#i think im allowed a lil more self promo
ravenrambles6229 · 1 year
come read wax and wane, we have a scene of a father grieving the fate of his son
if you like Cole, you should try my fanfic i think you'll really like it <3 it's a season 5 ghost Cole-centric rewrite that diverges from canon heavily around chapter 9. Just wrote a scene where Cole's dad learns about what happened to him and I'm really proud of it. It's a long read but I think there's a lot to enjoy
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streaminn · 1 year
Yeah i meant like a masterlist cos I find that just searching the tags hide posts sometimes, bless that demon baby au master list🙏 but totally understand that that's a lot of work so no worries about it. Not having all the characters play their wednesday book doubles on their show imo is the better option and also because I 100% love the idea of yoko being so dismayed by it even tho she wouldn't have done acting anyway *Yoko kicking down Enids door, the day of the cast announcement* Y: "First I didn't get to be the best woman at the wedding and now I'm not even allowed play myself???" E: "It was in the moment, I didn't purposefully leave you out! and you said you don't act" Y: "That's not the point, I would have liked to be asked" *Pulls up Glasses paparazzi pic of her in costume, holding up to self, the picture of glasses is almost identical to what yoko looks like currently* Y: "She doesn't even look like me" Also did the rest of the Nevermore ppl Yoko, Div, Bianca, Eugene get to go to the premiere of Lyocan Curse? If so I fully believe they wouldn't have gotten any pics on the red carpet cos they're just normal guests not stars, but there's like one slightly blurry pap picture of them hanging with Wednesday and Enid in the theatre that def has at least one online fan posting it next to the cast promo pic and theorising about how 'they've connected the dots' & the viper series is auto biographical -🐅
glad the barely there masterlist helps for the demon au people, i didn't expect so many peeps to need it :') but hey! always glad to help and it helps me in the long run when i need it
anyways, yoko would definitely be playing up how insulted she is that she wasn't even considered. Going all "oh boohoo, im being replaced by a NERD"
Enid: SAYS YOU!??
the nevermore gang definitely are invited to the premiere of the lycan curse, not alot of people know who they are but they look goddamn amazing so people just think they're probably important people anyways.
There is definitely one person taking a pic of the gang with wenclair, realizing how similar they look to the cast of Lycan curse and feel so smart abt connecting the dots.
Wicked Truth @jdwicked
guys, i know its crazy BUT i need you to hear me out (There's two pictures. In the first pic, its a blurry shot of Yoko chasing Enid by a street with the rest of the gang chatting nearby shown. In another pic, is the lycan Curse cast) you cannot tell me this coincidence
LMAO DELUSIONAL @delulululand
its coincidence Joking aside, maybe your ramblings may be a lil truthful for this one 🙄
Vapeherize @hohotheyhaveapoint
can't believe im actually going to hear out a twitter theorist bc the similarities is a bit much even more me
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ariyadaivaris · 3 years
- oh god vic please come back. where have you gone. we miss you
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- NEW GEAR! NEW GEAR FOR TONY the track jacket is obviously new (its very cute i like the rolled up sleeves+tape up to wrists look a lot) and his new goofy lil emblem on his kneepads. also its the same candy red as ariya's. unbearable! i can't stand them. good for him
- "a red wedding of sorts, if you will" HUH? YOU CAN'T SAY THAT. WHY DID HE SAY THAT
- ARIYA DID THE SLASH ACROSS THE THROAT THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT FEELS LIKE LIFETIMES SINCE HE'S DONE IT i love him. terrible. awful. scary <3
- the windup on ariya's elbow drops <3 he is a delight to watch...
- god i wish wish WISH 205 had some fucking storylines again!!!!!!!!!! i love tony and ariya and i love the bollywood boys, you know this, but if i have to watch another mostly directionless tag match that won't go anywhere or lead to anything because the cw division's plot-important stuff is relegated to nxt with an entirely different group of people and none of these guys are considered in high enough regard to reap the rewards of a division they built and carried on their backs for the last 5 years with NO fucking help or faith in them at all i'm going to go off the deep end. i would take an in-ring promo at this point. anything at fucking all   - commentary keeps pushing the "they're working harder than ever to get a title shot" thing and it's just so. i'm insanely depressed about it. does ANYONE genuinely believe, watching this, that they will ever be given a title shot? do the four men in this ring right now have any hope that they will ever see that title on their show again, never mind get a chance at it?   - ariya really isn't ever gonna be a champion is he. the division gets some steam and he's never going to be a part of it. i'm so mad all the time. lol
- its...a struggle to watch 205 recently. it is a struggle to do fucking anything recently but this especially is hard because 205 is like. My Thing. that is the one thing that i am in it for, this is the one thing i have to look forward to on a weekly basis, to mark the passage of time for myself. and i just can't keep doing this! watching alone, having to sustain interest on my own, ignoring the parts of the division that have things going on because its dudes ive never seen on 205 and have no interest in and because its a lot of miserable shitheels and predators that dubya considers relevant for reasons i will never understand (their loyalties have always been clear but given how little anyone cares about like, devlin, who has never done anything in dubya at all even if you ignore That, its like what tradeoff could possibly be worth this unless you want to just signal that you will protect abusers which EVERYONE KNOWS ALREADY), watching and desperately finding scraps of character development in reruns of the same three match configurations over and over and over again involving more dudes that you don't really care about even after all this time because they joined post-plot-or-character and its all with no build, no leadup, no EXCITEMENT, while everyone has already kind of moved on from it for reasons that seem better and better all the time. i don't want to let go of it or stop hoping because i WANT to see if anything happens, i care about ariya and tony's weird fuckin story arcs that much if anything and honestly i think letting go of it at this exact point in time is admitting a loss that i could not withstand at the present moment, but its so...i have to force myself to watch it at this point. and i know it all sounds sooooo pathetic because it is, but i'm just. im so tired!!!!!!!! im so fucking tired of it all
- ariya tagging tony in and just kind of collapsing and rolling through the ropes to have a little lie-down on the apron. sunil singh unstoppable, undefeatable, cannot be survived
- TONY TWO KNEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- TONY GET CLEAN PIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARIYA WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- oh my guy ariya's not lookin too good lol
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- he’s fine <3 (he IS okay if you are worried)
- oh now lorcan cares about the cruiserweight division again huh! interesting ^_^
- legado del fantasma should be allowed to do that. i think its okay
- i don't really care about him besides going huh, fun aesthetic i guess, but i like grey's entrance music a LOT. maybe it's just the vocals making it distinguishable from whatever new team is doing the themes and making them all the same boring generic hinting-at-metal pop punk instrumental shit. oh well
- commentary making suuuuuuuch a big deal over grey doing things The Right Way to beat mansoor and IF I DO RECALL CORRECTLY tony as well and ignoring that he cheated to beat ariya. ariya gets cheated out of the recognition he's earned once again i see...pretty sure grey wasn't doing it The Right Way when he put his feet on the ropes against the BACKBONE, the BLOOD, the SPINE of the cruiserweight division but whatever............
- you know what i miss? high flying. that thing that 205 was originally about showcasing in a lot of ways? where did that go (to the corner to sit through timeout for being too good apparently) god i miss lhp i miss cedric i miss babyface moose i miss angel and humberto and AKIRA!!!!...i even miss buddy...wails and gnashes my teeth. i miss alicia and kenta and lio and the kanellises though i am glad they are out of dubya. some of these people aren't high flyers which was the original point whatever i still miss them. i need to rewatch 205 so i can try to have fun and not freak out over just how much of it i have to skip over
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-  he is so handsome <///3
- ariya is both very VERY interested in august cheating to beat him and furious that he's not cheating to beat anyone else. why WOULD he do that? he didn't care about it when he had to beat ariya. ariya's not the ONLY heel in the division, and not the only person who would cheat to win. august can position himself as righteous--he's doing things HIS way, after all--and noble, but ariya knows better. august is losing by doing this, too! he's not WINNING! he cares more about his principles than about the win, which is CERTAINLY news to ariya. turnabout is fair play against him, apparently, because It's Daivari and anyone can do anything to him and get off scot-free. ariya watches grey refuse to cheat against anyone else, and he listens and he is commended as a hero for it, and it is driving him up the wall to watch. of course, ariya getting humiliated and treated like shit by people who then get lauded as clean babyfaces who continue thinking of him as a dirty cheater beneath them as they do the same things is uh. he’s encountered it before
- "YOU blew it! you let your pride get in the way! YOU blew it! don't ever forget that!" HM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- this is so fucking juicy. ariya ranks winning through any means above his pride! ariya would rather win dirty than lose clean. he's disgusted that grey won't use his brain to see that a win is better than a loss. ALSO! ariya going "you let your pride get in the way" is SO interesting! self righteousness as arrogance in his eyes feels very illuminating. NO he's not exactly PROUD of the shit he's done but it's the smart thing to do. he's survived, hasn't he? how many other cruiserweights could say that? did mustafa survive? did cedric? did akira? did their principles help them survive? did akira having his arm ripped off just to outlast ariya The Right Way do anything to help him in the long run? what good is doing things the right way when it is so so so fucking hard not to die in here already? on the other hand, ariya is also kind of proud at times! ariya's pride being wounded is what led to the huge character shift he went through to begin with. his pride got in the way of joining drew and tony on the same level and it got in the way of fixing things properly between him and tony until they had to grow back together, and when i say grow i mean it in the sense of...like...a tree. slow and deliberate and taking fucking forever. and it's still never been addressed out loud, really. when ariya says grey's pride got in the way of somethig, he has some idea of what he's talking about ugh. UGH!!!!!!!!! this is all so fascinating. ariya daivari top five characters of all time
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kens-grimoire · 5 years
Current Witchy Goals
ive decided that in order to stick to my goals for the future, i will publicize them! by publicizing my goals, i hope that everyone who decides to follow me on my adventures will hold me to them. without further ado, my goals!!
Finish my tarot deck. Ive been attempting to make a large tarot deck for almost two years now and recently the cards i had finished got ruined. i am determined to actively work with my deck and finish all of the illustrations ASAP. its going to be a pop culture based deck, with a fuck load of cards. more than double the standard. the deck is based in pop culture, with the major arcana being vocaloid/song based and the minir arcana being based on different anime. im still looking for anime to add so if you guys reading this would like to see any anime illustrated into a deck, lmk?
Incorporate witchcraft into my daily life. I should have accomplished by now, and im ashamed to say i have not. I have my reasons, but ultimately, i still want to achieve this. even if its just carrying around a crystal with me everywhere or blessing my drinks before i drink them, thats still just as good as doing a full blown ritual. I say that because in the end, i do rituals and spellwork to make myself happier and to improve myself. If smaller tasks can give me the same feeling of happiness and accomplishment, i should do it.
Let go. arguably the most important of these three goals, letting go. ive held on to so many things my whole life; my mental illness, my abuse, my history with attempting, everything. Ive held onto the expectations others have of me, the disappointment they felt when i fell over and over again, ive kept it all with me. i think its time that i relieve myself of that pressure and move on mwith my life. its time that i stop caring so much about what others think and focus on what i think. my opinion of myself is the most important opinion i could ever have. i want that opinion to be more kind. more forgiving. more me. i want to be happy. i want to feel better. i feel that the way to do that is to allow myself to be me and just. let go.
thank you for sticking by me through this post and reading through it, if you did. i appreciate the time spent on me. this post got kinda heavy even though thats not what i intended, so to make up for it. here have uwu.
i have commissions open to help with my family situation for spellwork, an illustrated tarot card, a drawing, etc. if you would like to see any examples please lmk :) they are PWYW, meaning you can pay whatever you think feels right. again, thank you all for your time and im sorry for the lil self promo. i appreciate yall.
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wileds · 6 years
Do you have any advice for rping a fandom OC? I feel like no one pays attention to mine.
yes!! these are my personal recommendations, not a fix-all. i am not sure which fandom you are in although i assume rw.by? and opinions will differ on how to effectively promote your blog!
firstly, having a bio / about page / dossier / whatever you want to call it is crucial for an oc so your followers and people checking out your blog can learn who your oc is. if you have one already, make that sucker as detailed as you can. leaving it bare means less information to skim. you may know your own oc intimately & love them to death but your reader does not, and your rp partners are not responsible for developing your muse for you. stay within the limits of the information you feel comfortable sharing about your oc (you don’t need to spoil backstory, worldbuilding, etc if you don’t want to!), but be descriptive & thorough when you can. a lot of people only visit an about page once before deciding whether or not to follow! reel em in boy. but that doesn’t mean you can’t continue to update your about page(s) as you develop your oc more over time!
that said, make a headcanon tag if you can. it’s good for personal organization and allows others to search your headcanons too!
straight up reminders or announcements that you’ve added something to your oc’s about page is a good way of engaging your dash too, especially if they only checked out your blog once before following. for example, i’ve said something like “hey pals i added stuff to love’s family page if you wanna check it out!” and linked it for easy access. people may not click it but y’know, you’re showing that you’re workin on your baby.
which i think is very important as a fandom oc. if you can’t rp or can’t find rp partners, do not just stop posting and try to avoid copious negative posts.  no!!  feel like shit? say how much you love your oc.  still feel like shit a week later? make a headcanon post about what your muse does when they feel like shit. crank out them headcanon posts from the simplest thing like what they eat for breakfast (if they eat breakfast!) or what their ootd is (love is from shade “no uniforms!” academy and his wardrobe is bomb ok). reblog musings and aesthetic posts, reblog your face claim if you have one, draw your oc if you draw, post random tidbits about your character, play dash games like doll makers or bu.zzfeed quizzes & shindan maker stuff, find a headcanon meme and just fill it out & post it yourself without waiting for someone to send an ask in. these can spend less creative energy & time than threading, but still provide relevant activity. good for when irl makes you busy or when you’re depressed af! there are memes specially geared towards ocs out there like this one & this one which can get you thinking and writing, even if it’s ooc. you need to post to make potential rp partners interested, period! it is easy to be discouraged but trust me when i say, even though i rp an oc, i have found it hard to engage with other ocs if i just don’t know anything about them & have no spoons to chat up the mun through ims or di.scord. i have felt like i’ve been expected to engage with a blog even though i knew shit about their character / didn’t see them rping and so couldn’t summon up much enthusiasm. share the legwork my dude, and communicate, communicate, communicate when needed.
all of this is up to your own comfort levels! don’t feel like you have to promo yourself though. mun likability & popularity has become Hot on tumblr rp but at the end of the day, if all of that stresses you out then you can totally step back and have your blog just be about your muse and writing!
and again, your rp partners are not responsible for developing your muse for you nor are they obliged to rp with you. i’m not saying this to make roleplaying seem super harsh or anything lol. but if you’re not particularly close to anyone in your rpc or are feeling left out this is even more of a thing, to be able to enjoy your own content. finding someone / a friend group to brainstorm with is always fun & helpful, but iunno, being able to stay self-motivated and independently interested in your own blog regardless of fluctuating activity in my experience has made for better longevity. assuming your rpc is not dead or super clique-y of course.
oh and make a promo if you haven’t? make a new one every now and then with all the necessary tags (main two in rw.by are just #.rw.by rp and #.rw.by rol.eplay, though you can also throw in oc rp, anime rp, manga rp for the hashtag Exposure). posting a new promo after you’ve been particularly active is a smart play. the promo doesn’t have to be graphics heavy. there are promo templates out there but i’ve never used one?a text post works just as well, you can quickly introduce your character. this is my main promo currently. that one is graphics heavy but it includes info like my oc’s name, my name, that i’m an indie and selective blog, and then a quote that i find fitting for love. i’ve had old promos with more typical zinger blurbs like:
HEYA FRIENDS ! can you like or reblog this if you’re up for roleplaying with a rwby oc based off a canon design ? pages are still a wip but here’s a quick bio : attends shade academy, from a notable merchant family in vacuo. his name is LOVE CLARKIA – no that’s not a joke, yes his parents really named him that. riveting story if you’re willing to lend an ear.
HEY FAM!!  my dash is a lil dead so i’m here to fling myself into the abyss.  give this post a LIKE or REBLOG  if you’re interested in a sweet oc named  LOVE CLARKIA  who believes he’s fated,  believes in the goodness of the world,  is full of charm & good-humor & an aspiration to live up to his namesake  ( even as he’s liable to succumb to his blood affinity’s bloodlust which we don’t really talk about, because having a problematic relationship with one’s own power really isn’t very fun ) … was that a mouthful of an introduction?  just wait until he starts talking.
that first quote was my first promo and as you can see my blog was still a literal gigantic wip, which is fine. the second quote is longer & i included more of love’s personality cuz i’d become comfortable rping him by then!
umm … that is all that i can think of at the moment. my followers can chime in if they want?? hope this helped and that you actually see it cuz this was sitting in my inbox for a bit!!
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ainchase · 8 years
How Magic Wardrobe Works
Hi, this will be a very crude but in-depth explanation about what the Magic Wardrobe is and how it works in the KR server.
This is also very long and tedious so if you’re not interested, press J key on your keyboard to skip to the next post on your dashboard.
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First, in order to access the wardrobe, press the button in your inventory.
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Categories A
Catgories B
Categories C
See Only Appearances I Own option
List of Appearances
Grey’d out item is not registered in your wardrobe, but exists in the game. 
Item in white means it is registered in your wardrobe
You will only see things your current character can wear
Hide My Current Avatar
Purchase Selected Avatar (If it exists in the Item Mall)
Register Appearance
Apply Appearance
Reset Search Bar
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Clicking on the item in the preview will show you that item on the list. For example, I clicked on a weapon avatar, and now the list is showing me all weapon avatars that exist in the game for Ain. This also shows weapon item (not avatar). Yes you can wardrobe non-avatars equipments for their appearance, but you cannot apply appearance to non-avatars equipments.
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Selecting the hair shows me that hair on the list of all the hair in the game. Notice how the entire list is grey? They are all the hairs that I did not register to the wardrobe; therefore I cannot apply them to other avatars. I have not registered the Idol Hat into my wardrobe yet. I will show you now how to register them into your wardrobe.
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First, you have to take off the avatar/accessory you want to register. (There are other ways of registering, but it can get a little confusing so let me show you the most basic method first.)
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Press Register Appearance button on the wardrobe. “Register appearance of the item. Select the item whose appearance you want to register from your inventory! You can only register items you can wear (i.e., not Eve-Only item)”.
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You get a message on screen telling you to select item to register. Also notice how the mouse changed. Go to the inventory and select the item you want. I’m going to wardrobe the Idol Top avatar.
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Now it’s showing you a warning saying that ONCE YOU REGISTER AN ITEM INTO THE WARDROBE, THE ITEM BECOMES A WARDROBED-ITEM THAT CANNOT BE TRADED OR SEALED. The game calls it a  “Clothes Hanger Item” but what this essentially is that now the item has become a different type of item that’s forever account-bound and cannot be traded anymore. No, there isn’t a way to remove the item from the wardrobe list or remove its “Wardrobed-Item” status as of yet in the game.
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Success! Notice how the item now has a yellow/gold border around it with a clothes hanger icon. That means that item is now in your wardrobe.
You can only apply appearance to items that have been wardrobed. What I mean is, you cannot apply appearance to items that is not on the wardrobe list. You can’t wear Ebalon Top and have it look like Rosso Top without having BOTH EBALON AND ROSSO TOP WARDROBED. Okay?
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My Idol Top has been wardrobed. Welcome to the family. Now to demonstrate applying the appearance to your wardrobed items!
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This is my Salvatore Rosso for Ain. Notice how all of them have been wardrobed already. The yellow line around the item!
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When I select the Idol Top from the list, the preview will show me how it will look on my Ain with his current set up. It looks hideous but for the purpose of this demonstration, we’re going to go for this clashing color combo. Notice that I did not apply the appearance yet.
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Press the Apply Appearance button and now the game will ask you to select a Wardobed-Item to apply the appearance to!
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You can select the Rosso Top in the preview (it looks like Idol Top in the preview right now because I selected it) and it will change Rosso Top to Idol Top’s appearance. It tells me that it’s going ot change Salvatore Rosso Top (Ain) into Ain, the Beat Genius, Fantastic Wave Top (A)’s appearance.
Or you can select the wardrobed item in your inventory and it will change the wardrobed-item in your inventory into the Idol Top we just selected.
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Tada! Now your Rosso Top looks like Idol Top. You also need better fashion sense cuz this is atrocious.
It’s more or less the same deal with accessories, so I won’t go into that. 
Now this is where it can get a lil tiny bit tricky and screw you over, so pay attention
The danger and the joy of using magical wardrobe is that you can see every item that exists in the game, and this allows you to come up with the ultimate look of your dreams, spending hours upon hours just in the wardrobe preview screen, concocting the perfect look for your characters. 
You can do this with the things you own, or the things you’ve never seen in the game but exists in the game somewhere, just not in your own inventory. The endless combinations... but this is where the danger is
Remember how I showed you how to register non-Wardrobed item into the wardrobe? You press the button and choose it from your inventory, right? Well there is another way... and that screwed me over in the past.
If you are wearing a not-yet Wardrobed Item and opened the magic wardrobe to look at some stuff... played around with combinations... and found the look you were looking for, and started applying appearances to your items...
If you attempt to apply appearance to non-Wardobed-Item, the game will ask you, Do you wish to continue because if you do this, we’ll skip the registering process for you and register this item + apply the appearance all in one go.
Yes this happens for both items you’re currently wearing (therefore shows up on the preview window) and the items in the inventory.
What happened with me is that.. Uh.. I had my Hamel Arctic Officer Cape (not wardrobed) on my Add.. was playing around with a look for a while... found what I was looking for... started applying appearance to everything I was..............wearing... because I forgot I was wearing the cape and uhhh
Yeah I accidentally wardrobed the cape 8D (but no regret cuz its beautiful)
So Always always always always always always be aware of what the fuck you are doing and never trust yourself; take them off if they’re something you never want to wardrobe when you want to lose yourself in the magical land of the wardrobe. 
I have the full set of Elpheus accessories that I’m not so sure about wardrobing them yet so I am on high-alert everytime Im trying to play around with a look for my Ain to the point of being mentally stressed.
Now for a super long Q&A
Q. Can you unregister wardrobed item?
A. Read. I said no.
Q. What if I want to unregister them???
A. Well you should’ve thought about it before you wardrobed it then. You can destroy the item after you’ve wardrobed it but the item on the wardrobe list will not disappear. It’s there. Forever. So don’t start wardrobing every shit you have because it can get a little cluttered. That’s what the search bar and categories dropdown menu is for I guess.
Q. What if I want to look like I’m not wearing any accessory/one piece but I want to wear them for the stats?
A. That’s what “invisible accessories + one piece” is for. Yes they sell them in Item Mall in KR. They’re not cheap. They have stats like a normal cheapo accessory but you can wardrobe these and then apply their “invisible appearance” to other wardrobed items.
Q. If I wardrobe something on one character, can my other character in the same account use its appearance?
A. Yes, as long as it’s something they can wear, and not class-specific. For example, any character in my account on the KR Solace server can wear my Purple Fairy Wing.
Q. How can I wardrobe promotional avatars?
A. You can, but only if you have a special promotional avatar wardrobe ticket. These tickets, when right clicked, will allow you to click on the promo avatar from the list to “activate” them, aka, turn them from grey’d out item on the list into a white item that you can use later. Promotional avatars on the wardrobe will also show the hair as well, even though they never were an avatar in the game before. There are other types of wardrobe tickets, but they’re given out in events, and they all have varying restrictions and limitations. They’re pretty self explanatory though. I have my CBS wardrobed all of Electra’s promo avy from events couple of years ago, but only my Electra/CBS chars can use its appearance; my CN/CEm can’t.
Q. Is the applying of appearance only affect appearance and not the stat?
A. Well you know the “apply appearance” is pretty self explanatory... It will only change how the item you’re wearing will LOOK. You can wear full set of your GFriend Navillera and parade around in something prettier:
Q. How does registering equipment item (not avatar) work?
A. Same as other items except currently in KR server, if you wardrobe the equipment items, they don’t get yellow line around it... and are still tradeable. I crafted a grendized Ancient Noble Guardian pendulum and wardrobed it, but realized I can still seal+sell it later. You cannot apply appearance to equipments though. That pretty Eltrion weapon appearance can be applied to your weapon avatar, but you cannot apply it to, say, Heroic Weapon. by the way you cant wardrobe heroic equipments in the game for some reason;
Well there you go! I think I heard a rumor that NA/INT might be getting the magic wardrobe, and I hope it’s not some cruel April Fools joke because I CAN CONDONE ALL THE OTHER SHIT THAT NA/INT DOES TO YOU BUT NOTHAVING A WARDROBE IS A CRIME AGAINST THE GODS. A SIN. 
What other shit can I condone? Uh... the fact that you guys need a seal to trade your rare avatars/accessories from Ice Burners... the fact that you guys can’t expand inventory with ED... or buy res stones from Ariel with ED... ... man, seriously, what the fuck
Anyways, now you’ll know what they skipped out on if they ever decide to give you guys a “tweaked” version. Hey maybe they’ll even give you guys option to take the items out of the wardrobe and what not... honestly don’t see the harm in that as long as the item appearance is removed from the list as well...
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