#i wanna create a foot clan version of them
friedonionchkn · 10 months
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so um...dark clones anyone??? (no i have not watched 2k3 season 6 Fast Forward YET, but i did see clips of the dark turtles and i couldn't help myself)
Update: they’ve got clothes now!
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lliblo · 3 years
BN09 Draconic Spirit
By all technicality Katsuki was quirkless. Fait had put him in a body with that extra little toe joint but no one ever noticed. Since they never had a reason to look. Like everyone else in his grade he gained a “quirk” at five years old but what everyone saw as a quirk Katsuki knew it was just the draconic spirit of his past life manifesting in his present form. 
He was the dragon lord of destruction and had a massive army of dragons at his command. It was a ruthless show of power to get there; he had to subdue rival dragons, kill nefarious wyverns, and fight off those who wished to use dragons for their own selfish reasons instead of keeping the wellbeing of the clan in mind.  
Yet through all of that he was still forced into war as the humans sought to purge the world of magic. Unfortunately, through hypocrisy, the humans won then turned on their own magic users to finish the job. 
But before that the dragons were the main opponent against the humans. Katsuki would never just lay down and let his lands be taken and fellow dragons slaughtered. He joined forces with a magicless Druid who had eventually forged his own power through grit and determination. It was hard for the dragon lord not to fall for such a determined creature. Although they first entered into a reluctant alliance the two died with an unbreakable bond. One that would follow them into the next life. 
Dragon souls are too strong, too unyielding to be reincarnated easily. Fate had to wait for the right conditions, the right body to hold such a beast’s soul and with dragons extinct that took centuries. 
Until, finally, the first quirk manifested. 
And the conditions were favorable. 
Humans had evolved and with bodies able to contain strong physical abilities it was just enough for a dragon soul to be comfortably contained. 
But again, dragons were troublesome there was a reason they were reincarnated and that was because they refused to forget their past lives. Their memories were etched into their very souls.
Druids on the other hand were free spirits that went from one life to the next. There was no afterlife for them, only the next life to come. So in death the dragon chased after and the Druid wouldn’t leave his love behind so they drifted through the void until both of the souls could find a new life. 
The memories came in dreams. But only for the dragon now named Katsuki since Druids didn’t gain their memories back. 
Katsuki’s powers lay dormant until they partly came through as explosions from his hands. Even then his body would never be able to handle the full transformation so it would remain repressed. 
Other instincts not so much. 
He was aggressive, possessive, and kept many of the traits of his past life to his parents dismay. 
He hated sleeping on a bed and would instead create a nest of toys and objects to lay on in the corner. But that was not suitable for his current body and eventually he settled with a nest of pillows, blankets, and soft plushies with his other toys lining the outside. He was forced to clean it up each morning until eventually he was smart enough to hide a smaller version in his closet. The closet was more suitable anyways he just had to wake up before his parents got him up and found him there. 
His need to hunt appeared every time he spotted a small animal but after the first time he caught and almost killed a bird his parents put their foot down. He never heard his father yell at him before. When asked why he did it he told them he was hungry and it wasn’t much different then chicken. 
His actions were dragon-like and so were his customs but he was smart and as he grew up fought most of his instincts in a world where they were considered weird. 
He hardly cared, he only did it because it was convenient. 
But it was nice that he didn’t have to try too hard around Izuku. His Deku. (Deku could mean druid in dragon tongue?)
He relived his memories mostly through dreams but at times in waking hours he would see things that triggered flashbacks. 
One of those moments was when he fell into the stream. 
Looking up at the green hair blending into the leafy trees above, and a worried looking boy stared down at him with his hand out.. That was when Katsuki saw his Deku. 
In a past life they met when they were older. And he saw that looking up at Deku. The memory overlapped and for a moment he was sitting on the ground next to a dying fire with Deku holding his hand out “come on the wisps are about to wake up” he grinned. “I don’t want you to miss them” 
“Are you ok?” Five year old Deku asked as he interrupted. “Did you hit your head?” He sounded worried, because of course he did. It was Deku
Katsuki grinned sharply as he suddenly sprung from the water tackling Izuku in a hug causing them to fall against the bank. He didn’t fully understand the feeling he felt at that age, but they were young and he would grow into them. For now all he knew was that Deku was a very important person to him. 
From then on they were inseparable. And Katsuki told him everything he could remember. Each time a new memory popped up he’d tell the other boy. 
At recess they would play pretend. Instead of hero’s and villain is was dragons and sorcery though they still beat villains and they still were the good guys. 
Bakugo still looked up to All Might, seeing him as an equivalent of a dragon lord and wanting to take his place one day. Be the best protector. That’s what it meant to be a dragon lord. To protect and lead those under him.
Eventually when he’s in UA he gets to release some of his draconic powers and everyone in the class (or most) see (at the USJ incident? Before All Might wins? Fouled by the immense urge to protect Izuku.) a ghostly form of a dragon covers Katsuki like a cloak as he goes head to head with the Nomu and wins 
“You should heed my words weaklings, I AM the dragon lord!”
They finally let him have the name Dragon Lord of Destruction as his hero name.
This is a lovely blend between the medieval MHA and the modern MHA. I have this fun little head canon that the humans of this world are not purely humans anymore and that quirks come from fay magic from the fay who were smart enough to integrate themselves into human society when the magic war stated. It just took awhile for the magic to resurface. Could explain why Bakugo’s hatred for humans doesn't translate into this new life... because they aren't technically humans.   
Rules for Use:
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mandakatt · 7 years
My OC’s.
So! Here’s my grouping of OC’s that I am currently active with. [I have many others that I haven’t put here such as Voltron, Star Wars, and Dragon age cause all those Rp’s are on hold. =p I refuse to grow up, what can I say?]
So! For some of these characters I have artwork, some I don’t so the ones that don’t their description will be much longer.  [All art is © their original creators! I’ll link them/tag them in the descriptions.]
Mandakatt  [Ref sheet art by: @sbneko​ ]  - My OC that I use in the Furry Fandom. Yes. I’m one of those kinda dudes. Heh, but not in the way that’s usually associated with the stereotypes of the fandom. I’ve been in this fandom since about 2002 I think, but I’m starting to kinda fade away from it. So, she’s changing into what you see for my avatar here on tumblr. [Art by: DamnEvilDog - I miss you bubba.] - Out of all my OC’s she’s the closest to me in personality, and such. So just a fancy version of yours truly. XD
Kai - [Art © @sbneko ] Mandakatt’s sister. I created her as a joke cause everyone kept calling Mandakatt a Koi-Cat. So, here you go. Kai is older, and more mature than her sister, however, she is a derp, and will at times, when she’s nervous, grab her flowly showa tail and nibble on it, claiming she is her own sushi. She’s like the mom side of my personality. 
Amari Mao - Shrine Maiden [ More Art! ]  [ Art by: @tomochii-chan​ and @mageheart​ ] From the SLBP Universe. - She came about from a story that I had started to write involving the Date Clan. I don’t know if this story will ever see the light of day because I feel that I’m way too OOC with the lords. Her personality is Bubbly, Outgoing and she’s typically full of smiles and curiosity about the world. She’s a wandering Miko, so she’ll do rituals for those that ask. She carries a simple wakizashi vertically on the small of her back, her skills with it are above average for those that are used to sword fighting, she’s an expert with a long bow.  The scar over her left eye that stops at her cheek came about when someone tried to rob her on the road, and they got too close - she’s not completely blind her her left eye, she can see movements and shapes, but nothing in full clarity.
Major - My Overwatch Reader insert character. -  You were adopted as a young child into a Japanese family that lived in America, keeping your birth last name. You know some respectful phrases in Japanese but cannot speak it fluently. You reached the rank of Major [O-4] as a US Marine till you were ‘Honorably discharged due to injury during training.’  You are the bodyguard of Yumi. You are almost blind in your left eye. - Wanna know more? I am gonna be cheeky and go - Go read it. XD
Mao - Final Fantasy XV 
“There’s nothing special to me, I’m just trying to pull my weight in the world.”
Height: 5 foot 2/158cm 
Body type:  Tone, but she carries a bit of extra weight making her slightly curvy. 
Hair Color: Brown - and long. When worn in a high ponytail it rests at her shoulder blades, she has a distinct braid behind her right ear, crystal beads adorn it at the end, the braid itself is long enough to rest on her shoulder.  When she’s not out hunting, these beads get put onto a silver chain and worn around her neck. The beads were a gift from her mother.
Eye Color: Dark brown.  
Scars: Long scars that start on her right cheek, one on top of the other,  and travel down the side of her neck. When she takes off her coat the scars are noticeable on her shoulder. The scars go down over her shoulder and across her side and stops in the middle of her back. She was pounced by a Voretooth trying to save her mom. It didn’t go well.
Outfit: Black boots, dark grey cargo pants, a thick black leather belt, a grey sleeveless t-shirt, and a long dark red overcoat that rests at the back of her calves. She keeps two daggers sheathed at the small of her back, so her weapons are always in plain sight yet never seen. 
Weapons: Dual daggers  – Her mother's, they’re slim and simple looking, will be somewhat distraught if she ever loses them.  She is also quite proficient with short swords, carries two across her back - will only bring these as her ‘heavy hitters’.
Skills: She’s an excellent tracker - all those years hunting by herself - and can track both humans, and animals.  She’s quite quick, and knows hand to hand combat as well, never underestimate her, as she will use her size and speed to her advantage to put you into some form of a hold, or punch your lights out if you deserve it..  For example, she’s been seen sprinting around a Spiracorn to jump up on it’s back, rush up it’s neck and stab it in the eyes. She know’s it’s reckless, and will usually only do such things out of desperation,or showing off.
Personality: She comes across as friendly, and flirty to anyone and everyone, however, she can come across being very forward, or brash, and can also come across very stubborn and sarcastic. She’s a bit of a hot head at times, but will backpedal with someone if they call her out on her shit. 
Bio: She grew up on the outlands of Lucis, with her mother. Life wasn’t easy, but she learned to track, and hunt from her mom. She was in her teens when her mom died of an “illness” near Lachyrte Haven, close to Galdin Quay.  She grows melancholy every time she has to use this haven for this reason, and after leaving the area, she’ll perk back up. 
She can be heard muttering the words “For hearth and home.” when she’s finished with a battle, as if she’s reassuring herself she’s still alive, and what she’s alive for. If she’s hunting beasts, she can be seen resting her hand on the downed animals side, thanking it for it’s life.  
She’s gone on hunts for, and with The Marshal, and will admit she has got quite the crush on Cor, if you get friendly enough with her for her to admit it. She blames this crush on the fact that he’s so kept to himself. And he’s a mystery. 
She met the bros in passing once at Hammerhead, curious about their entourage, and hearing them pick up a hunt, decided to tag along, from a distance, and tracked the bros through the wilderness - not that it was all that hard to do, and helped them out of an MT ambush.  She offered to track the beasts they were hunting after that, and has gone along with them on their other adventures. She, at first, will admit, she didn’t know that Noctis was the Crown Prince, and that the others were his Crownsguard, which Noctis appreciates as she treats him like any other hunter, and not what his title entails. Though she will lay her life down for him and his group, much to his dismay. 
She has no shame what. so. ever.  And enjoys the flirting banter she has with the boys. The more she gets Prompto to blush, or Noct to roll his eyes, and become more quiet and awkward, the better. She’s out to get Ignis to lose his composure, and Gladio and her flirt like crazy, probably doing so just to get Noct and Prompto to cringe, however she’ll always put him in his place with a witty comment. 
She’s come to love the boys equally, and fears one day that they may ask her to choose one of them. She knows that she couldn’t do it, and as much as it would pain her, she’d rather slip away one night, and leave them, then cause a rift between the banter she has with them, as selfish as this may be. She would be ecstatic if she could make it into a huge poly relationship, but she knows the Astrals are cruel in their ways, and wouldn’t let her have such a thing, so she remains as that close, flirty friend.
She adores Iris, and Talcott and acts like their older sister, and don’t let her find out you were bad mouthing or bullying either of these pure souls. She will end you. When the 10 years of darkness happens, much to Gladio’s discontent, she teaches both Iris, and Talcott how to defend themselves and hunt. Staying by their sides through the whole ordeal, giving Gladio truly, one less thing to worry over, as he knows she’d let nothing happen to either Iris, or Talcott.
She has an affinity to domestic animals, where stray cats and dogs just seem to follow her, and it has not been unheard of to have her pocket meow in the middle of a conversation, and a small kitten pops it’s head out of her chest coat pocket.
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