#i want her to interact with eisetsu just so he can call her arleons runaway guard dog to her face
hakiarleon · 2 years
snippet of my oc and izana interacting with a guest appearance from makiri that probably wont make it into the fic im writing for them but i thought was hilarious. also the characterisation is so messy but its all for the joke so its fine
opens and ends abruptly bc well. snippet
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“Hey,” Retsu says, breaking the blissful silence. “Hey, is Mitsuhide more your type or Makiri?”
A moment's pause. Before she can repeat herself, because it's an extremely important question that deserves an appropriate reponse, Izana deigns to humour her. Shortly. “We can’t all be in love with our friends,” he replies. “Some of us also have work to be doing.”
There’s a knock at the door. Retsu hums and waits just long enough to be sure of who’s on the other side (one knock, really more of a bang, hard and impatient, definitely Makiri) before continuing. The door creaks open as she says, “How about that guy, uh… black hair, older, got married while I was Viscountess? That… ah, Amakize. Eldest son of Lugis. How about him? He seems like your type.”
The door slams shut.
Izana is unmoved. “And what, pray tell, is that.”
Retsu obliges, always eager to please. “Obviously, bastard under the smile.”
Izana isn’t looking at her, so she compensates by snickering obnoxiously. Still no reaction. Today’s Izana is determined to be a bore, it seems.
“… What are you doing?” Not even a minute since he arrived and Makiri already sounds tired. It’s good to know she hasn’t lost her touch – Izana is just boring.
She looks up and raises one arm in a lazy wave. “Hi, Makiri. His Royal Majesty says you’re ugly.”
Izana sighs but makes no move to deny it.
“What are you doing,” Makiri repeats, staring pointedly at Retsu.
She considers that. “Your King is quizzing me on the male members of upper noble houses and high-ranking officers.”
“I am being harassed,” says Izana.
Makiri sidesteps all that with long-practised ease and asks, “Why only the men?”
“Because he's even worse at remembering the women than I am.”
Izana’s eye twitches. “Name one woman.”
“Haki of Arleon!”
“You’re a woman,” Makiri helpfully adds.
Retsu wrinkles her nose. “Yeah, but Lady Haki’s the most important one.”
Izana, once again, does not attempt to disagree. Makiri closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. “Shameless, the both of you.”
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