#i used to be one of those “princess tutu is actually awesome despite its stupid name” people
mahoutoons · 17 days
honestly i wish the only way for magical girls to get respect wasn't for them to be as close to shonen as possible.
"unlike other magical girls, precure has hand to hand combat! its dbz for girls!"
"i know princess tutu's name is stupid but its actually not girly at all!"
"sailor moon isn't ACTUALLY for little girls because [insert scene of characters suffering or creepy stuff from the manga here]"
"madoka is better than other magical girls because its DARK"
like do magical girls really needs to be dbz but girly to be worthy of respect? can't they just be... magical girl shows? a show can be unapologetically girly and aimed at girls and still be worth checking out. yes, princess tutu is girly. yes, sailor moon is girly. yes, precure is girly. yes, madoka, despite being a seinen and darker, ultimately upholds the messages of the genre. and they're all awesome and deserve respect on their own merits, not as a comparison to popular shonen shows.
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