t stop you when you grab a hold of it. it hangs limply as you draw shapes across it.
“how are you doing here ?” you whisper, he’s close enough to hear you like this. his eyes don’t look away from yours fixed on his hand.
“‘m startin’ to feel it better..an' i can move my arm some, can't move my hand at all though.” he mutters lowly, lidded eyes on you “doc says it’s good progress.”
“that’s good.” you smile, relieved. you’d been a bit worried about katsuki denying a prosthetic but you immediately hated yourself for doubting him. he had his own reasons for refusing it and if he thought he could handle therapy, then that meant he could.
"that's really good."
you trust him, you always have. you trust him with your life, and you’ll trust him when he tells you he’ll always come back to you, even if he scares the shit out of you. you trusted him for trust fall when he promised he would catch you and he did, even if he did scare you. you trusted him on your first day of school when he said he’d keep holding your hand the whole day and when he said he would be your best friend forever.
you’ll trust he’ll be okay, as usual.
“yeah, sure.” he spits, glaring at his arm.
“katsuki..” you sigh, you place a hand against his cheek to get him to look at you. he huffs, face turning to you but his eyes won’t. “it is great progress. especially with what you went through. shit, the doctors thought they’d have to cut it off at first !”
“it still sucks.” he utters bitterly, closing his eyes he inhales, eyes darting towards the end of the room. “it’s—i don’t know—weird, i guess. feels weird as shit knowing you just can’t use your arm anymore when you could your entire life.” the fist he manages to squeeze shut clenches and so does your heart.
you know he’s probably most angry at himself for putting himself in that situation, in his eyes. but he’s a hero in yours. you can’t help but feel for him. his hand that gripped your tightly to ground you, that squeezed your nose for saying dumb shit, even the one that’d pull at your clothes to drag you away.
you’d been with it your whole life, so you can’t even start to imagine how he felt.
“i know,” you start sweetly, he sighs against your hand, eyes still downcast “i mean—i don’t think i’ll ever understand how you feel. but i want you to understand that this is just all part of the process..” his eyes flit up to you as you speak.
“you’re a hero, katsuki.” and you don’t say it like it’s the job he wants. not like it was written on his provisional hero license. you say it like when you were both 5 years old watching tv and katsuki proclaimed loud and proud he wanted to be just like all might, and at ten when he said he’d be even better than him. like when izuku would come over to play and you’d all sing the theme song together.
you say it like it is, his dream.
“and nobody can ever take that away from you, but now your body needs rest. a lot of it.” you continue, nodding to yourself. katsuki softly huffs in amusement in your hand. it’s soft but it’s there and it makes you smile. he looks up at you now.
“and it’s frustrating right now, i’m sure. but you’ll get it. you’ll get there, just give it—give yourself time.” you let go of his hand and press both of your hands against his cheeks now, because you need him to listen. he’s always had this horrible habit of going to the extreme for what he stands for. and though you looked up to him for it, sometimes it was extremely self destructive, and you want him to know he has the time. that he has to give himself time.
he heaves a long sigh, nodding against your skin. he grunts, pressing his mouth to your hand. “mhm,” he responds, and that’s more than enough for you. he grabs your wrist with his good hand, leans in, and kisses you. you meet him halfway like you did when he first kissed you goodnight on your front porch when you were 15. back then, he’d gone beet red and swiftly walked away, hands in his pockets muttering a quick ‘see you’ but he’s gotten more comfortable throughout, way more comfortable. he kisses you easily now, and his cheek still shine pink, but he doesn’t look away, rubbing his thumb against your cheek.
“thanks,” he utters softly. they come out easily when he used to have a harder time forcing them out before. “i, uh—i’ll get better, wanna hold you properly.” he mumbles, a small pout on his face. you giggle, sure he’s more comfortable now, but he still gets just as easily embarrassed when he has to speak his mind. and that was okay, you’d wait for him, you’ll give him the time he has yet to give himself fully.
“then do your best, yeah ?” you encourage. you kiss his nose and he scrunches it up, but a smile twitches onto his face. “dummy,” he mutters affectionately, leaning in to bite your nose. you laugh, pushing at his chest, and he silences you with a flurry of kisses to your mouth.
he uses his good arm to press you to him and pull you down onto his bed, he grunts when you squeal in surprise, he makes himself comfortable and pulls the covers over you both.
“so damn loud, thought you said you didn’t wanna bother my parents.” he teases, you roll your eyes. your smile is still so ultimately fond of him as years ago, despite how irritating he was, he was still your best friend.
“shush.” is all you offer him, getting more comfortable against him, getting more comfortable with the idea of falling asleep with him like this.
katsuki remains quiet for a few minutes. “hey,” you look up at him and you can see how hard he wills himself not to look away from you.
“love you.”
your eyes widen, you blink. and it’s quiet. katsuki looks around the room “c’mon. say it back, will ya ?” he utters grumpily, tucking his head into your shoulder and his bordering on whiny.
“right sorry,” you chuckle “not used to it yet.” you say sweetly.
this was something new, something he told you just recently. that he loved you, that he was too pussy to tell you before because he’d loved you all these years, is what he told you. the thought makes your heart feel warm all over. everything he’s ever done over the years had i love you poured all over it all along, it makes you unbearably giddy.
you love him so much.
so you tell him, “i love you, too. so much.” he shoves his nose harder into your shoulder at your last words and you giggle.
“i’ll keep sayin’ it ‘till you get to used to it. do it forever if i have to.” he mumbles out and you’re giddy, impossibly so, because you can’t wait for forever.
“okay..” you hum.
you think maybe things will never truly go back to how they usually were. the world has changed and so have you, so have you both. and there’s still so much to do, but you want this new normal to come with katsuki, you want your forever with him. you want him to stay your best friend forever like he’d pinky promised you, even though he thought those were girly and stupid, he still promised and katsuki was somebody who never went back on his word.
so you’ll trust him, you’ll trust that he’ll always be yours and that you’ll be together forever. that he’ll tell you he loves you forever, and that you’ll get used to it.
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James Potter x fem!reader
Summary: James is the best boyfriend while you're sick.
Genre: Fluffy <3
Warnings: having a cold, germs, mentions of being contagious? really none lmao i'm just over cautious
~ for my lovely 🍓anon! enjoy! ~
You're convinced you're dying and no matter how much your boyfriend promises you you're not, you still feel miserable.
"No, no," you shake your head, your nose running obnoxiously as you blow into another tissue—you could start a whole collection by now. "you don't u-understand. My body is crumbling as we speak," you tell him as you're curled up in your bed, under a bunch of blankets and wearing James's warmest and favorite sweatshirt.
James sits by you, one hand pressed against your forehead and he frowns, suppressing a small smile. "Is that so? Guess I'll have to glue you back together again then," he hums softly. 
Your eyes narrow and then you cough loudly, your throat hoarse, "You aren't funny."
James feigns hurt. "Ouch," he strokes your hairline with his thumb, looking at you fondly, and then gives in as his eyes soften. "I'm sorry. I can feel you burning up, I know you must feel very ill, hm?" 
You nod, sitting up against the pillows as you cough again. The sound sounds horrible. James leans closer, his expression morphing into concern. Your eyes widen as guilt dawns on you and you panic, pulling away from him. 
"Jamie, no, I'll contaminate you!" you practically shriek.
James raises an eyebrow in amusement. "Contaminate me? Darling, you aren't diseased." 
You sniffle and whisper, "You don't know that." 
James can't help himself. He laughs, and the sound is a beautiful melody as he shakes his head. Still, he listens and pulls away from you. He sits back and thinks for a moment. "I'm gonna run to the store and grab you some things okay, I don't think this cold will disappear on its own, lovely."
You sniffle again, feeling sorry for yourself as you prepare to blow into another tissue. "If you leave me now, I'll surely perish," you state quite dramatically as James stands. He sends you a look as if to say be serious, his dark curls falling before his eyes.
You sniff, sending him a look in return as if to say, I am serious and James just leans over to kiss your forehead and then press another sloppy kiss on your cheek. 
"James!" You exclaim as he kisses you, alarmed.
"If I'm sick, I'm sick," he states seriously, gently cradling your chin as he strokes your skin carefully. "A silly little cold isn't gonna dictate when I can or can't kiss my darling girlfriend."
Your chest loosens at this and you feel a sense of warmth and relief at his words. You want to protest and tell him he's putting himself in harm's way for no reason. But, instead, you relish in the feeling of his lips on your skin and you sink into the pillows as you wait for his return. 
When he does return, you rouse from your small nap and let out a weak cough. Your eyes are bleary as you blink them furiously. "Oh, sweets, have I woken you?" he says in the sweetest voice you've ever heard and you almost melt.
You sit up and rub your eyes as James sits beside you again, resting the glass of water he'd brought in on the bedside table, and then drops the brown paper bag near your hip. He rummages inside and lays out an array of medicine, candies, and almost four boxes of tissues.
Having been feeling a little better from your sleep, you joke, "I'm not dying, am I?"
James chuckles and hands you some medicine for you. You swallow it reluctantly, pouting up at your boyfriend. He rests his hand on your forehead again, smiling.
"No, you aren't dying," he whispers, "far from it. Your temperature seems to have gone down, which is really good."
You nod, still tired as you reach for James's other hand and play with his fingers. "Can you make me some tea?" you ask bashfully. 
James frowns, smiling a little as his fingers gently pinch your cheek. "Of course, love. Don't be embarrassed. I'd move the moon for you."
You cough again, the sound much lighter already. "Kinds dramatic, no?" you whisper.
"No. Not really. It's all true," James pauses, his voice turning serious, "for you, I'd do absolutely anything." He kisses your forehead again, and this time you don't even want to protest. 
tags: @mischievousmoony, @sayitlikethecheese, @longlivedelusion, @fangirl-swagg, @siriuslycaptainofthedawntreader, @fruticake
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hongjoongspoetry · 2 days
Baby, Love Me Lights Out | Choi San
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❤️ Summary: San comes home after filming content for the Wanteez series. He's drunk and loud, but you can't get mad he woke you up at 2 AM on a work night when his silliness makes up for it.
❤️ Pairing(s): idol!San x GN!Reader
❤️ Genres/Tropes: idol AU, tooth rotting fluff, established relationship
❤️ Warnings/Tags: no use of (Y/N), gender neutral reader, san is drunk, petnames (love, baby, darling, sannie), not beta read
❤️ Wordcount: 1.0 k
❤️ Author's Note: I had to get this one out of my system. My Yunho zombie apocalypse oneshot is like 90% done, but I needed a lil pause from all the angst and BOOM this was created. I present drunk and romantic Sannie!
This is all fiction and not meant to represent any idols involved in any way or form.
AO3 Masterlist Click on me!
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San insisted on being dropped off at your door instead of returning to the dorm with Mingi and Seonghwa. Their manager was torn on what to do, but with enough drunken encouragement of Seonghwa slurring about young love and San being love-sick, he swerved right onto your street and helped the idol out of the car. If there was someone San could always rely on, it’d be his Seonghwa-hyung. It was decided, he was going to give him a massive hug when they’d see each other again.
The promise was forgotten the second San succeeded in unlocking your apartment (after many failed attempts) with the spare key you gifted him. It was by some miracle San refrained from shouting out his usual ‘Darling I’m home’ and just quietly exchanged his shoes for the slippers assigned to him specifically. The darkness swallowed him whole, but he had no trouble navigating to your bedroom.
The sight of your sleeping figure tucked beneath the covers set off an explosion of warmth in his chest. His face hurt from cheesing too much, but he couldn’t help himself. You looked so  cute and cuddly, like a kitten passed out from a very exciting day of discovering new things. As much as he wanted to pepper you with kisses, trap you in his arms and not let go until you freed yourself from his death grip (much to his dismay), San knew it would wake you up. San may be a lightweight, but he was a self conscious lightweight. You had work in the morning and he’d hate for you to lose sleep over his selfish need for some cuddles.
He granted himself one light peck to the top of your head and ventured back into the living room. The couch would suffice for the night. The sound of rustling sheets accompanied by your hoarse voice stopped him before he could cross the threshold. 
Said man hummed in reply and leaned against the doorway. His eyes adjusted to the dark enough to make out you sitting up with the sheet pooling around your waist, hair slightly messy and sleep adorning your eyes.
“When did you get home, baby?”
“Some minutes ago,” he slurred with the brightest grin you had ever seen.
“Are you coming to bed?”
“Mhm, need to wash up first.”
“Okay,” You yawned. “Do that baby then let’s cuddle. I’ve missed you.” You laid back down in the comfort of your bed and closed your eyes with the intent to just rest them until San was done.
“Missed you too,” San said to himself as he stumbled into the bathroom.
The minutes ticked away and there was still no drunk San in your bed. You knew your boyfriend like the back of your hand. San would never pass up on a cuddle session, whether it be a two second long kiss or being wrapped up in each other’s embrace for hours, he’d be there. It didn’t take a genius for you to figure out something was wrong when the clock on your nightstand showed twenty past two and San was still not beside you. The lack of noise out in the hall added to your suspicion. It was seldom that a drunk man was silent. 
With the quilt wrapped around your shoulders and each foot tucked in your bunny slippers, you went to check on San. You flicked the light switch and lo and behold, your boyfriend laying flat on his back with each limb stretched out akin to a starfish and a pillow slapped on his stomach. He quickly threw an arm over his eyes and hissed from the sudden brightness.
“Sannie? Love? What are you doing?”
“I see that, but don’t you wanna sleep in the bed?”
“I am in bed.”
If it weren’t for the fatigue tugging at your eyelids you’d be hunched over from laughing too hard.  
“Love,” you started, “that’s the living room floor.”
“‘M comfortable,” he insisted and waved his other hand, urging you to let the darkness back out.
“Are you sure? Your back is going to hurt tomorrow and you still have practice for your comeback.”
“I promise, darling. Lights off, please.”
How could you deny him anything when he spoke in that honey smooth voice with his lips jutted out and one arm coming around the pillow he proclaimed as his cuddle buddy?
A few moments later, when the moon was at its highest point in the sky and the streets finally decided to call it a night, a loud noise of something dropping against the floor washed over you like ice cold water. The speed you leaped from the bed would've made long jump athletes fear for their position. The frantic shout of your lover’s name erupted before you could reach the door. Horrid thoughts plagued your mind and it worked over time to create scenarios that could have him nursing an injury. Everything from falling and cracking open his head to dropping something heavy on his feet. 
Ripping open your bedroom door, you relaxed to see him unscathed and in the same condition you left him; alive and breathing. However, the accommodation was entirely different and you understood where that loud thunk came from. San was no longer laying on the floor, no. He had somehow managed to open one of your old suitcases and shuffled inside it with his previously worn t-shirt used as a blanket.
Breathing out in relief you retrieved your phone from your nightstand and snapped a couple photos of his unconscious form folded into the bag.
“Lights off!” He whined and pulled the shirt over his face.
“Love, no. Come on. Let’s get to bed.” 
You gently took the fabric from him and slipped your hand into his, weaving your fingers together and giving it a gentle tug.
“Wanna sleep here~”
Despite his complaint, he listened to you and for the third time that night, you were back in bed but with your lovely boyfriend to keep you company. The trail of kisses you pressed on his neck, cheeks and nose were apologies for your future actions. The photos captured in your camera roll would serve their purpose sooner or later, until then you’d remind him of your never ending love and hope it would suffice as a good enough apology (it would, he could never be angry with you).
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© HONGJOONGSPOETRY 2024 - All rights reserved. Copying, editing, reposting or translating my work is not allowed.
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luveline · 9 hours
What about sharing a bed with roommate James Potter after a nightmare? The comfort and yearning would be everything
He can hear your harsh breathing before he sees you. You raise your hand to knock his door and realise it’s open, but James is already up and walking toward you. 
“What? What’s wrong?” He ducks his head a touch to meet your gaze. “Woah, seriously.” 
“I had a dream that somebody was in my room.” 
He cringes. You’ve grown to be more than roommates, and even if he didn’t consider himself your friend he wouldn’t like to see you panicking. “There’s nobody in there,” he promises, giving you half a hug. He looks over your shoulder just in case, and then steps back. “You want me to check?” 
“No… I don’t know, I don’t think there’s someone in there, just–” You choke on half a breath. “Sorry, it freaked me out.” 
“Don’t be sorry,” he says softly. It’s harder at night to be bubbly. Harder to conceal bone deep, gentle affection for you. “Come on, you can sleep with me tonight.” 
He encourages you with an arm deeper into the room, shoving his book aside to make room for you where he’d been laying. He shuffles across the bed. “You can turn off the lamp if you want, I don’t mind.” 
You climb into bed next to him. You don’t turn off the light. He’s surprised when you lay down in the pillow where his head was moments ago and turn away from the door, but he hides it and follows your lead. 
You’re almost nose to nose. 
“I can go check, if you want me to. It doesn’t bother me,” he says quietly. 
“I know it was just a dream.” 
“But it rattled you,” he says, looking up and down your face slowly, carefully. 
James will confess to himself that he finds you beautiful, will feel no shame as his gaze trips lazily over your lips, your nose, and your tired eyes. He doesn’t even feel bad when he gives in to temptation and holds your arm, though that’s less to do with liking you and more to do with the way you relax at his touch. 
“Can’t remember the last time I had such a bad dream,” you murmur. 
“It’s okay. Don’t worry, alright? I’m here, n’ I’m not about to let somebody come near you.” 
“I woke up and I didn’t even look to see if it was true. I wigged.”
“You wigged,” he repeats, smiling gently. 
“Well, you’re allowed to wig every once in a while.” He snorts at your word choice. “But it’s alright. I can put the telly on, if you want?” 
You shake your head, pushing across the bed to be closer to him. You tilt your face down, murmuring, “You can put it on. I won’t watch much of it.” 
“I don’t have to put it on,” he murmurs back, voice turned to loving silk, “I just want you to feel safe.” 
“I feel safe.” 
James is glad for your closed eyes. He smiles like a fool, how awesome to get to be that safety for you. “Okay,” he says, pulling the blankets up to both your chins, his hand dropping lazily over your shoulder, “I have you.” 
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changetyre · 2 days
Just relax || Oscar Piastri x Driver!Reader
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SUMMARY: After a particularly challenging weekend Oscar helps you wind down.
WARNINGS: **18+**, soft smut, unprotected sex, James Vowels?
A/N: Just an idea I had but not sure I like it ;/
Everything that could go wrong went wrong. The weekend had started off bad, the upgrade that had been added to your car had failed massively.
You couldn’t control the car, your team threw guesses at you of how to fix it while on track, and you’d already received a handful of warnings, and fines, for impeding on track, failing to slow, but also driving necessarily slow, etc.
It was a weekend of nightmares and definitely a weekend to forget. Truly you should've seen it coming, you shouldn't have been surprised that on Sunday barely managed to push through a full lap before retiring the car.
"Our deepest apologies y/n we'll fix it for next weekend." You heard James' voice over the radio.
"I mean it can't get worse than this." Your reply was sharp, but with all the built-up frustration that was tame.
Getting out of the car you couldn't be bothered to stay back and watch the rest of the race or debrief, you simply completed your media duties.
You tiredly drove back to the hotel and ordered some room service before stripping completely leaving you in nothing but panties and Oscar's hoodie covering your top half.
You enjoyed a big juicy burger you very much felt you deserved before laying in bed and having a nap.
Oscar wasn't surprised to find out you'd decided to head back to the hotel, only imagining how frustrated you must've felt. He didn't care that he'd just won another GP and you hadn't watched he simply wanted to get back to you, make you sure you were ok.
Getting back to the hotel he walked into your shared room to be happily greeted by your sleep body on the bed. You were wearing his hoodie and your leg was bent up to the side while you slept on your stomach giving him the perfect view of your almost bare ass and covered slit.
He stood and stared for a bit, enjoying the site. Finally, he dropped everything before walking over to you.
The sudden dip in the bed stirred you awake, you felt Oscar slip his hand under the hoodie rubbing your back soothingly before he leaned over to place a kiss on your cheek.
"Oz, how did you do?" You asked, sleep present in your voice.
"Doesn't matter. How are you feeling?" He asked you, his hand now coming down to lightly pat at your butt.
"Hmm, fed up." You pouted and Oscar was quick to lean down and kiss the pout away. The kiss was sweet and gentle but the moment was far from innocent as Oscar's hand began to slide down your ass to your clothed pussy.
"Hmm Osc." You sighed your hips beginning to chase after his fingers. Oscar teased you letting his thumb glide up and down your clothed slit as the rest of his hand cupped you.
"Shh baby." He kissed you again.
He pulled your panties down just enough so they were out of the way before his thumb was back on your slit. Slowly move up and down spreading your wetness.
Your hips moved up and down with his fingers before stilling when his thumb pushed past your folds and into your whole.
"Humm." You gasped at the feeling, breaking the seal of your kiss momentarily. You tried to sit up only to be stopped by Oscar.
"Just relax my sweet, enjoy it." He encouraged you.
Oscar moved down between your legs, he pulled your hips up momentarily sliding in a pillow to arch your back slightly giving him the perfect access.
"Oz please-" You begged your boyfriend for more.
He didn't need to be told twice and not a second later your eyes were rolling back with pleasure as Oscar's tongue moved up and down your pussy.
You weren't going to last too long. Oscar's tongue circled your clit with the perfect speed as he let his thumb thrust in and out of your hole.
His mouth dripped with your sweet juices as you struggled to keep your hips still with all of the pleasure.
"Hmm, Osc I'm gonna cum." Oscar knew it already by the way he could see your ass hole begin to twitch in pleasure, he himself could've cum right then at the sight alone.
Oscar let his tongue do the rest of the work as he let his hands slide under your (his) hoodie once again cupping your breasts, the combination of feelings was enough to have you trembling in pleasure as you came on his tongue.
Oscar kept sucking through your orgasms, enjoying the sweetness you produced. After your moans and trembling began to settle as you came down from your high Oscar gave your pussy a kiss as well as your ass cheek before hovering over you.
"Can I fuck you sweetheart?" The way his hand held your hip so tightly was enough to turn you on again.
"Yeh...yes Ozzie please." You replied breathless from your previous orgasm.
You felt Oscar's fingers slide through your slit once more making you shiver at the sensitivity before you felt his tip at your entrance.
Oscar loved the way your hips moved, the curve of your back as you sunk down on him. He thought he'd have control over the pace but your hips moved to their own accord and he wasn't going to complain.
He happily watched and enjoyed as your hips began bouncing up and down on his dick, your head buried into the pillow as you attempted to muffle your moans while you chased your second orgasm.
"Fuck that's it baby." Oscar smaked your ass earning a high pitched moan from you.
"Hmm Oz please, please cum inside me." You begged him and he would happily oblige.
It didn't take much longer as your already sensitive insides began to twitch, Oscar felt your walls close around him as you came again, you lost control of the pace and Oscar was quick to take your hips once more to give you the last few thrusts before filling you up.
"Sh*t-" Oscar grunted as he watched his dick pulse inside you, his cum trying to burst out through the sides.
"Hmm so good-" You moaned into the pillow as Oscar pulled out slowly watching his cum leak out of you.
This should be a good enough start to a memory that would help you forget about the weekend.
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the alchemy | iv. the real thing
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pairing: no outbreak!dbf!joel miller x fem!reader
chapter rating: Explicit [18+ only, minors dni, dbf/secret relationship, age gap (joel is 34, reader is 24), oral (f!rec), unprotected piv, talks of birth control, sarah's mom sucks so bad, angst, insecurity, joel being both boyfriend and father of the year, not proofread—may contain some typos but i can’t be bothered to check]
summary: you begin to worry that joel's having second thoughts about your relationship, but he makes sure to clear all of that right up.
wc: 5.5k
the masterlist
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You woke up to the feeling of stubble grazing your inner thigh and soft, warm lips soothing the gentle burn it left. Peeling your eyes open, you smiled down at the mess of bed head nestled between your open thighs and lifted a sleep-heavy hand down to comb some of it back. Joel’s head tilted up, nuzzling into your touch as he locked eyes with you. 
“Mornin’,” he said with a smile, his voice deeper than usual. 
“Morning to you too,” you said, chuckling. “What are you up to down there?”
“Havin’ my breakfast,” he replied, lowering his mouth to your bare seam to press a soft whisper of a kiss against your clit. Your laugh was stifled, a moan taking its place as he slid his hot tongue into you, taking his time in savoring your taste with a low hum. 
He’d stayed over after fucking you against the wall last night, even after you told him you wouldn’t take it personally if he wanted to sleep in his own bed instead. But Joel insisted that there was no place he’d rather be than with you, and you were more than happy to welcome him upstairs to your room.
Now, in the golden morning light, you couldn’t be more grateful for his insistence. 
Joel unraveled you with his mouth, then once again with his fingers before finally satiating his need to please—to make up for all the time you’d spent being unsatisfied by your exes. Now it was your turn to feed into your desire to give. 
“Come here,” you beckoned, curling your finger at him to guide him up the expanse of your body for a kiss. Joel’s mouth took just as much care of you there, slowly coaxing your tongue to mingle with his as he ground his hips into your still throbbing cunt. You pulled away with a dazed sigh, your hand splayed across the side of his face. “Want you on your back.”
He grinned at that, turning to kiss your palm. “You gonna ride me, honey?” 
“Til the wheels fall off,” you promised, earning the deep rumble of a laugh. 
Joel fell into position with a smirk, folding his arms behind his head as he watched you swing one leg over his hips to mount him. “G’on then, ride my cock, baby.”
You shook your head, pressing your hands against his chest as you started to rock along the underside of his cock as it lay sandwiched between your cunt and his stomach. “I’m gonna make you beg this time.” 
Joel’s brow arched, his smirk widening to a grin. “I ain’t too proud to beg for it, I hope you know that.” 
“I’m counting on it,” you quipped, bringing your thumb to his nipple to circle it in time with your hips. Joel reacted to that as you’d hoped, although it seemed to shock him. 
“Can’t say I’ve ever had a woman play with my nipples before,” he chuckled, though that all ceased when you brought your tongue down to flick over it. Joel groaned, slipping his hands from beneath his head to grab at your ass, guiding your hips to move faster. “Fuck, I like it, though.”
You gave the stiff peak a nibble, earning a hiss and a buck of his hips. 
“I really fuckin’ like that,” he added, his voice deep and dark and rough. “God, baby.” 
“Mm, what is it?” you asked, toying with him. “You want something?”
“Want that pussy wrapped ‘round me,” he said, unabashed in his desire. “Want to see you bouncin’ on it.” 
Your walls fluttered at the idea of claiming him like that. So much so that you may have intentionally rocked a bit further forward than before to notch his tip into your entrance. The two of you gasped in unison as it slipped inside, not enough to satiate, but enough to tease. After all, he still hadn’t used his manners. 
“Please,” he added, a smile tugging at his lips as he watched you remain firmly in place, keeping just the tip of him inside you. 
You grinned and brought your hips down to sheath him completely inside of you, sighs escaping from both your lips as he nestled in deep. But you weren’t done with him yet. 
You kept yourself there, oh so slightly grinding into him. Joel’s hands tightened on your ass before planting a smack to it, biting his bottom lip. “Fuck, you gotta move, baby.” 
“I’m not hearing any begging,” you said, smiling as the stimulation from his coarse hair against your clit began to send chills down the inside of your thighs. 
“Please move,” he amended, his smile long gone and a wanton look of need replacing it. “Feels so fuckin’ good inside you like this, baby. Need more.”
You rewarded him by lifting your hips up and gliding back down on his length, starting a rhythmic bounce on top of him. Joel’s head pressed back into the pillows, his eyebrows lacing together as his bottom lip slipped free. His lips parted to let out a drawn out moan, the sound causing your hips to stutter and walls to twitch. “Fuck, I love your dick, Joel. So fucking good.”
“Yeah?” His hands roamed up to your breasts, cupping the weight of them before focusing in on the stiff peaks of your nipples. He swiped the rough pads of his thumbs over them before giving them a pinch that sent a spike of pleasure down your spine. “Your pussy feels like it was made for me, baby.”
Joel’s words made you keen, your hips rolling to graze your clit against the coarse hair at the base of him. His hands gripped your hips, keeping you there and urging you to grind against him deep and slow. 
“Keep goin’,” he groaned, his brows furrowed and cheeks flushed. “Keep ridin’ it just like that, baby. Want you to come on it, just like that.” 
“Fuck,” you whimpered, shivering and lust-drunk. You swirled your hips until you were on the edge. Until you couldn’t take any more. Leaning forward, you clung to his sweat-soaked chest, tucking your face in the warm crook of his neck. “Want you to fuck me hard, Joel. Make me come.”
Joel growled at that, his greedy hands palming the flesh of your ass as he started to fuck up into you at a devastating and harsh pace. “Pussy’s so fuckin’ wet, baby. You feel that?”
A soft whine was your only response. You were too fucked-out and lost in your pleasure to manage even a single word. 
“Wanna stay buried in this fuckin’ pussy ‘til I die,” he said, turning his face to nip at your earlobe. “That what you want, baby? Want me deep inside like this?”
“Yes, fuck!” Your entire body shook as his words sent you over the edge, your walls contracting around him like a vice grip. Joel groaned, loud and proud, and rolled you over onto your back with his dick still buried deep inside you. 
“Look at you,” he growled, folding you like a pretzel and marveling at the sight of where you were joined, the slick glide of his cock in and out of your cunt. “Fuck me, this pussy’s gonna make me come, baby.”
“Inside,” you managed in a choked plea, your hands kneading at your breasts as every stroke prolonged your orgasm. “Fill me up.” 
Joel’s hips stuttered at your command, his knuckles turning white as he pressed your thighs to your chest. “Alright, baby. Gonna fill this pussy up just like you want.” 
He leaned forward, slinging the back of your knees over his bent arms as he nestled his face into your neck. Letting out a slew of moans and curses meant only for you to hear, he pressed deep inside of you and gave you exactly what you’d been begging for. “Fuck me. You’re gonna kill me, baby.” 
You laughed, smoothing your hands across the warm expanse of his back as you tried to catch your breath, your heartbeats pounding in unison. “I told you I like you alive, Miller.”
You felt him smile against your shoulder, the brush of his stubble tickling you as he pressed a kiss there. “This might be a little late, but…you are on the pill, right?”
Laughing again, you gave his ass a playful swat. “I might like you, Joel, but not enough to have any little Millers running around.” 
Joel finally gained the strength to lift himself up, a lazy, satisfied smile on his face as he peered down at you. “You’d make pretty babies, though. If the time ever comes.”
You didn’t know what to say to that, or how to feel about the butterflies swarming in your stomach because of his words. So, you chose to ignore it. “You’re awfully handsome in the morning, you know that?”
Joel rolled his eyes and let out a chuckle before rolling onto his side with a long, satiated sigh. “You sure know how to make a man blush.” 
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Not wanting to part from Joel just quite yet, you decided to take him up on his invitation to come help him out with his renovations. You had no real intention of getting your hands dirty, obviously, but you’d gladly stand around and supervise. Especially when your reward was a sweaty, focused, competent Joel Miller. 
You watched as he tore out his old vanity, his gray t-shirt soaked with a stripe of sweat down his spine, turning the material darker. His biceps flexed with every knock of his hammer, every forceful tug to rip the nailed-in wood from the wall. It was as delicious as it was absolutely torturous. 
You were reaching your breaking point, ready to steal him away from his work just to break in his bed just as he’d done with yours this morning, but as always, an interruption ruined all of your sinful plans. 
He’d gotten a call from his ex-wife, which was unusual judging by the confused scowl on his face as he stared down at his phone. When he picked it up, he was breathless from all of his hard work, though it did little to soften his biting tone. You couldn’t hear much of the conversation, but you heard enough to understand the fury washing over Joel’s face. 
When he hung up and filled you in, you were just as furious. 
Sarah’s shitty excuse for a mom wanted Joel to pick Sarah up because she was having a “friend” over later on, and didn’t want her daughter around to prevent any “interruptions”. 
What a fucking loser. 
She tried to make it better, telling him she’d be happy to have Sarah back in a few days once her guest had left, but Joel only told her to fuck off and forget it. 
“That’s the last fuckin’ time I let Sarah stay with her,” he grumbled, swiping a hand towel across his face. “What kind of mother chooses a goddamn hookup over their daughter?”
“A shitty one,” you said, shaking your head. “A really fucking shitty one.”
“I gotta go pick her up,” he sighed. “She’s probably fuckin’ devastated. She was so excited to spend the summer with her, and that lasted all of…what? A week?”
You weren’t a violent person, not really. But god, you’d love to beat some sense into Joel’s ex-wife. Maybe then she’d realize what a cunt she was. 
“I’ll text you later,” he said, stepping into your space to rest his hands on your face. He tipped your chin up, pressing a gentle but dizzying kiss to your lips. “We’ll figure things out, alright? Sarah bein’ back home will make things a bit more complicated, but—“
“But nothing,” you said, slipping your hands around his waist. “Sarah being back home is exactly where she needs to be. Don’t worry about us, we’ll make it work.”
He didn’t look so convinced. 
“I’ll walk you home,” he promised, slipping his hand into yours as he led you out of his bathroom and down the stairs. 
He was silent on the way over to your house. Thinking, stewing, trying to figure out the logistics of this thing between the two of you now that Sarah was going to be back with him full-time. You tried not to worry, but deep down, there was this nagging voice that told you that this was where he’d start to pull away and distance himself. 
Joel was nothing if not a good father, and no matter how much he’d like to choose you, he’d never put this relationship above his daughter. And you wouldn’t like him if he did. One of the most endearing things about him was how good of a man he was, even if right now, it felt as though that same goodness would be the thing to lead him away from you. 
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In a bid to distract yourself, you called up Maria and asked her if she was free for lunch. You didn’t need to sit at home alone wondering what was going through Joel’s mind and how things might change going forward, and there was no one better at taking your mind off things than Maria. 
“So…” Maria started, a smile playing at her lips as she folded her menu. “Wanna tell me why you ran off last night?”
You sighed, slouching your shoulders. The weight of your secret was beginning to become too much for you to bear, especially with what had happened earlier. You needed to tell someone about the shit going on in your head, and you trusted Maria like a sister. She wouldn’t spill your juicy secret even if her life depended on it. That’s just how she was. 
“If I tell you, you have to promise it stays between us,” you said, just in case. Maria held up her pinky in a silent vow to keep her promise. “Alright, so…you know the guy I was telling you about?”
“It’s Joel,” you said, biting your lip as you gauged her response. There was no judgment there, just a bit of shock. 
“Tommy’s brother, Joel?” she gasped. “No fucking wonder you left! Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I was flirting with him—well, not actually flirting, but still!”
“You’re fine,” you assured, chuckling. “You didn’t know.”
“I promise I was just using him to get under Tommy’s skin,” she said, her tone earnest. 
“No, I know,” you replied. “Joel told me when he showed up to my place last night.”
“Romantic,” she gushed, swooning. “Tell me all about it. Did you two…you know?”
“Yeah,” you said, biting your lip. “A few times.”
“Fuck yeah,” she said, grinning. “And how was it?”
“So good,” you groaned, hanging your head. 
“Why do you look all sad, then? Did he bail or something?”
“No, no. Nothing like that,” you said, sighing. “It’s just that his daughter’s coming back to stay with him after her mom basically kicked her out so that she could fuck in peace. Now I feel like he’s going to distance himself for her sake, and he should. I get why he’d be spooked, you know. But…”
“But it sucks that you’re the one on the receiving end,” she guessed, frowning. 
“Yeah,” you said, shaking your head. “But he hasn’t said anything, so I’m just going to hope for the best.”
“Yeah, don’t get yourself worked up over what could be nothing,” she said. “He doesn’t seem like the kind of guy to fuck you and then bail, even over something like that.”
You didn’t want to think about that. It had been so long since you trusted your heart and body with another person. If Joel broke that trust, even for Sarah, you weren’t sure how long it would take you to recover. 
“Enough about me, tell me about you and Tommy.” 
It was Maria’s turn to look lovestruck, which was a rare sight to see. She was never the type to open up to guys, let alone get mushy over them. But here she was, straight up mush. “We spent the night together.”
You gasped, a grin spreading across your face. “You fucked Tommy?”
“And boy, was it good,” she gushed. “I’m not the type to fall quickly, but I’m pretty sure I’m gonna marry that boy.”
“Ew, he said the same thing about you,” you teased, chuckling. “So does this mean you’re official?”
“I told him he needs to take me on a real date first,” she said, a confident smirk on her face. “So we’re going out this weekend.”
“I’ll start planning the wedding.”
A day had passed since Joel left to bring Sarah home. A day full of waiting, a day full of dreading. He’d texted you last night to let you know they were back home and that Sarah was pretty down about the whole thing, but he didn’t say much more than that. The status of your relationship seemed up in the air, at least to you, but you assumed that since he hadn’t said anything about calling things off, the two of you were fine. 
At least for the time being. 
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Your dad had come back home in the afternoon, bringing Vic along to stay for the week. And in an attempt to ease the awkwardness that came along with meeting your dad’s new girlfriend, he decided to throw a little cookout on the deck out back that he finally completed. He invited both of the Miller boys over, and though you were a bit on edge about seeing Joel again in that kind of setting, it beat having to sit around the table and make conversation with a stranger. 
You chose a simple outfit for the barbecue—a sundress and some flip-flops—and tried to keep your primping to a minimum, even when the insecure part of your mind told you to overcompensate in order to impress Joel. But you didn’t want to listen to that small voice, especially not when Joel has already seen you in your barest state. 
When the Millers arrived at your house, they both brought guests—Joel brought Sarah, obviously, and Tommy brought Maria. You felt a bit of the tension weighing on you lift at the sight of your best friend and the sunshine of a girl that was Sarah Miller. But even they couldn’t help the way your heart seemed to still at the sight of Joel. 
He was wearing a white t-shirt and jeans. A completely normal and bland outfit, and yet he managed to make it look criminally extraordinary. But maybe that was just the energy radiating off of him. 
He greeted you at the door with a small smile when he and Sarah arrived, one that looked far too sheepish and polite for your taste. Especially now that you’d experienced the unabashed version. 
“Hey,” he said, his voice soft. “Brought some corn on the cob.”
“Thanks,” you said, giving him a timid look. “My, uh, my dad’s in the backyard.”
He pursed his lips, staring into your eyes for a few more seconds before giving you a small nod. “I’ll go say hi, then.”
“Yeah,” you managed, your throat constricting under the effort it took to not voice your insecurities. Joel grazed his hand along your arm as he stepped past you to head into the house, the simple touch almost enough to burn you alive. 
“Hey,” Sarah said, drawing your eyes down to where she stood. She sounded sadder than you were used to, her bubbly joy dulled to something more akin to her father’s personality. It made your heart break. It made your worries over your relationship with her father seem insignificant. 
“Hey, Sarah,” you said, giving her a genuine smile. She didn’t deserve anything less than that. “I’m glad you’re back. I’ve missed you.”
She shrugged, toying with the ribbon that was sewn onto her summer dress. “Wasn’t gone that long.”
God, you hated the fact that her mother had hurt her this badly. 
“Still,” you said, guiding her into the house. “It’s been boring here without you.”
She remained quiet, lost in thought. And that wouldn’t do. 
“Do you want to help me decorate the cake I made?” You asked, leading her into the kitchen where Tommy and Maria stood chatting with Joel. You ignored his presence entirely, as you normally would’ve before you entered into this situationship with him. 
“What kind of cake?” she asked, seeming to perk up a bit. 
“Carrot, my dad’s favorite,” you said, helping her into one of the stools that sat at the kitchen island. 
“My dad likes carrot cake, too,” she said, turning to her father. “Don’t you, dad?”
“I do,” Joel said, his voice a soothing rasp. 
“Guess it’s a dad thing,” you said, giving him a quick glance. Joel was already looking at you, watching as you set the chilled carrot cake onto the counter. 
There seemed to be a million unspoken things lingering in that gaze of his, things you desperately wanted him to tell you. Even if it wasn’t what you wanted to hear. 
You quickly turned your attention back to Sarah. “I, uh, have chocolate and buttercream frosting. What do you think? Should we do half and half?”
“Yeah,” she agreed, leaning onto the counter. “Do you have sprinkles?”
“I do!” You turned around to rummage through the cabinet for the sprinkles that you’d bought last Christmas, praying that they weren’t out of date. ���Looks like we’ve got a few colors, but I’ll let you choose all that while I go wash my hands.”
“Okay,” she said, already looking a bit more like her normal self. 
You headed upstairs to your bathroom, mostly just to take a breather from being in such close proximity to Joel, but stopped halfway up the stairs as you heard the sound of a pair of heavy boots following you. You turned, finding Joel standing at the bottom of the staircase, his eyes trained on you. He nudged his chin forward, a silent request for you to continue on, and you quickly obeyed. 
Once you were in the privacy of the second story, he slipped into the guest room and waved for you to join him. 
“What’s up?” you asked once he’d closed the door. Joel turned to you, shaking his head before closing the distance between the two of you in two large steps. His hands settled on your face, guiding you to his lips for a deep, bruising kiss. 
“Sorry,” he panted as he pulled back enough to rest his forehead against yours. “I just missed you.” 
You let out a sigh of relief. All that worrying faded into thin air as he pressed his lips against yours again, softer this time. “I was worried you’d…I don’t know.”
“No,” he said, shaking his head. “I told you I was committed, and I meant it.”
“I’m not used to guys meaning what they tell me during sex,” you said. It was a blunt thing to say, but it was the truth. You might’ve hoped Joel had meant the things he said, but you certainly weren’t counting on them being true. You’d experienced too many let-downs to ever buy into something like that so easily. 
“Well, I did,” he said, kissing you to seal his promise. “But we’re gonna have to work harder to keep this between us now that Sarah’s around. Unless you want to tell her.”
You furrowed your brows and pulled back to look at him, to see if he was joking, but he looked dead serious. “You want to tell her?”
He shrugged a shoulder. “I’d prefer not to lie to her, but I don’t wanna rush you into doin’ somethin’ you’re not ready to do.”
“What if she lets it slip around my dad?” She was a child, after all, and they had a tendency to speak without thinking. 
“Honestly?” He let out a soft chuckle. “I’m startin’ not to give a shit about that, either. But I know I’m not the one who’s gonna have to deal with the aftermath of all that. Not really, anyway.”
You lowered your eyes to his chest as you thought about what he’d said, about the choice he was laying at your feet. Telling Sarah was one thing, but telling your dad? You weren’t sure you were ready for that. 
“Listen t’me, honey,” Joel said, tilting your chin up to meet his eyes. “This thing between you and I is the real thing, alright? It’s the real thing when it’s just between us, and it’s the real thing if we choose to let everybody know. My feelings for you aren’t gonna change, and I want you to know that it’s your choice whether we tell them or not. Alright?”
You took a deep breath and gave him a soft smile, one that was born of feeling nothing but safe and respected by the man you’d chosen. It was new and foreign and would take some getting used to, but god, it felt good to be seen and cared for the way Joel saw and cared for you. 
“Alright,” you whispered, too emotional to say anything else. 
Joel stroked his thumb over your cheek and smiled, pecking your lips softly once more. “We need to get back down there before people start wonderin’ where we went.”
“I’ll be down in a second,” you said, urging him on. “Go make sure Sarah hasn’t devoured all the frosting.”
Joel chuckled as he turned to head downstairs, shooting you a quick smile over his shoulder. “No promises on that front.” 
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“There you are,” Maria said, grinning as she slid the sliding glass patio door shut behind her, finding you in the kitchen scrubbing away at the sink full of dirty dishes. “What are you doing hiding away in here?”
“Not hiding,” you replied with a smile. “Just…we’ll, yeah. I guess I am hiding.”
“From Joel?” she teased. 
“From my dad and his girlfriend,” you corrected. “It’s awkward, and I’m awkward. Better to just hide out and wait for them to go to bed.”
“She seems nice enough.”
“Yeah, she is,” you agreed. “But I’m not good with change, I guess. And I can tell she’s looking to bond with me, and I’m not ready for all of that, you know?”
“I get that,” she said, coming to join you at the sink. A moment of peaceful silence fell over the two of you as you washed the dishes and she dried them. “Joel’s daughter’s cute.”
“Yeah,” you said, smiling.
“Does she know about you and him?” 
“No,” you said, shaking your head as you turned the tap off and dried your hands. “Why?”
“She was just talking about you,” she said, shrugging. “She told Tommy and I that she likes you, and that she wishes you were her mom instead.”
Your eyes went wide, your heart skipping a beat. “She said that?”  
“Mmhm,” Maria hummed. “Tommy sort of filled me in on the situation, and I don’t blame her for wanting you as a mom instead. Her mom sounds like a cunt.”
“Yeah, she’s…horrible.” 
“I think Joel might’ve overheard it,” she said, biting her lip. “I can’t read the guy for shit, though, so I have no idea what he thought about it.”
Neither did you, if you were being honest. He definitely wouldn’t be upset by it, but he was probably more saddened than anything. Sarah shouldn't have to wish for a mother who made her happy, she should just have it. 
“I, uh, pulled him aside and let him know I knew,” she continued. “I hope that’s alright.”
“Yeah, that’s okay,” you said, smiling at the thought of at least one person knowing that the two of you were together. It made it feel more real, somehow. “What did he say?”
“He just smiled and nodded,” she said. “It’s cute how just the sound of your name makes him smile.”
It was cute, you thought. Cute enough to make your heart clench. 
“He told me that he was alright with everyone knowing,” you confessed, hugging yourself. “But I’m not sure if I’m ready to let everyone in on it just yet.”
“You can take it one step at a time,” she said. “You already told me, so that’s one step. Tommy and Sarah could be another.”
“Yeah,” you said, nibbling on your bottom lip. “We’ll get around to it.”
She laughed, rolling her eyes. “You just like the thrill of a secret romance, you sicko.”
You laughed, too, because a part of you did. It wouldn’t last forever, but you liked the fact that the two of you could just be together for a while without the input of everyone else. “Maybe I do, maybe I don’t.”
“Maybe you do, what?” Joel’s voice made you jump as he waltzed in from outside, a smile tugging at one corner of his mouth as he looked at you. 
“Do y’all need me to stick around as a chaperone?” she said, giving you a playful smile. 
“No, fuck off,” you said with a laugh, swatting the dishcloth in your hand at her. She gave you a wink before making her way back onto the deck, leaving you and Joel alone. 
“I like her,” he said, coming to sit at one of the stools at the island. “Well, as much as I like anybody that isn’t you or Sarah.”
“Yeah, she’s great,” you said, coming to stand across from him. “She, uh, told me about something Sarah said.”
He nodded, his smile fading into something more somber. 
“Broke my heart to hear her say that,” he said, sighing. “Not because of you, just…I don’t know. I just don’t get how her mother can treat her like an afterthought. I hate that she makes her feel like this, like she doesn’t have a mom.”
“I know it’s not the same, and I’d never try to make it seem that way, but I’m here, you know?” you said, shrugging your shoulders and offering him a sympathetic smile. “I’d love her the way she deserves, the way every little girl deserves, if she wanted. If…if you wanted.”
He softened at that, his shoulders relaxing as he tilted his head at you. “Everytime I see y’all together, she’s smilin’. I can’t tell you how much that means to me. How much it’s always meant.”
You long to walk over to him and run your hands through his hair, to kiss him and show him how grateful you are to get to see this side of him, to let him know that he’s a good man—far better than any you’d ever met before—but you could see your father right outside, serving as a reminder of why you had to stay put. Even when it hurt to have to do so. 
“So thank you,” Joel added, suddenly turning bashful. “Thank you for bein’ good to her.” 
“I want to kiss you so badly right now,” you said, frowning and smiling at the same time. 
He smiled, a dimpled, boyish thing that had you ready to climb across this island just to feel that smile against your lips. “I wouldn’t stop you.”
“No, but my dad might,” you said, chuckling. 
Joel glanced over his shoulder at your father, watching him as he sat at the patio table with Vic, Tommy, and Maria. Each of them able to hold each other, to claim each other as theirs. “It doesn’t feel fair.”
You frowned, nodding. “No, it doesn’t.”
With a sigh, he stood up and stretched, feigning exhaustion. “I should take Sarah home. She’s out there sleepin’ in her chair.” 
“Yeah,” you said, your voice soft. 
“You think your dad would be opposed to you babysittin’ her while I go sneak off with this beautiful woman I’ve been seein’?”
You reared back, your brows drawing together. “Excuse me?”
Joel only laughed. “Least that’s the story I plan on givin’ him to buy you and me a couple hours together.” 
Your confusion was replaced with a mischievous grin. “Yeah, I think he’d buy that. Might even be able to spend the night at your place, especially if you’re planning on spending the whole night with this beautiful woman of yours.” 
“Oh, I plan on it, alright,” he husked, his drawl doing things to you it had no right to do. “I’ll grab Sarah and let him know, you go on upstairs and pack a bag.”
Biting your lip, you turned to obey his command, only to be stopped by him again. 
“Don’t worry ‘bout packin’ any pajamas,” he said, eyeing your frame from head to toe. “We won’t be gettin’ much sleep tonight.” 
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redroomreflections · 2 days
Guide Me
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Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Gentle Hands One Shot
Summary: Natasha is going away on a mission and she wants R to think of her while she's away.
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI
note: I wrote this entirely for myself. There's fluff in here too.
w/c: 3.6k
Natasha sat quietly on the couch, her eyes drawn to the scene unfolding in front of her. You were kneeling in front of her, your arms stretched out, your eyes and face reflecting the huge smile you had as you encouraged Brynn to walk.
"Come on, Bubs, come to me," You said. "Come to Mommy."
Brynn was clinging tightly to Natasha's knees, her own tiny, chubby legs wobbling. She gave a little squeal of excitement, almost as if to say "I'm nervous", her determination both endearing and fierce.
"Go to your Mommy," Natasha coaxed, "you can do it, kotik."
Brynn seemed to be encouraged by Natasha's voice, patting her leg before reaching out a hand towards you. Your excitement was palpable, Natasha could feel it radiating off of you, and she was sure Brynn could sense it, too.
"Yeah, that's it, Brynnie," You continued. "I'm right here. I'll catch you."
And then Brynn took her first, tiny, tentative step, the biggest smile on her face.
"Nat," You whispered, looking up at her. "She's walking."
Natasha laughed, her heart filling with happiness, the moment seemingly frozen in time. Everyone seemed to be holding their breath, as Brynn navigated the cool hardwood floors. You were only a few feet away from her.
And then Brynn wobbled and fell forward into your arms. There was a moment of quiet cheering as you hugged her to you.
"Good job, baby," You praised. "Kaia, guess what? Your sister just walked to me." You informed your almost three-year-old of her baby sister's milestone.
Kaia giggled, clapping her hands together in delight. "Yay, Brynnie."
Natasha chuckled. Kaia was so like you in many ways. Almost a mini clone. Even down to the dance you two performed in celebration of Brynn's first steps. The baby giggled loudly as you twirled her, blowing raspberries on whatever body part of hers you could reach, as you danced around the living room.
"My turn," Natasha said. "I want to dance with my baby." She stood, holding out her arms in anticipation.
You carefully passed Brynn over, who clung to Natasha.
"Mama," She said.
"Hi, my love." Natasha smiled widely. "I'm so proud of you."
Brynn grinned, reaching for Natasha's hair, and tugging on it gently.
"Ouch, kotik, " Natasha laughed. "That hurts."
Brynn looked concerned, pulling back to look at Natasha.
"No, no, it's okay, sweetheart." Natasha smiled softly, bouncing the baby on her hip. "Just a little tug. But never mind that, you walked." She leaned in, giving Brynn a loud, smacking kiss on her cheek.
Brynn giggled, squirming in Natasha's arms, before laying her head on her shoulder.
"I think she's tired," You said as you scooped Kaia into your arms to twirl her around. "It is almost bedtime." Natasha's heart warmed at the sight. She couldn't believe you were the woman she had once only wanted to protect—a woman who had been through so much, who had needed space to heal. Back then, Natasha hadn't imagined your friendship could turn into anything more. She hadn't let herself imagine it. Sure, she'd found you beautiful—who wouldn't? There had always been a quiet strength in the way you carried yourself, even on the days when your world felt like it was crumbling around you.
But this? A life with you, with Brynn and Kaia? That had seemed like a dream she didn’t know she was allowed to have. And now, Natasha had it. She had all of you.
"You should get them ready for bed, Nat," You said, as Kaia wrapped her arms around your neck, clinging like she always did when bedtime rolled around.
"But, Mama, I want to play with Brynn," Kaia whined, her voice laced with the beginnings of a pout.
"I'm sorry, Solnyshko, but you need to sleep. Come on, kiss Mama goodnight," Natasha said, and Kaia sighed but pressed a sloppy, wet kiss to your cheek. "We'll play tomorrow. You have school, remember?"
"I hate school," Kaia grumbled.
"No, you don't," Natasha chuckled.
"Do so."
"Kaia," You warned, and Kaia stuck out her bottom lip.
"Fine," she grumbled, though there was a softness in her voice now. "But you have to promise two songs before bed." Her eyes gleamed as she stared over at Natasha, knowing exactly how to tug at her heartstrings.
Natasha feigned reluctance, though the smile on her face betrayed her. She held out her pinkie finger to Kaia. "I promise," she said, locking their pinkies together with a gentle squeeze.
"And you have to sing them, not play the music."
"Kaia," You sighed.
"Okay, fine." Natasha laughed.
"You're the best, Mama," Kaia cheered, stretching in your arms to kiss Natasha's cheek and then leaning over to give Brynn one, too.
"How sweet," You murmured, watching them with a smile. Kaia’s pout disappeared instantly, replaced with a satisfied grin as she slipped out of your arms and shuffled toward the bedroom. "I'll catch up on dishes while you handle these two." You offered.
"You've done enough already," Natasha insisted. "I can wash the dishes."
"It's alright, I'll get them," You replied, brushing off her protest. "Besides, I want us to have tonight together before bed."
"I'll put Brynn to bed, and then I'll meet you in the bedroom," Natasha decided, and you nodded, making your way into the kitchen. Natasha watched you go, unable to help the smile that came to her lips. God, she loved you.
By the time Natasha stepped out of Brynn’s nursery, the house was quiet—save for the soft clinking of dishes being washed in the kitchen. She had promised herself she would come to bed after putting the kids down, but when she saw you moving around the house, still tidying up, she paused in the hallway. You had already done so much—cleaning up the toys in the living room, starting another load of laundry, and now finishing up the dishes that she had insisted on taking care of herself.
Natasha leaned against the doorframe, watching you for a moment. There was something peaceful about the way you moved, even in the mundane tasks. She loved how you always wanted to keep the home you had together running smoothly, even when you were tired. But it also made her heart ache a little. You did so much, often more than you needed to, always giving, always caring.
Quietly, Natasha made her way over to you, her footsteps soft on the kitchen floor. You didn’t hear her at first, too focused on rinsing the last of the plates, but the warmth of her presence behind you made you pause.
"You’ve done enough for tonight," Natasha murmured, slipping her arms around your waist from behind and resting her chin on your shoulder. "I thought we agreed we'd have time together."
"I was just cleaning up." You shrugged, letting the water from the faucet run over your hands for a moment. "You were busy with the kids. It's fine."
"It's not fine," Natasha said gently. "You do so much, and I appreciate everything, but I want you to relax."
"I'm used to taking care of things, Nat."
"I know," Natasha replied. "And I love that you are."
"I don't mind," You said, turning off the water and leaning back against her.
"But I do," Natasha replied. "Let me take care of you for once."
"Natasha," You sighed, but Natasha was already tugging you away from the sink. You turned into her arms, closing your eyes in pure delight when she kissed your lips. Her kiss was soft and slow, making your heart race. When you pulled away, your smile was wide, your cheeks a bit flushed, and Natasha thought you looked absolutely beautiful.
"I love you," She whispered, pulling you closer and brushing her nose against yours. "You mean so much to me. I wish I could show you how much."
"You do, Nat. More than you know." You smiled softly, leaning in to kiss her again, a little harder this time, your teeth grazing her bottom lip. "Though I do love how affectionate you're being, why do I get the sense you're about to tell me bad news?"
"I don't think it's bad, necessarily." Natasha shrugged even as her hands continued to roam your waist. Lovingly, of course, no ulterior motives there. "It's just, I got an assignment."
"Oh," You said, your expression falling.
"I leave in two days," She explained.
"How long will you be gone?"
"Three weeks."
"And you won't tell me where?" You guessed.
"I can't," Natasha said. "It's a matter of national security."
"I understand." You nodded.
"But," Natasha added, her hand coming up to cup your cheek. "When I get back, I'm not leaving the country for a long time."
"Is that a promise?" You teased, even though your chest was heavy with worry.
"That's a promise," Natasha replied, leaning in to kiss you again.
"How are you going to break it to the girls?" You asked. "You know Kaia has hard drop-offs at school whenever you leave."
"I have some ideas," Natasha said, "I'll have Wanda and Pepper take turns visiting. They can keep Kaia and Brynn distracted."
"Okay," You replied.
"Hey," Natasha whispered, her eyes searching yours with that intensity she always had when she needed you to feel her presence, her sincerity. Her thumb gently stroked your cheek as she leaned in closer. "I know it's hard. Believe me, I hate leaving you and the girls. But I'll come back. Always."
You swallowed, your heart feeling heavier despite her soft reassurances. It wasn’t just about her leaving for the mission—it was the way Kaia would cry at drop-offs, the way Brynn would ask for “Mama” with big, confused eyes, not understanding why Natasha wasn’t there. And as much as you tried to be strong for them, there was always a part of you that felt empty when she was gone.
"I know you will," you whispered, forcing a small smile. "It's just... three weeks is a long time."
Natasha pressed her forehead against yours, before her lips brush your temple. "I’ll make it up to you," she murmured, her voice low, comforting. "To all of you. When I get back, it’s just us. I’ll take a break—no missions, no assignments. We'll do whatever you want. I’ll even take Kaia to her soccer shots classes every week."
You laughed softly at the last part, shaking your head. "She loves those."
"I know," Natasha smirked. "But she's getting a little better at kicking the ball, and I'd like to see it."
You could hear the truth in her voice, feel it in the way she held you like she never wanted to let go. But the reality of her job was always there, lurking in the background, pulling her away when you needed her most. Still, you nodded, trying to push the worry aside, even if only for tonight.
"Okay," you said softly, resting your head against her chest, feeling the steady rhythm of her heartbeat. "But you’re the one telling Kaia in the morning. I’m not dealing with that meltdown alone."
Natasha chuckled, holding you tightly, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "Deal."
You held her tightly, breathing her in, committing this moment to memory, knowing that no matter how much she assured you that she'd be back, there would always be a part of you that was worried she wouldn't.
"I'm going to miss you," Natasha began, her voice soft and laced with sincerity. She kissed your lips again. An apology.
"I'm going to miss you too," you replied, your heart aching at the thought of her being away. "More than you know."
"I'll call every day," she promised, her hands tracking your back under your shirt. "Or as much as I can."
"I'd like that," you replied, kissing her once more.
"It'll go by fast," Natasha said. "Before you know it, I'll be back home with you, and we'll finally have a few weeks to ourselves."
"It's hard for me when you leave," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. "Your side of the bed gets cold. I don't have anyone there to hold me. To kiss me." You're laying it on thick. "It's hard not having someone there to—"
"Stop it," Natasha said, and you smirked, pulling back slightly to look at her.
"Stop what?" You asked, playing innocent.
"You're not being very subtle. If you're trying to make me change my mind about leaving, it won't work. But the other part..." Natasha grinned. "You have ways to care for yourself while I'm gone."
"I know," you said, your tone softening, a smile creeping onto your lips. "but..."
"But what?" Natasha inquired. "Hmm?"
"I've never actually done that,"
"Wait. Really? You've never touched yourself before?"
You shook your head. "Never needed to."
"So you're telling me you're a virgin in that department." Natasha smiled. "This is news to me."
"Nat, don't tease." You pushed her away gently.
"Come here." Natasha pulled you back in. "I'll show you what to do," She promised. "I'll make sure you feel good. Better than good. Amazing. The best orgasm of your life."
"You make big promises," You raised a brow.
"You've had better?" She scoffed.
"No," You shook your head. "I've just never felt the need or the desire to do it."
"So you have no idea what to do?" Natasha questioned, and you nodded, a little shyly. "What is it, baby?" She asked, tipping your chin up gently, so you were looking into her eyes. "Don't be shy."
"I just—I've always been a little repressed with sex," You explained, avoiding her gaze. "I mean we've talked about it before. I'm a woman with two kids. I'm no virgin Mary. There's still so much I haven't explored and I can't help but think how inexperienced I am."
"Hey, look at me," Natasha said softly, cupping your cheek. "There's no rush to explore everything at once, but I'll be more than happy to guide you. In fact, I'm honored."
"You're sweet," You whispered, and Natasha smiled.
"Come on," She said, pulling you towards the bedroom. She closed the door behind th both of you and got to work setting up pillows and a small area in front of the six-foot mirror you'd insisted on having in here.
"Now, I'm not saying it's going to happen right away," Natasha began, pulling you into her arms and peppering kisses on your neck. "But if you'd like me to teach you the ropes, I'd be more than happy to."
"I'd say yes to anything you offer," You whispered to her as you sat in front of her. She instructed you to take your pants off while she did the busy work of unbuttoning your blouse.
"Are you comfortable?" She asked and you nodded, pulling her closer, craving her body heat and the comfort her touch offered.
"Tell me if you want to stop," Natasha began. She gently coaxed your legs open, admiring the wet spot already forming, as she leaned her head against yours. "You don't know how sexy you are like this."
"In a nursing bra and Wednesday panties even though it's Friday?" You joked.
"Especially in that," Natasha murmured. "You always look so good to me, baby." Natasha kissed your neck.
"Touch me," You whispered.
"We're getting there, beautiful," She promised, her hand sliding up and down your thigh. You sighed, closing your eyes. You knew Natasha would make you feel good, and would make this experience pleasurable and enjoyable. "But tonight you're doing all the work. Just follow my voice." She instructed as she trailed her hands along your body.
"Take off your panties," Natasha whispered, and you obeyed. Your hand hovered over the waistband of your panties, hesitating. "Are you nervous?"
"A little," You admitted, taking a deep breath.
"You're gorgeous, Y/n."
"You make me feel that way."
"Good. Because it's true." She replied, pulling her hands away. "Take your time."
You slowly slid the underwear down your legs, biting your lip nervously.
"I'll start, and then you can take over," Natasha said.
"What are you going to do?" You asked.
"You'll see." She replied. "Are you ready?"
"Yeah," You said, nodding, feeling a rush of anticipation run through your body.
She began by stroking your belly, moving to cup your breasts and toy with your nipples.
"Do you like that?"
"Yeah," You nodded.
"How about this?" She murmured, her hands running over your hips. You moaned, arching into her touch.
"Mhmm," You cursed, feeling yourself get wetter.
"What else would you like me to do?"
"Just talk to me, please."
"Talk to you about what, baby?" She whispered, her voice sending a shiver down your spine.
"Anything. I just want to hear your voice," You whimpered.
"I can do that."
Natasha's hands trailed along your inner thighs, her fingertips teasing your folds."I want you to use your fingers, just one," She began. "Feel around for that spot that feels good."
You hesitated for a moment, feeling shy.
"It's okay," Natasha whispered. "I'm right here. Do whatever feels good, baby."
You slid your fingers down between your legs, tentatively over your slit, before you pressed it between your lips. You were familiar with your own anatomy enough to find your clit. Your eyes widened slightly at the pleasure, the intensity, as you rubbed it gently.
You bit your lip, closing your eyes at the immediate pleasure, as you leaned your head back against her shoulder. Having her there as a source of support felt even better.
"Open your eyes, baby," Natasha instructed. "Look in the mirror."
You obeyed, your eyes meeting her's in the reflection.
"That's it, Y/n," Natasha murmured. "See how beautiful you look like this? With your legs spread open for me, your pussy soaking wet and waiting for me. You're perfect, Y/n."
"I want to go inside," You whispered. "Can I?"
"Of course," Natasha whispered. "Put one finger in."
You slowly eased a finger into yourself, whimpering at the sensation.
"How does it feel?"
"Good," You gasped. "But I don't know if it's enough."
"Try adding another," She instructed, and you obliged.
"Ah, fuck," You moaned, arching up into your hand.
"That's it, baby. Feel yourself, feel what you do to yourself," She whispered, her hands still stroking your inner thighs.
"Feels so good," You panted. Natasha used her hand to slow you down.
"Not yet," She kissed the side of your head. "I want you to enjoy this. I want you to think about me. How good I make you feel. Imagine your fingers are mine. Fucking you."
You groaned, the pleasure overwhelming, as you moved slower, taking your fingers in and out.
"Natasha," You whispered.
"Shh," She kissed the side of your head.
"I'm close," You whined.
"I know," She smiled. "But you have to wait."
"But why," You whimpered.
"Because it's better when I say so," She explained. She raised her hand, gently rubbing your breasts, careful not to be too rough. Though you do think about how much you would like it. "You're such a good girl for me."
"Nat," You whined, thrusting faster, as she held you closer.
"You're close, baby," She whispered, her fingers finding your nipples, gently tugging them.
"Please, Natasha, I'm so close."
"Tell me what you want," She demanded.
"Bite me," You tilted your neck for easier access. "Mark me. Please."
Natasha growled as she sunk her teeth into your neck, the pain and pleasure mingling together and making you moan. She sucked on the mark she had made, her hands roaming your body. You could feel your pussy clench around your fingertips.
"Fuck," You cried, your back arching.
"Cum, baby. Come for me," She commanded, and you obeyed, moaning loudly, as your orgasm crashed through your body, your muscles contracting.
"That's it," She soothed, holding you tightly, her hands caressing your sides. "Such a good girl for me."
You collapsed back into her embrace, breathing heavily, a thin sheen of sweat covering your skin.
"I don't know how you do that to me." You panted, your voice low and sated.
"Because I love you." She replied, pressing a kiss to your temple.
"I love you too," You sighed, leaning back into her arms, as she stroked your hair. "Thank you."
"Of course, baby," She whispered, smiling at the sleepy expression on your face. "I want you to feel good when I'm not home. I want you to make yourself feel good."
"Thank you," You mumbled.
"You haven't taken your fingers out," Natasha pointed out.
"I haven't," You nodded.
"Is it good?"
"Are you ready to go again?"
"Not right now," You shook your head, closing your eyes. "I like being filled."
"Alright," Natasha chuckled.
"Can we just cuddle?"
"We can do whatever you want," Natasha replied. "Though we need to talk about the comment you just made."
"About being filled?" You questioned.
"Yeah," Natasha replied.
"Well, I like the feeling. And I'd like to feel more."
"Oh really," Natasha smirked. "How much more?"
"However much more you're willing to give." You kissed the part of her chin you could reach. "I do not doubt that if possible, I'd be pregnant by now."
"I'd love that," Natasha murmured. "Filling you with my cum and watching it leak out of you. Stretching you."
"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" You smiled.
"Very much so," Natasha kissed the top of your head.
"Would you want to be on top or should I?" You asked, opening your eyes.
"You can." Natasha offered.
"But I don't know what I'm doing," You protested.
"Trust me. I'll walk you through it."
"You always do," You sighed. "I'm so glad I met you. The way you love me."
"Me too, baby," Natasha said. "You make me so happy."
"And you make me happy."
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Dick Grayson: C'mon, take one for the team.
Jason laying on the floor, bruised and exhausted.
Jason Todd: No, I don’t want to. Let the team fail.
Dick: Okay then.
Dick Grayson grabs the man’s leg and drags him out the room.
Jason: No, no, no, let me rest! No!
Dick: All right, let's do this, let's take down Quilt Man!
Dick leaves as Bruce remains seated, silently hoping his son doesn't take him. Dick walks back into the room and grabs Bruce's arm, forcibly taking him out of the room.
Dick: Come on, I'm not doing this alone.
Bruce: I hate the Quilt Man! He's your nemesis.
Dick: Shut it and let's go.
Barbara: I'm not going to sit through the Star Wars prequels and there's nothing you can do to take me. I can make sure this chair can't be rolled.
Dick blinks a few seconds, nods then proceeds to carry Barbara out of his wheelchair with ease.
Barbara: God damn it.
Dick: You will see the good in these movies.
Barbara: When pigs fly!
Damian kicks his legs as Dick carries him into the doctor's office.
Damian: I don't want to get the booster shot! I don't want it!
Dick: I don't care, Bruce is paying me to bring you here, behave or I won't take you out to eat.
Damian stops kicking and screaming, crossing his arms in anger as his older brother sits him in his seat.
Dick: Tim?
Tim (his head buried in his pillow): No.
Dick: Tim, we're going there.
Tim: You may be my hero, but not in the morning!
Tim attempts to sleep, but Dick grabs his leg and drags him out of the bed. Tim groans as he's dragged out of his room, but doesn't put up a fight.
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tpwk-formula1 · 2 days
Kimi Antonelli. I would like to have my pizza with coliflower crust(grumpy reader) with Alfredo sauce. Now for the toppings, maybe with basil, broccoli and Gouda cheese. And for my drink sprite and truly. Maybe mt dew (sub reader) and yes aftercare. THANK U MY LOVE❤️❤️❤️
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Lee-Lee's Pizzeria Menu
cauliflower crust sunshine x grumpy Alfredo sweet sex basil "I love to watch my cum leak from your pretty pussy" broccoli "Made just for me huh?" gouda “Slow down? You just told me to speed up, make up your mind silly girl” sprite size kink truly belly bulge mt dew dom/sub dessert yes served by Kimi Antonelli
Kimi x Grumpy! reader
TW - riding cock, belly bulge, size kink, missionary, unprotected sex, creampie
WC 1400+
"Why are you so moody today," Kimi whispered into my ear while pinching my thigh is a "behave yourself" manner.
"I'm not," I snapped whispering back getting more annoyed with my boyfriend. He just rolls his eyes at me before turning his attention back to the rest of the table and joining in on their conversation leaving me to wallow in my own annoyance at my boyfriend.
"Are you good?" Ollie asks keeping his volume down so only I can hear him.
"I'm fine, why does everyone think I'm not," I whisper back at him letting him be on the receiving end of a verbal lashing. I cringe slightly when I realize Kimi had heard me snap at Ollie making him pinch my thigh a little harder.
"I mean you're normally pretty "grumpy" but today you have this look in your eye like you wanna destroy the world," Ollie whispers softly. I just shrug and we leave the conversation there.
He was right though, Kimi had always been the golden retriever boyfriend and I was the typical "black cat" girlfriend, which wasn't necessarily false but Kimi knew the truth. It was just a way to protect myself not wanting too many people getting too close to me, but Kimi spent years working on breaking my walls down, and here we are years later still going as strong as ever. As for the modd I'm in today, it's everyone else's comments on Kimi's F1 announcement that has me wanting to "destroy the world" or whatever Ollie said.
When the dinner wrapped up Kimi and I go back to his hotel room where he finally gets the answers he was looking for.
"It's just unfair Kimi! I mean they barely even watch you in Formula 2 and then the one time they watch you, you crash and while that is embarrassing I'm gonna be real with you BUT that doesn't mean you need to wait," I continue ranting laying in bed with Kimi making him smile but start kissing at my jaw and neck during my rant starting to distract me.
"Watching you get so mad on my behalf, it fucking hot," Kimi mumbles into my neck rutting his hips into my side letting me feel his hard cock through his briefs. I just roll my eyes and laugh.
"I can't believe my very serious rant about hating the fans of Formula 1 has you so horny you're grinding into me," I joke before turning onto my side so I'm facing him and pulling him in for a quick kiss.
Kimi refused to pull away so what was supposed to be a quick peck turned into us fighting for dominance with our tongues. Finally Kimi is pushing me on my back before climbing on top of me pinning my hands above my head all the while keeping his mouth on top of mine.
"Kimi, I need you," I whine against his mouth making him let out a breathy laugh making my pussy throb just at the noise.
"Hm. I wanna watch you bounce on my cock," Kimi said with a smirk before letting me use my strength to turn us over so I was the one on top now.
I start grinding my hips into Kimi's large cock making both of us whimper at the stimulation. I pull my sleep shirt off my body leaivng me in the lacey black panties I was going to sleep in before Im shuffling my body down slightly before pulling Kimi's briefs off letting his hard cock rest against his torso showing just how large he truly is. The tip is barely touching the bottom of his bellybutton.
I instantly start jerking his cock off dwarfing the size of my hand.
"Miracle I can walk in the mornings," I mumble softly making Kimi laugh at my little comment. Losing my virginity to Kimi was terrible and he refused to touch me for weeks after but as time went on we learned how to pleasure each other taking everything slow before I finally got my redo which was amazing.
"I can make it to where you can't walk tomorrow," Kimi said with a smirk written all over his face making my cheek heat at the suggestion. I just shook my head no, knowing tomorrow wasn't a good day for that.
I release Kimi's cock and make quick work of pulling my panties down before I'm climbing back into Kimi's lap. When I grip Kimi's cock I softly tease my clit making me whimper due to how sentive I was, but I needed to collect as much moisture on his cock as possible which wasn't very difficult.
Once Kimi's cock is drenched in my essence I slowly start sinking down making both of us gasp. Once I'm fully seated on Kimi's cock I give myself a few seconds to adjust before I start rocking my hips making both Kimi and I groan at the pleasure.
I start bouncing on Kimi's cock making both of us gasp and moan at the intense pleasure.
"Fuck, so fucking tight," Kimi groans making me speed up my actions slightly but still not going fast enough to bring either of us to an orgasm.
Kimi finally takes over and flips up back so he's on top and he slowly starts pounding into me making me gasp and moan feeling Kimi all over.
"Made just for me huh?" Kimi says with a smirk making me look at him noticing that he was staring at my tummy making me look down to notice the bulge from Kimi's cock.
I moan at the sight of Kimi's cock going in and out of my body slightly stunned at how noticeable it is.
"Fuck, faster please," I whimper while pulling Kimi's neck down to me so I can kiss him while he speeds up his actions making me whimper at the intensity.
Kimi pulls back slightly and starts fucking into me faster than he was previously making me gasp and feel my orgasm start to approach. Kimi knowing my body so well picked up on this and started pushing down on the bulge in my stomach making me feel Kimi so much more than before, it was starting to get almost too intense.
"Too much, slower," I moan and gasp out through a stuttered breath.
“Slow down? You just told me to speed up, make up your mind silly girl” Kimi says with a smirk all over his face. While he kept up the pace he let up just slightly on my stomach.
"I can tell you wanna cum," Kimi says before moving his hand from my stomach to my clit and rubbing it in soft circles bringing me over the edge.
"Fuck," I whimper while arching my back and cumming all over Kimi's cock sending him over the edge with one final thrust before unloading a massive load of his cum deep into my pussy making sure to fill me before slowly slipping his cock out not wanting to hurt my overstimulated pussy.
When Kimi slipped out of my pussy he just sits back on his knees and watches as some of his cum starts leaking out of my pussy.
"I love to watch my cum leak from your pretty pussy" Kimi mumbles softly leaning down to kiss my lips making me blush at the dirty praise.
"Do you feel better?" Kimi jokes with a smirk all over his face making me roll my eyes and nod softly making Kimi laugh.
"You take me so well," Kimi says while getting out of bed and pulling me into his arms where he carries me into the bathroom where he puts me on the toilet to do my business while he turns his back and turns the shower on.
After Kimi and I shower together he helps me get dressed into a new shirt to sleep in before helping me step into my panties before laying us both of us on the bed for a cuddle.
"Did I really look like I wanted to destroy the world?" I question feeling back for snapping at everyone today. Kimi just nodded his head softly making me groan while he laughed at me slightly.
"I yelled at Ollie," I state softly making Kimi pull me into his side and place a soft kiss on my cheek.
"I know, I heard. But, if you feel that bad you can apologize tomorrow on the flight back," Kimi tells me softly knowing I won't feel better until I do apologize to Ollie. I just nod my head softly before melting into Kimi's embrace and falling asleep in his arms.
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yukioos · 1 day
20191009 i like her — simon riley x reader
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summary: simon comes home from deployment late at night with no warning. he walks in and finds you sleeping soundly and peacefully on your shared bed.
warnings: not proofread
authors note: sorry if this is a lot like my previous post! i’m working on a logan sfw alphabet too, hope u enjoy!
word count: 0.9k
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simon walks down the familiar, concrete path that leads to the house where he finds comfort. his steps are tired and heavy, and his boots stomp slowly on the ground. he places his dirty, gloved hand on the picket fence and opens it, the wood creaks. he closes the short fence behind him and continues to walk closer to where his family would be.
a light hanging above illuminates the white porch, and he steps up the stairs with ease. he grabs a silver key from his pocket and inserts it into the black keyhole, twisting it and slowly opening the door. he steps into the house, untying his laces in the dark and placing the shoes near the door.
he then begins to unbuckle all his gear, taking off multiple pounds of protective clothing. he sighs as he walks to your shared bedroom, wanting to double-check you’re home. he places his hand on the doorknob, twisting and pushing.
simon’s eyes widen but soften when he sees the lamp on your side of the bed, lighting up the room. a book lies on his black shirt that appears so adorable on you, and your hand reaches out to his pillow. your eyes are closed and your head is tilted toward your husband’s side of the bed, missing the warmth you crave so often.
he grasps the back of his mask and pulls it off, feeling sweaty in his layers of clothing. he knew you’d complain about how you’d have to take a shower, and how you’d have to wash the sheets if he slept in his dirty gear.
he grabs a pair of boxers and grey sweats, tossing both over his shoulder as he makes his way to the bathroom connected to your shared bedroom. he cracks the door open and switches the light on, then strips himself of his clothes. he tosses them on the ground, deciding he’ll toss them in the hamper in the morning.
he turns on the shower and takes a quick one, only lasting about 5 minutes. he turns the water off and takes his towel off a hanger, next to yours, and dries himself off. he ties the towel around his waist, and quickly brushes his teeth so he can lay in bed with you, after months of not seeing your face.
he spits the toothpaste out and rinses his mouth, then unties the towel and puts his boxers on. his sweats follow shortly afterward, and he quietly opens the door and turns off the light. his chest warms at the sight of your still body and your chest rising and falling every second.
he twists the ring around his finger, a sign of his vows and his love for you. he slowly climbs into the bed, and you stir in your sleep, causing him to pause in his tracks. he then reaches his arm to your side of the bed, grabbing your book and placing it on your nightstand.
he turns the lamp off with ease, then slowly sinks back into the bed, staring at your lips. he’d do anything for you to wake up in that moment, for you to realize he’s home again. but he knows you need your sleep, and he needs his as well.
so your husband places his head near your chest and wraps an arm around your midsection. he grasps you tightly, yet not enough for you to feel pain. he feels you stir again next to him, and he places his cheek against your skin.
a body is felt next to you, and you’re flooded with confusion. there was no way simon was home yet, he hadn’t even called you or texted you in advance. you softly mumble and open your eyes, rubbing them once you see the lamp isn’t blinding your vision.
you run your hands against the body next to you, and the back is scarred and hurt. you then know it’s your husband, and he sighs and kisses your side, tightening his arm around you.
“si?” you mumble, still not fully awake, “you’re home?”
he nods and moves up so you’re face-to-face, “i’m home, sweetheart.” he places his large, calloused hand on the side of your head, and you swing a leg over his.
he leans into you, pressing his lips against yours. you’re filled with relief and happiness once you feel them against you, after months of not being able to contact him, months of resorting to staring at photos of you and him and cuddling his pillow, which didn’t compare to him.
once the two of you pull away from the kiss, you sigh as you yearn for him once again. you pull his body closer to yours and place your chest against his. you then place kisses on his scarred chest, appreciating how he’s finally in your arms.
you fall asleep quicker than you would without your husband, and simon feels your chest breathing against his. he smiles and kisses your forehead, and placing his head above yours. it’s only when you’re asleep, when he feels safe enough to fall into the slumber that would otherwise haunt him if you weren’t there.
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mommywandas · 3 days
Icky Dreams — W.M
Pairing: Mommy!Wanda x Sub!Fem!Reader
Summary: You have an icky dream caused by Wanda.
Warnings: mommy/mama kink, strap on (r receiving), pet names, general smut, mind controlled dreams, choking.
Words: 1.9k
A/N: expansion of an imagine I wrote on an icky dream that Wanda created. (based on a dream i had)
Beta read by @poulengp <3
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You woke up slowly, humming as you adjusted to the darkness of your bedroom. You didn't remember falling asleep, but here you were in bed, and by the sound of light breathing, your girlfriend was with you. Smiling, you were about to turn over to say hello, when you felt an ache between your thighs.
"Good evening, sweetheart."
Wanda's soft voice filled the silent room, making you smile but your eyebrows were furrowed. Suddenly your dream hit you. Oh wow, it had been glorious.
"What's wrong, detka?" Wanda whispered, tilting your head to make you look at her. You squirmed, making eye contact reluctantly. It was embarrassing, the way your thighs rubbed together.
"N—nothing, mommy.." You mumbled, trying to turn away to hide but she stopped you.
"Did my poor baby have a bad dream?"
If you didn't have your eyes closed (because if you couldn't hide then you decided not to see her) you would have noticed the smirk on her lips.
"Mhm." You hummed, clenching your eyes shut as you drifted off into your dream, it had been heavenly. So.. heavenly.
"Tell me about it."
You opened your eyes, squinting in the darkness, noticing the way a shadow highlighted your girlfriend's cheekbone. "It was, uh.." You trailed off, your cheeks flushing. "I—it was.. icky."
A low chuckle reverberated in her throat. "Oh? What type of icky?" Her fingers played with your hair gently.
She knew exactly what you had been dreaming of. Because she had been the one to plant it in your sleepy mind.
"I can't say!" It was impossible to refuse that expression of hers, though. She smiled, biting her lip as she looked down at her precious girl.
"You will say it. Don't make mommy upset."
Your heart sunk at the idea of mommy being upset. You grabbed the fabric of her pyjamas and pouted. "Don't be sad!"
Her lip tucked between her teeth, she tilted her head. "Then tell me." It was as simple as that.
"Fine.." You huffed, crossing your arms, eyes fluttering closed again. "It was an icky feeling, down there." You pointed to your thighs.
Wanda couldn't help but let out a little excited hum. "Ah, in your big girl parts? How naughty. Tell me what was going on."
Sighing softly, you held onto mommy's hands to ground yourself, stop your mind from drifting off into that heaven. "You were touching my special parts, and— and—"
"And?" It was Wanda's turn to clench her thighs. Oh she had been longing for this moment for a whole week. How dare someone make her wait for a damn week. She'd been giving you those dreams for seven days, and every time you'd managed to stay in a deep sleep, not remembering anything, until today.
"You used your.. thing.." Pointing to the special closet where all the naughty toys were kept.
"Mommy's cock?"
A gasp left your lips at her blunt choice of words. "Mama!" You squealed because those words caused a stirring in your lower stomach. Whenever you called Wanda that, her heart soared, no matter what the situation. It was a special name, that only the two of you shared privately, a silent sign of trust and love.
"Well that's what you meant, wasn't it? I want to hear you say it." She murmured, looking you directly in the eyes making you squirm once again.
"It was mommy's cock." You mumbled dejectedly. Why had your dream so been so fun? Why did you want to beg your mommy to recreate it? And why was it always so hard to verbalise it?
She tilted her head to the side, as if reading your mind. "Poor thing, you just don't know what to do, huh?" You shook your head, a helpless expression washing over your face.
"Well, let mommy do the big girl thinking for you." Her whisper was low, "Close your eyes and lay down."
You did exactly as she said, trusting her because she knew best after all. The weight of her on the bed disappeared, and a minute later (you counted it) she returned, the mattress dipping. You felt her settle below you, slowly spreading your legs.
"Oh my, you really did get excited." She commented once noticing the damp patch on your white laced underwear. You hadn't been wearing anything but that and a loose band T-shirt you loved, that Wanda didn't particularly like but she was happy if you were happy. She slowly pulled them off, discarding them somewhere behind her.
"Mhm, because mama was being naughty and.. and.." You struggled to speak because you were about to say a bad word. Wanda didn't like when you used adult words, because it was for bigger girls who had no respect, so she said.
"You can say it, sweetheart." Whenever you felt like she knew what you were thinking, the light in the room always seemed to play a trick on you, because there would be a glint of red in her pupils. But you didn't know if it had happened as you were still momentarily sightless.
"You fucked me." Very small and quiet words.
"You must have had a really good dream if you want to curse like that." You agreed with her by giving a shy smile. Finally you opened your eyes, and gasped at sight. Your mommy was naked, save for the harness around her pelvis, a large toy attached to it, larger than you'd tried before. Another ache pulsed through your core, begging to be touched.
"Mama, please.." You whined impatiently. "I don't wanna wait! Please!"
"You know I love it when you beg." She smirked, lining the toy up with your folds. She didn't need any lubricant today because you were clearly already so wet. She teased your entrance, humming as she slowly pushed halfway in.
A squeak escaped your throat, trying to get used to the size. "T—too big! Mommy is too big!"
"You can take it." Was all she said before sliding the whole length in. You shrieked, grabbing at her shoulders as she bottomed out inside you, reaching the depths of your insides, causing an obvious tummy bulge. The sight made you moan. "See that? Mommy's inside you, filling up your special parts."
You nodded frantically, bucking your hips desperately to get her to move. She knew what you were begging for so she started to move in and out, thrusting slowly. Your mouth dropped open into an O shape.
"Mm— ah!" Every so often the toy would hit your g-spot, causing you to groan, eyes rolling to the back of your head. Wanda's hand quickly pulled off your shirt, revealing your perky breasts.
"So perfect, my little doll." Lips wrapped around your left nipple, sucking gently. Your breasts had always been sensitive, she knew that, and always used it to her advantage because she craved for more noises from you. It was like a game, seeing if she could get you to moan louder each time, almost training you.
"M—mommy.. so.. good.." You breathed out, body jolting with each thrust as she quickened her pace. But there was something else you wanted, needed. In your dream she'd done something you'd never asked for before, but the more you thought about it the more turned on you got.
"What is it, dorogoy?" Of course she knew there was something on your mind, and judging by the smile on her lips, she knew exactly what.
"C—can you put your— ah— hands a-around my neck?" Whispering, you pointed to that area as your words struggled to stay coherent.
Her eyes darkened, not with a hint of red, but something more human. "Only lightly, this is your first time trying it." She had been aching for this moment. She didn't know what it was about you that made her crave control over your body. She desired so much that she had never mentioned, knowing you needed to be eased into these things, and if it took making you dream of those things, so be it.
"My icky dreams of mommy keep getting— ickier." You moaned, words stuttering out with each deep thrust. The slick noises filled the room, tummy bulge tightening as you felt the band in your stomach coil up.
Wanda's right hand moved to your neck, carefully, with precision, as if she'd rehearsed it. "You remember the safe word if it gets too much?"
"Y—yes, red." Repeating the word seemed to relax her, as it seemed even though she wanted to choke you so badly, your safety and comfort were always her upmost priority. She smiled slightly before her grip grew firm.
A dizzy feeling overtook your head, though you weren't sure if it was the pressure on your windpipe or the pure bliss of being handled like this.
"Fu—" You stopped yourself from swearing, knowing you'd have to receive a punishment for it, and you weren't in the mood for that, just focused on reaching your peak and letting go of all that pent up energy that had grown in your sleep.
"Watch your words very carefully, sweet girl, because I can stop all of this and leave you a squirming mess." Her voice was deep, full of lust and desire.
"Sorry mama.." You gasped for your words, and you felt your orgasm pushing closer. "I.. I'm gonna—!" Meeting her eyes, a desperate plea for her to let you release.
"Go on, come for mommy."
You didn't need telling twice. The mix of dizziness and pounding of a very big strap made you shriek again as you came. Your arousal dripping down the toy and onto the sheets. It would be a mess your mommy would clean up later, you were sure. She always made sure everything was clean, everything just perfect for her bunny.
"Mhm!" Body trembling and shaking from the after shocks, she helped you ride it out, her thrusts slowing until the dildo slipped out of your tight walls, settling against your cunt.
"How did that feel, darling?" She sounded softer now, not that she hadn't always been soft, but more nurturing. The grip of your neck loosened.
"Amazing." You smiled dreamily. "Icky feeling is gone. I feel.. floaty again." That was a word you often described your emotions after sex with Wanda.
"I'm so glad. Mommy just wants you to feel good." She nuzzled her face into the crook of your neck, inhaling your sweet scent, the scent of the body lotion she specially bought for you. Her favourite smell of roses. So wonderful she could almost eat you. "I'm going to run you a bath, then we'll sleep, it's very late."
"No, I just want cuddles now." Your pout never failed to melt her, so she gave in, a smile tugging at her lips. "Okay, let's cuddle, but we're having a shower in the morning."
You nodded, not fully paying attention to her words, busy floating in the clouds. "Thank you, mommy."
Her heart squeezed with love and affection. "I love you, detka."
"I love you too."
You slowly drifted off into a peaceful sleep in her arms.
Wanda watched over you, biting her lip before her eyes glinted red, in a way that couldn't be a trick of the light. She set up your dream, this time including herself waking you up with the strap buried inside you. She could predict how icky you would feel, in a very good way. The smile never left her lips as she relaxed and fell asleep.
Tags: @godhatesgoodgirls @alexawynters
(Let me know if you want to be on a permanent tag list!)
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dark-moonlust · 11 hours
Midnight Passion
Pairing: werewolf x f!human reader
Summary: you wake up in the middle of the night to the steady press of your werewolf’s cock against your pussy.
Warnings: minors don't interact, 18+!!!!, monster smut, werewolf huge🍆, breasts/nipple stimulation, p in v sex, lots of 💦, cοckwarming.
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It was during the quiet darkness of the night when you stirred, incredible warmth pooling in your belly. You also felt something hard and pulsing prodding at your pussy. Blinking lazily you realized your werewolf boyfriend was spooning you from behind, his hard cock nestled between your wet pussy, rubbing over your slick entrance. You heard the wet squelch each time he rubbed back and forth and your own unbidden moans.
You leaned back against him, thankful for your habit of always sleeping naked together.
“Did I awaken you, mate?” he grumbled in your ear, his muzzle causing you to shiver.
You smiled sheepishly. “Only pleasantly awakened, my ever horny werewolf.”
Chuckling, he cupped your plump breasts, his fingers flicking your nipples, careful of his claws. You burrowed into him and wiggled your waist, moaning as the head of his shaft rubbed your clit. Groaning from deep within his chest, he bend his head, his long textured tongue licking around one nipple. He suckled audibly then alternated to the other. You whimpered and thrust your chest to him, offering your tits to him without shame.
“Hmm… someone’s sensitive.”
"Mm… hmnnm." You sucked in a breath and snaked your hand down, cupping his rigid cock. His cock was massively perfect, a stunning monster shaft that stood at full mast. His dick was thick and engorged— your hand couldn’t wrap around it. It was also surrounded by pleasurable ridges and a knot that swelled once he released his seed.
“N-need your pussy…" he drawled in pain, pumping his cock in your palm. “Need your warm cunt wrapped around my cock. Let me in, love, hm?“
Sleep completely forgotten, you clutched his cock in your palm and guided him inside. The slide was slow and blissful. You felt every inch of him invade you and bury so deep inside you that he stole your breath away. When he filled you to the hilt, you both let out a harsh moan. He pulsed wildly and lifted your legs slightly to open you up, while pumping his hips.
The bed squeaked as he claimed you, his massive framed curled behind you, so much bigger than your own. You were so wet that his cock slid in and out of you without issue, wet squelches echoing as he fucked you and owned your pussy. You rocked against him while he licked and pinched your nipples, driving you higher and higher.
When he started rubbing your clit, you thrashed and let out the sweetest whimpers. You dug your nails into his furry forearms while he breathed hotly against your ear, whispering sweet little love words and begging you to cum and squeeze his cock. You gyrated your waist, angling his cock just as you both liked and floated higher and higher until—
Pleasure claimed you, violently and utterly. You shut your eyes tightly and came, thrashing as your insides fluttered around his thrusting cock. Your werewolf didn’t stop fucking you and lightly toyed with your clit. His cock slammed in and out of you in steady powerful thrusts, your breasts heaving against his tongue.
When you rode the waves of your climax, you smiled against him and pressed a gentle nudge against his chest. He didn’t move an inch—he was thrice your size and as solid as a rock, but your nudge was enough to convey your message: you wanted to change positions. More than eager, he lay back, his hard cock sliding out of you with an obscene wet sound.
Without hesitation, you straddled his thick hairy thighs, your palms caressing his broad chest while his cock pulsed against your belly. “My turn now, big boy.”
He smiled and slapped your perky ass. “Take what you need, my lady."
Without hesitation, you lifted yourself and sat down on his cock. The thick head spread your folds and surged up inside you. A gasp escape your lips at the depth and stretch of his invasion. He was so deep, deeper than before and as you began to ride him, you could see the shape of his dick making your belly swell. Still, you took him in fully, your incredible wetness making the glide effortless.
Settling his feet on the mattress, he fucked up into you, causing your whole frame to bounce. His hands roamed your body, cupping your shoulders, your tits and round ass. His thrusts turned frantic and more urgent than before. The sound of skin slapping skin filled the bedroom, mixed with your raw, unrestrained moans. His growls made your shiver and drove you wild.
The connection between you was electric, every touch, every thrust, fueling the fire inside you.
“Gods, there is no better feeling in the whole world than this,” he panted, pounding up inside you. “You. Only you.”
“Oh, yessss…” you clutched him, sensitive and on the verge of another orgasm. “Gonna… ahn… gonna—”
“Now. Cum now, little mate.”
You responded with breathless little moans, your muscles flexing as a second climax exploded within you, waves of pleasure traveling all over your body. You went wild and buckled against him but he continued to pound into you until he found his own release. Burying himself to the hilt, he swell within you, his cock pumping load after load of wolf cum. Menacing growls echoed in the room as he spilled inside you, his knot plugging you up, locking you together. He filled you to bursting and you could do nothing but take it and collapse on his strong chest.
It was minutes later when he stopped cumming. You had climaxed again with little aftershocks that still rippled through your body. Lying atop his muscular frame, his cock still a part of you, you played with his hairy chest and nestled against him. You were a mess, spent, pleasured and sleepy. And you couldn’t be more happy. With a sigh, you heard the steady beating of his heart and soon, you drifted into sleep.
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ribread03 · 1 day
Stream Zs
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When you visit Matt from Boston and can’t make it through the late night stream…
Warnings: none
It’s currently midnight in California. You’re visiting Matt from Boston so the time difference is throwing you off. You and Matt have been dating for over 2 years now and when him and his brothers decided to move to LA you were devastated but Matt promised that he would fly back to you whenever he could and he would fly you out to him whenever you wanted.
So here you sat next to Matt on stream talking to all of the fans in the chat, Chris and nick are behind the two of you roaming around Matt’s room being nosy. Your occasional yawn slips in here in there as the stream rolls on with what seems like no stop time. You want to be awake while Matt streams to not only be with him, but to meet the newer fans who might not know who you are yet.
“Someone just gifted 25! Who was that?” Matt says loudly causing you to jump awake slightly, blinking your eyes a few times in a row you try to read the name that gifted 25.
“I need my glasses I cant see that far” You say standing up and taking a few steps over to Matt’s nightstand. You grab your glasses and give them a quick wipe with your shirt before throwing them on as you sit back down next to Matt. Your eyes scan the chat looking for 25 gifted. “Gabbi did!” You say excitedly pointing at the monitor.
“YEAH GABBI!” Chris screams from behind you. This causes you to jump slightly, not having expected Chris to scream that loudly. Matt is quick to hold your hand and comfort you. The chat is even quicker to flood with comments about how cute the two of you are.
Nick and Chris both left the room as Matt started to play Hogwarts Legacy, leaving just you two and the 4k people still watching late into the night. It’s currently 2 am LA time and 5am in Boston.
You’re partially asleep on Matt shoulder, your eyes heavy and barely focused on the screen as he picks out his wand. “Ima go lay down” you say through a yawn, picking your head up off of Matt.
“Okay” he say softly watching as you stand up from the chair. “I love you,” Matt whispers while placing his hand over the monitor and giving you a quick kiss. This causes the chat to flood with comments about what you guys just did or didn’t do.
“I love you too,” you return Matt’s kiss. You make your way over to his bed, getting comfortable on your side. You pull your glasses off and grab the stuffed animal, you leave at Matt’s house, to cuddle with. You can hear Matt turn his voice down slightly as he reads some subs and comments out loud.
After a few minutes you hear Matt chair swivel and his voice float through the room, “I did get pretty lucky, didn’t I” He says with a soft smile to the chat while looking back at you. Turning back to the camera, “one more task guys.” He picks his controller back up and selects a short task wanting to get off as soon as possible.
Once Matt completes the task and tells the stream bye and goes offline. He gets up from his chair and makes his way over the empty side of the bed. The mattress dips as he lays down next to you, you groan lightly as he wraps his arms around your waist. “I couldn’t let you be alone for too long” Matt whispers placing a soft kiss on your temple.
You mumble a response back and close your eyes all the way once again. Not to long after Matt is drifting to sleep, nestled close to you.
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iwasntstable · 21 hours
✧₊⁺ 𝗡.𝗦. | 𝗧𝗜𝗥𝗘𝗗?
| WORD COUNT: 574 | RATING: SFW | CONTENT TAGS: fluff | When you're too tired to do your hair, Noah is more than happy to help.
➔𝐢𝐰𝐚𝐬𝐧𝐭𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞➔➔ 𝘪𝘯𝘷𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘰 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘈𝘳𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘷𝘦!+  [𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝐀𝐎𝟯]
NOTE: My hair is getting long and it's starting to drive me insane.
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Your day was long, and you were tired. Only just managing to shower before collapsing down on the couch next to your boyfriend. 
“Tired?” Noah asked.
You hum in response, eyes closed as you towel dry your hair before trying to detangle it. The sound of some celebrity chef cooking show low on the TV in the background.
“Come here, let me help,” he says softly, taking the towel from your hands and patting the couch between his legs. “Sit down here.”
Too tired to even question it, you slip off the edge of the couch to the floor and scoot between his knees. Noah leans forward, gathering your hair gently, hooking the towel underneath, and begins the process of patting your hair dry. Tenderly splitting it into smaller sections to dry it quicker. “Did you want to brush it?” he asks, leaning around to see your face. You sleepily nod, and he gets to work with a smile on his face. 
Starting at the ends, carefully teasing the brush through the tangles and kinks until it comes out smooth. Moving up higher and higher with every section until half of your hair was almost dry and tangle-free. 
“You’re good at this,” you sigh, leaning back further against the couch.
“My hair was longer than yours, remember?” He chuckles quietly.
You smile at the thought of him detangling his own mane of hair, settling comfortably against his legs as he worked.
The act was surprisingly soothing. You were never one to let people mess with your hair, all throughout your life. Having long hair as a kid and your mother scraping your hair back into a tight ponytail that would leave you with a headache and a sore scalp by the end of the school day. Or the way hairdressers always wash your hair so aggressively, water getting in your eyes and a crick in your neck from the weird angle of the sink that never seemed to be the correct height for you. 
But Noah was so gentle, he’d whisper the occasional “sorry,” but you didn’t know what for. You didn’t feel a single tug or pull—no pain. The heaviness of your eyelids gets the best of you, feeling sleep creeping up quickly.
“Want me to braid it for you?” he asked when the brush ran through from top to bottom smoothly. You nod against his leg. He chuckles again, holding your head up in his hands. “Sit up just a sec.” He runs the brush across your head, gathering all of your hair smoothly at the back, whispering “okay,” when you could lean on him again.
Your body felt heavier and heavier as his fingers deftly worked to tame your hair. Again, as gentle as a summer breeze, you could barely feel him. Leaning against his leg felt like the comfiest thing in the world, and as he secured the end with a hair tie, declaring his work “done,” you were already fast asleep.
He pulls the towel away, leaving it in a pile next to him on the couch. He'll hang it up to dry after he gets you to bed, but for now, he just wants to watch your peaceful face as you sleep between his legs. Leaning down to lay a soft kiss to the crown of your head, feeling like the luckiest man in the world to be able to share these moments of simple domesticity with you.
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🗀 C:/PROJECTS/MYWORK/BLURB/WHENIMISSYOU [projects] ﹂[my-work] | in-progress | favourites  ﹂all | series | one-shot | [blurb] | head-cannons | ask   ﹂when-i-miss-you | anything-more-than-human | [tired]
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luveline · 2 days
hi jade! i was wondering if you could do a zombie!au fic where r helps steve when he wakes up from a nightmare?
For a split second, Steve doesn’t know that you’re you, and he shoves you away hard. He scrambles away from you in the dark, kicking at your leg, your light sleep torn open as he shouts an unintelligible word and tumbles against the zipped tent door. 
“Steve, it’s me,” you say, voice scared and croaky with sleep. “It’s just me, it’s just me. Just us.” 
His breath is ragged. Your leg aches from the brunt of his entire body weight, your arm stings similarly. You can barely see him in the dark, his mouth a black hole, his eyes a strange shade of their usual brown as he sucks in harsh breath. You sit up with a groan. 
“Just me,” you say again, softer, “nobody else.” 
“Did I hurt you?” he asks. 
“It’s okay.” 
He swallows a lump. “Did I?”
“No. It’s alright. Come back over here, you didn't hurt me.” 
He looks at you like you’re an alien, but he shuffles back across the tent to sit by you again on the packed out mattress and your few sheets. When he’s close enough, you take the zipper on his hoodie and pull it down, away from his neck and open, before pushing the garment from his shoulders to bring out his arms. The rightmost has a bad scar from a worse infection running down the forearm, but besides that, he has a smooth expanse of skin for touching. You want to touch him. 
“I kicked you,” he says, “I’m sorry.” 
You hold him by the elbow, turned to him with your chin up. You want to get a good look at him. His bottom lip trembles. “Bad dream?” you ask gently. 
He presses his lips into a tight line. 
“I know they scare you, but it’s really okay, Steve, you’re okay.” Your voice has turned to butter, a silky whisper as you bring your hand to his cheek, and he crushes it between his face and his shoulder. “It’s okay.” 
“It’s okay,” he says finally, eyes squeezing shut. 
Fuck, baby, you think, pushing up onto your knees. “Gonna hug you,” you say, wrapping your arms around his head. 
He smells like that strange, subtle sweat that clings to his hair while he sleeps. No discernible odour, but the scent of perspiration. Maybe it’s just how he smells, or his pillow, his t-shirt? You bury your nose into his hair and attempt to rub the tension from between his shoulders.
“You smell nice,” you whisper, pressing a bunch of quick, loving kisses into his limp hair.  
“Did I hurt you a lot, when I–” He clears his throat. “I pushed you twice. I’m sorry.” 
“Baby, don’t be sorry, I don’t care.” 
“I didn’t mean to, I just thought it was you. They were– it was ripping my face off.” 
“That’s not gonna happen. Nothing’s gonna hurt you.” You close your eyes, let your face rest almost entirely in his hair. “I'm not gonna let that happen to you, I promise.” 
His breathing slows. His hands curl loosely in the front of your shirt. 
“Do you wanna lay back down? It’s still night, I think. It’s so cold.” 
Steve pulls away from you to look over your face. Without comment, he grabs his hoodie from around his waist to drape over your shoulders, sliding across toward his pillow, a hesitancy in his movements. “I think I’ll stay awake. Just for a bit. I don’t want to have the same dream.” 
“I’ll stay awake with you.” 
“No, you should sleep. It’ll make me feel better if I can…” 
He wants to watch you sleep. You wrap his hoodie around you tightly and slip back down onto your back on the portable mattress, your face to his thigh. You clasp his ankle in your hand. 
“You don’t wanna talk about it?” you ask. 
Steve encourages your face onto his thigh properly. Your neck aches, but you’ve no inclination to tell him as his hand cups your neck. “No. It was stupid. I woke you up. Scared you.” 
“No way. You don’t scare me.” 
He exhales. His thumb strokes your chin. “At least I get to wake up to you. From a nightmare to a straight up dream.” 
You hold his eyes. “Oooh, smooth.” 
He bends down to touch your nose to his. “I really don’t hurt you?” he asks again, whispering. 
“No, I promise.” 
You draw lazy half circles into his ankle and pretend to feel more tired than you do. Steve stays there for a while, bent over you without a sound. His hands are shaking. When sleep begins to weigh you down again, he noses a kiss behind your ear and sits up. You wonder what he’s thinking, listening to his breath. He doesn’t wake you again that night.
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nyx-umbrakinesis · 2 days
Imagine you are laying in bed with Vox and you know he is charging/asleep and you are trying to do your walk of shame/pride and you pull out your phone to call for an Uber/taxi and when you look at your screen it Vox going "Baby come back to bed"
This ended up nsfw lmao Vox x Reader, CW: vagina fingering, and p in V sex.
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You slide out of bed, looking over your shoulder to make sure Vox's screen is still dimmed and his eyes shut.
Quickly gathering your clothes and heading out through the hauntingly quiet halls of VoxTek, footsteps echoing as you scramble to call your ride.
Fuck you knew it was a mistake to sleep with your boss, fuck fuck fuck, what were you going to do? What was he going to do? Fire you? Maybe you should quit.
Your mind whirrs as you get in your ride... Odd you hadn't called for a limousine but you checked the name with the driver and he said something about an upgrade so you shrugged assuming other drivers were too busy or something.
You get in and start doomscrolling your phone to try and calm your nerves, fidgeting slightly as you feel Vox's cum trickling from you, fuck you'd forgot your panties, adjusting your skirt uncomfortably, glad of the privacy screen you look back at your phone and yelp nearly dropping it and Vox's face appears on the screen.
Vox: "Babydoll what are you doing? You should come back to bed."
His voice is so assured you almost agree, he always had something about him that mad you want to agree to anything his said, despite your own self imposed rules about not getting attached to folk down here and only having one night stands.
You: "Sorry sir, this was a mistake, we shouldn't... Won't be doing this again... I understand I need to look for a new job tomorrow."
Vox's face frowns, and you sigh with relief thinking he's going to agree but you shriek when suddenly with a bolt and a zap to your hand he's suddenly sat beside you, having travelled through your phone.
You blush in mortification as he's still utterly bare.
You: "S-Sir... -"
Vox: "Oh no Doll, I've found something I like, and I don't give up my toys so easily, so I'm going to convince you to come back with me now, and you're going to be a good little Doll and TRUST me."
Blinking as you feel slightly dizzy, you whimper as you feel his hand sliding up your thigh, and your body is oddly limp as he spreads you open without resistance, hiking your skirt around your waist, his eyes glued to the sight of his cum dripping out of you.
Vox: "Fuck Babydoll, that's so hot. Just waiting for me really weren't you, left me a parting gift and everything."
You: "I-I never do more than one night stands."
Vox: "That's because you've always been mine, and those other idiots were too dumb to chase soothing so damn perfect."
You can't respond as his tongue eases inside your mouth and his fingers start sliding through your folds simultaneously. You hips buck and a needy whine escapes your lips.
Vox: "Now let's see how much convincing you need to come back and stay."
Your hips arch and your chest strains as he rubs teasing circles around your clit.
You: "Vox..."
Vox: "That's right Babydoll, thays exactly how you should be saying my name."
Vox keeps rubbing you, his mouth marking your shoulder as the shoulder on your shirt is ripped, but you can't think, can't mind it as he drives you closer and closer to your peak.
The squelch of his fingers sliding into you is embarrassingly loud and he chuckles against your neck, which is bent at such an odd but accommodating angle.
Your moans increase as his fingers fucks you more relentlessly now, your clit feeling puffy and swollen as his thumb doesn't stop tormenting it too.
You hand grabs his wrist for grounding and you feel the flex of his tendons and muscles at work as he drives his digits deep inside you.
You : "Oh fuck."
Vox: "Don't worry, Doll, we will, again."
Your other hand is grabbed and placed right on his hard cock, the rigid member throbbing in your grasp and you cry out as your fall apart all over Vox's fingers.
Twitching and spasming, you swear you hear him gasp as the grip of your hand on his cock matches that of your cunt on his fingers.
Vox: "Perfect little Doll, now you're coming home with me aren't you, and you're going to be a good Toy and not leave."
Absently you nod, and don't even notice as you end up within moments on a plush bed, clothing shredded, and crying out his name once more as his cock starts fucking his own cum even deeper inside you.
Vox: "Trust me, Babydoll, you're staying right here where you belong... Mine."
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*The driver had been hired by Vox and was literally circling the streets, that's why they never arrived anywhere 😂
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