#i think it's largely due to a sudden change in body temperature
bitch-for-a-rainbow · 8 months
Zor-El's Return
Personally, I found Zor-El's acclimation to Earth a little unsatisfying, so here's a fic that's been sitting in my drafts for over a year.
The first thing Zor-El notices about this planet is that it is bright. Kara blinks in the sudden sunlight as well, so he brushes it off as just another change from the phantom zone. Zor-El has been to planets with different colored suns before: red, blue, and once, briefly, a planet orbiting a yellow sun. That planet had been so far from its star that there’d been no effects on his body (He’d also never gotten direct sunlight due to the need for constant atmospheric and temperature control.) In any case, his previous experience has yet to get rid of the wrongness he feels when he looks out on a planet without a red star. The sky is a color he thinks must be blue, but it’s so bright, so saturated, it hurts to look at. Kara has no trouble. She looks straight up into that blinding sky and beams.
The planet smells weird too. Slightly burnt. And tangy in a way that makes his nose itch. Kara inhales deeply, like there’s not enough air in the world to fill her lungs. Zor-El thinks this might have been justified because she’s just begun to exhale when the one with red hair— Alex, he remembers— starts pulling her inside to something called a sunbed. It restores her powers and helps her heal, the girl in the strange white and— blue?— jumpsuit explains. She says her name is Nia. He asks if he’s supposed to go to the sunbed too. Nia shrugs. Alex said that would be a bad idea— and she’s usually right about this stuff. A large man with dark skin and eyes a little more calculating than Zor-El is entirely comfortable with, explains further. Your powers can be disorienting. Kara has experience, so we can afford to recharge her quickly. It’s safer for you and for us if we let this go slowly. Over the next hour or so, Nia explains the powers he is to develop. Kara had given him a brief description in the Phantom Zone but had included none of the dramatic anecdotes of her heroic— or not so heroic feats. Zor-El supposes that using heat vision to crisp meat is as valid a use as any. He does have to ask for clarification as to what, exactly, a “turkey” is. Nia pulls up a photo on some device she was keeping in her back pocket. Zor-El thinks he preferred Earth before he learned about the turkey.
… His powers come in gradually— until they don’t. He can manage the slowly increasing strength with some concentration, but there is nothing he can do when Nia calls out, and he looks up to respond, and suddenly he’s looking at the inside of her skull. Zor-El yells, and others come into the room. He doesn’t know who they are— can’t identify them from their masses of bone and twisting ligaments. He tries to cover his eyes but the only thing telling him his hands are pressed against his face is the feeling of his nails digging into his forehead. He falls to his knees, and the floor cracks beneath him.  Someone is giving orders— a woman, her voice quiet but sharp— and then something heavy— something that would have been heavy an hour ago— drops over his head and shoulders. 
He can’t see. Zor-El is shaking— he knows he’s shaking, and his breaths are ragged. He doesn’t dare to take his hands away from his eyes or to shift the blanket that hangs over his body. The woman is talking to him now, voice much more gentle than it had been a minute ago. It’s alright, she says. It’s alright. 
That was your X-Ray vision. The blanket over you is lead-lined, so you can’t see through it. We’ve got some glasses that are like it. You can put them on when you feel up to it. Zor-El means to say he’s fine, that he’s going to take off the blanket, and to please hand him the glasses. But all that comes out of his mouth is a strangled grunt, which the woman seems to understand just as well. J’onn is getting them. We’ll just keep the blanket on for a little longer.  You’re doing good, she says. You’re doing so well. 
She keeps murmuring to him until heavy footfalls sound at the edge of the blanket, and they pull it off. He doesn’t have time to see their skinless bodies before a pair of slightly too small glasses are squished onto his face. He blinks, and Alex Danvers is peering down at him with more tenderness than he’s ever seen her give. I’m okay, he pants out. I’m okay. She nods, and the moment is gone. 
The noise doesn’t come as suddenly. It grows slowly, a building pulse in his ears that makes his teeth rattle. A vehicle crashes somewhere 4 streets over, and Zor-El puts his hand through a desk. J’onn and Alex glance at him but say nothing. Nia looks concerned. A man they all call Brainy remarks on needing to build tables out of a stronger alloy with all the “peoples of enhanced strength” around, and a woman over by the computers, he does not know her name— they have not been introduced— eyes him as he tries to stand the table back up. She has a strange look in her eyes, one he doesn’t understand. It makes his skin crawl.  … Earth is loud, harsh, and abrasive. The sounds dig at his ears, and every color seems to grate at his eyes. 
He tries to imagine being a child here.  He prays to Rao for forgiveness.  … Kara tells him of her failure to raise Kal-El. He does not forgive her for this. How could he ever have blamed her at all?
Sometimes, silently, he is glad of Kara’s delay. Glad that she had landed with her cousin already grown. Zor-El does not know these people who took in his nephew, these Kents. They’re good people, Kara had said, a never-ending refrain. They’re good people. He wonders if they would have been quite so willing to take in— to protect— the baby, if his daughter had been with it. His daughter and her more obvious… differences. 
He wonders why they didn’t take her in when she arrived. Martha was old, Kara says. And Jonathan dead. Besides, I came with unusual challenges.  … In the phantom zone, he had shrugged it off. Children do grow up, after all, and that place, it… changes people. 
But he knew it was more than that. 
He remembers his Kara. His Kara would flit about the room, like gravity lost its hold, like there was too much energy in her body, and she had to move, had to jump from person to person, bounce from experiment to experiment, mind whirling a hundred miles an hour. 
This Kara is still. She does move a little, still bounces and skips more than any of the others he has met— but her movements have a forced weight now, each step as careful and precise as it is buoyant. 
She doesn’t experiment anymore either.  … When Kara had told him of her arrival on Earth, she had not mentioned Fort Rozz. When one of her friends finally mentions it offhand, she goes stiff, and turns her face from his. When he does catch a glimpse of her expression, it is twisted with shame. Zor-El is not sure whether it is aimed at herself or at him.
Alex stares at him often— and doesn’t look away when he notices. Her eyes are cold and hard. She reminds him uncomfortably of Astra, especially when Kara is there, soaking up her attention, and the ice in Alex' eyes just begins to melt. Then she looks at him again and all the warmth is sucked from the room. Looking into her eyes, he sees hatred. Kara notices. She says nothing. Her eyes are colder than they used to be too.
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maximillien · 2 years
when i saw that one post that said that you had only ever gotten one request i died.
idk if requests are open because i just ran the request button (oops)
could i get krs!cale drabble of some sort?where cale & reader have a lazy day? thank youu <3
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Pairing: Cale Henituse x reader (they/them)
Type: fluff
Warnings: snowstorm, light mention of fire, mention of sharp but no sharp objects, cale's slacker life is slowly getting away from him.
A/n: Jeez that's so cute, don't hurt yourself running to the request button 😭. Yeah, I've only had a couple until this one, and my requests are indeed open. I had this song by Reinheart (?) in my head.
The snow looked heavenly, falling outside the window heavily, painting the horizon and the Henituse mansion in a layer of pure white. However, with the beauty of the snow, comes the crueler cold.
(Y/n) and Cale had retired earlier than usual the day before, cancelling their duties for the day after, due to the sudden wintery storm, as did many others. The two lovers quickly changed into their most comfortable and warm nightrobes, adding layers of socks and woollen throws on the bed, before tucking in themselves, huddling as close as possible to fight the cold. Hans came in soon after, lighting the fire and putting wood on the side in case it needed rekindling in the middle of the night, leaving quickly after Cale chased him out. The night went by quickly and quietly as both lovers stayed in the comfort of each other's arms.
Before long, morning came, the storm still beating down onto the ground in full swing, waking (Y/n) up. Blinking the sleep out of their eyes, they allowed their mind to slowly remember the day before, the storm, and finally their lover lying beside them.
The man was laying on his side, right arm lazily slung across their body, hand gently grasping their lower back, warm fingers stilled against their back, where he had previously been softly stroking the skin there, night before. Their legs were mutually tangled, clothes straining against the muscles wound together in a mess.
He looks ethereal when he's relaxed, and not thinking about overthrowing another country.
(Y/n) stared at his pretty features longer, hand desperately itching to thread their fingers through his hair, however the warm, soft comfort of the sheets offered a better feeling than the sharp, crisp cold of the room. It wasn't technically that cold, since the fireplace was raging away in the room, warming the couple through the heavy snowy storm, however they couldn't be bothered to leave the cosy, snug sheets just yet.
Then, an idea went off in their head, a sinister smile developing on their face at their cruel plan.
(Y/n) stuck their hands out of the sheets, wincing at the slightly colder temperature nipping at their fingers, quickly putting their fingers back in after an appropriate amount of time, lifting Cale's sleep shirt up-
-and put their much colder hands on his abdomen, gently tickling his sides, before moving up to his chest.
Cale groaned uncomfortably twitching his body away from the freezing sensation.
When the culprit still continued their onslaught onto his body he sighed, grabbing their hands and trapping them tightly in a hug, rendering (Y/n) unable to move.
He grumbled out loud, eyes refusing to open to the light of day (though there was no sun peeking through the curtains) his voice reverberated through the large room.
'Why did you wake me up? It's far too early for this.'
Cale felt his lover's smirk on his neck - as their face was snugly lying there - as they proclaimed their entertainment to his demise. He felt his eyebrow twitch.
'Stopping me from living my slacker life is funny to you?'
'Absolutely. You stop yourself from living it with all of your shenanigans, I'm merely helping you avoid it.'
Cale could not help but sigh, plotting a revenge of his own, he stuck his fingers out in the cold - already hating the sensation - flipped (Y/n) over until he was hovering above them and attached his hands to their sides, tickling them more viciously than they originally did to him.
An explosion of laughter and pleads for mercy could be heard through the room, as one of the bodies under the covers was desperately fighting for their freedom from such a cruel attack.
The man stared at his lover from above, a soft smile on his face as they struggled against his hold - which is quite weak. Cale's body started heating up more, as he started using his Records, engraving this moment into his mind forever. Both people in the bed did not hear the door stealthily opening until a voice appeared next to Cale's ear, startling him from its loud tone.
'Human! Don't be so mean to (Y/n)!'
His fingers halted at the voice filling the room, soon followed by two others.
'Right, don't be so horrible, nya!'
'It's very cold, be nicer to (Y/n), nya!'
When did they get in here?
Raon could see the confusion on his father's face, proudly exclaiming that he, On and Hong all snuck in with his master plan, since he is of course a Great and Mighty dragon. Hong bobbed his head in agreement as On stared at her parents, warmth building in her chest at how lovingly (Y/n) looked at the three of them.
Cale sighed through his nose, letting his body slump into the bed, next to his lover, as On, Hong and Raon snuck under the covers, comfortably lying in the space between their two parents, making light conversation. At one point, the conversation steered towards the snow outside, the children saying that they had never built a snowman. (Y/n) then piped up.
'We could make a snowman later on then. We'd need some carrots, pebbles and some sticks, but the carrots are nothing we can't quickly steal from the kitchen.'
Cale glared at them, silently saying to not give them any ideas, can't they both relax in bed today?
However, his wishes were not heard, as the children all excitedly spoke at the same time, already planning what type of snowmen they'd build and other activities they would partake in.
A hand leaned over the bodies between Cale and (Y/n), squeezing his own in reassurance and love.
The man sighed, a corner of his lips lifting up, hearing the noise the three children made, not masking any ounce of their excitement, hearing his lover propose more activities to them, as they stroked his hand with theirs.
I guess cold days aren't as bad as they seem.
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Elrya: The New World By T. A. Onkọwe (Me)
14 - Lǐzhì-Mei
Number of talons per hand vary wildly.
Teeth are serrated and appear to be part of beak.
Upper epidermis skin is approximately 4 inches
Wingspan is approximately 14 ft. wide.
Longest feathers 24 inches, shortest 10 inches
Venom appears to be more basic than acidic as opposed to first assumption
Approximately 50kg, will weigh remains later.
The birds are several regions away from their natural habitat, perhaps a unnatural chill in Zewatal sent them eastward? Further research needed.
Lǐzhì circled the carnage, taking careful notes and making anatomical sketches as the bodies melted around her. It was a rare gift to study these creatures, as foul as they are, they are immensely rare.
And here we have a whole flock to study!
“What are you doing?”
Lǐzhì turned to see Fianna, a drunken Flynn half sleeping, half resting on her shoulder.
“Science. Taking notes,” She turned back to the pool of venom she was studying before remembering her etiquette. People like details, even when they don’t ask for them, but not to much, even when they ask. Very confusing. “These birds are very far away from their natural habitat. Normally they fly on a specific migratory pattern between the Tica and Zewatal Highlands and the Bende Wetlands. I suspect due to their avoidance of extreme temperatures a sudden climate change scared them of. Although that won’t explain how they got here.”
Lǐzhì continued. “Zhōngxīn is supposed to be warded against all magical attacks. Its ancient neutral ground, so they couldn’t have gotten through naturally. I’ll check the wards myself tomorrow.”
Fianna blinked, looking at her with an expression Lǐzhì couldn’t place. “Right.”
Oh, have I said to much?
“Anyway, I just wanted to thank you.” She readjusted the man slumped over her shoulder as if he were a scarf. “During the fight, you’re quick thinking and shield made this much easier.”
Strong neck and jaw muscles, probably for their diet of scavenged bones, cacti and tougher eats, even less reason for the attack.
“You’re welcome.” Lǐzhì paused, thinking of what to say in response. “You’re good at… arrows. Much better aim than me.”
“Really? You seemed to have no trouble finding your mark during the fight.” She tilted her head towards the corpse they were standing over; it had a rather large chunk of ice pinning it to the floor through its guts.
Guts are an odd grey colour, highly unusual for a fresh corpse, further details need more research.
“There’s a reason I use storm spells. You don’t need to aim. Otherwise I have as good a chance as hitting you as this darned things.” She used her foot to pry open the corpses beak.
The males appear to have teeth on their tongue, though these are made of ivory not beak cartilage.
Fianna laughed then stopped when she noticed Lǐzhì's bewildered expression. “Oh, you’re not joking?”
“No. Was I supposed to be?” She asked earnestly. “I was simply complimenting you for a skill I quite lack, and informing you in the interest of future fights.”
Lǐzhì nodded. “I will see you at the expedition briefing tomorrow. I hope he is well to.”
She turned about words and stalked out of the hall, then as she stuck her foot out the door, she remembered her etiquette lessons.
Can’t believe she almost didn’t say goodbye.
She turned about, marching back up to the redhead and waved her hand in the practiced Elvan way Liàng taught her. “Goodbye.”
Then she turned around yet again and returned to her room. As soon as she left the hall, she was swarmed by her guards and litter barres. Thankfully, Liàng was conspicuously absent, so Lǐzhì took the opportunity to walk back to her bedroom with her own two feet for once.
The accommodation the temple had provided was a well-guarded spacious open-air suite with servant’s quarters for Liàng and the rest of her retinue. As her servants retired to their quarters and she was about to retire to bed, she heard a heavy thumping from outside. At first, she was going to ignore it, determined to get a good night’s rest, but it continued, getting louder and more insistent. She sighed, got out of bed, and threw a silky housecoat on top of her nightwear.
She left her room and suite to peek her head out into the hallway, of course followed by a half a dozen guards. Opposite the suite was the entrance to a, presumably, identical one. Infront of that entrance were two Elvans, banging on the door.
I’m starting to understand why father thinks these people are barbarians.
She stepped out of her room, her guards attempted to follow, but she stilled them with a raised hand.
“Can I help you?” She asked using the little Cerisi she knew.
They whipped around, drunk and confused for a moment before they saw her. “Apologies Duchess. We’re attempting to coax the prince out of his room. The kitchen staff gifted us a barrel of ale to share thanks to the pretty wench chatting him up.”
Ah, they were here for the quite Cerisian prince. Not surprising; To her knowledge he was the only other noble dignitary in the complex of equal import.
“The… wench? Right…” She squints at them until they begin to shuffle on their feet. “I think I saw him leave with her, the wench, to the… gardens.”
Lǐzhì was an awful liar but they were drunk and happy, so took her at her word.
The taller Cerisian punched his companion’s shoulder with a sloppy smile as the too, loudly, shuffled away. She waited a moment, till she no longer heard their footsteps and started closing her door.
“Thank you.” The door opposite her was cracked open, so all she saw was a stormy blue eye and a few inky black locks of hair.
“You’re welcome.”
Sleep comes easy after. Her dreams are loud and full of broken glass and feathers and alcohol and boisterous Elvan barbarians.
A.N- @sewi-li-suwi, @sinharder, @reiki-tsubetai@concoctionboy and @hummbirb if you're interested. Let me know if you don't want to be @'ed.
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oldsyphiliticseadog · 5 years
Being allergic to heat is absolute bullshit and absolutely horrendous. I went outside for less than a minute to go throw out my trash, and not even ten seconds in, my skin started to burn and itch as if I was standing in a fire ant mound. 
0 notes
h34rtizuku · 3 years
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༺♡༻ if ur under 18, dni ✧ luv u tho
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
୨୧ izuku is a pro hero with a 6 year old kid and it’s not mf easy
୨୧ while he’s at work, inko will watch over the child but he feels bad for putting all that burden on her so he decides to hire a nanny
୨୧ while he’s at work, inko will watch over the child but he feels bad for putting all that burden on her so he decides to hire a nanny
୨୧ while he’s at work, inko will watch over the child but he feels bad for putting all that burden on her so he decides to hire a nanny
୨୧ you're not too big on kids but you're good with them and that he experiences first hand ~
୨୧ he’s at the store one weekend with kiddo and he’s in the chip aisle looking for which type he wants to get
୨୧ mumbling to himself about which type he’s craving now but what if that craving changes later and he wants a different flavor instead
୨୧ he lets go of the little one’s hand for a split second to get the bag off the shelf and once the grocery is in his arms he turns to his side to grab the little one’s hand once more, only to find him not there
୨୧ he looks up and down the aisle - no kid
୨୧ he goes to the neighboring aisles - not there
୨୧ he goes all around the store, nervously sweating, muttering insults to himself that he lost his only kid - how stupid and unfit of a parent he was
୨୧ until he comes upon an aisle and hears the sniffles of a small child the child took a bit after him when he was a kid, a bit of a crybaby
୨୧ but he sees you
୨୧ calmly reassuring the child, patting his back, telling him to calm down and not to worry that you’ll go look for his father together
୨୧ he doesn’t know why but the sight tugs at his heart, there is something so pure and natural about how you are treating his child
୨୧ but he’s breaking up the sweet moment with a call of his child’s name causing the little boy to turn around and rush into izuku’s large warm arms
୨୧ you’re standing there a little shocked because omg that’s pro hero deku in the mf flesh
୨୧ but you're also happy that the lost boy has been reunited with his father
୨୧ you're about to walk off with a smile when he stops you
୨୧ he thanks you profusely for your help and you’re shyly like ‘it’s no biggie’ with blushed cheeks
୨୧ he asks if he can properly thank you and you’re like dude it’s really no problem
୨୧ he really is thankful but there is also something deep inside him that doesn’t quite want to let you go
୨୧ so he’s like let me buy your groceries and take you out for coffee
୨୧ and you’re about to refuse but you’re a poor college student so getting this weeks groceries for free was one thing
୨୧ but also how are you gonna pass up having coffee with the number one hero and his cute little mini-me ???
୨୧ so yall are at a cute lil cafe where he learns that you're a college student and looking for a partime job over the summer
୨୧ he’s like, you know what, why don’t i hire you as my nanny
୨୧ you’re like i’m not sure, i’m not really a kid person
୨୧ he’s like, i saw you with him, you’ll be just fine - besides he’s a good kid, he just needs someone to watch over him and feed him
୨୧ also i pay really well
୨୧ so you’re like … say less
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
୨୧ so the first day on the job you arrive at like 8 am, he gave you the code to his door so you just let yourself in
୨୧ you see kiddo at the kitchen table just eating his cheerios or whatever but no sign of izuku
୨୧ so you just go over and take a seat next to the kid and make small talk with him
୨୧ then you hear some shuffling coming from behind you causing you to turn around and investigate
୨୧ lo and behold you see a shirtless izuku with nothing but gray sweatpants hanging low on his wide hips
୨୧ he’s got a towel across his broad shoulders that he’s using to dry the jade curls that haven’t been shaved off as a part of his undercut
୨୧ you follow the droplets of water as they slide down the crevices of his pectorals and abdomen, drifting down his v line and the small tuft of hair leading down from his belly button and melting into the waistline of his pants
୨୧ you’re trying not to salivate at the sight but you also can’t bring yourself to look away just yet wanting to memorize and study the location of every scar and freckle littering his muscular torso
୨୧ he stops drying his hair for a minute and finally sees you like ‘oh great you’re here - how was the trip over here? it wasn’t too hard to find right?’
୨୧ and you’re burning eyes finally tear away from caramel torso and you’re like ‘nope, i found it just fine’ ahaha
୨୧ he gives you a little low down on like, what kid likes to eat, what he doesn’t, what he likes to do, when he goes down for a nap … all that good babysitting stuff
୨୧ after he’s dressed in his hero outfit, he’s kissing his lil nugget goodbye, telling him to treat you nicely, and with several final thank you’s he’s out the door
୨୧ and that’s the start of your job nannying the kid of the number one hero
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
୨୧ he was right, the kid is a really easy kid
୨୧ he goes down easy for his nap, he’s potty trained, inko raised him like she did izuku so he’s basically the perfect kid, he’s really sweet and will sit down and watch movies with you or he plays really easy by himself playing with his deku, all might, and dynamite action figures
୨୧ and if how easy a job it was, or the smoking hot employer wasn’t enough, the first time you got your paycheck was
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
୨୧ one day, there was a sudden summer storm that hit right as you reached your stop on the bus
୨୧ you didn’t have an umbrella, forcing you to run to izuku’s house in the pouring rain
୨୧ you show up through the front door and he comes in to greet you only to see you drenched and shivering due to the ac in his home
୨୧ he’s like, “hey y/n how- oh my god, you’re soaked.”
୨୧ and you’re rubbing at your arm awkwardly and trying to create any sort of warmth as you tell him how you got in this mess
୨୧ he’s taking in your soaked form and suddenly his worrying eyes turn into curious ones as he watches a droplet slide from your chin, down your neck, and down your chest to fall between the top alley of your breasts due to the first few buttons of your top being opened
୨୧ the white top you decided today was the perfect day to wear, and without a bra no less
୨୧ but in your shivering and embarrassment you forgot all about that minor detail
୨୧ oh but izuku didn’t forget it
୨୧ he imagined that water droplet sliding down the valley of your breasts underneath your blouse and gliding over your stomach, almost getting lost in your belly button, only to disappear under your waistband
୨୧ he imagined what it would be like to lick the droplets off your hot skin
୨୧ he scanned back up and noticed the tight see-through material of your shirt hugging your tits, dipping into every crevice leaving nothing to the imagination
୨୧ he sees the dark hue of your nipples from behind the cloth, along with the 2 little peaks your buds have made due to the cold air circulating in his house bonus points if you have your nipples pierced, i’m jealous of you
୨୧ he pulls his gaze away when he sees a violent shiver rack your body
୨୧ he leaves for a moment and comes back with a warm towel, almost sad to see the sight of your tits gone but your comfort and warmth was more important to him
୨୧ he tells you to dry off a bit as he goes and gets the shower started for you
୨୧ you’re thanking him yet apologizing for the trouble as you’re gonna make him late for work
୨୧ and he’s denying any negative comments coming out your mouth saying that he technically is at work as helping people is his job and he wouldn’t be a good hero if he didn’t help someone right in front of him
୨୧ he tells you to take as long as you need getting washed up and getting the temperature back in your body
୨୧ he doesn’t have time to think about how you’re just a few feet and a closed bathroom door away from him, naked ~ as he picks out the smallest pieces of clothing he has in his closet
୨୧ he finds an old t-shirt and shorts from his high school days and lays them on his bed telling you through the door that when you’re done he has clothes waiting for you
୨୧ you don’t take too long getting washed up as you know he needs to get to work so only about 10 minutes later you’re walking into the living to izuku sitting on the couch watching the movie his kid wanted to put on
୨୧ he sees you come in from his peripherals as his heart damn near stops seeing you in his clothes
୨୧ the clothes were so small they couldn’t fit him any longer, not after getting a post-high school growth spurt and getting broader due to his hero work
୨୧ but the fact that his already small clothes were swallowing you just did something to him
୨୧ blame it on his size kink he don’t know he has quite yet
୨୧ he pulls himself together to tell you that he threw your soiled clothes in the wash before he says his good byes to his kiddo
୨୧ he��s heading out the door while you and his son are telling him to be safe out there when just as he’s about to leave you call out to him
୨୧ he’s turning around maybe a lil too fast, but he sees you with an umbrella in your hand telling him that you ‘wouldn’t want him to make the same mistake you did’ with a cute bashful smile on your face that almost made him call in sick to work
୨୧ but he knew he couldn’t do that
୨୧ screw being number one hero and all that
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
୨୧ a few weeks later he comes home from work, tired af as one would
୨୧ but he gets to the door and sees you and his kiddo waiting for him inside
୨୧ you have a cake in your hands and his little one pops one of those little confetti canons at his father with a loud “happy birthday”
୨୧ he’s a lil shocked, a lil surprised, but in a good way
୨୧ he looks at you
୨୧ “well kiddo told me it was your birthday and with a quick little google search i confirmed it to be true. and i felt bad that you had to work on your birthday so we decided to bake you a cake while you were gone and wait for you to get home.” you said softly
୨୧ he had totally forgotten it was his birthday but if it being his birthday meant that he could see you in a little apron waiting for him to come in the door …
୨୧ damn he wished it was his birthday everyday
୨୧ y’all move into the kitchen to start cutting the cake and as you’re plating slices you lean down to the little one and tell him to ‘go get the birthday card he made for daddy’
୨୧ and izuku who wasn’t quite paying attention is like “hmm?” and you just like look at him
୨୧ and he’s like, “oh i thought- you were calling for me-“
୨୧ and you’re like mf, i don’t call you daddy yet
୨୧ but yall just kinda like awkwardly get past it and move on when the child comes running in with his folded construction paper with a green stick figure on the front labeled ‘dad’
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
୨୧ it all leads up to the day about a month later when you arrive at their home to no sign of the kid
୨୧ and you’re like ~ wtf? he always comes to greet me at the door with a hug and he’s not doing that
୨୧ and you’re looking in the kitchen and the living room to see no sign of the child
୨୧ when you’re about to head into his room to see if he somehow decided to sleep in today, izuku comes out his room
୨୧ and you’re like, where’s the kid?
୨୧ and he’s like, oh, i meant to tell you that my mom came by just a few minutes ago and decided to take him out for the day
୨୧ so you’re like, okay, should i just go home then?
୨୧ and he’s like, you could but i just so happen to have the day off and i think it would be nice if we got to spend some time together, without the kid around
୨୧ and you’re like, what am i gonna do ?? say no ?!
୨୧ so y’all go out for coffee, take a walk around the park, and then go out for lunch before going back to his house to watch like a movie or whatever
୨୧ y’all get back home and he sits on the couch scrolling through streaming sites looking for a movie and you’re coming back from the bathroom
୨୧ when you’re walking to the couch, your foot catches one of the kid’s toys that was lying on the floor causing you to trip and stumble forward
୨୧ izuku moves to catch you causing you to fall into his chest and practically on top his lap
୨୧ you’re out of breath from the sudden adrenaline spike but the close proximity between the two of you isn’t making it any easier to catch said breath
୨୧ neither of y’all are moving, just staring into each others eyes as he quietly asks “are you alright?”
୨୧ his warm breath dancing across your face as you give him a light nod
୨୧ his eyes suddenly move to your lips and out of his mouth comes the words you thought you’d never hear
୨୧ “can i kiss you?”
୨୧ and with a split glance to his lips you’re nodding fervently
୨୧ not soon enough his lips are on yours : plump, warm, and soft ~ tasting of the coffee and the mint gum he chewed after lunch
୨୧ you two pull apart reluctantly but he sets his forehead against yours as he catches his breath
୨୧ “please tell me you feel the same way for me as i do for you?” he whispers
୨୧ you bite your lip, “and how do you feel about me?”
୨୧ “like i want to hold you. kiss you. and come home to you everyday. not just as a babysitter.”
୨୧ “is that all?” you ask
୨୧ “i have a few other things i feel about you but i think it’s too early to tell you.”
୨୧ you link your arms around his neck and play with the stubble of emerald that is his undercut, “i wanna know.” you whisper.
୨୧ he’s like, are you sure…. you won’t think it’s inappropriate ?
୨୧ and you reassure him cuz little does he know of the countless nights you laid with your hand between your thighs imagining it was him getting you off
୨୧ “well uh- i-i really wanna fuck you.” he quietly admits
୨୧ you readjust your position to straddle his lap, your legs on either side of his thighs
୨୧ “how?” you ask
୨୧ “how what?” he replies as he tentatively places his hands lightly on your waist
୨୧ “how,” you start, leaning down to ghost your lips atop his, “do you wanna fuck me?”
୨୧ his breath stutters, something about those words coming out of your mouth
୨୧ he’s quiet for longer than you would like, “c’mon tell me” you whine, moving your lips from his mouth, down his jaw, and along his neck
୨୧ his breath quickens, soon letting out a low groan when you stumble upon his sweet spot
୨୧ you pull away causing him to almost whine, “start talking ~ tell me how you wanna fuck me.”
୨୧ “well f-first i wanna kiss all over you. your cheeks. your neck. your hands. i w-wanna feel your warm soft skin under my lips.”
୨୧ he pauses a bit but you urge him to continue
୨୧ “i wanna play with your tits. i wanna suck on your nipples. i’ve wanted to ever since you came in soaked by the rain that day.”
୨୧ as he gets more confident, his voice gets deeper, raspier, laced with lust
୨୧ “i wanna kiss all the way down your body until i reach that sweet pussy of yours, i’ve been dying to get a taste.
୨୧ you let out a low moan into his collar bone, “and then what?”
୨୧ “then after i’ve made you come on my tongue a few times, i wanna stuff you full of my cock. not stopping until i breed you. gave you a baby of your own since you’re so perfect with kiddo already.”
୨୧ “i wanna make you a mommy.”
୨୧ you gasp, your breaths coming out in short hurried puffs as you come up from sucking on his neck
୨୧ “so why don’t you?”
୨୧ he’s frozen
୨୧ “why don’t you fuck your child in me, daddy?”
୨୧ and just like that whatever submissive izuku moment you had going on, is gone
୨୧ he’s on top of you in seconds, squishing you into the couch cushions beneath you as he does just what he said he would do, and then some
yoooooo, happy belated birthday to the actual love of my life. i cried like three times over him yesterday. i hope he’s doing good.
also i’m not gonna sit here & pretend i know anything about how the japanese choose to name their offspring so that’s why kiddo is nameless
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lcksndkys · 3 years
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Pairing: JJK x reader
Rating: 18+
Genre: smut, fluff, tiny hint of angst
Word count: ~8k
Summary: Save a drum, bang a drummer. 
Warnings: one tasteful semi-nude sext, brief flashback of male masturbation, discussions about conception, an unholy amount of nipple play, blowjob, fingering, pussy slapping with a dick (but like, romantically), unprotected sex within an established relationship, multiple orgasms, creampie
A/N: This is my first attempt at creative writing… ever. Borne from my horny imagination and a thirst dream, this piece is an epilogue of sorts. S/o to @jinpanman ​ and @wwilloww ​ for being the wind beneath my wings and the floaties around my arms. Also, big thanks to Willow who made the banner <3
There are two things you know are happening tonight. One: Beyond the Scene is out celebrating the completion of their newest EP. Two: your husband, the drummer of Beyond, is going to come home, high off the adrenaline of a successful night, and fuck you into oblivion. Your period tracking app that you both have been studiously monitoring over the last few months has notified you that you were going to be ovulating over the next couple of days. 
You slip into one of Jungkook’s oversized cut-off tanks and a pair of crotchless black lace panties that you know he likes. Checking in the mirror, you see a generous view of side-boob due to the cut of his shirt and you turn around and decide to forgo bottoms entirely—they’ll be discarded soon anyways. Your husband may be out with the boys tonight, but you’re determined to wait up for him. It’s not that late after all. You roll over, pulling a bottle of lube from the nightstand and set it out for later.
Lying in your shared bed, you check your phone again, reading the last messages you sent to each other.
[9:51pm] Jungkook-ah: i’ll be home late babe. dont wait up. love you.
[9:54pm] You: … but i’m ovulating today. I want you.
You haven’t heard from him since. Tapping to the camera icon on your phone, you decide to send a little more encouragement. You quickly snap a photo of your torso covered in his shirt, making sure to give a tasteful glimpse of your ensemble. 
[11:39pm] Jungkook-ah: fcuk. dont temnt meee idk when ill  b home
You sigh. He's definitely drunk which means that even if he did come home soon, he’d be too wasted to finish the job, more likely to fall asleep seconds after washing up. Tossing your phone onto your pillow, you roll to Jungkook’s side of the bed. Breathing in his clean, slightly sweet scent, you let it comfort you as your eyes close. Your mind drifts off to the first time you ever saw Jungkook as a man. 
Sprawled out on a twin sized bed, there was barely enough space for the two of you. Propped against the headboard and wearing nothing but a smile, he laced his fingers behind his head and cockily encouraged you to take pictures. “They’ll last longer,” he had said. Cheeky brat. You had instructed him to pleasure himself as you watched. “Tell me what you think of when you touch yourself, Koo” to which he replied, “You in my clothes with nothing on underneath”. He had whined, panting and desperate to hold off his climax with the hopes that he might get to feel you wrapped around him. 
You made him promise that night would be a one off; an itch scratched. And above all, he wasn’t to speak of that night to anyone, especially his sister- your best friend. At the time, an emotional relationship was not something you were ready to pursue. And certainly not with someone so intimately linked to your inner circle. So when it happened again, and then again, you proposed an easy benefits-only relationship to which he quietly accepted. You didn’t know he had been secretly yearning for something you could not yet give him. Despite trying to push him and your emotions away, Jungkook persisted, and with time and patience, you let him into your heart and let him show you the meaning of true love. 
With a love-sick smile plastered on your face, you drift off to sleep, plans for tonight all but forgotten.
Eyes still closed and hanging on to the quickly fading wisps of your dreams, you unconsciously feel around the sheets for your husband. When your hands come across nothing but layers of bedsheet and blankets and the lingering warmth of Jungkook’s body heat, you roll over seeking the comfort of his embrace. 
Sitting up, you see that he must’ve moved you during the night towards your side of the bed before climbing in behind you. Realizing you’re still in his shirt and the sexy panties from last night, you huff out a groan of annoyance. 
You get out of bed and make the short trek to your bathroom to wash up. Jungkook never missed an opportunity to “practice” baby making. The thought that he was avoiding a session in the sheets with you makes you press the bristles harshly against your teeth. 
Upon returning to your bedroom, you see that at some point Jungkook had plugged your phone in to charge. You open up your app and double check that you’re still within short the ovulation window. 
The shuffling of slippers alerts you to your husband elsewhere in your shared apartment. As you leave in search of him, you notice he had put the bottle of lube away. 
Padding out towards the kitchen, you can hear the tinkling of dishware and cutlery. The smell of toast floats through the air as you spot Jungkook at the counter pouring his cereal into a bowl of milk. Endearing. You smile, remembering he once reasoned that adding cereal to milk ensures you won’t be left with any soggy bits. 
Coming up behind him, he startles a little with your quiet arrival. You wrap your arms around his middle, pressing a light kiss between his shoulder blades, and nuzzling your face against the wide expanse of his back.
“I missed you last night, baby,” you coo. 
Turning in your embrace, Jungkook wraps one arm around your shoulders and uses a pointer finger to gently tilt your head, aligning your mouth to his. He leans down to give you a sweet, chaste kiss in greeting before pulling away. 
“I’m sorry I was out late. But I’ll make it up to you ok?”
“How about you make it up to me right now?” you wiggle your eyebrows suggestively, stepping back from his grasp. 
His eyes rake up and down your figure, pausing to take in the long expanse of skin showing from under his cut-off tank. You turn your torso slightly, lifting your arms up overhead to smooth back your bed head, allowing him a generous view of your tits through the large armholes. You smirk to yourself knowing this simple outfit is one of his favorites on you. 
“- oh, fuck,” Jungkook breathes, feeling the beginnings of desire stir in his sleep pants.
“I was so ready for you last night,” you continue, planting your hands behind you on the kitchen counter opposite of Jungkook. With a hop, you sit yourself upon the cold hard surface and try not to cringe at the sudden change of temperature on your bare rump.
You beckon towards your husband with a crook of your finger. 
“I even wore one of your favorites,” you purr. Slowly trailing a hand towards your hip you pull the hem of your—well, his—shirt up, exposing some of the black lace panties you had worn. 
Jaw clenched and brow furrowed. You enjoy Jungkook’s rapt attention.
“Come closer” you plead. 
When he shows no sign of approaching, you lean back onto your elbows and prop one foot onto the countertop. Parting your legs, you smile victoriously when Jungkook’s eyes drop immediately to your exposed core. Thank goodness for crotchless panties.
His throat constricts at the sight of your pussy, framed in black lace, and bared lewdly for him. 
“Fuck,” he growls lowley. You watch his throat bob again swallowing down a moan. He looks from your eyes, to your lips, and down between your thighs. Cock hardening, his desire rises hot and heady at the sight of you glistening before him.
Seeing him grow in the unforgiving fabric of his grey sweatpants, you grin at his visceral reaction. “You know I’m ovulating, right?” You bring your other foot up onto the counter further spreading yourself out for him. “Fuck me, baby. Fill me up with your cum.” A little dirty talk was nearly always enough encouragement to get your husband started.
Doe eyes wide, he is torn between his carnal desires to ravish you on the countertop and his mounting emotional distress. 
When your husband doesn’t immediately react to your proposition, you know something is wrong. You hop off the counter and come to wrap around him. Jungkook has always been a shy boy, and as he got older, grew into a reserved man. He had a small social circle, knowing first hand that some people had no qualms with using him for his services. He was the golden boy. Jungkook was good at things and always has been- drums, sports, computers, video games, writing music, singing, sex. Many people sought to use him and had gotten away with it. And at first, he was eager to please; to prove himself worthy of the attention. But it wasn’t long before he grew cautious and began to keep a selective few close, including you. 
You've always seen him. And you see him now, eyes tight with emotion he's been holding back from you. He hasn't done that in years. 
Your arousal from earlier has all but dried up, evaporated with the sense that something important is weighing on Jungkook. 
"Do you need me to listen or find a solution?" you ask him. 
"Listen" he replies softly. 
You take his hand, leading him towards the couch. Sitting down, you part your legs pulling his back to your front. You wrap all four limbs around him and lay back to let his weight press the both of you into the cushions. His hands immediately go to stroke along the soft skin of your shins. You tuck your face into his nape, ghosting soft kisses along the skin available to you. Holding him against you, you feel Jungkook slowly melt, head leaning back against your shoulder. You know he’ll speak when he's ready.
“I just… Lately I’ve been feeling like you only want a specific part of me,” says Jungkook quietly. His hands go to tuck back some of his hair behind his ears- a nervous tell he's never been able to kick. "And I guess it kind of reminded me of the time from before we officially got together, ya know?" 
You feel your heart crumble in your chest at his admission. At that time, you weren’t ready for what Jungkook wanted to give you, convinced that the age gap and BTS’s rising fame would ultimately lead to disaster. Thus you had pushed for a purely physical relationship. He had agreed mistakenly believing that having your body, but not your mind or heart, was better than not having you at all. He hoped that time and love would help you change your mind. Luckily for both of you, it did. 
You want to say something to comfort him, but you remember he asked you to listen. You stay quiet, giving him a safe space to speak.
"And I know we're trying for a baby, but lately there's no intimacy when you make love to me. It's like once I finish, it's over and you push me away to lay with your legs up against the wall." 
You feel his ribs expand as he takes a deep breath, and then another. In, then out. 
"You know how important aftercare is to me," he continues. You do know. Jungkook is a romantic; being held and praised for a job well done has always been just as important as the actual act of sex for him. "And if you're just trying to fuck me, I don't know if I want it." 
There's a few moments of pause.
“Why didn’t you just tell me you didn’t want to have sex?” you ask softly. 
Jungkook’s eyes nearly bug out of his head. “No! I mean- I want it, trust me, I want you. But the last few times, it felt like you just fucked me until I came.” Jungkook goans. “You didn’t even finish. Makes me feel like a bad lover."
You cringe remembering that the last time you had been intimate with your husband, you straddled him and then rode him fast and hard until he spilled his seed inside you. The whole ordeal lasted 3 minutes tops, and then you were rolling off him onto your back leaving him to clean up on his own. 
Sensing he was finished, you start to apologize. “I had no idea you felt that way,” you start. “I never meant for you to feel that way. I’m sorry.”
“I just- I love you so much, and I would give anything to make you happy,” he says quietly. His hands continue to absentmindedly traverse the length of your legs.
Your hold around him tightens, a silent I love you. 
“What do you wanna do today, baby? Today’s all about you,” you promise. You’re ready to give your husband the attention he craves. 
“Anything?” Jungkook asks, craning his head back to meet your gaze.
Jungkook smiles, pleased with your enthusiasm. 
“I promise you I’ll give you a creampie, but can we please just play super smash bros first?”
Seeing the child-like wonder in your husband’s eyes, you can’t help but chuckle at him. Jungkook has always been easy to please and competitive to a fault. 
“Sure, Kook-ah. Maybe I’ll even let you beat me” you joke, fingers digging into his ribs causing him to laugh and squirm from your grasp. 
Jungkook unwinds your legs from around his waist to set up the gaming console. 
After several rounds of super smash bros, Jungkook has other ideas in his mind. Pulling you onto his lap, you’re forced to part your legs to straddle him. He fingers along the hem of your shirt pulling up the backside to expose your bare ass. 
“Ah, you wore these for me?” he asks, hand rubbing circles along your quickly heating flesh. 
“Depends. Are you ready to take them off me?” you retort with a wink. 
Giggling, Jungkook lunges for you, wrapping his strong arms around you and burying his head into your neck. You feel the gentle pressure of his lips suckling and tilt your head further back to grant him more access to the sensitive skin of your neck.
He laps against your throat, making you moan out in satisfaction. Your arousal starts to leak onto Jungkook’s grey sweats as you absentmindedly grind your bare cunt against the stiffness growing there.
“Mmm, fuck. Let’s go” you pant, urgently tapping at Jungkook’s shoulder.  
Walking into the bedroom, Jungkook slowly lowers you down to the ground, letting your front drag along his, your soft curves trailing along the firm planes of his chest. The moment your feet touch down, you gently press a hand against his chest- right over his thrumming heart- and encourage him to sit at the edge of your bed. His eyes gaze lovingly up into yours, a small smile hanging on his lips, waiting for your instruction. 
You tug at the hem of his shirt. “Can you take this off, baby?” 
Jungkook eagerly nods, licking his lips in anticipation. He reaches back, hooking his fingers into the neckline of his collar and pulling his stupidly oversized shirt over his head in one swift motion. For a second, he lets you admire his body. He works hard to achieve his physique and enjoys knowing you’re your attraction towards him has never waned. 
You swallow down a groan as your eyes trail from his chest, dusky nipples pebbled with arousal, down his abdominals, towards the bulge in his sweats. Your husband is a beautiful man, inside and out, and he is all yours. Tonight and forever.
Climbing into his lap, you straddle him and cup his face between your hands. Jungkook needs emotional intimacy, and you’re prepared to deliver.
You kiss his forehead. “I love the way you think. You’re quiet, but so clever, and I wish more people could see how your brain works. You’re considerate of other people and so fucking humble, qualities I really admire about you.”
Moving down to his eyes, you place twin kisses over his closed eyelids. “I love the way you see the world. When I’m tired, you remind me that there is so much beauty in the mundane, and I’m so lucky to see it all by your side.”
You reach down for his hands and press your lips along the knuckles of both his hands. “I love the life you’ve helped build for and with me. People always say you’re good at everything, but they don’t see how hard you work to earn it. I respect you so much for that.” You play with his fingers- somehow long and delicate, but strong at the same time- and lace them together.
“I love your nose,” you continue, pecking the tip. 
“No interruptions, Jungkook” you hold up a hand, effectively cutting him off. “I know you’ve always thought it was a little too big and round when we were younger, but it shows how much you’ve grown into yourself over the years. You are so sexy- both on the stage and off.”
You pull back in time to see him fighting down a shy smile at your praise. “Besides, a man should have a big nose,” you wink. Unable to hide his toothy smile or blushing cheeks, you continue.
“I love these cheeks,” you say, planting sloppy kisses over his face. “When you smile - a real, genuine smile- your whole face lights up. I hope our children inherit that.”
You plant more against the beauty marks on the bridge of his nose and under his lip, on the faint scar high on his cheek. “So beautiful,” you murmur against his skin.
“These are my favorite lips. You were the first man that I believed when you told me you loved me.” You press your lips against his, kissing him gently. Tilting your head for a better angle, you press forward more ardently, and part your lips further to slide your tongue against his.
When you pull back, Jungkook’s eyes are still closed, face craning forward to chase your kiss. You card your fingers through his hair and push him back enough to look into his eyes again. 
Your lips continue their loving path down his face, nipping along his sharp jawline and down his neck, paying special attention to his sensitive pulse point. Jungkook whimpers in appreciation encouraging you to work color into his skin. 
“Most of all, I love your heart.” Your arms wrap around his torso, hands caressing up and down his back as your head tips down to press your mouth against his chest, just left of center. “You are patient and kind and romantic. You show me every day what true love means, and I am forever grateful for that. You have all of me, and you always will. And tonight, I want to make you feel good because I love every part of you. Even the parts you don’t particularly like yourself.”
You continue to leave wet kisses along his clavicles and throat making him moan quietly.
“Lay back for me, baby” you say, and he allows you to push him onto his back.
Your body follows him down prone on the bed, allowing your comforting weight to settle atop him and press him into the sheets. Linking your hands, you bring them up to rest by his head. You reconnect and kiss him senseless, lips and tongues moving seamlessly in a dance well practiced over the years. You continue until he’s whining, until you feel him thickening further in his pants. 
Lips descending downwards, you continue a fiery trail along his jawline, hands caressing his neck and chest to maximize his pleasure. Evidence of your love blooms down his neck as you continue a path towards his chest. Perched on his lap, you grind against him as you take a nipple between your lips and begin to suck.
“A-ahh fuck”, Jungkook pants as your lips wrap more securely around his pebbled bud, tongue flicking against him. Your other hand rakes along his other pectoral, thumb catching along its twin and you rub circles over him with your thumb. His cock, which had begun to throb when you love bombed him, is now fattening with arousal.                                                                                
You trail your lips across his chest making sure to provide equal attention to his sensitive buds. Dusky and shining with your saliva, you continue down his abs, licking the contours of his hard earned muscles. Jungkook continues to quietly moan at the sensation of your soft, warm mouth slowly moving south along his body.
Sitting up a bit from his supine figure, you tug down at the band of his sweatpants. “Can I take these off?” you ask, slipping your fingertips into the waistline of his bottoms. He nods his consent and you push them down as he lifts his hips up, effectively removing Jungkook’s remaining piece of clothing. 
As you move to stand from his lap, he immediately sits up as if pained by any distance between your bodies. You give him one last, sweet kiss on the mouth before settling down on your knees between his spread legs. His cock, perfectly framed between powerful thighs, is hardening rapidly and attempting to defy gravity as it bobs in the space between your bodies. Licking your lips at the sight of his leaking length, you settle on the floor and reach for his base.
“Hold on” he says, stopping you to reach across the bed and pulling his pillow from under the covers offering it to you for comfort. Your heart swells at his consideration and you accept it gratefully. You place it under your knees for an added cushion and make yourself comfortable on the ground.
Maintaining eye contact you run your hands up and down his thick thighs letting your fingernails lightly scratch along the sensitive skin there. Each pass brings you closer and closer to his cock, subtly twitching in eagerness to feel you wrapped around him. Keeping your eyes locked on his, you wrap a hand around his base and feel him harden fully in your grasp. Bringing your lips down to his weeping tip, you run your tongue up and down his slit, then slowly in a circle around the engorged head leaving a ring of precum and saliva in your wake.
“F-uuuck” Jungkook keens as you continue to tease him with your tongue. “Please. More, please.” 
Your lips immediately close around him, surrounding his throbbing cock with the wet heat of your mouth and begin to suck tasting his musky flavor. Popping off, you run your tongue up and down to spread moisture along his shaft; your hand will have to cover what your throat cannot take. He is not profoundly large, but he is more than thick and long enough to satisfy you.
Unable to mask his desire, Jungkook pants as your mouth works up and down his rigid length. You take him as deep as you can tolerate, gagging lightly when you feel him slide down the back of your throat with each pass. The hand not grasping his base is rubbing soothing circles along his hip and inner thigh, amplifying his pleasure.
“Mmm yeah, you’re doing so g-good,” he groans as you continue bobbing, hand furiously pumping whatever won’t fit in your mouth. He weaves his fingers into your hair, encouraging you to take him deeper into the depths of your throat. Eyes starting to water, his other hand wipes at the tears in your lash line as you continue to enthusiastically blow him. 
Jungkook’s volume steadily increases along with the pace of your mouth and hand as you work over his cock. You continue to suck him off sending white hot pleasure through his veins. “Oh shit- shit.” Jungkook stops you as his impending orgasm begins to crest. “You need to stop, or I’ll cum” he breathes out. Though your mouth is no longer on him, your hand continues to slowly jerk him off.
“Aren’t you ovulating?” he tries to confirm with you. “I need to put it in you,” he insists, teeth clenching together as your hand glides up and down the full length of his dick twisting your wrist with each upstroke.
“Tonight is all about you - about us,” you shake your head. “I want to make you feel good. Can I do that?” you ask as your other hand travels from his hip to cup and gently fondle his balls.
He whimpers in pleasure as you continue to stroke him.
“Do you want to cum in my mouth tonight, baby?” you purr. No longer able to formulate a coherent sentence, he nods his head aggressively.
“Good boy,” you tease with a smirk. Your mouth returns to his cock and joins the hand pumping his shaft. Years of learning each other’s bodies has taught you the tell tale signs of your husband’s orgasms and you can tell he’s close. Very close.
Hollowing out your cheeks, you apply the suction you know he has never been able to resist. You’re determined to suck his soul from his body, gripping him firmly as you furiously work his throbbing length exactly the way you know he likes. Your mouth focuses on his mushroomed head, lips sealed around the tip and tongue lapping against the sensitive frenulum.
Jungkook desperately tries to stave off his release to linger in the wet heat of your mouth. It’s been a while since he’s allowed himself to finish down your throat and he wants to savor it. “Ah, I’m so mad that you’re so good at this” he groans, earning a muted giggle from you. Stuffed full of cock, the vibration sends a thrill up his spine. 
You know Jungkook’s cumming before he can warn you. It starts with a subtle lifting of his balls as they prepare to empty into your eager mouth. Eyes squeezed shut and moaning wantonly, he chants your name over and over as he begins to orgasm. You continue your determined ministrations as his shaft pulses in your grasp.
“Hmmmph- ahh, fuck yes! Oh fuck, so good,” Jungkook whimpers as ribbons of cum burst across your tongue and hit the back of your throat. You quickly swallow his load as he erupts into your mouth. You continue stroking and sucking Jungkook through his high, helping him ride it out until he gently pushes you away when he feels the burn of overstimulation. 
“Good?” you smile up at him and let go of his wilting length to lick at a stray bit of cum from your thumb. You wipe off the remaining spit on your shirt.
“Amazing,” he replies, smiling dazedly down at you. 
You allow him to pull you from the ground up onto the bed with him, laughing when your knees pop loudly in the quiet of the room as you stand up. Giggling, you curl up against his side listening as his heart rate evens out to a steady rhythm. You can't be bothered to care that his skin is tacky with a light sheen of sweat.
You lay against Jungkook for a few minutes as he basks in the afterglow of a powerful orgasm. He pulls you tighter against him, tipping his head down to kiss you for a blow job-well-done. Tasting the residual flavor of his cum, he groans against your mouth, enjoying your combined essences.
Jungkook rolls you onto your back, continuing to kiss you with fervor. The sound of lips and tongues clashing fill the room as the two of you enjoy the simple intimacy of being together. Reaching down, Jungkook spreads your legs apart to make room for him to lay comfortably between your thighs. 
“W-what,” you’re breathless as his lips leave your mouth and travel down your jaw.
“Mmm,” he mumbles against your skin. “It’s your turn now.” He nibbles along your sensitive neck, goosebumps rising with his light touch. 
You run your fingertips up and down his back, scratching along the peaks and valleys of his spine. Leaning his weight into one arm, he uses the other to push up the hem of your shirt, ghosting a hand under to cup a breast. He palms greedily at the flesh as he continues to kiss you passionately. 
“I wanna see you,” says Jungkook. “Can I take this off?” he gestures at his cut-off tank you’re still wearing.
Criss crossing your arms and pulling up by its hem, you bare your chest to Jungkook’s eager eyes. His gaze drops down to admire the bouncing of your tits as you wiggle out of your top. Propping up on his elbows, he ducks his head to capture a nipple between his petal soft lips, coaxing it into a stiff peak with gentle suction and the lapping of his tongue. When your back arches in pleasure and you clutch his head to you, Jungkook takes the opportunity to slide his arms under you to hold you securely to his mouth as he worships at the altar of your breasts. 
“Baby, yes, you’re so good to me” you pant, feeling your arousal generously leak from your core.
Eyes closed and relishing in the sensation, you whimper, sending one hand to grip his long, dark locks and feeling the prickle of his freshly trimmed undercut. With a hand in his mane, you feel him unlatch from your tight bud to plant wet open mouthed kisses around your areola and across your chest. He stops over your heart, lips lingering to feel the rapid thumping rattle your sternum.
Generous with his attention, he moves to nip and suck around your neglected breast. He slurps your nipple into his eager mouth, tongue swirling to tease it to a hard peak. Jungkook's diligent stimulation of your breasts sends sparks of pleasure down to your cunt as he continues to lap at your pebbled beds.
“More, please,” you whine, bucking your hips upwards, hoping to encourage him to touch you where you need it most. 
Hearing you beg so prettily for him slowly coaxes life back into his spent cock. He feels himself begin to swell again against your thigh. Pleasuring you has always been incredibly arousing for him, and he knows with a several more minutes of rest, he’ll be ready to fuck you senseless.
Pulling an arm out from under your torso, Jungkook leans his weight onto one elbow and sends his free hand down between your legs to the treasure between your thighs. His lips pursed around your nipple continues to suckle and tease you into a frenzy. 
The room fills with sounds of your mewling and his blunted goans as he plays the familiar song of your body. His hands brush against the soft black lace as he spreads your legs, positioning you to his liking. 
“So wet,” Jungkook acknowledges with a quirk of his lips, fingers swiping along your slit to feel for your arousal. Bringing those fingers towards his mouth, he sucks your essence from his fingertips, savoring your taste. Jungkook switches nipples again and his fingers, now slickened with his saliva, return to the warmth of your pussy. 
You gasp when you feel him caress at your opening before sinking a lone finger into your tight, wet heat. Jungkook can’t help but grunt as he feels your walls clench around him, excited to feel it around his growing erection. 
“It’s all for you baby,” you praise him, carding your fingers through his fringe and pushing his hair back to get a better view of him suckling at your breast. Your breath hitches when you feel him add a second finger, stretching you open with his long, tattooed digits and curling them against your g-spot.
“Mmm yes- ahh. Fuck me with them,” you plead. Lacking the power to drive you towards an orgasm, he teases you with sensual strokes until your cunt drips down your ass and his fingers come out sparkling with your arousal. Completely at his mercy, you feel Jungkook slow down further. Brat. 
You’re writhing beneath him as he continues his personal brand of slow, pleasurable torture. His lips release your tender nipple and return to your open mouth attempting to swallow your moans. 
“Fuck me harder, please, I need it harder.” you beg, hoping to convince him to finger you to completion. Despite your request, Jungkook stops thrusting completely, opting to curl his fingers and rubbing softly against your g-spot while grinding the heel of his palm just off center from your pulsing clit. Your eyes are closed, but you can feel his gaze on your visage committing your whining and fucked out expression to memory. You’re being uncharacteristically pliant for him tonight- a change that he is very much enjoying. He files it under ‘spank bank material’ for when Beyond ultimately goes back on tour. 
“Please, baby, make me cum. I’m so close.” you try one last time. You’re panting and desperate for release. 
“You’re not cumming tonight unless it’s on my cock,” he grits out. His fingers stay hooked inside you, caressing at your sensitive front wall. Jungkook’s mouth returns to suckling at your pebbled bud and he slowly fucks you open with his fingers. Your cunt quivers and leaks with your arousal, but without the thrusting or clitoral stimulation, you won’t be cumming anytime soon.
“But how-” you glance down, not expecting his nearly fully erect cock. Pleasuring you had sparked his arousal again, the sounds of your approval and sight of your wet pussy glistening with desire has encouraged him back towards full mast. Licking your lips at his growing girth, you push his hand from your core to collect some of your personal lubricant. You wrap your slicked up fingers around his length jacking him to his full potential. 
“Uunffff- ok, ok. Hold on,” he says, reaching out into your bedside table for lube. You hear Jungkook uncap the small bottle and are eager to feel him deep inside you. Quickly flipping onto your front, you prop yourself on your elbows and knees, presenting your husband with your sloppy, swollen cunt- a soundless request imploring him to fuck you from behind.
“I want to feel you deep,” you reason and unable to resist you, Jungkook agrees. Eyes glued to the way your crotchless panties have dampened with your cream, he spreads a generous glob of lube up and down his cock. He wipes the remainder against your labia and rubs some onto your clit making you mewl out for him. He wipes off the residue on your sheets. You’ll have to wash that later.
Taking a moment to admire his view, his hands caress over your hips and ass. “Are you ready?” Jungkook asks, always so considerate of your needs. 
You nod and delirious with lust, you reach between your legs for him, sliding his bulbous tip up and down your slit before pushing your hips back to take him into your awaiting passage. Jungkook descends down creating a canopy with his body, sheltering you with the physical representation of his love. Jungkook’s hands find yours, lacing his calloused palms to the backs of your hands, fingers interlocking. With light pressure, he encourages you to lay your front down onto the bed. He nudges your knees further apart, propping you ass high in the air. 
Positioned to his liking, he takes his first stroke into your eager cunt. Despite his diligent fingering, the fit is still tight, and you feel the initial pinch as he breaches you. You both release matching moans upon your coupling, and you already know you won’t last long after enduring Jungkook's extensive foreplay. He sets a slow pace plunging deep into your velvet heat. 
“Harder, Kook, I’m already so close.” you puff into the sheets, turning your head as far as possible to watch your lover as he takes you from behind. “Please,” you rasp.
No longer denying your release, Jungkook thrusts faster, snapping his hips powerfully with the intent of getting you off. His cock hammers into you and you’re helpless underneath him to do anything but take it. He can already feel you tightening around him deliciously and lets go of one hand to reach down between your legs. With two fingers, Jungkook rubs tight circles around your clit while he continues to drill into your cunt which is just what you need to finally cum.
“Oh, fuck! Ah- ah-ah, Jungkook!” you chant. Your hands furiously grip the sheets trying to hold onto something to ground you as your high threatens to pull you under. Legs quaking and pussy fluttering around him, your walls contract rhythmically around his turgid length as he continues to rigorously fuck you through your orgasm. 
Jungkook whines at the sensations gripping his cock, but pulls out of your spent heat to spare you from the sting of overstimulation. Any other night, he may have considered fucking you into a second orgasm, but tonight feels different. Tonight, he wants to make ardent love to you.
Without Jungkook’s strong frame to hold you up, you crumble limp against the bed. Your ears ring with the aftermath of a good round of fucking. It takes a second to register that he is speaking.
“Can you take more?” he asks. Confused, you look down and see that he’s still painfully hard. Oh. His erection is glossy with your juices, shining as it bobs between his well-muscled thighs. 
“Fuck- yes,” you quickly consent to him. 
Jungkook swiftly rolls you onto your back again and sits up on his knees between your spread thighs. “I love you in these, but I want to see all of you,” he rasps, tugging at your ruined panties and pulling them off while his eyes stay glued on your saturated folds. Climbing back up your body, he spreads your legs wider and leans forward bringing his cock to your core. You look down to watch him steadily thrust his length against your slit, bumping against your clit on the upstrokes. 
Wanting to draw out his teasing, he grips his slickened base and slaps his dick against your slippery folds. Each wet smack sends waves of electric pleasure through your system as Jungkook works you back up. “Just fuck me, baby. I’m ready.” you insist. Your gaze trails up, meeting his heated stare. 
“I want you to keep your eyes on me when I make love to you,” he says, voice dropping an octave. When you nod in understanding, he catches his tip against your entrance and pushes back into your ripe, warm cunt. Your legs immediately wrap around his trim waist pulling him closer and encouraging him to brace the weight of his upper body on his hands. Your ankles interlock against the base of his spine to bring him deeper.
Jungkook starts with long, slow strokes, pulling nearly all the way out of you before feeding his cock back into your sopping pussy. Going slow enough for you to feel every ridge of his throbbing length, he impales you over and over.
Your back arches in pleasure and you have to fight to keep your eyes open for him. Wanting him closer, you greedily reach your hands up to pull him down closer to you, forcing him to drop to his elbows as he continues to give it to you slow and deep. 
Jungkook braces on his forearms and cradles your head. He tilts your chin up to align with his intense gaze as he continues to plow into you. Brow furrowed and eyes locked, your husband watches your dazed and needy expressions while his body and mind make love to yours. 
He’s always so good to you. Devoted and adoring. You’re suddenly struck with the reminder that this beautiful man is yours. Always has been. Always will be. And tonight is a good time to remind Jungkook how deeply you love him. A fear of commitment used to hold you back, but he peeled back your layers and showed you that love didn’t have to hurt. You haven’t been afraid since. Jungkook has the whole of your heart. 
“How did I get so lucky?” you say, reaching up to caress his jaw as he continues to thrust into your depths. “I’m sorry I lost sight of us,” you stutter trying to sound coherent as your husband diligently sinks his thickness into you again and again. “I never meant for you to feel-”
“- I know. And I’m sorry I didn’t communicate better, I just- I’m working on it,” Jungkook cuts you off. He knows this is a two way street. 
“We don’t have to try anymore if you aren’t ready. Pull out and I’ll suck you off again” you offer. If Jungkook isn’t 100% in, you aren’t either. 
“No, I want it. I’m ready for our love to create something beautiful and for everything that comes after that.”
You moan, eyes closing briefly, as Jungkook begins to pick up the pace. The increase in friction against your walls is quickly bringing you towards the edge again. An unexpectedly fierce pump of his hips has you gasping in delight.
“I said-,” Jungkook grunts with another sharp thrust, “-eyes on me, baby.” You pry your eyes open, surprised by his display of dominance and try not to squeal.
Jungkook reaches one hand down to tilt your pelvis back further and you lock your legs up higher on his frame allowing him to shove a pillow under your ass. The new position brings your clit directly under his pubic bone. When he slams back down to stuff you full, he grinds deliciously against you, making you nearly scream out in ecstasy.
“I love you,” you whisper in earnest. “I love you so much,” you moan as Jungkook begins to pound you into the sheets. You’re both quickly unraveling, approaching another high, bodies tingling with impending release. When your thighs begin shaking around him for the second time tonight, he picks up the pace filling the room with a symphony of your euphoria. 
Breaking your eye contact briefly, Jungkook looks down at the juncture of your connection and is enthralled by the visual- his cock coming out foamy with your cream and slamming back into your weeping pussy. Groaning, he suddenly feels the sharp sting of your nails raking down his back as you’re overcome with pleasure. 
“Come on, babe. Cum on my fucking cock,” Jungkook grunts, urging you towards completion. With your hips canted deliciously, he continues to ram directly against your g-spot. 
“Oh fuck, it’s so good. I’m so close,” you babble, feeling Jungkook push deeper against you to stimulate your pulsing clit. Hands clutching your husband and thighs trembling, your eyes slip closed as you finally succumb to his endeavors. You cum with a silent scream, head tilted back and throat exposed as your walls spasm uncontrollably. The wild contracting of your pussy squeezing his cock triggers Jungkook’s own release. His length throbs desperately within your walls as you coax him towards his end. 
“Ahh, I- I’m holy shit- I’m cumming, too” Jungkook whines as he climaxes with breathy whimpers, exploding as he fills you with streams of his ejaculate. He thrusts as deep as he can get while his length continues to spurt inside you, shallowly rutting to ride out his high. 
Panting, he collapses his weight into your waiting arms. “Oof,” you grunt as you feel your husband’s sweaty and spent body pin you against the bed. You let him rest against you for a while, content to feel the warm fullness of his cock and spunk nestled deep inside you.
“Can I stay inside?” he asks shyly. “I just wanna hold you.” You smile and Jungkook holds you close and carefully rolls under you so you can comfortably lay against him. With his arms wound around your waist and your thighs spread wide with his dick sheathed inside you, he ensures maximal skin contact.
Seeing his blissed out face, you giggle as the two of you revel in your post-coital afterglow. His spent length slowly softens letting some of his cum leak from your used hole onto him and the sheets below. You’re definitely going to have to wash these. 
Your fingers find their way into his hair, scratching along his scalp and pushing back his long locks to expose the sexy undercut hiding beneath. Jungkook’s eyes are still closed, but he still leans his face forward knowing you’ll meet his lips with your own. The two of you make out for a little longer, savoring the intimacy shared in your little bubble. 
Jungkook clings to you, preening at your gentle caress and basking in his favorite form of aftercare. Your cunt is runny with lube and your combined releases, but you’re too content to lay with Jungkook in your arms to clean up just yet. You lie wrapped around each other for a few more minutes, mindlessly kissing at his face and neck, whispering praises for his performance.
It’s quiet for a long moment, and assuming he must have fallen asleep as he tends to do after a vigorous round of love making, you attempt to unwind your limbs from his. Grumbling, he tightens his hold around you, preventing you from getting far. 
“Jungkook,” you warn with a laugh, “I have to get cleaned up.”
“Mmm not yet, hold me a little longer” he requests as he burrows deeper in your embrace.
Sighing, you relent, slowly dozing off with your husband in your arms. 
When you wake, you find that you've shifted in your slumber. Jungkook's chest is plastered to your back and he has an arm slung over your waist with a hand curled around one of your tits. The mess between your legs has dried making you cringe when you move to get up. Leaving Jungkook who is slowly stirring, you go to the bathroom to shower. 
You step under the spray and let the warm water relax you while you clean off the sweat and unholy mix of bodily fluids from between your thighs. You hum along to the new Beyond the Scene single and sing some of the chorus that you can remember. You exit the shower, wrapping a towel securely around you and return to rouse your sleeping husband.
You find that Jungkook is already awake and sitting against the headboard. “You know, I hope our kid doesn’t inherit your singing voice,” Jungkook cackles, cutting through the silence. 
"Why you-," you gasp, tackling him down into the sheets and laughing along with him. You pin him down and pinch at his nipple in retaliation. It’s not long before he’s pulling the towel from your body and rolling you under him to latch his mouth to your cunt. Before the night is over, he delivers another two orgasms and a fresh load. After all, practice makes perfect.
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aminiatureworld · 3 years
Small Secrets II
Characters: Childe, Kaeya, Ningguang, gn!reader
Word Count: 3.717
Warnings: Swearing
Premise: It’s not that you wanted to keep it a secret from your loved one. It was simply that old habits are hard to break. But now people are talking, and it seems easier to go one as before.
In which the reader can transform into an animal.
Author’s Note: Had to do a surprising amount of research for this one.
Perhaps it was a cruel joke on Fate’s part that you were able to turn into a penguin. If so no one else was laughing.
It’d been jarring the first time it’d happened, an accident of stress. After that first incident you’d figured you’d never transform again, at least not willingly. Who wanted to be a greasy, flightless bird anyways? That had been your opinion, and you hadn’t intended on changing it. Until you learned how to swim.
Perhaps it was another joke, that you should become so enamored with the gliding that penguins could do when they finally waddled their way off land. The nearly soundless plunge as you dove beneath the water, not having to worry about running out of air as you sped along the lake nearby your Snezhnayan village. It was as if being trapped in a little pocket of paradise, one which you’d grown to love.
At first you didn’t really consider the repercussions of being involved with Childe in regards to your expeditions to the sea. So wrapped up had you been in the question of his Harbinger status that by the time you realized you might have a problem it was too late to think up any sort of plan. Of course, the days in which Childe was gone you could swim, could even find refuge in those frigid waters. But when he was there it was like walking on eggshells as you found yourself torn between your desire to swim and your need to keep your secret.
It didn’t help that winter was ending. Though Snezhnaya could be bitterly cold in the winter, and though your village was often considered next to inhospitable in the winter, the summertime brought with it a heat that made swimming near unbearable in your oiled feathers. After all, penguins only lived in the most southern part of Teyvat.
It was a beautiful day, the afternoon that you finally broke. The temperatures had plummeted during the night before, and those you shivered as you made your way to the stony beach that was your usual takeoff spot, you felt yourself brimming with anticipation, the prospect of a long overdue swim lying in front of you.
You thought of Childe only once, as you shinnied down the craggy slope that led to the beach. He’d said that there was a Fatui meeting going on at the town inn, and though it was sure to be dull and irritating there was truly no way to escape it. You sympathized with Childe, understanding the difficulties in sitting still for two hours, trying o act as if you weren’t aching to be somewhere else, but secretly you thought the meeting a blessing in disguise. Using the pretense of the Guild being somewhat slow – the Adventurer’s Guild in Snezhnaya was somewhat disorganized due to Fatui competition – you claimed the need for a trek in the snow, holding off Childe’s ill hidden words of worry with the knowledge that you’d lived here longer than he had. You felt little regret, knowing that you’d lied to him. After all you’d been drilled to keep this a secret since the moment you were made aware of it. And as much as you loved Childe, that would never change.
You stumbled a bit in your mad dash to the little cavern which shielded you as you transformed. You’d tried directly transforming in water once, but having pressure almost destroy your lungs was something you weren’t excited to repeat. So instead, you waddled about the icy gravel, silently cursing your speed. You could never get used to how slow penguins were on land, nor could you understand how once you hit the ocean you could speed along faster than any human might.
The water was clear and cool, the icy shock dulled by the layers around you. It was interesting to see the lake in this manner, eyes suddenly unclouded by passing sand and debris. You swam along lazily, staying in the middle layer of the lake. Though you knew that you were going up for breath more than was really necessary, you were feeling surprisingly lazy, and diving to the bottom felt like too much effort.
The sudden pull of your body upwards caused a shriek to escape you. Thrashing about wildly you attempted to dive deeper, mind suddenly clouded by confusion and panic. A voice was calling out to you from above, but you made no effort to comprehend it, too focused on keeping in the sanctuary of the water. Though you knew that you’d swum in the opposite direct of the village, the possibility of being discovered by a human, for your captor was surely a human, was no less terrifying.
As you broke the water you felt like your heart had seized up in your throat, if that was even possible for a penguin. Whirling around this way and that you pulled desperately for the water, for the place you’d be able to outswim this intruder. Your brain registered the familiar clothing of the person holding onto you, and your horror both eased and multiplied as their voice sang through the air.
“Woah there buddy. Calm down!”
You ceased your movements for a second, brain somewhat stalling. Partner. You’d just been dragged out of the water by your partner. If you hadn’t been a bird you would’ve certainly started screaming, or at least asking Childe what the fuck he was thinking skipping the meeting for this.
“There you go.” Childe’s voice was soft and soothing, using a tone that you knew was reserved only for nightmares, injuries, and emotional distress. “It’s alright, it’s alright buddy. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. It’s not normal for penguins to be this far north you know. Besides the villagers have been calling you some sort of malevolent spirit and let me tell you, being harpooned isn’t very fun.”
Ruffling your feathers, you let out a squawk of indignancy, the idea that you’d actually get caught appalling. Childe just let out a laugh in return.
“I know, I know. No appreciation for the natural world. But that’s what it’s like in a village like this, insulated and unquestioning. You’re not the only one who’s suspicious; but let me tell you it’s better to be suspicious and free then stuck in the same place.” He let out a small sigh. “Even when our freedom comes at a price.”
You stared at him for a moment, taking in the soft sadness that radiated off the man you’d fallen in love with. Though a small piece of you felt pity, pity for the life Childe had been forced to live, the rest of you felt a melancholy sort of empathy, and in the center of that a kernel of trust. Childe’s words spoke to you, his status as an anomaly amidst the people who couldn’t understand the yearning to get away. Perhaps it would’ve been better if Childe was more content, staider, perhaps things would’ve been easier. Yet would you have fallen in love with that version of Childe? Would you feel as you did now?
Waddling towards solid ground, not trusting the large pieces of ice which bordered the lake, you closed your eyes. Immediately your form changed, your other self now shed like a second skin. Keeping your back turned away from Childe you stared at the snowy forest.
“You’re not the only one who feels trapped sometimes. I’m sorry that this village isn’t kind to you.”
“Oh the people are nice enough.” There was a wavering sort of humor in Childe’s voice, though you couldn’t tell if it was from shock or sadness.
“Still, I’m sorry. I realize that being here is stifling. Thank you, for visiting because of me.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t trust you.”
“We all have our secrets.”
“Still. I’m sorry.”
You felt the damp press of a coat against your back, warm breath tickling the back of your neck as Childe let out a small sigh. Leaning backwards you closed your eyes. For a moment there was no sound but the gentle lapping off waves, as snow floated down onto your heads.
“Hey, you don’t expect me to keep this secret free of charge do you.” The mischief had returned to Childe’s voice.
“What’s your price then, Mr. Penguin Catcher.”
“Sparring every day for two weeks.”
“… I think I’m going to go back into the water now.”
“Don’t you dare!”
Your laughs entwined as you raced away from Childe, filling the cold winter air with silent warmth.
“I swear to fucking Barbatos if you don’t open.”
You kicked the door of your apartment, the muffled clunk doing little to sooth your raw nerves. Stupid, how could you’ve have been so stupid? You knew that Kaeya was working late, you knew that you were going to have to remember your keys. So how did you get here then, standing on the outside while your key was resting safe on your nightstand? How had you still managed to forget?
“You know darling sometimes your too reliant on me.” Kaeya had told you one day, voice singsong with amusement. “One day you’ll forget your head on your shoulders. At the very least you shouldn’t expect me to always unlock the door for you.”
Well sorry you couldn’t see into the future. Groaning you slid down the side of your door, face planted firmly in your arms. You needed to get inside somehow. You weren’t about to prove Kaeya right, not now. You would get in if it was the last thing you do. Lifting your head up you closed your eyes in thought. The two of your were sharing an apartment on the third floor, one of the perks being a mini balcony for flower boxes, not that you ever actually put flowers in there. You always kept that window unlocked in the summer, and though it pushed out you were sure you might be able to open it.
Scurrying back down the stairs and into the back alley of the building you glanced around you. Thankfully there was no one in sight. Praying that your pack wouldn’t be stolen off the hallway floor you sighed softly, letting a soft grin cross your face as your vision shifted to that of a cat.
Thankfully the building was made both of wood and stone, or you never would’ve been able to make it. The climb was perilous however, in your mind if not in real life. The world was so much larger around you, and though being light and having four legs to land on would certainly be an asset, minimal injuries was not something you wanted to bet on. Reaching up towards the final beam you hoisted yourself up onto the flower box, giddy with triumph as you went to paw at the window handle.
Your paws slid off the golden substance as if they were coated in oil. Letting out a hiss of frustration you tried again, letting your claws protract. Unfortunately, the handle still refused to move, as your paws slid off the shiny metal. Shit. Turning around agitatedly you let out a yowl of protest. You were stuck, you were absolutely stuck. What were you going to do now? Getting up was one thing, getting down Unfortunately, another entirely. Nor could you revert here, besides the flowerbox being somewhat small you didn’t want to test the weight of the plank that served as your impromptu floor. So what could you do?
“What’re you doing here?” A familiar voice quieted the shrieks which you were emitting, as the fur on your body stood up. Slowly the window began to open, as a familiar face peered down at you, smirk as brilliant as usual. “Don’t you want to come in?”
Though a part of you suddenly thought that being stuck three stories above ground was a lovely prospect, you leapt through the window, landing on the dresser before hitting the ground. Though you wanted to make a run for it the door was closed, and you cursed Kaeya for his forethought.
“Are you going to tell me what you were doing so far up off the ground?” Kaeya knelt down beside you.
Even if I could do you think I’d tell you why? You let out a mewl, eyes narrowing as Childe let out a chuckle.
“Fair enough, but really it’s quite impressive. You must be one determined cat. Here.” Scooping you up Kaeya let out a quiet sort of laugh. “Let’s get you some milk.”
You stood on the kitchen floor, staring silently at the bowl that had been placed in front of you, wondering if cats also thought about having their meals placed where humans had just been walking.
“What, not your style?” Kaeya cocked his head.
He’d been surprisingly nonchalant about the whole debacle, perhaps spurred on by your own lack of reaction. It was still disarming, almost as much as the smirk that refused to leave his face. What in Teyvat could he possibly be thinking, was a cat stuck on a balcony that funny to your cavalry captain?
“Come now, you’ve got to drink a little bit at least. It must be awful exhausting to climb up a building.”
Still you made no move.
“Or do you make it a point not to eat in cat form, darling.”
“How did you know?!” You sputtered, transforming back immediately.
Kaeya let out a burst of laughter. Clutching his stomach he rocked back and forth on his feet, wheezing as the moment continued, laughing so hard no sound came from his mouth.
“It’s not very funny!”
“What do you mean, of course it’s funny!” Kaeya managed to get out, gasping wildly. “I can’t believe you got locked out and decided to scale the building.”
“What else could I do? Wait, no, first, how did you even know it was me?!”
“Ah yes because you would normally leave your belongings in the middle of the hallway. Come on darling, that wasn’t the smartest move you’ve ever made. Besides there have been rumors about a ghost cat prowling Mondstadt and as the Favonius Cavalry Captain, well you couldn’t expect me to just let these questions go unanswered!”
“How long have you known.”
“About a month.”
You groaned, turning around and face planting into the bed. How could you’ve have been so careless? Underestimating Kaeya was a mistake that many made, but you’d thought that you’d managed to catch up to your partner in terms of stealth.
“It’s alright darling, the embarrassment will wear off in an hour.”
“I just can’t believe I’ve been so reckless.”
“Hey, you’ve been very good at hiding this.” Kaeya ruffled your hair gently and you turned to look up at him. His smirk was gone, and instead there was a soft smile painting his lips. “I just know you.”
You hummed softly smile as Kaeya continued to card his fingers through your hair. Suddenly the whole ordeal was weighing on you, and you felt the familiar tendrils of sleep wash over you.
“You should get some rest.” Kaeya kissed your forehead gently. “It’s been a long day.”
“Kaeya.” You murmured.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
His voice was warm and full of care, guiding you softly to sleep.
You never meant to get stuck in a storm. You’d never meant to go crying to the nearest place you could call a sanctuary. Most of all, you’d never meant to reveal your secret to her.
The wind whipped around you, throwing you this way and that. You let out a sort of screech, mind blank with terror as you went spinning through the sky, finding it impossible to right yourself in the air. There was no sign of the beautiful clear sky that had dawned this morning; clouds blanketed your vision, dark underbellies a silent warning as pelting rain fell in waves, made even more painful by the gusts of wind that accompanied it. The familiar clap of thunder boomed, seeming to rattle in your bones as you continued to struggle to find shelter. Spying a familiar building you could practically hear your groan of relief. Swooping down you prayed that this would go alright.
One of the things that Ningguang had told you she loved most about the Jade Chamber was the view.
“It’s so bright up there, you look out the windows and there’s nothing but sky, sky and the land of Rex Lapis. It’s a beautiful sight, I hope to one day see it again.”
You were grateful for her affinity for windows now, using their familiar landmark as a landing spot. Clinging onto the wall you began desperately pecking at the window, squawking and crying as the storm picked up again, desperate for the sanctuary of your partner’s office.
“What is a raven doing outside?” The sotto voice of your love one filled the air.
Opening the window Ningguang said nothing as you flew in, landing on the chair you usually sat in. There was a faint struggle as the wind whipped through the open window, but eventually a faint click could be heard and Ningguang returned to the center of the room. Staring down curiously at you she tilted her head.
“I didn’t think that ravens flew down from the forests, especially during a storm. Perhaps then you’re a messenger from the adepti?”
“N–” you squawked, knowing that you surely sounded strangled. Even after years of transformation you could never get used to the switch between voice box and syrinx. It was as if you’d never learned to speak from the beginning.
“Poor dear, are you tired from your journey? I’m not sure what ravens drink, water I presume.”
Walking over to the corner Ningguang poured some water out of a pitcher onto a saucer. You drank gratefully when she returned, reminding yourself to tell her that normally ravens had to consume both water and salts. Having finished the little ritual, you tried once more.
“N…” still your words weren’t coming. You wanted to say something important, to explain your circumstances. Still you found you could say nothing. As if reading your frustration Ningguang stroked your beak, touch gentle and comforting despite your avian state.
“Poor thing, have you been wounded?”
You looked up at your partner, taking in the smile on her face. You’d gotten better at reading her, reading this woman who people whispered was too proud, too cutthroat, without emotion and without empathy. How stupid those people were. You could see it in her eyes, see the worry. You were a stranger to her, and unlucky raven; and yet she worried for you.
“Ningguang.” You finally got out, tripping backwards slightly at the twisted sound of your own voice. Ningguang stared at you, no less surprised.
“You know my name. Then you must be from the adepti. Has something happened?”
“Ningguang!” You let out one more time, dancing up and down the arm of the chair you were perched on.”
“Is there something that must be done?”
You stopped, shaking yourself. This was getting nowhere. What was even the point of hiding it at this point? You knew the fears that swirled inside you, knew the fear that had been instilled in you. Don’t tell anyone, don’t let them know. Normal people, they’ll never be able to understand, they’re too afraid, too proud, too lacking in empathy. And yet you knew that wasn’t true, at least that it wasn’t true of Ningguang. Sighing you hopped down on the floor. A few feathers floated out of your hair as you faced your partner.
“My dearest!”
“I’m sorry for the surprise.”
“Think nothing of it. I hope you are not injured.”
Hurrying over to you Ningguang picked up your arms, turning them around as she examined them. Giggling slightly, you shook your head.
“I’m fine my love, really. Only a little shaken.”
“I don’t understand what you were doing, flying out in the storm. The recklessness, I cannot believe you would do such a thing.”
“Sorry, I was being stupid; I didn’t think that the rain would be that bad.”
“I am only glad that you managed to make your way here. If not, well I would not appreciate having my partner felled by a storm.”
“Well,” Ningguang planted a few light kisses over the bridge of your nose, “I hope that you will learn, and that we do not have to repeat this performance. Honestly, to think I thought you an emissary of the adepti; I was almost worried this storm was an unnatural one. Morax knows the last thing Liyue needs or can afford is another god rising from the depths.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Well, if you truly are then you can help me with this paperwork. There appears to be some confusion in terms of the chain of ore production, I believe someone might be skimming from the top.”
In a moment she’d reverted back to her calm and collected self, but you could feel the unsaid words in the air. I will not ask you about your ability. I will trust you to tell me in your own time. It was a comforting message and as you sat down you wondered at how considered the woman you loved truly was.
“It looks like it will be a cool night.” Ningguang smiled up at the sky. The clouds had cleared and the moon shone a silvery light on the once more bustling city.
“Thank the gods. It’s been so hot recently.”
“Indeed.” Ningguang pressed a kiss to your cheek.
You gave her a short kiss back, fingers entwined with hers. The storm had been terrifying, as had the moments after, the moments when you felt you had too much to say and nothing at all. The moments when you had no control.
And yet Ningguang had given you the gift of time, time and patience. One day you would tell her about your abilities, about the blessing, or perhaps the curse, you’d been given at birth. You knew that when that day came you wouldn’t have to worry. So, for now you simply walked home together, hands entwined, both content in the silence of trust.
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enchantedblackrose · 4 years
Summer Heat
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Original photos not mine, taken from Google Images. If you believe them to be yours and want credited or removed please lmk
Summer Heat
Description: Female reader imagines what being with some of Chicago's finest might look like. Kelly Severide. Jay Halstead. Antonio Dawson.
Warnings: 18+ only, oral sex (fem receiving), brief mention of spanking. Smut language?
If you read this and like it, please comment and reblog. Please.
Summer Heat
The Chicago summer air was heavy. Inside the 21st precinct was almost as stifling. Either the air conditioning can't keep up with the high temperature, or the outdated unit is on the fritz. You realize it quite possibly could be both. You suppose it doesn't matter as one point remains the same: there's no relief from the summer heat.
To make matters worse, things are unusually quiet for the Intelligence Unit. You and the team are stuck at your desks getting caught up on tedious paperwork.  Everyone is desperate for interruptions. 
Adam stands suddenly, volunteering to pick up lunch. Antonio tells him it's only nine and a disgruntled Adam sits back down in his chair.
The day drags on. So far you have attempted paperwork, rearranged the contents of your desk, made yourself appear busy without really doing anything, taken two bathroom breaks, and actually worked on your paperwork.
A sigh escapes you. You're bored and hot, itching for anything to break up the monotony of this day.
You catch a sudden movement from the corner of your eye and spot a familiar face.
Kelly Severide from Firehouse 51 is bouncing up the stairs. He nods in greeting to the others in the bullpen. Before you can get out the question as to what he's doing here, he shoots you a playful wink and heads straight into Voight's office, closing the door behind him.
Maybe it's the heat. Maybe it's due to boredom, but despite being at work you can't help but imagine Kelly giving you that same wink right before he brings his lips to your entrance planting a kiss right there. Then his mouth dips down, his tongue darts out licking at your folds. His stubble brushing against your sensitive skin and his tongue finding your sweetest spot, causing you to moan. Kelly wouldn't bother fighting back a chuckle. He'd slip a finger inside you and work it vigorously giving you immense pleasure. He'd continue to lick and suck at your clit, pausing only to say how good you taste. Another finger would slip inside you and Kelly wouldn't stop until you climaxed. He'd feel you start to shake and would encourage you to come with words and actions. Your hips would involuntarily buck against his mouth, but Kelly would be unbothered...
You cross your legs desperate to feel any friction. The door to the office swings open and you nearly jump. Kelly catches your eyes and you think you blush. 
"See ya around, y/n." He waves a hand bye to the others.
"Mhm," is all you manage to mumble before he disappears down the stairs.
Jay questionly looks at you from his desk. But you shake your head. You grab a hair tie from your wrist and grab your hair to put in a high ponytail desperate to keep it off your neck.
"You look like you could use this." You look to see Jay now standing at the side of your desk, offering you a cold bottle of water.
'Thanks," you smile as you reach for it. You place the bottle at the nape of your neck before cracking it open and taking a long sip.
Jay leans closer to you. Despite the heat, his hot breath tickles your skin. "Sure you're okay?"
"I'm fine,"  you lie. As Jay makes his way back to his desk your mind wanders again. This time to Jay.
His lips drop to the spot on your neck behind your ear as he presses a sensual kiss there. He's just told you how fucking beautiful you are and you can still feel his breath on your skin. His hands would roam your body. His calloused fingers feeling rough against your soft breasts but his touch would be gentle, cupping each one, massaging them and lightly pinching your nipples. A delighted moan would escape you and you would straddle him. You envision Jay helping you lower yourself onto him. As you adjust to his size, he sucks and nips at your neck and collarbone. Your hips would steadily rock against him. While you might be in control of the speed Jay would take advantage of the position. His hand and mouth are taking turns engulfing your breasts,fingers pinching your hardening nipples, tongue encircling the sensitive peaks. His actions eliciting more pleasurable moans from you. You would build a faster rhythm, almost aching with desire. His other hand makes its way to your ass, smacking it lightly. The stinging sensation would only turn you on more. Your hitched voice telling Jay you're about to cum would cause his light eyes to grow dark with lust. His hands urgently attach themselves to your hips as he helps you rock against him harder and faster until...
Antonio calls your name, pulling you out of your daydream. Your head whips in his direction. "What?"
A smirk plays at his lips as he carefully looks at you. Fearing that he can read your mind, you blush. Of course you're being ridiculous; there's no way he could know what you were just thinking about your colleague. Your eyes carefully dart to Jay, who has his head down in his paperwork. You look back at Antonio. You're not sure, but you think his smirk has grown.
"I asked you if you had an extra file folder." He stands at his desk, arms crossed and it's impossible for you not to notice how the stance emphasizes his perfectly chiseled arms.
"Uh..umm, yeah. It's right...Um, here," you answer, clearly distracted, pulling out your side desk drawer, rummaging through files until you come across an empty folder. Antonio's eyes never left you, but now you feel Jay's on you again. You glance at him, but seeing his bemused expression, you quickly look back in your drawer. Pulling out the folder, you extend your arm, finally offering it. "Sorry, Antonio." He takes it from you grinning, but doesn't say anything, which is for the best because once again you're preoccupied.
You can't help it. You really like how his name falls from your lips. An...ton...i..o… An...ton..i..o. Oh! You imagine calling out his name over and over. His large dick would fill you completely and he would expertly drive it in and out of you. Your moans of pleasure mixed with his name would only encourage him and you just know he'd be calling you mami or nena. And that would almost be enough to send you over the edge. One of your hands would grip his muscular shoulder, nails undoubtedly leaving marks as you dig into him, attempting to bring him impossibly closer. Your other fingers would lace themselves in his short hair and tug. His thrusts somehow manage to hit you deeper. Your back would arch further into the mattress and the slight change in position would cause your name to come out of Antonio, followed by a few swear words in Spanish. This would, of course, turn you on even more. Antonio would be able to tell by the way your eyes fluttered shut but not before you saw that smirk of his. He'd purr into your ear, telling you how good you felt and that he wasn't anywhere near done with you yet. His words would trigger your release, your walls clamping around him -
"Alright, all of you get outta here, we're done for the day," your sergeant's gruff voice interrupts you and you're embarrassed to admit you never even heard his office door open.
Upon Voight's dismissal, you all but jump from your seat more than ready to leave the precinct.
Jay easily catches up with you. "Hey, y/n, wait. Let's go to Molly's for a drink. You can tell me what's been on your mind all day."
"I just got a text from Gabby," Antonio's voice calls out from behind you as he slowly approaches the two of you. "Said she, Casey, and Severide are already there. Looks like everyone is wanting a cold one after this scorcher of a day. So, what do you say, y/n….you coming?"
Antonio's choice of words cause you to blush and you mentally curse yourself. Jay and Antonio watch you waiting for your response.
"Yeah, I'm coming- I mean, yes I'll go to Molly's." You quickly walk away, leaving the two men behind. You wonder just how long it will take for you to be able to look either of them in the eyes again. This was going to be a long night.
Stupid summer heat.
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missymurphy1985 · 3 years
Miracles (sequel to Reminiscing)
You'd been trying for a baby with Cillian for over a year now without success - he isn't getting any younger... What's next for the two of you?
@being-worthy @peakyscillian @queenshelby @noctvrnalmoth @margoo0 @janelongxox
"Baby it'll happen when it happens..." Cillian soothed your tears as he held you on the bedroom floor. Your period had just arrived, which meant only one thing. No baby. You'd been trying now for nearly 15 months and nothing but negative pregnancy tests and more sanitary products. You'd tried changing your diets.. you'd both cut out alcohol and caffeine.. but nothing.
"What if it doesn't, Cill? What if it never happens?" You dried your tears on the sleeve of your t shirt and sank into his arms.
"Let's book in with that fertility doctor yeah? Get some tests run, find out what's stopping us having a baby?" He lifted you back to kiss you. You nodded, reluctantly. You were dreading this.. what if you were the problem? Clearly Cillian was fine, he had the two boys.. if you weren't able to give him a baby you'd never forgive yourself.. would he even stay with you? The baby had been his idea... The thought alone made you feel sick.
"How about a weekend away? Just you and me, we'll head to Kerry and just relax for a few days?" You smiled. He always knew how to make you feel better. Nodding your head, he pulled you up from the floor and held you close. "Let's just get away from it all - no more talk of babies, just us, agreed?"
"Okay.. agreed."
The following day you woke feeling sore and achy. Your lower back feeling like you'd been kicked by a horse. Grimacing slightly, you lifted yourself out of bed to the kitchen where Cillian was making coffee.
"Hey, you okay?" He saw you limping slightly.
"Yeah, must've slept funny, my back is so sore!"
"Why don't you go lie down, I'll bring your coffee through?"
"I need to get ready, I'm meeting Lisa for a coffee this afternoon."
"I'm sure she'll understand if you're not feeling great y/n?"
"It's just a bit of back pain, I'll be fine once I've stretched it out. Don't worry," you smiled, kissing his lips and taking the decaf coffee from him. You pulled away suddenly as a sharp pain suddenly washed over your lower abdomen.
"And now we have period pain too... Wonderful..." You felt your eyes watering at the harsh reminder that you weren't pregnant and Cillian pulled you into his arms again.
"I'll call Lisa, go get back in bed." You rolled your eyes in annoyance. "I'm not asking, y/n." Feeling irritated, you made your way back upstairs and got under the covers. Cillian joining you shortly after with a hot water bottle, glass of water and some paracetamol. You took the tablets and Cillian placed the water bottle on your lower belly, before climbing in behind you and holding you close. He could feel your body tense every now and again.
"Hey, you okay?" He rubbed a hand up and down your arm to soothe you.
"My back keeps spasming babe, must've really done a number on it.." he pulled back from you slightly and ran a hand over your lower back trying to soothe it. He could feel the spasms as they came off and on every few minutes, the worry growing in his stomach. You were normally so fit, working out in your basement gym downstairs three times a week, yoga every Saturday.. pulling a muscle sleeping didn't sound likely to him.
You felt yourself drifting off to sleep as Cillian's hands massaged your lower back. The heat from the hot water bottle easing the cramps in your tummy.
You woke a few hours later to a white hot pain across your stomach and you cried out, clutching your belly. The pressure in your stomach was so intense you called out.
"Cillian!! Baby you there??" No answer. You reached for your phone on the bedside table and called him.
"Hey, you're awake -"
"Cillian come home.. please it hurts!!!" You heard the car screech to a halt.
"What hurts? Baby where are you? I'm on my way, 10 minutes okay?"
"Please... God it hurts!!!" Cillian stayed on the phone but you heard him talking to his sister in the passenger seat.
"Orla, call an ambulance, you're gonna have to come with me. Y/n stay on the phone until I get there baby okay?" You were panting now, the pain was unbearable. You could hear Cillian swearing at other cars, he must've been driving like a maniac... You didn't care, you just needed him now.. Orla was talking now, she must've been on the phone to the ambulance service, you heard her give them your address before you screamed as another white hot pain shot across your belly.
Panting through the pain, you felt the pressure in your pelvis start to increase in intensity. You pulled yourself to your feet slowly, and made your way to the bathroom. You were sweating from every where, your temperature soaring to new heights. You pulled your underwear down and sat on the toilet, convinced whatever it was you'd eaten that was causing this was about to make a dramatic exit. In that moment you heard Cillian and Orla burst into the bedroom, Cillian making his way into the bathroom to you. You didn't even feel embarrassed that you were sat on the toilet you were just grateful that he was there.
"It hurts so bad Cill... Please make it stop!!!!" You screamed, as a sudden need to push took over you. Cillian was frozen in panic, completely helpless, he didn't know what to do. Orla suddenly took charge, pushing Cillian to the side to check you over. You stood up slightly, your body taking over completely.
"Holy shit..... y/n lie down on the floor, come on... Cillian, get a fucking towel!!" Orla guided you slowly to the bathroom floor and opened your legs, Cillian quickly grabbing a towel that she placed under your hips.
"Fuck... Okay y/n look at me.. you're going to feel a need to push and I need you go with it okay? Just breathe... You're gonna be fine.."
"The fuck is happening Orla??" You screamed.
"You having a baby y/n.. right now.. Cillian get that end and hold her.. Get your shit together y/n and push!!" Cillian didn't have time to react before Orla pulled him to sit behind you holding you, your back to his chest as you gripped his hands and bore down as hard as you could. There was no time to think about anything else. The pain was like nothing you'd felt before in your life. Cillian breathed with you, grimacing slightly as his knuckles were being gripped like a vice but focusing his attention on getting you through this.
Within seconds the paramedics had arrived through the door Cillian had left open downstairs and taken over from Orla, giving you a mouthpiece to breathe into.
"Gas and air babe, it'll help, just breathe in and out okay?" Cillian whispered in your ear as you did as you were told and instantly felt the pain subside slightly. One paramedic was between your legs, the other radioing the hospital to let them know what was happening and to expect a mum and baby imminently.
The room was filled with the sound of a baby's cry. You heard Orla burst into tears, whilst you and Cillian were still too in shock to fully process what was happening. The paramedics offered Cillian a pair of surgical scissors to cut the cord, before placing the tiny baby girl in your arms. At that moment you both cried, looking down at the tiny bundle who was starting to settle, searching for your breast. You instinctively fed her, and Cillian gently stroked her head.
"Where the hell were you hiding her??" You looked up at him and laughed.
"I was about to ask you, when did you put her in there?!"
Opening your eyes, you felt hands roaming over your body as you lay in bed pretending you were still asleep. Those hands knew you better though and teased between your legs making your body shudder.
"I reckon we've got 10minutes before the 'threenager' wakes up... You'd better make this quick Cillian..." You turned onto your side and opened your legs inviting his now rock hard cock to rest between them. His fingers skilfully toying your clit making you moan softly. Easing himself inside from behind you, he began thrusting slowly. The only position available to you, your swollen belly now too large for any other.
"Fuck.. y/n.. still so tight..." You arched your back into his thrusts from behind you, both of you knowing this could be the last time before you had your new baby, due any time now. This pregnancy being much less of a shock than the first - you found out about 7 weeks in and you'd blossomed quickly. You'd loved feeling the little kicks, seeing your baby on the monitors at your scans, choosing names... You'd experienced it all and had relished every single second of it, making up for missing the first one's milestones.
"This really isn't going to last long.. you feel too good... Full of my child..."
"Cill keep talking to me.. I'm close..."
"Watching your body grow... Fuck you have no idea what that's done to me.."
Your hips rocked back against him almost frantically, his fingers still pressing on that bundle of nerves drawing your orgasm even closer. Before long you came hard against him, muffling your cries into the pillow so as not to wake your daughter in the next room. He followed not long after, spilling deep inside you.
Kissing your shoulder he pulled out, running his hands over your belly again and holding you close. A sudden giggle of your daughter emitting from the doorway.
"Mama!! What was Daddy doing behind you?" You pulled the duvet over you and Cillian helped you into a sitting position, your daughter climbing in-between you.
"Ready for some breakfast Niamh?" Cillian said as he booped his daughters nose and she moved to bite him playfully.
"Baby?" She pointed to your belly.
"Not yet little lady, soon though we promise." Cillian climbed out of bed and pulled his jeans on, picking the little girl up in his arms he playfully swung her over his shoulder, her legs in the air. You laughed watching Cillian bounce her over his shoulder, blowing raspberries into her waist making her squirm and giggle. Feeling another twinge in your lower abdomen you smiled.
"Maybe sooner rather than later Niamh, I think it might be time for that sleepover at Aunty Orla's house!"
The look of shock in Cillian's eyes made you laugh. "They do say it speeds things along Cill, don't look so surprised," you winced as he called his sister.
"You ready for this?" He kissed your head as he dialled the number.
"Definitely more ready than last time!" You laughed and tweaked your daughter's nose. "Let's get your bag shall we little lady?"
"No you don't, you stay there. I'll sort her out and Orla will come pick her up. You feeling okay?"
"Yep - I'm okay, they're not too bad for now. Her bag's on the hook behind her bedroom door already packed. My bag is in the closet downstairs ready. Just need to call the midwife and we're grand okay?"
"Love you... So much..." He kissed you gently and called Orla to come pick Niamh up. Your heart felt completely full and you couldn't wait to meet your latest addition.
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For the BTHB: enemy turned caretaker with Villain whumpee and Hero caretaker ???
Thank you, your writing is amazing. Have a good day!!!
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Thank you for the ask and lovely comment! I hope you don't mind that I gave the characters genders as my brain cannot write with neutral ones today, but feel free to imagine the characters as you like.
If you want to send in an ask: here.
Downside to the River
Warnings: beating, intensive description of broken bones (including broken leg, ribs, and jaw), blood, minor vomit, losing consciousness, bathing, enjoying hurting others
Maybe she went a little too far.
Maybe, it was a possibility.
Likely? No.
Unlikely? No.
Did she? Yes.
Now, the real question was... did she care?
In the heat of the moment, that trilogy of words wouldn't dare cross her fired-up mind.
But afterwards? After the deed was done? After she tucked him into bed with a warm blanket?
Yes, she cared. She cared and regretted it.
Let's go back in time for moment, shall we?
July 15, 11:23 PM:
Her fist struck something hard, her ears heard a crack, but her heart felt victory. Her other hand dove in, earning the same satisfying sensation.
"Knock it off, will you?" The villain below her spat, blood circling in the sticky saliva. "I get your point ma'am."
Hero didn't listen. She kicked, landing a near-stunning blow on Villain's chest. He wheezed, coughing and wincing, but he didn't get much time for recovery before another kick sent him hurdling to the ground. He laid there, winded and exhausted, calculating his injuries for greatest to least- he doubted Hero would hurt him further; after all, he was already down.
Yet the otherwise positive premonition failed him. Hero slammed both fists into his temple. Way to kick a man when he's already down, Villain groaned to himself just as stars erupted in his already dimming vision.
He brought himself clumsily to his arms, legs still reclining against the wooden floor. They were on a bridge in the woods, a place that young couples would go for dates on. Though it was more than obvious that wasn't the intention for the late night visit.
Hero pounced, a flying fist meeting his ribcage. Crack! Hero pulled back for moment to allow Villain to collapse on the ground, grunting and moaning weakly, before hopping to her feet and jumping on his side.
"I get your point," Villain growled through clenched teeth.
"I doubt that," Hero retorted, and stomped on Villain's outstretched hand.
"Nngh," Villain replied, pulling in his hand instinctively, but Hero didn't allow for that form of comfort. She placed her shoe onto his wrist and pinned it down.
"Shut up, will you?"
Hero stood up straighter, giving Villain minimal, but relief nonetheless. When the eerie sound didn't come again, she continued her pin of victory.
Hero looked around again, shrugged, but stopped. There was something different in the air.
It was raining.
Not just a drizzle, but a downpour.
Hero looked over the side of the bridge to see raging waters hitting the wooden beams.
Oh crap.
It was a flash flood.
Hero pushed herself away from Villain and bounded to shore. She jumped over pools of mud and water, leaped over fallen branches, and slid over slick slides of leaves.
Before sprinting back home, Hero took a glance over her shoulder at Villain who was struggling to get back on his feet. For a moment, a pure second of temptation, Hero considered going to save him.
No, she told herself, silently shaming herself for those types of thoughts. He is a monster. He brought this upon himself.
Hero looked up again to see the bridge collapse. Villain's arms and legs gave out as a beam smacked into his back, right by the shoulder blades. She didn't have to hear his holler to know the horrible sound that escaped his bloody lips.
As he fell, obviously dazed and disoriented, his skull smashed into a stray piece of wood and he was enveloped by the muddy waves.
July 16, 12:18 AM:
Hero laid upon her bed, aimlessly wrapping a strand of her hair around her index finger, making knots and toying with the invention. Her mind was wandering. Was he dead? Or dying? Was he alone and cold? Or was he not even awake, only his body awaiting inevitable death?
Hero looked out the window and into the dark sky beyond. The consistent tapping on her window told her that it was indeed still raining- pretty heavily at that. But the rain wasn't her concern.
"He is cold," she whispered silently to herself, shaking her head, blonde curls bouncing off her forearms.
She tried to concentrate on her Game of Hair-Knots, but her restless legs walked themselves to the window, her inquisitive eyes looking outside.
Where was he?
She forced herself back to her bed and plopped back onto the comfortable cushioning. She laid her head against the comforter. Should go back out there...
No. She aimed to defeat Villain that night. The task was over, mission finished.
She didn't defeat Villain. The storm did. The intoxicating flash flood that more than definitely was making Villain suffer with dreadful hypothermia.
Save him.
But he is better dead.
It's not right.
I'm saving the world.
You're saving yourself. Go!
Hero rolled onto her back, groaned, and ran down the stairs. She threw on a jacket, grabbed a flashlight and trotted through the booming thunderstorm.
July 16, 12:56:
"Villain!" Hero screamed over the gusts of bellowing winds. She waved her flashlight around wildly. "Villain!"
She was following the river. He had to have turned up somewhere. She shuddered thinking of the waterfall not to faraway from where she was.
It was too crazy of one, but if he fell...
Hero didn't want to think of the "what ifs".
After a few more minutes of looking, she came upon said fall of water. Heart lurching, Hero madly searched around it, desperate to find him before the drop off.
He wasn't anywhere in sight.
Hero ran down the hill that caged the powerful waves up. She tripped over sticks and branches, and even fell a couple times, but kept going.
She had to find him.
And that she did.
His body was laying haphazardly on a rock, completely limp and seemingly unresponsive.
"Villain!" Hero yelled and crouched next to the injured person. Shining the light over his wet face, she could see all the bruises she left, the odd angle his jaw was in, and the smeared trace of blood on his temple where he hit his head earlier.
She let the light wander over the rest of his drenched, and nauseatingly bloody, body. A large wooden beam rested on his leg. His leg, in question, was sticking up on the other side, bent inward with blood staining the pale material of his jeans.
Hero shot straight up to look closer at his leg. If she moved it, she knew it would upset his injuries even further unless, of course, she woke Villain up.
"Hey," Hero tapped Villain's cheek until unfocused eyes open. "Wake up," she whispered.
Villain took a moment to get his bearings, but the moment he did, he screamed. "Hurts, hurts so much," he sobbed. Hero kept her hands rested on his shoulder until he shook them off.
"Get your hands off of me," he growled, glaring at Hero.
She didn't blame him.
But she did ignore him.
"You are trapped under that beam," she informed the villain, pointing to the heavy board that laid upon his lower body. Villain's gaze, still full of hatred, followed her finger.
"I have to lift it. The second I do, drag yourself away. Got it?"
Villain seemed to realize how dire his situation was for he nodded his head. Hero gave an encouraging smile and proceeded to lift the beam.
"Wait," Villain said. "How bad is it?"
Villain noticeably gulped and furrowed his brow.
Hero lined up to the board and wrapped her arms around the slimy material. "Ready? On the count of three. One... two... three..."
Hero lifted while Villain pulled himself to his feet- or foot.
The wood slipped from her hands. Even though her muscles trembled from lifting the beam- thanks to the blessing of adrenaline- she looked at Villain, who was swaying on his foot.
Then she looked down, at his leg.
The bone was popped out of his pants, white and ragged, with cracks running downwards. Hero felt bile rise up her throat, but the nauseating feeling was quickly succumbed when she noticed Villain's eyes roll backwards.
"Crap!" She exclaimed and caught Villain as he collapsed into her arms. His head lolled on her shoulder, body the human equivalent of a ragdoll.
July 16, 2:12 AM:
Hero dragged Villain into the bathroom and quickly got him out of his sodden clothes and wrapped in countless blankets. His lips were an unnatural shade of blue, fingertips waxen in yellow candlewax.
"C'mon bud," Hero murmured, rubbing his wrists to stimulate warm blood flow. She periodically checked hie temperature and smiled as it increased by the decimal.
His hair was matted in dirt and blood- he needed that cleaned immediately before it got into any open wounds. Hero found so many, so many little cuts and deep gashes that she lost count. He would need stitches, antibiotics...
His leg. Surgery was a definite.
But bringing him to a hospital would be suicide for him.
But wasn't I the one who just wanted him dead? The one who left him for dead?
Hero shook her head. That train of thought wouldn't help the situation.
The moment his body temperature was raised enough to safetly bathe him without the risk of even more pain due to the sudden change from cold to hot, Hero filled the tub with warm, vanilla scented water, and lowered him gently into it. She took the showerhead and tenderly rinsed out his hair, picking out hardened bits of mud and dried blood.
He slept through her motherly care, sometimes groaning, but Hero was quick to soothe him.
The next task in cleaning him was shampooing his hair. She scrubbed her coconut scented soap into his hair, then rinsed, dipping his head back to avoid getting it into his eyes.
When the bath was done, Hero wrapped him in a thick bathrobe, tied the front into a bow and carried him to her room where she wrapped a blanket around his sleeping frame.
The last thing Hero did before sitting in a nearby chair was call her friend.
"Caretaker? I kinda have a situation here."
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ch4nb4ng · 4 years
Pairings: fem reader X hyunjin (a little bit of minho)
Warnings: oral sex, penetration, possible (?) harsh words (like rejection), masturbation 
Word Count: 10.3k
A/N: i have not posted for a while and i do apologise ive had a lot of family stuff going on. this took me a while to write so i hope you enjoy it :)
The sudden arms around your waist took you by surprise as you scooped the ice cream from the tub to your glass.
“Hi y/n,” Hyunjin giggled, his muffled breath dancing across your neck. Your body froze, unable to comprehend what had just happened. Yes, he had always been this touchy feely kind of person, but the amount of flirtation had increased recently; it was frustrating.
He used to be this cute little boy, full of life and innocence. Short black hair that used to flop over his eyes, bare, pale skin; pretty much as plain as they come. Hyunjin always had such a gentle nature about him. He supported you in whatever you wanted to do and dream of. He was the dictionary definition of a best friend. His personality didn’t change, but other things began too, especially for you. You were high school sweethearts. Always at each other’s hip, studying together, hanging out together at parties, after school; wherever. You both got into the same college, deciding to live together. That was when things began to take a turn. From growing out his hair, dyeing it blonde, getting a lip ring (and multiple other piercings), and, not to mention the multitude of tattoos he started to get carved onto his body was making you feel a different way. Even the way he dressed. You wouldn’t be able to lose him if you went out; the clanging of the chains dangling from his hips and neck was impossible not to hear. He wasn’t the pure, wholesome boy you used to know, and that had become a very, very pressing problem for you.
“Heyyyyyy,” you gasped, breath heavy from the slight scare attack he gave you. Your eyes automatically gazing at the slightly exposed skin showing due to the unbuttoned first button on his loose shirt.
“Oh my god Hyunjin,” your eyes widened, pushing his clothing to the side, “you got another tattoo?”
“Yeah what do you think?”
You ignored his question, starting to analyse it heavenly. A large, striking dagger; god, that was sexy. Biting down on your bottom lip, you giggled, lightly tracing your finger across the outline.
“I do like it actually.”
You smiled, looking up at him. How were the two of you suddenly so close? A hand was resting on your hip, you couldn’t help but feel the heat rush to your face. God he was such a fucking flirt, it was so irritating. Like he loved to play with you; see how much of a reaction he could get from you. You were clearly wrapped around his finger. It wasn’t like he wasn’t intelligent either. He began to know his way around girls, you would be completely dumbfounded if he hadn’t yet worked out the feelings you had for him. You wouldn’t even think twice, but when he’s looking at you, like that, inches away from your lips, it was hypnotising, leaving you wanting more every time. The cocky smirk fell from his face, spinning away from you and dropping onto the couch to watch some tv. He looked at you, playfully smiling as he pat the empty area next to him, inviting you to sit with him. Unable to refuse, you scurried over, legs slightly pushed against his as he flicked through the channels for something to watch. A comfortable silence fell over the room as you rested your head on his shoulder, a lively hum escaping his lips at the gentle contact.
“Are you doing anything tonight y/n?”
“I was going to ask you actually, do you think you could help me with algebra prac tonight?”
That playful smirk returned to his face, making your stomach swoon. How could he not know the effect his mysterious look had on you? You tucked your hair behind your ears, abruptly standing up and walking to your room, shutting the door behind you. Hyunjin’s eyebrows furrowed at your shortness; it somehow began to make his heart hurt. Immediate panic came over him as he ran after you, gently knocking on your door.
No response.
“Y/n? Is everything okay?”
“Yes Hyunjin,” you reply, opening the door with a smile. A wave of relief flooded through Hyunjin seeing you happy. He wanted nothing but for you to be happy. It was when he became the happiest. If you showed him any sign of sadness or stress, he felt like he was losing his mind. You were his number one priority. Regardless if he had a million things going on, you being content was the only thing that had mattered. 
You snapped him out of his thoughts, clicking in front of his face as you let him come to your room and take the seat next to you at your desk. Opening your book made his eyes automatically widen. You felt puzzled, beginning to stress slightly. If he didn’t know how to do it, how would you learn? Hyunjin was the only one who could actually get through to you when it came to understanding the multitude of theories you had to memorise. You felt your shoulders, which were previously tense, relax once he stood back up, letting his hands rest on you, thumbs digging slightly into your muscles as he began to analyse your work. A muffled whine escaped your lips at the feeling of his touch; so delicate, yet so rough. Tilting your head, you pushed your hair to the side; nothing more needed to be said. Hyunjin chuckled, enjoying your playful antics. His fingertips traveled across your skin, slowly reaching up to your neck. Rolling your head forward, you became limp. It was so exhausting putting up a facade in front of him. Just this one time, you could give into his touch.
“Y/n you’re so tight-”
Your body froze. You weren’t sure if you had heard him correctly.
“Your muscles are so tight, is this really stressing you out?”
“Oh,” you replied, slightly relieved, “uhm, yeah it is. I honestly don't understand it at all.”
“Well we cannot work under these conditions,” he gasped, “get on your bed for me why don't you?”
You were flabbergasted. 
“Y/n, get your mind out of the gutter,” he snickered, causing you to playfully hit his arm.
You followed his instructions, stomach pressed against the quilt of your bed. Your eyes were closed, slightly becoming patient at the way Hyunjin was taking his time with you. 
“Are you ready for the best massage of your life?”
“Sure am Jinnie.”
You couldn’t stop the smile that was forming on your lips. The way Hyunjin climbed onto your bed, sitting on top of you, delicately moving your hair to make sure your back was exposed and bare to him. The way he was leaning down, lips almost pressing to your ear as his fingers began to sink into your skin. A small groan left your lips. Hyunjin had now grasped a good feeling of your body, knowing all the spots that were making you uptight. The temperature in the room was rising, whether you wanted to accept it or not. Your arousal was becoming apparent, core becoming hotter with each passing moment. Thumb digging into every place you longed for him. They began to travel, lingering under the edge of your shirt. It was obvious that Hyunjin’s only intentions were to make you feel better. You weren’t sure if it was the satisfactory chuckle that left his lips every two seconds, or the slight hard on that was becoming pressed against your thigh. Surely this was anything but innocent. Releasing the stress so he could help you with your homework. But the moans leaving your mouth was slowly but surely changing the atmosphere of the originally family friendly, helpful environment that was once created. 
“Your hands feel so good,” you blurted out, quickly burying your face into the sheets. You couldn’t believe you had just said that out loud. Your heart began to race in anticipation, dying for Hyunjin to say literally anything.
“I’m glad you’re feeling better,” he hummed, standing up. An almost whimper escaped your lips. Dabbing your fingers to your forehead, you gasped. You were already sweating. A blush creeping onto your face. If he could make you this hot from a playful massage, imagine what else he could do with those fingers.
Taking your previous position on your chair, your head was feeling dizzy. Hyunjin began to explain the equation, yet all you could think about was his hands wrapped around your neck, trickling down your sides and to your-
“So do you understand it now y/n, y/n?”
“Oh,” you looked up, avoiding his piercing gaze, “um, yeah, i do, thank you.”
“God,” he huffed, rolling his eyes, “you must be real tired huh?”
“What? No Im fine-”
“Let me tuck you into bed.”
“Into bed?”
“Yeah,” he grinned, walking over and pulling the sheets back, “you aren’t listening to me so I think you need to rest, come here.”
Unable to refuse him, you quickly hopped in. Your body was tense, waiting for Hyunjin to leave. But he didn’t. The feeling of his arms wrapping around your torso, muscular frame pressing into your back. Your muscles began to relax straight away, practically melting into him. God, he liked to make things hard for you.
“Let’s get some sleep, and we can go over this in the library, okay y/n?”
“Mhmm,” you hummed, all your senses shutting off for the night. The last thing you heard was his baby breaths, tickling the back of your neck
Your eyes were awake, feeling the dishevelled strands of hair sprawled across your face, bed sheets completely tangled. A slick smile spread across your face at the thoughts of last night's subtle, yet not so subtle actions. You slapped yourself across the face. Getting out of bed, you made your way to the kitchen, still drowsy from the good quality sleep, and company you had. Tensions were high all of yesterday, keeping you aroused for a prolonged period of time. Wanting to have some fun, you decided to change out of the clothes you were in, stripping off and wearing nothing but your silk robe as you made your way to the kitchen. 
“Morning sleepy head,” Hyunjin smiled, taking his tongue in between his teeth as he began to look you up and down. One hand on the frying pan, the other leaning on the kitchen bench, “you tryna put on a show for me or what ?”
“Pfft,” you scoffed, joining him in leaning against the bench, “you wish Mr. Hwang.”
“Yeah uh, anyways,” he interjected, followed by a small cough, “i’m gonna have a shower and then we can head to the library.”
“Uh sure bub,” you smile, stealing a piece of toast from his plate, “I’ll go get ready and grab my stuff.”
Sending a wink Hyunjin’s way, you headed back to your room, collecting your thoughts and self together. 
His jaw clenched as soon he saw your behind. A frustrated hand ran through his hair. “God,” he mumbled to himself. Quickly cleaning the frying pan, he headed to the shower, turning the water on, extra hot. Hands relying on the glass frame, he let the steaming droplets run down his body. Eyes closed, he began to think, hard, compartmentalising the many thoughts of you running through his mind. One hand began to trail down his neck, dragging down the center of his body. A small groan escaped his lips, letting his fingertips gently wrap around his base. The combination of water and steam filled his vision as he began to pump himself, images of your exposed body lying in front of him, having you all to himself. His grip became harder at thought, having you moan his name over and over, tongue dragging across his chest, marking the ink that practically covered him. 
“Fuck,” he groaned, “y/n.”
Hyunjin stumbled backwards, letting his back dig into the sidewall as he threw his head back. Grabbing the soap, he held it above his head, letting it dangle across his length. He was already sensitive; the feeling of the cold liquid sending a shiver down his spine. Letting both of his hands now wrap around his cock, he made his own jaw drop. Images of his hands imprinted around your torso, completely manhandling you was making him dizzy. He wanted it, you, so bad.His thoughts were warped on a daily basis; they were all about you. All the times he thought about grabbing your waist, slamming you against the wall as he double pumped himself, jaw dropping open as his hips began to buck up. He was becoming desperate to touch you, to feel you under him. He wanted you squirming, begging for you. He just wanted to make you feel good. 
“Ah fuck y/n, I’m cuming,” he whined, seeing his liquid cover the glass. He stood there for minutes, heavily panting as he came down from his high. Eyes wide open, head snapping forward, Hyunjin turned off the water, quickly dressing himself and heading out to the couch to wait for you.
“Do you get it now?”
“Yes,” you exclaimed, “finally, thank you Hyunjin.”
What felt like hours of studying was finally paying off. Having hyunjin as your teacher was another bonus of course. The subtle grazes against your leg, his small thumb rubbing circles on your back. You were surprised how your body never went into sensory overload. Hyunjin’s touch was delicate, yet so enticing. Like he knew exactly what he was doing to you. His daily entertainment; how flustered could he make you? You adjusted your posture, a nervous cough escaping your chest, making Hyunjin chuckle.
“y/n, are you okay?”
“Uh yeah,” you shrugged, “why wouldn’t I be?”
“You seem flustered?” he questioned, a hint of innocence in his tone. Placing each elbow on the table, he smirked, gaze strong on you,
“Am i turning you on right now?”
Face beginning to feel hot, you began to laugh, playfully hitting him to avert that fact that you actually were flustered.
“Hyunjin, dont be stupid!”
He began to laugh with you, making your heart hurt a little. You knew it was all fun and games for him and he was just mucking around. Most of the time you found it funny too, but there were moments where you wished that he was being serious; this was one of these moments.
“Hyunjin’s teaching skills are okay from what i’ve seen.”
A huge grin swiped your face as you saw Minho, Chan and Jisung approach your table.
“My favorite people,” you paused half way through the sentence, turning to Hyunjin, “how are you guys doing!”
“I’m doing great,” Chan winked, making you gag on the spot. The boys began an uproar of laughter, completely dying at the way you completely rejected him. He was always harmlessly playful with you; this was regular banter you shared.
“Anyways,” Minho interjected, “we are all doing good, studying of course, the usual. I wanna go out though.”
“Oh my god yes,” Jisung gasped, “that’s such a good idea!”
“We haven’t gone out in so long,” you sighed, “I’m down.”
All of the boys clapped. What felt like a stressful, exhausting energy became a peaceful, relaxing one. Going out clubbing with the boys was so much fun. Things sometimes went south, but nonetheless, when everyone’s drunk, everyone’s having fun. 
“We just finished studying actually,” Jisung smiled, collecting his books and standing up, “if you guys are done we can go out for dinner tonight and then go out?”
“Oh um, I'm gonna study for a bit longer,” Hyunjin interjected, “and then I'll meet you guys out.”
Nodding in response, the rest of the boys got up, making their way back to their dorms. Minho remained seated.
“I-I’m gonna study for a bit longer as well. We can get something to eat and meet you guys later?”
You smiled at them; that was until you felt a heavy blow to your backside, causing half the students to turn and look at you.
“Hyunjin,” you whispered, “what the fuck was that for?”
Playing with your fingertips previously, Hyunjin wrapped his fingers around your wrist, pulling you back down, letting his ink covered fingertips sit on your neck,
“You know I'm just mucking around,” he whispered, moving closer to your ear, “were you thinking of something different?”
Pulling away from him, your eyes widened, playfully hitting him once more before grabbing your stuff and finally leaving. 
Waiting for a cue of privacy, Minho coughed obnoxiously, steering Hyunjin’s gaze away from behind.
“So,” Minho began, “y/n looked real cute today all snuggled up against you.”
“Oh,” Hyunjin nervously chuckled, “i don't know what you're talking about.”
“You know,” Minho leaned closer to him, “I think i’m gonna ask her out.”
Hyunjin’s jaw clenched. A pang hit him at the base of his stomach.
“Oh,” Hyunjin mumbled, “since when have you been interested in y/n?”
“Uh, since she started hanging around us,” he scoffed, making Hyunjin's fingers curl into his palm, “I was just telling you because, well, you know, you’re the closest to her and incase you guys has something going on -”
“We don't.” 
“Are you sure,” Minho questioned, slightly enjoying how easily he could rile him up, “say something now because if you don't, she’s gonna end up in my bed tonight-”
“I told you, there’s no problem. I'm gonna go back to my room and have a shower, do you want to come then we can go eat with y/n?”
Both boys were now standing, close together. The atmosphere had changed from playful to territorial very quickly. You could cut it with a knife.
“Sounds good to me. She’ll say no though, I know her too well.”
Hyunjin wanted to punch the extremely cocky smirk spreading across Minho’s face. It was no secret that Minho’s reputation with girls was, well, extensive. From one night stands, to threesomes, foursomes, you name it. There wasn’t one thing that this dude had not done. It made Hyunjin nervous. Seeing the way Minho treated other girls made his skin crawl. He didn’t want you to be just a number on his list. You were naive, Hyunjin knew that. He always knew that you always saw the best in people. It was one of the many things he adored about you, but in this current moment, it was making his heart sink. He wasn’t sure why; he wasn’t sure if it was jealousy or Minho’s arrogant agenda, but he was definitely feeling uneasy. 
The usual ice droplets that soaked your body felt like fire. Hyunjin was always touchy feely, but the way he had been with you the past couple of days was affecting you so much more than it usually did. The thought alone made you feel lightheaded. A large sigh came as your body pressed up against the glass frame. Your frustration was growing, and you weren’t sure how much longer you could keep these Hyunjin fantasies in your head. 
Stepping out of the shower, you wiped the fogginess sticking to the mirror. Pushing your hair back, you looked at yourself for what felt like a really long time. Nerves began to bundle in your stomach. Something about tonight was different. It began to feel a different way. Your chest jumped at the possibility of something finally happening with him. 
“Pfft who am i kidding,” you yelled at yourself in the mirror, pushing your nose up against the foggy glass, “keep dreaming girl.”
Wrapping your towel around your naked torso, you walked out to the kitchen, finding a few snacks too much on. You had time to procrastinate getting ready. Turning on the tv, you happily munched away, enjoying your favorite show, Jane the virgin. The previous bundle of nerves dissipated as you let yourself sink into the couch. Going out with the boys was nothing out of the ordinary, but the tensions between you and Hyunjin felt the highest it had ever been. What was worse was that it wasn’t the first time that the atmosphere had been intense.
“Oooo,” Hyunjin yelled, quickly snatching your phone from your grasp, “who is this you're talking to now.”
“HYUNJIN IT’S NO ONE,” you screamed, standing up in front of him, “can you mind your business?” 
The swipe across his hands to get your phone back failed, causing him to begin running around the apartment, simultaneously scrolling your messages. Sure you entertained other guys from time to time. However, none of them made you feel hot the way hyunjin did. It was practically impossible. Even looking at Hyunjin made you feel like exploding on the spot.
Following his charade of nonsense, frustration began to grow. Chasing him around the house was no easy task. He was fast and flexible. There was no way you would be able to catch him. Coming to a stand still, you sighed.
“Hyunjin please,” you whined, waiting for him to come out of hiding, “if you give me my phone back, i’ll tell you.”
A loud gasp left your lips when you felt him from behind. Hands pinned to your sides, Hyunjin used his force, pinning you against the wall adjacent to your previous stance. Sticking his lips out, he chuckled, blowing the hair that was covering his gently frustrated eyes burning down on you. Nerves were setting in, especially once his cocky smirk began to form on his yet to be touched lips. Letting a hand roam, your mind was becoming dizzy, unable to control what your body was doing. That could’ve explained how your fingertips were spread across his clean chest, nearly half the buttons on his shirt somehow were undone. Were they already like that? Did you do it? You weren’t able to comprehend the situation at hand.
“Y/n,” he paused, “baby. Why are you talking to other guys?”
You could feel the lump forming at your throat. Intimidation was creeping in, lingering the longer he kept his hungry eyes on you.
“W-what do you mean?”
“Come on,” Hyunjin huffed, swiftly dragging his fleshy thumb across your bottom lip, “you don't need other guys. I’m right here.”
“What do you wanna eat?”
Minho's presence was putting Hyunjin off guard. All of his thoughts led to you right now. 
“Uh, I don't mind, it's up to you,” he mumbled. He could feel the blood running through his body becoming warmer with each passing second. Opening the door to the apartment made him nervous suddenly. Especially when he opened the door to you in nothing but a petite towel.
“Hey hyunjin-”
You spun around, tripping over the carpet in front of you.
“Oh.. Minho’s here too,” you stated, praying to the gods that you were still fully covered. Minho’s facial expressions conformed to those of concern as soon as your body hit the ground. Finger tips traveling to your legs, slowly up your arms, landing on your cheek.
“Holy shit y/n, are you okay?”
“Uh yeah,” you smiled, “I’m fine.”
Helping you up from the floor, Minho reciprocating the innocent smile. You sent a hard glare at Hyunjin after, causing hyunjin to huff, loud. Saying nothing, he walked straight out the fridge, finding any possible beer that was in sight, and, well, sculling it. 
“Hyunjin,” you yelled, running over, one hand keeping your towel secure, the other hitting him on the back, “what are you doing? We haven’t even eaten yet!”
“What,” he hissed, making you uncomfortably step away, “are you my mom?”
“No,” you replied back harshly, eyebrows furrowing at the way he was speaking to you all of a sudden, “God, what’s with the sulky attitude?”
You reached passed, purposefully brushing your barely covered chest across his torso, reaching for a chocolate bar.
“Minho,” you called, keeping your gaze fixated up at Hyunjin, “do you wanna come help me pick an outfit for tonight?”
The question made Hyunjin crush the now empty beer can in his grip. 
“Uh sure,” Minho answered, somewhat courteous about the interaction the two of you just had. He followed you to your room, looking forward to the way you were about to try on these outfits just for him.
“Okay so,” you began, “I have two,” you paused, making sure you were loud enough for the Hyunjin to hear, “you can sit here, and I'll go and quickly change into the first one.”
The look on Minho’s face was delectable. Like he was a kid in a candy store. Placing your fingers on his chest, you gave him a soft nudge, making him fall and lay back on your bed. You turned to your wardrobe, making sure to cautiously bend over and pick out the first outfit. You looked back at him as you walked out the door. The way he spread his legs right open, waiting in anticipation for you was fucking hot. 
A sigh of relief escaped your chest as you closed the bathroom door, finally able to drop this irritating towel and put some actual clothes on. This moment gave you a minute of peace, thinking about what you were actually doing. Harmlessly playing around with Minho to make Hyunjin jealous. Would it even work? Usually it was something you would question and/or doubt. However, it did not matter right now. Whether it made him envious or not, you were sick of having hopes that something would happen. Minho was very attractive, and he had shown previous interest in you before. A little fun wouldn’t hurt right.
You rolled your eyes hearing Hyunjin’s voice and knocked at the door. Shimmying into your dress, you sighed, opening the door for him.
“What do you want?”
“Nothing,” he paused, hesitating, “I’m sorry for acting the way I did just before.”
You said nothing, instead, letting him walk in while you began to do your makeup.
“I just don’t understand why you think you can talk to me like that, especially in front of your friends?”
“Because, uh, well.”
You huffed at his hesitation to answer.
“Of course you don't kno-”
His actions spoke louder than words, as they were pinning you up against the glass shower frame. You could feel the magnitude of shivers fall through your spine, yet your skin felt hot, especially in the place he was touching you.
“I do know,” he answered, eyes burning. He sighed, running a frustrated hand through his blacked locks.
“What do you know,” you smirked, looking up at him, bringing a hand around his neck, “tell me.”
The intensity had never been so heavy. Standing there in dead silence, eyes pouring into each other. Inches apart. It could be so easy for you to just reach up and finally, maybe finally, let yourself experience the feeling of those damn lips brushing your wanting ones. You could picture how this ended in your head right now. Legs wrapped around his torso, lips tickling your neck. Hell, you could even somehow reach around and just turn the shower on, give you not only a reason to be naked, but another reason as to why this should happen; right here, right now.
“Y/n, are you okay,” Minho yelled, making you break away from Hyunjin, “you’ve been in there for a long time just to put some clothes on.”
Brushing yourself off, you left Hyunjin to himself, absolutely gobsmacked like nothing had ever happened. He could do nothing, but walk out and see you standing in front of his best friend. Dressing up for him. Showing off for him. Saying that it made Hyunjin’s blood boil was an understatement.
“Wow,” Minho hummed in approval, “spin around for me princess.”
You did as you were told, allowing his eyes to linger on your figure. All Hyunjin could do was just stand in the hallway, jaw dropped. His brain was ringing with anger. Storming off, all he could do was look into the fridge, quickly sipping on another beer can.
Finally stepping out of your room with Minho, Hyunjin huffed, barely paying attention to him. But when he saw you, he could feel the tent in his pants beginning to form. Tight black dress, long hair cascading down your shoulders. You looked perfect to him.
“Ready to go Hyunjin?”
He blinked a few times.
“Um, yeah I am.”
“Good,” you smirked, grabbing Minho's arms and wrapping them around your torso.
The music was blaring through the speaker system as you barely stood at the bar, chugging down the 5th round of shots Chan had bought for all of you.
“To friendship!” he yelled.
“Friendship,” you slurred in response, humming at the way the liquid burned your chest. It’s painful the  first time, but after the 5th one, it's the fiery sensation that you want nothing more than to feel again. Everyone was loud and fun, having their time of life. Except for Hyunjin of course, silently sipping on his drink in the corner. You stumbled over to him, somewhat heavily slapping him on the shoulder.
“Hyunjin,” you smiled, feeling your eyes get smaller, “what’s wrong?”
“But you aren't acting like the Hyunjin that I know.”
You pouted, digging your index fingers into his chest.
“Nothing,” he snapped, “I’m fine.”
His response made you pissed off to say the least. But giving him a good scolding or fighting him was not even worth your energy. Why was he being so sulky? He was the one who pushed you against any hard surface whenever he was mad. The one who teased you with massages, lingering gazes, sinful touches. The thoughts of those many moments became a sudden sensory overload. You hurried away, quickly grabbing Minho's wrist and dragging him to the dance floor.
“Dance with me,” you whispered, grabbing his wrist and placing them on your sides as you turned to face away from him. Closing your eyes, you let the music pour into you, head lying in the crook on Minho’s neck as you let your body explore him. The satisfactory groans that left his lips and slipped into your ears felt like paradise. It felt so good, feeling someone finally reciprocate their interest in you. His grip on you was strong, thumb digging into your sides as he pulled you close, letting you feel his hard on from behind you. A deep hum left your throat, making him smile against your lobe.
“Feeling okay baby?”
“Mmmm yeah,” you chuckled, “I can tell you are.”
The deepness in your voice made him spin around. You threw your head back in satisfaction, allowing his lips to cover your neck in delicate, feverish kisses. Wrapping your arms around his neck made him chuckle, allowing him to pull you even closer than before. He wasn’t shy, that’s for sure. You shivered, feeling the hard grip he had on your left thigh, hooking it around and lifting your leg around him. You looked up at him, seeing the darkness pooling behind his eyes as he told you to jump, allowing him to carry you. Your hands were in the air, completely loose and carefree as you continued to sway to the beat of the music. This was the first time you had felt so light. Everything felt so easy at this moment. Minho was giving you the attention you had been craving from Hyunjin for so long. You looked down at him, the previous dark facade long gone as he looked up at you with nothing but joy and admiration present. It made you smile. 
“Y/n,” he yelled, bringing you back to his level, “let’s go sit at the bar, I want to ask you something.”
You didn’t complain, trailing him out of the human traffic of the bar. ‘Of course,’ you muttered to yourself, seeing the only two available stools being right next to hyunjin and some random girl that he was feeling up under the table. You rolled your eyes; of course he was entertaining someone else. You ignored him, putting a gentle hand on Minho's thigh.
“Did you say something?”
“Yeah,” he grinned, “did you want another drink?”
“Oh uhm, can you just get me some water please?”
“A-anything for you baby.”
You couldn’t help but giggle, not noticing till now how sloshed he really was. The two of you sat in comfortable silence, patiently waiting for the drinks he had ordered. You let your fingers linger on him, drawing sloppy lines along his inner thigh.
“So,” he began, taking a sip of his drink in between speech, “there’s actually something I wanted to ask you.”
“You did say this from what I recall,” you laughed, scratching your head with your index finger; an attempt at acting puzzled in front of him.
“Yes,” he smirked, placing a hand on the outer edge of your knee, “I wanted to ask if you wanted to go out on a date with me next week?”
His question knocked the alcohol right out of your system, completely sobering you up. You fixed your posture, slight panic settling into your body at his sudden question. It was just fun, wasn’t it? Just using him to make Hyunjin jealous? 
“Um wow,” you gasped, unsure what to say, “this is, well, um, I don't really know what to say.”
“What do you mean?”
Small dribbles of sweat began tapping on your forehead. Pushing your hair behind your ear, you lifted your hand, placing it apologetically over his.
“Minho,” you empathetically smiled, “I think that’s so sweet of you.”
You paused, quickly seeing the way the grin on his face began to turn down.
“And don't get me wrong, you’re a great guy and you have been nothing but sweet to me. But, I, well, I have feelings for someone else.”
The look on his face made you devastated. The hurt was evident in his eyes. Minho grabbed his drink, taking a big swig from it.
“Please say something,” you pleaded, beginning to feel uncomfortable from the painful silence.
“It’s fine.”
Heart beat beginning to race, you could feel it; the sudden change in atmosphere between the two of you.
“It is? Okay good because-”
“It’s fine because I was joking.”
A heavy pang hit you in the chest. Did you even hear him correctly?
He looked up at you, a slight chuckle came from him.
“Oh, you thought I was being serious?”
He grabbed you by the wrist, picking it up and pushing it off of him.
“You weren’t being serious?”
“Of course not,” he snapped, “you think I would wanna be with you?”
“Well why would you ask me out if you didn’t feel that way?”
He took another swig.
“Yeah well whatever, it’s a mistake. I can barely even look at you.”
You stood up, blood beginning to boil now. 
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
He rolled his eyes, following you and standing over you.
“Do I have to spell it out for you? I wouldn’t go near you with a ten foot poll. Let alone fuck you? Pfft, your dreaming girl; good luck with that.”
You felt dizzy, unable to comprehend what Minho had just said to you. ‘What a dick’ you thought, before lifting your hand and slapping him across the face. You could feel the tear prick your eyes. You just wanted to fall, break down on the spot. No one had ever said such hurtful things to you before. Hyunjin turned around as soon as he heard the sound. You didn’t want to look at him. You were fuming. Minho just stood there, laughing at you.
“Listen here,” you snapped, “I get that you’re upset that your advances didn’t work, but you have no fucking right to say that to me, or anyone, ever again. Unless you apologise, I never want to speak to you ever again.”
And with that, you picked yourself up, and walked out of there, alone.
You couldn’t feel anything but the painful throb in the back of your head as you rose out of bed. Taking your phone off the charger you gasped, seeing the multiple missed calls Hyunjin had left you last night. You threw your phone back onto your bed, sheepishly making your way to the kitchen.
“Hey babes.”
You looked up to see a dishevelled Hyunjin waiting for you at the bench. You tried to smile at him, hide the pain of what Minho had said to you last night. Your heart was hurting, so bad. It was hard not to believe what he had said to you. You just wanted to run into Hyunjin's arms, let him whisper sweet nothings and tell you everything was okay; but you knew that if that happened, you would never let him go.
“Morning,” you mumbled, turning your back to him as you turned on the coffee machine, “how are you feeling this morning?”
“Yeah I'm good,” he mumbled back slowly making his way over to you. You sighed, a sharp inhale as you felt his arms wrap you from behind. Luckily, his head was resting on your back; he wasn’t able to see the impulsive tears slip from your eyes.
“Are you feeling okay after last night?”
Your heart sank. Humiliation was settling in; he had heard exactly what he said. It felt like you couldn't breathe. You were gasping for air. Hyunjin grabbed your waist, spinning you around, encompassing you in his embrace. He could feel you. The way your body sobbed against him. Hands against your chest, head curled into his neck. Holding it in was impossible, especially from Hyunjin. He knew you like the back of his hand.
“My angel,” he whimpered, cupping your cheeks and looking down at you, “I’m so sorry about what happened last night. I want you to know that none of what he said is true. You are such a beautiful person inside and out, and you didn't deserve that.”
You finally fixed your gaze back onto him. You had never seen such softness to his eyes before. You felt yourself giving  yourself to him. Vulnerability glowing in your heart as you felt yourself slipping away. His touch on you became stronger, hypnotising almost. Your hands found their way onto his body, unsafely creeping under his shirt and messily being dragged across his stomach. The front he attempted to put on was priceless; you could feel his body tensing underneath your corrupt touch.
“y/n,” he paused, slowly taking his hand from your body that he so desperately dreamed about, “I have to, uh,  go to class, but we can talk about this when I get back.”
Hyunjin sloppily grabbed his back and stumbled out the door, leaving you utterly speechless. It was the first time you could sense his nerves from something you did. A frustrated sigh left your lips. Nails digging into your palms, you stormed to your room, slamming the door behind you. 
“God,” you growled, aggressively falling onto your bed. Your eyelids suddenly felt heavy, but your mind was nonstop. 
The possibilities of finally having him was on a constant loop. The way his pupils changed when he looked at you. The shiver you could feel when you touched him. The ideas of what could have happened if Hyunjin didn’t leave was driving you up the wall. His voice played in your head, as if he was right next to you, whispering the praising words you longed to hear. A moan slipped from your lips, hands now sliding down the sides of your body as your mind became more vivid. The ache between your legs becomes stronger with each drawn out breath. You chuckled, replacing the ache with the thought of Hyunjin's tongue. You sat up, quickly stripping down to under garments. You took a quick look at yourself in the mirror; leaving you feeling anything but delirious.
You bit down on your bottom lip, letting your hands roam once more. Feeling the heat dance across your cheeks, you giggled, making yourself nervous at the thought of his summery breath cascade down your neck, blonde tips to follow. It’s like he was an island of fantasy and desire. All you could do was touch yourself. Letting your fingertips under the hem of your panties and into your folds. A sigh of relief slipping as you felt your legs become weak, falling back once more at the already immense pleasure you got from yourself. This was your way to reach the destination. The island of fantasy; desire; Hyunjin. Your stomach tensed at his name. The smile on your face could not be wiped off at any moment. Eyes closed, you could finally picture it. Hyunjin standing over you, a sadistic yet admirable facial expression hijacking his features, wishing that his lips were on your clit instead of your fingers.
“Baby,” you groaned, “Hyunjin, touch me.”
The slight cringe entering your mind at the way your voice broke at his name. ‘God how pathetic,’ you thought to yourself. He wasn’t even there and the effect he had on you was that strong. You continued your playful assault, teasing yourself at your entrance. Index finger gently prodding, you became dizzy. You were already close. The cause as to why was unknown. Were you really that good at touching yourself? Definitely not, the manifestation of every single thought of him was coming together, almost becoming overwhelming. 
“Hyunjin,” you choked, “I just want to be such a good girl for you. Please let me-”
“You wanna be a good girl for me, don't you baby?”
Your neck snapped, eyes widening at hyunjin staring down at you. 
“H-hyunjin,’ you stuttered, grabbing your pillow and covering yourself, “I c-can explain, I-”
“Shut the fuck up,” he retorted. He said nothing, tucking his hair behind his ear as he began to undo the buttons on his shirt. There was nothing you could do, but, well, stare. You propped yourself onto your elbows, feeling him wrap his arms around your torso, gently pressing your lips to every inch of his skin marked in ink. Hyunjin’s gaze was strong, never leaving your eyes as his smirk grew wider. Things were moving slow, way too slow for both of your liking. 
“You like what you see?”
“Please,” you scoffed, leaning your chin onto his stomach, “it’s nothing I haven’t seen before.”
The look in his face was priceless. Smirk rapidly dissipating from his lips; he was pissed. It was obvious. Jaw clenched, tightly gripped fists. Something you had never seen before on him. You looked down, noticing the purple covering his knuckles. You grabbed his hand, panic settling in you.
“Hyunjin what the fuck happened are you okay?”
He said nothing, ripping his hand from your grip and dropping to his knees. The smirk obviously returned at the way your legs involuntarily spread for him.
“Oh, this,” he questioned, flexing them out in front of you, “this is what happens what you’re a fucking dick to my princess.”
His fingertips traced your hem, violently teasing you. You lifted your hips, attempting to have 
Hyunjin’s fingers ‘accidentally’ slip over your clothed core. But he chuckled, hooking his arms around your legs and pushing them down, giving you no room to squirm. He chuckled; the level of power he had over you was something he had dreamt of. He began to chuckle; he couldn’t help it.
“Fuck y/n,” he groaned, snaking one hand from under your leg and onto your panties, sending a noticeable shiver down your legs, “you dont know how many times i’ve dreamt of this. Seeing you like this, all hot and bothered under me.”
You couldn’t help but groan at his words, feeling the edge of his middle finger press against your hidden clit.
“Fuck,” you mumbled, already on the brim of feeling overwhelmed.
“Am I making you too hot baby,” he pouted, increasing the pressure on your soft spot, “you like how I talk dirty like that about you?”
“Mhm,” is all you could manage to stumble out. Your body began to squirm, making Hyunjin smile at you. His hand trailed on your folds, gently travelling back to your hem of what felt like suffocating clothing covering your heat. Muffling groans escaped your lips, frustrated at how slowly he took them off. The way his pupils dilated was like a kid in a candy store. Tucking his hair behind his ear, he inched closer, lips moments away from having him where you needed the most. You let your eyes flutter shut, anticipating the moment you had been waiting for. Confusion hit when you felt hands balancing on either side of you, soulful kisses trailing up the center of your body until you opened your eyes, seeing his regard fixated, looking down into yours. You felt like a feather, his body hovered over you as he leaned closer, finally connecting his lips to yours. It was sloppily, lips out of time and teeth clashing. Not the kiss you expected, but you couldn't complain. Hyunjin slipped his tongue into your mouth, tongues colliding as he erupted a delirious fire inside of you. Your bodies began to collide, passions electrifying, lighting up the room as his hands wrapped around your hips, thumb kneading at your bones as your hands dug into his neck. Things were going slow before, but there were no more concerns about the pace now. Hyunjin’s lips were always nice to look at, but the way they felt was a whole different story. The cloud-like texture of them was making your head move in nothing but circles. You were in heaven, already thinking about how they would feel against your skin in other places you had become desperate fir. Such thoughts were interrupted when you felt him leaving your lips, sucking hard on your bottom lip. His eyes lingered on you, chest heaving, breath heavy as he lifted you up, tossing your, compared to his, small frame. A look of innocence played on your feature as Hyunjin pinned both of your hands above your head. 
“Hyunjin what are you doi-”
“Shhh baby,” he hissed, crawling back to face level, tilting his head to reach your ear, “don't move okay, I’m gonna make you feel so good,” he paused, pressing a kiss to your lobe, “just like the million times I imagined it.”
A satisfied whine left your lips as Hyunjin created a new trail, stopping at your neck. You wrapped a hand around his neck, wanting to push his lips into your skin more.
“Uh uh baby,” he chuckled, pinning your hands back to the ordered position, “be a good girl and keep them up there for me won't you?”
“Yes sir” you mumbled, a low hum of approval heard from him. He continued his savoury touches, harshly sucking on any skin above your chest that was left unmarked. His fervent touches were making you increase in sensitivity with each moment passing. A hand hooked around your back, effortlessly unclasping your bra and letting your breasts become exposed.
“Fuck,” he sighed, hunger increasing, “has anyone ever told you that you were made like a piece of fucking art?”
The compliment made you blush, hard. No one had ever said such complimentary things before.
“Uhm, no,” you whispered, scared that someone would hear you. Hyunjin frowned, eyes becoming hard as he looked up at you.
“No one’s ever told you that before,” he huffed, sticking his tongue out in front of your left nipple.
“No,” you inhaled, fear engaged as Hyunjin’s shift in demeanour appeared.
“That makes me so fucking mad,” he growled, attaching his lips to your nipple, “you’re the sexiest fucking girl ive ever seen y/n.” 
A choked whine left your lips at his words, and his tongue trapped around you, hands flicking the other.
“Fuck Hyunjin I-”
“Unfuckable,” he interjected, “how can you be when you fucking look like a piece of fucking art?”
He refused to rest. His fingers began to trail, teasingly grazing your sides as he let them travel, stopping right on top of where you wanted him the most.
“I had to add to the artwork that is you baby.”
He had now lowered himself back to his starting position. On his knees, lips in line with your pussy as he let a finger slips between your folds, your stomach jolting with electricity at the light, yet tantalising feeling he gave you.
“The marks all over your chest,” he puffed, almost like he was out of breath from just looking at you, “they are nothing but little flowers I added to a beautiful canvas.”
You could barely think about what he was saying as he pushed the finger into your entrance, a high pitched mewl coming from your chest as he began to pump.
“God Hyunjin-”
“Tell me princess,” he interrupted, adding another finger, “tell me all the dirty things you’ve wanted me to do to you.”
“Fuck,” you groaned. The cocky smirk on Hyunjin’s face, lips slightly agape,”there’s so many times when I have thought about you.”
“Tell me baby,” he groaned, letting his breath tickle the skin on your inner thigh.
“In the shower, on the kitchen bench, the couch in the living room. You doing me from behind, on top, letting me ride you,” you moaned, “but this, right now, this is my favorite.”
A grunt of thrill left his lips, an attempt and analysing the many thoughts you had about him made him feel completely justified. On the brink of pure anger, you thrusted forward, barely feeling the impact of his lips on your folds. 
“Shhh,” he whispered, curling his fingers, forcing you to lay still, “let me allow your fantasy to become a reality.”
A loud groan left your chest as Hyunjin finally allowed his tongue to plunge into you, harshly grazing your clit. The feeling made your body jolt, jaw fully lax as he your gave yourself to him. Hands running straight into his hair, you gasped, seeing him notice the way you constantly push the front strands his blonde locks behind his ears. 
“Fuck,” he mumbled against you, quickly sitting up, “this fucking hair is too long.”
Your legs shut, too weak to keep them open as Hyunjin frustratedly fisted his hair and teethed the string off his wrist, wrapping his hair into a high ponytail, front pieces gently left out, sprawling across his glistening face. As soon as he looked down, he couldn’t help but chuckle. Manhandling your delicate thighs, he bit down on his lips, aggressively spreading them open to regain his access to your sweet spot.
“Already so weak are we?”
You couldn’t help but feel humiliated as he kept his gaze on you, unforgivingly, letting his tongue rapidly circle around your clit. 
“Oh my god,” you managed to stagger out, another hum of approval entering your heat, vibrating and spreading to the rest of your body. God he was so good at this. Always making you feel good. Like you were the number one princess in the best castle. Even if it wasn’t sex, Hyunjin always found a way to make you feel better. But this. This was a whole new level of pleasure.
“Mhmm,” he grunted, replacing his tongue with a finger from his opposite hand, “how close are you baby?”
The clench around his fingers was enough, Hyunjin slightly amused. The combinations of the multitude of fingers and his extremely rough tongue on your clit was sending you to another dimension.
“Far out I knew I was good at this, but baby, you’re so easy to make cum.”
“N-no im not,” you whined, Hyunjin throwing his head pack in pure joy.
“It’s okay baby,” he cooed, picking up the pace of his fingers, “you don't have to put on a front for me.”
“Hyunjin c-cum,” you gasped, barely able to strangle anything out of your lips, “g-gon-na c-cum.”
“Yeah? You’re gonna cum for me?”
“You wanna cum for me baby?”
“Y-yeah I do.”
“Come on baby,” he growled, “cum for me like the good girl you are.”
His words couldn’t help but send you over the edge, strangled echoes of pleasure filling the room as he continued his pleasurable assault, loving the way your hips convulsed against his overstimulation.
“Fucking hell,” you cried, pushing his fingers out of you, “you made me cum so hard Hyunjin.”
He smiled, crawling back onto your bed, towering over you once more.
“There’s nothing else I want to do in this world apart from make you feel good baby.”
You couldn’t help but giggle, leaning into his lips to taste your sweet filled juices glistening his chin. The kiss was gentle, soothing from the intense orgasm you had just come down from. He created another trail, tongue dragging across your neck and back down to your chest, pressing an arousing kiss in between your breasts.
“I can't help it,” he smirked, “I just want to wanna mark you all over, let Minho know that you’re mine.”
His words made you feel light headed. Mine? Usually something like that made you wanna throw up. But the way Hyunjin said it, with so much hunger and vice, it was like you became bound to him. Anything he wanted to do with you would be impossible to say no.
“Then f-fuck me,” you mumbled.
“What was that?”
You slipped from underneath him, turning him around and pushing him onto the bed, hands firmly placed against his chest as you climbed on top of him. Hyunjin’s eyes became full. Full of fire, lust, hunger, anger. He played it cool at first, but now, now he was desperate. You let your hands now travel his body, one hand tracing the outline of his abs, the other behind you, palming his rapidly hardening cock.
“Fuck me like you own me, Like you want everyone to know I’m yours.”
The words were enough to send him into a craze. He quickly rid himself of the draw string, keeping a tight grip on his sweats, pushing down his pants to his knees. It came to your surprise when he had nothing else on, leaving him to follow your pursuit of complete nakedness. You lifted your hips off of his stomach, readjusting to let your clit sit on top of his pulsating cock that was lying flat against his stomach. A sharp inhale came from his chest, absolutely frothing at the way you rubbed your wetness against him.
“Fuck you’re so wet still,” Hyunjin chuckled, a deep grunt escaping leaving him.
“You like that?” You smirked, biting down on your bottom lip.
“Yeah baby,” he moaned, hands gripping your ass, giving you a soft blow. His hands were soft, icy, goosebumps becoming visible as you leaned back, gripping the base of his cock. the air was becoming desperate, and so were you. If you had a cent for every time you thought about this very moment, you’d be riding him in the royal palace.
A wave of goosebumps charged onto your skin as you lifted your hips. Hyunjin’s hands scattered over your ass, he helped guide you, excruciatingly slowly as your hand kept him still, allowing his cock to become buried inside of you. A groan of relief escaped each other’s lips as your walls became stretched, body feeling numb already. He was a big boy, causing your head to fall onto his chest. you needed time to adjust to the slight ache his length gave you, but you weren’t complaining. As soon as you bounced up and off of him, you felt as if your hole was whimpering, already desperate for him to be back inside of you. you continued with a light bounce, barely fitting any of him inside of you. 
“Fuck,” he mumbled, tightening his grip on you, “go deeper.”
You did as you were told, increasing the intensity, sitting back up and letting your hips freely roll onto him. Your mouth became heavily agape, an open invitation for Hyunjin to shove his fingers inside. your eyes became closed, fingers wrapped around his wrist as you lapped his digits with thick saliva.  The way you effortlessly took his heavenly inked fingers made his head spin.
“you’re such a good girl,” he smirked in between throwing his head back, “i bet Minho would be fucking dying for this kinda treatment.”
The mention of his name was a slight bruise to your ego; nonetheless, it simultaneously gave you motivation, determination to prove what he had been missing out on this whole time. How he would dangle girls in front of your face at any moment. How he teased you to no end almost every single day. Everything was coming out, and it was completely out of your control.
“Far out Hyunjin,” you hissed, ripping his fingers from your mouth, “why are you so obsessed with Minho right now?”
“Because,” he grunted, wrapping his saturated fingers around your neck, “he fucking pissed me off last night, and this morning.”
The sudden connection in your brain became apparent. All thoughts leading to the possibility of Hyunjin punching him made you lose control. So much control that you couldn't recall hyunjin flipping your over, his figure menacingly towering over you as he began to thrust.
“I fuck you so much better than Minho could,” he grunted again, left thumb gently attacking your left nipple, “dont you think?”
You could barely respond. Nothing but a suffocating moan spilled from your throat as his grip on you became tighter. You were on the brink of actually losing your mind. The way Hyunjin filled you up was just, well, indescribable. He just continued, letting the now continuous beads of condensation from his forehead spread across your stomach. 
“Say it,” he growled, a slight punishment created at the way he left nothing but the tip of him inside of you, “tell me i'm better than him.”
“Fuck,” you whined, attempting to sink your hips further down his length. But hyunjin knew better; he was one step ahead. Your desperate, pathetic attempt of getting out of your retribution was nothing but a joke to him. 
Hyunjin scoffed, “I know you want me to fill you up again, but I need to know.” 
His voice was the deepest you had ever heard him speak. The hand that was previously wrapped around your neck had escaped, a tremble that was clear as crystal running down your torso at the feeling of the multitude of Hyunjin’s ice cold rings dragging across your skin.
“You-you’re better than h-him,” you stuttered, trying to gain your previously hindered consciousness from his strop grip, “better than Minho.”
The words alone made him groan. He sure did like to tease you, but even he couldn't keep it up. Your voice became electrifying in his mind, igniting him as rammed his cock back into you; no hesitation. His pace was unforgiving. The lewd sound of skin slapping filling the room at a sound that exceeded the maximum level of decibels an individual could take.
“That’s right I am,” hyunjin moaned, “that fucking piece of shit.”
Your head rolled from side to side, a hand violently gripping your bed sheet. Like your mind went numb, your senses could only follow. Nothing but the scent of Hyunjin’s heat occupying your nose, the sound of skin slapping filling your ears, and your vision hypnotised by the darkness that pooled behind his eyes.
“Mhm fucking hell baby,” you groaned, arching your back, “i can feel myself getting close.”
“Tell me baby,” he chucked, bringing his thumb dangerously close to your clit. You brought your fingertips high, gripping his wrist before he could make a decision that you know would make you fall off the edge and into the black hole that would be your orgasm.
“What is it baby,” he whined, tone laced with concern, “scared that you’re gonna cum already?”
“Yes,” you blurred out, “just a little longer please.”
“And why should i?”
All you could feel was your eyes locking shut, fingers spreading you open and touching any every sensitive skin he could get his hand on. He had transformed into satan. hard thrusts and a heavy hand; you could feel yourself clenching around him as he sadistically chuckled, satisfied by the pleasuring torturing spell he had you under.
“Fuck,” you gasped out, the sound of your voice tainted as your body lunges forward with each thrust, “i’m gonna fucking cum.”
“Hh come on baby,” Hyunjin grumbled, “just a little longer for me now why don’t you?”
“Just f-for you,” you giggled, noticing the way Hyunjin heart was practically about to leap out of his chest. He was working hard to make you feel good; even if you couldn’t tell from the shimmering black ink spread across his chest and down his torso. 
“Baby are you gonna cum?”
Your throat had become empty, completely forgetful of how to speak and use your words. The continuous and uncontrollable clenching was satisfactory enough to give him the answer he needed. 
“y/n, are you gonna cum with me?”
“Please,” you whined, “cum in me, I'm begging you.”
Your words were more than enough. You hummed in satisfaction as you felt yourself slip over, feeling the warmth of his liquid inside of you. His body collapsed, falling next to you as he watched you sit up, enjoying the views of his viscosity spill out of you. You let a finger fall down, picking it up and tasting him. His jaw dropped at what he thought to be such a ludicrous act.
“Wow,” you smirked, letting your tongue sloppily wrap around your finger, “you taste so good.”
Hyunjin threw his head back on your bed, ripping out his ponytail and running his hands through it.
“far out y/n, you don’t know how many times i’ve thought about you saying that to me.”
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] Season 2 Summary (Volume 3: Ch 6 - 9)
🍒 Warning: Detailed spoilers from S2 🍒
Along with the update on 3 June 2021, the CN server released a “Plot Review” which contains bullet-point summaries of S2 :>
Volume 2 Summary: here
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You and Shaw are in the middle of the railway tracks. Watching as the train gets closer and closer, Shaw shields you, leaving the tracks
All of a sudden, two more people make an entrance. Shaw hides you, then confronts the two of them by himself. They appear to be investigating something. It’s a pity that before they can ask about anything, the entire passage collapses abruptly
Fortunately, Shaw brings you out safely. The misunderstanding between the both of you is cleared up
With your deliberately designed “trick” during the conversation, Shaw tells you that he came here to investigate a historical ruins. Since you’re also investigating it, you hope that Shaw can share and exchange resources
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“Fine, I promise you.”
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You head to the Black Swan building to attend a board meeting. During the meeting, the members of the organisation once again use the “Small Syringes” incident to criticise you. The BOSS, Victor, doesn’t say a word
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“Without my permission, you’re not allowed to do investigations in private.”
Knowing that Victor is worried about your safety, inexplicable emotions occupy your heart
Afterwards, you realise that Victor met with a second shooting incident at the roof of LFG last week! Very quickly, you discover that the weapons were purchased by Gray Rhino. But these overt clues seem to be part of a scheme, making you recall the Evolver assassination incidents from before
In the evening, you’re held under duress by Set, an ex-member of Black Swan. He is seeking to find experimental records related to CORE from 17 years ago
According to information he somehow acquired from Gray Rhino, these records will appear in an auction this evening. At this moment, Victor appears, and willingly follows along
At the venue of the auction, the surroundings suddenly turn pitch-black following a loud cracking sound. In the chaos, you decide to seize this opportunity to search for that document. Unexpectedly, someone got to it first. Based on the memories you read, the document should have been entrusted to a bank, and placed in a safe vault
However, when the safe is opened up, there’s nothing inside. It turns out that this incident was a trap
Pretending to have the documents, you plan to flee with Victor while tossing them to Set. However, Victor brings you to a lift in the depths of the safe vault. What’s above is actually a building of a bank
In a small room, Victor stands before the window, looking at the quiet and pitch-black street. For now, the both of you are safe
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“We need to find a way to leave.”
Victor heads outside. While you’re pondering over the incident in the room alone, the surveillance monitor outside the door shows that someone’s coming. After a moment of contemplation, you leap off the balcony, planning to use the balcony underneath the window as a buffer
While falling, you can feel time pausing for an instant
Because Victor was worried about your safety, he used his Evol
The car meant for the evacuation has been prepared. After having a change of clothes, Victor takes you out of this place. Perhaps furious at how you acted presumptuously without considering your own safety, Victor remains silent during the journey
You understand that he’s worried about you, and try to show that you’ve reflected upon yourself
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“At all times, you have to take care of yourself for me.”
In the Black Swan building, the two of you analyse that the dangers from yesterday seemed to be a test. Victor gives you a document - in the capacity of a punter, he has entered the Hunter Game
His trust, a sense of security, and the motivation to get things done - you know that these are things Victor has given to you
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"All you have to focus on is taking large strides and continue running forward.”
After parting ways with Victor, you return to your usual work
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“Miracle Finder” has been receiving extensive attention recently due to the past spate of incidents
You discover that Lucien has expressed his support for the show on the internet
After expressing your gratitude to Lucien, you invite him to a hospital which exclusively admits Evolvers for treatments. There, you interview people who have used the “Small Syringes”, gathering materials for a show
In the middle of an interview, the director of the hospital tells the both of you that a few Evolvers who used the “Small Syringes” experienced pathological changes. However, Lucien points out that the pathological changes may not have a causal relation with the “Small Syringes”
You and Lucien delve further into the topic of Evol. When the topic of Evol and evolution crops up, he invites you to attend an external class he’s conducting at a museum which has “evolution” as its theme
The next day, you head there as agreed
While having a look around, Lucien engages his students in a scientific debate related to “evolution” and “sacrifice”
His thoughts have never changed. However, your way of thinking has changed from before, back when you had no idea about anything
You notice that there’s a stone tablet in the museum with the symbol “8″ engraved on it
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“The beginning and ending of a civilisation is akin to this symbol - its start and end are linked together.”
After sending the students back on the bus, you and Lucien take a stroll along the seaside. All of a sudden, you hear an inexplicable electronic sound announcing that the both of you are currently in the Hunter Game
While discussing with Lucien whether the game could be an imitation of the experiment from 17 years ago, you ask him to hide in a police box that you can “see”. At this moment, you suddenly find yourself falling back into the museum from earlier. But when you take a careful look, the surroundings turn into a patch of empty space
Only now do you realise that everything you “saw” earlier could have been an illusion
On the other side, Lucien never actually saw that police box you mentioned. Right now, he can see that you’re in an open and spacious room, feeling around the walls
Lucien realises that there seems to be a glass separating the both of you. Neither of you can hear the other party
Lucien places his hand on the glass. At this moment, you happen to press your hand there too, covering his palm which is separated by the glass
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“Why... why exactly are you...”
You finally locate the “hidden button” separating illusion from reality, leaving this strange space and joining Lucien
The abrupt electronic sound rings again. Before you, the scene instantly morphs into an abandoned building. Other players chase after the both of you, engaging in close combat
You and Lucien discuss your current situations in the game, and how to escape
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“We have a simpler way.”
Making use of the folding space, Lucien instantly brings you back to the seaside during the stroll earlier
You ask Lucien if he believes that the world can go backwards while making forward progress
Lucien says that if civilisation exists in a cycle, it is possible for the world to reflect the past. But the further one walks forward, the more opportunities one has to seize one’s own destiny
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“Being able to persist in your dreams is already very good.”
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A few days later, Shaw takes you to the antique store to exchange leads as promised
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“Returning to the main point, get that painted scroll, and be gentle.”
Faced with your series of questions, Shaw says that these symbols are merely totems. No one knows what’s within the ruins, and wanting to get in poses great difficulty
While speaking, a man clothed in black barges in, demanding leads from Shaw
Naturally unwilling to give in obediently, Shaw and the man are embroiled in a fight. In order to assist Shaw, you work together with him. By overturning a gigantic water jar, the water guides the electricity, successfully striking the man clothed in black
Not wanting the man to leave, Shaw sends you away in a hurry
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“I’m tired. I’ll leave the investigation to you.”
Behind you, a wounded Shaw sits in the antique store by himself, his body temperature abnormally high
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You and Savin are at the airport to pick Kiro up from his overseas trip where he “took a breather”. In actual fact, his location was unknown. While you’re feeling uneasy, and didn’t expect him to actually appear
When you and Kiro return to the rehearsal room, he quickly pulls you into an embrace
You repeatedly ask Kiro why he had to remain in the arena the last time, what happened afterwards, and why he had to hide it from you
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“But when you’re with me, I always can’t help but worry about you, and hope you can be as far away from this place as possible.”
You suddenly receive an anonymous phone call which tells you to put a stop to today’s news conference. However, you ignore it
When the event is about to begin, Savin can’t be found. While you’re feeling confused, you and Kiro receive a disjointed call from him. Locating his position, the two of you realise that he’s on an empty train which should have ceased operations, but is moving forward
Ah Liu, who has the ability to transfer objects, sends you and Kiro onto the train to find Savin. Aside from that, you spot a youth
This youth is called Xiao Nan, and he has an Evol related to magnetic fields. He’s the one who made the train move, and plans to cause the train to go off the rails, crashing into the civilians who have gathered to attend Kiro’s conference for his new song. He had warned you about cancelling the conference, but you had failed to note just how critical the situation was back then
Through sieving through Xiao Nan’s memories, you discover that Gray Rhino had instigated him into doing work for the organisation as he was bullied and humiliated since young for having Evol
The youth wants to leave this extreme organisation, but he’s afraid because he has done wrong things. Kiro reassures him by talking about his own experiences in youth, which are similar to Xiao Nan’s. He also tells the youth that he has to face his difficulties with courage, and find his place in the world
The youth is finally swayed, and he does his best to stop the train
Unfortunately, the train continues to travel due to inertia. Kiro tells you to leave first and evacuate the crowd in the plaza. Meanwhile, he will stay behind to think of a way to stop the train
In order to draw the crowd away, you change into a teddy bear mascot costume, announcing that this is one phase of Kiro’s announcement of his new song
The fans are successfully drawn away, but you end up being chased by them. When you’re at your wit’s end, someone suddenly grabs your hand. He removes your headgear - it’s Kiro
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“Not a minute or second late. I’m punctual for the appointment.”
Kiro brings you through small corners to leave the crowd, then returns to the stage at the conference, bringing the event to a perfect end
During the celebratory banquet, Kiro sees that you have a worried expression on your face. He reassures you earnestly that as long as you’re by his side, he’s happy
The night grows dark, and a dash of silver flashes on the roof of the Black Swan building - it’s Helios
He appears to be talking to someone
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I’m not helping you to do anything. You have no right to give me orders.
Not long after you leave the building, Helios hops back in, and he sees the experiment report you left behind
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“I command the both of you - forget everything that happened earlier.”
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You receive a call from Gavin - he needs your help
In the STF, Gavin mentions that he has a unique witness, and he needs the help of your Evol to read his memories
It turns out that someone was shot at the train station, and the witness happens to be an elderly man who is blind. You do your best, concentrating to sense what you can. Unfortunately, you aren’t of much help
While Gavin sends you back, the both of you pass by a stall. You make the impulsive decision to pull him along to play a shooting game
While leaving, the sky suddenly begins to pour. Gavin removes his jacket and covers the roof of your heads
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“Let’s go. The journey isn’t long. I’ll send you home.”
You suddenly recall that in high school, Gavin coursed through the curtain of rain just like this. Everything seems to a certain miraculous overlap
Not long after, another Evolver dies an unnatural death, and you realise that the victim is Xiao Nan
Faced with the death of this youth, you’re unwilling to sit by and do nothing. While investigating the scene of the crime, you spot a suspicious man. Chasing after him, you arrive at an unfinished building. Unexpectedly, you meet Gavin in the building
You explain why you've appeared in the building to Gavin, and he tells you that he’s currently on a mission, and suggests that the both of you look around for leads
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“Right now, staying by my side is the safest.”
When you step on a protruding object, a gigantic explosion causes the ground to turn into an artificial precipice. The man who lured you here reveals himself
During this confrontation, the ceiling above you explodes and collapses. It seems that this was a trap to lure the STF over
You toss out a mini flash bomb, then pull Gavin along to escape. After conjecturing that there are many automatic explosives in this building, Gavin holds onto you, using his Evol to send the both of you to the 30th floor
After finding the main device and wanting to dismantle it, the man appears again, lifting his gun and taking aim at the device
The man is extremely enraged with the STF, as though the STF has concealed an important truth
You confront the man while Gavin focuses on dismantling the device. At a crucial point, you shoot the man in the lower leg to stop him from taking action. As expected, Gavin successfully dismantles the device
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“Only when you're alive can you find the truth that you seek.”
Likely moved by Gavin’s determination, the man chooses to trust Gavin, and asks him about something before he leaves
You and Gavin finally leave the building. He carries you as he flies into the city. Feeling his warmth, you feel incomparably at ease
Right after reaching the ground, a young man dressed in uniform requests for you to cooperate with him in an investigation, as you’ve become a suspect for the Evolver assassination incidents. He also provides evidence that are stacked against you
Even though all the evidence is unfavourable to you, Gavin says that he will investigate the truth of the case, and will definitely protect you
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“Regardless of position, I’ll never let you get caught up in danger.”
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Volume 4 (Ch 10 - 13): here
More S2 content: here
A detailed translation of Gavin’s part is available here! 
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obae-me · 4 years
A Taste of His Own Medicine- Belphie
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Word Count: 2708
The twins were sick, Lucifer was busier than he ever had been, and the rest of the brothers were avoiding their siblings like...well...like the plague. You never initially intended to become a nurse, but how could you sit by and do nothing while the demons around you that you had come to care for suffered? And, if you were being honest with yourself, you were thankful that there was something you could do to help around for once. It wasn’t often at all where you were put in a situation where you could be the protector, the helper, the one they relied on. However, as much as you liked that feeling, you hoped this spreading sickness would end with Beel and Belphie. The constant care you were dishing out was starting to leave you more exhausted than normal. 
Telling anyone about your state though would most likely end in immediate termination of your new career in demon caretaking. So you kept it to yourself. These brothers were now leaning on you harder than ever, including the ones who had already been sick. Just the thought of all their faces, pale and sick in bed, lighting up at the sight of you entering the room as you pet their heads sent tingles down your spine. You wanted to take care of them...all of them, forever. 
You violently shook your own head as you gripped the handle to your bedroom. What am I thinking? Is that Florence Nightingale trope really true? The door gently creaked open as you stepped inside. Atop the table in your room sat a candle holder, the lit flames were the only source of light in the room this time of night. With a sharp puff, you snuffed the light out, plunging the room into further darkness.
You were unaware what time it was, and the eternal moonlight never made things easier in that regard. Your day had been occupied fulfilling several requests from the many members of the household. The typically hungry demon would now only eat food you made for him, and so you spent hours upon hours today making hearty meals in the kitchen. You’d become the new mailman, bringing packages from the front door to the otaku with severe hypochondriac tendencies. There was the bookworm who was milking his symptoms for as long as he could, partially because he truly enjoyed your company, but also because he enjoyed his brother’s complaints as he kept you to himself. Asmo left you alone for the most part, in fact, he was doing his duty to stay out of the house for as long as Lucifer would let him. You’d never really known him to be such a germophobe, but to be fair, you were learning a lot of new things due to these recent events. Mammon was practically MIA as well, with Lucifer busy picking up the extra Student Council slack, the greedy second born was able to get away with his shenanigans cleanly. And as for Belphie...well, you hadn’t had the chance to focus on him yet. Beel always assured you he had his brother looked after. With as busy as you were, you hadn’t exactly had time to focus much on yourself either. 
You dragged tired feet across the floor of your bedroom as you made your way towards your bed. It called to you, a sleepy siren’s song. The blankets reminiscent of a sweet melody, the pillows the alluring notes. With the last of your energy, you swiftly kicked off your shoes, letting them roll and settle crookedly on the hardwood floor. You let yourself fall face first onto your bed, the springs bouncing you up and down gently from the sudden impact. A moan escaped your lips, one you never had the intention for, but your body betrayed you. Rain and wind outside started to kick up, the sound brushing and pouring against your window. It was like the night was comforting you, the weather speaking to you softly. It’s okay to get some rest.
Without bothering to change into pajamas, you crawled under your covers, pulling the blanket tightly near your face. Muscles and joints in your body started to ache, and you furrowed your brows as you shut your eyes. Had you really worked all that much? What exactly did you do that forced your body to feel this sore? You let out a sigh and brushed your cheek against your pillow. Already the back of your mind was buzzing with sleep, and even if you tried to come up with some answer to your discomfort, you wouldn’t be able to. It had probably been the fastest you fell asleep in a long time, conking out without a second thought. 
*   *   *
Fire haunted your dreams that night, the heat making you lightheaded. Your subconscious body found it hard to move and navigate through the burning hallways. The House of Lamentation was on fire, by reasons unknown, as dreams often do. You were frantically looking for the brothers, your mind thoroughly convinced they all still resided inside. You could’ve sworn you were screaming their names, but the roaring sounds of the flames muffled your voice. You felt yourself collapse to the ground, unable to move. You were hot. Too hot. You-
A low scraping noise shocked your body awake. It took you a moment to gather your thoughts back to reality, the dream drifting far behind you now. Another squeak of two hard surfaces grinding against each other struck your ears, and your mind pumped with adrenaline. You sat up in bed immediately, your nerves on high alert for danger. Being in the Devildom as long as you had rewired you to always be cautious. 
It was hard to see through all the black. Clouds had covered the moonlight, leaving little to no light to guide your way. The little bit of natural night vision you had only revealed to you a large shadow shifting around your room. They staggered as they walked, groaning deeply. Your fingers trembled as the sound echoed in your mind, it sounded like something of the undead. How had it gotten in the house? There were no distinct features you could make out, the creature didn’t have any limbs. It was one giant blob, dragging itself across the floor, moving and knocking over the chairs in your room as it did so. That must’ve been the cause of the sound that woke you up. 
You had a few options bubble up in your mind. Screaming for help wasn’t a smart option. There would be a good chance the monster would make a beeline for you. Besides, with the demon brothers sporadic schedule, you weren’t sure anyone would hear you anyway. You had half a mind to text someone to save you, but if you got caught in the light from your screen, that might also cause this thing to be alerted to you. Also the previous scheduling reason still stood to reason. Lucifer had tried to install some sort of listening device in your room for emergencies, but he described it like a baby monitor, and you had been vehemently opposed to the idea. Now look where it got you. 
The intruder seemed distracted and confused, so if you timed it right, you could flee your bedroom and seek for someone to help you. Right now, it was finally drifting away from the table and towards the middle of the room, inching ever closer to your bed. The luxury of time was not something you had, and so you settled your mind on running once it got a little closer. Just a few more seconds. Your heart was pounding harder than the wind against your windows. Just a little bit farther! The heat coming off the creature was waving off on you, reminding you of your dream. It moaned unnaturally, shuffling slowly, without a purpose. You bit your lip, quietly swinging your legs over the end of the bed so you could finally make your dash to freedom. The blood pumping through your head was deafening. 
A thud reverberated throughout the room, making you jump, freezing your body in place. The creature had collapsed on your floor. It slowly squirmed, it’s shape shrugging away before a hand poked out of it’s frame. 
The familiar voice broke through the silence, and you pressed a hand to your chest as you took in a deep relaxing breath. You rushed to the floor, kneeling beside the shape. When you touched it, it felt soft. You grabbed the surface with both of your hands, peeling it back to reveal a confused disoriented demon. 
“Belphie…” The relief washed over you, weighing you down as you wrapped your arms around the seventh brother. You rolled your own eyes, exasperated at your own stupidity. If the other brothers found out, they would never let you live it down. You’d been spooked by Belphie covered in a puffy duvet. You snapped out of your thoughts, remembering that he’d taken quite a tumble. “Are you okay?”  He never answered, but you quickly found the source of his fall. The shoes you had left haphazardly on the floor. You bit your lip in a bit of shame. You snatched them and tucked them away near your bed. Then returned your focus near the lump. “Belphie? What’re you doing here?” You placed a soft hand on his shoulder. You almost reeled back, your hand nearly burning against his skin. 
“...anna...o...ome…” He mumbled, not focused on you at all, his eyes were even still closed. He clawed at your rugs, pushing himself on his arms just to collapse again. Your chest squeezed as you grabbed his arms. Convinced he was still asleep, you tried shaking him, feeling the palms of your hands tingle against his unhealthy temperature. 
None of your attempts to wake him up were working, so you turned your attention to the only thing you could do. Bringing his heat down. The blanket you pulled off of him you grabbed, draping it over his body again. His hands tried lazily pawing at it. After turning him on his back, you tucked the excess fabric around him, doing your best to pin down his arms and legs to keep him from moving. You’d remove it soon, you couldn’t let him get hotter, but you didn’t want to risk him moving more and hurting himself. Frantically, you plucked a pillow from off your own bed and tucked it under his head. You brushed sticky strands of hair off his forehead, watching him mumble some more. 
If it could, your heart would’ve cracked right then and there, but you couldn’t let it get to you. Feeling against the walls, you moved around your room till you found the light switch. Then you went to work. Thankfully, due to your efforts before, you now kept extra medicine and supplies in your room. It was actually Satan who suggested it, and while you thought it had been a silly idea, now you were thankful. 
When you returned to Belphie’s side with all your items, you almost regretted turning the light on. He was panting, his mouth open to try and breathe, but his lips and mouth were noticeably dry. His skin was covered in splotches of color, sweat dripping from his forehead. You placed a bowl of water, rags, medicine, bottles of water, and a glass of only ice beside you on the floor. As soon as you ripped the blanket back off on him, his limbs moved to get up again. You settled a rag in the water then gently pushed him back to the floor with a single hand. He writhed as you quickly wrung out the rag, pressing it against his forehead. In only a few seconds, it was completely warm. You dipped it back in, feeling a bit of panic rise in your lungs as Belphie continued to pant. 
“Breathe, Belphie, breathe.” You rubbed his chest as you held him down, cooling off his face and neck with the damp cloth. You didn’t know how long you kept up this motion. Comfort, dip, cool. Over and over as the color in him almost refused to leave. He needed to wake up to take the medicine, you weren’t sure you could get it down his throat in this condition. You let your hand drift from his chest for just a second to check your D.D.D. It was now four in the morning. A full hour of this, by your estimations. Should you text someone? Were you doing the right thing? You debated this for a few more minutes, but then felt your worry assuage. His breathing wasn’t as ragged as he no longer gasped for breath. He was still moving a bit though, and you tried to recall if Belphie had any previous experiences with sleep walking. 
“Ahh...haah…” He wheezed, and for what felt like the hundredth time, you rubbed his cheeks with the wet fabric, brushing your hand back and forth across his chest. He raised his arms and grabbed your shirt and sleeve, trying to pull you close in his sleep. 
“Shh, it’s alright.” His hands were weak and trembling against you, but finally, he seemed to hear your words. The smallest slit of his eyes was visible as he did his best to open them. 
You were so overjoyed, you started tearing up. The rag in your hand dropped to the floor as you caressed his face with your hands. He still wasn’t fully awake or aware, but he was attentive enough to try to pull himself up, still clutching tightly onto your clothes. The first thing on your mind was medicine. You filled up the measured cap and brought it to him. You helped tilt back his head with the brace of one of your hands, and thankfully--or perhaps worriedly--he took it without questioning it. He grimaced a little, but the bitter and awful taste of the medicine brought him more into reality. 
“Where?” He released your sleeve as he rubbed his eyes. 
“That’s not important right now, can you stand? We should get you to bed.” You stroked his head, but he didn’t even seem to notice. He just nodded, and with your assistance, he almost managed to fully stand. He was mostly leaning on you, and it was all you could do to keep from collapsing yourself. Fortunately your bed was right here, and you let him plop into your space. You heard him sigh, and thanks to the magical demon medicine he was looking much better, and breathing easier to boot. 
With what little energy he had left, he scooted himself on the far side of the bed turning to face you. He held out his hands and squeaked out your name. “MC…” 
Your emotions hitched in your chest as you watched him beg for you. With a small sigh, you decided it would be okay to leave the mess on the floor as long as no more sleepwalking demons would enter without notice. You rushed over to the light switch in your room and turned the brightness off, using the light function on your D.D.D to prevent tripping over anything. You slid into the extra space Belphie left for you, and instead of being burning hot, he was simply warm. A little too warm, but nothing life threatening. 
He curled up by your side, as you pulled up the covers over both of you. He was doing his best to position his chin on your head and your face near his chest. You could hear air rattle around in his chest, so you reached around his body and rubbed his back. He squeezed you like one of his many pillows. All at once, the adrenaline and panic left your body, and you were left winded and exhausted. You were unsure if it was Belphie’s magic or simply your body at it’s breaking point, but you couldn’t keep yourself awake any longer. Before you could make sure he fell asleep first, your eyelids crashed closed as you passed out next to him.
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Beachy Keen - Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
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When you first met the blonde-haired boy, you never thought that he knew what being relaxed and carefree felt like. He exuded self-confidence and was always fired-up, but you could tell that it came from a deep place of longingness, anger, and insecurity. You knew enough of Midoriya and Bakugou’s past to know that their once friendly childhood became a toxic relationship pretty quickly. You understand where both boys were coming from. Izuku, who hadn’t developed his quirk for the most part of his childhood, was always there to lend a helping hand - especially to Bakugou. Then, years later, all of a sudden Bakugou wasn’t the star of his middle school. And the explosive boy, the pride and joy of all of those around him, all of a sudden did not meet the criteria of “future number one hero”. The years of showered affections, constant praise, and “can I have your autograph for the future?”s all ceased to exist now. However, both boys, at least to you, were nice. Well, Midoriya was nice, Bakugou was just kind of civil - which was a lot to ask for from the hero-in-training.
It was currently your second year at UA and all of the students had a long weekend off due to most of the teachers attending a hero banquet. Momo, being the sweet girl she is, wanted to splurge a bit on her friends and take them all to their family’s beach house on the coast of Okinawa. Everyone was so excited, especially you. You hadn’t had the opportunity to go to the beach in ages and you couldn’t wait to feel the soft sand in between your toes, feel the salty wind on your face, and relish in the yummy seafood. The school graciously allowed your class to take one of the buses and provided you with a cleared driver.
“Alright everyone! Make sure you have your luggage and double check for sunscreen! We do not want any sunburns and make sure to bring sunglasses if you have light eyes - the sun’s rays can be very damaging!” Iida said, listing his final instructions before the students boarded the bus.
“So Y/N, who are you rooming with now that Hagakure’s sick?” Ochaco asked you sweetly, stuffing her big trunk into the bottom of the bus.
“No one, I guess. I think I still get to keep the room,” you say, sticking your suitcase neatly next to hers. You step onto the bus and find a seat that was next to Mina and across from Kirishima and Bakugou.
“Oh, Y/N! Hey!” Mina said cheerily, giving you a smile.
“Hey guys, what’s up?” You ask, setting your carry-on backpack at your feet.
“Oh nothing, just Bakugou sulking as usual!” Mina responds, nudging your elbow and motioning over to the boy across from you. You were kind of confused. No one had done anything recently to get him into this pissed off state.
“Well… what poked the beast?” You said quietly to the pink-haired girl next to you. 
“Kirishima had to pull out of rooming with him because he had forgotten that he promised he would room with Sero, and now he doesn’t have a room.” Mina said, rustling around in her own bag to fish out her phone.
“Huh,” you say. “Have you asked Momo if there’s another room?” You ask, now facing the boys across from you.
“Tch, what do you think? I’m not an idiot,” he says, kind of glaring at you. You knew that there was only one solution to this predicament since you didn’t want Bakugou sleeping on the couch in one of the many living rooms. That would give anyone a bad back, and for Bakugou, an even worse temper.
“U-um, you can room with me since Hagakure can’t make it.” Bakugou looked at you incredulously and Kirishima gave him a wild grin.
“That’s a GREAT idea Y/N! Quick thinking!” Kirishima applauded.
“Have you dumbasses lost your minds?! There’s no way I’m rooming with her!” He exclaims. It kind of hurt you that you could basically see steam coming from his ears due to how mad and opposed to the proposition of the two of you sharing a room. You were about to respond but Mina beat you to the chase.
“Well Bakugou, what other option do you have? Breaking your back and not being able to enjoy anything on this vacation?” The pink-haired girl retorted, sticking up for you. You shoot her a grateful smile and turn back to Bakugou.
“I’m sure that there’ll be two separate beds and we can stagger times in the room if you want.” You assure him, trying to convince him. Bakugou leans his head back, closes his eyes, and sighs.
“Fine. But I swear to god, if there aren’t two beds I’m going to lose my mind.”
Spoiler alert, there weren’t two beds, but a single queen size bed in the newly cleaned room. You drop your bags in shock and slowly turn your head to see Bakugou’s, who was right next to yours. If Bakugou was mad then he was doing a fine job hiding it because all you could see was a blank expression.
“I-I can see if Momo has a blow-up mattress and I can sleep on that.” You say quickly, trying not to make him uncomfortable. Bakugou simply shakes his head as he rolls his suitcase onto the left side of the bed.
“Don’t be stupid. There’s enough space for each of us, and if you think I’m gonna let you suffer after… doing this then you're wrong.” He says bluntly, already starting to unpack his clothes. You should’ve made yourself look away and not be so nosy, because when you caught a glimpse of a pair of grey boxers, you could’ve sworn that your face lit up like a Christmas tree. You tugged your suitcase along with you to the right side and put away all of your clothes into the side dresser but kept out a simple orange bikini set for later that day. After the two of you finished unpacking, you made your way to the main living room to see the rest of the class lounging on the plush sofas. 
“So, who’s ready to hit the beach?” Momo asked, earning cheers from the class.
Their day on the sand covered shore was nothing short of divine. You all played beach volleyball, went swimming, and even tanned for a bit until the sun started to set, and then you all headed back to the beach house. For the first night, you, Sero, Jirou, Koda, and Todoroki were in charge of dinner. You decided to do an easy pasta bar so that everyone got to pick out what they wanted. After promising to be careful, Momo allowed the class to eat while sitting on the couches and watching a movie, which ended up being Clueless, much to Kaminari and Mineta’s protests to instead watch a more mature rated film. You ended up sitting next to Bakugou, but the two of you didn’t talk much - you were much more invested in the movie playing on the flatscreen. The class decided to pause halfway through to get some dessert which were pre-packaged ice cream cones. Out of nowhere, Bakugou called your name and tossed you one. You looked up at him with a raised brow which just caused Bakugou to scoff in response.
“You like (favorite flavor) the best, so I thought you’d want it.” He says plainly, grabbing a vanilla cone for himself. You gave him a smile.
“Thank you Bakugou, that was really kind of you,” you say sweetly as the two of you head back to your spots on the couch.
“Yeah, whatever.”
“YES! FINALLY!” Mina cheered as Cher and Josh kissed on the staircase. The scene even warranted cheers from some of the boys. Josh’s gesture made you melt as you gently sank into the couch. That is, until your shoulders were met with something hard. You turned your head to see Bakugou’s arm which was there, but he retreated it immediately. 
“Sorry,” he murmurs, eyes still facing the screen.
Okay, he is acting weird. First the ice cream and now this? He wouldn’t normally apologize for something like this. You shake the thought from your mind as you help the rest of the class clean up after the movie finished and turn off the lights. You made your way back to your room, only to see Bakugou in nothing but his boxers. The grey boxers. Flustered, you turn around and cover your face with your hands.
“Sorry sorry sorry!” You squeal, voice muffled by your palms. “I’ll wait til you’re changed.”
“I am. This is what I sleep in.” He responds as you hear him lift the covers and let them fall back on his bare chest. Your body temperature must’ve risen by at least 10 degrees because you felt like you were about to faint.
“O-oh.” You force yourself to turn around and grab your pajamas, booking it to the bathroom to change in privacy. You were horrified by what was in your hands. Your pajamas were the only somewhat skimpy set you owned - tiny little shorts with lacy on the bottom and a tank top with lace for the straps. Swallowing the large lump in your throat, you forced yourself into the set and then looked at yourself in the mirror.
If Bakugou can be fine wearing just boxers around me, then I can certainly be fine with wearing a tank top and shorts around him. After giving yourself a reassuring nod, you march yourself back into your room, stuff your clothes from the day in a hamper, and get into bed next to the blonde. You weren’t facing him so you couldn’t see, but his cheeks danced with an ever so slight shade of red. 
“Okay so how is this gonna work,” You ask, looking between him and the space in between the two of you.
“You stay on your side, I’ll stay on mine.” He states, looking into your eyes for approval. Giving a nod, you turn so your back is facing him and turn off your light. You try to make yourself feel comfortable in the silky sheets, but your entire body is freezing. You really should’ve packed better pajamas. A few minutes pass as your body is shaking until Bakugou speaks up.
“Oi, dumbass, what’s wrong with you?” He asks. As rude as his words could’ve been interpreted, you knew they came from a place of caring, so you turned around to face him, only for your noses to be just mere inches away from the other.
“I-I’m just cold I’ll be fine.” You say meekly, trying to avert your eyes and look at anything else in the room.
“Tch, sure.” He says simply, turning away from you this time. An uncomfortable silence graces the two of you until the boy decides to break it again.
“You looked better than usual today. In the orange.” You hear him say softly. Your breath hitched as your brain comprehended the words, making your cheeks turn red. “And your taste in ice cream flavors is at least respectable.” You couldn't help it - you giggled at his words. This made Bakugou whip around to face you as your hand went up to cover your mouth. “What the hell? I’m trying to give you a compliment and be nice and shit dumbass!” He growls, giving you a glare. You manage to calm yourself down but keep a huge grin on your face.
“I know, and it’s really, really sweet but seriously? Ice cream? That’s what makes you say ‘oh yes, that’s the girl I wanna date.’”. You were giggling again, but you were shocked when Bakugou let a little smile grace his face.
“Shut up, I’m new to this whole thing.” He says, smoothly wrapping his arm around your shoulders. You don’t flinch when his hand makes contact with your skin - it’s like it was natural to you.
“Katsuki Bakugou,” you say, a twinkle in your eyes, “I like you too.” 
“I-I didn’t say that!” He protests, slight panic in his eyes.
“You didn’t have to.” You finish, tucking a stray piece of hair away from his face. His response was to pull you close to him which made you panic a little this time.
“Relax,” he says, “you were cold and now you won’t be.” He says matter-of-factly. Your face settles into a dreamy smile as you lay your head against his broad chest. The beat of his heart lulled you into a peaceful sleep and Bakugou followed you shortl with  a stupid smile on his face. Lets just say, that for the rest of the trip, you two didn’t stray too far from each other. And Bakugou made sure to grab you a (favorite flavor) ice cream cone before anyone else could get to it first.
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soft-for-them · 4 years
you’re going to feel so warm when you meet him ♡ aos montgomery scott x plus size reader ♡ soulmate AU
anon: Hey could I please request a aos Scotty and preferably but not necessarily plus-size reader soulmate au? Thank you so much! Your writing is lovely! ♥️♥️
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really like this one, not proof read.
You were always fucking cold and you blame your soulmate.
Everyone has soulmate, a forever friend, what ever you want to call it. 
Soulmates are your other half, your best friends and whilst they aren’t necessarily romantic they can lead to your future significate other.
Soulmates feel the feelings of their other half; some people feel it straight from birth some have ‘the moment’ when they’re older, when they finally connect with their soulmate’s feelings.
For so many years you felt nothing and it had begun to worry you. Well it worried you until you felt their feelings on your first week at the academy.
You remember it like it was yesterday. 
It was a sweltering day and you had felt good enough to roll up your uniform sleeves with out people judging your chubby upper arms. 
Your new friend Jim Kirk, a man who had attached himself on you on the first day, also had his sleeves rolled up.
‘It’s too hot.’ you complained as you pulled at the form fitting red uniform.
‘We’re too hot (y/n), turn a negative into a positive.’
You playfully slapped the taller man on the arm as you both entered the large classroom.
‘Shut up Jim you know the only hot one here is Nyota Uhura.’
For the rest of the class you were taking notes whilst talking to Jim but then you had felt a shiver run up your body.
At first you had though it was the air conditioning blowing on you too much but then you realised that there wasn’t any air conditioning in the classroom.  
‘This sucks, they haven’t fix the aircon yet.’ Jim said whilst fanning himself with one of you notebooks.
Another shiver shook your body, the polar opposite feeling of cold overwhelmed you.
That day the shivering got progressively worse, so bad in fact that you collapsed in class from violent shivers with the beginnings of hypothermia.
And from that day you have been wearing an oversized winter coat so you don’t die from being so cold.
You don’t feel your soulmate for most of your life but then all you can feel is coldness and the occasional hangover, how romantic.
‘God damn it Jim this is a serious situation.’ you shout to the tired looking man and his good doctor friend, Leonard McCoy.
It’s the aftermath of the Romulan attack and you had been running around in your puffer coat all day, now only realising that you feel warm.
You don’t feel cold any more.
Leonard had checked all you vitals and he has concluded that you’re at normal body temperature, unlike your below zero temperature you normally had.
‘(Y/n) take off that coat, I don’t want you overheating.’ Bones demands.
‘Nope. Never. It’s my comfort blanket.’  you snuggle more into the ripped and sweaty garment which had taken the full force of the Romulan attack.
At first when you had gotten the specially made coat you felt horrid. It made you already big body bigger and you though you looked like colourful marshmallow.
However, you have grown to love the puffy coat with all your heart and you are hesitant to remove it from your person, even if it’s falling off you.
‘What if their dead?’ you ask out loud, it’s the only scenario that is playing in your head but Jim has been telling you that it isn’t true.
‘He’s not dead (y/n)-’ Jim sits down next you for some reassurance. 
‘But I can’t feel them- wait him?’ your plea turns into confusion as you peer up to your dear friend and then to the more confused doctor. 
‘I think I’ve met him (y/n).’ Jim calmly says to you.
You look to and from Jim and Bones watching their reactions. 
Jim looks knackered but happy whilst it takes a moment for Bones to click on about who Jim is talking about.
‘Jim. Leonard.’ you stand anger bubbling up instead of happiness, ‘You better not be fucking with me.’
Tears bubble in your eyes. Too much has happened, you don’t want any false hope for who your soulmate might be, you need to be sure.
Jim nods at Bones who swiftly carries on with his job, leaving you two alone.
‘Jim. What’s going on.’ you are desperate, salty tears are now flowing down your face.
Jim stands up and hugs you. The hug is one of great comfort and friendship, like an older brother's hug.
‘You’re going to feel so warm when you meet him.’ he holds you away from the hug like a proud dad looking at his child, ‘Though you won’t feel it with that thing still on you.’
Jim points at the coat which is over heating you.
‘I’m not taking it off Jim.’ you give him a grumpy look and cross your arms.
‘Can you even take it off?’ You look away from the man which makes him giggle.
‘...No, the zip is stuck...’ you pout, ‘I’m not cutting it off. It’s sentimental to me!’
Your arms uncross, showing the many cuts across the coat. Even though it’s broken the cuts can be easily stitched up and covered up.
Jim takes your dangling arm and drags you with him.
‘Come on, let’s get this thing off you.’
‘But what about my soulmate Jim! Don’t change the subject!’ you arm starts to hurt from the enthusiastic man pulling on it.
The signature James.T Kirk smile pops on his face, he doesn’t respond.
Through much walking and a turbolife ride you both end up in Engineering.
‘Scotty!’ Jim shouts out as you look around at the engines of the ship, ‘need some help here!’
Beads of sweat start to form on you from the warm room, the coat you wear feels like it’s getting smaller around you. 
Maybe it is the best thing to take it off.
‘Aye, Captain. What do you need?’
A man, who you suppose is Scotty, walks out towards you both.
He is a red shirt with receding hair and a sweaty forehead. However, you find him to be quite cute, especially when he sees you and smiles.
‘You got anything to unzip my dear friend from this death trap?’
Jim turns and points at you, you give Scotty a tiny wave.
To Scotty you look too cute but he does wonder what you look like underneath due to the coat covering most of yourself.
‘Ah, we just need a pencil and some patience.’ Scotty hurries away to find a pencil.
‘A pencil!’ You stare daggers at the all too happy man, ‘Jim we didn’t need to come down to engineering to get a pencil!’
Your whisper shouting is interrupted but the resurfaces of Scotty holding a flat pencil in his hand.
‘May I?’ Scotty says coming closer to you. You shyly smile and say a small ‘yes’ before he comes closer.
‘You see you use the pencil on the top of the zip-’ you allow him to closer and begin to use the pencil on the zip, ‘-and it should loosen it-’
A blush has surfaced on your face, though you can easily say it’s from you overheating but the same blush has appeared on Scotty’s face. 
He jiggles the zip which undoes, he steps away so you can unzip the coat fully.
Like it’s the easiest thing in the world the coat comes off like shedding skin. You are automatically cooler as the puffy thing drops to the floor reliving your yellow dress uniform underneath.
You feel naked.
The coat was a comfort that coved up the your curves and the shortness of the uniform dress. Sure, you’re wearing thermal tights and big bulky winter boots but you still start to feel a tad insecure.
‘How you feeling (y/n)?’ Jim shouts from the sidelines with the same big smile on his face.
‘Weird. I feel weird Jim.’
You go to kneel down and retrieve the coat but Scotty beats you to it.
‘Here lass, I’ll get it for you.’
Scotty bends down and grabs the coat, he examines the cut up martial in his hands, he looks up right in your eyes and speaks.
‘Thermal martial, quite expensive for a normal winter coat.’ his is really just thinking out loud but the observation makes you smile.
He hand you over the coat which you hug into your body.
‘Yeah, well good job I didn't have to pay for it.’  Scotty looks confused, ‘It is- it was apart of my uniform. I had a thing before, was always cold.’
Jim looks on at you both babbling about the coat, he decides to intervene for both of you haven’t realised yet.
‘Didn't you wear a similar coat on that ice planet Scotty?’ 
Jim walks closer to you, who is hugging your coat too much to fully comprehend what’s to come.
‘Nah, I still froze half to bloody death.’ 
‘...what...’ your focus sifts to the Scotsman, shock morphs onto your face.
‘Yeah had hypothermia but somehow survived. Don’t know how I did?’
Scotty is oblivious to what has just dawned on you, he carries on talking about his time on the ice planet. However, he is interrupted but the soft thud of the bulky coat dropping on the floor.
Scotty turns to you to see tears escaping your face, his eyes start to water too.
He had been sweating more than usual for most of the day and now he is crying in front of a pretty lass and his Captain, how embarrassing.
‘A-are you sure Jim?’ you barley whisper as you stare at Scotty in front of you, salty tears still poring.
‘As sure as the day follows the night (y/n).’
A sound, that is like a mix between a laugh and a exclamative ‘huh’ escapes your lips along with the biggest smile. Your face, despite having tear stains, is a bright as the sun which is still shining.
Scotty is overcome by your happiness, a deep blush rises up his neck and covers his face.
‘Lass, you ok?’ he scratches the back of his neck in slight embarrassment for his sudden ripe red face.
‘I think we may have to sit down before I tell you this.’
You groan as you wake up from your slumber, the alarm blaring for you to get up.
Like you’ve done every day you heave the heavy and thick duvet cover off yourself however you are surprised to see the thing on the floor.
‘Whaa-’ you pat around yourself to feel that you have also striped yourself of your thick cotton pyjamas, only leaving yourself in some underwear.
It the dawns on you like deja vu, you feel warm.
‘Yeah, I found him.’ you groggily say as you swing your legs off the bed. You get ready for the rest of your day, with the recurring though of ‘I feel warm.’
To making the bed to putting on uniform, you are hit with the realisation that you don’t need all this thermal stuff for you’re not going to die of the cold.
Even when you slip on the horridly short yellow uniform that does fit well around your curves, you feel slightly more happy to wear it.
Despite that, you still hover at your door when you’re about the leave. Sure it’s stupid to bring along a cut up coat but would it hurt to take a long cardigan for comfort.
You run to your wardrobe and take out a thin and long black cardigan, which hides enough of your ‘bad looking’ areas that the uniform dress has created.
Old habits are hard to kill and you’re happy that they aren’t completely dead.
In your long cardigan and big boots you joyfully walk to the bridge.
The bridge doors swish open and you feel eyes on you.
‘Ah, (y/n) you’re finally here!’ your good friend chimes, the rest of the bridge crew agreeing.
‘You look very nice (y/n).’ Uhura says.
‘I agree, everything you wear is very efficient.’ Spock joins in.
A small and polite ‘thank you’ comes out. You walk over to your seat near Chekov and Sulu, both men say their ‘good mornings’ like the normally do.
You sigh as you lower you gaze to the small screen. However, you feel a hand on your shoulder. 
Looking up you see Scotty, your soulmate, holding a cup in his hand.
‘I though I’d come and check up on you-’ he passes the mug to you, ‘And give you your morning tea/coffee.’
‘You remembered!?!’
‘Aye. We did talk for three hours last night you know.’
You remember the night before when you told the man your realisation of you being his soulmate. For three hours you sat and watched him fix parts of the ship whilst talking.
It was the best three hours of your life.
‘I’ll see you at lunch?’ Scotty questions, hoping that you also remember that you agreed to have lunch with him.
‘Would miss it for the world!’
it took me so long to finish this one but i really like it! i love scotty so much so i didn’t feel like a drag to write it at all.
anyhow, i’m always up for writing more scotty so if you have a star trek request please send it in!
this was edited on the 6th of December, just some little spelling errors changed.
(also finding good star trek gifs is sooooo hard.)
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 3 years
Hakuoki Yuugiroku 2 - Harada Sakura Epilogue
This is my first post of the month, so I’ll start by asking you to please support me if you can through my ko-fi, and paypal or patreon which provides access to my hakuoki blog translations and early access to my postings. Also, please let me know if you have any hakuoki drama cds that you’d be willing to share that are on my Lookout List since i either do not have audio for those cds or do not have audio that I can share…. and if you are able to remove watermarks from a video, please contact me….
Well it’s Canada Day. Hope everyone is staying safe during this time (especially if you’re out West with the heat), and while I could probably write an essay about how I can understand why people will take issue of fireworks and parties today, I don’t exactly think that’s the best way to address the issues going on, though I do feel somewhat compelled to say something. I mean, I’m of an ethnic descent where the immigrants of my common ancestry were subjected to a head tax and were actively targeted by the government for discrimination, so I do have some historical justification for not wanting this particular day celebrated. However, at the same time, it’s because I acknowledge that more than one generation of my family (and on both sides of my family tree) immigrated to this country that my family and relatives have been given opportunities none of us would have had otherwise, or have had the same rights, that I truly appreciate living in Canada, and I know that other people will have similar reasons for doing the same... which is also why I refuse to be an ignorant citizen. I guess that’s partially owed to how I acknowledge that I’m realistic in knowing what change I can affect, but beyond that, I do see it is part of my civic duty to be educated about what happens in the country I live in because I just can’t pretend that everything is all sunshine and rainbows... So, today, like most of the other Canada Days I can recall, I reflect on how grateful I am to be a citizen of the country I call home, and how thankful I am in knowing how far it has come, but I also acknowledge that it still has plenty of flaws and that there are things that still need to be changed so the country is better for “all of us” instead of just ‘some of us’.
 Anyway, this month’s translations are all from Yuugiroku 2.... and this is is my only translation of 『恋秘めし日』 content since I was never able to find any more of these as copy-able text.  
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Also, on a lighter note, i can’t believe it’s been more than a decade since i actually watched an anime. i mean, i’m normally satisfied with just reading the manga for something, but my cravings for yuumori content actually drove me to the anime (mostly good and while it was full of feels, im upset that IG cut out the adventure of one student from the anime)... which feels somewhat odd when i consider how ive yet to watch the hakuoki anime or movies. still, for hakuoki, my desire for more content did lead to 2 years of translating lol. 
Hakuoki Yuugiroku 2 - Harada Sakura Epilogue
Translation by KumoriYami
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At the end of our conversation, I took a light breath and raised my head.
A gust of wind then blew, and the leaves over our heads made rustling sounds.
Chizuru: The sunlight is very strong today.
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Harada: Yeah. It's nice that the weather's finally cleared up, but...... the hot weather in Kyoto, and this moisture really feels unbearable.
Chizuru: That's true......
As I spoke, I turned my gaze back towards Harada-san......
Chizuru: Ah......
This numbness in my head felt like an illusion.
Was it because I spent so long talking under such fierce sunlight.
I seemed to be feeling a bit dizzy.
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Harada: Hey, are you okay? You don't look very good. Are you feeling unwell/sick / Do you feel sick/unwell? ?
Chizuru: I-I'm fine. I just feel a bit cold......
I didn’t want him to feel worried, so I responded with a smile/smiled as I answered——.
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My legs however seemed to have lost their strength, and the view in front of me/everything around me began to blur.
Just as I was about to fall and hit the ground.
Harada: Oi, Chizuru, get a hold of yourself!
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My swaying body was caught by a pair of strong hands.
Then in that moment/A moment later——.
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Suddenly, Harada-san's face became incredibly closer to mine
Manly eyebrows, slender eyes, and even each individual eyelash could be seen at his distance.
Due to how sudden this was, I couldn't say anything as/while my mouth/lips trembled/ and only my mouth was opening and closing/mouth was in a state of opening and closing.
The heat from where our foreheads were touching, and how Harada-san's hand was touching my back were the only things that I was completely aware of.
Harada:......For now, let's check your temperature...... Nn.
Chizuru: Wh-What, Harada-san...... what are you doing......!
I felt/was so embarrassed and could only/was only able to squeeze out that one sentence.
Harada: Recently, a cold’s been going around headquarters. I'm worried that you might have caught/gotten it/infected by it/with it. 
Chizuru: Is, is that so......
Harada-san did that because he was worried about me......
Chizuru: Um, Harada-san. I feel fine/I'm [feeling] fine, so......
Harada-san's expression however became very serious, and he spoke harshly/rebukingly.
Harada: What a stupid thing to say. What are you going to do if you get sick/If you get sick, what are you going to do? Although there's a saying about how doctors don't pay attention to their own health...... it wouldn't be funny if you got sick, as the daughter of a doctor. Besides, if you get sick, you might also pass it on to the others warriors.
That's true...... I couldn't bear to trouble the other warriors with my problems.
Chizuru:......I'm sorry, Harada-san.
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I closed my eyes and desperately tried to supress my embarrassment as I allowed Harada-san to continue. 
His forehead remained against mine for a while as he checked my temperature, and finally/but eventually......
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Harada:......I'm done, Chizuru. You don't seem to have a fever, and you can open your eyes now.
Harada-san spoke softly as he gently brushed my forehead with his fingers.
Harada: For now, you don't seem to have a cold, so don't worry. As long as you get sufficient rest, you should get better."
Chizuru: I, I see/Ye-Yes. Thank you......
I felt incredibly embarrassed...... I didn't dare look at Harada-san as I bowed my head in thanks.
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Then, he showed a deliberate and teasing smile——.
Harada:......But why do you seem to be hotter now than before I took your temperature?
Chizuru: Th-That's because......!
Despite how he clearly knew the reason, he deliberately asked me such a nasty question......
I didn't know how to answer that, so/and I lowered head as I continued blushing/to blush. 
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Harada: Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to tease you on purpose.
As he spoke, he put his large palm on top of my head.
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Harada:.......Is it time for us to head back now? I don't know if you've been instructed to do anything/told to do something.
continued chatting
brought this to an end <-
Chizuru: We've been talking for a while, so it should be time to return to to headquarters.
Harada: That's true/right. Though, I wish we could still continue this.
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However, is it okay for you to go back to headquarters like this? Your entire face is very red.
Chizuru: It, it should get back to normal by the time we return to headquarters..... Can we take a small detour? My face/complexion should be back to normal after that. 
Harada: Well, that might true. But I don't want to see getting dizzy again. So don't force yourself/overdo it.
Chizuru: So-Sorry......
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Harada: Don't worry about it. If you’re having a hard time, you can hold onto me 
As Harada-san spoke, he stroked my hair.
Harada: Then let's go back to headquarters, Chizuru. Everyone will be/is waiting for us.
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While listening to my still intensely beating heart, Harada-san and I started walking back to headquarters.
one of these days, I am going to go watch the new Shaman King anime... though im not sure when that’ll be.  
also... for the record, I learned about the Sixties Scoop and residential schools sometime around 2004, when i was still in elementary school so I can unfortunately say that most of the news these days hasn’t really surprised me... and it’s also why I have a very negative bias towards certain entities. 
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