#i try not to inflict my hyperfixations on normal people but sometimes its hard
chokech3rry · 2 years
okay my friend's actual fan belt broke and left her stranded on the way home for christmas and she's fine now she made it but i was like this
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trying not to make a house of wax reference
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huntershowl · 5 years
NAME : raine
NICKNAME :  ive been called rainey before? thats about it tho
FACECLAIM : we’ll get there
PRONOUNS :  she/her
HEIGHT : 5′10″
BIRTHDAY : may 25th
AESTHETIC : if i say rain will u kill me
LAST  SONG  YOU  LISTENED  TO :  ghost - acoustic by au/ra
FAVOURITE  MUSE (S)  YOU’VE  WRITTEN : honestly. this bastard child
WHAT  INSPIRED  YOU  TO  TAKE  ON  THIS  MUSE : i’ve had hellhound for about 4 years now – she started off as a D&D character for a sci-fi campaign. back then, there was no ‘hellhound’ - just a girl with a gun and a (very different) twin brother. she was an artificer, ironically, with a knack for tinkering and poisonmaking – still just as hard to get along with though, lol. but, yeah - that campaign died out, then a couple years later my friends and i started a blades in the dark campaign. muse for her did not die out, and i really wanted to play her in something, so she became hellhound – an industrial fantasy sniper with smoking hair and a beastly persona. thing is, we haven’t actually played that campaign in like two months. hellhound muse was banging on the walls SCREAMING – and i had no outlet.         the idea to make a blog for her sorta... floated through my head at one point. but i’ve made an oc blog before. had a multimuse, a while ago, and it got absolutely no traction, so in low spirits i decided never to try to make an oc blog again! just to stick with my canon blog ive had for five years and let that be that. i made a sort of joking sort of self-deprecating post on that blog about making one for hellhound, assuming folks would scroll past it. instead, @waywardsignns​ encouraged me to do it and gave me a list of cool blogs to follow, so i decided to give it one last shot. and here we are! i havent been this happy on an rp blog since the early days of my canon when the community was thriving.
WHAT  ARE  YOUR  FAVOURITE  ASPECTS  OF  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE : i really love playing with mystery and misconceptions. running this blog in a way where i slowly reveal her past as it comes up naturally in threads was a risky decision, because i had no idea if i was gonna be able to really hook people like i wanted to. i didn’t know if i could make them care! but yeah, i really like being able to focus backstory-wise on the other character and have hellhound’s personality stand up on its own without context.         i also just ... i love to play with the rumors, the fear – when muses are scared of her or hate her from the outset because of her reputation (rarely happens but c’est la vie!) that’s my absolute favorite shit. i understand why most muses just treat her like a normal person, but i do wish more people had Opinions and preconceptions on her notoriety upon first interaction.          another thing i really enjoy about her is that despite everything, despite the sheer unholy amount of shit she has been through and inflicted upon people, she still loves easily. if she didn’t? like – if the body pile and the sins that make her lungs feel black had snuffed out that trait, i think hellhound would have skewed FULL evil by now. she’s still clinging to this tiny ember that’s kept alive by her brother, by the ghost that manifests in her subconscious. that provides a really interesting contrast to how hard she pushes people away, because it’s kind of a constant push and pull. it also provides an interesting contrast to her anger. which i’d talk about if i wasn’t already pushing the length of this post lol – just one more thing, though: i don’t know everything about her yet. because she’s a character in an ongoing campaign, there are a lot of parts of her lore that i’m still not even clear on, so it’s really fun to be able to find out about her along with everyone else!
WHAT’S  YOUR  BIGGEST  INSPIRATION  WHEN  IT  COMES  TO  WRITING : i listen to hellhound’s instrumental playlist when i’m writing her a lot. in between threads or campaign sessions, i’ll watch the punisher season 1 or read six of crows – both have characters ( frank castle, obviously, and inej and kaz in soc ) who really resonate with parts of hellhound’s character. for the most part it’s music, though. there are playlists for all the major figures in hellhound’s backstory, all with very different moods. there are three different playlists for hellhound herself. (slaps computer) spotify is Always Open on this bad boy
FAVOURITE  TYPES  OF  THREADS : that’s a great question, i’m not 100% sure yet. like i mentioned previously, i really, really love threads where muses fear or hate hellhound upon meeting her because of her reputation. the public LITERALLY calls her a dog. a beast. so like – when muses share in that, it shows that the mun took the care and time to think about how their character would react to this important lore and it makes me really happy. no loss if they don’t, of course! i’m happy to write with people either way.         i also love threads where hellhound’s actual feelings come up beyond her walls. her repressed anger, her grief, her fear of losing people. i don’t think any of those have actually happened yet because she’s SO guarded but... we will get there. i’ve really been enjoying threads where people annoy the shit out of her, because for some Fucking reason she always ends up developing a soft spot for those folks ( @prphyrik‘s vicente and @nclled​‘s litho come to mind. ) that ends up evolving into enemies to friends and i get so soft when people hate hellhound at first and then warm up to her over time it’s... so good...         threads with muses either very similar to her – violent people, angry people, those who are hell-bent on revenge – are very fun as well. look into that mirror and see yourself motherfukcer
BIGGEST  STRUGGLE  IN  REGARDS  TO  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE : god... hellhound’s always in an INTENSELY UPSET headspace. she hasn’t been happy in like five years. she has pretty severe PTSD. she’s suffered and made people suffer. she’s guarded, violent, and destructively angry all the time, and she can repress in one minute what i have to take like a month to process. it ends up falling into the same issue that method actors face – because she’s a big hyperfixation of mine rn, i’m almost always thinking about her, listening to her music or writing her because i love to do so. i have to immerse myself fully into her mindset in order to play her properly. to an extent it’s cathartic but it’s also a lot to feel this way all the time. i wouldn’t say it’s taking an actual toll in any sense, but it does get kind of exhausting? i gotta remember to force myself to take Breaks sometimes.
tagged by: borrowed from @legendmade tagging: if i’ve mentioned you in this then you’re tagged, but otherwise anyone who hasn’t done it yet!
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