#i want to be active in here but i dont understand tumblr tbh😭
jinkamuraisqueen · 3 months
@karmablacks requested this but i figured some of you guys might want to see it too, that's why i'm posting this here! so here's alan, leo, and ren's casual / pajama fullbody!! ft. kaito.. in his boxer.. (under the cut)
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it's actually so fun to play around with their expressions since the range of motions on their face are so many! i personally love to make them blush (by them i mean my husband, jin HAHAHA)
but moving their body parts?? that's pretty hard for me, at least manually (it looks awkward). praying that when i have the time, i can play around some more because currently i'm being beaten by life
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killerlookz · 3 months
another think piece bc this is kind of getting ridiculous now and i feel so bad for the people on here who are constantly losing motivation or outright deleting their hard work bc of some dumbass kids on the internet
im genuinely curious now, bc i still keep seeing people post about their work being posted on joostwt... like it must be on purpose now right? look i can understand being naive and coming onto tumblr for the first time and just looking up a fandom you like and then being surprised when people are little freaks about it ... but i mean at this point you have to KNOW what is on tumblr we've been the talk of joostwt (and tikok honestly) for like over a month now... you're no longer "accidentally" stumbling upon nsfw works you're actively seeking it out. and specifically actively seeking it out to harass and degrade the people who made the work, to what? to prove your own "morality" in this fandom? do you really think joost feels better now that you've put some random person on blast? do you think he's going to get on his knees and thank you for fighting the evil disgusting tumblr fandom... omg get a GRIPPPP!
if the tumblr fandom bothers you so much... stop actively seeking out the tumblr fandom??? like if its so gross and weird to you WHY do you keep coming back. go block some tags, or delete tumblr off your phone and stop trying to live out your repressed high school mean-girl fantasies over the internet and go outside.
like personally i dont really enjoy the joost fandom on tiktok or twitter, so i just simply dont interact with them, that easy. sure if joost content happens to be on my feed ill probably like it, but other than that i dont go out of my way to search the joost tags, or seek out fan accounts, bc just not my vibe- i suggest the rest of you do the same for us on tumblr
and tbh like i probably assure you joost is not surfing the "joost klein x reader" tag on here 😭 he's not going to see this shit as long as YOUUUU stop reposting them other places. anyways if you want to complain about sexualization are you also going to complain about the women he sexualizes in his songs? or what about that short story he wrote where he talks about a woman going down on him in a club bathroom... are you going to complain that he sexualized that woman? or when he talks about how he stole his friend's mom's bra... are you going to whine about how he sexualized her? because that's him sexualizing a real-life person. i mean cmon if sexualizing real people is so bad, lets at least keep our morals consistent.
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
I dont even think the tag is dead at all tbh. We were really spoiled last summer with 2k post per day, and something crazy happening everyday like Mikhailgate, scriptgate, sock anon or people impersonating Ross duffer, but if you check most tags on this app, that's rarely the case. The thing is, it's been a year since season 4 came out and we're still getting around 300 posts per day and I need people to realise how crazy that is. Before season 4 the tag had like 5 k followers and there could be days without a single post. The fact that it's been a year and we still surpass 200 posts, AND we've already made it through the most content drought phase of the hiatus (since filming is about to begin and we'll increase the daily posts again) is crazy. This tag is still very much active, even for a show that hasn't released any new content for a year. And also AO3 is still active. The fact that for a whole year, there's been writers who still update fics or create new ones everyday is something I'm not used to coming from other smaller fandoms.
I get it's a bit more boring right now and we are looking back to the may-august craze, but we've already made it through the worst and we only need to hold on for one more month
This is definitely the best way to look at it!
I think I’m also maybe sad bc a lot of familiar faces aren’t as active, like some folks I remember seeing daily are gone. Which is fine!
And even despite that you’ll see posts in the tag get like hundreds of likes, so there are definitely a lot of people still lurking just not posting. Which is also fine!
It’s so true though that we are a lot more active than we realize.
Tumblr in general I used to think of as like a no man’s land pre-s4 bc it tends to really only be active in specific fandoms where like the unity is on point bc the content is just rolling in.
So many fandoms reside here at a point, but dwindle over time, and I feel like we are very fortunate to have made a big space here bc it is a cool platform when you have a lot of people that like a certain thing and want to talk about it.
And we’re fortunate enough to be so massive and not only that but this is sort of just the beginning. Imagine how many followers we’ll gain leading up to s5, during and after…? Or the aftermath of people coming here to look at theories and be like YOU GUYS WERE RIGHT! All the queer fans who kind of talked down on us (understandably) for potentially falling for queerbait, joining in and being like wow this is surreal, it finally happened. It’s going to be magical.
For now I guess it just makes me wonder if I should take a break too?? Like seeing yourself over and over in the tag is almost a wake up call that I should step back like everyone else is for the time being? Bc like idk if it’s maybe annoying to see the same person over and over? Or if it’s just the reminder of how inactive things are and that’s what makes people step back too?
Not even a bad thing necessarily like you said, bc this is still an unprecedented case of a fandom being quite active despite the circumstances.
Honestly though, even if there isn’t much news going into May and in the couple months after it, beyond like the bare minimum of what we’re expecting, I’ll try to embrace it and maybe step back or even focus on more detailed posts instead of the day to day fodder.
I also hate myself for this, but I rarely go in the top posts tag??? I’m always like living in the recent posts part of it and that’s probably also the problem 😭
So reminder to anyone that’s like me who does the same, we gotta support more of us that have top posts too bc I will literally remember the top posts exists, go there, find absolute gems (obviously it’s top posts???) and then be like why the fuck don’t I come here more often??? That’s another way I could probably curb my disappointment about us not being as active as I’m used to. And it’s super simple.
There’s a lot of stuff like that I could do better at to contribute to the solution of this being a better experience for myself and other still active on here!
Thanks for the pep talk anón 😇🙏
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remcycl333 · 2 years
that anon abt loatwt^^
i loved ur take and i agree! maybe i just don't understand the sp thing bc there hasn't been a sp i wanted to manifest. idk uugghhh, loa twt it activates my fight or fly instinct 😭 I just try to explain anything and there are 5 different accounts literally taking the words out of my mouth and just rearrange it in a way to make it look like i just said the earth was flat ☠ like loa tumblr has such a comforting thing, yes ofc we have those hateful anons and shit but at the end of the day i love how everyone here can share their opinion on loa topics and not like loa twt 😭 I just see loa twt as a motivation tbh, not a place to start with the law. I also know that neville is not the only one teaching the law but let's be real,, almost every coach teaches by nevilles belief and then later on we just make our own rules and I just don't understand how ppl on loa twt don't grasp the basic concept of states,???? like what makes u wanna refuse that it's states that manifest...... it's really shocking how so many ppl hate it. I feel like it kinda ruins loa for me on twt which is why I don't like It there, everywhere I see that ppl only affirm 24/7 and it just sounds boring? loa tumblr is obsessed w methods bc we've got plenty ones here (the creativity is insane here ngl, even the jnformatic posts are so pretty here) but on twt it's like everything is black and white. affirm and persist. at the end of the day I can hate both of the communities bc obviously everything has advantages and disadvantages but I always fins myself returning back here. I just love how so many blogs here are so smart and informed abt the law, how helpful everyone's advice is and how much more they feels like a community on here.
i could not imagine learning about the law on loatwt i'd be sooo confused. tumblr is definitely superior in that regard (in my humble opinion) cuz we dont have character limits. also i've noticed a lot of people on loatwt will try to coach/teach manifesting without even knowing the basics of the law of assumption themselves. like call me old fashioned but if someone can't define basic loass terms such as eiypo, states, living in the end, 3d/4d, etc...they probably shouldn't be teaching the law. but maybe that's just me 🤭 like not to be shady but the amount of times i see ppl coaching while simultaneously tweeting asking how to manifest is....a little concerning.
i agree, i enjoy loatwt for motivation. when i joined i felt like it made loass fun again for me in a way! but if i was a beginner i'd be sooo confused
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captainaikus · 2 years
yess i get u. i wouldnt mind posting there again tbh so im on board! even if there isnt as much blue lock activity on ao3 at least u get to post what u like more easily? i still dont even fully understand tumblr and whatever system it has. confusing app fr
heres my acc tho 😭
tumblr - giving me a villain origin for shadow- banning me. ao3 - about to witness my insanity. Isabelle has risen. It's alright if its empty- more reason to spread my wings. Not to mention the elephant in the room, kudos are definitely a better sign of quality over quantity. And holy shit Aki - your writing *speechless cause i read the xiao fic and it is so good with his character.; especially cause of the way you write him being so... stiff which he really is!* . I was planning to write a toxic! childe fic - might start working on that cause i have the dialogues planned out and everything. And yeah- with ao3 people won't really complain abt how you didn't tag stuff right. Just put an explicit content label on it and they'll know what they're walking through.
Do you guys want me to use a different username or the same one so that it's easier to find me? idk, fresh start is what i thought- but you guys are the ones reading it and i hope i got you hooked to ocean hues cause... there is a lot to unpack soon Edit ; keeping @ playboysbunny as the username going cause it is so iconic - and i'm a multifandom blog
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jungwoniics · 2 years
okay since dumblr glitched and everything i wrote was gone, i'll make it more neater and clearer for you 🥺 also this will get long lia :) and no problem if you replied late as tumblr is not only your world 😍
yes, it's true and even i'm glad how close you two became because elly didn't have much friends in real life 😔 and i'm happy she mad few friends here and her therapist reccomended her to write to bring her joy 😊 and i'm happy she's living her life 🥺🤧
so far it's going better but i hope it would be a little more better and thank you for sating such nice words 😭🤧 i always needed someone to talk, who can understand me being of the same age as me. thank you so much lia 🥺 i hope your year is going well too
also my birthday is on 23 feb and i follow IST time zone 😊 yes yes yes!!! let's be friends and #4lyfers, yes we are in the same age and will be in the same class too, i wonder you are grade 10 too??
and yes we can become each other's #4lyfers like really?? cause i have fucking trust issues :( i trust anyone easily 😞 maybe we can make a unit name for each other since both of our name start with L sooooooo???? what do you say?
okay, see these are my favs (btw i'm not keeping up with their content because i currently have my final exams going and they'll end on 24 may. also i haven't caught up their content for the past 5 months 😭) —
enha : 02z (soft spot for rest of enha 🥺😭🤧 but i'm an ot 7 tbh 😭😭)
txt : taegyu and yeonbin (soft spot for ningning but basically i'm an ot 5 🥰)
trainee a : still can't decide 😞
and i don't stan many groups because time doesn't permit and i only listen to your semis sometimes 😔 lmao!! i'm sorry we don't share similar biases but maybe some may differ 🤣
also i see you are getting into treasure, they used to be my ultimates but now i lost interest because of their hiatus just like other yg groups and i'm sorry to say this, yg ain't my cup of tea but i support yg groups.
and i have some questions to ask you, so here they are — 1) do you hide your tumble account from your parents or do they know it too??
2) did you create another gmail exclusively for tumblr only because i used to do that…
3) i get scared off being caught if my mom sees me writing fanfiction because back in 2021 i opened enha fan fiction account on insta and she caught and never said me to do like that but i discovered tumblr in mid may and i badly wanted to start but deleted everytime because i was scared that my mom will find out 😭😭
yeah that's it lia and i'd sit my pants and would cry if that happened, lmfao.
also you can feel free to ask me any questions lia 🥰🥰 idk what questions i'd ask and i felt comfortable talking to you and please do tell me if you feel uncomfy with me.
thank you 💖 — loki
oh omg i didnt know that about elly 🥺🤧 im reallly glad to be one of her moots fr 🥰🥰
yes i think 2022 hasnt really been an easy year for any of us so far 😭😭 ofc i'm always here if you ever need to talk/rant about something <3
oh em gee yes we are #4lyfers 😍 ohmygosh yes unit name..... unit name...... i cant think of any right now 😭😭
omg good luck for your exams !! im sure you'll slay them 😁
ok to answer your qns:
i actually have no idea if they know about my tumblr acc or not lol i think my mum knows i use blr but she doesnt know i write here??? yeah lol
i mean yes at first i created a new email for tumblr but now i use that email for all my other priv stuffs too lol
NO OMG BFF MY MUM FOUND OUT ABOUT MY ENHA FF ACC TOO but she found out about it after i wasnt really active on it anymore so tbh i didnt mind deleting the acc lol but ya she doesnt exactly restrict me from it? she js tells me to be careful of who i speak to online since i was almost scammed once BUT THANKFULLY I WASNT istg the scammers really shld brush up on their grammar 🤭
oh well i dont rly have any qns in mind rn lol but i really do enjoy interacting with you loki <33
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