#i told you we're gonna jump around in the timeline a bit. don't worry about it
lowstakesvampires · 23 days
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encountering rune
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Dimensionals Project Sekai timeline chatroom part 1
[Hanaka]: Hey guys! I've got some fun news! I've made a new friend on school today! She's helping me with music lessons alongside everyone else!
[Akari]: Gratz Hanaka!
[Tsukine]: Now that's a big W!
[Hanaka]: She's also a big idol fanatic by the sounds of it-- that and she's an idol herself-- Hanasato Minori, does that ring a bell?
[Maroon]: Doesn't ring a bell
[Rin]: Hanasato Minori from MORE MORE JUMP? [Rin]: Wait hold on--
[Miku]: Wait that name and idol band are familiar to you too?
[Rin]: Maybe, [Rin]: Somehow I just know her, even though I've never seen anything about her before.
[Len]: You too? This is getting weird-- [Len]: We three know her name and band yet I never even heard of her until now.
[Miku]: This is weird...
[Maroon]: Actually, it makes sense when you think about it. [Maroon]: You guys might be experiencing this cause you're minds are somewhat sharing the other version's memories and vice versa. [Maroon]: But that is also a bit concerning, cause it could either mean that you and your other selves are gaining eachother memories and then later slowly make you become the other, or this world's versions of you guys have their minds in sync with yet another version of you guys.
[Rin]: ... [Rin]: Wut?
[Len]: he's saying that either we're starting to become more like the other selves, or we're starting to be synced to a hivemind, like a weird matrix thing you see in the movies
[Rin]: YUGH-- [Rin]: Then that means we need to get out of here-- at least we three! [Rin]: Yo big bro, portal us out of there!
[Maroon]: Hold on there, Rin. We're still safe for now. It's most likely minor things. But you're right, it's best if you three leave these bubble dimensions to prevent anything worse from happening. We can't have your other self gain the memories of your past mischiefs.
[Rin]: .... [Rin]: Okay, GET ME OUT OF THIS PLACE NOW!!!
[Hanaka]: Anyway-- [Hanaka]: She seems to have knowledge on what's happening in Lawain City. She also seemed to be concerned about you, Miku. [Hanaka]: I told her that she needn't worry about you. [Hanaka]: Man, how are we gonna tell Minori about all of this?
[Miku]: ...Hanaka? [Miku]: Do you have her address? Or phone number?
[Hanaka]: Not yet, why'd you ask? [Hanaka]: don't tell me you're going to contact her, are you?
[Miku]: Well do you have another idea?
[Hanaka]: Well Minori and I were considering hanging out around the city tomorrow. So we could have a three girls hangout?
[Miku]: And making her faint?
[Rin]: woah [Rin]: hold on-- [Rin]: You want to contact her? Remember, we somehow know her, so who knows-- maybe that's for a good reason.
[Miku]: But Hanaka said she's worried?
[Maroon]: Strangely enough Rin has a point [Maroon]: Maybe the other you knows her because these two are friends. [Maroon]: Not to say that I don't want to help you get to her, I think it's more important to find a way to get to her without raising any suspicions or weird her out, you know?
[Miku]: ... [Miku]: I think if I just try and talk to her that it'll help put her at ease. At the same time I can ask her a bit about the other me. [Miku]: Oh-- before I forget. [Miku]: Considering this weird situation, the whole cases thing going on in Shibuya and the fact that Minori knows me, do you think that she might be one of the 20 cases?
[Hanaka]: Hmm...Possible, but it's too early to jump to conclusions. [Hanaka]: Besides, trying to ask her too early about it, like Maroon says, might lead to a worse outcome. [Hanaka]: ..But I can try asking her.
[Miku]: That'll be a good idea [Miku]: Maroon, Tsukine, can you two keep an eye on the twins while I'm visiting Shibuya?
{Rin}: Hey, we're not kids y'know!
[Maroon]: Ofc-- [Maroon]: Hanaka, LMK when you've got an answer from Minnesota, okay?
[Hanaka]: Sure, I'll ask an entire country about it (☞゚ヮ゚)☞
[Rin]: hmm. The newest member of MORE MORE JUMP Hanasato Minnesota is sounding pretty patriotic right now
[Maroon]: RIN NO--
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djtheabishai · 1 year
What Do You Miss?
In this story, D.J. is with Diavolo, Brook is with Lucifer and MC (You) is with any other character besides those two and Simeon and Barbatos (They are gay together) With Luke being a no go as well, with obvious reasons why.
Dispite them both being half demon and half dragon, D.J. is going to be refered to as the Half Dragon because she takes after her dragon side while Brook is gonna be refered to as the Half Demon because she takes after more.of her demon side.
(Considering this fact and the history between the two species, it's a wonder the two don't fight a lot more often)
Barbatos is "Father" or "Father Barb" to the twins and Simeon is "Papa" to D.J..
D.J. = Diciria (Die-Siri-Uh) Joyce
I say Human Realm because it sound better than Human World.
Wyvgon is a draconic kingdom where Brook is Queen of. She's currently visiting her sister in the Devildom, who is the Queen of the Devildom.
Summery: You, Brook and D.J. talk about what you miss the most.
Sitting in your room at the table at the HoL, you, Brook and D.J. are talking.
"Luke has gotten better with his baking skills." You pointed out, pointing a cookie at the half demon before taking a bite out of it." "Yeah he has. If he keeps it up, he might even be better then the demon himself!" D.J. agreed. The three chuckled. "He's gonna miss Father when he leaves." Brook said. "He will miss Luke." You said.
"What will you miss when you leave?" Brook asked you. "Me? I ain't leaving again! I'm gonna be here till the end of time!" You told them. "So you're immortal now?" The twins asked. "Thanks to Solomon's food. I couldn't back out of it no matter how hard I tried. I should be dead from a freak accident months ago, but I'm alive!" You then mutter. "Maybe that's why he's immortal.." You ponder the thought for a bit.
"You know what that means right? Since you can't die." D.J. said, grabbing a cookie and pushing up her glasses. "That I can do whatever I want without facing death?" You say with a smirk. The half dragon chuckles. " That. And that you'll outlive all of us here in the Devildom. Except for Solomon and maybe Father Barb. So if I were you, I'd stick with Solomon, so I know I don't have to worry about him dying and leaving me behind. Poor Barb though. He'll eventually lose Papa." The half dragon frowns as her glasses slide down her nose as she looks at the table, making a sad dragon noise.
"Well that's a depressing thought. Thanks Diciria." Her twin scoffed. She lifted her eyes to her twin and gave a small, sad smile. " On the bright side!" You'll still have Solomon and Father can jump timelines to have his fallen angel!" Brook said. "Let's not talk about what we're gonna miss, let's talk about what we already miss! MC! Why don't you go first?" Brook tried to change the subject.
"I miss the days when I didn't have to face the fact I'll outlive everyone I've come to know and love....." You say in a monotone voice. Brook shot her sister a glare, who chuckld nervously. "Hey, not everyone." D.J. tried to comfort you. Brook growled and huffed, smoke coming from her nose. D.J. cleared her throat and looked away, whistling while pushing her glasses back up.
"I guess I'll go next!" Brook said, trying to be cheery again. "I miss days when me, D.J. and Diavolo were younger, we'd run around the garden, playing Hide-and-seek with Father. Or on days when Father didn't feel like making anything, (D.J.: Which was a very VERY rare day) he'd order out and we'd have a small picnic on the outskirts of the Devildom, on a very tall hill with a big tree that looked over the Devildom." Brook said, purple eyes lost in remembrance with a smile on her face.
You tried to picture a younger Barbatos, Diavolo, D.J. and Brook, playing Hide-and-seek and having a picnic. "He doesn't seem like the person to do that." You say. "He did. It sadly stopped because we got older and responsiblies started to kick in. I can't remember the last we had a picnic. Just the four of us." D.J. said, trying to remember.
"What do you miss, D.J.?" You asked her, looking at her to see her pupils expand a bit then turn back into slits again, showing she heard your question. She raised her hand to the back of her neck and scratched it.
"I miss..." She lowered her hand her lap, trying to figure out what she miss the most. " I miss my daily flights with Dia." She finally confirmed. "I noticed that he wasn't flying with you anymore a long while ago. Just exactly how long ago was it?" Brook asked. "It was before Nova came along and tried to ruin everything between us."
"Who's Nova?" You asked. "Diavolo oldest child. D.J. that was a century and a half ago!" Brook said. "You mean to tell me you both haven't raced in 150 years?!" " Yes! After Nova was dealt with, I was mad a him for a short while then he got super busy trying to catch up on paper work, then when the exchange program happened, we ... didn't have time anymore. He's so busy now. I mean, I love that I still have time with him but .. I miss our special times together." D.J. said, looking down at the floor, tears going her cheeks.
"I know how you feel there." Brook said, giving a small frown of her own.
"I still fly everyday. I have to or my wings can't support me. I fly with with the brothers time to time with Lucifer and Beel being the ones I fly with the most. Brook flies with me to the best of her abilities, but she can't keep up for the time needed because she herself can't fly because her wings can't support her. (Brook: But from I lack in flight, I make up in running!) I fly with Papa as well, but not as much." D.J. lists.
"I miss the company and the challenge. That's what me and Dia did. We challenged ourselves and the other to be better. See who can get to the finish first. Winner chooses where to eat between here, the Human Realm or Wyvgon, loser pays." The half dragon gives a small smile. "I'd love to have company, I don't care if they can fly or not. I'd carry them. I just miss the company." She says.
You look over at at the half dragon. "Have you already done your daily flight?" You ask. "Yeah, I have." She confimred. "Then how about you can take me on your daily flight tomorrow? Show me one of yours and Diavolo's race courses." You suggest. The half dragon lit up. "Really?!" She asks. You nod "Really!" You confirm, smling. "Thank you!" She thanked, jumping up from her chair, grabbing you and lifting you off the ground, crushing you in a bear hug.
"D.-J.. Y-You're crush-ing me!" You tell her. She lets go and you gasp for air. "I'm so sorry! Are you ok?" "I'm alright." You pant.
D.J. shifts her feet a bit. "I want to apologize for putting those thoughts in your head about being immortal." She apologizes. "It's alright, I was gonna have to come to terms with it sooner or later." You say.
D.J. looks at her sister. "I'll talk to Father and see if we can have a picnic like the old times. Just the four of us." D.J. said. "Well that won't be fair." You said. "And why not?" D.J. asks, turning to face you. "Because you're with Diavolo now. And I'm sure you and Diavolo weren't together on the last picnic you four went on." You pointed out. " No, they weren't." Brook pointed out. "Have him bring Simeon along and Brook can bring Lucifer!" You said. "It'll be a triple date!" Brook cheered.
"With our parents! Having one with your siblings is one thing but with your parents?" D.J. questioned. "Don't think of it that way, think of it as parents spending time with their daughters!" You told her.
"Alright fine. But you better tell Lucifer that we are not gonna be going as titles, but as family. " D.J. told her sister. "Don't worry, I will." She said.
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