#i wanna talk about it !!!
itsybitsybatsyspider · 3 months
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"What are you doing with that dragon?!"
"Wha-! I- uh- I just-"
"I won't let you kill it!"
"Actually, funny thing about that-"
(more for the Dragon Prince au)
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
We really don’t talk enough about how Tommy went to jail on Outbreak Day because he was defending his waitress like…… that’s hot
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waterwindow · 6 months
Grrhrge rocket jumpingng
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isa-belle1367 · 30 days
One of Desmond ancestors lived a normal life as a keeper in the library of Alexandria. This was his favorite ancestor because their bleeds were always so calm and happy. Some of his favorite memories of them were watching them sneak books during their free time and teach themselves to read and write during their free time. Shaun randomly brought up how he wished he could see the library of Alexadria before it burned down, and Desmond damn near started sobbing because he had completely forgotten that the library had burned down and he felt like he lost a part of himself.
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keef-a-corn · 11 months
In a silly quirky mood.
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(Not my photo)
I have a HC that TFE Bumblebee was a child soldier and I would gladly share it.
But I need someone to ask about it.
Please ask about it, I want to share.
Here I did my best
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I highlighted 401 parts of TSC
**dies on the floor**
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fandombead · 9 months
Sanders Sides human AU where they’re all camp counselors at some backwoods Alphabet soup upstate summer camp—
Camp Sandside
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Also locally known as Camp Mindscape
C!Thomas is the newest camp director trying to keep the camp funded and running every year. He advertises and keeps in touch with people who help everything work out each year.
Logan is head of schedule and morning role call. He makes sure camp has an educational side to it, so they have something to take away. He enjoys accompanying on the nature hikes and takes their slightly older campers stargazing. You can find him usually hanging out in the camp archives and he can answer any question about its history.
He coordinates camper activities with Patton, who is the poster child for Campy Dad-Counselor™️. Patton knows every campfire song ever how to make 477 different crafts from sticks and rocks you can find in the forest. He is good at wrangling the kids and making any activity fun so everyone gets included. He’s excited to be there every day. He’s been there the longest and has dappled in every other job as needed.
Remus runs all the sport activities and Roman throws together a little theater group production for the parents at the end of the summer. Both twins help each other out for those activities depending on whose day it is. They also keep up the Canteen and craft workshop. They tell the best campfire stories. (Fun fact: they went to this camp as kids and are working here now during college)
Virgil’s shadowing Patton with first aid as a trainee nurse and handles safety protocols/checks. He’s just stressed out trying to keep everyone alive till the end of the summer. He particularly sticks around at the sport fields, lake, and obstacle course. He barely sleeps and runs on caffeine and spite. He enjoys playing guitar for the kids at campfire time. He makes sure everyone wears sunscreen, is drinking enough water, and that no one wanders off from the group.
And not least of all, Janus, who is the mental health counselor and resolves incident cases between campers. He also is someone the other camp counselors can confide in because the job is draining. He makes sure everyone is taking care of themselves and not doing too much, short-staffed as they are. Camp has run much more smoothly since they added him to their team and everyone is happier for it after getting used to the changes.
They all really enjoy the work and each other. What started as an interesting, versatile summer job that let them hangout together turned into a fun tradition they were quite invested in. Every summer is a memorable one and they look forward to it every year.
I just think it’d be a fun story setting, a series of glimpses at camp life with chapters dedicated to silly or fun happenings at the camp. For some reason all that are coming to me is chapters that sound like history event logs and just imagine it’s because the twins hijacked Logan’s documentation of them and rewrote them with more flair and drama. The Hiking Disaster of 21’. Battle at…Vine Lake (okay maybe not the name but I WILL work Vine in somewhere—maybe that’s the name of the theatre). The Kayak Wars. Surviving the Storm. Bear-ly Active.
(Actually half the chapters will be puns and you’ll know Patton had a hand at assisting the twins’ shenanigans for those retellings~)
Depending on the number of campers, they might also each be head of a cabin and in charge of 3-5 campers specifically on top of everything else that they manage to make good connections with even the most unlikely campers by the end of the summer. (I mostly thought of this just because I wanted an excuse for Logan to be head of the ‘Crofters Cabin’ bwahahaha)
I want Campy adventures!!!
Side notes expanding on the AU bc I have tons of scattered ideas:
I also had the alternative (/prequel? With a few tweaks) idea where some or all of them are campers instead and they meet at the summer camp years before they decide to work there~ ^^
I think that’d be a great story too, where they become lifelong friends in the end and grow to be glad they got sent to this weird old camp for the summer and just have a great time after getting through a few challenges. And they go back every year to see each other again.
Patton calls the campers “saplings” and other nature/tree related nicknames
Their camp shirts have a white star border in black incorporated on the front with the Camp Acronym and everyone styles theirs differently (example: Remus cut the short sleeves off of his)
I imagine they have a rival camp too that every one of them is personally invested in beating yearly, as you do in Camp media. (Alt version where it’s “light” vs “dark” sides camps)
Logan got stuck up a tree once as a kid camper and they still haven’t let him live it down. There’s a photo of it in the archives he keeps trying to get rid of but someone keeps replacing it every year. They call him Pinecone and Lookout 🤣 (Forest Watch)
Janus was someone they never expected to see again. He came to camp in their last years of being campers and joined the group through Remus and Patton. After some getting used to him (Roman and Virgil kept butting heads with him), they were tentatively friends…Roman saved him when he fell in the lake and Janus came in clutch and saved their team at the camp games! they kinda took one step back when he joined as counselor, but they worked it out eventually for good that time~
The twins have a fun rivalry they try to drag their friends into every year…even as counselors now 😂 there’s always some sort of competition going on with them, especially when they start being heads of their own cabins and take pride in their little campers destroying the other teams (but especially each others’)
I think each cabin has a little flag the campers remake every year hanging out front, featuring the animal trait and color of each counselor in charge. Tentative Ideas:
Logan’s Cabin: Team Crofter (of Discovery Cabin). Campers have dark blue bandannas/necklaces
Patton’s Cabin: Team Friendship (of Amity/Compassion Cabin). Campers have light blue bandannas/bracelets
Roman’s Cabin: Team Braveheart (of Ambition Cabin). Campers have red bandannas/necklaces
Remus’s Cabin: Team Chaos (of Endeavor/Spontaneity Cabin). Campers have green bandannas/bracelets
Virgil’s Cabin: Team Storm (of Vigilance Cabin). Campers have purple bandannas/necklaces
Janus’s Cabin: Team Serpent (of Accord/Cunning Cabin). Campers have yellow bandannas/bracelets
They collabed on these name ideas themselves~ The twins’ cabins also relate to one another.
Roman’s theme is having goals and dreams and Remus’s theme is trying ways to reach them, not giving up when it doesn’t work the first time. Together they encourage campers to find something they wanna try that’s new and going for it~
You can probably pair Virgil and Logan’s cabins + Janus and Patton’s in a similar way of their themes relating or balancing each other.
Every year you return to camp, you get a charm to add to your bracelet/necklace (typically all moved to whatever cabin color you are for the current year’s summer). Represents the overall theme of that summer, received at the end.
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Anyone watching fairy tail 100 year quest?
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80yearoldmanmoodboard · 5 months
I drew more Glamiverse Monkees. And there’s lore now I’m not sorry 💖
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Let me explain the lore to you;
At some point after the showverse cannon Peter Tork left the Monkees. He moved back to New York and tried to try and get famous however back in California the Monkees finally started getting known. As the 70s roll around and glam gets more popular Micky starts to convince the band to move further into the glam aesthetic. First it’s costumes, then it’s makeup, then it’s reworking their songs for a different sort of rock flavor and as they really figure out their brand they start to take off. Peter is in New York, his musical career has failed but he starts teaching to make money. As the 80s start to come The Monkees are getting more popular as a glam rock band and they show up in New York doing a show for a New York broadcasting company which Peter sees. He remembers the good days and he goes to find the monkees, first talking to Davy (his ex) who is mad at first but finds it difficult to remain like that. He can’t truly hate someone he loves can he? But Davy can’t just take him back. Peter hurt him and besides, Davy and Micky are dating now and have been for a while. Davy ends up talking to Mike about his conundrum and Mikes tenderness only makes it harder for Davy to know what to do. Davy’s heart is just too big for his own good. What’s the solution? What can a man do when he has a boyfriend but still loves his ex and is developing a crush on one of his best friends? I’ll tell you a secret, it’s polyamory
There’s more lore in my head but I’ve exhausted my ability to explain for now, if you’re curious about anything related to my Monkees Glam AU I am entirely willing to answer any questions, just send them my way. ✨sparkle on glamorous people
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the-whispers-of-death · 6 months
Doggy collar on Kali?
I don't remember the specific ask nor what I said specifically, but someone asked about pet play with Kali so long ago and I was like "Kali wouldn't really follow anyone's lead" and you know what? That's still true.
You can try to put a doggy collar on Kali, but he'd only wear one as a fashion statement.
You want him to be more submissive? You sure about that? He doesn't think you're sure about that, think about it some more. Man loves you, but he'll run as soon as you say you want to take the lead (the only thing you're controlling is where to go out for food, okay).
Yeah, I joke about him pushing off paperwork onto Sarabi (he doesn't really, Sarabi just helps him out willingly), but Kali actually prefers having most of the responsibility. It's why he took over the finances of his parents' ranch and why he runs that place, because he can run the ranch.
(There's also the whole "his parents aren't actually good parents like he thinks they are", but I digress.)
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5ivebyfive · 8 months
re: q's after reading chapter 12
can u talk a bit about that scene with kim showing up to trini's apartment? i mean, it's of course pretty evident (kissing slowly, asking to be held...), but i would love to hear your thoughts/process. tia!
Hmmm. I'm thinking about what I can say without revealing too much of what you're supposed to find out later...but I am happy to talk about this scene because it's my favorite in the chapter.
So up until this point, Kim has been...well a huge bitch about everything. Somewhat justified...just..not in how she handles it. But she's angry, and she's hurt, and she doesn't know how to deal with those feelings. She doesn't know how to deal with them in a way that isn't so obnoxious. She's like a child really. Kids aren't great at regulating their emotions. They have to learn to do that. Kim never learned. So anyway. Moving to that night.
Kim, despite how she handled it and reacted to it, was betrayed. It's fair to say. Trini kept this from her for months all while trying to build Kim's trust in her. All Kim knows is that she doesn't know how to trust. Trini said trust me, trust me, trust me...and in the end it was a lie. So she felt like the rug was pulled out from beneath her. And her way of dealing with that is anger and rage and blame. Recklessly.
But even she runs out of energy. When she showed up at Trini's apartment, she was at the bottom of all of those feelings. The rage was gone. She's been pushed aside her whole life. In her eyes, everyone abandons her. They don't stay. She loses them. Now she's lost Trini, and she doesn't know how to handle it. And they are so drawn to each other in every way. They can't be apart even when they are mad at each other.
Kim said Trini was her best friend, and that's true. And Kim has never had a best friend. She doesn't know what to do when she needs her best friend, but it's the same person that betrayed her. So she goes to Trini anyway.
Kim has deep, hard feelings that she hides really well. Feelings she can't understand or put into words. She knows she feels better around Trini. And she wants to feel better. She wants to forget. But she's still so hurt and angry. So for Kim, going to Trini isn't about getting laid. She needs comfort. She can't ask for it. She can't go to anyone else for it. So she finds her best friend. She kisses Trini the way she does, because, even though she doesn't realize it, it anchors her. And she needs an anchor badly.
She doesn't want to talk or argue, she definitely doesn't want sex. She wants closeness. So she asks Trini if they can sleep. She isn't going to say she needs to be held, ever. But she asks in her own way. And Trini can't deny Kim anything, so she does.
But, remember, Kim is very drunk. She would have never done any of this sober. So when she wakes up and she's in Trini's bed, in Trini's arms, she's sober and...well, thoughts I can't reveal yet, and she leaves. She can't bear to acknowledge any of it with Trini.
There is so much to learn about Kim still, and the way her mind and feelings work. Hopefully I didn't give too much away, but despite Kim's outrageous personality, she has feelings too. And a lot has to happen for her to be able to understand them.
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candidsoup · 5 months
Word of Honor - I realized something in Ep. 16
I realized that there was something that they probably cropped/zoomed in on the video in order to censor.
Spoilers for episode 16...
Episode 16 on YouTube
The Scorpion King and Zhao Jing are talking, and at about about 29:44 you can see Scorpion's arms move up for a fraction of a second. Then it zooms in a tiny bit to basically just show Scorpion's head, and Zhao Jing from like the top 4th? of his torso up. At 29:45-:46 you can see part of Zhao Jing's robe move a tiny bit. Scorpion is clearly pulling on part of his robe in a playful manner and they were like, oh, uh, we can't show that..... but if you pay attention that's definitely what is happening... I got the "vibes" between them already from this interaction, which is the 2nd time they're shown together. (Ep. 15 shows them talking but with Zhao Jing purposely obscured, so you just know Scorpion has some mysterious "godfather" -- the subs on Youku say "father" but "godfather" is what it said on Netflix, I believe, and may be a better translation for English speakers to understand they are NOT related...) I was surprised that not everyone gets the relationship they have with each other, tbh. Even if it's not clear earlier on, when that metaphor of the "gambler" comes in, and Scorpion says something like "I am a gambler too"..... I mean come on. But not everyone realized it? (Based on comments on YT videos and some people's reactions I've seen) Still, I wasn't aware of this little robe pull, at least not consciously, until just now. I just love noticing those little details. Knowing how much work they put in to include things, even if they might have been censored later, is fascinating (and really special!!!) to me.
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aroaceart · 1 year
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@owlart18 Cattember Day 27: OC
Another Pokemon-adjacent drawing. This is a fakemon I've only drawn like three times ever, Mistikit! I have so much Lore on this little one and its evo, but I don't think now is the time for it.
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bloodsbane · 5 months
you guys should send me asks about dungeon meshiiiiiii ask me things about dungeon messshhiiii
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cepheusgalaxy · 5 months
New game tell me what word/expression/random thing you want to know about my language (Portuguese) and I'll tell you
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