#i tried to draw one-kind last year but alas. his design was too powerful for my amateur skills
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toonagi · 7 months ago
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more attacks yippee ^_^
characters in order (as always, top -> bottom, left -> right)
Fir & Siefha ( @beastwhimsy )
One-Kind ( @shiniestapocrypha )
Ryth, Villow and Sipa ( @moonybeasty )
Whirlpool (Jacks2007 on ArtFight)
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Mario & Sonic: Dimensional Shift - Chapter 1: The Cause Pt. 1
Doctor Eggman barges through the doors of his base, the tips of his mustache singed and a grizzly scowl on his face. He stomps over to his supercomputer and begins to type angrily, muttering insults and swears under his breath.
Orbot rolls over to Eggman and moves to his side. “What’s wrong, boss? Did your plans surprisingly fail again?”
Eggman backhands Orbot away with a grunt. “Quiet you! I don’t need attitude from scrap metal like you!”
Cubot quickly moves to Eggman’s other side. “Aw, don’t worry boss! You’ll get it next time, for sure! One hundred and eight times the charm, right?”
“Grr, I said SHUT IT!” Eggman stands up and kicks Cubot, who reverts into his cube form before hitting the wall. Eggman begins to pace about the room. “I could conquer this world anytime I wanted! If it wasn’t for that… that… blue nuisance!” He kicks some equipment over in anger. “It’s unfair! It’s frustrating! I can’t conquer my own planet, I can’t conquer alien planets, what am I supposed to do to get a win for once!?”
“Too bad you can’t live in a universe where there’s no Sonic,” Orbot says as he lazily lies on his side. “Now that would be a perfect universe. But alas, you seem to be doomed to a life of constant failure. How about some tea to calm down? I suggest chamomile.”
Eggman stops pacing. “Wait, say that again.”
“Chamomile tea? It’s known to have calming properties to soothe people.”
“No, the other thing.”
“Oh, you mean how you are stuck being a constant failure?”
Eggman hits Orbot over the head. “No Dumbot!! The part where you mentioned a universe without Sonic!” His glasses glint for a moment as he rushes over to his computer. “That gives me a wonderful idea!”
“What’re you gonna do, boss? Erase Sonic from the universe?” Cubot asks.
“You think I haven’t tried that? What do you think I’ve been doing all these years? I’ve tried bending reality to defeat him, and every single time he’s found a way to overcome it! No, I have to go farther! Farther than ever before! I must reach into another universe!”
“Dimensional travel?” Orbot tilts his head. “Now this sounds familiar. Hasn’t such a feat been accomplished already before?”
“Indeed, by Sonic’s friend, Blaze,” Eggman articulates, “However, from what I’ve observed, she only has the knowledge of transporting herself and a few others between dimensions. I also have experience with dimensional travel, from when I worked with my counterpart from Blaze’s universe. But this time it’s different. I want to bring an entire army through to an entirely different dimension! I’ll conquer their world, expand my army, and create my Eggman Empire, with no Sonic to stop me! And then, when I’ve become unstoppable, I’ll return and destroy Sonic with my vast new army! It’s foolproof! Ohohoho!”
Cubot breaks the Doctor’s laughter. “But boss, how are you gonna do that? That seems like a lot of power you’re gonna need, and to power that you’re gonna need-”
“The Chaos Emeralds,” Eggman interrupts. “By my calculations, I’ll need at least a few of them for this project.” He begins to stroke his mustache as he thinks for a moment. “Or perhaps, a single large Emerald. Yes… And I know just the sucker to trick for it!”
A new morning sun overlooks a series of grassy hills, with shadows of several large puffy clouds providing shade over the countryside. The grass sways gently from side to side over the beautiful spring hills. The gentle breeze is cut off by a sudden blue wind, zipping over one hill to the next, before coming to a stop upon a wonderful hill that overlooks the landscape.
Sonic looks over the area with a smile as he sits upon the grass, taking out a packed lunch. He lets out a sigh of relaxation as he lays down and rest his eyes, crossing his legs and putting his hands behind his head. “Man, it’s been a while since I’ve taken some time to myself. It’s nice. It’s good to remind myself that I’m able to slow down and take in the world around me.”
As Sonic sinks into relaxation, his empty mind is broken by the sound of his telecommunicator. He pulls it out and presses the button to talk. “You’ve reached Sonic the Hedgehog, please leave a message after the BA-WONK,” he says with a joking tone.
“Sonic, you need to come over to my lab as soon as you can,” Tails says through the telecommunicator. “Something urgent has come up.”
“How urgent can it be? We just stopped Eggman a few weeks ago, right? I think we’re good for now.”
“Sonic, it’s Silver. He’s come back from the future again.”
Sonic’s eyes snap open as the gravity sets in. Silver coming usually meant something was on its way. “Right, I’m on my way.” He jumps up, pops the chili dog he packed quickly into his mouth, and makes haste to the lab.
The door to Tail’s lab slams open as Sonic rushes in, stopping on a dime right before he would make impact with a table. He straightens up and walks over to the other members of the room, consisting of Tails and Silver.
“Hey guys, came as fast as I could,” Sonic says. “So what world-breaking event are we dealing with this time, huh? Can we make a bet? I wanna bet Tails ten rings it has something to do with big purple worms. Oh, I bet they spit acid from their mouths!”
Silver shrugs a little bit. “I wish it was that simple. At least purple worms could be dealt with. This time it’s kind of just… weird. Usually the bad futures I return to are on fire, or are in some sort of eternal darkness. But when I returned to my time it was… uh… odd. There were tall mushrooms planted everywhere, and the only inhabitants there was these odd robot creatures. They were like robots that looked like brown mushrooms and turtles. Here, I drew a picture of what they kind of look like.” He holds up a crudely drawn picture of a brown mushroom robot with feet attached to its body.
“Dude, you suck at drawing.” Sonic says as he snickered behind his hand.
Silver looks a little dejected by this comment. “Okay, I know it’s not the best, but it’s not far off from what it actually looks like. It was weird, these things just wandered around aimlessly, but when they saw me they got aggressive and slowly charged at me. They didn’t pose much threat, but I couldn’t communicate with them at all. Any civilizations I found were just… ruins. I couldn’t find any living person. I didn’t know what to do, so I came back to the past to find the answer.”
“No problem at all!” Sonic wags his finger confidently. “You said they were robots, right? All signs point to Eggman, obviously! It always does. We just gotta go find him again, and kick his butt like we always do!”
“Hang on Sonic,” Tails interjects. “I don’t think we should necessarily jump to that conclusion just yet. First of all, I don’t think mushrooms are really Eggman’s style of choice for decoration. And look at this robot design, it’s so impractical! It doesn’t even have hands. Unless it was a giant fish robot, I know that Eggman wouldn’t create a robot that couldn’t even hold a blaster or have some sort of bladed appendages.”
Sonic rubs the tip of his nose with his finger. “Hm, I guess you’re right about that, Tails. But on the other hand, we don’t have any other leads on who it could possibly be. Do we know anyone who might know a possible villain with an interest for weird mushroom decoration? Where’s Amy at?”
“She’s off doing reconstruction in Jasmine Town right now,” Tails replies.
“Hm, that’s a few days run at least. How about the Chaotix?”
“Last I heard, off solving a case at Casino Park.”
“Shadow or Rouge?”
“You know we can’t find them unless they want us to find them.”
“Well that’s disheartening. And we know that Knuckles is on Angel Island, so it’s not like he would know anything special.”
Just then, a foot kicks open the door to the lab, and a familiar red echidna barges inside. “Guys, I have bad news! Eggman is planning to steal the Chaos Emeralds! We have to stop him!”
Sonic raises an eyebrow. “Well, speak of Black Doom, we were just talking about you, Knuckles. A hello would have been nice, you know. How do you know Eggman is gonna steal the emeralds?”
“I got this letter, it’s a tip that Eggman plans to steal a Chaos Emerald in Chun-Nan soon! We have to hurry! Come on Tails, fire up the Tornado!” Knuckles exclaims.
Tails strokes his chin. “Chun-Nan? That’s halfway across the world. I feel like he would try to find something a little closer, right? Knuckles, let me see that letter.” He takes the letter from Knuckles and reads it over.
“Who gave you this letter, Knuckles?” Silver asks.
“Not sure, I found it on the ground near the temple. I assume it’s from someone who wanted to warn me about Eggman’s next plan. I had a gut feeling I had to take action, and I always trust my gut.”
“So let me get this straight,” Sonic says as he pinches the bridge of his nose. “You got an anonymous letter from someone that somehow got onto your floating island telling you to go halfway across the world? Is that about right?”
“Yeah, that’s the gist of it.”
Sonic, Tails, and Silver all look at each other with disappointment but not surprise.
Tails grabs his keys and opens his hanger bay. “Okay, let’s get into the Tornado. We’re going to Angel Island, everyone.”
Knuckles looks shocked. “Wait, why?! We need to get to Chun-Nan! Why are we going to Angel Island?”
“Because you just got duped, dude,” Sonic says with a small smirk.
“What?! What do you mean?!”
“Eggman totally hoodwinked you. He’s probably got the Master Emerald as we speak.”
“No way! I put the Master Emerald in a secret place whenever I have to leave the island!” Knuckles says, his face now red with embarrassment.
“Is it under the temple?” Sonic says with a raised eyebrow.
“Wait, how did you-”
“Yeah, everyone knows you put it under the temple.”
Knuckles is now fuming with anger. “That- that two timing son of a lizard! I’m gonna tear him to shreds!” He charges out to the hanger bay and climbs into the Tornado. “Come on! Hurry up!”
Silver shrugs to himself as he follows Sonic and Tails out to the plane. “Wow, and I thought I was manipulated easily.”
After a quick trip to the floating Angel Island, Tails lands the Tornado right outside the temple where the Master Emerald resides. Knuckles is quick to jump out and makes a mad dash to the altar. His entrance is followed by a loud “GAH” and a few swears.
The rest of the gang follows inside to find Knuckles on his hands and knees next to an empty alter. Sonic comes next to him and puts a hand on his shoulder. “Sorry, buddy. I know this sucks, but I’m surprised you got manipulated so easily. You’re not as gullible as that usually, what happened?”
“I- I don’t know… I just got a gut feeling and I just had the overwhelming urge to try and stop Eggman. I guess I just wanted to believe that I needed to help for the greater good…”
Silver looks over the scene of the crime. “Well whatever happened, it looks like Eggman was able to grab the Master Emerald thanks to your absence.”
Knuckles stands up all of a sudden and gets real close to Silver’s face. “You think I don’t know that, silver boy?! Don’t think you can talk down to me just because I made a mistake!”
Silver backs up a little bit. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean-”
“Don’t think that just because you have fancy mind powers and can time travel that you can act like you’re better than me!” Knuckles pokes Silver in the chest lightly, pushing him back into a wall. “I don’t need powers to pulverize you any day!”
Sonic moves in between Silver and Knuckles, pushing Knuckles back to give some space between them. “Knuckles, calm down! He wasn’t trying to insult you, he was just making an observation. Don’t take out your anger on him because of what Eggman did.”
Knuckles crosses his arms in annoyance. “Whatever. How do we even know it was Eggman, anyway? I could name a few treasure thieves off the top of my head, especially a certain batty burglar.”
“I’m not so sure about that,” Tails pipes up. “Come take a look at what I found on the ground.” He holds up a small red card sporting a familiar logo of a smiling mustached head, along with the words “SUCKER!” etched into the back.
“Yup, that’s definitely Eggman’s calling card,” Sonic says, taking the card and observing it. “He’s not the sneakiest thief, that’s for sure.”
Knuckles punches his fists together. “What a smug little-! That’s it! I say we march right over to his base and kick him in his nuts and bolts!”
“I wish we could,” Tails says. “But we have no idea where he’s located right now. He changes bases every few months, so he could be just about anywhere right now.”
A flirtatious voice breaks through the room in response to Tails. “Maybe I could be of assistance with that?”
Everyone looks up to the ceiling to see Rouge the Bat hanging upside down with a grin, as she jumps off and floats down the floor. “Long time no see, boys.”
“Rouge! What are you doing here?” Tails asks with delight. Knuckles looks even  more peeved now.
“I’ve been following Eggman around for a few days. He’s been a pretty busy man lately. Lots of Black Market purchases of illegal materials. I followed him to Angel Island, where big red here fell for a letter that he wrote in 3 minutes. I planted a tracker on his ship as he was stealing the Master Emerald, and when I saw that you all were on your way over, I decided to stick around for a chat.”
“Well that’s convenient,” Sonic remarks.
“Wait, how did you know we were coming?” Tails asks.
“I also might have planted a tracker on the Tornado. Maybe, maybe not.” Rouge winks playfully as Tails furrows his eyebrows.
“So, will you be able to help us at all?” Silver asks. “Please, we’ll need any information you can give!”
“I could, but sadly, my feelings are very hurt because of what the red meanie said about me.” She makes a eyes-crying motion towards Knuckles, who scowls in response. “Don’t you know it’s impolite to talk about a lady behind her back?”
“Tch. Don’t act like you’re so superior. You know you would snatch the Master Emerald without hesitation given the chance. You might be a spy, but at the heart you’re still a petty thief.” Knuckles crosses his arms and turns away from Rouge.
“Oh Knuckles, do you truly think so little of me? I thought we were friends, after everything we’ve been through together. And friends help friends, right?”
Knuckles rolls his eyes. “Ha! I know what that means! You want something from us, right? You would never help us out of the ‘kindness of your heart.’”
“Of course I would! I don’t want anything right now, I just want something the Doctor has acquired as of recently.” Rouge brings up a holographic image from her bracelet, showing an image of a round blue gem with a white star on the center. “We call this beauty the Hyperspace Sapphire. It’s a magical stone that, when harnessed properly, can transport the user across space and dimensions, spanning from continents to distant planets.”
“So you want us to secure this stone when we fight Eggman, and in return you’ll give us the location to his base?” Sonic reiterates.
“Bingo, blue.”
Sonic puts his arm out for a handshake. “Sounds good to me!”
Knuckles stands in front of Sonic before he can shakes Rouge’s hand. “Hold on! Do you really think we can trust her about this? Who knows what she’s planning to do with that gem!”
Sonic pats Knuckles on the shoulder and smiles. “C’mon, Knux, let’s have a little faith here. Where are we without trust, right?” He pushes Knuckles aside gently and he shakes Rouge’s hand.
Rouge smiles. “Thank you Sonic, I’m glad someone trusts me.” She pulls away and brings up an image of a location on a map. “The Doctor is located here, in the middle of a dense jungle. You won’t be able to land your plane anywhere inside, only on a town just outside.” She drops the image and begins to head for the door. “I might meet you there later, who knows?”
Sonic gives a thumbs up to Rouge. “Thanks a lot, Rouge. Glad we can count on you.” He gets an idea before Rouge leaves. “Oh, wait! Would you be able to contact Shadow to meet us there? He could be a big help to us, whatever we’re dealing with.”
“What makes you think he’ll help you guys out here? He’s not much of a team player, you know.”
“I know, I just thought he might want a piece of the action. Plus, I bet I could totally get there faster and take out Eggman before he could have a chance!”
Rouge laughs behind her hand and smiles. “You got it, Blue. I’ll give him a call. Don’t get your hopes up, though.” She says before sauntering out of the room.
Sonic grins as he looks at the other members of his team. “Well guys, are we ready to fry this egg once more?”
“I’m ready!” Tails exclaims with a jump.
Silver clenches his fist in a heroic way. “I’ll make sure that we stop Eggman’s plot and save the future!”
Knuckles crosses his arms and taps his foot. “I need to take some of this anger out on some robots soon, or else I’m gonna go crazy.”
Sonic nods his head with resolve. “All right! I just hope we can quash this issue before it turns into something big. Let’s go, everyone!”
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scnapersonal-blog · 8 years ago
Solutions in Resolution of Detail to the Aspergian National Independence Formation Question: Aspergia’s Cultural Suprastructure Defined
I am having another sleepless night, Comrades, of the Kim Jong-il style, in his trademark "solving of problems".
I potentially face an ambush in the September - December '17 period at St. Johns' hand, possibly placing me in a predicament of a rearrangement of care arrangements to somebody as abusive and horrifyingly torturous as Haselgrove. This places the fate of the Aspergians in a precarious situation, ala the hypothetical question of the North Koreans, "what had the 20th century taught us?" What will the 21st century teach the Aspergians if their leader was so easily captured, without valour, without the benefit of successful suicidal provisions to protect themselves (already covered), without the benefit of winning the right to write this narrative of our peoples, of our kind, to be delegated fraudulent by somebody whom, for all intents and purposes, is a black, heterosexual male, who had discovered estrogen and antiandrogens not to realise their gender or sexual identity, but just to get a few more 'As' on their certificates in that pathetically Mugabean overcompensatory style those negroids are all too famous for? We won't have an Aspergian century in which the lessons are taught by Cuntster. I'll ensure that with all of my heart, soul, passion, drive, energy, nervousness, apprehension, and wistful dream to see the future of Aspergians become rapidly brilliant in a course of the time set to consecrate Chac's dream of independence.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iA-MHnu69ic Our Perfect Rythm I had a little fantasy, non-sexual, to myself, of an interprative dance, "BOMB MUYONG" (Dance of the Bomb). It would be an interpretive dance of our successful development of nuclear weapons as we educate a generation and 3 of autistic scientific technicians set either to the music "Our Perfect Rythm", or the Wangjaesan rendition of "Heung Taryeong" (search 'Billy Zhu 8' for the latter, the TARYEONG MEDLEY which has it some time before Mong Kum Po Ballad and some time after Mulberry Ballad; search 'Our Perfect Rythm DPRK' for the former). Aspergian women will dance in formations of the nuclear structures for, in the successive development of nuclear technologies before and after us, Uranium, Plutonium, and Hydrogen, mixed with Korean traditional dancing motifs and Russian progressive choreographies; a 'MONGARAN' style coined by the Supreme Commander David Chac. Uranium dancing 'act' or 'phrase' will have two women carrying the banner "2030NYEON" (year 2030) for the completion of our development of Uranium extraction and processing, Plutonium "2040NYEON", and Hydrogen "2050NYEON", with their respective Juche years in brackets (or, we may have our own Juche calendar, Chac calendar, in which years will coincide with Chac 1 = Gregorian 1985 A.D.). It's a bit slow for nuclear weapon development, but we are slow, so I give due respect to the psychological characteristics of our people unless Flynn effect drastically improves autistic intellect upon independence, in which we may exceed our own expectations. These will accompany a backdrop of widescreen nuclear bomb attacks on major Rothschildean (London), Transsexual-Imperialist (Edinburgh/Livingston), Builderberg-Morganian (Washington D.C.), and other bases of neurotypical power, including the United Nations, to whom Chac appeals, as we speak, our request for the sequestrartion of territory Greenland from the Danes, seeing as our psychological characteristics roughly coincide with the native Eskimo peoples' there in terms of mean IQ and IQ profile, meaning we should integrate fine culturally, or at least coincide peacefully, with no prospect of extremist genocide. This is assuming we gain independence some time in the early 2020s. Aspergia will officially be an absolute monarchy with a Marxist economic system and isolationist policies, most of its agriculture, as explained before, substituted by fishing, and intensive farming on the Baffin Island territory we also request, as well as terraformation of Greenland to make more hospitable cold-weather crops, thereby constituting the Aspergian indigenous diet; like it or lump it, we must survive. I, for one, love tuna, so it shouldn't be an issue for me. Capital "Aspergia city" or "Atpeojanguiui-si" will be completed in the mid-2020s to early-2030s depending on the success or failure of five-year plans, or our need to revert to seven-year plans to account for buffer years to accomodate for our people's indigenous economic characteristics ("buffer years" are years of stagnant GDP growth where all the checks and balances of the economy in Marxist terms realign with each other so as to prevent bottlenecks; open a Marxist economics textbook and stop reading that Keynesian crap). It'll be a city of 500,000 - 1,000,000 capacity of mostly moderate-quality block-housing, interiors of average standard, acceptable by the standards of a population who mostly grew up in working class backgrounds, to our hope. Rudimentary train infrastructure also indigenously developed shall be created which will connected as thoroughfares smaller towns, cities and villages named after revolutionary martyrs; "Sophiya-si", "Dabid-si", "Raguna-ri", "Naet'an-pun", etc.; industrial belt cities of 50,000 - 200,000 inhabitant capacities each and built on the cheap mostly using concrete and last-generation copper-wiring for the electrics and telephonics. Our first train model will have a maximum speed of about 70 km/h, realistically, as we won't have electric power and must rely on steam from coal; Greenland has plenty of unexplored coal reserves. But it'll be ours, and a design we must be proud of. David and I jointly could probably draw the initial schematics ourselves; we did have an embarassing-to-admit obsession with them in our youths, myself through OpenTTD and himself through literary means. It'll be called "Death to the NHS model-1" (NHS-CHUKEUMUI IL; roman characters for the acronym of that health service retained), colloquially just "CHUKEUMEUL" (Deaths) to convey their purpose, that we desire this to be the foundation of our technological heritage through which other developments will follow in a chain of consequence of inventions to destroy transsexual imperialism (cause "death" to it) by nationalistic means. Given an estimate population with the IQ cut-offs for emigration of about 85, 3,000,000 initially if we are marketing our existence only to the Anglospheric world (as opposed to worldwide population of 20,000,000; most spergs are Chinese as would be expected and they'll eventually flow in like a stream as they admire the Mongoloid stylings of our culture), and an initial donation by the UN of $2-3 billion USD for initial infrastructural development, this will put our GDPPC starting point at $1,000, the very lowest end of middle-income countries just after the cut-off of heavy impoverishment. By purchasing power, due to non-existent inflation initially, this will be much higher, probably around $2,500. By world standards, this is a $10-dollar-a-day income and it will be absolutely perfectly subsistent for the majority of our working population. This will come in kind: ration cards, housing, education up to doctorate, free health-care incl. IC gender clinicianship using rudimentary forms of estrogen we synthesize ourselves, etc. We will, eventually, work out SRS, despite our medical students mostly being permavirgin wizards; I don't care if this means last-generation techniques, it's better than nothing. The visuospatial skill and dexterity of some of the spergs at least should accomodate for a specialization of this sort easily. We will be NHS-spurned transsexual and other healthcare system spurned transsexual Aspergian capital of the world for one thing. As custom, we renege on our former national citizenships whether that is recognized by their respective countries or not. This means, for example, Christopher Gillon does not exist in Aspergia, David Chac does not exist in Aspergia, and so forth, to the respective success of ending those citizenships in their respective legales. We will all adopt Korean names and titles; our language, a bastardized form of Korean with adopted Inuit linguicisms absorbed from the surrounding culture and our own neologisms creoled between English and this new Aspergian-Korean/Aspergian-Inuit for technologies hard to translate within the confines of these languages and/or out of laziness. (And I mean, Korean is the epitome of linguistic laziness; remember, I said 46 of their prepositions are 'ui'). Chosongul alphabet will be adopted and Hanja banned as is already customary in DPRK. We may become de-facto colony of North Korea for defensive reasons. The Aspergian flag will thus be the North Korean tri-colour of revolutionary star in 1/4 on the top-left, with the rest, the hypermale sigil in usual chromo-schematic motifs. We may become a colony of China if that proves to become problematic with regime deposition of Kim Jong-un. Nevertheless, we would retain our linguistic customs and then simply become a SAR ala Hong Kong on a lease lasting virtually indefinitely. English will 1) be known by our first generation of emigres anyway, and 2) taught widely as a second language in the schooling system for economic and familial-integration purposes, to more easily convey orally the traditions of abuses sustained by Aspergians in the west, although plenty of those works will be translated in our adopted language, starting with 'Final Retrospections' and 'The Wisdom of Autphag'. So it won't be an issue if you are too lazy to learn the lingua-de-jure; we will retain the lingua-franca. French, German, the Nordic family languages, Polish, maybe Russian (Chac and I aren't clear yet) etc. will be banned as neurofeminine languages. Dialects of Kenyan may be taught in intelligence operation schools for the obvious reason of getting dirt on Cuntster's extended family. Our special operations will be 'mzungas' in no time. Education system will focus primarily on three things: 1. imparting Aspergian traditional decorum, custom, and philosophy; 2. imparting philosophy in a more pure sense generally versus the rote-curricula of the West where examination will be by yangban style, pass/fail, ungraded but invigilated by "whether we like your style or not", to be judged by old hands in the philosophies; 3. a more objective and criteria-based science and mathematics curriculum more in accordance with the West, sped-up so that, e.g., Adv. Higher level Physics are taught by age 14, not 18-22 as is customary in the Occident. This is to accomodate for the ease of Aspergian intellectual boredom on an obsession subject at being taken too slowly a pace, although, for this reason too, those pre-selected for the STEM programmes will be identified of their obsessions at youth to ensure they've what Cuntster calls "staying power". This idea of Chac's is known as "processionalism". Primarily, due to this, subjects will gender-segregate themselves; males will mostly take STEMs, females the philosophies, and transgender-confused the traditional arts and customs ala Kim Jong-chul. We will abstain from international markers arguing they are irrelevant to our culture; STEM is a means-to-an-end of developing nuclear technology only, not to compete internationally. At age 18 this will all culminate in an exam, ironically, called the "ROTE-MEMORANDA" with all these 3 segments; tutoring to start after main-schooling ceases at 16. Crammed will be all the subjects departing from the processional manner of monotrough focus of their youths. There will be no school breaks and extended school hours; many schools may be residentialized for the purpose of encouraging shared social experience requisite for staying power and the morale for discipline. This is not common even in the DPRK, and a unique format of the Aspergian system. ROTE-MEMORANDA will have 3 grade bands: Chac-band highest, Sophiya-band moderate, Raguna-band 'bare pass', Cuntster/"Morgan"-band 'almost pass, resit' (which will over time develop pejorative connotations to dunce students), "Introman" being the band for failure. These will be set at grade-bands >80%, >60%, >45%, and >35% respectively. The grades will be weighted most heavily not on STEM-section; if you did well in that in lower-secondary youy will guaranteeably get a place in a military training college, it'll be on the philosophies if one wishes to attend a University of prestige, of which there will be 3: David Chac University, a Political-Science focused University. Sophiya University, an "esoteric Oriental philosophies" (read: Juche-Songun) focused University, with a small faculty for "gendered science" and another for "racial science". Cde. Nathaniel University, the generic third-tier toilet for everything else (although we will place the Diplomatics faculty here), but a Uni nevertheless. It will be very much like an American-style liberal arts institute. Where you're placed depends wholly on how one does on ROTE MEMORANDA, highest bands getting first pick of uppermost Uni, the moderate bands the second ranking down, the bare passes sent to CNU. Morganites will also be considered if there are mitigating circumstances such as class impoverishment or whatever. But, that is not to say someone who gets the David-band can't go to the liberal arts institute for Diplomatics; those will have higher entrance requirements anyway. And of course, for those who fuck up, there will be olden-style correspondence-by-mail courses. We're not Cuntster, nor are we the illusory SQA; learning will be for life, at your own pace. Degrees down from Bachelor up to doctorate will have infinite completion time allowances, career students are actually encouraged. They will receive moderate stipends, between a retiree and a veteran dischargee of the army; the bands will be specified in terms of ration, housing, etc. Homosexuality is officially illegal unless diagnosed officially "ego-dystonic homosexuality" by psychiatric doctor to ensure the person has moral capacity to consent to immoral sexual activity, know their inherent wrongdoing and are repentant for it. In Aspergian psychiatry there will exist a diagnosis "ego-dystonic transsexuality" or "Sophie's syndrome". Same rationale. There will be no arrests for "female impersonation" if one presents a gender contrariety to their birth and not baring this diagnosis; it'll simply be flagged to psychiatric professionals and treated ongoingly. Christine Weston Chandler, for exmple, will be embraced with warm arms by us, so long as she adhered to womanhood in our national style, our regal style, and the attitudes of our conservative, traditional decorum. "Progressive but stern and regulated carefully", in the ultimate analysis. This, the hodge-podge, hypocritical, diagnosis-tiered, neurogendered-privileged birthrite systems of the West are not. Whether neurotypical or Aspergian, LGBT-policy -- the acronym will be banned and all such maladies simply referred to as "sexual aberrances" -- will be applied equally before law and medicine. Study on such subjects is banned by Western institutes, with our own in charge of the new "sexual aberrance research" of the Final Retrospections style by psychiatric professionals most likely trained at the two lowest-ranking Universities. We will be considered a world power, either in nuclear science down the line, or, in the immediate, the reinvention of the philosophy of human rights in terms of the Juche independences per our aberrosexuality policies, world-class by every standard.
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