#i think its hilarious that jean perpetuates the nickname Bing for him
itstheheebiejeebies · 7 months
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I know not everyone can read cursive or type on screen very easily so I'm gonna do my best to transcribe Jean's letter to Crosby from e6
Top right says "Chicago" and then the letter goes
"My most darling beloved Bing,
I wanted to write to wish you luck on the course! I thought I would surprise you with a letter. I've guessed your address at Oxford but have sent it early so hopefully it will reach you. I do hope you manage to get some rest and perhaps even to enjoy yourself! You really have deserved* a break and it will be wonderful to meet so many new people.
Yes my clever, wise beloved, you are right. I would like to see more of Margaret than I do. I did manage to spend some time catching up this week."
Bottom of the Second page
"With* my deepest love
Mrs. Jean Crosby
PS. Say 'Hi' to Bubbles for me!"
*not sure of, but seems like the word there
Full episode caps are in a ZIP file which can be found here
If you would like to be tagged when I post them or have a scene or character you’d like to see screencaps of send me an ask. If you use them you don’t have to credit me but it would be nice if you could tag me so I can see what you did with them. all of my edits and screencaps can be found here
Taglist: @bcofl0ve @montied
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