#i think its time for tomura masterlist im having ideas with this stupid guy
cashmoneyyysstuff · 16 days
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tomura follows you around everywhere. it’s a bit suffocating but it’s endearing cus it’s him y’know ?
he’s clingy, a bit overprotective and to top it all off he’s a loser with no friends, so he has like—no choice but to be by you all of the time constantly everywhere. his logic, not yours.
but it’s a bit much at times. you’re used to it by now but from an outsiders point of view it could look a little freaky because there is practically no space between you at all. he’s always sorta roaming behind you just looking around while you do your thing, he looks spaced out most of time except when you ask him something and his eyes immediately zip over to answer you.
he’s almost completely pressed to your back, his hands are always fiddling with something on you, your hair, the back of your shirt, your pant pockets. anything and everything in his reach will be pulled and prodded to keep himself busy. he’ll tug at your shirt a little harder to signal he’s bored and will tell you so, whining n telling you to “hurry up.”
“i want to leave, this place stinks.” he mumbles, lips close to your ears, his hair tickles and you shrug your shoulders at the ticklish feeling. you turn to look at his slightly furrowed brows, irritation very present in his features. you boop his nose “be patient, i’m almost done.” you tease. you hear him grumble behind you, going back to tugging at your clothes and wrinkling them “patient, patient. i’ve been plenty damn patient. said you were almost done ten minutes ago..”
if you want to go the kitchen he’s stalking over to where you are, if you leave the room for a few seconds you can’t turn your back for a millisecond before he materializes behind you, it scares you every time and he laughs about making you jump every time. he’s annoyingly sneaky.
this man has absolutely no shame to me, he will absolutely just stay by the door while you pee. like he could be telling you about how one of his teammates fucked up one of his games while you walk around doing your own thing. but then when you get to the bathroom you tell him to wait a sec and when you reach for the door he stops you, looking just as confused as you. “i’m not done.” he says, raising a brow. and no matter how incredulously you stare he is hellbent on finishing his damn story even while you’re sitting on the loo. even has the nerve to go “you done ?” when he finishes lol
loosely based on @moodyvoid s lil post about shigaraki that i want to tattoo onto my skin
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 16 days
also also also tomura almost always eats food that you’ve eaten. like you have to eat it first then he’ll eat it. like you have to try it for him except its your own food he will not touch his plate unless you order him too😭😭
he goes “lemme have a bite” the moment your spoon makes contact with your lips, and when you do he nods, grunts. then asks for some more. and when you say no he’ll scoff, does he really have to do everything around here ?
so he grabs his own spoon and starts scooping up your food. “tomu—eat your own !” you scold, popping is hand and he immediately flies back like you’d punched him “what the hell was that for ?!” he grumbles. “eat your own. it’s the exact same as mine” you insist, huffing.
you’re obviously a little stupid cus of course it’s not the same. you ate yours, that’s the difference, and he wants yours. so he’ll get yours. so when you’re looking away he’ll sneakily steal bites of your food. but then he gets annoyed about sneaking around and just starts taking from your plate again, you can only sigh in frustration as he keeps munching away.
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