#i want a job i can take my doggo to work with me 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Its so hot and humid 🙃🥲
Im sitting in bed in my underwear eating cheesecake with the fan blowing at me
I hate kansas weather
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acefaun · 2 years
Good morning. What's today's plan?
Good morning, starshine! ✨
Today... I want to raise a sales pitch with my boss. 😳 I'm utterly horrible at verbal communication and I'm going to die, even if we are related and it's a small business so all our interactions are nothing but casual. A sales pitch is always a sales pitch and I was already rejected when I suggested getting a new machine so... I'm ready. I just wanted a new ice machine and milkshake thingy!🥲
Besiiiiides, if I'm going to own the business soon then there's no point in telling me no, right? 👀 There's always a point in telling me no, I'll just change things first day I'm in charge. ✨
I also have the bright idea to ✨AMERICA✨ our small business and paint the American flag on the side(since my brothers in the Airforce and my family is newly obsessed with American flags). It'd make the boring building more colorful. 💖 It would also make us more noticable and attract more customers and scream "WE'RE OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK, 4 HOURS A DAY! COME GET A SUMMER SNACK!" (I also wanna push those 4 hours to 6... I don't have another job to do and I'd like to try holding the fort for two at least one extra hours in the day. ....more income?)
But we're also the most popular(and cheapest) snowball stand where we live. But I feel like with everything getting more expensive we also can't afford to have small snowballs at a dollar and large snowballs at $3. I'm not expecting New Orleans prices but we could at least go up a dollar on everything! 🥺 Else we won't get enough money for me to get paid. Poor me. Poor me needs money to take care of a future doggo.
Boss is just so stubborn...
So, today's a work dilemma. Am I convincing enough? I'm pretty sure I raise good points. Maybe I should write notes on my hand so I look like I know what I'm doing. 👌🏻 Or, even better, I'll bring a minigod with me so he can whisper what I'm supposed to say into my ear. 😌 A flawless plan. ✨
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athenepromachos · 3 years
Hi most majestic floof boi doggo, how are you? Today was the last day at work. I resigned because I couldn’t take the bullying and it’s the 3rd job in one year I had to leave… I feel like I’ll never get to where I want, wherever that is, and I feel like a massive loser. Would be nice if someone could bite my last managers in the butt. I guess what I’m trying to say is will it ever get better? 😔🥺
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Firsts ov alls I iz sendings a big snootboop to helps wiv da 😔. Iz not easy wen hoomans iz nasty to each others, so most majestic floof boi doggo me haz big feels for yous. Alls I can woofs iz that thingz does gets better - it mays takes some times and be hards goings, but da big lights iz at da ends ov da tunnel. Remembers dat lotz ov hoomans on dis internets site haz da cares abouts you and dey will all sendz hugs 🐕🐕
Wiv big lotz of akitas lovez and fur shedz
Kal 🐾🐾❤
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lord-westley · 3 years
Hi there, It's me again !
I just wanna come and rambles and I hope it's okay with you (if not feel free to ignore this).
I have started my summer job yesterday and everything went really well! It was a rush day so I basically was thrown into the work but it felt great. I mean time flies when you run from one thing to the other.
Also, I have starting to write an imagine with Faramir (a soft loving boy) but I don't know if I hate it or love it. When I wrote it I love it but when I read it I hate it with passion... Please send help ?
Anyway, sorry for bothering you ! I hope everything is alright for you and I wish you an amazing day ❤
Morning/Evening Moony!! I don’t mind if you come and ramble! I love receiving casual asks it’s adorable.
That’s so cool that you started a summer job! Time really does fly when you’re kept busy and I’m glad you enjoyed it. I hope work for you stays fun and not too stressful
AWH YOU WROTE FARAMIR??? Oh my gosh I love that soft baby boy, I bet your writing is amazing!! I’d love to read it 👉🏻👈🏻🥺
I’m not sure what I can say to help with that aspect to be honest. If you’re hating it cause you compare it with other writers- just know that everyone has their own writing style and way to convey emotions and words. But if it’s in general don’t like it, you can try again! Writing is all trial and error- it takes a lot of practice to get to where you want to be. Authors don’t bust out a story/book first try, they make over 30+ rough drafts just to even be considered by the agency to publish. I hope that helps 😅
No need to apologize! You’re not bothering me at all, you’re more than welcome to spam my inbox whenever hehe. I’m doing well, just vibing in my room with doggo. I hope you’re doing well! Have a great day/night❤️❤️
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lucrezia-thoughts · 3 years
Hey Lucrezia, I'm so sorry your depression is being the worst right now and that I haven't been around because of vacation! I'm going to answer ALL the questions, and please feel free to answer some back ❤
I'm doing pretty well since I'm away. Slightly sunburned, but that's what happens when I inherit the Irish complexion instead of the Italian! But the sea air and leaving work stress behind has cleared my complexion ten fold, so there's that.
My favorite color is teal, favorite animal is the hedgehog, and favorite actress is Anne Hathaway.
I think found your blog through one of your theme days (most likely through my dive into the Din-iverse).
My favorite thing on your blog is hearing how you and Neville nugget are doing (and our mutual husband Agent Pike, who you got me in to!)
I don't have anything I would want you to do differently, but I hope these help and that you can take some time to care for yourself!
We went to an alpaca farm on the island and I got a cute teal bag with alpacas on it. It's been getting loads of compliments today and has made me smile a ton. I've been spending a lot of money here (yikes) but I got some cute clothes, a lovely alpaca wool blanket, a stuffed black lab dog that I've wanted since I was a kid and now have a job and can, and a teal collar with starfish and black labs on it for my future doggo (it fits the stuffed animal if it doesn't fit the real dog).
My favorite movie is Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (Russell Crowe, Paul Bettany, James D'arcy). I met some of my best friends through a M&C weekend in Toronto through the books that the movie was based on. Favorite musical is Les Miserables.
I love knitting, baking, historical (more historic inspired) costuming, and english country dancing/contra. ❤
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Hi Corinne!! 💚
You have nothing to be sorry for!! I'm so glad you got to go on a vacation!! 🥰
Ooooh, I have the Irish complexion problem too... I'm so pale I'm practically a ghost. 😖
Teal is a beautiful color!!! When I worked at the pet store, we had an albino male hedgehog that I absolutely adored!! He was my little buddy... I miss him.
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I loved that Anne Hathaway showed up on the most recent season of RuPaul's Drag Race!!! That was such a nice surprise!!
The themed days have brought me so many wonderful things!!! 💚💚💚💚
Awwww?? You like hearing about the nugget and I??? 🥺🥺 I GOT YOU INTERESTED IN OUR HUSBAND??? REALLY???
I promise I'm taking care of myself!! I haven't given into the dermatillomania all week!! 🥰
I'm so glad you were able to get yourself some nice things on your vacation!!!
I have actually not seen that movie, but I will have to add it to my list!!! I love me some Paul Bettany!!
I love Les Mis!! Singing songs from it helped me realize my voice is stronger in the lower range! 💚
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