#i used to put papers in my school bag as-is. i did not bother to use a binder
unendingphantasm · 1 year
my copy of programming in lua 4th edition looks banged up, so it looks like i've brought it out and about a lot. but in reality it goes to and from two places, my desk and my book shelf. i just brought it to school and put it in my bag once way back when and its been like that ever since
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onmyyan · 15 days
hi again i'm the Anon who asked if you take commisions only or requests as well. I love your writing style<3
Soo could you write about Batmom reader, where reader took care of bruce's children as her own. But then bruce gets a mistress, reader still stays becuz of the kids but when everyone started to become cold to her and insult her ' X (mistress) is better mom then you ever were' she leaves gonthem. Then everyone realises she (mistress) was just after their money. They go to batmom's room to apologize only to find it empty. They try to find her everywhere but couldn't. And finally when they do, reader rejects them since she was having the time of her life without responsibilty but gets kiddnapped by the batfam?
Honestly i wanted to commision but i'm flat broke and i'm too busy studying to work and on top of that i don't have my own phone (i use my dad's old laptop) soo yeah... I hope you consider this.
A/N: Loooove this request thank you for sending it in <3 fem reader yandere themes lmk if you want a part two
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The (L/n)'s were a wealthy and prominent family in Gotham, right up there with the Wayne's when it came to power over the city, the two families were in business together which is why when Bruce Wayne personal attorney came to you with a marriage proposal, you weren't surprised.
A marriage of convenience. You thought you knew what this would entitle, you knew this wasn't out of love, that this was required of you, it had nothing to do with what you actually wanted, but you were dutiful and signed, inking your name on the paper felt like a deal with the devil.
Bruce hadn't bothered to officially meet you until the day of the wedding, it was beautiful and well done but lacking any form of love of affection, CEOs and other rich folk you didn't recognize filled the pews, the ring felt cold when he slipped it on, his vows perfectly rehearsed, and not an ounce of warmth in his eyes, you knew that night you should have annulled the marriage, but something made you hold on, something your mother had said to you as the makeup artist turned you into the visage of a bride.
"You'll learn to love each other, your father and I did after all." And she wasn't lying, your parents married for convenience as well but had grown to love one another, so maybe you could do the same?
A year after the nuptials Dick Grayson is thrust into your life. Haley's circus was famous in Gotham for its incredible death defying shows, but on this night death would walk the stage, taking with them Dick Grayson's parents in a horrible display, You and Bruce had consoled the boy for only a moment before Bruce was talking to the officers, he'd decided Dick was coming home with you, of course without asking your opinion, but it didn't matter, you felt such pity and grief for the boy, it made perfect sense to you, he was shut down for the first few months, he called you by your name and you had no problem with it, making it clear you never wanted to try and replace his mother, the ice between you two melted one day, one kind word at a time, he couldn't help but confide in you about school or his friends, because you were more emotionally there than Bruce was.
Like the night you caught him sneaking out, a packed bag in hand and the keys to one of Bruce's many cars in his hand. Instead of yelling for Bruce or Alfred you simply smiled at him, "you should take the audi, it's the safest car here."
"..You're not going to try and stop me?"
You shake your head no, still offering that kind smile.
"You know yourself best Dick, if you're unhappy here I won't stop you from finding your peace." He took a moment before tossing you the keys and reluctantly making his way back inside.
You find out about Batman because of Dick. He'd come home with some nasty bruises and it wouldn't take long to put two and two together. Them both being missing at the same time, Dick started to pull away from you, one night, after hours of trying to get to sleep in a bed much to big for one body, your legs decided a walk was necessary, the halls were dark and quiet, giving the manor an eerie air, quietly you walked the long hallways intending on stopping by the library, as you turned the corner you seen Dick in a hidden elevator, the doors just slamming shut as your eyes tried to register what was there. Seconds after the doors close a wall appears, as if nothing was ever there. It's not long after that you see a brief news clip of the caped crusader and his new sidekick, because the longer you stared at the screen, the more familiar they began to look, that dead tight lipped scowl on Batman's face, it was one you'd had the pleasure of looking at for the past few years.
That night you confronted Bruce, he seemed surprised you'd figured it out, but he didn't deny it. Simply saying, "It's late (Y/n), get some sleep."
You nearly divorced him then and there for endangering a child the way he was, but after a moment of thought, you realized Dick would need a real parent around so you stayed, making Bruce swear to be careful.
Jason comes next and he takes to you a lot faster than Dick. He craved the warmth you offered, you two had inside jokes and a closer relationship than him and Bruce, but that all changes the day he dies. You're broken, a ghost haunting the manor with your presence, and Bruce is no comfort throwing himself into the Batman role, you begin to hate him a little with this particular betrayal.
Tim was another hard egg to crack but you were desperate after Jason's death, so you took his verbal lashings with a smile, were always there to offer a helping hand with any of his projects despite the help never being accepted. Tims wound from losing his father is too raw, he takes a lot of his anger out on you. And you weathered the storm with a soft, warm smile.
Damian hated you, from the moment he arrives, which is bitter enough as is because it meant Bruce was unfaithful, he's spitting out insults and comparing you to his 'perfect' mother.
Things weren't great in your life, but one day they started getting noticably worse. Dick no longer responded to your check in texts, Jason (now reanimated which was a heart attack in and of itself) saw you as the enemy, you didn't leave Bruce after what happened to him, so in his eyes you betrayed him, Tim ignored your existence as best as he could, and Damian? He'd started staring at you with this smug look on his face, like he knew something you didn't.
Bruce had all but ran from you, he didn't sleep in your shared room anymore, he barely spoke to you at breakfast, if it wasn't for the cameras he wouldn't touch you.
And it's all because of a woman named Rachel.
Apparently Bruce had introduced this woman to the family, bringing her around when you weren't, slowly replacing you, it was no wonder they started to pull back.
Alfred is the only reason you find out, having enough of the blatant disrespect, he calls you to come home early one day saying it's a dire matter. Of course you comply, and walk in on a discomforting sight. The whole family was gathered at the dining room table, plus a woman you'd never seen before, she sat close to Bruce, toying with his hand intimately. Her green eyes lock with yours and the smile she gives you forms a pit in your stomach.
There's silence before Bruce stands up, he walks over calmly, "Can we take this in the other room." But it wasn't phrased as a question.
"No" you licked your lips, a nervous habit from your youth. Bruce seemed taken back by your sudden backbone. He nods silently.
"I want her gone Bruce. I am your wife. You will show me that semblance of respect."
"I- of course." You don't wait for the words to settle instead, you calmly walk to your room, face unreadable.
Locking the door behind you, your body slides against the frame, a silent sob wracks your frame, your hands covering your mouth, you wouldn't give them the satisfaction of hearing your cries.
The next morning you wake up to breakfast in bed, a generic yet elegant spread of food lay on a tray in the empty spot Bruce used to stay. The man himself sitting in the chair beside the bed, staring at you with that practiced smile he used to appease people.
"Good morning."
"What's this?" You sat up straight, sleep evaporating from your form as you took in the threat before you.
"An apology. I never meant for yesterday to happen."
"What a comfort that is." Your piercing (e/c) eyes stare at him blankly, unreadable. "How long."
"A year." You scoff pushing the breakfast away from you like it was poisonous. "But its not what you think, Rachel is a childhood friend, a year ago our relationship, evolved into what it is now, but I was never intending to go behind your back."
"Ah of course, your intentions were pure." The words dripped venom, grabbing your robe you quickly dress before standing and walking to the door, "Thank you for the wonderful talk Bruce, really your people skills are top notch." Your hands gesture to the door. He leaves without a word.
The rest of the day is as usual, Bruce avoids you like the plague, the rest of the family acted as if you weren't there. Which made leaving all too easy.
Your lawyers had the divorce papers ready and hour after you called them, signing them felt like the first act of self love you'd done in years. Slipping them into Bruce's study you took the time to analyze the room you never entered.
It matched Bruce that's for sure, pictures of every single person in the family. All except for you.
Walking out the door, wrapped in your ankle length black faux fur coat, the garment whipped in the wind, the designer sunglasses on your face hid your eyes from the world, hair in a slicked back bun, your heels echoed against the pavement, a sleek black car was waiting for you, you look back at the house that had caused you so much misery then got in the back of the car, never looking back.
Life goes on for about a week, your absence goes unnoticed, that is before Rachel is trying and failing to blackmail Bruce out of a billion dollars, she'd collected evidence he was cheating on you with her and presented it to Bruce with a grin, it was only as he went through the pictures of himself and Rachel, did he notice the yellow envelope with his name written on the front.
Hey puts the heartbreaking matter of Rachel's betrayal on the back burner, Bruce opened the envelope and felt his heart completely stop at the word divorce written in bold lettering across the top, your signature was already there, waiting for his to join it.
Ignoring Rachel completely now he turns in his chair, turning the paper over and over as if it would magically change. But it remained the same. Alfred knocking on the door of his study broke him from his trance. "Master Wayne, miss Rachel." He says the latter's name with no warmth. "Escort Rachel to her car Alfred."
"Bruce have you heard a word I've said? I'm serious I'll go to Gotham daily right now if you don't -"
"Now Alfred."
That was all it took for the screaming woman to be firmly escorted off the premises. Bruce all but ran to your room, he didn't bother knocking, and despite knowing in his heart you were already gone, he couldn't help but check anyway.
Your room was empty and cold, he couldn't believe the date he'd read on the divorce papers, it was dated a week ago, meaning you'd been gone for a week and he hadn't noticed. No one had.
That is until Bruce remembers there's someone in the house nothing gets by.
"How long have you known she was gone Alfred?" He asks leaning on his knuckles the divorce papers stared back at him taunting him. "Since the moment she left." The older man replied simply his hands behind his back. "Why didn't you tell me immediately?" Bruce felt himself tense, "Because you've hurt that woman enough Bruce. She deserves at least this." He gestures to the daunting divorce paperwork before turning to leave Bruce with his thoughts.
The news of Rachel's betrayal shook the manor each member feeling violated by their trust being broken. But it was nothing compared to their reaction once they finally realized you were gone.
"That was rough." Jason says after watching Rachel being dragged out of the manor, he blew air out of his cheeks arms crossed over his chest, he looked towards the hallway that lead to your room, you had to have heard that he thought to himself.
Dick sighs through his nose, "Someone should check on (y/n), Rachel was screaming so loud she definitely heard that." No one volunteers so Dick rolls his eyes and heads towards your room.
He lifts his hands to knock but noticed the door was open, pushing it further he's met with a baren room, his brow furrowed in confusion before he makes his way to Bruce's study. "Hey B, have you seen (y/n)? Her room is like weirdly empty."
Dick found his Father where Alfred left him, leaning over the divorce papers silently a storm in his eyes.
As he steps closer and reads the paperwork Bruce was staring so intently at, his heart stopped.
"Holy shit- are those real?"
"Yes." Bruce finally spoke his voice horse. There was a moment of silence before Dick left the room practically running down the stairs to alert the others.
"(Y/n) left Bruce." He said still processing the information, "No fuckin' way." Jason says pushing himself off the counter he leaned on. "Her room is empty and he has the papers, she's gone."
Each member of the family had different reactions to this information.
Dick tries calling you only to be met with a disconnected number, his heart hammering in his chest, he wasn't as close to you as when he was younger sure, but you were a constant in his life, always had been, a pillar of support, and suddenly you weren't. It felt like the floor had gotten pulled out from under him.
Jason curses under his breath, his mind working a mile a minute, he had barely spoken to you since his Resurrection, something he deeply regretted as the information of your leaving sinks in like a brick thrown into a river.
Tim, ever calculating is trying to figure out where you went, you were a figurehead in his life, someone that was literally never not there, sure he wasn't close to you in the slightest but that doesn't mean he wants anything to happen to you, someone as quiet and soft as you on your own in Gotham? It didn't sit well with him. Not one bit.
Damian didn't know what he was feeling at the news, he supposed he should feel nothing, after all you were nothing to him, but there was this nagging feeling in his chest that he couldn't quite place. And he hated it. How dare you leave and upset his fragile ecosystem?
Meanwhile in the Bahamas, far from Gotham and the neglectful family you'd left behind, you sat lounging on a private beach, a knitted hammock cradles your body, a designer baby pink bikini covers you, a matching sunhat protects your face from the hot sun, you can't wipe the smile from your face, humming a tune from your childhood you barely flinch when someone takes the seat besides your hammock.
"Do I want to know how you found me?" You ask, eyes still closed as you bask in the warmth. You knew only one person had the sources to find you on your own island, and despite how much you resent the man, even his presence can't ruin your shine in this moment.
"You're my wife (Y/n), I'll always know where you are." Bruce speaks softly as if trying not to startle you. "Former wife." You correct cracking an eye open, a small smirk curling on your lips.
"Not until I sign those papers- which I never will."
"huh, I thought you'd be thrilled." You muse to yourself before folding your tanning mirror and setting it aside, you take off your Louis Vuitton sunglasses, blinking your pretty (e/c) eyes up at him, "Figured you and your little Twinkie would have tied the knot by now." You laugh softly, the sound, unfamiliar to Bruce, sent warm shivers down his spine, it causes his lips to quirk up in a small grin.
"She's gone."
"Well, I don't care."
There's a beat of silence before he's offering you his hand. "Will you walk with me? I know I don't deserve it."
You sigh before getting up, ignoring his hand, you nod your head reluctantly, "Well? Hurry up I've got dinner at six."
His smile remains as he begins leading you along the shoreline. It's relatively quiet between you two as you walk side by side, a peace between you both you hadn't ever felt. "The manor isn't the same without you." He breaks the silence, "I sincerely doubt that." You laugh at the very notion. "It's true- it's colder, quieter, I want you to come home."
"That was never my home, you made that abundantly clear."
He winces as if your words cut him, "I know I haven't been a good man to you, I know I've failed you time and time again but I..I looked at those divorce papers and my heart stopped." He admits running a hand through his hair.
"You can't leave me."
"I can't?." You scoff, your movement halting, "I'm a grown woman- I'm taking responsibility for my own happiness, you can't stop me."
"I wasn't asking." He says softly, his hands in his pockets, he had this fond look on his face, like he was staring at you for the first time, in a whole new light. "You can't make me." You say, brows furrowed, "You belong back home, you're supposed to be with me, till death do us part, remember?" He steps forward making you step back, your eyes wide, hands shaking, you back into a wide chest, spinning to face Dick, who's grinning at you, he's in his Nightwing costume, he gives you a small wave of his hand, you scrunch your face in confusion, "What the hell-" your thought is cut off by a small pinch in your neck, the needle in Bruce's hand is empty in seconds, he's cradling your stumbling form, holding you tightly, "Don't worry - I'll fix this."
Your sleeping body is gently carried to the batplane, Bruce holding you close to his chest as Dick pilots the plane, he whispers promises into your hair, rocking you against him as he swears on his life to make things right, weather you liked it or not.
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asterias-record-shop · 4 months
tempting little devil — (j.m.)
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The summer before you get your dream job, you concluded you wanted to learn how to ride a horse. You had trouble finding the right person to teach you – until you accidentally ran into a horse trainer and ranch owner at the store while getting treats for your students before you left your job. It turned out that riding a horse wasn’t the only thing he could teach you.
You had big plans for your last day of school celebration with your students, especially because it would be your last year at the elementary school. Goodie bags had already been stocked to the brim with small toys and candies, and you gave them each a book wrapped in soft blue wrapping paper that made you think of them.
As you looked through the candy aisle, you sighed when you saw the last party pack of candy on the top shelf of the aisle. It was stupid for them to put the candy somewhere completely out of reach of any average sized person, so as you looked down at your heels that barely gave you about two inches, you started to balance yourself on one of the bottom shelves before a hand reached over you.
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This wasn’t happening.
As the hand grabbed the bag of mixed candy that would surely give your students the perfect sugar high in your last class with them, you balanced yourself on the ground before turning around, about to snap at the person before the person outstretched the bag of candy toward you.
“Saw you havin’ trouble, doll,” he hummed, tilting his head. “Didn’t want you to fall down with those heels on.”
You paused, staring up at the man that seemed significantly older than you, wellbuilt and with slightly unkempt graying hair and beard, with scars on his right temple and on his neck as well. He was handsome, extremely so, with a dark maroon button down and some jeans with some work boots being covered by the cuffs.
“You alright doll?” He tilted his head, and his words finally snapped you out of the slight trance you were in.
“Sorry!” You quickly apologized, taking the bag of mixed candy. “Sorry, I just…” you laughed, shaking your head. How were you supposed to explain that you thought he was so attractive that you couldn’t stop looking at him? “I thought you were going to take it…”
He laughed loudly, shaking his head as he rose a brow. “You thought I was gonna take your candy bag? Trust me, doll, I don’t want the candy,” he rubbed the back of his neck, looking over your cart. “Wow… throwin’ a party?”
You laughed sheepishly, nodding as you put down the bag of candy in your cart. “Yeah, I am… tomorrow is the last day of school and I have a big party planned for my students because I’m not going to continue teaching.”
The man hummed softly. “Oh? Why not?”
You shrugged. “Needed a change of scenery… and I got an offer to work at my dream job, so it really does work out… besides, I have the rest summer off now, so I can do something I’ve really been wanting to do!”
You weren’t sure what exactly came over you to tell him so much, but he didn’t seem bothered by it as he smiled slightly, nodding. “And what’s that doll?”
You giggled sheepishly — it wasn’t some big thing that would change the world or something. “I want to learn how to ride a horse.”
It was odd when you saw him smile slightly, nodding his head. “Well you’re in luck then, doll.”
A look of confusion formed on your face as you tilted your head slightly. “How so?”
“I used to be a horse trainer,” he said, pushing his hand into his back pocket and pulling out a folded leather wallet, opening it and slowly taking out a card. “Now I own a ranch about half an hour out of town. And I rode a bit in some rodeos.”
You laughed slightly, nodding. “I definitely did get lucky.” As you looked down at the call, you smiled when you saw his name. “Joel?”
“Mhm, that’s it doll,” his voice was slightly gravelly as your stomach began to twist at his words, and he offered his hand. “Joel Miller.”
“I-I’m Y/N,” you took his hand, swallowing as he shook firmly. “Nice to meet you.”
“You too, doll.” His lips stretched out into a smile, chuckling as he squeezed your hand slightly. “Need help reachin’ anythin’ else?”
A smile formed on your face as you swallowed slightly, nodding your head. “I’m probably gonna need help with the rest of the goodies.”
“Lead the way, darlin’,” he hummed, smiling as he put his hands in his thick Ariat jacket.
You turned, putting your hands on the cart and slowly pushing as he followed you. “Thank you for your help, I really appreciate it.”
He laughed slightly, shaking his head. “Trust me, darlin’, I don’t want you to fall tryin’ to climb up shelves and hurtin’ your pretty self.”
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When summer came, you were at Joel’s ranch probably more than you’d like to admit. He invited you out to the ranch for dinner and horse lessons more times than you could count, and you basically fell in love with his dog Molly.
You learned that his daughter Sarah had left for a summer camp a week before you met him. She was a competitor in some sort of horse riding circuit that Joel introduced her to, and the summer camp was getting her ready for one of the competitions that she planned on competing in.
When you got to the ranch for what felt like the hundredth time ever, you slowly got out as Molly ran towards you. A giggle escaped your mouth as you lean down to cup her snout, wiping at your cheeks as she started to lick your cheek. You laughed as you stood up, humming as you made your way toward the arena where Joel was giving his horse Chestnut a lap around.
You were dressed in some flared jeans and a button down shirt that Joel had given you because you showed up in a tank top to help with the heat. When he saw you, his lips formed a slight smile as he walked toward you with Chestnut.
“Hey darlin’.”
“Hey,” you giggled as you walked toward him, tilting your head. Joel let the lead slowly slip out of his hand as he opened his arms for you to hug him, letting you press yourself into his large chest and tuck your face into his neck while you wrapped your arms around him. His chest was so warm and he smelled like pine, hay, and a slight tinge of sweat. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too, doll,” he smiled back, humming softly as he pulled away and softly stroked your cheek. “How has your day been?”
“Good,” you leaned into his rough and warm hand, shrugging slightly.
“Nothin’ special?”
You paused, thinking with a slight purse of your lips. “Well… I got to see you,” your giggle makes him smile as you lean your cheek on his chest and continue to look up at him. “That’s special.”
“You’re makin’ me blush, darlin…” he mumbled as he softly tilted your head up with two of his fingers under your chin. “Seein’ you is the best part of my day, doll.”
You only hummed softly, tilting your head into his hand as you let your fingers rub against the soft fabric of his button down. “Is it?”
“Always,” he mumbled as he reached his hand up to hold your wrist, pulling your fingers to his lips and softly kissing your knuckles. “Why do you think I keep inviting you back?”
“Mmm, I don’t know…” You whisper, biting your lip. “Keep telling me why.”
“‘You’re such a lil’ devil,” he growled out as he leaned down just enough to graze his lips to yours. “A fine… tempting little devil.”
You giggled as you leaned up enough to softly kiss his lips with a soft hum, finally taking what you had been wanting as you pushed your hand into his hair and pulled him lower. Joel let out a loud groan as his hands held your hips and pulled you closer, pulling your body flush against his as you softly tugged on his hair.
His lips are rougher than you thought they would be, not that they were very chapped but more so how rough he was kissing you. Joel held your hips with rough hands in a strong grip, pulling your hips into his own as you lifted yourself up onto your tiptoes.
“J-Joel…” you whimpered softly, swallowing as you tilted your head back. “Please…”
“Oh darlin’, you ain’t gotta beg me for nothin’,” he murmured as he gave a firm tap to your ass, making you gasp as he kissed you again. “I gotta put Chestnut back in his stall. Go inside…” his hands firmly held your ass as he let his teeth graze your lips. “You know where my room is… you get in there and you get ready for me and I’ll make sure a pretty darlin’ like you feels the best you ever will.”
You nodded as you inhaled deeply, swallowing as you rubbed his chest. “Yes.”
“Good girl,” he praised you with a soft kiss to your lips, moaning softly. “Such a good fuckin’ girl…”
You slowly pulled away, turning around to walk back in before his hand pulled you back to kiss your lips again. He was already addicted as you cupped his face, moaning into his mouth as he leaned forward enough to make you lean back and his grip get stronger to support you. He tasted like mint and apples, the first from brushing his teeth and the second from stealing a piece from what he fed to the horses.
“God fuck, darlin’, you’re just irresistable,” he murmured against your lips, letting his fingers thread through your hair as he trailed his fingers down the side of your neck to trace the collar of your- his button down. “You know how irresistible you are?”
“I’m findin’ out,” you mumble back, shaking your head slightly as you tilted your head slightly for him to push his fingers down between the buttons of the shirt you wore. “Go. I’ll be inside.”
“I may have to take a shower,” he whispers, shaking his head. “Think I stink.”
“Maybe a little bit,” you mumbled back in response, but then you shrugged slightly. “I can… take a shower with you… if you want.”
“As much as that tempts me,” he let his hands leave your body with a soft groan, shaking his head. “I wanna fuck you properly… I wanna watch your hands tug against my grip and hold the bed sheets so damn tight that your knuckles cramp up… I wanna hear the bed bangin’ against the damn wall as you make fuckin’ perfect noises under me.”
Just his words made your stomach twist and turn, squeezing your thighs together as you tried to control how fucking horny he was making you. You nodded as he firmly squeezed your ass, biting his lip as he nodded to you. “Go.”
His words were an order as you turned around, your fingers still on your lips that were tingling slightly from how rough he was kissing you, and you couldn’t stop thinking about it as you walked up the porch that wrapped all around the house that you fell in love with. You had gotten Joel to put furniture and such around where the two of you had spent nights staring out at the sunset with Molly sitting between the both of you.
As you walked inside, you tried to move around Molly to get upstairs to his room, groaning softly as you went up the stairs.
“Oh Molly… don’t do that, come on Molly, go downstairs! Go! Go Molly, go!” You tried to encourage the large, almost toasted marshmallow looking dog.
She just stares at you, her muzzle wide and smiling at you as she barks up at you.
“Molly! Baby! Go!”
She whines softly as you rub between her ears making her smile again, barking before running off down the stairs. You walked into Joel’s room, smiling at the horse pictures and illustrations around the room. It was obvious that Joel didn’t do this himself, and when you saw the picture of him and his daughter, you couldn’t help but smile as you grabbed the picture and softly stroked the glass.
He looked so happy.
You slowly put the picture done before you kicked off your boots and laid back against the bed. You let your hands slowly unbutton your shirt as you arched your back and slowly lifted your chest to take off Joel’s shirt before unclasping your bra behind your back. It was possible to take it off, but you don’t, staring up at the ceiling as you let your fingers trail over your stomach.
The thought of them being Joel’s fingers make your stomach twist as you rut your hips into the air with a slight whine. You were so desperate, moaning as you let your fingers slowly unbutton your pants and lifting up your hips to slowly slide them down your thighs. At the feeling of the cold air hitting the wet spot on your panties, you gasped, groaning as you tilted your head back and let your fingers push down between your thighs and rub your cunt through the fabric that covered your heat.
You were so caught up in that feeling, distracted from the fact that the door slowly opened, Joel merely covered by a towel wrapped around his waist. He came in front of the bed, slotting himself between your parted legs as he dropped down to his knees, carefully trying not to kneel on your clothes. He pushed himself between your legs, a gasp escaping your lips as you felt his hands slowly wrap around your thighs and pull them over his shoulders.
“J-Joel-!” You gasped as your hands moved to the back of his head, inhaling shakily as his nose drags up your slit, groaning softly.
“Goodness… you’re so fuckin’ irresistible, you know that?” He groaned in between your thighs, letting his fingers hook through the soft violet fabric, slipping it to the side. “Goodness… how did I not do this earlier?”
“Joel wait-”
Your words go completely ignored as he opens his mouth widely, letting his wet tongue slather saliva all over your dripping cunt. The feeling makes you squeal, hips rutting up into the air as his large hands pull your body lower to keep your body close to his mouth. “You taste so fuckin’ good…”
You don’t even fight back, groaning as you threw your head back and tried to prevent your thighs from tightening too much around his head as they quivered. One of his hands moved his fingers from your thighs, letting them drag up and down your slit lazily as he let his spit lather all over your clit. He lets his tongue point and flick against your clit, his fingers rubbing against your entrance as he let his mouth open widely and groan into your sex.
The feeling made your eyes roll back as you pulled him further into you, groaning as your back arched and you attempted to keep him as close as you could to your cunt. When his fingers pushed into you it felt like you lost your mind, finally looking down at him to see his eyes closed as he let his tongue trail all along your entire sex.
“Fuck, you taste so good, darlin’,” he groaned, letting his fingers languidly push in and out as he let his tongue flick against your clit again. The feeling of his tongue against your clit made you whine as you fixed his face in between your thighs, his nose brushing against your skin as he began to suck at the sensitive bud.
You started to squirm, desperately trying to keep his mouth on you as you groaned loudly. When his fingers got faster, you began to whine, moaning loudly as you let your hips roll onto his digits, whimpering as they got rougher.
Your stomach began to twist and turn into knots, incoherent noises coming from your mouth as his tongue dragged from your clit to where his fingers were, his other hand coming down to rub your clit with his thumb. The feeling was so close, so so close as you continued to rock your hips, moaning.
As his digits began to scissor and flex inside of you, your eyes rolled back, unable to control the convulsing of your stomach as you moaned loudly and felt your high inch closer. His tongue flicked against your entrance, rolling his fingers inside of you as your hips began to rut unconsciously into his fingers, a soft sob escaping your lips.
When the knot in your stomach finally snapped, you sobbed even louder as you bucked your hips repeatedly, groaning as you tugged on his hair. Joel groaned into your cunt, his tongue flattening to lick the entirety of your cum off of your pretty pussy.
Your hips continued to buck as you moaned, panting as you softly stroked his hair, watching as he slowly rose up and let his towel fall to the ground. You weren’t sure if the soft curls of chest hair stuck to his body was from sweat or the shower, moaning as he pulled your legs around his waist and hiked them onto his hips.
“Got damn, pretty girl,” he mumbled softly as he kissed your lips, his mouth soft against yours and his hand stroking your cheek as the other guided his blunt cock tip against your entrance. You whined, his tip much thicker than his fingers were, moaning as you bucked your hips forward, gasping as he pushed into you. This was not something that you would’ve expected to happen today, being dicked down by a man who had been teaching you how to ride horses for the past two months.
But for fucks sake, you really did want to show him how well you had learned to ride.
“Darlin’,” you felt his fingers softly flick at your cheek, gasping as you quickly looked up at him. “Where’s your head at?”
“J-Just…” you gasped as he began to roll his hips, kissing your cheek softly as he puckered his lips to your skin. “Th-Thinkin’... about putting my riding skills to use.”
Your words made him pause as he laughed slightly, groaning as he pulled your pelvis into his, twisting making you scream out. To steady yourself, you immediately placed your hands on his chest, groaning loudly as he let you sink down onto his cock.
“Do it then,” he urged you, biting his lip as his large, rough hands spread over the expanse of your thighs, holding them like he was holding the reins of a horse. “Show me your ridin’ skills.”
Your eyes rolled back as he slowly helped you roll your hips, a loud groan falling from his lips as he bent his knees to help raise you just a little bit. The added height made you gasp loudly, your fingers spreading across his chest as you slowly lifted yourself up by raising your hips on your knees, throwing your head back.
“There you go my pretty cowgirl, ride my cock,” he groaned out, languidly thrusting his hips upward to assist you as though you were riding the back of a bucking mustang. “Fuckin’ hell, cowgirl…”
He groaned out, words drawled as your toes curled, his thick cock hitting all of those perfect spots inside of you. Your spongy walls clamped down on him so tightly that he could barely pull you off of his cock, resulting in pathetic rolls of your hips to get his hard cock to press deeper into you.
“C’mon, you can do better than that, cowgirl,” he groaned out, throwing his head back as he fixed himself underneath you, finally bucking his hips fully into you. “I taught you better than that.”
You yelled out as his thrusts picked up speed and strength, knocking you forward as you yelled out into his neck. “J-Joel-!”
“Hush,” he groaned into your neck, his hand traveling from your thigh to your ass to pull your hips lower into his. “Just let me use your perfect fuckin’ pussy…”
You choked as you held his shoulders tightly, groaning mindlessly as he continued to buck up into you, panting as he groaned into your ear. “J-Joel, wait-!”
You weren’t sure what you were begging him to wait for. This was something that you wanted for so long, to feel his thick cock inside of you and his hands on your body, his mouth sucking what felt like hundreds of hickeys along your neck as he kept you down against him. His hands held your ass, hips thrusting into you as you eagerly chased after your high with pathetic bounces in his lap.
“God fuck, darlin’, you feel so fuckin’ good,” he moaned out, throwing his head back as his hands tighten on the fat of your ass. “Tryin’ not to fill your perfect pussy up with cum and keepin’ my cock in you so you feel so fuckin’ full…”
Your mind blurred at his words, his proposal so infinitely tempting that you felt your hips speed up, rocking into his at an unforgiving pace, so quick that it made your stomach twist and your mouth open to let out all the incoherent noises to show how much pleasure he was causing you.
Moans of his name and screams of pleasure came from your mouth, soon enough getting to the point where your eyes rolled back into your head and incoherent groans of pleasure continuously fell from your mouth with what seemed like no end.
You felt used in the best way possible, the inability to even move or rut your hips but Joel taking over in every way possible – ruting up into you, guiding your hips with a strong hand on your hip, his mouth sucking hickeys against any inch of skin he can get to, and his other hand groping and massaging your tit was making your mind blur.
You felt your stomach start to twist, whining as his thrusts got more inconsistent, never missing that spot inside of you that made your toes curl.
“Fuckin’ hell, darlin’, I’m going to cum.”
You could only nod desperately, shaky hands holding his shoulders and digging your nails into his skin.
“Beg for it,” he could barely get out his words, clenching his teeth together as he held back cumming there and then from the feeling of your nails digging into his skin. “Beg for me to cum inside of you.”
You whined, shaking your head. How could you say what he wanted you to say when you could barely speak?
“Say it,” he slapped your ass, a yelp falling from your lips as you finally came back to earth. “Speak.”
“I-I want it!” You sobbed, the desperateness of your orgasm finally processing. “I want to cum, I want you to cum inside of me-!”
That was all that he needed to let himself thrust into you sporadically, never controlling himself as he groaned into your neck, finally letting himself cum. You sobbed as you felt his cum spurt inside of you, moaning loudly as you threw your head back and giving him the perfect opportunity to tuck his head into your throat and kiss at your neck.
You groaned loudly as you came from the thrusts that got him through his high, his cum spurting into you being the final push to make you cum.
Your mind was blurry and spinning, sighing softly as you leaned your head on his shoulder. “I love you.”
He kissed your hair, humming as he kissed down your temple and to your lips. “I love you too, darlin’. And I guess I just figured out that you need no help ridin’ me.”
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© asterias-record-shop
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All Press Is Good Press
A/N: This is part 2 to Bad PR. It feels like it took me way too long to write but I hope you enjoy it. Also, it's written with a black reader in mind and all credit goes to the original creators of the series and gifs.
Warnings: Some swearing, sensuality, and I was sick when I wrote this.
Word count: 9.3k
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       “Run!” I shouted, shoving Marie behind me as Luke slowly approached us.
        My heart rate had slowed down dangerously, and I could hear my blood pulsing in my ears. Before I knew it, Luke’s body was ablaze and we flew at each other. At the last second, I set off my ability to block him from burning me and grabbed his shoulders.
        “Luke, breathe, it’s me, Y/N!” I pleaded.
        Luke’s eyes were both angry and hollow. “You were a part of this, you knew about this.”
       “I don’t know what you’re talking about but, if you extinguish yourself, we can talk about it,” I tried.
        “I’m sorry, Y/N.”
       He yelled as the fire around him increased and I felt my ability pushing against my skin as if it would rip itself out of me. But, I was desperate to put out his flames. I’d done it before and I could do it, had to do it again. The wind whirled around us and from the corner of my eye, I could see papers, fire, and other objects flying around us. Suddenly, the air around me felt hotter and something dark in Luke’s eyes flashed.
     I screamed as we flew several yards and he shoved me into the hard floor. Suddenly, the air stopped moving around me and I felt like I was suffocating under the heat. Luke kneeled above me and slowly wrapped his hand around my throat.
  “Luke…please…stop,” I begged, his hand warming with each word.
  I wanted to scream as he seared my neck but as soon as it started, it was over. Luke was suddenly off me and Jordan was standing in front of me in their masculine form.
   “Y/N, get out of here!” they yelled.
   “ I can’t believe you did that!” they seethed at me, moving as quickly as possible through the Crimefighting building hallway.
   It was the day after the joint interview with Marie and I hadn’t been able to sleep the night before. I knew Jordan would be furious since I told them that I would get Marie to recant everything.
  “Jordan, I’m sorry, I can explain.”
  At that, they stopped and whirled around to face me, fury in their eyes. “Okay, explain. Explain how you and that freshman decided to royally screw me over and keep me at Number Five.”
 “It’s not that simple, Marie has way more going on and she’s not trying to hurt anyone.”
 “And what about you? You were already Number Three and then you play along to kick me out of the number two spot?” They laughed humorlessly. “And the fact that they had you in white, making you look like a saint and show off the burn scar and the cast to highlight your sacrifice, genius.”
   The more they spoke, the more I wanted to cry. “I know it’s messed up and I know that this has made things difficult for you, but I can fix it, I promise.”
  “Like Liza would let you.”
 “I don’t have to do everything she tells me.”
“But you do everything she tells you. You say what she wants you to say, you post what she wants you to post, you wear what she wants you to wear, and you date who she wants you to date.”
“You’re the one who broke up with me, remember? You’re the one who said you wanted me to focus on my career, right, well, that’s what’s a part of it.” I adjusted my bag on my shoulder. “Just forget I said anything, I won’t bother you again.”
“Y/N, over here!”
  I flinched at the blinding camera lights but managed to smile, hand on my hip as I tried to reach all the best angles. The past couple of weeks had been a blur of flashing cameras, interviews, and tragedy. For some reason, school officials thought the best way to acknowledge all that was with a fundraising gala slash memorial for Brink.
   All the photographers were yelling different instructions and Liza hovered a few feet behind me, muttering notes. Turn my head this way, squint a little, laugh a little  It was eerily easy to smile for pictures, laugh when Andre messed up a TikTok challenge, and joke with some people on campus. For once, all the noise was nice, it was like a shield from anything bad. Then, when I was alone in my room, the thoughts came in.
   You’re a fraud. You should’ve partnered with Marie to give Jordan the credit during that interview. You weren’t strong enough to beat Luke, you never were. You’re weak and spineless. What did Jordan ever see in you? Sometimes tears came, sometimes they didn’t. It was probably a good thing that I was forced into attending this event.
   Liza had insisted I attend the gala that night, arguing that it would be bad publicity if one of Brink’s top students did not attend. Plus, it would not give the public a chance to see Andre and me interacting in a formal setting.
    After a couple of more pictures, I gestured to my parents, who were standing by Liza, to join me. They hesitated but Liza shooed them in my direction and they flanked me. When I took a second to look at them, they both looked so happy, not the kind of happy that I feigned but, true happiness.
     “You make this look easy sweetheart,” Dad chuckled.
      I sighed. “It’s all practice, Dad.”
      “Mr. Y/L/N, how do you feel about Y/N being a Guardian of Godolkin?” a reporter shouted.
       “Couldn’t be prouder of my little girl!” He called back.
       “She’s always been a hero and this is just another time she’s proved it!” Mom added, squeezing my side.
     I smiled sheepishly, the urge to tell the truth about that day bubbling in the back of my throat. Instead, I said, “It was nothing, I was trying to protect Marie and she didn’t really need my help.”
     Then, the crowd started to roar, and I glanced down the red carpet to see Andre and Polarity approaching us. They both had wide PR-approved smiles on as they posed together. When they reached us, Polarity shook hands with Dad, hugged Mom, and kissed my cheek.
      “It’s great to see you again,” he whispered before pulling away.
      “You too, Mr. Anderson,” I replied.
    Liza quickly coordinated our parents to move further up the red carpet and instructed Andre to stand on my right. “Her left is her best side.”
     He slowly wrapped his arm around my shoulders and I tried to relax my shoulders as the camera flashes continued. I couldn’t have been more grateful to Liza for not making us match. Instead, Andre’s light blue suit and my metallic silver halter gown were complimentary.
            “Andre, over here!”
            “They look great together!”
            “Andre, give her a kiss!”
            Andre laughed. “Not into PDA!” he called.
            “And we’re here as friends,” I added with a smile.
     Fortunately, Andre and I never had to do anything too intimate to garner attention. A few social media posts here and there and suddenly, we had the public filling in the dots that Vought wanted them to.
    After what felt like an eternity, Liza hurried us into the venue. The lighting was nice, not too bright nor too dark. Servers looped the area with flutes of champagne bubbling on top of their trays. A few alumni and upper-crust students were already mingling, all dressed in tuxes and gowns.
            “You two did perfectly, social media is going crazy about this,” Liza reported without looking up from either of her phones.
          “It’s not hard with a face like this,” Andre joked as he stroked his jaw.
            I laughed. “Please, I’m literally outshining you right now.”
            “I must say, you two do make a good couple,” Polarity commented.
            I smiled tightly. “Thanks.”
            “Now, don’t forget, we need you to get at least five shots together interacting with other attendees. Make it look natural, we don’t want to ruin the illusion,” Liza instructed.
            “Illusion is the right word,” I muttered.
            Liza arched an eyebrow at me and I stared back at her, offering a fake smile with a tilt of my head. “Watch the attitude, Y/N.”
            “Don’t worry, I’ll be delightful and charming to everyone I encounter,” I said.
      For a second, I glanced at Mom and thought I saw something flash across her eyes. Before I could address it, Andre gently pulled me further into the party.
     Schmoozing was an incredibly easy task. All one needed to do was smile, repeat the last thing the other person said as a question, and thank them for coming to the event. Andre and I spoke with around ten people, ensuring pictures were taken before we were left alone.
            “Nice job, partner,” Andre teased.
            “Back at ya,” I said, leaning on the table closest to us. “How long do we have to keep this up?”
            “An hour but, this,” Andre snagged a couple of champagne flutes from a passing server, “should make it go quicker.”             I smiled as I accepted the glass. “Thank you, but I meant this.” I gestured between the two of us.
            “What? Is there already trouble in the water?”
            “Please, Andre, I know I’m not your type. I’m not white nor am I taken.”
            Andre almost choked on his champagne and wiped his face. “What the hell are you talking about? “
            I rolled my eyes. “Cate’s my best friend, she tells me everything. But going after your best friend’s girlfriend, that’s pretty low.”
            “It’s complicated,” Andre muttered.
            I shrugged and downed the champagne. “How about we give it another couple of weeks and then you and Cate can go official and you won’t have to deal with fake cheating rumors?”
            “Y/N, I know this is a bad situation for both of us but, we’ve got to play it right.”
       Play it right, that’s all anyone was ever interested in. Finding the best angle or the best spin on things. It made me sick to my stomach knowing that all this had taken up the past five years of my life.
            “Don’t worry, I won’t use this as leverage to make you look bad,” I assured, setting my empty glass on a passing server’s tray.
            Andre opened his mouth to say something but cut himself off. “Sorry, I got to run to the bathroom. See you later?”
         As soon as he left, Dean Shetty and Marie appeared at my table.
           “Y/N, you are a star tonight,” Dean Shetty complimented, giving me a quick hug.
        Dean Shetty had been incredibly attentive in the last couple of weeks. Since the Luke incident, she insisted we had weekly check-ins and when I mentioned my sleeping issues, she gave me a prescription.
           “We can’t have one of our Guardians of Godolkin losing any sleep,” she’d said.
       With everything going on, it was nice to have someone as stable as Dean Shetty in my ear and in my corner. In our check ins, she truly listened to me and helped me make sense of the mess in my head.
            “Thank you, Dean, you don’t look too bad yourself,” I replied.
            “Y/N, wow,” Marie greeted.
            I smiled and gave her a side hug. “I could say the same to you.”
       She truly did look stunning in her floor-length red corset dress, her twists pulled away from her face. Her shoulders slumped slightly as she picked up the skirt to stand next to Dean Shetty.
            A server paused at our table. “More champagne?”
         I thanked her as I plucked another flute off the tray and started sipping.
            “You should be proud of Marie, Y/N, she’s done wonderfully tonight with our donors,” Dean Shetty said, squeezing Marie’s hand.
            The freshman smiled sheepishly. “I listened to Dean Shetty’s advice.”
            “You’re a quick learner and humble, that’s good,” I said, pointing at her.
            “I must also say that I am grateful that you joined us tonight. It would not have been the same without both of our Guardians of Godolkin,” Dean Shetty commented.
        No matter how much time passed, the name still made me cringe. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Marie scratch the back of her neck and stare down at the table.
            “Of course. Professor Brink was a large influence on my life and I’m glad that I was able to be here, honor his memory, and hopefully get more money for the school,” I replied.
            Dean Shetty seemed pleased and grabbed her clutch. “Now, if you would excuse me, I have a few other alumni to schmooze.
            As soon as she walked away, Marie slid closer to me. “How are you holding up?”
            “Great.” I downed the last of my champagne and used a breeze to slip another flute from a passing server’s tray into my hand.
            “Not to be a prude but, shouldn’t you slow down?” Marie asked.
            I smirked at her. “Don’t worry, Marie, I know my limits. This isn’t enough to get me to trip in my heels but hey, more people in your favor.”
            Marie sighed. “I’m sorry about you getting dragged into all this. This is never what I wanted.”
            “You didn’t drag me into anything; I knew what I was doing when I went along with the story,” I assured her. “Besides, you came to GOD U to be a hero, and you can’t be a hero without attention.”
          “But this wasn’t my plan. I was supposed to keep my head down and survive,” Marie argued.
          “Well, things rarely go to plan and your success has been fast-tracked, congratulations,” I muttered.
            “What’s going on? You seem a lot different since the last time we talked,” Marie commented.
            I swirled my glass. “Marie, I’m going to give you some advice, if you want to be a hero, you have to make sacrifices.”             “That’s something Brink wrote,” Marie thought out loud.
            “And he was right, but he left out the part where you don’t get to decide what to sacrifice. He also forgot to mention how you are a commodity and these people…these people who tell you that you are perfect and special turn around and say that there’s this one thing holding you back. You can keep this one thing but, you lose the money, the reputation, the followers, and the fans, and a hero is nothing without any of that,” I confessed. 
            “But, you have a choice,” Marie countered.
       No, I didn’t, no one did. But Marie would learn that eventually, and maybe we could sit down one day and compare notes. I laughed humorlessly at the thought and sipped more champagne.
            When would this night end?
            “Excuse me, are you Marie Moreau?” Mom asked, sidling next to me.
            Marie nodded. “Yes, I am.”
            “I must say it is a pleasure to meet you. I am Mrs. Y/L/N,” she greeted, extending a hand to Marie.
            “It’s nice to meet you,” Marie replied, shaking her hand.
            “Has Y/N been showing you the ropes of all this?” Mom asked, gesturing around us.
            “Yes, Y/N has been great with everything. I’m learning a lot from her,” Marie stated.
        I straightened up slowly and started drawing patterns on the tablecloth. “She’ll be Vought’s new favorite before we know it.”
       Marie flinched and her eyes widened while Mom looked at me as though I said there was a headless chicken doing laps outside. Honestly, I did not mean to be so surly but the words just slipped out.
            “Kidding,” I sang, downing the last of my champagne.
            “Do you mind if I borrow my daughter for a moment?” Mom asked.
            “Of course not.”
       Mom slowly guided me away from the table, taking a moment to pause and smile at the cameras as we made our way through the space. Her grip on my arm was firm----the way it tended to be whenever she was upset with something I did. When we were out of earshot from enough people, she turned to me.
            “Y/N, what is going on with you?” she asked.
            “Nothing, I’m having a great night. I’m wearing Laquan Smith, I’m drinking expensive champagne, everyone’s happy and smiling tonight; what else could I want?” I argued.
            “Do not lie to me, Y/N. You’ve looked miserable all night and I can’t stand it. Now tell me, you can tell me anything, honey, you know that.”
      Before Vought noticed me, it was relaxing to talk to my mom about everything: school, stress, crushes, and the future. Now, it felt like if I was not super positive, I would add a burden to her and Dad. They were doing so well now, and I was not going to mess that up. I could handle this, I’ve always been able to handle this.
       Then, when I looked back up at her, there was so much warmth and concern in her aging mahogany eyes. There was the slightest hint of a frown on her forehead and I suddenly felt this strange invisible weight lift from my shoulders.
            “I messed up so bad, Mom,” I whispered.
            “What do you mean, sweetheart?”
            “I messed up with everything. I’m barely hanging on in all my classes, my footwork is sloppy in training, and I totally screwed over Jordan, and they didn’t do anything to deserve it,” I rambled.
        Mom gently moved her hands to grasp my shoulders and pulled me into a hug. Tears burned my eyes but they wouldn’t fall as I embraced her warmth and the scent of peonies and lilac. She ran her hand over my head and hummed.
            “Nothing you said is anything you can’t fix,” she stated.
            I slowly pulled away and looked up at her. “What?”
            Mom sighed. “This is not the first time you have met a setback, Y/N. You’ve had plenty of them, from racist classmates to adjusting when Dad lost his job. You can improve your grades and work on your skills.”
           At her words, I nodded, wondering if I would know exactly what to say at that age.
            “What about Jordan?”
            “I know they make you happy and you would light up in their presence. So, I don’t think you two can’t make up,” Mom admitted.
            I rolled my eyes. “But what about Liza? If I go against her, I’ll lose all the backing and…and you and Dad will----”
            Mom held up a hand. “First of all, never roll your eyes at me. Second, your father and I will be fine. Our mortgage is paid, we both work now, and we’ll do just fine. Have you been worried about us all this time?”
            I nodded. “I know you really struggled before the Compound V took and I didn’t want to ruin anything for you two. You’ve been so happy, and I didn’t want to disappoint you.”
            “Y/N, you could never disappoint us. You have been so, so amazing your entire life. We’ve been so happy because we are just that proud of you and we know you’ll do amazing things,” Mom insisted. “Your happiness is important too, don’t ever forget that.”
       On instinct, I hugged her so tightly that I thought I would crush her. But, she patted my back to let me know that she was okay. Her laugh made me laugh and I felt like an idiot when I couldn’t stop laughing even when I pulled away.
            “But who says Jordan would take me back? They broke up with me and I played along with Vought and that must have hurt them.”
            “Try not to overthink it. Come on, their memorial video is about to start.”
      As the video played, I could barely focus on not looking at Jordan. They were sitting at a table with their parents across the room. Both were whispering animatedly to a suit while Jordan sat across from them, looking like they wanted to cry. Jordan rarely cried, not even when they dislocated their shoulder during a sparring match sophomore year. Their parents were always a difficult topic, and I was stunned when Jordan brought me to meet them during a parent's weekend.
            “Just try not to make any reference to my other form,” they’d insisted.
            “Okay, I won’t,” I’d replied.
       The Lis were nice enough but, they always referred to Jordan as “their son” or “my boy” or “he”. It made me nauseous just thinking about it and how many breakdowns they’d had about their parents not accepting them. I wanted to hug them or distract them with top-shelf liquor. Then, Jordan looked up at me and I knew exactly how deer felt in the headlights.
       My heart ached as I slowly turned away just in time to see a picture of myself and Brink flash across the screen. It was from sophomore year after I helped solve an ongoing serial robbery case. Jordan had helped me with that but insisted I did most of the heavy lifting.
      Finally, the video ended and I snatched another champagne flute from a passing server as Dean Shetty returned to the podium amidst the applause.
            “Professor Brink always had an eye for outstanding students, and I know that he would want all of you to continue your generosity to foster their talent. There are a couple of students I would like to highlight tonight,” she stated.
            Liza leaned over the table. “Remember, shoulders back, head up like a princess.”
            “Uh-huh,” I muttered.
            “And where is Andre? This would be a great photo op!” she hissed.
            “I don’t know.”
            “First is Marie Moreau, a freshman who has become an asset to our community as a Guardian of Godolkin, showcasing such courage and wit in the face of adversity.” Dean Shetty gestured to the left of the stage, where Marie stood and smiled at the applause. “Second is a name I know you are all very familiar with. Y/N Y/L/N has created a positive whirlwind before she stepped foot on our campus. She has used this whirlwind not only to inspire other young people to dedicate their time to philanthropy and their studies, but to assist Marie in protecting our campus.”
      The spotlight was harsh, but I took Liza’s advice and posed the best I could. I desperately wanted to look at Jordan, to tell them I did not want any of this, that I wanted them to have the credit, but I endured the second round of applause. When the applause ended and the spotlight went away, I grabbed my champagne.
            “Not bad, but your smile didn’t reach your eyes,” Liza noted.
            “I’ll work on it.”
     The bubbles tickled the back of my throat and I looked over at Jordan again. They were looking down at their hands as their parents continued speaking with a different suit. For a split second, I wished that I could switch powers with Cate and have an idea of what they were thinking.
“…and don’t forget to schmooze some other donors. Did you get pictures with Marie?” Liza droned.
“I think Y/N has done enough schmoozing for tonight, Liza,” Dad interrupted.
“Excuse me, Mr. Y/L/N, but my job is to make sure that your daughter is seen is the best possible light at all times and---”
“Would you all excuse me?” I asked, standing.
      Without waiting for a reply, I made my way across the room, ignoring some other kids who asked for pictures or donors who kept eyeing my backside. Once I was at the Lis table, I froze. I hadn’t prepared anything and my head was totally empty.
This was bad.
Just when I was about to sprint back to my chair, Mrs. Li noticed me.
            “Oh, Y/N, it’s so good to see you!” Mrs. Li exclaimed.
            Thankfully, my PR training kicked in.
            “Good evening, Mrs. Li. How are you?” I replied.
             She stood and hugged me for a few seconds “Oh, you look beautiful. Doesn’t she look beautiful, honey?” She turned to Mr. Li.
            “Yes, my boy knows how to pick ‘em,” Mr. Li said with a grin.
             I blinked back the shock of my words and smiled slowly. “Thank you. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
            “No, we were done,” Mrs. Li insisted.
     Suit Guy nodded and excused himself while Mrs. Li gently pulled me down to sit next to her. Jordan stared at me the same way they did when I disagreed with them on a floor plan on Property Brothers. Honestly, I couldn’t blame them.
            “Y/N, I must say, I was so sad when Jordan told us you broke up,” Mrs. Li admitted.
            That made two of us.
            “And it was so unexpected. You two were inseparable,” Mr. Li added.
            I nodded. “Yeah, well, things change.” I took a long swig of my champagne.  
            “And where are your parents tonight, Y/N?” Mr. Li asked.
            “They’re here. I think they’ve been talking Polarity’s ear off,” I replied.
            That wasn’t too much of a lie. Dad was happy taking pictures with him on the red carpet and Mom thought that he was okay.
            Mr. Li let out a low whistle. “Impressive. You and Andre do make a nice couple, no offense, Jordan.”
            “None taken, Dad,” they scoffed.
            I hesitated for a second. “We’re just friends…Andre and me, we’re just friends. We’ve just been hanging out a lot more lately.”
        For a second, I hoped Jordan listened to me but I couldn’t tell as their eyes wandered away from their parents and me. This was a mistake, such a stupid mistake. I had to get out of there, someway, somehow.
            Mr. Li raised his eyebrows. “My son may still have a chance?”
      I smiled as mysteriously as I could muster before downing the rest of my champagne. It did nothing to blot out the embarrassment rising from my neck and over my ears. Mrs. Li gently grabbed my uninjured hand in hers.
            “You’ve been so brave with all this, Y/N. Fighting Luke must have been terrifying. Oh, I couldn’t imagine!” she exclaimed.
      No, she couldn’t imagine seeing those glowing eyes every time she blinked nor tensing every time she had to go past Brink’s office to get to the super nice bathroom in the Crimefighting building. She couldn’t possibly imagine all the stupid questions she would get asked or the strange itching pain the burn around her neck caused.
            “It was,” I whispered, glancing at Jordan.
            They finally looked at me but this time, I was thankful they didn’t have laser vision. I quickly set aside my empty glass and turned back to Mrs. Li.
            “But you survived and sacrificed so much,” she added.
            “You could say that again,” I replied.
            “That’s Y/N, always sacrificing herself for someone else,” Jordan seethed.
      It was awful being on Jordan’s bad side and I was doing nothing but exacerbating the situation. There had to be some escape route that I could take. Someone I knew had to come by or someone could maybe ask for a picture.
            “Jordan, don’t be rude,” Mr. Li admonished. “I thought I raised my boy better than that.”
     There was something about Mr. Li’s tone that made my stomach lurch. Or maybe it was the distressed way Jordan looked away and was suddenly fascinated with the fairy lights that hung on the walls. All I knew was that I was slowly pulling away from Mrs. Li and straightening up.  
            “Did Jordan ever tell you how we first met?” I asked.
            “No, never,” Mr. Li said, glancing at Jordan.
            “It was freshman year during the mid-terms. I was slammed with so many assignments that I thought I was going to drown but before that, I would bomb all my classes, especially Brink’s. One night, I was in the library having a total meltdown because none of my index cards made any sense and there were only two days left until the exam.” I paused. “In the middle of my snot and tears, Jordan finds me surrounded by my notecards and books, picks up one of my notecards, and says, ‘I’d be crying too if I was studying something that wasn’t going to be on the exam’. Then, they sat down with me and helped me study. Totally saved my butt freshman year.”
      I left out the part about how they were in their feminine form and rolled their eyes every time I sniffled. But Mr. and Mrs. Li looked surprised but pleased at the same time.
            “I had no idea,” Mrs. Li said.
            “Yeah, Jordan’s always looking out for the people they care about, even if they won’t admit it.” I glanced at Jordan. “They deserve to be Number One in the Top Five and I hope that one day, I can be half the hero I know they will be. So, yes, Mr. Li, you raised a great child who will be a great person and I am happy to know them.”
      Though I could feel Jordan’s eyes on me, I quietly excused myself and slowly walked away. The lights and noise began to blur in front of me. Soon, I felt the tear slip down my cheek and hurried into the bathroom before anyone else could see.
            I immediately walked up to the sink and placed my hands on the counter. “Breathe, Y/N, breathe,” I said in choked breaths.
      It was a difficult fete since the tears started falling as soon as the door closed behind me. I didn’t know why I was crying, I thought I did something positive. Maybe I was crying because I screwed up or I said too much to Marie. Maybe I was crying because I hadn’t cried since the night Jordan broke up with me. Their words tore a piece out of my chest, and I thought that I wouldn’t be able to get back. Maybe I never would.
            The bathroom door suddenly flew open, and I screamed, “GET OUT!” Sending a blast of wind with my bad hand.
      A loud bang and bright light followed, extinguishing the wind without incident. My eyes flew open, and I turned to find Jordan, in their feminine form leaning against the wall. They seemed unimpressed and angry.
            “Careful, don’t want you causing damage to another building,” they deadpanned.
            I swallowed and started wiping my tears. “Why are you in here?”
            “To ask you what the hell was that back there? You just bulldoze in our conversation and say…that?” Jordan said.  
            “I’m sorry, I guess I’m tipsier than I thought,” I muttered.
            “No, this isn’t you tipsy,” Jordan argued.
            “Fine, I got upset when your dad kept calling you ‘son’ and ‘boy’ and it just came out, okay?” I snapped. “I’m sorry I butt into your family stuff, it won’t happen again. We can go back to ignoring each other.”
            Jordan scoffed and walked closer to me. “You mean, you can go back to ignoring me?”
       Were they really arguing with me about ignoring each other? They had been ignoring me this whole time as well. No in-person conversations, no texts, no calls, not even social media interactions.
            “I’m not going to argue with you about this,” I said, my voice hoarse.
            “Look, I’m not going to pretend like after two weeks of nothing, it’s not insane that you would do that,” they continued
            “Okay, so I tried to do a nice thing for you and screwed it up, I’m sorry.”
            “I don’t want your apology.”
            “Then what do you want?” I glared at them. “I tried to fix the Luke and Brink mess but that backfired. Then, I tried to stand up for you in front of your parents, but I screwed that up too. Every time I try to do something nice for you, I end up hurting you instead and I’m tired of it. I don’t like hurting you and if we have to stay away from each other than fine.”
       Jordan was quiet for a long time and during that time, their eyes never left mine. They always had such a cutting gaze, like they could see through everyone and everything. Sometimes, I would be curious and terrified at what they would find if they stared at me long enough.
            “You didn’t hurt me tonight,” they whispered. “I just don’t understand why you did it.”
             I sighed. “Because I still care about you. It’s stupid, right? You broke my heart and I still care about you.”
            I sniffled and turned away from them. “I should get cleaned up before heading back out there. I must look like a mess.”
            For a moment, the only sounds I heard were my sniffling and rifling for the paper towels to fix my makeup. As I dabbed the makeup Jordan whispered, “You never look like a mess.”
      The next time I spoke to Jordan was the day Tek Knight guest-lectured our class. The tall, slimy idiot made the side of my mouth twitch with each word he spoke. His show was ridiculous but maybe that was due to all the editing to make him seem normal. He spoke so grandiosely, and I wondered how Cate, Andre, and Jordan dealt with being interviewed by him.
            “I can’t stand this guy,” Marie whispered.
            “You and me both,” I muttered.
            “…and, as all you know,” Tek continued, “I am a master at interrogation and I would love to take this moment to show you proper technique. Now, I’ll need a volunteer.”      Fortunately, no one raised their hands and I went back to skimming some old class notes. Hopefully class would go by quickly, Dean Shetty couldn’t let this man prattle on the whole time, right?
            “Cyclone, one of our Guardians of Godolkin. Surely, you wouldn’t mind? It could make up for our missed interview,” Tek said with a slight edge to his voice.
            “You can call me Y/N and, fine.” I stood, straightened my blazer that I wore with a houndstooth mini skirt, and strolled down to the seat at the front of the class.
       All that was missing was a blinding light and a seedy interrogation room. I folded my hands in my lap and relaxed into the chair. This would be fine, nothing at all. I glanced at my classmates, offering Marie a small smile and locking eyes with Jordan for a second. I could get through this, Tek Knight was nothing.
            “Miss Y/L/N, I appreciate your participation,” Tek began. “Why don’t we start by going over the events of your friend, Luke’s, death?”
            I swallowed. “I have relayed the story many times, Mr. Knight, unless you didn’t see any of my interviews.”
        That earned a small laugh throughout the class and Tek’s jaw clenched but he smiled.
            “No, I can’t say that I have, I was too busy investigating the details of his death. So, humor me, please,” Tek requested. “What was that day like?”
            “It was a normal day. I had a morning class on forensics and then I had lunch with Cate. After lunch, I did some homework and I decided to go see Professor Brink about an assignment,” I said.
         That day, I did not need to talk to Brink but I had told the lie so much that no one would second guess it.
            “Your pupils just dilated, you’re lying,” Tek said in delight.
            I rolled my eyes. “I’ve told the story fifty times, I think I remember it correctly.”             “Ah, notice class just how defensive she got,” Tek instructed. “Why were you really there?”
     I paused again, my eyes glancing at Jordan. Their expression was unreadable but their jaw clenched for a moment. That day, I went to see Jordan and apologize for everything that happened with Liza since we had not spoken when we all went out the night before. However, Jordan was particularly icy about it and I ended up running into a frantic Marie.  
       A chill ran up my spine at the memory and I turned my attention back to Tek. He was waiting with bated breath and I wondered how much he got off on these.
      “I wanted to talk to Brink about an assignment,” I repeated.
      “Tell that to the sweat on your forehead but we’ll circle back to that. What happened when you got to his office?”
            “When I walked into the building, I saw Marie was in front of his office.”
            “And you didn’t think that was strange since she was a freshman?”
            I shook my head. “No, she was a fan of Brink’s work so it made sense that she would try to talk to him.”
            “Was anyone else there?”
            “Another lie. Who else was there, Y/N?”
            “Marie, Marie was the only person there.” I willed myself to calm down.
            Tek faced the class. “Notice, class, that Y/N is rubbing her hand on her forearm, a classic self-soothing gesture. We are one step closer to the truth!” Then, he whirled back around to me. “Who else was there, Y/N?”
            “Marie. I didn’t see anyone else.”             Tek shook a finger at me. “Oh, you’re a tough one, Y/N, and those are my favorites to break.”
            I huffed and glanced at Dean Shetty, who offered me a pity look. “Do you have any other questions?”
            “Plenty. What happened when you got to Brink’s office?”
            “Well, Marie was nervous to talk to Brink so I knocked on the door. There was no answer, and I opened it and I saw Luke burning him alive,” I said quietly.
            “The downcast eyes and lower tone suggest that not only is Miss Y/L/N telling the truth but there is emotional weight to it.” Tek gestured to me. “Please, continue.”
            “When Luke saw us, something was off with his eyes. He was…infuriated and he looked hurt.”
            “What did he say to you?”
            “He said that we shouldn’t have seen that and now we had to die.”
            “That must have been painful and scary, you had been friends for two years, correct?” Tek asked.
            “Yeah, around the time he and Cate started dating,” I confirmed.
            “What happened next?”
            “I told Marie to run and I tried to hold him off. We got into a pretty intense physical fight and I was able to extinguish his flames long enough for Marie to do some damage,” I reported.
            “We can see that it must have been very difficult with your injuries. What made you think that you could beat him?”
            I paused and looked at him. “Excuse me?”
            “Well, according to your record, you’ve fought Luke three times, lost twice, and ended in a draw once. To go from that to disarming him is a large leap.”
       My heart rate started to pick up and I brushed a loc out of my face to distract myself. I just had to stay calm and answer everything with confidence. Confidence was all anyone needed, Liza preached it enough.
            “Yes, Luke was incredibly strong and near-impossible to beat,” I added.
            “But you’ve extinguished his flames before? And you still lost? How did that work?”
       It was an easy gig when Luke was caught off guard. The most I could ever do when sparring with him was play defense. I could feel the heat of his flames still and the flash in his eyes.
            “Just tell them what they want to hear,” Liza’s voice coached in my ear. “No one wants the truth, they want what we tell them.”
      But what was the point of that? Why couldn’t Jordan get the credit? What truth would that be hiding? That they’re a good hero? What was the point of me fake-dating Andre? Who were we placating? Why did I have to play to anything?
      Slowly, I glanced at Marie and then I glanced at Jordan. Marie looked like she was holding her breath while Jordan was hyper-focused. I wondered if Marie knew how insightful she was or could be.
            “It didn’t,” I stated.
      Tek smiled like the Cheshire cat and everyone’s expressions around the room shifted from bored focus to interest. My heart was pumping in my ears and my breath was starting to speed up, but I had to keep going.
            “What do you mean?”
            “I tried to extinguish Luke’s fire that day but it didn’t work. It had worked during one of our sparring sessions but, his guard was lower and I took advantage. The day he died, I panicked,” I reported.
            “The Cyclone panicked under pressure?” Tek asked.
            “Yes, I was scared. Luke was never malicious in our fights, and I could tell he wanted to kill me. Plus, I had to protect Marie but, I ended up making things worse.” I took another deep breath. “When I tried to extinguish the fire, I exacerbated it and set fire to almost everything around us. Luke tackled me to the ground, and I landed wrong, which is how I broke my wrist.”
            “That is a harrowing story, Miss Y/L/N. What happened to Marie?”
            I looked apologetically at her. “She ran and I didn’t see where she went. For a minute, I thought I accidentally got her burned too.” My eyes went back to Tek.
            “And how did you escape?” Tek asked.
            Here it goes.
            “Jordan stepped in and tackled him off me,” I admitted. “Because they’re indestructible in their male form, they weren’t hurt, and they were able to hold him off long enough for me to escape.”
            There, it was all out there. I felt lighter than I had in weeks, and I could have cried at the feeling. For a moment, I wondered why it took me so long to just admit the truth.
            “I thought you said there was no one else there?” Tek countered.
            “I lied.”
            “Why lie?”
            “Partially to protect and help Marie. This situation was beneficial for her, and I played along to help. But she also doesn’t need this to prove how great she’ll be one day.”
            “So, is Jordan part of the reason you were there that day?”
            “Yes,” I admitted. “They’re the reason I was at Brink’s.”
            “But why?”
            “That’s your favorite word,” I scoffed. “I lied to protect myself. I went to Brink’s office to see Jordan to apologize.”
            “Apologize for what?”
            “To apologize for the position I put them in.” I willed myself not to glance at them because if I did, they might telepathically make me shut up.
            Tek walked closer to me and leaned over me a little. “And what position is that?”
            “I made them feel like a burden when they weren’t, they never were,” I whispered, eyeing Tek.
            Tek nodded. “That’s right, you two were an item.”
            “They broke up with me because they thought they were helping me but, they couldn’t have been more wrong. Jordan challenged me and made me think deeper about things.” Tears burned my eyes but I kept pushing. “But the facts are that Jordan protected everyone from Luke, not me and not Marie. You can quote me on that.”
      I crossed my arms and noticed I was breathing harder than usual. Was this panic or relief? How could anyone tell the difference?
            Tek smiled like the Cheshire cat as he continued to circle me. “Notice how even though she got defensive, she is relaxed. Ladies and gentlemen, we have found the truth!”
       Some sporadic applause broke out and Tek leaned over to shake my hand, but I stood, brushed past him, and headed back to my seat. On the way, I could feel everyone’s eyes boring into me but for the first time in a long time, I could not have cared less. Marie was stunned when I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder.
            “What was that?” she whispered.
            “I’m sorry but you were right, I had a choice,” I whispered back.
     Marie hesitated but nodded as I turned and walked out of the class. Finally, the truth was out there, and it would spread like wildfire on Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram. Part of me wondered how long it would take for the news to reach Liza and another part of me wondered how that conversation would go. She would be infuriated and try to work on a counterattack but, I also could not bring myself to care too much. I did care about how my parents would feel once they found out. They had no idea that I lied.
      The sun was brighter than usual and the students frantically typing on their laptops or talking on their phones were productive, not overly stressed. There was a sense of calm over campus, and it made for a nice ambiance for my walk back to my dorm. As soon as I walked in, I got a FaceTime call from Cate.
            “Okay, what was that with Tek Knight?” she interrogated.
            “Wow, those kids work fast,” I commented, setting my bag on my desk.
            “Seriously. Did you skip the interview so you could do…that?”
            “First of all, I skipped the interview because I had a shoot with Nike that I was contractually obligated to. Second of all, Tek wanted the truth and I gave it to him.”
            I flopped down on my bed and propped my phone on my side table so that I could see Cate’s frowning face which was a mixture of shock and pride.
            “Well, I know this is super therapist-y of me to ask but how are you feeling?” she asked.
            “I feel light. It’s true about the truth setting you free, you know. I feel like I can fly,” I drawled, stretching myself out further on my bed.
            “Technically, you can already fly,” Cate teased.
            “Not the point, Cate. I didn’t realize how much Vought and Liza caged me in. If this is what they did to me, I can’t imagine what they did to Luke.”
            Cate hummed, a solemn expression rolling across her pretty features. “I knew he was under a lot of pressure but…” Cate cut herself off. “Anyway, I am happy that you are feeling better; you can only hold things in for so long before you snap.”
            “Like you would let me snap,” I teased.
            “Of course. Are you worried about your parents?” Cate asked.
            I shrugged. “Only the fact that they had no idea I lied about any of this. I told you how my mom and I had a heart-to-heart at the gala. They want me to be happy and this feels like a good start.”
            “I want you happy too. I gotta get back to psych before Professor Banks sends someone looking for me.”
      As soon as she clicked off, I put my phone on Do Not Disturb and rolled onto my back. This seemed like a fantastic moment for less noise.
            Knock! Knock! Knock!
            Or not.
            I huffed as I pushed myself off the bed and made my way to the door. “I am not going to do any of those stupid TikTok interviews or----”I stopped when I saw Jordan staring back at me.
            “Sorry, I didn’t come by for a statement,” they muttered.
            “N-no, it’s fine.” I stepped aside and they quickly brushed past me.
     As I closed the door behind me, I willed my heartbeat to slow to a normal rate and wiped my palms on my skirt. Jordan dropped their bag in the middle of the room and whirled around to face me.
            “Why did you do that?” they demanded.
            “I wanted to tell the truth,” I answered.
            Jordan laughed humorlessly and rolled their eyes. “Sure you did. Is this another ploy from Liza that you’re playing along with? I’m wondering how exactly this is going to screw me and make you look better.”
            I shook my head and took a couple of steps closer to them. “There’s no ploy! You’ll believe me when the rankings come out.”
            “Oh, I’m sure nothing will change except you might be at Number One this time,” they seethed.
            “Why are you mad at me? I did what you’ve been asking me to do since this whole thing started.”
            “But I didn’t want you to make yourself look bad in the process!” they exclaimed.
    As their words sunk in, I had a chance to think. Class was not over for another thirty minutes, and Jordan never skipped class unless they were deathly ill. At the gala, I did not see Jordan or their parents until I approached them. At the time, I thought they were avoiding an awkward conversation----that still happened-----but now, I wondered if they were trying to protect me or themselves from something. When we broke up, they disappeared until that night Cate practically forced me to go out with everyone and even then, we never spoke. I thought they were avoiding me because they were angry but maybe they were hurt. And when they yelled at me to run from Luke, they almost sounded…scared.
            What did that mean?
     Slowly, I closed the distance between us, swallowing at the tension rising in the room. “I don’t care about rankings or social media engagement right now. If anything happens, I can bounce back but like I said the other night, I care about you and I am tired of hurting you. I know that my lying about what happened with Luke and Brink was messed up and must have caused a different kind of pain and I wanted to make it right.”
            “There’s still smarter ways of doing that, Y/N. Did you coordinate with Liza or something? And what about Marie?” Jordan rattled.
            “No, I decided on my own and Marie inspired me to do it. I had a choice, and I made the right one,” I argued. “Can you please just enjoy the glory and attention you’ll get from this and stop trying to poke holes in it?”
            Jordan shook their head. “No, not when I know there’s an angle to this.”
            “You want an angle? Here’s your angle: I love you and I wanted to help you, just like I tried to at the gala. If it lowers my ranking or makes me lose followers, I don’t care!” I announced. “I am sick of spending hours making sure total strangers like me and avoiding mistakes. I can help other black girls outside of being a hero, through charity or promoting positive representations of us in media. So please, for the love of all that is good in the world, just accept what I did and enjoy the benefits!”
     It was only when the silence filled the room that I realized what I had said. My face immediately warmed, and I felt kind of nauseous. The fact that we never really said the L-word to each other in a year and a half of dating was ludicrous but, we agreed that we did not have to say it if we felt it from each other. It sounded great at the time but the truth was that saying it out loud made it more real.
     Suddenly, my dorm did not feel like the safe space where I could cry, binge-watch Psych, or share a joint with Cate. I suddenly felt like a child again as Jordan stared at me wide-eyed. After a few seconds, they spoke.
    Great, that’s what every girl wants to hear after they confess their feelings to their ex. I ran my hands through my locs and started walking towards the door.
            “You can go now. Just try to keep the gloating to a minimum,” I whispered.
    Before I could make it to the door, I felt a familiar strong hand grip my good arm and pull me closer. I did not have time to react as Jordan pressed their lips against mine. This kiss was much different than any kiss we’d ever had, well, any kiss that I ever had. There was pain, passion, anger, lust, and tenderness.
             They slowly pulled away, barely a millimeter from my face, and I exhaled. “You don’t get to ruin your career for me, say that, and then kick me out of your dorm,” they growled lowly.
   A tingle ran up my spine as I leaned forward to kiss them again. It was strange that I had almost forgotten how good they were at this, how much I missed this feeling with them. I felt their hands run up the nape of my neck and pull gently on a couple of locs. I pulled away for a second.
            “You didn’t give me a chance to fight for us,” I muttered.
            Jordan sighed, trailing their hand from my hair to the back of my shoulders. “I didn’t think…I didn’t think I was worth it.”
             “Of course you are, you always were,” I insisted.
            Something lit in their eyes and Jordan smiled so widely that I thought they might crack. They gently pulled me in closer for a hug, scratching my back with featherlight touches.
            “I’m sorry I broke up with you,” they whispered into my shoulder.
            “I’m sorry that I made you think you had to break up with me,” I replied. “Thank you for saving me from Luke, sorry for lying about that again.”
            They groaned. “Please stop apologizing for that.”
            I laughed. “Okay.”
            “Besides,” they stood to their full height, “I didn’t do that great of a job.”
     Their eyes zeroed in on my bruised neck and then glided to my injured wrist. It was as though I could sense the doubt rising within them and I grabbed their face.
            “Hey, this was my fault, not yours. I’m here in one piece because of you, never forget that, okay?”
            “Well, I guess when you put it that way…” They smirked and I swatted their arm with my good hand.
            “Seriously, do not get a big head from this,” I instructed.
            “No promises,” They teased. “So, what now? I mean, I know you love me and all but where do we go from here?”
            “You know how I feel and I’ve done enough heart-opening speeches for one day. But, I would be lying if I said I haven’t thought about getting back with you ever since you broke up with me,” I said.
            “Well,” Jordan rocked back on their heels, “I would also be lying if I said that I haven’t thought about getting back with you too and those posts with you and Andre drove me nuts.”
            I raised an eyebrow. “You were jealous?”
            Jordan looked away from me for a moment. “He was looking at you all weird and flirty.”             “It was a fake relationship and you got fooled!” I cheered.
            “It didn’t look fake on his end,” Jordan grumbled.
            “Aww, is little Jordan feeling a little sad still?” I sang in a baby voice.
            “Don’t do that voice, Y/N,” Jordan warned.
            “Or what?”
    Quickly, Jordan’s hands started tapping on my sides in rapid succession and I could hold the giant laugh down. Somehow, I wriggled out of their grasp and made a run for it. I made it about halfway across the room before they tackled me into my bed, continuing their attack. I laughed so hard that tears were rolling down my face. After a few moments, they stopped, laughing as well and slowly playing with the hem of my shirt.
            “Seriously, though, what do we do now?” Jordan asked, slightly out of breath.
            I pushed myself up on my elbows. “Well, I’m open to sneaking around to ease us back into things but I’m also open to suggestions.”             Jordan’s hands slowly moved to rub my sides. “Then I would suggest that we pick up where we left off, if that’s okay with you.”
            I hummed, pretending to think about it, before quickly pecking their lips. “Of course, that’s fine with me!”
            “And you’re sure you don’t care what Liza says?”
            I nodded. “Can we please stop talking about her? You have a lot of making up to do.”
            “Me? You’re the one who chose a freshman over me.”
            “She had a compelling story!”
   I didn’t see Liza’s frantic missed calls or texts hours after Jordan and I competed to see who could “make up” the best. I didn’t see any of the memes or clips from Tek’s interrogation of me either. I didn’t even see the comments on our Instagram official post. All I knew was that I was at peace for maybe the third time in my life and I was not going to let anything get in the way of it again.
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mewhenimanangel · 1 year
everywhere ʚɞ miles morales x reader
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
pairing: 42!miles morales x reader
synopsis: you were a wreck. it’s your mom’s one year anniversary since she passed. miles helps you feel better
wc: 3.0k
warnings!: swearing, death, death jokes, violence, kissing, n word used
prev, next
you begrudgingly pulled your blanket off you and went to the bathroom to brush your teeth. you were fighting so hard to not crawl back in your bed and sob into your pillow. it was the anniversary of your mom's death and all you wanted to do was cry.
you got in your uniform and put sunscreen and lotion on your face, not bothering to do anything else. you grabbed your bag and your phone and went out your door. your dad was standing there making coffee when he turned around to walk over to you and embrace you in a hug. "good morning baby" he pulled you back to see your quivering lip.
"i know, i miss her too. say what how about i make her special pasta that she always made. or at least attempt to." he joked. "yeah sure whatever" you fanned your tears and went out the door. safiya was standing outside your building waiting to walk with you. "hey bebe how you doing?" she rubbed your back. " i'm fine" you faked a smile. she knew you were lying but she didn't say anything and you two just walked to school.
your classes went by quickly, probably because you spent 90% of them staring out the window. currently you were in physics class doing the exact same thing, it's been a month since your schedule switched and you and miles grew a little closer, as close as he'd let you. you'd exchanged numbers and followed each other on social media. and he would join you and safiya on the walk home, silently walking at your side while you chat with your best friend.
miles looked through the side of his eye and noticed you hadn't even picked up your pencil since class started and were just staring into space, dejected expression on your face. he nudged your shoulder and whispered "what's up with you today, chiquita?"
"mm? oh, nothing." you mumbled looking back down on your desk. "you ain't even write your name, ms bennett's gonna get on your ass" he snickered. you just snorted a bit before going back to stare out the window. it was a rainy day out, how ironic.
he could tell something was off with you so he decided to help you out. "here, i'm done" he moved his paper to your desk. "just copy it" he told you.
you smiled at him before writing down everything he had on his paper, on yours. "you look different today" referring to your bare face "in a good way" he added when he saw your eyebrows furrow. "um thanks" you finished your paper just in time for the bell to ring.
you were in the bathroom washing your hands when the melanie came in. "oh..hi y/n, we miss you in math" she said with a condescending smile on her face. you rolled your eyes and dried your hands before getting ready to leave. "oh by the way since your fine daddy's single, do you think you could give him my number." you face twisted in disgust and you turned around and shoved her up against the wall. "fucking say shit bout my parents again and i'll fucking kill you." you snapped, pushing her head back against the wall.
"bitch is that a fucking threat?!" she pushed you off her. "yes bitch! i'll fucking gut-" "girls, where are we supposed to be??" a hall monitor interrupted coming into the bathroom. you grumbled an insult before pushing pass her and heading to the roof.
miles looked over from his conversation and saw you storming off from the bathroom, melanie following shorty after with the monitor trailing behind her. "yo i'll see you later aight" he dapped his friend up and followed behind you.
his eyebrows furrowed when he saw you sneak through the rooftop door. he followed through the door and snuck up the stairs. he saw you hunched over on the ground and he could hear your sniffles from here. he didn't mean to slam the door but he did and it startled you. you darted your head over your shoulders, quickly wiping your tears when you saw him. "what are you doing here?" you put your head back on your knees. "saw you when you stormed outta the bathroom, you looked upset. then i saw you come up here and i wanted to make sure you ain't kill yourself" he joked, making you giggle.
"why you up here anyway? and why you crying?" he asked, sitting down next to you. "i told mr brown i'd water the garden." your voice was breaking. "doesn't explain why you're crying ma" he looked at you. you didn't say anything for a moment, taking a deep breath before you opened your mouth. "today was the day my mom died, like a year ago today" you told explained. "i promised myself i wasn't gonna cry today but that fucking cunt melanie loves to piss me off"
"that why you said you fought her?" he asked. "mhm" you mumbled. "well she's a fucking bitch. don't take that shit from her." he told you, you nodding your head. "but...i get it. my dad's dead and when he died, niggas thought something was funny? so that's why i had beat lincoln's ass" he said. "god the people here suck so bad. m'sorry about your dad." you told him. "it's aight, i'm sorry about your mom" you smiled and nodded your head, holding back the tears that dared to slip down your face. "it's alright to cry ma. don't hold back i'm not gonna judge you"
you blinked and your tears came flowing down your face, you leaned your head on his shoulder and he didn't move it he just let you cry. "i just wanna go see her grave, but it's all the way in westchester" you wiped your tears. he stayed silent for a moment "then let's go see it. i have my license and i know where my dad's old car is" he told you, rising to his feet. "what? we can't do that. we have school and you can't just take your dad's car." you rose to yours too.
"what, is he gonna stop me?" he said making you giggle. "that's crazy. you don't have to do this really it's fine" "it's alright, if it'll make you feel better i don't mind. come on let's go through the door in the green hallway" he said going through the roof door, you following behind. you opened your phone to tell safiya you were skipping with miles.
'miles is taking me to my mom's grave??😭
we're ditching come with us' you sent the text.
'girl WHAT 💀' she sent.
'that emoji feels familiar 🤔' you sent back.
'stop. anyways i cant come, bout to start a test. just be safe baby. i love you' she sent back.
miles scoped out the hallway making sure no teachers or monitors were around. he pushed through the door and you two made a break for it down the street. "wait, i wanna get something" you pointed to the grocery store down the street.
you both went in and you picked up a bouquet of pink roses, her favorite flowers, from the front. you went to another aisle and picked up a pack of ferrero rocher chocolates "these were her favorite. one time my dad stood her up with work on valentine's day so she and i watched her favorite movie and ate a whole big pack of these. we were so sick afterwards. after i threw up she gave me medicine and sang me to sleep" you lightly laughed, biting your lips to hold back your tears. "she sounds great" he said giving you a comforting smile. "she really was"
you checked out and miles took you to an old garage, tugging open the door, a black buick sat on the other side. "does this even still work?" you asked opening the door. "should. if not i'll just make it" he turned the key in the ignition, engine sputtering in response. he groaned, opening the electrical system. he pulled out two wires, hitting them together until a spark emerged and the engine started. he looked at you with a cocky smile "there, all we need is some gas" "how do you know how to do that?" you asked putting on your seatbelt. "don't worry bout it" he drove off.
after stopping at a gas station and filling up the tank, you two drove the hour and a half drive to westchester graveyard. he let you control the music and would occasionally glance over at you while you just stared out the window. he watched you put your legs up in criss cross apple sauce and doze off, smiling at the way your mouth fell open and he could hear your soft snoring.
he pulled into a nearby parking lot and tapped your thigh "we're here" he told you. you stretched and rubbed your eyes, looking around to make sure it was the right place. "you were snoring mad hard" he teased you. "i was not!" you gasped. "yes you were" "nuh uh, i do not snore" you retorted. "yes you do, could barely hear the music" he lied. you rolled your eyes fondly and opened the car door, grabbing the chocolates and the flowers.
he followed your lead to her headstone and you let yourself plop down next to it, resting the flowers down gently. "hey mom" you leaned your head back. "miss you, god even after a year it still doesn't feel real" your voice was breaking and miles figured he'd back off a little, sitting back on a bench nearby.
"i'm a junior now, me and safiya are still as close as ever but i've been making new friends. dad and i have been weird but if feels like it's getting back to normal now?? his cooking still sucks ass tho" you giggled "oh i got a job now, i'm a barista at mel's. i've been letting my hair grow longer and i redecorated my room. i started reading those poetry books that you had always wanted me to and brandy's been in my playlists on repeat, maybe it's silly to do this because i like to think that you know all this already cause you're watching over me."
"i miss you so much mommy. god i wish you would just come back, how is this not some stupid joke" you wiped your tears, but they wouldn't stop streaming down your face. you turned around and kneeled, knees sinking into the soil beneath you, hands resting on top. you couldn't control it anymore you let out a broken cry and shoved your face in your hands.
you felt miles tap your shoulder and pulled you to your feet. you looked at him, face scrunched up with bloodshot teary eyes. he moved a hand up to your cheek wiping away the tears that rolled down your face. "ugh this is embarrassing" you grumbled, shoving your face in his chest, and he put his arms around your shoulders. "it really isn't. i get it y/n, trust me it'll be okay. i'm not saying it's gon stop hurting but it'll hurt a little less with time." he told you.
he reached in his book bag and took out a small pack of tissues. he handed them to you so you could wipe your tears off. "put your leg up" he told you putting his hand on the underneath of your knee. you put your hands on his shoulders to support yourself and he used the tissues to clean your knees. you let out a small laugh "thanks. really thank you so much for this, you genuinely did not have to do this at all." "it's alright ma"
you checked your phone seeing a missed call and  texts rom your dad. 'where you at? school call me tell me you not there??' 'answer me before i call the police' they read. you giggled a little before telling him you were in westchester, which he did not take lightly and told you you were in trouble but right now you didn't care.
you went to the bench miles was sitting on and grabbed the chocolates. "you wanna eat some with me?" you asked him, holding out one to his hand. "you not gonna eat till you throw up right. i don't fuck with vomit." he put out his hand. "no!" you laughed which made him smile.
the two of you sat there on the bench for about another half an hour talking about whatever. your parents, your lives outside of school and knowing each other, etc. while eating the chocolates. you stopped yourself before you got too into them. "ah we should probably start driving back" you told him. "you sure?" he looked at you. "yeah, dad said i'm in trouble when i get home anyways" you got up and closed the container.
"well. since you're already out can i take you somewhere?" he asked. you twisted your mouth in thought "but my dad-" "well if you're already in trouble when you get back why not stay out a little longer" you let him convince you and got in the car for the drive back to brooklyn.
when you got to brooklyn he drove straight past your buildings and to a nearby unused subway station. you went down and he walked you all the way to the end of the platform going onto the side of the tracks. "alright are you trying to fucking kill me" you hesitated in following him. he chuckled "relax ma, no trains run here anymore it's an old track" he put his hand out to you and you took it and you both walked down the tracks. "alright we gotta hop the fence" he told you.
"are you crazy" you furrowed your eyebrows at him. "it's not even that high up, i'll go first" he climbed the fence and jumped down, swiftly landing on his feet. you followed behind and lost your balance when you were on top causing you to fall over but not before he caught you and put you down. "will you chill out" he laughed at your annoyed expression.
you kept walking for about a minute until you saw a wall full of graffiti. "my uncle takes me down here sometimes and we just paint" he told you, tossing a can at you. "you wanna do a mural for her?" he asked you. you smiled and nod your head "what does she look like?" he asked you. you pulled out your phone and opened the photo album you had dedicated to her, picked a photo and gave him the phone.
"wow she's beautiful. you guys look like twins" he said holding up the phone to a blank part of the wall. "she should fit right in there." "you think i know how to spray paint?" you said shaking the can. "i can help you."
and so he did, he found a color to match her skin tone and her facial features. he did most of the artwork, putting you on his shoulders to do the hair and the top of the rose. you stepped back and admired the finished product. it was your mom with a big smile on her face with her signature red lip, you added details such as your matching necklace, the beauty mark on her cheek, her smile lines and a hand that held a single pink rose.
you smiled and tears stung your eyes, mix of happy and sad but mostly happy. you looked at the time and saw it was almost 9 o'clock. "ohh my dad is gonna kill me" you groaned. "do you think you could take me home now?" you asked him. "yeah it's mad late" he picked up his bookbag and you guys walked back out of the track.
he drove the car back to the garage and you grabbed your book bag before you guys  got out, walking to your block getting to the front of your building. "thank you for today, like seriously. i don't know anybody who would've drove me out for two hours just to sit at a grave." you giggled. "you were sad and i didn't like that, wanted to make you feel better." he nudged your shoulder. "you did make me feel better, thank you" you threw your arm around him, pulling him into a tight hug wrapping around his waist.
you threw your arms up to his face, pinching his cheeks "who knew you were such a big softy morales" you said in a playful baby voice. he rolled his eyes before looking into yours, face softening. your hands were still on his face and his were still around your torso.
your eyes flickered down to his lips before going back to his eyes, you leaned in and pressed your lips to his. you quickly pulled back "oh sorry! don't know what came over me" you frantically apologized. "don't apologize" he whispered before pulling you back in. you threw your arms around his neck, hand rubbing against his fade. his hands were on your waist pulling you closer to him.
you were interrupted by your dad poking through the window five stories up. "y/n! you had me going crazy wondering what the hell you were doing and you out here kissing boys?!" he shouted, baffled expression on his face. "girl get inside" he told you through gritted teeth. "goodnight miles" you giggled pulling away from him. "g'night" he said back to you. "and boy who your parents is? cause i will be giving them a call! got my damn daughter out at night kissing all up on her" he pointed at miles, grumbling the last part. "dad relax!" you shouted up at him. "get inside!" "what does it look like i'm doing?!" you shouted back, opening the building door.
taglist ౨ৎ
@prettypink-princesss @itsnotino @r3d0n33 @iluvprowlermiles @jmsanchoo
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vicocaaisha · 6 months
An Act
Seong Suji x Reader Fic.
Sypnosis: Recently broke up with the school bully, you decided to take revenge by fake dating your school's new student.
Warnings: I guess there's not much!
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You sighed as you looked at your school building. That bitch, Harin, persuaded your school principal to suspend you for a week. Why? Because you and Dayeon broke up and you ended up burning the papers they’re going to give to your homeroom teacher as your classes’ grades.
You hated that three of them–Harin, Doah, and Dayeon– always manipulated the school grades. Although you were in grade B and still got higher grades, you just wanted to take revenge on what Dayeon did to you. Used you as an accessory, flaunting you everywhere and even to his dad, which he was very proud of because your father is a famous lawyer. But when you were no longer useful to Dayeon, she left you saying that she wants to focus on other things and started dating that judo girl. Ugh!
Well, you didn’t love her or like her at all. You just liked her company since you are a troublemaker yourself, minus the bullying. You just liked taunting Harin with her psychotic ideas.
You were knocked out of your thoughts when a girl bumped into you, “I’m sorry!” she said as she was running towards your class’ building. Who is she? If she’s a new student, it’s unusual since it’s the middle of your school’s semester but whatever! You have other things you want to attend to.
You later learned that the girl who bumped into you was Seong Suji, a grade F. Currently, Dayeon and her gang are putting that Suji girl in a garbage bag. Psychopaths.
“What the fuck!” Dayeon shouted as she was drenched with your tomato juice. You didn’t like tomato juice at all, but you just bought it to spill it on Dayeon’s shirt.
“Oops, sorry. I tripped because of your stupid garbage bag.” You smiled cheekily at her then rolled your eyes.
Suji was long forgotten now because of the commotion you created, “Stop being a bitch, Y/N!” Wooyi shouted back at you. You cackled at their reactions as they were helping Dayeon clean up her shirt. Dayeon’s little friend group stormed out of the room and into the bathroom to help Dayeon clean the mess you’ve made.
“Thank you, um…” Suji was looking into your eyes as if she was asking for your name.
“Yeah, yeah. I didn’t do that to help you, just wanted to annoy them. You better clean this all up before the teacher comes.” You didn’t even look at her way and you just sat on your seat tapping on your phone.
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Being Dayeon’s ex means you don’t have friends to eat with anymore because you were once in her gang, too. So now, you are currently seated outside on a bench, plotting your next revenge on your ex.
“Hey, I didn’t get the chance to ask your name earlier.” That Suji girl is bothering you once again.
“Don’t act like you don’t know my name, I saw you talking to Eun-byeol. I bet you she persuaded you to ask for help from our homeroom teacher. Watch out, Suji, that girl is a snake.” You sighed loudly, tired of the bullshit and issues your classmates and that perverted teacher have.
“Oh right, sorry. Eun-byeol told me that I could ask for your help, and based on the actions you made earlier, I’m guessing you’re against Dayeon.” She asked you with a glint of hope in her eyes.
In which you just rolled your eyes, “Well then, she must have thought wrong. I won’t help you nor I won’t get you in trouble either. Eun-byeol must have thought I’ll torment you when you’re going to ask me for help.” You’re annoyed now. You didn’t like Eun-byeol, such a two faced and a suck up.
Seated on a bench, while Suji is standing in front of you. You decided to look up at her. Wow, she is gorgeous. Suddenly, a click went inside your head. You had an idea to piss off Dayeon!
Suji started to walk away after your rejection but…
“Hey, Suji. Maybe I could help you in one condition” You were now standing and smirking at her.
“And what could that be?” Suji said, you could practically hear the hopefulness in her voice.
“I could help you with whatever you want, and in exchange, you act like my girlfriend to make Dayeon jealous, but that would start when you get out of grade F! Anyway, I’ll vote for you for the next HR.”
Out of options, Suji agreed to your conditions.
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A month has passed since you made that deal with Suji. Suji had told you what her plans are and that is destroying the pyramid game, it was no big deal for you because you also hated your psychotic classmates. They are literally fucked in the brain and needs therapy. You also helped Suji get out of grade F alongside Jaeun.
You have been so preoccupied with Suji’s plan that you forgot the deal you made with her. Not until your crazy ex terrorised you again.
You were eating alone at the cafeteria because Suji and Jauen are trying to befriend some students from grade D.
“Hey baby girl, missed me?” Dayeon said it in english while sitting next to your seat.
“What, Dayeon? Can you leave me alone or I’ll pour this hot tea on you.” You rolled your eyes at her, which earned a toothy smile from her.
“I was wondering if we could go out later? You know, like old times.” Her english accent makes you annoyed. How come you liked her before and even agree to be her girlfriend?
Before you could even reply a sly remark, someone cut you off, “I don’t think that’s going to happen, she’s dating me already.” You’ve never whipped your head to your side so fast before, and you saw Suji standing like a knight in shining armour. God, you never noticed how fast your heart was beating, all you could think about was how pretty she looks and how her lips look so kissable.
“C’mon, babe. I told you before to avoid Dayeon, you know how I get so jealous!” Suji said as she pulled you out of your chair and walked down the hallway of the cafeteria. Leaving your food and Dayeon stunned. Are you two really dating? Dayeon thought to herself. Also, everyone in the cafeteria saw that. Oh, how fast the news will spread.
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Lately, you and Suji really have to act like a couple because the whole classroom knows now. You’re really not used to the physical intimate stuff since you really haven’t experienced having a real girlfriend, except for Dayeon, which she used you for her own gain. Plus, being her girlfriend before was like being a puppy, you just followed her around the school doing some mischievous stuff or whatever she wanted you to do.
You were putting some stuff in your locker before heading home when all of a sudden, someone hugged your back. Their arms are around your waist as their head rests on your shoulder. You stiffened.
“Y/N-ssi, let’s go out later. Please wear the dress that I bought you, hehe.” You could practically feel everyone’s eye on the both of you and you were shocked because you aren’t used to physical intimacy.
Suji immediately felt your discomfortness, “Meet you later at our meeting spot, love!” she said as she let go her hold of you and kissed your cheeks before exiting the classroom.
Awkward! But you felt Dayeon’s eyes burning as she stared at you. Is she jealous? She’s the one who left you first for that judo girl…
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Right now, you are waiting for Suji at a park. You did wear the dress that she bought “as a gift” she said. You weren’t really used to doing this whole relationship stuff and being affectionate. This whole thing is just revenge for your ex to make her feel jealous, but you think that you’re feeling something else that you can’t pinpoint.
“Y/N! Hey, you look so good wearing the dress that I gave you.” Her compliment makes your stomach feel like there’s butterflies inside.
“Thank you, unnie.” You replied shyly.
Suddenly, she held your hand, “Let’s go seat somewhere private.” she said as she started walking with her fingers around yours. You thank God that it is already nighttime and she can’t see you blushing.
She packed food for the both of you, “Hey, you always bring food. Sometimes, I feel like you’re going to pick food over me.” you tried to joke to lighten the mood.
“Yes, Y/N-ssi. I’ll pick a nigiri and a hershey drink over you, no hesitations!” she chuckled.
You were just taking photos of the food Suji packed. You realized that Suji has been acting more clingy. She’s currently fixing your hair. There’s only the two of you seated in a dimly lighted park. Why is she acting this way? Does she like you now? You thought you were just going to talk about her new plan, yet here she is being affectionate. Not until…
You looked at her to ask but then she kissed you suddenly. Sitting there dumbfounded as she kisses you. You feel your heart is going to explode. So, this answers the question that you really like her.
Suji inserted her tongue unexpectedly to your mouth, which you moaned from the feeling. You haven’t had your first kiss before, so it was awkward, and you just let Suji lead the way. She held your waist. You were feeling like you needed more.
Overwhelmed by what’s happening, you pushed Suji. Out of breath, you just stared at her. Your legs feel like jelly from the kiss. You didn’t know what to say, and all Suji said was…
“Let’s go to your house.” You can’t even comprehend what’s happening. All of these are new to you. Does she like you back?
On the way to your home, it was antagonizing slow. When you reached your house, you were fumbling with keys; still nervous from the kiss that happened. You can feel that Suji is getting impatient, too, not until she slammed you against the door that you were trying to open.
“Y/N, you’re so slow.” Suji said in a breathy, seductive manner and went straight to your neck, kissing it and leaving marks.
The only thing that you could do was grip her shirt, you were so preoccupied at the feeling of Suji kissing your neck, you didn’t even realize that someone was watching the both of you and they left after Suji started marking you up. That’s when Suji stopped when she felt the spy was gone.
You were dripping wet. You unlocked the door faster this time. When both of you are inside, you wait for Suji to make the next move but instead…
“Hey, sorry for kissing you and leaving some hickeys on your neck. I felt someone watching us. I’m really sorry if you felt uncomfortable! I swear I’ll never do it again!” Suji said while bowing many times in front of you.
So that was all an act? All you could do was nod at her. You like her, but she doesn’t feel the same way? All of the things that you feel for her are so confusing. You feel like you want to get angry at her, shout at her to express your frustrations. But you know better. All of this is just a condition you made with her. It’s your fault for falling, not Suji.
“I should head home now. It’s already late. I’m really sorry, Y/N-ssi! I think it’s good that you won’t cover the hickeys that I gave you so they will be very convinced! See you tomorrow.”
And with that, she left you alone. Confused and frustrated was all you felt that night as you laid in bed.
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It has been two days since you’re skipping school. You don’t care anymore, you feel so devastated that all of that was an act. All you did was lay in bed and think about what happened, but you know, you can’t just skip school forever. Sooner or later, you have to face the reality of going back to school.
So here you are, sighing again in front of your school’s building.
Everyone looked your way when you entered your classroom. They must be looking at your fading hickey.
“Y/N-ssi! I missed you!” Suji practically ran to you and held your one arm as she walked you to your assigned seat.
Your demeanour was cold, you didn’t say a word to her and just ignored her. That’s how you were the whole day, ignoring their text, avoiding them. You knew your classmates would catch up on what’s happening between the two of you, but you didn’t care. You like her and you can’t stand of acting “in love” anymore because you’re developing the love that was supposed to be fake!
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You were standing alone in the library, hiding from them. They’re supposed to be on the rooftop right now for the secret meeting of your group. You decided not to join them anymore for your own sake.
“Y/N, I’m really sorry that I kissed you without your permission. Please forgive me, we can’t lose you in our team. We’re almost done with destroying this game. Yerim is on our side now–”
“Is that all you care about? Destroying this game!” You can’t contain your frustrations anymore. She’s acting as if kissing you is no big deal or being affectionate in front of many people. You’re falling and falling really hard.
“What are you talking about, Y/N?” Suji was confused. She knew you are mean, but you had never been angry at her like this before.
“I don’t want to do this anymore, Suji!” Suji became nervous, you called her by her real name, not by her nickname.
“I don’t understand?” …
“I–, I have fallen for you!” You said in shame.
“Oh.” was all she said. You felt like you’re going to cry. You turned away from her, feeling your tears might fall.
“I like you too, Y/N. I’m sorry, I was scared that night. I didn’t know what to do when we were left alone. All I could do was run away because I was panicking.” Suji added.
Are you dreaming? Is this real or is this another fantasy of yours? Suji likes you? You can’t even comprehend that someone who always changes themselves just to fit in manages to like someone like you, a devious person.
Suji hugged you from your back.
“Forgive me, love.” You closed your eyes as you felt her breathe in your scent.
Not until she tickled you. You were stopping her now from tickling you and you fell down the couch as she tickled you.
Suji hovering over you, there was a pause between the both of you. That’s when Suji leaned in and kissed you, hard and with feelings now.
“Suji-ah, are you okay? We heard some screaming–.” Jaeun and Haejun barged in.
Four of you were shocked, like a deer in headlights. Jaeun just closed the door awkwardly as they mind their own business.
You are now left with Suji, which she decided to tickle you again.
You’ve been wrestling for about five minutes now. She stopped and just looked at you, both of you breathless.
“Y/N, will you be my real girlfriend now?” Suji asked you with a smile.
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Enjoy guys, feel free to request anything!^^
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noturlondonboy · 4 months
Nails on the Chalkboard of My Heart
Wenclair Oneshot
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Enid Sinclair
Summary: It’s a dark and stormy night… and Wednesday decides to paint Enid’s nails in an effort to help the werewolf calm down. Fluffy confessions and silly gay girl antics ensue.
A/N: I really did love writing this one, I love blorbos painting each other’s nails. They’re so stinking cute. Enjoy!
Warnings: that good ole lesbian make out sesh don’t ya know
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It was storming outside when Wednesday returned back to the dorm to find a shivering Enid tucked away under the covers. The lightning and thunder had been going raucously for about an hour now, and the walls shook from the force of the wind. Wednesday almost smiled at the rain lashing the windows.
Setting her bag on her desk, Wednesday quickly changed into her hoodie and sweats while doing her best to ignore the whimpering coming from the other side of the room. Enid never did well during large thunderstorms. She had told her as such, even explaining that she was used to handling them just fine alone, as none of her family had ever bothered to comfort her. That tidbit has nagged restlessly at Wednesday, but she brushed it off and didn’t press questions.
Now, though, after 30 minutes of sitting silently in front of her typewriter with nothing to show for it, after 30 minutes of Enid crying softly under her thick blankets all alone, after 30 minutes of “my parents had better things to do than trying to get me to stop cowering” ringing through her head in Enid’s gentle diction, something in Wednesday’s chest gave a terrible ache. She ripped the useless paper from the machine in front of her and crumpled it with one hand before tossing it in the trash bin like it had personally offended her.
Thing appeared on her desk, somehow knowing he was about to be summoned. Wednesday nodded, turning to face him. “Enid’s noise canceling headphones broke last week after Xavier’s idiotic little stunt with the lunch trays. Grab my pair from under my bed and take them to her while I clean up,” she ordered quietly, already starting to tidy her desk back to how she liked it.
Morticia and Gomez had gifted them both a set of headphones once they had heard of Enid’s ADHD. They had already been preparing to do so after Wednesday’s official autism diagnosis, but hurried the purchase in order to supply them both before the new school year.
Thing gave a little one-fingered salute and scurried off to do what he was told, jolting at the lightning but giving no protest. The girl sighed and rolled her shoulders. The crick in her neck had grown especially agonizing over the last week, and while she normally enjoyed pain, this was more annoying than anything else.
There was muffled conversation from Enid, but her sounds of distress stopped while she presumably accepted the headphones and put them on. Wednesday closed her eyes, letting out a sigh from her nose. Maybe she could pretend to stall by reorganizing her entire bookshelf for the third time, when in reality all that was happening was a mental preparation for what she was about to do.
A strike of lightning pierced the night and rattled the walls, leaving the dorm room in momentary blackness. Enid lets out a shriek, her tears evident in the warble in her throat. But like a wraith, Wednesday is by her side the moment the lights come back on, unable to stop herself from holding back.
Another yelp from the Werewolf, who jumped and scrambled back on her bed. Wednesday reached forward quickly to cradle the girl’s face and pull her closer, her knees subsequently ending up on the colorful covers.
Enid freezes, tearful eyes wide, the black headphones askew on her head. They both hold their breaths, but Wednesday is the first to move, carefully taking her roommate’s hand to pull her back properly onto her own bed. Enid only obeys, expression dizzy as it darts between the point of contact and the lack of a scowl on the Latina’s face.
Once Enid is resettled, Wednesday busies herself with going through the drawers of her nightstand and desk. Her mind is running unfortunately much quicker than she likes, but her senses sharpen with each whimper from the puppy waiting for her just feet away.
Black and pink nail polish secured in her palm, she sits with her legs crossed in front of Enid and fixes the headphones back into place. The werewolf sat stockstill, only moving to flinch at the thunder.
“I’m going to turn some music on for you, and then I’m going to paint your nails, and we’re not going to talk- understood?” Wednesday says softly, pulling her rarely used phone from her pocket and opening up Spotify. Enid seems only capable of gaping, her wet cheeks glowing pink.
Wednesday presses play on a shared playlist of theirs (which mainly consisted of very limited Kpop, Cigarettes After Sex, Melanie Martinez, and classical cello arrangements) before setting her phone aside and putting her palm out. Enid stared at it for a moment before realizing what she wanted and giving her hand over.
They both jolted once their fingers met, but Wednesday just pulled Enid’s arm closer with a gentle reverence and uncapped one of the polishes to begin painting.
Enid watched her in silent awe, ears blessedly full of something other than the thunderstorm. Wednesday worked in careful precision, stroking one finger at a time to stimulate the claws that hid under the skin so she could coat the polish on. She did it in one full stroke, because she was an Addams and did everything perfectly, her dark eyes almost warm as she waited a moment for the paint to set before moving on to the next.
There was much to be said, of course, about the colors Wednesday had chosen. Pink and black, to symbolize the two of them, in a pattern of every-other.
A crash of thunder hit Nevermore, and Enid jumped at the vibrations as they rattled the wooden boards around them. Wednesday held her hands still, her thumb drawing slow circles into her wrists until she was calm again. When another loud bang had Enid’s claws slipping out involuntarily, the result of which was a red nick in Wednesday’s skin, the goth only pressed a kiss to Enid’s knuckles to steady her (and make her blush like a volcano?? C'mon Enid get it together) instead of lashing out like the werewolf had feared.
A bright flash set the world outside momentarily ablaze. Enid flinched and curled into herself, her hands pulling away from Wednesday to ball together close to her chest. When she came back around with the gentle melody of Apocalypse soothing her sensitive ears, Wednesday was hovering close, hands shaped like she would be cupping Enid’s cheeks if she just moved forward about two inches.
Enid watched her, blinking the tears away as her heart settled, and gave herself no time to think. She leaned forward and nestled her jaw into Wednesday Addams’ palms, the wonderful touch of skin on skin melting the fear away. Dark eyes bore into baby blues, and Wednesday idly wondered what her parents would say if they saw her like this, calm and warm and making a willing effort to provide comfort to someone such as Enid.
“You’re alright,” she whispered, even as she very well knew that Enid couldn’t hear her- though the girl’s eyes darted down to read her lips. “It can’t hurt you. Not while I’m here.”
And Enid watches as she always had, cheeks warm and marveling silently as Wednesday retracted, carefully cleaning any smudged polish before reapplying the color where it was needed. Once Enid’s nails were successfully painted, Wednesday held her fingers gingerly to blow on them until they were dry. Her breath was warm, and soothed the ache in her knuckles.
The two stared at each other, Enid taking the headphones off and setting them aside. The storm had thankfully dimmed to a drizzle. The pitter patter of the raindrops was soothing and much preferred over heavy thunder and lightning.
Wednesday felt her stomach roiling at the entire interaction. Who was she, Wednesday Addams, to be painting the nails of this strange girl? Who was she to calm and to help, when all her life, she had only been a dark thing of madness? Who was she… to Enid?
Wednesday was so caught up in her head that it took her a long moment to realize that Enid’s face had melted into a mask of awed serenity, and the expression was held only for Wednesday. The werewolf watched her so intensely that Wednesday could feel the cool water of her eyes, imagining what her fingers would do if pushed through impossibly soft golden hair.
“Thank you,” Enid suddenly breathed, her heart in her throat. Something was clawing away at her lungs, stealing her breath. Her very bones seemed to ring. “Thank you,” she said again, aching and aching for Wednesday to stay, to keep touching her, to touch her more.
Somehow, Wednesday saw that want, saw right through her as she always did and always would. She cleared her throat, her mouth suddenly very, very dry, the words burning on her tongue.
“Anything you wish of me, Enid, I will do. And if it is not what you desire, then I will leave you in peace, away from my darkness and pain that trails me as if a shadow forever imprinted. But you- I can’t…” She swallowed thickly. Enid’s eyes were wide, a blush rising on her freckled cheeks. Wednesday desperately wanted to touch them. “I believe that I have fallen victim to the Addams Family curse, to love fiercely and everlastingly. I can feel it swelling within me, a heart I didn’t know I had.”
Wednesday didn’t really know what she was doing, why she was saying this. But the words had started and her chest had screamed so desperately for what it truly wanted, what it had been waiting for all this time.
“I think… that you have entranced me, utterly entranced me in every way any wicked woman could think of.” Another swallow, tightening the hold their fingers had on each other. Enid’s face was a furnace, her lips parted and heart beating furiously.
How did she respond to this? How did she explain to Wednesday that she had discovered that her darker counterpart and undying crush was her mate only weeks ago, a revelation that had sent her into a tizzy so bad she had been bedridden for hours? She wasn’t sure she even remembered how to speak.
Wednesday’s pupils were blown wide, her eyes large and dark and swallowing Enid whole. She wanted to be laid to rest in those eyes. But Wednesday heard no response, and her mind faltered. She had been so sure in that moment that her wolf would return the affection, would recognize the confession for what it was. The plea in her voice, the promise to do and be anything Enid asked.
“If you- if you do not feel the same way, Enid, I would understand, and I would not blame you. Turn me away and I would trek to the edges of the Earth if that is where you want me. But if you wish for me to stay… I am devoted to you, to your happiness, your pleasure, your mind and soul. I am caught in your beastly claws and yours to do with what you will.” And she waited, her ribs throbbing as her heart pumped blood harshly through her. Wednesday Addams laid herself out for the first time in her miserable life, completely true and bare for someone else.
How had painting nails turned into this? What could have possibly possessed her today?
Enid, in turn, was still doing her best to wrap her poor little gay head around Wednesday’s words. This was too good to be true, it- it couldn’t possibly be real. And normally if she were called beastly by anyone else, she would claw their face off. But with Wednesday calling her that… Shit. It honest to gods turned her on.
She opened her mouth as if to speak, but closed it again with absolutely no idea what to say. But… did she even really need words? Wednesday was stating this verbally because she knew it was the best way to get through to Enid. The darker girl had always shown her true feelings through actions, but to get through her thick werewolf skull, the words were easiest.
Enid thought she should return the favor. Tell Wednesday that she felt the same, show her she felt the same. That she would push herself to every possible limit for Wednesday, would do anything she ever asked, would rip her own heart out if it meant her mate would give her a rare smile.
And to show her, Enid knew there was only one option. They were in too deep- far too deep, to settle for anything less than razor sharp exactness.
Wednesday watched her with wide eyes, cheeks dark and lips parted almost grimly. There was no more room for waiting. Enid set aside the nail polish bottles, crawled forward to gently nudge her way between Wednesday's knees, and kissed her without a moment to waste.
Wednesday gasped and jolted away as her heart shrieked, lips burning furiously. She stared; Enid stared back. The werewolf looked ready to fling herself off of their balcony. But Wednesday fisted the soft blonde hair at the back of her head and pulled her forward with no small amount of desperation, reconnecting their mouths before she could let herself think.
There was another gasp, then a sigh, followed by a moan as Enid pushed into her closer until Wednesday was pressed on her back, braids messy and thrown over the bed. The wolf’s weight on her smaller body was warm and alluring, fading into the back of her mind as soft lips devoured her whole.
Gods, Wednesday had never seen so much color. It burst into fireworks over her eyelids as Enid kissed her and kissed her, a silver tongue dipping hotly into her mouth to flick over her canines and taste the cruel words Wednesday Addams preferred to so generously wield.
Enid’s heart burst in her chest as the girl beneath her responded ever so eagerly to her lips, tangling their legs together and using her cold, delicate hands to cup the werewolf’s cheeks and pull her closer, always closer, her perfect nails scratching softly at her skin just below the Hyde scars. A purr built up and tumbled out of her throat, startling Wednesday so much that she broke away, cheeks deliciously flushed and chest working hard to keep breathing.
Enid stopped too, unable to squash the mortified look on her face as the purr persisted, rumbling softly in the back of her throat. She knew if her wolf had its way, a golden tail would be wagging furiously. She would’ve died from embarrassment alone.
Wednesday’s mouth had gone slack, her obsidian eyes wide and a bit glazed as she stared so intently at Enid she might as well have been stripping her right then and there.
“I didn’t know that you could- that you would… make that noise,” she muttered, one hand moving to settle on Enid’s waist while the other stayed where it rested on her scarred cheek. Her fingertips were cold, yet left a blazing trail as they flittered like dark little mourning doves over fairer skin.
“Werewolves only purr for their mate,” Wednesday said slowly, cautiously, doing her damn best to gauge the expressions flashing over Enid’s face so quickly she could barely decipher half of them. Most depicted a horrified desire to forget the balcony and just head straight for a window. “Only- their mate.”
Enid could only stare at Wednesday, at her inky hair and adorable bangs, the freckles smattered over dark skin that was normally as pale as death but now shone red, the depthless eyes that threatened to drown her every morning when she awoke. Mate. Her mate, watching her closely as one would a spooked animal.
What was there to say? Wednesday stated the fact, because Enid truly had purred, was still purring, even as she scrambled for the words to save her sorry ass from the rejection of an Addams daughter. She was still hovering over said Addams, such a welcome shadow on her colorful bedspread.
“Am I your mate, Enid Sinclair?” Wednesday whispered, her lips barely moving as she used her hand to tug the blonde fully on top of her by her waist, the purr halted for only a second by a nervous whine. Her eyelashes fluttered, and a smirk- no, a grin- tipped the corners of her mouth up until perfect teeth almost showed through those taunting lips.
Taunting lips that Enid wanted to kiss again very, very much.
Wednesday repeated her question, her words almost slurred as she breathed them. There was something on her face, in the lines of her cheekbones and the dip of her chin, the curve of her jaw, that spoke of something dangerous. Insatiable. Enid couldn’t quite put her finger on it.
But as soon as she came up with it -hunger- she let out a low whimper and somehow pressed impossibly closer until her warmth was Wednesday's warmth, until her breath was Wednesday’s breath. “Yes,” she whispered, begged, might as well have screamed for what that one word did.
Wednesday Addams surged up to capture the wolf’s lips in her own and throw her off balance in order to straddle her waist, the words melting into their mouths.
Words they never really needed to say.
Not that Enid would even know how to speak in the first place, after Wednesday had her way with her.
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randomfoggytiger · 1 month
React: A Late-Canon Reviler Gives the Revival a Try (Weremonster), Part III
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Here we go, first comedic episode of the Revival. 
Part I (My Struggle I) and Part II (Founder's Mutation).
Let's go!
Why are we starting with adults huffing spray paint.
…Darin wrote two episodes with people getting high off of the strangest substances. 
And that’s not a lot, but it’s odd that it happened twice. 
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Why do monsters always run towards the people or object or whatever they’re trying to scare or escape from? Like, what if he got surprise-shanked by two high, high school dropouts? (It’s not out of the realm of possibility.)  
No self-preservation instinct, tsk tsk. 
This dude’s okay, no that dude, woah that dude might not be okay. 
…Random paper bag for the high man to stress-blow into. 
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Oh, look, a writer remembering the lore. 
How quaint. 
(Sidenote: Darin did not remember the lore, and kinda prided himself on not keeping up with all of it. But that won’t matter to me if he writes a good one-off.)
Mulder’s older now so he can’t stretch his neck to throw pencils at the ceiling. I guess. I suppose. I supposition. I presume.  
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Kumail’s in this one? 
“Mulder?” Yay, that’s Scully-- “What are you doing to my poster?” And that’s Gillian. 
Mulder’s recounting all his failures in an upbeat, presentational way ‘cuz he’s wooing his girl. At least neither of them act like they’re on the precipice of death, that’s neato. 
Oh, look, Scully can smile. Remember how she did that twice in My Struggle I? Good times. 
Why’s her shirt look like it’s from Walmart?
Forgot this… pencil-scratch material was popular around the mid twenty-teens.
Can I forget it again…? …No? Do they leave it behind in Season 10? 
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“--Going through these cases with fresh, if not wiser eyes.” Well, I don’t know about that. 
Also, is that a dig at his “wiseness” or a tongue-in-cheek joke at Mulder’s pat-on-the-back nature? (Lemme rewind.) Backpat coupled with epiphany. 
“Mulder? Have you been taking your meds?” 
What, did they expect a laugh out of me? It just annoyed me because of the whole “Mulder’s depression” trauma I suffered for two episodes. 
But at least Darin’s trying to remind us that’s an on-going issue (despite CC implying it doesn’t bother Mulder anymore in My Struggle I and Morgan?-- or Wong-- reinforcing that idea in his “bitterly healed and chakras open” Founder’s Mutation ending.) 
Mulder’s a middle-aged man who just got back to the office and is wondering if anything he’s accomplished… well, if he’s accomplished anything. 
A valid question in these dark times. 
And by dark times, we all know what me and my chocolate-addled, My Struggle-PTSDed brain are referring to. 
Mulder certainly does:
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“Maybe it’s time to put away childish things-- the Sasquatches, the Mothmen, and… Jackalopes.” 
Okay, well that’s rude-- I always wanted to see a jackalope case. 
Mulder spent one weekend not getting a community response to his latest fanfic and let the dark thoughts take over. 
All joke’s aside, this is an… it’s an okay scene. It’s weighty enough to be taken seriously, you feel for this clone of Mulder’s, you hope he gets his Mr. Incredibles act together--
Oh, wait, he already did by now. 
I guess. 
We skipped the traincar training montage while he was getting back into FBI ready shape. 
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You’re welcome. 
On another aside, Skinner just pulled all the strings only for Mulder to have an identity crisis after one weirdo case. 
Man’s been carrying everyone on his back for decades with no rest and his newly recruited, depressed-but-not-depressed-depending-on-the-writer, domesticated-feral-animal agent might just trounce back out of the FBI and go wall up somewhere to mope. 
At least he’s not wandering off to take illegal substances to satisfy his curiosity. 
That’s saved for another episode. 
Scully brushes over Mulder’s confession to say, “we got another case, and this one’s ALSO got a monster in it.” 
And that makes him happy. 
*scribbling notes for later observation*
Darin has a favorite and that is OG Scully. And I will give it to him, she actually sounds happy for once. 
ALSO, I noticed your smoker voice is gone, GILLIAN, unless you’re mumbling or using The Sad Voice ™. I noticed. 
Scully’s insisting this is a monster case while Mulder mopes around the woods and says it’s a mountain lion. 
…I’m NOT gonna nitpick. I’m NOT-- OKAY, so, rewind time. 
Older Mulder-- as in the 90s Mulder-- would have at least been amused by Scully’s antics and followed her around for the fun of it, unless he felt used and abused, i.e. Host and Folie a Deux. Here is not the case. 
Further, he was intrigued in the basement but is now kind of… dismissive. 
Which is. It’s not a big problem, it doesn’t stand out, and it wouldn’t be something I’d clock except I’m very disgruntled and burned and grumpy about the past three days. 
Let’s continue. 
 Mulder’s Patriarchy Pants are making him do the Marilyn Monroe wiggle again. However, like a virus, middle-aged wedgie crotch has infected Scully, too; and the two of them are squeak-squonking ‘round the forest. 
They do say marriage slowly turns you into each other. 
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Mulder sloughing off the naked guy in the crime scene pics as “Well, maybe he’s a nudist.” 
I know what you’re doing here. 
Give Mulder the doubting identity crisis and have his faith transformed. A reverse Clyde Bruckman, if you will. I get it. But you gotta admit, "a nudist" is a pretty weak rationalization, let alone a comeback. 
“That’s how I’d like to go out.” That saved it a little.
“The uniqueness of the wound, Mulder, implies a human element.”
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Scully, I gave up profiling before I gave up monsters.” WHAT? LAST WEEK?
Pause, pause, pause. 
He’s probably being tongue-in-cheek. He gave up monsters this morning and profiling last night. 
…If he’s not, what’s Mulder gonna do? Take up residence under Skinner’s desk? Have his bald benefactor feed him pencil shavings between meetings? 
“You seen one serial killer, you seen ‘em all.” Quite literally, no. 
I am. 
It’s not offensive-- WAIT, NO. I’m being emotionally manipulated by a softer Mulder and more upbeat Scully, youcan’ttakemealive--
“Mulder, I can see you’re going through a questioning phase of some sort--”
You don’t say. 
From bar to basement. From closet to forest. From Founder’s Mutation to… Weremonster Investigation.
Scully points out they need to help the victims.
Mulder: “Okay, well when you put it that way, Scully, but mark my words--”
I’m not getting the essence of Mulder here, gang. 
I got him for, like, three whiffs in My Struggle I and once at the end of Founder’s Mutation, but he’s MIA here so far. 
…Perhaps my “clone Mulder” crack in a previous paragraph kinds fits. 
Hmmm. If he continues to be Mulder-adjacent, I shall name him… I was gonna say ‘Charlie’, then remembered that’s Scully’s brother’s name. The CC name rot is infecting me. 
The streetwalker-on-crack scene was amusing, but not really funny. 
Also, that was a weird cut-- Scully opens her mouth to say something, Mulder looks at her, CUT, Kumail face. 
The director was meaning to imply Mulder stopped Scully’s attempted defense with a look, but it only made it seem like one of them said something so cancellable the editors drop-kicked that bit from the final recording. 
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I haven’t laughed once .
Welp, Kumail ran off after playing a scared animal control officer for three seconds. 
Pardon, but what was the purpose of that scene?
This kinda feels like a play: in this set piece, the hooker whacks a creature with a purse; in this set piece, Kumail gets spooked by the agents and runs off after hearing a roar; still in this set piece, Mulder whips out his phone and starts… hitting… the… picture… button. 
My thought process:
It's dark at night. 
3. I'm pulling out my gun, not my camera. 
You know why?
There are more tigers in North American than the world combined. 
Just sayin’. 
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Oh, wait, he’s a tech goombus who doesn’t know how to take videos. 
I’m not mad because this isn’t as mean-spirited as the previous two episodes, but that’s just. That’s just.  
Wait, how’d they get from Mulder’s camera setting to his photo collage, without swiping or going there or…? He was taking rapid-fire pictures, Scully looks over, says, “What’s that?”, and the camera cuts to a picture that has to be in the phone’s gallery. …What happened-- you know what? Never mind. 
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Mulder runs off INTO THE DARK with ONLY HIS CAMERA OUT while Scully is yards behind him WITH THE GUN. 
Solid decision making there. 
My man, if this were a tiger (we’ve already seen it’s the horny Lizardman) or a cougar in heat (well, give Scully a few episodes), you’d probably be very dead. 
I’ve named Mulder-Clone: Ken. He’s cute, he’s having an identity crisis, and he’s as dumb as a rock. 
This fits unintentionally well with his Patriarchy Pants (though they’re wearing him, not of the other way around.) 
Kumail’s here and they both scared each other and now they’re hyper-Ken-focusing on Ken’s wonky phone app and stuff. 
Barbie-- clone Scully-- hears Ken and Kumail screaming their lungs out after getting jumped by Lizardman and only NOW notices Mulder had Marilyn Monroe shimmied off. 
Imagine if this were the end of Mulders career: questioning his life’s purpose, losing the battle to technology, and T-posing, dead, on the ground. 
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Ken sounds completely fine when Scully runs up to him asking if he's okay. No wooziness. No nothing. (Kumail, too.)
“Okay. I quit.” Smarty Mr. K. over there (not Ken, but you knew that.)
Monster’s a-running, and Formerly-Mulder springs up and races off with Scully. 
What did that jumpscare accomplish, narratively? What did any of these jumpscares accomplish, narratively?
I know we’re only 10 minutes in, but it’s feeling a little too… scene-scene-scene-scene-scene, jumpscare-jumpscare-jumpscare, phone-phone-phone-phone-phone. T-pose. That was a shakeup, I guess. 
Ken was going to question the guy on the pot (who is, indeed, the Lizardman, btw) but notices Scully’s face and closes the door and walks away with her. 
Strangely, that and the basement are the only scenes, thus far, where Ken was most like Mulder. 
Scully, do you regret putting a battery pack in your Ken doll now?
This interaction is still Ken-not-Mulder, but Scully is kinda recognizable. 
Just realized. Mulder replaced his slideshow with a phone. Now he can inflict them on his partner even in the midst of her autopsies. 
No one is safe. 
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And now it’s gone. 
“So now you’re saying you were attacked by a six-foot horny toad?”
“Woah, let’s keep this in the realm of natural sciences, shall we?”
That’s not a Mulder line. 
That’s not even a Ken line, I don’t think. 
Need to think up a new name for Mulder, I guess. 
I figured it out. David’s attacking the lines too vigorously rather than letting them breathe. I’m sure he’ll get there. 
Or Mulder and Scully were swallowed up by a black hole the second after they exchanged “Scratchy beard” niceties. Because that’s the last I’ve seen of them. 
But honestly? Clone. Lives. Matter. 
So, I shall fully support Clone Mulder and Clone Scully living their truth, expressing their lived experiences, and digging through each other’s brains like hairless capuchin monkeys dressed in skin-tight leotards.  
I was gonna say “horny, hairless capuchin monkeys” but I’ve not got a LICK of sexual tension between them this whole time. 
They do say married couples transition from goose-pimply “honeymoon love” to matured, knowing passion; but all I’m getting is the “knowing” and none of the “passion”.  
Right after my point, the two exchanged a little upbeat moment. I’ll give it that; but the passion’s still not there.
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WAIT, this episode has the fox-in-the-wall scene? 
I thought that was the doppelganger one. 
‘Kay. Color me intrigued. 
…WHAT is going on with these random, “comedic” scenes?
Desk clerk yells "Monster!", Mulder runs in, guy’s shaking over a bottle, makes up a story, tells Mulder to go back to his room “or I’ll kill ya.” Mulder nods and walks off. 
I’m not getting the fun of this episode, but I’m only 12 minutes in. So. 
Mulder’s snooping in someone else’s room. 
Mulder took someone else’s meds. 
Mulder found an animal head with hollow eyes that led him to a secret room behind the motel room. 
Heh, get it, he’s a Fox looking through fox eyes at Scully. Get it. 
I’m remembering bits from DD and GA’s commentary and how they were cheering him on in this moment. Someone should’ve told them this is Clone!Mulder. 
More proof this man finds burrows in the unlikeliest places:
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The manager says he installed those peeping tom hallways after 9/11, and yes that’s being used as an excuse but there’s supposed to be a joke behind it, right?
For instance: Rocky from Jose Chung’s From Outer Space took some political hits, but the jokes were funny and well-written. Here, they're either badly written or… someone’s directing these actors astray. And I know Clone!Mulder and innkeeper man are good actors because they’re doing their best selling this material. Things still feel wonky, unfortunately. 
Mulder’s getting objectified again, Your Honor. He got closeted last episode, he’s “questioning” this episode, and he’s being stared at in his speedo. And he didn't mind one bit.
Innkeeper man’s got closets of his own, too. *badum tssssss*
HOW did Mulder’s phone get a picture of the Lizardman in his human form earlier? In the split-second he and Scully opened the potty stall before turning and continuing their search? I'll even grant that... but a CLEAR one?
Whatever, whatever, whatever. 
Clone!Mulder’s patched his disbelief during the insomnia upgrade.
Clone!Scully unleashed a beast but still wakes up and stays up to hear him ramble. (Here’s the “my Mulder” line and the could-have-been-a-Knick’s-T-shirt moment.)
I do have another nitpick: why is Mulder diatribing here-- trying to convince Scully it’s a werewolf when she’s been saying monster or creature from the get-go? Is it the “werewolf” claim that he thinks she’ll rebut? Or? 
I do like: Scully about to answer, then nearly smiling when Mulder cuts her off. Brilliant touch. Hats off to GA for that second of goodness. 
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“‘It defies every known law of nature’-- exactly, Scully, every known law of nature!”
Mulder, she’s agreed with this point since Herrenvolk. She kinda did a mini speech about it. 
He doesn’t know how it came to be, but all he’s saying is, “it’s a MONSTER.” 
She’s ready to go back to the Unremarkable House already, Mulder. She just needed you to nerd out over monsters. 
Which… isn’t that actually the most Scully thing you’ve ever heard? Think about it: she wants to leave the Conspiracy behind, it’s eating her alive, she’s so sad and yadda yadda yadda. Darin says, “Hold up, this girl loves Mulder’s rants and raves” and makes her poke and prod him out of despair with a juicy creature case. And then (hopefully) reaps the benefits. 
Girl’s got a mission. 
And also, this doesn’t mesh at all with the Revival’s canon, but when has that stopped this crazy trainwreck? 
Why’s Scully calling him watered-down-for-FOX’s-approval crazy when she’s been saying creature this whole time?  Does she just… like arguing him? …That’s a stupid question, does she like arguing with him this much? …Again, that’s a--
Mulder spouts his theory, admits he stole stuff from another guy’s room, and tells Scully they can use his meds to track him down. “Well, that sounds like a good investigative plan.” In other words: “And you do so good at beach.” 
Now Mulder wants to go peeping around the motel, for the lols. 
Ken energy, I’m just saying. 
Alsooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo not Mulder, sorry. He’d be curious, intrigued, perhaps roughishly amused by peeping tom corridors; but he’s never taken the time to search places inch-by-inch, top-to-bottom unless they directly related to the case. Is this a nitpick? Probably. But he’s flinging around broken FBI regulations left-and-right, carelessly reckless of all the rules and laws he’s breaking. Sure, Mulder’s a lawbreaker; but not to the extent that it would violate civilian rights. And even if it were fine, he’d be running off to the next lead instead of sticking around to snuffle through a useless one. 
The “Lizardman stabbing himself in the mirror with green glass to break the curse, not realizing it’s him” story doesn’t… really…. Darin Morgan’s writing crackfic at this point. 
Impotency jokes. 
Ahhh, the middle ages: you end up questioning things about yourself or having to pop pills one way or another. 
The comedy keeps failing, I think, because it’s trying too hard. This episode feels like a play (did I mention that earlier?) with dramatic pauses and etc. etc. Not really X-Filesy. 
The psychologist prescribes Mulder a pill (because Mulder believes the Lizardman’s a lizard man), then pops the pill himself the second Mulder leaves… which meansssss he believed, too? Though he doesn’t? 
I get he was supposed to be a crazy psychologist (ala Dr. Spiegel during the Johnny Depp trials), but, again, the comedy flopped. 
“Horny toad lizard man” works at a smart phone shop OF COURSE. Because that’s soooooooooooo clever! Modernization, crises of humanity and identity, get it??? 
Weremonster’s not offensive, but it’s… I’m gonna be honest, it’s not clever, either. 
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Why does Scully wear her shirt open almost past her bra line now? Not shaming her, but that doesn’t seem a very Scully thing to do. I don’t know, maybe I’m overthinking things. It was just her style, her way, her self-expression; and it feels smudged and lost in this version of Clone!Scully. 
At least she seems more naturally Scully, this episode. Which means she can only be natural in the funny episodes, huh. 
Mulder has a gold car? Mulder rented a gold car? There’s a gold car here that serves as middle-age-over-compensation commentary. 
Mulder chastises Scully about the danger of approaching a dangerous suspect without backup then runs off, get it, ‘cuz that’s FUNNY. 
I must have a heart of coal because I’m bored instead of tickled. It’s waaaaaaay better than being angry and tired, though, so. 
“I’ll take it” is giving this experience too many brownie points, so I’ll use “I’m resigned”, instead. 
Here we go, the part where the Lizardman voices Darin Morgan’s gripes with work culture (and I say that because Darin himself said he only works because he has to pay the bills. Which, fair enough, I suppose.)
Wait. Did Lizo Man go from a generic British to an Australian accent? 
Guy tries to stage a cop suicide by green glass at Mulder’s hands and…. I’m sorry, this is kind of a fever dream. I can’t even unpack that logic for some bizarre reason. 
Let me unpack that logic for some bizarre reason: 
Psychologist tells Lizardman the story about breaking the curse by getting stabbed in the appendix. 
It involves the realization that the Werelizard stares at himself in the mirror and realizes he’s the monster. 
Does… does that prevent him from committing suicide? The psycologist’s instructions remain murky. 
Lizardman’s fed up with existence. Decides enough’s enough and goes back to the cemetery. 
Mulder walks up and tries to get him to unburden himself. 
Lizardman tries to bait him into cop homicide by green bottle. 
…How in the world did he think that would happen. 
MULDER. LOST. HIS GUN. Which is probably a wink-and-nod by Darin of the good ol’ days when Mulder lost it constantly. 
This Lizard’s gotta know who Mulder is at this point, and that Mulder would track him down and find him. That’s my prediction. 
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Mulder agrees to kill Guy Mann. Guy Mann calls him the only nice human he’s ever met. Of course cut back to Mulder’s face as he insists Guy tell him the whole story, first. 
Scully has no idea where Mulder is, does she. 
I knew the psychologist’s “other client thought he was a werewolf” would play into this. Heavy-handedly. 
The stupid, perfectly placed bush when Lizardman woke the next morning. I can’t even be mad at it. 
He took the not-nudist’s clothes, that explains things. 
The dialogue’s also kind of… juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuvenile. 
Lizardman leaped over the natural order of human life by talking mad game, and Darin glosses over the details with “humans are the best at that.” Ooooooookay. 
Nope, that doesn’t work for me. Not if Lizardman joined a tech shop and got promoted to manager the next day. 
I feel like Darin hasn’t hung around iphone shops much. 
Was this lizard a vegetarian????? Because animals constantly break their own eating rituals if they’re hungry (deer eating baby birds, rabbits, and even human corpses, for example.) I doubt a creature of that size and strength existed only on vegetation, especially if there were food shortages during the natural course of its life (which happens in the wild.) 
But NITPICK ASIDE, he ate his first cow. 
…Why didn’t he go find a head of lettuce and chow down on it? Then realize he’s missing something, eat the chicken from the salad, then go on a meat-eating binge? That would have been kinda funny. 
Oh, he’s an insectivore. 
So, he’s a meat eater. 
And he--, uuuuuuuuuuuuugh--
Dude’s a protein eater via the carcases of other living things, not plants. 
Dude didn’t have consciousness until he woke a man. 
So it wouldn’t have mattered to Dude if he ate a cow, anyway, because he’s a carnivore and humans are omnivores. 
So what gives? 
“No one likes insects. Not even other insects.” SO INSECTS HAVE EMOTIONS, LIKES, AND PREFERENCES. YET, YOU ATE THEM. I don’t see sound reasoning for an ethical or moral stance here, Guy Mann. 
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Lizardman spent the rest of the day helplessly watching… porn. Just couldn’t help himself. Uh huh. 
Dude, you were an animal YESTERDAY, with no association to human morays or social etiquette or guidelines or….
OH. That’s how the Scully scene plays into this. 
But then that scene’ll be shot because it’s played for jokes-- males wanting to overexaggerate their knotch count-- rather than a very real reality of animals with zero morals when it comes to their procreation habits. 
Let’s see if I’m right. 
Guys, this would have been funnier and-- there’s that word again-- clever if Guy Mann lived like a caveman for a few days then overheard some humans talk about job, bills, and etc. spiraled, thinking he would be stuck as a half-human forever, and resigned himself to the fate of every other human (through the lens of his lizard brain, heh.) 
It’s not supposed to be taken seriously, I know, but Darin always wrote plausibility into his previous scripts. This one feels like he didn’t try hard enough. 
Guy went to a "witch doctor"-- oops, “a psychologist”-- but stopped taking his prescribed meds because “it just clouded my thoughts” TO WHICH MULDER NODS IN UNDERSTANDING. 
Mulder gets it because, as an Oxford educated psychologist, he could diagnose the other psychologist (who shouldn’t be prescribing meds) as a wack job. 
Mulder stopped taking his meds. 
Which is what Scully asked if he’d done in the intro. 
Which means his depression’s gone away without his meds. 
Which means his depression’s either CURED, BOOM, or he never needed meds to begin with. 
Which means Scully misdiagnosed him. 
And left. 
OR Mulder stopped taking them and was on depression med withdrawal in the beginning of this episode, hence his melancholia…? 
‘Tis a mess. 
Only time to be happy as a human is to spend time in the company of a non-human-- YOU’RE AN ANIMAL. YOU’RE NOT A HUMAN. YOU JUST LOOK LIKE ONE FOR TWELVE HOURS A DAY. 
Also, Daggoo. Yup. There he is. Uhuh. 
Scully was robbed of her first dog by an overgrown lizard and robbed from another overgrown lizard in return. 
Daggoo was let out of the motel and ran off, and Mann felt crushing loss and grief (while looking not quite that) then ran into Mulder and Smarty K and ran to the toilet and got pap shot by Mulder and etc. 
(Also, he ran into the werewolf dude; and Mulder knows the urge to “strangle him and eat his flesh” when it comes to villains and their villainy.)
Hokey. That’s how I would describe this episode. Inoffensive, but new Scooby Doo.  
Wait, he threw his clothes off while witnessing the werewolf man eat another man (get it, it looked like animalistic sex) then but had them on again when Mulder ripped open the stall door and took his pants-down shot. 
Wait, Mulder’s up-to-day with transgender procedures and terms but not? familiar with gay bars? 
What, did he subscribe to a Queer Life email subscription between episodes, or is that too new-fangled? 
This episode doesn’t know what angle it wants to tackle for Clone!Mulder (forgot that nickname temporarily) and instead becomes a mix of everything at different strengths (that also change depending on which scene.) 
HOW did Guy Mann not recognize Mulder after Mulder took a picture of him on the port-a-potty??? And stuck around to ask him some questions??? 
“That was me, actually.” 
“I thought I recognized you!” 
So. He… diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid? 
OR it was a jackalope head on the wall?
No, wait, it wasn’t a jackalope, Guy Mann just misidentified the animal head on the wall-- and he’s “creeped out” by jackalopes ever since a friend got “gored” by them and GET IT, GUYS, THIS ALL LINKS BACK TO THE BASEMENT WHEN MULDER TALKED ABOUT MOTHMEN AND JACKALOPES. 
I swear, Mulder’s just trippin or suffering withdrawals from his depression meds. 
Scully said, “We have a creature case,” and he went home and dreamed this all up in a slime pit of sweat. 
THEN WHY’S HIS NAME GUY MANN?????????????????????????????????????
SO, they have friends and eat insects that have some form of consciousness and consider burgers to be cow murder. 
I need to stop thinking seriously about this plot. 
It’s pit stink Mulder thrashing around in his bed, smiling over speedos and peeping tom tunnels and Scully affectionately calling him crazy-- and that makes the most sense, honestly. 
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“I think my phone isn’t working right because guy’s don’t send me pictures of their junk on it.”
More evidence that this was written not by Darin Morgan but by his middle school aged doppelganger, Marin Dorgan, who split from his body during the stress of having to write for the Revival. 
“Ever since I became a human, I can’t help but lie about my sex life.” Stupid. He’d need a Twitter account, first. 
Mulder’s back to doubting because the entire story’s too silly. To be fair, I do like this beat; and it does align (if you squint at it) with his journey out of depression. BUT it is all too silly, so… kinda think Clone!Mulder’s got a point. 
Mulder smiling over learning that Shakespeare called us all ignorant idiots is a nice touch which I shall now spoil: how did Guy Mann know that? Porn? 
“Fox, man, you’ve gotta put me out of my misery!” Get it, Fox Mann, Guy Mann? Animals, GET IT. 
“You wanted to arrest me for something I didn’t do. Who takes advantage like that? I’ll tell you: a human.” That’s the only comedic bit that landed, for me, and even then it was a lip twitch. His contained righteous indignation got through whatever made the rest of this the way it is! WHOO! 
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The guys goes stomping off yelling “Monster!” behind him at Mulder to drive his point home, which drives Mulder to drink. 
“Mulder’s the monster, get it, because he doesn’t know what he is and is just willing to use other people for his own selfish ends?” the plot says, affectionately, with a giggle behind its hand. 
This is the scene where he collapses by Kim Manner’s tomb, isn’t it. 
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Now that I know this is Ken Mulder’s delirium, it’s going to be interesting to draw unauthorized conclusions about his Alice in Wonderland hallucination. 
Aww, look, it’s Kim Manners. 
Mulder’s got his Patriarchy Pants' cheeks right on Kim’s face. 
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Me, ten minutes into the Revival: “Maybe I’m just a fool, Scully. Maybe I always have been.” 
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Can’t knock that line too much because it is a Mulder thing to think or say. 
And it still fits into my delirium scenario, so. 
Oh, Kumail’s been turned. Didn’t see that coming. The music’s suspenseful, too. That’s cool. 
There’s no way Mulder should figure this out, but he probably will. 
Oh, he didn’t. 
That’s good. 
Also, Scully’s: “Maybe I miss having a dog. And someone to hold my grudges for me,” could apply to her tendency to own dogs but it also might refer to Mulder who she let “curse God for a while” in her stead in IWTB. 
Also, where was THIS scene hiding? It’s really good. 
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Ken Mulder’s hobbling, not running, to his car. ‘Kay. 
Wait, Kumail's not a werewolf?
And Scully's got it all handled???? 
Wait, NO, that makes no sense. AND IT’S ALL EXPLAINED AWAY WITH “I’M IMMORTAL.” what. 
Scully went to the animal control shelter because she suspected Kumail of being the murderer. 
She lingered with her back to Kumail, letting him have home court advantage. 
That’s it, she’s doneso. She’s a 5’2” woman that’s as light as a bird, there’s no way she’s topping a man, let alone one with a noose around her neck and distance on his side. 
Yes, I know this was because the transgender woman surprised Guy Mann with her punch, but that doesn’t translate to a stunning twist for Scully to also have the upper hand. She doesn’t have enough meat on her bones, and nowhere near the arm length to stop her attacker. 
Did Guy Mann show up and interfere? Help her out in anyway? Did the dogs rush in and tackle him until she could get up? 
IS SCULLY A DOG WHISPERER????? If so, why did Daggoo bite her????????
I will say: Kumail being the murderer really changes that one scene where he was sneaking up behind Mulder. 
And also… the fact that he worked for an animal shelter, since he started with small animals.
WAIT, this is a normal animal control shelter, yes? That’s what Mulder yelled into his phone, anyway. 
But… there were only dogs in the room when Mulder and the officers arrived. 
So. Scully is a dog whisperer, or she tackled Kumail, loosed all the dogs before he got up, and pinned him (impossible) until the cops arrived. I guess. Or the dogs were loose to begin with. 
Oh, and chickens.
Dogs and chickens. 
Dogs. And chickens. And goats. 
(Were ALL the animals loose??????)
Scully, the farm animal whisperer. A trait she must share with her Wyoming son. 
Welp. There goes that scene. 
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Scully approached a dangerous suspect twice without backup (says Mulder, who was Kenning it out in the cemetery with the first dangerous suspect… and the second, if you count him running off and nearly getting offed by Kumail without his knowledge); and excuses it by saying Mulder needed “quality time” with his Lizardman. 
“Besides, I’m immortal.” 
That sounds like the prequel to another poor decision tattooed on your back, Scully. 
Mulder’s not soothed by this pronouncement (obviously), but realizes “If Guy’s story was true--” and runs off into the woods. Again. 
And Scully asks the dog if he wants to go home with her. 
And I question. Why a dog. Why that dog. 
You miss dogs but you didn’t have a tie to any particular dog. And this dog bit you. 
Because he’s Plot Relevant Dog. I see. 
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“Woah, I’m not a reptile! That’s racist!”
No it’s not you silly, silly reptile with utterly unexplainable human knowledge and reflection. 
Also, another motif of Mulder just standing there watching another guy undress, casually. 
An aspect of Darin’s writing I hadn’t considered: Mulder knows things Guy does is odd for a normal human, but also knows this is normal for Guy and just goes with it, for his sake. 
Like a good psychologist. Like a decent human. 
But also, he has his limits. 
Also, get it, Mulder’s a man outside mankind, too, who just needs to find himself again. Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit?
“I want to believe,” Mulder says. 
Mulder just needed someone to say they’re glad to have met him, they’re glad to have him in their life. 
I guess Scully hasn’t said those words yet. 
Guy shakes his hand. 
Mulder watches, stunned, as Guy runs off to hibernate for 10,000 years-- another hallmark of Marin Dorgan’s writing. Ha ha ha, a knee slapper, that one. 
“Likewise,” Mulder whispers, overcome and disbelieving and renewed all in one. 
A nice little heartfelt, cheesy, sincere ending. 
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What did I just watch? 
Thanks for reading~
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rainylana · 1 year
“Bad day.”
Eddie Munson x female reader
summary: another bully fic because i’m lowkey obsessed.
warnings: bully eddie, crying, language, requested by @somethingvicked
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He pulled her hair, pinched her arm and kicked at her feet, threw her papers in the air and put super glue on her locker combination. He did everything to get her to play back. They played a game, a mean one, one that he looked forward to everyday. It was his only motivation to get up and go to school, really, all because he could pick on you.
He was in denial with his feelings for you. Everyone but him knew that he was smitten with you, but he was simply too cruel with you for you to realize his intentions.
It must had been a bad day, he realized, because you just weren’t playing back and it was pissing him off.
“Yo, Gar’,” Eddie snapped his fingers in his friends face, getting his attention. “You notice anything with L/n? She’s been acting weird today.”
Gareth chuckled, giving dustin a look before he tried to be serious with Eddie. “Who? Your girlfriend? I don’t know, Ed, you tell me.”
He rolled his eyes and payed no mind to him, used to him and everyone else’s jokes they made about the two of you.
“She’s actin’ weird.” He munched on a pretzel, shaking his head.
Eddie had been picking on you since the eighth grade when you’d moved there from California. His friends had asked many times if he’d simply developed a crush on you, to which he always gagged and said you were the ugly duckling of hawkins high.
He saw you across the cafeteria in your own world, sitting amongst your friends and picking at your food.
“Look at her!” He snapped, making everyone jump. “Look at the pathetic way she’s picking at her food! It’s disgusting!”
“Oh, my god,” Mike groaned. “Eddie, maybe she doesn’t want to mess around with you today, ever think about that?”
“Oh come on, don’t be ridiculous,” He scoffed. “She loves the attention. That’s the type of girl she is.”
He shook his head in disbelief and stared at you, crossing his arms in anger. Truth was, deep deep down, he was worried about you. Worried that something had happened. He knew Jason Carver was hitting on you, maybe he’d bothered you today? The idea made his blood boil. You’d had the nerve to ask him why he hated Jason so much, just because he liked to flirt with you. He’d pulled your pigtail so hard you nearly cried.
He decided to take matters into his own hands.
“Oh, boy, there he goes.” Dustin widened his eyes as Eddie stood up and marched over to the your side of the cafeteria,
He plopped down beside you, gaining weird looks from your friends. “Afternoon, ladies,” He winked at them.
You looked up in surprise. “Eddie?” You said in confusion. “What do you want?”
He smirked, lifting his leg to place in your lap. “What did you bring me today? Anything good?” He gestured to your lunchbox.
Your lips twitched down. “Eddie, not today, please.”
He yanked your lunchbox over to him, rivaling through it as he picked out a bag of chips. ��I don’t like these kind, but it’ll do, I guess.”
“Good.” You huffed, shoving his leg off you. “Now, please, leave me alone.”
He couldn’t stand you. He thought you were annoying and agitating. Everytime you talked his skin crawled and his ears rang. He thought you were beautiful.
“Hey,” He pulled your ear, making you whine. “What’s up with the fuckin’ attitude today, huh?” He snapped, not caring that he was giving a show to your friends. “You’re acting like a real brat, you know?”
“Eddie, just leave me alone!” You pleaded, finally looking over to him with big eyes, watering eyes.
“No,” He banged his fist. “Tell me why-”
“Fuck you!” You snapped, slamming your lunchbox into his chest as you got up from your seat, the cafeteria dead as everyone watched you leave the room, slamming the door on the way out, leaving a loud echo in your trail.
Eddie groaned loudly in frustration, following you out the door.
“Hey!” He called after you down the hall. “Don’t walk away from me!”
“Fuck you, Eddie!” You turned, eyes bright with tears that made him stop in his tracks. “Stop fucking following me!”
“Don’t talk to me like that.” He said sternly, heavy boots taking long strides to you. “You watch your damn tone, you hear?”
“Why are you so obsessed with me?” You said incredulously.
“I’m not.” He denied in disgust, squinting his eyes. “I think you’re disgusting. I don’t know why I even give you the time of day.”
“Then why do you!” You nearly screamed, tears spilling down your face now. “Why do you torment me every day! I’m sick of it!”
No, you weren’t. You were obsessed with Eddie just as much as he was with you, but you were at your wits end with school and your home life, it all came crashing down. Eddie was just at the receiving end.
“Because you’re a spoiled little brat that needs put in her place.” He spat.
You both panted and huffed, tears falling down your face as you sniffled. Eddie watched you for almost two minutes until he finally sighed.
“Why are you so upset?” He gave in.
You hiccuped, looking up into his eyes. “Bad day.”
He nodded, licking his lips. “Well, don’t take it out on me. I’ll give you your space.”
With that, he turned on his heal and left, leaving you a crying mess.
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dragonflylady77 · 7 days
people like us
So... yesterday (today? timezones, man...) was @thissortofsorcery's birthday and I decided around 5pm that I'd write a fic for her.
2502 words later... read on Ao3
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Billy apologizes, Robin helps Steve with something, then she helps Billy with something.
Steve was standing against his car when he spotted Hargrove walking towards him. He planted his feet, crossing his arms over his chest and waited. It had been a couple of months since the fight at the Byers’ and they’d both done a good job avoiding each other.
He’d heard from Dustin that Max had told the gang Billy was sticking to his word and staying out of her way. The guy didn’t seem to hang around Tommy and his clique anymore and Steve wondered who he was hanging out with. He wasn’t sure why he wondered, but he did.
Hargrove stopped a couple of feet away, taking a deep drag on his cigarette before dropping it on the ground and crushing it with his boot. “Harrington.”
“Hargrove,” Steve said, his face showing none of the turmoil he was feeling inside. He wondered what had compelled him to press a finger to Billy’s chest that night, but he couldn’t get out of his head how warm and soft Billy’s skin had been.
“I took it too far that night, and for that I am sorry. My dad, um, my dad made it very clear that I needed to bring Maxine home and when you lied to me about it and wouldn’t let me take her with me, I saw red. That wasn’t your fault, but you have to agree that a thirteen-year-old girl had no business being alone with a bunch of boys at night in a house in the middle of nowhere.”
Steve felt his face heat up. “That’s not… I mean… I don’t…” he sputtered. What the fuck ?
“Yeah, I know that now, but you gotta admit it looked dodgy as hell. Anyway, you don’t have to forgive me or anything, but I wanted to say I’m sorry I made your face my punching bag.”
“Oh, um, okay.” Steve was having a hard time processing.
Billy nodded. “See ya.”
A car door slamming shut snapped Steve out of his trance and he realized Hargrove had left while he was staring into space. He heard the bell and swore under his breath, grabbing his bag out of his car before running towards the school.
The day passed in a daze and last period found Steve in the library for his tutoring session. His English teacher had arranged for someone from his AP class to help Steve with his college essays. Steve couldn’t ask Nancy anymore, obviously, things were too awkward. Part of him hoped it would be Billy Hargrove, though he doubted the new King of Hawkins High would want to spend more time with a washed out loser like Steve…
“Steve Harrington?” a decidedly female voice said next to him and he sat up, blinking. 
“Hi. I’m Robin Buckley. Mr. Crowder asked me to help you with your college essays.” Robin sat in the chair next to him, dumping her backpack in the chair next to her. She pulled out a purple pencil case that was bursting at the seams and turned to him expectantly. “Well?”
“Well, what?” Steve had no idea what was going on and he was sure it showed on his face. This girl would no doubt tell everyone he was an idiot.
“Show me. Your essay.”
“Oh, right.” Steve reached in his bag and pulled out a slightly mangled sheet of paper. He passed it to Robin and tried to ignore the face she made as she flattened the sheet with her hand. “Sorry,” he mumbled, looking down at his hands on the table.
“It’s okay.” 
Steve felt her shrug then she started reading, a red pen at the ready. She read it slowly, clearly taking her time, and rereading it a few times as well. The amount of red marks on his essay made Steve wonder why he’d bothered at all.
Once she was done, she put her pen down and looked at Steve, an apologetic look on her face. “Okay, Steve. Um, it’s not all bad. You have some good ideas in there, but the execution is, um, shall we say, clunky.”
Letting out a groan that earned him a glare from the librarian, Steve crossed his arms on the table and hid his head in them. “I suck, I know.”
“Do you even want to go to college?” Robin asked, her voice muffled.
Steve shrugged. He was tired of his father yelling at him about his shit grades, his lack of prospects if he didn’t get into college, even how short-sighted he had been breaking it off with the Wheeler girl. Life sucked, and now he was kinda maybe having daydreams about what it would feel like to kiss Billy Hargrove.
“Ugh,” was the answer he gave Robin, lifting his head to peer at her. “My dad won’t shut up about it, threatens to cut me off if I don’t get in somewhere. But this study thing? Not sure it’s for me, yanno. Senior year is hard enough. From what all my teachers are saying, I’ll be lucky to graduate.”
“What are you going to do then? Work for your dad?”
“Ha!” Steve scoffed. “As if the great Richard Harrington, Jr. would stoop so low as to give his dumbass son a job in his successful empire.”
“Wow, okay… well, I work at Melvald’s on the weekend and they’re looking for a delivery boy. You have a car, you should apply. Don’t tell your dad and earn your own money.”
“Why are you helping me? I mean, you seem great, don’t get me wrong, but we don’t even know each other…”
“Everyone in the school knows who you are, Steve… but I don’t know.” Robin shrugged. “You don’t seem to have many friends and you look sad a lot.”
Steve had nothing to say to that. Her assessment was almost spot on. “I have friends…” he mumbled, embarrassed.
“Middle schoolers do not count, Steve, I don’t care what they tell you to get rides everywhere.”
“How do you know about that?” Steve sat back in his chair, staring. What the hell? Who was this girl and how did she know so much about him?
“I’m in the school band, dingus. I’m as good as invisible. And I’m very observant. For example, I saw you and Billy Hargrove have a chat this morning.”
“Yeah. It surprised me because, last I’d heard, he was leaving you alone after he bashed your head in, last November.”
“He, um, he came to apologize for that, actually.”
“Nice. So… are you going to see him again?”
“What? What are you—no!” Steve looked around, checking to see if anyone was paying attention to them. Thankfully, the few students in the library seemed busy with their own things and they were far enough away that they wouldn’t have heard Robin. “No, it’s not like that,” he whispered furiously, inwardly shushing the little voice in his head saying that he would like it to be.
“Awww, you’re blushing… Your secret is safe with me.” Robin leaned closer and whispered, “I love a good enemies to lovers romance.”
Steve couldn’t make words, he could barely breathe, his mind stuck on a loop of ‘ whatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuck ’ until the bell rang, moments later, snapping him out of it. He heard someone walk in, the stomping of boots familiar as hell, and he whipped his head to look, even if he already knew. Throwing Robin a small smile, he grabbed his essay from the table and shoved it in his bag. “I have to go.”
He forced himself to walk past Hargrove on his way to the exit, nodding back when Hargrove nodded, and managed to stop himself from running all the way to his car. He sat in his BMW, shaking like a leaf, trying to get his breathing under control before the kids showed up.
“What was that about, Bird?” Billy asked Robin as he sat in the chair Harrington had just vacated. He tried not to react to the residual warmth of the plastic, considering who had been sitting on it. He failed.
“Not sure yet, my sweet. Crowder asked me to help Harrington with his college essay, and, hoo boy, he needs all the help he can get.” She smiled at him. “How was your day since your little chat with our former king this morning?”
Billy groaned, low enough that the librarian didn’t hear, leaning back in the chair. “Ugh. Of course, you know about that.”
“I was literally in the parking lot, and watched the painfully awkward encounter with my own eyes when I was chaining my bike.”
“Painful is accurate.” Billy rubbed both hands over his face then looked at Robin. He knew he was lucky they’d found each other. The two resident queer secret besties.
The basketball team had had an away game a couple of weeks after Billy had arrived in Hawkins. Unlike the cheerleaders, the band traveled with them. As the new guy on the team, Billy’d been assigned the last bed available, sharing a room with the member of the marching band that no one wanted to room with. 
Robin had told him as soon as the door had closed that she knew about his crush and that he needed to be more careful. Once Billy had recovered from the shock, they’d spend the night talking, exchanging stories and tips on how to appear less queer than they actually were. On the bus back to Hawkins, they’d gone into details about their current crushes, vowing to help each other. Billy had agreed to pose as Robin’s boyfriend in front of her parents, so they’d stop asking her about gross boys, and he was able to drop Robin’s name and keep Neil off his back—about the queer thing at least.
“I asked him what you said to him, and he said you had apologized.”
“I did.” Didn’t Robin say she had witnessed the interaction?
“Uh huh, that’s great, I’m proud of you, but wha—”
“Wow, you don’t have to sound so enthusiastic…” Billy deadpanned, hearing Robin’s complete lack of interest.
“Shut up. I asked him if he was going to see you again, and he blushed. He turned bright red, in front of my eyes, my sweet.”
“And?” Billy said, confused. What was Robin getting at?
“He didn’t deny it, he looked so flustered then you walked in and he ran off.”
“Again, and?”
“I think you should go to his house and, and, do that thing you do, you know, with your eyelashes and your mouth.”
“Yes, that. Go now, while he’s still all in a state. It’s your best chance.”
“Fly, my pretty, go get your love,” Robin said, and she honest to god giggled. 
Billy rolled his eyes but had no choice but to do what she said because she started shoo-ing him and the librarian was now looking in their direction. 
He parked a couple of houses down from the Harringtons’ fancy mansion and made his way to the front door, ringing the bell and waiting. No matter what Robin had said, he really didn’t think Steve would open the door. He took a slow spin, taking in the surroundings, noticing the overwhelming amount of greenery in this part of town, especially compared to Cherry Lane.
“Billy?” Steve’s shocked voice said behind him. “What, um, what are you doing here?”
Billy turned around, taking in the soft looking sweater and joggers Steve was now wearing. “I came to see you, pretty boy. Robin said you needed some help and, well, here I am.”
“You… Come in already, it’s freezing out.” 
Steve moved to let Billy in and closed the door behind him. “ You want to help me ?” His tone was saying one thing but the way his eyes swept over Billy were saying another.
Billy took the two steps separating them, crowding Steve, but not quite touching him.
“You bet, pretty boy,” he whispered in the gap between them. “In any way I can…” He let his eyes drop to Steve’s mouth before making eye contact again. This close, he could see the flakes of gold in the brown. He wondered what Steve’s chocolate eyes would look like in the early morning sunlight.
Steve’s hands were on his jaw before Billy could react as Steve pulled Billy to him, slanting their mouths together. The surprised gasp that breached Billy’s lips was all Steve needed to slide his tongue in Billy’s mouth. 
The shock of Steve making the first move only lasted a moment. Billy wasted no time pressing Steve’s body against the door, his hands reaching under the hem of his sweater. His fingers encountered warm naked skin and Billy moaned.
“Fuck, Steve…”
“Not on the first date,” Steve said with a smile, burying his hands in Billy’s hair and pressing their foreheads together.
“Could be a date,” Billy replied, sliding a thigh between Steve’s legs, his heart rate picking up speed when he felt Steve grow hard against him.
Billy never thought that hearing a guy whine his name would get him hot under the collar, but today was fraught with new and unexpected experiences.
“Yeah, baby, I’m here. I’ve got you. What do you need?” he asked Steve, nibbling along Steve’s jaw, before mouthing at the column of his neck.
“You. Me. Naked. My bed.”
“Billy?” Steve asked, his head resting on Billy’s chest, fingers drawing patterns along his barely visible treasure trail. Billy had gone down on him then Steve had given his first every blow job and he was pretty sure Billy had enjoyed it. He hoped Billy would let him do it again.
“Yeah?” Billy’s hand on Steve’s back didn’t stop; Steve took comfort in that.
“I… Robin said something earlier, about enemies to lovers romance and I want you to know, this isn’t an experiment for me.”
“No?” Billy’s voice was devoid of emotion and Steve didn’t like it.
“I really like you, Billy. I know what happened in November happened, but I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.”
“What I’m saying is, I know we can’t go out on dates, because it’s dangerous for people like us, but if you wanted, we could hang out here. Order in. Make out in the hot pool my parents installed last year.”
“I like your idea, Stevie, a lot.”
“So you’ll stay?”
Instead of answering with words, Billy flipped them over so he was on top, his hands in Steve’s hair holding him still as he licked into Steve’s mouth. Steve’s hands found Billy’s hips, helping the rolling rhythm that made them both groan and gasp. They never stopped kissing, moving against each other until they both reached their peak.
The ensuing shower to clean the mess that covered them both took so long that they ran out of hot water but they didn’t care. 
With the help of a little birdie, they’d found each other, and, well, that was worth all the cold showers in the world.
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nordicpoppie · 7 months
Mafia au - You're protective of his child - Hyung line
This is a mafia reaction, meaning guns, cursing and violence and the like may be mentioned (Nothing too much in detail in this one) In this reaction reader is NOT the birth mother of the child, which is why members will be surprised or happy reader is so protective…even if it’s overprotectiveness heheee The kids are NOT toddlers in this one, they are anywhere between 6 and 15 years old, so sorry if you wanted toddlers XD Y/N → Your Name
Jin (13 years old)
“Are you sure you don’t need me or your dad to walk with you? I’d be more than happy to, even if it’s just halfway there”
You said while Yerin, Jin's daughter threw her jacket on. Jin had, for some reason you couldn’t comprehend, allowed her to walk to school, with no guards.
At the start of your relationship with Jin, you hadn't even known he had a daughter. And you had been confused many times by his protective tendencies, but as you’d later found out, that was because of his “job”. As a part of the mafia, he needed to protect those closest to him, which meant you and Yerin always had at least 1 guard with you.
Over time his tendencies to be overprotective had rubbed off on you, except you were a little less, “lets fire guns”, and more of a “let's stay inside”. 
You reluctantly handed Yerin her bag, as she stretched her arms out for it. Then smiled tightly at her as she smiled brightly saying her goodbyes to you, before she closed the door behind her.
As soon as the door was closed you rushed through the hallways, reaching Jin's study in no time. You threw the door open without bothering knocking first.
“Jin, why are you letting her walk without her guards? Or even just one of us?”
Staring harshly at him, not caring that he was clearly busy with some papers, while Namjoon and Yoongi leaned over the desk.
Jin slowly raised his gaze to you, while Yoongi quietly sniggered under his breath at your anger. The look Jin sent you almost sent you reeling, he looked confused, as if he had no idea what you were talking about.
“Your daughter Jin, Yerin? You just let her walk out the door ALONE!”
You hissed angrily at him, your arm gesturing to where the front door was located.
“She’s not alone though?”
You scrunched your eyebrows in confusion, the only person who had walked out the door was Yerin. As you opened your mouth to explain that, Jin interrupted you.
“Jungkook is shadowing her, and he’s picking her up from school later today too”
His brows were still pinched in slight confusion, how could even think he would let his precious daughter leave without a guard.
“O-oh, I just, she said she would be walking…Alone”
You trailed off as a slight blush made its appearance on your cheeks. Desperate to find a way to escape the now almost embarrassing situation you made up a lousy excuse.
“I’ll just…Uh…Start cooking”
With that you made your escape out of the door, only making it a few steps down the hallway before Jin grabbed you by the arm. He wore a huge smirk on his face, and you could hear Yoongi cackling from inside his office.
“I didn’t think you’d be able to beat me when it comes to being a worrywart, baby”
Yoongi (6 years old)
A small voice called from the entrance of the living room. You and Yoongi were currently lounging on the couch, watching a show, having put his son to bed just 30 minutes earlier.
Yoongi turned to face Hyun, while you grabbed the remote to pause the show.
“Dad, can i have a gun in my room, I think there’s someone under my bed”
You nearly choked on your spit at his words, feeling Yoongi's arm stiffen around your shoulders. Yoongi knew you hated guns and violence with a passion, hell, he had been frightened you’d leave, when you first found out he was in the mafia. But all you had told him was to never have a gun visible inside your home.
As contradictory as it was, to have a no gun zone inside your home, it had worked…So far. Hyun knew what his dad did for work, not the bloody and violent part, but he knew of the guns.
Clearing your throat you tried to come up with an alternative to the guns, you were not going to hand a gun over to a 6 year old.
“Hyun sweetie, how about i sleep with you tonight, I can scare whatever’s hiding under your bed away”
Hyun frowned before glancing at Yoongi, clearly not too happy with your idea.
“Mom, you’re not strong at all, if I can’t have a gun i want daddy to sleep with me”
Yoongi choked down a laugh, coughing slightly in an attempt to hide it, as you slapped his arm.
Turning to Hyun you pouted playfully at him.
“Awh but Hyun, then mom will be all alone in the big bed”
He almost gaped in shock at your words, realizing you would in fact be alone in the big bed without Yoongi.
“I’ll just sleep with you in the big bed then!”
Turning he ran as fast as he could to grab his pillow from his room.
“Yoongi…Would you have given him a gun if I wasn’t here?”
You questioned quietly, watching his face for any changes that could reveal his thoughts. Sighing, he dragged a hand through his hair, before smiling sadly at you.
“Younger me probably would have”
“MOMMY! Come on!”
Hyun yelled from the bedroom, dragging you from the rather heavy conversation. You got up squeezing Yoongi’s arm, but turned to him just before you left the room.
“You’re NEVER giving my child a gun, even if it’s a life or death situation, do you hear me Yoongi?”
His eyes glided over your face, noting how serious you were, but also how protective and fierce you looked in that moment. Nodding his head he watched you disappear, before he chuckled to himself. He almost couldn’t believe how protective you were of his son.
Namjoon (10 year old)
You had gone to the park that afternoon with Aera, Namjoons daughter, she had been begging you all day
“Please, please, please lets do something” and “It’s so boring inside, mom I’m bored”
So you had relented and gone to the park, unable to withstand her puppy eyes.
You were watching her on the playground, sitting on a bench a few meters away, not wanting to disturb her. However, you got disturbed by a phone call, picking up the device, you saw Namjoons name.
“Joon, what’s wrong?”
Hearing his warm laughter in your ear, you relaxed a bit.
“I’m just calling to hear how it’s going, and to ask what you want for dinner tonight, I’m cooking after all”
You almost grimaced, remembering the last time he made dinner, he had somehow managed to burn scrambled eggs.
“Mommy watch me!”
Aera yelled from the top of the slide, making you smile at her, nodding your head telling her to go down it.
“Do you really think that’s a good idea Joon? I mean last time was-” “Don’t mention last time! I practiced, remember I’ve been getting lessons by Jin-hyung”
You chuckled at Namjoons words, somehow having trouble believing he’d improved just by having Jin teach him.
He continued talking about what kind of food he’d learnt to make from Jin, but you got distracted, noticing the sudden absence of Aera on the playground.
Getting up from your spot, your breathing got faster as you circled the playground looking for her.
“-ing heavy? Y/N! Answer me, what’s happening?”
You heard Namjoons panicking voice in your ear, having completely forgotten the phone call. Not knowing what to say as you were on the border of just sobbing out loud you couldn’t give him any useful information, except a whimper of his name.
“Joon” “Taehyung track her location now! Fuck, baby just stay calm, I’m coming, okay, I’m on my way”
Tears were dripping down your face, listening to how fast he worked on finding you, it almost made you feel useless and weak. But you couldn’t help it, anything could have happened to his daughter, and it would be your fault.
A few minutes later you heard heavy boots pounding on the gravel road and you saw Namjoon followed by several armed men. He quickly ran up to you, grabbing your shoulders and inspecting you for wounds. When he found none he pulled you into a tight hug, making you choke up again.
“Joon, Aera, I-I can’t find her, she was just on the playground and then she wasn’t there, and I can’t find her Joon, what if something’s happened to her, or someone has taken her?”
You sobbed loudly into his chest, guilt eating away at you. Clenching his teeth Namjoon signaled his men to start scouring the entire park. He tugged you tighter into his chest, trying to reassure you that everything would be alright, but both of you knew he couldn’t be sure of that.
You froze at the voice, turning quickly, seeing one of Namjoons men carrying Aera in his arms securely. Gasping you ran towards her, barely waiting for the man to put her down, before you had her in your arms.
“Don’t ever do that to me again Aera! Never leave without telling someone okay baby?”
As he was watching you, Namjoon realized just how deeply rooted your love and worry for his daughter was, making him smile slightly, despite the current situation.
Hoseok (15 year old)
“Mom? Mom wake up!”
Someone was shaking your shoulder making you groan slightly, it was still way too dark outside for it to be morning. Blinking slowly you saw Hwan sitting on the bed next to you. Combing a hand through his hair you sat up slightly, still confused.
“What is it baby? Did you have a nightmare?”
He grimaced at you grumbling out a “I haven’t had nightmares in years mom” before a loud clang was heard from the downstairs area. Getting out of bed you approached the door, ready to go out and find the cause of the noise. Hwan launched after you, grabbing your arm, and shaking his head fervently.
“Mom, someone’s inside, downstairs, with guns, it’s not dads men” “What?”
You gasped at him, suddenly not knowing what to do as your mind blanked. Of course you knew Hoseok was in the mafia, and you knew the dangers that came with it, but you never expected something like this to happen.
Feeling a tugging at your hand you saw Hwan attempting to lead you to the window.
“Mom we have to get out of here and call dad”
Shakily you nodded your head, wondering how he was so composed compared to you, but deciding to brush it off for now. Climbing out the window, you watched Hwan drop down to hang off the edge, before dropping into some bushes below. As you were following him, you heard the door in your bedroom bust open, followed by someone yelling.
“They’re outside!”
The bushes saved your fall, but they scratch up your legs, leaving small trails of blood. Sneaking behind Hwan you were trying to make it to the front of the garden, when someone suddenly grabbed him.
“Hwan! Let my son go!”
You yelled, grabbing a nearby vase and throwing it at the goons face, making him pass out.
Hwan stared at you, shocked at your actions, you were never one to pick violence, and you rarely got angry.
“Baby, sweetie are you alright? Let’s get out of here and wait for Hobi yeah?”
You smiled shakily at him, trying to exude calmness, but failing miserably.
You managed to make it a few blocks down the road, having called Hoseok on the way to come get you. Hwan had been holding your hand the entire way, and you guessed it was for your sake, seeing as you’d been clutching it with a death grip the entire time.
Sitting in an alley, you waited impatiently, until the sound of cars stopping nearby reached your ears.
Feeling paranoid you dragged Hwan behind you, shielding him with your body, preparing yourself for the worst.
“Y/N? Hwan?”
Hearing Hoseok's voice you let out a small gasp, jumping up from your crouched position. Dragging Hwan with you, you engulfed both of them in a hug, savoring the moment.
“Are you okay? Any injuries?”
Hoseok asked, rubbing your back soothingly. Nodding your head, Hwan grumbled a bit.
“Almost wasn’t but mom threw a vase at the guy, knocking him out real good”
You smiled tightly at both of them, still not quite over that shock yet. Hoseok smiled at you admiring the strength you showed to protect not only yourself but his son as well.
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loveephia · 2 years
:¨ ·.· ¨: atsumu miya's valentine special.
`· . ꔫ sypnosis: in which you wanted to confess to atsumu, but as the school's beloved vice president, you've been too busy helping out with the limited valentine's day events. because of how often you were pulled away from atsumu, he decides to entertain his fangirls to try and make you jealous
content: (🦷) tooth-rotting fluff, hurt with comfort, osamu is in two clubs (volleyball and culinary), kita is mentioned, reader has glasses, you cry because of atsumu, but don't worry, he calms you down toward the end.
⚠ warning/s: atsumu being atsumu none.
my HQ masterlist. (valentine's edition)
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"hello, ms. vice president. yer lookin' prettier than usual today. did ya do somethin' with your hair? you smell like a meadow." atsumu teased you non-stop. you were one (if not, the only) girl he'd stop by to bother during school hours. you don't even know if he truly means his teasing or if he's just messing with you.
whatever it is, it worked because you silently crushed on the faux blond.
"cut it out, miya. i'm trying to sign a few papers of allowances for the upcoming valentine's event." you stated sternly, making sure to emphasize the miya. you knew how much he disliked being called that, especially from you. "still on the last name basis?! i have a twin brother who's also named miya, y'know! how'll you call us if we're both present?" atsumu whined.
you thought for a moment, "i'll call you 'the-more-annoying-miya.'"
"no way, call me 'the-hotter-miya' instead! it's got a better ring to it." atsumu winked
"you and osamu have the same face." you factually deadpanned. "wait—! yer callin' 'samu by his first name but not me?!" atsumu said at a loud volume, taking no notice of the rest of your statement.
"whatever.. i have to go now." you said, slipping away from atsumu to head to the afternoon student council meetings.
valentine's is coming, meaning a lot of booths, a lot of food, and potentially, a lot of heartbreak. you can't even imagine the headache atsumu will be by then.
sure you had a crush on him, but he could be a bit of an annoyance sometimes.
time skip.
the meeting came to an end, and you huffed. you skim over your clipboard to see the busy schedule ahead of you.
1. help the botany club sell roses.
maybe one of those roses have a thorn magical enough to prick your finger and put you into a deep sleep until valentines is over; kinda like sleeping beauty with a few details changed.
2. deliver the anonymous love letters.
at this point, all the enveloped confessions should just go straight to the miyas. those two always end up getting the most every year anyway.
3. give each and every schoolmate a pouch of specially made chocolates from the culinary club.
you only like this one because you were told that you get to keep the leftovers.
"hey, ms. vice president!" atsumu greets you with the familiar nickname he specially made. you look up to see the setter, and your eyes widen. "miya.. it's late in the afternoon. what are you still doing in school? i don't think you guys even have volleyball practice today." you said.
"yeah, i know, but i wanted t'walk you home! i didn't know that the meeting would last up to two hours, though." atsumu said, "still, it was time worth waitin'." he smirked at you.
disregarding the flirty comment, your heart swelled at the fact that he was thoughtful enough to wait and walk you home. you smiled softly, "thank you for being so considerate. just let me get my bag, and we can get going."
atsumu was expecting you to roll your eyes or even sigh restlessly, but to his surprise, you didn't.
"okay." he replied quietly, watching you go jog to your own classroom. atsumu sighed longingly.
osamu, who unwillingly witnessed the scene before him, could only cringe. "why is he still at school?" one may ask. he couldn't go home because his older twin of three and a half minutes was entrusted with the keys to the house. atsumu also refused to let him go by himself due to stubbornness.
"i hate it here." osamu murmured.
time skip.
on the walk home with the twins, you all shared your day almost peacefully (not without the twins bickering every now and then, of course). you didn't even realize osamu was there earlier outside the meeting room..
the sun had set, and you were finally at the foot of your house. osamu was standing by your house's gate while atsumu was right next to you. "i'll see ya tomorrow, ms. vice president." he said, patting your head and messing up your hair.
you let it slide since it's the end of the day anyway. you lean close to kiss his cheek, "thanks, atsumu." you quickly expressed your gratitude before going inside your house, leaving atsumu to malfunction outside.
"did— did she just call me by my first name?!" he thought, puffs of smoke cartoonishly coming off the top of his head. his fingers came in contact with his blazing cheek, the cheek that you kissed.
finally going back home with osamu, atsumu couldn't think straight. he even fumbled with the keys to simply unlock their door. the younger twin who's too tired to deal with atsumu's behavior, takes the keys, and unlocks the door himself.
time skip.
valentine's day was here, and your feet were aching from the number of times you had to run up and down the stairs to help out with booths.
the duties of being inarizaki's virtuous vice president were ample. every year, it truly never gets easier. but you enjoy seeing the satisfied expression on your schoolmate's faces from your helpfulness, so you'll continue to run for a spot on the student council if it means—
"y/n!" atsumu calls out. you turn around to see the boy. just as you were about to come up to him to say hi, a female voice cuts you off. "y/n! the president is looking for you, he says it's urgent." your classmate said. you nod, excusing yourself from atsumu's sight to see what the matter is.
atsumu understands. you're a busy girl, so he lets it slide.
until the fourth time, that is.
"y/n, can you please help me carry these boxes of flowers to class 2-E?" the head of the botany club sweatdropped. you nod, helping him out.
"y/n, my adorable underclassmen, would you be a dear and send this to kita shinsuke from class 3-A?" the student council treasurer asks playfully, "i don't want him to know it's from me~" she whispers with red cheeks. you nod, running off to the third year's classroom.
"y/n, can you head to the kitchen with me? we made a new variety of chocolates, and we need your thoughts." osamu said, a sheet of sweat glistening on his forehead from the heat in the kitchen. you nod, "of course, osamu."
atsumu can't believe this.. his own brother?!
"y/n this, y/n that. i just wanna be with her on valentines!" atsumu grumbles, kicking a pebble on the ground, feeling like a defeated puppy.
"excuse me, atsumu?" a hesitant voice disrupts atsumu of his thoughts. "t- this is for you." she bravely hands him a letter. this is the seventg time today that he's received a confession. un-anonymously, that is.
"thanks." atsumu mumbles half-heartedly, though he knows he won't read it.
this just gave him a brilliant idea.
time skip.
you finished your duties. everything is going great; sales are booming for the botany club, all of the love letters have been delivered, and you even got a few leftover chocolates.
you're off to find atsumu, excited to see him.
only to see the one and only setter surrounded by plenty of fangirls.
"can i have a selfie, atsumu?" a girl asks. "sure, darlin'." atsumu replies. did he just call her by a pet name? and, more importantly, is he actually entertaining his fangirls? this is odd..
your heart starts to feel heavy, and before you know it, atsumu eyes land on you. just one look, and he's forgotten all about his fangirls. "y/n!" he exclaims.
atsumu is so happy to finally see you unoccupied.
then he sees your nose tint a shade of red and your eyes all glassy.
you run off in a weak attempt to hide your tears, and atsumu is quick to run after you. "no— wait, y/n!"
you keep running until you reach a more deserted spot in inarizaki high. you're not athletic. your legs were sure to give out soon, especially when the one chasing after you is a part of a volleyball club.
you try not to sob aloud, very hurt by atsumu's actions. you don't even turn to look at him, and he knows he messed up big time. you sniffle your nose, and atsumu pulls you in for a warm hug. you let him pat your back and hush you quietly.
"..m'sorry. i was actin' like a jerk all because i didn't get to talk to you the entire day." atsumu apologized, "i know my words aren't gonna cut it, but i want t'make it up to you because.." he reaches for both your hands. "i really, really like you."
your breathing is choppy, "d- do you mean that?" you look up at him. your glasses were foggy, and your red cheeks stained with tears. hair a bit disheveled from the run. atsumu smiles at you, "there's my pretty vice president." he says before pressing a kiss to your forehead, "i do." he confirms your earlier question.
you giggle at yourself for falling for a dumbass like atsumu. how silly. "i- i like you too." you stuttered quietly between your sobs.
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© lowercase intended | loveephia
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lizzieislife94x · 9 months
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Special Guest (e.o)
Requested ❤️
 LizziexFem Reader
Legal age gap Lizzie is her normal age y/n is just say 22-23 This has bully reference incase anyone is effected. 
This is over 2.5k words I apologise if it makes no sense I was just typing and typing lmao and I'm hungover so you can't hold it against me if it sucks😂
Y/ns POV: 
"OK class we have a special guest arriving after lunch to help with bullying in schools so best behaviour" I hear the teacher yell I slouch and avoid eye contact with anyone I've been dealing with a few bullies recently mostly shoving and saying mean things I just don't understand why I let out a sigh keeping myself to myself as I feel a piece of paper hit my head I look down and open it "just drop out already no-one wants you here" don't let them get to you y/n I put my head down and pull my sleeves over my hands after 30 minutes the teacher leaves oh god please come back I can't help but think, it's the only time they don't bother me as much is when the teacher is here "y/n your such a freak leave just drop out" Sarah the popular girl says as she shoves my shoulder while her 3 friends surround me "can we not do this today why are you acting like a child just leave me alone please I don't bother you guys I keep to myself I've never said anything mean to you" I whisper as they laugh "you being here is bother me it's bothering us" she smirks I sniff and lower myself in my seat as the teacher and special speaker walk in but I don't realise neither do the popular girls "go back home freak go back to home schooling" she goes to lift her hand to hit me as we hear the teacher yelling "Sarah, Gail, Sophie, Danni" we all freeze I wait for my name to be shouted but it doesn't come "what do you 4 think your doing!! My office after class what did I say bulling is not tolerated here' I feel a tear leave my eye as I look up as I freeze instantly, is that Elizabeth fucking Olsen my mouth falls open in shock as I can't help but stare at her she's looking back at me with a concerned look.
Lizzies POV:
"No thank you for having me professor I'm looking forward to meeting the students and make them listen to me rant about the effects of bullying its a topic close to my heart" I say as we stand outside thedoor "are you ready miss olsen" she says with a smile as I nod and we walk in I take a second to look about and notice a crowd of girls I don't really pay attention until the professor starts yelling names I thought they where just messing about because the teacher was gone but this looks more serious I study the situation and see a young girl who quiet frankly looks scared I keep staring at her trying to work out if she's OK when she meets my eyes her eyes go wide and mouth falls open making me giggle a little I smile and wave at her making her shy away and give a slight wave back throughout my speech I keep making eye contact with the young woman who was being harassed by the group of girls she's drop dead gorgeous I can't help but steal glances once I'm done I walk over to the professor "hey the young woman that was being harassed by the girls can you ask her to stay behind so I can chat to her please" I whisper into the teachers ear as she smiles and nods "ok of course miss olsen ill tell her to stay behind while I go deal with the other girls" I smile as she walks away towards the young woman and watch her look at her with sympathy as she kneels to speech to her I sit against the desk my eyes never leaving her I have this urge to protect her and I don't even know her I've never spoke to her but something in me is screaming protect her. 
Y/ns POV:
I can't wait to get home and climb into bed and shut the world off I hate this place I start to gather my books as I go to put them in my bag I'm stopped by the professor kneeling infront of me with a look of sympathy "y/n I'm so sorry for the way they acted that should never have happened ill make sure they don't do it again and they receive some form of punishment, I'm going to go deal with them now but miss olsen would like a word with you so could you stay behind please" she says in a quiet tone I look at her confused "oh uh yeah sure of course" she smiles and stands up and leaves the classroom I look down and see Elizabeth leaning against the desk I'm still shook she's here but now she wants to speak to me what is happening I get up and walk down towards her as she beams me bright smile reaching her hand out "hey I'm Elizabeth but you can call me lizzie, what's your name" I look down and pull my jumper over my hands nervously as I avoid her eye contact "I'm y/n its a pleasure to meet you lizzie I'm a big fan" she holds onto my hand longer than needed and I know she's still staring I can feel her eyes on me "its amazing to meet you y/n so what happened today you don't have to say if you don't want to but I want to help" I rub the back of my neck as I sniff "they just pick on me sometimes because I've never been to a real school I was always home schooled till last year when I wanted to come to college" she steps closer and puts her hands on my shoulders rubbing gently "give me your phone I'm putting alot of trust into you right now" she says as I look at her confused handing my phone she gives it back a minute later "i gave you my number I want you to text me or call me later I'm trusting you to keep this number to yourself" I nod and look at her "I won't give it to anyone I promise" I say with a whisper "ok well ill look forward to it y/n" I say goodbye and walk out to my car completely confused as to what just happened I look at her contact name and smile a little when I see a heart next to her name I decide to text so she has my number 
Me: Hey its y/n I just thought I'd text so you have my number thank you for taking a little time to chat to me it made me feel a little better so thank you Elizabeth.
I put my phone down and drive home the drive home is a quick one after 10 minutes I pull up to my apartment and notice a message I unlock my phone and smile at her name on the screen why am I smiling she's just a nice person who doesn't want to see someone being brought down by others
Lizzie♥️: Omg hey y/n I'm so glad you text I wasn't sure if you would or not I hope your OK and I'm always here to talk hope you got home safe 
I think for a second before replying 
Me: I got home safe thank you I hope you get home safely I honestly wasn't sure about texting I don't wanna be a burden to you..but I appreciate you lizzie thank you 
Lizzie♥️: Don't be silly your not a burden text me your address we're going a long walk so we can chat about anything your comfortable with, see you soon 😉 
I look at my phone smiling like an idiot and text her my address.
2 weeks later
'I'm almost there put the popcorn out please' I laugh and shake my head "ok ok see you In a minute " I hang up lizzie has been almost glued to me for the last 2 weeks I've told her alot that's bothered me she's been amazing I don't even know why she wants to spend time with me but I swear my crush on her has doubled I'm snapped put of my thoughts with her bursting through the door "hey sexy lady" she says as she throws herself on the couch grabbing the remote control picking a movie as I walk over with popcorn "umm excuse me miss but do you think this is your house" I say with faked sass "actually yes" she says with the most adorable smile I throw a bit of popcorn at her as laugh as I sit beside her and she moves closer to cuddle up to me "please don't pick a horror lizzie you know I can't watch them ill spend the full time with my face hidden on you and you'll have to stay the night there's no way I'm staying alone if you pick a horror" I say with a pout she wiggles her eyebrows "to late honeypie" I groan as she plays the movie. 
Almost half way through the movie I'm practically wrapped around her with my head hiding in her neck as she gently tickels my back I'm not sure if she's aware she's doing it but her hand slide up my t-shirt 20 minutes ago and It feels nice and comforting so I'm not going to tell her to stop "is it done yet" I whisper against her neck as she continues to run her fingers up and down my back "almost babe should be done in 5 minutes or so" I nod and sure enough five minutes later she turns family guy on "there all done"I stay where I am enjoying our bodies pressed together and my face against her neck "ok" I whisper not making an attempt at moving she laughs and rests her hand half way up my back "you can get up now the movie is done" her hands drop my waist almost on my ass "don't want to I'm comfortable" I smile against her neck as she laughs "I have no problem with this position y/n so stay like that as long as you want" I move my lower body and stop as my eyes go wide as I realise I practically grinded on her and her sharp breath in tells me she had the same realisation I go to move off but she holds me in place making my pull away to look at her "you have no idea how hard it is for me to be around you and keep my cool I wanna do everything and be everything for you I look forward to things like this because we get so close .." I cut her off mid sentence smashing my lips against hers once air becomes an issue I sit up looking into her eyes biting my lip "I feel the same lizzie" I say as I lean my head against her head 'take me to bed please " I say biting my lip as i move to kiss her neck surprised when I hear her moaning before I know it she's gripping my ass walking to the bedroom as I such and bite on her neck making sure I leave marks she throws me onto the bed falling on top of me as she kisses my neck "clothes you're wearing to many"
I say moaning earning a groan from the blonde under me she stands up and starts to shred her clothes I follow her lead till we're both butt naked staring at one another I can't help but feel my arousal pool at the sight of her I finally look at her eyes and notice them dark with lust I lean back and smirk feeling a little confident "make me yours" she falls to her knees and pushes my legs open instantly moaning at the sight of my dripping cunt I lean my head back and moan as she attacks my clit with no mercy she's sucking like I'm her last meal I can't help but let out loud moans the thought I have this affect on her turning me on more "yes yes fuck me yes lizzie right there!!!!" I scream as she adds 2 fingers inside my tight cunt thrusting as she sucks my clit Igrip the sheets so hard my knuckles turn white I go to moan as she curls her fingers at the right spot hitting my gspot my mouth falls open as a silent scream leaves my body I feel the sensation run through my body I didn't mean to cum so fast "you could have warned me you where a squirter" she says with a giggle as she sits ontop of me biting her lip I look up breathing heavy my chest rising and falling fast "I.. I'm.. not..I never knew...I was" I pant out with a huge smile she leans down and kisses me passionately after a few seconds she opens my legs and positions her cunt onto mine making me look at her and moan "oh honey you didn't think I was done with you did you? I wanna hear more of those pretty sounds you make for me" She says with a smirk as my eyes roll she starts to grind her hips making our clits rub together perfectly both of us moaning 'fa...faster baby" I whimper as my nails scratch her thigh as she fucks me harder and faster she keeps her pace up for a few minutes before they become sloppy "so close baby....babygirl" she moans gripping onto my hand "me to...mommy please cum for me" I scream my words not even registering as she picks up her speed both of us screaming and panting sweat dripping from our bodies "right there right there right there" she screams as she cums all over my pussy sending my second orgasm crashing over me "yes yes fu....ck oh f..fu..ck" I pant as she collapses ontop of me both of us not moving for a few minutes until we regain our breath "that was amazing baby" she says rolling off me rubbing my cheek making me blush "yeah it was you're perfect lizzie" I say blushing like a fool we climb into bed and cuddle both our naked body's pressed against eachother she kisses my head as she whispers "goodnight beautiful " I whisper goodnight and fall asleep in her arms.
AN: this is long and might not make sense I'm super tired and hungover I had an amazing night last night the wedding was beautiful it was such a long day but so worth it, apologies for this chapter haha but I will start posting again and making them some what decent haha I hope you enjoy this feedback welcome and honestly comments would help distract from this hangover feeling � (its been just over a year since i wrote this originally!! my friends have been married over a year thats crazy!)
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bagofburntcreampuffs · 11 months
ʀʜʏᴛʜᴍ ɪɴ ᴏᴜʀ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛꜱ
New Perspective★
« previous · masterpost · winter fest »
➼ now playing...i wanna be yours
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The next day you rushed into Idia’s dorm room asking him to print out the lyrics and music sheet for the song. He screamed, but that didn’t really matter to you. You hovered over him as he made the music sheet and printed out everything else for you. He hands you the sheets and you hurriedly grab them, yelling out a thank you as you rush out of the door. 
You run through the mirrors, rushing towards the practice room. It was early in the morning, 2 hours before school started. Normally, you don’t wake up this early but with the festival coming up soon. Really soon. You had to wake up early. There was excitement coursing through your veins as you got Yuuken’s favorite song tucked under your arm. Your shoulder slams into the door as you open it you are greeted with Cater and Lilia on the floor shuffling through their music sheets and Kalim still trying to wake up.
“Did you all just get here?” You ask as you scan the room.
“Like 5 minutes ago.” Cater answers you.
“Oh! Is that the song for Yuuken?” Lilia points at the folder you are holding in your arm. You nod quickly and open it up to hand him his papers, grabbing the rest out and passing it along to Cater and Kalim as well. You sit in a circle reading over the papers, “This doesn’t look too bad actually. We’ll get this down pretty quickly,” Lilia states.
Kalim nods excitedly, “I think we got this! I wonder what it sounds like.” Cater gets up from the ground, “Only one way to find out.” You all follow Cater as you get up. Cater gathers the sheets and places them on his stand, you all get ready and play until school is about to start.
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Classes ended and you rush to your club room, leaving a trail of dust as you run by. You were the first one there, so you decided to just set up early and go over notes you had taken on your music sheet. The door opens a few minutes later and you’re greeted by Jamil and Kalim, “You’re early, N/n,” Kalim greets you with a wave. Jamil looks over at you as you both make eye contact, he nods as a greeting with a small smile and you return it back to him. 
“My class was just a hallway away, so I was able to get here on time.”
“Oh? What class were you in?” Kalim asks you as he sets down his bag by the drum set.
“Astrology and Divination.”
“Really? You should come to Scarabia for any assignments, we have the best observation room when it comes to astrology!” Kalim grabs you by the shoulder and shakes you back and forth. “Oh, I don’t wanna bother you guys.”
A voice cuts in, “You wouldn’t be, come all you like.” Jamil looks towards you and smiles. “If you say so, thank you for the offer.” You smile widely towards the both of them. The door bursts open again with Cater and Lilia, “Woah! N/n beat us this time?” Cater teasingly smiles at you and you smile right back at him. “We’ll set up quickly then since it seems like someone is excited for practice today.” Lilia puts his bag down and goes to tune his bass. Everyone disperses to go set up their stuff and Jamil goes to set up amps and speakers, you follow right behind him. “Do you need any help?”
He turns to look at you, “No need, you can go look over your notes. I’ll be fine.” You tilt your head up to look at him, “Are you sure? I’ve already looked over them, so I can help.” He looks back and forth between the cables in his hands and you, your hand is already outstretched and he internally groans at your persistence. “If you want. You can hold onto this.” He hands you the cables and you both walk around to the speakers and amps, giving him the cables he needs.
He goes underneath a table to plug in a charger for his laptop as you hand him his charger and the extra cable to plug it into the speaker. He plugs the charger in and turns to crawl from underneath, but once he lifts his head from underneath the table he hits the top of his head. You bend down to see what happened as you hear a groan from Jamil. You giggle, “Jamil, are you okay?”
He’s wincing and holding the top of his head, but he looks up to respond to you. Your faces are only mere inches apart and his breath gets stuck in his throat. Both of your eyes widen at the same time and Jamil moves his head back too quickly only to hit his head once again. You gasp and put your hand over your mouth to stifle your giggles and hide the rising blush on your face.
“Let’s get you out of there.” You move out of the way so Jamil can crawl out from underneath. You reach your hand out for Jamil to hold onto as he gets up. He’s hesitant and doesn’t move, but he grabs a hold of your hand after an awkward pause. “Thanks.” He whispers tugging on his hood and fumbling with the fabric with his free hand. Your hands are still pressed together. You’re both unaware of the stares that are looking your way, they pass knowing glances between themselves.
“Hey! Ready to start?” Lilia calls out to you and Jamil, trying to not chuckle at the growing embarrassment on your faces. You both split apart as you rush over to them.
“Yes! Sorry!” 
You head on over to your place behind the mic, practice resumes from what was left from earlier this morning. Practice went on at least till 6 p.m. before you stopped and got ready to head back to the dorms. Your bag felt heavy and your throat was hoarse, but nothing that can’t be fixed later tonight after some dinner and a warm drink. Jamil walks over to you as you stuff the last sheet of paper into your folder.
He taps your shoulder and you turn to be faced with a water bottle. “I’m sure your throat is hoarse, you should drink up.” 
“Thank you, Jamil.”
You take the drink and open it, Jamil is still standing by your side. His bag is by his side, and he stares at the ground waiting for you to finish with your bottle. You close the bottle and wipe the remaining bit of liquid from your lips. You noticed that the rest of them had left and it was just you and Jamil together in the room. 
“Where did they?” You trail off as you look around the room.
“They already left.”
“Oh. Why didn’t you leave? I’d be fine walking by myself.” You say curiously. Jamil looks away, he’s obviously unsure of what to say. At the moment Jamil wasn’t even sure why he stayed behind. It wasn’t his job to stay by your side, his job was to be with Kalim. To be by Kalim’s side. Not yours. Something about you just made it so easy for him to worry about you, but not the same way he worries about Kalim. Not the same way he worries about anyone. “Just wanted to make sure you’re okay.” Now he was just trying to play it cool, it was obvious you were just fine. He doesn’t need to be by your side. He doesn’t. He keeps repeating that to himself. There’s no point in being by your side. 
But, the way your eyes look up at him. The way you worried about him when he hit his head. The way you offer to help any chance you can. It was so easy for you to worry and be yourself around him, that he almost feels like he owes it to you by being himself around you too. He shuts down his thoughts, it doesn’t matter. He’s sure his feelings don’t matter, it won’t matter. Not right now and not anytime soon. So he pushes away the feeling; the way your eyes make him feel, the way your personality is so quiet but so bright, and the way you worry about him. 
Your eyes glisten at what he said, “I’m okay. Since it’s just us let’s walk together?”
Damn, he thinks to himself, your eyes are just so beautiful. Jamil tells himself that just this once, he’ll let this moment be his. For just this once, this moment is something he’ll keep to himself. Because he wants to be selfish so for right now. Please, he begs internally, please let him have this.
“Yeah, let’s walk together.”
You both leave out the door walking side by side. The warmth as you both stand close together. The evening sky shines through the window and caresses both of you, the sunset glistens in both of your eyes. This time, your eyes meet once again, and this time you both realize just how beautiful the other is underneath the light.
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Taglist: @ars-tral @bookworm666 @cecil-garlicbread @mysme-stuff @doughnuts-eater@kirexa @s7-evermore
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sl-vega · 7 months
✧Sticking to the Script✧-03
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⋆。°✩ 03-inspiration? more like desperation
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Xingqiu had been staring at a blank document with an empty piece of lined paper right next to him. The empty void of white taunted him. He sighed as he closed his laptop and put it back into his backpack.
"You okay?" Xingqiu looked up, and he saw Chongyun standing next to him. "Yeah I'm just stressed..." Xingqiu replied as he gathered his stuff and placed it into his bag.
"Don't you have a few months to finish it?" Chongyun asked. "We do, but it's supposed to be twelve pages at the very least." Xingqiu said as he rubbed his temples. He sighed again, "Sorry, this has just been bothering me for a bit."
Xingqiu started placing all his supplies back into his bag. He quickly got up from his seat waiting for Chongyun to follow. "Where are you going?" Chongyun asked. "The drama room." Xingqiu replied without any further elaboration.
"Why? You aren't actually going to audition for the play are you?" Chongyun asked with a concerned tone. "Thankfully I'm not." Xingqiu said walking out of the school's library with his friend.
"I'm going there for inspiration, some of the actors who audition are phenomenal and Romeo and Juliet is this year's production so there must be something I can use." Xingqiu said, his eyes sparkling in anticipation.
"You're just saying that because our library has no good romance books, aren't you?" Chongyun asked seeing right through his friend.
"You know me so well Chongyun." he replied. Yes that was part of the reason, but Xingqiu was a fan of theatre and the live arts. He still preferred books and literature, but he could admit that actors and live performances had their own merits.
The two boys continued their way down the stairs passing by several teachers and formally greeting them, they made their way to the auditorium, it was state of the art, with a huge stage and hundreds of plush, velvet seats.
Xingqiu and Chongyun sat near the front, Xingqiu eyed the students all over the huge room. Many held scripts and seemed to be memorizing their lines last minute. His eyes continued to scan the room before landing on a familiar figure.
You, the girl he had given his umbrella to
The two of you made eye contact, and he could see you quickly dart your eyes away, even in the dim lighting of the seating area, he could see your face flush.
"Hey Chongyun." he whispered to his friend, not wanting to interrupt the current student auditioning.
"Who's that girl over there?" He asked, gesturing to where you were standing, the two of them saw you get up to the stage to audition.
"Name and part?" Furina, the director, asked.
"(Y/N) (L/N), auditioning for the part of Juliet." you said.
"There's your answer." Chongyun whispered responding to his friend's question from earlier. The baby-blue haired boy glanced over to his friend as you started your monologue. Xingqiu looked star-struck.
"Xingqiu, earth to Xingqiu." Chongyun said as he waved his hand in front of his friend's face. "You good?"
Still completely focused on you, he whispered something under his breath.
"She's perfect."
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additional notes:
-golly gee i wonder what xingqiu means by that
-y'all get the potential double meaning?
-chongyun thinks that xingqiu is head over heels for this random girl
-he may as well be tbh
-next chapter will be this but from y/n's perspective
-yes y/n is blushing over a boy that she barely knows
-look, she just went through a break-up, her standards are very low now
-xingqiu would be a great boyfriend tho
-oop did i just spoil the endgame
-oh well
-ty to @freyao7 for being my proofreader again
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<prev ll next>
✧Sticking to the Script✧
Pairing: Xingqiu x FEM! Reader
Genre: fake dating, strangers to lovers, slow burn, fluff, angst (?), high school smau, modern smau
⋆。°✩-Synopsis: Xingqiu just got entered into a special writing contest, the type that's invite only, the theme this year is love, the only problem is that he has zero romantic experience. but he really wants to prove himself as a writer. meanwhile, you just found out that your boyfriend cheated on you, and you need to show him that you're 100% over him, the only problem is that there's no way you can get an actual boyfriend that quickly. clearly, the solution to both of your issues is to fake date each other. it shouldn't be hard for an actor such as yourself, all you need to do is stick to the script.
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(OPEN) Taglist: @freyao7, @thatoneswordgirl, @sn1perz, @latay7. @esmetrees, @nmriki0, @help-whatdoimakemyusername, @httpsrenren, @cupid-spams, @aixaingela, @kaitfae, @luvkvni, @danhenglovebot
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indiaalphawhiskey · 2 years
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Hi love ❤️ I’ve seen you’ve been missing writing and while I don’t want to burden this on you (please only respond if thinking and writing about this gives you joy) I wanted to share these two pics I keep connecting in my brain as if they happened at the same moment.
Harry walks by Louis’ desk. Their eyes meet.
And I keep wondering, what is going on here? Do you know?? 👀
Ask and you shall receive. 😘
— (loosely) based on Can You Keep A Secret? by Sophie Kinsella
Harry was barely able to fight another yawn as he stood up from his incredibly new, incredibly bare, incredibly normal office desk.
As he closed his laptop and slipped it in his bag, he tried not to be too disappointed. All in all, the day had gone pretty well.
Okay, so it had kind of been dead boring, but that was partially Harry’s fault for expecting too much. Apparently, almost dying on a horrifically turbulent flight halfway across the world to get a foot in the door of your dream job at an indie record label tended to lead to a rather anticlimactic first day. Who knew?
Like, not that Harry expected Elton John to walk through the halls or anything (that would be ridiculous; he was signed by Universal, everyone knew that), but like, maybe some grungy up-and-comer he could brag to all his friends about finding in a garage in the future.
Or, even the rumored new (hot), young (hot), brilliant (hot), openly gay (and hot) CEO, at least. Just to, like, confirm the rumors of the insanity of his hotness, you know?
But alas, the Mystery Boss had been holed up in a twelve-hour meeting that hadn’t even stopped for lunch, and God, did Harry somehow get tricked into working for the indie record label version of JP Morgan?
He grimaced. Considering his luck last weekend, he wouldn’t put it past the universe.
But just as he let out another quiet sigh, a petulant pout already forming on his lips, the door to the fortress that was Conference Room A opened. And because Harry was nothing if not nosy, he craned his neck just enough to take a harmless little peek inside at the head of the table.
It happened like lighting — blue eyes, and a smart smirk, and a 28 tattooed on his fingers.
And, thinking about that exact moment in hindsight, Harry would bet everything he owned that if there was a way his soul could have simply left him to die from embarrassment right then, it probably would have because…
“Flight 568, this is your captain speaking.”
“Oh God,” Harry whimpered over the crackling of the speaker as the plane rattled wildly all around them, “oh God, we’re going to die. Our captain is about to tell us we’re going to die,” he said, clutching the fingers of the stranger beside him without bothering to spare a thought to manners or like, boundaries. What on earth did he need manners for, now that they were clearly about to fucking die?
“We’re not going to die, mate,” the stranger said, his Northern accent calm.
But Harry wasn’t listening.
“Uhhh, we are,” he deigned to argue, even with the panic that was rising in his throat with each new violent shake. Then, suddenly, faced with the mounting reality of his mortality, Harry blurted out, “I lied on my CV.”
A beat of confused silence before, “O…kay—?”
“I just really wanted this job, you know?” Harry continued, because apparently, the precipice of death made him chatty. “It’s literally the dream. Like, the job I’ve wanted to do my whole entire life but never thought I’d have a shot at? That job.”
“I… see—”
“So I lied,” Harry repeated, just in case this stranger didn’t understand the depth of his betrayal. “And then I got it, and… and… Oh God—“ Harry wailed, squeezing his eyes shut as the plane rocked like it was made of paper, “And now I’m going to die, and they’re going to know. They’re going to know that I lied about where I went to school and I’m going to be dead, and my super hot new boss is gonna fire me posthumously, which is really unfortunate because I’m pretty sure he’s the kind of hot I would probably let fuck me in against a glass window, you know?” he asked, nervously forcing a laugh as he chanced a quick glance at the stranger.
He was met with blue eyes.
Blue eyes, and a smart smirk, and a 28 tattooed on the fingers Harry was currently crushing in his vice grip.
The stranger chuckled easily. “I’m nervous about my new job too.”
“Oh God,” Harry said then, the horrible horrible truth sinking into his stomach as he watched his new (and now confirmed super, insanely hot) boss narrow his eyes thoughtfully at Harry through the slightly open door, before his brow began to lift in slow, amused recognition.
Oh. God.
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