#i think its one of the reasons that show hob is much more likable than comics hob
wizardofgoodfortune · 2 years
sometimes i think about 1989 hob gadling and how he was stone-faced and drinking himself to death the whole day while waiting. and how he smiled when he talked to the bartender and said "I think I've been stood up."
then there's 1889 hob gadling and how he smiled while saying "Not me though. Still the same as ever." and his pained inhale after dream acknowledged him changing (for the better). and how he smiled (again) while saying "[...] Doesn't seem to stop me from making them."
then 1789 hob gadling, being told off by dream about his stupid ass shipping business. he changes the subject to king lear and smiles (condescendingly) about how they changed the ending. he smiles about will shakespeare.
1689 hob is self-explanatory.
then 1589 hob gadling where dream leaves the table for shakespeare. he smiles then says "Everything to live for. And nowhere to go but up."
(not much about 1489 hob smiling through the pain, but i also think about him saying "[Printing is hard work] but it beats the hell out of rotting to maggots in the ground, eh?" and smiling. 1489 hob is so precious.)
then of course. 1389. he's experienced the worst of death in his time. but he's laughing and drinking with his friends, he's calling death stupid, etc
like 'this Thing is painful but idk how to deal with it except to smile. that's a good first step. that'll make me feel better right? that'll make it easier to move on?' and by god, he moves on. he carries it all with him, but he moves on.
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