#i think until bellatrix he went his entire life thinking no one really understood him (and at first not really caring)
motherfuckingmaneater · 8 months
if you think bellatrix and voldemort don't completely get off on the fact the other is just as sadistic as them, you're wrong
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connieswriting · 5 years
Nightmares// Fred Weasley
Paring: Fred Weasley x Reader
Request: @iprobablyshipit91​:  “Ahh I could literally request so many Fred Weasley imagines with these prompts! I’ll go for 6, 76 and 79 if that’s okay! Thank you!”  
@seppys-return-to-madness: “62, 45, 15 with fred?”
6: “You can’t die. Please don’t die.”
15: “Are you still awake?”
45: “I had a nightmare about you and I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
76: “You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.”´
79: “You’re safe now. I’ve got you.”
A/N: I got so many Fred Weasley requests, so I’m trying to pair them up a bit. Thank for them though, and please keep sending them in. I might post a Charlie Weasley imagine soon because I may or may not have a big fat crush on him. Hope you enjoy this request, I wrote everything at three a.m. so I cannot promise it is very good. Anyway, enjoy and I hope this is what you wanted when you made the request! :)
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Everything seemed to be falling apart, and quite quickly, as a matter of fact. The walls that had once formed the once awestrucking castle that had been their school, their home away from home, until the past year, now stood before them in ruins. Professors and students, family and friends, all stood side by side, casting spell after spell, protecting, defending the prior peaceful wizarding community. Fred looked around him- Percy was the closest to him. ‘Merlin’s beard. He really is here with us.’ Fred thought, quickly casting a protection spell at a young Gryffindor who had chosen to stay and fight. If you had told Fred a mere twelve hours ago that his older brother would return, turn his back against the Ministry of Magic and apologise, inevitably admitting his mistake, he would have most likely laughed in your face. Chances would be he would even joke about you taking his place in the pranking community.
Percy looked at the twin, throwing him a quizzical look, which Fred understood immediately. ‘He’s right, I have to focus on protecting others and myself, I don’t have time to wonder about other things now.’ Alas, it had been a counterproductive thought- the instant he thought about protecting others he thought about protecting you, specifically. He started thinking about how you were, whether you were still alive or not… But you had to be, right? A wonderful witch like you, the best in your year at both Charms and Defence Against the Dark Arts, you had to be pulling yourself quite well.
(but the death eaters had so much more experience)
You were fine, of course you were. You had been in the Dumbledore’s Army, you knew how to fight
(if you had been forced to face bellatrix, you wouldn’t be able to survive, he knew that)
A scream pulled him away from his thoughts. He realised now that George had joined both him and Percy fighting against the hooded Death Eaters who seemed to only know one single spell. Secretly, he was thankful he was able to at least know where his twin was and how he was doing. Although he would never actually say those words to him, he wouldn’t know what to do if he died. There was another scream that seemed to echo through the entire castle. It was impossible to know if that scream had or not come from you, but that didn’t stop his mind from thinking so.
“(Y/N) is fine.” George shouted from his left. Once again, he had proven that twin telepathy could be real. “She was helping Madam Pomfrey just now, since she has been having so much difficulty keeping up with everyone who has gone in and out of the make-shift infirmary. She was also trying to stop Ginny from going to the battle to fight, although I must say she is failing miserably.” Fred chuckled, more motivated to keep fighting, knowing you were not only thriving, but helping others in the process.
Another spell was cast and the hood from the Death Eater standing in front of them fell, revealing the Minister of Magic.
“Hello, Minister” Percy stated, as he casted another Protego spell. “Did I mention I was resigning?” From a few meters away, Fred was able to make out Harry, Ron and Hermione, all rough-looking but with a smile in their faces, possibly because of Percy’s comment.
“You’re joking, Perce. You’ve got to be joking.” Fred laughed, letting his arm, the one that held the wand, fall to his side, looking at his brother in disbelief. “I don’t think I’ve heard you joke since… Well, since- “Before he was able to complete his sentence, there was a loud explosion, sending him flying away.
He didn’t have time to act, he barely had time to comprehend what was happening. Debris were falling everywhere, some a lot bigger that others. He heard yet another scream, although this one was much closer and much more familiar- Hermione’s, a sound he had, unfortunately, become all too familiar with. Someone pushed him to the side, just as a large piece of wall fell. Much to his dismay, he couldn’t see who his saviour had been, as a cloud of dust filled the air all too quickly, once the wall had hit the floor.
Just as the air had finally been lifted, George had pushed his twin brother to his feet, pulling him back to battle.
“Move it. This thing is far from over, we don’t have time or the privilege, as a matter of fact, to just sit there on our arses!”
In no time, they were both back in full motion, trying their best not to lose anymore focus and just making it out alive. It was harder now, to fight. Fred was exhausted, you were still no where to be found and the battle didn’t seem to be close to an end.
Just as he felt his legs break under his weight from standing up for too long, there was another announcement. Voldemort had given them an hour to collect and treat the people witches and wizards that had not been so lucky, and if during that time Harry Potter did not appear then the battle would recommence. Fred didn’t care about the rest, he only cared about one thing- you, specifically if you had or had not been one of those unlucky people. He went to the Great Hall where the bodies were being rolled in at an alarming pace. Oliver Wood passed by him quickly, not bothering to send a second glance his way, as he carried Colin Creevey in his arms. Fred was made painfully aware of his hammering heart, hoping, nay praying, that he wouldn’t find your body beyond those doors, but rather just you helping.
He felt a hand tighten on his shoulder, turning around to find his older brother Charlie, who gave him a sympathetic smile. “I reckon everyone is alright. There were a few painful casualties, like Tonks and Lupin…” The older stated as they passed by two beds where the couple laid motionless, lifeless, each with a hand sticking out, both barely touching, their faces radiating a calming energy that almost made Fred believe they were just sleeping. He felt his gut clench at the thought of your body laying like this, in this state. “But I think… I hope,” Charlie quickly corrected as they continued to advance through the sea of people crying and holding each other. “That the rest is doing quite alright.”
But something in front of them made Fred second-guess Charlie’s words. His mother was hugging his father, her head buried on his shoulder, Ginny was crying silently, holding Bill’s hand who, in turn, was holding Fleur’s. Hermione was also there, on her knees, next to a bed, shaking her head from side to side, in this belief, with Ron’s arm around her shoulders, his face completely apathetic. Mrs Weasley was the first notice the arrival of her two sons, wasting no time in pulling Fred into a tight hug.
“I’m so sorry, Fred. With all the commotion, they were only able to find her body a few minutes ago, and by then it was too late to do anything. Madam Pomfrey tried everything, but she really is just… gone.” Over his mother’s shoulders, he was able to see the body his family was surrounding. He felt his heart sink, the air leave his lungs as he saw your hair lay flat, most of it on the floor, your eyes closed, your face pale, and just like Tonks and Lupin, lifeless.
“No, no, no, this can’t be real, this is not real, it just isn’t!” He rushed to your side, feeling the tears already forming in his eyes. “You can’t die. Please don’t die.” He pleaded taking one of your hand in his, allowing his other hand to run through your face, trying to find any signs of life, even if part of him, knew it was already pointless. He still had to try, he couldn’t bare thinking he wasn’t able to save you, he wasn’t able to spend your last few minutes together, he couldn’t bare to think you were gone and so was your future together. He couldn’t bare to think that was the end of everything.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Ginny kneel next to him, resting her head on his shoulder. “I’m so sorry, Freddie… I can’t believe it either, but she really is gone…They told me it was during the explosion, she got caught under a wall, I think…” He stopped listening after his sister said, ‘the explosion’, the rest of the words just seemed to be muffled out. You were killed during the explosion, the same one in which someone had miraculously saved him, and he could just put his hands in fire on how that someone had been you. If only George hadn’t pulled him so hastily out of there. If only he hadn’t so foolishly been taken aback because of Percy’s comment and hadn’t gotten so distracted in the first place. If only he had taken everything much more seriously, then maybe you would’ve been there, with him, alive.
“No, that’s- that’s not true. Come on, she’s just sleeping, can’t you see?” His voice cracked with each sentence, the disbelief present in it, as he caressed both your hands and your face a bit more forcefully now. “Come on, love, wake up. You need to wake up, because I can’t do this without you.” His whole body was shaking, trembling in fear. Why did you have to die, why were you the one that had passed away and not him? Why did you decide to save him instead of staying put, alive and well? Before he knew it, a scream erupted from within him.
It was a silent scream, more of a loud cry really, but still he kept at it, he kept silently screaming until he realised, he was no longer at Hogwarts but rather at the Burrow, in his tiny childhood bed which he was now sharing with you. He sat up quickly, looking at your peaceful face, this time he knew you were just sleeping, your chest was rising and falling slowly, a small smile plastered on your face, and he hoped you were dreaming of him.
A dream, that was all it was. A nightmare, really, but still just fiction, you did get caught in the explosion trying to save him, but you were found just in time to be cured. You had been treated carefully and after a few months of recovery, you were good as knew, brighter and livelier than ever.
His hand flew to his face, wiping away all the tears that didn’t seem to stop falling. He turned to you once again, making a bit too much movement, his body still trembling, and he knew if he tried to get out of bed and onto his feet, he would immediately fall. “Are you still awake…” He spoke quietly, trying not to wake you up in case you weren’t.
“Well, now I am. You made such a commotion standing up and turning around, it was impossible not to wake up.” You smiled, yawning, sleepily turning to meet his face. As soon as your eyes met his you stopped smiling. His shirt was covered in tears, his nose slightly red, his face pale almost as if he had just now seen a ghost. “Wha- What happened? Freddie, are you okay?”
He didn’t answer, instead he grabbed your face in his hands, carefully analysing every aspect of it, making sure you were real, making sure you had survived and that had all been nothing but a dream. As soon as he had a confirmation, he pulled you into a hug, before pulling away once again to look at your face.
“Fred, what happened? What are you doing? Why are you crying?”
“I had a nightmare about you and I just wanted to make sure you were okay, I’m sorry I woke you up.” He continued his forceful tear-wiping, looking the other way, trying to stop you from seeing him like this, so broken, so emotional, so out of character.
“Hey, look at me.” You let your hand rest on his cheek, pulling his gaze towards you. “It’s okay to cry… Do you want to talk about your nightmare?” You questioned as he shook his head quickly. It had been too much, he didn’t want to ever verbalise it, or at least not so soon after. “Okay, we don’t have to if you don’t want to, but just know that I’m okay, I’m here, we’re all here, as a matter of fact, your whole family, even Ginny and Ron. We are all fine. Emotionally? Not so great, but physically we are all amazing. You don’t have to worry about us, specially not me. I have a special talent of pulling myself through really tough times if that means I can go back to you and annoy you endlessly.” He smiled at your joke, as you continued to caress his face with your thumb, wiping some tears. You pulled him in for a quick kiss before getting up.
“Where are you going?”
“We’re going to the kitchen. I’m going to make you some tea and we can both sit in the living room, we can even cuddle if you are in the mood for that, so you don’t have to go back to sleep right away.”
He shot out of bed as well, going up to you and pulling you into a tight hug, almost squashing you in the process. “I don’t know what I would do without you, (Y/N), I really do not. You’re it for me, you’re my whole life, you know that right? You know that I love you?” There was a hint of desperation in his voice. Losing you in a dream had felt far too real, he never wanted to go through something like that ever again. “I can’t lose you, I just can’t.”
“You’re safe now, Freddie, I’ve got you. Just as you got me. We’ve got each other.” You smiled, placing a kiss on his forehead before taking his hand in yours. “Now, come on. I can tell you all about Percy’s adventures with the Gnomes and how Ginny ‘accidently’, or so she says, hit him in the head with one today. That ought to cheer you right up!”
He looked at you once again, a smile playing on his lips. A nightmare, that was all it was. You were there, there with him, still bubbly and full of life. You were unharmed, you were whole, and so was he.
Send in them requests, if you want. You can use the prompt list too :)
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dramionediscussion · 4 years
I honestly believe that antis don’t know what dramione is actually about, and believe we just ship a bully with his victim–and refuse to deviate from their reasoning.
But dramione is NOT about that, because literally NO ONE in the dramione fandom (except a few bad apples) would ship a childhood bully draco with hermione. We understand that yes, doing that would make it toxic/abusive. 
draco’s racism was taught to him, just like the weasley children were taught that muggles and wizards and muggleborns were equal. the first eleven years of his life, he grew up with lucius malfoy as a role model–one of the chief blood supremacists. we know that canonically draco worshipped his dad. he learnt that muggleborns were scum of the earth. why would he question that? when we’re kids, we don’t question what our parents teach us–we just assume they’re right and that’s how the world works.
the same concept applies to his classism. the first thing he said to ron was “red hair. hand-me-down robes. you must be a weasley.” now, keep in mind that this is the first time draco is meeting ron. how is an eleven-year-old who’s never met the other child before, know exactly who the child is, and how the child would look?
again, the parents. lucius malfoy worked with arthur weasley in the ministry. he would obviously go home and complain about the “blood traitor and his poverty” to narcissa, and draco would probably overhear, and assume that that’s how you treat the weasleys, because they’re “bad people” in his father’s book, and by extension, his. 
the second book: at the start, lucius puts draco down because his marks were lower than hermione’s. draco is obviously put off, but he understands why–he’s a pureblood. he’s a malfoy. he’s supposed to be doing better than the muggleborns, because according to his father, they don’t deserve to attend hogwarts. later, he calls hermione a mudblood–again, where would he learn that type of language? definitely not the internet, because that didn’t exist. that takes us to his parents. 
now, the question probably is why wouldn’t draco see other non-racist people in school and change? because he didn’t hang out with other houses. slytherins are very isolated, and usually pitted against the rest of the school. draco’s friends, children of death eaters, were probably raised in the same way he was. if his parents taught him pureblood supremacy, and his friends’ parents taught them the same thing, why would he think to question it? 
draco malfoy was taught right from wrong, but those values just happened to be the opposite of what everyone else, like the weasleys, was taught. but just as the weasleys went in knowing that draco was wrong for believing in them, draco went in knowing that the weasleys were wrong for believing in theirs. 
in the third book, I think the whole buckbeak incident was realistic. if a child provokes a dog, and the dog bites it, the dog is the one that’s put down no matter what the child did. I’m not saying it’s “right”–I definitely thin draco 100% deserved to be punched by hermione–but it’s how the world currently works–maybe it will change later but for now, it’s reality. 
and as for the slytherins’ hatred towards hagrid–I’d say it was justified, because hagrid himself was no sweetheart to them. don’t get me wrong–I love hagrid, but he didn’t like the slytherins–you can see this when he talks about them in the first book. again, the books are from harry’s pov, so even if hagrid didn’t like the slytherins and said something about them, it would be biased. but yes, the slytherins often took it too far. 
the fourth book–draco’s bullying wasn’t even that bad. he actually warned hermione to get away at the world cup, in his own twisted way. he accidentally hit her with a curse meant for harry. he made “potter stinks” badges–juvenile things. 
now for the fifth. let me get this absolutely straight: I hate umbridge. I hate the inquistorial squad. I hate that the slytherins joined them. 
but we have to go back to slytherin inequality for this. the slytherins are booed at quidditch matches. the whole school, including most of the teachers and their headmaster, are against them. in fact, I could say that the only teacher that favoured the house was snape, and have canonical evidence. it’s basically the slytherins vs the rest of the school. 
now, comes along a lady that actually seems to favour slytherins. for the first time, they’re made to feel important. she wants to form a little group to catch their worst enemy in an illegal act. who would say no? 
but again–the golden trio was no less. they purposely excluded the slytherins from the DA. forget malfoy and his cronies. not EVERY slytherin would be devoted to umbridge/malfoy. but the trio didn’t invite ANY of them–and not all their parents were death eaters. 
now, put yourself in their place. imagine your school formed a club excluding your house. why would you protect them, instead of catching them? they had no reason to protect the DA, so they didn’t. 
in the sixth book–I think at this point, draco’s grown out of his blood prejudice and realised that it isn’t a game. his father, probably the person he expects the most to protect him is in azkaban. voldemort has his mum, and will kill her if he doesn’t murder the wizarding world’s most powerful wizard. but why did he continue his discrimination? 
do you really think that draco malfoy, bully and blood supremacist for five years, suddenly stopped bullying muggleborns, that word wouldn’t reach his house? his friends/housemates would tell their death eater parents, and somehow, it would reach his father, or worse–voldemort, who would just find it an excuse to kill his mum. 
but admittedly, he didn’t bully the trio that much that year, and I think he called hermione a mudbblood only once–at the top of the astronomy tower, when he was trying to kill dumbledore. 
also dumbledore KNEW that draco malfoy had been ordered to murder him. he knew who had been making those attempts the entire year. and then five minutes before the death eaters got them, he offered protection. draco was expected to make a life-changing, life-threatening decision in five minutes? when he didn’t even know whether he could trust the order? for all he knew, they could hold his family hostage to draw voldemort out. 
but even then, he began to lower his wand, but it was too late. 
IMHO, I think draco only referred to her as “mudblood granger” at that time as a last-ditch attempt to constrain to his father’s beliefs–which would be VERY advantageous to him at that point, because then he would be able to find a reason to murder dumbledore. but we all know he wasn’t able to do it. 
in the seventh book, he refuses to identify harry, even though it’s obvious he recognises him and his family could gain EVERYTHING–but that’s a flimsy redemption arc at best. he stands by while hermione’s being tortured, yes, but that’s because it’s bellatrix lestrange–probably the most feared death eater of all time. would you do anything? I think not. 
draco malfoy was brought up in a different way, having different beliefs ingrained into him. do you actually blame a child for doing what his father said, when the child should have been old enough to make his own choices? do you still blame that child for having been exposed to only one sort of right their whole lives, and having a biased opinion because they were never taught to see from a different perspective? and do you still blame that boy, despite everything he’s faced, that he never went through with it? 
people who say “draco had a choice and he made the wrong one” are just wrong. what kinda choice would they make if a genocidal maniac was sitting at their dinner table, holding their mum hostage, until they killed the president of their country? 
 to me, I think draco and ron were both very insecure people, though for different reasons, and just had different ways of showing it. ron cut people off when he thought they were going to succeed without him, and draco made comments about the other person’s insecurities, probably to make himself feel better. ron was insecure about harry’s fame, but since he was harry’s best friend, he just had to put up with it (until the 4th book). draco had no such obligations. 
and to say that draco malfoy isn’t redeemable, is saying that people who mess up when they’re kids, will remain that way for the rest of their lives. it’s sending a message to all young people out there telling them the consequences of making a mistake–no one will like them. 
I’m not “excusing” draco’s racism. he was a piece of shit, plain and simple. but I’d say 98% of that is because of the way he was brought up. 
also isn’t it the whole point that we want people to wake up and realise their mistakes? half of america would have LOVED for donald trump to get up one day and realise that he’s a racist misogynist. ofc it wouldn’t change the past, but it would change the future.
now, onto the dramione argument. 
first off, saying that hermione wouldn’t forgive draco for the past is going against every aspect of her character. she had a soft spot for kreacher, the house-elf that grew up in a racist household and was therefore racist and called her and ron “mudblood” and “blood traitor” (quite similar to draco, actually). she understood where he was coming from, and why he was the way he is, and ultimately didn’t care. after that, how can you say that she wouldn’t forgive draco for having beliefs and values ingrained into him from when he was a child? 
second, who is the real enemy in HP? yes, you could say voldemort, but it’s more about what he represents, which is prejudice. having draco, a former blood supremacist and the son and nephew of death eaters, getting together with hermione, a muggleborn girl, would show that he’s thrown his beliefs out of the window. it’s his character growth and how he matures through the war and its aftermath. 
putting draco and hermione together as kids without any change to their characters is toxic and abusive, no doubt about it. but that’s not what dramione is about.
even in hogwarts fics like isolation, what the room requires, and clean, the authors make sure that he repents. they make sure to explicitly write his character arc, and to show that he is no longer a bully or blood supremacist. 
hermione is NOT draco’s redemption, since canonically he shows signs of awakening, if not actual repentence. she’s the conclusion of his redemption. it’s officially showing the world and society that he is no longer a blood purist. 
dramione isn’t about crazy fans thinking it’s adorable for a bully and a victim to fall for each other.
dramione is about change. and if you believe that people can’t change, that’s on you.
I agree with most of the points you’ve made except for the second paragraph. The majority of Dramione fans do indeed ship Hermione with redeemed Draco, but there’s nothing wrong with reading fics in which their relationship is toxic (I do that every once in a while) because neither Hermione nor Draco is a real person and you can put them in all types of circumstances. They’re both fictional characters and thus can’t be hurt.
- AgnMag
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priorireverte · 4 years
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Congratulations Ashlie!
Your application for Neville Longbottom has been accepted. It was delightful to read and I am looking forward to seeing what more he brings to the group!
Please look to the checklist for the next steps and reach out if you have any questions!
NAME & PRONOUNS: Ashlie ( she/her )
ACTIVITY LEVEL: My main goal is to be online about five days a week actively working on replies, although I am always lingering around on mobile for plotting and such.
ANYTHING ELSE: Triggers: Flashing Gifs. Experience wise, I have been roleplaying online since 2011, and joined Tumblr roleplay around 2014.
NAME: Neville Longbottom
BIRTHDATE: July 30, 1980
GENDER, PRONOUNS, and SEXUALITY: demiboy he/they asexual/biromantic , Neville doesn’t put much weight on pronouns, either he or they really there is no preference for one over the other because he simply doesn’t feel any sort of connection to any of them. He tends to use the two interchangeably, although they are also still playing around with how they feel about the concept of masculinity and how it ties into his own idea of their gender so this may change over the course of the timeline.
HOUSE ALUMNI: Gryffindor Growing up, Neville was the one people always questioned. How could they possibly ever have been sorted into Gryffindor? They were quite timid as a child, fearful and easily taken advantage of. It was Dumbledore who had first seen the potential and they had and awarded him for it. They hadn’t wanted to stand up to Harry, Ron, and Hermione first year, they were terrified. But they also knew if they didn’t say anything their whole house would face the punishment that came with finding students out of bed past curfew, even if they later learned the three had a pretty solid reason. But Dumbledore’s validation had been what they needed to continue to experiment with that Gryffindor bravery they failed to see in themself. Telling a gang of eleven year olds not to sneak out isn’t the most terrifying thing they’ve ever done- but it was the first time they had fought back for what they thought was the right thing. That made them sure of themself when he joined the DA and made so quick to answer the call on those medallions and fight back when Hogwarts was under Death Eater control. Neville grew up very quickly and in a short amount of time, the catalyst for them truly feeling they belonged being prior to the true start of the war after learning their parents’ attacker had escaped from Azkaban Prison. Then Death Eaters took over the school they called home and it was no longer about proving themself to histheir grandmother or classmates, but about doing the right thing. It was then that Neville truly understood the meaning of bravery, chivalry, and the other traits true
OCCUPATION:  Current Auror / Substitute Professor of Herbology at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry  (  Neville has been working for the auror department since he left Hogwarts and is currently still working for them. He however has just accepted a job at Hogwarts starting after summer break and put notice in at the department he will be leaving in the end of August. He has yet to tell anyone anything other than that he has subbed at the school a couple times for Professor Sprout.  )
FACECLAIM: Federico Cesari
Neville had only been a toddler when they first learned the end of a war does not mean the end of the fighting or that some of the worst acts of violence and cruelty happen after one side has already surrendered.  The war was a terrifying thing and Neville didn’t begin to fully understand what it meant until after their side had already won. They cut a lot of people off after the final battle; kept isolated and trapped in a state of uncertainty. Some days they felt invincible- as if the scared little child who refused to let go of their grandmother’s skirt was someone else entirely and only the new version of themself who spat in Death Eater’s faces had remained. But as the adrenalyn wore off it became easier to fall back into the mindset of someone who thought they would never fit in or live up to the reputation their parents had set for them.
They went immediately into Auror training simply because they didn’t know what else to do. When Neville  was told he could join the program despite not obtaining the OWL results required they couldn’t turn it down. It had felt like some sort of sign that this was what they needed to do, They knew that they wanted to be an Auror at only eight years old- although back then it was more because they wanted to be like their Gran’s stories of Frank than an interest in the career itself, but they had still struggled to accept that their childhood dream had gone out the window when their OWL scores came in the mail. But their position in the war meant more than an Acceptable in Transfiguration, and with so many Death Eaters still to be captured they couldn’t bring themselves to accept the war had finally ended.
When they learned the position for the Herbology teacher at Hogwarts opened he applied on a whim, never thinking they would actually get the job and  struggled to get through the interview until they realized Professor Sprout had recommended them personally. They know they need to do this for themself, but they’re terrified to tell everyone about their plans to leave the Auror Department. It feels selfish- like they’re giving up the fight.
Now with Bellatrix’s return they are angry. At least they believe they are angry, but this is a different anger than the one they felt when she had broken out of Azkaban for the first time years ago. Perhaps it’s the mixture of jealousy at seeing so many people around them be reunited with their families while struggling with the guilt of avoiding their own. Or maybe it’s simply a deeper understanding. They are eager to find out.
Neville assumes their upbringing has a large part in the reason they’re so quick to think about what exactly is making someone behave the way they are. They are empathetic, quick to be understanding and patient. They wants to be there for everyone, even if that person doesn’t want them there. When Neville is invested in something they go on longer than anyone enjoys, putting every ounce of energy they have into it. When they love something they put their all into it and has never been one to do something half-assed. Even whenthey struggle, they give their all and don’t volunteer unless they knows they can pull through. Their love of herbology is clear to everyone who knows them and they spend hours a day trying to learn more about the subject they love so much. But he is also passionate about equal rights and fighting injustice. So passionate he put his safety on the line again and again to give a bit of hope to those around him that they could do this. So passionate even when he thought they had lost everything he still was the one to stand up and keep fighting.
They spent a lot of time lonely, and grew comfortable being by themselves. For a long time it seemed like everyone had their click but him. Sure he had friends, at least he thinks they all considered him friends, but until recently he never had that person he could go to. Now he still forgets to reach out to others for nothing other than to just enjoy each other’s company. He’ll call them to tell them about a book he thinks they would enjoy, or to tell them about the restaurant that opened up down the street from them, but he’s still working on believing people want to spend time with him and breaking the habit of spending his time along.
Insecurity and uncertainty had defined Neville’s life for so long, sometimes he does not know how to live any differently. He is quick to second guess himself in every aspect, and that has held him back many times. He decides how others feel without asking their opinions and can be quite pessimistic while doing so. Neville’s loyalty is also a trait he prides himself on greatly, but at times it can be entirely blind. He can have a bit of a black and white mindset when it comes to if someone is good or bad and once you have been deemed good in his mind he will follow certain people to their doom simply because they told him it was a wise idea.
Neville’s parent’s health had always been especially overwhelming and confusing for them, ever since they were just old enough to comprehend the two of them were not normal, that the way they behaved wasn’t the typical way the other adults in their life acted. Although for a very long time even after that they didn’t entirely understand their presence in their life was something normal to miss or that it wasn’t selfish to be angry over the fact that Frank and Alice couldn’t recognize who Neville was. They understand the pride they feel in being their child, and just how much they had sacrificed, but even now they cannot seem to fully comprehend why they miss something they cannot remember ever having in the first place.
So the excuses to not join Augusta on her visits to St. Mungo’s were plausible for a while. First it wasn’t safe to go, they couldn’t leave Hogwarts during the height of the war, the new job had just kept them so busy there wasn’t the time.  Although every time they rattle off another excuse they see more of that same look in their grandmother’s eye that they had grown accustomed to as a child and thought they had finally gotten past. It was the week of the first anniversary Neville and Augusta finally had it out. Neville hadn’t meant to snap at her, there was so much guilt and their anxiety was still high. Suddenly everything from their childhood with her came out at once. The pressure she put on them to live up to their father, never saying anything to the family members who harmed them in an attempt to “scare” the magic out of them. They feel a responsibility to work on their relationship, she’s the only family they really have and perhaps if that weren’t the case they would have dropped her. But Neville loves her, as strict and imperfect as she is; they know she loves him, even if she wasn’t always the perfect guardian.
Only months following the end of the war, a group of Death Eaters had captured Frank and Alice Longbottom, determined they knew what happened to the Dark Lord and were willing to do anything in their power to get that information out of the two Aurors. They tortured the two incessantly until they had both lost their minds, leaving Neville who had only been a baby at the time to be raised by Frank’s mother, Augusta.  She had been stern and old fashioned in the way she had raised them, expecting Neville to be every bit as brilliant as their father and then some as only a child, and she hadn’t done a spectacular job at hiding her disappointment whenever they didn’t live up to the expectations set for them. It had happened before, in a family as old as the Longbottoms it wasn’t entirely unheard of for a child to be born a squib, but that didn’t stop the fact that it was shameful, or dismiss the fears that Neville would live a horrid life if they failed to ever show signs of magic. Their entire extended family grouped together to attempt to make them to show some signs of magic, all going to different lengths in their attempts to do so. This destroyed their confidence and left Neville especially insecure even before they had the opportunity to start Hogwarts.
While everyone around them seemed to think of their time at Hogwarts longingly, Neville struggled during their time in the castle. Their Gran had been overprotective after taking them in and kept them separated from other kids their age so long they had a hard time making friends. Kids were mean, and it wasn’t uncommon for them to be the punchline of various jokes and picked on for the babyfat they had yet to lose or their awkward demeanor. While being bullied by their peers was hard enough, Neville hadn’t expected their professors to be even more terrifying than anything else they had dealt with in their young but still tragic youth. Severus Snape had been the human embodiment of everything they ever did wrong. As much as Neville loves their grandmother, she was never subtle about her high expectations for them and the more Neville tried to live up to them, the more they seemed to fail. Snape preyed on this, had a comment ready at every corner and made sure Neville knew they were inferior. They would never be as smart as their father. Never be as talented or successful if they couldn’t brew a simple potion correctly. The trauma of watching their parents’ health deteriorate as only a toddler left them with scars they still haven’t healed and Snape knew that as well. The gut wrenching  anticipation of knowing if they did their assignment incorrectly their beloved pet would be slowly and painfully killed only brought the teen nightmares and what ifs. Snape knew Neville’s secrets from the days he fought on the other side, then his time as his Professor and had a profound talent for using this against them.
When Bellatrix Lestrange escaped from Azkaban it gave Neville a reason to fight back for the first time. There was a connection between them and the fighting going on outside the walls of Dumbeldore’s protection and they were able to truly comprehend just what this all meant beyond knowing Voldemorts return was a bad thing. Even more than that, they wanted revenge. They wanted to get even with the witch who stole everything from them, caused their parents to be unable to even know who their own child was. And they did fight back, harder than they had ever fought for anything in their life, they practiced day and night with hopes they could prove they are much more than the stupid little pureblood with insane parents and could barely hold a wand the right direction.
Then they were seventeen and living their deepest darkest what ifs. Would I do the same? Could I take the worst of the unforgivables for the well being of another? Neville’s entire life had been controlled by that curse. The shyness, the isolation, depression. The fear. Suddenly they were thrown into war, still only a student, even if one privileged enough to be born with the blood that was ranked superior. Wands were pointed at them, doing everything they could to force them to be the one thing he grew up swearing they would never be. Neville took everything they threw at them to not become the people who tore apart their family. They grew more confident and collected and stepped up to do what they knew they needed to do. They lead an Army, and the DA was the most important thing they will ever be a part of in their life. It made them someone they could be proud of, instead of having to worry what everyone around them would think of them.
WHAT ARE YOU MOST LOOKING FORWARD TO? This group is gorgeous, While yes, your graphics and theme is lovely, your plot, the character teasers, and the writing are beautiful. A post trio roleplay is so hard to come by, as is a group with passionate and active admins and members who want to write and develop characters and the little twist of bringing back the dead is captivating. Scrolling through the page simply left me inspired, there is no other way to explain it. Thank you for making this rp possible and giving me the chance to be a part of it.
ANYTHING ELSE? https://www.pinterest.com/aaestheticsdm/why-is-it-always-me-c-neville-longbottom/
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The unbreakable vow (part 2)
Words: 1K+
Part one
No one knew what had happen with your relationship, but both you and Fred were a walking mess. You didn't bother to do your hair anymore, you got skinnier than ever before and dark circles under your eyes were the most prominent feature in your face now. Fred on the other hand was quiet all the time, with his head on the clouds and no one had heard anything about Weasley products since the beginning of the year. 
"I knew she would cause trouble, she's a Malfoy after all" 
Ron said, this was a common topic between the Weasleys, because they were really worried about Fred. And about you too.
"You can't really be that thick" 
Ginny lifted her eyes from the paper she was writing to give Ron a death stare
"There's obviously something wrong with this, I don't know what, but I'm going to figure it out" 
"I'm with Ginny" Hermione contributed "how is it possible that they lasted two years together in secret but they broke up the moment they make their relationship public?" 
Lee Jordan who was a good friend of the twins, overheard the conversation 
"can you drop it already? Fred needs go out there, date other people. I just set him up with a beautiful Ravenclaw girl, and he seems happy about it"
"No. I'm not dropping it" 
Ginny stormed off the common room, slamming the Fat lady's painting. 
Fred wasn't sure if this was the right thing to do. He was still in love with you, even after the horrible things you said, but Lee was right, he needed to move on. He met the Ravenclaw girl at the three broomsticks. She was cute, but she was not you. They talked for a while, but then you entered from the door. He felt wrong. Like he needed to hide because he was cheating on you, but he reminded himself that you had never loved him and he was moving on. He stared at you though. That was not the face of a girl who broke up with someone she didn't love. Your hunched shoulders, your lifeless eyes. It was not normal. 
When you looked up catching Fred's eyes and saw him with another girl you were about to have a panic attack. You left the place so fast that your friends didn't even notice. 
Fred excused himself and followed you to the place you two used to hide. Your secret place. He approached with caution because he heard you crying, and when he found you sitting on the floor, hugging your knees and holding an old sweater of him, his heart broke even more than two months ago when you broke up with him. 
He said, you jumped a little and looked at him. Panic started building up in you
"what are you doing here?"
You asked, drying your tears so he wouldn't notice them. He did anyway 
"what's wrong?" 
Fred stood there, debating himself to go and sit beside you, like he used to do last year
"it's none of your business" 
You spat, not letting yourself look into his eyes
"you came here, so you made it my business" 
"don't flatter yourself Weasley, I came here because it's quiet. Well, at least it was moments ago" 
"That doesn't explain my sweater" 
A sight escaped from your lips
"I don't have time for this" 
You stood up and tried to leave, but Fred blocked the exit 
"what do you think you're doing?" 
"I tried (y/n). I tried to stop thinking about you, to forget you, to move on, but I can't because I still have a lot of questions that you never answered!" 
A headache started on the back of your head, but you brushed it off as the stress of the situation 
"if I answer them do you promise you won't talk to me anymore?"
"I promise"
You sat on the floor, not sure if this talk was going to be your breaking point, but you reminded yourself that when this happened in the past months, you only had to remember that the entire Weasley family was in your hands
Fred sat beside you, but not as close as he used to
"okay. What did I do wrong?"
You couldn't still look at him in the eyes, so you fixed your gaze at the ground
"I already told you. You didn't do anything wrong, I just never loved you"
"I don't believe you for a second"
"that is your problem, not mine"
"you know why I don't believe you? Because I know you. I have known you ever since you stood against your brother when he called Hermione a mudblood. Since you went that time at the burrow without your father's knowledge and everyone loved you. Since we went to the kitchens and you greeted Dobby like he was your friend, like an equal. Since you and Ginny started to be best friends and started using this same room to talk because Ginny understood this situation maybe even better than I did. And there is no day that passes by without me regretting putting so much pressure on you to reveal our relationship to the world"
You were left without words. You had practiced all summer what to say to Fred, but you never expected this kind of talk. Silence remainded in the room, until Fred broke it
"look at me in the eyes and tell me you never loved me and I promise I will leave you alone from now on"
You didn't need to look at him in the eyes to know you couldn't do that. You couldn't look at his green eyes that you loved and lie to him, but you tried anyway
"I... I don't-"
You started, but your words got stuck in your throat when you realised how close you were with Fred, the boy you loved. The boy you will always love. Fred could sense what was going on and he got closer and closer to you until your lips touched his.At first you wanted to pull away and run as fast as you could, but you didn't. You forgot about everything happening, your father, the unbreakable vow, your aunt Bella, everything. Instead of pulling away, you kissed him back with all the emotions you felt at the moment. Sadness, guilt, regret. The words I've missed you so much were implicitly told in the kiss from both of you. 
The kiss was passionate and you didn't miss the chance of positioning yourself on Fred's legs, like the old times. He grabbed your waist as if this was unreal to him and he wanted to make sure you were actually there.
"I love you"
You said, looking into his eyes
"I love you too"
He responded trying to catch his breath, but when you were about to kiss him again your headache was so painful you thought someone just hit you with a hammer
"(y/n)? What is it?"
"My head it hurts. It really hurts"
Fred acted quick. He grabbed you and carried you down the halls, heading towards Madam Pompfrey. You heard a voice talking to you, it wasn't Fred. It was Ginny
"(y/n) did you break the vow?"
You couldn't speak, so you just nodded
"Damn it! Why would you do that you idiot?!"
That voice was definitely Draco. You felt Fred dropping you slowly in a bed, and you could barely hear Madame Pompfrey
"what's wrong with her?"
"I don't know... I-"
Fred started but Draco interrupted him quickly
"she broke an unbreakable vow. You need to save her, please. She is my sister"
And that was the last thing you heard before it was all darkness.
All the Weasleys were there when you woke up, plus Hermione and Draco
"she's awake!"
Ginny yelled and ran to your side
"what happened? How am I alive?"
You asked
"madame Pompfrey thinks the third party at the vow didn't do the spell right"
Fred answered, and then proceeded to kiss your hand
"Oh God, I probably owe everyone an explanation"
You said, sitting on the bed
"not really" Ginny spoke "Draco explained everything to me before any of this happened" 
"she attacked me!" 
Draco complained and you chuckled a little, but then you realized how dangerous this situation was. Draco wasn't going to stay quiet.
"Draco, about our parents..."
"they won't hear a word about this, if they did I would be in trouble too for telling her about all this"
You smiled at your little brother as he left the room. You knew he wasn't doing this because he would be in trouble. You looked at Ginny
"I was so irresponsible, I'm so sorry. Imagine if I had really died, you would have to deal with my aunt Bellatrix and my father"
Ron shook his head
"we have Harry every year at our house, I hope you don't think mum and dad aren't ready for some death eaters"
You chuckled
"well, I think we need to go. I'm really glad this is over"
Said Hermione smiling genuinely at you
"yeah, I think you two have a lot to talk about"
Ginny winked at Fred and everyone left you two alone in the nursery. Fred sat beside you in the bed, holding your hand and forming circles with his thumb in it.
"I'm so sorry"
He said. Your eyebrow furrowed
"what for? It's me who needs to apologize"
"no. You wouldn't even be in this situation if I had been a good boyfriend and listened to you in the first place"
You squeezed his hand
"none of this is your fault. It was my decision in the yule ball, you didn't pressured me, and the good news is that we can see each other again in secret"
He smiled
"yeah about that. I have a surprise for you tomorrow".
 A portable swamp. A freaking portable swamp. When Fred told you he had a surprise for you, you never imagined him going against at least 90% of Hogwarts' rules. That obviously didn't mean you didn't like it. Umbridge's face was priceless and you were sure your boyfriend was going to scape punishment somehow, so you weren't worried about that
"Accio broom!"
You heard both twins yelling. The brooms came and Fred turned to look at you. He extended his hand and you and you took it, positioning yourself on the broom too. The three of you abandoned Hogwarts
"give her hell from us Peeves".
"Where are we going?"
You asked with the biggest smile you ever had on your face
"to our new store on Diagon Alley, you're going to love it
"Fred answered. You hugged him with more strength than required to not fall off the broom. You loved him and everything was going to be okay. Your life was starting at that moment. 
Thank you for your support!!
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padfoot-prefect · 4 years
The Bitter Sweet: Episode 1
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The train ride with Lily and Severus has actually been quite nice, thought Helen. Once she had explained what she had done to Sirius and James (Lily had said that those were their names), Severus had started to act much more friendly towards her. He had gone into an hour long explanation of why Slytherin was the best house. “We are misunderstood.” Severus had said. “There’s nothing wrong with being ambitious and desiring success. My mum tells me Slytherin has won the house cup several times.”
Helen was taking in everything Severus was saying. She viewed herself as ambitious and she certainly desired to be respected and to be powerful. The qualities Severus was listing were all qualities of Helen, but somehow she got the feeling that Severus wasn’t letting Lily and Helen know everything he knew about Slytherin. Lily seemed to be sharing the same thoughts of Severus not letting them know everything, which is why she was squinting her eyes from time to time and shaking her head.
The train slowed right down and finally stopped. People pushed their way towards the door and out on to a tiny, dark platform. Helen felt herself shiver in the cold Scottish air and looked around herself to find that she wasn’t the only one shivering from the cold. Then a lamp came bobbing over the heads of the students and Helen heard a voice. “Firs’-years! Firs’-years over here! My name’s ‘Agrid and I’m the gamekeeper o’ Hogwarts!”
Helen felt herself shiver once more. Hagrid was almost twice as tall as a normal man and at least five times as wide. He looked simply too big to be allowed, and so wild – long tangles of bushy black hair and beard hid most of his face, He had hands the size of trash can lids, and his feet in their leather boots were like baby dolphins. Helen made a note for herself to never be cross with Hagrid. If he wanted, he would’ve squished her like a bug in a second.
“All firs’ years are to cross the lake to the school in groups of fo’r. Now, follow me!”
Helen and Lily looked each other, their eyes were big out of fright and their small faces were white from the cold. They started following Hagrid down a narrow path between the trees and they stopped by a great lake. Helen lifted her head to take a better look at the castle, perched on the mountain. So, this is Hogwarts, she thought to herself. It was more grand, beautiful and adventurous looking than Helen could have ever imagined. She let her mouth hang open from shock and excitement. This was her new home.
“No more’n four to a boat!” Hagrid called, pointing to a fleet of little boats sitting in the water by the shore.  Helen, Lily, and Severus took their seats in a boat and a blonde, blue-eyed girl followed them. She introduced herself as Marlene McKinnon.
“Everyone in?” shouted Hagrid, who had a boat to himself, “Right then – FORWARD!”
From the corner of her eye, Helen saw Sirius and James share a boat with a sandy haired and rather tired looking boy and a chunky looking boy that was looking at Sirius in admiration. Helen scoffed, and at the sound of her scoff, Lily turned her head to where Helen’s eyes had been looking a moment ago and saw the boys too. Lily immediately turned her head away and started looking at Hogwarts as if she was trying to memorize everything about it.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Asked Helen. Lily nodded in agreement, and at hearing the question, a smile spread on Marlene’s face. “Wait until you see inside. My mum won’t shut up about it. “
Helen felt her smile drop but decided to change the subject instead of saying anything about it. “Where do you hope to be sorted, Marlene?”
“Well, Gryffindor, of course! Everyone knows all dark wizards get sorted into Slytherin” Snape made a sound at that. “And I don’t really fancy being in Ravenclaw and spending my life in the library.” Said Marlene determinedly. “I don’t think I’d do well as a Ravenclaw” she added as an afterthought.
“And what about Hufflepuff?” Lily asked. She was very interested in the conversation now and hearing other people’s opinions on houses other than Severus.
“Well, I guess Hufflepuff is okay, but most people think it’s rather lame to be sorted in Hufflepuff.”  Marlene said as if she was giving a secret. She seemed to be enjoying the attention.
“Heads down!” yelled Hagrid as the first boats reached the cliff. They all bent their heads and the little boats carried them through a curtain of ivy which hid a wide opening in the cliff face. One by one, they got off the boat and the doors to the castle opened. A tall witch had stood there. She was wearing emerald green robes and her hair was tied into a tight bun. Helen thought she looked stern. Once she made sure everyone was there, she introduced herself. “I’m Professor McGonagall. Follow me.”
They all followed Professor McGonagall in the vast castle and Helen wondered to herself if she would ever be able to learn every corridor and passage at Hogwarts. The castle was just too big. “Welcome to Hogwarts” said Professor McGonagall. “The start of term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory and spend free time in your house common room. ‘The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. The Sorting Ceremony will take place when we walk into the Great Hall in front of the rest of the school. “
Helen was so excited she could have sworn her hands were shaking. They all followed Professor McGonagall into the Great Hall. The Great Hall consisted of four long tables and candles hanging mid-air from the ceiling. Ahead of her, she assumed was the teacher’s table. Everyone was staring at the first years and Helen let her eyes take everything in.
Professor McGonagall now stepped forward holding a long roll of parchment. “When I call your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted,”she said. “Andrews, Angela!”
A black girl with a fishtail braid walked ahead. She looked quite shaken (her knees were wobbling) but she sat down on the chair and let Professor McGonagall place the hat on her head. Minutes seemed to pass and Helen wondered if it took the hat this long to sort everyone, and then
“HUFFLEPUFF” shouted the hat. The girl seemed to relax under the hat and happily skipped to the table where the applauses were coming from.
“Atherton, Kimberly” The hat barely touched the girl’s head and then it declared-
“RAVENCLAW!” Helen felt herself clap as the girl sheepishly went to the Ravenclaw table. So, sometimes the hat was able to make quick decisions, Helen thought to herself.
“Black, Bellatrix”
Helen looked up as the Hall went deadly silent to see a girl with big, black locks and hooded eyes sit on the chair. The hat merely touched her head and it shouted- “SLYTHERIN!”
Helen watched as Bellatrix happily went to the Slytherin table and for the first time ever, she really looked at the Slytherin table. She now understood why Marlene said that the Slytherins had a reputation of producing dark wizards. Helen couldn’t quite put her finger on it but there was an air of superiority and haughtiness coming from the Slytherin table. She looked at Lily, who seemed to be thinking the same thing. They shared a tight lipped smile.
“Black, Sirius”
Sirius approached the hat in a confident manner but Helen thought his grey eyes were giving him away. They were big and looked worried. Nevertheless, he sat and put the hat on his head. Seconds turned into minutes and Helen yawned as they all waited for Sirius to be sorted. The Sorting Hat was taking a very long time and Helen watched as Sirius clenched his fists, shook his head and looked determined and then- “GRYFFINDOR!” The sorting was like a slap across the teachers’ and the Slytherin table. Everyone watched as Sirius took his seat at his house table. The Gryffindors were going wild, clapping like they’ve never clapped before. Helen watched with curious eyes, wondering why everyone was so shocked that Sirius was sorted into Gryffindor and then she remembered what he had said on the train. That his entire family have been in Slytherin but he hoped to break tradition. At that moment, Helen felt a little bad for the hex she sent earlier. 
The sorting ceremony continued. Lily, James and Marlene in Gryffindor, and Severus was in Slytherin. Sev, as Lily called him, was upset when Lily was sorted into Gryffindor but happy that he was in Slytherin. It took ages for Helen’s turn to come and the wait was only making her more anxious.
“Walker, Helen”
Helen walked up to the chair; she felt like everyone was looking at her and then everything went black as she looked inside the hat.
“I know who you are.” A small voice said in her ear as if it was giving a secret to Helen. “Very difficult, indeed. It was difficult to sort your mother too.” Helen shook her head. “Ambition and determination from the remnants of childhood trauma. And a need to prove yourself. You would do well in Slytherin, your mother did well there too.“
Helen clenched her fists, she felt ready to fight. “I don’t want to be sorted in the same house as my mum.” She thought.
“But don’t you see child, you have the determination and ambition of a Slytherin. You feel the need to prove yourself after everything you’ve been through.”
Helen gritted her teeth. “Not. Slytherin.” She was gritting her teeth with such force that she feared they would break.
“Well, if you insist this much…” trailed the small voice. “I guess I can’t interfere with faith anyways. Better be GRYFFINDOR!”
Helen relaxed noticeably, took of the hat and hurried over to the Gryffindor table next to Lily. Helen was so relieved to have been chosen and not put in Slytherin, she had the biggest smile on her face. Professor McGonagall rolled up her scroll and took the sorting hat away. What did the sorting hat mean by faith? Helen wasn’t sure, but these thoughts have left her mind as quick as they entered when she saw all the food in front of her. She hadn’t realized how hungry she was until now. She immediately delved into buttered peas and chicken and helped herself to a bit of other stuff too. Lily turned to Helen in the middle of dinner and asked: “Do you think Sev is upset I got put into Gryffindor?” Helen thought about her question for a few seconds. “I’m sure he was upset but you shouldn’t care about that. Did you not hear what Marlene had said? I’m telling you Lily, look at their table, there’s something wrong-“ and in that moment she felt the pumpkin juice explode in her face. Helen’s face distorted in rage and grew red like a tomato. She whipped her head around to see Sirius howling in laughter and James clapping him in the back. All the sympathy she had felt for the boy vanished in a second.
“You enjoy bullying so much, do you not? You arrogant toe rag!” Shouted Lily at James, but Helen wasn’t listening to her. She took her wand out to shoot a hex at Sirius when Michael Hughes, the Gryffindor prefect, stopped her. “No hexing in the Great Hall! Are you out of your mind?” Helen reluctantly put her wand away. Her robes were soaked in orange, pumpkin juice and she felt humiliated to be hexed in front of so many people. “Don’t worry Helen, we’ll get them another time.” Said Lily.
“I don’t know about that” said Sirius from a couple of seats away. “Walker seems like she fancies another orange mark.” Helen felt rage and gritted her teeth. Sirius laughed at her facial expression. He had a bark-like laughter. So, she wasn’t the only one reading books and learning a few spells. Of course, students from wizarding families must have been able to practice magic for a longer time at their house. Helen decided in that moment that she was going to study harder than anybody and learn spells in no time just to get back at that git.
Helen woke up the next morning to Lily’s voice. “Time to wake up, girls!” It took a moment for Helen to register where she was. It still felt surreal that she was a witch and attending a witchcraft school. Helen sat up and saw that Marlene was having the hardest time waking up, Alice looked sleepy too but was getting up to appease Lily. “Come on, Helen!” Was saying Lily now. “We don’t want a late start to our first year!”
“Okay, okay!” Helen rummaged through her trunk to find a new set of dress robes and quickly put them on. Lily was now trying to wake Marlene up. “Five minutes more!” Was Marlene saying.
Once they were all dressed up, they went to the Great Hall for breakfast. Helen was still in awe of the school and was glad to finally finish reading Hogwarts: A History to find out that the ceiling of the Great Hall was enchanted to reflect the sky and that there were a hundred and forty-two staircases at Hogwarts. Helen, Lily, Alice and Marlene sat at the opposite side of the Gryffindor table from the boys and helped themselves to breakfast.
“What do you girls think we’ll learn in our first class?” Asked Lily excitedly while pouring pumpkin juice in their goblets.
‘I don’t know” said Marlene. She still hadn’t fully woken up. “Nothing complicated I hope.”
“I think for classes on the first day, the teachers will mainly talk about their subjects.” Said Alice in a soft voice. Helen thought Alice was a kind girl. She had short brown hair and equally beautiful, wide, chocolate brown eyes.
As they went into their classes for the first day, Alice seemed to be right. They had History of Magic and Charms and now it was time for Transfiguration. All of them had trouble keeping their attention on the History of Magic professor (Marlene had just slept). Transfiguration was the only class they were allowed to practice magic so far. Professor McGonagall had given everyone a match and told them to turn it into a needle.
“Psst” said a voice behind her. Helen whipped her head back to see that it was Sirius Black who was talking. “How was the pumpkin juice yesterday, Helen?”
“Huh” said Helen, and immediately turned her head back ahead.
“Psst” said Sirius again. Helen and Lily turned tiredly. “Maybe I should pour pumpkin juice over your sweater too. Then, they’ll go nicely.” James snickered beside him.
“Do you not have anything else to do Black?” Asked Lily in an annoyed voice. “Why don’t you turn that match into needle?”
“Why don’t you?” Challenged Sirius.
“Okay” said Helen, happy for the opportunity to shut the git up. She said the Incantation and immediately her match turned into a needle. (“Good work, Ms. Walker” said McGonagall. “Ten points to Gryffindor”) Sirius became annoyed instantly. “Good one, Helen” said James from beside him.
Helen was surprised. “When did you start liking me?”
“At first, I thought you were annoying, but then I saw you sneak out of the common room after the curfew last night. That, coupled with the fact that you can already hex people…I thought you were okay for a girl.” Helen panicked and her face went pale.
“What?” She whispered, afraid that James could complain about her to any teacher now. Day 1 and she was already caught breaking the rules. She only went outside to explore the castle a bit more after having read about it.
“Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.” James winked at Helen. Lily cleared her throat. “Let’s see you do the spell then, Sirius” said Lily. Sirius cleared her throat and said the incantation. His match started burning, smoke was rising. “Oh boy” said Helen in a fake, sweet voice. “Guess you’re not as good as you thought you were.” With that Helen turned in her chair. As she was feeling Sirius’ cold grey eyes boring into her back, she let a smile play on her lips.
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marlmckitten · 6 years
You should write something where Remus punches someone, (taking place at some point after his birth, but before July 1980.)
This is such an odd request I don’t even know what to do with it.
There were many times in Remus’ life where he felt angry. When he was a kid and his life changed forever, but his anger came out as defeated and he kept to himself, crying alone in his room so that neither of his parents could hear. He would often find himself annoyed with his best friends at Hogwarts, he never understood why they found teasing others so much fun but never was he brave enough to stand up to them and risk having such loyal friends by his side. He failed one exam, once. It was a divination exam first thing in the morning after one of his transformations. There had been a lot going on that day and he was unable to get out of class properly. His mind did not focus properly and he failed by two marks. He was angry then, angry at his condition, at the unfairness of the world, at himself and unreasonably at his professor as well.
 As the war began on his anger boiled but in the end fell into a pit of depression instead when he realized everyone was spacing themselves from him, most definitely because of his affliction. He was a talented dueller, all his practice and hard work paid off. Much unlike James and Sirius who seemed to have talent bred right into them, Remus had to really focus. Him and Lily would practice together, even in school but now that their lives depended on it, they tried harder than ever. Lily was very talented it did not take her long to learn anything. Her best friend, Marlene McKinnon struggled a little. (Remus saw how worried Sirius would always get, and overly protective he was becoming.) But for Remus after a little practice he had no struggles keeping up and became quite proud of himself. He was the calm and rational- reliable one. If they were compromised Remus could battle for himself and help protect whoever might be a little weaker all at once. His ability to control his emotions even in battle made him even stronger than Sirius or James in the right circumstances.
That is why Remus and Sirius were often paired together for missions. Sirius tended to act on emotions. On a specific late night mission to spy on some Death Eaters, repeatedly Remus had to keep Sirius calm. They were trying to gather information on what the Death Eaters next plan of attack was. So far they were almost always too late to save who the next victim would be and they were determined not to miss any more. Remus’ ears peaked when he heard the name ‘Longbottom’ mentioned and made meaningful eye contact with Sirius.
“There’s only three of them,” Sirius breathed.
“No.” Remus mouthed back and put a finger over his lips.
The pair of them were hiding in some bushes while the Death Eaters met in what they thought was a secret location. It was outside one of the muggle houses where they had murdered the entire family. It was such a remote location however, and they decided not to advertise their victory with a Dark Mark. Muggles were not worth it. Instead they used the spot now to meet, the dead bodies of the muggles were hung by the entry-way in a sickening fashion. Remus had to avoid looking that way to keep his mind from wandering to that poor innocent family. The Death Eaters were standing outside, practising some new curse that Dolohov had apparently taught them. They had already discussed that. Remus had to hold Sirius down and shake his head while he went to jump out when he heard what the spells were suppose to do.
Now here Sirius was again ready to pounce. “Frank and Alice!”
Remus shook his head vigorously.
“Did you hear something?” One of the Death Eaters asked.
Remus and Sirius both froze.
“We just mentioned the Lestrange’s and you get all jumpy, do you?!” The larger of them men cackled. “She’s mad, but they’re on our side.”
A smaller man, with a croaky voice replied, “No really, I heard something.”
There was the third now. A calm, almost bored voice, “Probably a squirrel. As I was saying, we need a way to prove ourselves to him. They give all the best tasks to Lestrange and Malfoy. We could take the Longbottom’s if he would give us a chance.”
Remus wasn’t fast enough, Sirius who was fiercely protective over his friends jumped out, still confident that they could take them and clearly not thinking about what they would do next.
Remus groaned, if Sirius had been listening properly he would realize that these weren’t even the trio that were going to attack, but it was too late now.
“Expelliarmus!” Sirius shouted, but the croaky Death Eater who had still been looking their way acted faster.
“Protego!” Remus shouted instinctively to shield Sirius from the curse.
Seconds later another green flash narrowly missed Remus, and he rebounded another curse into the woods to send a jinx back that caught the third Death Eater and had him falling face first. Sirius simultaneously cast a spell that wrapped vines around the other two and Remus used another disarming spell to get the wands away from them. “Told you we could take them,” Sirius said proudly.
“Sure but that wasn’t the point!” Remus replied, picking up the Death Eaters wands carefully.
The first Death Eater, who Remus now recognized as Qualor and the one who seemed the most confident only licked his lips, “Look, it’s the lesser of the Black’s. Have you heard that we lost your brother some time ago?”
Sirius raised his wand but Remus stopped him, “Don’t fall to their level.” He advised. “We just want to know when the attack on the Longbottom’s is taking place, then we will let you go.” He said rationally.
The smaller one shook his head, “We don’t know.” He squeaked, something about him reminded him of Wormtail.
In a bored voice, the other looked their way, “If you were eavesdropping you sure were’t very good at it, were you?”
Remus eyed Sirius, “Maybe not, however we want to know-”
“We were not given that task!” He replied back coldly. “We don’t know, we are not in the most inner circle!”
Sirius’ eyes narrowed, “So no one will notice when you disappear?!” He flicked his wand and the wizard’s cheek cut open.
The Death Eater did not flinch though. “Dolohov is on his way back right now, I suggest you two leave.”
Remus looked between the three, they were telling the truth.
With a cackle, Qualor watched the blood leak from his friends face, “You came to play did you? Let me free and I’ll duel you, Black. I’ve heard from your cousins you’re not good on your own!”
Sirius’ face went red but Remus stepped in front of him, “Give us the informa-”
“Bellatrix tells us you slept with a stuffed bear until you were fourteen!”
Remus sighed.
“Ickle Black never talked about you, I suppose you were something of a disappointment of a brother.”
This is something Remus knew triggered Sirius immediately. Despite the rumours and assumptions, he would always love Regulus. And loosing him to the Dark Lord and then to the unknown was something that kept Sirius up at night. Remus stepped forward, “No one asked about your opinions.”
“No, but they’re here,” Qualor grinned. “If you weren’t too busy running around with werewolves and blonde’s women and purebloods that care more about Quidditch than their heritage maybe you could have protected your baby brother?!”
“I suggest you stop now,” Remus replied calmly.
“No wonder your mother hated you. And Regulus was so ashamed of you.”
Something snapped and without even realizing it Remus’ fist collided hard with Qualor’s face. Sirius froze and looked at the scenario as Remus slowly brought his fist back trying to process what had just happened. He looked to Sirius who burst out laughing and Remus shook his fist that was now realizing that it was in pain. Something about the verbal attack on Sirius changed the rational side inside of Remus and he just could not take it. He stuck the wands in his robes and began massaging his fist. He was about to say something when he heard more footsteps. Sirius looked at him, that was not just Dolohov there was a whole group. Instantly the two disapparated away and failed to get the rest of the information on the Longbottom attack but Sirius did take Remus to get a nice cup of tea and heal up his fist pretty decently. Of course Sirius told the entire Order than Remus was such a good friend that he would punch a Death Eater in the face for insulting Sirius. But neither of them mentioned what the exact words were that caused the reaction in a usually very collected Remus Lupin.
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inferno-loop · 7 years
JUNGKOOK calls you clingy part 3
Request: Hey!! can i request a fake text about a fight with jungkook where the jungkook is being snappy but they’re havinf a normal conversation but the reader catches on and like they have af ight and jungkook ends up saying something like “youre clingy” or anything else that really hurts her and then tries to make it up to her?? the ending is up to you happy/sad. i hope i made some sense!!! thank you 
Part 3 because I’m a nice person. 
Here’s a link to part 1 and part 2
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“You what?!” 
 “I called her clingy.”
 Namjoon sat there shaking his head at what he was hearing. He knew that Jungkook was an ill tempered kid, so he hadn’t been too disturbed by the frantic call he had received from Jungkook an hour ago to ‘leave everything and come meet him’. Only, now that he was listening to Jungkook, he couldn’t help but look at him with disgust. 
 "I understand that you were not in the best of your moods…but who the fuck calls their own girlfriend clingy, you idiot?” 
 Jungkook groaned, letting his head fall in his hands while he listened to his elder brother chastise him for his actions. “That isn’t the only thing, hyung.” Jungkook said as he held out his phone for his elder brother to see. Namjoon raised an eyebrow and took the phone in his hands as he went over the messages that Jungkook had exchanged with you more than 15 days ago. 
“Holy fucking shit. You are a dick, Jeon Jungkook. No wonder she left you.” 
Jungkook cringed at the reiteration of the fact that he did not want to accept. He sighed. “I know, hyung. I am a huge idiot.”
 "Nope, you’re not an idiot. Being an idiot is a relatively forgivable sin. You, brother, were an absolute arse to her. Forget it, she isn’t coming back.” 
Namjoon shook his head, giving Jungkook’s phone back to him and standing up to leave. “Oh no no no, hyung please, help me out.” Jungkook got up and stood in front of Namjoon blocking is way. “You know how much I love her.” 
“Jeon Jungkook. ____ may have been your girlfriend, but don’t forget that she was my friend before you guys started going around together. You just hurt my friend, hm? What makes you think I’ll help you out with anything?” Namjoon said, his anger fianlly showing itself but Jungkook wasn’t in the position to back off. Namjoon was the only one who could help him. 
 "Because you are my brother and you know how much I love her. Please, hyung, don’t I deserve one chance?” Jungkook said as he desperately held on to the elder boy’s shoulders. 
Namjoon sighed. “Even if for a moment I consider helping you, and I’m not saying that I’m considering it at all, but let’s just say that I do- do you have anything in mind?” Jungkook frantically shook his head to express his affirmative. 
 "Yes, but I’ll need your help.” 
 You looked at the crowd of people bustling in for your friend’s mini concert and gave a half smile to yourself. Namjoon had always been very passionate about rapping but a year ago he had finally decided step out in the underground and let other people hear his rap. Needless to say, he had been a huge hit.
 As you entered the club, you saw people dressed in clothes screaming hip-hop, a huge contrast to your attire- a plain black hoodie, house shorts, converse and hair so messy, it would give Bellatrix Lestrange a run for her money. You didn’t mind, though. You were never the one to give too much thought to your appearance save for special dates with your ex-boyfriend. In all fairness, and not an ounce of boastfulness, you knew you could step out in nightwear and still look bomb. You just had that confidence about you. 
You pushed your way through the crowd and towards the bar, greeting the bartender with a nod. This was your favourite seat to view his performances. It was comfortable, in good distance, away from people and of course, you could drink peacefully and enjoy the performance. 
 "The regular, ___?” The bartender asked you, ready to pour in a 60 ML of Smirnoff-regular into your glass. 
 You shook your head, “I’ll have blue label today, Hoseok.” 
 “Whiskey? That’s new.” He said as he turned around and poured you your drink.
"I need new.” You shrugged.
 He hummed in response. “What will you have it with? Coke, soda?” 
 You scoffed. "On the rocks, boy.” 
 Hoseok chuckled as he fake saluted you, “Yes ma'am.” 
 You smiled and turned around as the lights dimmed and Namjoon or Rapmonster, as he was known in the underground, came on the stage and the crowd erupted into cheers, you being the loudest. He scanned the crowd and as soon as his eyes landed on you, he smirked and waved at you. You raised your drink and nodded at him in acknowledgement. Then, his demeanour completely changed and the crowd went silent. It was beginning. 
Rap monster continued firing curses at the speed of light. You could only keep up because you had heard this before. You turned in your seat to face the bar to ask for a refill from your friend only to find him missing. You frowned. 
That’s strange. 
You turned back round and realised the music had stopped and the crowd had gone silent again and on the stage were six men apart from Namjoon, all standing in front of their own mics. Hoseok was up there too. You recognised all of them, of course. They were all your friends. Part of the same group they liked to jokingly call ‘Bangtan Sonyeondan’.
 What unnerved you, however, was the man standing at the front mic. 
It was him. Jeon Jungkook. And he was looking directly at you. 
 You narrowed your eyes in anticipation of what was going to happen.
Namjoon wiped his sweat with his sleeves and came near his mic. “There is a new song, a bit different from my usual style, that we want a very special person to hear. It has been written by my younger brother Jungkook. You all have been with me since I began my journey and I know you came here for something else but would you mind giving me 5 minutes of your time? I swear it’ll be worth it.” 
 The crowd instantly burst into encouraging cheers. In midst of those cheers you noticed Jungkook coming closer to his mic, his eyes not leaving yours for a second. 
 “____, I’m so sorry. I love you.” 
 And then he began singing. 
Your eyes widened at the choice of his song. It was a song he had composed, you knew because he had shared a verse with you when you were together. It was called Butterfly. As the words poured out of his mouth and made their way to your ears, you found yourself wearing a sad expression. Here he was, singing about how he didn’t want you to disappear and yet, he was also the one who had called you clingy. That was one term you absolutely did not like. You always gave each other the space you both required and you were definitely not the kind of person who would try to invade his space. Seeing that word had made you, for the first time, question yourself. You felt bad about yourself. You felt humiliated. You were determined to stay the hell away from him for some time, if only to gain back your self respect. 
 Only, he was making it really difficult. 
You could practically feel the sadness from his voice seeping into you, begging you to not go and to stay with him. You could see it in his eyes, the guilt. You could see how sorry he was for what he had said and how scared he was to not have you with him. 
You sighed as you felt your resolve break into a million pieces and decided to give him a chance. Everyone deserves one chance to correct their mistakes and you were not about to take it away from him. 
So you looked up into his eyes, and you smiled. A reassuring and forgiving smile. He instantly understood and stopped singing as tears made their way down his face before he could hurriedly wipe them. He took in a large breath as he stepped away from his make and bolted down the stage towards you, wiping his tears with his hand the entire time.
You stood up, bracing yourself for the impact as Jungkook crashed into you, and burst into tears, not bothering to wipe them this time, and hugging you for dear life. 
“Oh god, I thought you’d left me for good.” He said, tears still falling out of his eyes and now, on the hoodie. He pulled away to stand with his hands in front of him and looked down at his feet. “I am so sorry for whatever I said, ___. I am so so sorry.” 
You smiled as you stepped forward and took his face in your hands before planting a kiss on his lips, to which he responded eagerly. You pulled away and hugged him, your head on his chest and his arms around your waist. “ I almost made up my mind to not come back, Jungkook. Only, you deserve one chance. I’ll forgive you this time, but please don’t ever hurt me like this again.” You said, your voice breaking. 
 Jungkook put his chin on your head and pulled you against him tighter. “I’m so sorry, ____. Never again. Thank you for coming back.” You smiled into his chest and were relishing the moment until you heard a random duo of teens shouting behind you.
You rolled your eyes as you pulled away to look at the drunken boys indifferently. 
 "Really? Gay? How the fuck is that even considered an insult?” You growled. 
Jungkook snickered above you knowing what was about to come. He looked at you fondly as you bullied the kids to the extent of making one almost cry and made a silent promise to himself. 
Never again am I doing anything to lose her.
gotta go now bYe
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