#i think she is still very embarrased about the whole ordeal
shirubiaowo · 10 months
Hi hello how did you find aub I'm curious ? And after we went above and beyond to shield them in our crowd...
That was some next level sleuthing btw sorry aubbie
it was actually pretty easy
when i was asking auburn (me when i forgot her online name for a second), a question about this final project (that is due tonight and i am procrastinating on) and she told me to wait bc she was posting a Van Gogh appreciation post
So i told her to tell me when she was done and then THEN i just searched up van gogh and the most recent post from today easy peasy 🤓
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mylutteoheart · 5 years
Simbar fanfic : Simbar get caught by senora sharon
This took forever but yeah, here it is. Enjoy, it didn’t turn out as well as I had thought but I think it’s okay.
Caught Kissing
After spending an entire day on the rink due to training for the next competition, it was finally time to go home for Ámbar and Simón. Before they do, they decided to spend some extra time on the rink.
They didn’t do the choreography for the competition but instead, they did some freestyle moves like the one they did during their very first competition as a dancing couple. They did more steps like Simón dipping Ámbar and do the tunnel. They were laughing and having fun, not like when they were training. It was a nice release of all the nerves they were having due to the close competition date.
After they were done on the rink, they decided to drink a smoothie in the cafeteria before they parted ways but neither of them wanted that but they were too stubborn to admit that. Their relationship is a bit complicated. It felt like they were growing apart, they’ve been having a lot of arguments lately but they’re both tired of it but they also refuse to aplogize to the other.
Today was a day where they didn’t fight, mostly because they were too busy worrying about getting the steps right for next week. They were actually having fun with just the two of them after a long time and they wanted this to last but they didn’t know how to stop this constant fighting.
Eventually, Simón was the one to decide this once and for all, so they were sitting at a table in the cafeteria, drinking their smoothie in silence when he’s the one who breaks the silence: “Okay, I can’t do this anymore.” He takes a deep breath and continues. “I think we need to talk.”
Ámbar tried not to show any emotion on her face but she was very nervous so she went with: “Yeah, I think we do.” She was fidgeting with her fingers underneath the table so he wouldn’t see and added: “But I think we should do it more privately. Is it okay if we go to my place to have a talk?” His only answer was a nod.
They finished their smoothie back in silence and they said goodbye to the friends who were still hanging around Jam & Roller.
They didn’t exchange a word all the way to the mansion. Ámbar knew Sharon wasn’t home now so she was they wouldn’t be disturbed since the Valentes still work for them. It was time they both laid it all out on the table. The talk they were about to have was long overdue.
She slowly unlocked the door once they arrived and she led him to the living room. She motioned for him to sit on the couch and asked: “Would you like something to drink first?”
Simón shook his head and answered: “No, I’m good.”
This made her sit on the couch and there was an awkward silence hanging around them. It felt a bit suffocating. After what seemed like hours when it was in fact just a few minutes, the silence was broken.
“Listen, I…”
They both started at the same time and they burst out laughing to ease up the awkwardness which helped a little.
“Can I go first?” he asked her. She just nodded which made him continue. “Listen, I don’t know what exactly happened between us that made us fight this much lately but to be honest, I didn’t like a single bit of it. In fact, I hated the fact that we were at each other’s throats almost every day. I don’t want to fight you anymore, Ámbar. It isn’t helping any of us and I just want to be happy again and the only way I will be is if we leave all the fighting and arguments behind. I’m sorry for every bad thing I said, I never meant them and I’m also sorry for fighting and arguing so much.” He took a deep breath after his speech, scared of her reaction.
They were turned to each other on the couch and a huge genuine smile broke out on her face and he couldn’t help but smile back at that but she wanted to say a few things too: “I totally agree with you and I also don’t know why we kept fighting, it was pointless and it made us miserable. I’m sorry too, for the way I acted, I acted like I used to be whenever I was around you and I feel so bad about that, I also want to leave this all behind and just enjoy the fact that we’re finally together because it took us so long to get here. Can you forgive me?” she added shyly.
All he did was smile and say: “Of course I would, why wouldn’t I?”
This made her jump in his arms and wrap her arms tight around him. He returned the hug after he got over the surprise, this is the closest they’ve been in a while and they both missed this so much. They held each other tight like they were afraid that the other was going to disappear if they did let go. Her head was buried in his chest while he rested his chin on top of her haird, nothing else needed to be said, all they needed was this and they knew everyhting would be alright between them.
They slowly pulled apart after a few minutes and just looked each other in the eyes. Ámbar’s eyes slowly drifted to his lips and he noticed this gesture and it gave him the signal to do what he’s been wanting to do for so long. He leaned closer to her, still careful to ensure she could pull away whenever she wants but she didn’t, she leaned in as well. Their lips brushed and surely, they were kissing after weeks and it felt new yet so familiar. Their keeps deepened fast and got more passionate, it was obvious they missed each other a lot and they wanted to put everything they feel in the kiss. Before she knew it, she was straddling him and his hands were around her waist while her hands were around his neck, tangling her fingers in his hair. This feeling was bliss for both of them.
But all too soon, the blissful moment was over when they heard a familiar voice: “What are you doing?! They almost shouted.
This made the couple pull apart and look at the source of the voice, of course it was Sharon. Sharon was holding her heart and she suddenly didn’t feel well. Ámbar quickly scrambled away from Simón and sat as far away from as the couch allowed, she didn’t want it to end like this and she felt a bit embarrased about this whole ordeal.
"I need to rest but we’re not done talking about this, Ámbar.” Sharon said and went up to her room.
Both their nerves were on edge and were embarrased they were caught in a compromising position. After a pause of a few minutes, she spoke up: “Maybe, it’s best if you go home now. My godmother won’t be happy to see you once she’s down but I’ll call you later tonight.”
This got Simón to stand up from the couch and she followed him shortly after. “I understand.”
“I’ll walk you to the door.” she said.
When they were at the door, he said: “I love you.” and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
This didn’t satisfy her so she gave him a peck on the lips, still scared someone might catch them again. “I love you too.” she automatically answered.
With that, he went out the door and she watched his retreating back until she couldn’t see him anymore. But all she could think about was what’s waiting for her once Sharon got her rest and sees her again. She just hoped it wouldn’t be too bad.
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colorfullfalls · 6 years
Helpful Parkers
Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: Reader gets self conscious and Peter and May help her. 
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Peter Parker loves swimming. Sometimes you tease him by calling him tadpole rather than Spider-Man. That being said, he has been begging you to go jump in a pool with him. You have wanted to, but you couldn't. Your body grew from last summer, some in a good way and some not. 
Your boobs had moved at least another cup size up and your butt had become larger as well. Those were the main reasons why you needed a new bathing suit. Your boobs practically exploded of all of your old ones. When you had told Peter the dilemma, he had been eager to go with you. He wanted to impress you by picking out really cute suits. That boy is nothing but a pleaser. 
He had grabbed a lot of cute suits and threw them hectically into your arms as he shoved you into one of the many dressing rooms. You were laughing at how eager he was to see which ones you liked. After all, he did try to get the best possible ones. 
You stript yourself out of your clothes and looked at the assortment before mentally making a try on plan. You seperated the two peices from the one suits and decided that the two peices would have to be the first contestant. Excitment ran through your veins as you took the first one off of the hanger and started putting it on. It was your favorite one. 
Yellow was your favorite color and peter nailed it. This suit was yellow with white and blue flowers all over the top and the bottoms were just blue. You were grinning from ear to ear but that grin turned into a look of confusion as you stared in the mirror. The sight made your stomach drop. You did not look very good in this one, you thought as you turned. 
The bottoms looked fine but the top not so much. Your boobs were too big even though Peter swore that it was the biggest size they had. And not only that, your stomach was not as flat as you thought it was. The soft rolls made you bite your lips in complete and utter disappointment. You sighed as you shook your head. 
Some bathing suits just don't fit certain bodies, you were encouraged by that and decided to move on to the next one. 
Yet again you were upset as you stared at yourself in the mirror. The top was actually the right size and so were the bottoms, but you did not want to get it. You were embarrassed by your stomach and you didn't want anyone to see you like this. 
Maybe two pieces just weren't for you. You knew that other girls with a stomach could rock these easily and you thought they were beautiful. You just couldn't see yourself that way, it was your number one insecurity. The one peice were really cute too and you were excited to try them on. You prayed that they would look good, or at least better than the previous ones had looked. 
Peter stood outside the stall as he scrolled aimlessly through his phone. He was surprised that you hadnt come out to show him any of them yet but he wasnt worried at all. You were gorgeous and you were probably just staring at yourself in them. He would do that if he were you. 
You were staring at yourself, but not in the way Peter assumed. You were mad, upset, embarrased, and done with trying the bathing suits on. Even the one peices somehow managed to make you look really bad. You let out a shaky sigh as you put your clothes back on and sat on the bench. How were you going to explain to Peter that you loved those suits, they just looked awful on your body?
Peter slipped his phone in his back pocket as he heard your shaky sigh. You were on the verge of crying and he knew it. He knew it because he knew you like the back of his hand and the spidey senses did help a bit. He raised his hand and gently knocked.
"Y/n, baby, are you okay?" He got no reply, only a sniffle, "What's wrong? Was my fashion sense so bad that it made you cry?" 
"No." You cried out from inside the stall. Peter's heart clenched at the sound. His girl was upset and there was a wall seperating him from helping you. 
"Bub, let me in, open the door." He said softly as he put his head against the door. When you didn't he decided to take actions into his own hands. He looked around and saw that no workers or shoppers were around. He easily put his hands at the top of the stall and lifted himself up, moving over the wall and jumping down so that he was standing in front of you. You refused to look at him as you stared at the cement floor. 
"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" He panickly asked as he knelt down in front of you. Your watery eyes avoided his soft and caring brown ones as you shrugged. He sighed in frustration as he ran a hand through his brown curls. 
"I can't help you if you dont tell me anything, Y/n." 
"I'm fat. I looked so bad in each of those suits. I was so excited to try them on and it ended up being a disaster." You croaked out as the tears freed themselves from your eyes and ran down your face. 
Peter was at a loss of words. You were singlehandely the most beautiful girl he had ever seen and seeing you so upset about your body made him angry. Society made girls think that if they werent as skinny as a twig, that they were fat and ugly. Peter was not having it.
"I bet you that you were glowing in those bathing suits, you just let your mind get ahead of yourself," He sweetly said as he picked you up and sat down so that you were sitting on his lap. You stubbornly shook your head against his shoulder. 
"My mind could clearly process what it saw and it was not a nice sight, Peter. Can we please just go home? I dont want to be here anymore." 
Peter sighed as he placed a sweet kiss to your cheek, "Okay, lets go." 
On the walk home you were uncharacteristically quiet and that worried Peter. He hoped that you would soon forget the dressing room and that you were return to his happy go lucky gal. Apparently the suits bothered you more than he thought. He was determined to make you feel better. 
"Hey, there is a pet store around the block, why don't we go and look around?" He asked as he swung your hands back and forth. You smiled and gave him a nod. 
"Let's do it." 
You two walked in and you instantly felt the weight lift off of your shoulders. Why were you so upset in the store? You loved yourself and you were slightly ashamed that you let your insecurities get the best of you like that. You basically dragged Peter over to the cat room as you two slipped in. You had a big grin on your face as you kneeled down and began to pet the little fur balls. You let out a loud laugh as one even juped right onto Peter's lap. 
"Can we take seven home? I want them all." You cooed as you ran your hand down a grey cat's back and up its fluffy tail. 
"Aunt May would kill me. She isn't really a big cat person like you, love." 
"How can you not be a cat person? They are just so lovable and god, I need them to live with me right now." You scopped the grey cat on you lap and hugged it tightly. 
Peter looked at his watch and saw that it was almost time for dinner and his aunt would not be happy if you two were late yet again. You said goodbye to your new furry friends as Peter gently led you out of the store. Peter was glad that he made you feel better. Your mood had changed since the dressing room and for that he was glad. He hated seeing you upset and insecure like that. It hurt his little spider boy heart. 
When you stepped into the Parker's apartment you were met with the lovely smell of expertly made meat loaf. May burns things sometimes, but boy can she cook. She offered you two a sweet smile as she grabbed the oven mits and got the pan out. Peter grabbed two glasses as you grabbed the chocolate syrup and milk out of the fridge. It was a tradition for you two to drink chocolate milk for dinner. It was your thing. 
"How was shopping, get anything cute?" May asked as she sliced the meatloaf. Peter's eyes widened at the question as he saw your cute little face drop slightly. 
"Um, no. I didnt see anything I really liked. Just have to keep looking." You said. Peter's heart hurt at the tone of your voice. The bathing suit still hurt you, meaning it hurt him too. 
"That's too bad. After dinner we can go on to amazon and look because the bathing suits at stores are always aimed at the model type girls anyway." May offered as she set the food on the table and pulled her chair out. 
Her saying that made you feel better, because what she said was true. There had to be a bathing suit out there somewhere that would make you look really good. Stores in New York barley ever had cute clothes with sizes larger than a medium which was very aggravating. May did most of her shopping online too. 
"That sounds perfect May, thank you." You gratefully say as Peter ushers you towards the table. 
A week later the whole bathing suit ordeal was long forgotten. Peter constantly showered you with love and adoration that it was hard to think bad of yourself. You two were bored on the rainy late June day and were lying on his couch as you watched reruns of cartoons. You two were a bit childish but at least you could act that way around eachother. 
You laughed into Peter's chest as Wiley Coyote fell off the cliff and smashed right into the dirt. You and Peter were a tangled mess on the couch, not that either of you cared. Your legs were intertwined and Peter laid on his back as you rested on top of him, it was the go to cuddle positon. Peter had his arm wrapped around your back as the other lazily twirled a section of your hair between his fingers. 
May walked in, complaining to herslef about the box that she tripped on while trying to enter the apartment. She picked it up as she read it and then held it out towards you. 
"Hey, Y/n, this package is yours. Go try it on, sister." She encouragingly said. You grinned as you clumsily got up. Peter was being a little shit and wouldnt let go of you. 
"No, stop, try it on later. I want to cuddle." He whined as you finally made it out of his spidey grip. You playfully rolled your eyes at him as you walked towards the bathroom with the box in hand. You were nervous as you slipped it on. Would this one look bad too?
Not at all. The yellow and grey bathingsuit looked great on you. The bottoms were high wasted so it covered up the rolls that you were self concious about. You happily covered your face with your hands as you continued to look at yourself. For once you thought you looked great in a bathing suit. You ran out of the bathroom and into the living room to show Peter and May, only May wasnt there. 
Peter was on the couch still watching cartoons, his back to you. 
"Where is May?"
Peter sat up as he stuggled to get the blanket off himself. He stood up and turned towards you, mouth going agape as you took you in. God, you were stunning. His cheeks and ears got red as he realized that he was just staring at you instead of answering the question. 
"She went to grab milk because we used it all last night." He stumbled out the words as you walked closer to him. You were taking his breath away. 
"Oh, well I like this, I mean I think it looks really good.. What do-"
Peter interrupted by pulling you in for a kiss. His hand went to your chin to nudge your head a bit for more access as the other one grabbed your hip to pull you closer to him. You were driving him crazy and he just loved you so much and there you were, looking fine as hell in his living room. You melted as he moved his lips from yours and began peppering kisses all over your face. 
"You look like a snacc." He whispered as his forehead rested against yours. His brown eyes looked deeply into your e/c ones. 
"Peter, stop, thats the worst." You laughed as you playfully shoved him away. Peter was not having it though and he pulled you right back to him. 
"Seriously though, you look stunning. And as happy I am about you finding a suit that you love, I am reconsidering wanting to go swimming now." 
You frowned, "Pete, why don't you want to go swimming?"
He picked you up over his shoulder and ran into his room, shutting the door. May wouldnt be home for a few minuets and she really didnt care that the door was shut. She trusted you two. She once even had a talk with you two that she as okay with you two doing it, you just had to promise to be safe and wise about it. 
He threw you on his bed and jumped after you as he threw the blankets over you. 
"Someone might see how gorgeous you are and then take you, can't let that happen. Now we have to hide in here for the rest of our lives." He explained as he left sloppy kisses all over your exposed skin. 
You laughed as you attempted to crawl away from him but yet again he drug you back, making you squeal, which only made Peter even happier. The two of you stared at each other as Peter held you tight against him. It was peaceful until you felt the bathing suit top come undone. You accusingly looked at your boyfriend. 
"Did you just untie my top?"
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stanathieluris · 7 years
The night Richie Tozier almost died
summary: in an attempt to cheer up Bev, Richie takes her and Stan to the roof during a house-party and things get Emotional.
author’s notes: characters are aged up (17/18 years old)
warnings: underage drinking, swearing
this took me an embarrasing amount of time to write i am so sorry... anyway, as i said before, english is not my first language so my writing can sound kinda off. if you squint you might see a bit of stenborough. enjoy! like! reblog! comments and feedback is v welcomed!
read part one here where Eddie blabbers about Richie and Bill is just #done with his oblivious friend
At exactly 1:47 a.m. of a very warm May friday night, Richie Tozier almost died.
And while he loved to tell the story in such a dramatic way, starting it with the sentence “Hey guys remember the party I almost died?”, the events didn’t happen in such manner.
The whole ordeal started when he saw his best friend, Beverly Marsh, crying in the kitchen floor of some kid that didn’t even like him or his friends. To be completely honest, they had crashed the party, being that the only way they had managed to get in any the past year.
The girl wasn’t bawling, but Richie knew her enough to know when something wasn't entirely okay with his fiery partner in crime.
“Bev, hey Bev, you okay there?” he asked, crouching so he could meet her eyes. Her face was buried on her hands, and despite the havoc wrecking around them, Richie could hear her sobbing.
“Beverly” he insisted, grabbing her hands gently. The girl looked at him with her translucent blue eyes, red-tinted and stained with black eyeliner “Hey, hey, Bevvie, girl, dude, buddy, you okay?”.
“Yeah, yeah” she mutters “It’s just, I was with Stan and he left to get… I don’t even fucking remember where he went… And I was alone and Greta and her fucking bitches came up to me and, shit, I know I shouldn’t let them get to me, but they were saying bad thing about you guys too and I just-”.
“Hey, Marsh, list- no listen” Richie interrupted the nervous blabbering of his friend “I know it fucking sucks letting Greta get to you, but don’t worry, you can’t help it if she’s a dumbass”.
Bev chuckled and freed one of her hands to wipe the tears from her eyes, smearing the black eyeliner even more, yet smiling.
“Tell you what, I brought my mom’s flask, wanna find Stan, sneak onto the roof, take some shots and talk some shit about them?” he asked with a half smile.
“You always know the way to my heart Trashmouth” Bev chuckled.
“Then let's go find Uris, Marshmallow” he said, standing up and offering the girl his han.
Bev rolled her eyes at the nickname, but smiled and took it.
"Fucking top that Uris!".
Bev had downed her fourth shot and looked straight into Stan's eyes. She drunk-giggled as she dropped onto the roof, sprawled, next to Richie.
"Way to fucking go Marsh!" the Trashmouth cheered, putting his arm around her shoulders and clearly not in a better state than the girl. He was the one who had taken the most shots out of the three of them, but, in Stan's words 'it isn't fun if you aren't a shitty lightweight like me'.
"Gimme that Beverly" Stan snached the flask, halfway through already, and took a long sip. The rum burned his throat but he didn't care.
"So" Bev started, dropping her head onto Richie’s lap "who are we dissing tonight?".
It was very common for the three of them, whenever they hanged out to gossip and complain about all the people who either bullied them or were straight up dumbasses at Derry High School. And the list wasn't by any means short.
"Oh my god let me start" Stan said, sitting cross-legged gracefully in front of his friends. Richie was surprised his friend still had that panache and flourished movements even when drunk.
"Spill! Spill! Spill!" Bev chanted, her face all smile and giggles. Richie was glad she wasn't crying anymore, he didn’t like when she had to go through stuff like that by herself.
"Remember Tommy whatshisname? Big dude, baseball team, blond hair?".
"Larson?" Richie asked
"Straight as a nail?" Bev added.
Stan snapped his fingers "Bingo. Well, guess who Bill caught staring at his ass last practice?".
"Oh my god" Bev laughed, almost delighted "Oh my God! Shut up".
"No fucking way" Richie exclaimed, joining the fit of laughter of the girl.
"Are you sure that Bill wasn't imagining things?" Bev asked, her words slurring.
"Who the fuck said I was done Beverly?" Stan smirked at his two friends.
"Drop the full name Stanley" she bit back. He winked at her.
"I also told Bill that he might be imagining things. I mean" he scoffed "you are in a locker room, it's a small space, full of boys, changing clothes, showering, ..." he drifted off, a light blush creeping on his cheeks.
"Uris! Focus!" Richie exclaimed, snapping his fingers and bringing him back to the real world “Holy fucking shit, I forgot how gay you get thinking about the baseball team".
"Not the whole baseball team" Bev smirked.
“Shut the fuck up you asshats” Stan brushed them off, but the blush from his face didn’t fade.
“Oh my god Rich, he’s blushing a fuck lot”.
“He indeed is my fair lady” the Trashmouth laughed, his fake cockney accent coming out slurred and disastrous.
“Whatever, I won’t tell you the end of the story then” Stan mumbled “It kinda concerns you Tozier”.
“Please tell me Larson asked for Richie’s number” Bev smiled widely.
Richie started to laugh, rolling on his side, his body approaching the edge of the roof precariously.
“I mean” Bev liked the little devious smile on Stans face as he talked “he asked Bill for a number, but not Richie’s”
The other boy lifted his head to look at his friend in the eyes, but before the Trashmouth could ask anything, Stan spoke.
“He asked for Eddie’s”.
Everything happened quite fast. One moment Richie was laying on the roof and the next he was standing up. Sort of. The alcohol had payed his toll on him and although he managed to get on his feet at the speed of light, he lost his balance and tilted backwards over the edge of the roof. His stomach flipped as he felt gravity pulling him backwards, but thankfully, two pairs of hands fell on him, Bev’s at his knees and Stan’s grabbing his hoodie.
“Fucking ass!” Stan bellowed, pulling him forward.
Richie fell on top of the other boy, and the both of them stumbled onto Bev, forming a very awkward pile.
“Tozier what the actual fuck!” Stan exclaimed.
“Holy shit don’t need to scream on my ear Uris”.
“You deserve it! For being a clumsy asshat!”.
“Richie what the hell! You could’ve fallen off the fucking roof”. Bev said, shoving the two boys off of her.
“Yeah dude, what’s gotten into you?” Stan asked, knowing the answer already.
Richie dumbly opened his mouth, closed it and opened again, but he was unable to give a direct answer.
“Did Bill gave Tommy Eddie’s number” Richie asked innocently. Was the night getting hotter or it was just him?
“Tozier, your crush is showing” Bev laughed, her worried expression long gone.
“What?! Me? A crush? On Eddie Spaghetti out of all people?” he scoffed, the red tint of his cheeks becoming more prominent. Yep, definitely just him. “What are blabbering about? I don’t have a crush on him? Why would I?”.
Bev and Stan gave Richie amused looks as he sputtered a cascade of excuses, but he realised his attempts to deny his feelings towards the hypochondriac were fruitless. He groaned and dropped backwards, still too close to the edge of the roof.
“C’mon Rich, you seriously can’t believe that we, out of all the Losers, wouldn’t notice” Bev said rolling her eyes.
“Not like the rest haven’t figured it out” Stan muttered. Bev smacked him in the back of the head “Jeez Bev”.
“And here I thought I was being sneaky” Richie sighed.
“Yeeeeah, people usually don’t gush about their best friend like you do” Stan laughed.
“Or look at him from the distance like he has hung all the stars in the sky” Bev added.
“Or sigh oh-so-dreamy in class staring at him”.
“Or, you know, stare at his ass like, all the time”.
“Okay!” Richie exclaimed “Holy fuck guys you make me sound like I am in love with him or something”.
There was a heavy pause, Stan and Bev staring at him brows arched.
“Whatever! So what, I think Eds is cute! Fucking sue me!” he exclaimed “Not that it matters honestly”.
“What do you mean Rich?” Bev asked.
“It’s just” he started, but groaned again, words getting stuck on his throat “Ugh! It’s nothing Bev, it’s shit, it doesn’t matter”.
Stan and the girl stared at their friend. The moment would’ve been full of uncomfortable silence if it wasn’t for the roaring laughters and ridiculously loud music from the party. Without saying a word, Bev crawled towards her friend, her movements slow and clumsy from the alcohol, and lied next to him. Stan looked at them before doing the same.
“You can talk to us Rich, ya know that right?” Bev spoke softly, making Richie smile. He held her hand and she squeezed ot reassuringly.
“Yeah, what Marsh said” Stan added, grabbing awkwardly the boy’s free hand. The Trashmouth half-scoffed half-laughed. He knew Stan spoke more through actions than words.
“I know guys it’s just…” he drifted again, the knot of his throat growing “I really like him”.
“Yeah no shit” he practically could hear the eye-roll on Stans comment “Ouch! No need for kicking Marsh”.
“Zip it Uris” she said “If you like him, tell him Rich” her tone softened and gave Richie another reassuring squeeze.
“That’s fucking easier said than done Bev” the boy sighed “He might, and he’ll probably, say no anyway”.
“Why would he say no dumbass?” Stan asked.
“Because I’m shit! Because, I don’t know, he can fucking do way better than the shitty no-good school punk!” he rambled, unable to stop “Someone with better parents and better grades and better plans for the future and clothes that aren’t ripped at every goddamn seam! Like, have you seen my jeans lately? They’re motherfucking trash! It’s embarrassing to wear them to school”.
His voice breaked the more he talked, and both Bev and Stan decided to ignore the half-sob that was forming of their friend’s voice.
“I’m like, white trash, and he deserves someone that has more than love to offer” he croaked, feeling truly pathetic.
It happened suddenly and Richie felt even more like crying. Both Stan and Bev wrapped their arms as best they could around him and held on tight. They stood there for a couple of minutes, feeling the vibrations from downstairs rumble on their backs.
“Never” Stan voice break the silence “Like, fucking ever, say that about yourself. I will beat you to fucking pieces with my binoculars if I ever hear you’re talking shit about yourself Richard Tozier”.
Richie chuckled, and more tears threatened to come out of his eyes. Hell, his glasses were already fogged, but he didn’t want to let go of his friends to clean them.
“Yeah” Bev muttered, sniffling “What Uris said”.
“Oh my god Bevvie, don’t cry” Richie said “If you cry imma start crying too”.
“Jesus fuck, we are getting way too emotional for being the stone-cold bitches of these god forsaken town”.
“You are the only one of us that looks like you’ve got a stick up your ass Uris” Bev joked.
“I bet he wished he had other thing up his ass” Richie added.
“And here I was, reassuring you and you pay me back by being a dick” Stan muttered.
They broke into light laugher again, the three of them teary eyed and holding onto each other as if they life depended on it. Lying there, Richie breathed every single aspect he could from that moment. Like the way Bev drew small circles on his knuckles. Or how Stan was still holding tightly to his hoodie, as if he was going to fall again off the roof. The way their feet intertwined, polished shoes, beat up sneakers and combat boots mixed together. The faded stars he could see through his misty glasses. How Stan’s curls tickled him on the cheek, the same way Bev’s breathing did on the nape of his neck. He felt like time itself had stopped.
“Rich” Bev softly spoke.
“Yeah Marsh?” he asked
“Ask Eddie out”.
“No but’s asshat” Stan scoffed “just do it”.
“I said no but’s!”.
“-what if he says no?”.
Kinda unlikely Bev wanted to say.
“Then he loses the best dumbass in Derry”.
“Jeez, thanks Stan”.
“No prob”.
Richie laughs, holding them even little bit tighter.
“Guys” Bev interjects “I don’t want to break The Moment, but we are literally an inch away from falling off the roof”.
The boys laughed, and moved away from the edge.
taglist : @richietoaster @turtleneckrichie
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