#i think thorn should get to have a library as his hoard
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solarisetlesetoiles · 1 year ago
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this post is brought to you by me having feelings about dragons with non-standard hoards and various posts I've seen about Murtagh being kind of a nerd
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themadearl · 3 years ago
“Maybe it’s instinct, maybe it’s . . ?”
Note: Not feeling well lately but I had some sudden inspiration that I want to write down before I forgot. The inspiration being dragons and their hoarding habits.
A Dragon’s Hoarding Habits
The prefect was precious, endearing to him in a way that no one was ever able to
Her smiles when she saw him around the campus
Sparkles in her eyes when he performed minor magic for her
Even the laughter she let out when he unknowingly did something childish
It all made the child of man such a cute and fascinating being
Malleus couldn’t help but want to keep Yuu to himself
Maybe he should bring her to his castle in the Valley of Thorns
His treasure vault would be open to his dear child of man, Yuu could have anything she wanted from it if she desired
As long as Yuu was his to keep, of course
“Tsunotarou? Tsunotarou~ Are you listening?”
“Ah, my apologies. I had a sudden thought.”
Back to the present, Malleus was accompanying Yuu to the library for some books needed for her magic history homework
His thoughts had slowly drifted as Yuu recounted the adventures she went on during the break
Just like any other day in twisted wonderland for Yuu, accidents were bound to happen
“Oi, Herbivore.”
Malleus felt something flare up when he hears Leona calling out to Yuu and without thinking, he covers Yuu’s mouth as she turns to face Leona
“Hmph, hm, mhmm?”
It was a peculiar feeling that Malleus couldn’t quite describe, like a mixture of jealousy and overprotectiveness
Meanwhile as Yuu is preoccupied with pulling Malleus hands off, Malleus and Leona had a staring contest
“Leave, Kingscholar.”
“I only have business with the herbivore. Scram.”
“I won’t repeat myself twice.”
In the midst of their contest, Yuu somehow gets Malleus’s hand off her mouth
Only for Malleus to promptly conjure his wings to wrap around Yuu fully
Leona, sick and tired of Malleus’s bullshit starts chanting the words to his unique magic
All the remaining students around them (watching the drama unfold) runs as fast as they can away from the current scene
Stuck within the middle of both of them, Yuu regrets coming to twisted wonderland for the fourth time this week
Luckily, Lilia pops in just in time to prevent Leona’s unique magic from going off
Then promptly drags Malleus off for a needed lecture, which leaves Yuu alone with Leona
Taking one look at Yuu, Leona just pinches the bridge of his nose and lets out a sigh
“. . . you okay?”
What Yuu feels next is something cloth like stuffed into her hands
Before she can say anything, Leona leaves as he grumbles something
Presumably about Malleus from the tone of his voice
Yuu takes her previously lost handkerchief and returns to her journey to the library with a puzzled expression
Ace, Deuce and Grim are so not going to believe what just happened
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tigerkirby215 · 5 years ago
5e Frank West build (Dead Rising)
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(Screenshot of Dead Rising 4 - Game by Capcom)
“I’ve covered wars ya know.”
In an attempt to branch out my builds beyond D&D I had a look through my Steam library for other games with interesting characters. While most of the games I play have pretty broad characters (Killing Floor, XCOM, Void Bastards... btw play Void Bastards it’s good) I eventually came across Dead Rising and all I could think is... “Yes.”
Frank West! Forever charismatic journalist, amateur craftsman, minor wrestling star, major anti-government conspirator, and part-time zombie. For “just a normal dude” Frank is capable of some pretty extraordinary feats, going up against countless zombie hoards with nothing but his wits and the products you’d find at your local shopping center... Helps that he can drop kick all day long without getting tired.
Anything’s a Weapon - The core appeal of Dead Rising is the ability to use anything you find as a weapon, which Frank obviously needs to do.
Duct Tape it or Die - While it was more of Chuck’s thing Frank borrowed the ability to craft Combo Weapons and does it quite well. And obviously the only reason he survived a day in Willamette was his ability to weaponize golf clubs, sandwich plates, and cartons of orange juice.
I am the Ultimate Best - Frank is no pushover in his own right with some WWE superstar smack-downs and the endurance to run a marathon without getting tired. Because the original Dead Rising was made before stamina meters were a thing.
Frank is amazingly just human, and while the ending of DR4 says otherwise we’ll stick with Variant Human for now. You get an increase in two ability scores of your choice: increase your Constitution and Intelligence. You also get a Skill of your choice and you should take Athletics to run through the entire mall all night long. You finally get a Feat: take Tavern Brawler for proficiency in Improvised weapons and some unarmed damage and increase your Constitution again. And take whatever language it really doesn’t matter.
15; STRENGTH - You need to be able to fight off a zombie trying to bite your face; being able to chuck them 10 yards is an added bonus.
14; CONSTITUTION - Frank takes a lot of damage in the Dead Rising games. Getting shot, run over, sliced up with a chainsaw, and receiving countless claw and teeth marks and still being able to march on takes a lot of hardiness.
13; INTELLIGENCE - Knowing how to attach chainsaws to a kayak paddle “safely” takes a certain degree of know-how, and you helped Isabella create a cure for zombism! But above all it’s a requirement to multiclass so...
12; DEXTERITY - Shrugging off a hoard of zombies trying to grab at you takes some evasive ability.
10; CHARISMA - Not extremely in-character (feel free to swap DEX and CHA if you want better roleplay but worse AC) but we unfortunately don’t need it for this build.
8; WISDOM - Jumping off a helicopter into a mall full of zombies wasn’t exactly the best choice, and I doubt I could call anyone who walks into a hardware store full of decapitated bodies “wise.”
Unfortunately there’s no Reporter background for 5e but thankfully Celebrity Adventurer’s Scion from Acquisitions Incorporated is pretty close to what we need. The main feature of Name Dropping will let everyone know that you’re Frank West, and that you’ve covered wars you know.
Replace the Performance proficiency with Insight but keep Perception to find the perfect shot. You also get two languages of your choice (pick whatever) and proficiency with a Disguise Kit to try on all sorts of clothes while surviving the zombie apocalypse.
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(Artwork from Project X Zone - Owned by Capcom)
We’re going to start this build off as an Artificer to get the ability to craft things as soon as possible. You get two skills from the Artificer list: take Investigation for some investigative journalism and Medicine to know what brand of orange juice to drink to cure all that ails ya. You also get an artisan’s tool of your choice and Smith’s Tools would be what you use to make most of your Combo Weapons.
You also get Magical Tinkering which lets you pick up a grab bag of random stuff from various stores. You can touch a tiny, non-magical object with your tools as an action to give it a variety of effects that are listed in the ability’s description. The effect last indefinably but you can have a number of them equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Speaking of Intelligence modifier that’s what we use for our Spellcasting. You get two cantrips of your choice and while you’ll get the ability to swap them out later on start with Mending to duct tape any of your weapons if they’re going to break and Light to turn your camera’s light on. But feel free to choose whatever cantrips you think will help and since Artificer’s get a lot of choice with their spellcasting I’ll just list all the cantrips and how I’d reflavor them for Frank:
Acid Splash could be you throwing a bottle of something nasty at the zombies.
Create Bonfire could be a Molotov.
Dancing Lights could be a toy helicopter or something similar providing the light.
Firebolt is a gun.
Frostbite or Ray of Frost could be a combo weapon with a toy gun and a fire extinguisher, chilling your foes.
Guidance or Resistance is a fatherly mentor slap on the back for good luck. <3
Mage Hand could be a drone, or alternatively one of those grabbing-claw toys that Nintendo used to make. Similar idea with Thorn Whip.
Magic Stone... chuck some shit at the enemy like you do in MvC.
Message could be a walkie-talkie or a cell phone.
Poison Spray is bad don’t use it.
Prestidigitation is your grab bag of stuff from the toy store.
Shocking Grasp or Thunderclap could be you weaponizing your camera flash.
Spare the Dying is emergency medical care.
Can you tell I like Artificer? Because I really like Artificer. Anyways you also get two spells of your choice: Cure Wounds will let you or an ally guzzle some life-giving OJ and Catapult will let you grab something heavy and chuck it at a hoard! But much like with the cantrips Artificers are prepared spellcasters so you can choose your spells at the end of every long rest, giving you the ability to choose what weapons you want at the start of the day.
Quickly bouncing over to Barbarian for two reasons. The first is to get Unarmored Defense equal to 10 + your Dexterity and your Constitution. We can still use Medium Armor (and I’d argue you probably should use that currently) but while the knight armor is a post-game unlock and you usually wear a leather jacket (leather armor) you can skip the padding and let your muscles protect you. The other reason however is for Martial weapon proficiency - you need to use everything you can find and Frank swings a katana as well as a baseball bat.
But you also get Rage which lets you scream up at the heavens about the government and get some work done. While raging you have advantage on Strength checks and saving throws (both of which are needed for grapples), do extra damage with strength weapons (including your fists from Tavern Brawler!), and resist bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. It lasts for 1 minute but ends early if you end a turn without attacking someone or getting hit. You can also end it as a bonus action which you might need to do because you can’t cast spells while it’s active, so no OJ while you smash faces. You can Rage twice before having to take a long rest.
Back on the Artificer train we finally get our Combo Weapons, or rather our Artificer Infusions. You know 4 infusions and can have 2 active at a time. You can choose which infusions you want at the end of a long rest so pick-and-choose what you need to fight the local psychopath.
For your Known Infusions pick the following:
Enhanced Weapon lets you stick some knives on the end of a broom to make it do more damage.
An Enhanced Arcane Focus meanwhile lets you improve whatever fire-spitter someone might be using to make it spit a little more fire.
An Alchemy Jug lets you carry around a variety of drinks (or mayonnaise) to mix in a blender for some juices and cocktails.
And the Pole of Collapsing from Xanathar’s Guide to Everything can actually be used by you as a weapon effectively since you have improvised weapon proficiency from Tavern Brawler. A 10 foot quarter staff is nothing to scoff at, and you can do a good Zero impression!
Truthfully though Artificers have a huge list of items they can choose from and I’d suggest taking whatever infusions your team asks for that would help them. The strength of Artificer lies in its versatility, and while Frank’s mostly alone in Dead Rising don’t let the Survivors in your party go unarmed.
3rd level Artificers get their Artificer Specialty and Alchemist is perfect for someone who makes combo cocktails as well as combo weapons.
Truthfully though the reason we’re going for Alchemist is because it’s the only one that doesn’t have a summon. The new Armorer subclass also works but that serves more for if you want to play as Exo-Suit Frank.
As an Alchemist you can craft an Experimental Elixir after a long rest with a set of Alchemist’s Supplies (which you also gain proficiency with.) You’ve got six possible cocktails to make: Healing is self-explanatory, Swiftness lets them run faster, Resilience makes them harder to hit, Boldness lets them hit a little harder, Flight lets them... fly (talk about fizzy lifting drinks!), and Transformation lets you get your zombie on with the Alter Self spell.
You get one after a long rest but you can craft another one by spending a spell slot of first level of higher. It’s up to DM’s interpretation if you can do this while raging but since it’s described that you make the elixir “magically” I’d argue against it. That, and you need some time with the blender to make juice.
Also on subject of spells you get Healing Word to shout some words of encouragement to your allies and Ray of Sickness to shoot them with the B.F.G and make them puke their guts out. You also get another spell slot and Grease lets you throw a bottle of shampoo on the floor to make your enemies slip and fall.
You also get The Right Tool for the Job which lets you quickly pull together any Artisan’s tools you might need. You need an hour to make the tools (which can be done over a rest) and they last until you use this feature again. Can’t find a maintenance closet? Just make the stuff on the fly!
Grabbing an Ability Score Improvement or rather a Feat since that uneven Strength score is bugging me: take the Athlete feat with an increase to Strength so you can run after the truth or away from a hoard.
You can also prepare another spell like Identify, so you can now exactly what you’re taking pictures of.
Now that we’ve got our combo weapons and our cocktails it’s time to learn some wrestling moves. Level 2 Barbarians get Reckless Attack, giving yourself Advantage on attacks with Strength weapons but giving the enemy Advantage to hit you. A piledriver might get the job done but it does leave you wide open.
You also get Danger Sense, giving you advantage on Dexterity saving throws against effects you can see. Makes sense since you can dodge bullets if you see them coming but can still get outplayed by your protegee.
3rd level Barbarians get their Primal Path and Path of the Totem Warrior is perfect for anyone who wants to bear hug their enemies. You get Spirit Seeker to cast the Beast Sense and Speak with Animals spells as rituals because this is meant to be the “naturalist” Barbarian but what we’re really here for is the Totem Spirit. You’re more than welcome to choose Bear like I know most people will but the most in-character option would be the spirit of the Eagle. Zombies have disadvantage to hit you if you run past them while raging and you can also Dash as a bonus action while raging, letting you run through a hoard of zombies and only suffer minimal damage. You can also Rage one more time before needing a long rest, adding up to 3 times total.
4th level Barbarians get an Ability Score Improvement, and how about we finally get those wrestling moves? The Grappler feat gives you Advantage on attacks against enemies you grapple and lets you use your action to try to pin your opponent. If you do both you and the creature you’re grappling are restrained until the grapple ends.
5th level Barbarians get an Extra Attack so you can combo two hits instead of one. You also get Fast Movement which increases your movement speed by 10 as long as you aren’t wearing Heavy Armor. The Megaman suit isn’t exactly aerodynamic...
At level 6 Totem Warriors get Aspect of the Beast and the aspect of the Bear is perfect for anyone who wants to lift a zombie over their head and swing them around. Your carrying capacity for combo weapons is doubled and you have Advantage on Strength checks to push, pull, lift, or break objects. Technically this doesn’t include grappling and technically you can’t pick up people that you’ve grappled, but if you have a cool DM this would totally be the feature to let you chuck a zombie at another zombie. And an extra use of Rage (adding up to 4 times total) will definitely help with that zombie chucking.
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(Artwork by Capcom)
Now that we’ve got all the WWE we need it’s time to improve our combo weapons. 5th level Alchemists get Alchemical Savant which lets you add your Intelligence modifier to any spell that heals or does acid, fire, necrotic, or poison damage. Speaking of which you now get access to second level spells, and the Alchemist list gives you Flaming Sphere which lets you kick a burning trash can at your enemies, and Melf’s Acid Arrow lets you chuck a Queen at an enemy’s face and have them sting them a bunch.
6th level Artificers get Tool Expertise, letting you double your proficiency bonus with any tools you know how to use. You can also prepare another spell like Pyrotechnics, letting you pop firecrackers in a zombie’s face to either blind them or use the smoke to cover your escape from a psychopath. You can also make two Experimental Elixirs are the start of the day instead of one.
But most importantly you learn two new Infusions and the number of Infusions you can have up at a time increases by one: Radiant Weapon finally lets you weaponize your camera flash and use your reaction to try to blind someone that hits you. Cloak of Elvenkind meanwhile makes it easier for you to sneak around and take pictures of military men talking about covering up the zombie outbreak. The government; it’s always the government...
7th level Artificers get Flash of Genius. If you or one of your journalism students are in a jam you can use your reaction to add your Intelligence modifier to an ability check or saving throw, and can do this a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier. Speaking of which...
8th level Artificers get another Ability Score Improvement and we’re not getting Intelligence and are instead getting Constitution for more health and better unarmored defense.
You can also prepare another spell and you can’t go wrong with Heat Metal. Get a barbecue lighter and stick it in a zombie’s face!
At 9th level Alchemists get Restorative Reagents. You buff your juice mixing power so the drinks give temporary hitpoints equal to 2d6 + your intelligence modifier, and you also carry some Zombrex with you to cast Lesser Restoration a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier. Lesser Restoration won’t cure a zombie infection but I’m sure it can delay it for 24 hours.
You also get 3rd level spell slots now and as an Alchemist you always have Gaseous Form and Mass Healing Word prepared... I have no reason why Frank can turn into a cloud of gas: is he a vampire? Is it nanomachines? Are we giving a regular guy the ability to cast spells? Yes.
10th level Artificers get Magic Item Adept, letting them attune to 4 magic items at once and letting you craft common and uncommon magic items in a quarter of the time using a quarter of the gold.
But more importantly you get two more known Infusions (and one more prepared infusion) and it’s finally time to fix that Intelligence! The Headband of Intellect sets your Intelligence score to 19, and the Gauntlets of Ogre Power do the same to your Strength. It’s not perfect but you’ve always been rough around the edges.
You get another cantrip so I’d suggest grabbing Firebolt for a backup pistol, but with the Headband of Intellect on your head you can prepare three more spells!
Elemental Weapon will let you turn a weapon into a +1 weapon and make it deal an extra d4 acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage.
Haste lets you speed up your combos with some X-Factor.
And bouncing back to level 2: Rope Trick will let you open up a bathroom so you can save and take a break.
Note: If you’re starting at level 16 (for some reason) and want to give your character a better stat array an updated stat distribution will be posted after this build goes live.
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(UMvC3 screenshot compilation by kiraDaidohji on DeviantArt)
At level 11 with Artificer you get access to a Spell Storing Item. When you finish a Long Rest you can touch a weapon or one of your infusions to put a spell of first or second level into it as long as it takes an action to cast, even if you don’t have the spell prepared. Whoever’s holding it can use their action to cast the spell using your spellcasting modifier, and if it requires concentration they concentrate on it instead of you. They can cast the spell a number of times equal to twice your Intelligence modifier (so 8 times if you’re wearing the Headband of Intellect.)
I’m not going to tell you what spell to put in the Spell Storing Item - look through the spell list yourself or search online for the best spell for the job. An Artificer’s strength is versatility and I can only do so much themeing without playing your character for you. (Pro tip though: Blur is god tier if you can give it to a Fighter or someone else with high AC who can concentrate on it.)
12th level Artificers get another Ability Score improvement: cap off your Constitution for maximum hardiness, AC, and Constitution saves. Last thing you want is to lose concentration on a spell and then lose your liquor afterwards.
You can also prepare another spell such as Revivify to quickly stick a hot dog in someone’s mouth and bring them back from the dead.
13th level Artificers get 4th level spell slots and Alchemists get Blight and Death Ward always prepared. Zombify an area, or alternatively stop an ally from going down to zombies. Or yourself: you going down to zombies would suck too.
Our capstone is the 14th level of Artificer for Magic Item Savant, allowing you to attune to up to 5 magic items and use them regardless of any restrictions the item might have.
But most importantly you get more Infusions and it should be mentioned that you can replace old known Infusions when you level up: replace your Gauntlets of Ogre Power with a Belt of Hill Giant’s Strength which is objectively better in every way. You can also make Bracers of Defense to further increase your AC and... hell, why not a Ring of Protection too? But once again I have to recommend you listen to your party for what they want you to make: don’t hoard your Infusions or the OJ.
Won’t Stop until I’m Dead - For my first tank build on this blog Frank is a remarkably good tank. Maxed out Constitution with Barbarian levels means your health will easily go over 200, and Unarmored Defense combined with Bracers of Protection and a Ring of Protection can put your AC close to 20, and you can still wield a two-handed weapon.
You think you’re better than me? - You’re not the only one on the team who can be awesome with this build. You have a lot of utility spells and can help the team survive with your elixirs. Just remember the crafting recipes for juice.
Crislip's Home Saloon - You can use any weapon you get your hands on, including the kitchen sink. No matter the class or race restriction you can use a weapon. Even if you’re unarmed Tavern Brawler lets you grab whatever you find and make use of it, or resort to your fists if it comes to it.
Wrestling is Fake - Grappling isn’t exactly practical; neither are improvised weapons. A lot of the features that we grab are done entirely for the sake of roleplay, and you’d be far better off taking more practical Feats or more ASIs.
PP - This build is subpar until level 16 and only really reaches its true potential at level 20. While it’s great to theorycraft these types of builds I know that most campaigns don’t reach level 20.
Grrrrrrr - Rage is nice but it’s tough to use it in this build. Not only does it stop you from casting spells or concentrating but you’ll lose your rage if you don’t get hit or don’t hit someone else.
But we all start out somewhere kid. Fight the good fight, save the civilians, take good pictures, and maybe someday you’ll be in a war someone else covers. And be sure to drink healthy orange juice and pass up on the whisky - the last thing you want is to puke in the middle of a combo.
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(Minecraft skin found on superminecraftskins.com)
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narobnika · 8 years ago
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BY SEAMUS HEANEY for Philip Hobsbaum
 Late August, given heavy rain and sun
For a full week, the blackberries would ripen.
At first, just one, a glossy purple clot
Among others, red, green, hard as a knot.
You ate that first one and its flesh was sweet
Like thickened wine: summer's blood was in it
Leaving stains upon the tongue and lust for
Picking. Then red ones inked up and that hunger
Sent us out with milk cans, pea tins, jam-pots
Where briars scratched and wet grass bleached our boots.
Round hayfields, cornfields and potato-drills
We trekked and picked until the cans were full,
Until the tinkling bottom had been covered
With green ones, and on top big dark blobs burned
Like a plate of eyes. Our hands were peppered
With thorn pricks, our palms sticky as Bluebeard's.
 We hoarded the fresh berries in the byre.
But when the bath was filled we found a fur,
A rat-grey fungus, glutting on our cache.
The juice was stinking too. Once off the bush
The fruit fermented, the sweet flesh would turn sour.
I always felt like crying. It wasn't fair
That all the lovely canfuls smelt of rot.
Each year I hoped they'd keep, knew they would not.
                      BLACKBERRY PICKING Poem Analysis
In the poem Blackberry Picking, Seamus Heaney uses strong imagery to describe his childhood memories of blackberry picking in summer that makes the reader have a very vivid visualization and tells the readers about his naive childish expectation that ends in disappointment as the sweet, beautiful berries ferment and turn into wine, and gives the readers messages about many themes like hope, lust, greed, mortality, aging, naiveness and disappointment with this innocent observation from his childhood, when he loved berries.
 In the first stanza, the writer is collecting fresh berries in the summer. The berries are beautiful and ripe, like a newborn baby, newly picked from the bush, which symbolize youth and hope. They induce lust in the writer because of their taste and beauty. The writer uses visual, gustatory and tactile imagery which makes for a very strong visualization of the berries and the picking, allowing the reader to feel as if one was there with Seamus Heaney, picking berries, making the reader almost feel the taste of the delicious berries melting in the mouth - “Leaving stains upon the tongue and lust for… Picking.” Personification is used to make the description of the berries even more impressive when summer is given a human characteristic in: “Like thickened wine: summer’s blood was in it.” Hyperbole and simile is included as well, when the green and red berries that have not matured yet are described “...red, green, hard as a knot.”. The berries hanging from their stems being hard are similar to how a hard knot at the end of a rope is hanging like a berry, however, a berry can still not be as hard as a knot so this can also be classified as hyperbole.
 The poem includes an allusion in the imagery-rich first stanza that refers to religion. Seamus Heaney is a catholic and this can be considered as a hint at the references here. In the beginning, “...its flesh was sweet”, “Like thickened wine: summer’s blood was in it” These words can be related to a Christian ceremony named the Eucharist. Information about the Eucharist Ritual from Watchtower Online Library:
 “...The key moment of the ceremony comes during the Eucharistic prayer. At that point, according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, “the power of the words and the action of Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit” make Jesus’ body and blood “sacramentally present.” The priest, after partaking of the bread and wine, invites the faithful to receive Communion, usually by eating only the bread, or the Host.
The Catholic Church teaches that the bread and the wine are miraculously transformed into the literal body and blood of Christ—a doctrine called transubstantiation…. “
 As the poem goes on, the writer tells about how they worked hard to get the delicious berries that he has lust for in lines 8-12, where the themes of lust, greed and hope are expressed: “Then red ones inked up and that hunger...” The reader can understand that the writer had greed for more berries and put them in many things, even milk cans, possibly to be able to collect as many as he could: “...with milk cans, pea tins, jam-pots.” “With green ones, and on top big dark blobs burned… Like a plate of eyes.” Simile is used here, the berries in the cans are compared to a plate of eyes. “Where briars scratched and wet grass bleached our boots.” In these lines the writer shows his greed, lust and how they drive him and make him go through these difficulties to pick more berries. When viewed outside of the poem’s context of a child’s love for berries, this greed and lust can be relatable to love, like when people have great affection and lust for each other and would work hard to get together with the person they love. The base for the disappointment theme is here as the now fresh berries will not stay fresh like the writer wishes.
 The poem takes a turn after line 17 where the themes of death, aging, change, naiveness, maturity and disappointment suddenly come up. It is understood that the writer has collected many berries, enough to fill a bath: “But when the bath was filled…” It should be noted that the many berries are still fresh at this point, still the way the writer loves as a child: “We hoarded the fresh berries in the byre” The writer was filled with great excitement, in a naive way, as he had a bath-full of the berries he had so much lust for and had spent lots of effort for, and he wants the berries to stay like this. The child’s naiveness, great hope and happiness is shown once more, and makes the themes easily relatable. However, at line 18, the poem suddenly takes a turn that is indicated by the “But”: “But when the bath was filled we found a fur,” The happiness of the child is now gone because the berries have began fermenting. Again, the writer uses imagery very effectively to describe the transformation of the berries with word including, “A rat grey fungus”, “The juice was stinking too”, that make the reader imagine the hideous looking, foul smelling smudge that the berries had become. The melancholic themes of aging, change and death are relatable in this part. The fermentation of the berries is like the aging of a person that one has great affection for and the realization of this is like hitting a brick wall for the innocent child.
 At the end of the poem, the berries have started fermenting and the writer is now disappointed. His hope and happiness as a child is gone because the berries have deterioriated. “The fruit fermented, the sweet flesh would turn sour.” In this line, the word ‘flesh’ hints at how the newborn baby in the beginning will mature, age and eventually pass away. This part is possibly the most thought provoking part of the poem because of the sudden transition from the mere visualization of a childhood memory to more philosophical lines. “I always felt like crying. It wasn’t fair.” Still the childish innocence of the writer can be seen here, who either does not understand or accept the fermenting of the berries. “That all the lovely canfuls smelt of rot.” In line 23, olfactory imagery adds to the meaning.
 The writer ends the poem with a thought provoking line: “Each year I hoped they’d keep, knew they would not.” It can be seen that the young, naive writer has begun understanding life in a more mature way, seeing aging, change, and that no matter how much he wants something, sometimes time and the changing of life can take it away. However, his hopes are still not gone -even though he understands the outcome now- but still does not want to accept the bitter truth. This line shifts the tone of the poem because it seems like an adult insight into this childhood memory that shows the understanding the writer now has about the berries and life.
 Seamus Heaney skillfully makes the reader think and conveys many themes in a childhood memory about Blackberry Picking that makes the poem very relatable and easy to understand.  The poem’s messages are, the inevitability of change, death, aging, time and losing the things we love the most to them. Denying a bad thing that one knows will happen, in order to be happy until that event happens, is another idea. Personally I could relate to this well, because it is similar to the times I ignored the many work that I had to do so that I would enjoy myself, be happy and avoid being depressed -like an Ostrich burying it’s head in the sand to feel safe, even though what is happening around him still happens.   Vivid imagery, allusion, personification, simile, hyperbole are used to add to the meaning of this seemingly simple, yet powerful-in-meaning poem. Personally, I enjoyed reading this poem and could easily relate to the feelings and thoughts of the writer, and this made the poem impressive in my eyes.
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afoolsingenuity · 8 years ago
Looking Forward // January 2017
I’ve realised that these Looking Forward posts have become a bit of a staple for the beginning of each month for me so I actually need to start labelling them with the year. The awful thing about these posts is that this year I hope to implement a spending limit upon myself and as such I won’t be able to get a hold of many of the books I am looking forward to each month. It’s almost cruel to write this post each month but I love seeing the books I’m excited to read in a list, don’t you? Luckily for me, my birthday is next month so maybe if I start a list now my family can get me a few… although there are several I still haven’t got from last year. Maybe I should prioritise?
I struggled with which books to choose this month as there are books I’m looking forward to being released this month but I got review copies so have already/am reading them. I decided to give those special mentions below and stick with all the rest.
Roseblood – A.G. Howard
Genre: Retelling, Young Adult, Fantasy
Release Date: 10th January 2017
Windwitch – Susan Dennard
Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult
Release Date: 12th January 2017
In this modern day spin on Leroux’s gothic tale of unrequited love turned to madness, seventeen-year-old Rune Germain has a mysterious affliction linked to her operatic talent, and a horrifying mistake she’s trying to hide. Hoping creative direction will help her, Rune’s mother sends her to a French arts conservatory for her senior year, located in an opera house rumored to have ties to The Phantom of the Opera.
At RoseBlood, Rune secretly befriends the masked Thorn—an elusive violinist who not only guides her musical transformation through dreams that seem more real than reality itself, but somehow knows who she is behind her own masks. As the two discover an otherworldly connection and a soul-deep romance blossoms, Thorn’s dark agenda comes to light and he’s forced to make a deadly choice: lead Rune to her destruction, or face the wrath of the phantom who has haunted the opera house for a century, and is the only father he’s ever known.
Sometimes our enemies become our only allies The Windwitch Prince Merik is presumed dead, following a lethal explosion. He's left scarred but alive and determined to expose his sister's treachery. Yet on reaching the royal capital, he's shocked to find it crowded with refugees fleeing conflict. Merik haunts the streets, fighting for the weak. This leads to whispers of a disfigured demigod, the Fury, who brings justice to the oppressed.
Hunted by the Cleaved, Iseult is struggling to stay free while she searches for her friend Safi. When the Bloodwitch Aeduan corners Iseult first, she offers him a deal: she'll return what was stolen from him, if he locates the Truthwitch. Yet unknown to Iseult, there's a bounty on her head - and Aeduan intends to claim it.
After a surprise attack and shipwreck, Safi and the Empress of Marstok barely escape with their lives. They find themselves amongst pirates, where a misstep could mean death. And the bandits' next move could unleash war upon the Witchlands.
Why Am I Excited?
I always end up adding Hoard’s books to my TBR despite the fact I have yet to read a single one. I mean, that is truly a skill to possess as an author. How do you stay on my radar when I don’t know if the woman can even write? I want to read it, though, it sounds like a really original retelling.
Why Am I Excited?
I know not everyone loved the first book in this series, Truthwitch, but I did. I mean, I think the poor book suffered from overhype as I was hearing about it for months before it was ever released, but it was still a good fantasy which centred around two friends and poor decision making. I liked it and I want to see how the story continues, there is a whole heap of potential for the story to progress.
Carve the Mark – Veronica Roth
Genre: Sci-fi, Young Adult
Release Date: 18th January 2017
After The Fall – Kate Hart
Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Release Date: 24th January 2017
On a planet where violence and vengeance rule, in a galaxy where some are favored by fate, everyone develops a currentgift, a unique power meant to shape the future. While most benefit from their currentgifts, Akos and Cyra do not — their gifts make them vulnerable to others’ control. Can they reclaim their gifts, their fates, and their lives, and reset the balance of power in this world?
Cyra is the sister of the brutal tyrant who rules the Shotet people. Cyra’s currentgift gives her pain and power — something her brother exploits, using her to torture his enemies. But Cyra is much more than just a blade in her brother’s hand: she is resilient, quick on her feet, and smarter than he knows.
Akos is from the peace-loving nation of Thuve, and his loyalty to his family is limitless. Though protected by his unusual currentgift, once Akos and his brother are captured by enemy Shotet soldiers, Akos is desperate to get his brother out alive — no matter what the cost. When Akos is thrust into Cyra’s world, the enmity between their countries and families seems insurmountable. They must decide to help each other to survive — or to destroy one another.
A YA debut about a teen girl who wrestles with rumors, reputation, and her relationships with two brothers.
Seventeen-year-old Raychel is sleeping with two boys: her overachieving best friend Matt…and his slacker brother, Andrew. Raychel sneaks into Matt’s bed after nightmares, but nothing ever happens. He doesn’t even seem to realize she’s a girl, except when he decides she needs rescuing. But Raychel doesn't want to be his girl anyway. She just needs his support as she deals with the classmate who assaulted her, the constant threat of her family’s eviction, and the dream of college slipping quickly out of reach. Matt tries to help, but he doesn’t really get it… and he’d never understand why she’s fallen into a secret relationship with his brother. The friendships are a precarious balance, and when tragedy strikes, everything falls apart. Raychel has to decide which pieces she can pick up – and which ones are worth putting back together.
Why Am I Excited?
Honestly, after reading the Divergent series I was all ready to abandon all hope for Roth’s writing as I grew more and more frustrated by that series as the books progressed, but then Roth had a really fantastic short story in Summer Days & Summer Nights and I realised I had to give her another chance in the form of this book. Hopefully, I won’t be disappointed.
Why Am I Excited?
I ‘m not sure why I’m excited about this book. It doesn’t necessarily stand out against a lot of other YA contemporary but I know I want to read it. It’s one of those books that comes onto your radar and you end up being stuck wanting to read. Not exactly a ringing endorsement but you know what I mean, right?
Accidentally on Purpose – Jill Shalvis
Genre: Contemporary, Romance
Release Date: 24th January 2017
By Your Side – Kasie West
Genre: 31st January 2017
Release Date: Young Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Accidentally On Purpose is the third in New York Times bestselling author Jill Shalvis's Heartbreaker Bay series, featuring her trademark gift for humour, warmth and romance. Perfect for fans of Jill Mansell, Debbie Macomber, Nora Roberts and Marie Force.
Elle Wheaton's priorities: friends, career, and kick-ass shoes. Then there's the muscular wall of stubbornness that's security expert Archer Hunt - who comes before everything else. No point in telling Mr. "Feels-Free Zone" that, though. Elle will just see other men until she gets over Archer...which should only take a lifetime...
Archer's wanted the best for Elle ever since he sacrificed his law-enforcement career to save her. Their chemistry could start the next San Francisco earthquake and he craves her 24/7, but Archer doesn't want to be responsible for the damage. The alternative? Watch her go out with guys who aren't him... As far as Archer's concerned, nobody is good enough for Elle. But when he sets out to prove it by sabotaging her dates, she gets mad - and things get hot as hell. Now Archer has a new mission: prove to Elle that her perfect man has been here all along...
Want more warm, funny romance? Check out the other Heartbreaker Bay novels, Sweet Little Lies and The Trouble With Mistletoe, visit gorgeous Cedar Ridge, spellbinding Lucky Harbor or experience some Animal Magnetism in Sunshine, Idaho in Jill's other unforgettable series.
In this irresistible story, Kasie West explores the timeless question of what to do when you fall for the person you least expect. Witty and romantic, this paperback original from a fan favorite is perfect for fans of Stephanie Perkins and Morgan Matson.
When Autumn Collins finds herself accidentally locked in the library for an entire weekend, she doesn’t think things could get any worse. But that’s before she realizes that Dax Miller is locked in with her. Autumn doesn’t know much about Dax except that he’s trouble. Between the rumors about the fight he was in (and that brief stint in juvie that followed it) and his reputation as a loner, he’s not exactly the ideal person to be stuck with. Still, she just keeps reminding herself that it is only a matter of time before Jeff, her almost-boyfriend, realizes he left her in the library and comes to rescue her.
Only he doesn’t come. No one does.
Instead it becomes clear that Autumn is going to have to spend the next couple of days living off vending-machine food and making conversation with a boy who clearly wants nothing to do with her. Except there is more to Dax than meets the eye. As he and Autumn first grudgingly, and then not so grudgingly, open up to each other, Autumn is struck by their surprising connection. But can their feelings for each other survive once the weekend is over and Autumn’s old life, and old love interest, threaten to pull her from Dax’s side?
Why Am I Excited?
Come on guys. Was there really any doubt I’d be wanting this book? It’s a new Jill Shalvis and it’s in a series I’ve already started. Of course, I’m all over this. I am guaranteed an enjoyable romance. I may not be adding it to my favourites list but I will most definitely be adding it to my warm fuzzy guaranteed to enjoy list.
Why Am I Excited?
I always look forward to Kasie West releases (although I’ve yet to read the last one let alone this one). She always delivers fun and cute contemporary YAs which I almost always enjoy. She's one of those authors and this sounds no different. Sure, these last two choices aren’t those I’ll be raving about but they’ll be ones I will most enjoy.
  Honourable Mentions
These books are ones which would have been on this list if it wasn’t for the fact I’ve already got myself copies to read. As you can see, fantasy tends to be my things, especially this month. I would recommend these books and am glad I got my hands on them. Lucky me.
What books are you looking forward to most this month? Are there any which I’ve missed?
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