#i want to be clear i haven’t watched an nxt takeover since all these guys were still on the roster together
bat-kidsarebi-kids · 4 months
in a better world, adam cole, kyle o’reilly, bobby fish, and roderick strong are all transmascs and undisputed era’s slogan was “shock the cis-tem”
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andymull · 5 years
NXT Takeover WarGames 2019 : Preview & Predictions
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Team Ripley vs Team Baszler – WarGames Match
I really wish some of the teams tonight and tomorrow got to pick their own team names rather than these samey names.
I love that they’ve really switched up the teams here with people that haven’t been pushed solid for months in the main event, and instead have gone with other talented women that cover both this NXT and also NXT UK. Still gutted that Dakota Kai isn’t involved as she’s been SOOOOOO impressive since returning from injury and seems to want to be on tv in good matches EVERY week.
These team matches are what WarGames and Survivor Series should be all about, teams at war with participants facing each other that hardly ever touch but you want to see. Plus, these team matches allow the company to skip a month of booking title feuds and allow their selves more time to plan and let feuds flow better, truthfully these events should be an easy out for them for an easier night booking wise………though with this company we’ll still have them produce their own problems in trying to protect people that have to be eliminated (Survivor Series).
We really should be seeing Team Ripley win the bout to continue the steam towards her title match, I also do see Io doing the BIG move from the top of the cage onto everyone below – TEAM RIPLEY
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Team Ciampa vs The Undisputed Era – WarGames Match
With the injury to Johnny Gargano the face team has been moved around with Riddle facing Balor instead, so the big question now becomes who takes the final team spot? Do they rush back Gargano (no) then have him do an angle before making the cage so he doesn’t take part and the heels gain a bigger advantage than just having won the right to enter first. Outside of him I think we’re looking at Dunne, Dream or Kushida, with the problem being the last two are still injured but Im not sure of return dates. Ive gone with Dunne as I think he’ll win the triple threat match on the card and perhaps will enter this match too to gain some punishment on Cole before fighting him for the title tomorrow. None of them truthfully stand out as clear options so maybe we go the big surprise route and its Triple H? I still think that options on the table for the NXT team tomorrow so probably not tonight. Outside of those it really will be surprising, I doubt they debut Fantasma yet and especially not as a face, please be soon, and I love that its not that clear just don’t be disappointing. Is there still a chance its Johnny Mundo/Nitro/Impact?
TUE rule, that’s all. Adam Cole and the group have been pushed massively this past month or two so it really could do a lot for the face team to topple them here. Then it leads to more developments for tv weekly where all the team decide they should be the one to get a title shot after winning the match – TEAM CIAMPA
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Matt Riddle vs Finn Balor
This should be a great match and a really important bout for Finn Balor on his return, with him needing/wanting to really show he can still go after having more ‘WWE’ matches on the main roster for Raw and Smackdown. I see him having to win this even though it would be a great win for Riddle too, as long as they have a great match it hopefully will do a lot for both guys.
I still see Balor having another big impact on this weekends shows too - BALOR
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Damian Priest vs Pete Dunne vs Killian Dain – Winner VS Adam Cole At Survivor Series
Sadly, the match im least looking forward to on the show sadly, not that anyone’s awful in it but im not digging the feud so far between all three. I think Dunne should be higher up the card but can definitely see the project he has here in helping develop Priest for his future. Dain ALWAYS impresses me for the spots he puts together in big matches, not really clicking for me as a singles guy though just yet. Out of the three I only see one winner to face Adam Cole tomorrow and that’s Dunne, it would be very weird for them put either of the other heels against Cole when they will NEED a big match to deliver on the bigger show to impress what NXT can do - DUNNE
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Isaiah ‘Swerve’ Scott vs Angel Garza – Pre-Show Match
Two guys I adore to watch and two guys that have really impressed management in the short time they’ve been on the show, the match will be great no doubt and both guys NEED the win after taking recent losses – SWERVE
 Should be a great show as normal for Takeovers, I think we may get an extra match or two on the pre-show or maybe an extra main card bout. Also look for them to have CM Punk in the crowd maybe??
Bye for now
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#35: “About the baby...it’s yours.”  -Tyler Bate.
Thank you to the lovely @kaitlynwwefan for this request! I hope you like it!
Tagging: @kaitlynwwefan, @reigns420, @littleprincess1621, @m-a-t-91, @luckygillblog, @finnbalorsbabygirl, @unabashedwwesmut, @blackwidow2721
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Being one of the best female wrestlers was the best rush of your life. At least that was what people kept telling you. Doing these things came easy to you and you enjoyed.
Nothing made you more happy then coming to work and it being your passion. You got to come see your friends everyday and work.
One day you were in the performance center preparing for the pay-per-view that was this weekend. You were fighting Natalya for the women's title.
Everyone was telling you that you had it in the bag. That championship was yours.
You were taking a water break when 3 English gentleman walked in and went straight to Hunter’s office.
The British strongstyle boys. Pete, Tyler, and Trent.
They were scheduled to have a match at the NXT Takeover show against Adam Cole and his people. Fans were going to freak the fuck out.
You continued to work out when they were done. Suddenly you noticed they were walking towards you. All of them.
What the hell.
“We have been seein’ a lot of your face lately.” Pete said.
“Uh for the show? Yeah..I have a title match.” You said, nervously.
“We just wanted to come over and wish ya luck.” Trent said.
“Well thank you. Means a lot coming from you guys.” You said.
“Good luck out there, we’ll be rooting for ya.” Tyler said, shooting you a wink.
They walked away.
“Thanks…” You said, even though they probably couldn’t hear you anymore.
Tyler turned around and waved, acknowledging your thanks. He was looking back long enough that he almost ran into the door.
“Bloody hell, mate. Watch where you’re walkin’” Pete said to Tyler.
Later that night, you couldn’t sleep so you decided to get another workout in.
When you walked through the doors, Tyler was in there.
“Hey, what are you doing in here so late?” You asked him, startling him.
He put his weights down, “Well I could ask you da same question.” He said.
“Can’t sleep. Figured I would just get another workout in.” You said.
“Ah. Gotcha. I’m still on UK time, so I would normally be working out now, just at 9AM rather than 4AM.” He said, chuckling.
You nodded, “Fair enough. Need a spotter?”
You spotted Tyler and he did the same for you. You worked out until the sun came up.
Tyler asked if you wanted to get a cup of coffee. You agreed.
You never realized how freaking cute Tyler was until you were up close and personal.
There was a cute little coffee shop down the street, so you just walked right there. Not caring that you were all sweaty and disgusting.
Tyler was actually a very funny guy. You had a lot in common. He even paid for your coffee.
You walked back to your hotel room and took a shower.
When you got out, there was a light knock on your door.
It was Tyler.
You opened it just a little bit, that way he couldn’t see that you were in a towel.
“Hey, what’s up?” You asked.
“Pete put tha do not disturb sign on tha door. Could I maybe hang out in here for the mornin’? I will just need ta borrow your shower and maybe the bed to take a nap, you know, since I didn’t sleep last night.” He said.
“Yeah that’s fine.” You opened the door enough to let him in.
“Sorry, I just got out of the shower myself so excuse the towel. There should still be hot water. Go ahead and use it!” You said.
Tyler did just that.
While he was in the shower, you decided to get dressed quickly, before he got out.
You lucked out. He walked out as you were putting your bra on. You were in nothing but your bra and underwear.
“Uh, sorry. I didn’t know you were changin’!” He said, looking away.
“It’s fine. It’s not like you haven’t seen a girl in a bra before.” You said.
You grabbed for a shirt and started putting it on.
“Wait, don’t.” Tyler said.
Tyler walked over to you and grabbed your face and kissed you.
That was unexpected.
He was kissing you and taking things to the next level.
Leading you to the bed, he stripped you from the rest of your clothes. He ditched his towel.
You can imagine what happened next….
The PPV was here and you were ready to go. You felt good. That little moment in your hotel room the day before...boosted your confidence. Even though you thought it was all the way at the top, now it was.
The match went well. You won. You were the new Smackdown Woman’s Champion.
Even weeks later, people were still congratulating you on your amazing victory, but you haven’t heard from Tyler.
It was almost overwhelming. But you were proud of yourself.
Just because you were champion though, didn’t mean you got any breaks. You were still in the gym everyday, giving it your all.
One morning while you were working out, you all of a sudden felt sick.
You were nauseous. You ran over to the nearest trash can, but you almost didn’t it in time.
At first, you thought you just got food poisoning from something you ate, but this was now a daily thing.
You went to the doctor to try to figure it out. And you now had the reason you were so sick everyday.
You were pregnant.
The world was spinning before you, as if you were on the carousel of your nightmares and couldn’t get off.
You knew that it was Tyler’s baby. He was the only guy you had been with for a long time. You were too focused on your career, except that one day. And you hadn’t even heard from him since then.
Keeping it a secret that you were pregnant was challenging, but you managed. You did tell Shane and Daniel. They were your bosses. They needed to know.
They told you that if you were pregnant, you weren’t physically able to defend your title. Otherwise you’d be taking the risk of hurting or even losing your baby. You had no choice but to give up your title.
You did so on the next episode of Smackdown live.  
Since you gave up your title, you kept it easy for awhile.
Rumors started going around that you were pregnant, but you didn’t confirm anything with anyone.
You still went to the performance center to help out.
Hunter asked you to come in and help out with some things, since you weren’t wrestling at the time. You were 4 months pregnant at this point. Barely showing.
Of course the same morning that you came in, Tyler and Pete came in as well.
You were in one of the offices doing something when someone knocked on the door and came in.
“Hey, ya got a minute?” He asked.
“Sure...what do you need?” You asked him.
“How are ya?” He asked.
“Uh, I’ve been better. You?” You asked.
Tyler looked at the ground, hand rubbing the back of his neck, “Good, good. Just wanted to see how you were. It’s been awhile. You look good.”
“Thanks.” You didn’t mean to be short with him, but what were you supposed to do. He had no idea that you were pregnant.
“No problem. Look, there’s been some talk. And I just wanted to ask...uh. Are you..” He stopped talking. He couldn’t ask what he wanted to ask, but you knew exactly what he was trying to say.
He cleared his throat, “Are you pregnant?”
Looking down at the stack of papers in front of him you didn’t know what to say.
“Well?” He asked.
“Yeah, about the baby...it’s yours.” You said.
You felt like you were going to throw up, but not because of the baby.
“So it’s true. You’re havin’ my kid.” He said, now sitting, trying to gather his thoughts. You couldn’t blame him though. This was huge news.
“Yeah..I would have told you about it, but I just didn’t know how. I don’t want to ruin your career. You’re so young and just now getting started. I don’t want to ruin that just because of this. I was just going to do it on my own…” You said. You felt yourself start to get emotional.
Tyler stood up and went to you, turned your chair and knelt down to your level.
“You aren’t gonna do this alone, love. We are in dis togetha. It might not be ideal, but that’s life.” He said, wiping away your tears.
“Really? You want this?” You asked him.
“Absolutely.” He reached for your belly. “I am here for you and this little baby now.”
That was all you needed. You had a glimpse of hope that everything would be okay. He was in this with you.
This tiny human growing inside of you was the only thing that mattered now. And now you knew that it would have a mom AND a dad. Nothing warmed your heart more.
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finnbaelorxx · 7 years
Unbreak My Heart
"I've fallen in love with you" She says through sobs. He looks over at her from his spot on the end of the bed, and just shakes his head.
"You can't love me. We've been over this. I'm not the relationship type. We agreed this was nothing more than sex when this whole thing started between us" He simply replied, noticing more tears falling down her cheeks.
Wiping the tears off her cheeks with the sleeves of the sweatshirt she was wearing which happened to be his, she picked her head up, before her feet hit the ground. "Then we're done here. Whatever this was is now over"
"You don't mean that" His face suddenly fell, his whole body turning towards where she stood.
"I do mean it. We both knew something like this was going to happen, so I'm ending this now. When we're at work, we act professional, other than that we have nothing to do with each other" She replied sniffling.
He shook his head. "Don't do this"
"I didn't do anything. I wanted to mean more to you then just a fuck buddy, but it's clear that all you want is to run around and fuck everything that walks like a little boy. Grow up. I'm done with this, and I'm done with you" She added in, grabbing her bags, and taking a last look at the guy she's fallen for, leaving him and her feelings for him behind. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX That was a year ago, and Braylin Crawford could not be happier, with where she was in her life. She had asked for a leave of abscense for that time, just so she could get her head right. She had been at the performance center, working with the trainers, hoping to get back into ringshape. Working with the girls down at NXT Braylin not only got herself back to where she was, she also helped the other girls, moving them along in their training, with her being in the business for a little over 5 years.  Each day she had gotten back to her old self, leaving that depressed girl she had become in the past. The doctors had kept a close eye on her, making sure not only was she working on her ring technique, but most importantly, making sure she's healthy.
A full year. That's how long it took her to get back to the ring. It was currently Wrestlemania weekend, and she was set to return to the ring the Monday after Mania. No one knew she was making her return, and she decided to keep it a secret. Stepping out of the taxi, she paid fare, sent the taxi driver a quick smile, before shutting the door. With her suitcase handle in one hand, and her bag in the other, she made her quick entrance in to the building, where NXT Takeover Orlando, was being held that night. With a flash of her employee badge to the guard who stood by the door at the back of the arena, and the clacking of her heels on the floor beneath her, she was in.  Looking around she saw people running around, trying their best to  make sure everything was perfect for the show that night. Superstars and divas ran around the backstage area, putting the finishing touches on their ring gear, and going over last minute strategies before their matches. Pulling her suitcase along with her as she walked, making sure she didn't get in to anyone's way as she walked through the backstage area. Heading towards the lockerooms, she quickly waved hi to everyone working, before finding Triple H's office. Knocking softly, she heard a very faint 'Come In', as she opened the door. Triple H was sitting at his desk, phone in hand, and he was writing something down on the pad in front of him. Braylin patiently waited, not wanting to inturrupt his phonecall. Leaning against the doorframe, Braylin looked around the office, her eyes stopping on a poster of him. The guy that broke her heart a year ago. It felt like he was smiling through her, so she decided to concentrate on something else.
Triple H hung up the phone and turned to the brunette standing in the doorway. "Braylin what do I owe the pleasure of you visiting?" Triple H asked.
"Well, I'm sure you talked to the trainers, and also the doctors, and I was just wondering if it's okay for me to return to the ring" Braylin simply replied, making her way into the office.
Hunter got up off his chair, and walked to where she stood. "I not only talked to the trainers, but the doctors as well, and I'm pretty sure, you're cleared to return to the ring this Monday night on Raw" Hunter added in, with a smirk. Braylin squealed, as she ran over to where Hunter was, and hugged him lightly. "Thank you so much Hunter. I really appreciate it"
“No need to thank me. I'm excited to see what you've been up to since last year. I'll be in contact with you, when I get more details" Hunter simply said, as he put out his hand.
Braylin nodded, before shaking Hunter's outstretched hand, and with another smile, she walked out of his office. Pulling her suitcase behind her, she walked the rest of the way down the hallway towards catering, where she saw some familiar faces. Liv Morgan sat in the table with Aliyah, and Ember Moon, caught up in their own conversation. Setting her suitcase against the wall Braylin walked towards the girls table, and cleared her throat.
"Hey girls. Room for one more?"
"Braylin!" Liv yelled jumping out of her seat and hugging the blonde with everything she had in her.
"Liv can't breathe" Braylin replied with a giggle, as her friend let her go.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Liv quickly said pulling back from Braylin, as she was pulled into another hug with both Ember and Aliyah.
"What are you doing here?" Aliyah asked excitedly as the girls all sat back down at their table.
"Do you really think I was missing Takeover? I haven't missed one in 3 years, and I'm not going to start now. I'm excited to watch ms. Ember kick some serious ass tonight" Braylin grinned, fist bumping Ember.
All 4 girls sat and chit chatted about what was going in their lives, catching up with each other. Braylin knew the subject of him who should not be named would be brought up, and Braylin secretly prayed the subject didn't come up within the conversation.
"BC" Braylin heard from behind her.
Turning her head, she saw Johnny Gargano standing there with a grin on his face. "JGar" She replied standing up, before hugging him.
"What's up Blondie?" Johnny asked, hugging her back.
"Came back to visit. Needed to come see if you can still wrestle" Braylin giggled.
"Ha Ha" Johnny rolled his eyes. "Catch up later?"
"Of course. Tell Candice I said hi, and that I miss her"
"Will do" Johhny quickly said, before leaving with his tag team partner. Braylin sat back down at the table, as her head looked towards the doorway, and a familiar face walked in. Braylin's face fell, and she prayed he didn't see her.  
Finn Balor walked in to the catering area with Shinskue Nakamura at his side. The 2 were enveloped in their conversation, when Finn locked eyed with Braylin. It had been a year since he's seen her, and to say he missed her was an understatement. Finn turned to his friend, and said he'll be right back, as he made his way over to where Braylin sat.
"Bray" Finn said softly.
"Hi Finn" Braylin replied with the same tone in her voice.
"You look good. It's been awhile"
"Yeah it has. I should really get going. I have to get situated into my hotel. It was nice seeing you. I'll see you girls later" Braylin told her friends, and then giving Finn an uneasy smile.
Walking slowly out of the catering room, Braylin grabbed her suitcase, and wheeled it behind her, dragging it down the hallway, away from everyone. Leaning against the wall, tears started to well up in her eyes, as her mind went wandering back to the memory of the days of her leaving Finn behind, and how it affected her.
The first couple of months she had a hard time at work. Her matches haven't gone as well as she wanted them to. She would hibernate in her hotel room, not wanting to be around people. Her friends, and everyone in the company was worried about her. She was usually the happy go lucky girl that everyone loved, but people could see something was seriously wrong with her. She stopped eating, and spent as much time in the gym as she could, that sometimes she would make herself sick. The lack of sleep was getting to her, and her body was shutting down. Health officials took notice, before taking action when she passed out in the middle of a match with Bayley. Everyone in the arena, everyone backstage, and even the audience was stunned at the scene in front of them. As Braylin was being taking out on a stretcher, her best friend Sasha Banks, rushed to get into the ambulance with her. Braylin layed still, hooked up to wires, as her eyes were still tightly shut. Her mouth was slightly open, and her breathing was very ragged, but her chest was still steadily moving up and down.  After being taken to the hospital, she was given fluids, to keep her hydrated, and even though Braylin told Sasha to leave, and that she would be fine, Sasha objected, saying she would only leave if Braylin ate something. Braylin quickly agreed and ate soup and crackers to make Sasha happy.
Staying in the hospital for 5 days, Braylin was discharged when she was finally healthy enough to stand on her own.  The first couple days spent at home, was her mostly taking it easy, and sleeping alot to get her sleep schedule back on track. Sasha checked in on her reguarly, through facetime, text messages, and phonecalls. Eventually her eating habits came back, and she was moving forward, making her back to feeling like her old self. Finn had left several voicemails, along with tons of text messages, when she finally blocked his number, and all of his social media, so he had no way in contacting her, and that was that, because she hasn't heard from him, and she kinda liked it that way.
Braylin didn't think seeing Finn again would make her so upset, but here she was crying all alone in an empty hallway. The man she loved, and still did to this day walked over to her like nothing happened between them, and she was not sure she liked that. All Braylin knew was that on Monday, they would be co-workers once again.
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