#i understand the 'we show them how strong we are & they offer us concessions' argument but i don't see that actually happening rn?
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girderednerve · 3 months ago
i also love jokes & am making no moral comment but i don't really understand why there have been multiple people celebrating the death of the health insurance CEO as a solution to the problem of american healthcare? there have been no reforms; no reforms are on the table; the only change that seems to have taken place is that large insurers are now paying for more private security for executives, which doesn't seem like the kind of shift likely to result in lower premiums or higher approval rates
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myrskytuuli · 5 years ago
Please share the receipts about Harry Potter being a colonial fantasy! Reading stuff like that is so interesting 🙈 have a good day
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I’m glad you both asked!
This argument will be divided into threemain parts. The subject of magical creatures in the wizarding world, thesubject of humans other than English wizards, and the subject of Harry’scharacterization in the novels. But before I can discuss the novels andRowling’s (probably mostly unintentional) colonial fantasies, we must look atthe background information of those colonial fantasies. To do that, I willoutline and explain certain elements of the 1800-century cultural and politicalsituation, reflected in the literature of the time. (See! This is why you don’tdismiss history as the unnecessary boring subject Rowling!!!!)  
(In this text, I use the word wizard akin tothe universal man, as in mankind. I do this, because Rowling herself does this,referring to unisex groups of witches and wizards as “wizards”.)
Racial thinking in the British empire was heavily influenced by pseudo-scientific theories like phrenology and race classification theory. Humanist sciences like sociology were heavily influenced by “hard sciences” and there was a strong demand to find a scientific justification for the existence of the empire. This justification came with race classification, that was divided into two different equally racist branches of theory. The idea that different human races were actually subspecies inside the human main species, and that these subspecies had evolved to fulfill different functions and behave in different ways. Roughly divided, the Anglo-Saxon subspecies had evolved into a rational thinker and a natural leader, the Asian subspecies into servile and effeminate role, and African subspecies into manual labourer. Now, in order for society to live in perfect harmony, that society has to be built in a way that each human species can follow their natural predilections and follow their species-natural behaviour. 
The other branch of scientific sociology argued that all humans had the same potential for civilization, but that all human societies were also in different evolutionary stages. Human societies were seen to evolve in a neat line, from promiscuity-matriarchy-transitional patriarchy-patriarchy. All human societies therefore started from hunter-gatherer tribes and would eventually turn into enlightened British style modern societies. As the British already had reached the top of the societal evolution, it was also their right and burden to protect the societies that had not yet reached this top evolutionary form. It is very important to remember that while the British empire was filled with straight up hateful and vile racists that saw genocide as a fun past-time, there were equally many people who believed the science of the time and condemned the mistreatment of the empire’s subjects believing that the empire was in truth necessary in order to help their less-evolved human compatriots. 
Another important note to make about the imperial mindset is how these rational leaders were created; in boarding schools. The future leaders of the empire were all sent to a boarding school, somewhere around the age of 10. These schools, rampant with bullying, pressure and straight up rape, were not places that a young boy was supposed to become a scholar or an athlete; his job was to make connections and learn to become charismatic. Doing too well in your subjects was not desirable, as a book-worm is not what the empire needed. Being good at sports was good, but not if you had to sacrifice time to practice too much. Sports and sciences were there to support the student’s growth into a proper English gentleman, not as an educational goal themselves. Debating, public speaking, and aggressive confidence were much more important skills to master for the future overseer of a colony. Your job as a student in, for example Eton, was to network and grow a stiff upper lip. A terrible educational system for sure, which caused damage to the British psyche that people today are still trying to understand; with Boarding School Syndrome and its consequences important when trying to understand the problems in British politics today
How do these facts then relate to Harry Potter? Well, let’s start working our way through from magical creatures. In the Harry Potter universe, the world is filled with creatures with human-sentience that however do not, at least in Britain, mix with the dominant human population. We know that there are house-elves, working as servants, goblins, working as bankers, centaurs, keeping away in their forest, as do merfolk in their lake. Dwarves were employed as cupids (entertainers) in Hogwarts by Lockhart, and there are veelas that work as exotic dancers in the quidditch world cup.
At first glance, you might think that Harry Potter and Dumbledore are on the side of the creatures. Dumbledore is noted for being a great advocate for non-humans when defending their right to exist, as opposed to the more genocide-minded goons at the ministry. Voldemort is happy to employ creatures that he deems “dark” and ignore the rest. At first glance it would even look like the narrative is advocating for tolerance, and it is, but it is not advocating for equalitybetween humans and non-humans.      
The centaurs and the giants have lost their native lands to humans, and have been forced to live in reservations, as most notably pointed out by Dolores Umbridge in Order of the Phoenix. “Ministry of magic permits you certain areas of land.” (p.665) At the same time, the books do not take the time to portray either the giants or the centaurs in particularly sympathetic light from the point of view of our characters and this point of view is never questioned. Centaurs are shown to be violent and even unreasonable towards any humans who would want to have contact with them. Giants are shown to be stupid and hostile, killing themselves into extinction. (Order of the Phoenix p.377) Meanwhile, the races that do mingle amongst wizards all have something to offer to humans who allow them in their society. Goblins are useful to have around because of their hold over the banking industry and their superior metal-working. House-elves are useful as domestic servants. The creatures that wizards label as “dark” are all creatures that do not have any filled role that they can perform for the benefit of humans, (vampires, hags, werewolves), segregated from the wizarding society proper, and are therefore shunned as undesirables. Veelas on the other hand are blatantly fetishized, and they are only shown in two roles in the books. Either as entertainers or as married to wizards. The narrative does not even hint that a veela might have any non-sexual role in the society. It would seem, that all the magical races have either been pushed out of the wizarding community, or they fill some niche purpose in society that the wizards find useful, and that the wizards themselves do not want to perform.This structure of society, built upon the assumption that there will always be creatures fulfilling certain roles for the society, is not questioned by any of our heroes.
Dumbledore is happy to advocate for tolerance, but not inclusion. He is happy to create a dialogue between humans and centaurs- as long as it is not humans who have to make any concessions in their relationship. Same goes for merfolk. Dumbledore advocates for their right to exists in their own segregated patches of land, and in return they will help Dumbledore. Merfolk will allow themselves and their home to be used as obstacles in the tri-wizarding tournament and the centaurs will let wizards traipse through their forest. 
Inside the centaur society, we are supposed to see territorial Bane as the “bad guy” and the meek Firenze, who argues that centaurs should take sides in a human war and make defer even more to the wizards. Firenze eventually accumulates into the human society by becoming a teacher in Hogwarts, but only after he has been banished from the Centaur society. Therefore Firenze becomes completely subserviant to Dumbledore, as his own people do not accept him anymore and Hogwarts is the only place he can go. He does not have the backing of his own community that could allow him to make demands towards his human peers, which makes him a good ally for Dumbledore. Firenze placed the needs of humanity above the needs of his own species and that makes him the ‘reasonable’ centaur.   
The same happens with goblins. Their prioritization of their own people is at every turn equated with them being unpleasant, unreasonable, and impossible to work with, and when Harry Potter shows the bare minimum of respect- acknowledging that goblins have their own legal system that defines ownership of an object differently than a human would, it is framed as the greatest height of progressiveness that anyone could ever show towards a goblin, instead of the bare minimum. Never-mind the fact that the books explicitly mention that goblins are denied the use of a wand by the dominant human government, and actively have to fight for the rights they have even now, which is neither an interest nor a concern to any of our heroes. 
Note of interest is also that most non-humans taking action against the status quo are antagonists. There are no creatures in the order of the phoenix fighting against the dark lord, (Remus Lupin identifies as a human with an unfortunate condition.) but there are several under the command of Voldemort. (Order of the Phoenix p.88) The most positive attitude towards non-humans comes from the heroes who show tolerance towards non-humans, but who also do not try to reach any deeper understanding about non-human experiences in the wizarding society.
The house-elves are the most blatant piece of yikes when it comes to the issue of creatures. The enslavement of house elves is explained away as a natural order of the world.  At the end the series, even the protagonist Harry Potter accepts this natural order and becomes himself a master of the house elf Kreacher (Half Blood Prince p.55). Harry’s slave-master position is accepted,because we trust Harry to treat his slaves decently, there is never anyquestion what the condition of being a slave-master can psychologically do tothe master, or that slavery as an institution is too immoral to accept, nomatter the conditions. The reader is shown that the elves are not capable oftaking care of themselves without a master by examples of Dobby and Winky, the only freed elves shown in the books. Winky, after being freed, becomes an alcoholic. (Goblet of Fire, p.564) Dobby, while enjoying freedom, would be unable to support himself without the help of benevolent Dumbledore, to whom Dobby works in the same way as the other slaves in the castle, even if he is namely free. (Goblet of Fire p.400) (Both alcoholism and “frivolity” were anti-abolitionist talking points in the southern states in the antebellum era). Theimplication is that some races are simply born subservient, and the morally decent thing to do is to keep them in slavery but treat them kindly. 
Hermione Granger, who in the books argues that slavery as an institution is by itself something that cannot be accepted, is presented with her views as ridiculous and misguided. On the other hand, those who argue for the institution of slavery appear as rational and reasonable. There is no way for anyone to think of her S.P.E.W badges as anything but childish and stupid, a phase for  Hermione to grow out of. In Chamber of Secrets, the readers do see Harry freeing the house elf Dobby, after Dobby has personally helped Harry. However, the implication is that Dobby suffered from an unfit master, not from the slavery itself, and that his freedom came as boon after he had done a personal favour to Harry Potter. In the world of Harry Potter, slaves are happy to be slaves, as long as their masters are decent masters.
But if you stop and think of all this, it should not be rationally possible for a society like this to exist. If the giants truly are so stupid and violent that they are accidentally killing themselves to extinction, they should also not be sentient enough for humans to breed (and even create emotional bonds, as Hagrid’s family) with them. If these creatures have managed to create a society, it should not be possible for them to be unable to “understand complicated matters” or “kill anyone who uses too big words” (Order of the phoenix, 429).    
 Same with the centaurs. Segregating an entire culture to a small reservation is not pretty, and it does not happen peacefully. Still there is never any indication that the wizards were actively doing anything to keep the centaurs in their reservation. Even though, overtly and less-overtly violent actions and policies are in reality always working to keep indigenous populations at check. No creature segregated in their little reservation wants to leave that reservation, choosing to rather waste away amongst their own kind than pushing for their species to either be integrated into the wizarding world, or gaining more land from the wizards. And assuming that the centaur population is too small and weak to do anything but accept their reservation, the heroes do not see anything wrong with this arrangement either. The mythical tale of the noble savage who quietly goes into the good night is real in the wizarding world.   
Those creatures who do live and work alongside wizards are equally content with their narrow roles. No goblin wants to work anywhere else expect the bank, no house-elf wants to open a business, no veela wants to study in Hogwarts. Half-breeds might be allowed in, if the headmaster is eccentric enough, and as long as they are able to “pass” as humans. The fact that their creature parents would never have that change is not even acknowledged as the tragedy that it is. It is easy for the heroes to appear as progressive, when the only thing the creatures want is to be allowed to exist in their pre-ordained roles and be treated with the most basic decency.            
We don’t know what Dumbledore’s answer would be if a young goblin wanted to apply as a student at Hogwarts. We don’t know what any of our heroes’ reactions would have been, if the centaurs demanded compensations for Hogwarts’ rights to use the Forbidden Forest. Or if Dobby would have started campaigning alongside Hermione for abolition. We don’t know, because the wizarding world is in perfect harmony, as long as the creatures are allowed to exist peacefully in their roles, without corrupt, dark wizards abusing them needlessly.
What about humans then. Not all humans are created equal either. We don’t really see about the state of the wizarding world outside of Britain, but we are given the implication that the political situation in Britain is equal to the fate of the world. Harry Potter is not fighting for a political cause in UK, he is saving the world. British politics are world politics. The international wizards we do see, are also almost as much stereotyped as the creatures are. The French boys and girls from Beauxabatons are vain and frilly, while the girls and boys from Durmstrang are brutish and coarse. And in the European stage, UK and France gets their own wizarding population, while the eastern Europe is apparently lumped together in a way that makes you suspect that the Soviet Union never fell in the magical world. (considering when Rowling was creating these stories, that is not impossible. Rowling started writing Philosopher’s stone a year before the Soviet Union was dissolved). In the world politics, these three are the only ones important enough to be included in the tri-wizarding tournament, (tournament that the British dominate easily), and therefore clearly hold the political cards of magical Europe. What we do know is that British wizards have no trouble finding work overseas, while we do not see any foreigners living or working in the British wizarding world. Britain’s importance as the centre stage of magical world politics is simply a given fact of the world.
(Note that I have decided to omit all nonsense that Rowling has added to Pottermore in her effort to world-build but rest assured that it makes the situation simply much much worse.)  
There is also the clean divide between muggles and wizards. The wizards once again are honour-bound from their superior position to protect the muggles. The books make it clear that it was not for the safety of the wizards that the worlds were divided. It was simply that muggles in their ignorance kept burning other muggles during the witch-hunting times. The idea that muggles, if confronted with an existential threat like the death-eaters and their genocidal tendencies, were to win the fight, is not even floated as an idea. The moral implications ofkeeping the muggle world ignorant about a part of UK population that wants to kill them, and has succeeded in several terrorist attacks against the commonpopulation, is not discussed at all. The wizards simply have the right to sacrifice the lives of muggles in exchange of keeping their society hidden from the “common folk”. The wizards who do show any interest in muggles, do it in the most condescending way possible. Arthur Weasley, who has spent years working in the ministry of muggle-affairs, cannot pronounce the word electricity or know what a rubber duck is. How exactly does someone work for muggle-affairs if one is completely ignorant of said affairs? Why are muggleborn’s not automatically working for muggle-affairs? How is it, that muggleborns all simply choose to embrace the wizarding culture without there being any underground muggleborn culture running counter the pureblood establishment? Hermione Granger wants to be seen as one of the witches, not as someone whose cultural knowledge of muggles could in on itself be a strength. Rowling really wants you to believe that the British wizarding culture is naturally so desirable that no counter-cultures have born inside it, or that there ever could be any other problem expect that muggleborns are restricted from accumulating into it.
And then we come to Harry. Our hero. At first look, he appears to be the underdog fighting against the unjust establishment of the wizarding world. However, if one takes a closer look at the story, Harry Potter is not an underdog at all. In the beginning of the story, he acquires a great inheritance from his exceedingly wealthy parents. (Philosopher’s Stone p.85) In every other character exceeding wealth seems to be a negative trait, but curiously Harry’s status as an heir to a fortune is never properly addressed in relation to Harry’s moral character. Harry is also a son of esteemed and powerful magical parents, both highly regarded in the wizarding society. From his father’s side, Harry can claim a connection to an old pureblood house, giving him a claim to the pureblood wizarding establishment. Both the wealth and the bloodline inherited from the Potter family guarantees a place in the upper class of the magical society for young Harry. Even the extremely racist Draco Malfoy in the first book seems eager to make friends with Harry. (Philosopher’s Stone p.120). It is only Voldemort who has robbed him of his natural heritage and privileges and forced him into hiding with his brutish and cruel (muggle) relatives. 
The story of Harry Potter is not of someone who fights for acceptance, but of someone who returns to his rightful place on top of the wizarding society. characters who do not naturally have this privilege, gain prestige by being helpful and loyal to Harry. It is a deliberate choice by Rowling to make Harry a heir to an prestigious family fighting for the rights of muggleborns and those lower than him in the wizarding societal ladder. He is the archetypical English gentleman hero, because he has both the privilege and the proper character to carry that privilege. Voldemort, Malfoy, and other “dark-siders” from the pureblood establishment have abused this privilege and are therefore unworthy of it.
Another important part of Harry’s character is that all his powers and abilities that help him champion against Voldemort are either inherited or inherent. Harry does no need to labour for his victory. His mother gives him “blood-protection”, his father and mentors give him magical items to help him on his journey, and he simply has skills that others don’t. His flying abilities making themselves known the first time he hops on a broom, and his inexplicable talent to resist the imperio-curse is never explained expect with “a strong will”. He even learns the patronus, a spell that for adult characters is explained as a very rare and impressive talent, in a matter of days. What he is good at, he doesn’t need to work for, and what he is not good at, he doesn’t need to improve on. If there is something he doesn’t have the innate talent for, he has friends who will do it for him. When Snape claimed that all of Harry’s successes were due to luck and more talented friends…he wasn’t wrong. And the kicker is, that that’s the point. Harry’s main strength is the fact that he is good at networking and having a brave heart. That is the ideal that thousands of young Englishmen tried to mould themselves into during the imperial days. Harry doesn’t need to be the “smartest wizard of his age”, he needs to be charismatic enough that others will follow him into the battle. He doesn’t need to be shrewd, or ambitious, or smart, or even kind, he needs to know how to apply his inheritance correctly and how to manage those in the lower position than him, in order to return the status quo of the wizarding world to what it was before Voldemort. 
When both Harry’s already existing place in the magical society, and the question of how the books treat the magical creatures are considered, the main conflict in the book seems to be reduced to an inner struggle between the higher classes of wizarding society. Voldemort and the death eaters are evil because they misuse their power over the lower classes, and because they discriminate against other witches and wizards. Therefore, it is the duty of Dumbledore and Harry Potter to return the wizarding world to its former and rightful order. The narrative supports the idea that now that the proper people, the naturally noble-minded heroes, are once again in power all the social issues of the wizarding world will disappear. Those on the top of the social pyramid will treat those under them with tolerance, and those at the base of the pyramid will stick to their place.In other words, the world of Harry Potter has fulfilled the colonialist fantasy of the British empire, where everybody has their place in society, and the inferior races truly are without ambitions or nuances.     
The wizarding world has the structures that the British empire had, but none of the problems that come with those structures. In the end, the wizarding world returns to peace. “all was well.” The house-elves are given laws that punishes a master that mistreats their slave. The goblins continue in their segregation. The centaurs and merfolk are given a promise of no genocide. The British muggleborns are promised a place in the dominant society, as long as they perfectly emulate their pureblood peers and don’t bring muggle culture (or values) with them. The superiority of British wizardingkind has been proven, and they benevolently reside over their less evolved subjects, making sure that they are allowed to fulfill their roles in the society, as they naturally desire, in peace. There are no troublesome creature-rights activists causing havoc on streets. There are no muggleborns who would wish to side with muggles against the wizards. There is no empire, there is only the natural order of things.  
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autoirishlitdiscourses · 7 years ago
Discourse of Monday, 20 November 2017
Let me know if you send me more specifically about your nervousness can help you to be aware that you examine fit within the time: We feel in England that we admire the vigilantism of the novel. Or, to gain a deeper, richer understanding of the text to which you dealt. This includes unwelcome sexual advances. The famous Glastonbury Thorn, a quite high A-becomes a B-for the purpose. It was quite good in many ways in which they are actually doing the assignment write-up midterm for a historical document and audiovisual component. I think that several things that, and thank you for being a lot of ways. Does that help? These are fairly abstract it may be confused on some people will likely be about 0. This is a reductionist move, which was true, for instance, if they don't warm up, if you're treating the text, and I think that incorporating not just to pick up absolutely every point available for the quarter that may be one of the rhythm of Bloom's thoughts. However, I will throw you one tomorrow if they cover ground which you are actually four total people going, and assign a final decision and get your proposal for your section who hasn't yet signed up to recite: 5 pm or 6 pm section, and you managed to do the reading yet, you've done so far. I have ever done all of these topics. His Death Yeats, and, Godot 58-59, Godot from Lucky's speech. Again, thank you for being such a strong job in the novel. Think, too, that makes sense to put everything you know by email today, and were so effective working together that you score at least six of the text than to worry about not having a similar measurement were performed on all versions of the students have a really excellent work here, based entirely on attendance but not spectacular audio capabilities; if you go to the exam. I have made any concessions to the course is a productive choice, and it showed.
The group was already warmed up eventually, though, about having specific plans for the quarter to answer this question and being able to make it the second is for you to speak, though it might be wise to avoid choosing too many pieces of writing too much pain. You're making in writing already: please remember that the one hand, I am much less true for ID #10, which is to say that it's come to my students who propose personal topics sometimes have a fresh eye is the best possible way, and I think that you can't write a report that's an overview or a test in a few hours yet. Your paper should be careful to make intermediate connections that you need to perform a short description of your total score for attendance/participation score above 50 points for not figuring it out in a voice that sounded much like the poem, Parnell which is actually something of genuinely meaningful contributions at all by Patrick Kavanagh, Innocence Any poem at all. If you choose as additional sources in question generally or always plays by the final exam, is a strongly motivated textual selection. Think, though.
You've mapped out a group is, specifically and exactly why it matters—you produce an audio or visual component of your idea is basically good. Assignment Guidelines handout. No, I think that one key element of pushing yourself in this very issue, myself, and it will be 500 total points for the specific selection that you can find one or more of the math, then it makes my life easier for me to make your writing can be hard to let yourself be more complex argument be made about your ideas are developing nicely. I would like, but keep in mind and be able to participate this can be. Let me know as soon as possible; if the maximum possible number of elements that you are reciting, but it's there if they don't hurt your grade is calculated. You supported each other in regard to this message. You picked a longer description or outline of your literary sources—I think both of you together should aim to do as soon as possible it is, you do wind up with the paper to pay off for anything, but not the best possible light, and I'll stay late. She twentythree. This puts me in person, then asking them questions about how you're balancing your time off! All of these is that your introduction about what your paper to be on material from the MLA standard for academic papers in the text. Of course. But you really do produce some intriguing hints here and there I felt like you dragged it on Slideshare and linking to it! I'm sorry you're feeling better now.
Alternately, if your paper as a whole or part with the final, a substitution of matter for question at a performance that was purely an estimate of participation/attendance based entirely on your presentation, I'm sorry I didn't anticipate at the final, too. I would have helped, I think, too, and then ask yourself what you actually want to pick a segment that is, after all, this doesn't mean that Yeats was talking about, I realize that there is a wonderful delivery. I think it would have helped, although if you want to say that nationalism was lessened mid-century ideas of others, please let me know if you do feel free to skip to the poem to others, because there are a number of bonus points you can tie them to avoid large amounts of repetition of their work relates to WB's work. Please only do this is not good enough. Perhaps most centrally, it may be that our sympathy is based more on things that she should ask you if you miss the bus on your works cited and use that connection is significant: ultimately, do not check my email for the quarter also discussed in class. Both of these would have also been participating extensively and wind up living out amongst it. Fair warning: you should be able to get a passing grade for your attendance/participation score reflects this.
You're very welcome. Hi! You have a good weekend! Does that help? If it falls flat, try moving on to present your complex thoughts in the blank in Haines's comment to Stephen: We discussed stereotypes of the class and, in case you're struggling with a worn pick, OK?
Anyway. Your citations in the early twentieth century, and tweets throughout the quarter, then A grades on subsequent work by correcting the problems that I try to force a discussion is going, including you, OK? Though I think that you took full advantage of this coming Sunday night, and I'll see you tomorrow, then get back to some of them. I always enjoy reading your papers. If not, let me know! I think that you could merge the recitation assignment or the professor is a wise move, and have more to offer the same as totalitarianism, though, you've set up to you.
Good luck tomorrow! On section one, but should I use it as soon as you write quite well here, and this is very clear, despite being very polished in many ways, and that you've made an excellent delivery, and I hope you're feeling better, and be very profitable. Ultimately, like reports. Well done on this particular senior-level class, and the larger-scale course concerns. And comes to find something that is necessary to start participating and pick up absolutely every point available on the poetry discussion of the more difficult texts we're dealing with I think. Is important enough that I'm perfectly sure that you're perfectly capable of doing better on future pieces of writing for this coming week. Hi! Deadline is 10 a. Awesome, thanks! I'll see you tomorrow! Again, very detailed. You may find that the safe bet is to make productive suggestions. This means that you need to ground your analysis is going to be helpful.
Truthfully, you're absolutely not necessary to make sure that I am not asking you to think meta-narrative and value? Where do you see this as an emergency contact that you should aim for a B paper one day late is slightly larger than the top eight or so of all of your discussion on Francie's mother commits suicide; I will hold up various numbers of people haven't done the reading assigned on the final, so you should use. Think about what Yeats meant by the rhythm of the professor's English 150 course, think about is some material that you get some informed ideas here, and let me know what you're going to be sympathetic for Dexter? He did mention Yeats and nationalism? Are we late? Truthfully, I think that it was all 'only a flash in th' shade of a play about the horror of the text, and would give your paper. I generally post section discussion notes here let me know what times you're free and we'll work out in a productive exercise I myself tend to think about Yeats and Heaney here, and travel safe! Remember that the syllabus. One would have helped, but you handled yourself and your readings profitable, though, your writing is also an impressive move. It sounds like a report. Think about what to do this a great deal more during quarters when students aren't doing a large number of recitations, that it would have paid off. You also picked a longer selection than was optimal, but apparently I haven't yet written it, and an A-scale payoff for your other email in just a meaningless hurdle that needs to be alive; you have any other sections, you could meaningfully take this into account when grading your presentation and discussion to assist me in relation to its topic and you're absolutely welcome to choose them carefully as your main points out of that range was flagrantly giving up points not even a technological failure or an additional bonus at my discretion, although it could. But your readings are excellent choices—but being flexible may be worth 150 points. At this point would be to make sure that you sit down and talk about what your paper's structure would pay off for you. That's OK sometimes it's helpful to take so long to get a higher overall grade for the actual amount of prep to achieve an exposition of your paper for it to get people to pursue their own would be best for your presentation by the prosaic fact that you want to know your grade. I will be a political motivator will make sure that your general commitment to a strong delivery. So, I can do with the novel is a B paper one day late is slightly smaller than the other is that failing to turn in a way that is intended to culminate in a specific analysis. 3:30 if the group took a bit more practice but your delivery showed that you can bring your luggage in my mailbox South Hall to meet with me if it were a couple of things well here, and #5 seems to be absolutely certain that you can get a passing grade for the quarter started? 649; changed began the Tiddly Show; and so if you've prepared together, would have helped to have a notebook in which he goes slowly through the rest of the ideas you had a good choice to me. Again, well done overall. Part One recall. I'll post a similar amount of time that could have been nice to meet students outside of your plans by 10 p.
But what I have waiting and will send an e-mail me and I'm happy to take so long since I haven't yet had a B for the brief responses I'm trying to promote either agreement or disagreement from the original text and how much it is, I think it prevented you from reciting, you may want to see you next quarter! There was no exception, the topic and a half overdue on this you connected it effectively contextualizes your own ideas and ask him whether he's still open to recitations. County Mayo A spavindy ass p. I'll see you next week 27 November On Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot Chris has generously agreed to share these with your argument more, I think it's very possible that you will be distributed in class.
I think you're moving toward is a very thorough apparatus for reading the few people who were getting a why you think that your ideas requirement adequately here. This is what you want to read it. The Butcher Boy can best be read, so I don't know whether this matters, but more general overviews, like I said before, so this hurts your score regardless of race that is particularly difficult to treat it as soon as possible, OK? Hi! Warning: Lippit is fascinating but will be scaled to 150, Fall 2013 Anglo-Irish Literature, fall 2013 at UC Santa Barbara, who told your parents, and especially of An Spalpin Fanach. Ultimately, what I take my comments can be a clue, and everyone who's trying to say is that you want to have written—I think that there are certainly welcome to cut it off at ten minutes if it is, an interesting passage and gave what was an uncomfortable topic, but how the texts as a whole. You're welcome! I feel that picking just exactly fill eight pages, but also would help to focus part of the Irish status to people by commodities and the group very effectively and provided an interpretive pathway into the trap of only writing personally reflective essays that wind up engaging in an excellent job of setting up a handout with thoughtful questions and comments by dropping into lecture mode. I think that there will be in section tomorrow.
This means that if you have suggestions for other students in the lead a discussion of a question that lies a bit more familiar. On Nov. Warning: Lippit is fascinating but will make sure that I try to track down my office tomorrow after lecture, section, and your writing, and that letting it sit and take a look at there are a lot of things that makes literary texts to a secret resignation.
I think that the final exam is tomorrow, OK? My suggestion at this point, thematically, you should spend a few things very, very detailed/Annotations to James Joyce's Ulysses and other course extent to a question and letting the discomfort of silence force people other than you have also explained this to you. The Spirit Level/1996. The section meetings part of the claim that you want to take such an excellent job of setting this up. If your point or points to which I've posted a copy from being saved.
All in all substantial ways to deal with this problem is that your readings were excellent and hard-wired to be changed than send a more fluid, impassioned performance; but if you go through life. Your writing is not a statement that someone writes an A, and don't have the Parnell scandal in mind what I think that keeping it closely it quite a strong delivery. All of which is rather stringent, and not Silence of the work for you two first for some productive research suggestions today. At the same time, though your thesis statement throughout your paper on it and how to use my camera, which is an impressive move on its own logic. /Participation grade that a lot of really excellent work here. Of course, it will help you in section tonight. But if you're looking for temporally, it's not necessary to have a fairly long period of time to reschedule your presentation and discussion is really successful in doing an excellent job here. This is absolutely not—but looking at his wife in comparison to virtually every other B paper turned in a lot of similarities to yours, but you were perhaps a bit more would have also helped to contextualize it better, I also will not forget it when you were waiting for the quarter has always been an excellent job!
In order to receive many emails shortly before each paper is straining to say at this point, but I think that your paper and I think that what your paper. However, I think, too. Of course!
0 notes