#i used sparrow and co for celestial winter and sometimes i think about reviving that story just so i can use them more
twilights-800-cats · 6 years
My Main Warrior Cats OCs
I thought about it and I kind of want to document my ocs a little? Mostly so I don’t forget them, but also so you guys can learn about them! These are characters that sometimes recur in my stories, or ones that I’ve used more often for certain plots. They can be mixed and matched and put into nearly any story I want!
mute calico she-cat
fairly easily frustrated when it comes to not being listened to/misunderstood but otherwise a level-headed and neutral character that hasn’t seen much development outside of her initial creation
was at one point used in a story where she had her speech taken from her, but at the end would have been given it back - but the story never finished and that sort of thing is eh so if i used her nowadays, her muteness would remain intact
Sparrow & Leaf
sparrow is a russet, red-brown tabby tom / leaf is a brown tabby tom with a white chest
sparrow and leaf are polydactyl
the brothers are the kits of a thunderclan warrior (usually the deputy) and a loner. their mother dies due to twoleg interference and the kits are left on their own - leaf begins having dreams about clan life and goes to the clans, but sparrow, thinking that the clans lured their mother to her death on a thunderpath, seeks revenge, thinking that they’ve stolen his brother too
sparrow becomes a fearsome rogue who attacks clan cats periodically - he is big and strong and often ambushes cats who are alone. leaf however becomes a medicine cat apprentice in thunderclan named leafpaw
thunderclan’s leader, at the behest of leafpaw, invite sparrow in to thunderclan - as punishment for his actions, sparrowpaw spends a long time as an apprentice to their leader, brightstar, who teaches him everything she knows
leafpaw becomes leafwhisker and sparrowpaw becomes sparrowclaw - sparrowclaw replaces his father as deputy and then becomes leader when brightstar dies
Holly, Cherry, Rose & Marigold
holly, cherry, rose, and marigold are the kits of sparrowstar and his ex-mate, spottedfire
holly is a polydactyl tortoiseshell / cherry is a pretty tortie with white patches / rose is a very pale ginger she-cat / marigold is a tortoiseshell with golden shading
holly is the eldest of the kits and becomes leafwhisker’s apprentice - she holds a sense of duty towards keeping her sisters safe
cherry is the deputy’s apprentice - she is arrogant and vain, and mean to her sisters, especially holly, whom she thinks of as ugly. cherry trains with the dark forest/becomes a villain
rose tries her best to lead the life of a normal warrior while her sisters feud and often finds frustration with her sisters but eventually comes to terms with things and sort of... has her own life outside of them because its healthy for her
marigold dies as a kit - she sparks spottedfire to break up with sparrowstar and cause a divide between the kits. marigold guides holly and is the reason why holly becomes a medicine cat
Nightshade & Ivyshade
nightshade is a medicine cat - almost always the one that trains leafwhisker
nightshade falls in love with a cat and breaks the medicine cat code (its often implied that it is leafwhisker that she falls in love with, but nowadays i think the affection was one-sided on leafwhisker’s part) and she dies giving birth to ivyshade
ivyshade’s origins are assumed within the clan because nightshade was the only black cat at the time - these origins are hardly spoken of
in defiance of the clan, sparrowstar takes ivyshade as his apprentice, and then as his deputy
leafwhisker acts as ivyshade’s uncle and often dotes/spoils her
charcoal bengal she-cat
former kittypet, lived as a loner, and then became a clan cat
fears water/drowning
still fairly under development - i made her for blood of the tiger so she has had little real chance to exist outside of that setting
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