#i think he’s v good at sussing people & their motivations out. like strong intuition
padfootastic · 2 years
Hey @padfootastic what do ya think bout Dumbledore?
I like that man sometimes, like I cried while reading his death...
His actions were sometimes justifiable.. Sometimes downright stupid..
But I don't think I'd ever understand his motives behind not even trying to talk to Sirius.. Like he's such an interesting character so it's quite hard to hate him(for me)
But whenever I read about Sirius either in canon of in fics.. I despise every freakin person who took part in making Sirius' life a literal hell!
So a sickle for your thoughts?
hi hi! i’ve talked about it a bit in this lil bingo and this ask but generally speaking, when it comes to most characters—i dislike them purely on the principle of them not lifting a single finger to help sirius lmao dumbledore, mcgonagall, and all ministry officials r on mt shit lost exactly for this (along w actually believing sirius could betray james)
when it comes to dumbledore, in general, tho? i like to think of him as a manipulative grandmaster that hides behind this…affable grandfatherly figure wearing kooky clothes & offering candy. he collects people and doesn’t hesitate to use them whenever needed. no he’s not fraid of bending rules/ethics to get what he wants. he’s very much ‘sacrifice a few to save everyone else’ and we can debate the morality of that all day long & never come to a conclusion, i think.
to some extent, i get it too—war isn’t exactly won with kindness and morals and that greyness rly is what makes him an interesting character but yah. i can see why he’s a controversial character lol
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