#i told myself 'i'll keep it short. No rambling!'
pt XVI good omens season 2 (still not traumatic) episode 3 EDINBURGH
HELLO IT'S ME IT'S THE OFFICIAL GOOD OMENS MASCOT WHY DO I STILL KEEP INTRODUCING MYSELF IDK. If you don't know who I am, thank God and Satan for their mercy and flee. Also, the day after I post this, I'll be watching the last three episodes on livestream for the first time so. You know. I'm hyped on the energy of this being my last day not enveloped in tears. Take the summary:
Before the episode starts, someone asks why Crowley said in the last episode that Aziraphale couldn't fall because look at him, all angelic when Crowley looked the same as starmaker. I reply that "Crowley thinks he deserved it, he sees Azi as something beautiful and untouched while he probably sees himself as idk marked in some way so god kicked him down."
I am told that I am learning too fast to weaponise the narrative to induce angst. So then I say oh, I go too fast for you. Tears ensue.
The episode begins! Everyone shrieks about Edinburgh, David Tennant, how it is their favourite episode, and SCOTTISH CROWLEY.
We open with lesbians being gay, and then Muriel enters as Inspector Constable! They are very sweet and very determined to do their job right, and they are adopted by Crowley and Aziraphale just like Jim.
Crowley sits on Aziraphale's chair's arm. The maggots all swoon.
Fine, I also swooned.
Aziraphale gaslight-gatekeep-girlboss-mansplain-manipulate-manwhores his way into getting Crowley to give him the Bentley keys (BOUNDARIES. BOUNDARIES.).
The really ineffable plan is whatever the fuck was happening in Aziraphale's brain when he somehow went from London to Edinburgh via Loch Ness (check the map) and then proceeded to disguise himself as a detective who pretends to be a journalist.
Crowley slays in sleeve garters and a cardigan keeping house in the bookshop meanwhile, does not sell books, instead cleans with Jimbriel and periodically yeets book stacks into corners when distracted.
Aziraphale reads his old diary entries about Crowley, a (6000+) 13 year old with a crush.
MINISODE MINISODE. They are in Edinburgh during the mid 1800s. Victorian outfits, check. Scottish Crowley, check. Capitalist Karen Aziraphale, che-wait what.
Huh. Well. There's a wee bit of body snatchin' going on, to sell to doctors for medical research because there aren't enough murderers, and to make enough money to survive.
Aziraphale channels his inner capitalist judgemental Karen and ruins that plan, come on Aziraphale you have religious trauma but you're better than this, and long story short, Wee Morag dies after Aziraphale realises his error, her friend Elspeth has to sell her corpse for pennies, and is about to commit suicide with laudanum. Azi, oh god. I'm glad you underwent character development at least.
He calmly educates Aziraphale about how his whole "the poor have more opportunities and you shouldn't give them money or they'll lose the virtue of poverty" is absolute bullshit, and he does this understanding Aziraphale's situation and not losing his temper.
The framing. The framing of the shot when they see Wee Morag and Elspeth sitting down on a step and explaining their situation. Aziraphale stands above, bustling with righteousness, and judges them. Crowley sits down. He sits down next to them, rather than taking the high ground. He meets them where they are and empathises. It is the fact that he is fallen and damned that makes him behave really divine and sorry I wrote a whole hymn on him have it I'll stop rambling just know I love him.
I think his amusement is a facade so hell won't think he's genuinely being good. I think he's morally grey and incredibly brave and kind.
When Elspeth is bouta kill herself with the laudanum, Crowley grabs it and drinks it himself, and grows tiny and then huge, absolutely high off his head. David Tennant takes the opportunity to travel Scotland from east to west in terms of accent variety.
He gives us the good message of NO DYIN'. NO MORE DYIN'. IT'S NOT ON. And then forces Aziraphale (who doesn't want to ruin her virtuous poverty) to give the girl all the guineas he has in his pocket, and tells her to go off and start a farm or something. BUT NOT JUST PRETENDY GOOD, BE PROPERLY GOOD.
He then gets pulled into hell. To be punished for this. Aziraphale is frightened and heartbroken for him, looking around desperately, and we find out that Crowley didn't meet him for a while after. And later he wanted holy water. To protect himself? He got punished by hell. For how long? The whole month in between the incident and the diary entry? There can't be anyone better at punishment and cruelty than hell.
Sorry I'm just screaming here.
Never mind fuck I started this summary really happy and bouncy and listening to a dance playlist. Dionysus by BTS and Italian pop is still playing and now I'm crying.
Is this the natural progression. Fuck I'm crying. Sorry guys something else happens with Aziraphale politely talking to a phone and Crowley smiling really beautifully while unsuccessfully trying to manipulate two lesbians into a relationship and something about a visit I don't care everyone's being morally dubious as usual and then lovely Scottish music outro I CAN'T FUCKING ELABORATE I'M SITTING HERE CRYING OVER CROWLEY.
right summary done, time to go sob, lmao i thought i wouldn't cry today over good omens HAHAHAHA still not traumatic eh HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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thesoleilla · 8 months
I've seen your work on Chuuya x Reader, and it's so sweet. Could you do the Chuuya comforting reader who is very afraid of going to the doctor? The reader is stubborn and still doesn't want to go to the doctor, but Chuuya still insists on bringing her to a doctor, and maybe he uses a little bit of force. Thank you.
But I don't wanna go to the doctor! Chuuya x Reader
A/N: God this is old, picked it up like a year after, sorry I swear I'll work on my requests...someday
"This was pretty darn good, wasn't it?" Chuuya said, as you both left the movie theater
"Yeah, I wondered what all the hype was about, and now I know why, the Barbie movie is awesome!" You kept rambling on and on about the movie as you both left the theater.
But as soon as you passed through the door, a cold breeze hit you, surprising you heavily; you did leave the theater quite late after all...
However, Chuuya noticed instantly as you started shivering from the pretty strong wind, and he immediately started giving you his coat.
Except you knew he had an important mission tomorrow, and besides, you were tired of him always looking out for you! He needed to care about himself too!
"No no, it's fine, keep it on, I'll be fine!"
Long story short, you were not.
Yes, you had managed to get him to keep his coat on, which did take him repeatedly calling you stubborn for a while but it was worth it, you could show him wrong and exhibit that you could take care of yourself on your own!
....except you couldn't, and were now stuck in bed as Chuuya stayed home to care for you.
"Please, Chuuya, I swear I'm gonna be okay! Just go to work, I can care for myself..." the reoccuring coughs weren't helping with your credibility, to say the least.
Chuuya sighed, slowly getting tired of your persistance, "I'm taking you to the doctor"
You frowned, your eyes widening as you got more confident in your denial, "What? No...I am not going to the doctor..." You looked down to the floor, not knowing how to convince him. "Just...please...I.. don't wanna go there"
He frowned at your sudden display of panic, worrying "What's wrong with going to the doctor?"
You mumbled under your breath, looking around the floor in order to find something more interesting to dissociate about "This...this is going to sound silly. It's just..I've been afraid of doctors ever since I was a kid and...since I kept avoiding it it just...kept getting stronger"
Chuuya rubbed his eyebrows together, grunting in frustration before picking you up in his arms. "We're going to the doctor, whether you like it or not."
And after a ten minute walk of you complaining and Chuuya stating he won't even let you down because, "you're too sick to walk on your own" you got to the doctor. Instantly, as you noticed you were approaching the institution, your body started shivering on his own, though, Chuuya being here did help in calming you down.
But in the end, as he held your hand throughout all the steps, in the end it wasn't so scary as you thought. And slowly but surely, you finished the check-up, getting diagnosed with a mild cold, the doctor stating that there was no reason to be worried.
"See? I told you it wouldn't be that bad!"
"And I told you it wasn't anything major!"
A/N lmao this is so ooc help like all of these paragraphs were written a month apart from one another sorryzzz
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gemapples · 9 months
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see you in 2024 💗💗
very personal ramble about my year and experiences, etc. under the cut. kind of neg just a warning but if anyone would be willing to read it the whole way through i'd appreciate it so so much
2023 was certainly... a year for me. had many highs but a Ton of lows, went forward one step but took two steps back. i'd be lying if i said i didnt struggle and know what to do for a lot of it
i did get to meet and even become friends with people i look up to, got to learn new things i didn't know before. and one of the problems i noticed throughout this year is i spent way more time than i needed to focusing on my usefulness for others and what i can do for people rather than prioritizing myself and my mental health. i think a lot of problems i experienced in 2023 was due to me getting too caught up in how i'm perceived by others (especially on social media like tumblr). for 2024 i want to work on this and be sure to put myself first in every situation and be the best person i see myself as -- not overdo it for the sake of others. i'm going to try being more straightforward with myself and how i choose to approach people. i want to be more involved in this fandom and get to know more people who love kirby better rather than just hiding away and watching from the side like i have for many years, waiting for them to approach me first at some point. i made a lot of progress on this a lot in 2023 but i could always be better :')
regardless though, i wouldn't have been nearly as ready to get back on track if it weren't for the support you all have given me throughout this year. august and september were two of the worst months i've ever experienced; i won't get into it (if you know you know), but goddd was it harder than i can even describe. i've never had to go through something that resulted in me questioning my Entire artistic ability, my whole worth, and whether everything i've grown and learned from is just completely fake. i couldn't look at my work and all of my social medias without being completely disgusted and disappointed with myself. i'm in art student too, so you can imagine how fucking hard it was to balance and muscle through that as well lol. it was nothing but hell. if i didn't get the support i did from everyone, i can say with full confidence i wouldn't have been able to pick up my pencil phone and get back to drawing Nearly as quickly as i did. in fact, i probably would still be deeply effected by it and not have the motivation to continue posting for at least a long while. so i seriously can't thank you enough for that. all the words i was told still stick with me to this day and gave me a reason to keep pushing and learn to better understand myself
im tearing up as i write this so i'll have to cut it short LOL but i want to express how deeply it means to me that through all the conflict i've experienced throughout this year, you guys were there for me and were so generous to offer your time to support me and help me out. knowing i make at least one person smile and enjoy what i post is enough for me. hopefully 2024 will be easier on the emotional rollercoasters, i think all of us could use a long break from chaos really lol
thanks for everything and i love you
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pencilsonic · 2 months
kamijirou fluff part 1 out of probably 2
slight swearing, idk word count, fluff
denki strolled over to the section in the classroom where all the girls were, occupied by momo, uraraka, tsuyu, and mina, with the intention of begging for help.
"hey girls..." he slowly slid into an empty desk next to them and crossed his legs for added effect. "denki... what so ever do you need from us right now?" mina says trying to hide a laugh when she sees his legs crossed. "well i was wondering if a purple-haired earphone lady was talking to anyone right now. i had some special plans regarding her. not in a weird way... that sounded weird. i didn't mean for it to sound weird oh my god," he started rambling on about how he didn't mean for it to come off sinister. "she hasn't told us about anyone, so i don't think so?" uraraka shrugged in response, "but she's mentioned one guy she has a crush on but didn't say anything else about it. said he was in our class but that's all we got out of her, trust me we tried!"
"oh.. so what i'm hearing is i shouldn't ask her out on a date? like there's no chance she'd even look my way i don't even know why i'd ask. like she's too out of my league for me to even think that. yeah i don't know what i was thinking when i thought that i could even take her out," he was cut off sharply by mina's palm hitting the side of his face. the class went silent and everyone turned around to see denki clutching his cheek, "sorry, carry on!" mina says, which proctors everyone to just shrug and go back to what they were doing. "OW??" denki exclaims, still holding his cheek. "sorry you were rambling and i was sick of it," she shrugs and sits back down next to tsuyu.
"i say you should take your chance! break is soon so if she rejects you, you won't have to see her for a week!" momo says in a cheerful tone, which makes denki sulk. "thanks guys," he turns to walk away and nearly runs into someone. the purple-haired girl in question, actually. "oh hey jirou!!" he started awkwardly laughing and definitely sweating too. "hey denki, what were you guys talking about?" she said as she walked past denki to get to her desk. "uhh i don't know! wasn't listening! sorry, bye!" he ran off to meet back up with kirishima, bakugo, and sero with mina and uraraka giggling as he ran off.
"bro why are you out of breath, we're inside," kirishima asks when denki finally makes it back over to them. "i just ran away from a horde of zombies you guys better be careful!" he got out in between breaths and finally could stand up straight, which didn't last long because bakugo punched him in between his ribs for making a dumb joke. "so did you get anything out of the girls?" sero asked once denki was done wincing, "uh, yeah i got that she has a crush on someone in the class but they don't exactly know who. so if i ask her out i would make a complete fool out of myself."
"okay denki, let's think about it," kirishima starts to say and take a deep breath before finishing, "who would jirou like in 1-A?"
"todoroki, iida, tokoyami, ojiro, sato, bakugo, izuku, sero, kirishima, mina, momo, uraraka, tsuyu, hagakure, koda, shoji... i can only rule out mineta and aoyama," after denki finishes his long list of names kirishima only sighs.
"you forgot someone other than mineta, and aoyama," sero says and earns a confused look from denki. "you, dipshit," bakugo says with his hands stuffed in his pockets. denki didn't even have to use his quirk and he looks like he short circuited, "you think so..?" he says in the most questionable tone you could use.
"bro just ask her out and see if she likes you back or not, yolo!" kirishima drops his hands on denki's shoulder in an effort of giving him some confidence.
"yeah i'll think about it later."
"okay, i'm gonna text her and keep you guys updated. got it?" denki says to sero and kirishima through the phone, "alright man, good luck!" kirishima said in his speaker, followed by sero, "when'd you even get her number?" he quickly hung up the phone and went to type in jirou's number. he was hesitant to send the first message but eventually just sucked it up and sent it.
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after he finished texting jirou, he went straight to his group chat with bakugo, sero, and kirishima.
denki: GUYS!!!!!!!! U WONT BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kirishima: what happened bro dont leave us on this cliff
sero: pls spit it out we're all dying rn
bakugo: what
sero: wtf dym BASICALLY.. u either are or ur not
denki: i asked if she wanted to go get food this wekene dand she said yes tso basically we are right.... shes also sending me the englihs hw i forgot we had
kirishima: thats definitely a date bro! just a watered down one
bakugo: it's something alr
sero: go get her tiger!!
(this was like thursday night and i'm skipping over friday getting straight to the weekend, thanks! >_<)
denki woke up with more energy than ever. minutes after waking up, he grabbed his phone and shot jirou a message.
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he had two hours to get ready, and do whatever he wanted. in those two hours he sat on his bed and watched the time tick by as slow as ever. he was already dressed and completely ready to go, all he needed to do was stop by the store before he got to the cafe and he was ready to see jirou. and eventually, when the time finally came, he got up and started to leave.
okay i'll do part two tomorrow/later td and can we pls look over the fact i had the text colors backwards idk what i was thinking pls
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reikunrei · 9 months
Sorry, but how would it be a disservice to Will’s character for him to have powers?
i have to spend some time articulating my thoughts about this better, and i am currently planning on watching the show again to do some proper analyzing about the details of it and whatnot
HOWEVER the long and the short of it, imo, when it comes to my opinion on powers being a "disservice" to his character, i instantly think of how he, at his core, is a purely nonviolent character. that's something i think most people agree on, and this is shown by the way he always runs, hides, or deescalates a situation rather than choosing to fight (i'd argue that the closest we get to him "fighting" is when he tells the shadow/mf to "go away" but, obviously, that didn't work)
when we see powers in the show, they are, first and foremost, presented as a weapon. now, i don't think that the powers themselves are inherently meant to be a weapon, that's just how they're "useful" to Brenner and hnl/that's how El uses them to keep herself and her friends safe, so that's the lens we've most commonly seen them through
could Will have powers that aren't weapon-based/similar to how we see them presented in the show? absolutely! and i should say that i'm not against Will having powers. there's a lot of evidence that potentially points to him having powers that's impossible to ignore, and, done right and done well, i think it would be super cool (i even have a lot of thoughts about that opening s1 dnd session where he's choosing between casting protection or fireball, and how, rather than his powers being something he could wield, like a fireball to cause damage, he has something more akin to a "shielding" ability)
however, and i guess i could have made this more clear but also it was just a stupid jokey post so why should i have made it into an essay, i suppose that i often jump to "i don't think will should have powers" because the fandom likes to give Will powers like El or One, in which he can throw things around, or make him control the shadow/mf, or has some sort of ability that he can use against the shadow and essentially winds up putting a weapon in his hand, and i think that's stupid
as i said at the top, we're shown time and again that Will is a nonviolent character. in the s1 shed scene, he has the gun in his hand, ready and loaded, and he can't pull the trigger. i'm even tempted by the idea of him having/gaining powers, only to refuse to use them at all, but that's just me having fun speculating. because we're shown that, even when he has the resources and capability to do something, he can't bring himself to actually do it
another big factor for me is that this kid has been through hell and back several times over. he's Seen Some Shit. and yet, he remains the sweet, kind, quiet, sensitive kid we were told he was at the very start of the show. he very well could have become hardened and cold and jaded, but that didn't happen (mostly by virtue of having as excellent a support network he could have asked for)
and i have a lot of thoughts on this specifically in how it ties in with Henry being the sort of "blueprint" character for El and Will, but i can't quite articulate my thoughts on it at the moment in a way that won't seem ramble-y and weird and all over the place, so i'll save that for another time. but it's something about his experiences changing him, and how Will is shown to have not changed after his experiences in the UD and his experiences with the shadow in s2, and he continues to not change and that's always framed as a good thing/most everyone can agree that him becoming a "hardened badass" would be a bad turn for his character and wouldn't make sense
so, just based on how i've seen people talk about his powers in the fandom, and how he'd basically be wielding this big powerful weapon to beat Vecna once and for all... it feels weird
but i guess i'll just stop myself here otherwise this answer will become way too long when i meant to keep it short!! oops sorry!! i have a lot of other thoughts about how this sort of thing ties in to his relationship with Mike, how any sort of "arc" he has involving powers is/was already covered by El, and how i feel like his purpose as a character in the grand scheme of things is to remain as he is, "unchanged" (tho like. obviously he is changed by his hardships. the trauma he has is No Joke, but you get what i mean) by any hardships, and to be an example of someone who can defeat evil without needing to be hugely overpowered
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Her Song part 14
"Syd? Babe, I'm home," I call out as I enter the apartment.
"Hey, Y/N. She's asleep in her room."
"Headache?" I ask. Ash nods and I sigh. "Thank you for picking her up from school."
"Don't mention it. How'd it go?"
"Well, we talked, we fought, and then we almost kissed but I told her I can't kiss her if she has a boyfriend," I recap glumly.
"Good for you. But also, you should've just kissed her."
"Ash," I whine. "You're not making me feel any better about this whole situation."
"Right, sorry. What do you need?"
"A nap. And whiskey."
"Okay, that's easy enough. There's Crown in the cupboard. Pour yourself a glass. I'm gonna go. I love you," she says, grabbing her jacket and keys.
"I love you, Ash. Thank you."
"You're welcome, bitch," she winks, closing the door behind her. I pour a glass of Crown and quickly down it before setting the glass in the sink.
I change into shorts and a hoodie and tiptoe to Syd's room. I sigh when I see her curled up in a ball under the covers, a wet washcloth resting on her forehead. I grab the washcloth and change it out for a new one, then slide into bed next to her. I listen to her steady deep breaths to assure myself that everything is fine. I have my little girl, and everything is fine.
By the time I wake up, it's dark in the apartment and quiet in the city. Well, as quiet as a city gets. Syd is still asleep, so I check her temperature before leaving the room.
Turning on a lamp so I can see, I find my phone on the counter and check the time. It's almost three in the morning and I have a text from Florence.
Can we do something tomorrow? Just as friends. Syd should come too. I just want to see you.
My heart melts a little at her text and a small smile graces my face. I don't know if it's the best idea to keep hanging out with her, but I just want to spend time together. We can stick to being friends, right? We're not doing anything wrong.
Me: Sorry, I fell asleep and didn't see your text. That sounds great. Syd and I were gonna go to the museum tomorrow, if you wanna join?
She answers almost immediately, and I briefly wonder why she's awake so late. But, then again, I'm awake too.
Florence: I'd really like that. Where should we meet? Me: the shop at 10? It's a short walk from there. Florence: I'll see you at 10 ;)
A wink? Why is she winking at me? Don't wink at me, we're just hanging out. As friends. With a child present. Don't wink at me.
I begin typing out a message to the group chat, but then remember what time it is and decide against it. I don't think Scarlett and Lizzie would be pleased if I texted them at three in the morning.
"Syd, honey, get up. We're going to the museum with Florence."
She mumbles something incomprehensible and I shake her again. "I'll make you whatever you want for breakfast."
"Not hungry."
She hesitates before opening one eye. "Even crepes?"
"Fine, yes. I will make you crepes," I agree.
"Okay then," she says happily, jumping out of bed.
"Unbelievable," I mutter as she skips into the kitchen, wide awake.
I force her to go get ready while I cook, effectively destroying the kitchen as I do so. There are dishes and batter everywhere, but I finish plating some crepes just as Syd comes back into the kitchen.
"Can we go to the park too? And get ice cream? I wanna show Florence the fishies in the pond under the bridge," Syd rambles as we eat.
"Only if Florence wants to. She might have other things to do today, remember. I take it you're feeling better?"
She nods, her mouth full. "'M not sick anymore, Momma."
"Good. Let me know if you don't feel good, okay?"
It takes a miracle, but we make it out of the apartment and to the shop in time. We sit inside while we wait, since we got here a few minutes early. "Hi Florence!" Syd yells, hopping off the countertop. I turn, watching with a smile as they hug and Syd begins gushing about ice cream and the museum and the park.
"I'd love to get ice cream with you, Syd. We can spend as long as you want together," Florence says, although I think she's partially directing it at me. "Are you ready to go?" she asks me, looking up through her lashes from where she crouches on the ground next to Syd.
"Yeah, let's go."
"I'll lead the way," Syd declares, marching out of the shop. Offering my hand to help Florence stand up, we quickly follow after her.
The little demon child bounds ahead while we hang behind, walking next to each other. I can tell that neither of us quite know what to say.
"So do I get to know why Wanda, Natasha, and Yelena are in a movie together?" I break the silence. I've been wondering what they're filming this whole time.
"I can't tell you that! Have you not heard about the Marvel snipers?!" she exclaims.
"Oh, right right, my bad. Wouldn't want you getting taken out," I play along.
"I'm not sure I believe you."
"Oh really? I don't let just anyone come to the museum with me, Miss Pugh."
"Well then I'm glad I made the cut."
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gren-arlio · 1 year
Are all of these gonna be character specialized? Maybe, not sure myself.
Welcome to Episode 6 of (Tottemo) Waku Puyo Extras. (Feat. A lot of Kikimora.)
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(Yeah, this time it's not from the Waku Puyo Manga, but from the Totally Puyo Puyo Manga. Or the Tottemo Puyo Puyo Manga, either name works. I swear the Waku in the title is losing more relevance as time goes on.)
Hello, one and all, it's that guy who translates a niche video game here again, and welcome to Part 6 of (Waku) Puyo Extras, the filler section where I ramble about something Puyo related and give some old evidence to back it up. I know I'm a little late, but hey, that's high school for ya.
If you've been keeping up with this filler show of mine, you know that I typically post about a character, have a small video to translate, and...idk something wacky. And today, you'd be a little mistaken. Unfortunately, due to time restraints, I wasn't able to really...do a short video. My apologies. I did say that my schedule would be really messed up due to school, and now I'm finally feeling the effects.
To make up for it, this'll what we cover today:
Some stuff about Kikimora because why not, she's been in so many videos and episodes that she deserves it. I'll speak about things like her origin, Waku Puyo Dungeon: The Video Game, and the Waku Puyo Manga.
Talking about a Disc System Game. At least the one that has Kikimora.
Talk a bit about the Tottemo Puyo Puyo Manga. The thing itself mostly shows odd Puyo SUN characters, so people like Lagnus are there.
From now on, expect a lot more inconsistent posting. Obviously I'll post still, just...not as often. Hope you understand.
With those precautions and tales told, hope you enjoy.
Ah, Kikimora Lore.
You don't exactly expect a lot from this character, and frankly, I don't blame you, but I'm here today to speak about our (probably not) favorite maid in Puyo, Kikimora. If you've seen my posts, you noticed that she appears quite often in translations and random stuff in general, even though she's usually a minor NPC. Won't be covering every game she's in, but I'll mention a couple.
So, what're her origins?
Well, it's not SUN, actually. Surprisingly, it's Madou Monogatari: Michikusa Ibun, released in 1994. Here...she's just kinda an enemy. Nothing more, nothing less. Quite a simple introduction.
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Now, we reach the introduction that most people know her for, Puyo Puyo SUN, which was released in 1996. Here, you meet her in Arle's storyline, where she's just cleaning, as per usual. Why outside is anyone's guess, but after seeing Arle walk along the sidewalk, she legitimately sweeps her off the ground, and then runs around with her, who's in shock. I mean, I'd be shocked too.
So, 2 introductions in and she's put...nothing special in these, to be frank. Maybe she really isn't that gre-
Holy shit I'm actually speaking about Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon again.
As the local Waku Puyo guy, fortunately and also unfortunately, there's...actually a good bit to speak about with her, which is fairly surprising.
First, she's in every single route, and you don't exactly fight her. She's an usher who helps guide people around the area and tell them what to do and where to go. Here... she actually does have a good amount of character compared to back then.
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(Image of her and the entire map of the game, featured in the games manual.)
Here, she partially retains her cleanliness personality, but she's now awfully kind about it, I'd assume it'd be for professional purposes but still, power to her. She isn't as...angry, as her past self, (I'd count Puyo-N because she did get really upset that Arle called her old.) and even in the Waku Puyo Manga, she's still very much kind to Rulue when she runs into her, merely giving directions of where she saw Satan.
And back to the game itself, she's a little more than just happy and angry, she thankfully unlocked more of the personality skill tree and got the ability to be sad as well. Throughout Schezo's storyline, there's moments in times he calls Kiki useless for not being able to help her, and as anyone would, gets really sad about hearing that, and in some situations, starts to cry, causing Schezo to apologize. It's fairly interesting how they basically gave a character with little screentime back then not only the screentime she got, but to expand on it to feel multilayered as well? Nothing short of impressive.
The final game I wish to cover is a bit of a niche one; Kikimora's Clean-Up.
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Usually with Disc System games, there's a good bit to talk about, but unfortunately, this ain't one of the games. The game stars Kikimora, and your goal is to...clean the floors. Simple enough, while having a Pac-Man like feel to it.
There's several floors and the goal is to get all the green, icky stuff out while avoiding enemies. You can launch your broom at them, taking them out, but you won't be able to clean until you get the broom again. Getting hit makes you lose 30 seconds, lose all your time, you lose a life, and if no lives, game over. It's actually more difficult than it seems.
Finally, after a lot of floors and possibly dying, you finally face the final boss of this game: Black Kikimora, who makes the floor dirty.
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After beating her, congrats, you've beaten the one game Kikimora is the protagonist in. Give yourself a pat on the back and maybe some lunch.
Unfortunately this game doesn't have much in terms of lore, but it's an enjoyable game nevertheless. Here's a link of some gameplay.
Now how about the Tottemo Puyo Puyo Manga? What is it?
I'm glad you asked. To compensate for being unable to publish a video for y'all, I decided to speak a little bit about this goofy manga. So what's it about?
Unlike the world of Waku Puyo, this doesn't have a full storyline but rather sporadic storylines that have absolutely nothing to do with each other. They're purely on the comedic side. As well, the designs that were chosen, along with the artstyle itself, are based on Puyo SUN, what with how the characters' designs are drawn most notably Arle, Schezo, and Lagnus.
Since the storylines don't connect and are all separate, characters can pop in and out like nothing ever happened, or just...randomly waltz up like Lagnus himself did. (Which I cannot show because 10 image limit.)
Here, featured is Kikimora getting an injury from making a mistake, and Arle heals her before telling to take a break for half the day, SHOCKING Kiki. She starts saying how some areas aren't clean, and Arle volunteers to help, which makes Kiki beyond happy, and leads to us getting Arle in a maid suit trying her best to clean.
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Unfortunately, due to that said 10 image limit, I cannot post a lot at once. (Wish it was like 15 instead,) but honestly, I'd recommend it. While you might not understand what's properly going on, (Believe me, I'm there to a point.) the visuals themselves kinda make up for it, and hey, if you do translate them, there's a 90% chance there's an incredibly silly and funny story to go along with it, like Schezo somehow making an amusement park. (My favorite Foreshadowing; The ones in gag mangas.) I'll post a link of some of the books here.
Hopefully this'll suffice. Again, my apologies for not really posting a video, I'll have one done sooner or later (aka about 2 weeks.)
Here's the final 2 images I've been saving up.
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(Minor context: Kikimora kinda lured Arle into a job before surprising her with a party.)
With this, that'll be all this time.
See you next time.
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tam0111 · 2 years
Clementine x gn!reader
Part 2
Warnings: Swearing, spoilers for season 3 and season 4
Word count: 1340
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Name) groaned and slowly opened their eyes. They were looking at the ceiling.
And they were on top of something soft. A bed? Where are they? They slowly got up and hissed. Looking down they saw their shirt was raised, bandages wrapped around their abdomen, and red splotch on the left side.
Right, they got shot.
Raising their head from the wound, they looked around the room. A venus trap was sitting on the cupboard, along with a vase with dead flowers in it and a lamp.
Throwing their feet off the bed, they took a deep breath and stood up.
"Oh fuck." They stood there waiting for the pain to subside. When it did they started looking around the room again. They saw a huge shelf with skulls stored on it. One was human while the rest were from different animals.
They really hoped someone didn't keep their enemies skull as a souvenir.
The wall on the left side was decorated with various drawings. Some of them looked like they were done by a beginner and others looked like someone more skilled drew them. It was pretty good.
One drawing stood out to them in particular. Two figures, one holding a gun and killing Muertos (at least they hoped it was Muertos).
'For Clem frum Aj. Me protekting Clem. Cute.'
(Name) went to touch the drawing and that's when the door suddenly opened.
Startled, they looked at the doorway, and there stood a kid.
"Um, hi there little guy." They said warily.
He beamed and ran to them. "You're awake!"
"You were hurt pretty bad when your group arrived at the school, and and then Ruby patched you up but said she didn't know when you'll wake up." He rambled.
"Uhuh. Yeah, It must have been...pretty bad I guess." He nodded at that.
So they were in the school. Thank god.
They stood in silence so (Name) decided to break it.
"So what's your name little dude?" They asked crouching down.
The boy smiled "I'm AJ! Your name is (Name) right? The others told me." They nodded and pointed at the wall with drawings on it.
"So you're the one who drew those." AJ nodded frantically "They are pretty cool. You're super talented."
He beamed "Thanks. But I'm nowhere near as good as Tenn. He is an artist and I'm becoming one."
"Nah, I'd say you're an artist already. I'd even say you're the next Picasso!" They smiled at him.
He looked confused "I don't know who that is."
"Well, why don't I tell you while you bring me to my people? Sound good?" He smiled again.
"Come on."
"So he was the best artist in the whole world?!"
They laughed. "Pretty much yeah."
AJ looked up at them with big eyes.
"You think I can be the best artist in the world one day too?" His eyes were sparkling at this point.
"Well you're an amazing artist now so imagine what you'll be like in a few years." (Name) smiled.
They turned the corner and AJ pushed the door in front of them open.
"They're awake!"
(Name) entered the room, all eyes on them.
'Well this is awkward.'
"(Name)!" Gabe ran to them and pulled them into a hug "I thought you were going to die!"
"Don't worry. I made myself a promise that I'll die after you." They chuckled, hugging him back.
"Are you okay? How are you feeling?"
"The more important question here is...which one is she?" They snickered looking at the girls in the room.
Gabe groaned and pulled away.
"You gave us quite a scare kiddo." Tripp ruffled their hair.
They chuckled "Sorry. I'll try to actually use my spidey senses next time and avoid the bullet."
Then a voice with a southern accent spoke up. "How are ya feeling?" It was a short girl with ginger hair.
"Like shit but that's nothing new."
She shook her head. "You probably shouldn't have gotten out of bed yet. Could break the stitches and those aren't easy to do you know?"
"I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you're Ruby." She chuckled and nodded "Thanks for stitching me up."
"Oh don't mention it. Come on sit down. You shouldn't be standing." She patted an empty spot on the floor next to her.
They thanked her and sat down.
A boy with dreadlocks cleared his throat.
"I think introductions are in order. We already know your name, (Name), so it's only fair."
"Here we go." The blond-haired girl groaned out.
"I'm Louis, the most charming and handsome fellow you will ever meet." He pointed to himself, winking at them.
"This mean-looking girl is Violet, and before you ask no, she doesn't like purple. She may look mean but she is a softie." Violet rolled her eyes and kicked Louis in the arm. He ow-ed but continued anyway.
"You already know sweet Ruby here and right next to you is Tennesse. Tenn for short." A boy next to me smiled shyly.
"He is an artist I told you about!" AJ exclaimed.
Louis pointed to the door. "In the kitchen, you'll find our chef Omar, the best chef there is."
"Little guy over here is Willy." Willy smiled. "Don't ask him why he got sent to this school, trust me you don't want to know." He looked offended at Louis.
"Next to Ruby is Aasim." Aasim nodded his head at me. "Now I know he is good-looking, not as good as me, but he is taken by Ruby so don't throw yourself on him." (Name) snorted.
"Good to know. Well, um, it's nice to meet you all." They smiled
Then the door that they came in flew open and in ran a dog.
(Name) gasped "You have a dog!"
The said dog came up to AJ and he petted it, the dog's tail wagging happily "Her name is Rosie."
"Don't try to pet her, she almost bit my arm off." Gabe said.
They started laughing "Damn, even the animals don't like you." Gabe flipped them off.
"I told you. You shouldn't have tried to pet her without her getting to know you. She isn't a fan of strangers." A voice from behind (Name) said.
They turned around and saw a girl.
A very pretty girl to add. She wore a cap on her head, worn out. What stood out the most about her was the prosthetic she had on her left leg.
"Holy shit."
The girl looked at them irritated "What?". (Name) looked up at her "Nothing! Just. Well. You know. " They pointed at her leg.
"What about it." Her glare intensified.
They felt like dying.
"I was just thinking you know" they stuttered "holy shit she has a prosthetic how did she survive and shit."
They laughed nervously and continued rambling.
Javier coughed "(Name) you should probably stop."
They nodded and turned their back to the girl.
"Don't mind them Clementine, they are an idiot." Gabe told the girl, now known as Clementine.
"Oh fuck off Gabe." They rolled their eyes and looked at Rosie who had her head in AJ's lap.
Clementine started to speak "I went to check out the site where you were attacked. Whoever attacked you was long gone." She went and sat next to AJ.
David shook his head and cursed.
"You think it was the Delta?" Tripp asked Clementine.
The girl shrugged "Couldn't be anyone else." Then she looked at (Name).
"How's your wound?"
They gulped "Um it's good. Ruby did a great job at stitching it up."
AJ looked up at Clementine "They told me who Picasso was!" She smiled at him.
"Oh yeah?" "Yeah! And they said I can even be as good as him one day."
She looked back at them. They just noticed how pretty her eyes were.
(Name) looked at Gabe. "I get it now."
Violet looked at them both "Get what?"
"Nothing. I'm gonna go get some air." They got up and walked out of the room.
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hello!! may i please be shipped? preferably the outsiders, but i also know/like hazbin and atla if you think i'd work better with someone there. also, is it possible to give too much information? i feel like i rambled bad while also giving you nothing, so sorry!!
i'm genderqueer (they/them), but generally really feminine in body and fashion. i'd consider myself queer, *heavy* preference towards men and i'm on the aroace-spectrum (grayromantic and sex-neutral, i just need extra communication mostly).
fairly short, standing at 5' 2" without shoes but i wear a lot of platforms. usually i'm 5' 6" in public, haha. my eyes are a really soft brown, and i have a fairly round face. my hair is brown, but that kind of ashy brown that people who were blonde in childhood get. if the light hits it right and i get enough sun, it still gets goldish. i use to have a wolfcut/shaggy mullet but it's grown out a bit so now it's just awkwardly choppy and hits my collarbone. hopefully i'll be motivated to cut it soon, but depression has struck, so... anyway, i'm fairly thin and petite, nice hips but pretty generally average. conventionally attractive in a "plain" way if i cared to shave everything and play with makeup, but usually i don't because i'm totally cool with being attractive in less conventional ways. on most days, i wear leggings and either sweaters or crop tops depending on the weather. i've had mad body issues my whole life and am just starting to get properly comfy with my relationship with food.
i'm an *extreme* introvert. not into people at all, usually. i keep a very small circle, the people that i like are everything to me. when i do like someone, though, i'm extremely affectionate, even platonically. i'm also autistic, i tend to ramble and infodump for hours and i am extremely hostile about changes. like, i get angry meltdowns. usually i'm good about communicating when i need to step away and you won't see me go beyond irritable and quietly fuming, but push me and ignore my warnings and things will be thrown and i probably won't be the only one in tears when we're done. i get mean when cornered. something i work on and there are multiple verbal warnings before i get there, but it's how big stress hits me. i have a really sarcastic, dry humor. a lot of people have told me that i come off as really rude and cold at first, but i'm really just quiet and focused and when you get past that i'm good. i have high expectations for myself and others, *mostly* myself. i'm hardworking when i am working for others, but when it's for myself i just don't have the energy. i'm really socially awkward, i don't really understand friendship and am always genuinely taken aback when people call me their friend. i've been called extremely logical, which i find odd since i'm so sensitive and emotional. though i guess people mean i can logically and clearly think things out even in the middle of being very emotional, which is accurate. usually, i'm very much just happy to be here. like, i genuinely don't have opinions on dinner or activities or whatever, i'm just happy to do something. unless there are plans being actively broken by it, i am super go-with-the-flow... which means i avoid plans like the plague so that i can stay that way.
my main interests are the death industry, food, history, and kink. sex work and kink, and death are my special interests, and i will talk about both at great length and utter random. i want to learn to pole dance, but there are no classes near me and i dont drive. also, i'm personally athiest, but i find theology so cool due to my love of death. what happens when you die, you know? i'm more into the funeral side of things, though. i adore cats, spiders, skunks, and bats. currently, i have 2 cats. they are my babies and i would kill and die for them. rain is the superior weather, i love going on walks during storms and sitting outside in the rain. i like most history, but i especially love 1950s-80s and the loose medieval/renaissance era type of fantasy settings. which is fantasy, but i'm considering it history because of how much history research i do to daydream about it, haha. the renfair is something i look forward to every year, it's my very favorite place.
my hobbies include drawing (but i almost never do... dang depression), hiking, cooking, playing checkers and pool (only games i don't suck at--), and researching my interests. i watch an ungodly amount of video essays, tbh. my search history could probably churn stomachs based on the rabbitholes my special interests take me down, and how often i've been uelled at for sharing fun facts. in theory, i'd like sewing, reading, and gaming. for reading and games, i get too overwhelmed and stick to audio books and watching let's plays. sewing i get mad at, i love it when i can force myself to do something simple but i try to get ambitious and i get frustrated and drop it for a year.
i smoke/vape socially and drink occasionally. i cut my own hair (poorly) because i refuse to spend money on something i can do myself and i don't really care if it turns out janky. i don't drive because it's too overwhelming and i will stress myself into a delusional state, i don't think i'll ever get a license. big time caffeine addict, i will throw up and pass out over it.
i try to give off ghibli, grandparentcore, cozy vibes. i say as i give you all of my angry, gnarly, nasty traits, haha.
Your Outsiders Ship: Sodapop Curtis!
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Explanation: starting off with looks, I think that he would love you from your soft round face to the fact that you looks so unique and your style and gender identity I just think that he would love that he would eat it up because he’s also the most feminine greaser for a guy and I don’t know. I just think that he would love the way that you dress and he would also like that you’re short he would definitely tease you a lot about being short like whether that means lifting you up to show how small you are doing other things like that he would he would do It. He thinks you’re absolutely stunning and really loves your hair and how awkwardly choppy it is. I just think that he thinks it makes you more unique and he doesn’t mind that you don’t shave or wear it make up. He just thinks that it’s one more thing that makes you really Pretty. Also, he would be very supportive of eating disorder recovery. I feel like he’s the type of God to consistently check in with you and make sure that you’re eating all right and would definitely make specific foods for you. He would also constantly buy you food that you like, working extra shifts at his job in order to make sure that he can make a special meal for you. I personally think that your dynamic would be extremely cute because he’s the opposite of you where he’s a very much social butterfly. I definitely think that Steve is his close friend, but he is a lot of friends around like he’s the type of person that could go into town and see at least 20 different people that he knows and he’ll like wave to them and you’ll be like who’s that and he’ll go into like a short story of how he knows that person he’s definitely that type of person and I just think that you guys could maybe help each other like you could help him with his people pleasing tendencies and he can maybe help you Step out of your inner circle a little bit to expose yourself to more people. (Not violating any social break boundaries ofc) he loves how affectionate you are and I definitely think that he would be one of the only people that would be able to calm me down whenever you’re having an angry meltdown like I think he would be very supportive and he’s extremely optimistic, so I feel like he wouldn’t get back at you and he would be one of the best people to have around for it. He will never push you or ignore your warnings. That’s another thing. He’s amazing at respecting boundaries and I feel like if you let him know about something he would definitely stop. He’s also pretty hard-working and even though you might come across his little bit cold at first, I think he’s definitely the type of person that would try to break the ice and joke around with you at least until you like him because like I said this dude has people pleasing tendencies and if he thinks you don’t like him, he will put a lot of his energy into trying to get you to like him so yeah I mean that’s personally how I view soda. But I feel like that’s one of the reasons that he’s kind of able to break past that layer. He would find many of your interests fascinating and if you went to a long ramble about him, I’m sure he would listen to every word and then I feel like he’s the type of person to try and bring it up with his brother at dinner and if it’s something particularly like gruesome or gross, they definitely have to shut him up because he still trying to talk about what you told him earlier earlier that day. I think you guys have really deep late night conversations about what happens when you die or things like that and I feel like he would have like the craziest most specific theory ever if you’ve ever seen the good place then you’ll know this reference, but there’s that one guy that like guesses a lot of what’s happens when you die in the good place universe and then he’s like famous in the good place and I feel like that would be soda pop Curtis. he would also get along really well with your cats even though he’s definitely more of a dog person and probably prefers them. I feel like he just loves pets in general would get along with your cats
And cuddle them with you. He would love going on hikes with you, and I think he would also adore that you draw, and if you ever drew something of him or inspired by him, he would cherish it forever and just be so in love with it. Also, you should do your make up on him. I think he would love that if you did eyeliner on him I just think he would look so good in it and I think that he would I don’t know just rock it. In Canon, you should never bring this man into a kitchen, and I stand by that it will just end up being a flower fight or something like that you will not get anything done and whatever you’re trying to make will have massive amount of food coloring. He doesn’t really like reading himself, but if you ever listen to an audiobook around him or read to him, I think he’d love it. Also, he loves your special interest already mentioned, but I feel like he would be interested in those topics as well. You might have to break some things down for him but once he gets it, I feel like he would put in an effort to talk about it with you. I feel like he would try to get you to not smoke or drink as much and if you were with him, I feel like you wouldn’t you wouldn’t do any of that stuff as much as usual. Anyway, I actually really ship you guys and I tried to make this long and worthy of all the information you got me so 💚💚💚 I also apologize for the wait
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jimimn · 2 years
I'll try to keep this short ❤️ I love this album so much 🥺 And I think I told you that Alone would destroy me and it really did... And it's also my favorite from the album. I can't really explain what I feel when I listen to it, but I always have this tightness in my chest. I had it when I first listened to it and I had a feeling the lyrics would make me cry and they did. It really brings me back to my quarantine days... and not to the better ones. It really has that choking, depressing feeling that quarantine had. I really love his singing in the song too 🥺 He sounds amazing, so gentle, so soft, and yet very strong (I'm literally contradicting myself but anyway)
I really liked Like Crazy too. The mv was amazing, and I read so many theories. Most of them were kinda the same, you know with the woman also representing him. Both the English and Korean versions were done so well 🥺 interlude: dive ❤️ his introduction from the busan concert❤️ oh, and the transition between the songs? Him having a drink at the end of dive, and then like crazy having this "being intoxicated in a club" vibe, and alone starting with an alarm clock... I'm obsessed with this. Also I'm SO SAD letter is only on CD 😭😭 Like I understand why, but Jimin 😭 It's my second favorite from the album, and after listening and crying to Alone, I cried to Letter too 💔 The parallels with blue & grey 😭 Shivi, the urge to get a lyric tattoo from alone or letter 😭
Also I still don't know if he's singing "please me" during Like Crazy and we will never know and it will bother me forever 😂 But anyway. He did such an amazing job, I'm so happy he could finally release this album. And I'm so happy he said he got to overcome and heal from these feelings.
Ps. Let Jimin curse on TV okay thanks that's all ❤️ -🦋
putting it under read more bc i rambled lol <3
i love it so much too 🥺 oh and same, alone took me back to my own quarantine days 😭 i was stuck at a relative's place for three months and my aunt wasn't very good to me. i used to cry alone a lot and that was when i had found bangtan :( they really saved me :( and alone took me back to all of those feelings i went through back then before I found bangtan 😭 everyone's stories are so different but im sure so many people related to alone 🥺 (and no i get what you mean by gentle and soft yet so strong, and i agree) i absolutely LOVED face off too. his voice in face off his so addicting and those high notes damn 😭
and like crazy is a fckin bop ✋🏼 RIIIIGHHTTTT i loved the mv too the colours in the mv .. *chef's kiss* (this is me speaking from a gifmaker perspective btw, i thought the mv would be impossible to colour properly but I had so much fun colouring it and I was satisfied w the results gdhfhdjhfdj ANYWAY thats not the point fghdjfhj) AND PLS TEH THEORIES. SO GENIUS. AND THEY MAKE COMPLETE SENSE TOO. yes yes yes you're so right the transition and connection between the songs truly genius 😭😭😭😭 ALSO LETTER!!!!!!!! YES !!!!!!!!!!!!! im obsessed please it is SUCHHHHH a beautiful song 😭😭😭😭 i cried to letter too 😭 its my new song that i fall asleep to 😭 it was with you before this hdjhfjd. its so beautiful and jikook's voices go so well together and they sound so beautiful 😭 and god it being a hidden track and starting at 6:13 of like crazy english version on the cd just .. it just feels sooooo personal and full of love 😭😭😭 i really wish it was on spotify too but I downloaded the song and added it to my playlists through local files thing on spotify 💖 omgomgomg anon you should definitely get the tattoo!!!! <333
i will believe it is "please me" and run with it 🧘🏼‍♀️ and me too 🥺 the album is so so good im so proud of him 🥺 right, im happy this album helped him to let go of those feelings 🥺
pls you know when they reviewed face off alone and like crazy three days ago and said face off wasn't eligible (?) i thought they totally dropped smf from music shows bc 1. they didn't review it along w the other songs 2. and i thought maybe they didn't review it bc it was already known that it has cussing and i got SO SAD that they wouldn't perform smf 😭 and i was confused too bc bighit did say in the notices that he would perform the prerelease track and the main track. but i was relieved yesterday when they said he performed smf 😌 anywayfddh im dumb. i can't wait to see the performances heheh <33
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derangedthots · 2 years
Hiiiiiiiiii lovely writer author jacemond wife,
I hope you don’t mind me asking but I got curious about your writing process for FTF & CTF. Like you’re very much aware of where your fic is going what inspired it and already know what would be spoilers and what isn’t for us your in love readers. I hope it’s not a bother to ask and if you don’t wish to answer that completely understandable. I just wondered how you planned out the universe and plot for this ship so effectively and efficiently.
Also i can’t remember if you ever tagged it or not but was there going to be like angst in this fic? (Not asking for like tagging reasons but just because I wondered with Aemond’s personality we’d be getting dumb blond brooding and grandma Vhagar two days away from kidnapping Jace and Aemond to an island and flying away. Targaryens and their emotional constipation feelings about family)
Hope uni is treating you good and Jacemond treats you better!!!
hello my love😊🥰
it's not a bother to ask at all!! (though probably not that interesting to hear haha) i have an overactive imagination that has a tendency to make connections really quickly and if the material i'm working off of is anything based in fantasy, that ability only compounds lol. my brain will make large connections (i.e. major events i want to write/read) first while also running smaller details in the background and the longer i leave both to sit and marinate, the clearer the narrative becomes. it's all very chaotic by nature so i'll try to keep as much as i can organized on a good doc - since i can always delete certain plans later - and just keep reminding myself of where eventually i want the story to end up.
there's a lot of scene/plot planning that happens but i also try to leave myself a lot of room to play outside of stuff i KNOW needs to happen bc i don't want the fic to feel bogged down or like i'm just crossing things off a list. i mentioned in my ch2 author's endnote that i like giving my stories "room to breathe" bc i want them to feel organic rather than mechanical. hitting the right emotional beats is really important to me (what are humans if not highly-emotional beings after all, isn't that just terrible and beautiful?) so there's a lot of internal deliberation abt how characters would respond & react to certain things that i think abt every day in order to avoid the pitfalls of treating them less like complex people and more like hollow puppets on my strings. when i write, i aim to imbue my fics will life and life can lead us down unpredictable, frustrating roads haha
taking all that into account, it's pretty much why i don't have a set update schedule. i tried to do the monthly thing releasing the first ch of CTF a month after FMF but it became clear almost immediately that that wouldn't work just bc, by that point, the story had grown too large for me to tell it the way i felt it needed to be told in such a short time. plus uni responsibilities factors into it too and updates get postponed even longer than i would ever want them to (boo👎🏼👎🏼)
and research, a lot of research goes into me planning these fics lolol and often times bc i haven't read f&b i have to cross out ideas and change certain details i previously (incorrectly) believed and/or don't wanna keep
oof that was so much rambling again😂 but to answer your second question, for some reason i thought i already added the angst tag to CTF and clearly just forgot. ik you said you're not asking for tagging reasons but for me personally, it was v irresponsible of me considering jace has already had at least 2 panic attacks at this point and well...everything else. tagging my fics appropriately is important to me bc i never want to trigger anyone unnecessarily and i know we all have diff thresholds when it comes to how comfortable or uncomfortable we are with certain subjects. i'll add it here in a bit, thank you for reminding me!! it's esp. important bc yeah...there's definitely going to be more angst moving forward...no spoilers tho my mouth is sealed🤐😶‍🌫️
i hope life and jacemond treats you AMAZINGLY😚💕💕
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axels-corner · 2 years
If you like to please ramble about your oralie kenric coffee shop au
I've been waiting for someone to ask me!!!! So I came up with this idea when I was in computer arts, and I kinda ran with it. It's kinda evolved past just a coffee shop but, the Lost Ciites are all chains of coffee shops, so like Eternalia is one, Ravagog is one, as well as where the rest of the species live, but in the back of the Lost Cities theres other shops as well, so it's like a coffee shop entrance and then behind is the mall, and there's also an entrance on the other side.
and the baristas are the councilors, and Oralie is the new employe for reasons revealed when it's released, there's also another mystery that I'm not going to reveal here (I love mysteries that get revealed as a series goes on and I currently have two major ones in here), and Kenric has to train her.
Some of the events of the books will be in here but changed a little, and not in order (some of them aren't going to be as violent as in canon? I'm not sure how to describe it) Like the flood in Ravagog I'm playing with the idea of it being a water gun fight.
Also Bronte still has elf ears here! (Reasons to be revealed)
I have the basic overarching plot mapped out I just have to write it and figure out the smaller arcs.
At longest the first chapter will be out by August, but I'm aiming for at least June if not earlier, I just want to give myself a little wiggle room, also I don't want to post it without all the chapters done because I have a bad habit of forgetting about series (looks at old summer camp au, and portrait series)
But I'm super excited to be able to share it!! I plan to announce progress updates when I finish each chapter, and choose a line to go with it, I'm working on the second chapter right now and it's sitting at around 2,700 words so it's one of the longest things I've written already! If you have any more questions feel free to ask! I'm taking advantage of the snow day I got to try to get the first five chapters done. if you have any more questions feel free to send them in!! I love this au, I can't promise I'll answer them all the way thoroughly because I want to keep some mystery but I will do my best
Also here's a quote from chapter 2 "Long story short I told them not to eat raw cookie dough, they ate the raw cookie dough."
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nbwriteschaos · 2 years
my 2022 reads in short reviews/rambles (1/3)
so i finished 2022 with 9 books! i know that's nothing compared to a lot of avid readers and writers, but to me it's like a miracle. i never have the time or the motivation/energy to pick up a book that much, so i'm giving myself alllll the credit for that. so, in honor of the new year, i'm gonna give some "short" "reviews" that i keep writing on a whim at 3 am for with only my memory for reference :) enjoy
COLD: Mariko Tamaki. 3/5 "(Y/A) A novel about a shocking crime, shared from the ghostly point of view of the victim, and a girl who just wants to know why all of this has happened."
OK SO. i'm not one to read murder mysteries, so this was a first for me. i think i found it and read it very spontaneously through my library app, enthralled as it was like the only lgbt+ available to be read immediately and i was desperate. i found todd's (one of our very important main characters!) point of view incredibly captivating. it was interesting to see things told from a... ghostly side? that's not something i personally have ever seen before in a novel and i loved it. each character had an individual reason for being a part of the story and they were all unique and written quite well! i found the investigators really fun to keep up with. the only thing i really noticed and was bugged about considering that it was my first murder mystery read was that the outcome with the killer was easy to predict after viewing other characters point of views. besides that, the way queerness, homophobia, justice systems and death was handled was so delicate and just... great compared to many of the lgbt novels i've read that just seem to fall carelessly flat about these very real, very serious issues. the ending came pretty quick, but i found it satisfying enough to close the book and feel as if i was leaving an old friend on-- melancholic-- but good terms.
THE DARKNESS OUTSIDE US: Eliot Schrefer. 5/5
"(Y/A) Two sworn enemies, alone in space, neither remembering how they got there, just that they must continue scrambling to fix up a spaceship to finish their voyage, save a sister, and find a new planet-- a new home."
let me tell you. i have a lot to say about this book, and i don't think i could ever stop. even after a year, i am still thinking about this book. it is a masterpiece. from the cover to the writing, to the characters to the plot and plot twists-- this book has got me quite literally fucked up. i'll try to keep my rambling to a minimum here, but honestly, don't even read the reviews. don't read the descriptions and blurbs and summaries etc etc. just get this book and read it because it's best to avoid any sort of spoilers at all costs. you probably hopefully won't regret it. from the very beginning, i was flipping page after page, completely intrigued and full of questions. the detail in the writing is incredibly vivid and beautiful, yet also straight forward and to the point. it leaves room for the appropriate questions, but answers to the ones that should be obvious enough. and i'll be honest, that's what i need in writing, because i need things spelled out in great detail for me to understand. i found that by the end, this book does this quite well. the characters are written with such attention to detail, with care and interest to who they are, who they were, and who they will be. they both have their own challenges and goals, and the complexity of their relationship is so... Good. it's not fist clenching, eye rolling, painstaking hatred towards each other where eventually they just start liking each other and kiss for no apparent reason. it's a real example of coexistence and maturity despite differences, and shows incredible examples of how character, relationship growth and dynamics should work out in stories. i will say, the soft character x super strong mean character trope always gets me, so maybe i'm biased. idc. the plot works with them so well too and continues their growth both individually and relationship wise and i'm OBSESSED with that. and you know what? the plot would have worked without any romance at all. if anything, i think romance was the least of the books concerns. it was just a cherry on top. the plot moves through events quick, but said events keep going. this isn't necessarily a bad thing at all, in fact i think that's what makes this book so great. the pacing is amazing for what is delivered throughout the story and it keeps you on your toes, wondering through tears and smiles and confusion and sheer horror, "what's next?" over and over and over again. and the ending. oh boy. it really is just like *chefs kiss*. i think this book really hits the nail on the head for everything i enjoy, and god DAMN did i enjoy this.
"(Y/A) After moving to New York City, August deals with her fair share of strange roommates, a diner job with strange co-workers, and the unending feeling of loneliness that she's become comfortably accustomed to. However, when she meets a girl on the train who looks like she's been taken straight out of a 1970s punk rock magazine, everything seems to get impossibly stranger... and a little less lonely."
i'm not going to lie, this was a hard one for me. contemporary young adult is just not my thing, and it took a few spoilers and reading of reviews to convince me to continue forward, which i definitely don't regret! one last stop is a big ole liar right at the beginning, convincing you that you're in for a typical y/a lgbt gen z type romance and then delving you (somewhat) feet first into strange happenings. immediately, i was more intrigued by the side characters than our main character, august. she was relatable, yes, but i found her lacking just a bit. her roommates, however, seemed to have a lot more depth and interesting storylines that definitely could have been expanded on. their humor and relatability hit close to me, as well as their dynamics and interests. i found that they kept the plot moving, as it seemed to drag on until we eventually reached a serious plot point involving our second main character, jane, which i will not spoil!! jane is a great character, also. i found her backstory very interesting and intriguing and immediately wanted to see and learn more about her. i loved seeing the representation of queer politics drawn into her character, and it really inspired some of my own characters as well! she's pretty badass and i loved her for that. i think the discussion of queer politics, especially involving sapphic women, within the entire book was great and eye opening and something you never ever see even in wlw specific books. to even see the word lesbian in a book had me like crying and screaming because you just never see that. it definitely is a sole cause for my rating of this book to go up. i also really liked the humor, again contributing that to the roommates, and i was constantly screenshotting snippets of the jokes and references to send to my friends. the ending was good, though i think it could have hit a little bit harder in other ways, but i was overall happy with it and don't regret reading this at all!
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theyarebothgunshot · 2 years
since we're talking about friendships and all that, let me present to you all: Ladybug Anon's Relationship Drama™! (a.k.a. oh this is definitely not gonna resolve itself anytime soon lmao)
so the gist of it is that i'm in a friends with benefits relationship with the person i have feelings for.
to put a long story short, we've been really close friends for over a year, and it's always been of the sometimes flirty, homoerotic variety, and i caught feelings. and then last february they got a boyfriend. and after some brief heartbreak, i was totally okay with it, and i could let my feelings go.
so months passed like that, and then she mentioned in a group conversation that she was actually reluctant at first to ask the guy out, because 'it was a pretty sudden realization of feelings, and there was also this girl...' and i was like. no way. no fucking way. but apparently yes way cause then they told me that it WAS me and i was sitting there just like. huh. that's sad. oh well!
and then in september they and their boyfriend split up. and for a while i was trying to convince myself that it didn't make anything different, but then our friendship doubled down on the flirtyness that it's always had, and i fell for her again.
and so about a month ago, we were talking at like 3 in the morning, and we were jokingly suggestive, and then suddenly it wasn't joking anymore, and so they came over. and we talked about feelings and stuff, and they said that they're not really in the right place mentally for a relationship, and i promised them that i won't let my heart get broken by them (cause they were worried about that), and then we hooked up, and decided that it doesn't have to be a one-time thing.
and the thing is that like. i'm pretty okay with all of it. like obviously i would be happier if we were together, but i'm honestly happy with how things are, because it hasn't affected our friendship either (though that's something i'm still a little worried about lol). but sometimes i'll just think about it and like. well this sure is a. situation nsfshfd
i am aware that this sounds like a fanfic or a soap opera plot btw nsfsgsgdts i swear if my life keeps being like this i'm gonna start to think i'm the main character lmaoo (sorry for getting rambly it's just. a long and complicated story lol) 🐞
ooffff that sure is a situation!! but i feel like, as long as you are sill okay with it and enjoying it, i am obviously happy for you for taking the step and having a good time with someone you are into <3 i will be crossing my fingers for you that it will all work out well in the end (however that may take form)!!
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jklovu · 2 years
I would like a matchup for Homestuck if it's open.
I'm 6'5 and i dress in a very dark way [metalhead fashion] or in a horror like way, wearing mostly all black with spikes and chains etc, i also have a scar on my left eye. I have curly black hair that's extremely fluffy and light red circles underneath my eyes. It makes me look sickly, but it has always been there like genetics or some fucking chitinous clustergarbage.
I am very crabby, moody and hotheaded. I spend a lot of my time insulting and ranting about shit i find hilarious or interesting, often times rambling or complaining. I'm extremely short-tempered and will become enraged with anything although sometimes i can be comical and childish.
I am one foul mouthed motherfucker, i have a habit of cursing, either regular swear words or the most absurd sounding swear words come out of my mouth. (E.G. : “you blithering feculent shithole” “primitive fuckjam” “putrid shitsmoking cretins” “you dickreeking undulating fuckass” “fucksquatting pain in the waste chute” “heinous ravaging trash" “reprehensible sanctimonious jitterfuckery.”) I am completely incapable of uttering a single word without fucking cursing.
I also tend to be very loud, i have a hard time being aware of my volume or adjusting it. I also go on heavy romcom binges, my favorite one to binge is 50 First Dates, Of course there are others i like to binge.
I am often screaming, pounding my fists against inanimate objects out of sheer fucking anger, or generally raging when talking to anyone. I'm not particularly patient when explaining myself, most of my advices seem to be just a massive wave of random insults along with sarcasm and heavy emphasis on it.
Despite my nubby asshat demeanor, i care deeply for my friends' well being, i will genuinely cry if something happened to them. I do litsen to their problems and comfort them in my own way and attempt to keep everyone safe. And despite my rash behavior, i do have a sense of morality and will occasionally do the right thing any normal person would do.
I also have a knightly persona despite my constant use of profanity, any chance i get to act like a knight I'll take it. In a relationship i would literally just obey my partners orders like an actual knight to his queen/king. I would also kiss their knuckles while kneeling down, i study arachnology and carcinology.
I'm also a huge fan of Shakespeare, I'll occasionally use it in a comical sense or when acting as a knight.
i match you with....
Karkat Vantas!!
Tumblr media
(icon from pesterquest-sprites on tumblr)
loves getting you little accessories for your fits <33
tbh he probably backs you when you insult someone
"and dont you dare forget i what i told you greasy dickwind."
you and him cuddled up together in the middle of the....night?.....day? idk... but you and him cuddled up watchin romcoms ughhh
acts all annoyed about you (hes is down HORRENDUS)
kiss his knuckles and he might just pass out.
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mavspeed · 2 years
Hi faerie_ground/ Desi,
I'm writing this in your ask box because for some reason my DMs are being stupid and not opening. My name's Kai, I go by Shearmouth on AO3, and I've been a rabid follower of "cloaked" since I found it around chapter 4's posting. I've already left you several reviews, but I wanted to reach out and let you know again how much this story means to me, and how grateful I am to you for creating it, so you can have a loving message from one of your readers to take into the new year (and on your much-deserved hiatus!) with you.
Trigger warning for CSA and its associated shittiness.
When I was 10 I was molested by a very close family member. Due to life circumstances, I didn't really have a way to get away from this person, and the response of my primary caregiver at the time was to kinda sweep it under the rug. Luckily it didn't happen again, but the body keeps the score and all that. 10 years later, during covid, the trauma started surfacing in therapy. I've spent the last 2 years working on it. I have been told by the same caregiver I confided in when it first happened to keep it to myself, don't talk about it, keep the peace in the family. There was a long time where I felt deeply broken, tainted almost. Like I never truly would heal from it. And I was so angry that it ever happened at all.
Though I've made tons of progress since then, I still find enormous catharsis in fanfic featuring sexual abuse and recovery. A few stand out, but yours is at the top of the list, despite being barely half posted. I've said it before but I'll say it again– your handling of the subject matter is nothing short of masterful. This is heavy, heavy shit. But you manage to say it out loud and look it in the face in a way that's both agonizing, and deeply moving. Maverick's reaction to his abuse is familiar to anyone who's gone through something like it, I think. The shame, the terror, the dread. Feeling like you've been dirtied beyond hope. That your friends and loved ones see you reduced to only what was done to you. And the rage. All that rage, with nowhere to go.
Maverick feels all this and more, and in the beginning it was torture to watch him go through it alone. As Ice slowly earns his trust again and works his way back into his heart, we see Maverick starting to let him in and lean on him. And Ice, flawed and frightened as he may be, is showing up for Maverick. He's standing by him through that terror and shame and rage. And we're seeing Maverick soften into it and accept that love from Ice.
So many people don't get that. So many people go through this alone, from start to finish. I was lucky. I have two amazing friends who stood by me, and a few excellent therapists. But even with them, working through this has seen me lonelier than at almost any other point in my life. I can't imagine how hard it is for survivors who truly don't have anyone. But here we get to see Mav accept the help, and start to move toward the path of healing. Ice, of course, can't fix this for him. But he can have his back. And that is invaluable. He's there for Mav even when Mav is being pissy and scared and angry and all the nasty emotions one tends to feel in the wake of such a traumatic experience. Thank you for giving that to him, and vicariously, to me. I can't wait to watch them heal, separately and together.
I'm rambling a bit, but the point is this: the story that you're making is incredibly profound. It's expertly executed. It's gripping and moving and heartbreaking. And for me, coming to it with my history, it's extremely cathartic. I'm so grateful to you for putting this into the world. Thank you.
I wait with bated breathed for the next chapter (even tho I'm scared, wtf does negative comfort even MEAN AUGH IM FRIGHTENED), and I'll be counting the days until February or whenever you come off hiatus! I hope you enjoy a well-deserved rest from this beast, and in the meantime happy new year!
Love, Kai
HIII putting this under a read more cos it got long. general trigger warning for discussions of rape/non-con/CSA
first off can i just say. i am SO SORRY I TOOK SO LONG TO GET TO THIS this ask legitimately did not show up in my notifs. i had the shock of my LIFE when i came on tumblr web and realised i received 2 asks from you. lmfjgfjfjffj tumblr.............
second of all there is no need for an introduction (this may sound creepy) but i know who you are i really look forward to seeing your comments on cloaked you have no idea!!! each comment is like a balm to my soul i recognise every single one of my regular, semi-regular, dying-but-hanging-in-there commenters lmao i love yall serious
third!! this ask moved me to tears. seriously seriously SERIOUSLY it did i had to run off to the bathroom at work and then run back bc my work is a deadline-based hellsite. ANYWAY i am so sorry you went through that, you should never have done and these situations just remind us of how horrible and awful some people can be. im so glad you're seeking help for it right now, that's the right step and im so proud you had the courage to do it!
as for everything else- im also relieved that this story resonates with you! truth be told i was nervous about posting the first chapter bc its such a dark subject matter and we know what purity culture is like these days. don't discuss sensitive issues, don't put it in your fic, etc etc etc. i have my own opinions on these but in all honesty, cloaked was just going to be a straightforward retelling of tgm in tg86 squad's perspective until i came across a story handling rape/non-con..... not well. at all. and its not the first fandom ive seen this be handled in a way thats... just not to my liking, lets leave it at that. so believe it or not cloaked came about half out of spite and half out of personal reasons (i think i said some of it in my reply to you lol)
anyway thank YOU for sharing your story with me and please believe me when I say you're not alone!! a huge part of cloaked is the arc of mav coming to realise he doesn't have to deal with his trauma by himself. he has people around him (not just ice), and eventually, they push him to get the help he needs (is this a spoiler? nvm idc lmao). trust me, i put careful thought into it for a reason! thank YOU for realising it and coming to terms with it :') you're definitely not alone and anytime you feel as such, seek out help! my dms are always open too :D
also i feel like i don't need to say this but once again any form of way you use to go forth in your recovery is so so valid. if you wanna read my fic 1000 times over or others dealing in this content to get a step ahead, please do so. if you wanna ask me for personal headcanons/thoughts/etc in the cloaked verse specifically, please do so. im always ready and willing to talk!!
this reply got so godawfully long to end it off... i don't know which point you're at in the process of your recovery, but i hope you get the healing you deserve, which you do very much. thank you for being so brave to share your story <3 i sincerely hope cloaked ends in a fitting way to make you proud as well lmfkgjkgj ahhaha insert high-pitched nervous laughter
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