#i usually use this account on the browser on my phone bc i have a different account on the app
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theflyestwhiteboyofthemall · 3 months ago
Hi, do you still have modded spotify rec for android? Mine stopped working and the new one I got gives me ads, doesn't show any song in my my playlists either.
if u were using xmanager then yh ik on the reddit n discord a lot of ppl are getting issues personally im not really getting many issues it's still usable for me but i suspect it myb has to do with the phone version bc my phone is pretty outdated. i saw someone say u can download the real spotify app n adguard dns on ur phone n it will block the ads but ofc u wont get any of the premium features n i hvnet tried it myself. spotube is a good alternative to spotify but i wld highly suggest making a second spotify acc copying over ur liked songs n other playlists to it n then logging in with tht one to spotube so u dont accidentally lose ur og account.
my tips for xmanager which i cant verify but it's just what seems to work for me. i frequently use spotify on the desktop application (modded as well) as well even if im listening on my phone i usually control from my laptop since im in front my laptop so if it's possible to log in on desktop or web (mine is not modded) i wld suggest doing tht from time to time n seeing if it helps. usually when it's giving trouble i play a song on web with browser vpn on n hving the xmanager open on my android at the same time n tht helps n then i close web n go back to android. downloading an older version of xmanager also works sometimes i was using 512 for a bit then i reupgraded. also i find sometimes if xmanager isnt working del it download real spotify app play a song for a bit then delete n reinstall xmanager sometimes tht does the trick. if u dont hv access to a laptop myb see if visitng spotiyf web player on ur phone using show desktop version will help.
unfortunately i hvent found any xmanager alternatives. um those apk sites some ppl have said u can find modded vers there but ive nvr tried any personally n they tend to be hit or miss so you'll hv to keep trying till u find one. n again when trying those apps i wld advise making a 2nd spotify acc n siging in with tht first n testing it.
lately ive been really trying to find alternatives but so far no luck. if u follow me u can keep a look out I'll def post if i find an alternative to xmanager if not u can always send another anon sometime to check back.
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sassymajesty · 2 years ago
hello nina, I'm a different anon and I bring more adblocking knowledge. you mentioned your phone; do you have an Android? if so, I have GREAT news for you: you can just go to your private DNS mode settings and type in "dns. adguard-dns. com" (remove the spaces) and it'll block most ads on your phone, including apps (not just browsers)! it doesn't work for everything - YouTube for example is notoriously difficult - but it works for most things in my experience. you can actually set this up on most devices, including tablets and computers, and even your router if you have access to the settings (username and password are usually either on it or just admin and admin). if you want more info on this, google Adguard private DNS and they themselves have deeper explanations and tutorials. Furthermore, for YouTube specifically, there are a few options, and i recommend looking it up on reddit if you want to read about all of them. however, I personally use and recommend revanced, which you can find instructions for on r/revancedapp; with it, you'll end up with YouTube but better, because you'll get more options for settings, as well as adblocking and even sponsor blocking (as in, it'll automatically skip sponsor sections in videos), while still being able to log in to your account and get your regular sub box and playlists and stuff. lastly, please use Firefox as your mobile browser, bc it's just better and also you can install ublock origin on it. have a nice, ad-free day!
i have an iphone and this message was eye opening regarding how much i cannot do in it. i really don't think i can even access the whole dns shebang (i'm not even sure what that means to be honest. can you tell i'm not tech savy at all?) and the revanced app isn't available here either. and dude, i'd kill for that sponsor blocking. i have it on my laptop, that and no ads are the sole reasons why i spend so much time on youtube
i did just download firefox for my phone though. i've been using safari mostly because it's fine for me, and the icon is pretty (dumbest reason, i know). now i'm off to do a LOT of googling because i don't even know how to install extensions there
update after a quick google search: firefox extensions are not available on ios i see how it is!!!
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jeidai · 2 years ago
Don't want to give Reddit what would be considered personal info (info not for me, it's for someone else, I do not have this condition [Nevermind that my phone carrier is also getting info on what I'm looking up no I don't pay for vpn bc I usually wait to look up things like this when I have access to a real computer with TOR browser but I thought this would be a harmless enough search.]).
Go to Firefox private mode and do a DDG search, find what I'm looking for.
Click link.
Get sent to subreddit in Reddit app where I am logged in.
Oh okay Firefox Focus didn't send me to the app. I get that Firefox is just a skin for Safari on Apple devices. But still. One would think... for a privacy-focused browser... in private mode...
Another annoying thing, lately when I switch tabs and it's a tumblr blog I'm switching to, I get sent to the app. Like no. I am viewing that thru the browser for a very specific reason!
(Sometimes the app does a certain thing better for my purposes which is why I have it at all.)
I am for some reason not blaming Tumblr for that issue. iPad/apple is terrible when it comes to "open this in another app?" control. (Android is so much better and less controlling, letting me actually choose what I want to do each time!) (Yes yes I know it doesn't matter what mode I'm in or any setting, even if I'm using something like Signal, if I type it into my device there's the potential those words are associated with my account.)
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clementiens · 5 years ago
Hey I’m struggling with a fresh lifetime autoimmune diagnosis that might see me disabled in the future.... and it’s nice to have a lead on my pain but it’s hard with this being definite. And you seem so positive I was wondering if you had any coping advice? Your blog and others like you is a huge inspiration being open with chronic illness.
i wish i had something a little more like..Quickly Helpful, but a concept i saw that did help me a lot especially earlier was radical acceptance, which was basically like. accept what you cant change, so you can actually get on with changing what you can. like i just cant change that i have chronic pain and my joints dislocate and all this other stuff, but i can change how my room is arranged so i can get around more comfortably, and i can change some of my goals OR How i plan on achieving those goals so its actually feasible within the limitations that i have. its going to be more productive and im going to be Happier if i try to work within that to figure out how to make a life i want to live, rather than put all my time and energy (mentally or with trying Every Every Everything anyone suggests, even if its not actually like. realistically going to do anything) into Getting Better. it made a lot of stress by setting up this feeling of constantly waiting for my life to start (so i wasnt really trying to do anything with the life i had at the time), while also feeling like a failure when things stayed how they were or progressed. accepting my body and my health for what it was so i could move on with my life made a big difference for me, even though it is kind of a work in progress, so also dont feel bad for feeling bad, its okay to be like “yeah this sucks.” (i sometimes felt like i was being a Bad Disabled Person or giving into misery stereotypes or some bullshit like that if i wasnt always feeling totally fine about being disabled, but youre entitled to feel how youre going to feel about the situation youre in.)
ive seen a lot of disabled people and specifically disabled activists talk about how harmful the Level of focus and attention on cures/Getting Better can be, when its at the expense of a lot more focus and attention (and funding) than things like services and programs for disabled people get, even though thats what would actually help us Right Now. (ofc this is like layered and not a one size fits all issue but like as far as the pressure to get better that can end up just turning into an unnecessary stress.) finding out more about the disability rights movement and reading more of what disabled people had to say about these things also helped, and i cant even really pin down why, it was just like. there are other people in this boat too, and theyre fighting, and if theyre fighting then this life can be and is worth fighting for and putting my foot down for. it was just really reassuring i guess.
when i was first diagnosed i was flipping a lot between feeling relieved to know what was going on, and being like “oh, so it is actually that bad. that sucks.“ i had to just let myself feel that, which im pretty sure ive also seen people bring up when talking about radical acceptance, like that its completely okay to feel shitty about it or angry or grieve. trying to force those feelings down doesnt really help anything, and at least in my experience it just ends up creeping out elsewhere usually VERY inconveniently, so give yourself some time and space to feel what youre feeling without pressure, so you can go back out and the feeling isnt still hanging on you quite so much. 
BUT ALSO having a diagnosis does mean you can do something about it, even if it just gives you more solid limitations so you can know more about, like, how to ration your energy and pain tolerance, so im glad you were able to get that nailed down! its the biggest pain in the ass!
finding groups for your specific diagnosis can be good too i think, both for the feeling like other people are in the same boat but they also can have some good information about a lot of things, like certain physical therapy that did or didnt work and why, is this an EDS thing or is this normal, etc. and i think therapy is good too if its an option. i was told to Go See A Therapist when i first brought up chronic pain, which was super frustrating, but i do still have trouble with things like “i cant financially support myself right now” spiraling into “AND SO im a drain and im worthless and i suck, like, just in general,” which is where having a therapist comes in. the first thought is just objectively true but the second thought is taking it to an irrational level and it can be really easy to slip into that kind of spiral without some help, but that could also just be things like worksheets online if therapy isnt an option or whatever. (i love when my therapist sends me those.)
i hope at least some of this can be helpful and sorry if it turned into kind of an essay, but im glad you at least got some answers! this feels kind of jumbled up but im not really sure how to unjumble it so i can clarify something if its not clear
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miyaniacs · 5 years ago
Tumblr media
this will be so much fun!!!
(repost bc it took too much time to write this to not show up in the tags numbers of failed attempts: 2 )
warnings: I guess slight nsfw and me being tipsy while writing this , all characters are 18+
characters: Kurro, Akaashi, Kenma, Oikawa, Bokuto, Ushijima, Iwaizumi, Osamu, Atsumu, Sakusa
HC The boys find out their crush is a cam girl / has an onlyfans account
it was late at night and he couldn’t sleep so ... there is one thing he hasn't tried yet...
now he’s on some popular cam girl website and scrolling through the different cams
then he stops
this one girl seems familiar
he clicks on it and
JACKPOT ?! its YOU ??? HIS CRUSH ???!
but OMG. he had the best night of his life sweety
but still.. he will now definitely ask you out on a date tomorrow.
after seeing your beautiful body and the way you moan and move
other than that he probably thinks it’s hot af that you are a cam girl
I mean Kuroo aka pornstar
he loves the fact that you the sweetheart for anyone else but could be the pornstar just for him
smug af the next day he sees you from afar
shy af the second you come over
he did tho but HE DID NOT OKAY?
so anyway - his browser magically opened his one website
and he just hear someone talk
he recognised the voice but - NO... this can’t be you right?
yeah jokes on him
he chocked on his on salvia when you walk in the view of the camera wearing nothing but some sexy black lingerie
but now he knows you aren't
you definitely aren't
but he now wants you to be his babygirl
and he wants to look away.. but he can’t
soooooo ..... yeah. he had some fun that night
wasn’t sure how to look into your eyes the next time he saw you tho
he did not find you
Kuroo did
and yes he immediately sent him the link with a voice memo of him basically just screaming
the said link lent to an onlyfans account
despite the fake user name, he instantly recognises the birth mark on your arm
yes the many times he watched you when you all were out with friends made him recognise this stuff
so did he pay to see the rest of the pictures and videos?
was he embarrassed?
oh hell yes.
was he still enjoying it?
is he now able to look into your eyes?
Kuroo has to do all the magic to make him speak to you now - because you are, despite the account you got, still a shy bean who can’t talk to her crush
screams in the middle of the goddamn night
you - you just brought him chocolate a few hours ago?
and now your stripping in front of him? I mean you don't know that he's watching since you just do it in front of the cam
his little oik-oik is growing
he thought you were innocent?
will sent the link to IWA-CHAN
after your lingerie is off and you took out a toy he sent another message
he will be all cocky tho when he sees you the next time
you walk up to him, saying a cute and shy “hello” and he’s just
“you haven’t been this shy last night”
you panic and run away which results in him panicking running after you screaming apologises
He is hyped
Poor Akaashi will probably know about all of this too
he has so much fun watching you online - imagining that you are here with him at this moment doing all of this just for him
which you secretly do since you’re also imagine him watching this
will open this website more often the following days then he would admit
i’m not sinning that much to actually write down the stuff that’s going on in his head
the next time he sees you
he does question if it was really you who he saw online
you are nothing like the girl he saw there
SOOOOOOO he straight up ask you
“hey y/n !!! are you (your username)” he smiles and tilts his head
you just black out
again poor baby
Tendou and Semi told him to visit this site - hot farmers advice
this baby thought he’d actually learn something he could tell you - his crush - since you recently TOLD HIM that you try to grow some tomatoes
but when the site finished loading
with nothing less than lingerie, an oversized plaid shirt AND a straw hat
you’re on all fours and the way you move and moan and talk to the camera
he wasn't really taking note of where his hand is wandering rn
soon after, you are now without a bra, he finds himself rock hard
the next day you tell him about your tomatoes WHICH ARE GROWING (!!!) he gets red af and just leaves
you look confused at a laughing Semi and Tendou rolling on the floor
he usually doesn’t do this stuff... but... it was some time until he got some
and he just wants you - so he doesn't want to hook up with some random girl
you’re pure and innocent and he accepts this and will wait for you too feel comfy enough so he can ask you out on a date
anyways he’s at this random website
and switches trough the channels to find someone he likes
and he chocks.
he actually was about to text Oikawa but then stopped because Oikawa
he starred at the screen not even blinking
his hand is moving so fast
and all the things you say and the way you tease your viewers
he really wants to fuck some manners in you okay?!
awkward af the next day he sees you tho
yes talking about blushing IWA-CHAN
his Laptop was broken
so he used Atsumu’s
WHO left this tab open
he let out a small scream, his normally stoic face falling
now he sees that it’s an only fans
but hey.. Atsumu’s not home... and he told him it’s okay to use his laptop..
a few minutes later he’s already worked up watching your beautiful body, his eyes following every movement of yours
he can’t really comprehend that you are the same girl that always comes to his shop, always stuttering and nervous while talking to him?
and those pictures of you in this maid uniform.
his imagination went wild
“OY i see you’re enjoying my present?” - Atsumu came back home
I mean it’s canon that he watches porn and is paying for some cam girls right?
so he’s looking for some now that look more like you - his crush.
someone cute and innocent
Gosh he loves it how easily you get flustered when he flirts with you
this one looks promising he thinks
and hell was it promising
it was you
surprise surprise
he was blushing for a whole minute baby
how tf have you hid that all the time?
SO many dirty thoughts
will def call Osamu to his room
after he finished this lil problem down there obviously
Osamu is grossed out - he thought you are cool  and now he can’t look at you the same way
Atsumu tho - wont get that much sleep that night, your body and all the thing’s he’d do to you circling in his head keeping him up
is Atsumu enjoying this way too much the next day he sees you? Obviously YES
he will walk up to you, flirting, and when he’s about to leave he adds
“How about you skip todays stream and put on a show just for me?”
Ratsumu sent him a link
our poor boy thought it was about volleyball and not something so dirty
with the cleaning product you suggested to him
and now he sees you on his phone also cleaning
but with - with NOTHING ON ?!
he dopes the products and sits down on his bed - he knew you are beautiful but damn.. this hits different.
you with some MR. PROPER and WINDEX
PUHHH his fantasy is running wild WILD now that he sees you.. move .. and cleaning some of your toys and well
.... he needs to change the sheets and cleans again afterwards
ok so the next day... Atsumu already told you that he knows about your dirty little secret and that he sent it Sakusa to “help you two ”
Sakusa came and looked at you disgusted “You're dirty even tho you’re cleaning? that wasn't the way you’re supposed to uses those items.” he adds
“Then make me pure again?” you return ( @tendouthighs​​ about Sakusa) “- and show me how to properly use them”
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darkfinch · 3 years ago
Hi u asked for writing app recs and I am Here with one!!! Nuclino!!!! It's actually for like, businesses or sth idk but!! It is very good for having mobile projects (and also good for storing stuff, since you can have a bunch of different notes/categories under one project header)! It's free and it's an Account thing, so you can have the app on ur phone and the browser version online. It doesn't freak out with word counts that I've encountered, but the longest thing I've tried is like 3k 1/2
And I don't really write long stuff so I'm afraid I can't tell you past 3k. The only real downside I've had so far is that that doesn't have an internal word counter, which doesn't bother me particularly, but is a touch inconvenient when I'm doing word sprints etc. I usually use my notes app but Nuclino is also lovely bc it lets me continue on a computer! (It also lets me share stuff with friends bc you can invite people to a team and they can see stuff you're working on!) Hope this helps! 2/2
!!!!!!! WAIT THIS LOOKS SO NEAT oooooh..... the internal wordcount thing does make me a little sad, but that's what copy-pasting into somewhere else is for i guess,vthis looks very clean and easy to use and i LOVE stuff that lets u move easily from computer to phone etc........im gonna check this out and cross my fingers that it doesn't cry about longer word counts hmmmm
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seungmin-wrecked · 5 years ago
Literally no one cares but here's my worst travel story:
So I go to a school 2-3 states away. Which according to Google, the college is a 9 hour drive, however, bc my family can't just drive 18 hours in one day to come get me and drive home, I normally take a train that goes across states. This train ride is about 6/6 and a half hours long. Not to mention :) the time you can buy tickets for this train at midnight and 3 am depending on which station you're leaving from (so if I'm heading back home, the train leaves at midnight. If I'm heading back to campus, the train leaves at 3 am). Keep this in mind :)
So the drive to the train station is a long one. It's about 4/4.5 hours long of a drive since the train station is in another state than the one I live in. So my dad decided to book a hotel like 15 min away from the train station, but not in the same city as the train station since prices were cheaper that way. We left the day before my train was supposed to leave so March 7th. We left our house at like 1 pm, and I had slept till 11 am since I had stayed up a bit late the night before. I slept in the car on the way to the hotel and was feeling pretty good!
We decided to waste some time looking around the town we were in, ate dinner at 3 pm, and actually had to go hunting to go find a place to print my train ticket since I had forgotten to (we eventually found a Staples 3 towns over and an abandoned mall that had bad vibes from the outside). Time passes and we head back to the hotel about 7 pm, but there's still a bunch of time before my train left. My boarding time that day was 4 am since daylight savings time was ending so we were supposed to jump forward, so it was really like my train was still arriving at 3 am. Amtrak suggests getting to the train station at least an hour before your train is supposed to arrive, so my dad and I agreed to leave the hotel at like 1:15 am. My dad fell asleep, but I was still pretty awake since I had gotten so much sleep already so I decided to read Manga on my phone until it was time for us to leave. We left the hotel on time, arrived at the train station early and thank goodness it was pretty empty. I managed to sit by myself and the train ride was relatively nice! Like it usually is.
Now here came the issue. The city I was arriving in, I knew about three people who lived there. One person I couldn't ask a ride from, another one I could have but there were already issues there, and so I asked the third person I knew there first. She was able to come get me!
.... Once she got off work!
...... At 1 pm.
Now I'm still very thankful she agreed to come get me, and I always will be. I have no idea how else I was supposed to make it to campus without her help, even though I would only be on campus for two weeks before getting kicked off.
However, my train arrived at 9 am. I had barely any money in my bank account and I had too much anxiety after sitting at the train station to get up and go get something from the vending machines, not to mention, I had no small bills on me. It was nearing 24 hours without substantial food, what I had eaten were some gummies my friend had gotten me for my birthday on the train, and that's it. It also came to my realization that while I was sitting there in the train station my p****d had started. There was no one in the station until about 11, since there was another train coming.
This lady approached me when there were like 5 other people at the train station (4 of them were Amish) and she asked me if she could borrow my phone to contact someone because she had left her phone in the Lyft she took to get to the train station. I figured why not and opened the app on my phone to dial phone numbers. This lady messes with my phone a bit and then hands it back to me with a new tab open with Lyft's customer service page open. I figured she was going to call her phone! Nope!!!! Now remember that I was reading Manga in the hotel room? Well I still had the tab up, and I can assure you that it was the one she opened the chrome browser up to. You'll never guess what fucking Manga I happened to be reading :)))) it was fucking Sekaii Wa (I can't remember the rest rn) but it's that one explicit bl Manga, and I remember being at a part where one of the character's may or may not have been naked :)) so I was fully screaming internally at this point. This lady had seen bl p*** on my phone and had given NO REACTIONS. She had to come ask to use my phone a couple of times bc she was trying to figure out what to do and at one point she just. Walked away with my phone.
After that had happened, a girl who looked very nervous came over and sat next to me, and asked me about how the train works since it was her first time. I also had to pee very badly at this moment too; I had needed to pee since I got off the train but was too nervous to get up and just go to the bathroom, not to mention I didn't have anyone to watch my stuff. I answered her questions and then asked her to watch my stuff. At this point I could create a temporary solution to the monthly problem happening and continue on feeling better about that situation since all of my pads/tampons were in my suitcase.
At this point it was 1 pm. For those keeping track, that is the time that my friend said she was going to be in work till, and a total of 22 hours since I had last eaten anything substantial. I was on my monthly, starving, sleep deprived, because also at this point I had gotten barely two hours of sleep on the train, which means about two hours of sleep in total for 22 hours also, and now irritated. I eventually get a text from my friend letting me know that she just got off work and was going to head home to shower and then come get me. I was just happy to know she was close to getting me.
3 pm rolls around. She arrives. I am tired, starved, irritated, in pain, and now surprised since my friend was NOT the only one to come get me. Oh no. Her mother had driven her and her sister to come get me. Which her family is lovely, they're so nice and really helped me out right before Christmas break when I needed to stay somewhere in the city before going to the train station at midnight. They pick me up, all is good. I'm still super hungry.
I am mildly lactose intolerant and when I am on my monthly, coffee messes me up (this is important for this next part).
Her mom turns towards me and goes "we're headed to Starbucks, would you like something?" my immediate response? Yes. Absolutely. My brain that is reminding me of the already horrid situation I am in, and telling me not to get coffee won though and told her no. I thought we were going to leave immediately after we came back to my friend's house. But oh no. She had laundry to finish, a resume to finish, and her mom wanted to take her to the grocery store to pick up stuff for her room. I went with for everything and ended up buying the oddest assortment of things (including almond milk, mandarin oranges, and canned soup).
My friend finished everything at about 6:30 pm and we were good to leave. I am so hungry at this point. Her mother had given me a slice of banana bread she had just baked and I had to refuse anymore bc I knew I would have eaten the whole thing given the chance. That was the most food I had eaten since 3 pm the day before. For those, once again keeping track, that is 27 hours. Again, I am in pain, irritated, hungry, and tired. We get into the car and as soon as we pull out of my friend's driveway I turned towards her and said "Can we please stop at the closest McDonald's. I am so hungry" she laughed and said sure. We passed at least 5 McDonald's. She then hits me with the "there's a Burger King like 45 min away, close to the school, can we go there?" and I just nodded my head bc I was just happy to be given the chance to eat.
We get to the Burger King and I am not kidding you. I ordered a Bacon Whopper with a side of large fries and large drink bc I was so hungry. I ate all of it before pulling into the driveway of my school. That burger is the size of my head and has enough fucking mayo on it for it to be it's own producer plant of mayo. It was heavenly.
I got all my stuff to my room (which was on the third floor of a building that only certain people could use the elevator) and passed out on my bed for an hour, woke up to tell my friend I was on campus. Did Not Touch My Luggage. And then passed tf back out till the next morning :)
TL;DR: I had the longest and worst travel of my life that lasted from 1 pm on a Friday till 7 pm on a Saturday, where I barely slept, ate, used the bathroom, and got heavily embarrassed.
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segadores-y-soldados · 7 years ago
Hi there! I have a quick question for you as a writer: When you're traveling for work or just generally not in reach of wifi, do you usually write in a notebook or do you prefer to type (in a phone, laptop, tablet, etc)? I'm asking mostly bc I'm trying to figure out a better system for my own writing (which is scattered across way too many notepads & docs jfc) but then I figured I could ask someone who does a LOT of writing. So, any thoughts?
(Answering this one bc it’s short)
Google Docs.
I live and die by it.
I understand the risks of trusting a megacompany like Google with your personal writing but the honest convenience of it is too good to pass up. And until someone makes another alternate system that is just as simplified, streamlined, and convenient, I will use Google.
You can “log in” anywhere via a Google Account (if you use public PCs, remember to log out!). It’s ridiculously easy to share docs if you have a beta reader or want to collab with friends, and you can control levels of “editing” access.
It has a streamlined app if you have an Android phone (not sure about iPhones, sorry).
Most importantly, it has an offline mode: if you frequently have no internet access or no data, you will never lose writing or access to it. If you “start” a writing session in offline mode, GDocs (both browser and app) will wait to sync when you do get a better connection. If you lose connectivity in the middle of a session, GDocs will still temp save whatever you are working on and then save it online when you regain connection.
I sound like a shill but honestly, I would have stopped writing like, a year ago without GDocs. I frequently work in remote locations and write on my phone a lot. There are times when I don’t have access to my laptop at all, but with the phone app, I can still write as much as my little heart can handle. Heck, I wrote the vast majority (like 80%) of one of my first fics on my phone. This does mean you have to get used to writing on a phone keyboard (for some people, this may not be feasible).
This system works for me, but I know that it may not work for everyone. Some people require a more “visual-based” or “constructive” system (like Scrivener). Some people prefer handwriting their notes or outlines.
However, I will say: I have never lost a single “piece” of writing since November 2016. I have never “misplaced” a piece of writing since then either. I have written in tents, in cars, on beaches, in forests, in mountains, on flights, during layovers. Every “waking idea,” every “falling asleep” burst of inspiration, every “can’t sleep at 2 am” moment I have been able to write down (or at least leave myself notes about).
…Just be sure to bring a good portable battery on long trips lol.
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laisai · 5 years ago
I switched to firefox bc on the desktop i was fed up with how resource intensive it was, and on mobile i was sick of it not blocking ads
its amazing and im never going back
remember when internet explorer was the only browser? and how shitty it got? but lots of things didnt work on other, more niche browsers?? that's what'll happen to us again if chrome gains too much market share. it's already happening.
chrome used to be the "lightweight, fast" competitor to internet explorer. it sure isnt the same now, and it's only going to get worse. companies will design websites for just one browser. if another browser has something more useful, especially if you need to disable some stuff for accessibility purposes, you might be fucked
and the firefox migration tool is great, but I'll do u one better: use a password manager. there's a few free ones and some paid ones, but i use bitwarden
it has all of my passwords in one place, and i can store it locally (on my computer) or on my own server so it's got a low chance ofp being hacked. it does all the autofill functions for you, including on apps on your phone and anywhere you install the extension. it makes moving to one thing or another super easy
and they generate bizzare af strings of letters and numbers for passwords, so people can't brute force hack your account by running through common words/passwords. they'd basically be fucked trying to get in, and hackers are lazy. they'll go for the easier target.
i know because i have been hacked by strangers multiple times lmao 😂😂 so i got more intense about security. poland, Brazil, china, etc. 😂
oh and firefox also has a service that runs your email through its system and checks to see if it's appeared on any lists of known hacks. so you'll know if an account is compromised. bc hackers usually sell the info they get from big websites, then some edgy teenager in romania buys a list of 1000 peoples' login info and runs them til they hit someone who didnt change their info. then they snoop around and see if you have anything they can use: money, game credit, bank info, social security/social insurance numbers, etc.
THAT'S how most people get hacked or get their identities stolen. and firefox can let you know if you're at risk for free.
they're run by a nonprofit. like wikipedia and ao3. you are not their product, so they will not sell you out to the highest bidder. that's not the same for google
Google's motto used to be "don't do evil" but. well. they were always a for profit company. the goal was always to get rich. firefox is not that, and will not become that, especially if you use it, donate to it, and help out if your skills are needed.
also firefox was the one who kicked off the browser wars 2.0 after internet explorer gained control of the market -- bc firefox was created with some legacy code from Netscape, the browser microsoft killed. you're supporting a zombie revenge browser. chrome jumped on the bandwagon once the war got hot but firefox was the one who really lit the flames.
go firefox. also the fox is cute 😊
(also the mozilla foundation which makes firefox has dedicated guides to learning to code for the web. they really want to help you. i swear.)
seems that Chrome has around 60-65% market share, so it’s not totally dominating the market yet but it’s worrying that we’re basically reliant on Apple and Microsoft to hold the line.
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amadeyus · 7 years ago
a lil update from ur local animator
(what semi hiatus? more like active? hdskl;dgz ok but i will use my browser blocking extension to make me more productive bc now my client is like WHERE DE LOGO AT 👀and i’ve been so unproductive :))) ;_;)
i’m starting my super slow blog revamp/big to do list - this is mostly for my own reference but you can also read this if you feel like killing more time
theme will change to another one that has an updates bar (bc i have no lyfe and like to update peeps on the internet re: what projects i’m working on shhhh it gives me a false sense of importance lemme have this) - TBD
tags (for non-creation stuffs) will get a revamp too; in the past i’ve always used normal tags (but bc i LOVE dedicating brainpower to things that are not important) im gonna use silly tags for basically 80% of what i’ll post/reblog (i.e. connie’s tag is corny springs) - WIP
tags for creations may not go through as drastic of a change but there’ll probs be some re-organization and a few new tags - TBD
i have no idea how frequently i’ll post original content (i looked back and found that i did 8-14 posts per month but it varies). if all goes to plan and i stop wasting time scrolling on tumblo then i suppose the number of OG content can increase yayy (i actually have a lot of ideas for animation stuffs im just real indecisive and have procrastination tendencies sakldjgks;jg) - also i’m slowly moving away from static stuff bc i love animation
requests: i have one request to do the old SC uniform meta by anon and to do a tutorial for transparent edits (which i keep putting off sahkl;dgkg) by iva - i have no idea when i can get to these either but hopefully before season 3 of snk airs (i want to believeeee™) - TBD; but if there’s other stuffs you want to request (i have the most free time now, before i go to uni, so feel free to request stuff if you want)
design resources: i have some ideas of icons/phone backgrounds/textures i wanna make but my goblin brain being indecisive and unproductive as usual, it’ll probs take a while - TBD
fave ships/chars list: i starting making a list of my faves (bc cello was curious and also it’s good to have it as a reference i feel) - so if there’s any characters or ships you don’t like, you can blacklist accordingly - WIP
most of my creations are snk but i hope that’ll change so i can also make content for other fandoms i like and am invested in (i.e. atla/lok, fmab, bnha, psycho-pass, and a few others i can’t remember)
i’m co-organizing/modding a few fandom events with some great peeps - there’ll be periodic updates from those blogs and i’ll spread the word in the next few months
i’ll also be changing my about page - i’ll have a short version (which will be like “what this blog contains/read before you follow” kinda thing and a long version for a proper bio) - TBD
i’m considering making a separate tumblo account for my portfolio for non fandom work (to help me get in the habit of posting my work online) but i have no idea if that’s a good idea (like what if i mix up accounts/forget the password) and whether i should stick to behance (think emoji)
now my posts for original content will probs include a short rationale/my thots when i made the thing and since that’ll make the post longer, i’ll put it under a read more as to not spam u with words
THATS IT! if u read this unnecessarily long list of bullet points thank u for ur time i hope you have a rad day
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Kaisoo; Copycat pt. 1
part two
~ Δ ~ Kyungsoo’s comment section on his latest post on instagram explodes with fans saying that a fan-war broke between the Soos (Kyungsoo’s fans) and Ninis (Jongin’s fans) on instagram and twitter. Kyungsoo is known for his sweet, melodic voice and Jongin is a promising dancer who takes cute selcas every single day. The Soos accuse Jongin of imitating Kyungsoo, as he always uploads dance covers of the songs that Kyungsoo covers a day after Kyungsoo releases them. Feeling sorry, Kyungsoo leaves a private message on Jongin’s twitter. 
~ Δ ~ Shy!Kyungsoo, Straightforward!Jongin
~ Δ ~ The title is pending bc I had Paradise by Millic ft FanxyChild on repeat while I was writing this. If anyone has any suggestions to what I could rename it as, pls do tell :) 
~ Δ ~ Warnings: Rated T for sexual references and language 
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~ Chapter One ~
          Zzzt. Zzzt. Zzzt. Zzzt.
          A groggy Kyungsoo reaches an arm out to his bedside counter to answer his phone. Who would be disturbing him at this godly hour? Blinded by the bright light, he squints his eyes at the mobile device in his hand to peer at the screen. Sitting up, he blinks repeatedly and grabs for his glasses resting on his nightstand. He looked at the digital clock across the room: 1:15 am. Turning on the lamp at his bedside he returns his vision to the screen to see his phone blown up with notifications from instagram.
         Fully awake and very curious, Kyungsoo quickly unlocks his phone and opens the app, 26,237 comments, 62 new followers, and 12 tagged pictures. Kyungsoo turned his head quizzically, this is way more than what he usually gets.
        Oh that’s strange, he thinks now looking at the blaring 208 DM’s that were awaiting for him. Needing to investigate this phenomenon, he clicks on the red circle to see the following:
Kyungie! You have to confront him! His fans are so awful and he’s copying you! 
Don’t listen to the haters Kyung-oppa! He started copying you and that’s totally unfair! Soo’s want justice!!
You have to see this! He’s been copying you since your Love Yourself cover! That was like two months ago!! You have to tell him off!!
What? Kyungsoo blinks. Someone has been copying him? What does that mean exactly? Going back to his profile page he clicks on his recent post, seeing that all of the notifications were coming from there. Clicking on the comments section, he is surprised to see more comments about someone copying him, people named the Ninis(?), and someone named Jongin.
Can’t you Soos not bring Jongin into this? It’s just a coincidence that they’ve been covering the same songs! And if it wasn’t a coincidence, it’s their choice to do those things! The internet is for everyone!
@givetaegucci Although the internet may be a place for self expression- it is strange how Jongin has been covering the exact same songs Kyungie covers only hours after they are uploaded.
Jongin needs to clear his fandom and fix their shit bc the Ninis are obvi snakes, how can some of they even claim to be fans of our Kyungie and still defend Jongin when it’s clear as day that he’s copying him! Thank goodness the fanwar on here isn’t as bad as the one on twitter!
Don’t blame the Ninis for this mess, your precious Kyungie-oppa could actually be copying our Jongin!
Yall need to chill and respect talent, like @givetaegucci and @crushmedean said, the internet is a place for self expression so if you can’t handle the fact that not everything is original take your salty ass outta here. Both Kyungsoo and Jongin are talented boys so we as fans should step back from this fanwar and respect their work.
@igloo.clubeskimo Okay but is it really his work tho if he posted it after??
@treasureisland_ft.han you completely missed the point -__-
Looking up from the screen Kyungsoo wonders, Jongin? Is he also another cover artist? Kyungsoo taps his chin, all grogginess replaced with genuine curiosity. Quickly closing his Instagram app, he opens the naver browser and types: Jongin, Ninis.
Scrolling down, Kyungsoo learns several things.
Jongin is a youtuber that does dance covers
Ninis are the name of his fanbase
Jongin is cute, no scratch that, he is terrifyingly handsome
Deciding to investigate further, Kyungsoo finds his youtube channel and clicks on the most recent video, you know, for scientific purposes. The video was a dance cover of the song Down by Marian Hill, which based on previous research- had been uploaded after Kyungsoo had uploaded his own cover for the same song.
As the song ended with only sounds of Jongin’s sharp breaths, the screen turned black and Kyungsoo’s facial expression staring back surprised himself. His cheeks were flushed and he felt his heart beating rapidly with.. What feeling is this? Affection?
After several videos of sensual body rolls and hip sways, Kyungsoo sets down his phone into his lap, suddenly feeling a little too hot.
Damn him, Kyungsoo thought. He sure is.. Something. Too shy to admit his underlying attraction to the dancer. I should really speak with this guy, if his fans and mine do get into an argument I don’t want any bad blood between us. And didn’t one of the comments read that the twitter fan-war is worse? Thank goodness I don’t have my notifications on for that app. If there’s comments about this on twitter.. then maybe he has an account I can contact. I don’t know the guy so he should be able to explain himself if he is scheming something…
Reading the clock seated across the room: 2:36 am, Kyungsoo decided to leave this mess for the morning, when he had a fresh mind that wasn’t clogged with the graceful movements of a certain dancer. He hadn’t even realised that he spent almost an hour and a half binge watching the said dancer’s videos. Removing thick rimmed frames from his face, Kyungsoo rubbed his tired eyes and turned off his bedside lamp. Shifting down his bed and back into the covers, he struggled to find a comfortable position.
It wouldn’t have been such a problem- had it not been for the uncomfortable growing tightness below his abdomen. Sighing quietly for no one to hear, Kyungsoo shifted again faceup on his bed and stared at the ceiling, the feeling growing more and more uncomfortable with the passing second. With an embarrassed blush spreading across his round cheeks, Kyungsoo groans and throws an arm across his eyes.
Minutes later, Kyungsoo’s restless eyes snap open to peer distastefully at the ceiling once more. Sighing, he struggles out of bed and grumbles on his way to the bathroom, wadling uncomfortably due to a certain development in his boxers.
Within seconds of the bathroom door closing with a click, the shower head is turned on (much like a certain someone we all know). Kyungsoo quickly strips and jumps in, thoughts of the talented dancer running through his mind. Kyungsoo’s flush darkens. Ashamed of such inappropriate thoughts, Kyungsoo stands still under the showerhead and lets the cold water scorch his heated skin.
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part 2
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ajshfsfs · 7 years ago
heyy im kinda confused what you mean by glitching between urls. what is tumblr doing ?
as in my main account is glitched between what my url actually is (amyjakes) and what it was before i changed it (amyjake)
tumblr thinks i’m simultaneously at both of them, so i can’t change anything about my account or make posts bc it won’t give me access to things associated with amyjakes (messages/making posts/etc) while it thinks i’m also at another url
to make things even more confusing, the only way i can make posts is if i use the mobile browser on my phone. both the mobile app and desktop tumblr remain glitched
i have absolutely no idea what caused it to get glitched bc i’ve never had a problem with changing urls in the 7+ years i’ve been on tumblr, but the whole site has had way more bugs than usual in the last 6ish months 
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thurisazsalail · 3 years ago
- blog about whatever you want, it's YOUR blog. You want 15 side blogs with different aesthetics? GO FOR IT!
If anyone tries to be whiny like "whaddabout the CHILDREN?" ma'am either supervise your kid, your kid can curate their own experience by hitting the block button, or accept that they don't want to. I'm not making myself "safe" (usually some super conservative xtian idea of safe) on the internet for you and your kid. If necessary, a caption at the top with 18+ Only is enough. ::shrugs:: no emotions about it or you'll burn out fast. Just block and delete the message.
- people use Notes as group chat sometimes. @ their usernames. Responses are limited, like twitter. Also, sometimes the tags are Gold for commentary.
- your posts will live FOREVER. i made a charity post for someone on twitter... a year ago. It had been edited at first to say the need was filled. Then I deleted it. NOPE a year later, the original is going around. If you make any kind of news or charity post, MAKE SURE THE DATE INCLIDING YEAR IS ON IT. Most of us don't realise that deleting the post or the BLOG doesn't matter. It's there forever if someone reblogs.
- unless you are SUPER POPULAR, a lot of chats are just Spam. Also, if you ARE popular, Tumblr throttles messages and randomly drops them. You just never see them. I also suspect they do a really bad job of deleting by spam keyword... but they're often legit messages, and spammers get through. Like phone spammers. Endless robo calls but a doctor can't call bc their number is auto-blocked. An email specifically for messages, like if you offered free tarot pulls, is prob better but harder.
- old security rules still exist. Break up your email like { my name / email @ mail dot com } to prevent spammers from flooding it. Paypal + other links sometimes, too? Not having clickable links is harder but tumblr seems to limit those. I have to read the new rules, tbh.
- if posting for help, use the tags and make your help links big and clear
P@ypal: myname
$A: $myname
- screenshots matter. If you are reposting an article, sharing the link is great! Also share important or fun sections by screenshotting, esp if there's a paywall or overlay. Most people don't know how to use an overlay blocker on their browser. An article may also be edited or removed later.
For ex: VICE had a REALLY LIKE SUPER HORRIFIC article they published as News, about secret rich people who get IVs of blood from blood banks meant for accident victims, so they could live forever. This is code for "rich jews are drinking blood for magic," a modern twist on medieval antisemitism. Jewish people are ~1.2% of Americans but make up 40% of reported hate crime targets. 🙄 and VICE published that. Of course, it was taken down. The only proof of it is screenshotted.
- omg I'm old. I have to tell people that how the internet works now is NOT secure at all and life before FB meant that you do NOT put all your diagnoses, age, location, etc anywhere on your freaking profile. It's fine if you decide to talk about, say, being autistic and finding like people to Follow and talk to on here. Please for the love of god, attempt some veneer of anonymity online. Cops can subpeona your accounts whenever, but you really don't want some 4channers doxxing you because they didn't idk like you being gay, or turning down their shit online. Make it harder.
- TERFs are everywhere and use very subtle language at first. These used to be called radfems, gender criticalists, and other names. These are people who increasingly want fascist things like sterilization for anyone with a penis, classify all people who have a penis as dangerous (and vagina = women, who can do no wrong. If a woman SHOULD do something wrong, she was brainwashed by men!) Shit like that. Like the VICE article, plays on existing trauma.
Use an extension called Shinigami Eyes on pc. It doesn't work on mobile.
If someone reblogs a red shinigami eyes blog, it's likely a TERF blog. I've seen a few false positives from debunkers but not usually. Even if the individual post is reasonable, it's called no-platforming. Any interaction is attention, and they really want attention. Like any group, they get to people by Just Asking Questions, "debating," and making a big scene where they're the victims for being told that... they can't just spread fear and hatred? Idk. But you'll see them a LOT here. And I'm sorry.
Also, tumblr is like twitter, actual fucking neonazis + hate groups are rampant here. You'll have to develop a thick skin, heavy Block button use, and if you really really want to shut down shit, screencap the argument or post with the blog name removed so people can't follow them.
- otherwise, tumblr is really cool. I think I've been here since... 2015? Earlier? I've learned all kinds of things for free and had a lot of lols. I can post photos easily w/ text and it isn't SO hashtag dependent like Instagram. I think you'll really like it, once you get used to it! And I've met a few penpals (with physical mail) here who i swear if life were different, I'd move 1000 miles and set up a commune space with. You might, too. It takes time.
- like with ANY social media... chill out. Log off for a week sometimes. It's good to reset your head with the "real world." Then come back. We'll be here. <3 ... whether you want us to be or not. 😆
I am new here !! Maybe someone could help me out with how it works here.
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fesahaawit · 8 years ago
10 Ways to Declutter Your Digital Life in 10 Minutes
As you know, I’m not usually in the business of writing a lot of how-to type posts. My preference is to share personal stories and lessons I’ve learned – and that is especially true when we’re talking about decluttering. The same way personal finance is personal, what we choose to keep in our homes is extremely personal. I can’t tell you what to get rid of. I don’t know what adds value or what sparks joy for you. I can, however, share some practical tips on how to declutter another aspect of your life: the digital side of things.
In some ways, I think it’s easier to let digital clutter pile up than physical clutter. For starters, it doesn’t cost us (much) money, so we don’t feel bad about it. And since it doesn’t take up any space in our homes, we don’t have to see it when we walk in and out of rooms. In fact, we can choose to ignore it by simply closing our laptops or putting our phones down. However, if you’re someone who spends a lot of time looking at computer or cell phone screens, it will only be a matter of time before the “mess” will stress you out.
While I normally maintain a very clean/streamlined digital life, things got a bit out of control after the dogs died, simply because I stopped bothering. As part of this 30-day shopping ban, I spent some time decluttering and organizing everything, and I realized I have a bit of a system now. I’ve compiled a list of the 10 ways I declutter my digital life on-the-go. Each one usually takes no more than 10 minutes and I typically do this every quarter (if not more often). If it takes you a little longer, that’s ok! At least do the first 10 minutes and get the ball rolling. :)
1. Archive the emails in your inbox.
Open your inbox and get rid of as many emails as you can. Delete the ones you don’t need, archive the ones you want to keep in separate folders and unsubscribe from any lists you don’t want to be on. Don’t worry about the emails you still need to reply to. The goal isn’t to get to inbox zero; it’s to declutter and organize. Consider everything leftover as a to-do list item that you will tackle the next time you open your inbox. And if 10 minutes isn’t enough time for this, still do what you can in that time. It’s better than not doing anything at all!
2. Unfollow retailers on social media.
I used to love following my favourite retailers on social media. It meant I always knew which new products were available and gave me access to all their promotions. Not surprisingly, that also meant I bought a lot of stuff I didn’t need – and never used. I wasted money and potentially created some actual waste, both of which I hate to do. For that reason, I am NOT a fan of following retailers online. If you want to save yourself some money (and some potential physical clutter), open up Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, and unfollow all stores.
3. Organize your desktop.
If your desktop screen is a cluttered mess, start the one-folder filing system. Create one folder – the only folder – that will live on your desktop. Name it “Files” or “Projects” or whatever you like. Dump all the files on your desktop into that folder. Step 1 is complete and your desktop is clean. For Step 2, scroll through your files and delete everything you don’t need. And Step 3, create subfolders and organize the files you’re keeping into those. The end result should be a clean desktop with 1 folder on it, which you click on and only see more folders inside.
4. Empty your Documents/Downloads folders on your computer.
One of the reasons I find computers get so cluttered with files is because you can save them pretty much anywhere you want. There are too many options! The three most common places you can save files (on both Macs and PCs) is on your desktop, in your Documents folder and in your Downloads folder. To make things simpler, I’ve committed to only saving things on my desktop. That means I’m constantly emptying the Downloads folder, and I never save anything to Documents. Now that your Desktop is setup better, you can do the same!
5. Delete most of your bookmarks.
I’m not a huge fan of bookmarks. In fact, I think the bookmarks folder in our web browsers is where a lot of links + nice ideas go to die. We save them with good intentions but almost always forget about them. Does that mean I think they are entirely useless? No. I have a few (and I’ll tell you about that next). But my folder is usually filled with a long list of digital clutter. Every few months, I select 90% of them + hit delete. Don’t be afraid to do the same. Google can help you find anything when you really need it!
6. Create a bookmarks folder with the few sites you log into regularly.
As an example, I have a folder of all the banking/investing sites I visit. I find having this folder saves time and energy, especially because I like to delete my browsing history from time-to-time. If you’re someone who forgets passwords often, another option is to sign up for a password manager. I have tried both 1Password and LastPass.
7. Remove unused applications/programs from your computer.
If you’re looking to free up some space on your computer’s hard drive, the easiest thing you can do is remove any applications/programs you’re no longer using. As someone who doesn’t think she downloads new applications very often, I’m always surprised to find I can delete at least one or two when I do this. My rule of thumb is to remove things I haven’t used in 6+ months and/or can’t imagine using anytime soon. Remember to empty the trash after, so you actually free up the space!
8. While you’re at it, remove unused apps from your phone too.
It’s easy! For this one, be realistic about what you actually use and what you think you’d like to use one day. I only keep the apps I actually use. If you’re worried about deleting ones you’ve paid for, remember that payment is attached to your account so you can download them again anytime.
9. Organize the apps on your phone so they fit on one screen.
When you’re done that, spend a few minutes organizing your apps in a way that makes sense for you. Personally, I keep my social media apps in a folder so they are an extra tap away, in an attempt to make it feel like extra work (and perhaps help me spend less time on them). I keep Calm out front and centre, so it’s easy to meditate every day!
10. Go through/delete photos from ONE of the folders on your phone.
I don’t know about Androids, but if you’re an iPhone user, your phone organizes your photos into nearly half-a-dozen separate folders. In some ways, this is great! But if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the number of photos you have on your phone, don’t stress yourself out further by trying to manage all of them – just start by going through/deleting photos from one folder.
At the beginning of my 30-day shopping ban, when I said I had some digital clutter to deal with, the Screenshots folder on my iPhone was a big part of that. I take screenshots with the same intention as when I save bookmarks: to use it one day. But the same thing always happens: I forget about most of them. Earlier this month, I opened my Screenshots folder and found 75% of them were hikes I wanted to do in BC + places I wanted to travel to. Instead of holding onto those photos, I created a Google spreadsheet and typed all the places in (according to what part of BC + the world they are in). I kept the spreadsheet and deleted the photos! This one might have taken 15 minutes but it was worth it.
Just for fun: If you use Chrome and you want to change what you see whenever you open a new tab in your browser, I highly recommend the Unsplash Instant extension. I used to love Momentum, but prefer Unsplash now because it’s much cleaner. And it will only take seconds to install! :)
Do you have any tips for cleaning up digital clutter on-the-go?
10 Ways to Declutter Your Digital Life in 10 Minutes posted first on http://ift.tt/2lnwIdQ
0 notes
fesahaawit · 8 years ago
10 Ways to Declutter Your Digital Life in 10 Minutes
As you know, I’m not usually in the business of writing a lot of how-to type posts. My preference is to share personal stories and lessons I’ve learned – and that is especially true when we’re talking about decluttering. The same way personal finance is personal, what we choose to keep in our homes is extremely personal. I can’t tell you what to get rid of. I don’t know what adds value or what sparks joy for you. I can, however, share some practical tips on how to declutter another aspect of your life: the digital side of things.
In some ways, I think it’s easier to let digital clutter pile up than physical clutter. For starters, it doesn’t cost us (much) money, so we don’t feel bad about it. And since it doesn’t take up any space in our homes, we don’t have to see it when we walk in and out of rooms. In fact, we can choose to ignore it by simply closing our laptops or putting our phones down. However, if you’re someone who spends a lot of time looking at computer or cell phone screens, it will only be a matter of time before the “mess” will stress you out.
While I normally maintain a very clean/streamlined digital life, things got a bit out of control after the dogs died, simply because I stopped bothering. As part of this 30-day shopping ban, I spent some time decluttering and organizing everything, and I realized I have a bit of a system now. I’ve compiled a list of the 10 ways I declutter my digital life on-the-go. Each one usually takes no more than 10 minutes and I typically do this every quarter (if not more often). If it takes you a little longer, that’s ok! At least do the first 10 minutes and get the ball rolling. :)
1. Archive the emails in your inbox.
Open your inbox and get rid of as many emails as you can. Delete the ones you don’t need, archive the ones you want to keep in separate folders and unsubscribe from any lists you don’t want to be on. Don’t worry about the emails you still need to reply to. The goal isn’t to get to inbox zero; it’s to declutter and organize. Consider everything leftover as a to-do list item that you will tackle the next time you open your inbox. And if 10 minutes isn’t enough time for this, still do what you can in that time. It’s better than not doing anything at all!
2. Unfollow retailers on social media.
I used to love following my favourite retailers on social media. It meant I always knew which new products were available and gave me access to all their promotions. Not surprisingly, that also meant I bought a lot of stuff I didn’t need – and never used. I wasted money and potentially created some actual waste, both of which I hate to do. For that reason, I am NOT a fan of following retailers online. If you want to save yourself some money (and some potential physical clutter), open up Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, and unfollow all stores.
3. Organize your desktop.
If your desktop screen is a cluttered mess, start the one-folder filing system. Create one folder – the only folder – that will live on your desktop. Name it “Files” or “Projects” or whatever you like. Dump all the files on your desktop into that folder. Step 1 is complete and your desktop is clean. For Step 2, scroll through your files and delete everything you don’t need. And Step 3, create subfolders and organize the files you’re keeping into those. The end result should be a clean desktop with 1 folder on it, which you click on and only see more folders inside.
4. Empty your Documents/Downloads folders on your computer.
One of the reasons I find computers get so cluttered with files is because you can save them pretty much anywhere you want. There are too many options! The three most common places you can save files (on both Macs and PCs) is on your desktop, in your Documents folder and in your Downloads folder. To make things simpler, I’ve committed to only saving things on my desktop. That means I’m constantly emptying the Downloads folder, and I never save anything to Documents. Now that your Desktop is setup better, you can do the same!
5. Delete most of your bookmarks.
I’m not a huge fan of bookmarks. In fact, I think the bookmarks folder in our web browsers is where a lot of links + nice ideas go to die. We save them with good intentions but almost always forget about them. Does that mean I think they are entirely useless? No. I have a few (and I’ll tell you about that next). But my folder is usually filled with a long list of digital clutter. Every few months, I select 90% of them + hit delete. Don’t be afraid to do the same. Google can help you find anything when you really need it!
6. Create a bookmarks folder with the few sites you log into regularly.
As an example, I have a folder of all the banking/investing sites I visit. I find having this folder saves time and energy, especially because I like to delete my browsing history from time-to-time. If you’re someone who forgets passwords often, another option is to sign up for a password manager. I have tried both 1Password and LastPass.
7. Remove unused applications/programs from your computer.
If you’re looking to free up some space on your computer’s hard drive, the easiest thing you can do is remove any applications/programs you’re no longer using. As someone who doesn’t think she downloads new applications very often, I’m always surprised to find I can delete at least one or two when I do this. My rule of thumb is to remove things I haven’t used in 6+ months and/or can’t imagine using anytime soon. Remember to empty the trash after, so you actually free up the space!
8. While you’re at it, remove unused apps from your phone too.
It’s easy! For this one, be realistic about what you actually use and what you think you’d like to use one day. I only keep the apps I actually use. If you’re worried about deleting ones you’ve paid for, remember that payment is attached to your account so you can download them again anytime.
9. Organize the apps on your phone so they fit on one screen.
When you’re done that, spend a few minutes organizing your apps in a way that makes sense for you. Personally, I keep my social media apps in a folder so they are an extra tap away, in an attempt to make it feel like extra work (and perhaps help me spend less time on them). I keep Calm out front and centre, so it’s easy to meditate every day!
10. Go through/delete photos from ONE of the folders on your phone.
I don’t know about Androids, but if you’re an iPhone user, your phone organizes your photos into nearly half-a-dozen separate folders. In some ways, this is great! But if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the number of photos you have on your phone, don’t stress yourself out further by trying to manage all of them – just start by going through/deleting photos from one folder.
At the beginning of my 30-day shopping ban, when I said I had some digital clutter to deal with, the Screenshots folder on my iPhone was a big part of that. I take screenshots with the same intention as when I save bookmarks: to use it one day. But the same thing always happens: I forget about most of them. Earlier this month, I opened my Screenshots folder and found 75% of them were hikes I wanted to do in BC + places I wanted to travel to. Instead of holding onto those photos, I created a Google spreadsheet and typed all the places in (according to what part of BC + the world they are in). I kept the spreadsheet and deleted the photos! This one might have taken 15 minutes but it was worth it.
Just for fun: If you use Chrome and you want to change what you see whenever you open a new tab in your browser, I highly recommend the Unsplash Instant extension. I used to love Momentum, but prefer Unsplash now because it’s much cleaner. And it will only take seconds to install! :)
Do you have any tips for cleaning up digital clutter on-the-go?
10 Ways to Declutter Your Digital Life in 10 Minutes posted first on http://ift.tt/2lnwIdQ
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