#i think i put too much grounds in the french press lol. BUT its still v yummy
roughentumble · 11 months
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@hale-of-stiles-heart drinking the coffee u sent me <3 <4
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avengersnthings · 4 years
See (Steve Rogers x Reader)
Request: Just heard requests are open. I was hoping if I could get a fanfiction of Steve Rogers x reader where she is also an avenger and somehow develops feelings for him. One day she decides to confess and when she does Steve is lost for words, thinking he doesn't like her she runs into her room and stays there for days and grows distant towards Steve. In the end Steve confesses to her and ends up with something steamy 🙃 and a sarcastic comment from Tony lol
Requested By: @evelynrosestuff
Word Count: 3,367
Warnings: Angst, like one swear word
A/N: My requests are open, so send them in! I hope you all enjoy this.
Tag List:  @mp938368 @generalantiope @thatgirlsar @jumperswellies @quicksoldier @kitkatgaming @marvelfandom-stuff @itsmaytimetosaygoodbye @agentraven007 @marvelgoateecollection @thaniya82 @thats-so-rhyan @hymnofthevalkyrie @themcuhasruinedme @themanwiththemetalarm @mslaufeyson @thisismysecrethappyplace @jackiehollanderr @nayr9e @shaydeevee-blog @mxria-hill @littlelonewolfgirl
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The mission had gone smoothly; well, as smoothly as missions for the Avengers go. The team made it out with minimal injuries, only a couple of bruises and cuts here and there. Overall, a very successful mission. Before you knew it, the quinjet was ascending through the clouds leaving the French Alps behind.
“Good job, everyone,” Steve commended the team while taking his helmet off, leaving pieces of blonde hair sticking up in tufts. “That should be the last of the HYDRA bases in France.”
“That we know of,” Clint grumbled, putting up his legs across the adjacent seat next to him.
“If they would just stop appearing out of the woodwork like cockroaches then maybe we could get some much needed vacation time,” Natasha chuckled, pushing Clint’s legs back to the ground and taking their spot. Clint rolled his eyes before returning his legs back to their spot, this time on top of her thighs.
You nodded in agreement as you pushed a button so that the pilot’s seat swiveled to face the team. “Well, y’know what they say: ‘Cut off one head, two more shall take its place.’” You shivered in disgust at the thought of more enemies to face. Just like Nat, you all needed a break.
“If only we had some way to tell where they were,” Tony gave you a pointed look.
You threw up your hands in defense. “Hey, you know my visions don’t work like that. I can only see when they decide to make a move. I’m not some radar that just pings every time we get near a base.”
“Would sure be nice if you did, though,” Tony smirked before shutting his eyes to doze off. You could feel your face heat up in embarrassment. Sure, you weren’t the strongest or most intelligent member of the Avengers, but your visions did help, right?
“Don’t listen to him, Doll,” Steve comforted while taking the co-pilot’s seat next to you. He placed one of his large hands over your small one and gave you a smile that always made you weak in the knees. Oh, god, here we go again. You could feel your cheeks begin to flush once more as Steve looked into your eyes. It was so difficult to bury your feelings for the Captain when he looked at you like this. “Your visions help us out a lot more than we could ever explain.”
Your eyes dropped down to his hand when he lightly squeezed yours. “Er, thanks. I just wish I could be of more help to the team.”
“You are a tremendous help, Doll,” Steve reassured. “You have saved all of our asses more than once because of your visions. I mean, Clint would be in pieces right now if you hadn’t seen that HYDRA agent going to detonate the bomb next to the wall that he was near.”
“True that,” Clint interjected as he rearranged the arrows in his quiver. 
“You should give yourself more credit,” Steve whispered to you. “I know I do.”
There. Right there. It’s things like that that send shivers down your spine and make you want to melt into a puddle. Did he not realize how charming he was, all the goddamn time?
You couldn’t help the small smile that graced your lips at his kind words. “Thanks, Steve. It means a lot to me.”
Before Steve could say another word, Scott started whining from the back of the quinjet. “Ugh, c’mon. Stupid phone. I just want to check the weather!” 
“(Y/N) should know,” Tony smirked at you. “O Great and Powerful (Y/N), will it be rain or shine when we arrive back home? Or do your visions not cover meteorology?”
You loved Tony, you really did, but sometimes his snide comments about your visions really got under your skin. You could feel your eyes shift focus on the near future to check the weather before you could help yourself. You didn’t want to answer Tony’s question. You weren’t a weatherman. 
“Looks like a 100% chance of me kicking your ass when we get home, Bucket-Head,” You snapped before pressing the button once more for your chair to swivel back to the controls. Loud guffaws sounded behind you, and you couldn’t help the small smirk that replaced your smile. Switching auto-pilot off, you took control of the quinjet to fly the team home.
Thankfully, everything was quiet on the horizon of the next couple of weeks for the team. While you were constantly watching for decisions to be made by HYDRA that would send the team into action, everything returned to a sort-of normalcy around the Avenger’s compound. Most of the team got their much-needed vacation and either spent their days lounging on the couch or at some special resort that Tony had managed to book at the last minute. While most went, a few members of the team stayed behind to enjoy the peace and quiet that the compound held. The empty base only housed you, Wanda, Steve, and Bucky whilst the rest were whisked away to the resort. You found yourself relaxing on Wanda’s bed, flipping through some magazine while she cleaned her room and ranted to you. Well, more like about you.
“I just don’t get it, (Y/N). Why don’t you just tell him about your feelings?”
It was the same conversation that she kept bringing up. Wanda was always saying that Steve had liked you, maybe even loved you. She just didn’t understand why you didn’t tell him.
“Well, for one, he doesn’t like me like that. Second, I’m not the type of girl who just professes their love to people. I guess I’m old fashioned, that way.”
“But can’t you just see if it will work out?” She groaned and flopped down on the bed next to you.
Sighing, you put down your magazine next to you. “You know it doesn’t work like that. I can only see when somebody decides something.”
“Well, then decide,” Wanda shrugged. 
You cocked an eyebrow up at her. “What?”
She shifted onto her elbow so she could look down at you. “Decide to tell Steve about your feelings. That way, you should know the outcome!”
Sighing, you pulled yourself up into a sitting position. “That won’t work. Even if I did decide to tell Steve how I feel- which I’m not saying I will- I still wouldn’t know the outcome. The vision would be too blurry, too out of focus. Only half of the image would be clear, my half. I still wouldn’t be able to see what Steve would say because he would have to make the decision at that moment.”
“Why don’t you just decide and try to see what will happen? If your vision starts becoming clearer, then you know what the outcome will be, right?”
“I don’t know,” You brought your bottom lip between your teeth, biting gently on it. “I would be practically going in blind. It would be really uncomfortable.” You had always relied on your visions. You couldn’t remember a time you didn’t have the ability to look towards the future. To know what paths folded out before you, which actions would lead to certain consequences. The idea of taking this part away from you felt alien and unnatural.
“Well, that’s how the rest of us feel,” Wanda chuckled. 
“Really?” The idea of you going in blind just kept getting worse. 
“Yeah, none of us know what will happen, but that’s just life, I guess.”
“I don’t know, Wanda...” You worried.
“Okay, how about this,” Wanda sat up. “How about you decide to tell him. I will talk to Bucky about trying to get Steve to admit that he likes you to himself. That way, you can still try to look for the future and whichever feels like the best path, you take it. How does that sound?”
You never tried to out-think the future like this before. It may just work! “Okay, I’ll try it.”
“Great! Now, let’s strategize over some takeout. Chinese or Thai?” She asked, picking up her phone. 
Looking towards the two paths that stretched out before you, you made the decision. “Thai. I have a feeling that Chinese would lead to us not feeling so great in the morning.”
“Your wish is my command, O Great and All-Seeing (Y/N),” joked Wanda as she placed the order.
This whole ‘going in blind’ thing sucked. It didn’t help that with every turn of the corner, you seemed to be bumping into Steve.
The man was everywhere. Every time you went to the kitchen, he was there. Gym? Yep, there was Steve punching the boxing bag, sweat glistening on his muscles. Living room? Sure enough, Steve was lounging on the couch watching some old-timey movie and opening his arms inviting you in. You couldn’t get rid of the man even if you tried. 
Not only that, but every time you were around him you were peering into the future to see if the timing was right. The picture never became clearer, never came into focus. Between watching for the right moment to confess your feelings to Steve and watching for HYDRA to make their next move, you had a serious headache.
The pounding in your head wouldn’t stop, not even for the sweet release of sleep. Deciding that a calming cup of jasmine tea might do the trick, you made your way towards the kitchen. Setting the kettle on the stove, you leaned back on the counter and began to rub circles on your temples. Try as you may, the pounding would not abate. You closed your eyes to the present, but that didn’t help either.
Oh no. You recognized that husky voice anywhere. Your heart leaped into overdrive and your eyes snapped open to reveal Steve in sweatpants and a tight blue shirt. You loved the color blue on him.
“Yeah,” You replied, snapping out of you staring at him. “Thought I’d make some tea to see if it will help.”
“I’ve got it, you sit down,” Steve motioned for you to sit just as the kettle began whistling. Grabbing a mug from the cabinet, he poured the hot liquid. “Jasmine?”
“Yes, and-”
“Two scoops of sugar,” Steve finished your sentence, placing the mug of hot tea in front of you. God, he was perfect. He even knew how you liked your tea. “Want to talk about it?”
Sipping on the tea, you felt the calming sensation pour through your body. “It’s nothing, really.”
“HYDRA?” Steve’s voice grew heavy with worry. 
“No, not them. Just something that Wanda asked me to look out for,” You tried to avoid the topic of what exactly she asked you to watch for.
“Well, if you want to talk about it, I’m here,” Steve gave you a warm smile. And just like that, the image of the future seemed to become a little bit clearer. The vision sharpened around the blurry form of Steve, bringing him into focus. Your heart sped up at this realization. It was now or never.
“Actually, there is something I want to talk to you about,” You set your mug down on the counter.
“Anything,” Steve turned his body to give you his full attention now. His blue eyes pierced your very being with the intensity of his focus. 
“Okay, well, umm...” Your heartbeat was pounding in your ears. With every passing beat of your heart, the image became clearer. You could begin to make out Steve’s expression in the future. Before you could change your mind, you blurted out the words. “Steve, I love you.”
Silence. That’s what you were met with, silence echoing in the air. Steve made no movement, only the slight rise and fall of his chest to let you know that he was still breathing. Your heart seemed to plummet into your stomach as the path that you just chose sharpened in your mind.
“Er, I gotta go,” You stumbled back from the chair at the counter. The hot tears welling behind your eyes were threatening to spill over. “I can see that my mom is about to call me, so I- yeah.”
You bolted from the room, leaving your tea behind. Trying to hold back the tears, you made your way through the labyrinth that was the compound to the safety of your room. The image of Steve just standing there, no expression on his face accentuated the tears that began to prick your eyes. You whipped your door open just as fast as you slammed it shut before crumpling into a heap on the ground. The tears spilled over your cheeks as sobs racked though your chest. Going in blind was a stupid idea. Telling Steve that you loved him was even worse.
It had been days since you confessed your feelings to the Captain. You rarely left your room, only sneaking out for food when you deemed that the coast was clear. The only time you used your sight was to determine which paths towards the kitchen would lead you to bumping into Steve. Whichever ones echoed the most misery you avoided. 
Wanda had tried to talk to you. Every time she knocked on your door, you either yelled at her to go away or just flat-out ignored her. Soon enough she resorted to calling and texting you. You weren’t sure when you shut off your phone and stuffed it under your mattress so it was out of sight. You knew that you were being mean and unfair to her. She just wanted to help, afterall. But you just wanted to lay in your bed in misery for a little while longer.
Wanting a change in scenery, you decided to turn the TV on and flip through the channels. Nothing caught your attention, and soon enough you turned it back off when you recognized the black and white movie that was playing on one of the channels. It was the same one you cuddled up to Steve under the blanket and watched with him in the living room.
Shoving the remote under your mattress to join your phone, you could feel the tears threaten to spill over for the hundredth time. Before you could give in to them, a knock sounded at your door.
“Go away, Wanda,” You grumbled, putting a pillow over your head to block out her knocking. “I told you, I don’t want to talk.”
“It’s not Wanda.”
There it was, that husky voice that still made you want to melt into a puddle even after all of the hurt you’ve been through. 
“Will you please open the door, (Y/N)? I just want to talk,” Steve’s voice reverberated through the wood.
“I-I’m not sure that’s such a good idea,” You mumbled.
“Please,” You heard the soft thud of Steve resting his forehead on the door. “I miss you.”
He missed you? You were almost positive that he would never want to talk to you again. Your confession destroyed whatever friendship you had. 
“Just open the door,” Steve said. “You don’t have to say anything, just listen. I miss my best friend.”
Best friend? Before you could focus on the future before you, you opened your door to reveal a very sad-looking Steve.
Immediately, Steve’s eyes softened at the sight of you. Hair up in a messy bun and day-old sweats on, he was probably revolted at what he saw. “Oh, Doll-”
He moved to hug you, but you placed your hands on his firm chest to stop him from enveloping you in his arms. “Don’t. It will hurt too much.”
His face fell and was replaced with a look of hurt. “I am so sorry.”
Sorry? What was he sorry for? Not loving you? You couldn’t blame him for that, you supposed. “For what?”
“For ruining everything,” Steve’s hand found one of yours and gripped it tightly in his own. 
“You didn’t ruin anything,” You tried to pull your hand from his strong grasp, but he wasn’t letting go. “I did. I should have never told you. Then we could at least still be friends.”
“No, I ruined it. Now will you please stop trying to pull your hand away from me and just listen for a second?” Steve demanded, catching your attention. You would listen to him, no matter how painful his words would be. You needed a clean break from Steve Rogers, so that you could maybe heal one day. “I love you.”
What? The confusion you felt must have read clearly on your face because Steve lept into an explanation. “I love you so much, and I ruined everything because I just stood there like an idiot and didn’t say anything. I was so shell-shocked that you loved me too that I didn’t know what to say until I saw you running back to your room. Then you kept avoiding me these past couple of days and I knew I ruined everything. I am so sorry, (Y/N), for letting you think that I didn’t love you for the past couple of days. But, Doll, I’m here to tell you that that can’t be farther from the truth.”
You didn’t see that coming. Steve, your Steve, loved you? 
“Say something, Doll,” Steve shifted his weight onto his other leg. “Am I too late? Do you not love me anymore?”
That snapped you out of it. “Not love you anymore? I don’t think I could do that even if I tried.”
“Really?” Steve’s eyes grew wide with hope. “You still love me, even after I almost ruined everything?” He wrapped his hands around your waist, drawing you closer to his chest. 
“Yes,” You could feel your face warming with the heat of excitement.
“I need to hear you say it, Doll,” Steve whispered to you, nudging his nose with yours as he leaned in.
“I love you, Steve.”
“I love you, (Y/N),” He breathed out before crashing his lips onto yours. It was better than you could ever expect, the feeling of his lips enveloping yours. The heat that spread through your body is what surprised you the most. The heat of his lips pressed against yours. The heat of his hands on your lower back, pulling you into his warm chest as he tightly gripped the loose fabric of your shirt. The heat that spread from your head all the way down to your toes, warming you up in the presence of Steve. As his lips moved from your lips down to your neck, the vision that formed in your mind left you almost as breathless as Steve’s kiss did.
The future that spanned before you was bright and full of color. You watched yourself being together with Steve, your two futures melding into one. You saw the many nights spent together, holding each other and whispering sweet nothings in the other’s ears. You saw your fingers gripping tightly onto his blonde locks, tugging in pleasure as his mouth worked his way down your body. You saw the two of you fighting back to back, protecting each other in what looked like to be a harrowing battle. You saw yourself in white, walking towards Steve down a long aisle. Images of your intertwined futures flashed before your eyes. Your hands with wedding bands interlocked. A tangle of legs in messy sheets as the morning sun shined through a window. A growing belly with Steve’s large hands placed protectively around the bump. Steve teaching your child how to ride a bike as the child shrieked “Mommy, look! I’m doing it!” The two of you growing old together, gray hair replacing his blonde locks. It was beautiful.
“I love you so much, (Y/N),” Steve murmured against your skin, holding you tighter against him. “I just don’t get how you couldn’t see that.”
Pulling away slightly, you looked up into his steady blue eyes that held so much love for you. Cupping his cheek in your hand, you thought back to the vision of you two together. “I do now,” You smiled, pulling him in for another kiss that was sure to be followed by many, many more. 
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ohsnapitzlovehacker · 4 years
Author’s Note: Not me posting and ghosting...👀
Summary: Rory and Meghan spend lunch together and enjoy each other’s company. (Story takes place the school year after the events of book 3)
Word Count: ~850
tag list: @cordoniasmost @mrsagentbreakdance @tays-role-plays (old tag list lol) 
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Rory’s French fries were fast disappearing and he knew exactly who the culprit was. 
“What?” Meghan asked, innocence coloring her tone, doe-brown eyes wide. “You’re not as sneaky as you think you are, Megs.” Rory reached into the greasy bag, surprised there wasn’t just salt and crumbs left. He popped a small fry into his mouth as Meghan regarded him with mock indignation. 
“Are you accusing me of stealing your fries? Me? The actual audacity...” She tossed her head, two curly puffs shaking with the movement. The slight hairstyle change had been Rory’s doing, reminded of how she used to wear her hair when they were much younger. While Rory marveled at how oblivious he’d once been to his feelings, Meghan was on the move again, maneuvering a quiet hand into the bag. 
“Hey!” Rory exclaimed, catching her right in the act. He thought she’d put her acting skills to work but he wasn’t prepared for the pouty expression that followed. She ducked her head, meekly bumping her forehead against his shoulder. 
“I’m still hungry...” She was.
“I told you the wrap was a bad idea.” He had.
“But I always get a burger! I was trying to branch out. Besides, what’s a boyfriend good for if not sacrificing his fries?” 
Rory shook with laughter as Meghan commandeered the bag, not even a little upset as she shamelessly ate the rest of its contents. 
Lunch was a more intimate affair today, as their normal crew was split up. Lilith had surprised Skye at the end of 4th period and promised to bring her back by the next class. Danielle, Ajay, and Natalie were location scouting for a video contest. Clint and Graham were most likely doing couple things too, and Meghan’s twin spent equal time between her crew and his own friends. She and Rory had seen him tossing a football around with his girlfriend Erin and the other football players on the field as they walked by earlier. 
“Is it me or do we never eat in the cafeteria anymore?” Meghan mused, gathering their collective trash. A paper straw wrapper fell through the space between the bleachers and she watched helplessly as it floated to the ground a good few feet away. “I got it!” Rory exclaimed, already hoping down from his spot on the bleachers to grab it. When he returned, Meghan stood at the bottom too and they walked to the trash bin together.
“...I actually can’t remember,” Rory chuckled in answer to her question from before. His arm slid around her back and they slowly made their way towards campus. There was still a good twelve minutes before the warning bell, so they took their time. “Can’t believe spring break is in a week. This year went so fast,” Rory mused and Meghan agreed. 
“Too fast. I’m not ready to be a junior. Or take Greenwick’s class. Or say goodbye to Erin and Ajay.”
“That’s what the group chat is for.”
“Rory, it’s not the same!”
Meghan sighed and Rory pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead.
“Hey, you and Skye will be coworkers in a few weeks.”
Meghan’s face lit up at the reminder and she pulled herself from Rory’s embrace to twirl in circles. His words had just the effect he hoped for. “YAY!” Not even a little dizzy she ran back up to him, taking both his hands in each of her own. There was a smear of salt on her cheek, clear proof of her fry-thieving ways. But she was smiling, the sudden breeze whipping her hair around, and he wanted to freeze the moment. 
Rory didn’t stop to think, to tease her, anything of the sort. He just kissed her. Once the shock wore off, Meghan eagerly leaned into him, wrapping her arms around his neck to pull him closer. Only the bell could pull them apart, but it was a dull ringing in the background when Rory finally stepped back, a dazed look on Meghan’s face. He didn’t doubt his expression was similar. Suddenly they were grinning at one another, both of them silently unconvinced of their luck but never happier than when they were together.
A sharp whistle pulled their attention away from each other and towards her brother and Lorenzo who raced past, running backwards.
“You’re gonna be late to class!” Malcolm yelled.
“You’re gonna trip and fall on your face!” Meghan shot back. To Rory’s relief and Meghan’s utter disappointment, her brother did not fall and he and Lorenzo raced each other, growing smaller in the distance. Meghan shook her head, but the frown disappeared when she looked up at Rory. 
“Walk me to class?”
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shadedrose01 · 5 years
Truth or Dare (Yes, I Double Dare You)
Ships: Parkner (Harley Keener/Peter Parker), mentioned Thompsborn (Harry Osborn/Flash Thompson)
Summary: Peter play Truth or Dare with his friends.
Tags: Febufluff, Day 8, I dare you to kiss me, Truth or Dare, Party Games, Birthday Party, They play truth or dare y'all, Peter has a crush on Harley, Harley likes him back, Thompsborn is in this too, Bisexual Peter Parker, Gay Harley Keener, Dare, Calling your crush, admitting feelings, Mutual Pining, First Kiss, Kissing, Cute, Fluff, a lot of swearing, I dont know why i made them swear so much, im sorry lol, Bad French, Poor translated french, I Tried
Day eight of Febufluff: "I dare you to... kiss me"!
"Hmm, I dare you to speak in a French accent for the next three rounds." Flash grins over his cup, swirling the drink in front of his mouth before taking a sip, watching the smile drop off of his boyfriend's face, an incredulous expression replacing it.
"Yes, seriously! And that wasn't in an accent!"
"Oui, oui, baguette." Harry deadpans, looking so entirely done with Flash's bullshit, the entire room erupting into laughter as said boy sits up, shoving his boyfriend's shoulder hard.
"No halfassed bullshit, dickwad. The real deal."
"Fine, you want the real deal?" Harry sits up straight, and Peter starts giggling like a mad man from the other side of the room, leaning against the wall to watch the scene unfold, knowing exactly what is about to happen. Harry clears his throat, holds a dramatic pause for a few seconds, before- "Tu veux un accent francaise, tu vas recevoir un accent francaise."
"Oh my god, I forgot he spoke French!" Flash moans, slowly slipping down the wall in shame.
"Oh la la, ma chérie, qu'est ce que tu as fais, eh?" Harry grins, smug, cheeky, knowing he's won this hand as his boyfriend sinks even lower, his head almost level with the ground, his face red.
"And why is it so hot?!?"
"Okay, okay, enough." Ned laughs, sitting chris cross apple sauce beside Peter, the party hat sat on the top of his head beginning to sag.
It was Ned's 17th birthday, and instead of throwing a big party full of alcohol and loud music like most people in their classes did, he decided to have a smaller party, a sleepover full of board games, video games and now party games, with his closest friends, with their friend group. So here they all were, packing into Ned's smaller sized room, Flash and Harry practically conjoined at the hip sitting against the wall, Peter and Ned sitting on top of his bed on the other side of the room, and MJ and Harley leaning against said bed, sat on the floor, playing what would hopefully be a quick game of Truth or Dare. Hopefully.
Peter had never liked this game. There was always too much risk for him in this game, of being asked to reveal one of his many secrets, or of being asked to embarrass himself for laughs. He gets the appeal of it, the adrenaline rush, the amusement of watching your friends do something stupid, it's a fun game to watch, but that doesn't mean he likes playing it. He hadnt even called on yet though, and he was hoping to keep it that way.
He shouldn't have jinxed it.
As if his thoughts manifested into reality, Harry turns to stare at him with a unknown, horrifying glint in his eyes. Oh no, this is definitely not going to end well. "Action ou Vérité?"
Peter sighs, looking up to the ceiling as he mumbles "Dare.", assuming that's what Harry asked. If he's going to go down, he may as well go down in style.
Harry's grin widens, and Peter is already regretting his decision. "Je te défie de telephoner ton béguin."
Peter blinks at him in confusion, before MJ translates, "He's daring you to call your crush."
"What?!?" Peter sputters, Harry cackling at  his flushing face while Harley speaks up for the first time in a while, his ('beautiful, gorgeous, fuck-') face turned towards MJ, scrunched up in thought.
"You know French? Since when?"
MJ just shrugs, face impartial, the only sign of her shyness being her pushing a stray hair behind her ear. "Since I got bored one day and learned it."
Harley just nods, like that makes sense, all while Peter is internal freaking the fuck out. Normally, this type of thing wouldn't be an issue. Sure, your friends will find out who your crush is, and tease you about it, and it'll be embarassing and whatever, but that's not the problem. Oh no no no no no, that would be too easy for Peter Parker. No, the problem with this question for Peter is that his crush is in the damn room, sitting directly in front of him leaning against the bed, an easy smile tilting up his thin pink lips, showing off his adorable dimples as he scans the room again with those big, stunning ocean blue eyes, hair coiffed back just right, messy, but just neat enough to be perfect, one stray blond curl falling in front of his eyes and fuck, fuck, frick fuck.
What is he going to do?!? He can't exactly call Harley when he's right in front of him, but he can't exactly say that he won't do it either, he wont be that guy. And now everybody is staring at it, expectant, waiting, shit, shit, shit-
Ned's eyes are the only ones that are sympathetic, because he knows, he knows who Peter likes and why this is such a big deal. Harley is one of Peter's best friends, they've been friends for years, and Peter is closer to Harley than he is to anybody else, he cant just throw it all away because of a game, can he? Harley definitely doesnt like him back, so if he does call him, it'll only end badly, but theres this tiny, tiny, traitorous part of him that wants to fo it, wants to tell him, if only to get it out in the open. But he cant ruin their friendship like that, he cant, but- but- oh god, oh no-
"Come on, Parker, we don't have all day." Flash complains innocently, not knowing of Peter's internal dilemma as he throws a stray piece of popcorn at him, Peter catching it subconsciously and throwing it into his mouth, just to try and get a few more seconds of peace before all hell breaks loose, before he destroys his closest friendship with his stupid ass feelings, goddamn it-
"Yeah, Pete, come on, dont keep us on the end of our seats." Harley teases, placing his head onto the blankets and looking back at him upside down, his hair surrounding his head like a halo, making him look even more angelic that he normally does, and god, why him, why? "Who's caught your eye, hm?"
Peter takes a deep, long, shaky breath, trying to prepare himself for the worst (and failing), taking his phone out of his pocket and scrolling down to Harleys contract, the black letters and two heart emojis on either side staring back at him mockingly. He hovers his thumb over the call button, noting how much its trembling, before he gulps and presses it, placing the phone to his ear, squeezing his eyes shut like a coward, unable to watch, knowing that Harleys expression was going shift, was going to turn from soft and warm, friendly, to hard and angry, to hatred and disgust and-
ACDC blares out into the room, the noise very obviously Harley's ringtone, and Peter grits his teeth, biting his tongue hard, his heart hammering in his chest.
"Wha-" Harley sounds so confused, so so confused, and Peter's squeezes his eyes shut tighter, holding back the burning tears that are threatening to spill. "Peter, why are you- wait..." He stops, pauses, and Peter digs his nails into his palm, squeezing his phone until he hears it start to crack. "...really?"
His voice is shaky, and god, Peter made him upset, he is probably so hurt, so confused, so disgusted, god stupid, you're so stupid, why would you do that, why didnt you just not do it, why why why-
He nods once, slowly, swallowing down a sob before whispering out "I'm sorry," into the now eerily silent room, his friends seemingly shocked into silence. He doesnt even want to know what they're thinking, what expressions are on their faces-
Theres another pause, another moment before he hears somebody shifting, Harley standing up, he's leaving, he's leaving- Good job, Parker, now you're forcing him to leave, you made him feel so uncomfortable that he's leaving, good fricken job, god, what is wrong with you-
A hand rubs his cheek gently, so so gently, spurring him out of his head as it brushes away a tear that had broken free, before another hand joins it on his other cheek, cradling his face. Peter blinks opens his eyes, shocked to see that its Harleys hands on his face, and that its Harley sat right in front of his face, with a wide smile and glowing eyes, face bright. "You mean it? You really mean it?"
Peter just nods again, so, so confused but also filling with a spark of hope, of joy as Harley's smile grows even more, filling his face before he launches into Peter's arms, hugging him tightly. "Oh thank god," he breathes into Peter's shoulder, and Peter is so lost, what is happening- "I thought you  were gonna call someone else, and I was gonna have to act all happy and like it didn't bother me when it totally would have and-"
"Wait, wait," Peter finally puts together the pieces, and pulls away to stare at Harley with wide eyes, the beginning of a smile twitching at his lips. "You like me back?"
"Yeah?" Harley cheeks grow a rosey hue, and he looks away bashfully. "I thought it was obvious."
Peter shakes his head wildly, eyes still wide, this cant be happening, he likes me back, he likes me- "No, no it wasn't, it really really wasn't-"
"So, what I'm hearing," MJ cuts in, tone blunt as always, but with hints of warm amusement softening the usual edge, "is that you two are oblivious idiots."
They both laugh breathless, staring into each others eyes. "Apparently." Harley murmurs, his blue eyes swirling and flickering up and down, looking down at his lips before looking back up again.
Peter gets an idea, a cheesy, cheesy idea, and grins. "Hey, it's my turn now, right?" He asks to the group, never taking his eyes off of Harley.
"Yeeup!" Ned responds enthusiastically, seemingly thrilled to see his two best friends realizing their feelings for one another.
"Well," he leans forward a bit more, watching as Harleys pupil's grow bigger. "Truth or dare, Harls."
"Dare." He responds easily, quickly, seemingly getting more and more antsy by the second. Peter can't blame him, he feels the same way.
"I dare you to kiss me." Peter doesnt even finish his sentence before Harley's lips are pressed to his, his hands moving upwards and running through his hair, fingers grabbing lightly onto the strands as Peter grabs his hips lightly, pulling him closer, both of the boys grinning into the kiss. Peter can hear MJ gagging in the background, Harry exclaiming "gross!" like he doesnt kiss Flash every two seconds, and Ned squealing like a fangirl, but he ignores it all, just focusing on Harley, focusing on this moment, his heart swelling in his chest.
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Blind Au
Drabble 3....uhhhh here you go, slides this out closes rock door and hides probably like forever. Will probably notice typos misspellings so on so forth after posting lol.
"Are you sure this is permanent, I cannot exactly give you a diagnosis when I have not been allowed to study you before."
Flug was looking over the readings on his clipboard, Hat had never so much as even let himself be scanned prior to this moment, how was the Doctor supposed to instantaneously understand all this jibberish, such complex equations, beyond anything ever seen before, it said Black Hat existed and yet didn't that he was alive but not, the coins edge neither one side or the other, absolutely perplexing to the mind but fascinating all the same.
"Are there not...those of your kind trained in the medical field?"
He enquired, already having a feeling he knew that answer, but finding one here seemed like it might just very well be impossible the doctor thought while turning the page.
The demons mint coloured teeth were clenched, jaw tense as he ground out
"My kind as you put it are not in the business of caring for each other...I destroyed anyone I thought would be a decent challenge...they were all worthless in the end."
Black Hat was currently sitting on one of Flug's desks as he'd refused to go in the infirmary where he would have been left alone in his darkness with only irritating beeps and other small sounds that may as well have been screaming at him.
" Well you seemed to think taking Demencia's eyes was good idea, obviously though her eyes are genuinely too important too take..."
He paused a moment, fingers drumming on the clipboard before suggesting
"Perhaps we could set up a ceremony in your cult, make some elaborate lie that you need to feast on the body and keep the eyes as treasured memorabilia that someone willingly fed themselves to you."
"Or we could just get someone off the street and take their eyes."
Black Hat returned flatly, how in the hell was Flug...Acylius, so matter of fact about all of this!
He could hear the scrawling of the pen, his breathing, heartbeat...while Hat was showing himself to be fine, he was honestly anything but.
Everything was so intense, despite only seeing a world of ebony he could feel those harsh cold lights, all of the doctor's chemicals, while able to detect each one singularly they also merged as a whole, a part...well more than a part of him wanted to press his face against Acylius's throat, take in his scent.
Even when he'd made the annual visit to see the troops at his University he recalled how the doctor had smelled even then, it was the first time they met.
Pfft please, no mortals eyes deserve to rest in your skull, they are not worthy enough.
Flug thought in response, scoffing at the idea, inwardly of course.
The demon though was letting his mind wander recalling he'd even asked him why he donned such a peculiar object on his head.
(waves hands, why don't we just do a flash back, bloody idiot writer.)
Black Hat had seated himself on the edge of a desk in his University that belonged some teacher, ankles crossed as he half looked with interest over a black and red paperweight, colours swirling within, similar to something akin to a place he'd once considered home.
Claws tapping over the object he then pocketed it, this supposed top of the line student was running late.
A few more minutes and he would leave, his time was too valuable too waste.
Finally the large oak door creaked open, fear filling his nostrils as well as coffee and fast food, he near expected some slob to come through but instead what stepped through was a lean man of six ft and seven inches to be precise.
He was a near tower of a man, for some strange reason he wore a recycling bin on his head, no wait he could sense an energy all around him, he was wearing something that disguised him to the world, some type of hologuise band on his wrist, so what did the others usually see then, the demon allowed his sight to be tricked by this creation.
Ah so that's what they saw, a nervous man hunched over and a good foot shorter, the bin was very real though and that nervous disposition seemed somewhat genuine, there had been photo's of Kenning Flug slys taken and shown to him or so he had assumed until now, now it was a question of was there were in fact any images in existence of this man.
Even Kenning was an Alias, his real name was Acylius Flug.
So question was what did this doctorrr look like?
What did it matter, he was here to study his work...not pick up on the subtle hints of vanilla...sandalwood, oh? Was that a surprisingly expensive whisky in there to amongst that myriad of tantalising aromas, sweet and warming, touching the tip of his tongue to his teeth, wondering what he'd taste like, especially with that intoxicating smell of smoke that only fires left behind.
Pupil momentarily dilating in excitement, it was not unheard of that Black Hat would bed a student at the University if they took his fancy for Five minutes.
Holding out a hand the demon snapped, usual scowl falling into place, good job that bin was on his head, he was supposed to be angry at him...not expressing an interest in his...everything.
"You are late, you had better pray that your work makes up for it"
"My apologies sir, it is not a mistake I intend to repeat again."
Oh no...even his real voice held that of a warm gavel, cigar smoke evenings mixed with a feeling of deep velvet red.
(Ultron's voice without the robotic sound)
Clearing his throat he returned
"You are correct in that matter, if you do continue such behaviour, you forfeit any possibility in working for me."
The slight nervousness in Acylius Flug's voice seemed a little forced, intriguing.
A brow raised, flipping through the pages in hand he had to admit these were extremely organised and well put together and what was here put this man as being one of the most intelligent beings on Earth.
(Alas sadly I am not, so do not expect any cool scientific facts from me LOL)
His scientific prowess was almost reaching off world levels, even that hologuise did not change his form with the shift of light to be made hard, it literally changed his cells to transform his body.
"I am curious, why exactly do you wear that bin and make your self look like that? With your natural height you could put the fear into most..."
He trailed off, looking him up and down, thinking of those long...long legs wrapped around his waist in an attempt to crush him, did they ever end, that height did send tingles down his spine as he bit his bottom lip.
" I do not want people staring at me for one and I would rather they had their attention drawn to the bin than my face."
Flug replied curtly, fists clenching, he knew that tone all too well.
"Are you having fun imagining me in bed with you sir? We are supposed to be here discussing my work are we not...also when I reveal myself to a victim I get to enjoy their horror as they realise the mistake they have made."
A smirk forming on his features
" I am sure you have sensed, I am not entirely human."
"Yes indeed and perhaps I was, there is no shame in admiring art when it is there to see."
"Oh, what next you intend to draw me like one of your French boys or some ridiculous shit."
Studying Flug's work once more he actually snorted at his students response, sensing the eye roll even under that bin, he was liking him all for more because he wasn't throwing himself at him.
"Does it not get a little warm under there, all that hot breath, condensation on the plastic, the air is no doubt hot and stale in there."
Black Hat was trying to make him want to take that thing off, make him feel claustrophobic inside of that recycling bin, he wanted to see his face, of course he could have demanded it but where was the fun in that.
Chuckling at the audible swallow, watching as his hands fidgeted.
"Why not take it off, perhaps I could give you a little fresh air."
He purred, coming in closer.
"No offence sir but I would prefer to be taken seriously in my work."
The old demon was disappointed when he moved away, practically flinching at his advances, should he be offended?
Perhaps, but it wasn't disgust he sensed from him, no it was something more guarded.
"You are being taken seriously, though a little pleasure with business never hurt."
Usually he was not so fascinated by the presence of a student, none who had been in his sights in this way had lasted with their clothes on for long and in this case bin as well and it well and truly seemed like they weren't making it to the office desk or floor anytime soon.
"My work is my pleasure, outside pleasures are mere distractions."
(End of Flash back)
"It was so green."
Flug had been taking in the readings on the medical charts, if they could even be called that and checking him over when he heard that wistful voice, making him pause, only the soft humming of machines in their quiet with the odd beep here and there could be heard.
That distant stare in his masters eye was unsettling, that was something he was going to need to get used to...something Black Hat would have to live with forever.
"Acylius, are you still there?"
Black Hat knew he was, though the mostly quiet was beginning to close in around him, all this darkness there was nothing visual to focus on, to distract.
It was like being born again, when existence was not even a thing where he was no more than a single thing, dark within darkness, when the first light spread open its flowering petals he wept at its beauty, never knowing he'd feared that endless abyss would be all he'd ever know until now.
"What was green sir?"
The doctor asked gently as he set down his clipboard, the sound he noticed made Hat twitch and focus on its source , shoulders falling at a near audible breath.
"That ridiculous bin you used to wear on your head."
Hat rolled his eye, unaware that Flug had just been about to examine his eye again, partially bent down, Hats hand landed directly on his face...his bagless, bare face.
He was tense, feeling the warmth of his skin through his glove, then again his clothes were a part of him, they were him.
Flug just felt NOW would be a good time to expose his face when he couldn't see.
In another circumstance his fingers would have explored over his features, lips, nose to see what he looked like finally...but this stung, it was a cruel joke, he usually was up for those...but not like this.
Flug might as well be mocking the fact that he was blind!
Claw tips pressed into flesh as a distinct growl of annoyance left him, Acylius had dared not moved in case Black Hat decided to rip his face off.
"So, you're taking advantage of my condition, my eyes unable to see are now your masks to which you hide behind. You are to tell me that bear even Demencia have seen this exposed, but not me?"
His eye went grey with streaks of blue as the rage swelled within him, those colours had changed with the demons affliction
"Do you find my condition some kind of joke, do you enjoy mocking me boy, are you amused now!"
Black Hat snarled shoving him back, hearing the stumbling and desperate grabbing at items a sudden yelp he near laughed until the sudden thud of something hard and the scent of blood.
People usually complained when bleeding, whimpered, made some kind of fuss....
His brow furrowed
He asked weakly, climbing off the table, hands out trying to search for his doctor, why wasn't he answering, he could still hear him breathing-
The demon tripped on one of Acylius's long legs, eye widening, using his hands to feel over him.... Well that was impressive....no focus, not the time, Flug could be dying right now, he needed to find where the blood was coming from.
Everyone believed he could control how long his workers lived for, what stupid nonsense, he'd even admitted to vomiting on his last scientist and saying 'and now we have Flug.'
This man was his, even if the bastard felt nothing for him, the doctor belonged to him, no one was going to take Acylius away, the demon would fight death itself blind or not!
Resting his hand on the tiled floor he came in contact with a thick warm liquid, this...this needed to go back inside.
That labored breathing was growing more and more shallow, crimson light engulfing his hands, the blood started receding, coming alive almost as it crawled back to where it'd spilled from, following the trail to the back of his head, hair clumped and matted until it wasn't.
His doctor was still unconscious, but he would live, no one would believe him capable of the evil he could do, especially as he lay there with his head on Flug's chest listening to his heart beat.
With each beat he made his breath follow, taking in his warmth.
Black Hat, once truly believed seeing the first light had been the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen...but that day they met, that wonderful soul, it's burning red, like fires endless and bright, he'd seen and knew there were no words in all the billions of languages to describe Acylius.
It didn't matter if he was still faceless to him, this being was the first true light in his dark world.
What had his doctor hurt himself on...reaching out, it must be something close.
There was something wooden...with a metal front, claw tips finding all the little holes and jack ports, knuckles knocking on its surface, he knew that dull metallic sound.
Demencia's amp, Demencia had been the reason Flug had nearly died, he was going to kill her!
(He's shifting blame obviously, Flug will absolutely set that straight I assure you!)
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unreadable0 · 7 years
prompt answer
A PROMPT ASK AT LAST! Remember, requests are still veyr much open!
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Ahhhh! Thanks, anon! Uh... I’ll just pick up one of the prompts that I reblogged, if that’s fine with you... there are probably so many errors in this, because I was typing it on my phone, so sorry. 
51. Hand over the cheese grater, or else.
“Hand over the cheese grater, or else.”
The thief’s words were slow and reassuring, as if he was talking to a cornered animal. Kurapika’s eyebrow ticked in annoyance at the thought, and his grip tightened over his make-shift weapon. 
Raising an eyebrow, the other continued in a casual tone of voice. “I have a gun, and you’re holding a kitchen tool. You think you have a chance?”
A toasting fork whizzed past the man’s head, burying itself in a nearby wall. Flinching, the crook took a step back. “Okay. That just happened.”
“And I’m not afraid to do it again,” Kurapika hissed, one hand still brandishin his mighty cheese grater. “Steal from me? Ha! I think not.”
“Stealing? No! It’s just... surprise borrowing,” the dark-haired man protested. “Think of it as a kindly donation... from someone as enchanting as you.”
Scoffing, Kurapika readied another fork, ready to let it fly. However, the thief seemed to have disappeared, retreating into the inky darkness of the dimly-lit culinary shop. 
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” a voice spoke, right next to his ear. The cold metal of a gun tapped against the blond’s temple. 
Kurapika knew that he should have been scared witless, but instead all he felt was disappointment in himself. He really shouldn’t have offered to take the late-night shift for his parent’s cooking store! Not when the notorious ‘Phantom Troupe’ was running around and wreaking havoc, at least. There had been so many reports, one even from his best friend Pairo’s shop, and yet he hadn’t even batted an eye before taking up the job.
At least he’d had the foresight to have the police on speed dial, just in case.
“Go ahead. Do it,” some foolish and brave part of Kurapika challenged. “Great to know that the police will be able to haul in a thief and a murderer.” If he died tonight, at least his parent’s store would get more publicity. Wow, now that’s a morbid thought. 
“The police?” The man laughed, and the surprisingly warm sound traveling down Kurapika’s spine. “Please. They’ll never catch me.”
“And why do you say that?”
As the thief began his long monologue about his amazing law-avoiding skills, Kurapika readied his arm. 
“Well, if you really must know—”
Whatever he was going to say next was abruptly cut off by the quick snap of Kurapika’s arm, sending the cheese grater slamming into the other’s skull. Immediately, the gun pressed to Kurapika’s head disappeared, clattering to the ground, and the blond quickly retrieved it. 
Putting enough distance between the him and the criminal, Kurapika clicked the safety, thanking the heavens that he knew how to handle a gun. He guessed that all those lessons from his mother weren’t completely useless. 
“Now that is one hard cheese grater,” the other man exclaimed, groaning. Kurapika watched in amazement as the man stood back up, looking no worse for wear. 
“It’s ceramic.”
The dark-haired man nodded in acknowledgment. “Ah, that explains it.” He started to move forward. 
“Don’t come any closer, or I shoot,” Kurapika threatened, his voice remaining mercifully steady. 
Again, to his chagrin, the other just smiled, pulling out another weapon from his jacket. “What? Did you really think that I come with only one gun?”
A small frown knitted itself at Kurapika’s eyebrows. Gripping the handle tightly, he took a deep breath. At least he’d put up a fight. 
“Relax,” the thief soothed, making his way closer seemingly without a care in the world. Kurapika’s finger hovered over the trigger. “I’m not going to shoot you. At least, not now. You’re way too interesting.”
“Excuse me?” Kurapika’s gun lowered a fraction. The man took it as a sign to come closer. 
Without warning, the thief was barely inches from the blond. Shit. When did he get over here? The gun was taken form his hands with a quick movement, and Kurapika was immediately aware of just how close the other was. 
Dark grey eyes raked over his figure, and Kurapika had the distinct impression of a predator surveying its unsuspecting prey. 
“Hmm...” was all that the other man said. Kurapika’s brain screamed at him to run, to scream for help, but all that escaped him was a confused yelp. 
A pair of lips interrupted his statement, and Kurapika’s mind reeled at exactly how they had went from fighting at gunpoint to french kissing. For the few seconds that the kiss lasted, the blond remained shock-still, too astonished to push the other away. 
And no. He certainly did not enjoy it. Well, that’s what he tried to tell himself. 
The shrill screech of police sirens made the thief break away, and Kurapika just gaped at him. 
“That’s my cue to leave,” the other man told him, both of them slightly out of breath. 
“Uh,” Kurapika replied intelligently, “um. Hm.” He wasn’t exactly sure what he was going to say.
The other made a pleased noise. “I’ve rendered you wordless, I see. Just as I expected.” Seizing the blond’s limp hand, he kissed it grandly. “Until next time.”
“W-wait. You’re not going to steal anything from me?” Kurapika asked, his words coming back to him. 
“I’ve gotten what I wanted,” the thief responded merrily. “I’ll be back for you soon, don’t worry.”
And then he was gone, leaving Kurapika standing alone in the now-abandoned culinary store. 
“What. The. Hell.”
The next day, Kurapika was drifting through his afternoon shift when he had just about stuffed the strange encounter of last night into the dark corners of his brain. That is, until a nicely-dressed customer stepped up to pay. He looked vaguely familiar, but Kurapika pushed the thought away. Perhaps the man was in one of his morning classes. 
 “Did you find everything alright today, sir?” Kurapika asked, the obligatory  phrase coming out automatically. 
The man looked up, and Kurapika’s breath hitched. 
“Yes. Yes I did.”
“No,” Kurapika gasped. 
“Yes,” the dark-haired man countered, and Kurapika couldn’t hep but noticed that he was quite attractive. In an annoying, ‘I’m-going-to-rob-you-blind’ kind of way, of course. “And it’s Kuroro, by the way, not ‘No’.
Kurapika’s eye twitched. 
That bastard! 
Well, it’s done, and I managed to squeeze in a bit of a Shop!AU, too. Sorry for the rushed ending: I was running out of time to write this. Lol. Please drop off any requests that you may have!
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a-pretty-nerd · 7 years
Confusion (Jasper Jordan x reader smut)
Request:"Could you write something where people only ever had sex with Jasper if they wanted something (like drugs or to get things I dunno) so when reader genuinely likes him he keeps trying to figure out what they want from him, cuz they're on the ground, but he doesn't really have anything, so he's just kinda stresses and maybe tries to give reader strange gifts until reader admits that they actually just really like him?? (If you wanna put a smutty scene in that could be fun too ;) )" ~ Anonymous Wow, quite the request, I love the creativity! ❤ A/N: I'm sorry I haven't been posting new pieces latley, just been a bit busy. I love your guy's requests! ❤ Warning: Sex, cursing, the usual! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - You walked around camp, joining a group of friends as you came back from a shift from watch. The small group sat around a makeshift table, which was decorated with cups of alchohol, and food. You laughed and joked around with them as the sun began to set. Things were all fun and games, until you heard a loud cry of excitment from across the camp. The familier sound made your heart skip a beat, it was Jasper. You had a massive crush on him. And massive was an understatement. You're not quite sure what it is about the guy, but whenever you see him, you can't help but feel your heart race. You watched as the boy poured drinks for people, a huge smile plastered on his face. For the past week or so, you had been dropping hints. Trying to get him to notice you. Doing anything you could do to get close to him. Even forcing someone to trade shifts with you so you could work with him. You even went so far as to kiss his cheek. You just pulled him in by hid arm and quickly pecked his cheek and walked off. Only to glance back to see Jasper with bright pink cheeks and his mouth left open. You took that as a good sign. A sign that, maybe, just maybe he liked you too. And when you saw that lanky idiot that afternoon, you made up your mind. That was going to be the night you were going to kiss Jasper. Really, just, go for it. If he wasn't make the first move, you were. You took a deep breath, asked your friends to wish you luck, and made your way across. Your feet became led practically, you had to force yourself to make it across. Your heart burning in your chest. "Y/N!" Jasper raised his drink in your direction, and smiled. You smiled back, while he handed you a cup filled with the oh-so-famous, Monty's moonshine. You took it with a smile and sipped it. Jasper raised his eyebrows as you drink, and nodded his head at you when you took it away from your lips. Still with that nerdy smile. You nodded your head with a breathy laugh. "Its strong." "Haha! You like it?" You seemed overly excited, as if he wad looking for your approval. You shrugged. "I mean, its not too bad." His chuckle was deep, and he looked down then back around the two of you. He watched the rest of the group for a moment. Then he seemed to get an idea, he turned to you. "Hey! If you don't like that, yknow those nuts we stopped using?" "The ones that you tripped balls on?" "Yeah! I think I might still have them if you want some." He offered. "Oh, no. I'm alright." You refused. You really didn't feel like hallucinating. All you wanted, was Jasper. Thats all you could think about as you watched Jasper. How much you wanted kiss him, and hold him. Press your body against his as you made up until you couldn't handle it anymore and he'd have to have you right then and there. Okay maybe your mind was going a little over board, and maybe you were just a little horny. Jasper justed nodded, and looked back down before looking at you. "No problem. Look uh, is there anything I can get you?" You thought he was being so sweet, and caring. "No not really. Um..actually, can I talk to you? Like, alone?" You managed. "Yeah! Sure thing, um, Monty's in my tent so maybe..." "My tent, got it, right this way." You lead him to your substitute for a home. A simple tarp tent you shared with a friend of yours. You ducked into the small room, and looked back at Jasper. When he finally got into the space, you forced every bone in your body to move. So you could lean forward and pull him in by his jacket and kiss him. It took him a moment, and for a moment you were afraid that he would pull away. But sure enough, he kissed you back with a soft moan. His hands wrapped around your waist and you felt weak. This was really happening. The kiss just deepened as Jasper's hands roamed your body. He started french kissing you, and he held your close. For a moment you thought you were going to faint, it all felt like a dream. You felt so hot, like you were running a feaver, and you were so wet. Even more so when Jasper's hand groped you. You practically tore off his jacket, which was only the beginning of the shedding of clothes. Jasper only stopped once you removed your bra to gaze down at your breasts. Jasper couldn't deny it, he was a huge boob guy. He gropped, and sucked on your boobs and nipples. You couldn't help but moan. The rest was a blur until you were naked laying on your bed, while Jasper finally took off his underwear to reveal his cock. Fuck, it was even better than you imagined. In a passionate frenzy, Jasper kissed up your body from your pussy to your neck where he nibbled. He couldn't get enough of your body. He was going crazy for you. You were blissfully unaware of how many times Jasper had fantasized about you like this. Before you knew it, Jasper's cock was slowly sliding deep into you. You gasped, while Jasper grunted. "F-Fuck you're tight." He moaned, as he held your hips, and started thrusting into you. He slowly slid in and out, enjoying the feeling of you until he became impatient. Soon enouch he started to really fuck you. Started to moan, and look down at you with lust filled eyes. He leaned down and kissed you passionately as he pounded into you. All while moaning your name, every now and then bitting his lip to keep himself quiet. Trying his best not to lose himself within the moment. Trying not to fall so hard for you. It wasn't long until he reached down and started rubbing your clit while he fucked you. The intense feeling of pleasure warmed your body as you moaned, and made small noises of passion. You were so close to orgasm, and everything Jasper was doing sent shivers down your spine. You never expected him to be so good. You arched your back and gasped as your orgasm washed over you. Jasper watched you with a smile. "Ohh fuck yes Y/N. Is that what you want? Want me to make you cum?" He hissed while he kept on fucking you. You reached up and held onto him, held him close. He supported himself on one arm, while he held you close with the other. Which supported the back of your neck. He either kissed you, or your neck. Where he littered you with love bites. "Jasper I'm gonna cum again." You whimpered. He nodded, and kissed you while his last few thrusts sent you over the edge. You came again, while you felt his own orgasm filled you. The two of you were moaning, panting messes. He pulled out of you, and watched you for a moment. Before he shook himself out of it, and threw his underwesr on. He startef getting dressed while you watched him. "W-Wait. Where are you going?" You almost paniced, maybe you had advanced too soon. Maybe he thought this would just be a small hook up? But the way he held you, so intimate. That was more than just a hook up, wasn't it? "I-I just thought that maybe I'd leave you alone now?" "What?" "Well you just, I don't know, I thought this is what you wanted." "For you to leave right after...whatever that was?" "Yeah." "N-No. I don't want you to go." You started at one another for a moment. "Look, Jasper-" "Its just that, thats how most of them wanted it." "Who's them?" You asked. "Uh...Look Y/N," he sat down next to you, "back on the arch. Before I got arrested. Girls, really only slept with me, because they wanted something. Like, drugs, or test answers, or just used me." "Used you?" He nodded, that shaking, child like nod that made him soirresponsibly adorable. "Like...sexually. I thought thats what this was, I mean, why else would you-" "I like you Jasper." You blurted. His eyes widened slightly, his eyebrows raised. You just stared at you. "I really like you Jasper, I don't want to use you. I couldn't even imagine just using you for something like that." You barley finished your sentence when Jasper kissed you. A tender kiss, his hands held your head and his fingers brushed over your cheeks. "Thank, fucking, god." He whispered before kissing you again. "Round two?" You offered, still completely naked, and aching for him again. "How could I say no to that?" Jasper smiled, and kissed you passionately. Jasper couldn't have been happier. He had fallen so hard for you, but had fallen before only to be hurt again and again. He was so thankful for you, and he cherished you. As you did him. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Okay this came out a little darker than planned, but also sweeter lol❤
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