#i think typically idols who use handhelds are either a) the most vocally stable in their group (3racha before this year kinda)
ilistentogirlinred · 13 days
kpop idols gotta start using more stable headset mics if they're gonna use headsets bc the ones they typically use tend to move away from their faces (which probably doesn't impede functionality most of the time but i've seen them having to constantly readjust the mics) and fall. i'd say maybe they should use theatre-type ones (typically DPA headsets thanks google). i worked with those recently and they can sometimes be a bit fragile, although they're far less likely to fall as they sit on the face. if idols were to use these mics, i would say they should 100% tape them down on the face, neck and tape the wires down as well. and also probably secure the mic packs a little better (from my experience, they stay best if the hook/clamp bit is on the outside and the mic pack is on the inside of the clothes. for female idols i would definitely say to clip it onto a bra and secure the wire with tape because it would be less likely to fall out if the mic pack is closer to the face) AND tape the cord to the thingy so the cord doesn't come off cause that would suck (idk how to explain it there's like the cord to the mic itself (like on headphones kinda) and that cord goes into another thingy that might be an adapter? or just holds it better idk and THAT thingy connects the mic pack and microphone.) they might be more expensive or fragile then the mics they use currently, but i would like to see some companies or groups try them, specifically for concerts.
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