#i think kicking her out would be more effective 😂
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Tulip is in her explosion era
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lancermylove · 22 days
Guys, I Shrunk MC (HC)
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Pairing: Heartslabyul x fem!Reader
Warning: None
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: May I? How would the Heartslabyul dorm members react to one day, Ace messed up with a potion which turns Fem Yuu small. Yuu, while tiny and all, went to Ace and say "stupid mage! You make me look bad!" and kicks his leg with her tiny feet which surprisingly still hurts.
A/N: Lol, MC, go get him. 😂
Ace immediately panics when he realizes what he has done. He tries to nervously laugh it off and play it cool, but deep down, he knows the consequences he will face if Riddle finds out.
When miniature you comes up to him and calls him a "stupid mage" before kicking his leg, Ace is surprised. Not by your reaction but by how much it hurt. How can you be so tiny and still cause pain?
Though the whole situation is hilarious and adorable, Ace holds back on showing his true feelings because he knows it will only make you angrier.
Ace really, REALLY wants to tease you about your tiny size but doesn't want to feel your tiny, painful kicks. They really hurt. Will he say this out loud? Never.
Instead, he apologizes and promises to fix it as soon as possible.
His main motivation for getting you back to normal is
for your well-being. That's what you thought, right? Haha, no, he is scared of Riddle and being harshly punished.
Trey handles the situation calmly, but he is concerned about your safety and well-being in your tiny form. His mind starts to think of ways to reverse the effect and return you back to your usual size.
Seeing you upset and kicking Ace, Trey gently picks you up and pats your head. He promises to help you and tries to stay calm. Internally, he chuckles at your tiny but fierce attitude. Ace totally deserved the kick, and if you want to kick him again, Trey won’t stop you.
While the rest of the dorm members are angry and/or panicking, Trey takes full charge of the situation. He works with some of the smarter students in the school to find the right ingredients to reverse the potion.
If you feel comfortable around Trey, he will gladly allow you to stay in his jacket pocket until you return to normal. He will even make tiny food for you to consume.
Cater is surprised but also very amused by the situation. Even before his brain registers the situation, his hands are already taking out his phone to take pictures and record videos.  
He can’t get over how cute you look, being all tiny and fierce. Cater knows the clip of you kicking Ace and calling him a stupid mage is going to go viral.
Cater tries to stop himself but ends up teasing you by giving you cute nicknames. Tiny (y/n). Mini (y/n). Bite-size (y/n). Fun size (y/n). Tiny Firecracker. But the second he realizes you are angry or agitated, he apologizes and walks away. Cater doesn’t want to feel your kicks, or worse, have you stay angry at him after you return to your usual self.
Despite his teasing, Cater feels bad for you and helps Trey in any way he can, even if it’s just keeping you entertained while the vice dorm warden works on the antidote.
If you want, Cater will even carry you around on his shoulder while joking that you are his tiny guardian angel. He is even tempted to use Ace’s potion on him so that you and Ace can sit on his shoulder, and Cater can say he has an angel/devil duo like in the movies.
Deuce is speechless when he sees your tiny version. While he is concerned, Deuce can’t get over how cute you look. His cheeks turn red, but he quickly covers his face and gathers himself before asking if you are okay.
When you start to kick Ace and yell at him, it feeds Deuce’s anger. Luckily, Trey notices his anger and stops him before he can punch Ace in the nose. However, Deuce verbally gives Ace a piece of his mind.
He can’t deny your tiny, feisty side makes him fall for you more, but Deuce will keep that thought to himself. Your determination and spirit to get back at Ace despite your disadvantage is adorable.
Deuce doesn’t think he can help much with the reserve potion, but if anyone needs him to find the ingredients, he will gladly help.
He spends most of his time guarding and supporting you. Though he isn’t the best at offering words of encouragement, Deuce does his best to be a therapist. If all else fails, Deuce will ensure that once you return to your usual self, he will gladly beat up Ace for you, even if it means getting punished by Riddle.
As expected, Riddle is furious with Ace for messing up the potion and causing such a dangerous situation for you. The dorm leader immediately yells OFF WITH YOUR HEAD and then proceeds to lecture the freshman.
Despite his anger at Ace, Riddle somehow manages to calm down because he is concerned for your safety. You are so tiny that anyone could hurt you at any time; even a bird could swoop down and snatch you away.
When you kick Ace and yell at him, Riddle turns a blind eye because Ace deserves your anger. However, he is surprised at how strong you are despite your tiny size.
Riddle would insist that they find a solution immediately, probably taking control of the situation and making sure everyone is doing their part to reverse the potion’s effects.
He aids Trey in finding a reserve potion to return you to your regular size. In fact, all of Heartslabyul is put to work to help reverse the effect of Ace’s mistake.
Riddle doesn’t let you out of his sight; he only trusts Trey and Cater to take care of you. If anyone else tries to take you away, it’ll be off with their heads.  
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➣ Twisted Wonderland [1][2][3] ➣ Main Masterlist
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Blooms Base transformation in ODF
I made some small changes to Blooms base transformation, because while I love the original design, for ODF I needed something a bit different so here it is:
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Ok so notes, I'm gonna talk about it and translate annotations you might not see.
This is Blooms base form at the beginning of Oh Dragon Fly. While Pyros did happen, it wasn't enough for her to earn her Enchantix. So Bloom has been fighting Valtor for three years in her first form (😅poor girl).
Since Bloom has been fighting Valtor for several years and also lived through Darkar, she changed parts of her form. Mostly to make it more combative. But there are other changes, some she made and some that just happened naturally.
One of the main points that always irked me (I know it would be a bitch to animate) was that there isn't more fire hair Bloom. So easy fix! If Bloom transforms, she has permanent fire hair. It also shows outside of transformation, if she is really pissed. It also has to do with her Dominian Heritage, but I'm gonna explain that one later on.
As for her crown
I genuinely forgot about that😂. But thinking about it I realized, if she had fire hair, you can't really grab it, because it's magical fire. Why add a crown, that possibly could be grabbed? Also why have a crown if your hair is epic as hell? So no crown.
Another biological feature are glowing freckles. I know this is fanon for many, but I have to mention it. She has them all over her body and they are actually a representation of her scales. (Im gonna explain that one later!) but because Daphne put a seal on her to blend her into Earth, Bloom only has freckles. By now the seal is broken a bit, so several features have broken through, such as the glow of her freckles and her pointy ears.
Something that she didn't do, but that happened as a result of Dakar, was that her wings darkened. It's mostly seen in the tip of the upper wing, but the main body is also slightly darker. It's a result of her trauma and the way Darkar's possession/ Dark Bloom changed her.
I also added darker shorts under her skirt, because I genuinely like the short skirt, but DAMN IT she is flying around hovering over people! She get's shorts! I made them darker mostly because I wanted some contrast.
Now for the bigger changes! I changed her arm warmers to some metal bracers. For one because Bloom is a nerd, canonically, so she took inspiration from Wonder Woman. They actually can reflect a lot of spell, making it possible for Bloom to shield herself and others in a pinch, without using magic. She can also use them to hit people harder.
Another point to them and that's is also why she has the bracelets on her upper arms is that she can heat them up. Bloom as a fire fairy isn't bothered by heat of any kind heat, so she isn't hurt, but anyone that wants to grab her touches metal that basically is still in the forge. Simple but good looking defense.
The chain on the skirt can have the same effect, but I just wanted to add more dragon elements.
Now for the big changes. I swapped out the heels for flat shoes, but changed the sole for steel toes and heels. So if Bloom kicks it really hurts and since it's metal it can also burn. The band around the ankle is just support, because you can and will twist your ankle on flat ground in good shoes, so having that is just a precaution. Also, someone tries to grab her ankle? Metal band
it burns!
The shin guards. My main objective was to add more dragon elements. So we have dragon scale shin guards. Then I realized, why not make it more practical? So I added a pointed end, that is just long enough, that if Bloom were to use her knee to hit someone she would also stab them. She has used that feature in the past, and she will absolutely use it again.
The bands are once again, both decorative and functional, because metal hurts if hot!
So yeah. There you have my explanation of Bloom's base transformation in Oh Dragon Fly!
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ambrossart · 25 days
How each members if the gang would react to someone witnessing them doing something bad like a crime (not killing someone bad)?
And if that someone was Evelyn would the reaction be different ?
Okay, I want to preface this by reminding everyone that I do not accept general Bowers gang imagines/headcanons. I’m not saying that applies to this submission specifically, but I don’t want people seeing this post and thinking my inbox is open for anything. It is not. If it’s a request related to Paper Men, I’ll gladly answer it, but if you want general headcanons about the boys, kindly direct those elsewhere. I have no interest in thinking about or writing those. It’s a very slippery slope and I don’t wanna be stuck writing about their ideal types or what they’re like in bed. Please, just
 no. 😂

How the gang reacts to witnesses of their crimes:
General thoughts
Their reactions are largely going to depend on the severity of the crime they’re committing. The greater the crime, the more severe the response.
For lesser crimes, like petty theft or minor bullying, they’ll probably just blow the person off, shoot off a smart remark, and keep doing whatever they’re doing.
With more serious crimes, that’s when you’ll see those threats of violence and actual violence.
Or if the person just refuses to walk away.
Seriously, don’t try to be a hero. You’ll instantly regret it.
Just ask Richie. He tried to get his sister’s shirts and ended up getting his ass kicked and going for a ride in Belch’s trunk.
If Richie hadn’t gotten involved, Henry probably would’ve just dumped the shirts on Evelyn’s porch. Maybe not right away, but eventually he would have.
Their reactions will also depend on if they’re committing these crimes individually or as a group.
Whenever they’re in a group, the boys tend to follow Henry’s lead, so they’ll respond however he tells them to, even if they don’t necessarily want to.
But group crimes are less fun, so let’s focus on individual crimes!
Henry’s crimes are violent in nature—either against people or against property.
So he would most likely get caught vandalizing property, bullying an innocent child, or just straight up beating the shit out of some random person, for seemingly no reason at all.
Seriously, how has this guy not been arrested yet?
Right, because his dad’s a cop. Never mind.
Out of everyone, he’s the one you really don’t wanna interfere with. This boy is overflowing with rage. The last thing you wanna do is get in the middle of his
Therefore, if someone sees Henry committing a crime, they’re most likely gonna look the other way because they don’t wanna risk becoming a target themselves. Especially children/other teenagers.
Adults are gonna be an exception to this.
Because Henry lives in constant fear of his father, he’s more likely to back off if an adult gets involved. He doesn’t want them to call the cops.
In regards to Evelyn, Henry tends to revert back to a bratty child whenever Evelyn gets involved in his business. It’s more annoyance than anger, though. It’s like he just knows he’s gonna get an earful from her the next time he sees her.
We saw this when Henry tried to skip class and Evelyn stopped him by sitting on top of Belch’s car. The situation quickly devolved into a very childish argument.
Also, when Henry was about to beat up Noah McDowell for laughing at him, Henry did hesitate when Evelyn ran off to get a teacher. So she definitely does have an effect on him and his behavior.
That being said, I do think Henry hides a lot from Evelyn. There’s a whole other side of him, a very dark side, that she’s never seen.
Like killing Mike’s dog, a lot of his more racist behavior, I don’t think Evelyn knows about that.
Henry doesn’t want her to know about that.
Patrick is a unique case.
He gets away with a lot of shit, doesn’t he?
He skips class all the time. Stalks people. Starts random fires. Steals things out of people’s lockers. Casually commits blatant acts of sexual assault
 Need I go on?
He does all this in plain view, so people definitely see him doing it, but nobody ever reports him. Why?
Because Patrick’s just so
 weird, isn’t he? It almost seems normal.
Nobody’s surprised when he starts a fire in the library.
Very few people remember what he was like when he was a kid. Even Evelyn has no memories of him.
Most of the girls he assaults aren’t quite sure if they were technically assaulted. Maybe they secretly wanted it. They don’t know. It’s a blur.
Patrick operates in this bizarre grey area. Nobody really knows what to do with him.
So unlike the rest of the boys, Patrick isn’t all that concerned about witnesses. He knows how to manipulate a situation and use his looks to his advantage, so he rarely has to resort to intimidation.
The biggest exception to this is the fridge situation, of course. And we know how that ended.
Denny Booker saw Patrick with the trash bags, told, got him sent away, and now years later they’re in the same homeroom class and suddenly Denny’s dog goes missing.
Patrick claims he didn’t take it, but do we really believe him? I’ll leave that up to you.
Unlike Henry, Patrick doesn’t make overt threats. His threats are subtle, so subtle that you may not even realize he’s threatening you
 until his words sink in and you feel that little chill up your spine.
I’m not gonna talk about Evelyn here because I’ll probably end up saying too much and spoiling something.
Vic’s a bit of a toughie.
Unless he’s with the rest of the gang, Vic doesn’t really misbehave much. He simply doesn’t have the energy for it.
Yeah, he’s definitely more of a “guilty by association” kind of guy. If he gets into trouble, it’s probably because someone else dragged him into the situation.
I could see him acting out more when he was younger, though—to prove himself more than anything.
Vic joined the gang a bit later, so it took him a while to gain Henry’s respect and trust. He probably did a lot of bad things as a sort of gang initiation.
Although he tries not to show it, Vic is very self-conscience and self-critical, so I think getting caught would affect him the most. Like on a really deep emotional level.
It would force him to step back, self-reflect, and face the person he’s become.
This would be especially true if Evelyn was the one to catch him.
Her opinion matters more than anyone’s because she’s always thought so highly of him, so Vic really hates seeing her disappointed. It bothers him a lot.
But it’s okay! Vic will just get really high, go to sleep, and try to forget it ever happened.
Poor Vic đŸ„ș
Like Vic, Belch doesn’t get into much trouble on his own.
When he was younger, he was a more active participant in Henry’s violence, but he’s mellowed out a lot since then.
He’s actually matured.
He’s got priorities. He’s got responsibilities. Things he wants to accomplish in life.
Now the worst thing he does is steal kids’ lunches, but that’s just a childhood habit that he’s had a hard time breaking.
Belch cares a lot for his mom and hates creating extra stress for her. That woman has enough on her plate. The last thing she needs is the school calling her or the cops knocking on her door, so Belch really tries not to get into too much trouble.
That’s difficult when your best friend is Henry Bowers.
With Belch, he’s more likely to get pulled over for speeding or something. That would probably be his worst “crime.”
And that would be so embarrassing for him.
Belch feels so cool when he’s driving his car. There’s nothing cool about sitting on the side of the road, watching all the other cars pass by, and waiting for the police officer to finish writing your ticket.
Imagine if his classmates saw him. Oh my god, the shame that boy would feel!
He would never wanna show his face in school again.
Luckily, Belch is a good driver, so he probably won’t have to experience that a lot.
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theforgottenmcrmy · 3 months
live reactions to house of the dragon season 2, episode 1: a son for a son
i'm basically doing this for my own amusement and reference, but i'm also up for constructive discussions on the episode if anyone feels like commenting
(but if you feel inclined to yell at me for any of my comments, please remember that these are fictional characters, and everyone is entitled to their own opinionsđŸ–€)
spoilers beneath the cut
it’s still the s1 recap and I’m already tearing up, can’t believe s2 is finally here
Jaw is dropped, actual chills at new intro. I love it
Winterfell theme=instant tears
Cregan Stark, the man that you are
“Starks do not forget their oaths, my prince” YOU’RE DAMN RIGHT THEY DON’T đŸș
The cave dragon-mounting platform setup? Love it.
“The mother grieves as the queen shirks her duties.” ~ harsh, but the truth
“Would that you were the king” ~ the queen who never was 💅
Rhaenyra 💔
Not Corlys commissioning a dagger for Lucerys😭 he doesn’t give af about blood, that was his grandson through and through.
Here we go, what have the Usurper and crew been up to
Am I misremembering, or weren’t scorpions a relatively new invention during GOT?
I literally can’t with these two đŸ€Ą like
The BALLS of Criston Cole with the damn cape like wtf.
Aegon, did you really expect the North or the Vale to answer you? If your councilors didn’t give you a heads up that that was not likely, you ought to fire them and get new ones.ïżŒ
Tyland and Jaehaerys😂 a pony ride?! These writers were in a silly goofy mood. Although, I will say it’s interesting to see the Lannisters being the ones to take orders for once, rather than give them.
Aegon really shows his age and lack if maturity here doesn’t he?
LARYS IS ON THE CASE đŸ•”ïžâ€â™‚ïž
The real question is how will he react when he sees what the dowager queen and ser Crispin have been up to. I’m gonna wager it won’t be pretty
Not Arrax’s wing
I get they’re trying to make Aegon a bit more likeable this season, but as a member of the audience, I can’t help but feel like that would be SO much more effective if we didn’t already know that he was a predatory 🍇 ist đŸ€·đŸŒâ€â™€ïž
Otto needs to retire.
Good ol’ Larys, already schmoozing up his next meal ticket. Can’t knock the strategy though.
Alicent’s really trying to justify what happened to Lucerys đŸ€Ą
I’m getting the sense Alicent will have wished she kicked Otto out of the Red Keep herself by the time he finally gets canned
House Velaryon theme = always a banger
Mysaria’s accent is SUCH an improvement this season! đŸ‘đŸ»
Daemon’s desperately pointing fingers at ANYONE who was even remotely close to Aegon😂
That little moment between Rhaenyra and Daemon was so little but said so much
“I want Aemond Targaryen” HELLS YEAH YOU DO đŸ–€đŸ–€đŸ–€
Daemon- “your wish is my command” 😇
I love that Baela accompanied Jace to go see Rhaenyra.
Jace💔 can’t even get through his report

Jace and Joffrey😣
The fact that Rhaenyra and Alicent both accept what happened to Luke at the same time, but in different ways
. Cinematic poetry right there
A son for a sonđŸ€·đŸŒâ€â™€ïž
We love those in King’s Landing who remain true loyalists to the QueenđŸ–€
What would Aemond think if he knew what the Commander of the Kings Guard and his mother do together in their free timeđŸ€”
Something funny about a man with no dragon experience and a young prince with no true battle experience talking about a war with dragons as though they’re even remotely knowledgeable

What vengeance does Aemond seek at this point? Alicent even suggested it was because Lucerys was never punished for taking his eye
 Aemond literally unalived Luke. At this point, the Greens seem to have all the advantage. So, at this moment, what exactly does Aemond want?
If anything happens to the dog I stg-
Don’t think Aemond would appreciate you referring to him as a “hound”, Aegon, but go off, I guess
Okay kicking the dog was so not fucking necessary-
Lucerys died during a storm, and it looks like someone else is about to too 👀
The fact that Blood is the voice of reason rn
Helaena💔 you don’t deserve any of this
Okay these noises are fucking AWFUL 😭😭😭💔💔💔
Helaena, not knowing where to go, going to her mother’s chambersđŸ„Č
OF FUCKING COURSE these two are at it again like- will they stop now? Will Criston at least have the decency to feel immense guilt and put an end to it himself?
While one can argue Criston Cole has a power dynamic to contend with in both situations (though I would argue he still consented to both), the difference is Rhaenyra was 17, and and Alicent is a woman in her 30s who also prides herself on being religious and practically piousđŸ€·đŸŒâ€â™€ïž one of them really ought to have known better then sleeping with a member of the Kingsguard, but I won’t say which one.
The Blackwoods and the Brackens!!!
Dragon eggs?👀
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if misa does transfer, do you think it will be to a different league? Also, I remember aitana snubbed misa in a match. Do you think things are fine between them now?
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haha, this comment made me spit out my water. 😂😂 it's a long shot, but it's not out of the realm of possibility.
as to the first anon, yes, things are back to normal between aitana and misa, and they greeted each other after the last clĂ ssic. (the snub happened right in the middle of all the 'las 15' mess when emotions were even more heightened!)
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so theoretically if misa were to leave, i don't see many viable options to stay in liga f. atletí has lola gallardo. and barça is too crowded. so it's either stay with real madrid or go to levante. but given that levante is slashing the budget of its women's team, probably not.
it would be interesting to see how her skills would develop in a different league. her confidence took a hit post the japan loss at the world cup, and she needs a breakthrough to make it back to position #1 with the selection.
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yeah, i'm not an idiot. 😂 i'm quite versed in the transfer news going on in liga f. misa leaving is a long shot, but i think it would be better for her to leave that rotten, mismanaged club, especially if toril has renewed for a few more years.
as for salma, culers are the most critical fanbase of our own players. heck, culers even criticise alexia and aitana so literally no one is safe! it's the unfortunate side effect of such a passionate fanbase. and madridismo is the unifying factor that 99% of culers get annoyed by.
but i've seen mostly love and respect for cubarsĂ­ and yamal lamine among culers, who rightfully want to kick out sergi roberto and prop up our much better youth talent instead.
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acourtofthought · 1 year
Post for Elucien's Tired of the Wait 😂
SJM was contacted for three spin-off books around 2017/ 2018? and knew who the first two were about. She said she'd always wanted to write a spin-off for each of the sisters, had done research on Elain's book, and was debating on the third as it was between a few couples but spoke of possibly doing one prior to the events of ACOTAR.
What I imagine her order of books was:
1st - Nessian
2nd - Elucien
3rd - LoA & Helion? / Az? / Mor? / Miryam & Drakon?
Recently, she was contracted for four more books and spoke of how CC3 would set up future ACOTAR novels.
When she spoke of CC3 setting up future CC and ACOTAR books, I wonder if she was referring to the second round of novels she recently signed on for (but hadn't yet announced), that she realized she couldn't wrap up everything in CC and ACOTAR the way she initially planned or realized she had more to tell. Because if at one point she thought the third spin-off would be a book set in the past, that means at the time she probably planned on Elucien's book wrapping up current events.
3:32 - confirms that Prythian is the world the Asteri were kicked out of (and that we're told have been trying to find their way back to, in CC).
12:51 - if Bryce can enter their world from another world, who else can? This will be a concern for the IC.
15:27 - CC3 sets up for future ACOTAR and CC books.
I'll have to look for it but there is an interview where she says her original plan for the spin-offs did not change however the world expanded.
If Nessian and Elucien were always her initial plan, the ones she pitched to her editor in the infamous drunk lunch / dinner, than that could mean their stories were / are still on course as she intended. However, well into the creative process of HOSAB, she realized the world's could be connected (also in above interview) which seems to have led her to the idea that the Asteri might be trying to make their way back to Prythian and which could have birthed the idea of novels after Nessian and Elucien's story, and solidified what she wanted for the third book as well as any beyond that.
I think Elucien is connected to so many things that have been unresolved since ACOWAR and I think they will be the ones to handle most of them. But I do think SJM had to come up with something for Az and the rest of the IC to deal with on the side (once she realized the world's would cross) since Koschei, Spring, Day Court, etc. aren't things they'll be heavily involved in if it were handled in an Elucien novel. If Elucien's journey takes them away from Night Court, SJM had to start planting seeds for what the IC would be doing when it comes to the after effects of the crossover (and seeds for a Gwynriel endgame). The lead up to a possible war even greater than the threat of just Koschei / Beron and the Human Queens. A civil war is one thing (and something we already saw in ACOWAR so maybe Elucien's story will showcase their courtier abilities and prevent one from happening in the first place) but a war where a species from outer space tries to return to the land they were once banished from in order to rule over them all is a reason for everyone in the ACOTAR world to band together. SJM said she loves the Avengers moments, heros from other worlds coming together. I feel like that's what her plan is once the threat of Koschei is handled, Eris takes Berons place and Spring is back up and running. All storylines which are connected to Elain and Lucien.
And I do feel that while SJM is setting up the future of acotar in CC3 (since that's her MO, planting seeds books in advance), she can still take it back in time with the next ACOTAR book, maybe 2-3 months after the events of SF (something she also did in KoA after the events of ToD), in order to fill in the gaps of that time with Elucien's journey. Their defeat of Koschei, freeing Vassa, restoration of Spring, acceptance of their bond, etc. 6-9 months is a long time for nothing to be done in terms of Beron, Koschei, etc. especially when we were told in ACOFAS and ACOSF that these things were pressing issues (does it make any sense that Vassa would still be free after all that time? And if Koschei called her back, does it make sense for Jurian and Lucien to have just left her there for months without trying to save her? Or that we'd hear about Tamlin still not getting better for yet another extended period of time?). CC3 beginning with Elucien happily in Spring or Day (which would explain her absence though we wouldn't know that at the time) and those threats resolved makes a lot of sense to me. Otherwise the IC is not only going to be worrying about Bryce and interstellar threats but also, Koschei, the queens, Beron, Spring etc. since those have been a concern since, ACOWAR, the novella and SF.
Then Azriel's story can move forward immediately after Bryce leaves Prythian, with issues related to the Illyrians and the knowledge they now have in regards to others from the universe possibly entering their world.
People keep saying Elain is not connected to the current plot but that's completely false. The crossover isn't the current plot, it's simply SJM creating another plot in addition to the ones that already exist. The ones that Elucien are strongly connected to and have been around for multiple books.
I think the beginning of the interview is also important because SJM is giddy to finally share the crossover secret and it was a well kept secret. Who's to say she hasn't been keeping Elucien's book under wraps too and she'd be just as excited to finally announce them?
I know 99.9% of the fandom will vehemently disagree which means I stand a strong chance of being completely wrong. But, it makes logical sense in my head, so I'm rolling with it for now 😂
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headingalaxys-spicy · 1 year
I don't know if you've ever done it, but I'd like to see some headcanons for Alpha Alfred and a fem Omega 😳 it could be nsfw or fluffy, it's up to you! Thank you much <33
Me: *On my third cup off coffee* (pumpkin spice or caramel apple is involved)
Alfred: Don’t you think you should chill on the-
Me: Yeah not happening. Here just take this script of unbridled hornyness.
Happy Friday I hope y’all have fun. I’m finally able to write. I’m on my full ass nonsense. 😂
Viewer discretion advised because this is a partial spice post.
Alfred is lowkey obsessed with you and, to some degree, does control you, but nothing that is crazy extreme. Just in terms of where you can be and some of the things you wear (although the latter isn’t highly enforced only sometimes. I.E., you’ll have more dresses and skirts than you’d like, and he’d never let you go alone to a major metropolitan area. Too dangerous. Fem omegas of your stature are pretty, talented, and overall strength-wise extremely weak. You’d be kidnapped in a heartbeat.
He’s also kind enough to not have it be an enforced rule that you have to wear one of the numerous collars that he’s bought for you. Yes, a lot of those said collars are made out of diamonds, silk, velvet, and one with an enticing red ruby in the center. He despersatly wanted to buy you a collar that would tantalize you enough to wear one for him. Even with his baby blues begging you to wear one you’ve still refused.
In his mind: “I’m going to get you Y/N! You don’t know how adorable you’d look in one of these!” He will continue to pout about it for awhile and will playfully attack you with an intense tickle session.
His favorite thing to do to you is pounce on you. (Yes, it annoys you for a few reasons #1, he’s heavy, but also
) Just as you’re about to fall asleep on the couch, he will take this as the perfect time to strike. He wants the maximum shock value out of you. He curls himself around you like a large, warm duvet, and due to his muscles, he feels like a warm, heated & weighted blanket. Once you are in his grasp, he will throw himself off the couch and roll around on the carpet like a rolle polle bug. It’s a nerve-racking experience for 30-45 seconds while he shouts in your ear. (Talk about sensory overload.) You know he does this because he’s excited to see you and loves you. He also does it to get his scent all over you. You were taken, and that’s what he wanted to convey to anyone who interacted with you that you belonged to him. He does spray your clothes, by the way, with his special cologne.
He likes to sit next to you on the couch to whack you with his golden retriever tail. He thinks he’s funny, so he does try to beatbox, complete with thunderous clapping, leg slaps and Alfred even slaps your legs for added effect. You will yelp in pain because he isn’t exactly gentle when he does these things to you. You will have multiple red marks on your skin where he made multiple slaps on your leg while he created his mix tape. He will give you gentle, light butterfly kisses that make sparkles fly up to your gut. You blush. It will look as if a wildfire had swept across your face. He enjoys making you blush. It’s one of his favorite pastimes. His hands will move up your face and caress your cheeks for a few moments, drinking in your flustered face. He will then move to pinching your cheeks and trying to make you do silly faces. His favorite is trying to make loud whale noises
..(Think Dory from Finding Nemo doing her whale call.) You do kick him in the stomach to make him stop.
Whenever there is a storm outside, he likes to have the comfiest fluffy white rug with nice weighted throw blankets that can cool the two of you off if things get too heated. Speaking of things being heated
He liked to play the song “Lay it Down” by Steelix to start off the steamy session. You’ve become accustomed to this, and you mentally prepare for his aggressive attack on your body.
When you start he will remove your clothes to “Kiss me More” He will start by kissing your shins and move upwards to your thinly clothed sweet spot.
It’s a given that you’ll be cream-pied every time the two of you will make love. (It can’t be helped really since you belong to him and depending on the situation you can die if you go too many heats without being knotted in by him.)
It’s a given that you’re ALWAYS sore afterward you were sure it was because the size of his 8 Âœ cock and the speed in which he bulldozed into at the pace of “Touch my body” by Mariah Carrey, “Sugar” by Maroon 5, and “Sweet Spot” Kim Petras. As he rhythmically bangs you to the song that's playing, he’s in a state of pure bliss as his claws dig into your soft skin keeping you in place. He shows your pussy no mercy. Only when the music tempo slows so will he. As long as it’s upbeat and fast the pounding on your core will last.
You will feel relief when you heard the song “Slow it Down” by Kim Petras and his movements will soften. He will make slow love to you and try to harmonize his heartbeat with yours as his heated member began to get stuck in your heat and your slick walls began to close in on him. The base of his member swelled to twice his size to complete the knot inside of you. Now that he was fully erect and interconnected to you not a single drop of him would be wasted. You howl out in pleasure encouraging him to continue and proving him with a melody that is easier to listen too than the song that gently played in the room. His thrusts were sloppy and he was coated in sweat, tiny droplets of blood, and your juices.
Alfred is good with getting things done. You only had sex once and you were already showing signs that life was beginning to grow inside of you. He will be overjoyed and spin you in the air. He will smile and smirk at you while his tail is whipping at you with glee. His dick rushed upwards towards the sky causing the buldge in his jeans to become large and senstive.
“Ready to go again?” He kisses your cheek softly to coax you to say yes and sing his name.
“Y/N, Y/N come on you know you want to~” He will lick your cheek and rub his budding heat aganist your entrance, which will only be there for a few more seconds more before he rips it off your body.
From there Alfred will proceed to leave his mating mark on the right side of your collarbone. Mind you this will hurt like hell for a few hours once he sinks his canines into you. Once he does this a lot of your body will be inflamed so he will do his best to maintain a slow and steady pace as not to injure you or give you a long lasting rash in between your thighs due to all the heat, sweat, and friction.
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bi-kingdom · 5 months
Secret Liasons - Maria Hill x OC
A/N: do you ever go through your drafts and realize past you never posted a whole freaking fanfic idea??? Like, even the tags were added?? I just had it sitting there...there's like 2 or 3 posts even 😂
Warnings: mainly fluff
I've been developing the Avengers initiative for over 5 years now, working as a tech developer. But its a little open ended. I've worked on coding programs, delved into physical engineering, and designed prototypes for numerous weapon designs - it's never a one role place. Erik Selvig had even let me assist him with his Tesseract setup in the lowest levels of the facility.
I never wanted to do much but I found myself rising through the ranks until I'd managed to get my hands on my own lab and freedom to develop at my own pace. So long as the higher ups knew I was working on something.
Those higher ups being, Nick Fury, and one step below him, Maria Hill. She'd been my main manager these past 2 years, and to my annoyance, the most invested in my work. Fury I could handle, the man wanted a new QuinJet draft, fine. Here's a draft, and a little red ink later we've got another. But Hill?
She's more thorough than him, more involved. And you'd think all this time spent together would make me dislike her - and I did - for the first couple months. But there was something about her that grew on me, whether it was her fascination in a project of mine or the sheer amount of boss lady energy she radiated. I couldn't deny the blush on my cheeks when she came in for her weekly progress checks.
From then on it was just a freaking free for all, a damn snowball effect. She comes in with absolutely no idea of her effect on me, making notes on my blueprints and assessing a new prototype.
The base evacuation is bittersweet and I hurriedly shove computer hardware into secure lock boxes for transport, but I know that on the other side of this we are moving to the SHIELD Helicarrier. I'd had minimal input with that build, having only been part of the team working on solutions for solving energy output needs and reviewing the ship's cloaking devices. I didn't want to leave this lab, but even in the midst of a full meltdown evac, I'm eager to see the final product up and running.
I must be among the last of us to evacuate to the tunnels leading to the underground exits, one of the vehicles loaded up with my gear as I gesture for the guards to go ahead with it. I'm right behind them. But gunshots ring in these tunnels and I duck behind a pillar as a truck takes off, an odd man with a staff following behind. Hill chasing after them.
The foundation shakes, knocking dust from the concrete overhead. I jump into a remaining jeep and take off into the fray, my heart racing as the tunnels are filled with others fleeing the facility. Eventually I can see two vehicles ahead of me. Agent Hill in her stand-off with the man from before. I can see light ahead, the light at the end of the tunnel. But the foundation gives way behind me and the dust is like rain overhead. I hit the brake as a boulder sized piece of the foundation comes down onto the engine, my arms covering my head as I lay on the seat, my eyes shut to avoid the dust flying about.
I'm not sure how long I wait before I attempt to move. Pinned to the seat, I kick the door over and over with my foot until the door gives way and I can finally slide out of the jeep. I see a slab of the foundation laying over top of the vehicle, the lights flickering nauseatingly and illuminating my near cause of death menacingly. My only saving grace was where the bed of the truck and the top of the engine held up. The frame of the truck is flattened, the tires shoved under the wheel wells. I was that close - that close to being crushed to death.
I cough in the midst of all the dust, waving away at the air. As I recover, the stone leading towards the exit starts to shift. I crouch against the jeep, my heart hammering against my chest.
But to my relief, I see Hill sliding through a crevice, pushing debris out of her way.
"Holy shit I thought there was an aftershock." I huff, coughing as I continue to taste dust in the air.
"How the hell did you make it out alive?" She says once she's finally through.
"Well I'm technically not out yet." I correct, nodding to the caved in tunnel we're in. "And even then, I almost didn't." Hill assesses the jeep, shaking her head.
"You've got a good kick." She compliments, looking at the dent in the door. I smile at her, running my fingers through my hair as I release it from its bun. There's no need for professionalism right now.
Hill extends her hand to me and helps me up, eyeing the path that leads further into the tunnels. She tries finding a loose bit of stone but shakes her head as nothing gives way.
"We'll have to send in rescue teams, try to get all this stone out." I nod, steadying myself against some concrete. She tilts my head up and I hope to god it's dim enough to hide my blush. She touches a spot on my head, her fingers coming back darker than before.
"And get you patched up." She huffs, leading me out of the tunnels.
On the outside, there's a whole mob of SHIELD Agents rallying around to find survivors. A few paramedics rush over to Hill and I and set to work cleaning us up. I end up with a bit of gauze taped to my forehead and some large bruising but other than that I'm one of the lucky ones that didn't get crushed by the collapse.
I'm deemed fit to transport to the Helicarrier, Hill included on board as the recovery efforts get underway below. She sits beside me, leaning forward and staring at the floor of the Helicopter. I nudge her knee with my own in this cramped space. She tilts her head to me.
"Who was that man?" I mutter, my throat still dry from inhaling the air in the collapse.
"Fury didn't say. But it's safe to say that we're at war." She continues to stare at the floor, leaving me wondering what might be going through that battered brain of her's.
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shallowseeker · 1 year
Fascinating analysis regarding Dean’s grief. I hadn’t considered the fact that Sam is our only other main character onscreen during the beginning of the episode - so naturally any reaction about Cas, Dean would be experiencing would tend to be more subdued due to his caretaker mode (can’t let the children see you’re falling apart!). So if we could have had a little bit better finale with more people in it - the glimpse that Dean was still struggling could’ve been conveyed easier with a Jody or Claire or Eileen around (whats with these Winchesters surrounding themselves around kick ass ladies? 😂)
I really like the idea that Dean was forced to subdue himself though simply because we only see his interactions with Sam and aren’t privy to how everyone else he knows observes him.
Yeah, I've really come around to The Sam Effect(TM) on mourning. I credit it to a lot of @scoobydoodean's meta TBH.
That's not to say Sam isn't trying. He is.
He's cooking breakfast! He seems to be making his own attempts at caretaking!
He's carrying out his daily routines! Running! Taking in the fresh Lebanon air...
He's...bringing up Cas and Jack mid-pie festival (a very poor choice for those of us reserved grievers because it's bringing it up in public).
Meanwhile, Dean.
I think you're right that Dean would be different with Jody (she's lost her partner and child). And Donna is so non-judgmental and comfortable, you know?
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justanamesstuff · 1 year
I don't know how you're feeling about Matty rn so if you want ignore this
but this video https://twitter.com/trumanblackblog/status/1672966887527923712?t=PhhzYw4qFMjgfepFdbrlHA&s=19 is doing something to me and I can't stop thinking about some husband!matty like maybe they're in some trip ou a honeymoon (all I need verse maybe?)
Hellooo, I'm getting upset because i'm reading a lot of fans being really hurt by him and it suckss
i think we all need a distraction too!! and hate him a little but husband is looking so good during golden hour đŸ˜©
If I'm honest, I haven't thought about their honeymoon...i was writing the proposal and wedding, someday when uni let me breathe I'll post it. ANYWAY.....
First, I believe both of them would be so upset leaving the kids at home (picture that baba 3 is 1 year old, Arthur is 5 and Mel is 7...they're all babies). So, i can see Grace, Denise, and even George kicking them out of the house 😂😂
About the honeymoon, I imagine them choosing somewhere warm. Probably Greece or Italy during the spring/summer (around that time they get married). They rent a typical house not too far from a small town, but far enough to be alone 😏😏
I can see a lot of sleeping late, laying under the sun, having sex in every single corner of the house or even the beach they can...drinking sweet wine and enjoying their time together. Also, exploring the little town...walking around fairs of artisans and little shops, Matty wanting to buy EVERYTHING that reminds him of the kids and reader like we have only two suitcases and they're spoiled enough already (lol).
A LOT OF FACETIMING WITH THE BABAS...because they love their children so much!!
But what the video brings to my mind is this scene of them:
It's late in the evening, they're in the patio of the house where they can sit and admire the view. The mountains mixed with the sea view, a wonderful view that captivates Y/n's eyes. Although, Matty's view is other: his beautiful wife.
He admires how the golden light rays illuminate her factions. She has a glass of wine, sipping from time to time. Matty is seated not too far from her on a steel chair, staring at her with his head titled to a side. He sights loud, gaining her attention.
Matty smiles at her and says nothing.
"Baby?" Y/n inists.
Matty leans forward, touching the side of her face. "I love you."
"Aww, baby..." Y/n whispers before kissing him. The mix of wine, cheese and her makes everything better.
Y/n moves backwards, admiring how the sun lighten the colour of his eyes, makes them look ethereal. His stubble is showing even more, and she has to bite her lower lip to repress saying what she wants.
"My wife?" he asks, mocking her a little because he notices the effect he has over her body and loves it. He touches her neck softly, making her shiver. "Something inside your mind you want to share with your dear husband?"
Y/n moan, feeling his fingers trail around the column of her neck.
"Mrs. Healy?"
"Why?" Matty approaches his mouth to kiss her skin, she gives him more access, moving her head to the side. "I'm not doing anything...you don't want, right?"
"Baby, please."
"Aren't you a needy thing, my sweet wife? Haven't I fucked you like an hour ago?"
"Yes, my love..."
"Please." she tries again.
Matty smirks wide, standing up, making Y/n open her eyes wide feeling he's going to leave her horny out there. Even though he extends his hand for her. Y/n doesn't hesitate and let him drag her to their bedroom.
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morganaseren · 1 year
kicks down your door. have you considered niamh/bethany/leliana before, and if not, what is a poly ship that you think would be more effective/you like better, if you're so inclined
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Friend, you are now going to take responsibility for all my rambling because now the plot bunnies won't stop with this idea. Okay? Okay! 😂 Everything shall be below the cut because of the length.
So there is a bit of an age difference between the three of them. I'm going to use their Inquisition ages here per my fic because I'm so used to writing their characterizations from that time period. That means Leliana is 37 (or roughly around that age, depending on how you want to interpret the source material), Niamh is 33, and Bethany is canonically 30 by then.
I'll preface this all by saying that I think they would work well together in an AU because so much of DA's canon world state surrounds Niamh and Bethany in such doom and gloom (both the Cousland background and the fate of the Hawkes are just so tragic), and I actually want them to be happy without having them wallow too much in that.
Having said that, you won't see the usual prejudices depicted in the games, especially in regards to mages. Circles exist only in the sense that they're schools of magic with students who can freely come and go within them. Thus, Niamh's and Bethany's respective positions in the world of Thedas would be nearly as prominent as Leliana's own status as Left Hand of Divine Justinia.
Considering Leliana's reputation, everyone outside her personal circle would assume the Knight-Enchanter and Necromancer she's in a polyamorous relationship with must be absolutely intimidating.
In reality, they're like the nicest women you could ever meet.
I've always viewed the Knight-Enchanter class to be something like a doctor in our world albeit on a completely different level. I mean, they literally have the power to resurrect people and help regrow lost limbs, and that's on top of already being able to conjure a sword made completely of magic! How mindblowing is that?!
But with any doctor comes the aspect of patient care obviously, and considering the headcanons I have of Bethany in OtSttCA taking in a lot of abandoned mage children during the Templar-Mage war, I imagine she'd be the head healer of a charitable clinic, who specializes with younger patients dealing with chronic illnesses.
That's the sweet, nurturing part of her, but anyone who has ever played the Knight-Enchanter class know all too well just how tanky these mages are. Like, holy shit, do you realize how much damage a solo Knight-Enchanter can take against a High Dragon in Nightmare mode?? Absolutely stunning! And now because of you, dear Jelly-friend, I now envision Bethany conjuring a magical battleaxe instead of the typical magical sword. It's badass, and I love that for her!
I mentioned Leliana is also dating a Necromancer, so, yes, Niamh's canonically a Necromancer in Inquisition. Outside the game, it's honestly because I already played a Knight-Enchanter before and wanted to try something different. In-game logic though? Some aspects of the Necromancer class reminded Niamh of Morrigan, and she chose it as a way to honor one of her first and truest friends outside of the Circle.
Plus, Niamh's fascinated by the metaphysical aspect regarding the class, especially when you add spirits into the mix. Beyond that though, Niamh is just an absolute nerd. Like, she greatly enjoys learning just for the sake of learning, so despite being one of the most respected figures in the magical house of dark arts, Niamh's just an absolute cinnamon roll. She'd rather talk your ear off about her work rather than resort to violence most of the time. Like with her elemental magic though, she tends to use her powers of necromancy in rather innovative ways, which has earned her some measure of fame.
For instance, there's a vase of Andraste's Grace that Leliana always keeps on her desk. Most assume that she regularly changes out the flowers within them, but no. They're actually the same flowers she's kept for years, and they were originally gifted to her by Niamh. She somehow managed to use her abilities to encapsulate the very energy inside the flowers and have it cycle in a near endless loop to keep them looking as lively as the day she first picked them.
Niamh was very proud of herself when she figured out how to do it. 😄
Keeping with that arcane user reputation of hers though, Niamh also learned shape-shifting from Morrigan—mostly because I think it would be hilarious if Cassandra or some other Chantry official would try to rouse Leliana for some incident that could just as easily be dealt with tomorrow only to find this large, black wolf sitting directly in front of the door regarding them with an air of utter disapproval.
When the Chantry officials are being particularly obstinate though, Bethany even joins Niamh by camping out in front of Leliana's door to further bar them from disturbing Leliana from her much-needed rest (that Bethany firmly insisted on and Leliana only somewhat begrudgingly agreed to after certain favors were promised in return for her obedience in the matter... 😏).
"The Left Hand has spent nearly the past fortnight ensuring enemies of the Divine were apprehended by her network if not outright routed into the Chantry's respective military forces," Bethany begins while not bothering to look up from where she's reading updates regarding her various patients. "Unless Her Holiness desires her presence herself, then I will trust you're all capable of dealing with a situation that is hardly between life and death." She barely smothers a smile when she hears an audible huff of incredulity from the wolf she's leaning against, gently ribbing Niamh in half-hearted reprimand. "Good day to you all."
But, yeah, despite being the youngest of the bunch, Bethany's usually the one making sure no one overworks themselves too much; that caring healer trait of hers doesn't always leave once she's done with her patients in the clinic. 😂 Niamh would absolutely forget to eat and just stay in her personal office for hours on end to write new academic dissertations while Leliana would be lost in the endless mindset of "Just one more report to read!" or "Just one more situation to deal with!"
Of course, while Niamh and Bethany are seen as outwardly sweet women, they can still utterly devastate their enemies with their respective magic. In that same sense, Leliana is often regarded as a rather terrifying woman, who casts a shadow across all Thedas with the reach of her spy network, but with her lovers, she's as gentle and loving as can be. đŸ„°
But to answer your other question, I think one other poly pairing that I'll probably have to write about at some point would be Isabela/Hawke/Merrill.
Honestly, there's a lot of women in the DA series that I would like to write about more such as Anora or Shianni, but I don't know in what context yet. 👀
Thanks for sending this in, friend! This was fun to think about!
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hughungrybear · 1 year
Me watching Laws of Attraction Ep. 5:
1. After two days of not being able to watch, I can finally sit back and continue this series 😭😭😭😭 Starting with Charn accusing the friendly neighbours as traitors (specifically, the brave lady from previous episode, Nam). I don't buy this. I still maintain that Charn's assistant (Wit) is highly sus.
2. Oh, wait. So, Nam DID sold Tin out??? I still have a hard time believing it. I think she's telling the truth about trying to set the reporter straight (which, unfortunately backfired). But I don't think she's the one who reveal all of Charn's cards to Thattep.
3. Charn, you and Tin just reconciled. Don't mess things up.
4. OMG. Tonkhao's bestie is also using the doll in public 😭😭😭 I hope Thattep does not find her (and the doll) first.
5. Grandma still captaining the ship, apparently 😅 Sidenote, I don't think I like this transition. We just saw Tin and Charn arguing about each other beliefs and morals, next thing we see Charn is in Tin's bedroom with an almost naked and newly bathe Tin. From a plot's perspective, it doesn't make much sense that they (especially Tin) are more than okay with each other's company (and flirting) again. 😑 Don't get me wrong, the scenes are cute. It's just that I think the timing (or editing) is wrong.
7. Charn is, opportunistic, to put it nicely. He just needs to channel that talent into good use. However, his cynicism is hindering him from looking at things from a (morally) positive angle.
8. I have said this from the very first episode: GIVE US CHARN'S FULL BACKSTORY, GAWD DAMMIT. I am this close đŸ€ to googling spoilers 😭😭😭
9. Ms Club Owner and the gorgeous Silvy (in hot pink) side-eyeing Charn throughout the whole phone conversation is 😂😂😂 Also, Charn called Ms Club Owner, "auntie". Is he really her nephew? Because y'know, us Asians can call any female "auntie" (even complete strangers) without batting an eyelash 😂😂😂
10. Noooo, Charn. Don't leave Tonkhao's things in the open like that with Wit. 😭😭😭
11. Wit asking questions about the doll just heightens my suspicions towards him. So, yeah Charn, take your own advice and don't trust anyone, especially Wit.
12. I feel bad for Chai. I mean, wasn't it enough that they made him a fallguy? He needed to be killed too? The fvck. Also, the calculated way that Charn sacrificed this man's life to draw out the mole is every bit disgusting.
13. Thattep's reasoning. I cannot. đŸ€ŻđŸ€ŻđŸ€ŻđŸ€Ż What a sh*tty father. So, the reason why his own son is his first choice to be the fallguy is because it is a given that he will get away with it (just a probation, guys. No biggie /s)? He would rather have his son wrongfully labeled as criminal to what end???
14. Tanthai getting gaslit and made to believe that he caused two innocent people killed should be the bodyguard's cue to switch sides and tell the truth to protect his young master.
15. I KNEW IT. Then again, the series made it obvious that Wit cannot be trusted. Okay, I did not anticipate the gun(s), the action scenes, or that office fire/explosion that followed. Still, 😂😂😂😂
16. Not sure why the office exploded, honestly. I get it is for dramatic effect (and ensures that Wit is truly dead). But then again, from a realistic point of view, that sh*t shouldn't have happened unless Charn was keeping something that is highly explosive in HIS LAW OFFICE.
17. Grandma has a glow-up courtesy of Silvy (Maya) in a gorgeous 1920s-inspired fit. At this point, I seriously should start a Silvy fan club lol.
17. After the night's excitement, forgive me if I'm eyerolling Tin's highly questionable timing to flirt with Charn. 🙄🙄🙄
18. Mr. Bodyguard, sir, get an effing clue. At this point, I will not be surprised if Tanthai tries to un-alive himself.
19. Grandma being supportive of TinCharn's happiness is đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„ș
20. Charn sleeps exactly like my two-year old nephew, right to the part of kicking anybody who shares the bed 😂😂😂😂 His parents learnt to sleep the very edge of the bed - sideways lol
21. Hold up. I think Wit is already effed up in the head, even without Charn's influence. He just got emboldened by Charn's very lax and questionable take on justice.
22. Wait, did Tonkhao's bestie moved to the town where Charn's traumatic past happened??? <after five seconds> Yep, there it is. Also, did the government has something to do with Charn's mum's death???
23. Charn's disgusting morals rears its ugly head again. Seriously, I wanted Ms Club Owner to slap him hard so he can get back to his senses.
It's official. I am having a love-hate fascination with Charn. He is so desperate to play an anti-hero that is almost pathetic, not to mention downright depressing. Will I get to finally see Charn's backstory in the next episode? I really hope so.
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jeanmoreaux · 2 years
Hi friend!! Hope you’re not annoyed yet getting asks about sab đŸ€Ł
But something has been chugging my brain lately and it’s the hallucination scenes in the show
While it was a lovely kanej scene we got—-to me, if I was really gonna go all out as a writer making the screenplay for this show (let me imagine shhhh) I do think it would be more accurate (and yes depressing) to have Inej hallucinate about her family :< or her worst memory being taken from them or from her days at the Menagerie (brutal I know but
Inej has such a deep backstory and I feel they’ve only lightly skimmed the surface so shallowly too) . Punch the audience in the face!! These characters are wholly unique as individuals and even better together PLEASE
That’s all and I totally agree with your comments saying this whole shebang was some skimmed milk version of
not even real milk. Just a faker milk 😂😂😂
i am not annoyed at all i am so happy people are sharing their thoughts and impressions with me!! what you're saying about the hallucination sequence OMG OMG OMG L I T E R A L L Y what i have been thinking. like, the entire hallucination plot was basically just a means to give us some kanej content instead of fleshing out a character with such a complex backstory!!! just proves what i have been saying over an over again: THEY FOCUSED ON PANDERING WHEN THEY SHOULD HAVE FOCUSED ON CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!! they literally sacrificed an opportunity for character work for the sake of fanservice. it's so frustrating and tbh a stellar example of the many things wrong with this season. how can you have someone like inej and NOT explore her character to its fullest???????? explain me that. the writers are acting like kaz is the only character effected by trauma in the kanej dynamic (frankly even in the crows' group dynamic but that's besides the point here) when inej has gone through so much that's still eating at her as well. she has her own baggage to deal and cope with. that's also WHY she is so adamant about kaz getting his shit together first which adds such another layer to their dynamic. a layer that the writers simply choose to ignore. it's like the writers are afraid to explore meaningful themes like how surviving sexual assault influences your life and your relationships. do they think it takes from kanej??? or makes inej any less of a strong female character? which would be stupid bc, for me, her fighting prowess and knife skills were always the least impressive thing about her. but then again they let alina keep her powers so, you know, i don't think these people are yet ready to fathom what makes female characters strong besides kicking ass in a physical fight.
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hoghtastic · 1 year
“although I would believe new, interesting content should be better than old one? 😅 But maybe that’s why she’s following more influencers
 to take notes on what to wear and post
I really feel like this feeds even more into the theory that they read this blog RELIGIOUSLY. We were just talking about all the posts she “deleted” (archived for future attention) to make it seem like she’s more “cute and innocent” than she is. Then she unarchived them, but still only ones that made her look “cute and innocent” and some “sexy” (đŸ€ź) ones. (She also unarchived one where she “broke her toe” while working for that little extra sympathy kick) But then there are some subtlety showing that we were right in all our speculations of them being together longer than they say (posting the Paris photo and unarchived the ones she knew he interacted with “before they met”) also the ones that show her being a true priss, and someone who is very self centered. (“Couldn’t choose so now you just get it all” which is a caption under a post she unarchived that Alex didn’t like😂) and (“it’s nice to have friends who make you laugh at rubbish when you’ve been nothing but pissed all night”) like yeah no babe, it’s not cute to have a nasty attitude. She did it because like the other anon said, she knows people will look at it even though they aren’t a fan of her and are only there for Alex. She read about our speculations of everything and gave us proof!? (which was really fucking stupid on her part) she got the response she wanted but didn’t think about the effects after. (Or maybe she did?) She just showed everybody who she really is and that Alex knows as well. So if she does down, HĂžgh and his whole “brand” goes down with her unfortunately. So sorry Alex, should have listened to people when you had the chance. đŸ€Šâ€â™€ïž The bitch has probably been planning this out since day UNO❗
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this, anon. 😊 Whatever her reasons were, I believe she might have had a motive to unarchive those posts... she wouldn't have done it just because, so I agree that maybe she wanted to appear more interesting to new potential followers, or even to show/prove something.
One thing I noticed is that in many of these posts, she's in fact wearing the "neutral" color palette we've said she adopted after being together with Alex, so maybe she wanted to prove our assumptions wrong. However, it's plain to see that her style used to lean more towards "party girl" than sporty/casual, so our assumptions remain correct, in my opinion.
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its-sir-actually · 2 years
Hey! Hey you! It is another Monday and this is another Monday motivation! đŸŽ¶đŸŽ¶
Moooondayyyy mooootivaaationnnn đŸŽ¶đŸŽ¶ ‹Please tell me you just read that as like a radio jingle? If not
 go back to that sentence and just imagine it. 😂
I’m struggling to pick a theme for this Monday Motivation. I’m feeling drained and restless at the same time, which is perhaps exactly the reason for the struggle. Stick with me here.
Firstly, look at you! You made it through another week, you made it through the final US GP of the 2022 season. Praise yourself for that! For the week, not necessarily the GP. I’m hoping last week was kind, that you got to experience more highs than lows (but know that every low eventually will lead to a high) and that you got to make a positive memory!
Then, Midnights by Taylor Swift was released last Friday and I just have to know something: have you listened to it yet? Did something jump out at you? The whole reason I’m asking this is not just because I’m a Swiftie and I enjoyed the album but because a certain lyric was a beautiful addition to my last Monday Motivation: “Breathe in, breathe through, breathe deep, breathe out.” Just adding it again as a small reminder. Breathing comes so natural we sometimes forget the powerful effect it can have on our emotions.
Lastly, I’m subscribed to a newsletter that drops some motivation in my mailbox every once in a while. And this time
 I think it set the tone for the coming week for me. Here is an excerpt:
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My love, you gorgeous creation of stardust, I hope this week treats you kindly. I hope you remember that you are stronger than you think, that you are loved and that without you the world would lose a brightly shining star.
All the love,
Babette 🧡✹
Hey Babette 💗
I couldn't tell you why but I read the Monday motivation jingle in the melody of smooth operator but i can report back that it works
I am most definitely proud of myself for getting through that US GP alone 😂 it was filled with very many highs and lows. It felt good to be nervous and excited about f1 again which I only feel when Lewis or Seb are fighting for a podium/win
On a more real note I've actually had a very good week, my sister who lives abroad came home for a week so getting to see her was lovely, she's pregnant so I got to feel my niece kicking 💕 and I threw her a baby shower which was stressful to organise but ran smoothly and I think everyone enjoyed themselves
I haven't listened to Taylor's new album, I'm not a Swiftie, I'm also not a person who tends to listen to whole albums I just hear the singles on the radio. I do enjoy the music I have heard of hers and appreciate her talent for writing though
I hope you have a wonderful week Babette 💖
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