#i wanna cry i know trent is gonna do something AWFUL to her
holasonbrero · 4 years
I stan Astrid ok let this girl have a happy ending PLEASE
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bluepenguinstories · 4 years
Happiness Overload Epilogue II
There was an abundance of color which burned through me. Weary, I looked up and saw the clouds in the sky, a gentle chill ran over me. To think that the outside world could be beautiful, I never would have imagined before. It made tears well up, and for once, it felt good to let them out.
“Do I belong here? Is it right? I don’t know, but I’m glad to be back,” those words sounded strange aloud. As if spoken by someone with a little more life in them. It wasn’t that I was in denial, it was just surreal to me to feel such things and allow myself to enjoy them.
As I began to pick myself up, I realized where I was: that same rooftop where I fought with that woman named Rhea. That stung, the memory resurfaced, and although she was not in front of me, for a second, I thought I could see her corpse.
“I’m sorry. I wish we could have met under different circumstances,” I took a deep breath and picked myself up off the concrete surface. “It would bring me just a little bit of joy if I could set some flowers down here.” Of course, none came. That was just something I would have to get used to.
Near me was the door down, into the building, and back onto the street. When I went to turn the handle, the door turned out to be locked. Foolishness and frustration, I continued to try to open it. I knew what excited me wasn’t up here, but no matter the use, I could not open the door. That was another thing I would have to get used to.
So for the moment, I slid down and sat. How I got back home in the first place was nothing short of a miracle, or a wild coincidence that I had to suspend my disbelief for. In short, all that happened was that I found a Time Cube inside a desk drawer. It took some tinkering with, and even then, I wasn’t sure how I managed what with my mental state, but it looked like it worked.
Not long after I had sat and tried to recall how I made it back, the door opened behind me: it was a security guard. Afraid, I told him that I didn’t know how I got there, but I found myself locked out. Yes, it was a flimsy excuse, but maybe the guard felt sympathetic, or just didn’t care.
“Just try not to wander too far off next time,” was all the guard said in response. I nodded, then made my way back down. “Oh, and you should be careful. We found a dead body lying here just a few days ago.”
In shock, I turned around. “Did you happen to catch what happened?”
“No, that’s the weird thing. I was off that day, but apparently the footage feed that day was having technical issues, otherwise it would’ve caught whatever happened.”
“That’s scary. I just hope no one else was hurt.”
“By the looks of things, it was self-inflicted. There were weapons at the scene, but from what I heard, only her fingerprints were found. I also heard no one could identify her, so she’s been marked a Jane Doe. Strange case all around. Funny thing, too, we had this whole area blocked off until just yesterday.”
It must have been due to the entity that I wasn’t caught on camera. As an institution, I despised his presence, but I was just glad to be out of there. Down each flight of stairs I went, with hurried steps, while others in their offices paid no mind to my presence. Once I was out of the building and into the streets, I became overwhelmed.
The crowds, the noise, the sea of buildings. It was too much to take in at once. I heard too much, I saw too much, and it left me in a panic.
It’s okay. You’re not too far from home.
Was what I told myself, but I didn’t even know whether or not it would work out. Rather, it was just the one goal I had and the one tool at my grasp to manage the sensory overload.
Familiar apartment complex, familiar feeling. Hesitation all over me, just like last time.
Still, I repeated the same action and knocked on the door.
What if she doesn’t live here anymore? Or I ended up in the wrong universe by mistake and she doesn’t know me? Damn it, I’m so scared. Have I always had such levels of anxiety? Is it just exclusive to this one situation? Maybe I shouldn’t be here after all. What if she hates me? No, she doesn’t. Or won’t. But maybe she should. No. Stop that. Haven’t I learned anything? I’m at least going to give this a try.
The door slid open.
She was right in front of me. It was her.
“I recognize that knock anywhere,” was the first thing she said, before the door was even fully open. Wow. She’s got me right down to how I knock, huh?
There we were. Face-to-face. I was about ready to break down then and there. I looked down, my lips quivering, and watched as her expression turned from a dull one to one of excitement; eyes widening, lips spreading to a smile.
“Hey, I know you!” She beamed.
I felt incapable of saying anything in response, even though I wanted to.
“So, uh, did you,” was she stumbling on the words too? “Did you figure anything out while you were away?”
I wanted to nod my head, say yes, but all I did instead was continue to look down. When I tried to speak, all that came out was a whimper.
“This is a bit awkward,” she sounded nervous as well. “I mean, you’ve probably been through a lot, so it would probably be bad to say that I kind of just assumed you’d be back sooner or later, wouldn’t it?”
I took a step forward, dived in, and hugged her tight. I didn’t even realize that it had turned into a tackle before it was too late.
“Hey, hey! Watch out!”
We both fell over onto the floor.
I remained on top of her, my head buried in her shoulder as I began to break down in tears.
“There goes my spine,” she croaked. “Can I move my arms? Nope. Too tight.”
I continued to sob, my face pressed against her neck. She reached a hand up and stroked my hair.
Liar. You said you couldn’t move your arms!
“Hey, hey. It’s okay. I missed you too.”
For whatever reason, hearing that just made me cry more. She continued to stroke my hair. I didn’t know whether or not it was okay, but I began kissing her cheek.
“Aw, she’s kinda cute. Can we keep her?”
“She’s not a dog. You’re married to her,” I heard Trent say.
“Wait, really?” She acted confused.
“That’s it. I’m outta here,” I leaned up and saw him walk out the door. “No, but really. I got work. So, see you two later. Unless some other crazy shit happens.”
I got off of her and sat up. As I tried to wipe my face, I managed to finally speak.
“After last time, I didn’t think I would come back. I wasn’t even sure if I should. For a long time, I just thought it was an act. I told myself I didn’t care what happened to us because I didn’t think there was anything that could be done. To know I once told myself such things, it hurts to think about. That I left last time and I thought I had done too much damage. I didn’t think myself worthy. I –” I stopped myself. I was getting too worked up.
“It’s okay. Didn’t I tell you that last time? It’s okay if you’re not okay, so,” it looked like her eyes were getting misty. “I wasn’t okay. I know you said that you hoped there was some universe where both of us were happy, but I was still worried about the you that I know. That’s why I kept hoping the whole time you were gone that you would be safe. It looks like it reached you,” she laughed, even while a couple drops of tears ran down her face as well.
“I’m sorry. I know myself a whole lot better, but it still doesn’t change the past.”
“I know. But I think it’s better than thinking you’re no longer you,” she gave a little laugh again, then pointed at my arm. “Oh hey, cool bracelet! Did you get that at a gift shop or something?”
Right! The bracelet! I forgot all about that, being so caught up in the moment.
“Um, actually...maybe I should tell you everything that happened while I was away…”
“Sure! But first, grilled cheese! I haven’t had breakfast all day and you’re probably hungry, too!” She got up to head to the kitchen.
“Wait!” I reached my hand out. “Shouldn’t I do that?”
“Why? You’ve probably been through a lot, and they’re easy to make, anyway.”
“Because! Um...someone told me to!”
“Well screw that person.”
I felt like hitting my head against something. Couldn’t I have come up with a better excuse? I had missed her so much and yet I was letting her do everything. Well, it wasn’t like I hated it…
Once she came back with a plate of grilled cheese sandwiches for me, we moved to the couch and sat next to each other. I told her all the different things I experienced and the people I met. I prefaced with “okay, but it might be hard to believe,” and she sat and listened until I was done.
“Wow, you’re right. If not for all the crazy stuff like time-travel, weird stalker mercenaries, and monster girls, I wouldn’t believe you. Oh! By the way, can you still turn into a monster girl?”
“Aw! That’s it. I wanna break up.”
I balked. “Come on!”
At least I could tell she wasn’t being serious.
“Still, to think there’s another me out there. I mean, makes sense, right? But still wild to think about. It’s kind of a relief, though. That she’s like that.”
“Yeah, and she figured it out, too. That was something else.”
“Of course. I’m more surprised no one else did. You sure did drop a lotta hints.”
I let out a heavy sigh.
“I guess I’ve become easy to read now.”
“You’ve always been the type to wear your emotions on your sleeve, or at least to me. I’m glad you’re no longer trying to hide it.”
I sniffled. “Thank you.”
We kissed, then I said, “I’m glad to be back, but I think I need some rest.”
“Of course,” she nodded. “I hope you rest well.”
Later in the afternoon, not yet evening, Trent came back. He was only on break, but he came back to get some stuff from home. I tried to fill him in real quick.
“You know, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think I’m gonna miss all the crazy stuff surrounding her. It’s gonna feel real normal now.”
“Oh. Hm. Yeah. You’re right,” I got out my phone and started clicking.
“What are you doing?”
“Hiring a clown to come over and scare us.”
“Okay, that’s it,” he tried to grab my phone from me.
“Nooo!” I wrested it away.
Yeah, maybe it would be a little quieter and less dangerous, but that didn’t sound so bad.
In the bed, I was curled up, equal measure smiling, and in tears. It was just an expression of joy, even if it still felt intense.
“I can’t believe it...I’ve found home…”
The tears soaked the pillow, but soon, my eyes closed, and I was able to drift off to sleep. I knew it would still be difficult, now that I was much more emotional, but I felt like with time, I could manage, and find greater joy from it.
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readbythestarlight · 5 years
Ohhhh boy here we go guys
I don’t
Ricky and Morty
“The chained oblivion, no big deal” Matt Plz
A dark elf floating six or seven inches from the ground. I don’t like how familiar that sounds.
28. Christ.
YOOOOO Pumats gonna fight!
or... not? xD
lol gets up on the counter because the rest of them are
He gonna heal??
He gonna... make them invisible?
NICE made my boy Cad invisible but he had still fight
Pumat looking after his fellow firbolg
I love when they panick go invisible xD
Gonna hide on the bookshelf lol Nott
Ooooo bola shot I like that
Yay bane!
This is gonna be a long slow fight
Nice job Cad, canceling that crit
Ffffuck didn’t cancel the crit fuck
93?! FUCK
Oh my GOD I hate everything
Cad getting Nott back up yay!
Not hang on Matthew STUNNED
Okay okay okay this isn’t as bad as it could be...
Banishing smite?
Oh fuck her
bitch slapped her onto another plane lol
I like Cad’s little defensive stuff. He’s such an excellent support.
Also okay so aside from her high damage attacks this assassin doesn’t seem as terrible as I feared so... what’s the catch? Because something awful is def gonna happen.
PS: “that doesn’t happen every day”
Cad: “it does to us”
I’m glad she left but I do NOT like that she can just sneak up on them at any time
PS: “And now they know where I live...”
N: “You could burn down the store, start fresh?”
PS: “I like where you’re going with that, but I might wanna save that for a last option.”
Pumat has some kind of knowledge about
Poor Laura :(
PS: “not like you burned it down or anything.”
Free shield, nice!
Pumat is a sweet guy I love him and I’ve missed him
Freeloading their way into a short rest lol
Jester for the love of the Traveler do NOT go in there as your mom
FJORD do not encourage this
Beau assuring Jester that she supports HER just not the idea is SO sweet
JESTER oh my god
Cad’s gonna know before Jester does
Ooh dear their description has gotten back to the other side of the mountains
I like how they’re pulling literally everyone they know, pretty much every ally they’ve ever made into this
I’m honestly glad The Gentleman isn’t interested in getting involved. It suits his character well.
Jester’s real sad
Like she really was hoping it was him
(And it still could be, we don’t know what Cad perceived)
Oh god Jester
Oh honey
Poor Jester
xD the Tal’dorea council question strikes again
Aw Jester :(
J: “but if he doesn’t want me then I don’t want him it’s fine.”
F: “....we’re glad to have you.”
J: “I’m glad to be here.”
B: “Sometimes found family is better anyway.”
Shit wait fuck
“You should tell her”
holy shit y’all
oh lord Nott had a crush on Caleb??
Oh shit the BeauJester fans have been fed tonight
Laura is laying there giggling lol
That’s super sweet that Beau is crushing on her man
I mean I’m still so BeauYasha but
Oh boy okay who is this
Oh it’s him
Oh my GOD
here we go oh god
Also what if he’s her uncle not her dad? He mentioned having a brother...
I can’t believe I’m having Gentleman feelings
I wanna hug him
Oh god that’s so SAD
He sounds like he still kinda loves her too HELP ME
I’m really sad man
“She loves you. You should have trusted her. I don’t know... I don’t know how you guys could make it work or anything, but... [missed]. She’s never loved anyone since. Just you.”
Operation: Get Marion and the Gentleman Back Together.
TG: “Jester I’m not your father. Any man can have a child. Any man who isn’t around to help raise them doesn’t get to call themself a father.” Owww.
I think you should tell Marion and let her decide. She hasn’t had any say in all of this, I think it’s time she did.
I cannot believe I’m so emotional about the Gentleman.
Jester has this perfect little fairy tale for her parents and I’m literally just sitting here crying you guys
J: “Hey dad, next time I’m in town? Let’s play some Uno.” Crying and laughing and crying.
I stg if he and Marion don’t get their happy ending I’m gonna be SAD
Time to go after Yasha?
Oh dear...
Okay though if it’s addressed to Nott the Brave it’s not from Astrid
Maybe it’s from Caliana or someone again
The looks all the others are wearing
Like Beau’s face
This recording thing couldn’t possibly backfire at all xD
These hijinks omg
I can’t handle it first I’m worried then I’m emotional/crying about Jester and now I’m cracking up
Oh no oh god
Don’t hurt Pumat Sol Matthew I will not forgive you
oh my GOD MATT that PAUSE
Oh my god wait their lie somehow WORKED??
So she lives in Trent’s little compound essentially.
“Oh god it’s her” lol oh Pumat
I love him man he’s a soft boy
Oh dear...
Caleb getting overwhelmed mid trying to plan was excellent I love that call Liam
No no no what if he dies??
it’s so sweet that he offered I ADORE HIM
I can’t believe he just straight up planned to come with them he was already packed
Like all these othe powerful allies are like “I’ll look into things while y’all do the actual dangerous work” and Pumat Sol is the one who decides he’s going to come and help
We stan two (2) cow men and they are Caduceus Clay and Pumat Sol
I’m really nervous about this though like heading to Rexentrum? Are they ready for this? Is CALEB ready for this??
Oh no Krynn attack that’s bad
I hope it’s not the Krynn
Call Essek find out
Oh god if they help stop the Krynn tho and it gets back to Xhorhas somehow
They’ll never see Essek again and I will CRY
I’m suuuuuper worried about Caleb
Like SUPER concerned look at his face he’s not at all prepared for this
This is definitely a false alarm there are no Krynn
Oh fuck what if Obann is coming for this Colbalt Soul
I am anxious
Go back down Caleb!
Why would you not go back up with the others
Nott, Nott HONEY
Not now!
It’s not the Krynn I will eat my hat if it’s really the Krynn
“Angel’s Eye” oh no
Cardinal Respa?
How far does this conspiracy spread I wonder
“The thing below and the path to it” fuck
“Diversions are already in place” knew it
Oh fuck
Pelor, the temple of the dawn father?
Oh shit they spent so much time in the happy fun ball that the timeline is messed up and this is happening NOW
Oh god they are in it now
Like man even having warned so many allies it’s too late it’s happening NOW
I thought I was stressed last week but nope
Love you too Matt
This episode in a nutshell: fighting an (immortal?) assassin; Jester’s dad; mail hijinks; TIME TO STOP THE END OF THE FUCKING WORLD
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tayga-lover · 7 years
You and Me, Baby for Life
Sorry this took so long guys, one more left after this one then off to the next prompt. 
Chapter 5
Gaga sat at her piano, “Oh man” she smiled widely, fans’ yells and claps were heard throughout the stadium, she closed her eyes taking in the applause. “Oh how I’ve missed Chicago.” she smiled and bit her lip, her eyes were shining brightly. “I’ve especially missed a man who lives here.” she smiled and closed her eyes, it was the end of the concert, she had just finished million reasons and everyone was surprised when she sat back down after the song.
“I want to sing one more song,” everyone began to scream and she smiled at the crowd, “This song goes out to my gypsy love.” She smiled, “Because you know, our story has no end.” she shrugged and giggled, “Eventually you find your way back home, I know I have.” everyone ‘awed’. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath in, “Sometimes a story has no end” She sang passionately and everyone screamed in excitement.
                                                                         Taylor's eyes filled with little tears as she sang gypsy. He remembered the first time she sang it to him.
He walked into the apartment and threw his keys on the table. “Baby, I'm home!” he heard footsteps rush to him, he turned around and wrapped his arms around her, “Baby why are you walking? It’ll mess up the healing of your hip.” he kissed her cheek and she looked up into his eyes, “I’m tired of that wheelchair, and it feels awesome to walk.” she chirped. “I know you miss walking, but you’ll mess up the healing.” He gently picked her up, “You will no longer walk till you  heal!” he chuckled and kissed her cheek as he took her to the bedroom and laid her on the bed, “Oh babe!” she grabbed her journal, that was on her pillow, and rose her arms out towards him, “Take me to my piano, please. I wanna sing you a song”. He picked her up and kissed her until he reached her piano, sitting with her on the stool. “I wrote this for you, love.” she whispered, “I hope you like it, it’s not completely finished yet since I started writing this morning but I couldn’t wait.” She smiled and kissed him before placing her fingers on the piano keys beginning to sing. She finished the song with her eyes closed, she held her breath as she turned to him opening her eyes, she seen tears in his eyes, “Baby, why are you crying?” she asked wiping his stubbly cheeks and cupping them with her small hands. “It’s just so beautiful babe, I love it.” He kissed her lips gently. “I’m always at home with you babe.” she whispered against his lips. “It’s you and me, baby for life.” he whispered and she nodded, “...for life.”
“It's you and me... baby for life!.” she sang. A tear fell down his eye, he quickly wiped it. She placed her pink hat on the transparent piano seat and swayed to the center of the stage. She knelt down and very loud cheering was heard, Taylor was one of the loudest in the audience, she blew a kiss out and smiled as the platform lowered and the small five-foot-two woman was out of sight.
“Stef! That was amazing!” Everyone was cheering and hugging her when she got backstage.
“Thank you, it felt amazing.” she was almost in tears. Both her parents walked up to her.
“Gypsy huh? What’s happening darling?” Her mom looked at her teasingly. “Are you two..”- “Possibly I don't know yet, mommy.’ she hugged her mother and Joe leaned in, “You’re better off with him, I don’t like the other guy, he’s a rotten piece of shit.” Joe walked away and Gaga nodded.
“Stef, you did amazing.” Taylor said walking up behind her, “T!” she said excitedly and squealed in pure joy as he picked her up. “I’m glad you liked it.” she rested her head on his shoulder. “I loved it” he kissed her cheek causing her to blush. He put her back down onto the floor. “I have to get dressed into a comfortable outfit.” She giggled as she took off her shiny white coat.
“Alright.” Taylor smiled charmingly and walked closer to her, he leaned down and whispered, “can we talk once you are done?” He asked. She nodded and put her hand on his arm, “Of course, just go to my dressing room in a few minutes.”
“Alright.” He hugged her gently. After she walked away he grabbed his iPhone from his pocket, reading the message that was there; ‘How do you want the flowers set up?’ Taylor quickly clicked the call button to call his brother. “Hey so, just set up a few in the living room, just place them where she will see them when we walk in, but just try to make it look nice.” He chuckled. “Alright, Taylor, how much did you spend on all of this?” Trent asked with a chuckle. Taylor sat down on a chair and laughed, “Ah, too much.” They both laughed. “Are you sure she’s coming home with you.” Trent asked warily. “Well I hope so, we’re gonna talk right now,” he ran his hand through his hair, “I just- I just love her so much, Trent” he sighed. “Yeah I know you do, but isn’t she with someone?” Trent asked “Yeah but he did something really fu-”, “Tay?” Gaga walked over to where he was sitting, “I gotta go Trent.” He hung up and walked to the small women, “Let’s go to my dressing room.” She whispered and they walked to the room, “I’m sorry, I would’ve been there sooner but I was talking on the phone and-”, “oh don’t worry, I changed very quickly.” She giggled and they both entered the room.
They sat down on the soft love seat, she sat facing him, sitting criss-cross. He let out a sigh and she took a deep breath in, squeezing her knitted sweater sleeve in her small fist.
“Stef, I…” he looked down to his lap before looking up into her big eyes. “I have missed you so much.” He closed his eyes to help prevent his vision from becoming more blurry. “I’ve missed you too,” Gaga whispered, biting her lip softly to prevent her lip from quivering. “I can’t stand knowing that our relationship failed.”  She leaned forward with her head in her hands. “No Stef, I failed us.” he gently grabbed her wrist and she slipped her hand in his. “No you didn’t, don’t say that.” Taylor shook his head at what she said then began to nod, “Yes I did, I wanted too much too soon, I acted extremely stupid when you told me you got the part of the movie and we just fought too much and I should have fought harder to keep you but you had already found someone new, and seeing you with him at the super bowl just really confirmed that I had no chance.” His voice cracked at the last few words, “Don’t say that, Taylor.” She got on her knees, let his hand go and wrapped her arms around his neck.  
“Don’t think that you failed us T… yes you reacted in a way I didn’t expect, but that’s okay Taylor, I figured out why you did react that way,” she spoke gently against the crook of his neck, “We had been engaged for over a year and I know you already wanted to marry and I know you wanted to start a family, I just couldn’t do it, I was too busy and-and I still am and I’m so sorry I couldn’t give you what you wanted and that ruined us.” Tears began to run down her eyes and soak into his shirt.
“Stef, please don’t cry,” Taylor wrapped his arms around her and pulled her onto his lap, “You don’t have to be sor-”, “I’m just scared of what will happen to my hip- the pain I’ll feel- I’m just so sorry, I’ve missed you and I love you.” She couldn’t stop her tears from falling and at this point Taylor couldn’t stop his from falling either, “Stef, you don’t need to apologize,” he stuttered and dug his head into the crook of her neck.  
“I want to work through this-our problems because, Stef. I want you back.” He whispered against her soft skin, “I’ve missed you too much and we were just so strong together to let this go.” he held her tighter and his heart skipped a beat as she tightened her arms around him and put her lips against his neck. “We are soulmates after all.” She whispered and they both chuckled, sniffling afterwards. Taylor lightly pushed her away from him to look into her big green bambi eyes, but he still kept his arms tightly around her. They slowly leaned closer to each other, their breathing stopped and finally, for the first time in over a year, their lips melted into each others. Once they let each other go they lovingly looked into each others eyes and admired each other. “You’re so beautiful, my gypsy princess.” he lightly caressed her cheek as she blushed. “You’re still the same sweet man aren’t you?” she whispered leaning into him, pecking his lips and cuddling up to him afterwards. He chuckled and lightly kissed her forehead.
“I’m tired.” She whispered. “Can I stay the night with you?” She asked grabbing his hand and placing it on her waist. “Of course, you don’t have to ask.” He gently kissed her forehead. “I just feel like I need to.” She looked up at him with her eyes shining and a light giggle escaped her lips. “Well you don’t, my sweetie.” Gaga closed her eyes as she began laughing, “Oh gosh Taylor, you sound like an old lady when you say sweetie.” Taylor chuckled and wrapped both arms around her picking her up as he stood up. “Well you’re sweet, so you’re my sweetie.” He sat her on her dressing room chair and kissed her gently. “Is my make up runny.” She asked as she faced herself in the mirror, “Oh gosh.” She laughed at herself and Taylor chuckled. “You’re so beautiful.” He kissed her temple and watched her as she grabbed a makeup wipe.
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readbythestarlight · 6 years
I’m a day late and I’ve seen just enough to know that something happens and I am both ready and terrified
Sam your ads are so dumb I love you
I spy a Jareth
Nott the Bright Pink Goblin
Captain Orli ayyyyyyye!
I can’t remember why Cad wants a special blacksmith
Oh yeah the sword
Laura’s stare at Matt after "my mom reads lots of books"
800 miles to get a sword fixed DO IT
Beau’s bo has a bow
Poor Jester had no friends and it makes me sad
The owner has a cat this person is gonna be the Gilmore to Caleb’s Vax I’m calling it
"Slam poetry right now!"
Jester buying cook books - I wonder if the mushroom one is for Cad?
J: "I don’t have a ‘you can reply to this message’ thing."
Cad: "I said it all anyway."
Nott enjoying the feel of being back on the ground
NOTT omg making the kid cry by accident
Professor Thaddeus??
Aw darn
Jester’s little "hey it’s me!" dance
"Illegal people doing illegal things to illegal people" pretty much describes everything the M9 have done for the past dozen episodes
Mom really wants the dog gone xD
Caleb really trying to make sure Jester has time with her mom and it’s so sweet
Wealthy hermit mage in a tower that defies physical space?
Matt’s like "Liam why with the books please"
Hirling, Tusk Love, and Nein Shades of Blue. What a strangely named trilogy.
J: "The paint is always with me."
"I promise you if we go check it out tonight we’re going in tonight." Nott is not wrong
"You are in charge, you are the god cat, don’t let him push you around."
"I’m not gonna break any rules or anything" Cad is the only good boy in this group
LOL just emptying lanterns for oil
Sheila Bumsnapper???
J: "I don’t think she likes us, Caduceus."
Cad: "That’s nonsense we’re very likable."
Oh Bobsnobber.
Don’t waste the tree on the tower don’t do it
Fjord just bought himself a fish for no reason xD
Caleb’s like listen I want to go into the tower too but let’s not be rash idiots for once please
"Or he could turn us over to people who we do not want to be turned over to." Ohhh.
Let Cad go in he’s the one with the most questions. The most important valid actual questions
Oh plus one
Cad + Caleb please
Okay sure Beau + Cad the two polar opposites that’s good too.
"I will brew some tea"
Beau stop talking don’t tell him so much that’s a bad idea
Why are we saying so much this is such a bad decision
Happy Fun Time Ball
Sure tell him about the Dodecahedron that’s fine that’s not gonna be a horrible idea
Honestly they didn’t think this through at all and it’s just an awkward mess lol
"I need to stress eat" mood Liam
"I have a few slots open in my loyalty bank, so if you’re willing to pay the price of rental." Beau
I can’t believe they convinced him
Caleb’s real nervous
Matt really doesn’t want them to keep the Happy Fun Tim Ball because he doesn’t want to have to mess with it again xD
Time to learn teleportation Caleb
Honestly I’m not sure how I feel about this guy, but I want to trust him
"At a certain level of arcane ability morality becomes ambiguous" mmm don’t like that
I don’t know how I feel about him guys
DONT show him the dodecahedron yet please. Let’s make sure he’s really trustworthy.
I feel like even as an ally, even if he is trustworthy, he could mean trouble for Caleb. Either because he can offer too much knowledge, or because he could in some way be associated with Trent, or just... something.
I wanna trust Yussah I really do. But I almost feel like I trust The Gentleman more which?? I should not.
I got scared and then I remembered the teleportation circle
"Where did you train?" noPE DONT LIKE THAT QUESTION
don’t like don’t like don’t like
"I sometimes follow my friends where I shouldn’t"
"That might someday get you killed. Or someday get you what you seek."
I can’t decide how I feel about this conversation but I’m not entirely comfortable
Caleb is definitely drawing lines between Yussah and Trent right now and he’s afraid that they’re going to end up being used or hurt by someone more powerful then all of them. Caleb KNOWS how powerful mages use and manipulate people and he’s definitely afraid of that happening.
Caleb really knows that Jester needs time with her mom, he saw how she was struggling and he want to make sure she has just a little time
Oh Beau honey he didn’t mean that like as in YOU are a liar, he’s just worried about you all throwing in with someone as potentially dangerous as Yussah.
Do you Marion has agoraphobia? Is that why she’s always so anxious about leaving the Chateau? Or is she not allowed to leave? Is something keeping her there? I know Matt’s described her as being that way more than once and I want to know why.
Caleb sharing his trashy smut novels with Jester is my fave
I’m having feelings
"I have some faith in you" LOTS OF FEELINGS
I’m trying to remember, does Caleb have some kind of item that helps him hide from Trent?
"I can’t keep poking my head up like a mole in the ground, because if I do someone is going to cave my skull in. And if you are all with me you will all die too." Oh jeeze. He’s so afraid, for himself, for them.
I love/hate how Caleb went from "I shouldn’t be with you because you’re putting me at risk" to now "I don’t know that I should be with you because you draw attention and if I’m found with you I put YOU in danger"
"I have to be careful, and if we can’t be careful enough I have to go"
No, Beau, he understands you’re WILLING to kick ass for him but he knows it won’t matter because Trent will fuck you all up
He’s saying please don’t go talking to sketchy powerful wizards
Beau it isn’t about the job you did it’s about the fact that Caleb knows how DANGEROUS this is. You’re playing with fire and nobody understands how dangerous that is
Caleb’s message isn’t "I want you to not care about me" it’s "I’m afraid of the fact that I care about you, because thanks to that, if we are caught you will all burn with me". Because they ARE Caleb’s weakness now, and Caleb knows that Trent will see that, see it and use it to finally and utterly destroy him.
And also yeah, Caleb seems afraid that Trent will find him through/because the M9 can’t lay low and not expose themselves to dangerous people, and that’s another reason he would consider leaving, but he’s afraid of that MOSTLY because of what will happen not just to him but to all of them.
I’m just having a lot of feelings.
Man my favorite thing is these idiots talking about illegal things in front of poor Bryce and they just always have to be like "noooo because that would be illegal" and they walk away
Awww Jester giving Cad the cook books!
“It never even occurred to me that you could get a book about cooking that’s so great”
Nott backstory time!!?
Sweetheart please don’t start drinking
Oh god Caleb recognizes both that can’t be great
Oh no
Oh Matt where’s Nott’s friend
Is he dead is he taken?
guys guys guysssss
Caleb making himself look filthy again
Oh no a basement
Nott’s voice cracking I’m crying
Oh no I don’t like this
Nott just straight up breaking arcane locks with her badass lockpicking
Okay what’s here
“Gravity, entropy, and time.” Oh no.
Oh goddddd
oh god oh god oh god
“What?! It’s your people!”
“Well! Well fuck him!” Oh. Oh no.
Oh no, not Nott and Caleb.
Oh god Caduceus thank you
Guys I’m in tears
She’s blaming him and he’s blaming himself and I’m fucking CRYING
And I know Nott doesn’t mean it against Caleb I know she’s hurt and angry and scared but oh my god I’m just wrecked
I’m gonna need to find some comfort fic immediately because I can’t have this hanging over me for a week.
Luke doesn’t even know she’s a goblin I’m fucking sobbing
Oh. Oh wait.
Is Nott actually a goblin? Is she somehow turned into one and she’s actually a halfling? Do goblins live long enough for her to have a 5 year old son?
Unless he’s not her son by birth??
It’s time to go leave now nO MATT
“If you guys had come here instead of Nicodranus you would have been here when all this went down” THATS A RUDE THING TO SAY MATT
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readbythestarlight · 3 years
c2e141 (part 2)
(It was too long for Tumblr to allow so there will also be a part 3)
Aaaaaand we’re back!
Oh my god they’re actually gluing his hands together
Should that be allowed to work?
“See? You aren’t a failure. Now, finish the job, and fulfill your destiny.” Bitch shut UP
No you can’t, Astrid
No but Caleb knows
And you still made a lot of your own choices girl
Byeeeee Wulf
I mean tho that seems extreme he just wants to be done with it why be more of a dick to him than Astrid
Oh damn Caduceus
Caleb using fire magic to SAVE his friend’s family home I’m
Okay. Fine. Astrid can have her redemption arc too. Because she went through a LOT.
I resent the forehead touch though.
Oh okay then just go
I hope they find peace somewhere, somehow
Not-Molly where the heck have you been
Oh for the love of his someone punch him
Yasha that’s hot
Caleb I don’t think you’re on the chopping block at this point babe
“I love you too”
Oh dear what is Cad gonna do
Oh DAMN Caduceus!
Keep going babe come on
Jesus he’s just gonna keep succeeding
Trent is such a fucked human being that he is incapable of empathy is how I’m interpreting it
lol Not-Molly
“WHAT is WRONG with you” xD
Awww Veth giving up her flask!!
“You are now the best friend I’ve ever had—and I walk away”
God okay we still have like 3ish hours what else can HAPPEN
Whooooo is it
Oh damn they came back ALREADY?
That was quick
I’m glad tbh
Even tho I still don’t really like Astrid but give me time
No mention in their accounts of any other members of the CA huh
Cad is NOT forgiving them for this easily DAMN
Do it, intimidate them!
Yep there it is, he can’t empathize
Oh NO the spooky book!
It’s Gotta be useless now tho right
Valid point Jester
Oh Veth :((((
I’m not ready for the goodbyes!!
I’m crying goddd
Cad NO
Godddd there’s so much TIME left and I have to go through it without Caduceus??
“But it doesn’t feel separate from the family he’s made”
I’m crying
“You comin’ hot boi?”
you can’t take him from me too right now
NO please god
Yes Caleb talk him into staying!!
no no please caleb ask him again please
Stop breaking up my found family
Essek I don’t understand OR accept this PLEASE
Fuck I’m just gonna lay here in a puddle of my own tears
I hate this I hate this I hate this
Group huggggggs
Artists I need Essek in a flower crown art to heal my shattered soul please
“Don’t take too long because, um, connection is what saves us”
Thank you Yasha
“Don’t be a stranger”
“Try to be kind to yourself”
“YOURE the one who showed me that trauma doesn’t define you”
“Stay safe”
“You too, Caleb Widogast”
Caleb gonna teach Luc I’m fine
“He’s his godfather, yes” this is fine
God Astrid just go with them
Y’all I’m not ready
Yes let’s check on Yussah good idea
“Friends, I was hoping you were going to make your way here” I’m so glad they went to see him
Awww he’s so HAPPY!!
They’re YOUR heroic knuckleheads and you love them
Beau you’re silly
Caleb and Yussah study buddies! I’ve been wanting that since we met Yussah
Not as good as Caleb and Essek study buddies but I’ll take what I can get :’)
Fjorjester water tower date
I want you to close that chapter yes
And YES good y’all go together
Oh man Fjord so desperately wants to be on the ocean and he so wants Jester with him and this is everything I want for them if it’s also what she wants
I’m crying
I love them so much
Fjord’s like “I wanna live with you”
God YAAAAAAALLL they’re so unbearably cute
Aww the Nein Heroes is there
Oh god and now goodbye to Veth
I’m gonna cry all over again
Fjord and Veth making me laugh-cry
please roll well
Oh no not the Veth and Caleb goodbye
Yep here I go weeping again
“Veth the Brave” OKAY SURE FINE
Veth please please I can’t I’m crying I’m already crying you don’t have to make it worse
“Yes, you’ve convinced me I’m brave. But you are mighty.”
I don’t know that I can watch a third campaign because I don’t know that I can go through this again
“For most of my life, I’ve wanted to be a pirate.”
“Most of your life…?”
“Since I heard you have a ship.”
Thank you for that laugh Tal I needed it
I’m glad he’ll be with them
“I was sleeping…” I love Orli
You’re alright, Kingsley, I hope we see you more in the future
I keep worrying they’re gonna get up and leave the table and I can’t have that
Oh boy here we go
“What have you done?” lol
Udolaphon fixing to help end this man’s whole career
God I hope he doesn’t hurt them one last time by spilling about Essek I just thought of that
Yessss give Beau the credit she deserves!!
I’m so PROUND of her! LOOK at our girl.
“If we need any subcontractors I know a pretty good detective agency.”
Looking after her family members who aren’t present <3
Good, let him rot there
NICE they left him glued and powerless
They’re gonna offer him a spot in the Assembly
Called it
Atta boy don’t you fall into that pit of vipers
He’s coming for you next
Astrid, of fucking course
I knew it
Alriiiiiight time for Beau to get her justice
Beau has earned all the honor he never believed she could be worthy of
“Give this to TJ for me”
YES girl
Zenoth going to jail hell yeaahhhhhh!
And Yasha was there to support her the whole way and I’m crying again
No no no
If Artagan says goodbye I quit
I kid you not Matthew don’t do it
“I wanted you to be my friend, and you were”
Yes please stop using past tense
Okay thank god
Matthew you just about gave me a heart attack and Laura a heart attack
Don’t leave okay don’t leave
Don’t GO
She’s grown beyond him and he knows it and he’s trying to tell her and let her go gently and I’m crying AGAIN
I’m so bad with goodbyes y’all this is really just tearing me up inside
“There’s still so much of Exandria to fuck with” what a goodbye I love him
Okay okay Fjord closure time
I can’t believe I was ever fool enough to think they wouldn’t give us these moments of closure
And now I’m just a wreck
“Do you remember me?”
“I do, boy. What brings ye here?”
“I came to find you.”
I’m fine this is fine
Please hug him
Fjord sounds so happy
I’m crying guys
Fjord finally getting his answers
The awkward “I slept with the same woman as my dad figure” reveal
I’m so glad we’re finally getting the backstory on this
“Guide you away from his path”
Adopted dad vibes
Only to lose Fjord and think he’d failed twice
“I thought about you every day, since that night. The life I had before working with you, is one I don’t care to recall, and you showed me kindness and love and honor and it meant the world to me. It fills my heart with joy to see you here, pleased, at peace. I suppose my last question is: is it your desire to stay here. We do—we have a ship.”
Gonna try to unseat the Plank King and become Pirate King huh? xD
“As my captain, you will always have a seat on my ship.” This is fine
Aw :(
Take a couple of trips, get to know your future daughter in law better, it’s fine
“You know that power. It’ll eat you in town. U’kotoa’s a hungry beast.”
“I believe you. We’ll have to do something about that.”
Yasha’s turn
Beau okay good start definitely we want Beau along
Let Yasha have a nice long vacation
gardening yes
Making you food for when you come home from work, my expositor
I’m crying that’s so SOFT
Beau stop being horny for 3 seconds challenge xD
“I never want to hold you back from anything, I want to be here to support you in everything that you do.”
“I want to be your Yeza” omg
Mmmm yes let’s get some Yasha past answers maybe please?
Drop the book off for Zuella ;_;
“I’ve never known anyone deeper than I know you, and yet I feel like there’s still so much more to learn. A lifetime to learn. And I’m so excited to explore every—every bit of you. In multiple layers. Your past doesn’t scare me.”
“You sure?”
“It only makes you beautiful”
Okay OKAY STOP y’all I JUST got done crying
Can you believe we got the perfect lesbian couple y’all
Oh god here we go
Oh my god
Oh no??
Oh no
Jadek? Okay okay
Spread your wings!! Show them your new wings!!
YES good kneeling is a good choice
Yessss Storm Lord yesssss
Y’all suck not marking her grave
Beau that’s clearly NOT awesome
Shoutout to the Storm Lord
Oh they found her </3
Yasha no I can’t handle YOU crying
I was not emotionally prepared for this at all
I love the way Beau gives her space and then is also there with her and supporting her in the way she grieves
Just gotta love the healthy relationships they’ve given us
I’m cryinggggg
Y’all need to get some sending stones
(More in part 3)
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