#i think this will be a turning point for her though
corkinavoid · 2 days
DPxDC Constantine Is Having Fae Problems
Not as in 'problems with the fae', but as in 'the Batfam don't understand shit about fae and it is somehow Constantine's problem'
"Thank you."
Whatever thoughts Constantine had before come to a screeching halt. He slowly turns around, praying he's misheard, but, unfortunately, no. He heard that right.
The black-haired kid - he looks like a kid, but, really, he is not, and he is not even human to begin with - is smiling at Nightwing, who just laughs and ruffles the boy's hair.
"Don't worry about it, it's nothing," the moronic eldest batkid says, like it's not a big deal, and Constantine just... can't. He is not dealing with this right now. He needs a drink.
And then it happens again. Not with the Nightwing, though. This time, it's Black Bat. Now, in all honesty, Constantine is not so sure about her being human either, what with her appearing out of goddamn aether and being silent as a ghost, but the point still stands. The new addition to Bat's menagerie of children, the fae boy, the changeling who insists he is Robin's brother, thanks her.
It's quick and easy, just like a human would say it, and Black Bat just nods back at him, but Constantine knows what it means. He knows the weight of fae gratitude.
The big question is, do the Bats know it?
He promises himself to address this issue later with the Big Bat himself. But every time he encounters the man, he just forgets to bring it up. Constantine strongly suspects it's not his bad memory at fault here, but a certain fae. Not that he is going to outright go and blame the damned creature, of course, Constantine values his life, mind, and consciousness. Also, he is very aware of the consequences of talking to the fae, unlike the furry brigade.
Alas, he can't forget something if he witnesses with his own eyes. So the next time he is in the Batcave, he makes it a point to wait until the same thing eventually happens. And, score for Constantine, it does.
"Thank you," the kid - again, not a kid, not a human, but whatever - tells Red Robin, and Constantine immediately snaps his head to him, pointing a finger at the smiling fae.
"I mean no disrespect, but what are you doing?"
The kid - Danny, as he insists to be called, although Constantine knows better than to call a fae by any name - tilts his head to the side. He looks confused, but there's a sly glint to his blue eyes. Oh, the fucker knows exactly what he means. He just doesn't want to admit to it.
"What do you mean?" It's not him, but Red Robin asking, and Constantine turns to look him in the eyes. Mask. Whatever.
"He is thanking-" a terrible thought crosses Constantine's mind, and he stares at Red Robin with horror, "Oh, don't tell me you were all thanking him and apologizing to him like he is a human being."
"I don't see how this is your business," Red Robin scolds, and his eyes narrow. Constantine can't see his actual eyes through the mask, but he knows the Bats well enough to know the kid looks as deadpan as he can.
"You can't do that!" He reaches down to the pocket where he keeps his cigarettes, but stops halfway. Right, no smoking in the Batcave. Wait, he never obeyed that rule! Constantine turns to glare at the fae boy. Danny appears as innocent as a newborn baby. Little bastard.
"Quit making a scene," comes another voice, and this one John recognizes, turning to look at little Robin. Now that he thinks about it, the demonic child claimed the fae as his brother, and he definitely should know how to talk to fae!
"Why didn't you tell them about the rules?!" He asks Robin, and the kid doesn't even bat an eye at him.
"You will not accuse me of incompetence in front of my brother," Robin huffs, not stepping closer and keeping one hand on his hip, "I did."
"Okay, how about you calm down?" Danny interjects, and John is positive this is the first time he's heard the boy say anything other than 'thank you'. He turns to the fae, facing him, and, oh, Jesus, those are not human eyes. Or teeth. Or face. Holy fuck how do Bats live with this, it's like uncanny valley but hundreds times worse.
"If I tell you I use it for easier access, will you leave it be?" The fae tilts his head again, and this time it is not in confusion, but in the eerie manner of how all very much not human beings do it. Constantine swallows, but doesn't back down.
"Access to what, if you don't mind me asking?"
"Transportation," Danny provides. This does not explain shit and he knows it. Red Robin groans and rolls his eyes.
"We use it to summon Danny if we need him. It's faster than calling or texting."
Constantine freezes.
These fucking kids. Are using the fae debts. To summon him. Because they don't like texting.
Do they know that they can literally ask a fae to destroy a small country to fulfill a debt like that? It's not just a small favor, it's a gratitude. Fae take their gratitude very seriously. They value it. A lot.
Actually, you know what, no. John is not going to be explaining that part to them because God knows the batkids are all batshit crazy and this is an opportunity he is not willing to give them.
So he just nods stiffly, turns around, and heads to the zeta tube.
"Thank you for caring about my family," he hears a voice behind him, full of mischief and joy. Constantine feels the weight of the newly acquired debt, or better call it a favor, bind itself to his soul, and, great, he now has the power to part the sea like Moses, but only once.
He needs a drink. No, correction, he needs a whole bar to himself.
Wait, that's an idea.
"Get me a bottle of good bourbon, and we're even," he throws around his shoulder, stepping into a zeta tube.
When he steps out of it, there's an unlabeled bottle in his hand. John sighs and opens it, foregoing the glass or cup and drinking straight from the neck.
...It's good bourbon.
Inspired by @blackfoxsposts
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ellecdc · 2 days
the case of the missing pickles
poly!marauders x slytherin seer!reader who can't stop Seeing them [2.9k words]
amalgamation of various prompts:
prompt 1 from 🔮🐍 anon: I was wondering if you could do a part two of Sight's Set where one of her visions comes true? maybe the vision is of her on a date with them to Hogsmeade, but it turns out differently where she goes to Hogsmeade alone and they find her there and join her??? prompt 2 from anonymous: Can I please request marauders with a reader who are just in the beginning of their relationship and yet they know r so well like she doesn't have to even ask and she's all confused and flustered prompt 3 from 🕊️ anon: Remus calling feisty slytherin reader 'dove' being her kryptonite
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The sun was warm on your skin as the castle gates permeated your view. You were trying to hide your amused smile at the boys’ antics, though you’re sure you were unsuccessful when a gentle laugh escaped your lips.
James faltered in his steps at the sound, turning to look at you with a beaming smile.
“Well gorgeous,” Sirius teased with a salacious grin as he moved to stand in front of you. “I had a wonderful time on our date today.” 
Remus breathed out a chuckle as he placed your jacket that he had been carrying over your shoulders, taking a moment to squeeze your shoulder affectionately before moving to stand with James.
“Don’t make any plans for next Hogsmeade weekend; we’ll definitely be doing this again!” James called; Remus encouraging him forward by a hand on his waist as Sirius walked away from you backwards to continue looking you up and down.
“Don’t miss us too much.” He said with a wink before turning to join the other two boys.
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You woke up with a start, shooting upright in your bed as you sucked in a much needed breath. Goosebumps erupted all over your body as the feeling of being submerged in cold water began to dissipate and your nervous system realised it wasn’t dying.
After nearly two decades of living with ‘the gift’ of Sight, one would think your body would have a better response to it.
Alas, it still acted like you were moments away from death.
Perhaps it wasn’t too far off, what with all your Sights of the Marauders overtaking your every waking (and sleeping) moment; perhaps you were dying, perhaps that would be preferable.
After taking a warm shower to bring some much needed heat back to your bones and wash away the residual nerves that your vision had caused, you decided to put it out of your mind; you would never agree to waste one of your precious Hogsmeade trips with the Marauders anyways, so there really was no point stewing over it.
You eventually made your way into the Slytherin common room to find Regulus and Barty already situated with a copy of the Daily Prophet.
“Good morning, Treasure!” Barty cheered as he stood abruptly from his spot on the sofa with Regulus. “Heading to Hogsmeade today?”
“You know that I am, Barty.” You responded with a smirk. “I told you I needed to go to Tomes and Scrolls; the book I ordered should be in.”
“Great!” Barty clapped his hands together. “I need to stop at Dogweed & Deathcap!”
“Absolutely not.”
Barty paused in his excited tirade to look at you incredulously. “What do you mean, absolutely not!?”
“I mean you are absolutely not coming with me, Barty.”
“Barty.” You started as if you were speaking to a rather troublesome toddler. “Last time I let you come with me you had us kicked out of Zonko’s and then spent two and half hours violently debating with the Dogweed & Deathcap shopkeep about the proper brewing times for veritaserum.” 
Barty stared at you bewilderedly as you held his gaze.
“You’re really not going to let me come with you?” He asked after a painfully long silence. 
Barty stomped his foot once and let out a petulant breath. “Then you’re not allowed to be my best woman at our wedding!”
Regulus looked up from the newspaper he’d been engrossed with in favour of this ridiculous conversation to look at the two of you in bemusement.
“Wha-? We’re not getting married?” Regulus stated as a question, effectively removing Barty’s furious glare from you only to have it directed at himself. 
“It’s just one sodding disappointment after another!” He screeched before turning and storming off towards the boys’ dormitory. 
You and Regulus stared at the empty spot that was once Barty Crouch Junior before Regulus broke the silence by standing with a tired sigh. 
“Well I guess I know what you’ll be up to today.” You teased gently earning you a groan from the youngest Black. 
“If you happen to be by Honeydukes…”
“Yeah, yeah.” You cut him off, accepting the galleons he pulled from his pocket as he held them out to you. “I’ll pick him up some sugared butterfly wings.” 
“Thanks, I’ll need all the help I can get.” He grumbled as he made his way after his cantankerous boyfriend. 
Even the dreary weather couldn’t bring your mood down as you pocketed your galleons and accepted Barty’s bag of sugared butterfly wings from the Honeydukes shopkeep. 
You loved Hogsmeade, and you loved visiting with your friends, but sometimes there was nothing like enjoying a peaceful trip on your own.
Feeling quite pleased at having procured your special order from Tomes & Scrolls and successfully running Regulus’ errands, you pulled your hood up to protect yourself from the elements outside before pushing open the shop door only to collide with a heavy force on the other side. 
“Hullo, L/N!” James called as he quickly righted you. 
This cannot be happening. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” You grumbled as you stepped out of James’ hold, pretending like you didn’t notice the slight fall in his expression at the loss of contact.
“Nope, I think you’ll find I’m really quite Sirius.” Sirius said with a wink.
“Ew-” You started, turning to look at the longhaired boy in disgust. “That was terrible. That’s a terrible joke.” 
“Listen, when you get cursed with a name that’s also an adjective, you get to make all the terrible jokes you’d like.” He responded plainly. 
“You get used to it.” Remus sighed; offering you a sympathetic crooked smile.
“I should think I won’t, thank you very much.” You said as you turned to walk away, only to feel a gentle hand grasp your elbow.
“Whoa whoa, where’re you off too in such a hurry?” James asked teasingly. 
“The castle?” You responded quickly, immediately berating yourself for deigning to explain yourself to the likes of the Marauders. 
“Before lunch?” Remus asked then. “It’s not a trip to Hogsmeade without a stop at the Three Broomsticks.” 
“I’m not hungry.” You proclaimed with finality only for your stomach to traitorously contradict you by groaning rather loudly at the thought of one of your beloved tuna melts from the restaurant.
“Liar.” Sirius smirked smugly. “To the Three Broomsticks!”
Before you had a chance to protest, Remus and Sirius were walking ahead as James threw his arm over your shoulders and guided you after them.
“Get your hands off of me, Potter.” You spat.
“Sorry sweetheart, I wish I could, but then I’d have no way of ensuring that you wouldn’t just take off.” He apologised, not sounding very apologetic at all. 
You thought of your Sight from this morning but decided you were relatively safe; they had called it a date - this was decidedly a hostage situation. Besides, the weather had been really rather lovely in your Sight; today’s weather was quite the opposite.
It was fine.
This wasn’t a date.
You were fine.
Just fine. 
Except you had no sooner entered the Three Broomsticks before Sirius was pulling out a chair for you as James rather forcefully sat you in it; Remus quickly sitting and blocking your means of escape on your other side.
“I’ll go order!” James called quickly before nearly skipping towards the bar to do just that.
Sirius sat across from you looking all sorts of chuffed at his current predicament, smiling knowingly between Remus and yourself. “So,” he started. “Any more visions of your wonderful future with us?”
“Bite me.” You spat immediately, hoping to all the gods that no one noticed the heat emanating from your cheeks at the question. 
“I’ll take that as a yes.” He smirked.
“Be nice to her.” Remus chided softly. “She already doesn’t want to be here.”
That’s right, you thought petulantly before quickly scolding yourself for agreeing with a Marauder. 
Entirely too soon in your opinion did James return, happily sitting beside Sirius and looking around the table. “So! What’d I miss?”
“Y/N wants me to bite her.” Sirius responded quickly. “Okay!” James agreed readily. “Now?”
“Oh my gods I’m going to avada myself.” You muttered as you pressed your fingers into your temples.
“Oh come now, not before lunch.” Remus chuckled, rubbing conciliatory circles onto your back.
You couldn’t believe how tactile these boys seemed to be; they almost always had their hands on each other in some way. Sirius currently had a hand on James’ thigh who had his arm thrown casually over the other boy’s shoulder. You were almost certain that James had extended his legs under the table and was currently playing some form of footsie with Remus, who, in turn, had his hand on your back. 
And then you thought of the ease that James had thrown his arm over your own shoulder on your way here as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
“What’re you thinking so hard about?” Sirius asked, pressing a finger to the divot that was growing between your brows before you hastily swatted his hand away from you.
“Just wondering what I ever did in another life to deserve this.” 
“Must’ve been an angel in another life to deserve us.” He responded haughtily.
“She’s an angel in this life too.” James added; beaming smile making you feel as though you needed to squint your eyes lest you look directly at it. 
The barkeep saved you from having to think of a response by placing food in front of each of you.
Your beloved tuna melt that you had been dreaming of earlier sat on a plate before you, confusing you as to how James seemed to know your order.
But perhaps he hadn’t; perhaps the barkeep recognised you and knew what you usually ordered. 
You pulled open the sandwich and were hit by another curiosity.
“There’s no pickles?” You asked aloud, causing the three boys to look at you in bemusement. 
“Did you want pickles?” James asked you slowly; his fork hovering over his plate as he delayed the first bite of his own meal on your account. 
“Well…no, but it usually comes with pickles.” You explained dumbly. 
“Yes but you always pick them off, so I asked for no pickles.” He explained simply before finally taking his long awaited bite. 
“How did you know that?” You demanded rather harshly then. 
“Know what? Your order?” Sirius asked on James’ behalf.
“Yes. And the pickles.”
“Because we pay attention?” Remus offered then; you could see him scrutinising you from the corner of your eye.
“Do you want me to go ask for pickles so that you can pick them off?” James teased then, an ill-suppressed amused grin threatening to overtake his face. 
“No, I want you to stop that.”
“Stop what?” Sirius asked with a smirk. “Knowing things about you?”
“Yes, that. Stop that.” You ordered.
“You’d have to obliviate me.” James taunted, leaning on his elbow and resting his chin on his fist as he considered you. 
“Better make sure to get the incantation right, gorgeous.” Sirius added. “Otherwise you’ll be responsible for his care when you ultimately put him into a vegetative state.”
You huffed petulantly before opting to take a bite from your sandwich in favour of continuing with your current conversation. 
“I’m sorry, but I have to ask-” Remus started with an amused grin on his face. “If you don’t like pickles, why don’t you just ask for no pickles?”
You let out a conceding sigh as you swallowed your bite. “I don’t want to be a bother…it’s just as easy to pick them off myself.”
You felt shame prickle at the back of your neck when your answer was met with silence before Sirius let out a bark of laughter. 
“Oh my Godric,” He exclaimed excitedly. “You are a big softy.” 
Against your better judgement you kicked your foot out at the long haired Marauder, horrified when James yelped before reaching under the table to rub his hand over his shin. 
“Fucking hells, sorry Potter.” You grumbled as you tried to curl in on yourself, watching as Remus cooed at the bespectacled boy and Sirius laughed at him. 
“Oh, no worries angel.” James offered you tightly, voice coloured with pain as he forced a smile at you. “Merlin, you've got quite the leg on you.”
“Fuck yeah she does.” Sirius agreed salaciously, earning him a fiery glare from you as you considered re-aiming your foot. 
“Easy there, dove. Play nice, yeah?” Remus murmured then, causing a shiver to rush down your spine as you turned to look at him with your mouth parted slightly.
You were absolutely horrified at the very visible reaction you had to the scarred boy’s endearment - and you knew it was a very visible reaction because Remus had a very visible reaction to it. 
“You’re alright, dove.” He murmured again, this time with a knowing smirk before turning back to his own sandwich and pretending like he hadn’t just completely rocked your world with one simple word. 
You looked over to see Sirius pick off of James’ plate as you waited for James to use his fork as a weapon for the egregious crime of stealing food, only to see James quickly load up a fork-full and hold it out for Sirius to try. 
“Fuck, I should have ordered that instead.” Sirius admitted as he swallowed the bite.
“Wanna switch?” James offered quickly, already lifting his plate to give Sirius room to slide his over should he want. 
“I’m not taking your meal, bubs.” Sirius responded with a smile as a faint blush dusted the tops of his cheeks. 
“You’re not taking, I’m offering.” James insisted, moving Sirius’ plate in front of him before placing his own plate in front of Sirius when it became obvious the other boy wasn’t going to help. 
“Thank you.” Sirius admitted rather shyly for the notoriously boisterous boy before he pecked a kiss to James’ cheek.
You looked over to Remus in bemusement only to see him looking lovingly over at his boyfriends. 
“Did you wanna switch, too?” Remus asked then, alerting you to the fact that he was quite aware that you had been staring at him.
“Absolutely not; you stay away from my tuna melt.” You spat before taking another bite.
You found yourself quite glad that the boys simply laughed before moving on to other topics of conversation, watching curiously as they talked and joked the afternoon away.
By the time the four of you were making your way back towards the castle the sky had cleared, leaving the spring air fresh and fragrant in the warm sun.
You felt a gentle tug and turned to watch Remus pull your jacket out of your arms before folding it over his own arm to carry it for you.
“Moons! What do muggles call the game ‘leaping toadstools’?” Sirius called suddenly from where he and James had run ahead.
Remus breathed out a chuckle as he smiled at them. “Leapfrog.” He called back with an audible eyeroll you were sure was mostly for show.
“Rem, I bet five galleons that me and Pads can leapfrog the whole way back to the castle.” James shouted.
“I’m not betting.”
James let out a horrified scoff. “Why not!?”
“Because I know that you likely can even though you probably shouldn’t.” He responded simply.
“Don’t rain on our parade, Moony.” Sirius said dismissively, waving Remus off like he was the definition of anti-fun. 
And to your absolute horror, you found yourself rather entertained as you watched them line up to play leapfrog; the only interruption of the game on your walk being to pet the odd cat, point at a patch of honking daffodils, and to run back and steal kisses from Remus (glaring at them when they threatened to do the same with you). 
The sun was warm on your skin as the castle gates permeated your view. You were trying to hide your amused smile at the boys’ antics, though you’re sure you were unsuccessful when a gentle laugh escaped your lips.
James faltered in his steps at the sound, turning to look at you with a beaming smile.
“Well gorgeous,” Sirius teased with a salacious grin as he moved to stand in front of you. “I had a wonderful time on our date today.” 
Remus breathed out a chuckle as he placed your jacket that he had been carrying over your shoulders, taking a moment to squeeze your shoulder affectionately before moving to stand with James.
“Don’t make any plans for next Hogsmeade weekend; we’ll definitely be doing this again!” James called; Remus encouraging him forward by a hand on his waist as Sirius walked away from you backwards to continue looking you up and down.
“Don’t miss us too much.” He said with a wink before turning to join the other two boys.
And though you would sooner die than admit this to anyone, after this rather lovely afternoon and with the amount of time the Marauders have spent leapfrogging through your mind, you didn’t think you could miss them too much, even if you wanted to.
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lemonlover1110 · 2 days
suguru as dad plss 🙏🙏
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Suguru Geto
Summary: Suguru's twins just make mornings unnecessarily difficult.
Warnings: Fluff
Discord +18 - Twitter - Ko-Fi
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Suguru knows how much you adore sleeping in, so he tries to help you with that task by taking over in the mornings. He wakes up early to begin cooking breakfast for his baby girls, making a special menu for each one of the twins. Nanako prefers a sweet breakfast while Mimiko leans more to the savory side.Suguru loves to spoil his four-year-old daughters, especially when it comes to food. 
When he’s done preparing breakfast, he wakes them up so they can start the day. They’re his little angels the first hour of the day, the sweetest the girls can possibly be. They clean up after themselves, have the best manners, and the most important part, they get along. Mimiko helps Nanako and vice versa– He doesn’t know what happens after breakfast though because his sweet girls turn into mini demons.
“Mimiko, did you put on your outfit?!” Suguru yells, checking if she’s somewhat ready. Mimiko delays the process of getting ready each and every morning, which makes Suguru run late. He drops them off at preschool before going to his job, but soon enough this routine will have to change because he’s always late.
“I don’t want to!” She stomps her little feet, walking to her bedroom to hide under the covers of her bed. She walks by her father as if he doesn’t have the ability to stop her. Which he won’t, not until he’s done with Nanako’s hair at least.
“How about space buns, honey? Do you like that idea?” Suguru changes to a sweet tone when talking to Nanako because even though both girls are difficult in the morning, she’s the easier one in the morning. She hums in response, more focused on playing with her dolls. 
“Ow! That hurts, daddy!” Nanako whines, even though the comb has yet to brush her hair. Suguru sighs, remembering to be patient with her. He isn’t even rough with her hair, he does everything possible to be gentle with those pesky knots that get in the way– But she seems to prefer running around with her hair tangled. 
He begins to comb her hair and style her hair, drowning out the cries that she makes just because she feels the brush on her hair. He looks at the clock, knowing that he still has some time but he needs to hurry up. Suguru wants to be early for once in his life, an arduous task these days. He clears his throat before yelling, “Mimiko, when I go in there you better be changed or else!”
“There. Go get changed, Nanako. I need to do your sister’s hair.” Suguru says, and Nanako pouts, but she puts her dolls down and goes to the bedroom to pick out her outfit for the day. Suguru stands up as well, and follows behind Nanako to grab Mimiko.
He wants to laugh, seeing his daughter’s body under her purple bed covers. Does she really think that she’s invisible once she’s under the covers? He’s smirking, very loudly asking, “Where is Mimiko? This girl disappeared from thin air.”
“Daddy, she’s there!” Nanako points out, and Suguru pretends to be shocked, hugging his little girl through the covers. He can already picture the pout that’s on the girl’s face after her sister snitched. Suguru takes the cover off, and he’s proven right.
“Let’s go get you ready, honey.” Suguru says, and he can see the tears building up in her eyes. She doesn’t want to. He sighs, before asking, “Why don’t you want to get ready? I thought you and your sister loved looking pretty.”
“You always say we look pretty no matter what. Do you lie to us?” Her eyes are filled to the brim with tears, one sudden move from Suguru will make this unnecessary longer. 
“No, baby! What I mean is…” What does he mean? He doesn’t know what he means. He takes a moment to think about it before turning the cards on her. “Why don’t you like getting ready? You know you two have to go to preschool, and I don’t like being late.”
“I don’t want to leave you, daddy.” Mimiko confesses, and it makes his heart flutter. His baby girls just make getting ready difficult because they don’t want to leave him. He’s already a big softie for his daughters, and this confession certainly doesn’t help. “Can’t we just stay with you?”
“Mimi, don’t you want to go with your friends? Nanako is excited.” Suguru says, and she hugs her father tightly. He hugs her back, kissing the top of her head. “Nanako, do you want to stay today?”
“Yes!” She doesn’t waste a second, and he thinks about it for a minute.
Would it be too bad to take the day off and keep them home just for today? It won’t become a routine… Except it definitely will. 
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the bad room ~ homelander;the boys
word count: 2654
request?: no
description: in which a ghost from his past returns when he needs her the most
pairing: homelander x female!reader
warnings: swearing, use of y/n, lil bit of angsty angst, mentions of death and violence, mentions of threatened suicide, mentions of what homelander and reader went through in "the bad room", the boys typical stuff, spoilers for 4x04, reader was also raised in "the bad room" but is not homelander's sister we'll say she created using another supe's dna
masterlist (one, two, three)
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The name that just moments ago made him so angry he saw the brightest of reds, brought him to a halt. It wasn't the name, but rather the voice. When he turned and saw her there, he was almost certain it was a hallucination.
He hadn't seen her in years. Since she somehow escaped The Bad Room before he was set free of it. Before he became Homelander. But it felt like she hadn't changed at all. Not her eyes, watching him with care and concern. Not her face, just as beautiful as he remembered. Not the fuzzy feeling in his stomach just being in her presence.
He was tempted to take her in his arms and never let her go, but then he remembered the blood soaked super suit and the thick liquid still dripping from his face and hair; the blood of the people who tortured them both.
"What are you doing here?" she asked.
A wry smile twisted on Homelander's face. "Visiting home."
Her eyes flickered to the building behind them. "Did you leave anyone alive?"
(Y/N)'s face darkened. "Should've killed her first, very slowly and painfully."
Homelander chuckled, humorlessly. "That's quite the thing to say about your mother."
"That woman was never a mother to me."
"She raised you."
"If that's all it takes, then Vogelbaum was your dad, right?"
Homelander scowled at her. "Point taken."
(Y/N) looked him up and down. He suddenly felt very self conscious and small, even though he stood a few inches over her. They were emotions he thought he wouldn't feel anymore; human emotions. He was supposed to have left those behind in The Bad Room. That was the whole reason he had come back to this nightmare.
But he realized he wasn't feeling this way in a negative way. Well, he definitely felt ashamed that (Y/N) had to see him like this. But he realized he felt small because he was remembering every moment he and (Y/N) had in The Bad Room. She was the only good thing about that place. They kept each other going; they kept each other sane. When she suddenly disappeared, he thought the worse. He wanted to escape himself, to burn the whole place down, to burn himself with it. But he was still young, not yet The Homelander.
He later found out she was alive and had just managed to escape. He would've been angry that she didn't take him if he wasn't so heartbroken by it.
"I live nearby," (Y/N) said, breaking the silence. "You can come over and get cleaned up."
It took him a moment, but he finally registered what she had said. "Yeah. Okay. Lead the way."
(Y/N) seemed confused. "Um...I drove here."
Now it was Homelander's turn to look confused. When he realized she was being serious, he said, "Oh...okay. Well...you drive and I'll follow your car."
"You think it's a good idea to risk people seeing Homelander flying around covered in blood?"
He knew she wasn't wrong, but he hadn't driven in a car since...well, maybe ever.
"I'll clean the seats later, and it'll be less risk for your image," she said. "John...please?"
She wanted him to come over. She wanted to spend time with him. In her space. How could he say no?
That's how Homelander found himself stood under a stream of hot water in an unfamiliar bathroom. The blood ran from his face and hair, staining the water red as it ran down the drain. He found himself looking at the products she had there - her body washes and shampoo. He tried not to think too much about the fact that there were no men's products there. Although, he would've appreciated some men's body wash at the very least. He wasn't sure if he could handle using her body wash and smelling so much like her.
Eventually the water went from red to clear, so he shut it off. He wrapped one of the towels (Y/N) had left for him around his waist. He had left his suit on the floor, but now it was gone and any blood that had dripped onto the floor was cleaned. Homelander found himself blushing at the thought of (Y/N) coming into the bathroom while he was showering without him knowing, but then the blood moved from his face to a lower area.
He walked out of the bathroom and into (Y/N)'s living room. She was sat on her couch with a glass of wine in hand. He could smell bleach trying to be masked by the smell of hand lotion, which told him that she had cleaned her car while he was in the shower.
"Does that stuff get you drunk?" he asked, even though he knew the answer.
"Of course not," she responded. "I drink it for the taste at this point."
He noticed her looking him up and down again, and he suddenly became very aware of the fact that he wasn't wearing any clothes.
"My suit..." he started.
"The cape is in my washer, but I wasn't sure how to wash the rest of it. Especially with those shoulder pads you have."
"That's okay. I can get someone back at the tower to dry clean it for me. They won't ask any questions."
(Y/N) winced and took a sip of her wine.
"I have some clothes you can borrow," she said, placing her glass down and standing from the couch.
"I don't think any of your clothes will fit me," Homelander said, a smile tugging at his lips.
She gave him a look, but he could see she was smiling as well. "They're men's clothes."
His smile suddenly fell. "Oh."
"They're my brother's."
He should've been happy for that clarification, but it only made his brow crease more. "Brother?"
"Foster brother, but I see him as an actual brother," she explained. "He stays over whenever he's in New York so he's left some clothes here. They should fit you."
He dressed in the clothes that (Y/N) gave him, but he was filled with more questions. She had a foster brother, did that mean she had a whole foster family? It would make sense, she was still a minor when she had escaped. He guessed she couldn't just live on her own under the age of 18.
But couldn't she? She had powers. She was raised to be a Supe just as powerful as himself. She could've taken care of herself, gotten whatever she wanted.
But maybe what she wanted was a real family.
But they weren't her family. They were just posing as one.
He was still turning these thoughts over in his head as she entered her living room again. She was back on the couch with a second glass of wine. He didn't drink alcohol. He was told he couldn't before. He had an image to uphold. But who cared about that image now? He literally killed a man and got away with it.
He sat next to her. She took a sip of her own wine before looking at him. "You have questions."
That was an understatement.
But she was opening the floor for him to ask everything on his mind, and he had a lot of things he wanted to know.
The first thing out of his mouth was, "Why were you there tonight?"
She seemed almost amused by this being his first question. "Barbara called me. She said there was a breach."
"What are you, their bodyguard?"
"That's what she thinks. Or...thought, I guess."
"I didn't kill her. I left her with the bodies of the people who tortured us."
(Y/N) looked at him, almost in disbelief, before a laugh slipped from her lips. "Jesus, that's worse than death. That's what she deserves."
"Why does she still have your number? You escaped, why would you want any connections to her or-or that place?"
She sighed. "It's...complicated."
"Then uncomplicate it for me."
When (Y/N) looked at him, there was no fear in her eyes. Not like most people who get this close to him, who know what he's done and have to deal with him after the fact. Instead, he saw sadness. And with it, any ounce of anger that was growing in him evaporated.
"I didn't escape, I made a deal with Barbara and Vogulbaum. I told them either they let me go and stop trying to train me and make me into their next Supe princess, or the second they let me leave the facility and put me on camera I would reveal everything those people did to us. And then...and then I'd kill myself on live television so the world knew what Vought did to us."
Homelander watched her as she took a sip of her wine. Well, a gulp more like it. She finished the contents of her glass and reached for the bottle to get herself more. He reached for his own glass and swallowed it all in two gulps. He winced at the taste and suddenly was glad he never drank before.
(Y/N) started to refill his glass when he asked, "Why didn't you take me?"
She paused. He could hear her heart rate picking up, and he could see the tears welling in her eyes.
"They wouldn't - " she started, but choked on her tears. She cleared her throat and tried again. "They wouldn't let me. I tried to negotiate it with Barbara, but she said no, and she said even if she agreed Vogelbaum never would. She said the deal was only me, and if I didn't take it then...then that was it. I had to stay, continue all the training and...experiments. Neither one of us would ever get out if I agreed to that, so...I took their deal. They rushed me out in the middle of the night so that you wouldn't know, blindfolded me so that I wouldn't know where the facility was, and then dropped me in the middle of nowhere to fend for myself. I was hitchhiking for hours when this family drove past and found me."
"What did you tell them?" Homelander asked.
"I lied and said I had no idea what happened to me. I said bad people took me and I couldn't remember who they were or where I came from. Only that I remembered my first name, the only name that Barbara gave me. They looked into missing persons and couldn't find me anywhere here or in any other state. So - "
"They took you in," he finished. "They fostered you."
(Y/N) nodded. "They wanted to adopt me officially, but that's a whole process. They became like my family anyways. Like I said, I'm still in contact with them."
"Do they know you have powers?"
She shook her head. "I haven't used my powers since I got out of there. Not on purpose, anyways. There's always the odd slip up, but that's bound to happen."
Everything she said just resulted in more questions in his head. He wanted to ask her why she never disclosed to her "family" that she had powers, but he figured the answer to that was pretty simple: she wanted to be normal.
But she's not normal. She's never been normal. She was made to be a God, like me.
Instead of saying that, he said, "You never...called. Or came by the tower or...anything. You never tried to contact me."
"I did once, remember? When you asked me to be in The Seven."
Oh, he remembered. It was just after Lamplighter had announced his intention to leave, before they put out a nation wide search for a new member that resulted in Starlight joining the team. He asked Stillwell to wait on putting out word on a search because he had someone he wanted to ask first. Reluctantly, he turned to Vogelbaum, because he knew they must've had an idea of where (Y/N) ended up. Even when he thought she had just escaped, he knew they never would've let her truly be free of them. He asked Vogelbaum to send her a message: "Please come join The Seven. It would mean the world to me if you did."
Almost immediately, Vogelbaum called the tower to let Homelander know she had responded. "She said I'm sorry, but I can't."
He was locked in his room for days after that.
Now, he scoffed at her bringing up that memory. "That's not trying to contact me. That's responded to me trying to contact you, and having to go through Vogelbaum of all people to do it. You basically fell off the face of the Earth to me, but I was readily available to you if you ever gave enough of a fuck to reach out."
"You think I didn't care?!" (Y/N) snapped, standing from the couch. "You think I wasn't thinking of you every second after I got out of that hell hole?! That I wasn't trying for years to figure out where the hell they had you hidden so I could come save you, too? I tried everything John! I looked everywhere that I could, but I was too late. They were already parading you around on TV as the next Soldier Boy! The second they announced you'd be the leader of The Seven, I knew I was too late. They had already corrupted you too much, you were already another Supe pawn in Vought's attempts at global domination. I couldn't handle that. I couldn't try to pry you away from that when I knew you would never leave the spotlight. How could you? You're the world's greatest superhero, you had everyone at your feet. And I was just the girl who ran away from that life and stopped using her powers. How could you ever choose me over that?"
"I would've chosen you every time!" Homelander snapped back, getting to his feet as well to stand over her. "That's why I asked you to join The Seven!"
"But that's not what I wanted, John! I didn't want to be a hero. If I took you up on your offer, I would be letting Barbara and Vogelbaum and all of those other fuckers win. I just wanted to be normal! I wanted me and you to be normal!"
"But we're not fucking normal!"
Tears were running down her face as she backed away from him. He realized then that he was crying, too. So much built up emotion between the two of them was finally coming out. They both needed it, but goddamn, Homelander felt his heart breaking all over again.
Maybe this wasn't a good idea.
Suddenly, (Y/N) was throwing herself at him. Her arms were around his neck, holding onto him for dear life, and her lips were on his. He was surprised at first, but quickly wrapped his arms around her to hold her to him. He could taste the salt of their tears mixed with the wine they had been drinking. It was messy and far from the perfect kiss, but neither of them cared. It was the cultivation of years of emotions between them.
(Y/N) pulled away first. She rested her forehead against his, looking into his bright blue eyes. "I can't be your perfect Supe counterpart. I can't be a Supe, John, you have to understand that."
"I do," he said. "Whatever you need, I won't push you. I just want you back."
"You can have me," she said, her voice a whisper but he could still hear her plain as day. "You always had me."
He leaned in to kiss her again, picking her up in his arms as he did so. He never wanted to let her go again, so he wouldn't.
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minniesmutt · 2 days
☾ ━━━━━━ 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬
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☾ ━━━ PAIRING: CHANGBIN X READER ☾ ━━━ CONTENT: INCUBUS!CHANGBIN, HUMAN!READER, ORAL (F. REC), SIZE KINK, VIRGINITY LOSS (READERS FIRST TIME), SPIT KINK, MARKING, THGIH GRINDING, PRAISE, APHRODISIAC, HAIR PULLING, BREEDING, BIG COCK BINNIE, FINGERING, UNPROTECTED SEX, ROUGH SEX, MULTIPLE ORGASMS, CREAM PIE, CUM SHOT, IMPLIED MORE ROUNDS ☾ ━━━ WC: 1K ☾ ━━━ repost from old blog ☾ ━━━ 18+ work!! minors and ageless/blank blogs DNI! you will be blocked, put an indicator on your blog somewhere that you are 18+ before interacting with this work/blog
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     “I don’t think it’s gonna work,” Y/n told her friend. 
     A weekly movie night turned into talking about incubus and succubus. Random but the supernatural film had mentioned them and that led into a spiral that ended in googling how to summon them.
     “Well if I’m not getting fucked I’m going home,” Her friend said
     “This wasn’t even the plan for the night!” Y/n called to her
     “And now it’s a problem. Good night!” She heard the door shut hard. Groaning, she got up from the ground and cleaned up the candles and food. Disappointed but not surprised. All of these things were just fiction anyway. Though it would have been interesting. 
     Y/n told herself she’d do the dishes in the morning and dragged herself off the bed. Thankful she decided to shower and put her pajamas on before her friend came over. Tucking herself under the warm covers and scrolling through social media till sleep finally took her. Unaware of the company watching her from the corner. 
     Passing out seemed an easy task, keeping dreams at bay was harder. No one could ever know when they started but just know that you became conscious of them at some point. Maybe it was because of what they were talking about— the demons that came in at night and fucked you in your sleep. But the dream seemed too vivid for a rem sleep. 
     Tongue flicked back and forth on her clit as she grabbed at the curly hair between her legs. Red eyes peering at her and watching her every move. His hands pushed her legs up to her chest and opened her up to him. 
     “Such a pretty pussy,” the male chuckled to himself his tongue slithering inside her as he gripped her thighs in his hand. 
     He was just as bare as she was, having stripped both of them before he started his exploration of her body. Tongue currently prodding deep inside as she moaned in her sleep. Her hands gripped his hair tighter. 
     The muscle pressed up against her G-spot, eliciting a loud moan from her. The male between her legs moaned into her as his nose brushed against her clit. Her body arched up as she rutted against his face.
     “Feel good baby?” He asked, pulling his tongue out of her and wrapping his lips around her clit.
     “Yes! Fuck, wanna cum.”
     “Cum for me then baby.” 
     The more he sloppily made out with her cunt the more she was getting closer and closer to the high that never came. Her eyes shot open at the worst possible time. Her covers were thrown off and her body was uncomfortably warm, her panties and sleep shorts feeling wet. 
     “Have a nice nap?” A male voice came from the corner of her room
     Y/n’s eyes adjusted in the dark to him. A pair of horns placed in his curly hair, lust eyes staring at her. Built frame that had her drooling. “Are you…”
     “The incubus you summoned.” He smiled at her as he made his way over to the bed, kneeling and hovering over her body.
     Y/n’s eyes went wide. She didn’t think it would work, “I didn’t think—”
     “No, but it sure gave you a nice little dream just on the off chance it did, didn’t it?”
     ��Yes…” Yn shyly said as he leaned down and placed a kiss on her pulse point
     “What do you want now? Want the big bad demon to take your virginity? Mhm?”
     “How did you—”
     “Oh yeah, humans don’t remember your dreams.”
     “You can see my dreams?”
     “Only the dirty ones,” Changbin smiled as he placed another kiss on her neck, “So?”
     Y/n thought for a moment. Never one to participate in hookup culture or go out and date so sex was just left to her masturbating. It didn’t feel wrong with what he was offering. What could be the worst outcome of sleeping with an incubus?
     “Please,” Y/n whimpered 
     “Please what?”
     “Please fuck me,” Her body felt like it was on fire when she begged him. 
     Not even a second later, he had ripped both of their clothes off. Making the playing field even from the get-go. 
     “Think you look best like this bunny.” the demon smiled as he groped her breasts, lips moving along her neck in quick open mouth kisses
     “Wait, what can I call you?”
     “Need something to scream?” he chuckled “Call me Changbin, bunny.”
     Changbin ran his fingers over her nipples and watched her shiver. Laughing at how sensitive she was as he sucked bruises onto her skin. Slowly pressing a knee against her soaked core. Y/n laced her fingers in his hair and slightly ground against him.
     Changbin moved his hands down from her breasts to her hips, guiding her clit across his thigh. Y/n moved one hand to cover her mouth, hyperaware of her neighbors. Changbin just laughed at her
     “Feeble attempt bunny.” He told her, moving one of his hands to grab her wrist and pinning her hand down to the pillow under her head. Quickly pushing his lips onto hers. Y/n gasped, giving him the perfect chance to slide his tongue into her mouth. Forked tongue exploring every part as she melted under him. Her body gave into him as his tongue wrapped around hers before he pulled away. Leaving her mouth open to him.
     Changbin moved his hand from her wrist to grab her jaw and hold it open as he leaned down and spit into her mouth. He saw her flinch a little as the liquid hit her tongue. “Swallow.”
     He closed her mouth and watched her swallow as he instructed. Her whole heated up to ten after. Every little touch had her whining. Perfect effect.
     “Good bunny,” Changbin smiled and pushed her legs to her chest and came face to face with her cunt
     Blowing on her cunt softly and watching her convulse before sliding his forked tongue inside her.
     “Fuck!” Y/n cried
     Changbin moaned into her as his tongue thrusted in and out of her. Tips of his tongue rubbing against her walls and reaching for her cervix. Y/n reached between her legs to grab a handful of his hair. He held onto the back of her knees, keeping her folded in half for him, and in the back of her head, she knew she was going to be a bit sore from the position tomorrow. 
     His tongue slipped out of her for him to wrap his lips around her clit. Taking the breath out of her as he sucked on the bud. Her moans sounded like music to his ear, moaning into the bud. Y/n felt herself getting pulled closer to the edge like in her dream the harder he sucked on her clit.
     “‘M close Binnie,” she whined
     “Gonna cum for Binnie, bunny?” He asked
     “Yes! Pleasepleaseplease let me cum.”
     “Go on bunny.” 
     Changbin slipped his tongue back into her. Letting the muscle fill her up and thrust in and out of her. Y/n’s orgasm hit her like a truck, harder than any she’d felt in the past when she masturbated. Changbin drank up her essence. Cleaning her out completely as she shook from her high, mind going blank as he pulled his tongue out of her. 
     “Can’t wait to stuff this little pussy.” Changbin groaned as he dipped two thick fingers into her sensitive cunt
     Scissoring her open and watching her every move. Her droopy eyes watched him through her legs. Wall’s already clenching around his fingers, just before he pulled them out and spat into her hole. Pushing his fingers back into her. Stretching her open for him. 
     “Fuck me, please bin. Need your cock,” Y/n begged
     “Not gonna be able to take me without prep,” Changbin told her
     “Yes, I can! Need it, Binnie.”
     Changbin pulled his fingers out of her and brought her legs down. Y/n was going to question him then he laid his heavy cock on her stomach. Tip reaching past her belly button, precum leaking from the mushroom tip and onto her.
     Her mouth salivated at the sight. She knew she couldn’t possibly take all of him but her deluded mind said she could. “Still think you can?”
     “Mhm.” Y/n nodded
     “Never had a cock in you before yet you think you can take me.” Changbin laughed, “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
     The Incubus pushed her back into her previous position. Exposing her hole to him again. He rubbed the underside of his shaft along her wet folds as slowly as he could. Y/n whined and continued begging him to just put it in her. 
     He pressed the angry tip into her and moved slowly. Y/n realized how she underestimated his girth. Her hands flew to grab her sheets as he breached her virgin hole. 
     “There we go, make room for Binnie,” Changbin said as he kept pushing into her.
     Her walls parted for him, adjusted to his size. A mix of pain and pleasure covered her body. He fit himself in as much as he could before giving her just a moment to adjust before pulling back and thrusting back into her. 
     “Been a while since I’ve had a virgin.” Changbin leaned over, hands pressing against her thighs as he pounded into her, “Might have to keep you for myself after this.”
     Words weren’t forming in her mind. Just feeling nothing but his cock inside her. And her second orgasm coming along too quickly.
     “More,” She whined. 
     “Just need my cock in you, don’t you bunny?” Changbin moved her arms to wrap around her legs and hold them open, “Cum on my cock and I’ll give you something special bunny.”
     His thumb grazed over her clit before starting to rub the engorged bud. Her walls clamped on him immediately and his name came out of her mouth like a chant. 
     “That's it bunny. Let go for Binnie.”
     “fuckfuckfuckfu—“ Y/n’s walls gripped onto Changbin’s cock as another orgasm hit her. Washing his cock in it as he continued fucking her through it to his own high. 
     Changbin pushed her thighs to the side and pumped into her till he was shooting his load into her. Pulling out and letting his cum shoot onto her stomach. Y/n looked down as his seed shot onto her stomach. She watched him rub his cock on her as she felt a warm sensation above her womb. 
     “Bin…” Y/n whined 
     “You’re fine, bunny. Just let it happen, let Binnie claim you.” 
     Y/n whined as the sensation had spread through her whole body. Changbin pushed his cock back into her, much easier this time. Y/n threw her head back into the pillow as he sank into her. She thought it was going to be like the previous round, not being able to fit all of him inside but she was surprised when she felt him deeper than last time. She was positive he was inside her womb.
     “Look at that, just needed a little help to fit me all in.”
     Y/n looked down, he was definitely balls deep inside her, Then her eyes caught the marking on her skin, almost shining through his cum. “What’s…”
     “Said I would give you something special bunny,” Changbin pulled out and thrusted back into her, “Gave you a special little mark. You’re all mine now bunny.”
     She could feel every vein on his cock as he pounded into her. She felt like her whole body was on fire as he brought back his pounding pace. “Now just my little sex bunny. Gonna let me use you however and whenever I want?” 
     “Yes!” Y/n cried as his cock hit right on her g-spot, not even something she had yet found.
     “Good bunny. Keep your legs open while Binnie breads you.”
     Changbin leaned forward over her and kept pounding into her. Every hit of his cock brought her closer and closer to another edge till it hit her again. Convulsing under him as he kept abusing her cunt. Changbin pulled out of her momentarily, flipped her onto her stomach and entered into her again. His hips slamming into her ass as he gripped her hips. Y/n yelled into her pillow as he used her pussy till he came inside her, not pulling out this time. 
     He let his cum fill her up. Y/n moaned as she felt his hot ropes of cum hit her walls. The demon only pulled out once he was finished and turned her back on her back. Y/n felt her mind slipping into unconsciousness as he kissed her neck.
     “I’m not done yet bunny. Still got a few more loads for you.”
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barcaatthemoon · 2 days
green whistle || sydney lohmann x reader ||
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sydney gets hurt in practice and accidentally outs your relationship when given a green whistle.
the worst part of your job was having to see the players go down. you absolutely loved being a trainer, and when you were finished with your studies, you were excited to be a sports doctor. still, you had become close friends with the players and you hated having to be the one who told them how long they'd be out for when they got hurt. your least favorite was sydney, it killed you to see such a sad look on your girlfriend's face.
you had been working on some paperwork concerning the girls' physicals whenever sydney was rushed in. with all of the commotion, you would have thought that someone broke something. you rushed out of the office with urgency to see your girlfriend being partially dragged in by two of her teammates with a green whistle in her mouth.
"baby!" sydney exclaimed, dropping the whistle immediately. she tried to move out of the grasps of the other girls, but they held on tightly. "let me go, i want (y/n). she's pretty and gentle with me and gives me the sweetest kisses."
"why would (y/n) be kissing you of all people?" lea asked. it was a pretty poorly kept secret that you and sydney were seeing each other. however, the team was very respectful in not bringing it up until one of you did first. that did not mean that lea wouldn't tease sydney about how she constantly stared at you with a disgustingly lovesick look.
"because she's my girlfriend, duh! yeah, that's right, i got the very cute trainer girl's number. remember when you and georgia said i couldn't, well i did!" sydney shouted. your cheeks were red with embarrassment as sydney continued. it was fairly safe, mostly just about how cute she thought you were.
"quiet, and sit still for me," you told her. sydney promptly snapped her mouth shut and sat up straight in front of you. you checked her out and patched her up, glad that it was nothing more than a bit of muscle strain. it felt pretty bad, but wouldn't need anything more than maybe a week or two of rest. "you can rest here for the rest of practice, and before we leave i'll get you something if you're still in pain."
"you're so good at your job," sydney said as you taped her up. you glanced up at her to find her staring at you. lea and georgia looked a bit uncomfortable, but neither of them made a move to leave. "i'm so proud of you. i love you, liebe."
"i love you too." you stood up and pressed a quick kiss to sydney's lips. this time, georgia did turn away from the two of you, but lea didn't move. you watched sydney try to kick at her for fake gagging. "can i talk to the two of you for a moment?"
"we won't say anything if that's what you're scared of," lea promised you. you nodded, greatly appreciating that they already knew that you wanted to talk about. "you guys are cute together. everyone would be supportive if you did want to be open about with us."
"i'm not sure that it would matter. neither one of you seemed phased earlier," you pointed out.
"don't take this the wrong way, but you guys are not subtle. it's like neither of you were born with a subtle bone in your bodies," georgia told you. you chuckled at that, having known that sydney wasn't subtle, but never thinking that you were just as bad. it made sense, even if you weren't overly thrilled about the news that everybody had caught you openly checking your girlfriend out.
"it's cute though, don't worry!" lea reassured you. "all of us really care about syd, and i haven't seen her so happy with anybody else before. just know that sooner or later, you'll get the talk from the national team."
"as if she'd ever let them threaten me," you scoffed. sydney was off in her own little world on the bench, but you knew how protective your girlfriend was. there was no way she'd let more than one or two members of the national team whisk you away for a shovel talk.
"(y/n) has a point. remember when tod went to shout at (y/n)? surprised that he came around the next practice," georgia said. lea laughed at the memory of your girlfriend tearing into the senior medical trainer. you wouldn't have called what tod was doing shouting, but it was enough to have lea run at him from halfway across the pitch.
"liebe!" sydney whined as she reached out for you. georgia and lea took that as their cue to leave. you turned around to see her laying outstretched on the bench as she reached out towards you. her hand made a little grabbing motion over and over again until you walked over so she could grab you. immediately, sydney latched onto you with her arms around your hips as you ran a hand through her hair. "that's better, i missed you."
"yeah? i missed you too," you said softly. sydney fell asleep after barely three minutes of your fingers running through her hair. you went back to the office, but left a hoodie for sydney to cuddle up with while you finished work.
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katelynnwrites · 1 day
the meaning of a friendly | laura freigang
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warnings: ~
word count: 523
summary: your arsenal teammate, katie, doesn't know the meaning of a friendly game as your girlfriend rather unfortunately finds out
a/n: been meaning to write this blurb forever! inspired by this and this
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it's with a pointed look of disappointment that you greet one katie mccabe with when she walks into the locker room.
she sits directly across from you so it doesn't take her long to notice that you're being particularly frosty today.
'what's with the long face? woke up on the wrong side of bed did ya?' she teasingly mocks.
'not exactly mccabe.' you shortly reply.
'oh so you didn't miss me during the international break?'
your frown intensifies and katie's grin begins to waver as starts to actually think about what could possibly be bothering you.
sweden had won both their friendlies easily and she had seen on your instagram stories that you had had a good time being back together with your national teammates.
'seriously, what's up? you're not usually like this.'
rather annoyedly, you pull on your laces to tighten your boot.
'remind me, who did ireland just play against?'
'germany?' katie answers, uncertainly because what did that have to do with your mood today.
'and remind me again, who my girlfriend is?' you grit out.
'laura. laura freigang who you talk about all time. she plays for frankfurt yes?'
unable to stand your club teammate's confusion any longer, you get up and in a voice full of irritation, state, 'conveniently, you're forgetting that you gave her a black eye a couple days ago.'
a soft 'oh.' escapes the irish woman as the dots very quickly connect in her mind.
'i'm sorry?' she tries, as meekly as katie mccabe would ever be.
'you shouldn't be apologising to me mccabe. try directing that apology to laura instead because you messed her pretty face up good. don't you know the meaning of friendly?'
for a brief moment, katie thinks about pointing out to you that a black eye is only temporary but soon discards the thought at the barely disguised anger in your eyes.
'right. i'll send her a dm on social media. and maybe a get well soon basket if you'll text me her address?' she attempts to appease.
'good.' you say, with an air of finality before finishing lacing up your boot and brushing past the remarkably quiet brunette.
even though you have been her arsenal teammate for years, you can count on one hand the number of times you have seen her silent.
so it is with distinct pleasure that you leave the locker room, only to round the corner and pull out your phone to call your girlfriend.
laura picks up immediately, 'did it work?'
'better than i thought it would. you can expect an apology and a gift basket soon schatz.' you giggle, completely dropping your previous act.
the striker laughs, 'alright. i'll be gracious in accepting her apology and thanking her for the basket.'
'don't worry about it lau. i have a feeling that this isn't the last we see of katie mcyellow.'
your teasing words are met with more of the blonde's bright laughter and you say your goodbyes with a grin.
a grin that turns more into smug smirk when you see the irish captain come out of the locker room, still looking suitably chastised.
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German Translation:
schatz - sweetheart
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hanglimi · 2 days
take a break - minji
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sometimes, it's just better to take a break.
TAGS - idol! minji x idol! reader, angst and fluff with comfort, [requested]
WARNINGS - mentions of overworking,
A/N - the writers block hit hard on this one. (i'm so so so sorry that this is like 3 months late), anyways i kind of don't like it that much but i still hope you enjoy.
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the bunnies were starting to get worried.
it wasn’t really that concerning at first–the usual comments of someone looking particularly tired that live, or not interacting with the other members as much. you had always thought it was cute, though– the fans looking out for idols, even if it did become tedious at some points, constantly replying and reassuring them.
you knew it was bad when it was enough to get on your instagram feed. multiple videos would appear as you scrolled in the morning, clips and clips edited together, with different texts along the lines of,
“am i the only that thinks minji’s been looking tired recently?”
“doesn’t minji look so tired in this live?”
“minji ignoring her members in this live.”
so on and so forth. and the comments underneath weren’t any better. the fans had definitely noticed it–you had noticed it too, and you weren’t the only member either.
“unnie,” the younger member started as you dragged your feet towards the fridge, wiping away at your eyes as they adjusted to the brightness of the living space. you grunted in reply, seemingly too tired to enunciate your response.
“i’m worried about minji,” danielle said, the usual cheeriness in her voice dipping lower at her words. “she really has been looking extra tired recently. tired to the point of like, fainting,” her voice became higher pitched at the end of the sentence, and her eyes widened at the realisation.
“i know, dani,” you sighed, running a hand through your hair, turning around to face her, still having barely woken up. “but sometimes, you just have to trust that she knows what she’s doing.” you said.
you continued to prepare your breakfast in silence, occasionally humming and nodding your head to one of the songs of your group’s new comeback. dani sat silently behind you, seemingly caught up in her own thoughts. the quiet of the room was interrupted by the other members slowly entering, all rousing to the smell of food.
“y/n!” hanni yelled as she approached your form. “you better not be making breakfast for just yourself again.”
you gave her a smile as she pushed you aside to view empty pans, and she slowly gazed back at you, your plate being full of food.
“you. are. so. annoying.” each word was followed by a hit on the shoulder, and you giggled while screaming for help as she beat you, the look on her face being exasperated.
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today was the six of you guys’ rest days, so you planned to watch a movie together, all bundled up on the couch cuddling for warmth. the movie was interesting, to say the least. hyein had picked it, mentioning something along the lines of ‘comedy’ and ‘cute’ while she snatched the remote from haerin, but the comedy was unfortunately nowhere to be seen.
out of the corner of your eye, you noticed minji slightly nodding off to the movie, occasionally opening her eyes to rapidly blink the tiredness away. you raised your eyebrow at the sight, noting that it was only 7 at night, and she would usually sleep much later.
you nudged her side, turning to whisper into her ear, “do you want to go to bed?”
she turned to you–a somewhat annoyed expression covering her face, and mouthed the word ‘no’.
you shrugged in response. if she wanted to pass out mid movie you’d let her.
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you yawned while stretching your body, continuing to look into the fridge. the sun from the window was hitting you directly, and while it slightly helped wake you up, you still felt like someone had dragged you through the mud throughout your sleep. fortunately, the majority of the members had schedules today, so it was simply you and dani in the apartment for most of the day. meaning it wouldn't be unnecessarily loud.
“no,” her voice broke you out of your stupor, and you glanced at her in confusion, waiting for a continuation before turning your head back to the appliance when you heard none.
“no, you’re completely wrong.”
“dani,” your voice came out more strained than you would have liked, “what are you saying right now?”
“‘but sometimes, you just have to trust that she knows what she’s doing’, that’s what you said last night,” dani mimicked.
“i don't trust her anymore. have you seen how tired she’s been looking these days? i know you saw her falling asleep while we were watching the movie yesterday, and she’s always holding onto people while she stands, and-"
you cut her off, reaching your hand out to grip one of hers. her forehead was scrunched, and you could tell her eyes were slightly watering as she kept her gaze glued on the countertop.
“danielle, i understand why your worried–i’m worried too, but what am i supposed to do?” you asked incredulously, still holding onto her hands tight, scared the younger girl might float away.
“tell her we're worried or something–ugh, i don't know! just anything to make her realise that whatever she’s doing isn't sustainable.”
“why me though? hanni’s older than me and has known her for much longer, if we were to take that into account-”
“you’re good at delivering bad news.” her bold statement shocked you, and you let go of her hands, placing them by your sides instead.
“do you all think that?” your voice came out small, as if trying to sway her.
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the remaining four other members slowly came into the apartment at their own different times, each of them greeting you before venturing off to do their own things for the night. minji came in last, nearer to midnight, like she had been doing the last couple of nights, and you knew she would, so you stayed up to talk to her.
“minji,” you said as you followed her into her room, watching as she grasped mindlessly for the light switch.
“yes, hanni?”
“it's y/n.”
her eyes widened in shock at the revelation and she quickly turned around to apologise, spewing random words and making vague expressions with her hands. you noted the deep eye bags under her eyes, and how she was wearing a thick hoodie, even though it was quite warm in the apartment. her voice–usually cheery, was cold and had a slight wave to it, consistently cracking while she talked.
“so i’m fine. you can go to sleep now, don’t worry about me.” minji finished the end of her rant and you stood there like an idiot, blinking into her eyes.
she stood between the doorway of your room, seemingly blocking you from entering. you took a deep inhale, repeating what danielle had said to you earlier in your mind, and pushed her aside, stepping your way into the place. it wasn’t like her at all. clothes were strewn across the floor, and the bright glare of her laptop was on her desk, showing at least 40 tabs open in the same window. her room was oddly cold, even in the heat of spring, and her bed wasn’t made, a showcase of the state of distress her mind was in.
“minji, i’m gonna be honest,” you started, lowering yourself down to sit on the edge of her messy bed, gesturing towards her to sit next to you. she stood rooted to her spot, and you observed the sway in her body, even as she only stood still.
“you’re not fine. you’re clearly not fine. and you don’t have to keep saying you are.” her gaze softened at the words for a split second, before she hardened it again.
“y/n, you don’t understand. just let me do my thing, i'm fine. i don’t need you, or any one of the members to take care of me. i can take care of myself just fine, so just leave me alone.” minji’s chest was moving up and down after the outburst, and her eyes betrayed her strong words as they darted around the room, trying to look anywhere but at your face.
“no, minji, you can’t,” you groaned as you held your head in your hands, “that’s what you’re not understanding! you can lie to yourself all you want but everyone has noticed it. even our fans, unnie. and I won’t sit here quietly as you tell me these lies when you can’t even look at me in the face.”
the words broke her, and she hugged herself tightly, swinging her body back and forth as tears streamed down her face. your eyes relaxed, and you got up from the bed to approach her, opening your arms to wrap them around her. she felt brittle, and you were scared to grip her too tight, otherwise she might fall apart in your hold.
“please stay, y/n”
“i’ll stay for as long as you need.”
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lovexjoe · 3 days
how wwould armando react if he is in love with the reader, but she shows no sign of feeling the same way, (he's so devoted when it comes to the reader) And he'd like to know if she feels the same way, I wish it would end in a passionate way (you know what I mean) 🔥
New follower 💗💗♥️🌷
Amor Prohibido
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A/N: This was meant to be short, but I took the idea and ran with it. I hope you guys enjoy🤍 I also flip around with pov; sorry in advance.
Warning: Forbidden love, angst, violence, smut (idk what else im missing 😭)
Music to listen to while reading:
Fuck Love - XXXtentacion ft Trippie Redd.
SAD - XXXtentacion
John Redcorn - SIR
Y/N has been working with AMMO for 2 years now.
Kelly was the firecracker and you were the reserved sweetheart. Just don’t let nobody cross a line cause you’ll turn into an explosive real quick.
Mike and Marcus loved having you around, you brought the balance to the squad.
Being Kelly’s little sister, you were protected by everybody, including your least favorite person: Armando.
You didn’t understand him at all. Stone cold killer trying to turn a new leaf? I don’t think so
The moment Mike brought him into Kelly’s house unannounced was the first time ANYONE has seen you explode.
“What the fuck is he doing here?! He needs to leave NOW” Kelly points her gun directly at Armando.
Without even a hesitation you pulled your pocket knife out and slammed Armando against the wall. Shoving the knife up to his neck, close enough to draw blood.
“I know who you are and if you’re working with us. Do not make us regret it or you WILL be my first body count” Y/N spoke with venom. She couldn’t stand that Captain wasn’t here because of him. All the trouble he's caused. Everyone stops and stares at the two of you.
“Holy shit! Since when did Y/N turned into a Cobra?” Marcus jokes causing the air to lighten up a bit.
“Puedes confiar en mi” (you can trust me) Armando says as he takes in how beautiful her eyes are. He fully understood where she was coming from. He knew he had to show everyone that he wasn’t a stone cold killer: it was his mother who trained him.
From that day forward Armando could not stop thinking about you.
Kelly with hesitation moved Armando into the guest bedroom, across from Y/N room. Y/N wasn't too happy about it, but she gave him a chance to redeem himself.
He was quiet, respectable and kept to himself. Observing everyone like he always does. Observing his new favorite person, you.
8 months later
Armando was up late after a mission with AMMO. He was on standby as Y/N flirts with the drug dealer to distract him. She looked beautiful under the club lights. Her tan skin was glowing and her curly hair framing her face. The dress she was wearing took his breath away. He's never seen her in this light. She's usually in a tomboy attire just cause it was comfortable and convenient. This was the first time she wasn't on tech duty, Dorn's therapist recommended he took a rest from the action so Y/N volunteered herself. He was happy she was here, but it drove him crazy that she had to flirt with this old fuck. The man trailed his hands along her exposed back. It took everything in Armando not to put a bullet through his head and accept whatever consequences that came with it. Shortly Rita appeared along with Mike to arrest the drug dealer, putting an end to his torture. Y/N headed back into the van with Armando following behind her: watching her back just in case. Mike took notice that he never left her side. He knew his son, because they were exactly alike and hoped Y/N could bring a softer side out of him. Their friendship was forming, Y/N saw a side to Armando that nobody else did and she finally trusted him. She would never admit to it though, because with that trust comes with other feelings she wanted to lock away. It felt wrong to her. More like forbidden.
After they got home, everyone parted ways to their designated space. He's been thinking about her in that dress all night. It was 3am and sleep was definitely not in the air for tonight. He started to collect the dishes he had scattered around the room, irritated he let it get a bit messy. As he exits his room he notices the door to Y/N's bedroom was open. The kitchen light was on, the sink running as Y/N was clearing up the dishes that piled up the sink for over a week. The whole house was slacking on cleanliness.
"Can't sleep?" He asks as he sets his dishes on the counter next to her. Now leaning against it as she shook her head looking up at him. His heart skipped a beat taking in her nightly attire. A baby blue silk nightie that hugged her curves. Her curly mane was up in a messy bun and her glasses set low on her nose as she didn't bother fixing it.
"I've been so restless for the past two weeks" She shook her head, trying to make sense of why. She signals her head for him to put the dishes away as she washes; He complies. Armando would comply to anything that you said honestly. He loved that it was just the two of you right now with no interruptions. They never talked much, just enjoyed each other's presence. Maybe tonight could end differently he thought to himself.
"You did a great job tonight amor. It was nice having you away from the computer." He places the last dish in the cabinet and proceed to grab a bottle of alcohol walking over to the couch. Everything in you was screaming to go back to your room and not entertain this conversation further, but your body was already seated next to him. He took a sip from the bottle without even a struggle, handing the bottle off to you. You took a huge gulp knowing you need some liquid coverage if you're gonna stay up with him at these hours. You knew why you were restless for the past two weeks, it was the exact time when you started developing these other feelings for Armando. The best thing you can do is DENY DENY DENY. After all he's still a bad person right? A few months doesn't mean anything...right? Yet you trusted him entirely, none of this made fucking sense.
"Qué estás pensando?" (What are you thinking about?) He studies her worried face, deep in her thoughts; wishing she'd let him in. She turns her body to completely face him, her bare legs resting on his.
"Are you happy here?" Your eyes searched his, hoping to find something...a soul maybe? Some reassurance that he's on the path of making himself a better man.
" Happy? I don't know what that is fully. But I can say, when I'm here with you I'm at peace." He spoked openly for the first time, his hand grazing against your exposed leg. At this point you were just looking into each other's eyes, wishing one of you would make the move first. He took his whole being not to show you how much he worships you on this couch, but he does not want to disrespect you in any way. Your body felt so hot, yearning for his touch. Slowly your head was leaning in, both of you breathing uneasy, his hand resting on your cheek; lips so close but not touching just yet. You never felt this way about anyone before. Relationships, feelings all of that love bullshit was so new to you. Love? Do you love him? No it definitely can't be. You shoved the thought away as you pulled away.
"I-I have to go" You set the bottle down, hurrying to your room and locking the door. Armando curses to himself for even entertaining what had happened. You were curled up in bed when you heard the front door slammed. He had left to god knows where and you hugged your pillow wishing it was him.
1 week later
The two of you have not spoken a word to each other since the almost kiss.
Armando had returned at 10am that morning with no emotion towards Y/N at all.
She went back on tech duty until today.
The tension could be cut with a knife the whole team noticed.
"You two lovebirds are fighting aren't you?" Mike teased.
You rolled your eyes as you prep your ammo before you made it to your destination. This is something Armando already had done for you anytime you were on a mission with him; today was not that day.
He felt guilty as he watched you out of his peripheral but he felt like it was time he stop pursuing this. If you wanted him you would have kissed him that night: not run away.
Callie has been kidnapped along with Mike's wife. We received coordinates on where they were being held hostage.
As you reached the destination, both you and Armando scooped out the scene. You felt something off about the coordinates.
Once you two made it inside, you heard crying that sounded like Callie. Armando signals you to stay as quiet as possible as you guys make your way through the abandon building.
Once you guys got closer to the voice, you both realize it was just a recording.
"Its a TRAP!! BOTH OF YOU ABORT NOW" Mike and Marcus yelled over the intercom.
Before you could even try to escape there were already men surrounding you guys. Gunshots being the only sound that filled the air. The both of you, took as many men as you could, with the help of the drone assisting. Armando hated more than anything to see you shed blood, but those combat training days you two had was worth it. You could hold your own. Your surroundings got quiet, as you shove a knife through your enemy's neck. You turned around hoping to see Armando following you, but you froze in your steps. Mcgrath had his gun pointed at you ready to shoot. You guys were out of ammo, the drone gave out and any slight movement Mcgrath would kill you.
Everything slowed down, you felt your world stopped as Armando jumps in front of you causing Mcgrath to let out 3 shots. Armando taking the impact of all of them. You heard the rifle go off after, Mcgrath being taken down by a headshot. You immediately wrapped your arms around Armando, trying to find any way to stop the bleeding. This can't be happening right now. No no no no. You applied as much pressure as you could.
"Armando please stay with me, I can't lose you. Please" You cried and screamed for help. Mike and Marcus rushed in helping you take Armando into ambulance. You REFUSED to leave his side. The nurses had to pry you and Mike off of him so they could take him into surgery.
Armando started off hated by everyone, but over the past few months he truly became family. You sat down on the floor of the lobby, looking down at your bloodstain hands and your heart broke. Will you ever get a chance to tell him how you really feel? He jumped in front of a gun for you with no hesitation. Callie and Mike's wife was safe, the rest of Ammo took care of the mission while you and Mike were on standby waiting for Armando's results.
3 hours later
You laid next to Armando's bedside, holding his hand waiting for him to wake up. Mike left a few minutes before, thanking you for staying with him as he returns to his wife.
"I love you so much" You whispered against his hand, placing a soft kiss against it.
"I love you too mi amor. Más de lo que jamás sabrás" (More than you will ever know) He says softly, squeezing your hand reassuring that everything is okay. With no hesitation you pressed your lips against his, both of you moaning into each other's lips.
"I had to get shot 3 times for you to finally kiss me mami" You both started laughing.
✧・゚: ✧・゚: :・゚✧:・゚✧✧・゚: ✧・゚: :・゚✧:・゚✧✧・゚: ✧・゚: :・゚✧:・゚✧✧・゚: ✧・゚:
4 months later
Armando was finally healed and better than ever. Rita released both of you on a well needed vacation. The two of you avoided any of "those" activities till the doctor cleared him. Everyone was finally relieved to see you two engulfed in each other; the angst was truly unbearable. You guys had the house to yourself after returning from your romantic dinner. His lips immediately on yours after he locks the front door. Melting into his touch as he pushes you against the hallway of your bedroom, leaving hickeys on your neck and he didn't give a fuck.
"Mando" You let out a soft cry as he sucks on your weak spot right below your ear.
"Recién estoy empezando princesa" (I'm just getting started princess) He whispers as he slips his fingers under your dress, rubbing you through your underwear. Your little cries only ignited his dominate side even more. He rips your underwear causing it to fall to your feet, teasing you with one finger.
"You're so wet" He works a second finger in causing your legs to weaken. He pumps his finger harder and faster till your pussy started to make a squelch sound.
"Baby! Im squirting I'm squirting please!" Your orgasm dripped down his hand, he smiles to himself taking in his view. His girl, completely weak in her knees for him and the night just started. He wraps your legs around his waist carrying you into the bedroom.
"You came like a good girl for me baby." He gives you your well deserve praise as he lays you down, removing your dress and his clothes. His size and length definitely matched his attitude. The kisses were hot and messy as you aligned him with your entrance. As he slips in, you both couldn't help the sounds escaping from your mouths. His thrusts were slow and deep causing your eyes to tear up from the intense pleasure. He lifts one of your legs over his shoulder for a better angle. The sound of pants and skin slapping was all that could be heard in that room.
"I love you" You both said in unison as you came as the same time. He collapse on your chest and you played with his hair. You didn't speak for a little bit, just enjoying each other's presence.
"Estoy feliz aqui" (I am happy here) He says as he kisses your chest.
The End
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spiderbeam · 1 day
can i request a 50 (touching) for oscar’s piastri 🙏🙏
50: putting a hand over the other’s mouth to shut them up (cw: suggestive content, heavy making out)
pairing: oscar piastri x sainz!reader
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it must be said that, when you were getting ready for your sister’s party that morning, you didn’t think this was a situation you were gonna end up in. hand on your heart, this wasn’t planned at all.
you had put quite some thought into what you’d wear for the night. you’d helped blanca with her makeup, and in turn, she had styled your hair into something simple yet lovely. so, needless to say, while blanca had been carefully braiding your hair, you hadn’t foreseen it getting ruined at some point during the evening.
and yet, here you find yourself— mere hours into your sister’s birthday party, pressed against the door of the kitchen pantry, warm hands resting on your waist as you tangle your fingers into the hair of one pretty australian driver.
and sure— you’d met oscar piastri before. you’d been invited to see carlos’ races more than once, and were already acquainted with a few other drivers. charles, carlos’ current teammate, lando, carlos’ previous teammate, and oscar— who was apparently nothing to carlos (though the media was quite keen on convincing people they were enemies). point is, you’d shared nothing more than passing conversation with oscar; nothing you hadn’t done with anyone in ferrari or mclaren before.
you’re still not quite sure how you two got here. you think you vaguely recall being with him and lando, then lando disappearing at some point during the party, then…
you feel oscar’s thumb brushing over the bare skin of your stomach, just below your top. you curl your arms around his neck, as if trying to bring him even closer.
he’s a good kisser. a really good one, actually. you can’t help but smile against his lips, which seems to encourage oscar. slowly, tentatively, his thumb becomes his hand on your bare skin, resting beneath your top and inching upwards. he doesn’t reach far— he doesn’t strike you as the type to do messy hook-ups at party.
his thumb gently caresses the skin beneath your shirt, leaving goosebumps in his wake. you card your fingers through his hair, gently tugging on it. he lets out a sound against your lips that only serves to encourage you more. you grin, pulling him into you by the belt hoops of his pants.
your lips feel tender, your mind hazy— until you hear a voice on the other side of the door.
you pull away from oscar like he’d burned you. your heart skips a beat, hoping, praying, it isn’t who you think it is.
even in the darkness of the pantry, you can see the confusion tugging at oscar’s features. he looks down at you through half-lidded eyes. his lips look bruised. “why’d you stop?” he asks, voice hoarse. there’s a sudden spark of anxiety behind his eyes as he jerks his head back. “did i do—“
your whole body jolts as you press your palm over his mouth, eyes wide. oscar flinches slightly as he stares down at you with pure and utter confusion. you can feel him opening his mouth beneath your hand— and you don’t know how to tell him not to say anything.
then, as if on cue, you both hear your brother call out your name from the other side of the pantry door.
“vamos a cantar feliz cumpleaños,” carlos says, and you can hear the faintest tinge of frustration in his voice. he calls your name again. he’s close— too close.
you don’t drop your hands. matter of fact, neither you nor oscar dare to move. you wonder if he’s even breathing.
carlos calls your name again, and you hear oscar inhale sharply. okay, carlos definitely feels a lot closer now.
you wonder what carlos would do if he opens the door. there’s no way you can play this off— right? maybe you can tell him oscar was helping you find birthday candles, or napkins, or fucking ham.
but you can see the faint color of your lipgloss smeared around oscar’s lips, and your hair feels far too messy to be innocently justified. oscar doesn’t look too much better in that regard.
your heart skips a beat. by the way oscar’s grip tightens around your waist, you figure he must be running over similar scenarios inside his head.
you don’t think it’s looking very good for him.
“¿la encontrasteis?” you hear another pair of footsteps join him. you lean your forehead against oscar’s chest, eyes screwed shut. joder.
“¿y en el segundo piso?” fucking hell, it’s a whole family reunion. you hear blanca letting out an exhale.
it can’t be more than a few seconds of blanca and carlos standing there in complete and utter silence. and yet, it feels like hours.
finally, finally, carlos huffs. “vamos,” he says, and neither you nor oscar breathe until you hear the kitchen door closing behind them.
as soon as the voices grow muffled and incomprehensible (and most importantly— distant), you feel your body drop against oscar’s chest. you inhale deeply. exhale. you don’t think you know enough profanities in spanish or english to convey the wave of relief that washes over you. finally, you drop your hands from his mouth, returning them to around his neck.
a giggle sparks at the back of your throat. a little out of place, a little deranged, if you’re being honest. it quickly turns into a laugh, and oscar blinks down at you, the corners of his lips twitching upward.
“fuck— that was too close, wasn’t it?” you ask up at him.
oscar lets out a strangled breath, a disbelieving chuckle mixing into it. “i think i’m gonna need a second.” you laugh into his neck, feeling as his chest rumbles beneath you. “nearly fainted for a second there.”
“d’aww,” you pout, leaning away from him. there’s a teasing tone to your voice when you ask, “are you saying you wouldn’t have defended me?”
oscar tilts his head back. “your brother is bloody terrifying. and you’re really, really hot, but i’m pretty sure your family has enough resources to get my body dumped somewhere in the atlantic.”
your teasing smile grows wider. you brush his hair behind his ear, watching him suppress a shiver. “you think i’m hot?”
oscar looks stunned for a moment. it’s just a split second— but it’s long enough for you to see his eyes search your face, his lips parting slightly.
he groans, and before you can tease him further, you feel him tuck his nose into your neck. his lips ghost over your skin. “was that not obvious?” he mumbles, voice still hoarse from making out with you.
you feel your skin grow hotter at that, cheeks embarrassingly warm. a part of you wants to find out what it feels like to have his mouth trailing kisses down your neck.
you exhale softly, leaning into his touch. but before you can follow through with anything, you pull away from him with a groan.
“what?” he asks.
you huff. “they’re gonna sing happy birthday.”
“so, it’s my sister’s birthday.”
oscar blinks, and his gaze flicks down to your lips before returning to your eyes. you feel him inch a tiny bit closer. “you have other sisters.”
“fine, fine, fine— c’mon,” he opens the door behind you, poking his head out to check if anyone’s in sight. the two of you slip out of the pantry and close it behind you.
you think you can hear cumpleaños feliz starting somewhere in the patio. you hurry towards the door a few steps behind oscar— but not before catching sight if your reflection in the microwave.
messy clothes, tangled hair, bruised lips— now paired up with a growing embarrassment warming your cheeks. there is no way in hell you let any family members see you like this.
“oscar,” you say quietly, reaching for his wrist. he turns his head to you, and under the lamplight, he paints a similar picture. he looks flushed. really flushed. “c’mon— let’s go.” you pull him into the hallway.
he quirks a brow. “but aren’t they outside? shouldn’t we—“
“yeah,” you interrupt, tugging on his hand. “but my room is upstairs. and unlike the pantry, my bathroom actually has a lock on it.”
you don’t hear another word from him.
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a/n: send me a request! i’m currently writing for oscar, lando and carlos <3 as always, reblogs and comments are always immensely appreciated :)
translations: “we’re going to sing happy birthday.” / “did you find her?” / “fuck” / “and on the second floor?”
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yoonkinii · 2 days
How y♡u met Sukuna again (and got his number)!
Warning(s): Literally one curse word Requests open (only for this AU) Masterlist (Check for more AU content here)
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Coincidences are curious things, often catching many off guard. You certainly didn’t expect one as you sat at a campus picnic table across from your close friend, Shoko, a fellow biology major. 
What started as a casual lunch meet up quickly turned into you babbling on and on about your encounter with the ‘hot uncle’ you met at work. It’s been a few days since you’ve seen him, and he hasn’t returned. Perhaps it was foolish to hope he’d come back just so you could steal glances at his gorgeous face, but you couldn’t help it. 
“I think I missed my chance, Shosho.” You sighed, sipping from the smoothie you had just purchased from a nearby smoothie bar. “We could’ve been soulmates.”
Your friend, eyes heavy with fatigue, rolled her eyes and poked at her lunch with her fork. “Do you realize how crazy you sound right now? You don’t even know his name.”
“It’s not about that though!” You scoffed, face falling  as you voice your laments. “This is about me and some hot guy with pink hair.” 
“You mean pink hair like that?”
Casting a confused glance at Shoko, you follow her pointing finger. When your eyes landed on the scene behind you, your mouth dropped open. Quickly turning back to face Shoko, you shrank in on yourself.
“Oh my God, that’s his nephew.” 
Shoko hummed, arms crossed as she stared nonchalantly. You gasped and kicked her under the table. She hissed, her irritated gaze snapping to you. “What the hell?”
“Yeah, what the hell, Shoko? Why are you just staring?” You whisper urgently, leaning in toward her as if Yuji might hear, even though he was still a good distance away.
“Quit acting like that before people start looking at you.” She retorts, pointing a finger at you.  “You’re the one that looks insane right now.” 
“I can’t help it, ” You mutter, “I was just talking about his uncle and how I wanted to bag him. It's like the universe is telling me something.” 
“Hopefully telling you to shut up.”
“Watch it.”
The corner of Shoko’s lip curved into a half smile. “I think you should watch it cause it seems that pink haired boy is making his way over here.”
Anxiety pooled in your stomach as your eyes widened. “You’re lying.”
Your dear friend couldn’t respond before your name was called out, drawing the attention of everyone around. Wishing you could sink into the ground at the moment, you turned to look over your shoulder. 
There Yuji was, waving energetically with a big grin on his face. Two other students trailed behind him: a boy with black hair who looked like he regretted every moment, and a girl with a brown bob who eyed you with curiosity, glancing between Yuji and you. 
“It’s been a while, miss Y/n! How have you been?” 
You offered Yuji a welcoming smile. “Hello, Yuji. It’s surprising to see you here.” You weren’t surprised he knew your name, given that name tag you’re required to wear at work. 
Shono snorts, hiding her laughter behind her hand as you slipped into a customer service mindset. You decided not to reprimand your friend, not with Yuji and his friends around. Turning to cuss out a friend isn’t something teenagers should witness from adults. You couldn’t help but glance at the other two standing behind Yuji. 
“Oh! These are my friends.” A jolt of shock rushed over you as Yuji spoke. He must have noticed you eyeing his companions.  “This is Megumi Fushiguro.” Yuji gestures towards the black-haired boy, who simply nodded, eyes downcast.  It was surprising to see someone who looked so gloomy be friends with Yuji. 
“I’m Nobara Kugisaki,” the girl interjected before Yuji could introduce her himself.
You smiled warmly, addressing Yuji’s friends. “Hello, you two. I’m Y/n, and this girl across from me is Shoko, a friend of mine.” Shoko waved her fingers in acknowledgement, more focused on finishing her lunch than engaging with high schoolers. 
“Let’s cut to the chase. How do you know Yuji?”
 You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose in mild exasperation. “I met Yuji once at my workplace. He needed some assistance, and that’s about it,” you explained, noticing Nobora nodding thoughtfully at your response. “Now,” you continue, redirecting the conversation, “what brings you guys here?”
“School trip,” Megumi replied plainly.
“Already on school trips to colleges?” Shoko interjected, her eyes glued to her phone as she multitasked between typing and adding to the conversation. 
Nobora sighed, leaning against Yuji’s side. “Yeah, the school wants us to make connections and all that,” she says in a mocking tone, pulling a face for emphasis. You couldn’t help but snort at her antics, shaking your head. 
“Well, it’s better than sitting at a desk all day.”
“True.” Nobora agrees, Yuji nodding his head in contemplation. 
Megumi checks his phone for the time, glancing briefly before returning it to his pocket. “We need to go. It’s almost time for us to regroup.”
“Oh crap!” Yuji exclaims, eyes widening slightly. He waves goodbye to you and even to Shoko as he and his friends dash off to their designated meeting spot. Nobora’s shouts echo behind them as she begrudgingly follows, lamenting her dislike towards running. 
Shaking your head at their lively departure, you turn to  face Shoko. She glances up from her phone.  “So that’s the nephew? Seems like a handful.”
“You think everything’s a handful, Sho.”
She hums pleasantly, “True.”
You slouch, resting your head against the picnic table. “I was so scared his uncle was going to appear out of nowhere.”
“Now that would’ve been amusing to watch.”
“Have I ever told you that I despise you?”
“Hmm, I can’t recall.” Shoko teases, her eyes never leaving her phone. 
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Yes, coincidences were a curious thing. There was no rhyme or reason to them; they simply happened without warning. Even as you stood behind the register, mechanically scanning, bagging, and collecting payments, your mind wandered elsewhere - or rather, fixated on someone else. 
You released a deep sigh for what felt like the umpteenth time. No matter how hard you tried to focus, thoughts of Yuji’s uncle always entered your mind. No man has ever affected you like this, not even the countless celebrities you idolized in your teenage years. You attributed it to his striking; there was no other explanation for why the mere thought of him made your heart race.
Another sigh escaped you as a customer approached your register, placing a full basket of items on the conveyor belt. Your body moved on autopilot, instinctively grabbing the basket once it was close enough and beginning to ring up the items.
You froze, hands hovering above the register screen as you prepared to input the code for a cucumber. Slowly, your eyes trailed up, unable to believe your ears. There he stood, the man who has been constantly occupying your thoughts, now right before you. It was a moment that nearly stopped your heart. Gone was the casual attire from the time you saw him; now he wore something formal- a white dress shirt with long sleeves peeking from under a charcoal-colored vest. His trousers matched, tailored to fall in clean lines all the way to his black dress shoes. His formal attire created a heavy contrast against his pierced and tattoo appearance but it somehow made him look even hotter than before. 
You were seriously going to die. 
He met your gaze with a bored expression, eyes heavy-lidded with sleep. 
Your brain went into overdrive, thoughts racing like a cacophony of buzzing bees. You opened your mouth to reply, but no words came out. Quickly snapping your mouth shut, embarrassment heating the tips of your ears as you resumed ringing up his items. 
Nerves got the best of you; you couldn’t muster up a response. You knew you should’ve said something- after all, only God knew when you’d see him again- but your mind drew blank. It wasn’t until he paid and walked out the store that you groaned in frustration at yourself. 
You stared at the entrance of the store for a few moments, your mind consumed by thoughts of this man whose name you didn’t even know, practically making you unable to continue to properly do your job. 
“Fuck it,” You muttered to yourself, apologizing hastily to the customer as your register as you hurriedly exited from behind the counter and bolted out of the building. 
Ignoring all the alarms sounding in your head- all the ‘what ifs’ and doubts- you scanned both sides of the sidewalk. Spotting him wasn’t difficult; he hadn’t gotten far, and the streets were sparsely populated; not to mention he stuck out from a typical crowd of people. 
“Wait!” You called out, sprinting to catch up to him. It didn’t take long to reach him, but even then, you were slightly winded. He paused at the sound of your footsteps approaching, turning to look at you. 
You took in a deep breath, trying to steady yourself. You ignored the slight tremble in your hand and the fear churning in your stomach. Disregarding all rationality, you reached into your back pocket, pulling out your phone, and unlocking it with practiced ease. With a few quick clicks against the screen, you accessed your contact list. 
“Your number-” You stammered, swallowing deeply. You couldn’t even meet his gaze as you held out your phone. “Can I have your number, please?”
Moments stretched into excruciating silence as you stood there, eyes fixed on the floor, phone extended toward him. Your courage felt fleeting, certain you might die on the spot if you saw his expression. An apology hovered on the tip of your tongue, ready to spill out when his unexpected voice broke the silence.
“My number?” He mused, humming softly as he leaned in closer. You inhaled sharply, inhaling an earthy sandalwood as he got closer to you. You met his gaze instinctively, your heart skipping a beat. A playful glint sparkled in his eyes as he looked down at you, a smirk tugging at his full lips. 
“Do you even know how old I am?”
Licking your lips nervously, you asked in a soft voice, “How old are you?”
A breathy laugh fell from his lips, the deep sound sending a shiver down your spine. “I’m 32, sweetheart.” 
Your breath hitched at the endearment, cheeks burning with a mix of embarrassment and anticipation. “Even better,” you murmur. 
He chuckled, clearly amused by your response. Balancing his groceries in one hand, he deftly took hold of your phone with the other. His thumb moved effortlessly over the screen, swiftly entering his information before handing it back to you. “I’ll expect a message from you soon.”
You stared at your phone in disbelief, blinking as if the number might vanish. When you looked up to thank him, you realized he had already disappeared. A smile crept onto your lips, your body tingling with excitement as you gazed at his name. 
Sukuna. His name was Sukuna.
Taglist (open): @kalulakunundrum
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domjaehyun · 18 hours
the boy is mine (l.dh) teaser #2
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teaser word count: 1.4k // smut below the cut; minors don’t interact 💖
smut contents: fingering, finger sucking, nothing too crazy!
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It’s late at night and you’re half asleep in your sleeping bag on the carpet of Mark’s bedroom when you hear a rhythmic rustling sound that seems to be getting louder. 
You peek over your shoulder as subtly as you can to see Haechan strategically rolling in his sleeping bag to approach you. Facing front again, you can’t help but stifle a giggle at the ridiculousness of it all, the cut off giggle manifesting as a loud splutter of amusement when his sleeping bag collides with yours.
“Haechan, what is wrong with you?” you whisper incredulously, peering across the dimly lit room to see if Chaewon’s stirred from her sleep or if Mark’s roused at all.
“Can’t sleep,” he says with a sigh, and you roll your eyes while he still can’t see you. “Turn around, I didn’t roll over here to stare at your back.”
“Oh, you could’ve fooled me,” you remark sarcastically. “I thought you were in the mood to ogle at this sexy patterned synthetic nylon sleeping bag of mine.” 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, you’re so funny, I know,” Haechan remarks drily. “Now turn around.”
You grouch and grumble and groan, but you most certainly do turn around, now facing a smiling Haechan.
“Hi, pretty.” he greets quietly, eyes bright with affection, and you roll your eyes in a feeble attempt to hide how flustered he’s made you with a simple greeting.
“Hi, Haechan,” you murmur quietly, and he pouts.
“I called you pretty, can’t you compliment me back?” he asks, and you blink twice.
“Hi, handsome,” you coo, and his eyes widen, Haechan blinking several times in a stunned silence before focusing in on you with a sudden intensity that makes you gulp.
“Definitely do that more often,” he mumbles, gaze dropping to your lips. “As a matter of fact—come here.”
“I’m already here, what more do you want?” you snort in amusement, and he sighs before unzipping his sleeping bag and doing the same to yours, tying the two together at the top so they’re crudely linked together by the straps before you can protest. “Wh—? I feel like you basically just handcuffed yourself to me.”
“Oh, hush,” Haechan chuckles, shifting closer to you with a content sigh. “That’d be kind of hot, though.” 
“Shut up,” you laugh quietly, and you feel his hand slip around your waist and under your shirt to graze your skin, making you gasp softly as he pulls you closer. “Stop, your hands are cold.” you complain, and he nuzzles his face into your neck, breathing in deeply.
“Then come here and warm me up, baby.” he purrs, and your eyes widen, lips barking out a dangerously loud laugh of surprise as you move to pull back from him—an action which would have had more impact if Haechan hadn’t clocked your intentions immediately and gripped you tighter so you couldn’t move away.
“That was painfully cheesy,” you complain in a low murmur, and he smiles, wiggling his eyebrows.
“It made you smile, though,” he points out, leaning forward and pressing a quick kiss to your lips and continuing on over your muffled yelp of shock, “so I think it was worth it.”
“You need to go back over there before you fall asleep here.” you whisper worriedly, and he waves you off dismissively. 
“You owe me something,” he reminds you with a knowing smile that would probably be a lot more meaningful if you knew what the hell he was talking about.
“Yeah, baby?”
“I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.”
“Earlier during pizza time,” he brings up with an exasperated roll of his eyes. “I had to stop what I was doing to you; we never got to finish.”
“You want to make… me… finish? Right now?” you whisper incredulously, and he nods with a dazzling grin.
“I sure do, pretty girl. Now be good and open your legs for me a little bit, yeah?” he murmurs, hand snaking down your body and into your sleep shorts, fingertips dancing teasingly along the warm seat of your underwear.
“Haechan,” you whine faintly, and he shushes you with a soft kiss on the lips.
“If you thought you had any chance of me letting up on you,” he begins, lips brushing against yours as he speaks, “you effectively kissed that goodbye when you whined my name all pretty like that.” And without another word, he brings his hand from your shorts and gently pushes two fingers into your mouth for you to suck. “That’s it,” he whispers, eyes blazing as he moves closer to you until your noses are practically touching. 
When he’s satisfied, he pulls his fingers from your mouth, inspecting them thoroughly as they glisten with your saliva in the scarce streaks of moonlight on the floor, before winking at you and sucking on his fingers as well, making a small gasp escape you.
“What was the point of me doing it, then?” you huff, and he smiles around his fingers.
“I just wanted to taste you again,” he says, pulling his fingers from his mouth with a cheeky grin and maneuvering them back into your underwear, this time wasting not a single moment before pushing them into you. His lips fall on yours instantly, silencing your quiet keens and whimpers with slow, languid movements of his lips and teasing, almost lazy strokes of his tongue that mimic the way his fingers move inside of you.
The sleeping bags lend nothing as far as maintaining discretion, the noisy fabrics rustling together rhythmically as his fingers move in and out of you, twisting and curling as they become intimately familiar with the feeling of your walls wrapped around them and clenching with desire. 
Thankfully, any other noises you two make are nothing more than pants and quiet whispers of swears, the occasional stray whine from you being mostly muffled by his kisses. 
“Listen, baby,” he whispers in a low hush, moving his fingers in and out of you faster. “Listen to how wet your little pussy gets for me.”
“Fuck—” you hiss when the wet sounds of his fingers moving against and between your folds make it to your ears, and he chuckles, the sound low in his chest.
“You want me to make you cum?” he asks with a twinkle in his eye. When you nod, he grins widely and nods back at you in understanding before massaging your clit with the palm of his hand as his fingers fuck into you. “Say it.”
“Make me cum, Haechan, please?” you whisper with a teary-eyed pout, and he wets his lips slowly, eyes darkening with desire, before his fingers curl into you just the right way at the right time for you to come undone, spilling all over his hand as you bury your face in his neck to collect yourself. 
His fingers slowly come to a stop once he’s milked your orgasm as far as it’ll go and he gently pulls them out of you, laughing when you immediately and pointedly avert your gaze.
“Look at what I did to you,” he urges, and when he’s certain you’ve peeked at the glistening strings of arousal connecting his splayed-out fingers, he sticks his tongue out teasingly as if to lick them, and you squeak, covering your eyes immediately.
“Don’t be obscene,” you half-whisper, half-beg, and he sighs loudly. “The bathroom is literally right there. Just take your sleeping bag and when you come back, just go to the right side and go to sleep.”
“Fine,” he huffs with an air of petulance, and you can’t help but roll your eyes at his antics. “Gimme a good night kiss, then.”
“One.” you stress, and he nods in understanding.
“One.” he confirms, and you shift forward, kissing him sweetly on the lips. When you two break apart, his lips chase after yours for more, his eyes still closed, and you have to gently hold his chin and shake his head from side to side to snap him out of it. “Sorry,” he apologizes, and you wave him off with a smile.
“It’s okay. Now go,” you stress, pushing him away from you.
“Okay, okay, I’m going,” he mumbles, untying your sleeping bags, and stands up, rolling his sleeping bag up and gingerly lying it down to his spot on the opposite corner of Chaewon. 
You don’t even bother to watch him to make sure he goes to the bathroom, you just flop over on your side and start trying to go back to sleep, doing your best to ignore the sticky wet sensation between your legs. 
Before long, you’re drifting off to sleep where you dream of warm brown eyes and a constellation of beauty marks.
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adhdtsukasa · 3 days
tsukasa tenma has ADHD!! except it's an actual analysis because 1. look at my url 2. i'm mentally unwell (and i started to love tsukasa mostly because i immediately recognized my ADHD traits in him). which is a thing i should probably leave for ADHD awareness month, HOWEVER!! it was my birthday yesterday and i wanted to spoil myself (i just kinda overlooked how much time writing it from scratch would take me, so i'm a bit late with it). and i reaaally don't wanna wait until november when i finally wrote it down because i'm so HYPED because i was preparing for it like what? two years? somewhere around it. and that's a LONG time.
please keep in mind that i'm no psychologist, psychiatrist nor a neurologist and while i do use some sources (cannot really confirm if they are true, though... because i forgot to write credits down... so i'm really sorry for that), most of this analysis was just based off on my personal experiences with the disorder (and i don't really have the full professional knowledge of what i struggle with i'm just a Boy). i mean, i am analyzing a character from a hatsune miku game. i think i'm already putting way too many effort than i should.
also the examples of tsukasa's behavior here are not all of the things, because i wrote down only the things i remember off from the top of my head. sorry, guys. my hyperactive ass is not sitting thru all the stories again just to get my crumbs, unfortunately.
anyways, with this a little bit unprofessional and messy introduction, let's get it started!
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i wanted to write it down in my own words, but i think the screen above has summed it up perfectly; there are some established symptoms of ADHD, but to be an ADHDer you don't have to experience them all. and this is going to explain why i'm gonna show a lot of these symptoms later, yet gonna connect only some of them with tsukasa. it's only these i have evidence for, and yet i think they're good enough to point at tsukasa and already say woah! an ADHDer!!
in short, there are three types of ADHD: hyperactive, inattentive (ADD) and combined. the combined one is the most common iirc, so that's also what i'm going to focus on today. especially since for a rep of the other types, i could say that shizuku's a rather great representation of ADD — but that's not the point of my ted talk today, so i'm not going to go into the detail about it. i'm sure some momojan or shizuku oshi would do better than me in this field, so i'm leaving it to the experts.
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these are the symptoms that i managed to gather — the first two screens being about the symptoms viewed in children, the last one being about the symptoms viewed in adults. "in which one of them tsukasa belongs to?" that's a good question, because i actually don't know. calling a high schooler a child doesn't sit quite right with me, yet a freshly turned 17/18-years-old is not exactly an adult, either (although most of the symptoms i'm analyzing come from these that are viewed in adults). and while i do think tsukasa has more of the symptoms viewed in adults, we're gonna analyse them all! because i'm putting my all into this.
i believe there's not much left to say, as this is the most obvious one and everyone already knows that. even though it's not touched that much anymore for some reason, tsukasa's forgetfulness is his very apparent trait. it varies in severity a lot of times: from him basically forgetting both his childhood and true feelings in the main story to him, for example, forgetting his own phone and lunch (in the same day!!) in hinamatsuri. even saki in the same event, while they were arguing, called him a "big, dumb forgetter" and assumed that he forgot what happened the day he brought her the hinamatsuri dolls to hospital. while forgetting basically half of your life is not exactly normal and can be a sign of something bigger, like dissociative amnesia, his forgetting of just the ordinary things and it happening a lot definitely still fits this trait.
while this is something that you'd rather connect to emu (and for a good reason), it's not like tsukasa is completely devoid of it either; he talks a lot. he moves a lot. it's not on emu's level of hyperactivity, but it's also not "a lot" that's taken as a social norm, based on how the people around him react. he's putting the 1 in oddball 1 2, after all.
in holy night or some side stories connected to it (it might be meiko's side story? but i'm not exactly sure) it was also said that tsukasa moves in his sleep a lot to this point that his parents have to leave his christmas presents under his door instead of next to his bed.
oh, and he also talks to himself a lot. even in class, which was confirmed in chapter 6 of dazzling (or maybe even earlier, it's just the one moment that i remember). (but i'll get to this moment later on)
he says his long monologues, he strikes his poses at every occasion — and while i don't think that's the first thing you think of when you have "excessive talking/movement" in mind, for me it sure does count as it.
this point can seem rather weird, because "isn't tsukasa always riddiculed at rui's weird inventions"? well, yeah, he is, that is not a thing to deny. but he also agrees to try out most of them, if not all, if it's for the sake of the show. he's aware of what can happen, but he also doesn't back away if it means that he'll be one step closer to achieving his dream of stardom.
does it count as "little sense of danger"? well, i'm actually not sure, for me it doesn't, but maybe for someone it does. i'd say that's a rather weak point, but i wanted to include the explanation for the counterpoint of it — that's why i even mentioned it in the first place. i don't have a lot to say about this tbh.
update: oh, actually no, wait, i just remembered. remember how tsukasa in phoenix decided to not eat anything for three days just to be able to resonate with rio, while also having to do straining exercise on top of that? you certainly cannot say that's a safe thing to do, but he still went along with that in order to get the role. it makes me come to a conclusion that tsukasa actually has a sense of danger, but sometimes chooses to willingly ignore it if only it makes him get closer to fulfilling his dream. i think it's coming close enough to the little/no sense of danger to be actually considered an ADHD trait.
while i'm not sure if what i'm going to talk about is a difficulty keeping quiet in a traditional sense of way, it definitely counts as it, somehow: tsukasa is loud. like, really loud. and that's another obvious fact both for us and for characters in-universe, especially when thinking of tsukasa shiho's first thought is that he's kinda noisy, which can be seen in the "a friend's brother" 1koma. (and probably a lot of other cases. free shiho.)
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tsukasa doesn't seem to realize that he's way louder than he should be and that him being loud is his first impression in most of the cases, though, or at least i don't remember any moment where it happens (and it's a possibility. then that's on me, i guess.). and yeah, i know what's the reason for it, obviously — he's supposed to be a comic relief character. because wansho's stories are mostly supposed to make you smile, as this is what wansho's aspiration is. however, as much as being intended to make the viewer laugh it wouldn't be, it still is a part of tsukasa's character, and a rather important one on top of that. his constant loudness is something that's definitely not considered normal by the society and could very well fit into this symptom.
and since i promised to elaborate on the mentioned before scene from dazzling chapter 6: when tsukasa talks to himself in class, it always ends up to be loud. and it already happened a few times.
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(tl by tsukasa's #3 fan on youtube because i don't have proseka on my phone wah)
if it's not a difficulty keeping quiet, then i don't know what is. bro can scream up to 120dB as measured by robonene for god's sake.
again, this is something that was more apparent with early game tsukasa, maybe he just got medicated. idk man. but even if it happened three, almost four years ago, it still happened, i don't make the rules. back in the early game, tsukasa was really easily losing his temper and getting annoyed, mad even — i mean, that was the whole point of the main story argument: tsukasa's first response to nene accidentally messing up their show, which was not even her fault, was to shout at her. and while this was obviously very important thing to him and being upset at this is a rather understandable reaction, taking this as far as screaming at a poor girl for not being to face the audience because of her anxiety is not something a person who can control their anger would do.
it could be also easily seen by his reaction to emu and rui's antics back in the early game, which were often stained with irritation.
another example is his hinamatsuri argument with saki, where, despite loving her so much, he still got slightly mad at her for not liking the new dolls he bought her. he started to regret his harsh words and actions soon enough, obviously, but it doesn't change the fact that it was rather easy for him to get him across.
if i'm not mistaken, tsukasa has once said something along the lines of "is it anxiety? there's no way a star like me would feel anxiety" — but i cannot recall for the love of my life in which story it appeared, so i don't want to take it as a face value when i don't have a solid proof for it.
other than this vague mention of "something that's in the story but i don't remember where", i'll admit, i don't really have anything backing me up for this tbf. i mean, i guess maybe tsukasa doing his best to appear strong as a child to not worry his parents could work? because the stress of saki being in the hospital definitely was also present here, although i just see this more as a coping mechanism for his situation than a reaction to stress, so that's not a solid evidence either.
so, yeah. take this one with a grain of salt, actually.
from the symptoms that weren't listed here, i remember reading something about people with ADHD enjoying to show off more, which is certainly what tsukasa does often — and while it actually applies to me too, it wasn't on an english site so i didn't screenshot it and i cannot really find it anywhere in english... so even though i treat it just like my whole argument for the inability to deal with stress, i thought it's just worth mentioning.
however, there is obviously one more thing...
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obviously, i'm talking about acting here: for tsukasa, acting aligns with all these criterias. it is his deep passion; it is something highly engaging for him; it is sometimes all-consuming for him; he tunes out the world around him when he thinks about how can he possibly improve his acting (see: the dazzling moment i showed earlier. yeah, i like to use it as a backing point a lot, as you can see.); and it is something that is his life-long interest.
is it his special interest or his hyperfixation, though? well, it's hard to tell...? because while according to screen two, spinterest revolves around a topic and hyperfixation revolves around an activity, so it would qualify what tsukasa feels towards acting as a hyperfixation, it's still kinda hard for me to call it so because of its length. yes, screen three clearly says that hyperfixation can last years, but they mostly revolve around shorter periods of time, after all (my longest hyperfixation was just a year long, for example). i think it's up to you to determine whether you'd call tsukasa's love for acting a hyperfixation or a special interest, but it's something from these two most certainly.
i'm also a big fan of the headcanon that tsukasa's other spinterest is kaito ww it's in no way a canon evidence (unfortunately!), but kaito's 1* side story, where tsukasa and emu are watching kaito's show and tsukasa is explaining to her why kaito's wearing a scarf somewhat implies that tsukasa knew a thing or two about kaito before the main story. and i'm all for it. colopale let tsukasa be a kaito fanboy pleaseee.
those who have already read a few of my things probably know what i love to do the most — analyzing songs!! so i wouldn't be myself if i just left tsukasa's commisions without analyzing them under the angle of neurodivergence, especially since the sole reason i became obsessed with the thought of ADHD tsukasa was that one sekahaji line (there's too much noise, so much noise and it keeps getting worse you will always be famous).
of course, remember that only the world hasn't even started yet should be taken as a canon value! producers are often given space to do whatever they want in the lyrics of the songs they are commissioned for, so they're not canonical in any way. i think it's still fun to look at their lyrics and ramble about them for a bit, though. i've already got too carried away anyways.
won't be posting photos of the lyrics since i'd hit the images limit, but you can check them yourself — all the translations i'm taking, as always, from the vocaloid lyrics wiki. (since filament fever has two tls on there, i want to clarify that i've only looked at and considered in my analysis the official english one, because it's, well, official.)
besides the mentioned earlier there's too much noise, so much noise and it keeps getting worse, which i think of as a representation of overstimulation (since i used to see people asking "oh but why tsukasa has something about there being too much noise in a song made out of his feelings when he's such a loud person himself". because he likes the noise he makes, not the overwhelming, overstimulating noise from the outside!!), sekahaji also has a rather good amount of quotes that could be read as something connected to neurodivergence (based on the fact that it's not supposed to be a song about this topic): the main theme of these are procrastination, which can be seen in let's cross the end of all of this, partying forever and the world hasn't even started yet line itself. the thought of the world not even starting implies that there's still a lot of time left to do something, while "partying forever" can refer to deciding to give up on doing the things you should do and going to drown in something that indulges only you and yourself for the rest of eternity. while procrastination is not counted as an official ADHD symptom, it's a trait that people with the disorder very often have (for reasons obvious).
other lines, which i couldn't entirely fit into a box of a certain symptom, are there's too much conflict, so much conflict and it keeps growing (a parallel line to the noise one, so it means something! right) and let's break the plans for a harmonious future. in my personal interpretation, they both can be viewed as your typical neurodivergent struggle in a neurotypical society — "too much conflict" refering to an internal struggle of not being completely normal, while the "harmonious future" that's going to get broken are just the social norms that are going to be broken because of an off-putting, neurodivergent behavior. something that some neurotypical people dooon't really like.
since i've just talked about breaking the social norms, "why?!" and "do it like this!!" aren't like you, huh? line from tondemo-wonderz is going to go first, because it revolves around the same topic. it's the same case: it's about (subconscious, not intentional) fighting what's accepted by the society by just being yourself — because you're neurodivergent, you're different.
from the other lines in tondemo-wonderz, i have only one and it's take an eraser to your memories?!, which is pretty much self explanatory. as always, a mention of forgetting something in tsukasa's commision. who would've thought.
another self explanatory line that i have written down as first: it's okay if you only remember a little part of it sometimes. another mention of tsukasa forgor™, and while it corresponds with what happened in dazzling, it's still a line mentioning forgetfulness — so it's worth mentioning.
aren't we just inevitably going around in circles? and it's okay if you take a rest for a little bit sometimes can be interpreted as another mention of procrastination and while it's not that apparent as it was with sekahaji, because going in circles can refer to something else and taking a rest sometimes is not a bad thing at all, i still wanted to mention them here. for the record.
you ought to slip and fall in panic in the final moment is connected to a symptom that i showed, yet didn't elaborate on it (because i didn't have anything to work with) — making careless mistakes. the same case, yet with another symptom goes with is this not enough yet again? is this not how it's supposed to be? couldn't we go even further than this?, which can be seen as a reflection of unability to listen to instructions. a bit of reaching with this one (like this whole part damn), but as i said earlier: for the record, i'm leaving it here. to show that i had some intense thoughts.
tbf, when i think about it now, maybe the mentioned earlier "why?!" and "do it like this!!" aren't like you [...] could very well fit this symptom too.
mr showtime you will always be famous, because this is a song that gave me a looot of things to work with. i was so flabbergasted when i read these lyrics for the first time. tsukasa tenma why are you like this. /aff
there are a lot of lines hinting being easily distracted, and these are basically the very first ones, too: you know what? i just can't make up my mind, it's so messed up that i can't put my thoughts together and a merry-go-round (my thought process) goes round and round are all about it. like you cannot deny it this time, if it's not about being unable to stay focused then i really don't know what is [insert the tsukasa don't look away stamp here because i love it and it's my biggest motivation to actually focus whenever i do something]. the more i mess around and waste time, the more i become hungry / and i can't handle it can be seen as about procrastination again, and even not "can be seen", it's literally being frustrated at yourself for wasting time, that's the sole outcome of a procrastination!! being bothered by feeling anxious, meanwhile, is resonating with the inability to deal with stress once again.
also jumping the gun. driving in a zigzag manner can actually connected with the little to no sense of danger. because, as far as i'm aware, driving in a zigzag manner is certainly not a safe activity. don't do it at home.
from the symptoms that i haven't yet mentioned to this point, am i taking a long way? am i making a fruitless effort? can be reflecting difficulty organizing tasks — since the poor planning of your activities can make you take a long way and can make you do a fruitless effort. then, where's the fun in taking shortcuts all the time? can be read along the lines of something coming close to extreme impatience and while a person that's extremely impatient would actually enjoy taking the shortcuts to get closer to their goal or destination, said impatience can be also connected with the desire for something interesting to happen. a task can make you impatient not because it's long, but because it's simply boring — avoiding shortcuts can make it less boring, even if it extends its duration. with this explanation, it makes the unexpectedness (unexpected program) is the best part of the show (my life) perfectly fit into this category, even though i wouldn't call this line a sign of impatience on its own.
i have some issues with i'm pathetic. i can't satisfy myself, because... at first i thought of connecting it with either mood swings or inability to deal with stress, however i'm not sure if that's really it. i'm pretty sure it connects to neurodivergence in some way, but i just can't put my finger on it, so... i'm just leaving it here for the record, once again.
oh, and there's also i got lost in the world (stage) and / the end credits rolled (the curtain fell), which also is pretty much summing up the experience of being neurodivergent in the neurotypical society. in the middle of trying to stay true to yourself and having to mask just to be accepted, it's easy to get lost — and once you do so, there's no going back. the curtain falls.
to end this part of the analysis, i'd show the lyrics from filament fever and sekai wo terasu tetrad here. i won't do this, however, and the reason for it is fairly simple — they don't give me much material to work with and i'm not really surprised, because mr showtime has succesfully sucked all of the neurodivergent coded lyrics into itself. there just won't be another song like mr showtime, i fear.
i can just say that in filament fever there is running away from the flow of time — which got me thinking of either procrastination and unability to stick to time-consuming tasks, with the former being more plausible as a potential interpretation... but that would be it.
listen, i know how it sounds.
i'm not actually a fan of trying to fit every thing a character does into a box of a metaphor, symbol or allegory, i really am not. i think some things should just stay as simple as they are, but this thought has been bothering me ever since i've first seen spoilers of what's happening in a story where you're the star for the very first time. i'm in no way saying it has any canonical meaning, but i just thought it would be fun to include. because maaaybe someone sees my vision.
for those who haven't seen tsukasa4 yet or want to have a recap of what has happened in it: the whole event story revolves around tsukasa trying to grasp his role (as always). wxs got recommended to shunmei-za by shousuke and went there to practice their acting skills, immediately getting thrown onto the preparation for their next performance. tsukasa, however, is not a lead this time — he got the role of a supporting character and has got basically three lines to say on stage total. since tsukasa's used to playing lead roles, he obviously has issues with grasping the role — it's hard to use method acting in regards of a character that says three sentences total and nothing more. with help of bakuno reki, one of the actors in shunmei-za, and the rest of wxs, he manages to create a portrayal of nakayama that would make him "come to life" and "be a protagonist of his own story", something that would make it easier for him to get into role, however...
he gets a little bit too carried away with his acting during the actual performance.
and this is not something that would ruin the whole play, obviously, he's just a supporting character, the less invested audience would probably forgot about his impact on the story after five minutes of his last appearance — but he still made a slip-up. he still resonated with his role, but didn't achieve the utmost perfection. he still did well acting, after all, he managed to receive praise from the director in the end... but it's still a very apparent mistake that was made.
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(tl, once again, by the awesome tsukasa's #3 fan)
and that's where the nakayama masking metaphor theory (it's not even a theory but it sounds cooler this way) comes in.
nakayama is supposed to be just a man. from what we know about him, he's in his late twenties and works as an editor — and even though tsukasa makes up a whole backstory for him later on, he's still supposed to be ordinary. nothing special. he's coming nowhere near the other roles that tsukasa has played, he's not on the same level as miles, torpe and rio. and while you could possibly consider torpe and rio as rather ordinary, they still had something interesting to happen to them, the main reason why they were lead roles for their respective plays. in the tsukasa4 play, nakayama has nothing like that. he's literally just a guy, he's normal. and "normal" is a keyword here.
tsukasa did everything he could to fit into nakayama's role. he followed the script, he took the advice from a more talented and professional actor that is bakuno, he didn't do any mistakes during his preparations — and yet he still managed to mess up in the end. why?, besides of the fact that he just let himself become one with nakayama during the performance and it resulted in a supporting character outshining the lead?
if we take as a fact that tsukasa is, in fact, neurodivergent, it would make sense that he's having troubles with playing a normal person — because he's not exactly normal either. and this would very well work out as a metaphor of masking; even when you try your best, even when you mask yourself perfectly, you can still make slip-ups. you can still accidentally drop the act in middle of something that absolutely required it, or, similiar to what tsukasa did, can accidentally overdo it and end up perceived as even more weird than you'd be without masking. something something i got lost in the world and the end credits rolled. rings a bell?
and i'm not saying that tsukasa has a problem with masking, because he doesn't. he tries his best to pass as a normal member of society, but he also makes no effort in actively masking his weirdness (or else he wouldn't be a part of oddball one two). however, if you want to neurodivergent code your character, it would make sense to include a possibility of it in some way, right? especially since wxs stories' already had the theme of dealing with being perceived as weird (eg. rui's whole backstory, obviously). even if it's not affecting tsukasa directly, i think it would be cool to include something that indicates this issue's existence in his story and, in a way, his struggles.
however, as i said earlier, this is a very stupid thought and that's why i left it for the very end. i don't actually think that how tsukasa played nakayama was supposed to be a metaphor for masking, it's just a pure coincidence that it could be interpreted like that when you think about it too much.
aaand with this, we've finally come to an end!! (finally. i'm so exhausted.) i don't have anything more to say about this topic. maybe i'll retweet it with some more evidence in the future if we ever get more ADHDkasa content. for now, it would be all!
is tsukasa actually intentionally written as an ADHDer? Who Knows! there's a possibility that he is, but even if he's not, he's still one in my heart. regardless of the status of his possible neurodivergence, analyzing his behavior in this light was still very fun! and maybe i even converted someone into the ADHDkasa hell.
feel free to add something if you want to, and feel free to correct me if i got some things wrong! i still hope that even though of how messy this whole thing is written, i did tsukasa justice and didn't accidentally say too much nonsense lmao
...i hate ending analyses.
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Ghoul Thought™️, perhaps a request? I haven’t played the game to know anything for sure, but I’m vibrating imagining the possibility that maybe he has a heightened sense of smell, and can smell just how turned on and wet his little vaultie has been for him from the moment they met. 🥵
Probably tries to ignore at first, but at a certain point he really needs to call her out😏
So, not only do I think ghouls overall would be able to smell when you were wet, I think ghouls with a particularly sensitive "nose" (I have spoken at some length about sense of smell and scent marking in ghouls, so you can find elaboration on that here) would be able to detect hormonal changes, so they'd be able to smell when you're ovulating.
Cooper can absolutely smell both, though he's not quite sure what he's picking up at first. He notices the tang in the air when you two initially approach one another, so he doesn't necessarily think much of it. What he fails to notice is the longing with which you'd been sizing him up before approaching. Your smell changes during your first conversation (well, more like a first argument, since every conversation with the man is about one crossed wire or snarky comment away from devolving into an argument, especially when you've only just met), and the change seems to stick once you both calmed down and agree to travel together.
However, the first time you two stop by the roadside to rest for a few hours, he notices the smell returning. He doesn't say anything about it, simply watches you drift off to sleep out of the corner of his eye, intrigued about this person who is so willing to travel with a ghoul, especially one as gruff and unwelcoming as he can be. Once you begin to snore lightly (a sound that makes him chuckle), he spends a long time just staring at you, studying you curiously. The smell has fully returned, and is even stronger than before, but it takes seeing you rubbing your thighs together and sighing in your sleep for him to fully realize what's going on.
He spends that whole night with the most painful, bothersome erection he's ever had in his life, but he's too annoyed with you and himself to do anything about it. The next morning, he's quieter than he'd typically be, but you don't know him well enough at that point to notice.
From that moment on, he notices it constantly. The idea that you simply find him, specifically, sexually attractive to the point of fairly blatant arousal is ridiculous to him, so he spends a long, long time turning the whole thing over and over in his brain; is it some adrenaline rush? Or a ghoul fetish? Do scarred-up, rotted near-corpses just get you going in general?
That theory is a wash when tested, though, since any time other ghouls are around and his nose picks up on it, he's also obviously there as well. Even observing from a distance doesn't really support the idea; you don't seem to really "click" with the others in exactly the same way. You're kind to them, of course, as you are to pretty much everyone, and it actually softens his heart to know you still see ghouls as real, whole people. But that's all it seems to be: friendliness. No matter how much he may try to deny it to himself, there's a chemistry, a spark between the two of you that he can't ignore, and that he doesn't see when you interact with others. He also cannot ignore the thrill it gives him to see other ghouls studying the two of you together, their eyes full of assumptions.
You always choose to sit close to him even when there are other options. You pester him with personal questions and inquiries about the Wasteland and he has to pretend to be annoyed by it, secretly overjoyed to have some seemingly genuine companionship for once in god knows how long. Sometimes, in your sleep, you unconsciously move close enough that you touch him. Rather innocent touches, considering, but they never fail to send his heart racing, leaving him humiliatingly aroused at as little as your back against his outer thigh, your face against his hip.
All the while, that scent tantalizes, haunts him.
He ignores the problem as long as he can, enjoying the way you two have slowly begun to chat, joke around with one another; there might even be some real trust developing there. He doesn't want to jeopardize that because he's lonely and can't control himself. Even if it's slowly beginning to seem to him that you might actually want him, too, he'd rather have your friendship and be happy with that than push his often rotten luck and risk losing you trying to be greedy.
But at the same time...feeling his long-dormant sex drive reawakening is strangely thrilling. It makes him feel human, makes him feel alive. For so long, he's found his sense of masculinity in violence, in vengeance and bloodshed. Your warm presence, your beauty, your scent...it all makes him feel masculine in a very different way, leaving him waiting impatiently most nights for you to fall deep enough asleep that he can sneak away to relieve the ache in his balls.
Of course, he doesn't go far enough away that he can't watch over you, still. No, he stays close enough that he can still see you, can study every inch and soft curve of your body as he strokes his throbbing cock. It's not disgusting or perverted if it's done out of necessity, he tells himself. The desert is a dangerous place, and he can't afford to take his eyes off of you when you're in such a vulnerable state. That doesn't mean he isn't left feeling guilty after he finishes, though, the euphoria of his orgasm tainted with shame. Still, he finds himself in the same position most nights, sighing your name wantonly as he spills all over the ground.
He can only fight his urges for so long, though.
You spent most of the previous week smelling of blood (something he also found tantalizing but decided to not think too hard on), which meant that soon you'd be ovulating. It was funny, almost, how he had all but completely forgotten pretty much everything about how women worked, but a handful of months with you and he's suddenly keeping track of your cycle (sort of) like it has anything to do with him. The whole thing makes him strangely nostalgic for when he and Barb were trying to conceive, and the emotions of that only add to the inner tumult he feels. The fact that your smell becomes even more temping, more inviting in this time only makes things worse for him.
The new game you'd been playing recently, however, would be the straw that ultimately broke the camel's back.
The last few nights, you'd taken to settling in for sleep, as per usual, but your breathing wouldn't drop down into the same deep, rhythmic pattern that indicated unconsciousness. Instead, you'd roll over onto your belly, a position you didn't usually sleep in, laying on your arm, and begin rather conspicuously grinding against your hand, pretending to be asleep all the while.
Cooper Howard is a man with an excellent poker face. Not much shakes him badly enough to draw out a genuine reaction. But the first time you did this, he sat a few feet away, frozen, a lit cigarette burning itself away to nothing as it dangled between his parted lips. The smell of you, the sound of your little whimpers and quiet sighs, had kept him nailed to that spot beside you all night two nights in a row, even after you'd finished and actually drifted off to sleep.
He tells himself tonight will be different if you pull the same stunt.
Which, of course, you do.
A shocked gasp leaves you when he grabs you by the ankle, dragging you a few feet through the sandy dirt towards him and flipping you onto your back, staring down at you as he pulls himself halfway on top of you.
"Filthy fucking tease." he growls, your natural perfume making his head swim as his deft fingers move to the button of your pants.
The pitch dark of the desert night is eerily silent, save for the harsh sound of your breaths intertwining as he helps wrestle the worn material down your legs, trying his best to rein in his strength and not shred it to pieces in his haste to get to that warm, inviting place between your legs. A snarl, feral and borderline inhuman, rips from his throat when his fingers finally find what he's been fantasizing about. The small part of him that has any control is nervous for a split second, worried to frighten you, but the shudder that seems to break down your spine in response isn't one of fear.
He knows he should be gentle, take his time, but the wetness that he feels, the heat, the hormones in the air short circuit his brain, and after a few swipes at your puffy clit, he sinks his middle finger inside you in one fluid motion, giving a few pumps before sliding his ring finger in alongside it. The sounds you let out are the most beautiful thing he's ever heard, and they drive him to rub and tease and fuck you with his hands until you're whimpering his name in a way that tells him you're close. Fleetingly, he wonders what his odds of being able to knock you up really are.
You turn your head quickly and snag his lips in a passionate kiss just as you begin to come apart all over his fingers, leaving him swallowing your moans and whimpers as his hips buck and grind wildly against your own. It's sloppy and rough and your teeth are bumping against one another, but you still bring your leg up around his hip, letting him rub himself against you as he cums in his pants.
After a few minutes, the two of you calm down enough to really look at one another, though you're both a little hesitant. No one says anything for a good, long second, but the look on your red, sweaty face says you're happy. Nervous, he tucks his face back into the crook of your neck, laying a few soft, sort of awkward kisses there, debating whether he should pull away or not. He doesn't want to impose himself on you anymore than he already has.
But your leg remains wound around his hip, holding him close as your hands move up to cradle the back of his head, petting softly, and the loving touch glues him in place, too lost in your affection to even think about going anywhere. He knows that you two are going to have to have a long, likely awkward talk about this, about what this makes you. He isn't dreading it as much as he imagined he'd be. He's eager to call you his, actually, if you'll let him...
...but not so eager that he can ignore the way you're starting to grind against him again. Or the way he's getting hard all over again. Poor thing, you're not getting much sleep tonight, are you?
He'll make it up to you somehow.
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prouvaireafterdark · 3 days
Hi! As someone just coming into reading the books but who's been with the show since day 1, I'm curious about why people take Lestat's narrative in TVL with 100% sincerity when the premise of the show seems to be interrogating the dissonance that everybody's versions create. Obviously there's some big things that are definitely going to be true, but I'd personally be disappointed if we got a straight adaptation of unfiltered Lestat perspective on events, haha!
I think you're conflating sincerity with some idea of omniscient, objective accuracy, which, as you note, is a useless thing to search for in a show where memory is continually shown to be an unreliable monster.
Lestat's version of events in TVL is sincere, though. He's speaking from the heart and he's trying to give the story of his life, mostly by sharing his truth about what his life before meeting Louis was like, and in part by filling in the gaps Louis leaves us with about what happened at Rue Royale. His recollection may turn out to be as faulty and biased as Louis' or Armand's has been shown to be in the show, but that doesn't make it any less sincere.
And I'm not implying that Louis is lying or anything. I'm talking about him not mentioning or glossing over the happy memories that meant a lot to Lestat and made up, for him, a big part of what it was to share a home with Louis and Claudia for so long. Giving Lestat the space to talk about his love for Louis and Claudia doesn't erase the abuse he inflicted on them in those moments of instability and rage. I don't get why people are so resistant to seeing that. It's not like it makes everything better. If anything, it makes it worse that he loved them so much.
What's important to note, too, is that at no point does Lestat in his retelling excuse himself for anything he did to Louis and Claudia and I doubt very much we would see him do that in future seasons of the show. Lestat even says it himself that he deserved what Claudia did to him. The way things worked out between the three of them is his greatest, deepest regret and it will haunt him for the rest of his immortal life.
Also, not for nothing, what we've gotten this season and last season are the unfiltered perspectives of Louis, Claudia, and Armand. That's not to say they're lying or intentionally obfuscating (okay, well, Armand totally is), but that is what we got---a narrative that was really challenged only by Daniel and not by anyone who was actually there who remembers it differently. I don't see why we shouldn't also get Lestat's unfiltered version, especially considered he is the main protagonist of the Vampire Chronicles series going forward.
For me and many others, it's not about excusing anything. It's all about contextualizing his decisions. Like, Lestat didn't just wake up one day and decide it would be fun to destroy his family. I want him to tell me in his own words (which, as a reminder, he has yet to do at any point in this series so far) what drove him to do the horrible things he did and how he really feels about it. When we do hopefully get that, I expect the fandom to interrogate his accounts as vigorously as they did Louis' and Armand's and Claudia's.
And to answer your question regarding the books specifically, we have Anne herself to blame for that. She wrote IWTV when she was battling some of the most intense grief and despair a person can feel. She had just lost her child. Writing the book was an outlet for that and you can feel it as you read Louis' perspective. When she decided to continue the series, though, she changed her mind about a lot of things---mainly who Lestat was as a character and how she had come to hate the "weakness" in Louis (which was really because she came to hate the "weakness" she saw in herself as she came out on the other side of her grief and identified with him less and Lestat more). There is a very real dissonance between who Lestat is in IWTV and who he is in TVL and beyond. The way she accounted for that in her own writing was that Louis was misconstruing certain events by leaving things out or straight up making things up like their reunion in NOLA at the end of IWTV, which Lestat claims never happened. The reason people take Lestat's words at face value sometimes isn't usually because they hate Louis or think he lied about Lestat's abuse. It's because Anne, as the writer of the story, wanted the reader to doubt Louis' version in favor of Lestat's because she had changed her mind about the direction of the story and the characters she created.
It's also worth noting that, in the actual text of the show, that version of events taken from the book, the content of the original interview, is described by Louis himself as an admitted performance. I think it's a perfectly legitimate reading to consider IWTV (the book) in the context of Louis trying to get Lestat's attention with something he knew would upset him, like Armand suggests was Louis' fantasy, because he wanted or needed to see him again.
This got long and rambley so I'll just leave you with the wise, wise words of Samothy Reid when asked to give one truth and one lie in the show: Everybody lies. Everybody lies.
I don't think that will change if we finally get Lestat's POV so imo people should just relax and enjoy the ride.
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marlsswrites · 2 days
June 25th <3
Horoscope - @jegulus-microfic - words: 1400
“Where are you two off to?” Barty spoke as he ran up behind Regulus and Pandora in the tall, stone walls of Hogwarts.
“Divination.” Pandora replies distractedly, much more interested in braiding a small piece of blonde hair in front of her forehead, causing her to go slightly cross eyed.
“We have charms don’t we?” Barty looked around the halls, confused, before looking at Regulus for an answer.
Regulus ran a hand through his hair and looked towards Barty. “Me and Dora got moved up, we’re in seventh year Divination.”
“Oh! Okay.” Barty replied, instantly zoning out of the conversation when he saw a rather grumpy looking Evan walking past. “Nerds.” He snorted and tan towards Evan. “Evie!”
“Are we sure they aren’t dating?” Regulus huffed out with a smirk. “I called Evan ‘Evie’ once as a joke and he fucking hexed me.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised.” Pandora matched his smirk with a grin. “Enough of them, let’s go embarrass some dumb seventh years with my seer privileges.” She winked.
Regulus rolled his eyes and brushed a loose curl away from his face. “Are we actually nerds, though?”
“You are, I’m just good at divination and shit at everything else.” She tapped her head to prove a point as they walked into the classroom, surprisingly, being some of the last ones there.
Regulus felt multiple pairs of eyes attach to him as he walked into the room, trying to avoid eye contact, he quickly stepped past the teacher to get to a table in the back.
“Not so fast!” The professor spoke as she stepped in front of a rather embarrassed looking Regulus, and an excited looking Pandora. “Everyone, these are some of our new sixth year students, the smartest of their year!”
He quite literally wanted to smash his head into a wall. “Thank you.” He muttered as he sat down at an empty table, Pandora next to him as she tied her platinum blonde hair in a bun with a multicoloured scrunchie, Regulus is pretty sure she sewed that one herself.
A few moments later, just as the professor started to speak, a flustered James Potter ran into the classroom. He apologised swiftly to the scowling professor and made a beeline for Regulus’ table as soon as he spotted him.
“Hi Reggie.” He whispered, Regulus would correct him like he does most people, but he quite likes it to be honest, especially when it’s James whispering in his ear.
“Potter.” How he managed to get that out with a smooth voice was a mystery.
“What did I miss?” James asked in a hushed tone.
Pandora turns to them, eyeing them suspiciously before shrugging and leaning over, propping her head on her hand. “Professor Wells told us that her horoscope predicts that Regulus has a secret.” She spoke in a hushed, overdramatic voice.
“Old nutter.” The Slytherin boy muttered.
“Do you now Reggie?” James asked with a dramatic gasp.
“Shut up and listen.” Regulus hissed.
Regulus saw a suspicious grin start to appear on the Potter boys lips as he spoke. “Ma-“ He stomped on James’ foot, receiving a yelp as James decided to finally pay attention to the class.
His brother and Lupin weren’t even at class today, not sure why, the Lupin kid seems to always be in the hospital wing for one thing or another and Regulus knew for a fact the he and Sirius were attached at the hip. Regulus wasn’t sure about Pettigrew, probably doesn’t take the class.
“What is that?” Regulus held the cup close to his face, trying to decipher what shapes the tea leaves made up. He held it to the side, hoping Pandora could tell.
Pandora hummed, a puzzled look appearing on her face. She grabbed her book, flicking through until she could find the recognisable shapes.
“That one…” She pointed at the first shape in the cup. “It’s a stag I think?” She flicked the page and looked at the next shape. “This book is not helpful at all!” She groaned and slammed the book on the table.
Now, James peered over his shoulder to take a look at the cup. “It is a stag!” He beamed and looked at Regulus, who rolled his eyes, yet again, and looked back at the cup. “That one there looks like a heart.” The brunette pointed his finger to the cup.
And he was right, anyone could tell that it was a love heart. But would Regulus admit that? No way.
“No it doesn’t.” He scoffed.
“Yes it does.” Pandora and James chimed in at the same time.
Regulus pointed at James, ignoring it when the Gryffindor licked his lips and grinned that stupid, gorgeous smile of his. “This- this is none of your business.” He turned to point at Pandora. “And no it does not.
“Yes is does!” She sang, in a slightly too loud voice, causing multiple people in the classroom to turn and look at them
“No it-“ He sighed. “I’m not winning this am I?”
Pandora’s grin widened. “Nope.”
Regulus left the class before Pandora as she spoke with the Professor about crystals, he didn’t even pretend to understand that nonsense, it’s a mystery how he ended up in higher Divination.
He turned to corner into an empty looking hallway, their class had finished early so not many students crowded the halls yet, which was nice.
Sitting down in a small alcove, he folded in on himself, tucking his legs to his chest and letting his head fall back onto the wall with a soft thud.
He heard footsteps nearby, but he passed it off as a student or teacher passing by. His gaze was glued on the roof, he traced the patterns in the stone with his eyes.
Only moments later, he felt a hand ruffle his hair, a hand he would recognise the feel of from anywhere.
“James.” He sighed with a laugh, the corner of his mouth tipping up into a smile.
Watching carefully, he saw James sit on the other side of the alcove. The older boy lifted Regulus’ legs up ever so softly, go place them on top of his own.
Regulus felt a soft flutter in his stomach as those honey brown eyes locked with his stormy grey ones. James’ tan, golden skin shone in the sunlight. It was perfect the way the sun hit him, just like a spotlight, like he deserved to be in.
But no, Regulus didn’t want to share James’ beauty with the rest of the world, that was his. His to keep, to touch, to cherish, to love.
“There’s no one here right?” James said in a low voice as he leant over to Regulus, their noses practically touching.
“No, but Pandora is very suspicious, you couldn’t be worse at hiding this.”
“It’s not my fault, I need you.” James sulked.
Shaking his head fondly, Regulus leant in to connect their lips, probably too eagerly, but he couldn’t care any less right now when James was smiling again his lips.
“Regulussss.” He sang in a sweet voice, pulling away but only slightly. “A heart and a stag? I’m flattered.” He spoke as he brushed a loose dark hair away from Regulus’ flushed face.
“Those things are fake.” He grumbled under his breath.
“Are they now?” He fake pouted, Regulus hoped it was fake anyway, he hated upsetting James. “So you don’t love me.”
Regulus looked James in the eye, his big wide doe eyes shone with pure adoration and love.
“Fuck off.” He said through a smile, there was no hiding the amount of feelings he had for this boy, he was just wonderful, so loving, so kind, so gorgeous. Regulus was sure James was crafted just for him, so they could love each other so much it hurt.
“You love me.” The Gryffindor teased.
“Sadly I do love you, what was I thinking?”
“That I’m super hot and a good kisser?” James asked with an eyebrow wiggle.
Regulus nodded slowly and pulled James in again, the kiss was deeper, slightly rougher, yet still it was perfect. More than perfect.
James traced Regulus’ bottom lip with his tongue, sending shivers down his spine and having his heartbeat speed up shockingly fast. No matter how many times James does that, Regulus thinks his reaction will always be the same.
“Yeah, that’s it.” Regulus mumbled against his boyfriend’s lips.
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