#i think i reallg liked him and i know it wont work
Howdy! Could I get a matchup? I’m 5’4, thin hourglass figure, long vibrantly purple hair, olive/tan complexion, Mexican-American, bisexual, whiskey brown eyes like an eldritch god. I’m really sweet and bubbly, goofy and weird in the best(worst?) way. I love to sketch and read, I’m a witch and I tend to wear revealing clothes. I’m normally quite calm in regards to temper but if you cross the line I will remember and when I strike back you’ll regret existing. I also love ALL music. 🦇
First up... OMFG i keep finding freakin twin on the app LIKE WHAT IN THE NAME OF XADIA. Secondly, i dont know what u meant by witch, so i didnt really put it in... PWEZ FORGIVE MA
I match you with
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If im being honest, your personality (aside from krishimas) would be the perfect counterpart for bakugo
Your weird and energetic energy would work well with his "shut the fuck up and get away from me" vibe.
Your conversations would go something like this:
"porcupineeeeeeee! Why dont you ever say you love me?"
"because i dont want to and stop calling me that"
"whats the whole point of wearing revealing shit if you wont care?!"
*Mineta stares at you from the corner
"Mineta i swear to fucking god, this time it wont only be porcupine whose gonna kill ya"
Basically you would have to be really pushy if you want to get anywhere with him
Hes a tsundere, what do you expect?
But all that aside he reallg does love you
He'll secretly watch over your shoulder when you sketch.
If you ever doubt your art skills, (like me and almost every other artist does) he will litteraly take you to the side and give you the biggest ever speech about how amazing you are and that you shouldnt doubt yourself.
He may not say it, or show it, but he loves your clothing
He thinks its sexy
You know your taste in music? Yeahthat wont last long.
He will drag you into heavy metal and then in to death metal.
Soon youll be lostening to mcr to calm down.
You will cuddle, everyday, he will be bug spoon, it is just the way of the world
Hope you liked it :>
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haechanitboy · 4 years
hi jizz!! How are you? im kinda sad today??? my cousin is here and all he did was piss me off? Idk where his mind runs but he keeps shitting on groups i like??? and he called taeyong a b*lly and jaehyun a r*cist? Idk where he got that shit from and he told that to his mom and now his momis telling my mom to take my phone away so i wont support awful people??? Good thing my mon isnt an idiot and she knows im not that kind of person 😒😒 im so pissed??? Ffs -🐓
He's been here for 3 days and i think theyre planning to stay for a week (we're just neighbors dont worry our house are literally a wall away) since my aunt missed my mom and yesterday or 2 days ago?? And took my phone while i fell asleep and it was unlocked since i was reading philophobia (hehe lol) good thing i woke up in time and i ask if he did anything and he said he didnt (thank god) i hate him so much???? I wish i can rip his hair off // im sorry for ranting im just reallg pissed rn 😔😔 also, have u seen my asks from your other blog?? Im messaging u there im shocked that u said we were being quiet today iendsndjs i hope you have a nice day/night 💛 🥺🥺 -🐓
(quick reminder that i go by jewel here jfdkdsgj but its okay!) that’s honestly horrible of him. like genuinely just fun-sucking and deliberately instigating with you. it sounds like he’s just trying to get a rise out of you, and i think you should try and keep your head high and not give him the satisfaction of knowing he’s getting to you!! i mean i personally think your cousin and his mom can and should fuck back off to their house, but that might just be me. is there any way you can talk to your mom and tell her how his being here is really upsetting you and making you uncomfortable in your home and see if she can work something out where she just goes and visits your aunt for the next couple of days instead of them just staying with your family? can you go to your room and shut the door and kick him out if he tries to come in? also you should definitely tell him not to touch your stuff and tell him firmly. how old is he and how old are you?? (if you don’t mind my asking) like i’ve never dealt with annoying cousins, but when people get on my nerves like that i just do my best to ignore them. you have every right to be pissed; i would be, too! you can always message me to get your mind off of it if it would help! i do think however that you should not rip his hair off, unfortunately, because he seems like the kind of person who would attack you back, and i don’t want you to get hurt. and you don’t have to apologize for ranting, darling, it’s very okay with me!
to answer your other questions; i’m good, my love!! i woke up about 30 mins ago and i took care of myself and now i’m writing :D and i actually :( haven’t gotten any messages from you i think that tumblr is eating my asks now :( it also ate one that was literally already in my inbox haha we love that (she said sarcastically) but yeah if i had gotten any messages from you i would have answered them by now for sure!
but yes, keep your head up and try not to let him get to you; he’s probably just desperate for attention and will do anything to get it :/ stay strong my love i’m here if you wanna talk and get your mind off things!! i hope your day/night goes much better than it has been, and i love you!!
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hs2ism · 6 years
silly me, thinking a boy could like me!
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