#i tried to major in college a degree that would get me into the music business actually
GOD SHELBI THAT POST ABT NOT BEING ABLE TO CASUALLY LISTEN TO MUSIC... have you seen HTHaze react to WFTTWTAF? I feel like you, of anyone I "know", would appreciate that the most <3
hi, lovely anon!! thank you so much for reaching out!
i typically don’t watch reaction videos so i hadn’t seen this one, but i just checked it out!
i love that he focuses on little intricacies of the songs, like luke’s breathing, and his reaction specifically to “place in me” is a lot of what i mean by music being a full experience. like sometimes you have to just sit here and say “oh my god” a dozen times because that’s the only way you can comprehend the feeling!!
there are certain songs i listen to that when the very first notes hit, it’s like my heart drops because i’m like “oh it’s THIS song and i’m about to feel all these feelings” and it’s a beautiful thing to get to experience. music as a whole is a beautiful thing to experience.
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lunas-side-anime-blog · 9 months
Modern College Student/BF Eren Yeager Headcanons
Armin version: HERE
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Changed his major so. many. times.
Tried premed bc of his dad but then realized he had to take a lot of math and was like “lol no”
Was a business major for a bit but he didn��t have enough tact or strategy so dropped that pretty quick
Philosophy was next but he has such black and white way of thinking, he always got into arguments with the professors
Ethics was ruled out after like a week bc of…well, obvious reasons
Joined Armin’s major for like a month but it took so much studying and memory that he quit
Tried psych with Mikasa but yeah every teacher kept telling him to go to therapy??? And he was like “no thank you.”
Eventually i think he will land in something like sport communication or management, bc the competition really gets him fired up and he’s only good at something if he’s passionate about it
also feel like he’d be a college athlete with some scholarships so yeah, it makes sense
Not a great student tbh
Type of bitch to say “c’s get degrees.”
Really its only his public speaking skills that are keeping his grade afloat bc his presentations are sooo hype and get the class all inspired n shit
His essays and quizzes tho? Yeah, not so good
Bad at attending classes too, for sure will be like “srry my grandma died.”
And the teacher is just like “you’ve used that excuse already?twice??"
And hes just like “ugh fine you got me, I was tired and hungover”
Def tried to join a frat but Armin and Mikasa threatened to not be friends with him 
Still hangs with the frat boys a lot and is always partying with them
Pregames wayyy too hard tho, wasted before the party even starts
Unironically dances to lmfao and pitbull at college parties like “party rockers” is his fucking jam
Casual pothead, has a bong he def like nicknamed the “titan” cuz it’s so fucking huge
Will share his stash with you but like next time you got alc or bud just know he’s hitting that shit
High Eren is just really philosophical about freedom but with the munchies
Diet consists of instant ramen, mcdonalds and box mac n cheese, probably alot of redulls too
Thank god he’s athletic w a high metabolism 
Is fucking rocking the man bun and will fight you if you say otherwise
Games often with Jean, Conny and Sasha
Rage quits all the time and yes, Jean has recorded most of them for blackmail
Still uses snapchat streaks and will be so salty if one of his friends broke it
“You know nothing of loyalty. It’s one snap a day! How fucking hard was that?”  
Smells like irish spring body wash, old spice deodorant and weed
Also mint? I feel like he’s always chewing gum
One of those smokers who think he can just splash cold water on his face and chew on some gum and it wouldn’t be obvious that he’s high af
Carmex lip balm is the only slightly self care item he owns
Really into anime, loves the boss fights
I feel like he’d really like Naruto, Demon Slayer, Bnha or jojo’s bizarre adventure
You know anything with a lot of fights or training 
Ppl say he’d like Deathnote bc light but honestly I think he would get lost with all the twists and be like “why tf aren’t ppl just punching each other???”
Loves rap if he’s feeling good or screamo if he’s angry, like there's no in between lmao 
For sure listens to his music way too loud even with air pods
“Max volume isn’t enough, I wanna fuck the song” type of dude
I feel like him and Conny at one point prob tried to make a youtube channel where they like react to stuff 
Jean is the top commenter…..too bad it’s hate comments lol
Is one of those guys who has such a high body temp that even if it’s like december and snowing out, he’s still in basketball shorts and a short sleeve shirt 
Progressive bc Armin taught him how sex doesn’t equal gender, and pronouns are to be respected
Still a dick tho
“He’s such a fucking- wait hold up what are your pronouns?  They? K cool was just gonna talk shit about you but wanted to be respectful about it, thanks.”  goes back to his other conversation like, “They are such a fucking worthless cunt.”
As your bf
Probably met off tinder or something bc he is just a fuckboy looking to get his dick wet
But after fucking he just keeps hanging out with you? Or like if u get ur period or don't feel like sex he’s like, “it’s okay we can just watch a movie or something😀”
So ur not quite sure if you guys are fuckbuddies or not?
It becomes kinda obvious tho if he like ever sees you with another guy and gets all up in his face like “wtf are u doing with my girl/boy?”
U guys don’t have a clear anniversary bc he never asked u to be his, it was just kinda silently agreed upon?
Clingy lil bitch after sex like will follow u to the bathroom if u let him
Needs to shower with you, otherwise you both aint showering cuz he will turn off the water 
“Now we both stinky, bitch.”
Gives me the vibe of a guy who learned sex stuff thru porn
He goes really hard, fast and will put you in crazy positions
If u have a vagina you prob will have to like teach him about clit stimulation and literally take his hand and lead it there, he’s a fast learner though 
Will pull your hair but if you dare pull his?
He'll flip you over and spank you 
Wants sooo bad to be called daddy, up to you though if u wanna call him that but you can tell he tries to lead you to say it sometimes
Not really controlling or anything, actually loves an independent partner who has their own goals 
Is insanely jealous though, the only time he’s all up on you is if he thinks another guy is trying to get on you
If you fight tbh I think Eren can be a lil brat but I think he always has a time limit 
Like..he’s the type of guy that has about three days in him of being an asshole or being in silent treatment mode before he just breaks and knocks on your door begging for forgiveness
A little toxic but again, more so about others than actually controlling you
The type to start a fight in your insta comments if anyone other than him or your besties call you hot
Will try to be cool and say “wear whatever you want, I can fight”
And he will but like will he also cry later? Yes. 
Dates with him aren’t really dates? I think his love language is quality time so he’s the type to just try to hang out and make everything a lil “date”
Lots of late night car rides where you guys just talk and share songs (also car sex if ur up to it), lazy days where you two watch movies and cuddle in bed, also I think he’s the type of bf to try to tag along with you everywhere you go and offer to get you food afterwards
Only for like birthdays or anniversaires will he try to take you out for a fancy dinner, even then you might have to drop hints that you want a nice date bc honestly he’s totally okay getting mdconalds with you and pigging out
Overall he’s kinda a scary dog privellage as a boyfriend
Whose mainly all bark and no bite
Fav nicknames: Babe, babygir/babyboy, sexy, shortie 
Songs that fit the vibe: 505 by Arctic Monkeys, Cherry Waves by Deftones, Daddy Issues by the Neighbourhood
“I’d probably still adore you wth your hands around my neck”
“I’ll swim down with you, is that what you want?” 
“I tell you that I’m thinking about, whatever you’re thinking about”
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ladykailitha · 6 months
Across a Crowded Room Part 2
This has five parts and is complete. It will be released every Saturday.
In this we has Steve's friends be dim, Eddie bringing breakfast, and Steve be a lovable dork.
Part 1
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
Steve had been shocked by the greeting of Eddie spinning him around. But not as flabbergasted as when Eddie kissed him on the lips just for saying that he missed him.
After Eddie left, Steve felt three pairs of eyes on him and he squirmed a little under their gaze.
“Look,” Maria said, “you have been talking this guy up for weeks. Ever since you announced he was coming to stay for a week. And yeah we knew you had a crush on the guy, but this was holy shit fastest levels of yearning to relationship I’ve ever seen.”
Jarren nodded. “I mean, he’s hotter and cooler than you said he was. Like an actual record deal for his metal band? So cool. Long curly hair and doe eyes? So hot. But that’s not the point I’m trying to make here.”
“It better not be,” Steve groused. “Mine!”
Jarren laughed. “All yours, Steve. I promise. But the point I’m trying to make here, is that you kinda blindsided us with this one. Why didn’t you tell us about him before.”
Steve looked over at Robin. “I talk to him all the time. Like prior to him coming out to Chicago, we’d constantly call and text. He’s always commenting on my socials. Like I know I’m slow, but that is extreme levels of dense.”
Jarren and Maria glanced at each other in confusion.
“Wait,” Maria said, “you’re telling me that your ‘stalker’ is that guy?” She pointed toward the door.
Stalker was the name Steve’s friends called Eddie because he would always have commented or liked Steve’s posts by at least the end of the day. Faster than even Robin most days.
“You guys didn’t know?” Robin asked. “Like how many Eddie’s do you think Steve knows?”
Jarren held up on finger and then deflated. “Fuck. Yep. We’re idiots.”
Maria tilted her head back and forth and then shrugged. “Yeaaahhh.”
“I’m going to head home,” Steve said looking at his watch. “I’ll catch you guys later.”
They all waved him off with Maria promising she’d get Robin home safe. As he walked to the door he checked his state of drunkenness. He ran his tongue over his lips and decided that an Uber was a better idea than driving home.
He scheduled the ride on his phone and lit a cigarette. He had graduated from college with a bachelor’s degree in education and basically had the whole summer off to get ready for the major change in his life.
Robin was moving out to New York to get her master’s degree and with any luck an internship at the UN as an interpreter.
She was super excited, but it would be the first time since they became friends that they would go their separate ways.
At first she had tried to convince him to do his last year of school in New York so that he could get his teacher’s certificate and teach there.
But as much as Steve was on board with the idea they both realized too quickly that Steve would be miserable in New York.
But Robin?
Robin would thrive.
So they had packed as much time together as they possibly could as they got used to the fact she would be leaving come summer’s end.
His thoughts were interrupted by the driver pulling up. After both of them triple check they were the other’s right person, Steve slid into the back of the car.
“Music or no?” the driver asked, looking at Steve in the rearview mirror.
“No music tonight, man,” Steve said. “I just want a little quiet tonight.”
The driver nodded and directed the car back to the main road that would take Steve home.
Steve made sure to tip well as the ride slipped by in blissful silence.
He thought that he would be thinking nonstop about Robin. About Eddie. About that kiss. But the quiet hum of the car in the darkness soothed Steve mind and while he didn’t sleep, he felt groggy when he got home as if he had.
He thanked the driver and began the slow trek up to the apartment he shared with Robin.
Steve stuck his key into the lock and sighed. Half the apartment was in disarray as it was nothing but half filled boxes and rolls of packing tape and bubble wrap.
Robin had already packed up her stuff and it was sitting in storage waiting for her to tell them to ship it cross country. The only bit of her things that remained was her clothes, which she had been living out of her suitcase, her daily stuff like toothbrush and shit, and her cellphone and laptop.
She had been sharing Steve’s bed because they needed to be next to each other. To hear the other breathe in their sleep. To know that their person was still there.
Yeah, okay so they weren’t handling it as well they had hoped they would.
He had taken off his shoes and flopped face down into the bed when got two messages.
The first was from Robin saying that she was staying the night Maria’s. Something they often did when they got too drunk. The second one was from Eddie.
-Sleep well, angel
Steve blushed. He didn’t even know why. There was just something so sweet about it.
-Night, Eds
He set his phone to the side and rolled over onto his back. He draped his arm of his eyes.
His plan was always going to be telling Eddie he was in love with him. It was also the plan was to move out to California with Eddie after the week. He was going to give up everything to be with him. Because he didn’t think he could live in Chicago by himself.
He had friends here. But without Robin to put a buffer between him and others when he got overwhelmed, he wasn’t sure if he could keep going out. He would become a hermit.
But now that Eddie was going to move out here, Steve knew that he would have other outlets for social interaction. He got along well with the other members of Eddie’s band and it would be great to see them again.
He got up and stripped down to his underwear. He preferred to sleep like that even in the dead of winter, but with Robin sharing the bed with him he had at least been wearing sweats to bed.
He slipped underneath the sheets and wondering what it would be like to feel Eddie’s skin between these sheets.
He fell asleep to the thoughts of Eddie curled up behind him.
The next morning was disturbed by the sounds of his soulmate coming home.
“Come on, dingus!” she hollered. “Up! I have coffee and breakfast.”
Steve was up and throwing on a pair sweats, hopping on one foot as he scrambled out to the kitchen.
He skidded to a stop and blinked at the sight before him.
“Look who I found on our doorstep?” Robin greeted cheerfully.
Steve smiled. “Hey, Eds. I’m guessing you are the bearer of breakfast and coffee?”
Robin squawked her outrage, but Eddie grinned. “Sure am, sweetness. Got you that caramel macchiato you love so much, an iced mocha for the lady and a dark roast, cream and two sugars for me.”
Robin glared at him.
“I kid I kid,” he said and handed her the black coffee. “It’s as dark as your soul, Buck.”
She took the coffee and sipped happily. “Yeah, you can keep him.”
Steve laughed.
“If that’s all it took to get soulmate approval,” Eddie teased, “was a single cup of coffee, I would have bought you one years ago.”
Robin pushed at him and then dug into the bag of breakfast sandwiches.
“What’s this?” she asked pulling out a sandwich in a plastic container.
Eddie snatched it out of her hands. “Mine!” He clutched it to his chest and hissed.
Robin held up her hands in surrender. She went back to her digging. She pulled out a breakfast burrito with peppers, onions, mushrooms, eggs and sausage.
“And that one’s mine...” she said sing-song, setting it to the side.
The last one she pulled out was a simple egg, cheese, and sausage on a buttery croissant. She handed it over to Steve.
“Is it creepy he knows our breakfast order?” she asked as she settled into to her coffee and breakfast.
Steve scoffed. “Robin you have posted about that same burrito almost every Sunday for the last two years, if he didn’t know what you liked, then I would be concerned.”
“Oops!” she said around a bit of food.
Eddie just shook his head and dived into his breakfast.
“What did you get, Eds?” Steve asked.
Eddie had just taken a bite, so he didn’t answer immediately. But he moaned happily around his bite.
“That, my darlin’,” he said once his mouth was clear, “is an eggs Benedict in a breakfast sandwich and I’m in heaven.” He wiped his mouth with his fingers and sucked on them to lick them clean.
Steve’s eyes went wide as he followed the movement. He licked the bottom of his lip and forced himself to look away before the situation got uncomfortable.
“It’s almost as good as the eggs Benedict Uncle Wayne used to make. I see why you guys love that place so much.”
“Yeah...” Robin said, “I’m gonna talk to Kendra and see if I can sleep on her sofa this week...”
Eddie and Steve’s heads snapped her direction.
“What?” Eddie asked, oblivious to Steve’s torture.
Robin rolled her eyes. “I don’t want to be around when the tension finally breaks and you fuck like rabbits on every surface of this apartment. Just clean up after yourselves, yeah?”
She hastily finished her burrito and kissed Steve’s cheek. She walked down the hallway to their bedroom to change out what she was wearing and to shower.
Eddie chuckled at her swift exit. “I didn’t realize I was being that obvious.”
“I think it was the moan that got her,” Steve muttered going back to his sandwich.
Eddie leaned forward and whispered, “Why, darlin'? Did it get you?”
Steve blushed all the way to the roots of his hair. He chewed on his bottom lip and then nodded.
Eddie wagged his eyebrows suggestively.
“Eds!” Steve groaned, pushing the other man’s shoulder. “At least wait until she goes to work, yeah?”
Eddie cackled. “All right, darlin’. I’ll be good until then. But after that, all bets are off.”
Steve felt like heat slid down his spine to pool in his gut.
He gulped and went back to his sandwich. Eddie and Steve were finishing up their breakfast when Robin came back out. She had her bag thrown over one shoulder, ready to go.
“I’m off at five,” she said. “So if you two wanted meet somewhere for dinner, just text me before then.”
She kissed both of them on the cheek goodbye and sauntered out the apartment with a cheerful wave and a “Don’t do anything I would do!” said over her shoulder.
“I’m not sure which of us the menace anymore,” Steve chuckled, shaking his head fondly.
Eddie pulled Steve in for a kiss. “Babe, you share the same brain cell, I’m pretty sure the answer is both of you.”
Steve snorted but couldn’t deny that Eddie was probably right.
“I’m going to miss her when she moves to New York,” he said softly.
Eddie held Steve tightly. “I know, sweetheart. Have you thought about what you want to do after she’s gone? I mean I know you were planning on moving out...” he makes a vague hand motion at the mess around them, “but where were you thinking?”
“Originally or now?” Steve asked after a moment or so just staring at him blankly.
“Is the plan different now that I’m in Chicago?” Eddie asked, pulling back so he could look Steve in the eye.
Steve pursed his lips and nodded.
“Stevie...” Eddie said warningly.
“What was your original plan?” he asked dryly.
“Throw myself at you and move to California with you when you went back at the end of the week?” Steve said with a grimace.
Eddie blinked a moment. “Oh.”
“Oh?” Steve asked tilting his head.
Eddie steered him over to the sofa and sat him down on it. “Let’s talk about this for a minute, because even though we want the same things it seems like we’re not on the same page yet.”
Steve furrowed his brow but nodded anyway.
“Hey,” Eddie said firmly. “I’m not saying that’s a bad thing or that I don’t want to be with you. I do, but we need to have a talk about what being together means, okay?”
Steve let out a rough sigh. “Yeah okay.”
“So tell me about this plan of yours.”
Eddie settled himself on the sofa, twisting his body so he was facing Steve. He leaned one arm against the back of the sofa and laced his hands together, giving Steve his full attention.
“I was going to confess my feelings for you tonight over a fancy dinner at my favorite Italian restaurant,” Steve began. “Which I’m still taking you to, but maybe not tonight.”
Eddie smiled encouragingly. “Sounds good so far. What’s next?”
“And then if you told me you felt the same,” Steve continued, ducking his head, “I’d spend the rest of the week trying to convince you to let me go back with you to California.”
Eddie huffed out a laugh. “And what would you do back in Cali, baby?”
“I’d bartend,” Steve said with a shrug. “It’s what I did when I was going to school here anyway. Then during the day I’d get my teaching certificate in LA.”
Eddie blinked and then his expression softened. “Oh, Stevie. That sounds like a great plan. Too bad I blew by getting a record deal out here, huh?”
Steve laughed. “Nah, it just means I didn’t waste my money getting my teaching certificate for here.”
“So now what’s your plan?” Eddie asked after kissing him fiercely.
Steve shrugged. “Well, you’re here apartment hunting, so I figure I can tag along. Because something that might not work out for you...”
“Might work out for you instead,” Eddie finished. He licked the top row of his teeth thoughtful. “Sounds like fun. Let’s do it!”
“Today or later this week?”
Eddie grabbed Steve’s wrist and hauled him to his feet. “Go get dressed, baby, I want to go apartment hunting with you.”
Steve kissed him deeply and then went and did as he was told.
Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Tag List: @counting-dollars-counting-stars @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @danili666 @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @vecnuthy @irregular-child @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @dragonmama76 @scheodingers-muppet @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @disrespectedgoatman
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mallgothyamaguchi · 3 months
what haikyuu characters would major in at My College™ -secondary characters edition!-
i’m having a lot of fun with this :) i’m kind of just doing main side characters and ones i have a good idea for, but if you have a request, feel free to send a reply or ask!
oikawa - …spanish major with latin american & caribbean studies minor. sue me
iwaizumi - easy easy easy mr. iwaizumi hajime (27) athletic trainer is pre-med track biology major and i stand by that
kenma - easy this kid is computer science to a t, but he also minors in business administration (influence of kuroo)
kuroo - business administration with minors in chemistry (can’t disappoint everyone’s fanon career for him as a chemist) and media & communications (he is a sports promoter after all)
fukunaga - look did i just put him in here to say that he’d be part of one of the many comedy groups on my campus? yes absolutely. theater major.
bokuto - not even furudate knows what he went to college for, so i get to go a little crazy with this one. i like to believe he’s on the education track and majoring in english & creative writing. he’d be everyone’s favorite english teacher in high school.
akaashi - similar path as bokuto major in english & creative writing, with the complementary english literatures major or minor
konoha - hehe public health and chemistry major, looking to get his graduate degree in medical leadership (my pharmaceutical boy) he will also most likely go to pharmacology school post-grad
ushijima - he’s the rare student with only one major and one major only: environmental science.
tendou - hot take, but a chemistry major with a theater minor
semi - he is a musician, so i will give him our music major, but he is also a civil servant (yall ignore that a lot), so i give him political science or political economy & public policy
aone - physical science major with either a project management or supply chain management accelerated program worked in
futakuchi - there’s definitely sustainability studies in there, but interestingly, i’d also add physics
koganegawa - i’d say physical science major as part of the dual degree engineering program, adding in the innovation and entrepreneurship minor
kita - most definitely an environmental science and sustainability studies major with a religion studies minor :) (yes i know he specifically says he doesn’t really believe in the gods, but i can’t help but associate him with religion…) i think he’d also be interested in my college’s abroad trip to japan, which focuses on ecology and religion in japan (i really want to go on this trip…)
osamu - easy. business administration.
atsumu - maybe an interesting take, but i’d say psychology. the amount of psychological warfare he tries to use i think is enough explanation.
that’s all for now! let me know if there are more characters you’d like to know about ! i’m having a lot of fun with this so please send in requests 🙏
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blade-that-was-broken · 6 months
Soldier On
Getting that call felt like a nightmare.
Bruce owned a small resort on one of the islands in the state of Hawaii, running it with his wife, Brandy with their gaggle of kids roaming around. He was content where his life was and where he ended up. Good weather, great wife, a few kids. He didn't think he could want anything more. Well, granted, he wishes he had a better relationship with his brothers.
He left home practically the moment he turned eighteen. After his parent's divorce when he was about thirteen, things got difficult. They spent a lot of time with their grandmother and Bruce just could not wait to get out. His biggest regret was leaving his brothers behind with their mother. Their father had cut off all contact. Either that or their mother had. It didn't matter.
Floyd wrote letters but that was the majority of their contact. He started some kind of music career and seemed to be doing pretty well with himself.
Clay was in college, working on a Master's degree or something. Bruce wasn't entirely sure. Clay wasn't on speaking terms with him at all, feeling abandoned when Bruce fled the moment he could.
And Branch? Well, Bruce hadn't really heard from Branch since the youngest had moved in with Grandma. He'd have to be 16 or 17 now. Almost an adult. Almost ready to do whatever he wanted with his life. Bruce had no idea what that was.
And then there was John Dory, the forgotten one. He had been about fifteen when their parents divorced and their father took him in said divorce. They never heard from him again.
It was in the middle of the day when got the call. "Is this Bruce...."
"This is LA Military Hospital. Are you related to a... John Dory?"
He hadn't heard that name in years.
Decades, even.
"He's... he's my brother."
"We haven't been able to find any contacts. We are glad to reach you. There is some news I have to tell you."
She had to tell him over the phone. Turned out, John had joined the military many years ago but recently had been severely injured in an explosion overseas. She didn't expand on the shape he was in but apparently soon he would be released and he had no where to go. Not that he would have argued but Brandy was with him when he was told and she told him to get him and bring him home immediately. She booked him a couple of tickets - one for him and the other for John - and told him to get him.
He wasn't sure if he had even mentioned John to her. He must have, right? Bruce had been thirteen the last time he saw JD. He didn't know what to expect.
He didn't expect to walk into a physical therapy center and having to ask which one of the severely injured men there was John Dory. He couldn't even recognize his own brother. He didn't expect to be shown the area and he didn't expect to see his brothers struggling to walk with only one leg. He didn't expect the all the bandages or the newly shaved head or the scar on his face.
"Sugar and cupcakes," John hissed in pain.
Oh yeah, that was JD.
The therapist he was with looked amused. "You have to be my only patient I have never heard swear."
"Force of habit, I guess... or nostalgia. Take your pick," John grunted.
"You must be pretty popular with parents."
"Their kids find it hilarious," John managed snarky grin. "Probably corrupted a few."
"You're doing great, John," the therapist smiled. "You are making a lot of progress."
"Maybe I should slow down then," he joked. "The sooner I can walk, the sooner I get kicked out on the streets."
"You don't have any family?"
"Tried finding them when I turned eighteen. Turns out, I'm no detective and finding cut off family can be harder than it looks."
"JD," Bruce called.
John's shoulders tensed. "I told you Mouth, not to call me that. Only my br..." he snapped, turning around. He paused and blinked, staring at Bruce.
"I know I look different than that 13-year old you used to know," Bruce started, awkwardly. "But uhm... the hospital found me? I guess? It's..."
"Bruce," John exhaled, staring at him.
"Yeah, JD," Bruce nodded. "It's me. Been a long time huh?"
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jnnul · 1 year
nct dream in college
a/n: my third fucking time posting this istg this is why i quit the first time tumblr let me post things in peace
word count: 2.6k
tags: idk the frattiest boys in town doing what college dudes do, just fluff, hinting at insecurity + fear for the future, and a couple mentions of ppl not following their dreams for practicality sake but what can u do tw: mentions of drinking & underage drinking, mentions of sex but no graphics
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Originally posted by choi-soobin
gif creds: @choi-soobin​
finance bro w a music minor
i’m so sorry to all of the ppl who hc him as a nerdy music kid who just always thinks abt music
but that boy is a finance bro thru and thru and i will die on that hill
he’s in a frat but he’s honestly rlly shitty abt act going to the non-party frat stuff
and even the parties, he rlly only goes to bc he dj’s every single time
ppl get annoyed sometimes bc mark always tries to slip in some of his stuff into the mix but it’s honestly so good that he gets away w it
his homies make fun of him for it but he sits in the first three rows bc a) he’s fucking blind and b) he act rlly likes finance
like he enjoys the idea of finance + what he could do w it in the future
even if he doesn’t necessarily like business calc
goes to church on sundays (if he’s not hungover) and will be so respectful abt it that he convinces some of his non-christian friends to go to
mark has a good rep on campus for being an all around pretty chill dude
everyone’s also half convinced that he’s a plug
swears up and down that he doesn’t smoke but ppl have videos of him puffin like it’s his side hustle
it is
kinda sticks to his own friend group bc he’s a little shy
but when he’s drunk (when someone wrestles him out of his little dj booth to do shots w them)
he knows everyone and their mother all of a sudden
kinda cute when he’s drunk cause he’s rlly lovey
ppl kinda like like him as that cute guy in their class but he never rlly goes out of his way to pursue anyone so anyone who’s interested has to be the one who chases
isn’t clueless but is oblivious until one day you’re basically sitting on his lap during lecture and he’s like 😟🤨🧐😏
the day he gets cuffed tho literally no one can pull him apart from his girl
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Originally posted by rainbowrenjun
gif creds: @rainbowrenjun​
so...this might be controversial
but i think renjun would be a international relations major, not an art major
i feel like he’s a practical guy and he likes art but not enough to pursue it as a livelihood yannowhatimean
isn’t that well connected on campus bc he keeps his friend circle very exclusive but literally everybody and their mother knows him
kinda has a reputation for being a little cliquey but he gets away w it bc he’s just genuinely a decent guy who’s on the more private side
you will never catch him drunk
like he def won’t be sober at parties but you’re never gonna see him stumbling around
the type of guy to keep an eye on a girl’s cup if she leaves it somewhere, even if no one asks him to
also volunteers on the weekends at a local shelter for ppl of different nationalities
a private guy tho. ppl rlly don’t get to know or understand him unless they’re part of his friend group
which is nearly impossible to join
just kinda cruisin’ thru life bc he’s unproblematic and just rlly wants to get a degree and dip
gets the some of the best grades out of his friends (jeno is the only one who does better and jaemin make a close second) but donghyuck insists it’s bc renjun’s major isn’t a real major
chenle threatens to send the video of donghyuck and renjun slipping on their asses and falling into the pool as renjun tried to fight donghyuck to every single person that renjun even considers seeing romantically
probably dates once a year, eventually falls out of attraction and then swears off dating
until donghyuck gets on his ass abt not having sex and then renjun’s competitive streak gets activated
during which he speed dates for like three weeks before finding someone and then trying to date them
isn’t very emotionally invested in his romantic relationships
except for one of them, and ever since they told renjun off, he was unseperable from them
renjun may or may not have a masochist streak it’s still unclear
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Originally posted by poppypeachy
gif creds: @jaemtens​
a physics and education double major
he didn’t really know what he wanted to go into so he was undeclared for the longest time until he took a physics gen ed and ever since then, he’s been super into physics
only added education as his second major after he ta’d for physics 1 and for the first time, could actually see himself in that career
gets the most shit for being in a frat and simultaneously being the biggest fucking nerd but he just thinks its funny
isn’t super smart (like he’s not a genius or anything) but he works rlly hard for his grades so even tho his friends (donghyuck) make fun of him, everyone is inspired by his work ethic
until it’s the weekend
and then it’s like he’s another person altogether
he’s downing shots like there’s no tomorrow and if jeno lee attends a party by himself, then he’s leaving with at least one person
on a particularly daring occasion, he was seen leaving with three
people are convinced that jeno has a twin brother bc of how bold, lively, and undeniably charismatic he gets when he lets go of his inhibitions
jeno just smiles a sweet smile and redirects the conversation
a very much go with a flow type of guy
he’s down for pretty much anything as long as he makes it home in time to study for the next day
spontaneous camping trip? sure. smoke a blunt? sure. join a threesome w one of his best friends and his girlfriend? sure.
he just didn’t take a lot of things too seriously (besides his academics and whether or not his dick got wet)
and that was why a lot of ppl liked him
he was also a rlly easy person to talk to
everyone knew that the first half of his office hours were for actual physics and stuff and the second half was just for chilling w him
which is how he met his s/o, actually
they used to come for office hours every single time jeno held them and would stay the whole time; it was only two weeks later when jeno accidentally saw their test scores (straight 90s without the curve) that he realized that maybe, he was in the clear to make a move
after the semester is over ofc
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Originally posted by donghyuckkies
gif creds: @donghyuckkies​
a poli sci major with a minor (or as he likes to call it, a concentration) in criminal justice
will not let you forget that he’s in a frat
no one has the heart to tell him that he almost got kicked out of the frat 3 times but they keep him around bc he’s just a good guy overall
plus he brings the most girls to parties so it’s rlly not all that bad
the dude who’s surprisingly quiet and intellectual, but only when you catch him on his own
when he’s with his friends, he acts completely differently, even if he turns around and mouths “i’m sorry” while no one is looking
probably runs a club like devil’s advocate club but it’s just a silly club that uses university money to buy snacks, chill, and talk about controversial opinions
lowkey the guy to go to if you need something or need something done because the man knows everyone
and everyone knows him
will make fun of you for studying, and might even steal your textbook, but sends you a quizlet with last year’s answers bc that’s just the type of person he is
does not study. will not study. would rather listen to music w mark or party w jeno.
still has pretty decent grades bc he’s charming and persuasive and what is political science besides the art of professional bullshitting
once you get close to him, he becomes one of the best ppl for advice
will not let you go after the sneaky link turned situationship
mostly bc he knows exactly what said situationship is rlly up to behind the scenes (i’m telling you, the fbi wishes that had him; he knows everyone’s business)
will die before he tells anyone but probs runs one of those confession pages
partly how he gets all of his info from
thinks it’ll ruin his street cred if he tells ppl he’s secretly playing cupid and that’s why he’s always messing w seemingly random combos of ppl
until one day, a confession comes in for him
def one of those boys who ‘reforms’ after he meets his s/o but is a loving menace nonetheless
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Originally posted by jae-min
gif creds: @jae-min​ 
microbiology major on the pre-med track with a minor in visual art
has tried dropping the pre-med track at least 4 times but absolutely will not bc he gets too much fomo
also wants a job. with guaranteed 401k compensation and benefits. so.
is one of the less toxic pre-med kids but only because he’s so close to dropping out that he just can’t seem to take or give a shit anymore
lives in a perpetual state of caffeine high bc he will be damned if jeno gets better grades than him
lowkey, i feel like he’s one of those guys who only goes to parties to find ppl to fuck
like he doesn’t rlly like to drink or smoke (although he will take the occasional eddie)
but mans is stressed from the constant personality clash (within himself) so he literally jackhammers his stress away
too crude? sorry.
was once upon a time in every single club known to mankind
dropped out of almost all of them when he made the friends he wanted to make
somehow always ends up having to pay when everyone goes out
doesn’t tell anyone that he always loses on purpose (unless it’s to chenle) bc he knows that college is tough and not everyone has the same financial freedom as he does
exclusively studies at the school library bc he doesn’t rlly spend time w his friends outside of his main friend group unless its while he’s studying or at a party
although he’s not rlly studying bc he probably already got the notes and answers from the people who took the class a semester earlier than him
but again, he’s got a competitive streak about his grades so studies anyway
which is where he meets his s/o bc they’re always sitting in the same spot, looking stressed as fuck as they study
one time, jaemin and the other person are the only two ppl left studying post 3 am during hell week and he offers to buy them coffee
studies w his lovely s/o from then onwards and offers to bite donghyuck whenever he tries to disturb them <3
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Originally posted by istjun
gif creds: @istjun​
marketing major i’m so sorry
he’s just such a finance bro + business major but he hates finance so he goes into marketing instead
school is a fucking joke to him
he’ll try hard enough to get by in his classes (and bc just being around poor stressed out jisung gives him motivation to study) but no more and no less than that
the first one to call it quits when they’re all studying together but renjun practically tapes him to a chair
also surprisingly intuitive and good at marketing so even if he barely tries, professors love him and somehow make him pass anyway
knows every international kid on campus bc he gets what it’s like and makes an effort to make them feel more at home
gets invited to every party that the international kids throw and never looks at a frat ever again
they go so fucking hard at those parties that chenle, THE business major, gets tired and has to turn in pre-2 am to avoid alcohol poisoning
doesn’t get home until 7 pm the next day bc a) he’s hungover and b) they love him so much and force him to stay so he just bums at their place until he’s good to go
will make fun of you and your bad decisions (even if they aren’t that bad) but will protect you at every turn if anyone else tries to say smth
will fucking go to bat for ppl he doesn’t even know that well bc chenle hates mean ppl
is on the intramural basketball team w a couple other guys
is very popular on the team bc he always knows the best restaurants and has been known to pay when he knows someone’s a tight spot
is very lowkey abt his wealth bc ppl like to take advantage of it so the ppl he does choose to help out are also very lowkey abt it
the type of dude to spot you like $50 and won’t ask you abt it
but ppl always pay him back whenever they can bc they know he’s helping a lot of ppl in rough situations, even if he’s very hush hush abt it
is the reason why jisung joins a frat and singlehandedly boosts his rizz by a decameter
probably has a childhood sweetheart that lives at home so he doesn’t partake in the romance scene on campus at all
is in love with them and will boast abt being taken
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Originally posted by fool4nct
gif creds: @fool4nct​
a dance major
impractical? maybe. but the world’s going to shit anyway so might as well do what you want, right?
that’s what chenle says to jisung the day that he’s applying to his top school
is literally the student that the school begs to have join
offered every single scholarship under the sun to have him join bc such raw talent is rare nowadays and he’s just stuck like 😟😟😟
bc he had no idea that he would get in, much less have them like him so much
but for all his talent, he’s always fucking stressed abt something
sometimes it’ll be about a choreo and other times it’ll be abt the fact that he’s almost 98% sure he won’t get a job after college but his friends always get him out of his head
has abt 6 friends on campus (total) and it’s bc of chenle
so after freshman year, he decides to get out of his shell a little bit
and jisung park is the MAN to be around when he does
he’s charismatic, tall, an amazing performer, and really, just such a suave guy that straight men kinda have that weird jealousy where he’s so cool ppl wanna be friends w him and also hate him
still gets insecure abt his skills or his future but has ppl around him who love him and help him out of it every time
i’m ngl i think that he singlehandedly makes the dance team tryout numbers go from 12 - 15 ppl to 50 - 60 ppl
dance is his entire life and when he’s not rizzing up ppl (or honestly, getting rizzed up by them; he can’t flirt for shit when he rlly wants to) he’s on the dance floor
donghyuck has had to physically rip him off the floor to get dinner after a particularly rough night
even his fave dance teacher revoked his after class dance room privileges bc ppl got worried abt how much time he spent in there
decides to take a break when he realizes just how empty his days are w/o dance
gets into music production and has worked w mark more than once under pseudonyms
won’t say anything but listens to what everyone says abt the song when mark plays it at a party
still working on himself so a s/o isn’t rlly in the picture but ppl are not mad abt it bc he’s a good time with or w/o commitment
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wembleygoodboy · 5 months
Wembley, may I ask where you got your name? Were you named after the puppet?
itis actuolly kindof a Lomg Storey, so iwill let dadmom tellit! 😊👍 (it also doubols as My Orogin Storey!)
[story time! this is gonna be a long one, so strap in, ahaha
so, i went to college for music (education and performance; flute performance, specifically. i can wipe my ass w that degree now tho lol), so i was in a couple different ensembles at any given time. in 2013, we were playing a multi-movement piece called "3 Ayres from Gloucester" by Hugh Stuart. the 3rd movement is called "The Fiefs of Wembley." you can listen to a performance of it here. wembley is apparently a location within london. think "wembley stadium!"
i always joked with my fellow flutist friend (we'll call her M) who i shared a stand with that Wembley sounded like the name of a mischievous cat. "wembley get off the counter!!!" "UGH NO why always on the carpet, wembley?!" etc. it helped that the tune itself totally sounds like the theme song of a somewhat skittish yet naughty little cat, parading around causing chaos until he's spotted, then darting away.
on october 3rd, 2013, i came into rehearsal and find M looking pretty distraught. i ask whats up, and shes like "i think i saw a kitten in the middle of the club lawn, it was just laying there, maybe its hurt, idk what to do!" im like okay lets check it out together, and our conductor (huge sweetheart) gives us the okay to go investigate.
sure enough, theres a tiny black blob just laying there in the middle of the lawn; not hidden away in the bushes where a mama cat wouldve left him. as we approached, the blob got up and awkwardly darted away towards the lil decorative pine shrubs dividing the lawn from a small parking lot. we followed it, and there he was: a small black kitten, crouched in terror, hiding in the shelter of the shrubbery.
i dont remember when exactly it happened, but it suddenly dawned on me. i turned to my friend. "M... its WEMBLEY..."
we tried to coax him out to no avail- not even food would persuade him, and he looked very thin- and he was a bit too close to the road for our comfort, so i asked my roommate to keep an eye on the lil guy while M and i went back to rehearsal. after it ended, we recruited a small gaggle of band geeks to capture the kitten. it was the bassoon player who finally caught him, plucking him out of a miniature shrub he'd tried to climb.
i swaddled wembley up in a black bandana i kept in my back pocket (for the Fashion™️), hopped into my roommate's car with my stuff, and headed back with my roommate to our little on-campus apartment. as i stood in the living room, waiting for him to bring our stuff from the car, wembley began to purr in my arms :,)
(to be fair, cats may purr to self-soothe when theyre stressed; its not exclusively an indicator of pleasure. but. Still, lol.)
turns out lil wembley was only a month old: just old enough for solid food, thankfully, but much younger than the age at which kittens are generally separated from their mothers for adoption, which generally occurs after 3 months. he also had a sprained leg, which made walking very difficult and painful for him. the leg was likely the reason he was abandoned by his feral mother, as if he couldnt keep up, she couldnt afford to stop for him when she likely had a whole litter to care for. understandable, but her loss was my (and wembley's!) gain. 💚
i had to tame him, as he was feral, and EXTREMELY fearful of humans, but i spent hours that night sitting on the opposite side of the bathroom, slowly earning his trust until, little by little, i was able to scoot close enough to him to pet him. he'd obviously never been petted before; the look on his little face was pure magic. he completely opened up to me after that moment.
i totally had myself fooled, thinking id find a home for him once his leg was all healed up (my vet major pal showed me how to make him a splint), but... then he started sleeping with me and... well..... yeah. nope. he was my son, and i was his dadmom.
and i always will be. 💚
the first picture i ever took of Wembley (thats the bottom of a red solo cup i sewed fabric around so he could drink water from it without risking him getting cut on the plastic):
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baby's first petting 💚:
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he relaxed a lot after discovering the joy of Petting :)
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settling down for his first night with us, too sleepy for this world 💚:
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days later, with his lil foot in a splint, sitting in his temporary makeshift litterbox. the Poopie Prince!
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...TL;DR, its the name of a part of london, and i chose it because of an instrumental piece of music. coulda just said that, i suppose, but I'll ALWAYS jump at the chance to tell wembley's Origin Story and share baby pics, ahaha 💚
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not-alien-girl-v · 2 years
more frat kyle or frankenkyle idec i love both maybe just some fluff or whatever u feel like !!! i love ur fics 😫😫💞
warning: reader is drunk like really drunk, nausea but no throwing up, general party stuff yeah
note: writing this while watching asylum for the first time i’m gonna be real i haven’t seen it before. YES i know i changed tenses halfway through this but it’s 2am i’m not changing it
it had been hours since she first put on that skimpy black party dress, applied shades of pressed powder onto her clean skin, curled her lashes, tied her hair, did a coquettish twirl before her mirror for one last final look, then walked to the party a few blocks from her home.
the air was swirling in a most intoxicating fashion, music so loud she swore she saw the sound waves rippling down the packed halls and she felt at home, surrounded by drunk college kids, she fit right in, seeing as she was getting an undergraduate degree in some random major she had no idea how she was going to make a career out of, and the fact that she, too, had intentions to become drunk as fuck.
she doesn’t get drunk often, that’s one thing for sure. when kyle invites her to these types of parties, he goes all boyfriend mode and insists she stay sober so she can keep herself safe and he won’t have to spend all night looking after her while he has a whole frat house of men he has to do so with already.
but tonight, kyle had a pounding headache, likely due from the hours upon hours on top of hours with a side of hours à la mode he spent studying for his final exams of the semester, along with the actual stress of taking said exams. it was all over as of today, and some are choosing to celebrate via a party, but kyle would much rather get a solid nights rest.
he makes it maybe 3 hours into a good nap before awaking for no reason whatsoever, headache dissolved, but mouth dryer than the sahara desert itself, so he leaves the comfort of his warm bed to fetch himself a glass of water.
one careful sip, feeling the water soothe his dry throat, and his phone begins to ring. with every bone, every fiber in his body, he doesn’t want to answer it, but something inside him tells him he better, and to his surprise, it’s her.
he’d be lying if he said a lovely feeling didn’t sprout in his stomach when he saw her name lighting up her phone, and he almost lets it ring too long, dumb smile staring at her name, but he does pick up in the end.
“hey baby you alright?” he always starts their phone calls off the same way, even if he’s the one who calls first. there’s something so sacred to him about enduring her safety before anything else in conversation with her. he tries to do everything in his power to show how much he cares.
“kyle?” one word from you is all it takes for him to be grabbing his keys and jacket off the dining room table. something about the slur in the word she spoke, the way it came across as a question, kyle figured she needed him right now. sometimes he wonders if he just really likes being needed.
“where are you right now, sweetheart?” the pet name and the familiar drawl informed her that her suspicions were correct, she was, in fact, speaking with the boy she loved, the boy who didn’t come to this party.
“at a party,” she hiccuped and stretched her arms out wide, hearing her joints crack and pop.
“awesome. can you tell me where?”
“maybe…” she laughed too hard at her own joke and his deafening silence made her uncomfortable so she gave in, mumbling something about a blue house and austin and will, two guys kyle knew who lived in a fraternity with blue painted walls.
when kyle arrived at the house, the party was mostly over, a few stragglers straggling about on the front yard straggedly, and the house wasn’t packed wall to wall like he assumed it once had been that same night.
it wasn’t hard finding her, she was lightly singing to herself while she kicked her legs back and forth childishly, sat atop the kitchen counter. her attention was diverted to the tired boy once he came in to her line of sight, however.
“hey handsome. can i buy you a drink?” he’s worried for a second she truly doesn’t recognize him, but when her arms open sluggishly to engage him in a drunken embrace, he pushed the thoughts aside.
“cute. come on, let’s get home, sweetie.” he takes advantage of her already open arms, wrapping his arms around her waist and lifting her, feeling her slump over the curve of his shoulder and her chin resting on his back slightly.
she’s yapping amongst herself the whole walk to the car, her small happy voice muffled by the cloth of his t-shirt. he approaches his car, setting her down on the ground to fumble around in his pockets for his car keys. meanwhile, she walks her body straight into his, crashing her face into his chest in a sloppy manner, not even bothering to hug him or anything, just pressing herself into him.
“did you know that i love you?” the inky black sky is lit up by only a few stars, a sign that the two were surrounded by city, and with it, dense light pollution that prevented them from ever seeing more than a few twinkling spots here and there once the sun sets.
the keys aren’t in his pants pockets, and frustrated, he tries his jacket pockets now. “yeah, i knew.” finally, feeling cold metal touch his searching fingers, he whips the keys out of the inner pocket of his coat, inserting it into the car door to unlock it and escape the cold night that was upon them tonight.
he opens the door for her, but when he turns to her to coax her into getting in, he is met with a teary eyed look on her intoxicated face.
“hey, what’s with the tears, huh?” he finds a gentle pace rubbing up and down her arms, half to comfort, half to warm up the goosebumps forming from the frosty air nipping at her more and more with every coming second.
“you didn’t say you love me back,” she uses the back of her hand to smudge away the hot, salty tears rolling down her cheeks.
from keeping her at arms length, he closes in the distance and pulls her into his chest, one hand on the back of her head to rub gently with his thumb. “i thought it was implied, my darling.”
his touch feels like a fuzzy blanket on a cold winter night, like petals of a flower blooming and blossoming to her hearts content in her mind, she leans into it to show her appreciation for his presence and ability to care about such trivial matters.
wordlessly, she breaks from him, letting herself into the car and managing to strap herself in successfully, and kyle almost feels proud, as if she normally doesn’t possess this ability.
she waits until kyle has started the car from his seat next to her to speak up again. “can you hold my hand?” she looks at him with tired eyes and he’s fairly certain he’d chop off his entire hand and eat it for dinner if she deemed it necessary.
he inwardly melts, nodding and grabbing her hand from the top of her thigh, giving three gentle squeezes in hopes to make up for his previous wrong.
“alright baby, let’s get you in bed now.” he’s suddenly appeared right next to her, outside the car with the door opened next to her, she must have fallen asleep; because if she remembers correctly, he had just started the car up, now he’s out, and they’ve reached a destination. she squints at the building before her through the window.
“this isn’t my house,” she states plainly as if perhaps he wasn’t aware of this and had made some fatal error.
“yeah, it’s my house. well, not just my house but i do live here.”
“why not my house?” he tosses her arms around his neck before lifting her into his firm hold. he wouldn’t dream of dropping her.
“i figured,” the front door is already unlocked, likely the doing of a forgetful roommate of kyle’s, but it saves him some trouble as he continues down to his bedroom, “since you know, you’re in love with me and stuff,” he kicks his bedroom door open, “that you’d be okay with having a sleepover.”
“i love sleepovers! can i paint your nails?” gently, she’s set down on his bed with care and he’s quick to potter about in his drawers with a chuckle.
“if you really want to, in the morning, sure.” he chucks a clean t shirt and some shorts she left in his room last night she was over at her figure on the bed. “put these on,” he doesn’t mean to sound so demanding, but he figures she doesn’t notice/care.
“can we call cute boys? oh em gee, we can ask them to rate us! how fun would that be?” she’s getting herself all riled up and giddy as he walks back to the bed, shooting her a conflicted look.
he imagines them huddled up around a telephone with a phone book in hand, giggling and dialing the numbers of boys from other frats. a humorous sight to fathom, but not a likely one. “maybe another day, baby?”
“whatever,” she puts on a faux valley girl accent once she finishes in putting on the clothes and now she’s laying down under the green blanket, onto the black sheets next to the boy. once she’s done a comical amount of tossing, turning, adjusting of her clothes, brushing hair out of her face, cracking her back and knuckles, she needily cuddles into her boyfriend, hugging his head into her chest like he usually does to her and holding him there firmly.
he’s pressed up against her boobs, so he’s not complaining, but he does have to turn his head to the side so he isn’t being suffocated by her love.
“you’re pretty cute. you’re a cute boy. give me a rating, cute boy,” she commands and misses the aggressive rolling of eyes he presents as she can’t look at his face.
“rating women is bad for their self esteem. as a young man, i should know better than to reduce a girl to cheap modern beauty standards. you said that, you know?” he tells her with admiration dripping from his words, each consonant soaked in love and happiness.
she laughs too loud for two people huddled up in a room alone. “ok, sure, you big ol’ feminist. you are cute though. you’re so cute. like really, really cute. why did they make you so cute?”
he sighs, not wanting to engage in her antics and hoping if he calms her words, she’ll be closer to falling asleep. his arms circle around to her back, “dunno, sweetie.”
she hums happily. “you called me sweetie.”
“i like when you do that. hey, never stop doing that, okay? even when i’m old and ugly and crabby and not sweet anymore. please?” her drunken words hold much more weight to them than she imagines, and a pretty feeling sprouts in kyle’s stomach. just the thought alone that even drunk, she sees kyle and her together so far into the future is enough to stir up his insides with a metal whisk.
“promise, sweetie.”
she’s quiet for a good long while, and he cuddles into her more, enjoying the attention and intimacy of behind held like this. he loves her more than she’ll ever understand.
“which boob is your favorite, left or right?” she speaks her mind and it takes every mature bone in his body not to burst out laughing.
“i can’t choose, i love them both equally as much as i love you.”
“ok but if you had to choose just one?”
“i’d have to say probably left.”
“of course you would, you pig man. the left one is bigger. you’re gross.” he can’t help but giggle at her, he wonders if she knows how funny she can be sometimes.
“if i’m so gross, then why are we cuddling in my bedroom, huh?”
“beats me. i didn’t even get a say about coming here. in some books, this counts as a kidnapping.”
“are you gonna call the cops on me, baby?”
“nope. i have stock hole syndrome or something. i’m totally obsessed with you now.”
“good. i like how obsessed you are with me. makes me feel like less of a creep for being so obsessed with you,” he speaks more truth that she seems equipped to handle right now, but she takes it well.
“i bet i’m more obsessed. sometimes when you’re in class and i miss you, i put your hoodie on a pillow and cuddle it n stuff and i pretend it’s you.”
“wow, what a freak you are.”
“hey! at least pillow kyle is nice to me! he can’t even talk. i think i like that better. you should shut your big fat mouth once in a while.”
“if i couldn’t talk, how could i call you sweetie? does pillow kyle call you sweetie like i do?”
she sighs. “you got me there…”
“i have a folder in my phone full of pictures i took of you when you didn’t know i was. i look at them all the time just cuz you look so pretty in them.”
“aww, you think i’m pretty when i’m not looking?”
“i think you’re pretty all of the time.”
“you’re such a sap. you’re pretty too though, don’t worry.”
“i wasn’t worried. i already knew, all the boys round these parts tell me all the time,” he jokes.
“oh yeah? you’ve been getting busy in this house?” she sounds much more sober than she first was when she called him, not completely, however.
“you know it. i’m the hottest piece of ass in this house. just cuz we’re all into chicks doesn’t mean we don’t take advantage of that every now and then.”
“really?” she sounds too close to convinced, so he tears away from her cradle and gives her a silly look.
she reaches up to brush some blond hair from his dark eyes and lets her hand linger while she traces absentmindedly across his facial features.
“you haven’t kissed me all night.”
“didn’t know if you wanted to be kissed, sweetie. i wait until you’re sober for consent, i’m cool like that.”
“kiss me.” she was the one who instructed him to do so, yet she’s the one who pulls his face into hers, pausing a moment before making contact, letting their lips just gently brush, then pressing them together sweetly.
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littlestardescendants · 10 months
~ 100 Facts about my WHB MC!! ~
So I did this with Mara on my Obey Me Tumblr but let's do 100 facts of Mirjami as we get into the story to get a feel for her <3
1. Mirjami was born February 15th 1997, making her an Aquarius Sun, Cancer Moon, and Sagittarius Rising
2. Mirjami's Father is Arab and her mother is Israeli making her mixed but looking more Israeli. When they died she was adopted by a nice Greek Couple making her understand a bit of it
3. Mirjami is actually 5'8 and weighs 185 lbs making her a bit chubby but she tries to stay active
4. While Mirjami loves her adoptive parents they weren't exactly receptive to her leaving her to be a very awkward lonely child when she was younger
5. Mirjami was actually pretty slow as a child making her very immature despite her age (she actually was held back and had to go to a specialized course because of her slowness and to help with her communication skills)
6. Interestingly however despite being slow there are certain subjects she excelled in such as music/writing/art
7. Mirjami is actually a bit older than Minhyeok but because of her slower development she got along with him a bit more than others
8. Mirjami is someone who ALWAYS had someone or needed to be taken care of leaving some to see her as a burden or leech
9. Minhyeok and Mirjami were friends since they were young but Mirjami never saw him as anything more because she felt he deserved better
10. When Mirjami was a teenager she never could make friends because she felt too awkward and timid around other girls and boys (Minhyeok is the only person she feels comfortable with during this time)
11. When Mirjami graduated from high school her parents moved back to Greece and she chose to stay wanting to support herself through college
12. Mirjami always loved singing and often partook in plays or musicals because of her fondness for it
13. Mirjami met her baby daddy/ex-husband Freshman year of college. She was studying music and art and he studied biochemistry. The two dated through college until Junior year where she got pregnant
14. When Mirjami got pregnant the two decided to marry but the marriage eventually got annulled because her ex Ahmed felt as though they rushed things or were making a bad decision and didn't actually want to tie down Mirjami
15. When Mirjami gave birth to Munira she dropped out of college to raise the child majority time while Ahmed went to college and got his degree
16. When Ahmed graduated college he got more custody of Munira than before and the two coparent amicably having a deep fondness for each other that has grown platonic on Ahmed's side
17. Mirjami actually is pretty poor and she lives in a trailer park with her pet dog "Pom Pom". When she visits Minhyeok she does so to clean his home a bit or imagine herself having a home like his for her and her daughter
18. Mirjami is incredibly close to their daughter and sings songs for her constantly it being a source of comfort
19. Munira is a very bright girl leading to some to joke that for as dumb or ditzy as Mirjami is she was lucky to have such a smart child. She doesn't mind this but she feels bad she can't do more
20. Mirjami dreams of returning to college to finish getting her degree and wants to compose songs
21. Mirjami is an Assistant Manager at a gas station and works very hard to keep things together- Most of her coworkers like her becomes she's so maternal and sweet
22. Mirjami loves to bake and enjoys cooking always willing to make big meals for her family
23. Mirjami doesn't ever really talk about herself she always hypes up people close to her
24. Mirjami isn't actually very perverted as she doesn't have time and actually got used to watching things too sanitized
25. Mirjami once put a child lock on her computer but forgot the password hence why she's always at Minhyeok's searching things up
26. Mirjami still loves Ahmed and while she tried to move on for his sake it's clear to everyone she would go back to him in a heartbeat
27. Mirjami hates violence and yelling and gets scared and uncomfortable when people aside from Minhyeok Munira or Ahmed touch her
28. When Mirjami met Satan she was scared of him but seeing him save Minhyeok made her trust him
29. Mirjami consistently gets ignored or talked down to leading her to timidly just take whatever people call her
30. While Mirjami is awkward and weird it's implied she has a lot of bottled up anger and emotions implying she's more Wrath oriented than any other sin
31. Mirjami's goal is to help the Devils drive back angels but also so they could help protect her daughter
32. Mirjami loves her daughter immensely and often turns murderously serious at the thought of her getting hurt
33. Mirjami loves small fluffy animals and wants another pomeranian. She has a weakness for cute things
34. Mirjami loves to sew and knit and often makes clothes and things for her daughter
35. Mirjami often thinks of Ahmed and how she wishes they were together again even if it was the right decision
36. Mirjami is actually shocked when people are sexually attracted to her because she still feels like a weirdo when around others
37. Mirjami is heterosexual but is implied to be curious of exploring
38. Mirjami loves horses and always wanted to take her daughter to the stables
39. Ahmed loved Mirjami but it's implied another reason he left her is because he felt like she would always be a follower to his wants when he wants an equal partner
40. Mirjami hates when people argue and fight because she is like an emotional sponge who absorbs others' emotions
41. Mirjami was openly disgusted with the "needing essence to survive" and currently tries to pretend it's anything but what it is
42. Mirjami's favorite food is Mediterranean Food or Shawarma and Falafels
43. Mirjami is actually terrified of the ocean and doesn't know how to swim
44. While Mirjami is a bit slow at times she's very perceptive of others' intentions especially when it concerns her daughter and keeping her safe
45. Mirjami favorite type of person are those who are fatherly kind and strong
46. Mirjami doesn't actually have sexy underwear; she wears cotton undies that are pastel color and she gets surprised when she gets sexy underwear
47. Mirjami used to have an imaginary friend and she often reminisces about them missing them. Minhyeok doesn't like them
48. Mirjami loves working at the Gas Station but never notices when people perv on her because her mind is elsewhere
49. Mirjami doesn't like to drink any alcohol/in general. Her favorite drinks are Shirley Temples
50. Mirjami has always dreamt of having a family (husband house and her daughter) but gets embarrassed talking about it because she imagines it with Ahmed mostly
51. Mirjami is very worrying and doting to everyone making her seem as if she's a worry wart or does too much
52. Mirjami feels ashamed she dropped out of college and while she tries to say she did it for her daughter she sometimes misses the days before pregnancy in her lowest moments
53. While Mirjami is a decent parent Munira in turn is actually very protective of her and tries to take care of her mother
54. With Munira being incredibly smart and intelligent Mirjami will often go out of her way to take odd jobs so her daughter could have the best education
55. Mirjami falls asleep in movie theaters and during movies often
56. Mirjami often cries because she is very sensitive
57. Mirjami loves and adores her daughter so much that she always tells herself the sex with demons is for her sake
58. Mirjami loves cuddling or being held and will often try to push herself into the arms of those she's comfortable with
59. Mirjami loves Zodiac stuff and crystals and has a lot of amtheyst in her room
60. Mirjami is ambidextrous but was forced to use her right hand more
61. Mirjami's voice is very girlish and sweet leading people to sometimes remark she sounds like a fairytale princess
62. Mirjami is a bit embarrassed about her freckles
63. A bit tmi but Mirjami actually doesn't like using condoms and enjoys sex from behind. She will never tell anyone but it's... Easy to see her tune change after it when she needs Demon essence.
64. Mirjami's favorite color is pink and she loves receiving carnations and lilies
65. Mirjami is actually afraid of getting yelled at and thunder/lightning so when she hears it she often cuddles her daughter/dog/cute thing close for comfort
66. Mirjami is a certified dog parent and was worried to death angels would hurt her dog. The pom currently lives with Minhyeok now
67. Mirjami's Pomeranian is names Pom Pom. As you can see Mirjami is very original with names
68. Mirjami gets overwhlemed easily so she often likes to sit alone to recuperate and her singing and tunes sort of helps her mind focus
69. Sexually Mirjami is too sensitive: You could kiss her a bit too harsh and she'll be whiney or tell you to be gentle. Makes the sex with the Demons very intense with her
70. Mirjami had always wanted to cut her hair but doesn't because her daughter likes it long
71. Mirjami learnt to like reading by her daughter and reads a lot of kid books so she can talk about them with her baby girl
72. Mirjami loves volunteering at school events and is the more "present" parent than Ahmed making her disappearance very distressing for Munira
73. Mirjami and Minhyeok actually went through a period of time where they didn't talk when she was married briefly; It was mostly on him and Ahmed as Ahmed didn't feel comfortable with their friendship and its one of the few dark parts of their friendship
74. On that note while Mirjami cares deeply for Minhyeok and Ahmed she does sometimes wonder if her friendship with Minhyeok caused her marriage to Ahmed to end but she doesn't bring it up because she's scared Minhyeok will get mad or leave her
75. Aside from that Minhyeok is one of the few allowed to babysit Munira because Mirjami trusts him so much
76. Mirjami HAS clicked on weird porn links before. She keeps thinking it's a message from a potential friend or she's supporting a niche website but then she sees titties and gets shocked
77. Mirjami clicks on links so many times the child lock is sometimes more for her than Munira
78. Mirjami has a pretty buxom figure and while she never noticed it it's been a source to why she's popular at the Gas Station or outside. She genuinely believes people are just being nice.
79. Mirjami loves to get magazines that have perfumes and lotions and jewelry just because she likes to pretend she'll buy those someday
80. Mirjami has a license but is often too shaky to drive. She loves walking everywhere
81. While Mirjami lives in a trailer she's made it her mission to make it a cozy home on the inside so when her daughter visits she feels safe and comfortable
82. Mirjami spoils her daughter immensely to the point she gave her the bigger room in her house so her daughter had space. It's not out of any malicious intentions she just loves her daughter too damned much not to
83. Mirjami had always felt Solomon's connection but never gave it much thought as she always felt a bit weird
84. Mirjami is often overwhelmed by the lavish castles and furnishing the Devils have. She was so used to going without it surprises her
85. Some of the demons have made Mirjami cry before. She's sensitive and cries easily so she always clings to the more dominant protective energy in the room
86. Mirjami still carries a photo of her on her wedding day with her husband and a photo of her family because those were the happiest days of her life
87. While Mirjami regrets dropping out of college she never regrets having her daughter as she felt partly she was always meant to be a mother
88. While not exactly permissive Mirjami HATES disciplining Munira as it makes her want to cry if she sees her daughter upset in any way
89. Mirjami is very curious of Solomon and actually kind of sad since her daughter won't get to meet her magical grandpa
90. Mirjami is very shy about it but she kind of likes soft degrading IF it's mixed with loving words ( You can call her stupid but also tell her you love and cherish her or she will cry )
91. Though Mirjami doesn't say it- It deeply upsets her when Sitri or other demons only call her "Solomon" it makes her feel unloved or unseen and she kind of veers away if they won't acknowledge her
92. Mirjami loves to paint and wants to do it often even if she hates getting paint on herself (she's SUPER delicate and precise when painting honestly)
93. Mirjami HAS snapped before and it's kind of implied that when she snaps things get REALLT ugly because she puts 100% her whole emotions into it (it usually leaves her drained or sobbing afterwards so she tries not to get mad)
94. Mirjami's greatest fear is scaring her daughter or making Munira dislike her. She wants desperately for her daughter to love her and be with her
95. Because of Mirjami's fear of the ocean she's never been on boats and is actually not a fan of flying either
96. Mirjami can't handle too many positions changes unconsciously after sex with demons she limps slightly. Be it because it's in her head or because she's still reliving it those moments makes it very easy to see where her mind is still at afterwards
97. While Mirjami has plans for the future and wants to go back to college she's actually content to put her whole life on hold so her daughter can be happy (she's not a multitasker she'd rather invest herself 100% in one part of her life than bettering the other)
98. Mirjami still wants to be married and belong to someone but given doesn't actually think that's possible with the Demons
99. Mirjami has been described to come off Aloof from a distance. It's not something she intends but when she's not on the register or just in her day to day she seems lost in her head
100. Mirjami doesn't regret helping the demons. She wishes there could be peace but she would honestly destroy the 2 Realms just to make sure her daughter was safe and lived her life happy
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pungentdarling · 7 months
The Pungent Darling
Hello world!! The Pungent Darling is run by Michelle. Trying to fight imposter syndrome one post at a time. If it were up to me I’d only be going by Pungent Darling, but my mom insisted on me keeping my name in here somewhere. This was after I lectured her on why someone would choose to write with a pen name. I told her mine was for the anxiety of putting myself out into the world. This is terrifying!! But still she persisted. So, here we are, welcome to the blog where thoughts, opinions, creativity, reviews and rants will be held. Light a candle, grab some snacks and don’t forget a drink, this is going to be a post about my background to make me feel legit on why I deserve to start a blog.
If you know me, you know how much I constantly talk about “when I start my fashion / music blog,” or “when I interview [any celebrity] I’m going to ask them…” One of my brothers once told me “I’ll let you interview me when you’ve got the story” haha, harsh!! What can I say, I’m a dreamer with my head in the clouds. While I was up in the clouds letting my mind wander I started to remember all the things I did before I shut off my creativity. I stopped having goals for myself and ended up in the ether untied to anything. I’m starting to ground myself again and walk the talk.   
I used to have a tumblr blog of pictures I would take of bands at their concerts, some with a photo pass, some from the crowd. It was a blast!! But I forgot the login, so that is a chapter of my life I won’t be able to edit. The feeling of adrenaline while photographing a band between the stage and barricades is wild. The screaming fans behind you while you’re photographing each band member feels like they’re cheering you on. I always wondered if the musicians could see me smiling (I tried to photograph my favorite bands at that time so this was a big wonder and wishful thinking.) I'd also be singing their songs as my face was shield by my camera (always wanting to stay out of the way and observe.) Shout out to my plethora of Canons, thank you for getting me into places!! This was a very fun and cool part of my life, I wish I would’ve stuck it out, but imposter syndrome and lack of passion will make you stop doing anything. It sucks when it was the only thing you’ve built your personality around.  
DiD sHe Go To CoLlEgE?! YUP!! I graduated with a bachelor's degree in arts, majoring in Broadcasting and Journalism minoring in Apparel and Textile Merchandising. I shit you not, those exact lengthy ass words are on my degree!! This school is not worth mentioning and I’m still mad at myself for going there. Words of advice don’t go to a college just because it’s the cheapest state school and the school colors were your favorite complimentary color combo. I’ve always had a love / hate relationship when it comes to this section of my life. Through all the pain, came things I’ve learned that will stick with me for life, the good and the bad. 
My vision for this page is to share experiences and things that I think are cool. Basically all the things I love and want to share; traveling and checking out new local places, sometimes a quick day trip! Two hours one way isn’t that far if it seems worth it, in my humble opinion. I want to share what I’m reading and cooking; concert reviews; travel logs; grief; fashion things; music interest and food places. I’m not going to limit / force myself on the length of the post like I would in the past, maybe that is why my previous writing / blogging endeavors never worked out. Third times the charm!!
Please enjoy this picture of me in a very weird time of my life, but looking at it now it’s one of my favorite pictures of myself. It embodies the chaos that is The Pungent Darling. I can’t wait to see where this blog goes, all I want is to keep evolving and sticking to my boundaries. 
The Pungent Darling 
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thekingofcrochet · 1 year
I did know you went to art school!
Please, bestie; tell me errythang! 🍿
I went to art school because I was gonna be an English major and get my degree to be a high school English Lit teacher and I absolutely did shit at my English 200 course (my first C when I had actually tried to work hard) and I failed my history class and i never wanted to take math again so I transferred to art school. (there's a separate essay I wanna write about gifted kids burning out and dropping out of college. Like were we really gifted/good at academics or did we just know the right facts to regurgitate when it came time for testing?)
My first year of art school had these intro art classes where we had to make some of the most insufferable pieces.
I remember that I had to make 1/2 of a piece of produce from balsa wood and I ended up getting banned from the wood working studio because of safety reasons (I almost lost my thumbs). i think to teach us about scale and proportion?
Another assignment involved making a book that was just pictures and I made mine about the life cycle of pomegranates in which because it was accordion folded you could connect the back and front together so it would be continuous.
I had to make an abstract painting (9"x12") based on 30 seconds of a classical music song.
I made a luxury gas mask as part of an artifact from an imagined world.
I failed most of my art history classes because I couldn't remember the exact date (month, day, year) that a piece was made.
I drew a lot of self portraits.
I barely passed ceramics because I think the teacher just wanted me to never return to the studio.
When we could focus on our concentrations I did fiber arts so I learned how to spin yarn, felt wool, weave fabric and weave baskets. I made 2 quilts that required me doing all nighters for weeks straight (watched a lot of Netflix).
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I have a vivid memory of sewing a fabric basket while watching Game Grumps Sonic Boom play-through in my dorms communal kitchen because my sewing machine was too loud to work in the dorm suites.
I have another memory of weaving late into the night at the art studio watching the Game Grumps play Wind Waker. It's a piece made from selected colors from the Pinwheel Galaxy and I made the pattern by hand.
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I ended up losing 99% of everything I ever made or owned in an apartment fire in my 5th year of college so I just barely have any photos of my stuff.
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I made a semi recent post that that had some of my old art and most of that was during art school.
I feel like art school wasn't really about learning how to make good art but was partly about how to make art safely (see the paragraph where I almost lost my thumbs) and make something on a deadline. Which are both very important! But anything I learned was through self study + determination and that's really what college is for.
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disregardcanon · 1 year
i’ve been coming back to the piano again, and i’ve got a few personal thoughts regarding The Piano TM
1. as a kid, a lot of things came really easily to me. learning to read was REALLY hard, but once i got the basics enough that i could push through then i just banged my head against the wall until i got good.
2. singing was really, really easy for me. i could memorize music and match pitches and sing along my whole range and audiate full pieces inside my head. if i knew a song and what it was supposed to sound like, i could ALWAYS sing it.
3. when i was seven, i started piano lessons. i was kind of upset about it because i thought it was Dumb TM to spend so much time doing This Thing over in One Place when i could like, go on adventures while singing at the same time. but my mom was really determined that it would be good for me, so i tried it.
4. i liked it a lot before it started getting hard. i hated the worksheets and the theory stuff, and whenever the song wasn’t a tune i could learn easily, i got pretty frustrated, especially when we started putting chords and arpeggios in the other hand. this was compounded by the fact that my piano teacher was my at school music teacher and she had lots of students who were kids that i knew at school that i didn’t like.
5. i personally appointed the girl in my class who shared my first name as my rival because it seemed like everyone liked her WAY better than me and it upset me. she was, of course, in the piano studio and we had to concerts together and she did a lot better than me. now as someone who isn’t an embarrassed seven to thirteen year old with a grudge, i understand that this was... not great. but it was really hard on me as a kid, and it did not help that the teacher... also seemed to like her more than me. i was a very proud and entitled little kid, so i don’t necessarily think this was right, but it definitely did NOT help that i had these complicated and frustrating relationships eating at me along with it being hard
6. i took piano back up for a bit in college because i was a music education major. i never got super serious about it or anything because i decided not to graduate with that degree, but i took a class at college and then lessons with a different teacher over one summer. and like. guys. i cannot express how much it helped to be with a different instructor. my first music teacher was very very “read what’s on the page” based, which... was not great for me, as a movement and sound based learner. but this teacher worked with my strengths in a way that was waaayyyy more conducive to me picking it back up as an adult. she helped me analyze the music and then put the sounds that the chords should be making to the feeling of the chord and the look of the chord.
so it’s not just. uh did i? manage that right chord? am i gonna get in trouble? but “oh yeah i DID manage that chord that’s the I chord and I chords sound like this and it’s clashing against this interval and here’s how to tell when i’m making this mistake and correcting it and-” and it made me feel so much better about my ability to do the thing. as a kid it was always always always a competition in my mind, but when i came back in college it was “how can i get better? how can we use these skills to get what i need to get done done?” and that helped so much for whenever i do decide to come back to it.
7. i understand why my first teacher taught the way that she did, and i had a good foundation on a lot of the skills to come back to. but i also think that if there were more of an attempt to see what wasn’t working for me and what might be getting worse beyond “she’s frustrated because she’s bad and she’s bad because she doesn’t practice and not practicing means she should have to do bad at recitals to make her practice more-” i think that, maybe, younger me would have enjoyed it more too.
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dantesletritahs · 1 year
Miguel O’Hara fic. HELP.
So I just watched Across the Spiderverse... And I took a shower and my ideas wouldn’t stop. But I need someone to tell me that it isn’t cringe, or that it is. If it makes sense or if it doesn’t. JUST HELP PLEASE.
Very messy Chapter 1. (The rest is just the outline and dialogue)
Okay, let's do this one last time. You are... Nothing especial. You study a major that probably won't change or save the world. At least you speak four languages, so yay... But it's the normal people that keep the world spinning right? Heroes just help to keep it safe. You have beautiful flowers to care of. ‘I love you, my preciosas.’ You have so many friends. ‘Hey, we're going to grab a bite after class, wanna come?’ ‘I have to work, sorry’ Everyone loved you. "Why do you keep inviting them? The answer will always be no." Amongst the other you's, you were the one that was never going to do something important or remarkable for the world. The one with a normal life. Or at least you were supposed to. ‘Never trust Miguel O'Hara.’ That dream, again. Usually, you didn't dream, but when you did you saw a world so different than yours. So magnificent, including yourself. Lately, when you did dream, only one thing happens. You. ‘Why do you...?’ You touched your face, their face? The person in front of you looked like you, just... A little different. ‘Never. Trust. Miguel.’ And then you, or that other you, pushed you to a fall that woke you up instantly. And their, your, words somehow made sense. You had a recurring nightmare, fangs, blood, fading away. You tried to blame it on the accident, the trauma of losing your family all at once. Or it was maybe you're tiredness. Attending college, working till 11 pm, and doing homework till 3 AM had to have some effect. You just wished it wasn't this one.
THE REST (it’s even messier I’m sorry) What happens next (messy outline) is that Miguel kinda kidnaps you? Like he shows up in your reality, with zero patience he grabs you and takes you with him to the base or whatever it is. You're shocked but also asking so many questions, and the only thing he says is that you're the key to saving all of them, or at least, the only one that's left. What? Turns out you never dream because there were always a few variants of you, two, to be exact. You and another you. The other you (TOY from now on) had a degree or doctorate in something sciency that was getting close to destroying "The Impostor" (idk sounds cringe wanna change). The impostor had the ability to show up in anyone’s dreams and pretend to be them (or someone close to them) and implant serious matters that would prevent some canon things to happen, that meant Miguel had always to be pending on being ready when it got to that point. They (the Spideysociety) could never guess when or where it would happen because The Impostor implanting ideas took time, from weeks to months to years. What are you doing there if it’s TOY the one with the answer? Because TOY was murdered by The Impostor and now you are the only ‘you’ left. But I don't know anything about science? I study literature (or something humanistic/artistic). There’s no other option. If someone can understand you, is you. TOY’s work is coded; we hope you know how to decode it.
Miguel is going to confine you in a room, no one can come in without his personal authorization, and you can't leave. He's the one that drops by the most, when he does the lights automatically go out because it hurts his eyes. (IDK much about Miguel aside from what I learned in the movie and a silly post on Facebook).  The room has its own bathroom, a bed, and a desktop with a few pages and notebooks that could be saved from TOY’s apartment before burning to the ground. You have one condition to stay there, they bring your flowers to the room, your radio and your bookshelf. One day you were having dinner listening to some music when the lights go out, you were used to it by now but you had told Miguel (and others that time from time visit you, still a maybe) to never bother you when you were eating because you preferred to do it alone. Always. ‘I’m having dinner right now, Miguel.’ Nothing. ‘Miguel this isn’t funny, you know I don’t like being alone in the dark. It’s creepy.’ Nothing. Panicked, you stand up. Miguel isn’t there, someone else is. A shadow. But it isn’t another spider-person, you think since your eyes aren’t used to the dark yet. The shadow moves and tries to attack you, your first instinct tells you is The Impostor. It’s the only answer, but how? You look at the door, the dashboard was destroyed, and the door is open. You still have your book in your hand, you throw it at them and make a run for it. You hear them laugh. ‘You’re braver than I thought!’ It’s your own voice. You run as fast as you can, but you weren’t allowed outside and the place has a weird design. You don’t know where to run and can’t run in some directions since everything is designed for Spider-people. You’re getting dizzy. ‘Miguel!’ You keep running wherever you can but you’re afraid you may be losing ground. You trip and fall. Quickly you try to get back on your feet but The Impostor makes you stay on the ground. ‘I'm not sure what his goal is to have you here. You're nothing. Of all you’s, you’re the most useless.’ Miguel quickly arrives and takes the Impostor off of you, you cover your head, shutting your eyes off, crying. You hear the fight and can only deduce it ended with The Impostor disappearing. ‘Are you okay?’ He asks. Your panicking. ‘Hey, Hey, Hey. It’s over now. They’re gone.’ ‘Was that... Was that the Impostor?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘They looked like me.’ ‘That’s what they do. They impersonate. They can look however they want to. We have never seen their true form.’ ‘They were going to kill me.’ ‘It’s okay now.’ Unsure, he puts an arm on your shoulder as a form of giving comfort. ‘I... We, the system failed. Your face is in our database, they got in by looking like you.’ ‘But they broke the dashboard on my door to get in.’ ‘There is only so much The Impostor can do with their ability. From now on, you’ll be under surveillance 24/7.’ ‘No... No, please. My loneliness is the one thing you haven’t stripped me out of.’ ‘It’s the only way to prevent this from happening again, aside from other measurements.’ ‘Who’ll take care of me?’ ‘We will establish a watch rotation tomorrow. For now, you’re with me.’ ‘No, Miguel, please..’ ‘You think I’m excited about babysitting you? I’m not. But you are the only one left.’ He stands up and offers you a hand. ‘On your feet. I’ll let you get some rest, and then I’ll train you for combat.’ ‘But I don’t have... Anything all of you have.’ ‘You don’t need one to fight. You’re useless if you don’t know at least how to defend yourself.’
Then the two of you get closer, and you have some heart-to-heart talks about your family and your past, he doesn’t say much but he understands. You tell him about your studies and he learns that you know how to speak other languages, including Spanish. You sometimes exchange some words in Spanish. (My mother tongue is Spanish so sorry if it looks cringe but I’m going to exploit it). One time you were eating alone in a place with a view of the city, and Miguel approaches. you. You think is the Spider-person that was watching you. ‘I told you I want to be alone, (their name).’ ‘Leaving you alone is against the established rules.’ ‘Ah, Miguel.’ He asks why you like eating alone and just in general being alone. You tell him it’s because, after your family’s accident, you had to work twice as hard to better your grades, get a scholarship that didn’t pay all of your college fees, and then take on a job because you had no one left. The only times you could process your grief was while eating and having a shower, the rest of your day was busy with classes, work, and homework. Miguel apologizes for interrupting you but you ask him to stay and sit with you. That’s when you realize you love him. ‘I enjoy spending time with you.’ You say. And he knows. (Something that moves on the plot here)
The climax is that you dream again and you tell Miguel, because now you know it’s The Impostor. ‘I had a dream! It has been The Impostor this whole time!’  You tell Miguel about the ‘Never trust Miguel’ nightmare and since there were only two of you and one was killed, it could only mean that The Impostor has been the one showing up in your dreams.’  By this point, you have done zero progress on decoding TOY’s research and Miguel is getting impatient. Learning that you didn’t tell him about the nightmare is the last straw. ‘You haven’t done any progress at all and now you’re telling me The Impostor has been in your dreams for a while? This could potentially mess everything up. Starting from how they could’ve been implanting fake ideas and scenarios for a long time. It’s useless, I’m sending you home.’ ‘I thought you said I was the only one left!’ ‘And you are, but maybe someone else can understand TOY’s research. We are running out of time.’ You have been filling for a while that Miguel isn’t telling you the whole truth so you ask for it. Why did TOY study something related to physics and such? Why did they take such an important path if you’re supposed to be a character in the background? Miguel answers. ‘Because TOY’s family wasn’t supposed to die in their universe, unlike yours. However, The Impostor messed with their universe canon and they died. TOY found out that wasn’t supposed to happen and changed their major to try and stop them from doing that to anyone else.’ You answer. ‘And then they were murdered.’ ‘Yes...’ ‘Give me another chance.’ ‘It’s been to long.’ ‘Please. I.. TOY was supposed to be happy with my family in their own universe.. And it’s comforting, in a way, to know that. It isn’t fair they had to lose what I lost when they TOY didn’t deserve it. I want to keep trying. For them. For me. They deserved to have that life, at least. Miguel thinks for like two seconds. ‘Very well. Along with the notebooks and the other stuff, we found something else in TOY’s apartment. We wanted to test you with the notebooks, but maybe it’s better if I just give it to you.’ He hands you a small box with a lock. 3 0 4 5 (?) ‘What is it?’ ‘We think it may contain TOY’s research. The lock only allows three guesses before self-destruction and our stupid labs messed it up twice. The lock always goes back to the same numbers.’ ‘I understand why.’  ‘You do?’ ‘Yes. The reason it goes back to this particular combination is that it’s the right one.’ ‘They already tried one. That’s how they lost one try.’ ‘And the other?’ ‘They started moving the numbers back to zero so they could start trying every combination one by one. That’s when the box spoke saying there was only one try left.’ ‘Not so smart I see.’ ‘So what’s the code?’ ‘Well, zero means to, three means nine, five means ten...’ ‘...Whatever you say.’ 9 0 8 10 The box opens and a video of TOY begins. This variation of you is very similar, with the sad aura all over you, but there are some differences. ‘Hello there.’ TOY speaks. ‘If you, or me, is watching this, is because he found you.’ TOY smiles. ‘I trust Miguel O’Hara to hand this to you and to take care of you, of us. I’m sorry you lost your family and more sorry I had to do it too, I wished my universe could be a home where sometimes you could come back to. It wasn’t fair, to any of us. I was supposed to fix this, but there is not much time left... If you, the other me, are handed this, you will find my complete work, still coded just in case, on how to end with The Impostor. I have yet to find out how and why they are doing this but... I don’t think I’ll ever will. I trust you. I believe in you. Because, well, I know you. There is a fire in us, there has always been. Our lives entwine in this, us becoming so much more than what we expected. It doesn’t matter if you are majoring in (this), I know you will be able to descifer it and finish what we started. Good luck. TOY’S complete research shows up and now you begin understanding it. (The research is hidden between, for example, the lines of your favorite books and whatever, but I have no idea. Help.) So you start decoding everything and working alongside the lab people you start building whatever it needs to be built to stop The Impostor. Until something happens.
The Impostor was caught trying to enter HQ using your face again, but it looks like they were doing it on purpose. The Impostor was easily captured and brought to the machine that was built to show their true form.  You were standing right beside Miguel when the machine is started up and... The Impostor still looked loke you. ‘What is happening?’ Miguel asks. ‘Why is the machine failing?’ ‘It’s... Not.’ ‘But...’ Panicked, you looked at Miguel. ‘But they look like me! Why do they look like me!?’ Miguel tries to calm you down and The Impostor laughs. ‘Go on say it Miguel! Say it!’ ‘What... What do they mean by that?’ You ask looking at The Impostor. ‘I AM you!’ ‘No...’ ‘Yes! And he knew.’ ‘Miguel...?’ You look at him and the guilt on his face confirms it. ‘Look, it's...’ ‘You lied to me!? You said there were only two of me! Are there more!? Did you actually mean something when you said you were going to look for somewhere else to descifer TOY’s work?’ ‘Yes... There are four variants of you... The researcher, The Impostor, you...’ ‘There is another?’ ‘Not for long!’ The impostor laughs. ‘You are the worst out of the four of us.’ ‘Shut up!’ Miguel screams. ‘But he brought you here because he knew I wouldn’t chase you. Because you are useless. You’re nothing.’ ‘Don’t listen to them.’ Miguel says. ‘No! I was right...’ You breathe heavily. ‘We were right, I shouldn’t have trusted you...’ ‘They are manipulating you.’ ‘Are they, Miguel? Do you think I would believe your words over mine?’ ‘The Impostor has nothing to do with you.’ ‘Oh, we have everything to do with each other.’ The Impostor laughs. ‘And it starts with you.’ The Impostor directs their gaze over Miguel. ‘What do you mean by that?’ He asks. ‘You see. When a canon doesn’t happen and the universe starts falling and disappearing and yada yada, your team shows up trying to fix things. And while they’re doing that, the universe is also compensating to not disappear in a matter of seconds, as it would happen if it didn’t compensate. When you saved a timeline where the family of one of your stupid people died, the universe overcompensated with another family. Mine.’ ‘What...?’ You wonder. What if your own family wasn’t supposed to die either? ‘My family wasn’t supposed to die in my universe. But they did. And it’s your fault Miguel O’Hara. And now, everything and everyone will die too! It’s only fair. I’ll make sure every timeline is destroyed because of you.’ ‘Destroying the universe won’t bring your family back.’ Miguel tries to reason with The Impostor. ‘Oh I don’t want them back. I want to make you pay.’ They look at you. ‘I told you not to trust him.’ ‘Did my family...?’ ‘Wouldn’t you like to know.’ Miguel calls out your name. ‘Look.’ ‘No.’ You answer angered. ‘I shouldn’t have trusted you. I shouldn’t have complied with any of this. I should have gone back home when I had the chance to!’ ‘Please...’ Miguel begs. ‘I want to go home.’ ‘Don’t...’ ‘I’m not asking.’ ‘You don’t understand.’ ‘I think I do, Miguel! I... I am better without you.’
Back home you are eating dinner on your kitchen table when your lights are suddenly turned off. ‘It’s me.’ You hear Miguel say and you stand up facing him. ‘I don’t want to have anything to do with you. You betrayed me. I trusted you and you lied to me.’ ‘I love you.’ ‘Don’t... Don't you dare to use that with me.’ ‘I love you.’ ‘Stop.’ ‘I love you.’ ‘Just shut up!’ ‘Why?’ ‘Because I love you too!’ ... ‘How long have you known?’ You ask Miguel. ‘When you were attacked. That night...’ ‘No. How long have you known I love you?’ ‘When you said you enjoyed spending time with me.’ ‘What?’ ‘I believe it takes a special type of feeling to enjoy my company.’ You two laugh. ‘I hate you.’ ‘No, you don’t. Or... I hope you don’t.’ ‘You betrayed my trust.’ ‘I know.’ ‘And you know I don't give that easily.’ ‘I know.’ ‘You know how hard it is for me to trust someone.’ ‘I do.’ ‘And yet you lied.’ ‘I’m sorry.’ ‘Come again?’ ‘I’m sorry.’ ‘The city is extra noisy today!’ He comes close to you and whispers inches from your face. ‘I’m sorry.’ ‘That’s better and... I forgive you.’ ‘Thank you.’ ‘But. I still don’t trust you.’ ‘I understand.’ ‘It’s going to take me some time.’ ‘I know.’ ‘I have one condition.’ ‘Which is?’ ‘Always tell me the truth.’ ‘I will. No more lies.’ ‘Thank you.’ ‘I want to kiss you.’ ‘Excuse me?’ ‘You want me to tell the truth, here it is.’ ‘Kiss me.’ *smooch smooch*
How do you solve the conflict? How does it end? What happens next? I have no idea. Please help.
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ssamorganhotchner · 2 years
💚 : I’m currently a junior in College, majoring in English with a minor in psychology. I’m 21, Native American, and have the features to match; dark hair, dark eyes, olive skin, rounder/square face shape etc. I’ve got almost 15 tattoos and I’ve had a shit ton of piercings in the past but I’m currently only rocking a septum. As for what I want to do with my degree, I plan to get a masters in Narrative Design and I’d like to dip my toes in the gaming industry, but I’d also like to get my full psychology degree so that I can get a masters in Criminal Psychology. It sounds like a lot and kind of completely different, but it’s exactly what I need in my life art/psychological analysis. My entire life has been the conversion of the two. I work at a gaming store and I have three poodles back home. I love music and I love to sing just as much as I love to write but I couldn’t write a song even if I tried. Anyway, enough rambling. Congrats on 1800 sweetheart!! 🫶🏼
hi anon!! <33
i ship you with Penelope Garcia!! i think you both would be a match made in heaven and with your interest in games, tattoos, and dogs, ahhhhhhh omg :'))) AND you have an interest in criminal psychology?? i really feel the vibes here and i think with both of you working at the bau, you could quite literally find unsubs with no one else's help <3
come celebrate with me!!
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harutostablet · 7 months
Writing this way late but a lot of shit has gone down once I got back to school so, whatever. The trip was cool. I went in like a ninja. The ferry and plane rides were pretty boring. I expected that. I'm happy that I got some sleeping pills before got on the plane.  LAX was LAX.  No one is looking for random  a short, Asian dude, wearing  glasses, a raggedy hoodie, jeans, baseball cap and dirty sneakers.  Kami-ane sent her driver. An older American dude who was surprised I spoke English. I could tell he also expected to see someone over the top.  When I told him I was a college student, suddenly, my shabby appearance made sense. Aoi-ane and Kami-ane were already at Kami-ane's  beach rental when I arrived. It was so good to catching up with them in person. They grilled me about Mugen. Like they haven't asked me all the  same stuff.  It wasn't long  before Red Bull, hair, and make up  arrived to get us ready for the impromptu club visits. Paparazzi called out to Aoi-ane and Kami-ane as soon as car door opened. I tried to wait them out but my loving sisters made sure to  pull me out too. I think the legal age in America is 21 but who can keep up with it. They never check my ID anyway. Commodity: something of use, advantage, or value. Watching my older sisters work the room at these places was a thing of beauty. They were all pretty baubles  and perfect words.  They set a standard that set the bar so high it would never be reached by most.  True images of pop culture. No one cared that Aoi-ane had an engineering degree. Or Kami-ane is the author of the "Fallen" series. The same fucking movie she is starring in! Blah. Will anyone care about what I  major in....when I pick a major? The beach was nice.  We had a cook out just the three of us. And a upscale magazine crew that Uncle Kenji said wouldn't stay the whole time. The chef was phenomenal! Then there was that other thing.  It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Uncle Kenji arrived at the crack of noon for rehearsal. Wardrobe and choreography came with  him for my min-debut. Uncle Kenji says since I am coming on to the scene late, that we have we have to build up my  look. I am only twenty. Damn.   It was at this place that called itself a karaoke club, it's not.  It was a place music companies used to  filter out young talent.  Uncle Kenji reminded me  just how hard it was for him to get this spot for me.    The song was  cool enough. It was a remix of a popular American song that had a really nice flow. The dance wasn't that hard either.  The crowd seemed to like it so I guess it was okay. Somehow the three of us managed to sneak off for souvenir shopping. But not before two hours in the chair....just in case.... I had everything shipped back so it beat me home, to Mugen.  Kevin-senpai and Ely seemed to like their gifts.... The three of us sent Yuki a shit ton of gifts since he didn't have to come to the chaos. The ride back to  Mugen was just as long. I don't think I actually woke up until I got back in the dorm.  Of course my sisters wouldn't let me go back with my slacker look. People would be looking for me now, they said.  So I had to wear a fancy ass suit on the plane ride back.
0 notes
bi-leef · 2 years
Tagged by @tornprince !
1. Are you named after anyone?
Nope! Me and siblings names are in alphabetic order though.
2. Last time you cried?
As in openly wept? When my cat got diagnosed with GI lymphoma and given less than a year to live, that would have been last March. Last time I teared up just a lil bit was watching the new Puss In Boots last weekend lol.
3. Do you have/want kids?
No, and not particularly. I feel I would do fine as a parent but there are several other steps leading up to parenthood that cause me Great Anxiety.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
No, I'm very literal and deliberate with my choice of words.
5. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Their hair and clothes.
6. What is your eye color?
Blue uwu
7. Scary Movies or happy endings?
I like endings that can be left up to interpretation. Scary movies aren't my favorite but I dabble in them every so often.
8. Special talents?
Violin, piano, singing, and other general music skills. Digital art and some physical media. I'm also pretty good at rhythm games.
9. Where were you born?
Northern Utah
10. What are your hobbies?
Music, art, video games, and taking long walks to the nearest gas station for a Dr. Pepper. I tried so very hard to get into competitive Pokemon TCG a few years ago but it's an ever-changing money sinkhole and I just couldn't ever get the hang of it lol. Now I just collect the cards for the pretty pictures 😊
11. Have any pets?
Not currently, but my brother has a dog in the house. Me and my other brother want to convince my mom for a cat though.
12. What sports do you or have you played?
I was in gymnastics for a little bit as a young child, and later I played baseball as a regular child. Baseball is now the only sport I know how to watch and actually enjoy watching. I played racquetball very briefly, and if bike riding counts I've done a fair amount of that as well.
13. How tall are you?
5'8" but I was a small child. I was the shortest kid in my grade until I was like 13. Definitely didn't leave me with any psychological issues later in life 👍
14. Favorite subject in school?
In high school it was Theater and 3D animation. In college I took a semester of ASL that I really enjoyed, and then my Technical Writing courses after I switched majors.
15. Dream job?
I wish I could sustain myself by just being creative and putting my artistic energy into the world, in whatever capacity or form it takes, like music, art, video games, etc. If I could go back in time and change my degree to anything else I would have probably gone into game design, since I feel like that covers a lot of what I enjoy doing.
I tag @odiomnibusvobis and @drusies 🧡🧡🧡
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