#i think it became quite obvious what exactly was being planned tho :P
visionofnoxus · 4 years
☮ - for Swain to kill someone trying to verbally hurt Lillithe ❀ - to grab Lillithe by the jaw and force her to meet Swain’s gaze and be possessive~ (suggested setting: High command War Room meeting or High Class Social Event ) || ~♱💒🥀💒♱~ asked as @crucifix-and-the-rosary
// And here we go. I tried my hand at it. Hopefully you find it a nice read. I need to interract more with your muse to get a proper feel for her and Swain. Please do comment. Crucifix-and-the-rosary
It had been years since the last time Noxian High Command had truly assembled. It was rare nowadays, as the empire had withdrawn within itself with the ascension of the new Grand General some ten years ago. After Darkwill’s death, the ever expanding offensives in all directions had seized or at the very least been scaled down severely. Noxus had turned from raiding and conquest to instead solidifying it’s existing areas and building infrastructure that had fallen to ruin or had not even existed in the first place. The Trifarix had taken the highest executive power in the empire and it now mandated the progress in form, pace as well as who exactly was overseeing that particular project. 
As such, this group of generals, admirals, warlords and most prominent people of political, commercial and social background rarely gathered en masse anymore. There were no projects so large and complicated, so multifaceted that the High Command would had been needed to be called into session. Which made it all the more intriguing that Grand General had now called for the assembly. Rumors were floating around the gathering’s purpose. Some spoke of a new attempt at the invasion of Ionia, that the Grand General desired to correct the mistakes of the past and bring the island nation finally to heel. Others said that Noxus desired to expand their holdings in Shurima, to destroy the fledgling empire of sand before it could reassert itself. But what of Demacia? And wasn’t this meeting obviously about the situation in Freljold? The most daring guesses were that the Grand General intended to slaughter the High Command and declare himself the Tyrant of Noxus. Rumors were aplenty and any theory one could come up with, someone else had already guessed while downing a tankard of ale.
On the day of the meeting, all those influential people who had the necessary pull arrived to the Immortal Bastion. Some arrived alone, others with hordes of retainers. They all climbed the countless staircases high into the gargantuan fortress’ depths, each group eventually reaching the enormous double doors leading into the High Command’s chamber. The doors were made of black iron, the craftsmanship alien to even the eyes of most talented smiths. The ominous slabs of metal seemed like they’d just been willed into the form of doors, with no help of hammer or fire. Flanking that door on both sides stood Trifarian Legionnaires, draped in cloaks of crimson and onyx colored cloth. Their helms concealed their faces, their weapons glimmered with arcane. Through these doors, passage was only for High Command, the retainers having to remain outside. As was always the case, some did not accept it at first. Personal safety, the need of an adviser, absolutely necessary have a scribe with them… Excuses were plenty. The guards were threatened, attempted to bribe, their identity was questioned. But none who were not of High Command entered. The few who truly did not understand the message were cut down without a second thought, their blood spilling on the dark marble floor.
The inside of the chamber was a large circular room with a grey marble floor. Four tall pillars, eerily similar to the doors in that they seemed to just be singular piece of black iron, reached far into the ceiling that could not be seen, the darkness lurking above the attendees. An enormous table made of smoothed granite circled the room’s edges in the shape of a horseshoe and a map depicting the whole world had been carved into the stone at the center of the chamber. High back chairs carved of onyx were placed around the table for the members to sit down on. There were not enough seats for all, not even third of the entirety of the members, but precious few dared to take a seat. It was a statement to sit down in that table. An assertion that you held the strength to keep it and deserved all the attention that the place around this table brought with it from some of the most dangerous individuals in all of Noxus.
Grand General sat at the center of the arch, his position naturally allowing him to survey the entirety of the room and everyone in it. Unsurprisingly Darius sat just few paces to his right, yet the left remained empty. No one moved to take the free seat though, for while there was no official seating order, everyone knew this chair was favored by the Matron of the Black Rose. And she was an individual nobody wanted on their bad side. Standing up, Swain drew the attention of every single soul in the room, the silvery haired man speaking with low voice, yet each word carried effortlessly around the room. He commanded respect with confidence, directing the crowd’s attention with the ease of a practiced orator as he explained Noxus’ current state and their future plans.
Lillithe stood silently at the back, listening to grand general’s voice and dutifully following with her eyes each time he pointed at the map somewhere. The dark clad woman fought to resist nervousness, her fingers switching between toying with her rosary or brushing against the embroidery of the front of her dress. Every now and then, when the Grand General halted his speech to let someone else bring forth their case, she felt the tiniest spark of fear, her eyes scanning crowd and hoping nobody would ask of her opinion. The fact of the matter was that her position as the High Priestess mandated her participation, but she wanted nothing to do with what was being discussed. Wars, troop numbers, natural or magical catastrophes. All she could hear was the death and misery for men, women and children of Noxus, as well as the rest of the world. The idea of actively contributing to that ruin’s creation was appalling to the woman. But should they give the order, she’d follow suit and beg for forgiveness before, during and after. 
“And what of the Kindred’s hags? Couldn’t their matriarch just suck the enemy dry?” She blinked twice, her mind catching up on what had just been said. Turning to face the rude man, Lillithe saw a rough looking admiral, seated on the fringe of the table. There were marks of acidic burns marring his face and he might have been partially blinded judging from the milky white left eye. “Yes you, can’t you just drain ground itself if there is enough life in it?” The man motioned at the map, pointing the location. “And that place is just full of those freaks, the very soil and air feeding them. Why bother with mortars and such if we can just have her strut in there and turn the place into her own little garden of death? Reckon it’d go well with that garb”. While crudely worded and offensive, this proposal earned positive murmurs, Lilith feeling her legs start to tremble. It felt like she was standing on thin ice, her heels causing tiny fractures each passing second by simply being present. These people desired for her to fall into that icy death. No. They wanted her to become that icy death for others.
“I do not recall that location being on potential target list?” Swain’s silken voice cut through the crowd’s debate. Debate that had very quickly been moving towards unpleasant conclusion in the nun’s opinion. The admiral growled back at him boldly: “Yeah it isn’t. Nor was it when we went there the first time. The freaks kept supplying their troops through it anyhow and I had to go and try to deal with it while you were building your fancy trap and Duqual hunted some fishermen on the coast” the admiral said with bitterness and accusation in his voice. “And so you took some of lord Emystan’s zaunite weaponry and decided to try and bomb the village” Swain concluded, his voice dangerously soft, yet lacking any true venom for now. “Marines should fight on water” came the gruff voice of Darius. He’d not been present but knew enough of the situation. And the outcome of the operation could easily be read from admiral’s burn face. “You want revenge. And you wouldn’t even do it yourself” He concluded, the challenge evident in his voice.
But the admiral wasn’t about to let his chance go to waste and the earlier reactions of the crowd must had emboldened him. “This ain’t about revenge Darius! Tis’ bout the fact that this wench” The sailor stood up, pointing an accusing finger at Lillithe who frowned, listening with dread on what might come next. “Has can suck that place drier than a sand dune. We could massacre our enemies with barely any losses. But because she’s part of some damn cult worshiping a bow wielding pillowcase, we don’ do shit”. Everyone could see the Hand of Noxus draw breath, ready to reply in just as crude language, but a motion of hand from Swain cut his action. “I see… Lady Lillithe, would you please come closer?” He asked, the woman blinking few times before nodding. “Of course, general Swain”. For once she felt horrible about her choice of shoes, each click of the heels echoing in the otherwise silent chamber as the tall woman approached her liege, the man standing up from his seat to meet her.
Stopping in front of the man, Lillithe nervously clasped her hands together in front of her, staring straight at the general’s eyes, noting how bronze shade of his irises gave way for unnatural crimson. “I hope you pardon me for laying a hand on you, my lady” He apologized, bringing a hand up to cup the side of her face, the warm, rough fingers meeting with her smooth and cool skin. In almost intimate manner, the grand general moved his fingers to hold her chin, staring intently into her eyes. And then she felt him reach into her mind, soft but determined grip just like his hand’s, tapping into her mind. “Could admiral’s proposal theoretically be carried out?” Swain asked. “Could you drain the life out of the air and soil, as it is constantly being all connected through magic?” His voice was devoid of emotion, not giving away his opinion on the matter. With this prod, she considered the proposal and her mind suddenly took over, conjuring images of death. Nature, animals, the very earth itself dying as she took from it the life, the all connecting magic of the place dooming it to decay as the magic allowed her reach far beyond her normal capacity. Lillithe’s shoulders shook, her lip trembled as she witnessed the dreamlike image flashing in her eyes, her own personal nightmare. And then it was gone, the warm hand of the Grand General moving to cup her cheek again, his free hand wiping away her tears that she’d not even felt forming up. “I see. Thank you. And once more, apologies”. 
Swallowing down the clump in her throat, the nun shook her head. “There is nothing to forgive, Grand General. All is for Noxus”. Removing his hand, the man offered tiniest of smiles to her. “An admirable answer, my lady”. With that, he turned around, returning to his seat. Turning his attention to the awaiting admiral, Swain shook his head. “The plan is not feasible. There are too many risks and variables” He stated, a wave of relief washing over the Matriarch. “Nonsense Swain! There’s always risks in war. No pain, no gain! And what risk exactly is there? This witch” The man made an angry motion towards Lillithe. “Is fooling you and..”. “I have made my mind, admiral. And you’ve thrown enough filth around for now” Swain interrupted, his voice velvet smooth but eyes as cold as Freljold’s winds. “What a load of bull! What are you afraid of? That me and my men can’t keep our hands of the pious sister here? Hah!” The Admiral shouted, anger evident in his face at the prospect of not getting his way. “Don’t worry. I promise me and my men don’t touch the witch, we’ll walk this corset clad hag into the valley and let her drain those freaks drier than her whole congregation after mass!”. 
Those were the last words the admiral ever said, as a an arcing crimson bolt of lightning struck him the following second, frying the man alive in an instant. The smoking corpse fell against the table, collapsing sideways onto the floor. The high backed chair made of onyx-like material showed no signs of damage though, the seat as if it had been vacant all along. “Enough” Swain ordered to the now deceased, lowering his left hand back on the table, pulling on a long leather glove to cover the crimson appendage. “The target is not a priority. We can not be sure the ability would work as suggested and sending the Matriarch of the Holy Order of Kindred to an active warzone that we do not control is asking for riots across the empire”. The Grand General let his eyes scan the High Command’s members, daring someone else to challenge him. As no such fool presented themselves, he turned back to look at the map. “Now then…”.
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izacore · 5 years
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Hi guys. Last time we saw each other in Mags’ post, she promised you I would take you to the moon. And guess what! We were supposed to fly there in 2 days if not for Arthur who just randomly decided IT’S TIME TO GO PUBLIC and spoil everything we wanted to put into this theory. But fear not, there’s a silver lining in this tragedy - The Clown Doc seems to be right about everything, even when it comes to theories that made us think we were losing it.
 So, let me take you on a journey and tell you a story about how me and Magda @vildeliens​ have already been floating in the space for the past 2 months. Oh, and I guess we’re going to discuss some theories as well:
1. Arthur likes space (thanks Arthur for already confirming this theory, you could have waited 2 day tho so our win would be bigger)
2. The subplot in s5 will involve Eliott and it’ll be connected with Arthur and his interest for space.
It all started with Axel and Maxence at dreamit con, joking about Arthur being an astronaut and meeting Alexia at NASA. It seemed so ridiculous that everybody just laughed it off, the actors included, but then the same topic was brought up by Hippo in some of his stories and we actually started thinking about it...  
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(The Clown Doc, p. 209)
As shown below, we first started discussing it before November 13th
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I think it was the first moment when we said to each other that that’s it, we had oficially lost it. We weren’t planning on doing anything with it, maybe put it in a post with fun facts, but then, the cast itself sucked us into that madness again, cause we analyzed the stuff they posted having gotten the scripts and:
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Maxence: going 🚀
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Robin:  ah, maybe we will meet? 🚀
Maxence:  ahaha yeah apparently it's planned 🤫
I don’t know about you, but for us it feels like they were conspiring as if they were up to something together... They got the scripts, read that their characters’ stories will somehow intertwine and now the actors are teasing each other on ig about it...
Maxence even replied to Shirley’s comment with stars
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On 07.11 he also added a photo of this lamp and thanks to that it all started coming together to us....
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Axel: You’re going to the moon?🚀
...cause when you look at all the photos from the shooting, there’s a lot of them, that you could associate with the moon and stars: 
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this one is from that night shoot with Maxence
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18.11, with an exclusive sneak peak from The Clown Doc, p. 68
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(The Clown Doc, p. 210)
At that point it became obvious to us that maybe we were not seeing things, but still, we were taking it with a grain of salt, expecting it all to end up as inside jokes between the cast members and us as the biggest clowns. It would be crazy if something so far-fetched based on reaching ended up real, right? Right. 
Flash forward to today. Arthur’s insta account was opened. And we screamed.
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But you know what’s so sick about it? The captions under the photos look exactly like the messages me and Mags were sending to each other here while playing our little game:
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The fact that this theory ended up being true and we didn’t even want to post it as a separate post at first proves one thing: if we were right about the most far-fetched theory... what if the ones we have more evidence for are actually true? 
tl;dr 1. Arthur is a science/space/sci-fi nerd 2. He and Eliott will share a storyline.
In conclusion: maybe we are not as mad as we thought. You may now leave the spaceship. See you on Sunday (29.12) when we will post a summary of The Clown Doc and some random facts - it’s been quite a ride and we can’t believe it’s already coming to an end. 
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myheartisfire · 7 years
Before I put up any more want ads, I’m gonna do a quick run-down of my characters and what they need etc!
col hendry - 30, assassin/mercenary, fc: bob morley
grew up in a brothel in spurling. his mother is from baizheng and she died when he was a kid, and he lived on the streets for a while until he was adopted by a man who turned out to be an assassin for a living, and he taught him his trade. actually quite dangerous when he wants to be but really he just needs a hug. currently travelling with a mercenary group led by rezar ka-ankh (played by laurel). currently needs friends, enemies, lovers, employees, p much anything
edric morcant - 31, king of eldur, fc: tom hiddleston
was never supposed to be king but his cousin died so here he is and honestly nobody’s upset by him dying anyway his first almost two years of being In Charge is probably going to make him turn grey prematurely. threw caution to the wind and Married For Love(TM) when the war started because really he’d had Enough by that point and he needed something to be happy about, even if most of his advisors are side-eyeing that because it really had no political advantages at all, but he doesn’t care about that, he’ll just look to find alliances in other ways. currently needs friends, enemies (both political and personal for both), councillors, idk what else yet (will have some want ads coming tho)
elodie rainier - 28, lady of ravensreach, fc: alicia vikander
widowed, but that’s okay because her husband was jerk. originally a wealthy merchant’s daughter from spurling, her father is trying to further his political standing and used her as a pawn for that, basically, even knowing full well her husband’s reputation. her husband died was murdered after she gave birth to their daughter florianne, and she’s tasted her first bit of freedom ever since then. currently needs friends, enemies, lovers (want ads coming as well!)
leandros xenocrates - 28, lord/soldier, fc: jai courtney
volubisian. the xenocrates family were raised to nobility when the athanasios family were raised to royalty, but lea’s whole life has been learning how to be a soldier in the imperial armies, following in his father’s footsteps as he’s a general. he’s currently found himself basically ordered to marry an eldurian after the war so he’s stuck in a country where he doesn’t understand anyone and his home country just finished trying to invade it. awkward. currently needs friends, enemies, idk what else yet (want ads coming!)
lisbet haxthausen - 21, lady-in-waiting, fc: rosie tupper
a lady of summerfield, lis found herself shoved into the royal household as one of the dowager queen’s ladies-in-waiting by her aunt after the deaths (or murders??) of her father and younger brother. she’s not exactly suited to court life but she’s getting there, slowly. would rather be climbing trees and riding her horse instead of playing court intrigue but what can you do. currently needs friends and enemies (want ads coming!)
madailein carran - 25, hedgewitch, fc: marine vacth
originally hailing from oldport, she grew up there with her sister and brother, raised by their aunt and uncle after both their parents passed on. that was, until the clerics (basically eldur’s version of witch hunters, keep your eyes peeled for lore on them soon) burned their house down, so she ended up going to the warfront as a healer. actual cinnamon roll. currently needs friends, enemies, past crushes or w/e (she’s all set up for the future though) (want ad coming!)
nadiye sadik - 30, lady/seer, fc: beren saat
would have inherited her family seat of samara if it hadn’t become obvious that she was a seer when she was 10, after she foresaw her father’s brother’s attempt to have his brother killed. as per muchever’s strict laws about magic users, she was shipped off to hone her skills, and these days finds herself one of the royal seers of house zulfikar. kinda resents it but doesn’t hate them, and she knows there’s not a lot she can do about it either. currently needs friends, enemies, potential lovers (want ad for her family members here)
oskar montfaucon - 30, lord of longmeadow, fc: francois arnaud
became THE lord of longmeadow in his early 20s after his father died after a riding accident. has entirely too many siblings who give him lots of headaches but he loves them anyway. political and cut-throat when he needs to be, his only interest is ensuring that his family are safe after one branch of his family tree was nearly wiped out by the last king, so it’s understandable. currently needs friends, enemies (both political and personal for both), past lovers (all set up for the future though sorry) (want ad coming, plus there’s one for his youngest sister here)
owain angharad - 31, accidental lord, fc: sam heughan
owain grew up thinking he was an orphan in the stables of the angharad family of riverton... but as it turns out, lord a was his dad. it probably should have been obvious, considering he also had an illegitimate daughter as well but... honestly he didn’t connect the dots at all. it was revealed before eldur went to war with volubisia, and he left for the frontlines, but was called back when his younger brother and father’s only true-born son died of illness. leaving him as his father’s heir, and completely in over his head, especially since his cousin is the dowager queen of eldur and now his half-sister is the queen. at least he managed to marry well, but he’s still not sure how he managed that t b h currently needs friends, enemies (want ads coming as well!)
tau baird - 47, godblade, fc: manu bennett
tau’s parents were godblades (eldur’s version of monster hunters/witchers, more info coming!) and so is he, and it’s all he’s ever known. his now deceased wife was a godblade, so is his daughter, and pretty much all of his friends are too. idk all he knows is monster hunting, and about the only thing in his life that isn’t about killing dangerous creatures these days is his current girlfriend. grumpy dad. currently needs friends, enemies (want ad coming)
ulrik ostergard - 29, lord/knight, fc: dan jeannotte
the second son of house ostergard, he always wanted to be a knight, but he wasn’t planning on being knighted in the manner that he was. lots of inner demons, but he likes to hide them behind a cavalier attitude and knight-in-shining-armour persona. a bit of a playboy. currently needs friends, enemies, lovers (he’s set up marriage wise though) (want ads coming)
wimund cenhelm - 53, knight, fc: lambert wilson
former captain of the royal guard, he thought that he was basically retired until the war came along, and he was dragged back into full service. lives at riverton with his wife and children, where they run his wife’s family’s inn. basically adopts everyone younger than him as extra children. currently needs friends, enemies (want ad coming)
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