#i think it goes without saying that maddy is black
musicfeedsmysoul12 · 5 months
Our second DCXDP au has Danny hiding in Gotham with the cores of Dani, Dan and two other clones who survived. They need DNA to be able to reform but it's in a ‘it doesn't have to be now’ kind of way. Not just Danny’s DNA but another to to balance out their genes.
They'll become babies and be raised up. Dani was melting but forced Danny to promise he wouldn't find someone right away he'd take his time to fall in love first. Dan did the same and the twin clones did to.
Danny decides it's a good idea but keeps the cores safe. He ran to Gotham in the DC universe because the GIW were to close to killing him. His parents, Jazz, Sam, Grandma Ida and the Foleys all followed. Grandma Ida is running some gang down in crime alley having a blast with Sam, constantly trying to hook Sam up with Jason who Ida is in a turf war with. Tucker is happily running a tech company that will soon outstrip it's competitors., his parents helping Jazz is terrifying in Arkham as she tears our corruption.
Maddie abd Jack found out about the Leauge of Assassins and went: study time. Danny, knowing its corrupted ecto and also not wanting to deal with assassins lets then have fun. So Ra’s is dealing with liminal mad scientists who keep stealing the Pits and also have uncovered two Damian clones they kidnapped. Their kids now.
But we’re focusing on Danny who is in college and living a peaceful life which is what he wants most of all. The cores of his kids are always on him just in case and he's casually dating. It's great. He can just be Danny the guy who is super into space and plans on being a mechanic for the watch tower.
Then one day Two-Face attacks the cafe he's at (because of a sale it was having where it was two for one on some sort of new treat). Danny has to run for his life. He gets hit and the bag he has the cores in is harmed. One falls out and he freaks, diving for it. He grabs it just as Black Bat swoops in to save him. She flies him up to a roof.
They land and then she moves to grab one of the cores that fell out. Danny gets antsy but it requires skin contact so it should be okay, she's wearing gloves after all. It'll be fine!
On her part, Cass is wondering why her hand feels tingly but there isn't anything malicious in the mans face so she thinks it might just be the orb she caught being weird. She swings off, noting that she has a hole in her glove.
Danny goes home and doesn't think about it until he realizes that the core the hero touched is growing. And it's getting sick without the touch of its other parent.
Cass on the other hand feels strange. Like she's pulled somewhere. She instantly thinks of the guy and alerts the others to him. They hunt him down to find him on a rooftop. He's surprised to see them, holding an Orb that’s glowing.
“I thought it would take longer…” the man says. He shakes his head. “Umm… rip the band-aids off- I'm nottotslly human.”
The Batfam kinda pauses cause he's giving this info up for free. Cass is eyeing him closely. It's just her, Batman and Robin in front of the man. Everyone else is listening in or in the shadows.
“I ran away from my home dimension cause they were hunting me down to kill me because they believed I was non-sentient. You know sad trench- I mean, John Constantine? I think he put in the word we’re friendly,” the man babbles. The orb shines. “Okay, okay. I need to… Black Bat did your glove have a hole in it when you touched this?”
Cass hums but nods. Barbara has Constantine on the line (and no one wants to know the blckmail she has to make him answer) and he's confirming it's a friendly.
“Okay, okay… this is a Core and it's the heart, soul, brain, everything of an ecto-entity like me. And it… it’s my child. But it needed a second set of DNA. It's fine dormant, it doesn't hurt the baby. But it…” the man swallows. “Skin touch.”
Cass knows in a second what he's leading up to. She touched the orb. It needed DNA.
That's her baby in his hands.
Que the chaos.
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dcxdpdabbles · 5 months
Could you please pleasepleaseplease p l e a s e continue the halfa cass post? I'm dying for some more of it, it's SO GOOD
The first thing Cass notices about the Fentons is how utterly silly they are. She had been expecting a group of far more regal people, especially with the castle they lived in and being protected by Phantom.
She still doesn't really understand what's going on, but she can piece together that Phantom is in charge. The people who had stopped to stare at her all whispered about the King, and she could tell that a few of them gained helpless hope by the mere sight of her.
If they were truly trapped here, then her appearance meant there was a chance of escaping.
But were they trapped because of Phantom? Dan mentioned the Fae's costumes of tricking humans into signing slavery contracts with a feast. Had Phantom done the same?
"Maddie!" Dan yells at the top of his lungs, floating towards the draw bridge. "Maddie, I think you want to look at this!"
"What is it, sweetie?" A woman calls back, quickly followed by an explosion in the left tower. Cass stiffens as the window of the tower is flung open, and a woman in an overalls sticks out her head. Behind her, black smoke rises. "I was just making headway in the latest Fenton Escaper!"
"Really? How's that going?"
"It exploded! There is nothing left!" She beams, pulling her oversized goggles off her head. They leave a black outline around her eyes. .
Dan's body language doesn't show his surprise at her failure. In fact he seems oddly amused. It must be a common thing."I supposed that's good?"
"Oh, it's wonderful! Jake is going to be so happy that it reacted quickly to the new element!" The woman chirps. "He's out with Danny, gathering some more supplies for our people."
"They went hunting without me?"
"You know you're grounded, young man."
Wait, was this woman Dan's mother? Could the dead have parents? Or was it more of an adoption relationship?
"Yeah, Yeah, I know. Anyway, Maddie, I wanted to introduce you to the new arrival-"
"You brought a girl home!" Maddie cuts him off, flinging herself out the window. Cass would have rushed to her aid were it not for her apparent control as she spun into a landing. "Hello there! I'm Maddie Fenton! Dan's mother from another timeline, welcome to the family!"
Cass could tell she was going for a hug before the hug arrived, but she was still somewhat surprised by how forward Maddie was. Oddly friendly in a way no one in Gotham dared to be. Unless they were crazy like Harely. She can only blink as the woman wraps her up in an embrace, her muscles belying her small frame.
A fighter. A rather skilled one at that.
"I was so worried Dan would never find a partner!"
"Maddie! She's not my girlfriend!" Dan hisses, "She's a kid!"
"I'm twenty-one" Cass corrects
"A baby," Dan insists.
"Oh, that's a shame. She's gorgeous- from what I can see with the mask. The grandchildren would have been beautiful." Maddie sighs, letting her go. Then, it seems the woman noticed her features for the first time because she looked startled. "Are you a living human?"
"Worst. She's a halfa," Dan responds. Maddie's upper body goes rigid, and Cass can see thousands of emotions go through her—shock, denial, awe, wonder, glee, despair—to name a few—before she settles on one.
"Jazz! Dani! Come here!" She screams, and Cass only has a few seconds to step away from Maddie's sudden craze before another glowing blur speeds towards them.
It's a younger version of Dan but female. She stops just short of ramming into Dan with a giggle. "Made you flinch!"
"You did not."
"Did, too." The girl, nineteen maybe, insists but twists to Maddie while speaking. It doesn't seem like she thinks about whether she is correct. Cass wondered if she should say that Dan really did not flinch. Besides his hair swaying slightly by the gust of wind she created, he hadn't moved from his crossed-arm position. "Who's this?"
"A new Halfa!" Maddie cheers.
The girl's friendly demeanor crumbles into horror. "What?"
"I know- isn't this exciting?"
"No, Mom, it means she died." Yet another voice sighs. "What did we say about our science?"
"Not to let it overpower my morals and to be tactful of other feelings." Maddie quotes with an eye roll, though Cass can tell she's not bothered by the reminder. Strutting from the castle draw bridge, the only one that uses it is a beautiful woman clad in a purple sleeveless dress.
She moves with the confidence and elegance Cass had expected of a Queen. It's when she stands next to Maddie that it becomes clear they are mother and daughter- almost all her features are a copy of Maddie. "Hello there. I'm Jazz Fenton. I heard you've been through a horrible ordeal. I'm very sorry for your loss of life."
Cass blinks at her, then shrugs. She isn't sure if she is grateful that Damian's ninja mask is still across her face, keeping her amusement hidden.
Jazz smiles even wider. "Welcome to Phantom's Keep. We welcome you inside."
Hmmm, well, no, Cass did not like how she said that. Sounded a little too Fae-like for her taste.
Jazz isn't aware of her unease as she gestures to the castle. "We have some questions on how you arrived. See, Dan and I thought you had died and placed you in the sector for new ghosts. Dan was supposed to greet you and get you settled. But your new status changes everything."
Was Jazz....Phantom?
If so, Cass needed to be careful how she continued interacting with the woman. She didn't want to get stuck here for seven years, either. She had a family she was going to get back to.
"Where is Cass? She hasn't checked in for days," Bruce asks his children, looking over everyone's logs. Her last entry was twenty-four days ago, a short "Investigating Amity Park—pending field report" blinking on his screen.
"I'll ask Raven." Damian volunteered. "She should be able to give more insight into Cass' mission."
"Thank you, son."
Bruce hoped the uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach was just untreated paranoia like his children liked to claim and not that something had happened to his daughter. He never liked it when his gut feelings were right.
They were never a good reason.
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firehose118 · 6 months
Okay even after writing this I’m still thinking about the importance of Tommy calling Buck Evan.
Names are identities. Names can be armor or they can be intimate (if you want a deeper exploration of this in fiction, please watch Black Sails). A chosen identity can be especially important as a way to control how you are viewed by others.
He goes by Buck because that’s what they called him in the academy. “Buck” is a firefighter, and as we know being a firefighter is his whole reason for living (as evidenced by the cursed lawsuit arc). He could have gone back to “Evan” when he joined the 118, but he introduced himself as “Buck” very intentionally. It was a reinvention, a shedding of his past.
Evan is a name that he associates with his parents, and his parents are so much of the reason why it took him so long to understand who he is fundamentally. Evan is who he was as a child. Evan is his parents’ unwanted son, the name they’d say like a curse whenever he did something stupid to get their attention. He hates being called Evan because his parents yelled it at him so many times that the very sound of it feels like a scold.
As others have pointed out, he probably got flustered and introduced himself to Tommy as Evan Buckley before correcting himself and saying Buck. But Tommy latched on to that and kept calling him Evan. It doesn’t seem like Buck corrected him. He doesn’t mind the name in Tommy’s mouth.
Tommy isn’t talking to Buck-the-firefighter. He’s talking to Evan-the-man. When Tommy says “Evan” he’s saying, “I see the you that is underneath the person you project out into the world. I see the you that you really are and I will call you by your name.”
There’s something deeply intimate there. Buck was a womanizer (which, he wasn’t, but that’s another post). Evan is queer. Tommy sees the Evan that Buck has been suppressing for so long—the one he didn’t even know was there—and he brings that person to the surface. He speaks to the heart of him directly.
Think about how few times people call him “Evan” throughout the series. Maddie uses that name when she hasn’t even spoken to him in three years. Evan is her little brother. She starts calling him Buck when she gets to know him as a man, not a little boy. She respects that he is a different person now than he was when she last saw him. She understands the difference.
Eddie calls him Evan exactly once, as far as I can remember, and that was very intentional on his part. When he sat on that hospital bed and said “Because, Evan,” Eddie needed him to listen, needed him to understand how important what he was saying is. Eddie understands the power of calling him Evan, understands he needs to address a fundamentally different part of this man to get him to understand how important he is to Eddie. To Chris. At all.
One thing I haven’t personally seen discussed is the sort of meta reason why his character is called Buck: his defining characteristics in the first season are how young and inexperienced and reckless he is. He’s a young buck. I genuinely believe the writers came up with that and then decided to give him the last name Buckley as an excuse to call him that.
So for Tommy to call him Evan, and for him to accept that as an identity without cringing, is him growing up. Excuse the phrase, but it’s him healing his inner child. To hear “Evan” said casually, reverently, lovingly is a revelation. It is a connection between the lonely child and the actualized adult. It is the man in his totality.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 1 year
Costume meta 6x14
Its like one extreme to the other with costumes from week to week on this show!! Last week I had so many to talk about and somehow managed to sneak 42 pictures into my meta. This week however, everyone was mostly hanging out in uniform so I have far fewer costume to talk about (but probably just as many words to say knowing me!!!)
So theres no Buck or Bobby this week as we don’t see either of them out of uniform, but I am going to talk about some background characters because they’re relevant in relation to costumes being worn by out mains!
As always the reest is under the cut to save your dash!
The Buckley-Han’s
Starting with Jee in her light teal top with a rainbow on. Like i’ve said a million times before the imagery they use on the kids clothing is very intentional and always says something about the scene/arc. The rainbow on Jee’s top is telling us that the Buckley-Han’s are in harmony (and not just with the singing) - that rainbows come after the rain - its signalling they are in a good place and are connected. they are a sign of new beginnings and hope. But it also takes both rain and sun to make a rainbow, so its a reminder that the rough times are a part ofwhat got them to the good times they’re now in. 
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Maddie is wearing a black top
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and so is Chimney.
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I’m pretty sure this is the first time we’ve seen them wearing the same colour at the same time. its showing us they’re in balance - that they are strong (black is a colour of strength), it is also a colour of security and protection - after last week, we see that they (and Jee by virtue of being in-between them) are feeling secure and protected in their family. I do also think there is a bit of foreshadowing going on here as well - for Death and taxes - Black can be a colour of mourning and I think that we might be about to mourn the loss of this innocent time. How that plays out remains to be seen, but this moment captures the moment before things change for Madney. 
The Wilsons & Athena
Here we have Hen in an acid yellow top with orange and blue sections that also have some purple in them. Blue and orange are complementary colours, as are yellow and purple. complementary colours create the strongest contrast - making each other appear more intense, but they also cancel each other out if mixed together - creating black or white. This gives us a hint of where Hen is mentally - especially in relation to Nathaniel. They sit at opposite sides of the parenting spectrum - established and legal and unestablished and technically with no legal rights. the fact that we have hen in a black tee underneath and later see Denny in black establishes the idea of the complementary colours mixing together and creating black - it is suggesting that the issues will be ironed out and that Denny will remain at the centre of any decisions Hen (and Karen) make. Its just an indicatior of good parenting by them and I love that
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Athena in red - the colour of passion and intensity. interestingly she also sits in the colour wheel with Hen - just without the opposition of a complementary colour. So Hen is the yellow and blue aspects of the colour wheel while Athena is red - thats all three primary colours in one scene and with the green behind her in the glass (red’s complementary colour) making all three of the secondary colours present as well. This is all about creating harmony - that goes for Hen and her family as well as Athena and hers. 
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Denny in black...
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with Hen in this blue and green shirt.
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remind you of another parent child combination at all????
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yeah - they are gong hard with the parallels - very very hard. The choices here place Hen in a similar situation to Chris and Denny in the same place as Eddie and the two scenes have similar over arching themes. Themes of children seeking some independence from parents, but also the establishment of new boundaries and it is about the loss and reforming of trust. We see Chris continuing to keep doing the sneaky things he’s been doing - making it clear that he want’s to do things his way and  that (to a certain extent) Eddie is going to have to be the one to fall into line here - That it was Eddie who was being too rigid in his behaviour/ way of parenting Chris. Hen is similar to Chris - in that she is going to do things her way when it comes to Nathaniel - she isn’t going to pander to him and she is going ensure that both Nathaniel and Denny fall into line. This is about her setting a clear boundary - especially in light of Nathaniels behaviour (as the adult who should’ve known better) with both of them. 
We see Eddie come round to Christophers way of thinking - understanding that Chris wasn’t acting out of character because he’s going to become a troublesome kid/teen, but it was out of a genuine desire to want to start to have some independence. Denny is in a similar situation - realising that his expectations are un reasonable - that Hens (and Karens) boundaries are reasonable (like Chris’s were with Eddie) and therefore he will have to adjust to them.
The Diaz’s (and co!)
Okay so I don’t normally comment on the decor in the houses in costume metas, but I actually think the choices made in the decoration of Tia Pepa’s house was very important and intentional so we’re gonna have a little look at it.
There is just so so much blue going on! In a season where the blue and green theming has been very noticeable and especially in connection with Eddie and Buck. To choose to have so much blue present in a scene with Eddie wearing green - when Eddie is being set up - is very literally meant to ensure we’re subconsciously making connections with Buck - the choice to have him in so much blue, especially paler blues this season has always been deliberate and now we’re seeing pay off for it beyond just what the blue can tell us as a colour - its so loud I’ve gone deaf!!
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Tia Pepa’s family portrait on the wall - looming behind her right shoulder is also very loud - its presence - the presence of extended family, it as important as Pepa and Eddie in this scene. Pictures/ portraits etc are not something i tend to focus on, but all burgundy and black of their outfits is telling a very loud story - especially in combination with Eddies and Pepa’s later outfits. Its also worth pointing out the olive tree in the background - the symbol of peace and friendship! The family in burgundy is sowing us unity - Eddies later date outfit being the same colour way also envelops him in the family fold. 
Pepa’s own outfit, includes burgundy, but also the yellow of communication and the calmness of beige. its about establishing her as both the voice of reason and the communicator of important information!
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Sorry Eddies face in the above pic gets me every time I see it 😂 
Eddie himself is wearing his trademark black and army green. his wearing it here is a symbol of his being ambushed and signifies him feeling at war - with himself and with his family wants. We’ve actually been seeing Eddie in less khaki green this season than previously, so its use now is more impactful - Eddie has been feeling less and less at war - with himself, with life etc. Now we’re seeing the use of this green in moments that appear to be playing a part in his moments of panic or repression. The brighter more sagey green from last episode is a clear contrast to this - more yellowy its a warmer colour while this one is more aggressive. I wrote in more detail about Eddies khaki jackets here 6x04 
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Vanessa’s introduction is a pretty loud and telling one - it combines nicely with all the blue in Pepa’s home and only serves to remind us of a certain firefighter who is wearing A LOT of blue this season. In an episode where we don’t see Buck out of uniform this choice is even louder - it puts Vanessa directly into the shoes of Buck - so that the green and blue theme continues its presence and continues as a connection between them specifically - I talk about it later on, but there are some very intentional thngs being done with costumes as a way of connecting Buck to Eddiee - 6a was about establishing a theme and 6b is about using that establishment to further the agenda. we are very much meant to recognise the link to Buck and therefore recognise his absence - in the same way Eddie was absent from the coma dream - they are very much playing on the absence of things being louder than their presence and the presence of other things in the same colour being a reminder of that absence.
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Vanessas not date night outfit is super interesting now I’ve managed to get a good look at it! The bouquet of flowers on the front of the dress (not her impressive cleavage but feel free to look if you want 😂) has me feeling a lot of feelings about the insanity of the costume department and the lengths they go to to tell a story! So the bouquet is made up of wild flowers and grasses. They are cow parsley, poppies, daisies and the grass itself. 
Grass in bouquets is symbolic of growth, health and abundance, the fact we have grass heads - with seeds on is also relevant - its about germination and new beginnings. 
Daisies are a symbol of new beginnings and innocence (but even that connection with innocence stems from death - Celtic legend has it that when a child died, God would sprinkle daisies over the grave as a way of bringing comfort to the family. Medicinally they are used in the soothing of coughs, colds and breathing difficulties. 
Poppies are very heavily associated with sleep and death - it is why they have become a symbol of armistice and peace after war. All of this is relevant to Eddie as a character - a man who has fought a war in the literal sense, but also one who has been fighting a war internally - repression is an active form of fighting agains ones self - against ones truth - it is also connected to sleep - repressing something is suggestive of it lying dormant or asleep - waiting to be woken up. this types in with the Hollywood meaning of the poppy - forever connected with the wizard of Oz - a story very literally about a coma dream (and one the show has referenced before with the lady in the earthquake hotel - with her red shoes and paisley the dog!
The cow parsley is very interesting - there are two meanings at play with it - firstly cow parsley is said to represent sanctuary and refuge - due to the fact it was commonly grown in monastery herb gardens - and its use was for the treatment of breathing difficulties (panic attack reference anyone?!!). then there is the greek myth connection, it is associated with Archemorus - the herald of death - the translation literally means the beginning of doom and that feels like a sign regarding Eddies future relationships with women. At this point Vanessa is the manifestation of Eddie dating women - past, present and possibly future is going and the dress is just helping the story along. Eddie is growing and learning and figuring out that women are not his future - that path only leads to doom!
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Eddies not date outfit is doing some heavy lifting - it’s emphasising the tie into family - linking his tias family with his own, Eddie being dressed in the same colour ways as the family portrait tells us that he is here on this ‘date’ as a ‘duty’ to family, he’s not here from his own free will. Of course there is also the connection to Buck from last episode - at the poker game. I’m truly fascinated by this choice because there is the obvious parallel of Buck thinking he was on a date only to find out that he wasn’t in the same way that Eddie here thinks he’s on a date (even if he intends to let her down) only to find that he isn’t isn’t. But there is also another interesting theme at play here, I’ve already said how Eddies suit matching Pepa and her family’s portrait outfits is symbolic of family ties, well that theme therefore also applies to Buck -  that he is family, because if it only referred to one of the two themes then it would’ve been easy to make use of a different colour for one o the themes so that only the one connection was made - if it was only about dates not being dates then you change the colour choices for Pepa and her family, or if its about family then you change the colour of Bucks suit. What this does is strengthen the idea that Buck is family, but not just to Eddie (and Chris), but also to Tia Pepa and her family, its perhaps a hint at the familial connection going deeper that we’ve been presented in canon thus far. 
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Tia Pepa’s last outfit only further strengthens the arguement about both metaphors/themes being at play. the entire conversation centres around her previous failed relationship and getting back out there, we get a link to work colleagues as well. but Tia Pepa is happily married to her second husband Tio Paco - who is dressed in the same colour way in the portrait - making the suggestion that the answer for Eddie is in someone we’ve seen wearing the same colour way as him *cough* Buck *cough* 
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Ok last costume - Eddies dark grey denim shirt. So Eddie wears denim shirts at key moments with family - 2x04 visiting Abuela in hospital, 2x07 when he reconnects with Shannon so he can get Chris into Durrand, 3x03 dropping Chris off with Buck post tsunami, 3x15 in flashback when he decided to move to LA with Chris, 4x08 when he introduces Ana to Chris as his girlfriend 6x11 when they visit Buck in hospital and now this one. This one is a bit different to all of his other ones though as its not a western style shirt, but that in and of itself tells its own story. All the shirts are  connected to family - but that comes with the proviso of it being about whichever member of family is also involved in the scene and not for Eddie himself- usually Christopher! So Eddie reconnecting with Shannon is about Chris, introducing Ana (and the conversation with Carla about following his heart not Christophers)  - about Chris, dropping Chris of at Bucks post tsunami - about Chris and Buck (its bringing him into the fold of family) etc etc. This new shirt - the non western one, is Eddie recognising and accepting something for himself - this is not about Chris or any other member of his family, this is solely about Eddie himself and that ties in very nicely with the journey we’ve seen Eddie on since his breakdown in 5b. For me it is a marker of Eddie actually starting to focus on his own feelings rather than Christopher (or anyone else’s).
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Thank you as always for reading  - it really does mean the world to me that you're interested in the costuming of our wee woo show and I love reading your thoughts in the tags and notes!!! I’ll shut up now and let you have your lives back. 
As always, tag list below! Until the next episode! 💜💜💜
@mistmarauder @theladyyavilee @loveyourownsmiilee @leothil @girldadbuddie @kitkatpancakestack  @buckscurls @lemotmo @trashendence @elishareads  @clipboardsandstethoscopes @comfortbuddie @fiona-fififi  @callanee @calyssmarviss @pbandjeremiah @batgrldes  @spotsandsocks @livingwherethesidewalkends  @idontshitpostbuttheolympicpark @diazboysbuckley @sweettsubaki @shortsighted-owl @sherlocking-out-loud @dickley-buddie  @favouritealias @hearteyesdiaz  @ktinastrikesback  @princesschez75 @bucksbuddie @oneawkwardcookie  @leatherati @moniquekatie @wanderingwomanwondering  @trickster-archangel @outrunningthedark @asharadaine​ @ajunerose  @talespinner230​ @pop-kam​ @swiftiebuckleys​ @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx​ @butchjerry​ @mandzuking17​ @yelenascowboys​ @copyninjabuckley​ @name-code-black-widow @rogerzsteven​ @bi-moonlight​ @usercowboy​ @inthecarwithaboy​ @inandoutoffocus-blog​ @toboldlynerd​
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jadenoryuu · 9 months
Phandom Holiday Truce Time!
(For maximum experience, please turn the light mode on.)
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Sorry for keeping you waiting, @raaorqtpbpdy here's your @phandomholidaytruce gift!
When I saw the prompts "Danny-Wes Role Swap", comboed with the No One Knows AU, Creepy Cryptid Danny and your mention about the Ghost King Danny trope only used in a significant way, the gif "I have a MIGHTY need!" started playing in a loop, so here's the bg for this mini-comic.
Before the Portal Accident, Wes and Danny were friends. Not as close as Danny and Tucker, but they sometimes hung out when the Fentons were too busy to entertain Wes' interest in the occult.
My boy Wes Weston has also a side hobby/obsession with basket and it all started since he watched for the first time Space Jam. (It doesn't help that I headcanon Amity Park in Illinois, which means Chicago Bulls.)
(So he plays basket because His Airness does so and because MJ was involved and interacted with the embodiment of a visual novel. Talk about supernatural!)
(Yes, I'm saying that crossovers between animated and physical world can count as a supernatural and ghost-related event.)
All of this premise was to introduce the personalized jumpsuit that the Fentons made for Wes with the colors and accessories of the Chicago Bulls.
(Jack made a mistake with the number and stitched only the "2", so once Wes became a halfa, he added the "3" with marker and later learned to shapeshift enough to change some of the inverted colors of the jumpsuit. Originally it was white with red inserts, the accident made it black with blue inserts, then the shapeshift finally made it black with red inserts.)
Since it's a No One Knows AU, Wes was alone when the accident happened, but being the smart bean he is, no one discovered that he's a halfa until Danny, much like Jazz in canon, discovers Wes' double nature after stalking investigating him.
Like sister, like brother, Danny doesn't say anything to Wes about knowing, but here and then he assists (in the shadows) Wes in ghost wrangling.
Due to living above the active portal and Maddie experimenting with ectoplasm while pregnant, Jazz and Danny are liminal, the latter more than the former. (Thus, Danny becomes the creepy cryptid of Amity Park.)
Even if Danny isn't a halfa, Vlad still tries his scheme of stealing the Crown of Fire and the Ring of Rage to obtain enough power to defeat Wes' hero persona (who Vlad believes is a full ghost).
Much akin the Reign Storm episode, Amity ends in the Ghost Zone, but Wes gets stuck fighting "alone" the army (the Fentons and a reluctant Plasmius do the same on another front after the Ecto-suit is deemed a failure).
While his parents are out fighting, Danny sneaks in the lab and fixes the Ecto-suit (my boy is as much as a genius as his family, after all), then goes to challenge Pariah.
Due to his liminality, after the victory, Danny IS eligible for the Throne, so he becomes the King. (He doesn't discover this immediately, but when the Observants start bothering him, he gets the explanation.)
So, after declaring Amity Park Wes' (and his) Haunt and a No Fight Zone, the ghost attacks practically stop, leaving Wes on edge, because he doesn't know about the Law.
Thus, we're back to this mini-comic! Danny decides to finally reveal both that he knows Wes is a halfa and that he's the Ghost King, but where would be the fun if he didn't mess with Wes a bit? So he amps his creepy factor and plays a Yandere act (he isn't, he's doing so just for the prank. As a matter of fact, 3-5 seconds after the last declaration, he bursts out cackling at Wes appropriate horrified face, then after moving to a more private place -a roof-, Danny explains everything.)
Does this became a UFS? I like to think so, but you're free to decide.
I'm adding the non transparent versions under for those without the light mode:
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ccscocoapuffs · 2 days
Gabriel May NSFW Alphabet
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex) Kinda shy, he's not used to being treated as if he is a actual human being so the fact you just had sex with him makes him feeling kinda shy inside. Even though he would never admit to it. He for sure would love if you played in his hair, just be careful not to poke maddie in the face lol, though he would probably laugh his ass of if you did.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) Gabriel doesn't have a favorite thing about his body because in his eyes it's not fully his. He was never given the choice to have his own body to love and do what he wanted with hence why he loathes the fact he is tethered to maddie forever. Despite being able to use maddie's body for himself he does long for the feeling of being a separate being with his own arms, own legs, and of course he wants to have his own dick. He loves his partners eyes for sure, he can tell peoples emotions just by looking in their eyes. That's how he knew when he first met you what you truly thought of him, he could sense the fear in your eyes if it was to show, yet i didn't hence why he knew you were different.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically) Giving that he shares a body with Maddie when it comes to sex he obviously has a vagina, so with that being said he can't cum inside you like he desperately wants to. Though he makes do with what he can and makes you cum on his fingers and then eats the cum outa you, he would love if you did the same for him.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) Gabriel wants to try knife play with you, especially using his favorite knife (The trophy knife), he hasn't brought it up cause he is afraid you might think he wants to hurt you.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?) So Maddie has had sex before obviously and he's been just dormant in the back of her head when that happened, though once he was woken up by Derek after that particular incident he was obviously aware of his and Maddie's shared body. He is a virgin in his own sense though, the body he shares isn't if that makes sense.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying) He's one bendy ass fucker given he is technically backwards. So when it comes to position you never really know what you're gonna get with him. If you are using a strap with him or vice versa he likes doggy or missionary, even though both of them are kinda in his own way.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.) Definitely more serious, though not really like hard dom serious, if catch my drift. He for sure leans towards being very sensual and serious in the moment with you.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.) So obviously once again he shares this with Maddie, so he obviously has a small bush of black hair on Maddie's side of things, where he is always behind her he obviously wouldn't have this.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect) He loves intimate moments between the two of you and soaks up whatever time he has with you to have them. He loves being able to fuck you with a strap and hold your face in his hands while he tells you through the speaker of the radio on the bedside table how much he loves you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon) He doesn't see the point, if he craves pleasure he wants it from you and you alone. He doesn't get off very well when touching himself, he craves the connection of sex.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks) Knife kink spit kink slight choking slight bondage
L = Location (favorite places to do the do) He loves tying you up somewhere in the attic and crawling up to you and eating you out. He loves that you feel safe enough with him to let him tie you up and ravish you in the way he does.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going) He adores if you wear a short skirt for him or if you walk over to him and run your hands down what would be his chest. He loves that you wear something just for and that you aren't afraid to walk up and touch what's yours.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) Share you with Maddie or anyone else, just because he has the same body as her doesn't mean she gets to touch you, you belong to him and only him. Once he fell in love with you that was something that was final.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.) God he loves eating your pussy, giving this may be something that is slightly difficult for him giving the way his mouth is formed. Though don't let that fool you, he is very skilled with his tongue and has learned over time the best way to fuck you with it and suck your clit.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.) He prefers a slower pace, he wants to enjoy time with you and wants it to be meaningful. He is putting his trust in you at the most vulnerable moment and he wants to enjoy the feeling of it while he looks into your eyes and throws his head back.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.) He hates quickies, he doesn't get that intimacy he desires with a quickie, though if you were to pull him aside someone and get down on your knees and start fucking him with your tongue he might be more on board with your quickie like moments.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.) His whole life really is a risk, He risks living everyday. So when it comes to the bedroom I feel like he tends to be more risk free because this is his moment of relief from existence, this is something that is solely for him. You two having sex for anyone other than him.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?) Usually two, despite only have maddies body to use for his pleasure he still gives you as much as he can before he feels exhausted. He loves the feeling of being edged though so take that how you will when it comes to making him have an orgasm or two.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) Yes there's for sure toys involved. He loves the ability to fuck you with a strap, he craves the feeling of having his own cock to fuck you with and feel how your pussy walls tighten around him while you cry out, but this will have to do. He also loves being fucked with it as well, whether your fuck his ass or pussy, he adores the feeling of having you control his orgasms though don't be surprised when he flips you around and takes you however he wants. (His favorite toy is gonna be mentioned in W)
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) He likes to tease just a little to make you get all flustered and red, though he doesn't actually like to tease all that much. He has spent his whole life waiting, waiting for maddie to wake him up again, waiting for revenge, so waiting for sex because of him teasing, nope not happening.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.) He isn't super loud during sex, but he lets out a few deep growls and labored breathes. If you leave a phone out or a radio for him to talk through then he for sure will say the filthest things for you to hear.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character) His favorite toy in the whole world is the dual ended vibrator dildo you two have. He loves for you both to insert it into each other and rock your hips together while you make out and pull each others hair.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes) So we've kinda already discussed this in several sections, obviously he has a vagina giving he shares a body with his sister, He loves using a pussy pump on himself though to make everything extra sensitive and puffy for you to enjoy as well as him.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?) Not very high, he doesn't think a relationship revolves around sex and doesn't crave it as much as some others would, for him it's real just when the mood strikes.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He usually doesn't fall asleep afterwards, if you want to then he will gladly hold you while you sleep and lay there watching tv or scrolling on the phone.
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they-reap-what-we-sow · 7 months
WHAT goes on at the madney wedding????
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my observations as an expert (went to detective academy when I was 10):
Eddie(named such for my own ease) is Shirtless: my first instinct says that Buck's shirt got dirty first. that suit calls for a button-up not a t-shirt, but Eddie could definitely have worn a t-shirt and then when WHATEVER went down- Eddie gave his (it might even just be his undershirt??) up and Buck got that one dirty too.
Wine Stain on Buck: there's a patch on his leg, and then also a splatter on his shirt, but they're not connected in a way that seems to be congruent?? either the costuming department stained them separately, or buck was sitting when he got splashed (maybe a wine glass fell over into his lap) but more iMPORTANTLY
Wine Stain on Eddie's Pocket: EDDIE WAS SITTING NEXT TO BUCK WHEN THIS WINE INCIDENT HAPPENED! maybe even he was sitting next to buck instead of Natalia who got mad and - sorry I got distracted by my delusions, but yeah, Eddie only has that splash on his left pocket so either he hugged buck who's shirt was covered in wine or he was sitting next to him and got splashed
Burn on Buck's Pant: what is a emergency personnel's wedding without a little emergency? I think we've likely got a small fire at the wedding in some form, not a major deal? but something enough to spook maddie (which is a whole other can of worms that I believe is gonna happen)
Food(?) Stains on Buck's Shirt and Pant: the spread of these stains is BEWILDERING. like, one patch at the shoulder, one at the leg?? how does that even happen. I'm putting it down to Buck gets bumped into by someone holding food, but the way the stain is on a separate layer of his (Eddie's) shirt and the jacket is inch resting... we will have to see
General Black Scuffs on Both: first off. Eddie's are on his knees. I had to take fifteen minutes to look at that and be normal. this is a family hour show they would never do that. anyways, moving on. I have seen similar stains before, and most commonly it comes with trying to portray grease? like from cars and things? so these may be from a broken down car that the two of them work together to try and fix- maybe the post-wedding getaway car thing isn't working? but it probably comes pre-wedding, if my guess is right.
tragically, this means that Ryan's hair wasn't a delicious, delicious choice, it's the result of whatever drama they just went through at the wedding, but also a win because that hair's gonna be on the show for us to replay again and again!!
like I said, I am a fully qualified expert and these are all things that I am guessing on based on my limited understanding- but also if im right you all owe me a soda
please let every one of those stains be from a dramatic near death Buddie confession 🙏🏼
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leurandrews · 1 year
So everyone is really mad or upset by the ending of season 2, (I am as well) but to be completely honest I can’t help feeling like it just makes so much sense for their characters. Crowley has always been so much more comfortable with the idea of having his own side, but Aziraphale wants to actually make a difference and HELP. In the beginning of season 2, Aziraphale was asking Crowley to help him with Gabriel and Crowley of course says no. Aziraphale was willing to forgive, willing to get involved again because he wants so badly for things to work out and still can’t accept that there are so many gray areas. He’s been like this for ages, trying to only see things as good or bad and since this was literally his mindset for thousands if not more years (Crowley actually mentions to Nina and Maddie that they’ve known each other for millions but whether or not that’s just him exaggerated or he’s actually being honest I’m not sure) and it’s not an easy mindset to break. In the Job flashback Aziraphale thinks so black and white that he believes he’ll go to hell just because of his lying to Gabriel (which btw was HILARIOUS), and Crowley finds this funny because he’s already aware of how complicated things really are. Crowley had a much deeper understanding of things, and I think a large part of this is because he WAS at the very least one of the higher ranking angels who helped make nebulas and had access to restricted files. Because of this he had a much better understanding of what was going on, and considering how Aziraphale is treated in season 1 and 2 by the archangels, I think it’s fair to say he was probably like a middle class angel. Not as low as Muriel, but not high enough up to have a full understanding of what’s going on. This is proven even more when Gabriel shows he just wanted to leave, to be done, and literally didn’t even bat an eye about the idea of being sent down to hell because he just wanted to be with Beelzebub. Micheal and Euriel bickering also goes to show how confusing and toxic things are up there, and Aziraphale is still blind to that. He even told Crowley that OF COURSE he didn’t go back to Hell, they’re the BAD GUYS so he’s still seeing things as black and white, good and bad, and still can’t accept bring in a gray area. Crowley of course is aware that both sides are not all they are cut out to be, and he has known this all the way back to Job when he confesses to following Hell as far as he can go, but then going on his own path. So all of that was building up to that moment. Now what I really love about this is the fact that Crowley has ALWAYS come to Aziraphale, rarely vice versa. He finds Aziraphale, rescues Aziraphale and is practically wrapped around Aziraphale’s finger. In season one he lets Aziraphale put a bike rack on his car without asking permission, fixes his coat, LITERALLY STOPS TIME for him and is always there in the flashbacks to get Aziraphale out of messy situations. Season two, he comes back after refusing to help with Gabriel, does the apology dance (and I agree Aziraphale WILL need to do that in season 3 if we get one) and even LETS HIM DRIVE THE BENTLEY. And even when they do fight, Crowley always ends up coming around and letting Aziraphale mostly get his way, and I think a huge part of season 3 will be Aziraphale waiting for Crowley to change his mind, still thinking he is right, and Crowley never coming back. Because this time, Crowley is right and he knows it. He’s done getting involved, he’s already seen the chance to make a difference is futile and he’s done picking sides. I think once Aziraphale is given power he’s going to realize how screwed up heaven is, and he already said he needed Crowley and he’s probably going to feel that even more while they’re separated. What I would LOVE to see happen is him come to Crowley the same way Crowley has come for him for so many years, and for him to finally see what Crowley has been trying to tell him since their meeting at the nebula, and to see he is RIGHT.
Also side note: I really really love Muriel taking on the bookshop, they’re SO cute and I really hope we’ll get more of them in season 3, especially more of their relationship with Crowley because that was ADORABLE. I like to think that Crowley will go back to the bookshop just because or whatever and get talking to them, and they’ll become friends. And Muriel is so excited about everything on earth, I feel like Crowley would also teach them how to take care of plants and the image of Muriel trying to yell and looking at Crowley for approval just MELTS me. Also Crowley finally getting a supernatural friend that isn’t Aziraphale might be really good for him. IDK.
Anyways that’s my take on things. I think season 3 will be huge for their relationship, show one major development from Aziraphale and probably also some from Crowley, but mostly Aziraphale. And the second coming drop from the Metatron made me bust out laughing, so I really want to see where they go with that.
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galaxysharks · 1 year
Y'all can thank Olli for this one! Called me old!
Fantasy AU!
They were out lounging by siren pool, Maddox and Nini playing a game where Nini cast a spell that made Maddox's thoughts into visions, currently being projected on the stone wall next to them. The idea was like charades, Maddie sees a word and projects what shes thinking to get Nini to guess what it was. It was helpful cause most of them are conceptual, and hard to act out.
EJ and Ashlyn were arguing over the sunblock, Jet and Carlos were playing keep-away with Ricky. They were tossing his script over the pool, since can't jump out without flipping Kourtney and Gina's floaty rafts.
This goes on until Carlos gets tired, but he passes the script to EJ who had lost the argument and had to wait to use the sunblock. He then goes and joins Ashlyn who had sat with Nini and Maddox.
They watch two or three rounds with the prompts being something like 'the taste of steak' or 'the feeling of getting away with a good prank'. Nini does a pretty good job honestly. She probably would have been doing better if Ashlyn didn't keep randomly appearing in the middle of the projected thought, but either way the gist of the assignment was fulfilled.
At some point though, Carlos notices a thin scar horizontal on Maddie's cheek, right by her ear. Thinking nothing of it, he asks what it's from.
Maddox stops suddenly, and the image that had been forming a rainforest shifted to a downpour, the sky turning black and angry, a thunderclap rattling the drinks on the side table.
A blank stare past Nini's head, Maddox was unresponsive to their prodding. Nini panicked, but realizes she couldn't stop the spell, the werewolf's unexpected turmoil quite literally playing before their eyes.
The commotion had gathered the attention of the rest of the wildcats, with many of them glancing at Jet for an explanation, but he looked as confused as them. This wasn't a memory he was part of......
As Maddie falls further into her mind, the spell's range expands to accommodate, spilling out across the pool and over the patios. Concerned and a bit frightened, the wildcats collect together off to the side, not knowing what will happen, but knowing Maddox enough to not want to be front and center.
The laughter reveals itself seconds later, a group of many humans crowding the vision. They have a variety of weapons, knives, lead pipes, a bat.....
And their actions are warranted, as no sooner did they move did the sound of scrambling and laughter flood their minds. Gone was the forest and pool, instead the towering brick walls and slab floor of an alley appeared. Along the facades, fire escapes and graffiti painted the Wildcats' vision.
Out of the fog Maddox, or at least a Maddox stumbles into their view. She's in her wolf form but tiny, not yet to her full size, not even close. She's covered in blood and her fur is burnt on her upper arms and neck where chains of sterling silver are dragging behind her.
Three of them spring forward and catch a hold of the chains, each pulling them a different direction, holding the wolf still between them. Her whimpering has escalated into whining and thrashing, but clearly she'd been chased some way, her exhaustion evident.
"hey little bitch, you snapped at me. All I was trying to do was be nice. But that's okay, we know how to handle freaks like you....." the ringleader turned to her followers "Jonathan, you've got it right? It would be such a shame to leave such dangerous behavior uncorrected"
"Now say it with me...." she paused to collect the group.
A boy walks from behind the crowd, leather hanging from his fingertips. The three holding the chains tightened their stances as the crowd surged forward. Fur and blood mixing with the rain as they pinned Maddox.
The laughter was deafening, the air had grown thick. Try as she might, Maddox's claws scraped uselessly against the wet pavement. She felt the skin on her nose split as long nails dug in. The smell of blood and leather, mixed with the awful cologne of the crowd made her feel sick.
As the leather clasps were closed and tightened, Maddox felt her jaw bones creaking at the strain, and her cheek split as the silver buckle burnt through her fur and skin.
The next several minutes passed in daze as Maddox tried to fight through the pain. The humans had secured her chains to the fire escapes on either side above and had left her hanging head down.
Camera flashes and laughter filled her vision as she dangled, quickly losing the fight with gravity and consciousness.
The last thing she heard was the ringleader starting up a live broadcast, standing in front of her 'game'.
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kurt-wagner-official · 8 months
Post #105: UXM issues 223-224
These are the last couple issues before the Fall of the Mutants officially begins. It starts with Freedom Force accepting their newest members, those weirdo old guys who were hunting Ororo for sport. Including Super Sabre, who survived that avalanche. The old and new team members start bickering, but it's interrupted by Destiny letting out a blood curdling scream. She was trying to see Anna's future, and saw only a void for all the X-Men. Out somewhere in Colorado, Ororo and Naze continue their hunt for Forge, but Naze begins to fall ill with a mysterious magical infection. And in New York, in a bar, some guy is complaining to a journalist about how much he hates mutants, but how he's not racist, cause he has a black friend. Idk if that guys gonna come back and be important, and I refuse to go back and edit this later so maybe this'll read really dumb. Finally, in San Francisco, Logan is training Anna, Ali, and Longshot, trying to toughen them up for the next Marauders fight. Cutting back to Ororo again, Naze tells her that she needs to drink a special soup to prevent her getting the same illness as him. She does, and later has a vision of being attacked by monsters and beasts led by Forge. To survive, she kills him before waking up and realizing it was a dream. Naze says it could be real if she doesn't kill Forge, and she agrees. But then he smiles evilly, in case you forgot he's possessed. Then we cut again back to San Francisco where Alex finds Maddy standing on top of a cliff contemplating jumping. But he talks her down, promising the X-Men will protect her and help find her son. I really like Claremont's Alex. Under his pen, Alex wanted to escape the X-Men to avoid Scott's shadow, and now that he's forced back into it he's not interested in leadership, just being a good supporting player in and out of combat. His arc in this book blends really well into how Peter David writes him finally embracing the leadership role and feeling like he's coming up short. I also really like his fucked up relationship with Maddy, and how after the Inferno reveal, he's the only one who still sees her as her own fully unique person.
Ororo and Naze reach the base of Forge's mountain, and he tells her she must go up alone so Forge doesn't recognize his magical aura. Before she leaves he kisses her, which is very weird. And from his evil cackles after she's gone, we can finally put his plan together; he was telling the truth about Forge being destined to stop the Adversary, but the full story is that Forge and Ororo working together are what's needed to stop him. So the Adversary possessed Naze to pit them against each other. Elsewhere, Val Cooper goes on the news to announce that Freedom Force's top priority now is to capture the X-Men to enforce the newly passed Mutant Registration Act. Anna is watching her on tv when Mystique shows up and tells her that the X-Men- including Ororo- will die soon in Dallas. She begs Anna to come with her to escape their fate, but Anna refuses to walk out on her new family. In downtown SF, Alex and Longshot go to the movie theater and watch the movie that Longshot was a stuntman on back in his mini. He doesn't remember any of that, but he does think it's cool how they have the same name. It hasn't really been clear until now that Longshot got a full memory wipe after his mini, which does make his actions make more sense. I like Alex and Longshot's friendship. Alex just really likes taking care of misfits, and this blank slate of a man lets him be the big brother for once. And Longshot likes hanging around angsty people so he can try to cheer them up. The boys' night out is cut short by some carjackers, who they stop before heading back to HQ, where Anna tells the whole team about Mystique's warning. They decide the only way to fight the future is to face it, so off they go to Dallas, along with Maddy, who says she still has a better chance of surviving with them than without. Personally I think she's still a little suicidal, but Logan doesn't know her well enough to pick up on that and allows her to be their pilot. In Wyoming, Ororo finally makes it to the top of Forge mountain, where she sees Forge staring up at a black hole in the sky chanting at it. She fights through hordes of demons to get to Forge and stab him, only for him to tell her he was trying to close the portal. She begins putting the pieces together just as they're both sucked into the portal. Off in the distance, Naze does yet another evil cackle and proclaims that the world is his now. The whole Ororo Naze thing kinda went on way to long, to be honest. I would have preferred one issue focused fully on their journey right before Fall of the Mutants. But at least we're through it now, and ready for the big finale.
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indigo474 · 11 months
Oct 15th- sunday funday
I've been nothing but tired and hungry all weekend. I've been sleeping really good and eating healthy food. lots of protein and veggies. i was tempted to order out tonight but decided against it. My body- oh my body.. I woke up with my back hurting.. and me being sore. i'm guessing from packing and picking up boxes and moving things here and there. i was thinking this must be how people feel when they complain about being/getting old. i did go for a run- it wasn't the best- my body just feels worn out. I got a lot done today... mostly everything is packed- i have a lot of clothes and a lot of shoes. too much- i think i will be unpacking forever.... I had to repack all of the old photo albums. i was able to skim through them without crying. i did get emotional when i found a picture of my Mom and Grandmom- ohh how i miss her. she was smiling big in the picture. thats the thing about pictures- they show the good times- the birthday parties and the holidays. everyone's happy and smiling.. how many nights did i sit in the front room scared to even move.. i would sit on the couch frozen waiting for him to go to bed so i could go in the kitchen and clean up from dinner. how great of a mom could i have been? I was there but not really there.. ahh and the more i'm able heal the more i realize how sick i was.. i just didnt know it.. and this is where self forgiveness come in.. the absolute hardest thing i have done and have to do is forgive myself-it's not something that is done once and move on.. oh no- it's just like everything else on this journey- the healing happens a little at a time.. it's a spiral.. things that would have floored me in the past.. no longer do. bit by bit- day by day.. i'm no longer clawing my way out of a black hole.. pain comes- pain goes.... sit with it, feel it, let it change you and let it go. weird i saw something today that i saw in a dream.. a procession of sorts.. i still don't know what i saw- in my dream i asked- what are they doing- who did i ask? I dont know, but i got an answer.. today i asked myself- i wonder what they are doing- very strange to me.. seeing something in my dreams and seeing it in real life. it's not the first time its happened. hopefully it wont be the last. its always odd- holy shit i dreamed this.. i fucking saw this in my dreams-it's normal in a sense because i'm seeing it for the 2nd time- and its happening.. but is it really normal? Someone said to me in casual conversation, yeah its like when birds fly into your car.. i didnt say anything at the time but i was like wow that happens to you to?? a few weeks later i asked her if she remembered saying that to me and she said yes it happens to me all the time.. i told her it happens to me too. I asked her if it was normal and she said she didn't know, i asked her if she thinks it happens to other people and she said she didnt know.. i told her i thought it only happened to me until she said it happens to her. she said weird stuff happens to her all the time.. me too, me too.
I cant believe this is really happening... i need to find someone that knows how do stuff. I need a new garbage disposal.. and a battery back up for the sump pump.. maybe i can do it by watching a few youtube videos. maddy is worried about money.. i am not. not yet anyway.. i dont want to worry... i want to enjoy this time in my life.. i want to enjoy my life period.. no worries.. just love .. its all going to workout.. all of it.. good things good things.. i have to believe in something.. i have to believe that what's ahead of me is much much better than that is behind me.. i haven't lived my best days yet. busy busy week..
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aspenmissing · 1 year
𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝 (𝙿𝚝 𝟸)
Later, Madison is seated in a chair, with her wrist bound. Sam is standing in front of her, holding a gun.
"You're psychotic. The whole 'I'm a cop' trip- God, I am so stupid."
"Well, I guess neither of us are who we said we were, huh?" Sam says.
"Sam, you're sick, okay? You're imagining things. Monsters don't exist, not really."
"You know what? Save the act." Madison is crying.
"It's not an act! I am not a werewolf! There's no such thing! It's made up, all right? Th- They're not real! You know they're not real!"
"No?!" Sam points to her wound. "Then where did that come from?"
"I don't know! Sam, God, you need help. Please, don't do something that you're gonna regret. I'm not what you think I am. I'm not." Sam, visibly upset, hears knocking at the door. He opens it to see Dean and Y/N, who both enter and smirk at Madison.
"How you doin'? Our heads feel great, thanks," Dean says.
"We've gotta talk." Sam brings the pair into another room. "She says she has no idea what I'm talking about."
"She's lying," Y/N says.
"Or maybe she really doesn't know she's changing, you know? Maybe - maybe when the creature takes over, she blacks out," Dean deadpans.
"Like a really hot incredible Hulk. Come on, dude, she ganked her boss and her ex-boyfriend. That doesn't sound rash and unconscious."
"Yeah, but what if it was, guys? I mean, what if some animal part of her brain saw both those guys as threats? Hell, the cop, too."
"What are you, the Dog Whisperer now?"
"I'm sorry, Sam, but I'm with Dean on this. She tried to kill us."
"Look, guys, I just... I don't know, there, there, there was something in her eyes."
"Yeah, she's killing people!" Dean says.
"But if she has no control over it-"
"Exactly. She can't control it. Even if she's telling the truth, it’s not gonna change anything."
"I'm not putting a bullet through some girl's chest who has no idea what's happening."
"Sam, she's a monster, and you're feeling sorry for her?" Y/N says.
"Maybe I understand her." There is a small pause. "Look, there might be another way we can get the job done without having to waste her."
"Are you thinking what I think you're thinking?" Sam flips through the journal.
"Dad's theory - lycanthropy might have a cure if you kill the werewolf who bit you, severing the bloodline."
"MIGHT have a cure. Meaning 'who the hell knows?'"
"It's worth a shot."
"We don't even know where to start looking, all right? I mean, the puppy that bit her could be anyone, anywhere. It could've been years ago," Y/N says. Sam then realizes something.
"No. I don't think so." Sam leads Dean and Y/N back to the living room, where Madison is still seated. "Madison, when were you mugged?" She doesn't want to answer, just looking at him. "Please. It's important, all right? Just answer the question."
"About a month ago."
"Did you see the guy?"
"No. He grabbed me from behind."
"Did he bite you?" There is a small pause.
"How did you know that?"
"Where?" Y/N asks.
"On, on the back of my neck." Y/N shows her that she is setting her gun down, and goes behind her, gently brushing her hair away and exposing a scarred lump the size of a golf ball on her neck.
"Oh, that's just a love bite. Believe me, that could have been a lot worse. Where were you at the time?" Dean says.
"Walking home from a friend's loft."
"Let me guess. Not too far from Hunter's Point?" Sam says and Madison nods. Sam, Dean, and Y/N walk into the back room; Sam closes the door and turns to face Y/N and Dean. "The same place where those other murders happened. I'm telling you, it's a werewolf's hunting grounds."
"Maybe, but that doesn't mean it's gonna be out there tonight," Y/N says.
"It's the right time of the lunar cycle. Look, I know it's a long shot."
"Hey, you're forgetting something. Maddie's probably gonna turn soon, all right? We can't just let her take off to an all-you-can-eat buffet," Dean says.
"I'll stay with her."
"And if she busts loose?" Sam doesn't respond. "Sam?"
"I'll do it."
"I'll shoot her, all right? But guys, I need you two to go out there. At least go look for the thing. Guys, please. We can save this girl."
"Shooting her will be the very last thing we do," Y/N says with a soft smile. Sam nods and looks to Dean. After a short pause, Dean realizes that Sam is feeling more intensely than usual.
"Fine." Sam nods at him. Dean and Y/N leave the apartment and Sam rejoins Madison, who is still crying.
"Please. Just let me go." Sam looks at her sympathetically and pulls up a chair to sit in front of her.
"Look ... I know you're scared. I also know that there's no way in hell you're gonna believe me. But I'm doing this because I'm trying to help you. I'm not gonna lie, all right, the odds aren't exactly in our favor. But if this goes the way I pray it does ... I'll untie you, and I'll walk out that door, and I'll never come back. You'll live the rest of your life. And I'll just be a bad memory." Sam is emotional, tearful, as is Madison.
A woman is walking the dark street alone when she stops when she hears an animal howling, and looks nervous.
A woman is walking the dark street alone when she stops as she hears an animal howling and looks nervous.
Sam is watching the full moon while Madison sits in the chair. Suddenly, her fingernails grow, stretching into claws. Her eyes turn bright blue, and she bares her fangs. Sam turns just as she breaks loose from the chair. She knocks him to the ground, but he quickly gets up, aiming his gun.
The hooker is running down the street when suddenly, she comes face-to-face with the animal. The animal chases her down the street.
Sam keeps his gun aimed at Madison. Just as she lunges at him, he moves out of the way, forcing her into her bedroom. He moves the entertainment center in front of the door, trapping her inside.
The werewolf catches up with the hooker, dragging her screaming across the pavement.
"Hey!" Y/N shouts. The werewolf looks up just as Dean shoots him, three times in the chest. The werewolf is Glen. The woman stands up, frightened, and glances at Dean and Y/N before running away.
"Hey, don't mention it," Dean shouts. They crouch next to Glen, who is coughing and choking. His mouth is covered in blood. After a moment, his fangs retract, and he returns to normal.
"It happened... again. Where am I? H-help me. Oh, God. Oh my God," Glen coughs.
"All right, easy, Glen. Just take it easy." They watch as Glen dies and his eyes glaze over. Y/N and Dean look at each other with a frown.
Madison wakes up dressed as Sam opens the bedroom door.
"It all should be over. You'll never see me again." Standing, Madison surveys the bedroom. Furniture is overturned, and there are claw marks covering every inch of the walls. When she turns around, Sam is gone. Later, the three are parked outside Madison's building.
"It was sort of sad, actually. Glen had no clue what was going on. Hey, why do you think he turned Madison instead of just killing her in the first place?" Y/N says.
"I don't know. I mean, he kind of seemed to have a thing for her."
"Maybe his primal instinct did, too. Maybe he was looking for a whole, uh, hot breeding action."
"Yeah. Something like that."
"So?" Y/N says.
"So what?"
"Speaking of Madison...?"
"Oh, whatever."
"Don't 'whatever' her, man, you liked her. Maybe, uh-"
"Guys, she thought I was a stark-raving lunatic."
"You saved her life."
"Yeah, but she doesn't know that." Madison appears at the window.
"You know, for a stake-out, your car's a bit conspicuous. What are you still doing here?
"Honestly? Uh, we're pretty sure you're not gonna turn tonight, but we've gotta be a hundred percent, so... you know, we're ... lurking."
"I know this sounds crazy."
"Sure does. Well, if we're gonna wait it out... we might as well do it together." Madison lets the siblings inside.
"You were telling the truth, weren't you? About everything. What you did - it was to help me."
"I did all those horrible things... when I turned."
"You didn't know?" There is a small pause.
"So, when will we know for sure? Moonrise?"
"No, I don't think so. You turned middle of the night last night. I think we've gotta hand in sun-up." Dean and Y/N have been watching Sam carefully. He gives a tiny nod.
"Well, it looks like we've got ourselves a few hours to kill. Poker, anyone?"
"Sure, why not," Y/N says. Later, the four of them watch as the sun sinks and the moon rises. Dean lays his gun on the table. Sam, Madison, and Y/N watch from the couch.
"Oh, no, you guys talk." A few hours later, they watch from the window as the sun comes up.
"Does- does that mean it worked?" Sam seems relieved.
"Yeah. I think so." Madison sighs in relief.
"Oh, God, thank you. Thank you so much." Madison gives Sam a hug, then pulls away to give Y/N one. Dean clears his throat, and they pull away. Madison laughs. "You, too, Dean and Y/N. Thank you."
"Aw, don't mention it." There is an awkward pause. "So, we're just gonna head back to the hotel and... watch some Pay-Per-View, or something." The siblings leave the apartment, and Dean pumps his fist in the air as he leaves. Y/N turns around and mouths 'sorry.'
"That was smooth, heh."
"He means well, but..."
"You mean, he thinks you're gonna get laid."
"Look, I-"
"It's okay," Madison says.
"No. I know I scared the crap out of you, all right? I-I mean, I tied you to a chair."
"That's right up there with me scratching up your face."
"There's just no way... we could go back, you know? Before it happened."
"You're right. There's just no way," Madison says. Sam shakes his head. Then after a moment, Madison gives in and kisses him. Sam immediately responds, pushing her against the wall. They strip each other of their clothing and make their way to the bedroom, falling back onto the bed. Throughout the night, they continue to make passionate love, letting go of all they had been holding back. Hours later, they fall asleep in each other's arms, completely content. The full moon rises, and Sam wakes up and looks around. He hears a growl and turns to see Madison, who has returned to her werewolf form, eyes blue and fangs bared. Before Sam can catch her, she jumps out the window, leaving him stunned.
Sam runs down the hall to Dean and Y/N's room, pounding on the door. Y/N answers, rubbing her eyes with Dean next to her on the other bed.
"She - she turned," Sam says, breathless.
"What?" Dean asks.
"I couldn't grab her in time."
"We'll find her, Sammy," Y/N says. Later, Sam, Dean, and Y/N are quickly coming down the steps of the China Sea Motel.
"I already called Bobby. He doesn't know anything. Except he knew severing the bloodline wouldn't work. That's everyone. They all say it's impossible to reverse it."
"How come she didn't turn when we were with her?"
"So, what, you put her to bed and then she wolfed out? Maybe she's gotta be asleep to turn."
"What the hell does it matter, Y/N? Look, we've gotta find some way to help her, some legend we missed or something."
"If there was, don't you think someone we know would've known it?"
"Well, then we have to look harder! Until we find something," Sam says.
"Sammy, I don't think we've got a choice here anymore," Y/N says.
"I hate to say it. She's a sweet girl, but part of her is-"
"Yeah, that's what they say about me, guys! So, me you won't kill, but her you're just gonna blow away?" Sam's phone rings and he answers it.
"Sam?" Madison says from a phone booth.
"Madison, where are you?"
"I don't - I don't- I don't know where I am."
"Well, do you see any signs?"
"Um...yeah, yeah, Middle Point."
"All right, hold on, Maddie. We're coming to get you, just stay where you are."
The four of them are in the living room. The gun is sitting on the table.
"I don't remember anything. I probably killed someone last night. Didn't I?"
"There's no way to know yet," Y/N says.
"Is there something else we can try to make it go away?"
"We'll find something. I mean, there's gotta be some answer, somewhere."
"That's not entirely true. Madison, you deserve to know. We've scoured every source. There's just no cure," Dean says.
"Is- is he right?" Madison asks Sam. Choking up, Sam stands and turns away.
"Well, we could lock you up at night, but...you bust out, and some night you will, someone else dies." There is a small pause. "I'm sorry. I am," Y/N says. Madison cries and exhales.
"So, I guess that's all there is to it, then."
"Stop it. Don't talk like that."
"Sam, I don't wanna hurt anyone else. I don't wanna hurt you," Madison picks up the gun and brings it to him.
"Put that down."
"I can't do it myself. I need you to help."
"Madison, no."
"Sam... I’m a monster."
"You don't have to be. We could find a way, all right? I can. I'm gonna save you." Madison is crying harder.
"You tried. I know you tried. But this is all there is left. Help me, Sam. I want you to do it. I want it to be you."
"I can't," Sam says.
"I don't wanna die. I don't. But I can't live like this. This is the way you can save me. Please. I'm asking you to save me." Sam shakes his head. Y/N walks over to them and carefully takes the gun from Madison. Sam walks to another room, holding back tears. Dean and Y/N enter the room, silently.
"Sam," Y/N holds up the gun. "I'm so sorry."
"No, you're right. She's right," Sam says with tears in his eyes.
"Sammy, she's got this one. She'll do it," Dean says.
"She asked me to."
"You don't have to," Y/N says. Sam has tears sliding out of his eyes.
"Yes, I do. Please." Sam holds his hand out for the gun, tears streaming down his face. Y/N hands it to him. "Just wait here." Sam glances back at Dean and Y/N, shaking, tears streaming, before heading back to the living room. Dean and Y/N, now alone, let tears roll down their cheeks and the two flinch when they hear a single gunshot.
0 notes
cloveroctobers · 3 years
Fezco X sister!reader like add her to his backstory or like maker her own backstory yk- like imagine for episode 2 or sumn. I love your fez imagines btw
What it is — fez x sisterOC x cassie
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A/N: thank you 😊 this will be written a little different since me writing fez as a sibling as the main focus is different for me 😆 but it also gives me a chance to write for Cassie although she’s slightly on my shit list after episode two tbfh. Anyways hope you enjoy this documentary style piece which was also inspired by the documentary I watched last night before I watched euphoria, “Adrienne”
WARNINGS: Nate being a possessive psychotic piece of trash :) , written interviewer/documentary style by a later possible oc if/when I write a Elliot piece, language, + graphic imagery if you get squeamish. Small italics/bold = oc for Elliot speaking & Italics is rue speaking.
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This is the story of Ivory also know as “Vori” by the rest of us and “Ivy” by her brothers. It does not end well or the way that it should’ve.
What was your relationship to Ivory?
Fez doesn’t hesitate to answer, “that’s family, always was and always will be. The universe picked me to be the big brother to two-three people and I’m forever grateful for that time.”
Vori had her own mind and spoke it often. Most of the time I think she said shit just to get a reaction out of you…since majority of the time when she finished saying what she had to say, she would gaze at you as if she was analyzing you before you responded. It was weird as fuck at times or maybe it was just me! since I’m always paranoid when I’m high and my mind is always running like a black eyed peas track.
What was she like?
“Nothing you can imagine,” Jules held the stare of the interviewer for a few moments, “She was confident, head always up and never down. I often joked with her that her and Maddy needed to have a runway battle against each other in the hallways. Yet Vori was so flat footed, seriously. Her feet would slap against the floor, almost like she would have to drag them with each step but it somehow still looked professional? It’s weird I know. Everything she did she made it her own.”
Just like anyone, Vori most likely had her own flaws. Sure she walked with her tribal tatted shoulders relaxed, golden curly long hair bouncing with each step. Beauty is subjective but I always thought she was secretly this mythical creature—I already told you that she always stared at people strangely like she could figure them out if you just gave her the time.
Did you notice any insecurities with Ivory?
Maddy frowned as she looked around, “I don’t know, we’re fucking teenagers. It’s possible yeah. She was stunning though but never paid too much attention to herself—of course you could tell she took care of herself very well but that bitch made me question my sexuality for sure. The Beyoncé locks, the feline features, the height, the muscular body, the tatts, bronzed glowy skin, and the face card without even trying? Don’t play with her. And that’s coming from me, a certified pretty bitch.”
Vori didn’t pay much attention to her physical features. Sure the very first time she had the chance to get in front of a mirror, she analyzed herself too, to see what other people saw: the large ears hidden behind her thick hair whenever she decided to pull her hair back, the wide bridge nose with a bulbous tip, and full heart shaped lips…but there was more to her than just her appearance. She had other things to worry about growing up on Skid Row with a mother who turned to prostitution just for her and her siblings to eat. Vori had blood siblings before she came into Fez’s life but she never talked about them.
It was probably too fucking traumatic to. The story goes: (in which Vori ran it down to me one night) she was of Samoan heritage originally born in Hawaii then raised in Canada until her father got locked up. Don’t ask me what he did but clearly it was bad enough to where her mother relocated Vori and her four sibs back to the states. Her mother was originally from Georgia and considered going back there until her own mother’s thoughts haunted her.
So she chose Texas for about a year and that left her with four children to look after instead of five. Vori apparently had a older brother but once they got to Texas…everything changed as it always seemed to for her. In her words, she no longer had a brother. “He’s not dead, I’d know if he was but I don’t have one anymore.” Was her words on the subject.
Then that left Vori to be the eldest sibling while still being a kid her damn self. That’s usually how it is. Her connection to fez was through her mother, her mother knew fez’s mother when she stripped part time when the streets weren’t looking so hot for her. Fez never knew his mother but Vori vaguely did. Marie, Fez’s grandmother, who adored her daughter and got to know Vori’s mother briefly brought her back home one night in which she met Vori carrying a baby on her hip and holding another one’s hand.
Marie could tell something was wrong with the rising fire in both of her eyes, which were two opposite colors. One eye was so dark, the color of black motor oil, and the other so bright green it reminded her of spring rain. Vori’s shirt was ripped and hanging off one shoulder, while her chest was covered in bloody scratches. Marie noticed that Vori would look over her shoulder towards a tent every few seconds until her mother climbed out the car.
“Everything alright, honey?” Marie was the first to ask, leaning over the console to look at the girl who set her eyes on the blonde woman.
Vori stepped back from her mother cradling her face, which Marie also noticed. Vori’s mother quickly snatched the baby from her arms and spun to face the woman in the car.
“We’re good. These are my kids, Ivory’s the eldest, she takes care of things while I’m workin’. She’s a fast learner and these are my other two and I’ve got one more in the house that shouldn’t be alone right now.” She sent a stern look at Vori who matched the stare, “we best get goin’. Say goodnight to Ms. Marie, babies. Thanks again for the ride.”
It only took one day for Marie to come back. She thanked the woman upstairs that she did, after getting her money that she was owed that afternoon, she drove back to the familiar street in search of the tent she stored in her memory. Vori was being dragged from the tents by her thick curly hair and most watched on or pretended not to hear. It was a man that pulled her along and it didn’t take long for Marie to hop out the car with her shotgun to take the girl into her care.
Marie didn’t have time to ask too many questions, all she saw was a girl being manhandled in a shitty situation she didn’t ask for and she did what she thought was best. “You’re coming with me, ivy baby. Where’s everyone else?”
A shake of her head was all Marie needed to know. A brief search in the tent while Vori grabbed her things and a few sentiments, Marie saw more blood from splattered to pooling and already assumed the worst for Vori’s family. So Marie took her home to meet her boys: Fez, who was confused but gentle on his approach and Ashtray who seemed to cross his chubby baby arms in annoyance.
It was rocky in the beginning with Vori’s abandonment issues, picking fights with the boys, running away for half the night, and wondering if this was temporary but she learned to adjust once she realized this was home now.
What did she enjoy doing?
Kat laughed after pushing her glasses further up the bridge of her nose, “a lot of things. Everyone knows that she kept in shape, broad shoulders and nice abs. She’s the fastest person I know in our entire school but she quit the track team after two weeks since she didn’t like the way the coach was barking at everyone. She was all, ‘I’m on my own team.’ And I think that says enough.”
“Fez and I are were the best in math. Ivy on the other hand? She scrambled numbers up easily…so fucking easily. She was more on the science whiz level, so she was smart in that way. Not some dumb athlete like the motherfuckers who thought they knew her like to say. She also loved mysteries, solving them. Fuck. Clue and Candyland are her favorite board games.” Ashtray spoke before falling silent, lost in thought before he slammed his hands down on the table in anger.
What do you think happened on January 3rd?
Rue sniffed then pressed a palm right on top of her hoodie as she pushed her lips out before answering, “I think we already know what happened considering who’s in jail right now, no? I also think you should ask Cassie that.”
Kat rubbed at her arms feeling uncomfortable at the shift in questions, “I…don’t think two people…the only two people that are alive are telling the whole truth? I look into conspiracy theories sometimes and people talk around here of course. Vori was a cool person, I never had any problems with her. She was like this Amazon goddess. Maybe we weren’t the best of friends like her and Cass but she didn’t deserve what she got. That’s what I know.”
“I think we’re in a corrupt system and people need to stop holding the jacob’s family to such a high fucking standard. They’re not good people,” Jules muttered, “they ruin everything they touch or get near. They did it to Maddy, me, Cassie and Vori. Except now, one of us is dead.”
Maddy popped her lips after sitting quiet for some time at the question. She then began rolling her neck as she pointed a finger at the camera, “I think Nate and Cassie are fucking liars and I told the detectives that. I just find it so ironic that Vori texted me asking if we could meet up so she could talk to me about something important. I kept calling her just like I did Nate and Cassie that night. The only difference is Vori’s call kept getting dropped. It would only ring for a little bit and then disconnect. She knew something and she was going to come clean…which is something those backstabbing assholes couldn’t even do.”
“I think what happened resulted in a unfortunate tragedy,” Lexi was careful with her words, “it was a accident and my sister also fell victim to Nate Jacob’s ways. I don’t blame Fez or Ash for getting justice. You’ll do anything for family if you love them enough.”
Elliot pinched at his nose, “I know I lost a friend that night. And I know when we did get the chance to have conversations…she would tell me that she had so much love to give but was struggling to give it to the right people based on her own past. We’re all fucked up, don’t get me wrong but I know for a fact that was directed towards that girl, the blonde…Cassie. Vori loved that girl but it’s clear Cassie craves validation from guys who only like to leech—to take rather than return the love she’s seeking.”
What was your reaction to hearing the news of Ivory’s untimely death?
Lexi rested a hand against her cheek, “I didn’t know what to say or what to think. I just needed to make sure my sister was okay first since they were becoming closer…and then fez.”
“Total disbelief. And when I got the details on how she was found…I just couldn’t believe it.” Kat answered, eyes wide.
Jules sighed, “it didn’t sound right to me from the very beginning. Rue was the one who told me, I thought she was shitting me because well…my girlfriend likes to exaggerate sometimes but when I pulled up I knew. Cops everywhere and the looks on both of her brother’s faces? I was positive the apocalypse was coming.”
“I asked questions. Cassie was moving funny and I pressed her because she’s been acting funny since New Years and I was sick of it. I just think Vori’s death pushed me to the edge. Especially since I knew she had to tell me something and my gut was telling me that it had something to do with a girl that I thought was my best friend, my soulmate.” Maddy shook her head, “and now we know the truth. Fuck Cassie and fuck Nate.”
Elliot rubbed at his face, “I was gutted. Vori was one of two of my best friends. She let me be me with no judgements. I kept calling her but he obviously there was no answer. I wasn’t sure how I was going to cope…she was so special. Came into my life before I got to know rue. I wish she could have stayed, you know?”
What happens now after the events that took place on January 3rd?
Fez pressed his tongue into his cheek, bare elbows pressed into the table in front of him as he moved to fold his hands together, the cuffs clinking as he did so. “My brother and I got justice for my sister. However it doesn’t bring her back but it’s bittersweet to know Nate jacobs wont be a problem anymore unless his brain suddenly becomes alive again. We both serve our time, Nate rots in a bed, and Cassie will get to live her life—not without the guilt eating away at her for however long she can take it.”
JAN. 3rd, 8:46PM
“Stay right there you log of shit.” Ivory warned, shotgun pressed right to Nate’s abdomen as he carefully held his hands up in surrender.
She saw Cassie take off into the construction of houses, away from Nate’s truck, and sure Ivory wasn’t aware of the context of what happened inside of the vehicle but she knew the girl she cared for was running for a reason. Ivory wasn’t going to question it much, she just hoped Cassie had some sense to call this quits tonight.
After all, Cassie did send her her location earlier that evening. Ivory knew Cassie felt safe with her and despite ivory knowing what Cassie was doing behind Maddy’s back, she still stood beside her. Ivory knew not to turn her back on Nate, he was a unhinged person and seemed to like the new features on his face that her big brother, Fez gave him. It seemed as if he wore it with pride tonight as she slowly backed away, a smirk appeared on his lips.
It was creepy as hell but ivory wasn’t afraid to pull the trigger either. When she created enough distance between them she began calling out to Cassie first before she took off into a sprint. Ivory could hear Nate doing the same; way behind her.
“Cassie,” Ivory breathed as she caught sight of the blond hiding behind the wall of a unbuilt house.
Cassie frowned, “Ivory, what’re you doing here?”
“You sent me your location and I had a feeling you’d be with Nate.” She stated, “I knew it wouldn’t be a one time thing with you two.”
“What’s that supposed to mean, Vori?” Her defense was slowly coming up.
Ivory sighed, “can we discuss this someplace else? away from psycho nate? He’s running around here after you as if this is the hunger games and I’ll put him down if I have to.”
“He told me I was a mistake.” Cassie’s voice wavered.
“…after you told him that having sex with him was…? Why does it matter?” Ivory stepped closer and checked over her shoulder.
Cassie glared, “it matters because I said the action was a mistake not him. He said me as if I’m the problem here.”
“Fuck him. He’s got issues himself and he’s projecting on you, Cass. I told you that you needed to dead this shit but here we are—
Cassie’s eyes went wide and it took a mere second for Ivory to turn to meet Nate charging at her and she did not have enough time to cock her gun. Down to the floor the two went with Ivory’s head hitting the ground beneath her. Her vision spun along with the weight of the gun and Nate pressing into her torso.
Nate gritted into Ivory’s face, “looks like the only issue here is you.”
He yanked the gun from Ivory’s hands and tossed it to the side. Once he sat up with both knees around her hips, he then took his hands and wrapped them around ivory’s throat and squeezed.
Cassie let out a scream, “Nate! What the hell are you doing?! Get off her!”
That didn’t stop Ivory from fighting back, whacking her palms against Nate’s face and throat. That only made Nate laugh, although there was still some sort of power beneath her hands. Next he took her by the throat and began slamming her head repeatedly against the ground and not stopping even when she began to bleed.
“Stop it!” Cassie yelled, running over to pull Nate off her friend but he only shoved her to the floor too.
Nate replied, “you know…I’m getting real tired of this bitch that wants what’s mine. Can’t you see Cassie, she wants your sweet pussy as much as I do!? There’s no possible future for you two, never. I think we should do something about that, don’t you?”
He got to his feet while Cassie attempted to crawl over to ivory who seemed to be wheezing for breath as her vision was fading in and out to black. Cassie halted as soon as he went to stand over ivory and reached down to yank her up by the throat, before getting her into a headlock. Ivory thrashed against him but Nate could feel that she was getting weaker by the second and that brought him immense joy.
Watching his surroundings he dragged her to the edge, squeezing tighter and tighter to the point he was lifting her off her feet. Her elbows went to jam at his ribs but he only faltered a little with a laugh, the pain felt so good to him.
He wondered what Ivory was feeling in this moment.
“Nate! You’re gonna kill her, please stop!” Cassie yelled.
Nate stopped his movements looking at cassie, “do you want to be with me or her cassie? What if she tells Maddy about us, then what?!”
“She won’t.”
“I don’t know. I think she might, especially if you don’t give her some to get her to shut the fuck up! And that’s not something I’ll allow you to do. You’re my mistake, not her’s.” He told Cassie who was on her knees with tears streaming down her face.
Nate watched Cassie for a moment crying over someone who wasn’t all that important. She looked so beautiful, like a scared puppy.
“N-Nate. Vori is my friend, she won’t ever hurt me. She’s a good friend and she loves me and I love her—
Wrong words.
It all happened so quick with Nate quickly letting go of Vori’s body, which wobbled. He side stepped her, gripped her shoulders and shoved her back, leaving Cassie to watch in horror as Ivory’s body flew from their sight. The blonde teen scrambled to her feet to run to the edge, tears locked in her throat. And what she saw over the edge, she felt herself scream but couldn’t hear.
Nate scoffed out a laugh at the image of Ivory impaled on some wood, before her body fully dropped further to the ground with a loud crunch. He balled out a fist to block out the noise that wanted to escape his lips. When he turned back around, he saw Cassie running for the gun but he tackled her to the ground as she screamed and fought against him.
He gave her moment but when it seemed like it was taking too long for her to calm down, he knew the best way how. To put his mouth where he knew she wanted him the most.
What did the autopsy of Ivory reveal and why was this accidental death quickly switched to murder?
The medical examiner answered, “the police enforcement was so set on it being accidental based on the way in which they found the deceased. Ivory was found completely impelled by a wooden beam, it pierced straight through her aorta which should have killed her instantly. That was not the cause of death, her cause of death was her broken neck. The wooden beam showed smudges trailing downwards which indicates she stayed in the middle due to the force she fell or was pushed, before abruptly falling through. the beam was able to pass through tissues quickly enough to where she fell completely down. Once her head hit the ground, her neck was broken.”
“I believe it’s evident she was pushed, based on the amount of neck compression I was able to see from the outside and also internally. There was also blood and brain matter exposed from the area above in which ‘she fell’ or was pushed. Meaning the person that did this to her did not do a well enough job to clean the area above.” The medical examiner explained her findings.
Is there anything you’d like to say to Ivory?
Cassie was a full on a sobbing mess that Lexi had to console her sister and it took three takes for her to pull herself together. “I’m working on becoming a better person for…for not only you but for me. Losing you Vori, had changed my life and I’m so sorry. I wish this didn’t happen and that I listened better. Maybe you’d still be here and you’d be in my future but for now you’re genuine soul remains in my dreams.”
She pressed a kiss to her fingertips and then held them upwards before she felt herself breaking down once again.
Cassie is seen sitting beside Ivory on a couch, thighs touching and holding hands. Ivory is rolling her eyes at a outstretched freckled hand that tugs on one of her large ears covered in piercings.
“If you keep bothering me fez, you might turn up missing and ash won’t be here to save you.” She smacked his arm, leaning away into Cassie who laughed watching the two in amusement.
“Yeah aight.”
A voice cleared behind the camcorder gaining the attention of Ivory and Cassie, Cassie seemed ready for whatever was being taped, while ivory kept getting distracted by her brother.
“Everybody ready?”
“Yes, y/n.” Cassie nudged Ivory’s shoulder who sighed before taking a big gulp of her iced apple tea.
“So ivory, let’s start with you. Where do you see yourself in five years?”
Ivory threw her head back, “I HATE this question, y/n. I don’t even know where I’ll be tomorrow or the next few days! I’m just taking life as it’s throw at me.”
“Oh come on, don’t tell me you haven’t thought about it?” Cassie’s blue eyes stared into Ivory’s multi-colored ones, “it’s a brain teaser sure but it could be anything. I hope to be a pro figure skater for the Olympics and settled down by thirty at the least.”
Ivory hummed, “that’s the dream huh, cass?”
“Maybe.” Cassie smiled, “your turn.”
“I don’t know about settling down but sure I’d like to be in love someday.” The camera seemed to zoom in on Ivory who playfully side eyed Cassie before continuing, “I’d like to be far from this town, maybe take everyone that I vibe with here back to Hawaii where we can just be carefree. Living the true peace of island life. Career wise? I don’t freaking know, something with science. A conservationist? Who knows.”
Ivory smiled at the camera, “happy. I just want to have happiness and be happy in five years…there does that satisfy you, y/n?”
“Yeah,i guess that’ll do.”
Ivory scoffed at the camera then stuck her tongue out just as Cassie went to wrap her arms around her waist and Fez, Ash, Rue, Jules, and Elliot all jumped into their laps just as the film paused on their smiles, freezing this moment for what it is.
And what it was.
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borkthemork · 3 years
The Wu Whereabouts Theory
Now that people are getting hyped for the month countdown toward Amphibia Season Three’s release, I am going to be talking about a theory my friend and I talked about over the past few months, and it’s time to buckle up because we’re going to be tackling this theory from a production, character design, and semantics perspective.
And why these specific factors? Because the theory revolves around these three characters.
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And why I believe all of them are related in some way.
Now, you might ask yourself: Bork, how in the hell are these characters related? The old woman character doesn’t seem to have any semblance of features relating to Marcy. What about the dad, are you going to explain the dad? Are you pulling my leg?
And to that, we’re going to have to start small. I’ll first explain why the character on the right seems to be an important character to the story, how all these characters can be connected through deliberate design/semblance, and then I am going to hit it out of the park with the probability from a logical perspective with what the intro and past Marcy interactions seem to give us on why everyone is where they’re currently at.
Especially where Marcy’s father is currently located.
This theory is very, and I mean, very long, so hang on to your seats as we dive into my thoughts about where Season Three might lead us.
And credit goes to @CynDavilaChase on Twitter because she made me realize the probability of this theory in the first place.
And with that, let us begin!
Section One - Who’s This Woman?
With animated introductions, I think one of the big things I noticed with Amphibia Season Three’s intro is that it’s heavily serialized. Compared to Amphibia’s introduction with Seasons One and Two, there are a lot of animated scenes found in the sequence where the story is already being told in a narrative.
You get shots of Anne being introduced to her house, you get new important characters introduced in a lot, there appears to be insight into future events such as Anne getting a moped while being chased by government agents or the massive monkey robot chasing her through the alleyways.
A lot of the intro is prioritized over its serialized format, and that means the characters seen and animated in the foreground have to be important characters or else the studio is basically wasting time focusing on a background character that will never be seen again.
Of course, you get some sliding shots like with the construction workers or the beach scene with the beach-goers but that’s only for a second and they’re not truly the forefront.
But during the shots between 0:29 and 0:49, the sequences we see include a lot of what appears to be important scenes with important characters that will play some role in the story itself.
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There are no parts in the sequence where background characters are put in the foreground. Each bit of the animation needs to count, it needs to tell a story of what’s to come and what the audience can anticipate to see.
Now that begs the question:
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Why is a supposed random background character in the foreground?
We got some reason as to why the engineer lady looks important since she was in a shot full of important or supporting characters, but why her??
Sure, one could argue this shot could just be indicative of Andrias’s invasion, but there are numerous other ways to show that there’s an invasion without putting too much animation effort on one background character, especially from a composition perspective.
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Pardon the messiness, I had to do this quick, but look at how all three ladies are lined up.
The far left grandma, when following from her head to the the front lady’s creates a line that not only creates a sense of direction for our eyes to follow but follows the more significant and foreground character of all three. Look at how the dragonflies occupy most of the top of the frame while the two older women stay in the marketplace’s form, and how this leaves the younger woman to be abruptly placed in the open — creating a visual that this character in particular is more important than the rest in the shot.
Check the way the characters move their eyes when the scene happens too: the background characters quickly look to the right, then the woman out in the open then directs her eyesight to the skyline, where all the dragonflies are flitting by.
Now, I’m not a storyboard artist or composer, I could be wrong on how the crew created this scene all together, but regardless it is still so odd to put emphasis on a background character in the front and then just leave it at that.
She has to be important in some way, and this is where I want to talk about character design.
Section Two - All Related or Am I Just Racist?
When it comes to character design we need to talk about how the character designers make sure to give Anne some form of semblance to her parents, and in this case, she looks a lot like her mother.
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They got the bushy hair, the same skin tone, eyebrows, etc. And with her dad you could even see that Anne got her fluffy bangs from him specifically. Only one shared genetic trait, however.
This is deliberate, we know that for sure, and that is why I need to make this very clear as we transition to the similarities found in Marcy and the theorized characters, and why I believe they’re related in design. Mainly because the concept of race and appearance could be quite a debacle and I wanted to make sure that all of you know I am not assuming things out of naivety, and if I am, feel free to get my ass.
Other than that, let’s look at them again.
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And here I shall compile the appearance stuff that each character seems to have.
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With these three characters they seem to connect to one another with one genetic trait, but if one looks closely, there comes the question of the older lady (who I will just call Marcy’s mom at this point) and why she’s vastly different to Marcy when it comes to skin tone, hair color, and hell — if we look between Marcy and the engineer — why these two characters have vastly different hairstyles compared to the woman.
Even though I could give speculation and some doubt to the engineer and Marcy’s mom being related, and on first glance I couldn’t do the same with Marcy and her mom either, but then I did some digging and realized something. I can connect Marcy and her potential mom in one way — hair design.
Marcy and her mom both share the same poofy hair, it’s just that one is more short and the other is allowed to grow out in a nice little nest.
Don’t believe me?
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They got the same floofy bangs with that specific hair line.
And when Marcy was little, Marcy appeared to need a hair tie because her hair was growing out, and it looked like this.
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If we consider that what Marcy’s hair tie is holding up might be her bangs — bangs that might cover her eyesight from how floofy it is — then if you removed the hair tie then she and the woman would have a very similar looking design hair-wise.
Even with these hair similarities, however, there is still inquiry as to why Marcy is vastly different compared to her mother when it comes to skin and hair color, and here is where I go into some speculation to piece all of it together:
Marcy actually carries the appearance of her dad more than her mom.
Her dad has olive skin and black, straight hair, while her mother harbors tan skin and floofy, brown hair.
It’s this one piece of speculation that basically slides everything into place, but regardless it’s still speculation and one that I cannot confirm or even argue much about due to the nature of genetics and the limited info we have. But with this piece set in place, we could start to create the argument that maybe, just maybe, these characters are related.
But if they are, why do we only see Marcy’s mom and her supposed sister and not her dad?
Why do we get no indication of Marcy having a sister until Season Three?
How do we put all of this together?
Section Three - Distance and Finance
I rewatched True Colors numerous times when it came to understanding and interpreting what I could with the limited Marcy-centric flashback we had. I even went through episodes such as Maddie and Marcy, New Wartwood, and a lot of other episodes just to fit everything into place. And I think I have a good indication as to why this family is the way that it is.
First off, we’re going to be talking about Marcy’s dad and his new job out of state.
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California is a very expensive state. And as someone who lives in California, the housing crisis and the ability to even stay in a house/dorm without sweating over the idea of being bankrupt is a very real thing.
So it is a curious thing that one of the reasons that the Wus had to leave came out to moving out-of-state due to a new job offer, one that infers a lot more money and probably a more stable living environment.
You could even hear the dad saying “Marcy, you have to understand!” when Marcy runs out, meaning that there’s probably a good reason as to why the parents believe that the move is essential, and I am banking on the idea of money for a number of reasons.
One, living in Los Angeles is expensive as hell.
Two, the coping mechanisms Marcy has makes sense if finance is the main comeuppance.
Three, the background art.
And four, why this girl has straight A’s and a PSAT book.
We already covered number one, but let’s take a look at what I mean about coping mechanisms.
Marcy Wu’s many flaws come from what looks to be the fear of being alone, and the fear of being seen as unvaluable and worthless; that if Marcy doesn’t prove herself lovable and essential to the people around her then she gets anxious and will do anything in her powers to make the people around her like her or stay with her.
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She will omit information, move along objectives through passive and indirect persuasion, allow people to assert their will over her because they said so and, most importantly, does all of this because she fears the consequences when she gets outed or rocks the boat. Because rocking the boat means people will get mad at her, and she appears to try to avoid that situation of vulnerability like the plague until it all culminated into True Colors.
She is terrified of getting hurt. She is terrified, specifically, of consequences — punishment through stress, frustration, the people she loves looking at her differently because of the mistakes she’s made, etc.
Why do I say this? It’s because if we look into Marcy Wu with her pre-Amphibia self, a lot of these fears could be placed into that middle school scenario very well. Marcy Wu plays videogames and loves fiction because it is a form of escapism or happiness away from stress; she has this intense curiosity to basically anything of interest and uses that to thrive with getting straight A’s and an overall very solid record, but there’s still a probability that high expectations or making the people around her love her comes through said status of being the smart one (after all, she prides on her intellect, and sees it as essential to basically surviving the day to day).
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Look at Marcy’s flashback in True Colors. She’s a middle schooler but is studying for the PSAT, which is mainly held in High School, and I’m no expert but I don’t think you read that stuff for fun or at least study it that early.
And I find it interesting that that’s the first shot we get of Marcy before we dive into her parents’ argument — education, studying, the expectation of high scores.
And then when you remember that Marcy is the least athletic of the girls, the thrift shop’s street she retreats to away from her parents is not that faraway from her neighborhood.
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And this street, is messy as all hell. And with the revised background art for this area, nothing about the place changes but instead gets emphasized through more shots of how rundown it all looks!
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The fact there’s a bail bonds building behind Mar-mar also doesn’t reassure me in the slightest.
So here’s where we are: Studying, getting good grades, a serious financial situation, lives near a rundown section of the city, high expectations, and the evaluation of one’s worth through intellect and academia.
What we are witnessing is a nuanced family situation. If we go by the assumption that the three girls’ lives are not only vastly different in personality but upbringing, then on an income scale, Anne would be middle income, Sasha would be high income, and Marcy is low income.
Her family’s struggling to be stable in a city that they can’t afford to live in, there’s a very high emphasis on good grades and education in the household, and the situation is so bad that her dad would take the proposal of a higher-paying job out of state than finding a similar job out in the city.
However, in this household’s struggle to have a better life, the parents had to focus on their children getting better living than them, and this means Marcy had to live in an environment where the biggest source of reward and praise is through intellect, academics, the approval of the parents.
And I could probably assume that this focus on finance also lead to very rough patches where Marcy was unable to be encouraged over stuff she loves like C&C or videogames, since the level of attention is low compared to the amount of happiness and pride her parents get when she gets an A+.
Especially when we consider that in the dialogue we hear from Mr. and Mrs. Wu, her dad is more assertive while her mom appears to care but doesn’t seem to go against her husband’s tone, so a lot of the probable issues might’ve come from Marcy wanting her dad’s approval and her mother never standing up for her when he became frustrated.
That would make a lot of context with Andrias even worse in retrospect, because that means the moment a male adult figure decided to care about her and give attention to what she loved, then Marcy fell for it hook, line, and sinker.
And could you blame her?
Now, let’s finally get a glimpse on one other character I’ve been neglecting in this essay.
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This gal! Because if Marcy and her are somehow related, then we need to question why she was never mentioned or why she wasn’t involved in the conversation between Marcy and her parents.
I’ve done a massive theory post about this already, but the biggest probability comes in the design itself, since if Marcy’s sister went through trade school to be a mechanic/engineer then there’s a high probability she’s in her mid-Twenties. And if we consider that Marcy is 13, then Marcy would’ve been born when her sister was 12 or 13, and ultimately leave the household when she turned 18.
This means Marcy would’ve gone on with less contact from her sister for 6 years, and that’s a lot for a developing child.
It’s not improbable for Marcy to have lost contact with her big sister, or at least had lesser time to meet up with her due to work, college, or her own adult life now that she’s out of the house.
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After all, in Maddie and Marcy, I find it very interesting that out of the advice Marcy could’ve given to Maddie about siblings, Marcy tells her that even though Maddie is the older sibling and is allowed to have her own life she suggests that maybe she should make some time for her sisters occasionally. Almost as if this was a ditto moment for her, that she understands but also had a good example of a sister who made time whenever she had the chance.
On more speculation terms, it would be cute to think that the reason Marcy has so much fire and spirit toward her fiction and love for games is because of her sister. After all, Marcy harbors the same interest toward engineering and robotics, it wouldn’t be a stretch in the imagination that perhaps her sister encouraged her to keep on going with what she felt passionate for regardless of their parents’ lack of response, to basically be unapologetic of what she loves, and this mantra kept her going for a lot of her life even when her sis went for trade school.
But let’s go on a side note here. I find it quite interesting that the character design of Marcy’s sis is also very telling, because not only does it tell a supposed story about who she was in the aftermath of graduation, but we could find a way to also put the theme of income and finance into her story as well.
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Let’s be real these two are partners in all the way — from mechanics to engineers to straight up girlfriends, these two basically have their own business going on and I find it interesting that none of them just go with robotics or mechanics as a full-time thing, it’s mainly two jobs rolled up into one.
Why is that? There is some speculation that maybe they’re specialists and work in a very science-related area, but it seems highly likely that their main jobs are being car mechanics by day and robotic expert nerds by night. After all, the city can be hecked with money so I wouldn’t be surprised if they did two jobs at once to keep the lights on. I could also see them doing freelancing to repair or experiment with engineering projects since they take more money than actually makes in most cases.
Overall, money plays a big part with the family, and culminates to what I like to call a Massive Shitfest TM when they get alerted over the girls’ disappearances.
Section Four - Massive Shitfest Boogaloo and Where They Are Now~
In the aftermath of their teleport to Amphibia, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Wus had a big argument over Marcy and what should be done in the aftermath. Really, the family still needs to take that job because of finance, people are blaming each other over who pushed her to the brink, and then you have Marcy’s sister — who was probably out of the loop but probably knows how it was in the household — getting added into the mess of what just happened and adding her grief into the mix.
It is a blunder, terrifying and could break apart a family if I’m being honest. but what comes through is this:
People have now become stubborn in the Wu household, and no one is going to back down.
And what I mean is that Mrs. Wu, devastated by what happened ever since the argument in True Colors, will stay in Los Angeles out of grief and a supposed hope that Marcy would return. While Mr. Wu, determined to keep the finance going and keeping everyone stable and safe, abides by Mrs. Wu and decides to go out of state regardless, bringing back a flow of money to keep the Wu household stable through the aftermath.
It would make sense as to why Marcy’s mom is present in the intro but not any suspecting candidates for the dad.
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Or how we see that there’s two older ladies with her in the intro. They might actually be close relatives who moved into the household out of the obligation to comfort Mrs. Wu but to also keep her company throughout this dark time in her life.
After all, when one loses a child, a lot of prior relations start to unravel as the status quo changes, and we are definitely going to see Anne confront the Wus and Waybrights when it comes to upbringing and home life.
But really, it is all up in the air. With Season Three around the corner, I am excited to see what the story has in store for us when it comes to the deep-diving into Marcy’s home life. She might’ve had a nuanced family life. She might’ve had abusive parents, perhaps no sister at all but a lot of relatives who grieved for her.
But with this theory out to the public, thank you all for reading along with this massive beast of a post, and I hope we get to see Marcy out of the aloe vera sauce very soon!
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mythicandco · 2 years
*nudges this towards you with a wordless apology in my eyes* 
(The “AMPHIBIA” opening card shows, including the typical music, but then flickers and glitches with static that’s primarily orange and changes to show “AGAINST THE WORLDs” in the same font and color, but with the “s” at the end flickering in after a moment and in yellow instead of green like the rest of the title. The background remains similar as well, but now shows four figures standing beneath an archway rather than the CALAMITY TRIO fighting against an amphibian monster. The screen goes black as SPRIG speaks.)
SPRIG (echoing) No. Frogging. Way. 
(Opening shots of Wartwood, showing the citizens minding their own business, then to the CALAMITY TRIO reuniting at the end of “The Hardest Thing” before showing SPRIG, POLLY, and IVY gasping as a bright light illuminates their faces.)
(IVY and MADDIE pack supplies in a part of the Plantar family’s secret catacombs.)
MADDIE What makes you think this expedition will be different? You’ve been at this for ten years and you still haven’t discovered anything new. 
IVY I’ve got a good feeling about this time. 
MADDIE You say that every time, Ives. 
(The archway from the opening card shows, flashing from unlit, to pink, blue, and yellow, to a white background with four tiny black silhouettes against it. Back to the catacombs with IVY and MADDIE.)
IVY (holding a rolled-up piece of paper, presumably the map, above her head) Well, this time we have a map!
MADDIE Fair enough. 
(The CALAMITY TRIO on Earth sit next to each other on a bench in front of DR. JAN’s museum, a big banner reading “CRYPTID WEEK” behind them.)
ANNE (hugging her friend with a smile) It’s great to have you back, Marce. 
(The screen briefly shows what appears to be a working table with pieces of metal, computer chips, other computer parts, and blueprints with designs for various weapons strewn across its surface. A figure wearing a welding mask welds two pieces of metal together to form a long, silver, spear-like rod that looks suspiciously like DARCY’s scythe without the blade ignited. Back to the TRIO in front of the museum.)
MARCY Yeah. It’s… nice to be back.
(ANNE and SASHA sit in a mall, the former trying to comfort the blonde.)
SASHA (head in her hands) I just wish that all of this shit wasn’t so fucking complicated!
(POLLY and FROBO rocket through the sky towards something.)
(IVY and MADDIE, with a dark background, meet each other’s eyes. The screen goes black when IVY speaks.)
IVY Maddie, I… 
(TERRI, DR. JAN, MR. X, and JENNY are shown, their faces with expressions ranging from worried, confused, shocked, or impassive, illuminated by the blue glow of a computer screen.)
TERRI Oh, they aren’t gonna like this. 
(MARCY against a dark background, her face screwed up in a mix of anger and fear as she stares at something in front of her.)
(The screen flashes through various, seemingly random shots of the CALAMITY TRIO, SPRIG, POLLY, IVY, and MADDIE, and a few others such as GRIME, LOGGLE, HOP POP, OLIVIA, YUNAN, SASHA and MARCY’s PARENTS, etc. It ends with POLLY and SPRIG sitting in the woods.)
POLLY What’s with the terrible puns all of a sudden? 
SPRIG What, are they too punny for your liking?  (pauses) Okay, I see what you mean. 
(More flashes of screenshots, this time ending with a black screen.)
SPRIG (echoing) Against the world, remember? 
(A flash of a portal, glowing with pink, yellow, and blue energy. Back to black.)
ANNE (also echoing) Against the worlds. 
(An orange eye opens, and a single chuckle from DARCY rings out before it fades to black one last time.)
ANNE Here we go again. 
(Cue the cheap, flashy “WATCH NEW EPISODES OF AMPHIBIA AGAINST THE WORLDs, ONLY ON DISNEY” ending that pretty much every promo has.)
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datleggy · 3 years
Buck & Eddie got married and forgot to tell everyone and this is how it gets out:
It’s been a long day and it seems as though the 118 has finally caught a break; they’re in the middle of some much needed down time, hanging out in the kitchen lounging area, when Bobby gets the email. 
“What on God’s green...” He half mutters, blinking and scrolling back up because there’s no way he read that correctly, is there? He stares at his laptop screen but it’s there, written in black and white, clear as day. 
Normally he would call both parties into his office and deal with this privately, but it comes as such a shock that the Captain blurts out, “You two got married?!” without a second thought. 
Hen and Chimney look up from the game of cards they’re playing, confused for a moment before everyone’s gazes ultimately fall on Buck and Eddie, who were sharing the loveseat, watching some sitcom they both like. 
“Oh,” Buck clicks his tongue and snaps his fingers. “Yeah, I almost forgot about that.” 
“Wait, you what? This is for real?” Hen drops her cards on the table, revealing her hand, though she can’t be bothered to care at this point. 
The Captain blinks again, shaking his head. “Why am I only hearing about this now in an email from HR?” 
“And why weren’t we invited?” Chimney complains. “Maddie’s gonna hear about this.” he says, already taking out his phone to text her the gossip. 
Eddie shrugs. “Well for one, we were drunk.” he says. 
Buck nods in agreement. “It seemed like a good idea at the time, though. Still is.” 
Hen snorts. “Oh God, and pray tell, how?” 
“We got into this whole long conversation about that time we were all suspected of having robbed that bank--you guys remember, right?” Eddie starts, acting as if it’s no big deal. 
Bobby nods slowly, confused as can be. “Yes? And how exactly did that lead to marriage?” 
“Buck mentioned how if we ever did commit a crime--” 
Chimney tries to hold back his laughter but it’s impossible, especially at the look on the Captain’s face as Eddie goes on. 
Buck shrugs helplessly. “What? Not saying we would, just like, it’s a possibility!” he tries to defend himself, nodding at Eddie to continue. 
“So anyway, he said spouses aren’t legally required to snitch on each other and uh, you know, one thing led to the other and I mean, c’mon, we live in LA, there’s no waiting period after you get your marriage license, so. Yeah.” 
“Oh my God.” Hen covers her face with both hands, unable to stifle her own laughter. “And you guys didn’t think to maybe get it reversed once ya’ll sobered up?!” 
Buck shrugs again. “When we did sober up the next morning and realize what happened we talked about getting the marriage annulled.” he admits. 
“But the more we spoke about it the more we realized it would just be easier to stay married.” Eddie says, as if it’s the most reasonable thing in the world. “Buck is already in my will as Christopher’s legal guardian if anything were to happen, so really, the fact that we’re married now--” 
“Woah woah woah, hold on, wait, what?!” Chimney gapes. “My heart can only take one piece of juicy gossip a day, folks! My fingers can only type so fast!” 
Bobby turns to Eddie, “You put Buck down as Christopher’s legal guardian?” He asks, looking between the two now, with raised brows. 
Eddie notes the way Buck sinks into the loveseat a little further, the way his shoulders hunch, and he hates that he knows damn well what Buck is thinking. That everyone will ask Eddie what he was thinking, to reconsider, or something stupid along those lines. So he quickly goes up to bat for Buck. “Of course. There’s no one I’d trust with my kid more.” he says, confident and unwilling to back down. 
He feels Buck relax beside him and it tugs at his heart. 
The Captain smiles warmly in response and sighs fondly. “In that case, let me approve these HR forms.” he waves the two of them over. “C’mon, to my office, you two have a lot of forms to fill out.” 
As soon as the three men are out of sight Hen turns to Chimney and purses her lips. “Karen predicted this would happen and I told her she was outta her damn mind.” she sighs. “I owe my wife a crisp twenty.” 
Chim stares at Hen. “I know you’re married to a genius but there’s no way in hell Karen predicted this exact scenario, c’mon.” 
Hen shakes her head. “I shit you not, she said those two are gonna end up married for Christopher’s benefit before they even realize they’re in love.” 
“Of course she did.” 
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