#i thought the motor oil was just funky syrup and we put it on our waffles
vidawhump · 6 months
Welcome to the lower-middle-class ingredient house! Your options for dinner (or any meal, honestly) are:
Dry pasta
Chocolate chips
Stale tortilla chips
Suspicious apple
7 years expired freezer shredded coconut
Raw oatmeal packets (we ran out of milk again)
Spoonful of peanut butter (we also ran out of bread)
Chocolate syrup
Used motor oil stored in the syrup bottle that looks exactly like normal syrup (with the exception of being slightly watery and tastes like shit)
Day old rice and room temperature mangtomas (its a filipino thing)
Dry plain cereal (still no milk)
Lunch meat
Granola bar that has been to hell and back 26 times
Chug water till the hungry goes away
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