#i thought ellen was so cute when we had to give her candy for her energy lvls 😭
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chisungie ¡ 7 months ago
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allisonxmoynihan ¡ 5 years ago
new beginnings ~ j. hughes
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Request: Can you write a jack one where you move next door to the hughes and it’s the middle of senior year so jack helps you around school and takes you on a tour of much and is proud when he shows you the usa hockey arena. And then you guys start to catch feelings and everyone sees it but u guys and u meet the team and jacks family. And you guys start dating and then like fast forward and you are going to the draft with him and it’s just a happy ending:))
Word Count: 3,470
Your mom wakes you from your slumber as she pulls up the driveway of a blue suburban home with light stone accents, “welcome to your new home honey,” 
You wince at the bright sun, and look straight up at the house, “Can’t wait,” you sigh, opening up the passenger door and going to help your mom unload the moving truck. Your mom joins you, helping you grab boxes and move them into the garage, “Lighten up, you never know what will happen sweetie,”
You give her a weak smile, “yeah, it’ll be great mom. My senior year of high school starts in three days and I don’t know anyone.”
Later that night you were helping your mom unpack the kitchen when the doorbell rang, “y/n can you please get that?”
When you answer the door you’re shocked when you see an older lady and two boys who appeared to be about your age, “um, hi?” you offer
“Welcome to the neighborhood!” The lady says, as the younger of the two boys holds out a plate of cookies. You turn your head back, relieved to see your mom coming into the foyer.
“Hi, I’m Ellen,” the lady says as she shakes your mom’s hands.
You take the cookies from the younger boy, “thanks,”
“Of course, mom said it would be nice to bake for the new neighbors and I really wanted to make a cake but I’m not too good in the kitchen yet. Jack,” the boy says pointing back at the other one, who honestly looks uncomfortable standing on your front porch, his light blue eyes glued to you, “wouldn’t help with the cookies and almost ate all the dough, but mom and I managed to get some for ya. I’m Luke by the way,”
You laugh at how much he shared with you, “Well, thanks for the cookies Luke, I’m sure they’re great. I’m y/n by the way”
“Jack’s a senior too!” Ellen exclaims, pointing back at Jack who redirects his attention to his mom mom. “He’d love to show y/n around town and school and help her out,” she smiles, “right, Jack?”
Jack rolls his eyes and it’s clear to you that he couldn’t be more uninterested in showing you around school, “Mom,” he groans, throwing his head back a little. 
“It’s okay, Mrs. Hughes, really, I’ll be fine on Monday,” you start and she shushes you.
“Right. Jack.” She says again, her voice more stern, her eyebrows raising slightly for emphasis.
Jack turns towards you again, a forced, weak smile gracing his face, “Yeah, I’ll show you around on the first day,”
“So, you ready for school tomorrow?” your mom asks, scooping the two of you a bowl of your favorite ice cream to share, a ritual you’ve been doing every year since first grade.
You shrug, “I don’t know, I’m kind of nervous.”
She smiles, placing a some cherries over the top of the sundae, “You have Jack showing you around,”
You wrinkle up your face, “yeah, that’’ be great. He’s kind of cocky, and doesn’t seem very interested in helping anyone but himself,”
Your mom hands you a spoon, digging in herself and taking a bite of the dessert, “He could be very sweet. Give him a chance, what do you have to lose sweetie?”
A loud honking snaps you out of the daydreams running through your head as you wait for the bus. You turn around and see a car full of boys pull to a stop, and you frown when you see an overly happy Jack stick his head out of the window.
“y/n, get in, I’ll drive you so I can show you where your classes are and everything,”
“I can take the bus, but thanks”
You hear the rest of the car erupt in laughter, “She told you Hughesy,” one of the boys says,
Jack smiles cockily back at you, “You’ll be late, and on your first day, that wouldn’t look to great sweetheart,”
Your cheeks are flaming hot at his statement, and begrudgingly you slide into the back of the car, “thanks” you mutter under your breath.
The boy in the passenger seat turns around, “Damn Jack, thought you said she was cute, but I think you meant to say hot”
Jack glares at his friend, as the boy next to you smiles, “so you’re y/n?” you blush slightly, nodding your head.
Jack clears his throat, “so, uh, y/n, these are my teammates alex, trevor, and pat”
You nod, smiling at each of them, remembering that Mrs. Hughes had mentioned Jack plays hockey for a “really good team” as she put it, which you had just found out from alex was a national development program.
Speeding through the parking lot, Jack quickly turns the wheel so he can park the car and you find yourself gripping the door handle. 
“Oh, sorry,” Jack laughs,
Trevor turns back to look at you, “you’ll get used to it,” he smiles.
Walking up to the front doors Jack comes up right next to you, sticking his hand out, “where’s your schedule?” you hand it over and he quickly glances at it, nodding his head and smiling, “alright, we have some classes together and then you have some with trevor, but we have lunch together so i’ll pick you up at the class before and then trev will pick you up from the cafeteria and take you to you afternoon classes, and alex will take you from last period back to me so I can take you home,” he rambles, holding the door open for you to walk in, before promptly letting it fall behind him onto Pat.
You look back at Jack with wide eyes, “I’m sorry, what?”
He laughs at your confusion, “just follow me, we’ll all help you out today.”
Jack takes you on a tour of the school, pointing out your classrooms, the office, cafeteria, gym and nurse’s office. As Jack is telling you about your teachers and telling you what to expect you hear his friends snickering, “I have a cute new neighbor,” 
“Look at him, he’s a goner,” 
“He’s whipped,” 
“But I thought he said they’re just friends?” 
Jack’s voice snaps you out of the conversation between the boys behind you, “First period’s gonna start soon, so we have 1-3 together, you have fourth with trev, lunch with me, 6th with trev, and 7th and 8th with alex and pat. They’ll help out too, so if you’re ever lost just look for one of us.”
“Yeah, don’t worry about it y/n! Just stay put until one of us comes and finds you,” Trevor reassures you
“Yeah, for sure, we’ll be here for you” Alex adds
“For sure,” Pat says.
You laugh, “Thanks so much guys”
On the way to calculus, your first class of the day, you hear Trevor ask, “Hey, y/n what do you think of Plymouth so far?”
You shrug, “I haven’t really left my neighborhood, so I really don’t know,”
Jack sends a look to Trevor who raises his hands up in defense as the first bell rings. Jack tugs your wrist gently, and you oblige, following him into a classroom as you wave to the other boys.
“They’re really nice,” you smile, taking a seat next to Jack in the back row.
“Yeah, they’re alright,” he mumbles, and you look at him confused, but he just stares at the chalk board at the front of the room, “have you really not seen town yet?” he asks suddenly and you nod, “I’ll show you around Plymouth and the surrounding towns tonight after my practice then. I’ll pick you up at nine”
Jacky Hughes
Hey, i’m on the driveway
“Mom! I’m going out with a friend,” You say, throwing on your converse.
Your mom leans her head out of her office, “At 9:00? Are you going out with Jack?”
You roll your eyes, but your cheeks are as red as a tomato, “Go, have fun, just don’t be out too late,”
You get into Jack’s car and are shocked to see that his hair is still wet with sweat from his probably grueling practice, and his gear is all in the back, “Oh, um, you could have gone home and changed,” you say, suddenly feeling like a burden.
Jack smiles, backing out of your driveway, “Don’t worry about it, this is more important anyway,”
You feel butterflies in your stomach, but quickly disregard them, “So, how was practice?” 
“Good, we did some good off ice training today since it’s still pre-season” He says slowing for a red light, “here you can have the aux, play whatever you want,”
You smile, turning on your favorite music, and by the look on Jack’s face you can tell he isn’t a fan of what you would describe as the most beautiful music on earth.
“I can turn something else on,” you offer
Jack smiles, turning out onto a main street from the subdivision, “Don’t worry about it”
As Jack continues to drive through Plymouth he’s quick to point out all his favorite places: chipotle, the grocery store that has his favorite sour gummy candy, a frozen yogurt place, and so much more. He takes a sharp turn down a side road, “I gotta show you something,”
Jack pulls into a parking lot that’s illuminated by radiant street lights, throwing the car into park Jack sighs and turns to face you, “y/n, this is my home away from home,”
You look straight ahead at the brick arena in front of you, “wow,” you say in amazement, partially in shock that Jack is able to compete in his greatest passion at the highest level for his age.
The rest of the night you and Jack find yourselves talking about everything and anything: your childhoods, the defining moments of your life, sharing your favorite jokes, and talking about your life goals. As the night progressed you no longer thought of Jack as a cocky 17 year old who was immensely talented and had the whole world at his fingertips, and Jack on the other hand was growing more and more fond of you, desperate for any excuse to spend time with you in the near future.
When Jack dropped you off at night, he got out of his car to walk you to your front door, “Thanks again for showing me around Jack, I really appreciate it,”
Jack shoves his hands in his pocket, not really sure what he was supposed to do, “Don’t even worry about it, I liked it,”
You raise your eyebrow, holding back a laugh, “I like driving, especially at night, it’s relaxing, and I guess it was nice to talk to you too…” He stammers, his voice trailing off at the end.
“Goodnight Jack,” you laugh walking into the dark house before you, reliving the night all over again in your head.
A brisk and bitter breeze filled the outside air as early November snows began to dust the floors of Michigan. A new Friday night ritual you found yourself a part of was lounging in the Hughes’s living room with some of his teammates, often having to remind the boys to stop acting like five year olds. 
Tonight in particular, it was just a small group of you, the boys sprawled across the floor watching youtube videos on Alex’s phone and laughing every now and then. You’re laying on the couch, your head resting on Jack’s thigh, one of his hands playing with your hair the other intertwined with yours, as you try to convince the boys that you should make cookies together.
“Y/n, i love you” Luke halts, growing red in the face, “like a sister, y’know, but I’m gonna burn the entire neighborhood down if I bake cookies,”
The boys snicker at Luke, “you love her lukey?” Alex coos
“No no no, like a sister, dude,” Trev adds, slapping his knee as he leans back, loud laughs escaping his mouth.
“Two brothers competing for the same girl?” Alex continues the banter,
“Plymouth was getting a little boring turcs, we needed a scandal to come from somewhere” Trevor laughs again.
Luke buries his face in a throw pillow, “I had a good point, I would burn the house down,”
Jack chuckles, twisting a strand of your hair around his finger and watching as it falls, “yeah, let’s do it”
Pat shrugs, “I’m still here, I can help too”
“Do you think in victorian eras they used flour as baby powder?” Jack asks while scooping heaping spoonfuls of flour into the mixing bowl.
“That’s a good point,” Patty mentions, working on melting the butter, “y/n am i doing this right?”
“Yes, and Jack stop putting so much flour, they’re not going to turn out,”
Jack laughs, “you never answered the question. I think this could be great baby powder, it has the right consistency”
You laugh, “Why don’t you test it out?”
Jack looks at you blankly before continuing to put way too much flour into the bowl and without any warning he comes up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close to his torso.
“Jacky, what are you doing?” 
You hear him try and stifle some giggles as his hands slowly move closer to your face. You try to escape his firm hold on you, only it’s too late and his hands are smearing flour across your face.
You lean forward and grab an egg from the counter, turning around to face Jack.
“y/n no, please no. I’m having a good hair day and I don’t want a dead baby chicken on me,”
You look at him confused at his logic before cracking the egg above his head. Jack pretends to be mad, but it’s short lived since he can’t help the grin that covers his face.
“OW!” Pat’s scream tears the two of you apart from each other,
“You okay patty?” you ask, walking over to where he was melting butter on the stove.
“The pan is hot, I didn’t know it would be.”
Jack laughs at him, “dumbass, of course the pan is gonna be hot”
Pat glares at his brunette teammate, “well if you two weren’t so lovey dovey you would have heard my questions,” he says before leaving the kitchen.
A light blush dusts Jack’s cheeks at his teammates words, “We’re just friends Pat,” 
“You keep telling yourself that Rowdie,” Luke smiles as he comes into the kitchen, “are the cookies done yet? I’m hungry.”
It was the first game of the new year and Jack had been begging you to come to one of his games for months now. You kept using school as an excuse, but you were technically still on winter break, so you were out of excuses. Jack had dropped off a sweatshirt of his, your favorite, for you to wear tonight, as if you didn’t already have a growing collection in your closet.
You slip into the navy blue sweatshirt, the USA Hockey logo adorned on the front, Jack’s number on the back underneath his name. You loved when he wore this one, he took so much pride in playing for the ntdp and you just loved to see him happy. 
At the rink you quickly find the other friends and girlfriends, glad you wouldn’t have to sit alone. 
Fran sees you and immediately she’s beaming and waving you over, “Hey girl, new sweatshirt for the collection?” she asks, raising an eyebrow at the end.
You blush, “Guess he thought I needed another one”
The boys are already out on the ice warming up, and your eyes are scanning the arena looking for the one and only. You can’t help the butterflies that start racing across your tummy when you finally spot him; he’s by the bench, his helmet off, grabbing a drink of water. You notice he’s also scanning the stands, and his eyes land on you, his eyes lighting up as he smiles goofily up at you.
You feel your breath hitch in your throat, a deep red overtaking your face, “and you say he doesn’t like you,” sydney laughs
You regain your composure, “we’re just friends, I don’t know how many times I have to tell you that,” 
The girls have amused looks on their face, but change the subject anyway. 
It’s a minute left in the third period, and the game is tied 4-4. Suddenly Jack is off on a break away, one v. one with an opposing defender, and he manages to sneak a goal in making it 5-4. Jack’s teammates all run up and jump on top of him, celebrating a victory. Once Jack is free of the excited teenagers he looks back up towards your spot in the arena, and points right at you, smiling widely.
“We’re just friends,” Fran says, mimicking your voice.
You and the group are standing out in the lobby of the arena, waiting for the boys to come out before you all probably go and get food since they were always starving after a game. You see Jack emerge from the locker room, running his hand through his still wet hair. He looks up to see you running towards him and holds his arms open for you to jump into. He holds you close as your arms wrap around his neck, “hey you,” he mumbles into your neck.
You smile as he puts you back down, his one arm still around your waist, “you played really well Jacky,”
“That goal was all for you,”
You hear some fake gagging noises from the guys as the girls all laugh, the only exception being Fran and Alex who are looking at their best friends expectantly.
“So are you going to admit it?” Alex presses
“Admit what? That I played well?”
Fran rolls her eyes, “that you love y/n”
Jack’s cheeks turn red, as do yours, as Fran adds, “and that y/n loves you,”
“And that you’re not just friends,” Trev chimes in
“And haven’t been since September,” Luke chirps.
Your friends all head out to the parking lot, bickering about where they want to go eat, and it’s just you and Jack left in the arena.
“Jack, I don’t actually-”
“I love you, like a lot” Jack cuts you off, his eyes staring at the scuff marks that cover the linoleum tiles.
You’re taken aback, you never for one second actually thought that the boy who had become your best friend, the boy you fell deeply in love with despite all your efforts to fight the feelings, felt the same way.
“You love me?”
Jack looks up, his ocean blue eyes meeting yours, “Of course I do y/n, how could I not?”
It feels like time stops as Jack’s pulling you closer to him, his arms fitting so comfortably around your waist, and everything just feels right. He leans down and gently presses his lips against yours, and in that moment you couldn’t possibly ask for a better fairy tale ending to your senior year.
“What do you say, should we make this official?”
“With the first pick overall, the New Jersey Devils are proud to select from the U.S. program, Jack Hughes,” 
The entire night was a blur, Jack was ecstatic, finally getting the opportunity to live out his childhood dreams and you couldn’t be any happier for your boyfriend of the last six months. You had gone out to dinner with the Hughes family, and some of his old teammates that also got drafted, you and Jack being inseparable the entire night. It was just like old times, only that it was probably the last time the crew would ever fully be together for a long time. It was bittersweet, but as you learned almost a year ago in August, new beginnings can lead to good things, and you knew these boys were going places.
It was late that night, and you and Jack found yourselves in his hotel room, him still in his suit, you sporting his jersey as you’re snuggled up in his bed. 
“Looks like I’m gonna have to get you some devils gear, huh?”
You smile, “looks like it,”
He presses a long, gentle kiss to the top of your head, pulling you impossibly closer to him, “I’m not going anywhere y/n. I know I’ll be in Jersey and you’re going off to school, but I’m not leaving you, I can’t lose you.”
You smile, leaning your head back to press a kiss to his jaw, “I know Jack, I know,”
“You’re my everything,”
You blush, knowing in your heart that you found the one you want to be with forever, “I love you Jack Rowden, so so much,”
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pbandjesse ¡ 3 years ago
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Today was great. But also I am so exhausted. I have a lot to still do for the party tomorrow. I am excited.
I slept hard last night. I don't even remember the end of the video I was watching. I woke up with my alarm and me and James got ready to go to the market. I need to find a better way for us to bring the product with us easily but I think we will get better every time.
We got out there and set up. It was nice having the larger table this time. I have an idea for making prints there as a demo. I think that will be fun. But I had to go inside the museum at 10 for a birthday party.
But until then I had a great time talking to people and checking in with Ellen. I was a little bummed when Charlie called me and told me he got exposed to covid and so wont be coming to the party because he wants us to all be safe. Which is totally the right call but also makes me so sad.
I had fun talking to Ellen, making plans for tomorrow. She is so knowledgeable about the flowers she sells so it was fun to just listen to her. She also ended up being our only sale of the day. I am excited that she got earrings. We can match.
I headed inside to get ready for the birthday party. They ended up being about a half hour behind. Which was fine. The mom was super sweet but obviously frazzled. We commiserated about party set up and I helped with setting up candy and I drew on the chalk board. And it was fun being helpful. I had to walk back and forth to get paper products and table cloths. A Lot. But that was okay. I had a good time.
There were some issues. One child was just not being supervised and his dad kept acting like it was impossible to get him to stop climbing on exhibits. He ended up breaking a radio table and like. Really destroyed it. I wasn't there, I was just told. But man. It is always birthday parties.
I wrote out the incident report. And drew a picture to explain. And then it was just a waiting game for when my program should start. The mom wanted a highlights tour too. But it was getting later and later. And I was supposed to be done at 2. But that wouldn't happen. Ah well.
The tour started at 115. I went through the stuff I thought the kids would like best. I made a print. I had them go in the cars. We turned on the can elevator and then the machine shop. And then we went to the theatre to take group pictures before we went to do the actual activity.
There were some tired tears from the kids. I got to entertain a baby for a bit. The activity was fun even if it wasn't exactly the way it is supposed to go. I had fun talking about boats and watching them color. My throat hurt a lot though because everyone was loud and I had to yell for the entire tour and program.
James had come inside after the market. They had fun to the store. But then they helped me clean up the program and party mom gave us a tray of food. So I got to have a very good sandwich for a late lunch.
I was surprised how quickly the party cleaned up. I helped sweep. But they did all the other cleaning and I got to leave right as the museum closed at 3.
Me and James went to the dollar store for some last minute party things. We got eggs at the grocery store and a ice cream cone to share. And then home.
I had to lay down. I didn't realize how tired I was. So I went to sleep almost as soon as we got home.
I slept until 5. I got up and got dressed and felt super cute for our dinner. James ran out to pick up their mom. And I waited here for mine.
James and Anne beat my parents here. But I was so excited to see them when they got here. I got to give dad the rest of his birthday presents. And we had lots of hugs. Mom came up when we brought in some of the decorations they had brought. I showed her what we had gathered and her and Anne got to talk for a bit before we went downstairs to hang out with dad.
We all sat down there for a bit before I drove over with my parents and James and Anne walked to the Tilted Row for dinner. We drove because of dad's leg, but that was alright. It was for the best.
We got there and soon Tucker was there too. And dinner was great. It was a little loud once the sun went down but we had som excellent starters and the meal itself was great. I had to keep filling dad in on what was happening because he couldn't hear. But it was a lot of fun. I am excited that they got to hang out. I want them to be friends.
We were there for about 2 hours. And it was really nice. I felt really happy. We went outside to say goodbye. And mom and dad drove to their hotel. And Anne and Tucker came back to the apartment to grab something because Anne left a bag. But soon they were off as well.
James would go out again to get drinks for tomorrow. And I took a shower. I did some set up for tomorrow. Went through the stuff mom brought. Put the flowers in the vases. And now I am on the couch. Making a list with James for tasks for tomorrow. But it is almost time for sleep.
Wish us luck for tomorrow. Be safe everyone. Goodnight!!
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allonsy-yesiwill ¡ 4 years ago
Tis The Season : Christmas Miracles
WC: 1600 ish
Pairing:  Dean x Y/N
Warnings: fluffy, you know what it’s so fluffy let’s just call it cotton candy. 
A/N: Well you know that drill by now, all mistakes are mine. Sorry it’s so late but Merry Christmas regardless. 
Get caught up here
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“Merry Christmas beautiful,” Dean softly whispered, leaning down kissing Y/N awake. 
“Dean,” she said while stretching out to give him a hug, “What are you doing here and what time is it, ugh.” She sat up and made room on the sofa for him. “Wait did you drive over here in PJ’s, wait do we match. I am so confused.” 
Dean chuckled, “No I didn’t drive here in these and yes we match. It turns out this might be my mom’s thing for us. Lastly, how could I not be here? Aren’t these holiday movies supposed to have a happy ending?”
“Yeah I guess, I know I was a little reckless with the facts and I want you to know I would have told you all that given that right time. I usually don’t just dump it on people, it’s a lot and it complicates things, I know. I wish it didn’t have to but.”
Dean interrupted, “Shh it’s okay and I am sorry you had to go through all of that. I want you to know that if you ever need anything it’s okay to talk to me about that. But right here, right now this is where my best Christmas is with the most awesome person I know.” 
Dean kicked the ottoman closer and encouraged Y/N to put her head on his lap. “It’s still very early sweetheart, why don’t you try to get some sleep.” 
“How are you going to sleep, Dean?”
“Lay down and I will show you,” he said with a wink. Once Y/N was comfortable he arched his body back into the large pillows angling his head just enough to see Y/N and start playing with her hair. It only took moments for them both to fall asleep. 
Both Dean and Y/N woke up Christmas morning to Bobby taking pictures and everyone gushing at how cute they looked. “Alright, there’s nothing to see here,” Dean said, shifting just a bit. 
“Merry Christmas,” Y/N said, stretching awake. 
The morning was simple and quite. Soft Christmas music played in the background while presents were opened and while stories of Christmas pasts were shared. While Benny was talking, Y/N whispered to Dean, “Best Christmas ever, we should just to this next year.”
Dean kissed her forehead, “So you’re gonna stick around.” 
“Of course, I love you.” 
“I know,” Dean laughed while Y/N rolled her eyes. 
Ellen get’s everyone back on point, “All right we all know the drill we have to be at the Winchesters by 10 am. Mary messaged me and let me know dinner will not be a formal affair and this year they will be eating family style. So that we can join them for dinner. Y/N I am pretty sure this is your doing by the way. Dinner is going to be served at 5 pm sharp. Go do what you need to go and Dean your mother is expecting you. You kids should probably go ahead now so you can get dressed.” 
“Ah do we have to mom,” Y/N pretended to whine. 
“Yes, now go,” Ellen smiled. 
Y/N and Dean go into the pool house without anyone noticing and are able to get showed and cleaned up. Since nothing was going to be formal, casual was the name of the day, Dean in jeans and a flannel and Y/N in a maxi skirt and knit sweater. Y/N and Dean spent most of the morning in the kitchen hanging around Dean’s other family. Once Mary found them she pulled them into the living room, where all of the presents sat wrapped. 
“I am so glad you guys are here. We waiting to open gifts till you got here,” Mary said. 
“Where’s dad,” Dean asked. 
“Don’t you worry about him son, he will be around later,” Mary smiled. 
The living room filled with the same energy that Y/N was welcomed with at Bobby’s home, as Y/N softly snuggled in to Dean’s side. They are watching Sam’s boys open their gifts and play with them as they share their excitement about what they have received. The morning turned into early afternoon with Mary finally sending people out to start their day. The family schedule to use the local ice rink for a day of family fun. Since John knew the owner he was more than okay with giving the family a key, especially since Dean and Benny had spent their childhood playing hockey there and Benny worked there though highschool. 
The whole afternoon Y/N was taken back by how sweet and loving Dean was. He was similar to this back in Oregon however there was an added level of happiness. Dean was happy to be himself around his family, the baggage he normally carried. 
“Penny for your thoughts,” Jess sat down on next to Y/N taking a break from staking. 
“Nothing really, it’s just nice to see Dean so happy.”
“You know that has everything to do with you. He’s never seemed to, I don’t know peaceful and that says so much. Especially with John, he didn’t like me either. However that was a long time ago, all I really had to do was let him spend all of his time at work. The first year was the hardest. We never saw each other, but I had faith.”
“Yeah I am not really too sure what John thinks about me. I know Mary seems to like me so I have that going for me,” Y/N let out. 
“Mary does more than just like you. I heard them fighting in the study last night. Mary taking a stand for Dean and you. She seems so happy that Dean’s happy.” 
Y/N let out a breathe, “ I don’t want them to fight over me, she doesn’t even really know me.” 
“Y/N you don’t get it, she’s fighting for Dean and his happiness. I don’t think she has ever seen him that happy.” 
“You laddies almost ready to go?” Sam asked while staking over. 
“Ah sure, whenever you are dear.” As Jess stood up to go help her husband and the boys take off their stakes, Dean was coming over to Y/N. 
“Hey babe, let me get those for you,” Dean said leaning over. 
“Wow, how very chivalrous of you,” she winked. 
“Make fun of me all you want. I know this time here has not been easy for you but I am so grateful you are still here. Any and everything I can do to make your life easier I will.” 
Christmas dinner was quite compared to the other meals in the formal dinning room. Mary doing most of the speaking, asking Bobby and Ellen about other family members. John sat silent at the end of the table. After the end of dinner Mary suggest that the adult retire to the living room as there was some family business that needed to be discussed before everyone leaves tomorrow. 
Dean and Y/N are the first to sit down, Dean putting his arm around Y/N and holding her close he whispers, “It doesn’t matter what happens we will still ride off into the sunset, if needed tonight.” 
“Ah well if needed I am going to put John in his place before we do that.” 
“Okay, babe,” he laughs before placing a kiss on her forehead. Once everyone is in the room John begins his speech.
“Over the past few days it has been brought to my attention that perhaps I have been putting the wrong focus on things in this life. As my beautiful wife reminded me, it was that long ago when Samual wanted me far from Mary’s life,” he paused taking a slip from his glass. “I am sorry boys, I only wanted the best for you and sometimes I missed that you already had it. Jessica, I am assuming what Sam shared at the table the other day was true and I am sorry for that I made everything so difficult for you. I want you to know that everytime you and your family comes into our home, I am grateful that Sam has you,” he fished raising his glass in Jessica’s direction. She returned the small action with a smile taking a small sip of her drink.  “Now Y/N, I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me. If Dean looses you to my stupid actions over this holiday, I am not sure I would be able to forgive myself. I am sorry for everything. Seeing your choices over the past few days has brought light to mine. You put my family first, over yourself when I couldn’t. Even when I was belittling you, you put my son’s feelings before yours. You deserve the family in this room more than I do right now, thank you for showing me the errors of my ways,” John raised his glass in Y/N direction, with them both taking a sip. 
“Alright now that all of the serious items are taken care of, what do you say we get Marry that family photo she’s been bugging us all about before Christmas is over,” John said with a smile. 
There was no planning on who stood where or had what outfits people where in. It was just a family together, different generations, new and old family members. John put his arm around Y/N while giving her a soft smile, before Dean stood behind her, Johns extending his reach to include his son.
“John,” she said in a whisper, “You’re forgiven but if it happens again we will probably be fighting to the death, just an FYI.”  John let out a small laugh, “I would expect nothing else. Merry Christmas Y/N.” 
That’s it for this one if, however if you are bored there is alwasy other stories
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mizukixtsukiyomi ¡ 7 years ago
11 Questions Tag
I was tagged by @doodle-roon & @bunny-wk-fanfic. I can’t just do one because I love you both.
1. Post the rules 2. Answer the questions given to you by the tagger 3. Write 11 questions of your own 4. And tag 11 people
@doodle-roon‘s questions:
1. Can you explain your favorite color without saying what it is?
This is a hard one, especially since I suck at describing things and the irony of me being a writer...well, it’s dark, yet calming. It can remind you of a dark and cool night where gold star shine their purpose. It’s a water reflecting a mix of night.
2. Describe your favorite thing about one of the people you’ve met online.
We can both fangirl over every husband anime we have claimed, and the continuous talks have always made my days. I love to hear about her day, hearing her talk about her favorite anime/game husbandos and her kind heart <3
3. How are you feeling today and can you find a quote to go with it?
“ Today I will not stress over things I can’t control.” - Author Unknown
These past two weeks have been very challenging, and mostly because I have been trying to learn to cope with my anxiety and calm it down when I am at work. I conquered many fears while I was doing it, but even so I remember crying all the anxiety out after work. If you have anxiety or have similar situations you may understand how hard it is to keep it in and then finally it comes out. So right now, I am okay (since it is Sunday), but I am at the same time worried about Monday for work.
4. Did anything memorable happen this year?
Many things that I would consider memorable. I got my license which I never thought I would, and I got a job! And I was able to visit Japan again <3 and lastly, graduated with my Bachelor’s and started on graduate school. Hoping next year continues to bless me, and others.
5. What genre/type of book do you typically avoid? What would change your mind about it?
Oh, that is a good question. I usually avoid non-fiction, mainly because some can bore me, BUT if they are interesting like real crime books, and ones I can learn about interesting people, then I read them.
6. Dark, milk, white, or no chocolate?
Most definitely dark chocolate!
7. What’s something that you’ve learned as you’ve aged?
Nothing goes as planned, but having some sort of plan does help. Adult life isn’t easy, and people paint this picture of what it is. The truth is, it isn’t pretty, but life is about learning new things every day, and making mistakes is how you will learn more. Don’t be afraid of the unknown <3.
8. What’s your favorite thing about your favorite holiday?
I love Christmas! There is something about this holiday that gives me peace, and I just love that feeling Christmas brings. It’s hard to explain, but Christmas reminds me how lucky I have been every year despite the challenges.
9. ��Are you more intrigued by the past or the future?
You know, it’s a mix of the two. I like to learn about the past in hopes the future becomes a better place. The past has been ugly, and although that can never change, the future can. And one of the things I love to see about the future is how things progress whether it be morals, technology, and watching and hearing kids wanting to do better for the world.
10. Where did you get your taste in music?
I have a weird taste in music, especially since I like to listen to soundtracks. I absolutely love them (Ivan Torrent Reverie album is amazing). I think they started when I listened to anime soundtracks and then youtube just recommending more different ones. As far as music with lyrics, I get it from my mother. She loves latin music, so I listen to it in my car haha.
11. Top three things on your bucket list.
1. Visit most of the Asian countries
2. Become fluent in Japanese
3. Write a book
@bunny-wk-fanfic‘s questions:
1. Is there something you can do or do better than your family?
You know, I don’t know, but maybe take in information a bit differently. My mother has always told me I am a fast learner and have a good memory of news, facts, history, etc. so she says I am good with academics - that’s it haha.
2. If you had the chance to be with whoever you wanted for a weekend, regardless of status/cultural differences/ect., what would you do with them?
Oh, I would pick Ellen! I want to have a deep conversation, and just thank her for being such a humble human being. I love her so much, and I hope to meet her someday, but Barack Obama is on this list, too.
3. What is your favorite time of year and why?
Fall season for me because I love that I can finally use my boots that have been dusting up in my closet. I live in Arizona, btw. And also I can wear more jeans, and long sleeves. I hate shorts and stuff haha.
4. Who was your first character crush?
That would have to be Ichigo from Bleach. I mean, he is still cute, but I have others who are at the top of the list hehe.
5. What was your future dream when you were a kid?
Becoming a teacher. Don’t know why, but I had always wanted to be a teacher not to teach them because I know kids can teach me so much more than I can.
6. Book-Comics-Games vs Movie/Manga vs Anime. Which version is better?
This one is tough, but I would pick Movie/Manga vs Anime, but books can be included, too!
7. What is the fondest memory you have in regards to practical scaring another person?
Since I was little (and before my mother married my stepdad), I was living with my grandmother, aunt, and my mother in an apartment and I would love to wait for them to come out of the bathroom, and I just pop out from the side. They would laugh and then get angry.
8. Is there anything from your childhood that you think that should be brought back? ie. a toy, game, candy, fashion, show, etc.
This is coming back (I think?) but oversized denim jackets. I just love them <3
9. If there was one thing you could change in the world today, and it would be universal, what would it be?
Government corruption. Period. I think it has ruined so many innocent families, and I just wish these people would be gone.
10. What was your favorite subject in grade school and is it still your favorite now? Yes, no, what?
Math. I enjoy it; it’s like a puzzle. Although I saw that the method they do things now in grade school has changed!
11. What are you looking forward to this Christmas?
Food! And the beautiful Christmas lights. Sometimes the lights really put a little joy in me.
My Questions:
If you could be in any movie/cartoon/anime/book world, what would it be, and why?
What do you do on a rainy day (if you were to have the day off)?
Which childhood movie/cartoon/anime do you wish they would remake?
How would you describe your fashion-style?
If you had all the money in the world, what country would you live in?
Is there something you are proud you have accomplished so far?
Who is your ultimate OTP? (can be crossover or OC).
What will be your goal or resolution for 2018?
What is something you will not wear (hats, sweaters, shorts, etc.)?
If you could meet any celebrity, which one would it and why?
Have you made friendships online that you would consider are special to you?
Tagging (if you have been tagged, you can ignore mine):
@masquerabe @joker2113 @kakashixangela @fenrae-l @yoursalwaysfics @saey0ungs @shinsen-haruki @wolfluvr420 @starmienight @creamdream0426 @strudelqueen
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2indecisive4this-blog ¡ 8 years ago
“I need a place to stay”
Request 6
Sorry this took so long, I’m trying out a new multiple ending system..with choices! Ahah
Becca x MC
Kaitlyn x MC
Teddy x MC
Begins where The Sophomore Chapter 3 ends
MC = Ellen
“Can you like, get your paws off my stuff?”
Textbooks scattered across the path, you ignore her, squatting down to help Becca gather up her fallen cargo. Reaching for an unlabeled book--a journal, perhaps?--earns you a quick slap on the wrist.
“Hey!” You recoil, snatching your wrist away. You wince at the sight of your reddening knuckles. “I’m just trying to help” You reach out again, this time avoiding avoiding the journal altogether.
Becca groans, quickly gathering her things into a heap and standing up to hug it to her chest. A pen, balancing precariously along the edge of her teetering pile of books, falls unceremoniously to the ground. Instinctively, you grab it, offering it to Becca. Rather than accept it, Becca lifts a hand to her head, two fingers rubbing against her temple
“Can you please just leave me alone?” She gives a long exhale “I’m just not in the mood right now, okay?”
Your brow furrows, the edges of your smile dampening; fading quickly away to a frown.
“What’s wrong?”
Becca shakes her head, sighing. “Please, just let it go”
You cock her head to the side, bangs shifting along “Is it about the sorority?”
Becca doesn’t respond. Instead, her eyes drop to the floor, and she moves to walk past you. You reach for Becca’s unencumbered hand, and begin to rub your thumb against it reassuringly. You lean close, lips nearly grazing Becca’s ear;
“Hey, I’m here for you, it’s gonna be--”
“Get off of me!” Becca snatches her hand back and squirms away, writhing in apparent anger and disgust. “What part of don’t touch me did you not understand?”
You take a step back, palms slick with sweat, cheeks flushed “The part where I can’t support someone I care about!”
“That you care about?!”  Becca scoffs “I barely even know you”
Your teeth bare down on your lip, biting back tears. “But we...connected..”
Becca narrows her eyes “This--whatever this is” gestures wildly with a hand “means nothing. You’re just a pit stop. Get that through your head”
“Becca, please, I know you’re having a hard time..” Your tears well in your eyes, face burning.
Time seems to stand still.
“Can’t you tell when you’re not wanted?”
Without a word, you turn on your heel, barely facing the other way before fresh tears have thoroughly moistened your face, accumulating to pour from your cheeks and chin, irrigating the sparse foliage below. You wipes your eyes with your sleeve and start to run down the path with no particular destination.
Somewhere behind you Becca calls after “Wait! Please!”, but in vain as her calls are lost in the slew of commotion, and likely would have fallen onto to deaf ears had they not been. Becca loses you in an oncoming crowd, and drops her head to her hands with a sigh; littering the campus grounds with yet another set of unused textbooks.
Several minutes later, you scurry along the path, rounding the corner by the cafe; almost coming full circle. While passing, you peer in, hoping to spot a friendly face; you could really use a friend right about now. You notice Kaitlyn sitting in a booth, slumped over a table sipping a milkshake with..Natasha?!
“What the..”
Hurt and confused, you’re too absorbed in your thoughts to notice the approaching passerby;
“Whoa, look out!”
He tries to duck out of the way, but his regrettably slow reaction time proves critical. You collide with a heavy thunk.
Shaking your head and keeping your eyes low, you immediately begin apologizing; your voice unsteady and high-pitched “I’m so sorry,  I” (voice cracks) “I..don’t know what I was thinking I just--”
“It’s Ellen, right?”
As you turn your eyes toward him, it takes everything in your power to keep your jaw from dropping to the floor. In front of you stands the tall, dark, handsome, and hilarious: Teddy. Your eyes glaze for a moment as you recall your last interaction with him; he had been flirting with you and Zack all night, but neither of you had worked up the courage to make a move “A few more shots and I might have..” you muse.
“Hmm?” he teases boyishly “You might’ve what?”
Flustered, you choke up “I..uh..I..” your cheeks deepen to a scarlet hue, tears begin to creep up again.
“Hey, are you okay?” He curls a finger under your chin and lifts it to face him.
Refusing to meet his eyes “What? Oh yeah, I’m fine, just..allergic to…” you struggle “..cute boys”
Sensing discomfort, Teddy acts quickly, interrupting your stammering with the first one liner he thinks of;
“You know, boxers rarely have sex before their matches,” you fall silent, staring at him, wide-eyed. The pressure now on him, sweat beads down his forehead “you know, unless they really fancy each other”
Silence goes on for what feels like an eternity.
Teddy chuckles anxiously, his hand compulsively retreating to the back of his head, scratching nervously. Out of nowhere, laughter bursts from deep in your chest, causing you to double over; grappling yourself to keep from collapsing to the ground.
Teddy eyes you nervously “Heh..I didn’t think it was that funny..”
“It was horrible!” your face reddens, a vein bulging your her neck.
“Well you know..occupational hazard..” his cheeks turn pink, glowing against his tan complexion.
With a finger, you mop a tear from under your eye as your laughter subsides. “Thank you, really”
“Aw it was nothing, really. I just thought it might take some of the pressure off you, you know, me sounding stupid and all, heh” You notice his hand retreating back toward the back of his head.
“Well whatever it was, it was sweet” you pause for a moment in thought, then raise yourself onto your tiptoes and lean in to graze your lips against one stubbly cheek “and really cute”
“I was hoping you might see it that way” His mouth spreads from ear to ear in a toothy grin “You know, I came here looking for James, but I’m glad I ran into you. Maybe we can hang out sometime while I’m in the area?”
You return the grin and nod wordlessly. With two fingers he pulls a slip of paper out of his front pocket. “Normally I wouldn’t use a business card for this, but I don’t seem to have a pen” He hands it to you, which you promptly slip into your pocket. He strolls off, presumably in James’ direction.
Refocusing, you realize the pen still clenched in your fist. Your chest tightens. You slowly make her way over to one of the campus trash cans. You hold the pen over it, willing yourself to loosen your grip, to drop it in.
Frustrated, you instead hurl it into the one of the quad’s fields; it ricochets off of a lone elm tree, presumably landing near its base; one of possibly hundreds in the area. You double over, catching your breath as you feel a sharp pang in your stomach. From your new vantage point, you can see a stack of fresh textbooks; an unmarked book sitting on top. You retrieve it, wiping it off with a flick of the wrist. In sparkling gold cursive, likely from a gel pen, reads “Becca” on the bottom corner. You hold it over the can, debating if to return it to its rightful place. Sighing, you return your hands, book still held between them, to your chest.
You slowly make your way to the bus stop to catch a ride back to the house.
“She said what?!” Zack exclaims in sheer outrage “To you?!”
You nod solemnly “I know, and I know she’s growing through some things but--”
“No buts!” Chris joins in “She can’t talk to you like that, I don’t care if she’s beta theta delta whatever. That’s no excuse to talk to your girlfriend like--”
“She’s not my girlfriend” You interrupt “She made that pretty clear”
Kaitlyn, who until now has remained quiet, pipes up “Well, if she doesn’t want to be exclusive, maybe you should show her that you’re not either at--”
Zack cuts in “AT THE SORORITY BALL TONIGHT” he grins “...and with some hot man-candy on your arm”
You blush “I don’t know..this is all kind of sudden..”
“Come on, it’s perfect. It’s an honest to god sign” he continues “This thing with Becca, the Sorority Ball, bumping into Teddy...”
James pitches in “Hell, you could even write an expose on the sorority drama for the paper..”
You throw back a laugh “Wow, you’re starting to sound just like Vasquez..maybe he never really left at all!”
James smiles thoughtfully and shrugs “It was just a suggestion; two birds, one stone” He teases “It’s not like your scholarship is riding on it or anything..”
Kaitlyn frowns, shaking her head “Wait, back up. You lost me..who is this guy?”
You turn to face her “Vasquez? I didn’t think anyone could forget him, he was such a character..”
Kaitlyn shakes her head, exasperated “No, no, the other guy”
Chris chimes in “Teddy?”
Zack swoons. “The most beautiful man in the world” He turns to Chris “No offense”
Chris smiles and rolls his eyes. “None taken”
Zack slams his hands on the table “So it’s official then! Ellen’s going to the ball with Teddy!” he turns to her “Have you texted him yet?? Tell him to pick you up at 7:00” She obliges, albeit in a less demanding manner.
James looks to his watch “Uh, guys?” The group turns to him expectantly “It’s 6:15”
Kaitlyn’s face pales “We’ve have to get ready!” She hurries you off to your room.
Once situated in your respective gowns; you in the same glimmering starry night one you wore to the last sorority ball, while Kaitlyn sports a new gorgeous, shapely gown; the bust vibrant white, suspended by a white crochet halter-top chest piece, the skirt a gorgeous, flowing black fabric, accented with white embroidery along the hemline, you each take a seat on your bed.
“Wow…” You admire in unison. She really does look amazing..
“I know” Again.
A slim strand of hair slips to fall in front of her eyes. Reflexively, your hand reaches out and tucks the strand carefully behind an ear; your fingertips grazing her cheek. She gazes at you, her dark eyes focused on yours; you notice her lips quivering slightly, as though unsure, you glance down to her hands and notice one kneading the other similarly. Her eyes shift from yours to your lips, and back again. Are our faces closer together than they were a second ago?
“So,” you clear your throat “Who’s the lucky lady?”
Kaitlyn blushes, clearly flustered. “Just a friend”
You continue “Anyone I might know?” Kaitlyn looks nervously to her phone.
“Ahh! 7:05! We have to go!” You sigh.
The two of you rush down to the front door together, the gang already assembled. Teddy looks astonishingly handsome in a classic black tux, a single white rose in one hand, and a sequined midnight blue bow-tie perked up on his collar bone.
“A little birdy told me you might be wearing blue..” You blush. There’s something really..exquisite about a man with the confidence to reveal his feminine side.
“IT WAS ME” Zack blurts out suddenly “I’M THE LITTLE BIRDY. YOU’RE WELCOME”
You laugh. You raise a hand to gesture to Kaitlyn. “Teddy, this is Kaitlyn” You move your hand toward Teddy “Kaitlyn, Teddy” Kaitlyn nods and forces a smile, stammering.
“I..I have to go. I’ll meet you guys there!” She takes off, her heels clicking off into the distance. Teddy resumes, offering you the rose; you reach for it when you hear a distant “Thud!” Kaitlyn’s voice sounds from the distance “I’m okay!”
You smile with a small chuckle, graciously accepting Teddy’s rose. You lift to your tiptoes and press a kiss to his cheek. “Thank you”
As you and the gang roll up to the sorority house, you take Teddy’s hand and lead him upstairs, toward the main party scene.
“I’ll grab us some drinks” he offers, racing off. Your eyes scan the crowd, you spot a familiar figure headed your way. “Hey Chris!”
He smiles easily “Hey! How’s it going with the..what did Zack call it?”
“Man-candy?” you offer
“That’s it!”
“It’s good, he’s just getting me a drink” Chris smiles thoughtfully, then shakes his head with a frown. “Do you know what’s up with Kaitlyn?”
You open your mouth to respond when you hear a familiar voice shrieking from somewhere nearby;
Chris sighs “You gonna get that?” You shake your head. Another pang spreads through your stomach. No more Becca drama. He nods. “Then I think I will”
“She’s going to need someone to talk to, and god knows there aren’t many contenders…” Teddy returns, a glass in each hand, a puzzled expression on his face.
“What was that?” he turns to Chris “Should we investigate?” Chris looks to you. “Do you need to take this?” You sigh.
“I’ve got this, I’ll be back in a minute” You lift onto your tiptoes to kiss Teddy’s cheek yet again “Promise you’ll save me a dance?”
He frowns and shakes his head “No” your face pales “Just kidding!” You playfully punch his arm “Geez… Occupational hazard, remember?” He laughs. You stalk off toward Becca’s room.
When you arrive, you find yourself amidst a flurry of sorority girls in a heated argument outside Becca’s closed bedroom door, Becca at its center.
“You know the rules Becca..only the president’s room is off-limits”
“Well that’s BULLSHIT”
“You made that rule!”
“I should be president!”
“We voted!”
“It’s called *Democracy*, have you heard of it?”
“Maybe you should just quit altogether!”
Becca storms off, pushing and shoving her way through the girls. Her head down, she doesn’t see you standing by, quite literally bumping into you. Without lifting her head, her eyes raise to look at you “I…” she stammers. The green of her eyes stands out against the reddening in her face and eyes. A tear drips from her nose, spattering to the ground between you.
“I have to go” she pushes past you and hurries down the stairs, stumbling for a moment, and out the front door. You see Chris taking off after her. He truly is a gentleman.
You turn and head back to find Teddy sidled up next to Zack, the two of them sharing a laugh. You smile, opening your mouth to speak when something catches your attention.
Hearing a creak, you glance back to see the bedroom door open, Kaitlyn peering out and tentatively exiting, Natasha in tow. You notice your heart start beating faster, your hands clenching into fists. You try to relax. It’s her decision, remember?
Her own stupid decision.
Zack notices you standing by and calls you over. “Hey! You seem a little preoccupied. You okay?” You sigh, your eyes drifting to the front door. I wonder where she went...
You turn back toward the bedroom door, Kaitlyn now out of sight ..Ditto.
You turn back toward Teddy, equipped with a midnight bow tie, a vibrant smile, and a personality even more so. You approach him.
...Sorry about the wait, let’s dance!”
...Sorry, but I need to find Becca and make sure she’s okay”
...Sorry, but I need to find Kaitlyn and stop her from making the biggest mistake of her life”
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