#i think she's underrated in that i dont often see her studied as an individual
del-stars · 2 months
explain your fav underrated marauders era character? and tag with #underratedmarauders
okay love this!! she's def not the most underrated but she is MY favorite & that is marlene mckinnon. she is Very Personal To Me so here's my essay:
marlene loses a lot of her teenage years to just like. depression and anger at the world and being dissatisfied with herself. my girl is just constantly mad. she fights a lot with her parents (why can't you just go back to being our sweet little girl?) and gets too mad about quidditch (why do you care so much?) and she has no idea why. she wants to be different, wants to be the girl her mom wants her to be, and yet she just can't. she's a force to be reckoned with, she's all hard edges and split knuckles, she's the best beater at hogwarts and she doesn't take shit from anyone, but sometimes she looks in the mirror and wonders how she got this way. she looks at the first-year girls, all smiles and bows in their hair and giggles, and wonders if it's going to happen to them, too.
and then she graduates. and she's excited to leave hogwarts, to leave that part of herself behind, to grow up and get better. she expects this big, bright world where she can change herself and become someone that she actually likes. the glimmer fades very quickly when she realises that she's stuck in the middle of a war, and there's no time for healing when you've got to do so much fighting. but she's going to do it. she has this determination to be better, to be different, to stop blowing up at people and start being more levelheaded and even get along better with her mom. she's got her entire life ahead of her, she's got every opportunity to ditch the angsty teen girl act and be someone good. there is a marlene in the distance, at the end of her twenties, who looks in the mirror and is happy with what she sees. she just has to make it there.
and so, when she hears peter's laughter ringing down the halls of her family home, hears the sounds of her parents' and brothers' bodies hitting the floor, hears the footsteps thundering toward the bathroom she's locked herself in, her first thought is not yet. she's going to get better, she has to fucking get better, and now it's all going to be cut short. she just doesn't get the chance. she doesn't ever meet that marlene at the end of the road. she dies a lost 21 year old, and nobody ever gets to find out who she was going to become.
maybe i am,,, projecting onto her as a 23 year old girl but she is the patron saint of twentysomething girls to me. confusion, clawing desperately at your soul to try and find yourself, wondering if you'll ever be better than you were at seventeen. and i can't think of anything sadder than not getting to survive this phase of my life, putting all this work in and never getting to see the outcome of it.
in conclusion: they all say that it gets better, it gets better, but what if i don't?
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